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Essays About Discipline: Top 5 Examples And 10 Prompts

Looking for inspiration? Discover our helpful examples of essays about discipline and inspiring writing prompts to guide you in your writing.

The power of discipline is related to extreme focus, self-control and resilience . Having discipline allows people to abide by standards that can help improve their lives.  On an individual level, discipline extremely helps in developing self-control , allowing one to resist present gratifications and achieve something much better in the future.  In the larger society, discipline among members is crucial to maintain good behavior and allow communities to follow rules and achieve common goals. 

For your essay about discipline, take inspiration from our essay examples and prompts below:


1. Is School-Discipline Reform Moving Too Fast? by Wayne D’Orio

2. how self-control can actually unleash your dark side by david robson, 3. physical discipline is harmful and ineffective by eve glicksman, 4. discipline as a vital tool to maintain the army profession by maj. michael petrusic, 5. the key to mental discipline by owen fitzpatrick, 10 writing prompts for essays about discipline, 1. how to build self-discipline, 2. self-discipline as a key to success, 3. review of self-discipline books, 4. discipline in your school, 5. your parents’ discipline methods, 6. what is positive discipline, 7. employee discipline, 8. discipline in ancient civilizations., 9. self-discipline for weight loss, 10. the lack of discipline.

“While some districts were already working to reduce suspensions, the federal push spurred more schools to revamp their disciplinary procedures. So, too, did the growing body of evidence documenting the harm associated with pulling students out of school,”

Schools have been moving back and forth when introducing reforms on discipline. Moving from an extremely tough stance to an extremely lax one, schools continue to find the right balance on how to discipline students both generally and on a case-to-case basis. In between reforms, teachers are in the thick of adjusting their approaches with minimal guidance, creating a bigger mess that drives a high turnover among teachers. 

“…[S]omeone with high self-control is more likely to act ruthlessly when group cohesion starts to fall apart, including times when their own sense of power or authority is threatened, or when they feel in competition with others… If so, we might start to appreciate the people around us who are a little bit less disciplined and agreeable than the rest.”

For decades, self-discipline has been considered an admirable part of good character that should be developed at a young age. But new studies and experiments are showing that being highly disciplined can turn into toxic traits and even encourage immoral acts. Check out these essays about respect .

“Parents who use physical discipline may be teaching their child to resolve conflicts with physical aggression. Researchers found that spanking can elevate a child’s aggression levels as well as diminish the quality of the parent-child relationship. Other studies have documented that physical discipline can escalate into abuse.”

The American Psychological Association (APA) brings to light new evidence that physical punishment can cause lasting harm to children. While spanking gets children’s attention and would stop a wrong deed in an instant, the act bears dangerous effects that stretch up to a child’s adult years. The APA, hence, offers an alternative approach to parenting — one defined by “respectful communication, collaborative conflict resolution and parental modeling.”

“If Army leaders inadequately police misconduct within the force by failing to consider and exercise their range of disciplinary options when appropriate, they will create a perception that the Army is unable or unwilling to address misconduct within the ranks. That perception will both contribute to a culture of impunity regarding misconduct and erode the public’s trust in the Army’s disciplinary systems and its ability to self-police.”

The military has been embroiled in several controversies that make the public suspect a decline in discipline and corrective measures within the army. The essay indeed shows a decline in the use of disciplinary options and takes readers through the reforms and proposed interventions that have emerged to restore civic trust in the military. Check out these essays about competition .

“[Mental discipline] is about making a daily, committed decision as to what you are going to pay attention to and how you are going to think. It is a committed effort to keep using what you learn to maintain a healthy attitude and build the kind of emotions that serve you well.”

Just as the body needs exercise, so does the human mind. Mental discipline is a kind of discipline where you consistently engage in a mental activity that you want to be good at. As strengthening your mind to have discipline takes a lot of practice and will, the essay offers helpful tips.

Read on to see essay prompts on the topic of discipline that can help you:

Essays About Discipline: How to build self-discipline

Achieving self-discipline requires a lot of practice every day. For this prompt, round up first the biggest benefits of developing self-discipline based on what existing studies show. Then, draw up a list of tips on how one can commit to a routine that promotes discipline. Finally, offer some words of encouragement, such as reminding that the small things done every day could build up to something big. 

Theodore Roosevelt once said: “With self-discipline, almost anything is possible.” In your essay, explain why you think people value self-discipline as a hallmark of successful people. Find studies that show links between self-discipline and the achievement of goals and include these in your essay.

If your life has been moved by a book on self-discipline, it might be great to highlight this book in your essay. Describe how the book helped you develop a certain level of self-restraint to delay short-term desires. Elaborate on how it helped you set your sights on the bigger trophy waiting in your future. List down the author’s most helpful tips and don’t forget to include your favorite quotes from the book.

First, define what discipline is for you as a student and the role schools play in developing discipline among the younger generations. Then, highlight the disciplinary strategies undertaken by your school. Elaborate cases in which school suspension is deemed necessary. And finally, provide your own insights on the effectiveness of your school’s discipline strategies and ways in which they can be improved. 

What are your parents’ rules at home and how do they discipline you when you disobey? To answer this in your essay, find out first the different methods of discipline. Then, identify which category best suits your parent’s ways of discipline. Share your inputs as to how your parents’ methods have helped you build discipline. 

Positive discipline moves away from the punishing forms of disciplinary action such as spanking and yelling. First, write about the beginnings of the concept of positive discipline. Then, list down the most common techniques in positive discipline. Cite studies that show how positive discipline compares against punishment-based discipline in effectively changing behaviors. Finally, answer whether parents and schools should start listening more to advocates of positive discipline and why so. 

Having high disciplinary standards is imperative for organizations to maintain stability and productivity. For your essay, delineate first the roles of the human resource unit, managers and supervisors in implementing disciplinary policies and the code of conduct. Then, offer recommendations on how each can improve their roles to consistently enforce rules, ensure due process in disciplinary cases and strengthen the organization’s values. 

In ancient Rome, children endured corporal punishment such as beating and whipping. Research the pros and cons historians discovered from this practice. Investigate what were the kind of people that came out of such childhood during the early civilizations. Finally, find out why corporal punishment has declined since then.

In an age where ordering fast food can be done in a jiffy, many of us have gained the extra pounds that we now regret and badly want to lose. Write a motivational essay on how your readers can keep on track of their fitness journey. Offer tips on how they can change their eating habits to how they can add exercise into their daily routine even if they feel that don’t have time for a workout.

For this essay, point out how a child’s lack of discipline can affect him or her. Segment how these disadvantages appear in three settings or scenarios: home, school and the future. For example, a lack of discipline makes it challenging for children to disobey rules and regulations. If they violate rules repeatedly, the worst consequence could be suspension or even expulsion, depending on the graveness of the misconduct. 

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Argumentative Essay: The Importance of Discipline

Discipline is something that we have all experienced personally in different forms, seen used on others, and is also something that many of us will go on to use later in life, both in the form of self-discipline and as something to keep children and even employees in check. It is essential to life as we know it, and we need it in its many different forms in many different situations.

The first reason that discipline is so important is that we all need to exercise self-discipline to be successful in life. Self-discipline can mean very different things to different people; for students, for example, self-discipline is often about motivating yourself and making yourself concentrate on your studies and get your assignments in on time. For working people, it can be as simple as getting up on time every morning, however tired you may be and how much you may hate your job, getting to work on time and doing your job. Without this kind of self-discipline, people would not be able to enjoy academic success, or be successful in their careers either.

Self-discipline is also required for dieters and anyone doing regular exercise, because given the chance, most of us would prefer to be lazy rather than get up and exercise, and eat burgers and fries rather than healthy food. Without it, even more people would be fat and unhealthy, and a lack of self-discipline in some people certainly contributes to the obesity crisis.

Discipline is also something that needs to be used on others where necessary. If parents didn’t discipline their children when they were naughty, children wouldn’t grow up knowing right from wrong, or be able to become productive members of society who contribute to the system. Equally, schoolteachers need to be able to dish out punishments to children who don’t behave themselves. Without discipline in the classroom, there would be a great deal of disruption and nobody would ever learn anything. Indeed, teachers who struggle to command the respect of students and who fail to use discipline effectively will often have trouble even making themselves heard in a classroom.

In the workplace, discipline is also essential to maintaining a hierarchy and dealing with employees who do not follow company policies and procedures, regularly arrive late or not at all, or treat their co-workers unfairly. Then, you have to consider that without discipline, there would be no law enforcement. Murderers would be roaming the streets and everybody would be stealing from each other, because there would be no consequences for their actions.

Discipline acts as a vital deterrent to stop children being naughty, people from missing work, and even potential criminals from stealing and killing, and for this reason it is vital in human society.

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How to write the perfect discipline essay

How to write the perfect discipline essay?

Essay writing is a fundamental task that can improve your language skills. discipline is a key contributor to ensuring you achieve all your set objectives. combine both and you have an essay topic that is guaranteed to inspire and enlighten your readers. here is how to write the perfect discipline essay, table of contents, what concepts should i cover in my discipline essay , what pointers should i keep in mind when drafting the introduction of my discipline essay, how do i write the body of my discipline essay , how do i effectively conclude my discipline essay , interesting quotes to conclude your discipline essay, key takeaways .

