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Unlock the Power of Sims 4 Presentation Board Cheat: A Step-by-Step Guide

The Sims 4 Presentation Board Cheat allows players to make high score presentations quickly and easily.

Sims 4 Presentation Board Cheat

The Sims 4 Presentation Board Cheat is an invaluable tool for players of the game. Through this cheat, they can gain access to exclusive rewards and unlock creative gameplay options. With this cheat, you can get unlimited materials needed to build stunning presentation boards during the game. Additionally, the cheat also allows you to purchase items from the sims shop that go beyond the limit of what a normal sim can own.

By exploiting this cheat, your sims can customize their presentation boards any way they want, granting them access to special rewards or unlocking unique content. Furthermore, with the Presentation Board Cheat, you can switch ownerships between different sims in order to gain rare objects or items that arent normally accessible in the game. Plus, you wont have to battle and compete like other sims do since youll already have everything unlocked in advance.

With this criminal-like power and secret weapon on your side, youll be sure to move up in rankings faster than any of your competitors ever could. And all with just a few clicks of a button! Get ahead of other players using The Sims 4 Presentation Board Cheat and secure your place as one of the top contenders in no time!

Introduction to Presentation Board Cheat

Presentation Board Cheat is a cheat code found in The Sims 4, designed to help players with their gameplay experience. It was first released in October 2014, along with the game, and it allows players to access a range of cheats that can be used to customize the game according to their preferences. The purpose of Presentation Board Cheat is to make playing The Sims 4 more fun and easier for players, by unlocking rewards or making game-changing changes.

Steps to Use Presentation Board Cheat in Sims 4

Using the Presentation Board Cheat in The Sims 4 is quite simple. First off, players need to access the options menu by pressing the Escape key on their keyboard. From there they can then go into the Game Options menu and enable cheats. Once cheats are enabled, players can then enter any cheat code they want into the command console at the bottom of the screen. After entering a cheat code, players will have access to a range of new options that werent previously available before.

Obtaining Career Rewards via Presentation Board Cheat

One of the main advantages of using Presentation Board Cheat is that it allows players to obtain career rewards without having to complete all of the necessary tasks for each level or job within a certain career track. This means that if a player wants to quickly unlock higher levels within a career track they can do so by using cheat codes rather than spending hours completing tasks. Additionally, once rewards are unlocked via these cheat codes they can be used for specific tasks or goals that require such rewards.

Impact of Using Presentation Board Cheat on Gameplay Experience

Using cheat codes such as those provided by Presentation Board Cheat can have both positive and negative impacts on ones gameplay experience when playing The Sims 4. On one hand, using these cheat codes can give players an edge over others and allow them to progress further in their careers quicker than if they were relying solely on their own skills alone. On the other hand, some gamers feel that using cheats takes away from the overall gaming experience as it removes much of the challenge and excitement from completing tasks or unlocking rewards naturally without assistance from outside sources such as cheat codes. Additionally, for new players who are not familiar with how cheats work or how to use them effectively, using this type of software may lead them astray and cause more frustration than enjoyment from playing The Sims 4 due to their lack of knowledge about how cheating works in this game specifically.

Different Types of Cheats Available with Presentation Boord Cheat for Sims 4

Presentation Boord Cheat provides various types of cheats that can be used while playing The Sims 4 including general cheats which allow you access certain objects or features within the game without having to complete certain tasks or achieve certain goals; testingcheats true/false which allow you modify values within certain objects; and special reward cheats which give you access rewards without having completed all required tasks for unlocking those particular rewards normally within the game itself. All these different types of cheats provide different advantages depending on what a player desires from their gaming experience while playing The Sims 4

Troubleshooting Common Issues with Sims 4 and Presentation Board Cheat

Having trouble with the Sims 4 Presentation Board Cheat? Don’t worry there are a few common issues that can be easily fixed. The first thing to check is if the cheat is enabled in the game. To do this, open the cheat console (Ctrl+Shift+C) and type testingcheats true. If it responds with Cheats Enabled! then it should be working correctly.

If you’re still having issues, try resetting the cheat by typing resetSim [Name] into the cheat console, replacing [Name] with your Sim’s name. This will reset all cheats associated with that Sim and could fix any issues you’re having.

If you’re still having trouble, make sure your game is up to date by checking for any updates in Origin or Steam, depending on how you purchased the game. Once you’ve installed any updates, try running the cheat again to see if it works.

Setting up Debug and Performance Settings with Sims 4 and Presentation Board Cheat

For optimal performance when using Sims 4 Presentation Board Cheat, it’s important to set up debug and performance settings properly. To do this, go to Game Options > Other > Enable Debugging Mode and tick all of the boxes in this menu. This will enable testingcheats true as well as other cheats such as resetsim [name].

In addition to setting up debug mode, make sure your game is running on high performance settings by going to Game Options > Graphics > High Performance Mode. This will ensure that your game runs smoothly when using cheats such as resetsim [name].

Tips to Create Successful Fast Promotion in Career with Sims 4 and Presnetataion Boord Cheat

To get a fast promotion in your career with Sims 4 Presentation Board Cheat, there are a few tips that can help you along your path towards success. Firstly, know what tasks are required for each level of promotion doing these tasks quickly will get you promoted faster than if you take longer on them. Secondly, use the resetsim [name] cheat before each task this will reset all cheats related to that Sim so they can start fresh each time they attempt a task. Finally, use additional cheats such as kaching or motherlode to give yourself an extra boost these will help increase your Sim’s experience points quickly so they can get a promotion quicker than normal gameplay would allow them to do so.

Guidelines while using Sims 4 and Presnetataion Boord Cheat Responsibly

When using Sims 4 Presentation Board Cheat responsibly there are some guidelines that should be followed at all times:

Use cheats sparingly don’t rely on them for every aspect of gameplay as this could lead to an unbalanced game experience;

Don’t overuse cheats such as kaching or motherlode these should only be used occasionally;

Be mindful of other players’ experiences if someone else is playing alongside you then avoid using cheats which could affect their gameplay;

Always save frequently this way if anything goes wrong due to a cheat being used then you can always revert back to an earlier save;

Have fun! remember that cheats are meant for enjoyment and shouldn’t be relied upon too heavily for serious play sessions

FAQ & Answers

Q: What is Presentation Board Cheat? A: Presentation Board Cheat is an in-game cheat available in Sims 4 which allows players to access different rewards and perform tasks. It can be enabled through the options menu by using the testingcheats true command.

Q: What is the purpose of Presentation Board Cheat? A: The primary purpose of Presentation Board Cheat is to provide players with an easy way to obtain rewards, such as career rewards, and perform tasks efficiently. It can also be used to test out different game settings and debug any issues that may arise during gameplay.

Q: How do you use cheat codes to obtain career rewards in Sims 4? A: To obtain career rewards, players must first enable the cheat code by accessing the options menu and entering the testingcheats true command. Once enabled, players can use the careers.[career name].[reward name] command to get the desired reward.

Q: What are some of the benefits of using cheats in Sims 4? A: Using cheats in Sims 4 can provide players with a more enjoyable gaming experience as they can quickly access rewards or perform tasks without having to spend too much time doing them manually. Additionally, cheat codes can help new players learn how to play the game more quickly and easily.

Q: Are there any challenges faced by gamers when using cheats in Sims 4? A: Yes, one of the main challenges faced by gamers when using cheats is that they may become dependent on them for completing tasks or obtaining rewards which can lead to a less rewarding gaming experience than if they had done it all manually. Additionally, cheats can make it too easy for gamers which could lead to boredom over time.

The Sims 4 Presentation Board Cheat is a powerful tool that can help Sims players get ahead in the game. It allows them to quickly and easily create presentations and share them with others. The cheat also makes it easier to manage large projects, as well as provides additional options for customizing presentations. With the power of the cheat, Sims players can easily take their game to the next level.

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How to complete coursework.

In The Sims 4: Discover University , your Sim will need to pass their classes in order to graduate with their chosen Degree, which includes completing Coursework like written papers and taking exams.

This guide teaches you everything you need to know about How to Complete Coursework in TS4, including writing and submitting papers, taking exams, and creating a presentation.

Click on any of the links below to automatically scroll to that section of this guide:

What is Coursework in The Sims 4?

How to write a term paper, how to take final exam, how to give a presentation.

In the Discover University Expansion Pack, student Sims who have enrolled in a degree will have to attend classes to pass the semester (which lasts a week). Showing up isn't enough, though—it also includes Coursework.

Because university life is so hectic, you will need to make sure your Sim balances work and study because if they're too busy with a job to go to class and complete their Coursework, they won't be able to graduate.

Sims 4 writing.png

To learn more about Degrees, including types and what careers your Sim can go into after graduating, check out our Degrees guide .

There are three types of Coursework:

  • Written Term Paper
  • Presentation

You can view each class your Sim is signed up for and what Coursework they'll need to complete that semester by clicking on the Career tab on your hotbar (or simply press J).

Sims 4 coursework.jpg

To write a Term Paper, your Sim will need access to a PC. Click on the PC, then "University" > "University Coursework" > "Term Paper." Here, you'll see two options: "Write Term Paper" and "Submit Plagiarized Term Paper."

If you want your Sim to get a good grade, don't cheat as it's impossible to get an A with a fake paper. Instead, choose for them to write it themselves.

Sims 4 pc coursework.jpg

After a few hours, your Sim will have produced their first draft. You can choose to hand this in but for a better grade, go back to the PC and click on "Edit Term Paper". Do this multiple times until you get a notification popup that says it is the best it can be. Now you can "Submit Term Paper" from the computer.

In Discover University , doing the Final Exam is easy: your Sim just goes to class on one of the final days of the semester and takes it automatically. But this doesn't mean there isn't work to do, though. If you want your Sim to get a high grade, they need to study.

Click on a PC, then "University" > "University Coursework" > "Study" and then choose the class the Final Exam is for. For a good grade, it's ideal that they study at least twice—the more, the better. They may also need to study for more than one class if multiple have a Final Exam as Coursework so make sure they have enough time to fit it all in!

Sims 4 study.png

It is also a good idea to raise the Skill that the class is tied to; again, the higher the better. You can check this in the Career tab in your hotbar.

This is the most confusing piece of Coursework your Sim is given as the game does not mention what you need to do, leaving you to figure it out for yourself. Upon starting the semester, a Presentation Board will be put in your Sim's inventory which you must place in the world.

Have your Sim interact with the board and "Compile Information." They will spend an hour or two throwing ideas onto the board. You can submit it like this, but if you want a higher grade, you will need to "Refine and Organize" until a popup appears notifying you it's the best it can be.

Sims 4 presentation.png

If you "Practice Presenting," your Sim's Charisma Skill will increase—something that you should ideally make them do a couple of times as it can help with the grade. Once this is done, your Sim will now be ready to hand their Presentation in.

Presentations can only be handed in during school hours: from Monday to Friday between 8AM and 4PM. Your Sim will be in class for a couple of hours while they present.

Sims 4 final presentation.jpg

Homework is separate from Coursework but is just as important. It is a daily task, meaning you'll have to do it for each of your Sim's classes every day. It takes a couple of hours to complete it for each class.

To do Homework, go to your Sim's inventory and you'll see a black and white class book. You can either click it from the inventory itself or place it in the world and then click it, but when you do, homework options for each of your Sim's classes will pop up.

Your Sim will go and sit down somewhere to finish their homework, and their progress can be tracked in the Action Queue on the bottom left. The more homework your Sim does, the better their grade will be for that class at the end of the semester.

Sims 4 homework.png

Now that you know all about How to Complete Coursework in The Sims 4, head on over to our Organizations page to learn all about the student societies your Sim can join.

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i dont think this mod is necessary
i meant i thought EA fixed in a recent patch

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Get Back Your Presentation Board by RevyRei at Mod The Sims

Mod The Sims – Mods / Traits : Get Back Your Presentation Board by RevyRei

Did you lose your presentation board? Now you can get it back by emailing your professor. Click on a computer > University > Email professors about progress… then select the class you lost your presentation board for. You will get a notification about your progress like normal but it will also add another presentation board in your inventory.

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The Sims 4 Discover University: Guide to Academic Success

11 13 19 4 26 20 AM

Presented by EA Game Changers

Getting into university is one thing; excelling in university is quite another. For most people, the joys of university lie in balancing work with pleasure. A little studying here, a little partying there, leading to an overall well-rounded university experience.

This guide is not for the casual university student. This guide will walk you through how to throw yourself completely into your education in order to achieve the best grades (and the best future) possible. Throw away your juice kegs and break out those textbooks because school is all you’re going to know for the next three terms.

For a breakdown on scholarships and applying to university, see our guide, Discover University: Applying to University !

Class Selections

The Sims 4 Discover University: Guide to Academic Success

Of course, it all starts with enrolling and selecting your degree and classes. No matter which degree you pursue, you’ll have to select up to 4 classes per term. Classes change every term so you’ll see new ones available every time you select your classes at the start of term. You can’t change which classes you’ll be taking for your degree; you can only choose the number of classes.

However, Sims have the option of enrolling in 1 elective each term. Electives are fun classes that focus on skills outside of your degree and you will be able to select which elective your Sim will take that term. There are all kinds of electives that span a wide variety of skills. Electives are fully integrated across all packs, so depending on which add-on content you have installed, you may see different electives for skills from different packs.

