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Deliver engaging and compelling presentations that leave a lasting impression on your audience


Sell ideas, influence, inspire and stand out from the crowd

High Impact Presentations

Build on your natural strengths.

Great presenters are not born. They are created through deliberate effort and dedication to mastering the art of public speaking. This advanced program is designed to leverage your unique strengths and take you to the next level, helping you connect with any audience on a deeper level and leave a lasting impression like never before.

Stretch Your Comfort Zones

You're used to public speaking.  Whether it's leading a meeting, networking with colleagues, or speaking at a large conference, you know ability to communicate effectively is essential for success, and you've been developing those skills over the years. But now it's time to raise the stakes.  Expect a personalised training experience, featuring two trainers, small groups and a minimum of six presentations over two days. Video recordings and reviews, along with expert one-on-one coaching after each presentation, are what gives this course the maximum impact.

The Original Dale Carnegie Public Speaking Course

We're not here to mess around. Since 1912, Dale Carnegie have been facilitating the growth and development of professionals all over the world. This course is the original public speaking program developed by Dale Carnegie himself. It's tried, it's tested, and it gets results, quick. 

Program Learning Objectives

Learn how to make a lasting positive impression and be seen as a high impact presenter

Develop the ability to work with challenging audiences and build rapport

Enhance your communication skills and ability to engage your audience with greater impact and effectiveness

Gain the skills to speak confidently and with conviction, while expressing your ideas more clearly and concisely

Discover strategies for motivating and inspiring people to take action towards achieving a goal or objective

HIP Course Brochure.jpg

Discover the course guide

The course guide provides all the information you need to get started, including course dates, what you can expect from the program, and answers to frequently asked questions. Don’t wait for success to come to you, take the next step.

Download High Impact Presentations Course Guide

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Why Choose Dale Carnegie?

Tried & tested.

For over a century, we've helped 9+ million individuals around the world develop the skills they need to succeed. Our proven methodology focuses on real-world scenarios and hands-on experience, ensuring you gain practical skills that you can apply immediately.

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Personalised Coaching

You will be working with two ISO-certified trainers dedicated to your success. Our coaching is tailored to your needs and goals, and you will receive in-the-moment real-time coaching and feedback as you practice delivering in front of the group. You will also have one-on-one review sessions with a second trainer following each presentation, as you continually build on skill development over the two days.

What Clients Say

“Wow!! What can I say??! I had no idea what I was getting into with joining this High Impact Presentations course! This experience exceeded every one of my expectations. I learned so many things, met some great people, and also some great instructors! I encourage everyone to be a part of this course! It will change your entire view on presenting, and your life!”

Sherri Brown

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Dale Carnegie: Speak More Effectively 

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High Impact Presentations

Inspired Presentation Skills

High Impact Presentations

Effective leader communicate with enthusiasm and confidence

The High Impact Presentation course focuses on structuring an effective presentation that builds credibility, enhances the client relationship and clearly conveys the concept.  Participants explore the optimum use of voice and gesture to create a lasting impression – as well as a variety of presentation styles, ranging from a formal speech to a casual meeting or contentious conversation.

Participants are given multiple opportunities to develop and practice innovative presentations. You will be videotaped, evaluated and mentored until you have achieved the ultimate goal, the ability to deliver a masterful presentation.

The class is small. The environment is supportive. The work is intense. And the results are outstanding. It’s an experience that makes a marked difference in business results. You’ll see measurable gains in communication, personal and corporate image, and ultimately, your bottom line.

high impact presentation skills by dale carnegie

Plan and Organize Professional Presentations

Develop more effective openings and closings, organize your thoughts and materials more effectively, and build more credibility through use of evidence and visuals.

high impact presentation skills by dale carnegie

Create and Maintain Positive Impressions

Present a pleasing appearance with your voice and body language, build rapport with your audience, and develop the ability to work with challenging audiences.

high impact presentation skills by dale carnegie

Be More Natural and Relaxed When Making Presentations

Communicate with increased self-confidence, become more flexible and interesting as a presenter, and be seen as competent.

high impact presentation skills by dale carnegie

Communicate Ideas with Clarity and Force

Speak more clearly and concisely, develop the ability to make written text come alive, and speak with conviction.

high impact presentation skills by dale carnegie

Sell Ideas and Inspire Others

Motivate a group to take specific action, capitalize on challenging question-and-answer sessions, and use information to sell an idea.

