Results Declaration of Viet Nam India Friendship Essay Contest 2023

Viet Nam – India Friendship Essay Contest 2023 was organized by Athena Ventures and supported by the Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam in India and India Vietravel Support Group. Four month long contest was open for Indian school students from all across India. Vietnamese Ambassador, H.E. Mr. Nguyen Thanh Hai was delighted as 15,686 school students participated from 334 schools across 109 cities from 23 States & UTs of India.

The essays written by Indian students showed their knowledge and interest about The Heritage of Viet Nam.

All the winners will now be contacted individually to verify their details. The prize will be disbursed to the verified winners. All participants will be issued eCertificates by March 2024.  

vietnam essay competition 2023

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2023 High School Essay Contest Winning Essay

You are here, in this section, mending bridges: us–vietnam reconciliation from 1995 to today.


vietnam essay competition 2023

When the Vietnam War ended in 1975, US–Vietnam relations were understandably tense. During the war, 58,220 American soldiers were killed; on the Vietnamese side, a staggering two million civilians and one million soldiers were killed (Albert). The US severed diplomatic ties with Vietnam and imposed a full trade embargo (Albert). But today, less than fifty years later, the two countries are close economic and strategic partners thanks to the Foreign Service’s successful reconciliation efforts.

Between 1975 and 1995, shifting international dynamics created an opportunity to build ties with Vietnam. Initially, US–Vietnam relations deteriorated as Vietnam invaded Cambodia in 1978 and aligned itself with the Soviet Union (Manyin 2). However, after Vietnam withdrew its troops from Cambodia in 1989, the Bush administration decided in 1990 to seek contact with Vietnam to facilitate a peace agreement (Manyin 2). In 1991, a multilateral peace accord concluded the Cambodian–Vietnamese War, and the US lifted travel restrictions against Vietnam (Albert). After increasing diplomatic exchanges in the following years, in July 1995, the two countries normalized relations, agreeing to exchange ambassadors (Albert).

To enable more extensive cooperation, the Foreign Service had to rebuild Americans’ trust in their recent enemy by addressing the legacies of war. Because some Americans believed that American soldiers were still being held captive in Vietnam, a full accounting of prisoners of war (POW) and missing in action soldiers (MIA) was necessary to prove that Vietnam was no longer an enemy (United States, Congress, Senate 1–4). Moreover, advocacy groups demanded that the US offer closure to veterans’ families and recover soldiers’ bodies so that their deaths would not be forgotten (Osius 7–8). As early as 1992, the Department of Defense established an office of the Joint Task Force–Full Accounting (JTF-FA) in Hanoi (Osius 12). In fact, Vietnamese cooperation in accounting for MIAs was a major reason for the decision to normalize relations (McCain). Once an embassy was established, under the direction of charge d’affaires Desaix Anderson, Political Officers Ted Osius and Bryan Dalton supported the efforts of JTF-FA (Osius 22). Their close coordination with Nguyễn Xuân Phong, director of the Americas office at the Foreign Ministry and Vietnam’s Office for Seeking Missing Persons, allowed JTF-FA to make steady progress in confirming that no POWs remained in Vietnam and finding the remains of American MIAs (Osius 22). To date, over 1,000 American MIAs have been identified and repatriated (Vu and Wells-Dang).

To regain the trust of the Vietnamese people, the Foreign Service had to repair the damages the US military had caused. During the Vietnam War, the US sprayed 45.6 million liters of the herbicide Agent Orange, which contained the toxic chemical dioxin, over Vietnamese forests (Phan 25). More than four million Vietnamese may have been exposed to the substance, which causes serious health effects such as cancer and heart disease (Phan 25–26). From 2013 to 2018, to address the issue of Agent Orange and promote reconciliation, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Vietnam’s Ministry of National Defense collaborated to remediate roughly 90,000 square meters of dioxin-contaminated soil at Da Nang Airport, a former US air base (US Embassy and Consulate in Vietnam). Thanks to the clean-up, commercial activity in Da Nang airport now takes place without fear of health damage due to dioxin exposure (Phan 27–28). In 2019, the two partners inaugurated a similar project to clean up Bien Hoa Air Base, the largest remaining dioxin hotspot (Phan 27). Moreover, the US is currently supporting Vietnam’s effort to locate and identify fallen Vietnamese soldiers, just as Vietnam has extensively cooperated with MIA efforts for American soldiers. The Department of Defense’s Vietnam Wartime Accounting Initiative aims to transfer DNA analysis technology and train Vietnamese forensic workers (Vu and Dang). The United States of Peace accompanies this initiative with policy dialogues, public communications, and workshops to stimulate people-to-people connections between the US and Vietnam (Vu and Dang).

