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Complete List of 100 Resume Skills [For Any Job or Industry]

In this post, social skills, organisation skills, analytical skills, personal skills, leadership skills, other miscellaneous skills.

  • 1. Ensure you’ve reviewed every detail in the job description

2. Separate hard skills from the soft skills

3. use bullet points.

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In this post Show

When you’re writing a resume , there will come a time where you will have to list your skillset.

Resume skills fall into two categories: soft skills and hard skills. Soft skills are generally transferrable and can apply across many different industries. On the other hand, hard skills are more specific skills that rely on specialised technical knowledge.

You will need both on your resume, but I will focus on 100 transferable skills , divided into distinct sections, that you can list on your professional resume. It will help you with your job search, and might just help you land a job interview.

The primary soft skill here is “written and verbal communication”. Other qualities in this area consist of:

  • Teamwork skills
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Empathy/compassion
  • Active listening
  • Understanding body language
  • Ability to quickly build relationships
  • Team building
  • Conflict resolution
  • Reconciliation
  • Customer service skills
  • Positive attitude
  • Proper business etiquette
  • Capable of networking
  • Capable of mentoring/teaching
  • Ability to collaborate
  • Capable of exchanging ideas
  • Encourages other team members
  • A sense of humour
  • Client-oriented

Being organised is all about ensuring that you complete all of your work on time. The skills that can help you achieve this are as follows:

  • Time management
  • Decision-making skills
  • Task delegation skills
  • Flexibility
  • Ability to multitask
  • Punctuality
  • Capable of meeting deadlines
  • Capable of prioritising tasks

Need help answering key selection criteria?

Need help answering key selection criteria?

Responding to selection criteria in a job advertisement can be tricky. Get the tools from this guide to do a top-tier job and nab the interview.

These skills revolve around your thought process and how you effectively reason.

  • Problem-solving skills
  • Creative thinking
  • Critical thinking
  • Quick learner
  • Attention to detail
  • Ability to brainstorm
  • Inspiration
  • Desire to experiment with new ideas
  • Deductive reasoning (top-down thinking)
  • Inductive reasoning (bottom-down thinking)

These are qualities that define you as an employer and team member.

  • Introspection
  • High energy
  • Knows how to follow instructions
  • A good work ethic
  • Disciplined

The necessary skills if a person wants to become a successful manager .

  • Adaptability
  • Stress management
  • Ability to negotiate
  • Public speaking
  • Trustworthiness
  • Ability to handle criticism
  • Control over emotions
  • Presentation skills
  • Capable of giving feedback
  • Resourceful
  • Determination
  • Self-confident
  • Responsible
  • Self-management
  • Open-minded
  • Capable of questioning ideas
  • Self-control
  • Know when to take responsibility
  • Independent

These skills don’t necessarily fit into a particular category but are sought after by many different employers.

  • Physical endurance/stamina
  • Computer skills
  • Tolerant of change
  • Aware of social issues
  • Love to learn/curious
  • Culturally sensitive
  • A solid understanding of social media

Free Resume Templates: How to Write a Resume

Need some resume inspiration? Check out our ultimate resume guide .

1. Ensure you’ve reviewed every detail in the job description

As you’re writing your resume, take a look at the job description. What exactly are your potential employers looking for? Do you have the skills necessary for it? If you find that, ensure that you weave those skills in with the rest of your resume.

It’s not okay to flat-out lie in your resume. It’s more that, if you find that your skills line up with the skills listed in the job description, emphasise those skills more. If it’s not relevant to the job, don’t include them.

Resume Skills List

This isn’t required by any means. It is, however, helpful for your potential hiring manager when they’re reading through, and generally, makes your resume look more professional. You should place them at the top of your resume (just below your name details), and divide it into two columns, one listing down hard skills and the other consisting of soft skills.

This one is pretty self-explanatory. When you list your skills, bullet points are the way to go. Most employers are usually looking for keywords in the first place, so using bullet points will make their job a lot easier. Therefore, they are more likely to offer you a job interview. That doesn’t excuse you from being generic; ensure that the skills you include are specific with whatever the job description entails.

Need some resume inspiration? Check out our Ultimate Guide to Resumes for templates and examples.

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Resumes To Impress

Australian Resume Writing: The Ultimate Guide

Written by <a href="https://www.resumestoimpress.com.au/career-resources/author/nic/" target="_self">Nicole Wren</a>

Written by Nicole Wren

man writing a CV at computer

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by Nicole Wren | May 7, 2024 | Examples , Writing Advice

How to Write an Australian Resume

key skills resume australia

Each part of your resume plays a crucial role in presenting yourself as the ideal candidate for the position. Here’s the standard Australian resume format:

Header with Contact Information:

Your name, phone number, and email address should be prominently displayed at the top of your resume. If applicable, include a professional LinkedIn profile or portfolio website.

Professional Summary or Objective:

A professional summary highlights your most important achievements and skills, while an objective focuses on your career goals and what you aim to achieve in the role. Use a summary to shine a spotlight on your track record, especially if you have extensive experience.

Work Experience:

List your previous roles in reverse chronological order. Focus on what you accomplished in each role, using action verbs and quantifying results wherever possible. For each position, provide a brief description of your responsibilities and significant achievements.

Key Achievements/ Accomplishments:

It’s really important in resume writing that you list your key achievements or accomplishments in your roles within your resume. This is what will help you stand out to future employers amongst the competition. Provide concrete examples of your success, such as “increased sales by 20%” or “reduced processing time by 30%.” Here are 50 ideas for accomplishments for your resume .

Once you have your ideas, you’ll need to effective present your accomplishments so they are concise whilst also showing what you can do. The XYZ format for writing resumes is one tool you can use to do this.

picture of 5 entry-level resume designs

Your educational background should be listed next, starting with the most recent degree. Include the name of each institution, its location, your degree, and graduation year. Relevant honors or distinctions can also be mentioned.

Skills Section:

Hard skills include specific technical knowledge or training, while soft skills focus on interpersonal and organisational abilities.

In the Australian resume format, you can list two referees (including their names, job titles, organisations and phone contacts). Some people prefer to state ‘available upon request’ in this section, which is also widely accepted. In this case, a potential employer may ask for the contact details later in the application process (usually when you are a shortlisted candidate).

Additional Sections:

Depending on your field and the job you’re applying for, you might also include sections for certifications, awards, publications, projects, or volunteer work. These can provide further evidence of your qualifications and commitment to your profession.

ATS (Keyword) Optimisation

Many companies (especially larger ones) use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to screen resumes. Ensure yours is ATS-friendly (and approved, not declined!) by the ‘bots, by using a straightforward format and including relevant keywords from the job posting. This guide provides more information (and an example) of how to write an ATS-friendly resume .

key skills resume australia

What is the Best Australian Resume Format Design?

Use a clean, professional layout with consistent formatting. Choose a standard font like Arial or Calibri, and keep the size between 10 and 12 points. Utilise bold and italics sparingly to emphasise important information.

Resume templates like this government resume template can be a helpful starting point, especially for beginners, but ensure that you customise sufficiently to stand out. A tailored resume reflects your unique skills and experiences more effectively than a generic one.

Customising Your Resume for the Job

Every job application should involve tailoring your resume to align closely with the job description. Identify key skills and experiences that the employer values by studying the job description closely, and then adapt your resume for each application, emphasising different aspects of your experience or adjusting your professional summary to mirror the priorities of each role.

Write a Strong Cover Letter

A well-crafted cover letter can make a significant difference, providing context for your resume and highlighting why you are a perfect fit for the role. Professional resume and cover letter writers can help write your cover letter .

Writing an Executive Resume

An executive resume is often longer than a standard resume, and requires more emphasis on your ability to lead, strategise and get results.

Writing a Student or New Graduate Resume

If you are a student or new to the workforce, you might struggle to know what to put in your resume. The important thing is to identify transferrable skills throughout school or in your extra-curricular activities (like sports clubs or volunteering). This guide provides more information on how to write a student or new graduate resume .

Avoiding Common Resume Writing Mistakes

Even small mistakes can derail your chances of getting an interview. Typos and grammatical errors are the most common pitfalls. Always proofread your resume multiple times or have it reviewed by a trusted peer or resume writing professional (feel free to contact us !).

Avoid vague terms like “synergy” or “go-getter.” Instead, use specific examples that demonstrate your skills and achievements. Tailor your resume to the role. Generic resumes are less likely to impress recruiters who are looking for specific qualifications.