Electives are optional; your Sim doesn’t need to take any electives at all, but if they do choose to take an elective, they can only take up to 3 other classes. Sims are limited to 4 classes per term in total, so either 4 classes, or 3 classes and 1 elective.

Our recommendation? Take 3 classes and 1 elective every term for maximum academic success. Electives still count as credits towards your degree so taking an elective doesn’t hurt your progress at all, plus your Sim will graduate with a few extra skills thanks to the electives they took.

The Sims 4 Discover University: Guide to Academic Success

One term last 5 working days. There is no way to shorten or lengthen a term. They are fixed periods. Sims can begin a new term anytime during the week, but weekends don’t count as term days. If your Sim starts a new term on a Friday, the term won’t end until Thursday the following week. Starting a new term in the middle of the week can be a good academic strategy for dedicated students because it will give them the weekend to catch up on homework and final assignments.

How many terms your Sim needs to complete in order to graduate is entirely dependent on how many classes they decide to take per term. A Sim needs to earn 12 credits in order to graduate.

Here is the breakdown of how many terms your Sim will need to complete based upon their classes:

  • 4 classes per term = 3 terms (15 working days)
  • 3 classes per term = 4 terms (20 working days)
  • 2 classes per term = 6 terms (30 working days)
  • 1 class per term = 12 terms (60 working days)

These calculations are based on the assumption that your Sim completes the same number of classes every term. It is possible to take a different number of classes each term (4 classes one term, 2 the next term, for example), in which case the number of terms needed to graduate will vary.

Even if a Sim only takes 3 terms to graduate, they will still spend the majority of their young adult life in university; however, unlike past Sims games, your Sims are not trapped on campus with no way to work or live a life outside of university. Sims can live wherever they want, have a job, and raise a family while going to school, so this balances things out. If the length of university is not ideal for your play style, we recommend turning aging off in the game options while your Sim is in university. That way, they don’t lose any time to climb a career ladder or pursue other life goals.

Of course, you will want to be taking 4 classes every term for maximum efficiency. Sims who don’t mind sacrificing their social life and plan to devote all their time to their studies should take a full course load every term.

Attending Classes

The Sims 4 Discover University: Guide to Academic Success

It’s important to actually attend class in order to get the most out of your university education. Missing class will hurt your grades. Sims in the area will autonomously try to get to class a little early. Sims who’ve arrived to class early will wait outside the building with the other early bird students. This can be a good time to get some last minute homework finished or to quickly finish the rest of that coffee and snack you purchased to-go at the cafe vendor.

While your Sim is inside the classroom rabbithole, they will have various options available to them by clicking on their portrait, much like the different work options for inactive careers. Click the class icon on the Sim’s portrait to see the various actions they can take in class. Sims can Actively Listen, Take Notes, Sleep in Class, or Chat with Friends. To get the most out of every class, make sure your Sim is taking notes or actively listening. I’m sure we don’t need to tell you that sleeping in class and chatting with friends are not good ways to improve your grades.

If you’re taking a full course load, it’s likely that your Sim will have more than one class in a day, or even back to back classes. Make sure to check the career panel often to keep track of your class schedule so you can budget your time for homework, finals, and self-care effectively.

Ideally, you will want your Sim to attend every single class with all of their homework completed and taking an active role in the class while they are there. This will ensure your Sim gets the most out of their classes and, in turn, gets the best grades at the end of term.

The Sims 4 Discover University: Guide to Academic Success

Every course your Sim takes has homework due before every class. When your Sim enrolls in university, they are automatically given a homework notebook in their personal inventory. Sims can complete homework for all their classes using this notebook. Homework takes some time to complete, but Sims with high enough Research & Debate skill complete homework faster.

Sims who stay on top of their homework and pay attention in class will get more out of attending classes and it will have a positive impact on their final grade. Always complete homework before every class and actively pay attention in class for maximum academic success.

In addition to homework that must be completed on a regular basis throughout the term, each class also has a final. Finals are very important and worth a large chunk of your grade. Skipping out on your finals will have a big negative impact on your final grade, so make sure you complete all of them.

Each class will have different requirements for its final. Some classes will require your Sim to write a term paper. Others have final exams and presentations. Look at your class schedule in the career panel to see what’s required of each class.

The Sims 4 Discover University: Guide to Academic Success

Exams take place during the last class of the term. If your Sim has done all their homework and attended all their classes, they’re likely to do well on their exam, but Sims can also study for a class using a course book purchased from the university kiosk, a computer, or research station to boost their chances of doing well on their exam.

Don’t miss your final exam! Failing to write the exam results in a big fat zero and will seriously hurt your final grade!

PSST! You can also cheat on your exam by selecting the option on your Sim’s portrait while they’re in the exam… but you would never do that… would you? Getting caught has serious consequences.

Term Papers

The Sims 4 Discover University: Guide to Academic Success

Term papers can be written on the computer under the University menu option. A Sim can write and submit a term paper for a class at any point during the term, so dedicated Sims might want to get these out of the way early.

Term papers take a long time to complete, but Sims with high enough Research & Debate skill complete term papers faster. The first draft of a term paper is usually poor quality. Your Sim can submit poor quality term papers, but f they want the best grade, they should spend some time editing their paper before they submit it.

Term papers can be edited until they are outstanding quality. You’ll receive a notification telling you that your term paper won’t benefit from any further editing once your Sim has increased its quality to outstanding. Scrolling over the term paper option in the computer’s menu will tell you the quality of the term paper.

When your Sim is satisfied with the quality of their paper, they can submit it using the computer.

PSST! You can also plagiarize your term papers by selecting the plagiarize option on the computer… but you would never do that… would you? Getting caught has serious consequences.


The Sims 4 Discover University: Guide to Academic Success

Your Sim will receive a presentation board in their personal inventory at the start of term for any classes that have a presentation requirement as their final. Presentations function similar to term papers; your Sim will need to compile all of their material on the board, then refine the presentation board until it’s suitable to present in class.

To start, drag the presentation board out of your Sim’s inventory and into the world somewhere, then choose the Capture Information option on the board. Your Sim will spend some time compiling all their material for their presentation onto the board. When they’ve finished, they will have a poor quality presentation board. You can see the board’s quality by hovering over it.

Sims can improve the quality of their presentation by refining and organizing it, and asking other Sims for feedback on their presentation. They can also practice their presentation. Practicing presentations builds the Charisma skill. Once the board cannot be improved any further, you will receive a notification informing you that your Sim’s presentation board looks great and that continuing to fiddle with it won’t improve it any more.

When your Sim is satisfied with the quality of their presentation, they can go to class with the presentation board in their inventory and present it. Presentations do not take place during regular classes; your Sim must click on the class rabbithole and select the presentation option. Presentations can only be given during the day. Your Sim won’t be able to present in the middle of the night.

Final Grades & Starting a New Term

The Sims 4 Discover University: Guide to Academic Success

If your Sim has done all their homework, attended every class as an active participant, and completed all their finals with outstanding quality, they should have no trouble getting an A+ grade in every class. However, perfect grades don’t come easy. You’ll find that your Sim has little to no time for extracurricular activities, organizations, or socialising when they are taking 4 classes and trying to achieve an A+ grade in every single one of them. University is definitely a rewarding challenge in The Sims 4 , just like in the real world.

Since grades aren’t given out until the end of term, it’s up to your Sim to take a proactive approach to finding out how they’re doing in their classes. They can visit their professors during their office hours or email them on the computer to get an idea of how they’re performing in their classes and how they can improve.

Once all coursework has been submitted, your Sim will be free to enjoy themselves (for once) while their final grades are being processed. Once the final grades are in, you’ll receive a popup with all your final grades for each class, as well as your overall GPA.

From there, you can choose to enroll in another term right away, or take some time off before starting a new term. If your Sim has any scholarships, they must enroll in a new term immediately or they will lose their scholarships. Tuition costs for the new term will be handled at this point as well. Sims can pay with household funds or take out a loan to pay any tuition costs for the new term that scholarships don’t cover.

Your Sim will also be given the opportunity to make different housing arrangements at the start of each new term. They can choose to stay wherever they are currently living, or move somewhere else. This change does not happen right away. Your Sim will have about a day left in their old residence, which gives them an opportunity to pack up any personal items they may have purchased for their living space. A small “Packing Up” event will occur a couple hours before the move to remind your Sim to gather up their things, too.

As long as your Sim continues on the path to success they started in their first term, all their future terms are bound to result in perfect A+ grades across the board. Keep doing that homework, working on those finals, and paying attention in class!

Have any tips of your own for academic success? Share them with us in the comments or come chat with us on social media!

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A cranky old lady who prefers the company of cats and Sims over people. Occasionally peeks out from her lair long enough to chuck Sims articles at innocent bystanders.

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Get Back Your Presentation Board

sims 4 presentation board cheat

This mod still seems to do it’s job but since the resources it uses have been updated multiple times, you should not use it. You can try using it at your own risk to get a new board but after you did so, please remove the mod again

Did you lose your presentation board? Me too. Now you can get it back by emailing your professor. Click on a computer>University>Email professors about progress…then select the class you lost your presentation board for. You will get a notification about your progress like normal but it will also add another presentation board in your inventory.

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Sims 4 Seasons Cheats

The Sims 4 Discover University Cheats

Adding or removing degrees, career levels, and skills.

The Sims 4 Discover University Cheats

The campus of the University of Britechester. Foxbury is a more modern technical school.

The Sims 4 Discover University releases November 15, 2019 on PC/Mac, and will arrive December 17 for console players. This guide to cheating should work for both platforms. Using trait, career, and skill cheats you're able to boost your Sim in a number of ways -- even giving them a degree they never attended school to earn.

Career Cheats

Discover University comes with three new Careers . First, there's Engineering which has a Computer and Mechanical Engineering branch. Law has Judge and Private Attorney branches, while Education has Administrative and Professor branches. Each of these can be promoted with Careers.promote - so you'd use:

  • Careers.Promote Education - to boost your Teacher/Professor .
  • Careers.Promote Engineering - to boost your Mechanical or Computer Engineer.
  • Careers.Promote Law - to boost your Judge or Private Attorney.

Skill Cheats

As usual, you can use the Stats.Set_Skill_Level cheat on Discover University's new skills. They are Research and Debate and the Robotics Skill . Both are extremely useful. In order to set your skill level use:

  • Stats.Set_Skill_Level Major_Robotics # - replacing # with the level you want.
  • Stats.set_Skill_level Major_ResearchDebate # also works.

Enroll in University

If you shift-click your Sim with testingcheats on you can access a sadly very empty University Debug Menu where you can click, 'Enroll in University' to be immediately taken to the enrollment screen.

Join or Leave University Organizations (Requires Mod)

You require All Cheats Mod in order to do this, but it is indeed possible to join University Organizations with a cheat. I luckikly invistigated and stumbled upon it. To do this, you need to use Sims.Get_Sim_ID_By_Name YourSimFirstName YourSimLastName - The ID will appear in the window. Now you can use cheats to join the organizations. If you're already in, this will toggle and kick you out.

You can copy/paste the first part of the code, then use the SimID in the cheat console. Just be very careful about typing this ID correctly. This is a more advanced cheat and must be done perfectly.

  • Loot.Apply_To_Sim Loot_Organization_JoinOrQuit_Art SimID - Join Britechester's Art Society
  • Loot.Apply_To_Sim Loot_Organization_JoinOrQuit_Debate SimID - Join Britechester's Debate Guild
  • Loot.Apply_To_Sim Loot_Organization_JoinOrQuit_Prank SimID - Join Britechester's Spirit Corps
  • Loot.Apply_To_Sim Loot_Organization_JoinOrQuit_Party SimID - Join Foxbury's Spirit Corps
  • Loot.Apply_To_Sim Loot_Organization_JoinOrQuit_Honor SimID - Join Foxbury's Study Group (Honor Society)
  • Loot.Apply_To_Sim Loot_Organization_JoinOrQuit_Robotics SimID - Join Foxbury's Robotics Society.
  • Loot.Apply_To_Sim Loot_Organization_JoinOrQuit_Secret SimID - Join the Secret Society (either Univeristy) also known as Order of Enchantment.

Rank Up University Organization Cheats (No Mod Needed)

Someone asked, and I did discover that it's possible to when already joined give Sims Organization rank ups by using a cheat. You use stats.set_stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_Debate 166 to set Debate guild to Rank 2 (166 is the break point), 333 for rank 3. For your copy/paste pleasure, I've listed them all out here. On Pc/Mac it's possible to join with a cheat if you use the AllCheats Mod (see above) but if you do not want to use a mod you can just ask a member - go to one of their meetings by using the organization events schedule at the kiosk.

Here are all organizations. Bear in mind which School you're in, as both have their own set of organizations and it may be unwise to use a code for the rival school. If you fail to follow instructions and join your Sim to a group this way (it doesn't show in the organizations panel) you may break your ability to join legitimately.

  • Stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_ArtSociety 1 - Level 1 of Britechester Art Society (if Joined).
  • Stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_ArtSociety 1 - Level 2 of Britechester Art Society (if Joined).
  • Stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_ArtSociety 1 - Level 3 of Britechester Art Society (if Joined).
  • Stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_Debate 1 - Level 1 of Britechester Debate Guild (if Joined).
  • Stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_Debate 166 - Level 2 of Britechester Debate Guild (if Joined).
  • Stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_Debate 333 - Level 3 of Britechester Debate Guild (if Joined).
  • Stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_HonorSociety 1 - Level 1 of Foxbury SHonor Society (if Joined).
  • Stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_HonorSociety 166 - Level 2 of Foxbury Honor Society (if Joined).
  • Stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_HonorSociety 333 - Level 3 of Foxbury Honor Society (if Joined).
  • Stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_Robotics 1 - Level 1 of Foxbury's Robotics Club (if Joined).
  • Stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_Robotics 166 - Level 2 of Foxbury's Robotics Club (if Joined).
  • Stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_Robotics 333 - Level 3 of Foxbury's Robotics Club (if Joined).
  • Stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_SchoolSpirit_Prank 1 - Level 1 of Britechester School Spirit (if Joined).
  • Stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_SchoolSpirit_Prank 166 - Level 2 of Britechester School Spirit (if Joined).
  • Stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_SchoolSpirit_Prank 333 - Level 3 of Britechester School Spirit (if Joined).
  • Stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_SchoolSpirit_Party 1 - Level 1 of Foxbury's Spirit Society (if Joined)
  • Stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_SchoolSpirit_Party 166 - Level 2 of Foxbury's Spirit Society (if Joined)
  • Stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_SchoolSpirit_Party 333 - Level 3 of Foxbury's Spirit Society (if Joined)
  • Stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_SecretSociety 1 - Level 1 of Secret Society/Order of Enchantment (if Joined)
  • Stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_SecretSociety 166 - Level 2 of Secret Society/Order of Enchantment (if Joined)
  • Stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_SecretSociety 333 - Level 3 of Secret Society/Order of Enchantment (if Joined)

Spawn Crafting Supplies

I noticed that with TestingCheats On , when I shift-click the robotics table, it gives me the option to "Spawn Crafting Supplies". This will give you 50 of everything in the currently selected Sim's inventory. A very nice time saver if you're already cheating and don't want to have to spam building these to add a Servo or Fixer bot to your household.

University Cheats (Requires Mod)

There are a ton of cheats that can be used with TwistedMexi's All Cheats Mod . The commands all start with University. I'll list them below and what they appear to do for you. Some are just informative.

  • University.Finish_Term - this one will instantly finish the term and allow you to sign up for another.
  • University.Graduate - Instantly makes you a graduate with current or perfect GPA. I can't tell becuase my student is awesome.
  • University.Accept_all_Degrees - This cheat allows you to join distinguished programs you're not qualified for.
  • University.Award_all_Degrees - Gives your Sim every degree. It appears they are all non-distinguished, however.

Degree Cheats Without Mod

Award yourself all degrees in The Sims 4 Discover University with cheats

You can have every degree without mods if you feel like cheating them in!

Why is this last? Because it's extremely long. I'm going to list out how you can get a distinguished degree for every major in Discover University. If you want a regular one, you can switch up between BA/BS to get the normal variant from the other School.

Use Traits.Equip_Trait to add the degree to your Sim (they're simply traits, but have their own special slot on your Simology panel). Now, when you join a career, you'll get every bonus any graduate would get because the game simply looks to see the traits you have.

Here's a listing in order of degree type. Realize there are four for every degree, but you only need one. Every BA comes from Britechester, and every BS comes from Foxbury. For Arts schools (anything Britechester) the best degree is going to be a BA Honors while for tech and sciences the best will be BS Honors. This means you have a Bachelor's in Science and graduated with Honors.

Why am I listing them all? Because it's an easy copy paste and you may enjoy having the granular control over where you graduated. I'll make minor notes on a few of these to make sure it's understood. I'm making it so you can copy/paste these fairly easily and also including links to degree specifics .

  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_ArtHistoryDegreeBA
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_ArtHistoryDegreeBAHonors - The best Art History degree , from Britechester.
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_ArtHistoryDegreeBS - so this would be from Foxbury, as arts distinguished is from Britechester.
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_ArtHistoryDegreeBSHonors
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_BartenderDegree - ???
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_BiologyDegreeBA
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_BiologyDegreeBAHonors - non-distinguished, but you graduated with honors from Foxbury.
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_BiologyDegreeBS
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_BiologyDegreeBSHonors - The best Biology degree , from Foxbury.
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_CommunicationsDegreeBA
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_CommunicationsDegreeBAHonors - The best Communications degree , from Britechester.
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_CommunicationsDegreeBS - got a basic degree from Foxbury, but without honors.
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_CommunicationsDegreeBSHonors
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_ComputerScienceDegreeBA
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_ComputerScienceDegreeBAHonors
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_ComputerScienceDegreeBS
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_ComputerScienceDegreeBSHonors - The best Computer Science degree , from Foxbury.
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_CulinaryArtsDegreeBA
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_CulinaryArtsDegreeBAHonors - The best Culinary Arts degree, from Britechester.
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_CulinaryArtsDegreeBS
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_CulinaryArtsDegreeBSHonors
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_DramaDegreeBA
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_DramaDegreeBAHonors - The best Drama degree , from Britechester.
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_DramaDegreeBS
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_DramaDegreeBSHonors
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_EconomicsDegreeBA
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_EconomicsDegreeBAHonors
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_EconomicsDegreeBS
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_EconomicsDegreeBSHonors - The best Economics degree , from Foxbury.
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_FineArtDegreeBA
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_FineArtDegreeBAHonors - The best Fine Arts degree, From Britechester.
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_FineArtDegreeBS
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_FineArtDegreeBSHonors
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_HistoryDegreeBA
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_HistoryDegreeBAHonors - The best History degree , from Britechester.
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_HistoryDegreeBS
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_HistoryDegreeBSHonors
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_LanguageAndLiteratureDegreeBA
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_LanguageAndLiteratureDegreeBAHonors - The best Language and Literature degree, from Britechester.
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_LanguageAndLiteratureDegreeBS
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_LanguageAndLiteratureDegreeBSHonors
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_PhysicsDegreeBA
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_PhysicsDegreeBAHonors
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_PhysicsDegreeBS
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_PhysicsDegreeBSHonors - The best Physics degree , from Foxbury.
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_PsychologyDegreeBA
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_PsychologyDegreeBAHonors
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_PsychologyDegreeBS
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_PsychologyDegreeBSHonors - The best Psychology degree, from Foxbury.
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_VillainyDegreeBA
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_VillainyDegreeBAHonors
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_VillainyDegreeBS
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_VillainyDegreeBSHonors - The best Villainy degree , from Foxbury.

sims 4 presentation board cheat

Other Discover University Guides

  • Discover University Features Guide
  • Discover University Cheats
  • Degrees in Discover University
  • Education Career - Professor or Administrative
  • Engineering Career - Mechanical or Computer
  • Law Career - Private Attorney or Judge
  • Discover University Review
  • Gameplay Features Guide (Robotics, Secret Society) Video
  • New Video Making a Better Student Video Guide
  • Research and Debate Skill - Convince Others & Debate Guild
  • Robotics and Cybernetics
  • Student Organizations (University Groups)
  • New Lot Traits : Study Spot and University Student Hang Out
  • The Secret Society of Britechester

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sims 4 presentation board cheat

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Comments (47).


Awesome! Are there cheats to enroll without waiting the several sim days for your acceptance letter? Will they be added here if so?

Also are there cheats for the secret society membership/levels? Do you know if you can join without being enrolled in uni / still be a member after graduation?


I just added in the cheats for those. They were a bit more time consuming to find, so I had to work on other things. I figured the joining might need a mod as there weren't any new commands for that, and it would appear I am right. You can, however, rank up with a cheat without mods and I've made those copy-pasteable in order to help people out with that.


yup! if you shift click your sim, a debug menu appears. press on university and then "enroll in university" and you'll enroll immediately without having to apply and wait a few days.


Is there a cheat to change a Sim back into a human, because the game literally just changed one of my existing Sims into a ROBOT


Try mc command centre mod?

While we're at it, are there cheats to join and for ranks in the university organizations?


Are there cheats to enter build mode on student dorms?


bb.enablefreebuild should work!


hey ! I don't know if this is common knowledge but there is a cheat for promoting ur class grade in the term. careers.promote university_courseslot_a/b/c/d depending what term you are in I believe ! and it seems to work for all the classes u take at once.


If I enter a, will it be an a+? can I just enter a+?

Nevermind, I read it wrong. Oops.


Great site, I want to thank you for all your great content. Now, I'm can't get the traits to work. I'm inputting

Traits_Equip_Trait trait_university_historydegreeBSHonors

and it won't works is there something I'm missing. Thanks


Have you enabled 'testingcheats on' and have the correct sim selected with your game paused when using the cheat?


Hey, I just thought I'd add that if you can remove degrees by using these same cheats but changing "Equip" to "Remove". Happy Simming everyone!


Are you asking this as a question or saying you can actually do it I can't tell lol I have a sim where I went through Language/Lit degree at UBrite and now want to try it again with the same sim and a group of premade roomates. They all have varying skills/points/jobs I want to get rid of. I tried your suggestion a bunch of times replacing Equip with Remove and it didn't work. I so wish there was a cheat to just wipe a sim clean of everything. Or that once you upload to gallery it wiped them clean and treated them as a template. I feel like the whole gallery concept is kind of whack if sims come with a ton of baggage when you just want to start fresh. We need to be able to use sims as template without being tied to their previous play history. I've spent most of today googling how to remove this and that. Sorry had to rant lol

NStella you should have a copy of your Sim in your Library as the game forces you to save any Sim you make before you can place them into the worlds.

If you have Get To Work make a clone of your sim using the cloning machine that came with the Active Scientist Career then you will have a copy of your sim with no skills. You can just save your played Sim to your Library, download them into a new game with another sim you quickly make to be your Scientist - cheat them to max career level and then buy the cloning machine. Clone your played Sim then save take the household into CAS delete the played sim and the scientist sim leaving the brand new clone and so save them, as a single sim household - and so now you have your blank-slate template Sim for any future games.


Is there a way to stop spirits of annoying you after you leave the secret society?

Yes enable testingcheats on followed by

traits.remove_trait trait_CollegeOrganization_SecretSociety_Member

Bug Report here, go add a "me Too' Bug Report


So, my sims graduated with their degrees and havce the Academic aspiration to complete. They both went to school to get into the educational career paths, but their aspiration goal of "Get a Job Using a Degree" is still not fulfilled, even though their degrees were for that specific career path. Thoughts? Suggestions?


I'd just use a cheat to complete the last aspiration requirement. Nothing more you can do unless you roll back to an earlier save and replay.

testingcheats on

followed by



I had this happen to me.

If you are currently employed, please quit your current job. Then Get a Job again with your phone or computer.

This should fix it


I unfortunately can’t get any of these cheats to work

They are all working for me so check for typos etc


They don't work for me either. Have you found a solution?


Do you have testing cheats on? Not to be rude, I forget to do it sometimes.


make sure you put the cheats folder into the mods folder of ts4, and have script mods enabled in game options


Hi can you please help me so my sim is part of the brainiacs organization and my sim is unable for some reason to complete visit office hours. I visited office hours more than once and the task just wont complete and i tried your honor society rank cheat and nothing is working. My sim is stuck as a stupid new member of brainiacs and his almost done with his course.

Sounds similar to this bug So maybe hop over to the Bug Forum and leave a Me Too or a comment.


Made a whoops and moved my Sim into a new home right after attending graduation. She has her degree in her inventory, but she doesn't have the trait from her Physics degree and only starts at entry level in the engineering job. I can't reenroll her to get the degree because the game says she already has it. I tried using the cheat to equip the trait but it doesn't work. No typos (tried multiple times, copy/pasted), she's the only sim in the household, and testingcheats was on. Help!

I've found that when the degree cheats seems to not work that quitting and restarting your game can help or going and temporarily playing another family for a few minutes then going back to your main Sim and trying the cheat again seems to make it work.


If you put Stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_Debate 777  you'll get Level 3 of Britechester Debate Organization (if Joined).


I’m having an issue where my sim’s partner moved in whilst studying a degree. When they move in, it says the degree is finished with no more classes to study (they have a B- every time this happens, for some reason) but the sim doesn’t seem to have graduated as they cannot enrol in university (even using the testingcheats shift+click to enrol them - it allows them to go through the process and takes their money, but no classes etc). I was hoping that I might be able to remove this using the equip/remove traits cheat but no joy. These sims are also unable to get the head start in their career as they don’t seem to have graduated. Is anyone else having this problem and does anyone have any tips for sorting it out?

There are many issues around merging and moving households while enrolled in uni. Sadly the only way to correct this might be to roll back to a previous save before your Sims moved in together.


Since you listed the non-cheat source of the bartender degree as ???, I figured I'd add the tiny bit of info I have on it in case it helps.

  • It's actually a smaller certification instead of a full degree.
  • I got it by taking the §250 skill classes in mixology over and over again. I found a few people saying they got it through electives (sometimes even ones not related to mixology, which is probably a bug) but I haven't been able to make that happen yet in my game, so I can't vouch for it.
  • Unfortunately, I didn't write down the exact number of classes I took. I'd guess it was about 10 though.
  • I maxed mixology a few classes before I got the certificate. Not sure if that's a requirement.
  • All of this was when I wasn't enrolled in university any more.

No clue why they made this one degree completely different from the others and (as far as I know) didn't add anything in-game to let you know it even exists unless you stumble into it, but it definitely is attainable.

I'm pretty sure you need to take 11 skill classes in Mixology to get the certificate


Hello, I’m having some issues with my presentation boards for the communications degree. I have two sims working on their degrees and living on campus at the same time. One is communications, one is art history. When I re-enrolled for a term the arts degree had this presentation board but the communications degree was missing 2 needed for courses. Does anyone know a mod free way to get these back? I feel like I’ve tried everything.