Earn Your Certificate

Most Dale Carnegie training courses qualify for Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and Education Credits. In addition, some classes feature specific accreditations.

Dale Carnegie's Secrets of Success

Principles from "How to Win Friends and Influence People"

high impact presentation skills by dale carnegie


Effective communication is critical in any role. Whether you are persuading colleagues, selling to a client, or energizing a team, the power of your presentation makes the difference between success and failure. This course teaches how to properly execute your presentation, and stand out from the crowd!

Course Overview

This course provides the skills that empower professionals to communicate confidently and competently to all types of aud iences.

high impact presentation skills by dale carnegie

What You’ll Learn

Learn to communicate with clarity and certainty, interact with a natural and composed demeanour, and convey complex material directly and simply. Discover ways to project confidence and enthusiasm while building credibility. Explore techniques to overcome adverse situations and invigorate people to embrace change and take action!

high impact presentation skills by dale carnegie

Why you want to learn it

Since 1912, Dale Carnegie has been giving business people the tools to successfully navigate complex business environs. This course provides the skills that empower you to communicate confidently and capable to any audience. You’ll receive proven methods and techniques to develop compelling presentations with universal appeal --yielding consistent, positive results.

high impact presentation skills by dale carnegie

How it will help you

It’s an experience that makes a marked difference in business results. Your audience will view you as prepared, informed, and confident. You’ll see measurable gains in communication, personal and corporate image, and ultimately, your bottom line.

high impact presentation skills by dale carnegie

Who Should Attend:

Professionals needing to inspire large audiences, motivate sales executives, address the media, or simply control a meeting. as this seminar focuses on more advanced presentation skills, it is recommended that all participants have some prior experience in public speaking., in-person session, august session 13 & 14 august 2024 rm3 ,500  ( excluding sst), time: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm duration: 2 days (tue & wed) venue: dale carnegie malaysia, september session 18 & 19 september 2024 rm3 ,500  ( excluding sst), if you wish to register for the program, kindly fill in the inquiry form as below. our performance consultant will contact you soonest..

high impact presentation skills by dale carnegie

High Impact Presentations

Effective communication is critical in any role. Whether you are persuading colleagues, selling to a client, or energizing a team, the power of your presentation makes the difference between success and failure. This course teaches how to properly execute your presentation, and stand out from the crowd!

What You’ll Learn

Learn to communicate with clarity and certainty, interact with a natural and composed demeanor, and convey complex material directly and simply. Discover ways to project confidence and enthusiasm while building credibility. Explore techniques to overcome adverse situations and invigorate people to embrace change and take action!

Why you want to learn it

Since 1912, Dale Carnegie has been giving business people the tools to successfully navigate complex business environments. This course provides the skills that empower you to communicate confidently and capably to any audience. You’ll receive proven methods and techniques to develop compelling presentations with universal appeal –yielding consistent, positive results.

How it will help you

It’s an experience that makes a marked difference in business results. Your audience will view you as prepared, informed, and confident. You’ll see measurable gains in communication, personal and corporate image, and ultimately, your bottom line.

Upcoming Course Dates

3 oct 2024 – 4 oct 2024.

NZ Office: Wellington

Time: 8am-4pm

Duration: 2 days

Price: $NZ 3295 + GST

Boulcott's Farm Heritage Golf Club 33 Military Road, Boulcott, Wellington 5010

17 Oct 2024 – 18 Oct 2024

NZ Office: Auckland

NZ Marine House 85 Westhaven Drive Westhaven Auckland 1010

Phone number *

What is your preferred contact method? Phone Text Message Email

Where are you located? * -- Select -- Northland Auckland Waikato Bay of Plenty Gisborne Hawke's Bay Taranaki Whanganui - Manawatu Wellington Marlborough Nelson - Tasman West Coast Canterbury Otago Southland Pacific/Australia

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  • Break Your Fear of Public Speaking
  • Goal Setting Mastery
  • Uncovering Leadership Blind Spots
  • How to Lead Change and Build Momentum
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Imagine yourself holding listeners spellbound and captivated by every word..