Resume Examples

In Australia, different industries require different resume formats. Reviewing resume examples can help you understand what is required.

Government Resumes

For example, government resumes need a specific format and approach .

Mining Resumes

Australian mining industry resumes also have their own resume writing requirements .

Each sector in Australia also has their own preferences, for example, Perth and WA mining resumes have their own standards.

Nursing Resumes

These Townsville resume writers helped makeover this nursing resume .

These Brisbane resume writers helped transform this nursing resume .

Our resume writers are experts in writing nursing resumes .

Teacher Aide Resumes

Teacher aides have their own requirements for resume writing.

Aged Care Resumes

Writing resumes can be tricky for the aged care industry, especially if you don’t have any experience. This guide to writing resumes for an aged care worker with no experience can help . Review this template for entry-level aged care resume and cover letters .

Quality resume writing is a crucial step in your job search. By applying these tips and strategies, you can construct a resume that not only looks professional but also highlights your achievements in a way that resonates with recruiters.

Want more tips? Review our 2024 resume writing tips .

Nicole Wren

Nicole Wren

Senior Writer

Nicole is the principal resume writer at Resumes to Impress. Nicole loves writing and sharing her knowledge about all things job hunting and career guidance.

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Australian Resume - Guide & Formatting Tips [Free Templates!]

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Every country has its own work culture and that means specific requirements when it comes to resumes and CVs. 

And Australia is no different.

If you’re doing some Aussie job-searching (or planning to do so), you probably have a few questions:

What do “resume” and “CV” refer to in Australia? Are there any formatting rules you should be aware of? How long does the resume have to be? Should you include your photo? 

Well, you’re in the right place.

We’re here to answer those questions and more!

In this article, you’re going to find everything you need to know about Australian resumes and how to prepare one.

What Makes Australian Resumes Different

  • Typical Australian Resume Sections

3 Free Australian Resume Templates

How to make a convincing resume - further readings.

Let’s get to it!

resume examples for Australia

We recommend creating your Australian resume in parallel with reading this guide. Just pick a template that you like, and get started.

Not sure where to look for a job in Australia? SEEK and CareerOne are some of the most popular job boards in the country.

Although it might appear similar to the U.S. resume format at first glance, the Australian resume differs in some details that if missed, might very well ruin your chances of getting a call-back. 

Don’t worry though, we’re going to cover all of those details starting with the elephant in the room:

#1. Australian Resume vs CV

Unlike the U.S., in Australia, the terms “resume” and “CV” are used to refer to the same document . You will most likely come across “resume” more often, but if not, know that the terms are synonymous with each other. 

#2. How long should an Australian resume be?

In the U.S., a resume should typically be one page . 

An Australian resume, however, should definitely be more than one page. If you are a professional, three to four pages are what’s expected. If you are a recent graduate or don’t have much experience in the field, two pages will be enough . 

Don’t forget to be to-the-point, though. Even though you have the freedom to present yourself with a lengthy resume, you shouldn’t get into unnecessary details.

If you have a lot of years of experience, you shouldn’t go more than 10 years back in your resume. If there are any earlier work experiences that you particularly want to mention, you can add a “other professional experience” section and briefly mention it there. You can also end the section with “Full resume available upon request.”

#3. Are there any language expectations for Australian resumes?

As a matter of fact, there are. If you're applying for a job in Australia you need to make sure that your resume is written in correct Australian english. 

#4. Do you include a photo in an Australian resume?

Unless you’re applying for a job that is related to your appearance (modeling or acting), it’s best to not include a photo in your resume. If the company wants you to include one, they will usually specify it beforehand. 

There are some countries, like Belgium, France, and Germany, where you should include a photo in your resume . This rule, however, doesn’t apply to Australia.

#5. What personal information should you include in an Australian resume?

Just like your photo, personal information can make you vulnerable to profiling based on gender, race, age, or appearance. To avoid that, provide only the necessary contact information like name, address, phone number, and email address. 

It’s actually illegal for employers in Australia to ask you for information like age, marital status, religion, sexual preference, or nationality.

6 Typical Australian Resume Sections

Now that we’ve gone over what makes an Australian resume different, let’s focus on its layout and format. 

An Australian resume typically has the following sections:

Resume Objective/Summary

Although it isn’t mandatory, it is recommended for you to include a resume objective or summary.

A resume objective (or career objective) states your goals for employment and what you aim for in your career. It’s 1-2 sentences and is great for recent graduates or people who are changing careers. 

  • Recent computer science graduate seeking a full-time position as a programmer. Strong knowledge of object-oriented programming and application development tools.

A resume summary (or career summary) highlights your professional experience and gives the employer a glimpse of your skills before reading about them further in your resume. It’s between 3-5 sentences and is great for job seekers with years of experience. 

  • Driven programmer with 8+ years of experience developing and maintaining enterprise software applications. Helped design and develop 3 successful applications over the past 5 years.

Work Experience

Your work experience should be displayed in a reverse-chronological order . With each entry, you should provide the start and end date along with a brief description of your experience, your responsibilities, and your achievements. 

When possible, quantify your achievements and responsibilities. This shows the recruiter how you stand out from the rest of the applicants: 

Marketing Manager


  • Launched social media campaigns for the company
  • Managed a large team

07/2018 - Present


  • Developed and launched promotional campaigns that increased sales revenue by 12%
  • Trained and managed over 15 marketing and sales specialists, making sure sales targets were always met. 

If there are any gaps in your employment history, you should account for them as well if possible. Chances are, your interviewer will ask you about it anyway. 

If you have work experience in a large company/institution in your country that an Australian recruiter might not be familiar with, you should provide some information on your employer as well. 

For example, if you have worked as a sales manager for one of the largest toy companies in your country, don’t be hesitant to provide that information. By simply stating the name of the company you risk downplaying your experience if the recruiter isn’t familiar with the company.  

Your education history should also be displayed in reverse-chronological order. Each entry should consist of the name of the institution, date attended, your major/minor/specialization, and any related honors or awards. 

BA in Economics

Bentley University

07/2017 - 05/2021

  • Dean’s List 2019, 2020, 2021
  • Member of the Investment Club

A simple list of skills and strengths will provide the employer with a quick snapshot of what you have to offer and what you excel at. In general, it’s best to focus on hard skills, but if you will be listing any soft skills like “leadership” or “critical thinking”, make sure you can back them up with experiences. 

how to list skills on resume

Volunteer Experience

If you have any volunteer experience , it’s important to note it on your resume. Hiring managers appreciate it. 

Often, volunteer experience can count as work experience too. Especially if it matches with a period of time you were not employed and if it is related to your profession. In that case, you can even include it in the “work experience” section. 

The name, position, and phone number of your referee/s will be enough. Most recruiters contact references after the interview process anyway.

references on resume

If you want to create a resume that stands out, you’ll need to use a good-looking template.

#1. College/University Resume Template

college australian resume template

As a student or recent graduate, you want your resume to highlight your education and emphasize your skills. This is exactly what the College resume format does. 

It has a simple and organized format that is easy to skim and has a nice aesthetic. 

#2. Professional Resume Template

professional australian resume template

Approved by various recruiters and one of our all-time favorite templates, the Professional template can adapt to all fields. 

It highlights your work experience and makes all information easy to find for the recruiter. 

#3. Creative Resume Template

creative australian resume template

If you have a career in marketing, design, advertising, or other creative fields, this is the perfect template for you. 

The Creative resume template is compact and organized but has some details that add to it a unique touch, fit for the industry you are in. 

At this point, we’ve got you all covered on Australian resumes, what they look like, and how they differ from resumes in other countries.

However, there’s always room for improving and perfecting your resume and job-searching process. 

Check out some of our top resources on job-search, resumes, and the interviewing process and be on top of your game in all steps:

  • The No-Nonsense Guide to Finding a Great Aussie Job in 2024 - This guide is as good as it sounds. You’ll find all you need to know about the job-finding process in Australia.
  • How to Write a Resume | Professional Guide - Everything you need to know about how to make a resume, from layout to content.
  • How to Write a CV (Curriculum Vitae) in 2024 - The A to Z guide to the perfect CV that will land you that interview.
  • 35+ Common Interview Questions and Answers [Complete List] - Leave nothing to chance and ace that interview by learning how to answer these unavoidable questions.
  • How to Ace Interviews with the STAR Method - The key to giving a good answer to every single behavioral job interview question.

Looking for more? Head over to our career blog and find all the information you need.