Sounds like this bug Presentation Board Missing Bug If you think it's the same add a 'Me Too' to the report. I'm not aware of any work-arounds so you might have to roll back to one of the older auto saves and hope they are before the bug occurred.

How To - Recover Saves (click)


please help, none of these cheats are working for me at all and yes i do have testing.cheats on!!!!

Sadly you've not told me any details that I can use to try to help. All the cheats are working for me as normal in my game so perhaps you have made some typos or are trying to use the particular University cheats that require a specific mod? Go back through the guide and see if you are needing a mod, if so the link for twistedmexis mod is also there in the guide for you. If you still can't get the cheats to work and need more help let me know which cheats in particular are not working for you and what you've tried to do to make them work.


Some of the cheats require this mod to work properly: TwistedMexi's All Cheats Mod. If you had read the accompanying text you would have seen the link for his mod. This is different from "testingcheats on".


I'm trying to use the cheat that unlocks distinguished degrees, and it doesn't seem to be working. I did turn on testingcheats. Is there a waiting period like when you apply to a university, or do you have to do it before applying? (I know there's no typos since I copied and pasted it right from the website).

Sometimes you have to load another household then go back to the original household for the degree to have registered after using the cheat. Or just use the cheat, save, quit and then reload your game. No idea why this cheat sometimes doesn't seem to register initially but after loading another household and then returning to your original Sim you cheated with...the degree will be there above their Traits UI.


Is there a cheat to remove a degree/all degrees?

Thank you! =D


This is 2 years late but incase it helps somebody else with the same question you can remove degrees with MCCC by just right clicking on the degree shown in the simology tab.

I feel like I'm the only one for whom it doesn't work. I got the mod it shows up but I have no clue if it does anything I wasn't missing any cheat and my university students are still stuck


This picture doesn't tell me what you are trying to cheat so I have no way to guess what to try to help you with. Your sim has a degree so something must have worked! If you are trying to cheat to change the degree in the picture you can't...once a sim has a degree you can't cheat to alter that gained degree. You can cheat on different degrees that your sim hasn't completed.


I have two sims in both colleges will they graduate if I leave them and go to a regular household?

Most probably not or at the very best they will gain a very low score. So a C pass.


Does anyone know a cheat to spawn a diploma? I don't even know how i lost them, but now i feel bad that i don't have them.

They might be in the debug buy menu. I haven't looked but I'd assume you'd find at least a generic one in there.

So testingcheats on followed by bb.showhiddenobjects and scroll past all the normal game play items and you'll start seeing the debug items...then you'll just have to go looking!


This worked, thank you


I'm not 100% sure which mod it is but I have UI cheat extension and

MC Command Center and when I hold shift and click on a sim and go to the university tab theres an option to 'add a diploma' that works.


To increase GPA:

Careers.promote university_courseslot_A

Repeat with B, C, D

Sim will graduate with A+ in every course.

If this cheat works it's going to mean a lot more fun times for my Sim while they are at uni


The enroll in university cheat WORKS ON CHILDREN AND TEENS! So it's totally possible to have little savants attending university so long as you also make sure they aren't enrolled in their normal schooling with the help of mods.

TEENS have full access to all university menus on the computer and in general, and their gameplay is indistinguishable from an adult sims options.

CHILDREN do not have access to the university menu on computers, so they cannot do things such as write a term paper, but they can still attend class and take exams. I do not know if they can make a presentation board.


I've been getting degree tracker LE's since doing Uni cheats with the mod. It just happens once and I can play the game without a problem. I've been told the only way to fix it is to either rollback my game or migrate all of my Sims and builds to another save file.

Have you heard of this happening and if so, do you know of any fixes for it besides the ones mentioned above?

You don't mention which mod you are using so it's hard to tell. Either way LE's can be ignored, if your game is running and performing as expected, in many cases. But if possible go to the modders site and report the LE to allow them the chance to fix the error in their code. I definitely would not quit a save just because of one random LE file that hasn't impacted your game play. I play with a lot of mods and apart from checking the LE here (click) I report it to the modder and just continue playing.

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A Deeper Game

The past month, I've spent every day tinkering The Sims 4, making quality of life improvements, gameplay changes, and new difficulty settings for the game. If you'd like to learn more about my project, visit the post on Patreon where you can download it now.

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Secrets and Other New Stuff

New - Secrets I have a new guide to secrets in the game . If you prefer, you can also watch a video about secrets in Sims 4 .

Nifty Knitting is now available. Learn all about the stuff pack on my guide page here .

New features in the Sims 4 June 2020 The Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle Guide Eco Footprint: How it Works Neighborhood Action Plans How to Cheat in Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle Civil Designer Career Insect Farms & Bio Fuel Fabrication Skill in Eco Lifestyle Juice Fizzing NEW Traits and Aspirations in DLC Gameplay Ideas for Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle

Updated Trait Cheats Updated Traits List Updated Aspirations List Updated

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Sims 4 packs & dlc.

  • Expansion Packs
  • City Living
  • Discover University
  • Get Famous Expansion
  • Get to Work Pack
  • Island Living Expansion
  • Get Together Pack
  • Pets: Cats and Dogs
  • Snowy Escape
  • Star Wars: Journey to Batuu
  • Outdoor Retreat GP
  • Spa Day Game Pack
  • Dine Out Game Pack
  • Jungle Adventure Game Pack
  • Parenthood Game Pack
  • Realm of Magic Game Pack
  • Strangerville
  • Vampires Game Pack
  • Cool Kitchen Stuff
  • Kids Room Stuff
  • Luxury Party Stuff
  • Movie Hangout Stuff
  • Nifty Knitting Stuff
  • Perfect Patio Stuff
  • Romantic Garden Stuff
  • Spooky Stuff

Super Sim Checklist + Other News

This is inspired by a new series in which I start at toddler and gradually take on the major bonuses. Here's a link to the full playlist!

I now have a guide page to Tiny Living Stuff where you can learn about Murphy Beds, the new death, as well as the lot bonuses you'll receive if you manage to keep the size of your lot down with this new pack's Tiny Home Lot Type.

Let's Play Playlist

Super Sim Gameplay in The Sims 4

New I now have a guide to Making Super Sims in The Sims 4 . Look for a text version within the next 72h. It won't have THAT much more info but it will help out as a checklist.

This was inspired by a series, "Let's Play a Super Sim" in which I start at toddler and gradually take on the major bonuses. Here's a link to each part for people who are interested. You can also see the Let's Play as a Playlist on Youtube .

Latest Videos and Guides

  • Sims 4 Ultimate Gameplay Tips Video
  • Lot Traits Updated for all DLC
  • 10 Objects that Add Gameplay to The Sims 4
  • 10+ Mods That Add or Improve Gameplay in The Sims 4
  • Spells List Updated & Info on Charge
  • Around the World of Glimmerbrook
  • Sims 4 Realm of Magic is Available Now. Here’s My Opinion On the Pack
  • The Sims 4 Realm of Magic Features Deep-Dive
  • Tutorial: Using The Sims 4’s New Stair Customization Tool

Discover University Expansion

The Sims 4 Discover University Expansion Pack

The Sims 4 Discover University has been announced for November 15 for PC/Mac and December 17 for Xbox and Playstation 4 consoles. Click to learn more about the pack, see my summary of the livestream or read our FAQs below.

  • New Career Law Career
  • New Video Discover University Review
  • New Video The Sims 4 Discover University Super Student
  • New Engineering Career - Mechanical or Computer
  • NEW Student Organizations (University Groups)
  • Updated! Discover University Cheats
  • Updated : Degrees Guide now also features a Scholarships List
  • Education Career - Professor or Administrator?

Other Guides to Discover University: New Lot Traits : Study Spot and University Student Hang Out New: Discover University FAQ: Gameplay Features

The Sims 4 Discover University Gameplay Review and Tips

More videos coming soon!

Realm of Magic

  • Realm of Magic Guides
  • Alchemy Guide with Potions List
  • New Aspirations in Realm of Magic: Purveyor of Potions and Spellcraft and Sorcery
  • Curses Guide
  • Realm of Magic Review Video
  • Magical Bloodline and Caster Offspring
  • Realm of Magic Cheats
  • Spellcasters in Realm of Magic
  • Sims 4 Cheats
  • Carl's Guides

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A Sim typing on a computer while another contemplates love

All The Sims 4 Cheats, Listed

Image of Amanda Kay Oaks

Using cheats in The Sims is a time-honored tradition, and The Sims 4 certainly has plenty to offer. Whether you need to earn cash fast or keep that needy Sim happy, here are all known Sims 4 cheats and what they do.

How to Enable Cheats in Sims 4

What is the cheat for 9999999 money in sims 4, what are the cheats for skills in the sims 4, what is the free real estate cheat for the sims 4, all other cheats for the sims 4.

Sims 4 Cheats Enabled

Before you can take full control of your Sims lives by breaking their reality, you’ll need to ensure that cheats are enabled in Sims 4. To do this, you’ll need to open up the cheat console.

On PC, do this by hitting CTRL + SHIFT + C. A textbox will appear at the top of your screen. Type testingcheats true into this box and hit enter.

On consoles, you’ll need to press all four triggers on your controller at once. This will pull up the cheats textbox, where you will enter testingcheats true to enable cheats. You’ll get a dialogue box noting that “Cheats are enabled” which confirms you’re ready to go.

Once you do this, you should be able to enter any of the cheat codes listed here and receive the desired result. A quick note – some cheats may not work on console.

All Cheats for The Sims 4, Listed

No matter what you’re trying to accomplish quickly, there’s probably a cheat code for that in The Sims 4. Here is every known cheat and what it will do for you.

Remember, you’ll need to make sure you enable testing cheats before using these codes. Then, pull up the cheats bar and enter the specific cheat code you want to use.

Sims talking about Simoleons in The Sims 4

Making money in Sims 4 is simple if you know the Unlimited Money cheat code. Simply open up the cheats menu and type in: money [insert amount]

You can type any amount for this code, but 9,999,999 is the maximum number of Simoleons you can cash in at once.

Looking to level up your Sim’s skills fast? Look no further than these skills cheats for The Sims 4.

Make sure you’re playing with the Sim whose skills you want to improve as your currently active Sim before you hop into the cheats menu to ensure the code is applied to them.

Base Game Skills Cheat Codes

Cheat CodeWhat it Does
stats.set_skill_level Major_Charisma 10Set Charisma Skill to 10
stats.set_skill_level Major_Comedy 10Set Comedy Skill to 10
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Toddler_Communication 5Sets Toddler Sim’s Communication Skill to 5
stats.set_skill_level Major_HomestyleCooking 10Sets Cooking Skill to 10
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Creativity 10Sets Child Sim’s Creativity Skill to 10
stats.set_skill_level Major_GourmetCooking 10Sets Gourmet Cooking Skill to 10
stats.set_skill_level Major_Fishing 10Sets Fishing Skill to 10
stats.set_skill_level Fitness 10Sets Fitness Skill to 10
stats.set_skill_level Major_Gardening 10Sets Gardening Skill to 10
stats.set_skill_level Major_Guitar 10Sets Guitar Skill to 10
stats.set_skill_level Major_Handiness 10Sets Handiness Skill to 10
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Toddler_Imagination 5Sets Toddler Sim’s Imagination Skill to 5
stats.set_skill_level Major_Logic 10Sets Logic Skill to 10
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Mental 10Sets Child Sim’s Mental Skill to 10
stats.set_skill_level Major_Mischief 10Sets Mischief Skill to 10
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Motor 10Sets Child Sim’s Motor Skill to 10
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Toddler_Movement 5Sets Toddler Sim’s Movement Skill to 5
stats.set_skill_level Major_Bartending 10Sets Mixology Skill to 10
stats.set_skill_level Major_Painting 10Sets Painting Skill to 10
stats.set_skill_level Major_Photography 10Sets Photography Skill to 10
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Toddler_Potty 3Sets Toddler Sim’s Potty Skill to 3
stats.set_skill_level Major_Programming 10Sets Programming Skill to 10
stats.set_skill_level Major_Rocket Science 10Sets Rocket Science Skill to 10
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Social 10Sets Child Sim’s Social Skill to 10
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Toddler_Thinking 5Sets Toddler Sim’s Thinking Skill to 5
stats.set_skill_level Major_Video Gaming 10Sets Video Gaming Skill to 10

Sims 4 DLC-Specific Skills Cheat Codes

Cheat CodeWhat it Does
stats.set_skill_level Major_Acting 10Sets Acting Skill to 10

(Requires Get Famous)
stats.set_skill_level Horse_Agility 10 [Horse’s ID Number]Sets Specified Horse’s Agility to 10

(Requires Horse Ranch)
stats.set_skill_level Major_Archaeology 10Sets Archaeology Skill to 10

(Requires Jungle Adventure)
stats.set_skill_level Major_Baking 10Sets Baking Skill to 10

(Requires Get to Work)
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Bowling 5Sets Bowling Skill to 5

(Requires Bowling Night)
stats.set_skill_level Skill_CrossStich 5Sets Cross-stich Skill to 5

(Requires Cottage Living)
stats.set_skill_level Minor_Dancing 5Sets Dancing Skill to 5