Discipline is ‌one of the most crucial personality traits in your life. This term refers to a set of rules that are followed while undergoing any activity or task. 

Practicing discipline is an excellent way to remain motivated and encouraged when setting out to accomplish a goal. A discipline essay is, therefore, a wonderful way to gather and share information that will eventually also improve your writing skills.  Here are some pointers to keep in mind when writing the perfect discipline essay!

discipline essay tips

Before you write your discipline essay, consider creating a structure for your piece. The structure should include an introduction, body, and conclusion that effectively covers all important points regarding the topic. 

The points you will use to describe the topic should encompass all relevant information that a reader needs to know. This includes a brief description of discipline, the role that discipline plays in accomplishing goals, the importance of discipline in everyday life, and the advantages of a disciplined lifestyle.

The introductory paragraph of an essay is an essential part of the piece. Your discipline essay’s introduction should be able to accomplish the following objectives – 

  • Catch your readers’ attention 
  • Provide a simple background on the topic 
  • Present a one-line summary of what the reader can expect to learn from the essay 

The first sentence of your introduction is fundamental to setting the tone for the whole discipline essay. 

Here is an easy example to start your piece with – 

The fields of psychology and philosophy have discussed the art and skill of discipline for thousands of years. Ancient Greek philosophers describe discipline as a ‘sophrosyne’, an ideal of the soundness of mind and an excellent character that births self-control, balance, and moderation. 

Your introduction should also be able to provide a historical, geographical, and social context (when required). If presenting an argument, an outline of your debate is crucial to establishing the baseline for your reader.

The body of your discipline essay should contain paragraphs that organize your thoughts and themes. Body paragraphs play an essential role in proving the thesis of your essay (which is presented in the introduction). 

Each paragraph of the essay should logically relate to the one immediately before and after it. A single paragraph should also focus on one topic or idea. 

At this point, it is important to note that readers absorb information in short increments, taking mental breaks at the end of a paragraph. Lengthy paragraphs in your discipline essay are better off avoided. 

The body of your discipline essay also provides an opportunity to expand on the claims established in the introductory paragraph. Use short and concise sentences supported with quotations, data, and facts from reputable sources to create an impression on the reader.  If presenting evidence, never leave the paragraph hanging. As an essay writer, your key responsibility includes linking work and connecting your evidence on discipline to the main ideas of the paragraph. You can accomplish this by interpreting, expanding, and commentating on the evidence described in the body.

how to conclude a discipline essay

The conclusion of your discipline essay is the last paragraph you need to write. A good conclusion will – 

  • Tie together the main points of the essay 
  • Present why your argument is relevant 
  • Leave a strong and lasting impression on the reader

The conclusion of your essay is the best place to review your main points and remind the reader of your arguments. Try not to simply summarize each paragraph and repeat each point explained in the body of your discipline essay. 

The conclusion needs to bring together all of your points on the topic of discipline in a manner that clearly illustrates the connection between the different concepts. 

Wrap your conclusion with a broader view of the topic and implications of your argument. The conclusion should be able to – 

  • Provide the reader with a new understanding of ‌’discipline’ 
  • Raise new questions on how the topic can be implemented in everyday life 
  • Create opportunities for the concept of discipline to be applied to different contexts 
  • Allow the reader to connect the concept to a broader theme or debate
  • Create room for practical predictions and suggestions

You can even consider ending your discipline essay with a strong & decisive sentence, or even a quote!

  • “Sucess isn’t measured by money or power or social rank. Success is measured by your discipline and inner peace.” – Mike Ditka. 
  • “Self-respect is the fruit of discipline; the sense of dignity grows with the ability to say no to oneself.” – Abraham Joshua Heschel 
  • “Confidence comes from discipline and training.” – Robert Kiyosaki
  • “Discipline is the soul of an army. It makes small numbers formidable; procures success to the weak, and esteem to all.” – George Washington 
  • “With faith, discipline, and selfless devotion to duty, there is nothing worthwhile that you cannot achieve.” – Muhammad Ali Jinnah
  • Essay writing is an essential component of language learning and development. Writing on topics of interest can be an excellent way to facilitate the understanding of new concepts and themes. 
  • Learning how to structure and write a discipline essay with the above points can help you create prose that is compelling, informative, and engaging. 
  • Dividing your essay into a clean structure that includes an introduction, body, and conclusion can help you put your thoughts across as neatly and concisely as possible. 
  • The conclusion of your essay can leave a lasting impression on the reader. You can consider ending your essay with the quotes listed above for maximum effect. 

Did you enjoy this blog? If yes, please share your thoughts in the comments below. Click here to reach out to us for more information on how to write the perfect discipline essay. We would be happy to assist you with your queries!

Liked this blog? Read next: Global warming essay | Create the best essay with these 10 pointers!

Q1. What are the benefits of writing essays? 

Answer – With essays, you can gain significant research skills and increase your knowledge of different concepts and develop your writing abilities. 

Q2. Does discipline contribute to effective decision-making? 

Answer – Absolutely! Individuals who are disciplined are also mentally and physically focused. They are, therefore, able to align their body & mind with their ideas & goals to make excellent decisions. 

Q3. What sort of writing tone should I employ for an essay on discipline? 

Answer – This depends on what you are attempting to accomplish with your essay. For example, a conversational tone for a discipline essay can be a great way to initiate discussion on the concept amongst your readers.

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discipline essay with outline

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Discipline - Essay Examples And Topic Ideas For Free

Discipline refers to the practice of training individuals to obey rules or a code of behavior, often encompassing both self-discipline and external discipline imposed by others. Essays on discipline could explore various methods of discipline, its role in personal and professional development, or the social and psychological implications of discipline. They might also delve into the ethical considerations, the impact of discipline on mental health, or compare different cultural or philosophical approaches to discipline. We’ve gathered an extensive assortment of free essay samples on the topic of Discipline you can find at Papersowl. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

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Discipline Essays

Brief description of discipline:.

Discipline encompasses the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior, using punishment to correct disobedience. It is essential for maintaining order in society and fostering personal growth and achievement.

Importance of Writing Essays on This Topic:

Essays on discipline are crucial for students to understand the significance of following rules and regulations in various aspects of life. They also help in developing critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills.

Tips on Choosing a Good Topic:

  • Focus on a specific area of discipline, such as self-discipline, school discipline, or workplace discipline.
  • Explore the impact of discipline on personal development and success.
  • Consider the cultural and historical perspectives on discipline and its evolution over time.

Essay Topics:

  • The role of discipline in achieving academic success
  • The impact of self-discipline on personal and professional growth
  • The correlation between discipline and mental health
  • The importance of discipline in building a successful career
  • The cultural and societal differences in disciplinary practices
  • The history of discipline and its influence on modern society
  • The role of discipline in maintaining a healthy work-life balance
  • The impact of discipline on children's development and behavior
  • The effectiveness of different disciplinary strategies in educational settings
  • The ethical implications of disciplinary actions in various contexts

Concluding Thought

Exploring discipline through essay writing allows for a deeper understanding of its significance in personal and academic growth. It encourages critical reflection and analysis, leading to valuable insights and perspectives. By delving into this topic, individuals can gain a greater appreciation for the role of discipline in shaping their lives and the world around them.

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How to Write an Essay Outline | Guidelines & Examples

Published on August 14, 2020 by Jack Caulfield . Revised on July 23, 2023.

An essay outline is a way of planning the structure of your essay before you start writing. It involves writing quick summary sentences or phrases for every point you will cover in each paragraph , giving you a picture of how your argument will unfold.

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Table of contents

Organizing your material, presentation of the outline, examples of essay outlines, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about essay outlines.

At the stage where you’re writing an essay outline, your ideas are probably still not fully formed. You should know your topic  and have already done some preliminary research to find relevant sources , but now you need to shape your ideas into a structured argument.

Creating categories

Look over any information, quotes and ideas you’ve noted down from your research and consider the central point you want to make in the essay—this will be the basis of your thesis statement . Once you have an idea of your overall argument, you can begin to organize your material in a way that serves that argument.

Try to arrange your material into categories related to different aspects of your argument. If you’re writing about a literary text, you might group your ideas into themes; in a history essay, it might be several key trends or turning points from the period you’re discussing.

Three main themes or subjects is a common structure for essays. Depending on the length of the essay, you could split the themes into three body paragraphs, or three longer sections with several paragraphs covering each theme.

As you create the outline, look critically at your categories and points: Are any of them irrelevant or redundant? Make sure every topic you cover is clearly related to your thesis statement.

Order of information

When you have your material organized into several categories, consider what order they should appear in.

Your essay will always begin and end with an introduction and conclusion , but the organization of the body is up to you.

Consider these questions to order your material:

  • Is there an obvious starting point for your argument?
  • Is there one subject that provides an easy transition into another?
  • Do some points need to be set up by discussing other points first?

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Within each paragraph, you’ll discuss a single idea related to your overall topic or argument, using several points of evidence or analysis to do so.

In your outline, you present these points as a few short numbered sentences or phrases.They can be split into sub-points when more detail is needed.