Based on a foundation of trust and reconciliation, the Foreign Service built avenues of economic cooperation with Vietnam, allowing US businesses to capitalize on the growing Vietnamese economy. In the 1990s, even after President Clinton lifted the trade embargo in 1994, US firms in Vietnam fell behind competitors from other countries because US tariffs on goods produced in Vietnam were 40 percent higher than on most other countries, discouraging investing in Vietnamese manufacturing (Schulzinger 59). To support American companies, US negotiators worked with their Vietnamese counterparts on a bilateral trade agreement. In the agreement, signed in 2000, both countries granted each other “most favored nation” status and drastically reduced tariffs ( Agreement 2–9). Importantly, Vietnam agreed to some reforms to liberalize its economy, including abiding by more stringent intellectual property rights standards and relaxing restrictions on investment by US firms ( Agreement 10–33, 44–51).

Furthermore, public diplomacy expanded US soft power among the Vietnamese people. For example, in 2014, then-Ambassador Dave Shear obtained a grant from the State Department’s Ambassador’s Fund for Cultural Preservation to restore the Triệu Tổ Temple in the city of Huế, which had been destroyed during the Vietnam War (Osius 123). The project successfully restored local officials’ and residents’ trust in the US (Osius 123). Moreover, Public Affairs Officer Alex Titolo arranged initiatives in Huế, including student exchanges between US educational institutions and Huế University, English-language teaching, and a small US cultural center (Osius 124).

Additionally, the Foreign Service collaborates with Vietnam on Mekong River issues. Upstream, China and Laos have constructed more than seventy dams for hydroelectric power generation, threatening to disrupt Vietnam’s water supply, harm biodiversity, and reduce agricultural output (Osius 81). This issue is important not only to Vietnam but also to the US because the collapse of the Mekong ecosystem would destabilize regional security, and China’s ability to threaten to restrict water flows gives it substantial leverage over Vietnam (Lichtefeld 21). So, in 2008, following a proposal by then-Ambassador Michael Michalak, a DRAGON Institute, conducting environmental research in cooperation with the US Geological Survey, was launched at Can Tho University (Lichtefeld 17). In 2009, the US launched the Lower Mekong Initiative, supporting technical and scientific collaboration initiatives such as Forecast Mekong, which utilized data analysis to support water management and address climate variability (Lichtefeld 15, 18).

In the near future, as the US seeks to pivot to Asia and counter Chinese influence in the region, engagement with Vietnam will be more important than ever. In 2013, at a summit between President Barack Obama and Vietnam’s President Truong Tan Sang, Vietnam and the US upgraded their relationship to a “comprehensive partnership” based on “mutual respect and common interests” (Obama White House). Under this framework, the US supports a “strong, prosperous, and independent Vietnam” (White House). As Senator John McCain wrote leading up to the normalization of relations in 1995, “It is, therefore, absolutely in our national security interests to have an economically viable Vietnam strong enough to resist, in concert with its neighbors, the heavy-handed tactics of its great power neighbor [China].”

Moving forward, the Foreign Service should facilitate defense cooperation with Vietnam regarding Chinese military activity in the South China Sea, a mutual concern. In recent years, China has aggressively asserted its “nine dash line” claim, which conflicts with Vietnam’s Exclusive Economic Zone (Abbott 39). The US has an interest in regional stability and maintaining principles of maritime law, including sovereignty and freedom of navigation (Abbott 41). While joint military exercises would go against Vietnam’s traditional policy of non-alignment, the Foreign Service should provide technical support so that Vietnam can monitor its claim in the South China Sea, collecting and publicizing data about Chinese military vessels (Jung 55–56; Poling and Natalegawa).

In terms of economics, the Foreign Service must reinforce trade and investment ties to build soft power. Although President Donald Trump’s withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership in 2017 undermined bilateral trade, the US and Vietnam can begin multilateral negotiations on a new digital trade agreement as a precursor to a broader free trade agreement (Osius 233–234; Poling and Natalegawa). Moreover, the US should increase its investment presence, emphasizing niche sectors such as education and information technology while providing feasibility studies and project assessments to support infrastructure projects led by other countries (Nguyen 51).

Of course, the Foreign Service has obstacles to overcome, such as Vietnam’s concerning human rights record. The Socialist Party of Vietnam suppresses freedom of expression, freedom of religion, ethnic minority rights, and labor rights, which leads some members of Congress to discourage closer diplomatic and security ties with Vietnam (Tran 6). However, the US must continue to expand and strengthen its partnership with Vietnam, given its significance in regional affairs. The progress that has been made since 1995 is remarkable; the Foreign Service has led a multifaceted reconciliation campaign to transform the US–Vietnam relationship from hostility to a comprehensive partnership. As in Vietnam, the Foreign Service can look to build peace and advance productive, mutually beneficial relationships around the world.