Learn What It Takes To Fearlessly Deliver Knockdown, Inspiring And Engaging Presentations That Open Up New Doors Of Opportunity

If you are in a position that requires you to present to small or large groups, either to lead them in the right direction or influence them to taking action, then the Dale Carnegie® High Impact Presentations Workshop is for you. Perhaps you fit into one of these categories:

  • You’re in sales trying to persuade high-level prospects to buy a new product.
  • You’re a manager trying to get employees to embrace a major change initiative.
  • You’re a business owner urging competitors to engage in a collaborative venture.
  • You’re taking on a new position and have to talk to groups of 3 people or more.

What ever the scenario, you have 30 seconds to leave a first impression. If you blow the first 30 seconds, you not only risk losing your listeners, you risk losing the opportunity to get your point across…the sole purpose of getting together in the first place.

Studies show that 87% of a person’s income is directly attributed to that person’s ability to confidently speak to groups.

What does this mean to you?

If you’re not a confident presenter, you could be losing out on earning extra money and on the lifestyle you deserve. You could be losing a promotion to those who may be less talented and less educated than you, but handle the fears of speaking under pressure. Whether you know it or not, there is no other skill that, when mastered, has the potential to dramatically improve your career. Some may seem have a natural talent at public speaking, but everyone can learn this skill — including you!

“Before we hired the Dale Carnegie Business Group, we had an opportunity to use a competitor for building our presentation skills. The biggest difference for me was the positive atmosphere the Dale Carnegie coach brought to the table. The competitor was a bit derogatory; their methodology was much more inflexible i.e. ‘you need to do it exactly this way,’ After working with The Dale Carnegie High Impact Presentations coach, we left feeling good about what we had done vs. focusing on what we had done wrong.”

Eleanor Townsend Director of Human Resources, EllisDon Construction Ltd.

We have the answers you need to be properly prepared.

You will learn how to turn your pre-presentation anxiety into positive methodical thoughts that will help you deliver a presentation with passion and enthusiasm. You will learn how to impress your audience every time and motivate people to take action. But first you should understand how to:

  • Assess the audience
  • Define the goals of the presentation
  • Develop a central theme
  • Persuade the audience with supporting facts and examples

Once you’ve mastered and understand the basics, you can move onto the proper delivery of a powerful presentation. Only after you have grasped the ability to properly deliver should you focus on adding more impact to your delivery. These skills take time to master but are definitely obtainable with our expert coaching.

The Dale Carnegie® High Impact Presentations Workshop will also give you the ability to:

  • Properly Structure a Presentation, build credibility and sell your idea
  • Use Voice and Gesture to create strong and lasting impressions
  • Handle a formal speech, impromptu remarks or a contentious press conference

Once you understand what you need to do before and during a presentation, you will be able to communicate boldly before anyone at any given time. You will present compelling messages and connect confidently with any audience which will ultimately generate new growth for you personally and professionally.

If you’re wondering why you should believe what we are saying here, and if it will really work for you, understand that Dale Carnegie is the pioneer of public speaking and has been recognized as such for 100+ years. Every other training company or organization has merely copied or worked from Dale Carnegie’s principles. In other words we practice what we preach.

It’s the Reason we’ve been able to Impact, Train, and Help over 7 Million Others Become Successful

Even if you are a little skeptical that we can make you better at presenting in front of crowds, here’s why we know that you can become a better speaker:

1. Presenting in front of groups or Public speaking is a skill. Like any other skill it can be learned and improved upon. Once you have the desire, all you need to learn are the secrets that have made others successful speakers.

2. Having been in the training industry for over 100 years, we know how to take concepts that seem difficult and make them easy for you to understand.