The template below shows how you might structure an outline for a five-paragraph essay.

  • Thesis statement
  • First piece of evidence
  • Second piece of evidence
  • Summary/synthesis
  • Importance of topic
  • Strong closing statement

You can choose whether to write your outline in full sentences or short phrases. Be consistent in your choice; don’t randomly write some points as full sentences and others as short phrases.

Examples of outlines for different types of essays are presented below: an argumentative, expository, and literary analysis essay.

Argumentative essay outline

This outline is for a short argumentative essay evaluating the internet’s impact on education. It uses short phrases to summarize each point.

Its body is split into three paragraphs, each presenting arguments about a different aspect of the internet’s effects on education.

  • Importance of the internet
  • Concerns about internet use
  • Thesis statement: Internet use a net positive
  • Data exploring this effect
  • Analysis indicating it is overstated
  • Students’ reading levels over time
  • Why this data is questionable
  • Video media
  • Interactive media
  • Speed and simplicity of online research
  • Questions about reliability (transitioning into next topic)
  • Evidence indicating its ubiquity
  • Claims that it discourages engagement with academic writing
  • Evidence that Wikipedia warns students not to cite it
  • Argument that it introduces students to citation
  • Summary of key points
  • Value of digital education for students
  • Need for optimism to embrace advantages of the internet

Expository essay outline

This is the outline for an expository essay describing how the invention of the printing press affected life and politics in Europe.

The paragraphs are still summarized in short phrases here, but individual points are described with full sentences.

  • Claim that the printing press marks the end of the Middle Ages.
  • Provide background on the low levels of literacy before the printing press.
  • Present the thesis statement: The invention of the printing press increased circulation of information in Europe, paving the way for the Reformation.
  • Discuss the very high levels of illiteracy in medieval Europe.
  • Describe how literacy and thus knowledge and education were mainly the domain of religious and political elites.
  • Indicate how this discouraged political and religious change.
  • Describe the invention of the printing press in 1440 by Johannes Gutenberg.
  • Show the implications of the new technology for book production.
  • Describe the rapid spread of the technology and the printing of the Gutenberg Bible.
  • Link to the Reformation.
  • Discuss the trend for translating the Bible into vernacular languages during the years following the printing press’s invention.
  • Describe Luther’s own translation of the Bible during the Reformation.
  • Sketch out the large-scale effects the Reformation would have on religion and politics.
  • Summarize the history described.
  • Stress the significance of the printing press to the events of this period.

Literary analysis essay outline

The literary analysis essay outlined below discusses the role of theater in Jane Austen’s novel Mansfield Park .

The body of the essay is divided into three different themes, each of which is explored through examples from the book.

  • Describe the theatricality of Austen’s works
  • Outline the role theater plays in Mansfield Park
  • Introduce the research question : How does Austen use theater to express the characters’ morality in Mansfield Park ?
  • Discuss Austen’s depiction of the performance at the end of the first volume
  • Discuss how Sir Bertram reacts to the acting scheme
  • Introduce Austen’s use of stage direction–like details during dialogue
  • Explore how these are deployed to show the characters’ self-absorption
  • Discuss Austen’s description of Maria and Julia’s relationship as polite but affectionless
  • Compare Mrs. Norris’s self-conceit as charitable despite her idleness
  • Summarize the three themes: The acting scheme, stage directions, and the performance of morals
  • Answer the research question
  • Indicate areas for further study

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You will sometimes be asked to hand in an essay outline before you start writing your essay . Your supervisor wants to see that you have a clear idea of your structure so that writing will go smoothly.

Even when you do not have to hand it in, writing an essay outline is an important part of the writing process . It’s a good idea to write one (as informally as you like) to clarify your structure for yourself whenever you are working on an essay.

If you have to hand in your essay outline , you may be given specific guidelines stating whether you have to use full sentences. If you’re not sure, ask your supervisor.

When writing an essay outline for yourself, the choice is yours. Some students find it helpful to write out their ideas in full sentences, while others prefer to summarize them in short phrases.

You should try to follow your outline as you write your essay . However, if your ideas change or it becomes clear that your structure could be better, it’s okay to depart from your essay outline . Just make sure you know why you’re doing so.

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Caulfield, J. (2023, July 23). How to Write an Essay Outline | Guidelines & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved June 20, 2024, from

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Essay On Discipline [Short & Long]

Essay On Discipline – Discipline is the key to accomplishing desired outcomes out of your efforts. It prepares us to achieve our goals. The word “Discipline” suggests following rules or doing something in proper order.

No matter what your goal is, being disciplined will help you reach there. With the help of discipline, one can plan their goals and achieve them without any obscurity. A nation’s army is the best example of a disciplined environment.

Short Essay On Discipline | 250 words


Discipline refers to the practice of training your mind and body so that you control your actions and obey rules. It is the only process that is going to guide you for your entire life. Discipline is as important for success as oxygen for humans to live life.

All the successful people in the world had lived disciplined life. Discipline is the first school lesson taught by our moral sciences teacher. It is because this is the only thing that determines our future personality and behaviour.

Discipline is the first process that has been imposed on us from our birth be it at home or school. it makes your life easy to live. Parents, schools, colleges etc assist us to develop a clear sense of discipline.

Essay on Discipline | Introduction

Importance of Discipline

Some of us believe it is a part of life and some don’t. It depends on person to person how important for r they are being Disciplined. But in reality, it plays an important role in our personality development and prospects.

One can better understand it after giving it a try in their life and observing how their life is affected. I am pretty sure he will be amazed after getting positive results. Without discipline, the life of a person will become dull and lazy. Also, a disciplined person can manage and control the circumstances of living in a more complex way than those who do not.

If you are disciplined in your eating habit, you are going to get a healthy life. If you apply it in your studies, You will get a boost in it. So, we can ultimately say that in every aspect of life, it holds significant room.

To sum it up, We need discipline nearly everywhere in life. So, it is best to practice discipline from the early standards of our life. Self-Discipline is more important than anyone else’s. To master every area of life one needs to be disciplined.

Long Essay On Discipline | 500 Words

The word “Discipline” suggests following rules or doing something in proper order. It is a very significant part of life. Children should be taught to develop discipline while studying, eating or playing. Adults should also lead disciplined lives. Our family and schools help us gain a true definition of Discipline.

It takes control of our life. Furthermore, it also suggests the following specific acceptable standards of behaviour. A life with no discipline is a life full of chaos and confusion. Most notably, discipline turns a person into a better human being. Discipline is a feature of paramount importance.

Types of Discipline

There are mainly two types of discipline that exist. The first one is induced discipline and the second one is self-discipline. Induced discipline simply means when someone else takes control of your life and decisions. And self-discipline means when one oneself takes control of their life. What do you think? which one is better?

Self-discipline is better. When someone else controls you, it becomes irritating and you always try to get rid of it. But when you control your life, you probably enjoy it. Controlling your life does not mean having access to all you want to do, it is about obeying the rules you framed for yourself.

Its Importance In Student Life

Without discipline, the life of a person is full of confusion. Also, a disciplined person can control and handle complex problems easily compared to those who are not. Planning is a part of the discipline. Without planning, there are no desired results and Planning for anything helps you develop punctuality which is the most vital thing to achieve success in any field.

Discipline helps a person in growing more focused. Furthermore, a person of discipline leads to having a much better focus on his work, actions or goals. Discipline makes a person bypass distractions of various kinds. A sense of sincerity and seriousness grows due to discipline. Consequently, a high-quality focus is the outcome of discipline.

We need discipline in almost every area of life. We need to be disciplined in our eating habits to achieve a healthy body. It will grow a sense of observation of what is good to eat and what is not. We need to be punctual and regular in our tasks and goals.

Discipline sets up a clear picture of us in society because being a disciplined person is not a bed of roses. It requires strong dedication and hard work. Also, it needs a concrete mind and a healthy body. One has to be strictly disciplined so that she/he can successfully finish the road to success.

The Key to Success

Discipline is a staircase by which the person gets success. It helps a person to concentrate on his/her goals. Also, it does not let him/her distracted from the goal. Additionally, it causes perfection in a person’s life by educating and training the mind and body of the person to respond to the rules and regulations which helps him to be a better citizen.

If we talk about professional life then, the disciplined person receives more opportunities than the person who is not disciplined. Also, it blends an extraordinary dimension to the personality of the person. Moreover, the person leaves a positive influence on the mind of people wherever she/he goes.

Final words (Conclusion)

To sum it up, discipline is a significantly vital quality to have in every step of life. Discipline is the ladder toward success. Moreover, discipline brings out the best in us. Most unique, discipline keeps track of our body, mind, and soul .

Essay on Discipline | Conclusion

What is the real meaning of discipline?

Discipline: The practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behaviour, using punishment to correct disobedience.

Why discipline is important?

It helps you stay focused on attaining your goals, gives you the initiative to stick with tough tasks, and enables you to defeat obstacles and trouble as you launch yourself to new heights.

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Essay on Self Discipline for Students and Children

500+ words essay on self discipline.