Works Cited

Abbott, Laura A. "Challenges and Opportunities for U.S.–Vietnam Security Cooperation." From Foes to Partners: Rethinking 25 Years of U.S.–Vietnam Relations , edited by Jeffrey Ordaniel and Ariel Stenek, Pacific Forum, October 2021, pp. 36-42, . Accessed 18 Mar. 2023. Issues & Insights Vol. 21 SR3.

* Agreement between the United States of America and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam on Trade Relations . 13 July 2000. United States Trade Representative , . Accessed 18 Mar. 2023.

Albert, Eleanor. "The Evolution of U.S.–Vietnam Ties." Council on Foreign Relations , 20 Mar. 2019, . Accessed 3 Mar. 2023.

Jung, Ki Suh. "Noise and Signal: Pursuing Common Objectives to Optimize Security Collaboration between the United States and Vietnam." From Foes to Partners: Rethinking 25 Years of U.S.–Vietnam Relations, edited by Jeffrey Ordaniel and Ariel Stenek, Pacific Forum, October 2021, pp. 52-56, Accessed 18 Mar. 2023. Issues & Insights Vol. 21 SR3.

Lichtefeld, John. "Evolution of U.S.–Vietnam Cooperation on the Mekong." From Foes to Partners: Rethinking 25 Years of U.S.–Vietnam Relations , edited by Jeffrey Ordaniel and Ariel Stenek, Pacific Forum, October 2021, pp. 14-23, . Accessed 18 Mar. 2023. Issues & Insights Vol. 21 SR3.

Manyin, Mark E. The Vietnam-U.S. Normalization Process . Congressional Research Service, 17 June 2005, . Accessed 18 Mar. 2023.

* McCain, John. "Opinion: Let's Normalize Relations with Vietnam." Washington Post , 15 May 1995, . Accessed 18 Mar. 2023.

Nguyen, Hanh. "U.S.–Vietnam Partnership in the Post-COVID Era: A Recalibration towards Intra-ASEAN Integration." From Foes to Partners: Rethinking 25 Years of U.S.–Vietnam Relations , edited by Jeffrey Ordaniel and Ariel Stenek, Pacific Forum, October 2021, pp. 43-51, . Accessed 18 Mar. 2023. Issues & Insights Vol. 21 SR3.

* Obama White House. "Joint Statement by President Barack Obama of the United States of America and President Truong Tan Sang of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam." 25 July 2013, . Accessed 18 Mar. 2023.

Osius, Ted. Nothing Is Impossible: America's Reconciliation with Vietnam . E-book ed., New Brunswick, Rutgers UP, 2022. Kindle.

Phan, Dung Xuan. "U.S. Ex-gratia Approach toward the Agent Orange Legacy in Vietnam." From Foes to Partners: Rethinking 25 Years of U.S.–Vietnam Relations , edited by Jeffrey Ordaniel and Ariel Stenek, Pacific Forum, October 2021, pp. 24-35, . Accessed 18 Mar. 2023. Issues & Insights Vol. 21 SR3.

Poling, Gregory B., and Andreyka Natalegawa. The Unlikely, Indispensable U.S.-Vietnam Partnership . Center for Strategic and International Studies, 6 July 2021, . Accessed 3 Mar. 2023.

Schulzinger, Robert D. A Time for Peace: The Legacy of the Vietnam War . New York City, Oxford UP, 2008.

Tran, Bich T. From 'Rebalance to Asia' to 'Free and Open Indo-Pacific': The Development of the U.S.-Vietnam Comprehensive Partnership . East-West Center, Nov. 2019. JSTOR, . Accessed 3 Mar. 2023.

* United States, Congress, Senate. POW/MIA's Report of the Select Committee on POW/MIA Affairs . 13 Jan. 1993, . Accessed 18 Mar. 2023. 103rd Congress, 1st session, Senate Report 103-1.

* U.S. Embassy and Consulate in Vietnam. "United States and Vietnam Complete Environmental Remediation at Danang Airport." 7 Nov. 2018, . Accessed 18 Mar. 2023.

Vu, Phong, and Andrew Wells-Dang. "Time Is Running Out to Account for Vietnamese War Dead." United States Institute of Peace , 16 Nov. 2022, . Accessed 18 Mar. 2023.

* White House. "FACT SHEET: Strengthening the U.S.-Vietnam Comprehensive Partnership." 25 Aug. 2021, . Accessed 18 Mar. 2023.

* denotes primary source

Vietnam India Friendship National Essay Writing Competition

This article talks about the Vietnam India Friendship National Essay Writing Competition which is Essay Competition for Middle School Students, High School Students. Submit your Entries by Aug 31, 2023. 0 days left!