3. Once you become involved in this project, you will see you are not in it alone. You will share your experience with other like-minded people of different caliber who are going through the exact same process, and everyone will be critiqued individually so that all can learn.

4. You will be videotaped and then privately coached in a separate room to see exactly what you look like in front of a crowd. Your coach will ask you to point out your strengths and weaknesses, helping you realize where your focus on improvement really needs to be.

5. We have worked with people just like you, who were looking to better themselves and may have thought they couldn’t due to fear, confusion, or anxiety. If you are willing to put all of those emotions aside and put forth the effort we require of you, you will see that you really can do it, just like the millions before you.

“My expectations, going into the High Impact Presentations course, were that since I have been doing this for a while formal presentations,what can these guys really teach me about this. As a scientist by training, we are taught never to embellish or exaggerate, just speak the facts objectively. So I often felt that when I gave a talk, I was very careful not to be overly enthusiastic or to put too much passion into it because I didn’t want to come across as the ‘used car salesman’. What I needed, and only after the course did I realize this, was someone skilled to coach me in how not to be scared in doing just that. Now I use it correctly the passion and it comes across as genuine, the audience believes that I believe in what I am talking about.” “The main benefit of the H.I.P. for me, was to see myself on tape delivering a variety of presentations and having the coaching feedback recorded. I am giving a series of speeches in the next few months and having the video to review before I do these will be a huge help.”

Dr. Niclas Stiernholm Ph.D. Chief Executive Officer, Trillium Therapeutics Inc.

Who should attend and why.

High Impact Presentations will benefit managers who have some prior public speaking experience. It is particularly useful for executives who speak in front of groups, salespeople and anyone who meets the press. This is a more advanced project and is not recommended for those new to public speaking.

By becoming involved with a Dale Carnegie® High Impact Presentations Workshop, you will begin to see immediate results in your confidence, your delivery and in your results. You will have an advantage over your competition and win more sales because of your ability to properly present a persuasive and compelling argument.

Program Outline

Click here to view or register for our schedule of upcoming High Impact Presentations trainings.

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Dale Carnegie course review: high impact presentation skills

Table of Contents

Dale Carnegie’s High Impact Presentation Skills course is an effective program designed to help business professionals improve their presentation and speaking skills.

Presented by: dale carnegie australia format: two-day seminar. 9am-5pm cost: $3095 ex gst.

Dale Carnegie’s High Impact Presentations course is a two-day seminar that is designed to help participants improve their presentation and public speaking skills. Dale Carnegie stands out in the field of training providers globally and counts more than 430 of the Fortune 500 companies as clients. With 250 offices globally and 9-plus million graduates, Dale Carnegie’s training courses provide participants with solid foundations for training success.

The High Impact Presentations course is an excellent example of this. It focuses on structuring an effective presentation that builds credibility, enhances audience rapport and assists with clear delivery of concepts. Participants are also taught the optimal use of voice and gesture to help create a more lasting impression – as well as a variety of presentation styles, ranging from a formal speech to a casual meeting or contentious conversation.

Dale Carnegie courses employ a unique design and delivery framework (referred to by Dale Carnegie as the “performance change pathway”) which guides participants through the learning journey and facilitates the process of effective transformational performance change. The course consists of several modules, each of which builds on the previous one to help accelerate presentation skills over the course of two days.

The first module is about creating a positive first impression and teaches participants how to introduce themselves and create a vision of themselves as a great presenter. Participants are also presented with a personal benchmark on their presentation skills to help assess progress and development throughout the course of the program.

The second module focuses on increasing credibility and teaching participants how to place themselves and their organisation in a positive light. This module focuses on how to communicate with enhanced credibility, project enthusiasm, communicate competency with confidence and reinforce an informative message with supportive evidence.

The third module teaches participants how to present complex information clearly. Learning objectives in this module include developing flexibility in making complex material simple and understandable, how to communicate information in an interesting manner, relating to the audience at their level, and following a logical progression of ideas.

The fourth module is about communicating with greater impact and teaches participants how to develop increased flexibility using expressions, gestures, and voice modulation, demonstrate ownership of unfamiliar material, present written material in a captivating manner and overcome barriers that restrict flexibility.

