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117 Organ Donation Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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Organ donation is a crucial and life-saving practice that can have a profound impact on the lives of individuals in need of organ transplants. However, many people are still hesitant to become organ donors due to various reasons such as lack of awareness, misconceptions, or personal beliefs. To address this issue and encourage more people to consider becoming organ donors, it is important to raise awareness about the benefits of organ donation and dispel any myths or misconceptions surrounding the topic.

To help facilitate discussions and promote awareness about organ donation, here are 117 organ donation essay topic ideas and examples that can serve as inspiration for students, writers, and advocates:

  • The importance of organ donation in saving lives
  • The process of organ donation and transplantation
  • Myths and misconceptions about organ donation
  • Religious perspectives on organ donation
  • Ethical considerations in organ donation
  • The impact of organ donation on the healthcare system
  • Organ donation policies and regulations
  • Organ donation in minority communities
  • Organ donation in the LGBTQ+ community
  • Organ donation and social justice
  • Organ donation and mental health
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking
  • Organ donation and the black market
  • Organ donation and medical tourism
  • Organ donation and the role of media
  • Organ donation and public education campaigns
  • Organ donation and celebrity endorsements
  • Organ donation and the role of healthcare providers
  • Organ donation and cultural beliefs
  • Organ donation and family dynamics
  • Organ donation and the grieving process
  • Organ donation and the donor registry
  • Organ donation and organ allocation
  • Organ donation and organ matching
  • Organ donation and organ rejection
  • Organ donation and organ preservation
  • Organ donation and organ procurement
  • Organ donation and organ storage
  • Organ donation and organ transplantation success rates
  • Organ donation and organ waitlists
  • Organ donation and organ shortage
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking laws
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking prevention
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking statistics
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking victims
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking organizations
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking awareness campaigns
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking survivor stories
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking documentaries
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking movies
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking books
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking research
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking advocacy
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking support groups
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking fundraising
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking volunteer opportunities
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking partnerships
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking collaborations
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking initiatives
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking events
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking conferences
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking workshops
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking seminars
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking webinars
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking symposiums
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking forums
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking roundtables
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking panels
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking discussions
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking debates
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking dialogues
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking interviews
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking Q&A sessions
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking surveys
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking polls
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  • Organ donation and organ trafficking testimonials
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking success stories
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking challenges
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking obstacles
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking setbacks
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking failures
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking lessons learned
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking best practices
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking tips
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking strategies
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking tactics
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking tools
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking resources
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking guidelines
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking policies
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking procedures
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking protocols
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking standards
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking regulations
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking compliance
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking enforcement
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking monitoring
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking evaluation
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking assessment
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking measurement
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking analysis
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking reporting
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking tracking
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking documentation
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking records
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking data
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking trends
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking forecasts
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking projections
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  • Organ donation and organ trafficking simulations
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking experiments
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking tests
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking trials
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking studies
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking investigations
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking inquiries
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking assessments
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking evaluations
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking analyses
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking reports
  • Organ donation and organ trafficking recommendations

By exploring these organ donation essay topic ideas and examples, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of the importance of organ donation and the impact it can have on the lives of those in need. Through education, advocacy, and awareness, we can work together to promote organ donation and save lives.

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93 Organ Donation Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best organ donation topic ideas & essay examples, ⭐ good research topics about organ donation, 👍 interesting topics to write about organ donation, ❓ organ donation research questions.

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  • Compensation for Organ Donation: The Sale of Organs
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  • Knoweldge and Attitudes of Health Professionals on Organ Donation
  • Financial Compensation for Organ Donation
  • Analyzing the Importance of the Organ Donation
  • The Benefits and Shotrcomes of Organ Donation
  • Improving Organ Donation Through Clarification and Education
  • Increasing Organ Donation via Changes in the Default Choice or Allocation Rule
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  • Legal and Ethical Issues Regarding Organ Donation
  • Mandatory Organ Donation: Ethical or Unethical
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  • The Discussion of the Legalization of Organ Donation
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  • Ethical Issues Surrounding Organ Donation
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  • Organ Donation Issues and Laws: Federal and California State
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  • Organ Donation: Life That You May Have the Power to Save
  • The Best Ways to Decrease the Shortage of Organs for Transplantation
  • Public Policies in the Question of Consent for Organ Donation
  • Organ Donation: Keeping the Gift of Life Alive
  • Description of the Commercial Market for Organ Donation
  • The Controversy Associated With the Opt-Out Organ Donation
  • The Life Saving Benefits of Organ Donation
  • Comparing Organ Donation Programmes Across the World
  • The Global Need for Organ Donations
  • Why Organ Donation Should Be Encouraged
  • Organ Donation: Two Deaths or One Life
  • Neonatal and Pediatric Organ Donation: Ethical Perspectives and Implications
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  • Is There a Black Market for Organ Donation?
  • What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Organ Donation?
  • How Is Organ Donation a Lucrative Business?
  • Why Do Muslims Disagree With Organ Donation?
  • Is Organ Donation Against God and Nature?
  • What Are the Ethical Issues in Organ Donation?
  • Is the US Opt-in or Opt-Out for Organ Donation?
  • Why Is Organ Donation a Moral Issue?
  • How Does the Process of Organ Donation Work?
  • What Ethical Theory Is Against Organ Donation?
  • Does Islam Support the Concept of Organ Donation After Death?
  • What Is the Most Complicated Organ Donation?
  • Are Organ Donations Compulsory in China?
  • Why Can’t Organ Donation Be Mandatory?
  • Is There an Age Limit for Organ Donation?
  • What Do Religions Think About Organ Donation?
  • Why Is Organ Donation in Exchange for Money Illegal?
  • Is an Opt-in or Opt-Out More Effective for Organ Donation?
  • What Are the Disadvantages of Organ Donation After Death?
  • Are Religious Beliefs Keeping Organ Donations From Going Mainstream?
  • What Cultures Don’t Believe in Organ Donation?
  • Why Is Organ Donation Uncommon in India?
  • Should Presumed Consent for Organ Donation Be Used in the US?
  • What Are the Laws Behind Organ Donation?
  • How Does the Debate on Deontology vs. Consequentialism Stand When It Comes to Organ Donation?
  • What Are the Emotional Tolls of Organ Donation for the Donor?
  • How Do Living Organ Donations Compare to Deceased Organ Donations in the United States?
  • What Are the Challenges of Organ Donation?
  • Are There Barriers to Organ Donation in the US?
  • Why Are Donated Organs Sometimes Rejected?
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IvyPanda. (2024, March 2). 93 Organ Donation Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/organ-donation-essay-topics/

"93 Organ Donation Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 2 Mar. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/organ-donation-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '93 Organ Donation Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 2 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "93 Organ Donation Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/organ-donation-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "93 Organ Donation Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/organ-donation-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "93 Organ Donation Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/organ-donation-essay-topics/.