(Requires Get Together)
stats.set_skill_level Major_DJ Mixing 10Sets DJ Mixing Skill to 10

(Requires Get Together)
stats.set_skill_level Major_Horse_Endurance 10 [Horse’s ID Number]Sets Specified Horse’s Endurance to 10

(Requires Horse Ranch)
stats.set_skill_level_ Minor_Entrepreneur 5Sets Entrepreneur Skill to 5

(Requires High School Years)
stats.set_skill_level Major_FabricationSets Fabrication Skill to 10

(Requires Eco Lifestyle)
stats.set_skill_level Major_FlowerArranging 10 Sets Flower Arranging Skill to 10

(Requires Seasons)
stats.set_skill_level Major_Gemology 10Sets Gemology Skill to 10

(Requires Crystal Creations)
stats.set_skill_level Major_Herbalism 10Sets Herbalism Skill to 10

(Requires Outdoor Retreat)
stats.set_skill_level Major_EquestrianSkill 10Sets Horse Riding Skill to 10

(Requires Horse Ranch)
stats.set_skill_level Minor_JuiceFizzing 5Sets Juice Fizzing Skill to 5

(Require Eco Living)
stats.set_skill_level Horse_Jumping 10 [Horse’s ID Number]Sets Specified Horse’s Jumping to 10

(Requires Horse Ranch)
stats.set_skill_level Major_Knitting 10Sets Knitting Skill to 10

(Requires Nifty Knitting)
stats.set_skill_level Minor_Media 5Sets Media Production Skill to 5

(Requires Get Famous)
stats.set_skill_level Minor_Medium 5Sets Medium Skill to 5

(Requires Paranormal Stuff)
stats.set_skill_level Minor_RanchNectar 5Sets Nectar Making Skill to 5

(Requires Horse Ranch)
stats.set_skill_level Major_Parenting 10Sets Parenting Skill to 10

(Requires Parenthood)
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Dog 5Sets Pet Training Skill to 5

(Requires Cats and Dogs)
stats.set_skill_level Major_PipeOrgan 10Sets Pipe Organ Skill to 10

(Requires Vampires)
stats.set_skill_level Major_ResearchDebate 10Sets Research & Debate Skill to 10

(Requires Discover University)
stats.set_skill_level Major_Robotics 10Sets Robotics Skill to 10

(Requires Discover University)
stats.set_skill_level Rock Climbing 10Sets Rock Climbing Skill to 10

(Requires Snowy Escape)
stats.set_skill_level Minor_LocalCulture 5Sets Selvadorian Culture Skill to 5

(Requires Jungle Adventure)
stats.set_skill_level Major_Singing 10Sets Singing Skill to 10

(Requires City Living)
stats.set_skill_level Major_SkiingSets Skiing Skill to 10

(Requires Snowy Escape)
stats.set_skill_level Major_Temperament 10 [Horse’s ID Number]Sets Specified Horse’s Temperament to 10

(Requires Horse Ranch)
stats.set_skill_level Major_Vet 10Sets Vet Skill to 10

(Requires Cats and Dogs)
stats.set_skill_level Major_Wellness 10Sets Wellness Skill to 10

(Requires Spa Day)

Sims Real Estate Fancy Living picture showing a female sim summong a butler

To let your Sims move into any residential lot, regardless of price, you’ll need the Free Real Estate Cheat in The Sims 4. Type FreeRealEstate On into the cheats menu to activate free home shopping for your Sims.

Cheat CodeWhat it Does
bb.enablefreebuildLets you build even on locked lots
bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlementLets you use locked career items in Build Mode
bb.increaserentalunitcap [on / off]Lets you toggle additional rental units above the 6-unit cap

(Requires For Rent)
bb.moveobjects onLets you freely place objects without grid restrictions hidden objectsLets you see (and use!) items hidden behind in-game events
cas.fulleditmodeLets you add or remove standard traits from Create a Sim, using Shift + Click on Sim
careers.add_career [career]Automatically adds your Sim to a specific career (i.e. careers.add_career astronaut)
careers.promote [career]Gives your Sim an automatic promotion in the specified career
careers.retire [career] Lets your Sim retire and collect their pension for the specified career
death.toggle [true/false]Instantly kill a Sim or save them from death
kachingEarns 1,000 Simoleons
motherlodeEarn 50,000 Simoleons
relationships.create_friends_for_simSpawns a new Sim who is friends with yours, right on the current lot
rosebudEarns 1,000 Simoleons
traits.[equip/remove]_trait [trait]Lets you add or remove a specific trait from your Sim (i.e. trait_ColdAcclimation)
traits.equip_trait angerKill Sim with death by anger
traits.equip_trait ghost_cowplantTurn Sim into Ghost that was Eaten by Cowplant
traits.equip_trait drownKill sim by drowning
traits.equip_trait ghost_embarassmentTurn Sim into Ghost that died by embarrassment
traits.equip_trait ghost_electrocutionTurn Sim into Ghost that died by electrocution
traits.equip_trait ghost_fireTurn Sim into Ghost that died by fire
traits.equip_trait Ghost_FrozenTurns Sim into Ghost that died by freezing to death
traits.equip_trait ghost_laughTurn Sim into Ghost that died by laughter
traits.equip_trait Ghost_LightningTurns Sim into Ghost that died by lightning strike
traits.equip_trait ghost_motherplantTurns Sim into Ghost that was eaten by the Mother Plant
traits.equip_trait ghost_murphybedTurns Sim into Ghost that died by Murphy Bed
traits.equip_trait Ghost_OverheatTurns Sim into Ghost that died from overheating
traits.equip_trait ghost_vendingmachineTurns Sim into Ghost that was crushed by a Vending Machine
traits.equip_trait witchoverloadTurns Sim into Ghost that died by Spellcaster overload
traits.equip_trait hungerKill Sim with death by starvation
traits.equip_trait oldageKill Sim from old age
traits.equip_trait poisonKills Sim from Poison
traits.equip_trait Vampire_SunKills Vampire Sim by sunlight

And that does it for our full The Sims 4 cheats list. Be sure to search up The Escapist for more Sims -related content, including more games to play if you’re looking for something similar, and our deep dive into Sims lore .

An image of Gym League in an article detailing other games and experiences like this on Roblox

We earn a commission for products purchased through some links in this article.

List of The Sims 4 cheats for money, skills, build mode, and more

These cheat codes work for PC, PS4, Xbox, and Mac.

preview for The Sims 4 Lovestruck Expansion - Official Trailer (EA/Maxis)

The Sims 4 money cheats

The sims 4 skill cheats, the sims 4 build mode cheats, the sims 4 cas cheats, the sims 4 career and promotion cheats, the sims 4 needs cheats, the sims 4 relationship and friendship cheats, the sims 4 trait cheats, the sims 4 vampire cheats, the sims 4 spellcaster cheats, the sims 4 werewolf cheats, the sims 4 aspiration cheats and everything else.

Cheats in The Sims 4 are a big part of the game, granting further ways to customise the sandbox experience.

From money and skill cheats to more freedom in build mode, there is a huge variety of codes in the game, and we've rounded up some of the most noteworthy ones to use, including for some of the latest and best Sims 4 expansions .

We have tested these cheats on PC, but all of the ones listed should work on Mac, PS4, PS5, and Xbox consoles as well.

If you're on PC or Mac, some of the best Sims 4 mods make using cheats even easier. We also have coverage on the best Sims 4 kits , Sims 4 expansion pack deals , and the latest Sims 5 news .

Remember that for any cheats to work, they must first be enabled by inputting the "testingcheats true" code into the cheats console.

the sims 4 nifty knitting stuff pack

How to turn on cheats in The Sims 4

Before you can start using cheats, you need to activate them. Doing so is simple: you type "testingcheats true" into the cheat console.

How to load up the cheat console varies depending on which platform you are on. Press and hold the following buttons:

  • PC – Ctrl + Shift + C
  • Mac – Command + Shift + C
  • PS4/PS5 – L1 + R1 + L2 + R2 (all four shoulder/trigger buttons)
  • Xbox – LB + RB + LT + RT (all four shoulder/trigger buttons)

Once you turn on cheats in the game, you can use any of the cheat codes in this article to your heart's content.

the sims 4

If your Sims are in debt or you can't afford a splashy purchase, these cheats will boost your household's bank balance.

Cheats must be enabled using "testingcheats true" before any of these will work.

Click on the category below to expand it.

.css-13m1f6i{display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;font-weight:inherit;font-style:inherit;-webkit-box-pack:start;-ms-flex-pack:start;-webkit-justify-content:flex-start;justify-content:flex-start;-webkit-align-items:center;-webkit-box-align:center;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;cursor:pointer;scroll-margin-top:0rem;background-color:#ffffff;color:#000;width:100%;border:0;border-top:thin solid #D4D4D4;text-align:left;padding-top:0.3125rem;border-bottom:none;padding-bottom:0.3125rem;}@media(min-width: 64rem){.css-13m1f6i{scroll-margin-top:3.375rem;}} .css-b4ahb2{border-radius:50%;width:1.875rem;border:thin solid #737373;height:1.875rem;padding:0.4rem;margin-right:0.625rem;} .css-jlx6sx{display:-webkit-inline-box;display:-webkit-inline-flex;display:-ms-inline-flexbox;display:inline-flex;width:0.9375rem;height:0.9375rem;margin-right:0.625rem;-webkit-transform:rotate(90deg);-moz-transform:rotate(90deg);-ms-transform:rotate(90deg);transform:rotate(90deg);-webkit-transition:-webkit-transform 250ms ease-in-out;transition:transform 250ms ease-in-out;} List of money cheats

  • rosebud – adds 1,000 Simoleons
  • kaching – adds 1,000 Simoleons
  • motherlode – adds 50,000 Simoleons
  • money 100000 – changes the household amount to 100,000 Simoleons (change the number to set a different amount)

the sims 4 parenthood

It can take a while for a Sim to raise a skill from one to ten, even at max speed. You can use cheat codes to bypass the wait.

Change a skill level by using the relevant code below. The number at the end determines the level number. We have set the default to the max level number (usually 10 for major skills, 5 for minor skills), but you can change this if you only wanted to boost a skill to, say, level 7.

Click on a category below to expand it.

Base game skill cheats

  • Charisma – stats.set_skill_level Major_Charisma 10
  • Comedy – stats.set_skill_level Major_Comedy 10
  • Cooking – stats.set_skill_level Major_HomestyleCooking 10
  • Fishing – stats.set_skill_level Major_Fishing 10
  • Fitness – stats.set_skill_level Major_Fitness 10
  • Gardening – stats.set_skill_level Major_Gardening 10
  • Gourmet Cooking – stats.set_skill_level Major_GourmetCooking 10
  • Guitar – stats.set_skill_level Major_Guitar 10
  • Handiness – stats.set_skill_level Major_Handiness 10
  • Logic – stats.set_skill_level Major_Logic 10
  • Mischief – stats.set_skill_level Major_Mischief 10
  • Mixology – stats.set_skill_level Major_Bartending 10
  • Painting – stats.set_skill_level Major_Painting 10
  • Piano – stats.set_skill_level Major_Piano 10
  • Photography – stats.set_skill_level Major_Photography 10
  • Programming – stats.set_skill_level Major_Programming 10
  • Rocket Science – stats.set_skill_level Major_RocketScience 10
  • Video Gaming – stats.set_skill_level Major_VideoGaming 10
  • Violin – stats.set_skill_level Major_Violin 10
  • Writing – stats.set_skill_level Major_Writing 10

Toddler skill cheats

  • Communication – stats.set_skill_level Skill_Toddler_Communication 5
  • Imagination – stats.set_skill_level Skill_Toddler_Imagination 5
  • Movement – stats.set_skill_level Skill_Toddler_Movement 5
  • Potty – stats.set_skill_level Skill_Toddler_Potty 3
  • Thinking – stats.set_skill_level Skill_Toddler_Thinking 5

Child skill cheats

  • Creativity – stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Creativity 10
  • Mental – stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Mental 10
  • Motor – stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Motor 10
  • Social – stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Social 10

Content-pack skill cheats

These skill cheats require a specific content pack installed.

  • Archaelogy – stats.set_skill_level Major_Archaeology 10
  • Acting – stats.set_skill_level Major_Acting 10
  • Baking – stats.set_skill_level Major_Baking 10
  • Bowling – stats.set_skill_level Skill_Bowling 5
  • Cross-stitch – stats.set_skill_level Skill_CrossStitch 5
  • Dancing – stats.set_skill_level Minor_Dancing 5
  • DJ Mixing – stats.set_skill_level Major_DJ 10
  • Entrepreneur – stats.set_skill_level Minor_Entrepreneur 5
  • Fabrication – stats.set_skill_level Major_Fabrication 10
  • Flower Arranging – stats.set_skill_level Major_FlowerArranging 10
  • Gemology – stats.set_skill_level Major_Gemology 10
  • Herbalism – stats.set_skill_level Major_Herbalism 10
  • Juice Fizzing – stats.set_skill_level Minor_JuiceFizzing 5
  • Knitting – stats.set_skill_level Major_Knitting 10
  • Media Production – stats.set_skill_level Minor_Media 5
  • Medium – stats.set_skill_level Minor_Medium 5
  • Nectar Making – stats.set_skill_level Minor_RanchNectar 5
  • Parenting – stats.set_skill_level AdultMajor_Parenting 10
  • Pet Training – stats.set_skill_level skill_Dog 5
  • Pipe Organ – stats.set_skill_level Major_PipeOrgan 10
  • Research & Debate – stats.set_skill_level Major_ResearchDebate 10
  • Riding – stats.set_skill_level Major_EquestrianSkill 10
  • Robotics – stats.set_skill_level Major_Robotics 10
  • Rock Climbing – stats.set_skill_level Major_Rock Climbing 10
  • Selvadoradian Culture – stats.set_skill_level Minor_LocalCulture 5
  • Skiing – stats.set_skill_level Major_Skiing 10
  • Singing – stats.set_skill_level Major_Singing 10
  • Snowboarding – stats.set_skill_level Major_Snowboarding 10
  • Vampire Lore – stats.set_skill_level VampireLore 15
  • Veterinarian – stats.set_skill_level Major_Vet 10
  • Wellness – stats.set_skill_level Major_Wellness 10

Horse skill cheats (requires Horse Ranch expansion)

In The Sims 4 Horse Ranch , horses have four skills that can be levelled up. The cheats here work slightly differently as you will need a horse's ID number.