Key Takeaways

The differences of an Australian resume may be subtle, but if you don’t pay attention to them, you probably aren’t getting any callbacks. 

To avoid that, when preparing your Australian resume remember:

  • In Australia, “resume” and “CV” refer to the same document.
  • You can and MUST go longer than one page. 3-5 pages is ideal, but 2 pages can be acceptable if you don't have a lot of experience.
  • Your resume has to be written using correct Australian English so always double-check that your spelling is right
  • It is highly recommended to include an attention grabbing-resume objective or summary that will make the recruiter intrigued to read further

And that’s a wrap! 

Good luck and wish you a successful job-search!

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The Best Job Skills to Include on Your Resume in 2024

15 min read · Updated on August 28, 2024

Ken Chase

Crush your career by making sure you have the right skills for your resume

As a job seeker focused on career advancement, you know how important it is for your resume to deliver the right message to prospective employers – a message that shows you have the right qualifications for your desired position. To convey that narrative, you need to make sure you're including the skills employers are looking for in today's rapidly changing economy. But what are the right skills for your resume?

In this article, we'll examine some of the best skills for any resume by exploring 10 key skills prized by almost every employer. We'll also provide some tips you can use to identify vital hard skills you'll need for specific job roles.

Related reading : What Are Skills? (With Examples and Tips on How to Improve Them)

12 skills for your resume that employers will love to see

1.  continuous learning.

The days of getting a job and simply punching in and punching out are over. If you want to get ahead, you need to embrace continuous learning. By improving your work-related skill set, whether it's soft skills or hard skills, you boost your chances of improving your career trajectory. 

Employers love to hear that candidates enjoy learning because it's necessary in a business world where change and growth are happening at remarkable speed. Those who don't embrace learning new things will be left behind due to an inability to keep pace with advancements in their industry.

2.  Time management

Time management has always been important, but with the growing acceptance of remote work and the need for many companies to do more with fewer employees, it's more important than ever. That means your employers have to trust that you can manage your time and get your work done without anyone looking over your shoulder. In today's age of smartphones, social media, and binge-worthy TV, you need to prove you can stay on task and target. 

3.  Decision-making

Everybody makes decisions, right? Not exactly. For some people, decision-making is excruciating; they struggle to see beyond all the questions. What if we make the wrong choice? Is it worth the investment? Will the team be on board? 

Having the ability to assess the criteria in front of you and come to a conclusive decision on a regular basis, even if you're wrong once in a while, marks you as a person who gets things done. It also shows you're willing to take calculated risks when necessary – and that's a good thing, too.

4.  Emotional intelligence

The ability to stay in tune with your own emotions and the emotions of those around you is more valuable than ever. The days of “leave your problems at the door when logging in to work” are gone. From acknowledging your own emotions to having empathy for the emotions of your coworkers and clients, emotional intelligence will help you be a “people person” even if you're not a natural extrovert. This is one of the new top skills for a job in the modern economy. 

5.  Change Management

As you know, things are changing faster than ever – and that can sometimes be difficult for some employees to accept. Having a knack for change management, whether that means handling changes on your own or helping guide whole teams to adapt to new paradigms, is a great way to make yourself an irreplaceable part of nearly any organization. 

6.  Project management

Understanding the full scope of your projects and being able to manage them – from concept and development to implementation and completion – is a vital work-related skill. Changes in the labor market can make it harder for management to keep tabs on every project, so having employees who are skilled at project management can make their lives easier. This is one of those critical skills that can also set you up to help others and possibly move into a management role of your own.

7.  Cloud computing

The world is moving into the cloud even faster than expected, and companies need people who understand it and can work with it. By developing and leveraging your expertise in cloud computing, you can ensure your skill set is well-positioned for a continually evolving economy. Even if you're not a Programmer or Engineer, just having a solid understanding of the cloud and how it works can keep you ahead of the game.

8.  Artificial intelligence

It's truly an AI age now, with robots and automation making their way into the job market . We not only want computers to do work for us, but we also want them to get smarter as they work. Like cloud computing, this is another skill that you don't necessarily need to master – but developing a solid understanding of AI can give you a vital edge in a difficult job market.

9.  Leadership

Too often, job seekers who are not pursuing management or leadership roles simply ignore basic leadership skills on their resume. Many simply assume those skills only matter to employers if they're hiring new managers or leaders. Nothing could be further from the truth, however. The best companies rely on a culture of leadership to foster growth, productivity, and innovation. Those employers will always take note of resumes that highlight a candidate's strong leadership skills.

Those skills can include things like:

Relationship building

The ability to motivate others

Critical thinking


Conflict management

Employers understand that candidates with these skills can add real value to their teams, helping them become more focused, adaptable, and productive. In addition, companies that promote from within are always on the lookout for potential new hires who can grow into those leadership and managerial roles over time.

10. Communication

Obviously, employers also want to see job candidates who include strong communication skills on their resume. After all, every business relies on people who can convey and receive important information – whether it's taking orders, providing instruction to others, or interacting with customers, coworkers, and vendors. However, there's more to communication than just being able to speak in a clear and intelligent manner. Communication skills can also include abilities like:

Confident presentation

Providing and receiving feedback


Awareness of body language


Written communication, including reports, emails, and even social media

Active listening

Related reading : 11 Best Communication Skills for Your Resume (With Examples)

11. Problem-solving

Problem-solving can be one of the most important skills for your resume. This skill set is prized by employers in every industry, and for good reason. Every company experiences challenges from time to time – everything from changes in the economy to industry stress, interpersonal conflicts, and market pressures. Employers who hire and retain problem-solvers will always have an edge when it comes to meeting and overcoming even the most daunting challenges.

Strong problem-solving skills can include:

Observation and data gathering

Data and fact analysis to identify the source of any challenge

Ability to define the scope of the problem

Collaborating with others to brainstorm potential solutions

Using critical thinking to determine the best possible solution

Creative planning to devise workable options for implementing the best solution

12. Transferable skills

It's also important to remember that employers will also prize skills that they may not have even thought to list in their job description. These abilities can include so-called transferable skills – typically soft skills that are important assets for nearly every job, company, and industry.

In addition to obvious abilities like communication, transferable skills can include talents and traits like a solid work ethic, integrity, and punctuality – characteristics that employers tend to associate with dependability. Flexibility and organizational skills are also great examples of abilities that are useful in almost any type of job. Other examples include technological literacy, self-motivation, and goal management.

How to identify skills to put on your resume

Of course, it's one thing to know which skills you possess; it's quite another to know which skills any given employer might be looking for during their hiring process. To truly stand out from the competition, you need a resume that includes all of the key abilities and qualifications your prospective employer expects their new hire to possess. But how do you identify those skills to make sure your resume is tailored to the role you're seeking? The following tips can help you organize your skill list.

Start with the job description

Your search for relevant skills should always begin with the role's job description. This simple description of the job's required qualifications will invariably include the most important skills the employer requires for the position. For example, if you are applying for a position as a Marketing Manager, a review of that role's job description may reveal the following duties and areas of responsibility:

Leadership of the company's marketing initiatives and teams

Collaboration with other departments, including financial and sales teams

Training of marketing personnel

Analysis of current campaigns to identify areas of potential improvement

Optimization of online marketing tools and campaigns

Brainstorming with leadership team to create new marketing and advertising ideas

Organization of promotional events

New product brand development, management, and revitalization

By analyzing that basic job description, you can identify an array of relevant skills that you should try to incorporate into various sections of your resume. When you dissect the bullets from this Marketing Manager job description, you'll find skills like:

Project management

Team leadership

Interdepartmental collaboration

Sales and marketing training

Data analysis


Online marketing


Promotions and event management

Brand development

Brand optimization

There are others, of course, but that should give you a good idea of just how easy it is to identify relevant skills for your resume by simply analyzing the company's job description. Note also that you should try to use the same terms you find in that description when you're creating your skill list. Those terms are likely to be keywords you'll need to include if you want your resume to get past the applicant tracking system.

Research the company

If your analysis of the job description doesn't provide you with a sufficient number of relevant skills for a resume, then you may be able to identify other qualifications by researching the company. You can find additional information about the company's culture, mission, vision, and job roles by reviewing its website and social media. You can even try to reach out to people who work there to see whether they can provide you with additional information.

By learning more about the company's culture and mission, you can identify key characteristics and values the employer is likely looking for in new hires. For example, if the company claims to value its customers, you may want to emphasize your own dedication to providing positive customer experiences. If the employer boasts of its innovative approach to service, you can highlight things like creativity and personal initiative in your resume.