Argumentative Essay On Organ Donation

Day after day, families across the country are hoping and praying that a loved one receives the organ donation he or she necessitates. However, the waiting list for organs is rapidly increasing because there is a large demand for organs than the supply. "In 2012, 95,000 American men, women and children were on the waiting list for new kidneys, the most commonly transplanted organ . Yet only about 16,500 kidney transplant operations were performed that year" (Becker and Elias 222). Although some people become lucky and receive the organ they need, most patients die waiting for an organ. Many individuals are oblivious to the importance of donating organs. Being an organ donor is extremely beneficial because donating organs could possibly save a plethora of lives. Certain organs that are able to be donated while the donor is still living, such as the kidneys. In recent years, countless doctors, sociologists, and economists have heavily debated whether or not compensating donors is morally and financially acceptable. Additionally, there are people who believe the patient who receives the organ should reward the organ donor with money. On the other hand, some of the population believes that organs should be donated out of pure kindness while expecting nothing in return. Because people are expected to donate their organs out of kindness and care, there will never be enough organs available, due to people’s selfishness. If people were given material value after donating organs,

Argumentative Essay: The Ethics Of Living Organ Donation

The pressing thought of living organ donations are the ethical parts, if it burdens the donor not just physically after the surgery, but with misconduct from the doctor. Removing a healthy organ from a living person arouses attention to the first rule of medicine, above all, do no harm. Is living organ donation doing more harm to a healthy being than saving a unhealthy one? Would it be better to wait on the transplant list for years just to be sure no one unethically took an organ, even if the organ was given to save a life? Living organ donations do no harm ethically to the donor, since both of the patients are informed of the risks, it does not eschew the first rule of medicine, but invalidates the argument with a safe and full recovery procedure that saves a life faster than a deceased organ donation.

The Utilitarian Theory of Organ Donation Essay

  • 4 Works Cited

In this paper I will be using the normative theory of utilitarianism as the best defensible approach to increase organ donations. Utilitarianism is a theory that seeks to increase the greatest good for the greatest amount of people (Pense2007, 61). The utilitarian theory is the best approach because it maximizes adult organ donations (which are the greater good) so that the number of lives saved would increase along with the quality of life, and also saves money and time.

The Importance Of Financial Compensation For Organ Donation

Numbers of people are sitting in a hospital bed greatly anticipating the day an organ match is found. The waiting list for organ donations stretches for miles with a mass of people in line for an offer. Thousands of people die everyday due to the excessively outstretched waiting list. The need for organ donations continues to grow, but the amount of organ donors is not expanding the way society wants and needs. Organ donations can come from live donors and deceased donors. Some citizens believe people should be financially compensated for donating their organs, while other people believe donors should give organs because of moral values. For decades, professors of medicine have been attempting to deliberate whether financial compensation is appropriate or not.

Organ Donation Persuasive Speech Essay

How do you feel when you have to wait for something that you really, really want? What if it was something you couldn’t live without? Imagine you are lying in a hospital bed and you have no choice but to impatiently wait for that one organ you and your body are depending on to survive. Many people face this struggle every day. These people are waiting on a list for their perfect match… the perfect person to be their organ donor. An organ donor is a person who has an organ, or several organs, removed in ordered to be transplanted into another person.

The Pros and Cons of Organ Donation Essay

  • 8 Works Cited

Tayt Andersen is an 8 year old boy from Rigby, Idaho, but he isn’t like all the other little kids in Rigby. Tayt was born without the left side of his heart. And, at just seven years old, he has had nine open-heart surgeries, twenty-four shunt revision surgeries, and three other life-saving surgeries. He has been Life Flighted ten times, flat-lined six times, and has spent more than three-fourths of his life in hospital beds at Primary Children’s Hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah. (Embree)

Successful Arguments Involved In Organ Donation

An organ donation is a process involved in removing an organ or tissue from one person (the donor) to another in need of the organ (recipient). The transplantation is necessary as the recipient's previous organ has failed and or injured. When calculating how successful organ transplantation is, it depends on what type of organ was transplanted.

The medical industry had been achieving more in the stage of medical advancements, though they are still in the early phase. Artificial organs have been one of those achievements. Although they have achieved such, artificial organs are not perfect. Most doctors as well as patients would prefer to replace a dying organ with a compatible human organ, rather than with an artificial or animal organ. Yet due to a there being less organs donated than recipients, artificial and animal organs are becoming more common in transplants. Most of this issue is because people are unaware of how organ donation works, the organs that can be donated, how many people are in need, and the advancements that have happened in the field. Organ donation saves hundreds of lives every year, but many lives are recklessly lost due to a shortage of organ donors.

Argumentative Essay On Organ Sales

Selling organs is a rising problem in the healthcare community, government and morality. Organ sales has become the topic of discussion for numerous reasons. Some of which being lowering the wait time on the organ transplant waitlist and taking advantage of the financially disadvantaged. This issue affects many people on many different levels, some people morally or legally but mostly importantly medically. What this basically comes down to is: “Who are we to judge what people do with their bodies?”. The answer to this question lays in many different sources. The simplified answer is no we can not tell people what they can and can not tell other people what they can and can ot do with their bodies.