To find a horse's ID number, use the code (type in your horse's name where indicated, without the square brackets):

  • sims.get_sim_id_by_name [Horse Name]

Now that you have your horse's ID number, you can use these cheats to boost your horse's skill levels:

  • Agility – stats.set_skill_level Horse_Agility 10 [Horse ID Number]
  • Endurance – stats.set_skill_level Horse_Endurance 10 [Horse ID Number]
  • Jumping – stats.set_skill_level Horse_Jumping 10 [Horse ID Number]
  • Temperament – stats.set_skill_level Horse_Temperament 10 [Horse ID Number]

the sims 4 for rent expansion

There are a number of codes that can significantly enhance the build mode experience, helping you to get your lots looking exactly how you want them to.

List of build cheats

Perhaps the most popular build mode cheat is 'move objects', which allows you to move and place items without having to rigidly stick to the grid:

  • bb.moveobjects on

The next cheat gives you the freedom to build on locked lots:

  • bb.enablefreebuild

The following two codes can be used to unlock a huge range of debug mode and world objects that can be used in your builds:

  • bb.showHiddenObjects
  • bb.showLiveEditObjects

Some build/buy items are locked behind gameplay such as career paths. You can use this cheat code to unlock all of them in an instant:

  • bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement

You can make all residential lots free by using this cheat at the world or neighbourhood screen:

  • freerealestate on

Rental unit cap cheat (requires For Rent expansion)

If you have The Sims 4 For Rent , you can remove the rental unit cap of six by using the below code. The limit of 99 units per save will still apply.

  • bb.increaserentalunitcap off

the sims 4 asian eye presets

There are a couple of cheat codes that offer more flexibility while in CAS mode.

CAS full edit mode

To gain full CAS edit access for your Sims – even after they have already been created – firstly activate the below cheat:

  • cas.fulleditmode

Then, on PC/Mac, left-click on a Sim while holding down the Shift key and select 'Edit in CAS' .

On PS4 and PS5 consoles, you will need to press the 'O' and 'X' buttons at the same time. On Xbox consoles, press 'B' and 'A' at the same time.

Unlock CAS items in content packs

Some packs have items that are locked behind gameplay, like the clothing in High School Years ' thrift store and Nifty Knitting 's knittable range.

You can save time and unlock everything in a specific pack by using the "cas.unlockbytag" cheat followed by the content pack ID. For example:

  • Get to Work – cas.unlockbytag EP01
  • Get Famous – cas.unlockbytag EP06
  • Discover University – cas.unlockbytag EP08
  • Snowy Escape – cas.unlockbytag EP10
  • High School Years – cas.unlockbytag EP12
  • For Rent – cas.unlockbytag EP15
  • Star Wars Journey to Batuu – cas.unlockbytag GP09
  • Dream Home Decorator – cas.unlockbytag GP10
  • Nifty Knitting – cas.unlockbytag SP17
  • Paranormal – cas.unlockbytag SP18

the sims 4 dream home decorator

So you want to reach the top of the career ladder in an instant. Fortunately, there's a cheat for that. Promote a Sim in their career by using the below codes.

For additional cheats, replace the word "promote" with "demote" , "add_career" , "remove_career" , or "retire" (e.g. "careers.demote Astronaut" gives a Sim an Astronaut career demotion).

Base-game career cheats

  • Astronaut – careers.promote Astronaut
  • Athlete – careers.promote Athletic
  • Business – careers.promote Business
  • Criminal – careers.promote Criminal
  • Culinary – careers.promote Culinary
  • Entertainer – careers.promote Entertainer
  • Freelancer – careers.promote careers_Adult_Freelancer_Agency_Maker
  • Painter – careers.promote Painter
  • Secret Agent – careers.promote SecretAgent
  • Style Influencer – careers.promote StyleInfluencer
  • Tech Guru – careers.promote TechGuru
  • Writer – careers.promote Adult_Writer

Content-pack career cheats

These career cheats require a specific content pack installed.

  • Actor – careers.promote Actor
  • Civil Designer – careers.promote CivilDesigner
  • Critic – careers.promote careers_Adult_Critic
  • Conservationist – careers.promote Conservationist
  • Detective – careers.promote Detective
  • Doctor – careers.promote Doctor
  • Education – careers.promote careers_Adult_Education
  • Engineer – careers.promote careers_Adult_Engineer
  • Gardener – careers.promote Adult_Gardener
  • Interior Decorator – careers.promote Interior
  • Law – careers.promote careers_Adult_Law
  • Military – careers.promote Military
  • Politician – careers.promote Activist
  • Salaryperson – careers.promote CorporateWorker
  • Scientist – careers.promote Scientist
  • Social Media – careers.promote SocialMedia

Part-time or freelance career cheats (adult)

Some of these freelance or part-time career cheats require a specific content pack installed.

Part-time careers

  • Babysitter – careers.promote PartTime_Babysitter
  • Barista – careers.promote PartTime_Barista
  • Diver – careers.promote PartTime_Diver
  • Fast Food Employee – careers.promote PartTime_FastFood
  • Fisherman – careers.promote PartTime_Fisherman
  • Handyperson – careers.promote Handyperson
  • Lifeguard – careers.promote PartTime_Lifeguard
  • Manual Laborer – careers.promote PartTime_Manual
  • Retail Employee – careers.promote PartTime_Retail
  • Simfluencer – careers.promote PartTime_SimsfluencerSideHustle
  • Video Game Streamer – careers.promote PartTime_StreamerSideHustle

Freelance careers

  • Freelance Artist – careers.promote Adult_Freelancer_Artist
  • Freelance Crafter – careers.promote Adult_Freelancer_Agency_Maker
  • Freelance Fashion Photographer – careers.promote Fashion_Photographer
  • Freelance Programmer – careers.promote Adult_Freelancer_Agency_Programmer
  • Freelance Writer – careers.promote Adult_Freelancer_Agency_Writer
  • Paranormal Investigator – careers.promote ParanormalInvestigator

Part-time career cheats (teen)

These cheats are specifically for teen Sims, not adult Sims. Some of these part-time career cheats require a specific content pack installed.

  • Babysitter – careers.promote Teen_Babysitter
  • Barista – careers.promote Teen_Barista
  • Fast Food Employee – careers.promote Teen_FastFood
  • Lifeguard – careers.promote Teen_Lifeguard
  • Manual Laborer – careers.promote Teen_Manual
  • Retail Employee – careers.promote Teen_Retail
  • Simfluencer – careers.promote Teen_SimsfluencerSideHustle
  • Video Game Streamer – careers.promote Teen_StreamerSideHustle

With The Sims 4 High School Years , you can also use this cheat to improve a teen Sim's grades at school:

  • careers.promote Teen_HighSchool

Afterschool activity cheats

These cheats are for afterschool activities and require a specific expansion pack installed.

  • Cheer Team Member – careers.promote Cheer
  • Chess Team Member – careers.promote Chess
  • Computer Team Member – careers.promote Computer
  • Drama Club – careers.promote DramaClub
  • Football Team Member – careers.promote Football
  • E-Sports Competitor – careers.promote career_Volunteer_E-Sports
  • Scout – careers.promote Scout
  • Soccer Team Player – careers.promote careers_Volunteer_SoccerTeam

the sims 4 high school years trailer

Want to get around managing a Sim's needs bars, such as energy and social? There are a few ways you can do this with cheat.

Firstly, enable cheats using "testingcheats true" .

Then take advantage of one of the below (click on a category to expand it)...

Cheat Need menu (for a Sim)

Load up a special menu by performing the following input on a Sim, based on your platform:

  • PC/Mac: hold shift and left-click
  • PS4/PS5: press 'O' and 'X' at the same time
  • Xbox: press 'B' and 'A' at the same time

From here, select 'Cheat Need' , and you will have options including 'Make Happy', 'Enable Need Decay', and 'Disable Need Decay'.

Alter Needs menu (for a household or world)

Load up a special menu by performing the following input on a household's mailbox, based on your platform:

Then select 'Alter Needs' .

Here, you can access options including 'Fill Needs', 'Enable Needs Decay', and 'Disable Needs Decay' with separate buttons for the chosen household or world.

Cheat codes for needs

You can fill a specific needs bar for a selected Sim by using the following codes in the cheats console:

  • Bladder – fillmotive motive_Bladder
  • Hunger – fillmotive motive_Hunger
  • Energy – fillmotive motive_Energy
  • Fun – fillmotive motive_Fun
  • Social – fillmotive motive_Social
  • Hygiene – fillmotive motive_Hygiene (this works for mermaid Hydration too)

Or use this cheat code to fill all needs bars of a Sim:

  • sims.fill_all_commodities

If you're looking for cheat codes to fill needs and meters that are exclusive to occult Sims (such as Thirst or Fury), we have separate sections for vampires, spellcasters, and werewolves.

the sims 4 lovestruck expansion

Make two Sims instant friends or enemies with the "ModifyRelationship" cheat code.

Firstly, enable cheats using "testingcheats true" , then use the relevant codes below.

Friendship cheat

To change the friendship level between two Sims, you can use the following two codes to add to the friendship value (change the number as needed):

  • ModifyRelationship [Sim 1] [Sim 2] 100 LTR_Friendship_Main
  • ModifyRelationship [Sim 2] [Sim 1] 100 LTR_Friendship_Main

Two things to bear in mind when using the above. The first is, you will need to perform both codes to ensure that any change in friendship is mutual and goes both ways.

And when typing out a Sim's name, you'll need to type out their first and last name. Here's an example of what it should look like:

  • ModifyRelationship Sarah Jones Wendy Li 100 LTR_Friendship_Main
  • ModifyRelationship Wendy Li Sarah Jones 100 LTR_Friendship_Main

You can also change the number value to negative (such as -100) to have the friendship deteriorate.

Romance cheat

To change the romance level between two Sims, you can use the following two codes to add to the romance value (change the number as needed):

  • ModifyRelationship [Sim 1] [Sim 2] 100 LTR_Romance_Main
  • ModifyRelationship [Sim 2] [Sim 1] 100 LTR_Romance_Main

You will need to perform both codes to ensure that any change in romantic feelings is mutual and goes both ways.

When typing out a Sim's name, both their first and last names are required. Here's an example of what it should look like:

  • ModifyRelationship Sarah Jones Wendy Li 100 LTR_Romance_Main
  • ModifyRelationship Wendy Li Sarah Jones 100 LTR_Romance_Main

The value can also be negative number (such as -100), if you want to get rid of the Sims' romantic feelings for each other.

Pet relationship cheat

To change a Sim's relationship with a pet, you can use the following code to add to the relationship value (change the number as needed):

  • ModifyRelationship [Sim Full Name] [Pet Name] 100 LTR_SimtoPet_Friendship_Main

Like the friendship and romance cheats, the value can be negative (such as -100) to lower the pet relationship level.

the sims 4 eco lifestyle

There are a lot of traits in the game, and some useful ones are locked behind gameplay such as careers and aspirations.

You can unlock a specific trait for your Sim by using the cheat code "traits.equip_trait" followed by the trait code name listed below. To remove a trait from a Sim, use "traits.remove_trait" instead.

Remember that cheats must be enabled using "testingcheats true" before this will work.

If a personality trait does not work, it may be because your Sim has the maximum number (six) of personality traits.

Click on a category to expand it and find the trait code you're looking for.

Aspiration reward traits (base game)

Use the cheat "traits.equip_trait" (to equip) or "traits.remove_trait" (to remove) followed by a trait code below.

  • Angler's Tranquility – "trait_AnglersTranquility"
  • Appraiser – "Appraiser"
  • Beloved – "trait_Legendary"
  • Companion – "EternalBond"
  • Expressionistic – "Expressionistic"
  • Fresh Chef "FreshChef"
  • Handy – "TheKnack"
  • Hilarious – "Hilarious"
  • Kindness Ambassador – "Kindness_Ambassador"
  • Long Lived – "Longevity"
  • Mastermind – "Mastermind"
  • Matriarch/Patriarch – "PaMatriarch"
  • Melt Master – "MeltMaster"
  • Naturalist – "OneWithNature"
  • Perfect Host – "PerfectHost"
  • Piper – "Piper"
  • Player – "trait_Player"
  • Poetic – "EpicPoet"
  • Potion Master – "PotionMaster"
  • Professorial – "Chronicler"
  • Shrewd – "Invested"
  • Thrifty – "ValuedCustomer"
  • Tormentor – "Bane"
  • Twisted Heart – "ColdHearted"
  • Vicarious – "LivingVicariously"
  • Webmaster – "Webmaster"

Infant, toddler, and child reward traits (base game)

Infant traits.