The second day of the course begins with module five, in which participants learn to motivate others to action by appealing to them logically and emotionally. The learning objectives of this module include presenting in a results-oriented way, persuading an audience to take action, offering reliable, verifiable evidence in the form of a personal incident, how to be motivational, clear and concise, and communicating in a convincing manner.

The sixth module focuses on responding to challenging questions in high-pressure situations, and teaches participants how to maintain professional composure under pressure, sell ideas, themselves and organisation strategically, and communicate leadership ability – with competence and confidence – to handle stressful situations.

The seventh and final module is about presenting to sell an idea that could be met with resistance. Participants learn how to logically and emotionally appeal to an audience, use structure to gain the confidence of an audience, be convincing when asking listeners to take action, and demonstrate objectivity when presenting different solutions.

Throughout the course, participants are given multiple opportunities to develop and practice innovative presentations, and they are videotaped, evaluated and mentored to help improve on the personal presentation benchmark provided at the start of the course. To help maximise results, Dale Carnegie also provides a 1-hour live online awareness session and a 1-hour live online sustainment session. Participant numbers are also limited, so a small group is able to get more focus and attention with skills assessment and development.

The course is highly relevant to HR, both as direct participants (for HR professionals looking to improve presentation and stakeholder engagement and management skills, for example) as well as potential buyers of the course for organisational employees and leaders who are in need of presentation skills development.

As this course focuses on more advanced presentation skills, it is recommended that participants have some prior experience in public speaking. Overall, the course is very well organised, and participants are provided with a comprehensive training reference guide. This is particularly important, as there is a lot to take in during the course of the two-day program, so having a comprehensive guide to refer back to and refresh is great for reinforcing learning. The coaching techniques employed are precise and effective, and the real-world applications and benefits are powerful and meaningful.

For more information please contact Dale Carnegie Training on 1800 088 077, visit the Dale Carnegie website for Australian office contact details , or learn more about Dale Carnegie’s High Impact Presentations course . Inside HR readers can also download a complimentary copy of Dale Carnegie’s eBook: Presentation Effectiveness: A Free Guide to Effective Public Speaking .  Image source: Depositphotos

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high impact presentation skills by dale carnegie


At the completion of this program, participants will be able to: 1. Plan and Organize Professional Presentations 2. Create and Maintain Positive Impressions 3. Be More Natural and Relaxed When Making Presentations 4. Communicate Ideas with Clarity and Force 5. Sell Ideas and Inspire Others

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High Impact Presentations

This course focuses on the audience – the listeners. If a presenter sincerely cares about conveying the most appropriate message, the focus can change from thinking about ourselves to a breakthrough in helping to overcome some of the natural nervousness or distracting habits that can inhibit success.

Professionals needing to inspire large audiences, motivate executives and team members, represent their organization, or simply control a meeting.  This course focuses on more advanced presentation skills, so a level of comfort with public speaking is recommended.

What You’ll Learn

Being an outstanding communicator is one of the most important and critical skills a professional can work to achieve. An effective communicator can help sort out the deluge of information the average person is surrounded with and impart it to others to lead, influence, and inspire.

The good news is that all these skills can be learned and practiced. Great presenters are not born. They take the time and the commitment to learn and practice them and make them their own.

The High Impact Presentations course focuses on structuring an effective presentation that builds credibility and engages your audience while clearly and persuasively conveying your message. Participants explore the optimum use of voice and gesture to create a lasting impression – as well as a variety of presentation styles, ranging from a formal speech to a casual meeting or contentious conversation.

Discover: Discover your unique strengths as a presenter and develop additional skills and professional characteristics that can push you to your next level of success as a leader in your organization.

Expect Thoroughly Trained Trainers:  Psychological Safety is emphasized to create a safe place to try out new skills and ideas. The trainers are highly vetted and undergo intense training that is ISO9002 certified to achieve consistent results globally. While part of a global organization, they are connected to your local culture, customs and language. 