Argumentative Essay: Organ Donation Duped Many People

Donating may or maynot be your go-to move when you go to get your I.D., but it can be taken into consideration. Organ donation has duped many people and has also made many people cognizant of organ donation.

An Analysis Of Organ Donation Essay

Flashback to when you were sixteen years old. Young, naive, and about to be ruling the streets with your very own Driver’s License. You passed your written and physical driving exams, but before you are able to get your “right of passage”, you must indicate whether or not you are willing to donate your organs in the case of your death. But how does one know which box to check? It is your responsibility to educate yourself in the matter because ignorance is not always bliss. Knowing the costs, benefits, and process can be very beneficial. Luckily, the following is some basic, and maybe not so basic, information on the topic. Organ Donation is a very broad and complicated topic. To consider organ, and tissue, donation as a whole, it is important to examine the history, forms, and big picture of the donation.

Ethics Of Organ Donation Essay

A controversial and prominent issue in the United States consists of organ transplants. Even though the waiting list currently has 115,000 transplant candidates, this number does not reflect the dire need for organ donors. A valid option the President’s Commission on Bioethics (PCB) should take into consideration consists of regulating an organ market. Currently, organ donors do not receive compensation for their time, effort, and overall donation of their organ. The United States should regulate the opportunity for people to buy and sell organs in a safe and legal environment. This method should be adopted because it is ethically acceptable. The buying and selling of organs respects the autonomy of donors, provides societal beneficence by potentially saving the lives of others, and goes hand-in-hand with the principle of nonmaleficence.

Persuasive Essay On Organ Donation

Everyday, twenty-two people die waiting for an organ transplant. Patients on the donor list are in need of an organ and are depending on it for survival. Some patients are on the list for weeks, months, even years with sno match. Comparatively, 6,316 people die every hour with viable organs that can be used. Doctors are not legally allowed to use these organs unless given consent by only the patient before death. If all U.S. citizens donated their organs, transplantations could occur and save thousands of lives each year. Organ donation should be required in the United States because of the significant number of lives that could be saved everyday.

Argumentative Essay: Should You Become And Organ Donor

Visualize this you’re walking down Las Vegas Boulevard in the early morning when you are suddenly succumbed by unconsciousness and abruptly abducted. Amongst regaining consciousness, you find yourself restrained and lying on a table with someone surgically removing your kidneys and liver for resale on the black market. This sounds like a twisted plot in a horror movie correct? Now this may seem highly unlikely but the reality exists. This may not be happening on the streets of Las Vegas but these abductions do occur. The demand for organs is at a critical rate. The patients who need them may become desperate and turn to such acts to save their life’s. Now there is something we

Every thirty minutes someone gets added to the waiting list for an organ transplant (‘Frequently Asked Questions”). Not only that, but the number of patients being added to the waiting list is growing larger than the number of donors (“Organ Donation Statistics”). Many people are in the need of some kind of organ donation, so anyone who donates can help to save many lives. Organ donation is also such a great way to give back to people. Another thing is that to donate an organ a person does not have to pay money (“Organ Donation FAQ’s”). The only part that costs money is for the funeral if they are a deceased donor (“Organ Donation FAQ’s”).

Argumentative Essay: The Legalization Of Organ Donation

Organ donation is a very controversial issue in many aspects. A simple solution to many of these problem is legalizing the selling of organs and allowed for it to be an open market. This could make a change on how many people receive organs since there will be more availability. Selling organ donation will help both parties the recipient and the donors family. Getting paid for donations will be an incentive for people and it can be used as a persuasive method to convince people to become organ donors. Organ donation has not significantly improved throughout the years, “in 2005 around 7,000 people donated their organs, around 5,000 people donated in 1995 that is only a 30% increase in 10 years. In 2005, 21,000 people were helped out of 44,000

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  • v.128(4); Jul-Aug 2013

The Power of Organ Donation to Save Lives Through Transplantation

Organ and tissue donation is more important than many of us realize—for society and for the individuals it directly affects. Today, there are nearly 118,000 individuals waiting for an organ transplant to live healthier, more productive lives (Unpublished data, Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network [OPTN], April 2013). For some people with end-stage organ failure, it is truly a matter of life and death. Add to these the thousands more whose lives will be improved through tissue and cornea donation and transplants that can help them move better, see better, and live better.

Donation affects more than the donors and recipients. It also affects the families, friends, colleagues, and acquaintances who love and support those in need of transplantation, and who benefit from their renewed life and improved health after transplant. For my part, I have experienced not once, but twice how donation and transplantation affects individuals.

Twenty years ago, my wife, Donna Lee Jones, died in a severe automobile accident. Her death was a shock, and my family did not know what to make of our tragedy. Then we were offered the opportunity to donate her organs and tissues for transplantation. While it did not lessen the pain of her loss, it brought comfort to us knowing that out of our tragedy, some good would come, and others could receive the gift of life. Because of her donation, several people received a new lease on life: a man in Tampa, Florida, received her heart; a teenage boy in Washington, D.C., received a kidney and pancreas; a hospital custodian received her other kidney; a woman in Pennsylvania received her liver; and her corneas went to a young woman in Baltimore, Maryland, and a government worker.

Four years later, my 20-year-old daughter, Vikki Lianne, was struck by a car and died. Losing a spouse was tragic enough, but the pain of losing a child cannot be expressed. Falling back on our previous experience, we decided to donate Vikki's organs and tissues for transplantation. Again, several individuals benefited from her gift: a mother of five children from Upstate New York received her heart; a widow with four children received her lung; a 59-year-old man from Washington, D.C., who was active with a local charity, received her liver; a widower with one daughter received her kidney; a working father received the other kidney; and her corneas went to a 26-year-old man in Florida and a 60-year-old woman in Pennsylvania. And we, her family, took comfort in the idea that Vikki's legacy was one of life and giving.