  • Happy Infant – "Reward_Infant_Happy"
  • Top-Notch Infant – "Reward_Infant_TopNotch"
  • Unhappy Infant – "Infant_Unhappy"
  • Happy Toddler – "Infant_Happy"

Toddler traits

  • Top-Notch Toddler – "trait_Top_Notch_Toddler"

Child traits

  • Creatively Gifted – "CreativelyGifted"
  • Mentally Gifted – "MentallyGifted"
  • Physically Gifted – "PhysicallyGifted"
  • Socially Gifted – "SociallyGifted"

Expansion traits (2015-2019, up to Discover University)

These traits require a specific expansion pack installed.

Use the cheat "traits.equip_trait" (to equip) or "traits.remove_trait" (to remove) followed by a trait code below. 

Get to Work traits

  • Sickness Resistance – "Doctor_SicknessResistant"

Get Together traits

  • Dance Machine – "DanceMachine"
  • Insider – "Insider"
  • Natural Leader – "ClubPresident"

City Living traits

  • Chopsticks Savvy – "ChopstickSavvy"
  • Critically Connected – "trait_Hidden_Career_Critic_Thrifty"
  • In the Know – "IntheKnow"
  • Spice Hound – "SpiceHound"
  • Unflirty – "Unflirty"

Cats & Dogs traits

  • Animal Affection – "Attraction"
  • Animal Whisperer – "Whisperer"
  • Cat Lover – "CatLover"
  • Dog Lover – "DogLover"

Seasons traits

  • Father Winter's Baby – "FatherWinterBaby"
  • Scouting Aptitude – "ScoutingAptitude"

Get Famous traits

  • Self-Absorbed – "SelfAbsorbed"
  • Unstoppable Fame – "UnstoppableFame"
  • World-Renowned Actor – "WorldRenownedActor"

Island Living traits

  • Child of the Islands – "IslandAncestors"
  • Child of the Ocean – "trait_ChildoftheOcean"
  • Laid-Back – "BeachBum_LaidBack"
  • Master of the Sea – "FriendoftheSea"
  • Natural Speaker – "NaturalSpeaker"
  • Sulani Mana – "Hidden_IslandAncestor_Elemental"

Discover University traits

  • Higher Education – "trait_University_HigherEducation"
  • Mental Magister – "trait_organizations_HonorSociety_Rank3"
  • Seasoned Gamer – "SeasonedGamer"

Expansion traits (2020-2023, up to For Rent)

Eco lifestyle traits.

  • Afizzionado – "Fizzyhead"
  • Champion of the People – "ChampionofthePeople"
  • Eco-Engineer – "EcoEngineer"
  • Freegan – "Freegan"
  • Green Fiend – "GreenFiend"
  • Influential Individual – "InfluentialIndividual"
  • Maker – "trait_Maker"
  • Muse of the Maker – "MasterMaker"
  • Recycle Disciple – "RecycleDisciple"

Snowy Escape traits

  • Adventurous – "Adventurous"
  • Charismatic Crooner – "CorporateWorker_CharismaticCrooner"
  • Expert Mountaineer – "Excursion_Mountaineer_Rank3"
  • Legendary Stamina – "CorporateWorker_LegendaryStamina"
  • Overachiever – "Overachiever"
  • Proper – "Proper"
  • Survival Instinct – "trait_SurvivalInstinct"
  • Worldly Knowledge – "WorldlyKnowledge"

Cottage Living traits

  • Animal Enthusiast – "trait_AnimalEnthusiast
  • Lactose Intolerant – "trait_LactoseIntolerant"
  • Nature Conversationalist – "trait_Nature_Country"

High School Years traits

  • Authentic Prankster – "TeenPranks_Prankster"
  • Dauntless – "Dauntless"
  • Earned Online High School Diploma – "HSExit_EarnedGED"
  • Expelled from High School – "HSExit_Expelled"
  • Graduated from High School Early – "HSExit_Graduate_Early"
  • Graduated with Honors – "HSExit_Graduate_Honors"
  • High School Dropout – "HSExit_Dropout"
  • Highflier – "Highflier"
  • Iconic – "Iconic"
  • The Knowledge – "Entrepreneur_TheKnowledge"
  • Socially Awkward – "SociallyAwkward"
  • Untroubled – "Untroubled" 
  • Valedictorian – "HSExit_Graduate_Valedictorian"

Growing Together traits

  • Headstrong – "Headstrong"
  • High Self-Esteem – "HighSelfEsteem"
  • Idea Person – "IdeaPerson"
  • Low Self-Esteem – "LowSelfEsteem"
  • Pack Animal – "PackAnimal"
  • Practiced Host – "ChildSkillReward_PraticedHost"

Horse Ranch traits

  • Grand Champ Trainer – "MasterTrainer"
  • Horse Lover – "HorseLover"
  • Nectar Know-It-All – "NectarKnowItAll"
  • Rancher – "trait_Rancher"

For Rent traits

  • Cringe – "Cringe"

Traits exclusive to game packs

These traits require a specific game pack installed.

Outdoor Retreat traits

  • Squeamish – "Squeamish"
  • Survivalist – "Survivalist"

Spa Day traits

  • Calming Aura – "CalmingAura"
  • Clear Perspective – "ClearPerspective"
  • High Maintenance – "HighMaintenance"
  • Self-Care Expertise – "SelfCareExpertise"
  • Spa Membership – "SpaMembership"

Vampires traits

  • Regained Humanity – "RegainedHumanity"
  • I Am the Master – "TheMaster"
  • A True Master – "TrueMaster"

Parenthood traits

  • Argumentative – "LifeSkills_Argumentative"
  • Bad Manners – "LifeSkills_BadManners"
  • Compassionate – "LifeSkills_Compassionate"
  • Emotional Control – "LifeSkills_EmotionalControl"
  • Good Manners – "LifeSkills_GoodManners"
  • Insensitive "LifeSkills_Unfeeling"
  • Irresponsible – "LifeSkills_Irresponsible"
  • Mediator – "LifeSkills_Mediator"
  • Responsible – "LifeSkills_Responsible"
  • Role Model – "SuperParent_RoleModel"
  • Uncontrolled Emotions – "LifeSkills_UncontrolledEmotion"

Jungle Adventure traits

  • Museum Patron – "trait_Archaeology"
  • Treasure Hunter – "trait_JungleExplorer_TreasureHunter"

StrangerVille traits

  • Hero of StrangerVille – "HeroofStrangerville"
  • Paranoid – "Paranoid"

Realm of Magic traits

Note: Using more than one 'Bloodline' trait on a Sim may cause bugs.

  • Ancient Bloodline – "Occult_WitchOccult_BloodlineAncient"
  • Immortal – "trait_Cauldron_Potion_Immortality"
  • Master Mixer – "Nature_MasterMixer"
  • Night Wraith – "Ghost_Curses_NightStalker_Stalker"
  • Strong Bloodline – "Occult_WitchOccult_BloodlineStrong"
  • Weak Bloodline – "Occult_WitchOccult_BloodlineWeak"

For a list of curses, see the 'Spellcaster cheats' section.

Star Wars Journey to Batuu traits

  • Heroic Presence – "HeroicPresence"
  • Sleight of Hand – "SleightofHand"
  • Supreme Authority – "SupremeAuthority"

Werewolves traits

  • Chomp Champion – "OccultWerewolf_AspirationTraits_BetterTurning"
  • Dormant Wolf – "OccultWerewolf_DormantWolf"
  • Fanged Friend – "OccultWerewolf_AspirationTraits_FriendlyWolf"
  • Friend of the Moonwood Collective – "trait_WerewolfPack_FriendA"
  • Friend of The Wildfangs – "trait_WerewolfPack_FriendB"
  • Greater Wolf Blood – "OccultWerewolf_GreaterWolfBlood"
  • Lunar Confidant – "OccultWerewolf_InitiationBonusTrait"
  • Refined Lupine – "OccultWerewolf_AspirationTraits_BetterFuryControl"
  • Threatening Presence – "OccultWerewolf_AspirationTraits_MoreFear"
  • Werewolf Ally – "OccultWerewolf_AspirationTraits_FormerLycan"

Traits exclusive to stuff packs or kits

These traits require a specific stuff pack or kit installed.

Nifty Knitting traits

  • Sacred Knitting Knowledge – "SacredKnittingKnowledge"

Paranormal traits

  • Paranormal Investigator – "Freelancer_Career_ParanormalInvestigator_License"

Bust the Dust traits

  • Fast & Fastidious – "FastFastidious"
  • Filth Dweller – "FilthDweller"

Crystal Creations traits

  • Attuned – "Attuned"

Practice Makes Perfect trait

The 'Practice Makes Perfect' personality trait was a login reward rolled out in 2024.

Use the cheat "traits.equip_trait" (to equip) or "traits.remove_trait" (to remove) followed by the trait code below.

  • Practice Makes Perfect – "trait_PracticeMakesPerfect"

the sims 4 vampires

If you have The Sims 4 Vampires installed, your Sims can become vampires and gain special powers. These codes provide shortcuts if you want to unlock the benefits in an instant rather than through gameplay.

Basic vampire cheats

Give and remove vampire status to a Sim:

  • traits.equip_trait trait_OccultVampire
  • traits.remove_trait trait_OccultVampire

Fill a vampire Sim's Thirst needs bar:

  • fillmotive commodity_motive_Visible_Vampire_Thirst

Fill a vampire Sim's Vampire Energy meter (you can also deplete the meter by setting the value to -100):

  • stats.set_stat Commodity_Motive_Visible_Vampire_Power 100

Have a vampire Sim die by sunlight:

  • stats.set_stat Commodity_Vampire_SunExposure -100

Cheats for vampire ranks

You can unlock a specific vampire rank by using the following code and replacing "[x]" with the desired value:

  • stats.set_stat RankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP [x]

202 for Minor Vampire, 630 for Prime Vampire, 1058 for Master Vampire, 1486 for Grand Master Vampire.

Cheats for vampire traits

  • A True Master – "TrueMaster" 

the sims 4 realm of magic

The Sims 4 Realm of Magic comes with the ability to play with spellcaster Sims, and there are plenty of cheat codes to go with that if you want to take a shortcut or two.

Basic spellcaster cheats

Give and remove spellcaster status to a Sim:

  • traits.equip_trait trait_Occult_WitchOccult
  • traits.remove_trait trait_Occult_WitchOccult

Reset a spellcaster Sim's Charge meter (you can change the value to set a different Charge level, with 300 being the highest value, 'Dangerously Overcharged'):

  • stats.set_stat Commodity_Motive_WitchOccult_Charge 0

Turn a Sim into a ghost – or remove the status – with the 'Night Wraith' trait:

  • traits.equip_trait Ghost_Curses_NightStalker_Stalker
  • traits.remove_trait Ghost_Curses_NightStalker_Stalker

Cheats for spellcaster ranks

You can unlock a specific spellcaster rank by using the following code and replacing "[x]" with the desired value:

  • stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_WitchOccult_WitchXP [x]

50 for Neophyte, 350 for Acolyte, 850 for Adept, 1550 for Master, 2350 for Virtuoso.

Cheats for spellcaster traits

Cheats for spellcaster curses.

Use the cheat "traits.equip_trait" (to equip) or "traits.remove_trait" (to remove) followed by a curse code below.

Note: You cannot have more than three curses at any one time.

  • Curse of Awkward Embraces – "trait_Curses_TouchyFeely"
  • Curse of Infectious Laughter – "trait_Curses_InfectiousLaughter"
  • Curse of Scrambled Spells – "trait_Curses_WildMagic"
  • Curse of Repulsiveness – "trait_Curses_Repulsiveness"
  • Curse of the Duelist – "trait_Curses_HexOfDuelist"
  • Curse of the Night Wraith – "trait_Curses_NightStalker"
  • Curse of Uncleansable Stench – "trait_Curses_SweatyStench"
  • Curse of Uncontrollable Charge – "trait_Curses_FountainOfMagic"
  • Curse of Unwarranted Hostility – "trait_Curses_PunchableFace"

the sims 4 werewolves

With The Sims 4 Werewolves , your Sims can turn into werewolves. Here are the cheat codes you need to know for this occult.

Basic werewolf cheats

Give and remove werewolf status to a Sim:

  • traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf
  • traits.remove_trait trait_OccultWerewolf

Reset a werewolf Sim's Fury meter (you can change the value to set a different Fury level, with 500 being the highest value, meaning they will transform):

  • stats.set_stat Commodity_Motive_Werewolf_Fury 0

Cheats for werewolf ranks

You can unlock a specific werewolf rank by using the following code and replacing "[x]" with the desired value:

  • stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Werewolf_Progression [x]

250 for Runt, 700 for Prime, 1600 for Veteran, 3000 for Apex.

Cheats for werewolf traits

the sims 4 paranormal stuff

There are so many other cheats for the game that it's impossible to list them all. However, here are some useful cheat codes that don't fit into any of the other categories in this article.

Aspiration and satisfaction points cheats

Want to automatically complete an aspiration or give a Sim a bunch of free satisfaction points? We've got you covered.