Remember, the goal here is to ensure your resume skills align with the qualifications and character traits the company prizes. By tailoring your resume to fit the company's needs, you can more effectively stand out from the competition and capture the hiring manager's interest – which can help increase the chances that you get scheduled for that all-important job interview.

Skills and career marketing

When it's time to apply for a new job, you'll need a stellar resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile. Each one needs to be optimized with skills for the job you're seeking. 

Skills for your resume

The first thing almost all job seekers work on is their resume, and there's a very good reason for that. It has been argued that your resume is the most important financial document you'll ever own – without it, you won't be able to land the job that enables you to pay bills, go on vacation, or save for retirement. By taking the extra time to dissect each job description and get the relevant keywords you'll need for your resume, you'll start to stand out from the crowd. 

You can weave relevant skill keywords into any section of your resume, including the resume headline, profile summary, skills section, and work experience achievements.

Your resume headline

The resume headline is a single line of text that goes right below your resume contact information. This text should include your desired job title, as well as some descriptive language that can showcase your skills and value. The headline should mirror the job description in a way that is creative and poignant. For example, instead of just listing the job title, Marketing Manager , you should create a more compelling headline that captures the reader's attention:

Dynamic Marketing Manager, Branding Expert, and Campaign Innovator

A hiring manager who reads that headline will likely want to read more of your resume to gain greater insight into your claimed expertise. Just make sure you back up those claims by including the right skills in your resume, along with notable work experience achievements that demonstrate how you used those talents to achieve measurable results for your employers.

Your resume profile summary

Your resume profile should be a summary of your key qualifications; it serves as the resume equivalent of a salesperson's elevator pitch. Here, you should use just three or four short sentences to highlight your experience in the role, key skills, and a notable achievement demonstrating value. As you tweak your profile summary with keywords from the job description, think about how your experience is related to those keywords and how you can showcase them in a way that impresses hiring managers.

Related reading : Resume Profile Explained (with Examples)

Your work experience section

When most job seekers are thinking about where to add skills to their resume, the work experience section may not be the first thing that comes to mind. After all, that section is designed to highlight your work experience – including details about your prior job titles, employers, and dates of employment. Where do skills fit into that equation?

As it turns out, this section can be a great place to highlight relevant skills the employer is looking for. Wordsmith the key phrases you find in the job description into the action-packed achievement statements you write to describe your experiences. 

Expert tip: Avoid listing job duties you performed during your time in past roles; instead, you should add measurable achievements that highlight real accomplishments that created value for your old bosses.

You can include skill keywords in some of those achievements to really focus attention on your expertise. For example:

Developed and implemented online marketing campaign that boosted customer social media interaction by 230%, contributing to a 27% increase in online sales activities

Created new sales and marketing training program for new employees, increasing onboarding efficiency by 52%

Collaborated with sales team leaders to align on-site sales efforts with company's new marketing campaign, resulting in 23% increase in company-wide quarterly sales

As you can see, each of those achievement statements includes details that highlight specific skills used to achieve positive results for the candidate's employers. When hiring managers read those achievement statements, they'll immediately recognize the type of value that the job seeker can provide for their organization.

Related reading : 47 Accomplishment Examples for Your Resume: Expert Picks

Your skills section

As you add skill keywords to those sections of your resume, you can cross them off your master list. Whatever remains on that list can form the foundation of your resume's skills section. This section should be a list of between nine and twelve key abilities – including both hard and soft skills listed in the job description, as well as any relevant transferable skills. This list is a vital way to ensure your resume gets past the applicant tracking system (ATS)   employers use to screen applicants.

Related reading : Seven Key Resume Sections and How to Organize Them

Optimize your LinkedIn profile with keywords

Your LinkedIn profile is special and is ranked in recruiter searches based on keyword density, among other things. As recruiters search on LinkedIn for candidates to fill open roles, the profiles with the most relevant keywords will show up at the top of the recruiter's list. Now, you don't want to overdo it with the keywords, as that could be seen as keyword stuffing. But you do want to make sure you're using industry and job-specific keywords in a way that makes sense. 

Don't forget the cover letter

Even with the rise of online resume submissions, cover letters remain an important part of the job search process – and one of the best ways for you to connect with employers. Don't just throw something together and call it a cover letter, though. Be diligent with keywords that match your skills, just like you are with your resume and LinkedIn profile. Put your creative hat on and align your experiences, skills, and achievements with keywords from the job description. 

You are the best at what you do – don't let them forget that!

To compete in today's competitive job market, it's essential to be able to identify the best skills for your resume. Learning how to identify the skills employers want to see on your resume and knowing how to include them in a way that highlights your qualifications can help you increase your odds of earning an interview and job offer.  By following the tips and examples in this guide, you should be well on your way to greater resume and job search success!

Are you updating the skills for your resume? Why not send it for a free resume review by the experts at TopResume, to make sure it's selling your job skills in the current labor market?

This article was originally written by Ken Chase and has been updated by Marsha Hebert and Ken Chase.

Recommended reading:

Top Transferable Job Skills Employers Look for in Candidates

Skills You Can Learn on the Job

Key Differences Between Hard Skills and Soft Skills

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Creating an Impactful Australia Resume: A Step-by-Step Guide to Success

Table of Contents

Mastering the Australia Resume: A Guide for Overseas Candidates

In today’s global job market, it’s essential for professionals seeking opportunities abroad to tailor their resumes to specific regions. For overseas candidates looking to secure employment in Australia, understanding the key differences between a resume crafted in other countries and a resume for the Australian job market is crucial.

We’ve already provided 15 Expert Tips to Get Noticed by Australian Recruiters on LinkedIn , however in this article, we’ll explore the unique aspects of the Australia resume and offer valuable tips to help you create a standout document that will catch hiring managers’ attention.

Understanding the Australian Resume Format

Before diving into the details of crafting an Australia resume, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the standard format used in the country. While Australian resumes share some similarities with those from other regions, they also have their own set of unique characteristics that need to be addressed.

In many countries, a resume should be kept to one or two pages, but Australian employers often expect a longer document. The standard Australia resume is usually two to four pages long, providing ample space to showcase your skills, experience, and qualifications without overwhelming the reader.

The structure of an Australia resume typically follows a chronological order, listing your work experience from the most recent to the oldest. Start by highlighting your contact details, followed by a strong objective or professional summary. Then, move on to your work experience, education, and any relevant skills or certifications.

Key Elements of a Successful Australia Resume

Now that you know the format, let’s explore some essential components of an effective Australia resume. Focusing on these aspects will help you create a compelling document that sets you apart from the competition.

Personalize Your Objective or Summary

Australian employers appreciate candidates who can convey their personal brand and career goals succinctly and engagingly. Ensure your resume includes a tailored objective or summary highlighting your most relevant skills and experience for the job you’re applying for.

Emphasize Your Achievements

Australian hiring managers want to see evidence of your accomplishments, not just a list of your responsibilities. When detailing your work experience, include quantifiable achievements demonstrating your ability to add value to a company.

Highlight Your Soft Skills

In addition to showcasing your technical abilities, an Australia resume should emphasize your soft skills. Australian employers value team players who communicate effectively, adapt to change, and contribute to a positive work environment.

Adapting Your Resume for the Australian Job Market

You’ll need to adapt your document to ensure your resume stands out in the Australian job market. This might include updating terminology, addressing potential concerns, and using appropriate language.

Adjust Your Terminology

Certain job titles or industry-specific terms may differ in Australia compared to other countries. Research Australian equivalents and update your resume accordingly to avoid confusion and demonstrate your understanding of the local job market.

Adapting your terminology to align better with Australian standards can help ensure your resume resonates with local employers. Here are some examples of how to adjust your terminology:

Example 1: Job Titles

International Title: Customer Service Representative Australian Equivalent: Customer Service Officer

Example 2: Job Titles

International Title: Human Resources Manager Australian Equivalent: HR Business Partner

Example 3: Educational Terminology

International Term: GPA (Grade Point Average) Australian Equivalent: WAM (Weighted Average Mark)

Example 4: Spelling Variations

International Spelling: Labor Australian Spelling: Labour

Example 5: Company Departments

International Term: Public Relations Department Australian Equivalent: Communications Department

Remember, the goal is to make your resume easy for Australian hiring managers to understand. Do some research to identify any differences in job titles, terms, and industry-specific jargon that may be unique to Australia.