Organ donation provides a life-giving, life-enhancing opportunity to those who are at the end of the line for hope. And the need for organ donors is growing. When Donna Lee died in 1992, there were 27,000 people on the transplant wait list. When Vikki died just four years later, that number had grown to 47,000 (Unpublished data, OPTN, January 2010). As of April 5, 2013, there were 117,812 people waiting, with hope, for an organ to become available (Unpublished data, OPTN, April 2013).

One way to expand the number of organs available for transplantation is to expand the number of donors, through carefully and safely considering individuals who in the past were not included. The guideline in this special issue of Public Health Reports provides a scientific, evidence-based process to assure a balance between organ safety and availability for each individual on the transplant wait list. As our knowledge and scientific capabilities regarding safety and availability grow and evolve, donors who in the past would not have been considered as donors are now able to provide the gift of life to others.

This guideline will help improve organ transplant outcomes, leading to more individuals being able to live healthier and longer lives. The science and evidence are clear and will improve the safety of organs, balanced with a clear and conscious regard for donors and recipients. It is the human aspect of donation and transplantation—helping people. It is the right thing to do.

Rear Admiral (Ret.) Kenneth Moritsugu is a former Acting Surgeon General of the United States.

This article was supported in part by Health Resources and Services Administration contract #234-2005-370011C. The content of this article is the responsibility of the author alone and does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Department of Health and Human Services.


Argumentative Essay: The Ethics Of Organ Donation

The act Donating Organs, either prior to death or after death, is considered by many to be one of the most generous, selfless and worthwhile decisions that one could make. The decision to donate an organ could mean the difference of life or death for a recipient waiting for a donor. Organ donations offer patients new chances at living more productive, healthy and normal lives and offers them back to families, friends and neighborhoods. Despite the increasing number of donor designations in the past few years, a shortage still exists in donors. There are nearly 100,000 people waiting patiently on organ transplant waiting lists, but sadly, on an average day, less than 80 people receive donor organs and approximately 19 die waiting for transplants. Even with …show more content…

Many might think that ethical beliefs in what is right or wrong, good or bad, necessary or unnecessary, shouldn 't play a role in life or death. But what about the moral obligations that we share as human beings to protect …show more content…

While almost all religions agree that organ donations are acceptable and individual members can make their own decisions, there are some restrictions. Jehovah 's Witnesses allow only for organs that have been completely drained of blood due to the belief that transfusions are disallowed in the Bible. The Muslim religion absolutely demands that there be prior written consents before an organ transplant takes place. Orthodox Judaism claims it is necessary and proper if a life can be saved to perform an organ transplant as long as the donor is proclaimed dead as defined by Jewish law. The Shinto religion and the customs of the Gypsies are two notable groups that disallow

Opt-Out Organ Donation Without Presumptions By Dr. Ben Saunders

In the article “Opt-out organ donation without presumptions”, published by Dr. Ben Saunders, he is trying to promotes / defend “opt-out organ donation system”, where people who did not give their consents are automatically, considered as giving their consent to donate their organs when they passes away. This is rather completely opposite to the current organ donation system, Opt-in system, which we are more familiar with, where only people who have given their consents are the group of people who are donating their organ to the (needs). And people who did not give their consent, their organs will not be touched. As the article continues, it describes how much the current society is lacking in available organ donation versus the number of

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Based on chapter 5 in the book Beyond Bumper Stickers Ethics, utilitarianism is the idea of utility or usefulness. “Utilitarianism says that acts are morally right when they succeed in (or are useful for) bringing about a desired result. The result that should be desired is happiness, because it alone is intrinsically good” (Wilkens, S, 1995, pp. 84). This can be interpreted that the death of one can bring happiness to multiple individuals. One organ donor can save up to 8 lives and also save or improve the lives of up to 50 people by donating tissues and eyes (New York Organ Donor Network, 2015).

Arguments Against Kidney Organ Sale

The donation of kidney organ is encouraged by many organized religions and sectors. But the sale of organs is highly condemned by them. “Most religions either allow or encourage the donation of human organs. None of the major religions support the commercialization of organs, and many specifically forbid it. Others either imply that the selling of organs is wrong or do not directly address the subject” (Religious beliefs on selling organs, 2014).

Walter Payon Argumentative Essay

But not everyone can become an organ donor, so the choice isn’t always available. The fact that one of your organs can save up to eight lives is amazing, which is a reason that most people become organ donors. Some people are good Samaritans and they want to help others. On the other hand, some people do not care about the well-being of

Proposal For Organ Donation Essay

Refusal of Organ Donation After Death Organ donation definition: it takes healthy organs and tissues from one person(the donor) for transplantation into another(the recipient). An organ transplant may save a person's life, or significantly improve their health and quality of life. Main Social Problem: Refusal of many people to donate due to many factors and obstacles. A chronic shortage of organs for transplantation has and continues to be one of the most controversial pressing health issues in many developed countries.

Organ Donation Essay

Unit 1: Organ Donation Name: Kayden Mataafa Class: HED121A Introduction Organ donation within Australia is something society neglects, many barriers prevent Australians from knowing about donation, and how to go about donating. Organ donation is a life-saving and life-transforming medical process. Organ and tissue donation involves removing organs and tissues from someone who has died (a donor) and transplanting them into someone who, in many cases, is very ill or dying (a recipient) (Donatelife.gov.au, 2018). A donor within Australia cannot decide individually on whether they can or want to donate, in the end the family are always the final deciders in matters regarding organ donation. The purpose of this task is to incorporate the Ottawa

Pros And Cons Of Organ Donation And Relativism

Some people want to be buried with all their organs intact like God gave them, while others feel at an obligation to save lives if they can. Organ donation has much controversy over the years. I argue that organ donning is ethical to helping those who are in need of a donation, however that is if they are truly declared dead after a conclusion of many tests. Even though they may be considered brain dead, the help of life support still keeps their heart beating through the ventilation. “Brain death occurs when the patient is in a state where they will never wake up or the patient loses all vital functions of the brain, which includes the ability to ever breathe on their own.