Self-discipline means self-control, which gives you inner strength and a way to control yourself, actions, and reactions. It is one of the most important and useful skills to achieve success and everyone should possess this quality. Self-discipline comes naturally to some people. And some people can achieve it with some effort. The effort made is worth it as it changes life for the better. It just means exercising self- control. A person who stays in control has the ability to take charge of his/her actions and reactions.

success essay

Tips to Achieve Self-discipline

  • Set your goals: – The first step towards leading a disciplined life is to set goals. Goals give you a clear idea about what needs to be achieved. One must always set a timeline for your goals. This serves as a driving force and motivates you to work hard. It is a good idea to set both short term and long term goals and create a well thought out plan to achieve them.
  • Do meditation:- Meditation is one of the best ways to channel our energy in the right direction. It helps maintain focus, acquaints us with our inner self and furthers better self- control. It is the stepping stone for a disciplined life. Meditating for half an hour every day can help in inculcating self-discipline.
  • Set a Routine:- Those who set a routine and follow it daily lead a more disciplined life. It is suggested to list all the tasks that you require accomplishing in a given day. Write them in the order of their priority, set a timeline for each and act accordingly. This is a good way to lead an organized and disciplined life.
  • Stay away from distractions :- In this technology-driven world, there are numerous things that can distract us and take charge of our lives. Our mobile phones, television, and chatting apps are some of the new age things that are a big hindrance in practicing self-discipline. No matter how determined we are to study, work or sleep on time, we tend to get distracted at the beep of our phone. Social media platforms, chatting apps and web series are extremely addictive and hamper work. In order to practice self-discipline, it is important to stay away from these distractions. Put your phone on silent or keep it at a distance when you sit to study or work. Similarly, just put your phone away at bedtime and instead pick a book to read.
  • Reward yourself :- Reward yourself for every goal you achieve. This will motivate you to work harder to achieve more. This is a good way to trick your brain to inculcate self-discipline.
  • Take proper sleep :- You can inculcate self-discipline only when you are well-rested. So, it is essential to sleep for eight hours each night. Maintaining a good sleep cycle is also essential. This means that you should try sleeping and waking up at the same time each day. A power nap during the afternoon can help further.
  • Stay Positive : – Many people want to inculcate self-discipline but are unable to because they somehow believe that it is difficult to achieve. They feel that it is too much to ask for and that they shall not be able to practice it. This is the wrong approach. You can achieve anything in life if you stay positive and believe in yourself. So, you should stay positive. It is a pre-requisite for inculcating self-discipline.

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Self Discipline Benefits and Importance

Self-discipline helps you to overcome the bad habits by meditating regularly. It gives you the ability not to give up after failure and setbacks, develop self-control, provide the ability to resist distractions, helps you to motivate yourself until you accomplish your goals.

Achieving self-discipline may be difficult but in order to lead a healthy personal and professional life, it is very important. A self-disciplined person makes optimum use of the time. Hence, he can achieve more and do more work as compared to a person who is not self-disciplined. We should, therefore, make some efforts to achieve it.

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Importance of Self Discipline Essay | Essay on Importance of Self Discipline for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Importance of Self Discipline Essay: Self-Discipline means having control over oneself; it provides self-control overreactions, actions, and oneself and boosts a person’s inner strength. Self- Discipline is the most important skill a  person should possess. One of the main attributes of Self-Discipline is its ability to abdicate immediate pleasure and gratification.

Self-Discipline does not necessarily mean to live a controlled or restrictive lifestyle, but to have control over oneself. It gives a person the power to make the right decisions, despite temptations, and achieve goals. Furthermore, the skill manifests as inner strength leading to strong willpower and overcoming procrastination, laziness, addictions, and overeating.

Thus, Self-discipline is a skill that leads one to achieve success.

Long and Short Essays on Importance of Self Discipline in English for Students and Kids

Below we have provided a Long, descriptive Essay and a Short, brief Essay. The extended essay consists of 400-500 words and is a guideline to help students with their essay topic. The short essay contains 150-200 words to help and guide children and kids.

Long Essay On Importance of Self Discipline 500 Words in English

The long essay mentioned below is for students belonging to classes 6,7,8,9, and 10, and competitive exam aspirants. The essay is a guide to help with class assignments, comprehension, and competitive examinations.

Self-Discipline is the ability to control and avoid unhealthy habits or excess that could create a negative impact. A self-disciplined person rejects any immediate pleasure or gratifications that favors more significant pain but requires time and effort to mold the skill.

The possession of Self-Discipline enables an individual to choose the right decisions, and maintain their thoughts, behavior, and actions, to attain success and improvement. Every person needs to possess the skill of self-discipline. Self-Discipline strengthens those who acknowledge it and yet only a few put efforts to develop it.

Life throws a series of challenges on the path to attain success and achievement. To rise above the obstacles, one needs to imbibe the habit of persistence and perseverance, which can be achieved through self-discipline. Furthermore, it helps an individual overcome his/her negative habits.

Importance of Self Discipline

Habit either creates or destroys a person; Self Discipline builds a pattern through discipline. It directs a person to stay consistent in work and reach the door that opens success.

It helps a person organize his/her schedule and get things done accordingly. It makes a person remain consistent in their work and helps them achieve success.

Life is a cycle of distractions and challenges, but a self-disciplined person focuses on the goals. Self-discipline singles out your goal from the rest of the distractions and fixates him/her to achieve great things in life.

Self-discipline boosts a person’s work ethic and self-esteem simultaneously—furthermore, self-discipline molds a person to become an improved version of themselves.

Through self-discipline, a person nurtures his path with confidence, inner strength, and self-esteem, leading to satisfaction and happiness. Contrarily, a person who lacks this ability falls into the pits of loss, failure, health and relationship problems, gluttony and obesity, and other related troubles.

Steps to achieve Self-Discipline

  • Set your goals:  Goals give you a clear understanding of your needs for achievement. The preparation of a timeline draws you closer to your goal and is a driving force to work hard.
  • Meditation:  Meditation channels a person’s energy in the right path. It aids a person to better his/her self-control, maintain focus, and connects them to their inner self.
  • Everyday Routine check:  a self-disciplined person set a daily routine and enlists their tasks for accomplishment. Prioritize your goals and set them up in a timeline, and fulfill them accordingly. This act betters a person’s overall personality.
  • Avoid Distractions:  Life is encompassed with numerous day-to-day distractions. Self-Discipline allows a person to hold charge of this/her actions. For instance, mobile phones have become an essential gadget in today’s life. However, it is a hindrance, addictive, and hamper work. Instead, read a book or meditate.
  • Positivity: Many people strive to achieve self-discipline. However, they fail to meet their goal. Constant negativity and lack of positivity act as a barrier and is a wrong approach. Positivity helps an individual achieve anything and molds him/her as a reliable and confident person.

In short, Self-discipline directs a person to lead a healthy professional and personal life. A self- determined person achieves great heights through his efforts and optimum use of time.

Self Discipline essay and its importance

Short Essay on Importance of Self Discipline 200 Words in English

The short essay mentioned below is for kids and children up to class 6. The essay is to help with essay assignments, comprehension, and school events.

Self-discipline is the ability of a person to do what he needs, even though he is interested not to do it. However, hard a person organizes or schedules his/her work. At times when you feel low, you battle with your self-determination. This is the reason behind uncontrolled behaviors.

Self-determination is needed at all times, whether you feel encouraged or low. When you are happy and positive, you feel inspired and apply self-determination in all your works. The skill is embedded in your subconscious memory, and you do not realize it. However, when you are experiencing a bad day, you realize your self-determination.

Self-determination is an inner power that instructs you to never give up, despite challenges and failures. It enables you to harness your temptations and distractions that come your way and helps you overcome it and attain success.

We can improve our self-discipline and better ourselves to achieving our goals. It is essential to know that improvement takes time. Self-discipline helps you grow stronger. There are ample opportunities your way, take your time and practice till you perfect yourself.

Self- discipline can never be denied in our lives. Self-discipline helps us achieve our dream by directing us in the focus we need to follow.

10 Lines about Importance of Self Discipline Essay in English

  •  Self-discipline is the ability of an individual to act according to his or her knowledge, experience, and consciousness. It helps him/her achieve maximum potential.
  • Self-discipline is an essential aspect of an individual’s life, through his journey from school, to college to work.
  • A person cannot achieve success or the desired outcomes without the application of self-discipline in life.
  • Self-determination aids a person in overcoming all eating disorders, addictions, smoking and drinking problems, and al other harmful habits.
  • Through self-discipline, a person nurtures his/her self with inner strength, confidence, and self-esteem. It helps him/her in many ways to achieve goals.
  • To achieve self-discipline in life, one needs to set goals, stay positive, meditate for focus, avoid all distractions, and reward oneself for every tiny achievement.
  • Self-discipline is present when you are motivated or when demotivated. A person fails to realize self-discipline during happy times. However, when he/she is sad, self-discipline is noticed.
  • Development of self-discipline leads you to avoid acting on impulse, overcome procrastination and laziness, continue your project with focus, etc.
  • The skill helps a person to strategize his/her goals. Through self-discipline, a person prioritizes all the vital tasks in their lives.
  • Self-discipline is a doer that helps your achieve your dreams, and the world today needs more self-determined people who make their dreams and goals.