Adjust your resume accordingly to demonstrate your familiarity with the Australian job market and increase your chances of making a strong impression.

Address Visa and Work Permit Requirements

As an overseas candidate, you must clarify your visa status and eligibility to work in Australia. Make sure to include this information in your resume, as it can help employers understand your current situation and potentially streamline the hiring process.

Use Australian English

Lastly, ensure your resume is written using Australian English. This includes using the correct spelling, grammar, and terminology and adopting a tone and style that aligns with Australian business culture.

By understanding the unique requirements of the Australia resume and adapting your document accordingly, you’ll be well on your way to securing a job in this diverse and exciting country. Remember, the key is to tailor your resume to the Australian job market while highlighting your relevant skills, experience, and achievements.

Final Tips for Crafting the Perfect Australia Resume

As you put the finishing touches on your Australia resume, remember these additional tips to help you stand out from the competition and secure that interview.

Proofread Thoroughly

Your resume should be free from grammatical errors and typos to make a strong impression. Take the time to proofread your document carefully, and consider having a native Australian English speaker review it for any inconsistencies or inaccuracies.

Optimize for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)

Many Australian employers use ATS software to screen resumes before a hiring manager sees them. Ensure your resume is optimized for ATS by using clear formatting, relevant keywords, and simple language. Avoid using tables, images, or fancy fonts that could cause issues with the software.

Prepare a Strong Cover Letter

While your resume showcases your skills and experience, a tailored cover letter is an opportunity to explain why you’re the ideal candidate for the role. Use your cover letter to address any gaps in your resume, demonstrate your passion for the job, and highlight your understanding of the Australian job market.

Network and Engage with the Australian Job Market

Lastly, don’t forget the importance of networking in your job search. Connect with professionals in your target industry and participate in online forums, social media groups, and virtual events to learn about job opportunities and stay informed about trends in the Australian job market.

In conclusion, by understanding the unique aspects of the Australia resume, tailoring your document to the local job market, and following these additional tips, you’ll be well-prepared to make a lasting impression on Australian employers and increase your chances of landing your dream job Down Under. Good luck!

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Once you have your Australia Resume sorted, take a moment to discover a wealth of exciting opportunities on our website. On 482jobs.com, we feature a comprehensive list of jobs offering Australia 482 visa sponsorship.

Our user-friendly platform makes it easy to search and explore job listings tailored specifically for overseas candidates like you. Don’t miss your chance to secure a position with visa sponsorship in Australia – take advantage of our curated job listings today and embark on your journey to professional success Down Under!

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Hello and thank you for taking the time to comment

For driver jobs, especially, it’s important to note that your experience aligns well with the opportunities available in Australia. You’ll need to find an employer willing to sponsor you for this visa. I recommend visiting our guide titled “Truck Driver Jobs in Australia: Your Ultimate Guide to Living and Working Down Under” . This guide is specifically designed for individuals like you and will provide detailed information on how to find sponsored driver positions, understand Australian driving regulations, and what steps to take next. You can access the guide at 482jobs.com/sponsored-truck-driver-jobs-in-australia/ .

Additionally, for a broader search, our homepage at 482jobs.com allows you to search for 482 Visa-related job listings and set up job alerts for relevant positions. Remember, securing a job with an employer willing to sponsor your visa is a crucial step in the application process for the 482 Visa.

Best of luck with your job search, and I hope you find the perfect driving position in Australia!

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Hi… I’m a Zimbabwean with a crop science degree from University of Zimbabwe… 5 years experience as a senior agronomist and sugarcane Section manager

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How to write an Australian-style resume

On this page, keep it brief and simple, include your personal details, indicate your career profile, summarise your key skills, detail your work experience, include your education and qualifications.

Topics covered

Before you begin job hunting in Australia, it is essential that you prepare a professional resume that suits the Australian style. It’s important to make a resume that is not only suitable for use in Australia but creates a great impression on potential employers.

So, whether you’re a fresh graduate looking for your “big break” into the workforce, a student wanting to gain work experience, or a professional with years of experience under your belt, writing an “Aussie” style resume might just get you a step ahead of Australia’s competitive markets, particularly if you have an international background. Here’s what you need to know:

More likely known as a CV (Curriculum Vitae), a resume is designed to highlight your skills, experience and achievements. It would be wise to limit your resume to 1 to 2 pages so hiring managers can see easily what makes you a better candidate than others. More importantly, use a standard font style (i.e. Times Now Roman or Arial), neutral colours like black or grey, and bullet points for easy reading.

Your resume should contain all necessary personal details, such as your name, address, phone number, email address, nationality and languages spoken. Professional memberships and clubs, as well as hobbies and interests, are optional. Make sure to keep your email address professional-sounding, too. After all, your CV is a document that will help market yourself.

For fresh graduates, it is advisable to start your CV with a career objective to inform potential employers of what they can expect from you. It should be straightforward and directly speak about your qualifications and accomplishments.

As for professionals, it’s better to begin with a career overview to give hiring managers a preview of what they can find on your resume. This should include your professional and academic training and some information about your current job.

If you want to give recruiters a quick snapshot of what you can offer and be placed in the “yes” pile, summarise your key strengths and competencies that are relevant to the role you want to pursue. It will also be to your advantage to mention some personal traits.

When providing information about your previous jobs, begin with the most recent one. Indicate the organisation’s name, your position and dates of your employment. Describe your key responsibilities, projects completed and achievements.

Students who have completed a higher education are highly sought after in Australia, so this creates a great first impression among many employers. As such, indicate your certificates, diplomas or degrees attained – or their Australian equivalents. If you are currently taking up an additional qualification, include this information as well.

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How to create a transferable skills resume

If you want to get into a new role or industry, you might find you don’t have much direct experience to help you make the change. Maybe you have to look beyond your own industry for work, or you want to take a leap into something new.

That’s where transferable skills come in – they can help you make that move. Think of your transferable skills as ‘portable skills’ – you can take them with you from one job to another.

Here’s more on what transferable skills are and why they’re so useful, plus tips on how you can base your resume around them.

Why your transferable skills are valuable

Transferable skills are skills and abilities that are useful in almost any role – and you’ve likely got quite a few of them. Organisational skills like time management , communication skills like writing and listening , and people skills like co-operation , leadership and teamwork are all transferable skills.

Because you can use transferable skills across many kinds of work, they can be incredibly valuable in helping you get into a new role or industry. They can also help you stand out during the job application process. Employers value transferable skills because they’re often fundamental skills that are of real benefit to the workplace.

“Every one of us develops transferable skills that can add value to new roles,” says career coach and Asuria Australia CEO, Nicole Grainger-Marsh. “For instance, if you’re a team leader now, then you will have developed skills such as management, team leadership, mentoring – skills that aren’t limited by the sector that you’re in.”

Even if you’re new to the workforce, you may have skills like technology literacy, or traits like flexibility or empathy that you’ve picked up in your life so far.

Transferable skills show that you can adapt

These skills can also demonstrate that you’re someone who can adjust to a new role, working environment or industry.

“The transferable skills that you have are, by their nature, based on your abilities to adapt,” Grainger-Marsh says. “Given the fast pace of change, and the number of different roles the average person is likely to have, the adaptability that your transferable skills can demonstrate is crucial.”

In other words, it’s skills, not always experience, that you need to make a step into a new industry or role .

5 tips for building your resume around transferable skills

If you want to make the most of your transferable skills for entering a new kind of work or industry, making sure that they’re a strong focus in your resume is important.