Persuasive Essay: Everyone Should Be An Organ Donor

More than 120,000 people died last year while waiting for a donor, donation of organs costs nothing (“Why be an Organ Donor”). Becoming an organ donor opens up various options such as organ donation or body donation. Body donation is where the bodies will be given to universities or schools around America, where the students of medicine department will do research on the body to figure out why the organ failed (“Body Donor Program”). The body will not be presented to the public and after it is researched it will be cremated and returned to the family as ash 's (“Body Donor Program”). With that being said some of the organs will be perfect to donate, but some may not meet all the requirements for donation , such as correct blood types, free of sexually transmitted diseases, diabetes, and mental health issues ( "Saving Lives and Giving Hope by Reducing the Organ Waiting

Argumentative Essay: The Controversy Of Organ Donation

We need a way to save these lives, and we have one: Organ donation. When you become an organ donor, you can saves the lives up to eight people. Controversy surrounds this option for many reasons, and some do not find this option to be ethical but most believe it is what God’s calls us to do. The Catholic sees it as love and charity.

Mandatory Organ Donation Persuasive Speech

Title: What If It Was You Audience: State Legislators Imagine if it was you, if it was you laying in a hospital bed, waiting for an organ donation and with each passing minute that you don’t receive one, you are getting closer to your final days. It could very much be you, or your loved one, or a friend, considering over 121,272 in 2013 alone were waiting on organ donations. (Learn the Facts) The problem is that organ donation, or the lack of, is becoming a major issue.

Ethical Issues In Health Care Essay

However, donation involves asking ethical questions because the treatment affects not only the people in need of transplants but also the individuals who donate. The main reason why people may consider donating organs is because of the very great benefit that this can bring to others. On the other hand, some find the idea of organ donation too invasive. Those people believe that it is wrong to take organs from people. The decision to or not to donate is a moral decision.

Persuasive Essay On Organ Transplants

Within 2016, 33,611 transplants were performed, these statistics show the large percentage of how unlikely it is for thousands of people to not receive a transplant. Expanding further into the waitlist, about every 10 minutes another person is added to the waiting list and 20 people die each day waiting (Organ Donor, n.d.). From examining these statistics, it appears as the ratio of those receiving and waiting is very uneven. Due to

Persuasive Speech Organ Donation

This means 90 people will be added to the waiting list during a day. How many people die in the USA per day then? Just in the USA it dies over 6000 people per day, which means that if every person in the USA donated their organs, we wouldn’t have a waiting list to organ transplantation in 14 days. As an organ donor you have the possibility to choose to donate the organs or tissues as you specify or any needed organs.

Argumentative Essay On Selling Organs

Donating organs is very impactful on its own, yet some believe that organs should be sold. Both arguments want the same outcome to get as many individuals as possible the organs they need in order to maintain a normal life. The difference here lies in the format one receives/buys their organs. The main problem with selling/ buying organs comes down to the financial hierarchy; who ever has the money gets the organ and this cannot be the deciding factor, on who get to receive one, which allows for opportunities. Opportunities come in all forms and as defined in the dictionary as “a good position, chance, or prospect, as for advancement or success” (“Dictionary”, n.d.).

Argumentative Essay: The Selling Of Human Organs

Ronald Faison Eng-106 February 20, 2018 Professor MaryBeth Nipp Definition Argument Essay The selling of human organs under U.S law is illegal for many reasons. By having bids on life or death situations can have a negative effect on people with low to no income waiting for an organ. The only lawful procedure for someone to receive an organ transplant as of now is to be placed on a waiting list. Human organs that are sold is considered human trafficking because it is the process of selling or transferring human tissue by force (National Institute of Justice, 2007).

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Argumentative Essay: The Ethics Of Organ Donation

argumentative essay about organ donation

Show More Imagine being a young women/man and being told that you’re life will end in an inconclusive period of time because your organs could not function properly enough to keep you alive. You would go silent most likely in shock of the news that you could die in a week or a year but in the background you hear them tell you that you still have hope that a new organ could be donated but this would ultimately give you admission to a waiting game that in most cases is too long, people question the ethics saying that organs should not be removed but saving a life should mean more than being ethical. Coupled with this scenario, A now thirty year old women by the name of Jessica Danielson is a participator in the waiting game not by an choice or …show more content… Unfortunately this is a consequence of the decrease of donors due to those who oppose donation preaching that doctors altering your body post mortem is an unethical practice. Donors come few and far between and many do not understand the need because it is not a topic that is widely talked about. The only time donation is even talked about is when you get your license, some are quick to say yes and others, the majority, happen to say no because they feel their consent and their families consent in the event of their death will be stripped because of an icon on their license. According to Dick Teresi of the Washington Journal he believes that if you were to say no to being a donor you would have consent of what is done after you die. This thinking leads to more people not donating and leads to the death of more recipients praying for a miracle. Statistics for organ donation do not show promise as a recipient is added to the donation list every 10 minutes. According to Organdonor.Gov -a government owned site that studies the stats on organ donation- one donor can save upto eight lives with their organs. However, with people caring more and more about self awareness in society the numbers in donors are decreasing which pushes doctors to take extreme measures by taking organs of those who are still alive

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Home — Essay Samples — Nursing & Health — Organ Donation — Organ Donation: Unlocking the Benefits, Types, and Misconceptions


Organ Donation: Unlocking The Benefits, Types, and Misconceptions

  • Categories: Organ Donation Organ Transplant

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Words: 1229 |

Published: Oct 2, 2020

Words: 1229 | Pages: 3 | 7 min read

Table of contents

Introduction, the urgent need for organ donation, types of organ donation, misconceptions surrounding organ donation, the profound benefits of organ donation.

  • Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN). (2019). OPTN/SRTR 2018 Annual Data Report. https://srtr.transplant.hrsa.gov/annual_reports/2018_ADR_Preview.aspx
  • Donate Life America. (n.d.). Types of Donation. https://www.donatelife.net/types-of-donation/
  • Donate Life America. (n.d.). Religion and Organ Donation. https://www.donatelife.net/faith-and-donation/
  • U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. (2019). The Living Donor. https://www.organdonor.gov/about/process/living-donation.html
  • U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. (2019). What Can Be Donated. https://www.organdonor.gov/about/process/organs.html
  • Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN). (2019). The Need Is Real: Data. https://optn.transplant.hrsa.gov/data/view-data-reports/national-data/#.
  • American Transplant Foundation. (n.d.). Myths About Organ Donation. https://www.americantransplantfoundation.org/about-transplant/facts-and-myths/myths-about-organ-donation/

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argumentative essay about organ donation

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The medical field utilizes a variety of techniques to save lives everyday. One way is to perform an organ transplant by replacing a patient’s failing organ with a working one. The problem with this is that working organs are very hard to come by, and when they do, it is not guaranteed that the organ can be transplanted. One way to obtain a transplantable organ is through donation. Organs can be donated by both living and deceased people, but very little people donate that it makes the waiting list long. One debate that is currently going on in the medical field is whether or not an opt-out system (A system where all citizens would be registered organ donors, and would have to manually opt out) should be implemented over our current opt-in system. However, there are arguments against this, stating that it would be easier to focus on smaller problems, because one giant system alone will not increase donation numbers. The best approach to increasing the number of organ donors is to improve the process by compensating donors, providing adequate support, and enact laws which strengthen the organ donation centers.

One way to increase the number of organ donors is to properly compensate donors. A big reason why people may feel hesitant to donate is because many fear that they have neither the time or the money to donate. Organ donation is not simply an appointment you make where you show up, give them a kidney, and be on your way. It is a process that takes up to three months to recover from (Thiessen C, Jaji Z, Joyce M, et al, 2017) Many are hesitant because they fear that they will be bedridden for a few month, and as a result, fear being unable to support themselves and their families. Some fear they will not be able to pay rent or even keep their job if they donate due to the healing process. Hospitals do not compensate nearly enough for most donors to live comfortably.

A fix to this problem would be to compensate fully for a person’s cost of living during their recovery, and also work with employers to give donors rights to their job. Since donation is a very rare event to begin with, the government would not suffer financing these people’s lives for a short amount of time.The government could receive the funds for donors by accepting monetary donation, and by cutting into the healthcare sector and setting aside more money for donors in these scenarios. Financial support could also be offered to help support funeral costs of deceased donors, to encourage more families to allow their loved one’s organs to be donated. If this problem were to be fixed, people might feel eager or better about donating in general. This could lead to more donations.

Another way to increase the number of organ donors is to provide adequate support for donors. One conflict that arises is that of a deceased’s wishes vs what their family wants. While someone can register themselves as a donor, it is ultimately up to their family to decide once they are deceased. As a result, many families choose not to have them donate, mostly due to what they do not know, or what they think will happen. Others feel obligated to either donate or have the deceased donated just because they believe it is moral. The problem here is that if organ donation has a reputation for guilt-tripping, less people will want to register.

The way to fix the inadequate support is to simply expand organ transplant centers, both by increasing the number of workers, and the number of educational resources. Educating the hesitant can lead to less of these ‘uncertain’ moments where they either feel obligated to make a decision that they do not have the information to make. There are a few ways to provide education, but one simple one would be to hire professionals to teach people the pros and cons of donating, the facts … etc. They could provide pamphlets that answer simple questions, and could even offer classes and a hotline for potential donors. By investing more money into professionals who can properly teach everything about organ donation, the support for donors would increase, and as a result, more would be informed enough to make the best decision for them.

By improving the process, more people may feel comfortable with either donating or not. Even in cases where donors decide to not donate, resources must be made available in order to decrease negative feelings of guilt. One study showed that most donors would prefer an alibi to break news to whoever needed a donation that they were not getting what they needed. While only a small sample of people, it still proves that many people can feel guilty by denying their receiver. These are the emotions that need to be eliminated if people are going to feel completely comfortable with donating.

The last way to increase the number of organ donations is to enact laws which strengthen organ donation centers. A problem found by a UK task force in 2008 found that one problem with organ transplantation is that the centers do not have a very tight network (Rudge C, Buggins E, 2012) Because Organ donation is a rare occurrence, and many cannot donate even if they are registered, organ donation centers are rather small (Not much is put into them) This means that these centers aren’t running as efficiently as they could be. Organs have to be properly retrieved within a certain time frame to still be usable. If the centers don’t work efficiently and cooperatively, the already small number of organs to use decreases. This applies to the U.S. as well since both countries have an opt in system, and neither have, or had the most money, or resources going into their centers. It only makes sense that if it works in the UK, it can work in the U.S. (

The way to fix this was based on the Task Force’s findings. They recommended that changes be made based on establishing official organizations that specialize in organ donation, and resolving ethical and legal issues. By doing this, the UK saw a 25% increase in deceased organ donors over three years. This suggests that if the U.S. improves its infrastructure in organ donation centers the number of donations will increase.

While the opt-out system does have its supporters, it is just not logical to enact this system over an opt-in one (By itself). While, yes, countries with this system do have a higher correlation of donations, there are a misconceptions. The best known example of a country with a opt-out system is Spain. Unsurprisingly, Spain has the highest rate of donations and donors. However, what some do not understand is that the numbers that increased were not just because of their switch to this system, Spain also improved their donation network and made access to donation easier around the same time. Over a decade, numbers started to rise, which means that the opt-out system alone is not enough to increase donation numbers.

While an opt-out system does have its benefits, it does not outweigh the benefits of improving the current system. Evidence has shown that by compensating donors, decreasing uneasiness about donating, and strengthening donation centers, donation numbers will increase. Despite the debate about which will do more, it is still important to remember that both want improvement. The issue at hand is increasing donor numbers, and more specifically, improving how to improve the number of usable organs. Neither side is wrong, and a compromise can certainly be met to synergize with each other. It is important that everyone works together in order to solve an issue as big, as timely, and as costly as organ donation is.