Self Discipline Essay

FAQ’s on Importance of Self Discipline Essay

Question 1. Why is self-discipline highly necessary?

Answer: Self-discipline is essential because it acts as a power that instructs you never to give up, despite failures. It is a skill that enables you to harness all the distractions that come your way and helps you overcome it to reach success.

Question 2. State a few qualities a self-disciplined person posses

Answer: A self-disciplined person stays positive, avoids distractions, keeps himself/herself focused, aims to achieve the goal, quick with work, and works hard.

Question 3. How can you maintain self-discipline?

Answer: To remain a self-disciplined person, you must identify your weakness, remove all temptations, set clear goals, have a backup plan, stay healthy, and create new and straightforward habits that improve your life.

Question 4. Is self-discipline difficult to follow?

Answer: Self- discipline is not when a person is motivated. However, when people lack motivation, they lose hope and give up. So one must take up the task of creating self-discipline to create a motivating and positive way to reach your goal.

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Essay Outline Templates

37 outstanding essay outline templates (argumentative, narrative, persuasive).

Writing an essay can seem like an overwhelming task, and planning beforehand is essential to success. An essay outline will help you to structure and organize your essay so that it flows coherently. Essay outlines work for all kinds of essays and will save you time and stress.

There are various different ways to structure an essay, and using an essay outline template allows you to decide on the best structure for your essay. Whether you want a balanced argument, or if you’re trying to persuade someone of your idea, then there will be an essay outline that works for you.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Essay Outline Templates
  • 2 What is an Essay Outline Template?
  • 3 Essay Outline Examples
  • 4 What Different Types of Essay Outline Templates Are Available?
  • 5 Why are Essay Outlines important?
  • 6 How Do You Structure an Outline for an Essay?
  • 7 Essay Outline Samples
  • 8 What is the Format of a Five-Paragraph Essay Outline? 
  • 9 How to Write an Effective Essay Outline
  • 10 Free Essay Outlines
  • 11 Create an Effective Outline Using an Essay Outline Template

You can download and print one of our free essay outline templates to help you plan the perfect essay.

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What is an Essay Outline Template?

An essay outline template is essentially the essay plan. It provides students with a clear structure before they write their essay, including all of the main points that are necessary for their writing.

Planning an essay outline beforehand makes the process of essay writing a lot less daunting, providing students with a guideline to follow whilst writing their essays in detail. In the world of academic writing , an essay outline serves as a tool to organize and structure thoughts before delving into the actual writing process. Many students underestimate the significance of creating an essay outline, often resulting in disorganized and incomprehensible essays.

Essay Outline Examples

Free Essay Outline Template 11

What Different Types of Essay Outline Templates Are Available?

Essay outlines can be used for any college essay, research papers, a contrast essay, speech writing, or an expository essay. There are a range of essay outline templates to use, and they vary depending on the style of essay you are writing. These include:

  • Argumentative essay outline
  • Narrative essay outline
  • Contrast essay outline
  • Literary analysis essay outline
  • Persuasive essay outline
  • Expository essay outline
  • College essay outline
  • Descriptive essay outline
  • Reflective essay outline

Depending on the purpose of your essay, there will be a different structure to suit your writing and your writing process. For example, an argumentative essay outline may follow a more traditional five-paragraph essay outline, while a literary analysis essay may follow a more detailed essay outline template.

Why are Essay Outlines important?

Of course, you can write an essay without planning. However, it will likely read as unstructured and lacking in coherence. Essays that follow an essay outline template present as more well-researched, clearer, and with a thoughtful structure throughout.

  • Planning makes perfect If you are writing to argue a point or explore a range of viewpoints, essay outlines are crucial to prepare before you begin writing in detail. Writing should not be an immediate, quick process; the best essays are drafted, re-drafted, edited, and finalized. If you use an essay outline, this will be reflected in the quality of your work. As a teacher, it is clear to me when students have not taken the time to plan their work. Their writing seems messy and rushed. Essay outlines provide structure and balance to any long piece of writing.
  • Save time during the writing process Planning is the hard part of essay writing. During the planning process, you will be brainstorming your ideas and cultivating your overall viewpoint or argument. This means that when you come to write the essay, those ideas are already there. All you need to do is formulate them into sentences and paragraphs. An essay outline makes the process of writing the essay itself so much simpler. With the essay outline template, you will have the bulk of your ideas and the structure of your essay there to follow. It will save you time when it comes to writing the essay out in full.

How Do You Structure an Outline for an Essay?

Depending on the assignment, essays can follow a range of structures, and there are many different ways to structure an essay outline.

Before you begin to structure your essay outline, there are a few things to consider:

  • Check your assignment guidelines . Your teacher or professor may have specified a certain number of words or pages for the essay, which can affect how you structure it.
  • Consider the purpose of the essay. Is it to argue, is it a persuasive essay, or is it to reflect upon something? This will greatly help you to form and structure your essay, as you may need to compare and contrast ideas throughout your writing.
  • Who is your audience? If this essay is purely for academic purposes, then your essay may follow a more traditional structure. However, if your essay is for a speech or a college application, then the structure may be more unconventional and include more of your own thoughts and experiences.

While there may be variations in essay outline structures depending on the specific requirements of the assignment, some general guidelines can be followed. You should edit and adjust your essay structure depending on the tone, audience, and purpose of your essay.

Typically, an effective essay outline comprises three primary sections: the introduction, the body paragraphs, and the conclusion. Each of these sections serves a unique purpose and contributes to the overall coherence of the essay.

  • Introduction The introduction section of an essay outline introduces the topic and provides relevant background information to engage the reader. It also includes the thesis statement, which presents the main argument or claim of the essay. To structure the introduction in the outline effectively, writers can utilize a hook to grab the reader’s attention, provide context, and end with a strong thesis statement.
  • Body Paragraphs The body paragraphs section of the essay outline supports the thesis statement with relevant evidence and arguments. The number of body paragraphs may vary depending on the required length of the essay. However, it is common to have three body paragraphs, each focused on a specific supporting point. In the outline, writers can include subpoints, evidence, and examples for each body paragraph to ensure a coherent and logical flow of ideas.
  • Conclusion The conclusion section of the essay outline summarises the main points discussed in the body paragraphs and restates the thesis statement. The conclusion should not be an afterthought in the essay writing process. This part of the essay helps to tie all of your ideas together and is reflective of a well-structured essay. It is crucial to end the essay on a strong note, leaving a lasting impression on the reader. To structure the conclusion in the outline, writers can briefly restate the thesis, review the main points, and provide a final thought or call to action.

Essay Outline Samples

Free Essay Outline Template 21

What is the Format of a Five-Paragraph Essay Outline? 

A five-paragraph essay outline is a common essay structure used for academic essays. It is particularly useful for shorter essays or beginners who are just starting to develop their writing skills. Many high school students or first-year college students benefit from following this structure.

The format consists of five paragraphs, as the name suggests – an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

  • Introduction In the introduction of a five-paragraph essay outline, writers should begin with an attention-grabbing hook to capture the reader’s interest. This can be achieved through a relevant anecdote, a rhetorical question, or a shocking statistic. This helps to immediately capture the reader’s attention and begin the essay strong. Next, provide some background information on the topic and end the introduction with a clear thesis statement that encapsulates the main argument of the essay.
  • Body Paragraphs The three body paragraphs of a five-paragraph essay outline each focus on a specific supporting point, which aids in the development of the thesis statement. Start each body paragraph with a topic sentence that introduces the main idea of the paragraph. Following the topic sentence, writers should provide evidence, examples, or arguments to support the main point. It is essential to ensure a logical flow between paragraphs and maintain coherence throughout the essay. This can be done through the use of connectives at the start of each body paragraph, such as ‘Firstly,’ ‘Secondly,’ and ‘Furthermore.’
  • Conclusion The conclusion of a five-paragraph essay outline restates the thesis statement and summarizes the main points discussed in the body paragraphs. However, it is vital to avoid introducing new information in the conclusion. Instead, writers should provide a thought-provoking final statement or reinforce the significance of the essay topic.

How to Write an Effective Essay Outline

Each writer will have their own unique approach to essay writing, but preparing an essay outline does not require you to reinvent the wheel. You can follow these simple steps to craft an effective, useful, solid outline.