  • Identify your transferable skills. First, it’s important to be clear on what your own transferable skills are so that you can highlight them clearly to potential employers. Refer to this transferable skills checklist to help you identify and list them.
  • Look at what’s required for the role or industry. Next, consider what transferable skills could be most relevant to the kind of work you want to do. Then you can refine your list of transferable skills and match them to the jobs you’re applying for. “Find some examples of the roles being advertised, and make a list of the skills and experience they are looking for,” Grainger-Marsh says. “There will probably be a few common elements in there, and those are the areas to focus on.” If there’s one particular job you’re interested in, read closely over the requirements in the job ad and identify any transferable skills mentioned.
  • Write your transferable skills using descriptions and examples. Now focus on your resume itself. A transferable skills-based resume includes all the elements of a typical resume – profile, education, experience and contact information. But it makes your relevant skills more prominent. You might create a section under the title ‘Key skills’ to list your skills and explain how you’ve used them. Or you might include bullet points about your skills under the roles you put in the experience section of your resume. The easiest way to demonstrate transferable skills is to be descriptive when you write about the environment you’ve been working in, says Natalie Rogers, Executive Consultant at Six Degrees Executive. “This will help the hiring manager to identify whether you will be able to transition into their environment,” she explains. For example, if you’ve been working in an environment that involves negotiating with other people or teams and this is similar to the new role, that would be a plus in the eyes of the employer.  
  • Consider the personality traits employers are looking for. More and more, organisations are recognising the importance of getting the right person and not just the right skills,” Grainger-Marsh says. So, it’s also important to look at the personality traits a company or employer is looking for when hiring. “Do they ask for a ‘self-motivated’ person in several ads? Is an individual with ‘good stakeholder management’ specifically referenced? Those are transferable skills which can help make up ground if one of the technical skills is missing from your list,” Grainger-Marsh says. “There are also key personality traits that will always be relevant, such as a proactive nature, flexibility, and adaptability,” says Rogers, so add those to your resume too, if you have them.  
  • Be confident in your ability. It’s good to remember that experience isn’t everything. “Combining the relevant transferable skills and personality traits can see you transition into a new industry, despite a lack of industry experience,” Rogers says. “And be prepared to bring these key skills to life during an interview with strong, real-life examples of how you have successfully demonstrated the skills.” “If you demonstrate the skills, aptitude and, most importantly, the cultural fit and attitude that will bring success, employers will often respond,” says Grainger-Marsh. After all, she adds, they’re not hiring a resume – they’re hiring a person.
  • 5 in-demand skills employers want
  • Are transferable skills the new experience?
  • How to identify transferable skills and use them to help you apply

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700+ HR-Approved Australian Resume Examples: Job Winning Resume Samples

Explore our vast collection of 700+ ATS-optimized Australian resume examples, meticulously designed to impress employers, pass through Applicant Tracking Systems, and adhere to Australian resume format standards. Whether you're an experienced professional, a recent graduate, or navigating a career change, our diverse range of formats will guide you to craft a standout resume that opens doors to your dream job. Bid farewell to missed opportunities and welcome a future filled with job interviews. Your next career achievement is just a click away.

  • Social services
  • Information technology
  • Healthcare and support
  • Food service
  • Fitness & nutrition
  • Data & systems administration
  • Customer service
  • Construction
  • Computers software
  • Business operations
  • Billing and collections
  • Administrative

Accounting Resume examples

An accountant’s primary duties include analyzing financial data and budget forecasts, creating balance sheets, profit and loss and taxation reports, and assisting organizations in finance management, tax strategies and effective use of resources. Accountants also work in specialized areas such as tax, cost, investment or management accounting.

Accounting Resume examples

  • Cost Accountant
  • Accounting Assistant
  • Internal Auditor
  • Accounting Administrator
  • Accounting Manager
  • Assistant Corporate Controller
  • Project Accountant
  • Staff Accountant
  • Staff Auditor
  • Accounting Clerk

Administrative Resume samples

Review some of these samples of a Resume for administrative work for Resume ideas to feature your organizational and collaboration skills.

Administrative Resume samples

  • Administrative Assistant
  • Office Assistant
  • Assistant Front Office Manager
  • Office Manager
  • Administrative Assistant Manager
  • Administrative Officer
  • Administrative Coordinator
  • Procurement Analyst
  • Executive Assistant
  • Procurement Specialist
  • Facilities Manager
  • Receptionist
  • Administrative Front Desk Clerk
  • Front Office Assistant

Billing and collections Resume examples

In addition to our featured example Resume for billings and collections, we offer more examples of a Resume for a job to help you shine in this industry. .

Billing and collections Resume examples

  • Accounts Payable Clerk
  • Debt Collection Manager
  • Accounts Payable Manager
  • Night Auditor
  • Accounts Receivable Clerk
  • Payroll Analyst
  • Accounts Payable Receivable Manager
  • Payroll Manager
  • Accounts Payable Specialist
  • Collections Representative
  • Collections Team Lead
  • Accounts Payable Supervisor
  • Billing Specialist

Business operations Resume samples

Examples of Cv s for jobs in your field can help you write a great Cv . These professional Resume examples for leadership jobs show how to display your interpersonal skills.

Business operations Resume samples

  • Business Development Associate
  • Business Management
  • Enterprise Management Trainee
  • General Manager
  • Iso Management Representative
  • Liaison Officer
  • Operations Manager
  • Pmo Analyst
  • Risk Analyst
  • Salon Manager

Child care Resume examples

Use these samples of Cv s as guides for displaying your ability to keep the household organized and your interpersonal skills.

Child care Resume examples

  • After School Teacher
  • Daycare Teacher Assistant
  • After School Program Director
  • Daycare Worker
  • Playground Supervisor
  • Child Care Center Administrator
  • Day Care Center Administrator

Computer software Resume samples

As detailed in the examples of good Cv s for computer software jobs below, list programs required for the position and any additional certifications or training you have in software.

Computer software Resume samples

  • Cloud Computing Engineer
  • Java Developer
  • Software Engineering Manager
  • Ecommerce Qa Tester
  • Sql Developer
  • Remote Software Engineer

Construction Resume examples

Let our construction work Resume examples help you stress special skills like specialties, such as plumbing or electrical systems.

Construction Resume examples

  • Flooring Installer
  • Certified Crane Operator
  • General Laborer
  • Chief Estimator
  • Construction Manager
  • Construction Chief Executive Officer
  • Project Manager
  • Construction Laborer
  • Construction Safety Officer
  • Construction Worker
  • Construction Site Supervisor

Culinary Resume samples

Find a Resume example for a job in the culinary field from these sample Cv s and grab some ideas on showing your expertise with specific cuisines and ability to collaborate with others.

Culinary Resume samples

  • Bakery Assistant
  • Food Service Specialist
  • Personal Chef
  • Restaurant Assistant Manager
  • Restaurant Chain Manager
  • Restaurant General Manager
  • Restaurant Manager
  • Restaurant Shift Leader
  • Restaurant Shift Manager
  • Restaurant Shift Supervisor
  • Junior Sous Chef

Customer service Resume examples

Use an example of a Resume to apply to a job in customer service, emphasizing intangible qualities such as communication, teamwork and flexibility.

Customer service Resume examples

  • Customer Service Advisor
  • Banking Representative
  • Call Center Manager
  • Call Center Representative
  • Call Center Team Leader
  • Camp Counselor
  • Client Service Specialist
  • Customer Experience Manager
  • Customer Relationship Officer
  • Customer Service Assistant Manager
  • Customer Service Representative
  • Customer Success Manager
  • Customer Service Supervisor
  • Director Of Member Services

Data & systems administration Resume samples

Use these great Resume examples for guidance on how to feature your key soft skills such as collaboration and problem-solving.

Data & systems administration Resume samples

  • Backup Administrator
  • Control Systems Engineer
  • Cyber Security Specialist
  • Data Analytics Manager
  • Network Admin
  • Entry Level Network Engineer
  • Salesforce Administrator
  • Salesforce Developer
  • Solutions Architect
  • Telecommunication Project Manager

Fitness and nutrition Resume examples

Follow our Resume samples to see how to best display your fitness training experience and any knowledge or training you’ve had in diet and nutrition programs.

Fitness and nutrition Resume examples

  • Dietary Aide
  • Exercise Physiologist
  • Fitness And Personal Trainer
  • Gym Assistant
  • Nutritionist
  • Personal Trainer
  • Yoga Instructor

Food service Resume samples

Note how these professional Resume examples feature skills such as a strong work ethic, the ability to work well with others, multitasking and flexibility.

Food service Resume samples

  • Bar Supervisor
  • Cafeteria Worker
  • Catering Server
  • Cocktail Server
  • Crew Member
  • Fast Food Server
  • Food And Beverage Manager
  • Food And Beverage Server
  • Restaurant Server

Healthcare Support Resume Examples

These professional healthcare support examples for a Resume cover major health support fields. Use one of these sample Cv s as a guide to writing a great Cv .

Healthcare Support Resume Examples

  • Assisted Living Coordinator
  • Assisted Living Executive Director
  • Companion Caregiver
  • Direct Support Professional
  • Healthcare System Administrator
  • Healthcare Operations Manager
  • Healthcare Program Manager
  • Home Health Aide
  • Intensive Care Nurse
  • Medical Assistant
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Patient Coordinator
  • Personal Care Assistant
  • Personal Support Worker
  • Phlebotomist

Information technology Resume samples

Take a cue from some of the best Resume examples from My Perfect Resume and show off your problem-solving abilities. Let these examples of a good Resume be your guide.