References Page

Henderson, M. L., & Gross, J. A. (2017). Living Organ Donation and Informed Consent in the United States: Strategies to Improve the Process. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics , 45 (1), 66–76. https://doi.org/10.1177/1073110517703101

Oh, T. (2015, January). Organ donation: how to increase the donor pool. Anaesthesia & Intensive Care , pp. 12–13.

Organ Donation and Transplantation Statistics. (2014, August 12). Retrieved October 31, 2017, from https://www.kidney.org/news/newsroom/factsheets/Organ-Donation-and-Transplantation-Stats

Rudge, C. J., & Buggins, E. (2012). How to Increase Organ Donation: Does Opting Out Have a Role? Transplantation , 93 (2), 141–144. https://doi.org/10.1097/TP.0b013e31823a2411

Thiessen, C., Jaji, Z., Joyce, M., Zimbrean, P., Reese, P., Gordon, E. J., & Kulkarni, S. (2017). Opting out: a single-centre pilot study assessing the reasons for and the psychosocial impact of withdrawing from living kidney donor evaluation. Journal of Medical Ethics , 43 (11), 756–761. https://doi.org/10.1136/medethics-2016-103512

Wilkinson, K., & Peet, D. (2014). Organ donation. InnovAiT , 7 (2), 109–116. https://doi.org/10.1177/1755738013506565

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Understanding of Organ Donation

Do we ever think about those patients who lay on bed 24 hours days a week in search of Organ ? There are many simpler ways in which patients can be cured, but it gets very difficult when only one way left which is by donating organ. In simpler words, Organ Donation is the removal process of Organ or tissue from one person through surgical process to be transplanted to another person for the purpose of replacing an Organ injured […]

3D Printing and Bioprinting Revolutionizing Healthcare

3D bioprinting is one of the most anticipating and promising technological advancements of all time. According to the US National Library of Medicine, 3D bioprinting is "a manufacturing method in which objects are made by fusing or depositing materials? such as plastic, metal, ceramics, powders, liquids, or even living cells? in layers to produce a 3D object" (Ventola, 2014, para 2). Is With the capability of using real cells, 3D bioprinting will make it possible to create living tissue. This […]

Why Organ Donation should be Compulsory?

Imagine this: you are diagnosed with severe heart failure and your only chance of survival is to receive a heart transplant. Although your loved ones would desperately like to help, they are unable to. Unlike a set of lungs or a pair of kidneys, you only have one heart, thus making it impossible to consider the idea of utilizing a living donor. You now are faced with the fact that in order to live, you need to rely on an […]

Definition of Organ Donation

Organ donation is defined as the process of transplanting human organs from one person to another ("Organ donation," 2017). As of November 2018, there are more than 114,600 people on the national waiting list for a donor organ, and a new person is added to the list every 10 minutes ("Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network," n.d.). So far in 2018, over 30,400 transplants have been performed from more than 14,500 donors ("Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network," n.d.). The most commonly […]

Reborn to be Alive : Critical Analysis of an Advertisement

“Becoming a donor is probably your only chance to get inside her.” Reborn to be Alive showcases their slogan proudly across their advertisement as a provocative half-naked woman entices the viewer with her gaze. Being an organ donor means being selfless, having compassion, and altruism; yet being an organ donor isn’t enough sufficiency for a good marketing campaign, thus the sexist direction of their advertisement. Reborn to be Alive meant to capture men’s attention by the use of such sexist […]

Role of the Default Bias in Organ Donation Rates

The first law of motion, also known as the law of inertia by Newton goes like this: A body in motion remains in motion or, if at rest, remains at rest at a constant velocity unless acted on by an external force. If one thought inertia was only confined to the walls of physics, behavioral economics asks them to think again. Here I'd like to introduce the reader to the concept of cognitive bias – an organized and consistent pattern […]

Organ Donation Programmes Across the World

Organ Donation Programmes Across the World China Till 2014, Chinese authorities permitted the harvesting of organs from executed prisoners without prior consent from them or their families. In fact, in December 2005, the country’s deputy health minister estimated that as many as 95 per cent of the organs used in China’s transplants came from such sources. Since then, China has banned the practice and is now trying to galvanize organ donations from regular civilians. Iran Iran is the as it […]

Organ Donation not being Accessible for all

Organ Donation: Not Accessible for All "Don't think of organ donation as giving up part of yourself to keep a total stranger alive. It's really a total stranger giving up almost all of themselves to keep part of you alive" (~Author Unknown). Organ donation is the process of surgically removing an organ or tissue from one person (the organ donor) and placing it into another person (the recipient). This is necessary when the recipient's organ has failed or has been […]

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Organ Donation Essay

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Pros and Cons of Paying for Organ Donation


Exploitation of the Financially Vulnerable

Volunteer and altruistic donors, organ donation in the united states, reasons for mandatory organ donation, arguments against mandatory donation, reference list.

  • Adair, A & Wigmore, SJ 2011, ‘Paid organ donation: the case against’, Annals of The Royal College of Surgeons of England, vol. 93, no. 3, pp. 191-192.
  • Demme, R 2010, ‘Ethical Concerns about an Organ Market’, Journal of the National Medical Association, vol. 102, no. 1, pp. 46-50.
  • Harvey, J 1990, ‘Paying organ donors’, Journal of Medical Ethics, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 117-119.
  • Mahdanian, A 2008, ‘Iranian model of living, non-related kidney donation: a style to be condemned ethically’, Journal of Medical Ethics, vol. 34, no. 2, p. 120.
  • Major, R 2008, ‘Paying kidney donors: time to follow Iran’, McGill Journal of Medicine, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 67-69.
  • Phadke, KD & Anandh, U 2002, ‘Ethics of Paid Organ Donation’, Pediatric Nephrology, vol. 17, no. 5, pp. 309-311.
  • Truog, R 2005, ‘The Ethics of Organ Donation by Living Donors’, The New England Journal of Medicine, vol. 353, no. 5, pp. 444-446.