  • Read and Understand the Assignment Before beginning the outline, thoroughly read and understand the essay assignment, including any specific guidelines or requirements from the instructor. This will help in determining the length, topic, and structure of the essay. Understanding the assignment in detail also enables you to plan how you will carry out your preliminary research for the essay. Adaquete reading and preparation also helps you to establish the purpose of your essay, which will determine which essay outline template will work best for you.
  • Brainstorm and Organize Ideas Start with brainstorming ideas related to the topic. Here, you should establish the key points of the essay based on your research. Once ideas are generated, you can organize them into meaningful categories or subtopics. In an argumentative essay outline, for example, you will need to compare and contrast ideas. By placing all the main points into categories in an organized manner, you can create a logical flow within the essay, making it more engaging for the reader.
  • Choose an Appropriate Outline Format Decide on the outline format that best suits the specific essay requirements. Depending on the complexity of the topic, your essay may be formatted differently. An expository essay will differ from a research paper, for example, so be clear on which outline will work for you. It is also essential to decide on the number of main points to be included based on the required length of the essay. Sometimes it is best to discuss fewer points in greater detail, particularly for a literary analysis or narrative essay.
  • Develop Thesis Statement and Main Arguments Craft a strong and clear thesis statement that encapsulates the main argument or claim of the essay. Then, determine the main arguments or supporting points that will be discussed in the body paragraphs.
  • Organize Supporting Points and Supporting Evidence Arrange the main arguments in a logical order, keeping in mind the flow of ideas. Ensure that each supporting point is backed up by sufficient evidence or reasoning to strengthen the overall argument. This will also help you to write a strong conclusion to complete your essay.
  • Review and Revise After creating the initial essay outline, review and revise it to ensure coherence, logical flow, and adherence to the assignment requirements. Make necessary adjustments and rearrange the outline if needed. Then, you can start writing your essay by following the outline.

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Free Essay Outline Template 31

Create an Effective Outline Using an Essay Outline Template

Creating an essay outline is a crucial step in the writing process that should not be overlooked. Whether it’s an argumentative essay outline, a literary analysis essay outline, or a persuasive essay outline, an essay outline template can help you to structure and organize your points in a thoughtful and clear way.

By structuring an essay outline effectively, using the appropriate format for a five-paragraph essay, and following the steps to write an essay outline, writers can ensure a well-organized, coherent, and compelling essay. Utilizing an essay outline template not only enhances the writing quality but also saves time and effort in the long run.

Eleanor Griffiths

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Descriptive Essay

Descriptive Essay Outline

Caleb S.

Creating a Descriptive Essay Outline - Format & Example

11 min read

descriptive essay outline

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Do you often find yourself staring at a blank page, unsure of how to structure your descriptive essay ideas effectively? If so, you're not alone. 

The art of descriptive essay writing can be both exciting and challenging, but many students struggle to create a perfect outline. 

In this blog post, we will address these common problems and provide you with a step-by-step guide to creating a well-structured outline. By the end of this article, you will not only understand what a descriptive essay outline is but also know how to create one effectively. 

So let’s get started!

Arrow Down

  • 1. Defining Descriptive Essay
  • 2. Descriptive Essay Outline Template
  • 3. Descriptive Essay Outline Examples 
  • 4. Descriptive Essay Format
  • 5. Descriptive Essay Writing Tips

Defining Descriptive Essay

A descriptive essay asks you to create a vivid picture in readers’ minds while engaging all of the human senses. It provides all the sensory details and a complete description of the topic. Creating an outline for a descriptive essay helps in organizing the information and sensory details of the topic. 

The typical descriptive essay usually consists of 5 paragraphs. 5 paragraph structure is the most followed structure in essay writing. Let’s understand this type of outline:

Steps to Write a 5-Paragraph Descriptive Essay Outline

A 5 paragraph descriptive essay has 1 introductory paragraph, 3 body paragraphs, and 1 conclusion paragraph. These three parts should be included in a descriptive essay. All of these sections are required to fulfill the need for a descriptive essay.

Here is how to write a 5 paragraph descriptive essay in 3 simple steps:

Step 1: Descriptive Essay Introduction

An introduction is the first thing that a reader is going to read in your essay. So, it should be interesting, engaging as well as eye-catching. It should be able to hook the reader with your essay and make him want to read the complete essay.

  • Start the  essay introduction  by introducing the topic with an interesting hook statement that grabs the reader’s attention. Briefly mention the ideas that give a hint to the reader of what you are going to discuss in the body.
  • Provide a  thesis statement  that gives an informational description of the topic and also appeals to the reader’s emotions.

Step 2: Descriptive Essay Body Paragraphs

The body is the section where you provide a complete description and sensory details of the topic. All the ideas should be presented in separate paragraphs. A typical 5 paragraph essay consists of 3 body paragraphs, but they can be increased depending on the number of ideas.

  • Each body paragraph should begin with a topic sentence centered around a key idea. 
  • Organize your ideas in chronological order, using clear and concise language to create a tangible image in the reader's mind. 
  • Support your ideas with evidence and, if applicable, cite credible external sources. 
  • Conclude each body paragraph with a thoughtful analysis of the idea presented.

Step 3: Descriptive Essay Conclusion

This is the final part of your essay and should leave the reader feeling satisfied and thoughtful.

  • Here, reflect on the initial purpose of your essay and why you chose to write about the topic. 
  • Restate your thesis statement in a fresh way, offering a concise summary of your discussion. 
  • Conclude with a compelling statement that leaves the reader with something to ponder.

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Descriptive Essay Outline Template

Here is a descriptive essay outline sample template: 

- Start with a captivating statement, quote, or question that piques the reader's interest.

- Provide relevant context about the subject of your essay.

- Clearly state the purpose of your essay and what you aim to describe.

1. Topic Sentence
- Introduce the main idea or aspect of the subject you will describe in this paragraph.
2. Supporting Details
- Provide sensory details, such as sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch, to create a vivid image.
3. Examples and Evidence
- Offer specific examples or evidence to support your description.
4. Analysis
- Explain the significance of the described elements and their impact on the reader.

- Rephrase your thesis statement, summarizing what your essay aimed to achieve.

- Briefly recap the key ideas or aspects you described in the body paragraphs.

- End with a thought-provoking or memorable statement that leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

Descriptive Essay Outline Examples 

Now, let's put theory into practice and explore a few examples of how to outline descriptive essays using some topics.

Descriptive Essay Outline About a Person

My best friend John has a very pleasant personality.

I have many friends but John is my best friend. We have been friends for almost 6 years. We became friends when we were in grade 6. Although I have a lot of friends, I love Jhon the most.

He is lovable, compassionate, caring, and a loving soul.

He has a very kind heart.

He is very friendly and thoughtful to everyone.

He cares about others before himself and never puts people down.

He has a good sense of humor.

He is smart and funny. He knows how to use humor without hurting anyone’s feelings.

He also uses his good sense of humor to motivate people and get people to agree with him.

He is honest as well as trustworthy.

The best thing about John that I love the most is that he would never turn his back on me.

He never lies to me. I am blessed to have such a kind soul as my best friend.

I feel very lucky to have John as my best friend. I can count on him in many ways. He teaches me how to treat other people better. He has shown me that it meant the most to be trustworthy and honest.

Descriptive Essay Outline About a Place

The place I want to describe holds a special place in my heart, captivating all who visit with its unique charm.

This place is not just any location; it's a sanctuary where I've spent countless unforgettable moments. It has been a part of my life for years, and every visit is a journey into tranquility and wonder.

This place is a haven of natural beauty and serenity, where the world seems to slow down, and the soul finds solace.

The setting of this place is simply breathtaking.

The picturesque landscape boasts rolling hills, lush greenery, and a crystal-clear stream meandering through the heart of it all.

The air is filled with the sweet scent of wildflowers and the gentle sound of rustling leaves, making it a sensory paradise.

Beyond its physical beauty, this place offers a multitude of activities and experiences.

One can explore nature through hiking trails, discovering hidden nooks and crannies along the way.

Whether it's picnicking by the stream, bird-watching, or simply basking in the silence, there's something for everyone.

What truly sets this place apart is the emotional connection it fosters.

Every visit evokes a sense of nostalgia, taking me back to cherished memories and filling me with a deep sense of peace.

It's a place where I find myself, where I can disconnect from the chaos of the world and reconnect with my inner self.

This place is not just a location; it's a sanctuary where I find solace, reconnect with nature, and cherish memories.

This place holds a special place in my heart, and its beauty, activities, and emotional connection make it a remarkable haven that has left an indelible mark on my soul.

It's a place that reminds us of the power of nature and the importance of finding our own sanctuaries in the world.

Here are some descriptive essay outline PDFs that will help you craft a perfect outline for a descriptive essay.

We also have a worksheet to make the descriptive essay writing process easy for you. You can download it and use it for your next descriptive essay assignment.

Descriptive Essay Outline Worksheet

Descriptive Essay Outline Example

Here is a descriptive essay outline for middle school

Descriptive Essay Outline Example Middle School

Need more samples for inspiration? Check out our descriptive essay examples blog and explore a number of free essay samples!

Descriptive Essay Format

When it comes to formatting this type of essay, there are specific guidelines to ensure your work is visually appealing and easy to read. Here are some key formatting considerations:

  • Font & Size: Use a 12-point, readable font like Times New Roman or Arial.
  • Margins: Maintain 1-inch margins on all sides.
  • Line Spacing: Double-space text, including the title and headings.
  • Title Page: Include one if specified, with your name, instructor, course, and date.
  • Title: Center it on the first page, using a larger font or bold.
  • Page Numbers: Add them to the top right corner, including the title page if present.
  • Paragraph Indentation: Start each paragraph with a 0.5-inch indent.
  • Justification: Left-align text for readability.
  • Citation Style: Apply the designated citation style (APA, MLA, Chicago) consistently.

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Descriptive Essay Writing Tips

Until now, you definitely have understood how to craft an outline for a descriptive essay. Here are some amazing tips that will help you craft a flawless essay in no time.