Expect Breakthroughs: Each time a new tool is introduced, it is practiced the ‘right’ way and coached in the moment.  Successful attempts with positive reinforcement and habits are changed, and new skills are ingrained. The group is small and encouraging which adds a supportive social learning aspect that makes the experience fun while stretching comfort zones.

Why You Want To Learn It

Consider some challenges: Persuading customers to buy a new product. Getting employees to embrace a major change initiative. Urging competitors to engage in a collaborative venture. How do companies succeed at turning such communication challenges into gains for the business?

Dale Carnegie gives businesspeople the tools to successfully build their case. We excel at empowering people to communicate boldly before any constituency, under any conditions. We deliver critical methods and tools people can use to present compelling messages, connect confidently with any audience, and help generate new growth.

The experience in this program is as close as you can get to having a personal training coach.

  • Participants present at least 7 times over the course of 2 days.
  • Your presentations are videotaped and evaluated.
  • And you get expert one-on-one coaching at the end of each presentation. 

There are two trainers who will challenge participants to overcome distracting habits and point out the strengths they possess, building on those strengths to squeeze out the weaknesses they must overcome to be high impact. After each participant has presented, their video of their presentation will be reviewed individually in the presence of a trainer. This serves several purposes:  it allows the participants to see how their audience sees them, as well as the opportunity for the trainer to ask specific questions about individual leadership needs.

Many organizations have needed to pivot to virtual or deliberately made the decision to continue with virtual teams, virtual meetings with clients, and virtual presentations. This has accelerated the necessity to deliver in-person presentations and virtual presentations with the same skills and results. Participants are asked how they typically present - in person, virtual or blended - and the trainers will coach in an individual context during the course.  

How It Will Help You

You will see measurable gains in better communication, enhanced personal and professional image, and ultimately, your bottom line.

  • Create a vision for yourself as a communicator with great impact
  • Communicate with enhanced credibility
  • Present a positive image of your organization
  • Reinforce an informative message with supportive evidence
  • Lead effective Q&A sessions
  • Develop flexibility in making complex material simple and understandable 
  • Follow a logical progression of ideas
  • Bring life and clarity to your communication with increased flexibility using expressions, pacing/pauses, gestures, and voice modulation
  • Overcome barriers that restrict flexibility
  • Persuade an audience to take action
  • Offer reliable, verifiable evidence in the form of a personal story
  • Be motivational, clear, and concise
  • Communicate in a convincing manner
  • Maintain professional composure under pressure
  • Communicate clear, concise, positive messages
  • Sell strategic ideas, self, and organization
  • Communicate leadership ability to handle stressful situations
  • Logically and emotionally appeal to the audience
  • Use structure to gain the confidence of the audience


  • Influence : Consistently directs situations and inspires mutual commitment and an all-win outcome.
  • Communication : Practices active listening supported with relevant oral and written information. 
  • Interpersonal Skills : Consistently builds strong, long-term relationships both inside and outside the organization.
  • Professionalism : Projects an image of honesty, confidence and integrity that fosters credibility.

Supplemental Resources

Speak More Effectively

Discover eight guiding principles that prepare you for flawless public speaking. Learn how to eliminate the nervous jitters and speak with confidence and credibility. Mr. Carnegie’s compelling, first-hand stories bring the principles to life. Read More >  

The Art of Storytelling

In addition to a proven formula for presenting engaging stories, this book provides the basic structure to build credibility, capture attention, and call others to action. Learn steps for developing an engaging story that inspires buy-in and belief.  Read More >   

Dale Carnegie Methodology

The Dale Carnegie® methodology is time-tested with thousands of testimonials attesting that it works. From the very start, on an individual level, you will set stretch goals and with the support of the social learning environment, the ‘in-the-moment’ coaching by the highly trained facilitator(s), the accountability to commitments, progress will be visible to yourself and others. In the Dale Carnegie® methodology, we focus on building strengths to overpower our weaknesses. We believe that everyone has inherent greatness, and it simply needs to be identified and nurtured.