Organ Donation Essay. (2016, Sep 20). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/organ-donation-essay

"Organ Donation Essay." StudyMoose , 20 Sep 2016, https://studymoose.com/organ-donation-essay

StudyMoose. (2016). Organ Donation Essay . [Online]. Available at: https://studymoose.com/organ-donation-essay [Accessed: 25 Aug. 2024]

"Organ Donation Essay." StudyMoose, Sep 20, 2016. Accessed August 25, 2024. https://studymoose.com/organ-donation-essay

"Organ Donation Essay," StudyMoose , 20-Sep-2016. [Online]. Available: https://studymoose.com/organ-donation-essay. [Accessed: 25-Aug-2024]

StudyMoose. (2016). Organ Donation Essay . [Online]. Available at: https://studymoose.com/organ-donation-essay [Accessed: 25-Aug-2024]

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Organ Donation Essay essay

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  2. Organ Donation Essays

    An Analysis Of Organ Donation Essay An Analysis of Organ Donation Flashback to when you were sixteen years old. Young, naive, and about to be ruling the streets with your very own Driver's License. You passed your written and physical driving exams, but before you are able to get your "right of passage", you must indicate

  3. Argumentative Essay On Organ Donation

    These are only some of the possible organs that can be donated. A heart valve, intestines, bones, and tendons ("What Organs Can Be"). Some other organs are the kidneys, heart, lungs, liver, small bowel, and the pancreas ("Frequently Asked Questions"). And finally bone marrow, and connective tissues can be donated ("Organ Donation and ...

  4. Argumentative Essay: Everyone Should Be An Organ Donor

    Argumentative Essay: Everyone Should Be An Organ Donor. Everyone should be an organ donor if they qualify. Many people around the world are waiting on a list while they are slowly wasting away, and could be for years to follow because there aren't enough donors for the number of recipients. Right now there are 115,429 people waiting for organs.

  5. Organ Donations: Cause and Effect

    The rising demand for organs has not yet been addressed, even in those nations where the rate of dead organ donation is still more significant than that of other countries. While the number of donors is steady, the number of people needing organ transplants is continuously increasing. Get a custom essay on Organ Donations: Cause and Effect.

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    To those that have in one way or the other received or given their body organs, they portray a good heroic example of human acts since, for example, one organ from one person can save up to 50 people (MedlinePlus, 2009). This can lead to saving many lives that would otherwise have been lost. In Michigan, a positive attitude towards organ ...

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  8. 117 Organ Donation Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    To help facilitate discussions and promote awareness about organ donation, here are 117 organ donation essay topic ideas and examples that can serve as inspiration for students, writers, and advocates: The importance of organ donation in saving lives. The process of organ donation and transplantation. Myths and misconceptions about organ donation.

  9. 93 Organ Donation Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    Organ Transplantation and Donation. Since people donate organs to others regardless of their locations, nations need to be cautious in order to avoid spread of diseases in the process. We will write a custom essay specifically for you by our professional experts. 191 writers online.

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    Cause and Effect Argument Essay. Joseph Hicks Department of English, Grand Canyon University ENG- Dr. Amy Green July 2021. Organ donation in itself can be a very beautiful and fulfilling process.

  11. Argumentative Essay On Organ Donation

    Argumentative Essay On Organ Donation. Day after day, families across the country are hoping and praying that a loved one receives the organ donation he or she necessitates. However, the waiting list for organs is rapidly increasing because there is a large demand for organs than the supply. "In 2012, 95,000 American men, women and children ...

  12. The Power of Organ Donation to Save Lives Through Transplantation

    This guideline will help improve organ transplant outcomes, leading to more individuals being able to live healthier and longer lives. The science and evidence are clear and will improve the safety of organs, balanced with a clear and conscious regard for donors and recipients. It is the human aspect of donation and transplantation—helping ...

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    Organ Donation Persuasive Essay. Statistics claim, "Every ten minutes another name is added onto the national organ transplant waiting list" (donatelife.net). In today's society there is an issue that is often forgotten, and that is organ donation. Many people don't often think about this problem due to the fact of many distractions ...

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    However, despite its critical importance, there persists a significant gap in awareness and understanding surrounding organ donation. This essay embarks on a journey to shed light on the multifaceted dimensions of organ donation, encompassing its types, benefits, and the misconceptions that often shroud this life-saving practice.

  18. Argument Research Essay

    Argument Research Essay. The medical field utilizes a variety of techniques to save lives everyday. One way is to perform an organ transplant by replacing a patient's failing organ with a working one. The problem with this is that working organs are very hard to come by, and when they do, it is not guaranteed that the organ can be transplanted.

  19. Organ Donation Free Essay Examples And Topic Ideas

    12 essay samples found. Organ Donation is the process of surgically removing an organ or tissue from one person (the organ donor) and placing it into another person (the recipient). Essays could explore the ethical, social, and medical aspects of organ donation, including the processes of organ transplantation, the importance of donor ...

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    Pros and Cons of Paying for Organ Donation. The purpose of this essay is to further reinstate the claim that financial incentives should not be permitted in order to encourage organ donation. Research mainly consisted of searching through UOW databases, including summon. As financial incentives are only legalised in Iran proper statistical ...

  21. English 106 organ donation persuasive essay

    Definition essay: Organ donation Shortage Organ donation is hard to come by. Because it is so hard to get organ donations there will always be a shortage. Each year the number of donors decline and the patients who needed organs increased. There are roughly about sixty thousand Americans waiting for an organ donation (Harris & Alcorn. 2001).

  22. Persuasive Essay Organ Donation

    Persuasive Essay On Organ Donation Organ donation has come a long way in the past few decades, and there is evidence to support this, so organ donation will come to the point when 99% of a person can be used. There have been several advancements in organ donation, and if things keep progressing at the speed that it is now, this will be possible.

  23. Persuasive essay organ dontation

    Organ Donation. Ruben D. Gomez Grand Canyon University PHI-105; 21st Century Skills: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Christal Abron 18 September 2022. Organ Donation Organ donations are critical to keeping family and friends alive. The need for organ donation is rising, and the demand has significantly increased over the years.