  • Choose the Right Topic: Brainstorm for different ideas and interesting topics. Choose a unique and amazing topic for your essay. Check out our descriptive essay topics blog for interesting ideas.
  • Show, Don't Tell: Instead of stating facts, use descriptive language to evoke vivid images and sensations in your reader's mind.
  • Engage the Senses: Appeal to sight, sound, taste, smell, and touch to create a multi-sensory experience.
  • Organize Details: Use a clear and logical structure, such as an outline, to ensure your descriptions flow smoothly. Connect your ideas by using transition words .
  • Use Metaphors and Similes: These figures of speech can add depth and meaning to your descriptions.
  • Edit and Revise: Polish your essay for clarity, conciseness, and coherence, ensuring it captivates your readers.

To Sum it Up!

Crafting a well-structured descriptive essay outline is the first step toward creating an engaging and immersive essay. By following the outline and tips outlined in this guide, you'll have the tools to create a perfect outline.

But if you need urgent essay help, contact our descriptive essay writing service .  provides top essay writing help and 100% original essays at student-friendly prices. Our professional writers will write a flawless descriptive essay tailored to your specific needs! 

So don't waste any more time and get help from our essay writing service online now!

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Caleb S.

Caleb S. has been providing writing services for over five years and has a Masters degree from Oxford University. He is an expert in his craft and takes great pride in helping students achieve their academic goals. Caleb is a dedicated professional who always puts his clients first.

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descriptive essay

Election latest: More bad news for Tory campaign as latest donation figures released

The Conservatives received less than £300,000 in donations during the second week of the campaign, the latest figures show. Listen to the latest Electoral Dysfunction as you scroll.

Friday 21 June 2024 19:41, UK

  • General Election 2024
  • Tories raised less than £300,000 in donations in second week of campaign - Labour received £4.4m
  • Sunak asked if he's confident no more Tory candidates will be caught up in betting scandal
  • 'I certainly haven't bet myself,' Welsh secretary tells Sky News
  • Davey criticises PM's response to 'immoral' allegations
  • Electoral Dysfunction: What are odds betting scandal sinks Tories?
  • 'Own it': Corbyn responds to latest Starmer comments
  • Live reporting by Faith Ridler

Election essentials

  • Manifesto pledges: Alliance Party | Conservatives | Greens | Labour | Lib Dems | Plaid Cymru | Reform | SNP | Sinn Fein | Workers Party
  • Trackers:  Who's leading polls? | Is PM keeping promises?
  • Campaign Heritage: Memorable moments from elections gone by
  • Follow Sky's politics podcasts: Electoral Dysfunction | Politics At Jack And Sam's
  • Read more:  Who is standing down? | Key seats to watch | What counts as voter ID? | Check if your constituency is changing | Guide to election lingo | Sky's election night plans

By Laura Bundock , correspondent

The election might seem like a two-horse race, but other parties are jockeying for votes too.

We put their manifestos to the Sky News YouGov Voters Panel.

Representing different political backgrounds and more than 40 different constituencies, they pored over the promises and policies.

You can read more from Sky News below:

Turning to the issue of social care, Labour frontbencher Alison McGovern admits it is a matter which is "often overlooked in politics".

Ali Fortescue points out that it isn't covered much in their manifesto - only one page - and hasn't been spoken about much in the Labour campaign.

Ms McGovern says: "I think that it gets overlooked because it's to do with older people, and it's a lot of women who work in social care.

"But the Labour Party has been talking about this for a long time... back in 2021, when we started talking about a new deal for working people, we knew that we wanted to have fair pay agreements where if you've got an industry but there's just so much poor pay and bad practice, you need a hole industry approach. 

"We want to have that fair pay agreement for social care because at the heart of this big crisis in social care, all the staff on the workforce, we lose far too many of them because it's a low pay job and there's a lot of exploitative practice.

"By getting a better system where we can get a negotiated agreement on pay so that work workers can do better by taking on exploitative employment practices, I think we can reform social care."

Shadow employment secretary Alison McGovern is now asked about how the Labour Party would negotiate with striking workers in the UK.

It comes after Tata Steel announced its staff will be striking indefinitely for the first time.

The frontbencher says: "My heart goes out to those workers in South Wales because they've lived with, you know, serious uncertainty over their heads."

Ms McGovern adds that the UK has "needed a plan for steel" for "a long time".

So what will Labour do to stop these strikes going ahead?

"What we need is to get through this general election," she says. 

"We are working so hard to get a Labour government, and we really can't take any vote for granted."

Shadow employment secretary Alison McGovern joins Ali Fortescue on the Politics Hub.

She is first asked about the latest donation data from the Electoral Commission, which shows the Labour Party was handed £4.3m in funds in the second week of the election.

Ali asks how Labour plans to keep both unions and Blairite donors on side.

"What we want is a big coalition of people who want to see an end to the chaos that we've had over the past 14 years, and to get the kind of changes that can start to make life better for people," Ms McGovern says. 

"Whether that's rescuing or giving people good jobs that are going to help sustain them and be able to pay for the shop at the weekend and keep a roof over the family's head. 

"That's the kind of big change that we need to make sure our country does better in the future than it has over the past 14 years."

Ali presses that it will be hard to please everyone - and asks again who Labour would choose, unions or large donors like Lord Sainsbury.

"It won't surprise you to know that I don't think that it's either or when it comes to being pro-business or pro-worker," Ms McGovern says.

"I think that you can do both, and I think that strong economies are ones that pay people decently, where people go to work and they're able to contribute and make our economy grow."

Conservative candidate Richard Graham is facing questions on the Politics Hub now and is first asked about news of falling Tory donations - and fears that donors are abandoning the party.

The Conservatives had £300,000 in donations in the second week of the election campaign, compared to £4.3m for Labour.

Mr Graham says: "I really don't know a great deal about who is giving and who isn't giving.

"But I do know we have a sizable war chest and it's enough to fight a very decent campaign.

"By now, people would have already been reached or be very close to reaching the maximum spending limits in their constituencies." 

Here is a full list of candidates for Gloucester:

  • Chris Farmer - Reform UK 
  • Steve Gower - Workers Party of Britain 
  • Richard Graham - Conservative and Unionist Party 
  • Alex McIntyre - Labour Party 
  • Adam Shearing - Green Party 
  • Rebecca Trimnell - Liberal Democrats 
  • Wing Commander (Rtd) Fred Ramsey - Independent 
  • Akhlaque Ahmed - Socialist Labour Party

By Tom Cheshire , online campaign correspondent 

If you want a good idea of what matters to each party - its deepest desires, its darkest fears - look at where it's spending money.

What it shows is a story of Labour spending big and spending everywhere, as it pursues a plausible supermajority, while the Conservatives retreat to fight for some of their heartland constituencies, and spend much less. 

It shows the current state of play for all parties across the country. The map shows which is the biggest spender in each constituency - which parts of the country they're fighting to win, or not to lose.

The map was created by Who Targets Me (WTM), which tracks digital political advertising and has partnered with Sky News as part of our online campaign team.

"Our map of advertising activity shows where the parties have targeted their Facebook and Instagram ads in the last week," Sam Jeffers, executive director of WTM, says.

Follow the money, the saying goes. But the money isn't following the Conservative Party in this election campaign. Tory donors are on strike.

The Conservatives are not only being massively outgunned financially by Labour, but also by Reform UK and the Liberal Democrats, according to new figures.

The slump in donations, compared with the millions pouring into Tory coffers during Boris Johnson's 2019 campaign, suggests massive disillusionment in Rishi Sunak among Tory tycoons and millionaires.

Why throw good money after bad? That's a question the Conservatives' former big money donors must be asking themselves, with Mr Sunak's campaign appearing to lurch from one crisis to another.

And the party's dismal showing in opinion polls, along with blunders like the PM's D-Day fiasco and now a scandal over insiders accused on betting on the election date, suggest the funding gap will get even worse.

The latest figures from the Electoral Commission, generally a fairly toothless watchdog, are the first since Mr Sunak's calamitous snub to D-Day veterans and also confirm that Nigel Farage's comeback has boosted Reform UK's finances.

The figures are staggering. Usually, league tables of donations to political parties put the Tories way out in front. Not this time. Donations between 6 and 12 June reveal the Conservatives are in fourth place. That's relegation form.

In that week, Labour received a breathtaking £4,383,400, largely due to a £2.5m cheque from Lord Sainsbury of the supermarket dynasty. That means £5.3m in donations rolled in during the first two weeks of the campaign.

A big Blairite, Lord Sainsbury is a long-time donor who stopped giving when Jeremy Corbyn was leader. But now he's back. Big time. Labour's other big donor, Autoglass windscreens tycoon Gary Lubner, gave £900,000.

Also, at election time, the general secretaries of the big trade unions typically get their cheque book out and hand over six or seven-figure sums. But in from 6 to 12 June the only union donation was £100,000 from the train drivers' union Aslef.

That means Sir Keir Starmer's Labour Party is relying more now on millionaires than union barons for its election fighting fund. The Labour leader says the party's changed. Well, this is certainly a very significant change.

But at what price? Are the millionaire donors buying influence on Labour's tax policy: capital gains tax, wealth taxes and so on? And what will the tycoons' millions mean for Angela Rayner's workers' rights proposals?