What is eVolve? eVolve  is a transformational learning platform designed to build skills through experience, social collaboration, practice and application in the real world. eVolve is the only online learning platform to harness the time-tested principles of Dale Carnegie and the unique training methodology that creates performance change. In courses elevated by the eVolve learning platform, you will connect with your trainer and peers before, during and after the course and unlock digital content to supplement your learning journey. Sustain and sharpen your skills with 12 months extended access.   What does Learn From Anywhere mean?   Courses with the Learn from Anywhere option allows you to select where you are most comfortable learning; in the training room or live online. You choose how you would like to attend, session to session. Don’t let your schedule get in the way of advancing your career or your personal improvement. With Dale Carnegie Learn from Anywhere, you can now experience our programs in a truly flexible format. Join live online one week and in person the next. You control how you want to attend. Whether in person or live online, your experiences are the same. Learn through the same trainer, alongside the same classmates, and grow with the same content experience regardless of location. (Group size must be maintained for optimal experience. Subject to approval by Trainer.)

high impact presentation skills by dale carnegie


  1. High Impact Presentations

    high impact presentation skills by dale carnegie

  2. High Impact Presentations

    high impact presentation skills by dale carnegie

  3. In Dale Carnegie’s High Impact Presentations Course you’ll receive

    high impact presentation skills by dale carnegie

  4. Dale Carnegie High Impact Presentation Training

    high impact presentation skills by dale carnegie

  5. The Dale Carnegie High Impact Presentation Course

    high impact presentation skills by dale carnegie

  6. High Impact Presentations

    high impact presentation skills by dale carnegie


  1. High Impact Presentations

    You will learn and practice the key elements of high-impact communication: structures that have a purpose, meaningful content, and delivery that compels listeners with an authentic appeal. Dale Carnegie Public Speaking Course Review: Austin Kapetanakis, CheapOair. About. This course focuses on the audience - the listeners.

  2. High Impact Presentations

    Since 1912, Dale Carnegie has been giving business people the tools to successfully navigate complex business environments. This course provides the skills that empower you to communicate confidently and capably to any audience. You'll receive proven methods and techniques to develop compelling presentations with universal appeal --yielding ...

  3. High Impact Presentations

    What You'll Learn. The High Impact Presentation course focuses on structuring an effective presentation that will build credibility, enhance relationships, and clearly convey the concept. Explore the optimum use of voice and gesture to create a lasting impression - as well as a variety of presentation styles, ranging from a formal speech to ...

  4. High Impact Presentations

    The High Impact Presentation course focuses on structuring an effective presentation that builds credibility, enhances the client relationship and clearly conveys the concept. Participants explore the optimum use of voice and gesture to create a lasting impression - as well as a variety of presentation styles, ranging from a formal speech to ...

  5. Presentation Skills Training

    Learn how to make a lasting positive impression and be seen as a high impact presenter. Develop the ability to work with challenging audiences and build rapport. Enhance your communication skills and ability to engage your audience with greater impact and effectiveness. Gain the skills to speak confidently and with conviction, while expressing ...

  6. Dale Carnegie

    Nowadays business people need to leverage their presentations and the art of storytelling to inspire and engage teams, fascinate customers, and gain attention from potential investors, in order to become High Impact Communicators. In this free, short e-book, you'll discover techniques for public speaking and networking, centered around ...

  7. Dale Carnegie of Southern Los Angeles

    Effective leader communicate with enthusiasm and confidence. The High Impact Presentation course focuses on structuring an effective presentation that builds credibility, enhances the client relationship and clearly conveys the concept. Participants explore the optimum use of voice and gesture to create a lasting impression - as well as a ...

  8. High Impact Presentations

    Time:9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Duration:2 Days (Tue & Wed)Venue:Dale Carnegie Malaysia. If you wish to register for the program, kindly fill in the inquiry form as below. Our Performance Consultant will contact you soonest. Effective communication is critical in any role. Whether you are persuading colleagues, selling to a client, or energizing a team ...