Information technology Resume samples

  • Agile Project Manager
  • Assistant Project Manager
  • Contracts Manager
  • Devops Engineer
  • Global Project Manager
  • Help Desk Support
  • Project Management Director
  • Technical Project Manager
  • Technical Support Engineer

Medical Resume examples

Highlight specialized medical training and certifications using these medical job Resume examples as a guide. Include experience in hospitals and private practice.

Medical Resume examples

  • Anesthesia Technician
  • Clinical Director
  • Dialysis Technician
  • Ekg Technician
  • Hospital Volunteer
  • Intensive Care Physician
  • Medical Coding Specialist
  • Medical Records Specialist
  • Certified Lactation Consultant
  • Nuclear Medicine Technologist
  • Optometrist
  • Pediatrician
  • Physician Assistant
  • Registered Mri Technologist
  • Speech Language Pathologist
  • Ultrasound Technician

Nursing Resume samples

We have the perfect Resume examples to help you display your interpersonal and communication skills, time management, attention to detail and empathy. Choose a nursing job Resume example below to get started!

Nursing Resume samples

  • Acute Care Nurse
  • Advanced Practice Rn
  • Geriatric Nurse Practitioner
  • Labor And Delivery Nurse
  • Nurse Practitioner
  • Nursing Assistant
  • Oncology Nurse
  • Pediatric Nurse
  • Registered Nurse
  • Public School Nurse
  • Trauma Nurse

Production Resume examples

A professional experience Resume example from the following list of Resume examples for jobs in production can show how to display licenses for operating specialized equipment.

Production Resume examples

  • Apparel Production Manager
  • Assembly Line Operator
  • Chemical Plant Operator
  • Forklift Operator
  • Machine Operator
  • Picker And Packer
  • Pipeline Inspector
  • Pipeline Welder
  • Plant Manager
  • Production Manager
  • Supply Chain Manager
  • Telecommunications Technician
  • Logistics Assistant Manager

Retail Resume samples

Use the example Cv s below as guides to showcase your customer service skills and experience managing products and services on your retail employee Cv .

Retail Resume samples

  • Retail Assistant Manager
  • Sales Associate
  • Bookstore Clerk
  • Clothing Sales Associate
  • Convenience Store Clerk
  • District Manager
  • Fine Watches Sales Specialist
  • Retail Management Professional
  • Retail Manager
  • Retail Parts Pro
  • Store Manager
  • Walgreens Service Clerk

Sales Resume Examples

Like the Resume samples below, it’s important to provide details on experiences where you’ve hit sales targets. You’re sure to find a good Resume sample among the professional experience Resume examples below to help you do so.

Sales Resume Examples

  • Sales Assistant Manager
  • Channel Sales Manager
  • Direct Sales Representative
  • Franchise Owner
  • Independent Sales Representative
  • Inside Sales Representative
  • Sales Account Executive
  • Outside Sales Representative
  • Sales Representative
  • Experienced Telemarketer

Social Services Resume samples

Show you can relate well with others and have a strong problem-solving approach,like the professionals in the social services job Resume examples below.

Social Services Resume samples

  • Case Manager
  • Case Worker
  • Child Protection Social Worker
  • Community Outreach Specialist
  • Community Service Coordinator
  • Domestic Violence Counselor
  • Human Service Worker
  • Humanitarian Aid Worker
  • Juvenile Probation Officer
  • Social Worker
  • Drug And Alcohol Counselor
  • Medical Social Worker

Teaching Resume examples

The following professional Resume examples for teaching job Cv s focus on important intangible skills such as communication, enthusiasm and patience.

Teaching Resume examples

  • Preschool Teacher
  • Adjunct Professor
  • Assistant Teacher
  • Early Childhood Teacher
  • Elementary Teacher
  • Esl Teacher
  • High School Teacher
  • Homeschool Teacher
  • Language Professor
  • Middle School Teacher
  • Nurse Educator
  • Piano Teacher
  • Summer Teacher

700+ HR-Approved Australian Resume Examples to Elevate Your Career

Discover the pathway to career excellence with our extensive collection of 700+ meticulously crafted Australian resume examples. Designed to captivate employers and seamlessly navigate Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), our samples adhere to Australian resume format standards. Whether you're a seasoned professional, a recent graduate, or embarking on a career transition, our diverse range of formats ensures you can create a compelling resume that stands out. Say goodbye to missed opportunities and embrace a future filled with job interviews. Your next career milestone is just a click away.

key skills resume australia

Building a Career in Credit Risk Management: Key Skills and Strategies

  • Career Advice


  • Posted On: 2024-09-09
  • Posted By: Shacara

What is Credit Risk Management?

Key responsibilities in credit risk management.

  • Assessing Creditworthiness: Using financial data, credit history, and market trends to determine whether a potential borrower is likely to repay their debts.
  • Monitoring Credit Portfolios: Continuously reviewing a company’s credit portfolio to ensure that risks are properly managed and mitigated.
  • Developing Risk Models: Building and using statistical models to predict and evaluate the risk of issuing credit to various clients.
  • Setting Credit Limits: Establishing appropriate credit limits for borrowers based on their risk profile.
  • Mitigating Losses: Implementing strategies to recover debts or minimize losses in cases where borrowers default.

Key Skills for a Successful Career in Credit Risk Management

1. financial acumen, 2. analytical skills, 3. attention to detail, 4. communication skills, 5. regulatory knowledge, 6. risk modeling proficiency, 7. problem-solving abilities, educational pathways for credit risk management, 1. bachelor’s degree, 2. master’s degree, 3. certifications.

  • Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA): This certification focuses on investment management, financial analysis, and risk management.
  • Financial Risk Manager (FRM): This globally recognized certification emphasizes risk analysis and control.
  • Credit Risk Certification (CRC): Offered by the Risk Management Association (RMA), this certification is specifically tailored to credit risk professionals.

Career Strategies for Success in Credit Risk Management

1. gain industry experience, 2. network with industry professionals, 3. leverage technology, 4. develop a specialization, 5. craft an impressive resume, final thoughts, get ahead of the competition.

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7 Field Service Engineer Resume Examples for 2024

Building a strong resume for a field service engineer is crucial. In this article, you will find proven resume examples and strategic advice tailored for this role. Learn how to highlight key skills, list relevant experience, and use industry-specific terms effectively to catch the eye of hiring managers. This guide will help you present yourself as a qualified candidate ready for the challenges in the field service industry.

Portrait of Liz Bowen

  • 09 Sep 2024 - 5 new sections, including 'Positioning your education', added
  • 09 Sep 2024 - 5 new resume templates, including Aspiring Field Service Engineer, added
  • 07 Sep 2024 - Article published

  Next update scheduled for 17 Sep 2024

Here's what we see in the best field service engineer resumes.

Show Impact With Numbers : The best resumes use numbers to show impact. Common metrics in this job include time savings , reducing customer support issues , increasing equipment uptime , and improving system efficiency .

Use Relevant Skills From Job Descriptions : Include skills on your resume that you have and are mentioned on the job description. Some popular ones are: troubleshooting , diagnostics , maintenance , calibration , and technical support . But don't include all of them, choose the ones you have and are mentioned in the JD.

Show Specialized Technical Certifications : Employers look for technical certifications. A popular phrase is certified in repair .

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widget 2: red / but not serious Here's a short quick tip / warning for people to include. If your symptoms get worse or do not improve after 1 day, go to a lower altitude if you can. Try to go around 300 to 1,000 metres lower.

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Field Service Engineer Resume Sample

Find out how good your resume is.

ummm here it is

Get instant feedback on your resume

Want to know if your resume stands out for field service engineering roles? Our resume scoring tool gives you a clear picture of where you excel and where you can improve. It evaluates your resume based on key criteria that recruiters in the technical service industry look for.

Upload your resume now for an unbiased assessment. You'll get a score and useful tips to make your application stronger for field service positions. This free tool helps you understand how hiring managers view your qualifications and experience.

Positioning your education

For field service engineers, balancing your resume with the right information upfront is key. If you've been in the workforce and have experience, you might start with that. But let’s say you recently finished new engineering training or a relevant course, then put your education at the top. This shows why you might have a gap in employment and highlights your latest skills.