The Conservatives' election war chest, meanwhile, is almost bare and their finances are as dire as their opinion poll ratings: just £292,500 between 6 and 12 June and only £882,000 in donations in the first two weeks of the campaign.

The resurgent Reform UK raised £742,000 in donations, largely from two £250,000 donations from a company called Britain Means Business, which just happens to be run by Richard Tice, the party's former leader.

Mr Tice may have been elbowed aside by Mr Farage, who's replaced him as leader, but he's still personally bankrolling the party, which claims to have received £1.5m since Mr Farage bounced back.

Reform UK have also benefitted from a showbiz donation from celebrity supporter Holly Valance, the pop star and former Neighbours actor, who had a hit with "Kiss Kiss" and donated 50,000 smackers.

Even the Liberal Democrats, with £335,000, received more than the Conservatives, including £100,000 in the will of late party donor and former lawyer John Faulkner. 

That should pay for more silly Sir Ed Davey stunts.

But for Mr Sunak, facing a donors' strike, perhaps he should tap up his millionaire heiress wife Akshata Murty. Between them, according to The Sunday Times rich list, they're worth £651m - more than the King.

Or perhaps not. What was that about throwing good money after bad?

The Labour Party raised almost £4.4m in the second full week of the general election campaign - close to 15 times the amount brought in by the Tories.

Rishi Sunak's party took in just under £300,000 between 6 and 12 June.

Reform UK raised more than double that, with £742,000 taken.

However, £500,000 of this money was handed over by Britain Means Business - a company run by Reform's deputy leader Richard Tice.

The Liberal Democrats also raised more than the Conservatives, with £335,000 .

The Green Party was given £20,000 .

The Politics Hub is now under way, hosted by political correspondent   Ali Fortescue .

The fast-paced programme dissects the inner workings of Westminster, with interviews, insights, and analysis - bringing you, the audience, into the corridors of power.

Joining Ali tonight are:

  • Alison McGovern , the shadow employment secretary
  • Richard Graham , member of 1922 Committee

And on her panel are:

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discipline essay with outline


  1. Discipline essay in English || Essay on Discipline || Discipline essay || Essay writing Discipline

    discipline essay with outline

  2. 37 Outstanding Essay Outline Templates (Argumentative, Narrative, Persuasive)

    discipline essay with outline

  3. Discipline Essay

    discipline essay with outline

  4. Essay on Discipline

    discipline essay with outline

  5. Essay On Discipline

    discipline essay with outline

  6. Essay on Discipline in English

    discipline essay with outline


  1. Essay on Value of Discipline

  2. 10 lines on Discipline in english/Discipline essay in english 10 lines/Essay on Discipline

  3. 15 January 2024

  4. Discipline #essay #writingtips #paragraph #100words #mywritingskills

  5. Essay Topic : Discipline (TOPIC HINT)

  6. Essay on Discipline


  1. Essay on Discipline for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on Discipline. Essay on Discipline - Discipline is something that keeps each person in control. It motivates a person to progress in life and achieve success. Everyone follow discipline in his/her life in a different form. Besides, everyone has his own prospect of discipline. Some people consider it a part of their life and ...

  2. Essays About Discipline: Top 5 Examples And 10 Prompts

    3. Physical Discipline Is Harmful And Ineffective by Eve Glicksman. "Parents who use physical discipline may be teaching their child to resolve conflicts with physical aggression. Researchers found that spanking can elevate a child's aggression levels as well as diminish the quality of the parent-child relationship.

  3. Essay On Importance Of Discipline for Students

    500+ Words Essay On Importance Of Discipline. Discipline refers to the practice of making people obey rules. Furthermore, it also means following certain acceptable standards of behavior. Discipline is certainly an essential thing in everyone's life. A life without discipline is a life full of chaos and confusion.

  4. Argumentative Essay: The Importance of Discipline

    It is essential to life as we know it, and we need it in its many different forms in many different situations. The first reason that discipline is so important is that we all need to exercise self-discipline to be successful in life. Self-discipline can mean very different things to different people; for students, for example, self-discipline ...

  5. PDF Discipline Essays

    Please complete the following essay in complete sentences on separate sheets of paper and staple them behind this page. Discuss your answers with your parents, and have one of them sign below. Parent's signature: _____ **Please note: This essay is meant to help you reflect on how disrupting class affects you and those around you.

  6. How to write the perfect discipline essay?

    Catch your readers' attention. Provide a simple background on the topic. Present a one-line summary of what the reader can expect to learn from the essay. The first sentence of your introduction is fundamental to setting the tone for the whole discipline essay. Here is an easy example to start your piece with -.

  7. Discipline Free Essay Examples And Topic Ideas

    14 essay samples found. Discipline refers to the practice of training individuals to obey rules or a code of behavior, often encompassing both self-discipline and external discipline imposed by others. Essays on discipline could explore various methods of discipline, its role in personal and professional development, or the social and ...

  8. Discipline Essays

    Focus on a specific area of discipline, such as self-discipline, school discipline, or workplace discipline. Explore the impact of discipline on personal development and success. Consider the cultural and historical perspectives on discipline and its evolution over time. Essay Topics: The role of discipline in achieving academic success

  9. How to Write an Essay Outline

    Expository essay outline. Claim that the printing press marks the end of the Middle Ages. Provide background on the low levels of literacy before the printing press. Present the thesis statement: The invention of the printing press increased circulation of information in Europe, paving the way for the Reformation.

  10. How to Outline an Essay: Basic Essay Outline Template

    How to Outline an Essay: Basic Essay Outline Template. Written by MasterClass. Last updated: Jun 7, 2021 • 3 min read. Essay outlines are excellent tools for organizing your writing. A strong outline can turn a meandering essay into a focused, persuasive piece of writing. Essay outlines are excellent tools for organizing your writing.

  11. Essay On Discipline [Short & Long]

    Essay On Discipline - Discipline is the key to accomplishing desired outcomes out of your efforts. It prepares us to achieve our goals. The word "Discipline" suggests following rules or doing something in proper order. No matter what your goal is, being disciplined will help you reach there. With the help of discipline, one can plan their ...

  12. Essay on Self Discipline for Students and Children

    Self-discipline means self-control, which gives you inner strength and a way to control yourself, actions, and reactions. It is one of the most important and useful skills to achieve success and everyone should possess this quality. Self-discipline comes naturally to some people. And some people can achieve it with some effort.

  13. Free Essays on Discipline, Examples, Topics, Outlines

    Discipline: An Introduction Discipline is defined as the control that is gained by enforcing obedience or command. Moreover, it is also conceptualized as a training that corrects, shapes or perfects the mental departments in the moral character of an individual. A person who has discipline has self-control.

  14. Student Discipline Essays (Examples)

    Student Bullying/Discipline 1. Abstract According to the Illinois Legal Aid Online (2018) Bullying can be understood as the aggressive and unwanted traits espoused by school going children. The traits entail some perceived or real power imbalance. Some of the students will use this power (such as their physical strength, popularity, access to privileged information) to harm, blackmail or harm ...

  15. PDF Strategies for Essay Writing

    When you write an essay for a course you are taking, you are being asked not only to create a product (the essay) but, more importantly, to go through a process of thinking more deeply about a question or problem related to the course. By writing about a source or collection of sources, you will have the chance to wrestle with some of the

  16. Importance of Self Discipline Essay

    Long Essay On Importance of Self Discipline 500 Words in English The long essay mentioned below is for students belonging to classes 6,7,8,9, and 10, and competitive exam aspirants. The essay is a guide to help with class assignments, comprehension, and competitive examinations.

  17. 37 Outstanding Essay Outline Templates (Argumentative, Narrative

    Essay outlines can be used for any college essay, research papers, a contrast essay, speech writing, or an expository essay. There are a range of essay outline templates to use, and they vary depending on the style of essay you are writing. These include: Argumentative essay outline. Narrative essay outline. Contrast essay outline.

  18. Outline of academic disciplines

    The following outline provides an overview of and topical guide to academic disciplines. In each case an entry at the highest level of the hierarchy (e.g., Humanities) is a group of broadly similar disciplines; an entry at the next highest level (e.g., Music) is a discipline having some degree of autonomy and being the basic identity felt by ...

  19. Topic Explore the need for and relevance of disciplinespecific

    Topic Explore the need for and relevance of discipline-specific academic literacy courses at South African universities.5.3. PROVIDE an OUTLINE for your essay to include in your introduction. [6] • Your outline should clearly outline the main points or topics you will address in your essay's body. • Thus, it should align with the REASONS ...

  20. How to Write a Descriptive Essay Outline with Example

    Step 2: Descriptive Essay Body Paragraphs. The body is the section where you provide a complete description and sensory details of the topic. All the ideas should be presented in separate paragraphs. A typical 5 paragraph essay consists of 3 body paragraphs, but they can be increased depending on the number of ideas.

  21. Election latest: Rishi Sunak faces further questions as betting scandal

    The prime minister has said he is "incredibly angry" about allegations that Conservative candidates placed bets on the date of the general election. Listen to the latest Electoral Dysfunction ...