  9. High Impact Presentations

    About. High Impact Presentations focuses on structuring an effective presentation that will build credibility, enhance a client relationship and clearly convey your concept. You will explore the optimum use of voice and gesture to create a lasting impression as well as a variety of presentation styles, ranging from a formal speech to a casual ...

  10. High Impact Presentations

    This Dale Carnegie course teaches how to properly execute your presentation, and stand out from the crowd! ... High Impact Presentations. Effective communication is critical in any role. Whether you are persuading colleagues, selling to a client, or energizing a team, the power of your presentation makes the difference between success and ...

  11. High Impact Presentation Skills

    This programme provides the skills. that empower professionals to communicate confidently and competently. to all types of audiences. We illustrate proven methods and techniques that allow you to develop compelling presentations with universal appeal, yielding consistent, positive results. High Impact Presentations focuses on structuring an ...

  12. Dale Carnegie Training: Toronto and the GTA » High Impact Presentations

    The Dale Carnegie® High Impact Presentations Workshop will also give you the ability to: Properly Structure a Presentation, build credibility and sell your idea. Use Voice and Gesture to create strong and lasting impressions. Handle a formal speech, impromptu remarks or a contentious press conference. Once you understand what you need to do ...

  13. Dale Carnegie course review: high impact presentation skills

    Dale Carnegie's High Impact Presentations course is a two-day seminar that is designed to help participants improve their presentation and public speaking skills. Dale Carnegie stands out in the field of training providers globally and counts more than 430 of the Fortune 500 companies as clients. With 250 offices globally and 9-plus million ...

  14. High Impact Presentations

    This course focuses on the audience - the listeners. If a presenter sincerely cares about conveying the most appropriate message, the focus can change from ...


    At the completion of this program, participants will be able to: 1. Plan and Organize Professional Presentations 2. Create and Maintain Positive Impressions 3. Be More Natural and Relaxed When Making Presentations 4. Communicate Ideas with Clarity and Force 5. Sell Ideas and Inspire Others

  16. High Impact Presentations

    Develop leadership and communication skills to inspire and motivate others with the world-famous Dale Carnegie Course. View In Person and Live Online Dates.

  17. Dale Carnegie® High Impact Presentations(v.4)

    Dale Carnegie® High Impact Presentations(v.4) Issued by Dale Carnegie & Associates. The course objective is to enable students to become more credible, confident, and engaging when delivering presentations. ... Credly is a global Open Badge platform that closes the gap between skills and opportunities. We work with academic institutions ...

  18. High Impact Presentations

    The High Impact Presentation course focuses on structuring an effective presentation that will build credibility, enhance relationships, and clearly convey the concept. Explore the optimum use of voice and gesture to create a lasting impression - as well as a variety of presentation styles, ranging from a formal speech to a casual meeting or ...

  19. High Impact Presentations

    Dale Carnegie Logo Dale Carnegie Logo. Select a Location. Select a Location

  20. High Impact Presentations

    High Impact Presentations. It's not about you. It's about your audience! You will learn and practice the key elements of high-impact communication: structures that have a purpose, meaningful content, and delivery that compels listeners with an authentic appeal. Dale Carnegie Public Speaking Course Review: Austin Kapetanakis, CheapOair.

  21. High Impact presentations Registration

    High Impact Presentations Next Class This program focuses on structuring an effective presentation that will build credibility, enhance a client relationship and clearly convey your concept. Course Dates:Sep 21 & 22(in-Person) Cost: KES 110, 200 (includes 16% VAT) Format: 2 Days Program Location: Park Inn by Radisson, Westlands Class Days: Daily 8:00am to 5:00pm (physical)

  22. How to Develop Leadership Skills in the Workplace

    On the Dale Carnegie Take Command podcast, ... Acquire High Impact Presentation Skills! Explore. Learn more about Dale Carnegie training. Develop and engage workforce with Dale Carnegie trainings available in over 250 locations worldwide; over 70 live online programs, covering an array of skills in multiple formats from webinars, and 2-day ...

  23. High Impact Presentations

    Being an outstanding communicator is one of the most important and critical skills a professional can work to achieve. An effective communicator can help sort out the deluge of in