Are you new to the field? Then, definitely lead with your education. Make sure to include any specialized training or certifications that are important for engineers who work on-site, like safety protocols or machinery-specific courses. Just remember, you don't need to list high school if you've pursued higher education. Focus on what's most relevant to the job at hand – this helps me as a hiring manager quickly see if your skills align with the job.

Highlight technical skills

Emphasize your technical skills prominently. Mention specific equipment and systems you have worked with. This is important for hiring managers in technical fields.

Include detailed examples of problem-solving. For example, explain how you diagnosed and fixed specific issues in machinery. This will show your hands-on experience.

Junior Field Service Engineer Resume Sample

Ideal resume length.

As a hiring manager, you know a field service engineer should present a clear and concise resume. Stick to one page if you have less than 10 years of experience. This helps you focus on your most relevant skills and achievements. Senior engineers with a deep work history may extend to two pages to fully capture their expertise.

Ensure the first page grabs attention by listing your most impressive and relevant experiences. Do this by cutting less relevant information such as old education details or unrelated activities. Remember, readability is key. Keep a clean layout, use a good font size, and maintain proper margins to ensure your resume is easy to read.

Senior Field Service Engineer Resume Sample

Showcase customer interaction.

Highlight your customer service skills. Field service roles often involve direct client interaction. Mention any experiences where you explained technical details to clients or provided training.

Include examples of how you managed client expectations and solved their problems swiftly. This shows you can balance technical and interpersonal skills.

Field Service Engineer with Automation Specialization Resume Sample

Aspiring field service engineer resume sample.

  •   DevOps Engineer Resume Examples
  •   Biomedical Engineer Resume Examples
  •   Production Support Engineer Resume Examples
  •   Safety Engineer Resume Examples
  •   Network Engineer Resume Examples
  •   Structural Engineer Resume Examples
  •   Site Reliability Engineer Resume Examples
  •   Professional Civil Engineer Resume Examples

Quick links

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  1. 10 Best Skills to Include on a Resume (2024)

    10 Best Skills To Include on a Resume (2024)

  2. Complete List of 100 Resume Skills [For Any Job or Industry]

    Complete List of 100 Resume Skills [For Any Job or Industry]

  3. Bolstering your CV: Key skills for your resumé

    Adding a mixture of soft and hard skills will give you a strong skills section in your resumé. Soft skills like adaptability, communication, teamwork, and time management are often desirable. Hard skills like digital literacy can also be good to include. Each role is different though, so tailor them to the role you want.

  4. 17 Best Skills to Put on Your Resume (with Examples)

    5. Languages. The world gets smaller every day, so being able to speak more than one language is a skill that you should definitely include on your resume. Adding multiple languages to your application makes you highly valuable in a globalized, connected working world.

  5. Top Resume Skills To Put On Your Australian Resume

    Ability to operate physical equipment, machinery, hardware or manual processes (e.g., license to operate a tower crane).; Proficiency in software, apps and digital tools for analysis, design and productivity (e.g., advanced MS Excel skills).; Computer skills, e.g., coding languages or know-how like social media management (e.g., deep knowledge of Ruby on Rails syntax).

  6. Resume Tips Australia 2024 (+ Free Template)

    This, as well as using an ATS-friendly resume design (i.e. one that can be easily scanned, without too many text boxes or images), are really all you need to do. Entry Level Resume Writing Service. $249.00 includes GST. Select options. Professional Resume and Cover Letter Service - Mid-Career.

  7. How to Write a Skills-Based Resume (2024 Example)

    Skills-based resume example Here is an example of a skills-based resume: Charlotte Smith (02) 5551 5678| [email protected] | 98 Shirley Street, QLD, Australia Seeking a human resources assistant position in which I can apply my skills and education to better the workplace. Skills *Communication: Worked with a variety of people in person, over the phone and via email to complete projects ...

  8. How To Write An Australian Resume: Step-By-Step Guide

    How To Write An Australian Resume: Step-By-Step Guide

  9. Australian Resume Writing: The Ultimate Guide

    Identify key skills and experiences that the employer values by studying the job description closely, and then adapt your resume for each application, emphasising different aspects of your experience or adjusting your professional summary to mirror the priorities of each role. ... Resume Examples. In Australia, different industries require ...

  10. Australian Resume

    Australian Resume - Guide & Formatting Tips ...

  11. The Best Job Skills to Include on Your Resume in 2023

    As you get ready to test the job market, brush up on these 8 skills for a job that recruiters and hiring managers will be looking for in top candidates. 1. Continuous learning. The days of getting a job and simply punching in and punching out are over. If you want to get ahead, you need to embrace continuous learning.

  12. Australia Resume Mastery: Key Tips For Overseas Job Seekers

    Key Elements of a Successful Australia Resume. Personalize Your Objective or Summary. Emphasize Your Achievements. Highlight Your Soft Skills. Adapting Your Resume for the Australian Job Market. Adjust Your Terminology. Example 1: Job Titles. Example 2: Job Titles. Example 3: Educational Terminology.

  13. 12 Core Competencies to Include on Your Resume

    12 Core Competencies to Include on Your Resume

  14. How to write an Australian-style resume

    Include your personal details. Your resume should contain all necessary personal details, such as your name, address, phone number, email address, nationality and languages spoken. Professional memberships and clubs, as well as hobbies and interests, are optional. Make sure to keep your email address professional-sounding, too.

  15. Australian Resume Examples To Get A Great Job In 2024

    Australian Resume Examples To Get A Great Job ...

  16. How to create a transferable skills resume

    A transferable skills-based resume includes all the elements of a typical resume - profile, education, experience and contact information. But it makes your relevant skills more prominent. You might create a section under the title 'Key skills' to list your skills and explain how you've used them. Or you might include bullet points ...

  17. How to format your resume

    Centring contact details and your career history or career summary (see next section) is fine and then placing the other information flush left. Bold for headings is easier to read than bold and underline (overkill). Use dot points if you want, but just the one type. I have seen resumes with a variety of dot points.

  18. How to Write a Resume

    How to Write a Resume - Template & Tips | Career Advice

  19. Australian Resume Examples

    700+ HR-Approved Australian Resume Examples to Elevate Your Career . Discover the pathway to career excellence with our extensive collection of 700+ meticulously crafted Australian resume examples. Designed to captivate employers and seamlessly navigate Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), our samples adhere to Australian resume format standards.

  20. 22 Best Skills for Resumes (Examples for 2024)

    15 Best Skills for a Resume in 2024 How-To Guide

  21. What To Include In A Resume To Get A Job In Australia

    Include: Non-Executive Director/Voluntary Positions. A recent Deloitte Impact Survey found that over 80% of recruiters agreed that "volunteer or non-exec director experience builds leadership skills". Sadly, it also found that only 30% of Australian candidates include this information on their resumes.

  22. Finding the Best Resume Template (With Tips and Examples)

    Reverse-chronology resume template. For many employers, the best format for structuring a resume is to list all relevant work experience and qualifications you've obtained in reverse chronological order. This can then be followed by a summary of your key skills. This structure gives the recipient a clear image of your capabilities.

  23. 7 Learning and Development Specialist Resume Examples for 2024

    Here's what we see in the best learning and development specialist resumes: Show Impact With Numbers: The best resumes use numbers to show impact.Common metrics include increased training satisfaction by 20%, reduced training costs by 15%, improved employee retention by 10%, and boosted training completion rates by 25%.. Include Relevant Skills: Include skills on your resume that you have and ...

  24. Writing the Best Tech Resume in 2024: A Step-By-Step Guide

    Creating a resume for a tech job can feel overwhelming. With so many skills, experiences, and technologies to highlight, it's hard to know where to start. However, with the right steps, you can create a resume that not only catches the eye of hiring managers but also gets through the applicant tracking systems (ATS) that many companies use.. The key is to choose a simple resume template that ...

  25. Building a Career in Credit Risk Management: Key Skills and Strategies

    Key Skills for a Successful Career in Credit Risk Management. To succeed in credit risk management, you'll need to develop a combination of technical, analytical, and soft skills. Here are some essential skills that every aspiring credit risk manager should develop: 1. Financial Acumen. At its core, credit risk management is a financial ...

  26. 7 Field Service Engineer Resume Examples for 2024

    Building a strong resume for a field service engineer is crucial. In this article, you will find proven resume examples and strategic advice tailored for this role. Learn how to highlight key skills, list relevant experience, and use industry-specific terms effectively to catch the eye of hiring managers. This guide will help you present yourself as a qualified candidate ready for the ...