This cheat completes the selected aspiration in an instant:

  • aspirations.complete_current_milestone

This cheat gives a Sim 2,000 satisfaction points (or you can change the number to receive a different amount): 

  • sims.give_satisfaction_points 2000

Hide plumbob

These two cheats hide 'headline' effects (like plumbobs and speech bubbles) and 'hover' effects (the white outline when you hover over Sims and objects).

They're very handy for when you want to take the perfect screenshot:

  • headlineeffects off
  • hovereffects off

Turn the effects back on again by replacing the word "off" with "on".

Extra base-game cheats

Here are some general-purpose cheats that you may find useful.

Remove emotion buffs and death

This cheat removes all of a Sim's emotion buffs:

  • sims.remove_all_buffs

And this one turns off death:

  • death.toggle false

Use "true" instead of "false" for the death cheat to let Sims die again.

Show FPS counter

This code turns on an frames-per-second counter, displayed in the bottom left of the screen.

"off" instead of "on" will hide the FPS counter again.

Eco footprint cheat (requires Eco Lifestyle expansion)

Each neighbourhood has an eco footprint when you play with The Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle installed.

You can use cheats to set a neighbourhood's eco footprint to be 'Green' (value = 0), 'Neutral' (value = 1), or 'Industrial' (value = 2):

  • eco_footprint.set_eco_footprint_state 0
  • eco_footprint.set_eco_footprint_state 1
  • eco_footprint.set_eco_footprint_state 2

Mermaid cheats (requires Island Living expansion)

If you have access to mermaids , you can use these codes to give and remove the mermaid status to a Sim:

  • traits.equip_trait trait_OccultMermaid
  • traits.remove_trait trait_OccultMermaid

As a bonus, if you want to cause a volcanic eruption on Sulani, try these codes:

  • volcanic_eruption large
  • volcanic_eruption small

'Reset Sim' cheat

Lastly, if a Sim is stuck or unresponsive, you can try the below resetSim cheat code to 'reset' a Sim.

Type in your Sim's first and last names where indicated, without the square brackets:

  • resetSim [First Name] [Last Name]

And that's the end of our cheats list. Happy cheating.

The Sims 4 Lovestruck (PC pre-order)

The Sims 4 Lovestruck (PC pre-order)

The Sims 4 For Rent (PC code)

The Sims 4 For Rent (PC code)

The Sims 4 Horse Ranch (PC code)

The Sims 4 Horse Ranch (PC code)

The Sims 4 Growing Together (PC code)

The Sims 4 Growing Together (PC code)

The Sims 4 High School Years (PC code)

The Sims 4 High School Years (PC code)

The Sims 4 Cottage Living (PC code)

The Sims 4 Cottage Living (PC code)

The Sims 4 Seasons (PC code)

The Sims 4 Seasons (PC code)

The Sims 4 Snowy Escape (PC code)

The Sims 4 Snowy Escape (PC code)

The Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle (PC code)

The Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle (PC code)

The Sims 4 Discover University (PC code)

The Sims 4 Discover University (PC code)

The Sims 4 Island Living (PC code)

The Sims 4 Island Living (PC code)

The Sims 4 Get Famous (PC code)

The Sims 4 Get Famous (PC code)

The Sims 4 Cats & Dogs (PC code)

The Sims 4 Cats & Dogs (PC code)

The Sims 4 City Living (PC code)

The Sims 4 City Living (PC code)

The Sims 4 Get Together (PC code)

The Sims 4 Get Together (PC code)

The Sims 4 Get to Work (PC code)

The Sims 4 Get to Work (PC code)

The Sims 4 Parenthood (PC code)

The Sims 4 Parenthood (PC code)

The Sims 4 Werewolves (PC code)

The Sims 4 Werewolves (PC code)

The Sims 4 My Wedding Stories (PC code)

The Sims 4 My Wedding Stories (PC code)

The Sims 4 Dream Home Decorator (PC code)

The Sims 4 Dream Home Decorator (PC code)

The Sims 4 Spa Day (PC code)

The Sims 4 Spa Day (PC code)

The Sims 4 Star Wars: Journey to Batuu (PC code)

The Sims 4 Star Wars: Journey to Batuu (PC code)

The Sims 4 Realm of Magic (PC code)

The Sims 4 Realm of Magic (PC code)

The Sims 4 StrangerVille (PC code)

The Sims 4 StrangerVille (PC code)

The Sims 4 Jungle Adventure (PC code)

The Sims 4 Jungle Adventure (PC code)

The Sims 4 Vampires (PC code)

The Sims 4 Vampires (PC code)

The Sims 4 Dine Out (PC code)

The Sims 4 Dine Out (PC code)

The Sims 4 Outdoor Retreat (PC code)

The Sims 4 Outdoor Retreat (PC code)

The Sims 4 Home Chef Hustle (PC code)

The Sims 4 Home Chef Hustle (PC code)

The Sims 4 Paranormal Stuff (PC code)

The Sims 4 Paranormal Stuff (PC code)

.css-15yqwdi:before{top:0;width:100%;height:0.25rem;content:'';position:absolute;background-image:linear-gradient(to right,#51b3e0,#51b3e0 2.5rem,#e5adae 2.5rem,#e5adae 5rem,#e5e54f 5rem,#e5e54f 7.5rem,black 7.5rem,black);} the sims.

the sims 4 lovestruck expansion

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Re: I lost my presentation board

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I lost my presentation board.

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January 2021


February 2021

Re: Presentation Board goes missing or unable to use


University board has gone missing in version


Re: University board has gone missing in version


Re: [NEEDS SAVES] [DU] Sim didn't receive presentation board/ Gone Missing


September 2021 - last edited September 2021


November 2021

Presentation board missing


January 2022


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  1. how to get presentation board sims 4

    sims 4 presentation board cheat

  2. Mod The Sims

    sims 4 presentation board cheat

  3. how to give a presentation sims 4 university

    sims 4 presentation board cheat

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    sims 4 presentation board cheat

  6. A Beginner’s Guide To Cheats For The Sims 4

    sims 4 presentation board cheat


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  5. Turn ANYTHING Into A Seat In The Sims 4

  6. How To Fill Fun (Cheat)


  1. Missing Presentation board

    Re: Missing Presentation board. At the risk of necroposting, I just had this issue for the first time when the board was "returned" to my sim after we moved from Mount Komorebi to Sulani. I got the message that it was returned, but it never showed in inventory, family or otherwise. It appears that the mod that fixed that was never updated and ...

  2. Mod The Sims

    Now you can get it back by emailing your professor. Click on a computer>University>Email professors about progress...then select the class you lost your presentation board for. You will get a notification about your progress like normal but it will also add another presentation board in your inventory. Added the loot action which generates the ...

  3. You can get top grades without a presentation board! : r/Sims4

    The unofficial subreddit for all things Sims 4! ... As many with the university pack may have noticed, the presentation boards have a tendency to disappear, and as of yet there's no possibility to buy or cheat to get a new one (I've scoured several forums for a solution. Nada.)

  4. Solved: [FIXED] [DU] Term presentation board gone/not received and can

    Options. crinrict. Hero. Student Sims will not lose their Term Presentations Boards when signing up for another term. Fixed in Patch 1.63.133. If anyone still has issues with term boards (I doubt you get already lost ones back, please create a new thread) Good Luck. Crin. I don't work or have any association with EA.

  5. Presentation Board disappeared from Inventory

    Solution. Prevention. No Mods. Mods. Place the board in your housing instead of keeping it in the inventory. Avoid moving during the term. Save your game before you travel. Save your game under a new name before you move. Discover University Inventory Presentation Board.

  6. Solved: Re: [NEEDS INPUT] [DU] Term presentation board gone and can't

    @hubosa I also have 2 sims going to collage and only 1 had a presentation board. You can duplicate it by using the testingcheats true/on cheat, and when you click on a presentation board holding shift, you can set it as a head (it will be really big) after that you shift click on it again and klick the debug thingy.

  7. Hey! Does anyone know any University Grade cheats for TS4?

    I decided to try and promote them in those classes by using the "Cheat sim info" mod, in hopes that their performance might just be able to be helped that way, but it just switched the goal of making a presentation board to a term paper, but again, there isn't a 'write term paper' option under the University Coursework.

  8. Solved: [FIXED] [DU] Presentation Board is missing Options do

    If you have missing options on the board (aka you got the wrong board for your class) with a board received after Patch 1.59.73, please create a new thread. I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.

  9. Presentation Question

    @owlsight To give a presentation, place the presentation board into your inventory. If you click on it on a weekday between 8:30am-4:30 pm, you should see the option to "Give presentation." (don't remember the exact wording) After clicking Give Presentation, you sim will leave home for a couple of hours to go to uni and give that presentation.

  10. Unlock the Power of Sims 4 Presentation Board Cheat: A Step-by-Step Guide

    The Sims 4 Presentation Board Cheat is an invaluable tool for players of the game. Through this cheat, they can gain access to exclusive rewards and unlock creative gameplay options. With this cheat, you can get unlimited materials needed to build stunning presentation boards during the game. Additionally, the cheat also allows you to purchase ...

  11. Mod The Sims

    Whereas the "normal options" to work on the board to do not appear when clicking on it. "Capture Content" does. And it you click on that, all the other options immediately appear afterward. My Sim was able to refine their presentation three times (to the max) and give a practice presentation on it. They haven't yet, presented, that is the only ...

  12. How to Complete Coursework

    To write a Term Paper, your Sim will need access to a PC. Click on the PC, then "University" > "University Coursework" > "Term Paper." Here, you'll see two options: "Write Term Paper" and "Submit ...

  13. Missing Presentation Board? : r/Sims4

    Oh nice! The modding community keeps our world going 'round haha. My presentation board disappeared once. Can't buy one, you just have to work your ass off in class like show up to class on time, take notes, complete all your homework and study. I think I somehow still pulled off a B in the class : (.

  14. Presentation board disappeared?! : r/Sims4

    I had placed thepresentation board in the dorm, went to a party and when I came back it was gone. T also isn't in my sims inventory. Anyone know where it could've gone or how I can get a new one? Edit: It just appeared in the place where it was last spotted. I know you said it came back but I'm going to post the most relevant bug thread ...

  15. Mod The Sims

    It most definitely is. The presentation board is known for going completely missing and there's no way of getting it back or getting a new one, not from the kiosk or in bebug items. It's something they should really fix and patch in, just like you can get another homework book if you lose that. But this is a great solution, EA could never.

  16. Solved: [FIXED] [DU] Term presentation board gone/not received and can

    Whenever the term ends and your Sim is accessible and on the map, the Term Presentation board spawns in their inventory with no issues. The board does NOT spawn when the following occurs: - The Sim who is supposed to get the Presentation is off the lot. (Inventory not accessible) - The Sim who is supposed to get the Presentation is at work.

  17. Get Back Your Presentation Board by RevyRei at Mod The Sims

    Now you can get it back by emailing your professor. Click on a computer > University > Email professors about progress… then select the class you lost your presentation board for. You will get a notification about your progress like normal but it will also add another presentation board in your inventory. Sims 4 Updates: Mod The Sims - Mods ...

  18. Get Back Your Presentation Board

    Be the first to review "Get Back Your Presentation Board" Cancel reply. Your email address will not be published. ... S4PE - Sims 4 Package Editor #Game Mods. S4PE - Sims 4 Package Editor. CmarNYC. View Product. Save to My Favorites. Sims 4 Studio for Windows #Game Mods. Sims 4 Studio for Windows.

  19. The Sims 4 Discover University: Guide to Academic Success

    Presented by EA Game Changers. Getting into university is one thing; excelling in university is quite another. For most people, the joys of university lie in balancing work with pleasure. A little studying here, a little partying there, leading to an overall well-rounded university experience. This guide is not for the casual university student.

  20. Solved: Re: [NEEDS INPUT] [DU] Term presentation board gone and can't

    Courses taking currently: Media, Technology, And Culture (presentation). Reporting On The Ground (final exam) Elective course: History of Dance: Rumbasim (term paper) The presentation board says it's for dance, which is obviously a huge bug that's hindering gameplay. There's no debate needed. EA really should be doing something about this.

  21. Get Back Your Presentation Board

    Now you can get it back by emailing your professor. Click on a computer>University>Email professors about progress…then select the class you lost your presentation board for. You will get a notification about your progress like normal but it will also add another presentation board in your inventory. Last Updated: January 25, 2023.

  22. The Sims 4 Discover University Cheats

    Skill Cheats. As usual, you can use the Stats.Set_Skill_Level cheat on Discover University's new skills. They are Research and Debate and the Robotics Skill. Both are extremely useful. In order to set your skill level use: Stats.Set_Skill_Level Major_Robotics # - replacing # with the level you want. Stats.set_Skill_level Major_ResearchDebate ...

  23. All The Sims 4 Cheats, Listed

    Using cheats in The Sims is a time-honored tradition, and The Sims 4 certainly has plenty to offer. Whether you need to earn cash fast or keep that needy Sim happy, here are all known Sims 4 ...

  24. List of The Sims 4 cheats for money, skills, build mode, and more

    The Sims 4 cheat codes for money, skills, build mode, CAS, career, needs, relationship, traits, hiding plumbobs, and more.

  25. Re: I lost my presentation board

    This happened today (11/28/21) and my game is up to date. Is anyone else having a issue with the presentation board going missing in sims 4 university. It said The board would be in the inventory but it's not. I play sims on Xbox btw and I know it's probably better on PC but don't have one at the moment.