Vietnam India Friendship Essay Contest 2023 dublieucom DUBLIEU win competition

Vietnam India Friendship Essay Contest 2023

  • The Embassy of Vietnam in New Delhi, India is organizing the Vietnam India Friendship Essay Contest 2023 targeting school students from pre-school to senior school.
  • No entry fee is required, and every student will receive a Participation Certificate.
  • A total of ₹48,000 in cash prizes will be awarded to the winning students.
  • The essay topic is "The Heritage of Vietnam," and essays must be written in English with a word count of 300 to 500.
  • First Position: ₹10,000 Cash
  • Second Position: ₹5,000 Cash
  • Third Position - 3a: ₹2,000 Cash
  • Third Position - 3b: ₹2,000 Cash
  • Special Prize (5 Prizes): ₹1,000 Cash each


  • Write an essay on the topic "The Heritage of Vietnam" with a word count of 300 to 500, in English. Essays can be handwritten, typed, printed, or sent via email.
  • Submit the essay to the Embassy of Vietnam in New Delhi through email (preferred), WhatsApp, or postal mail.
  • The last date of entry is 31 Aug 2023, and the essay must reach the embassy within working hours.

Contest Details:

  • School students from 6th to 12th standard can participate.
  • Over 500 schools from all over India are expected to participate, with more than 15,000 students.
  • Participation eCertificates will be provided to all participants in PDF format.
  • Appreciation eCertificates will be awarded to coordinators, principals, and schools for 70+ entries.
  • The announcement of the contest will be made on 25 Apr 2023, with the results declared on 01 Nov 2023.

Submission & Information:

The Embassy of Vietnam in New Delhi is conducting the Vietnam India Friendship Essay Contest 2023 for school students in India. This competition is open to students from pre-school to senior school. Participants are required to write an essay of 300 to 500 words on the topic "The Heritage of Vietnam." There is no entry fee, and every student will receive a participation certificate. Cash prizes totaling ₹48,000 will be awarded to the top performers in each category (Class 6 to 8 and Class 9 to 12). Additionally, special prizes will be given out, and participants have the option to submit their essays via email, WhatsApp, or postal mail. The deadline for submission is 31 August 2023, and the results will be announced on 1 November 2023.

Register Now in this Competition!

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United States Institute of Peace

National high school essay contest.

USIP previously partnered with the American Foreign Service Association (AFSA) on the annual National High School Essay Contest. The contest each year engaged high school students in learning and writing about issues of peace and conflict, encouraging appreciation for diplomacy’s role in building partnerships that can advance peacebuilding and protect national security. 

Wilson King Photo

2023 National High School Essay Contest

The American Foreign Service Association’s national high school essay contest completed its twenty-third year with over 400 submissions from 44 states. Three randomized rounds of judging produced this year’s winner, Justin Ahn, a junior from Deerfield Academy in Deerfield, Massachusetts. In his essay, “Mending Bridges: U.S.-Vietnam Reconciliation from 1995 to Today,” Ahn focuses on the successful reconciliation efforts by the Foreign Service in transforming U.S.-Vietnam relations from post-war tension to close economic and strategic partnership.

Ahn will travel to Washington, D.C. to meet with a member of the Department of State’s leadership and receive a full tuition scholarship to an educational voyage with Semester at Sea.

Niccolo Duina was this year’s runner-up. He is currently a junior at Pulaski Academy in Little Rock, Arkansas. Duina will be attending the international diplomacy program of the National Student Leadership Conference this summer.

There were eight honorable mentions:

  • Santiago Castro-Luna – Chevy Chase, Maryland
  • Dante Chittenden – Grimes, Iowa 
  • Merle Hezel – Denver, Colorado
  • Adarsh Khullar – Villa Hills, Kentucky
  • Nicholas Nall – Little Rock, Arkansas
  • Ashwin Telang – West Windsor, New Jersey
  • Himani Yarlagadda – Northville, Michigan 
  • Sophia Zhang – San Jose, California

Congratulations! We thank all students and teachers who took the time to research and become globally engaged citizens who care about diplomacy, development and peacebuilding.

2023 National High School Essay Contest Topic

In 2024, the U.S. Foreign Service will celebrate its 100th birthday. The Foreign Service is an important element of the American approach to peacebuilding around the world. Over the last century, U.S. diplomats have been involved in some of the most significant events in history — making decisions on war and peace, responding to natural disasters and pandemics, facilitating major treaties, and more.

As AFSA looks back on their century-long history, we invite you to do the same. This year, students are asked to explore a topic that touches upon this important history and sheds light on how vital it is for America to have a robust professional corps focused on diplomacy, development and peace in the national interest.

In your essay, you will select a country or region in which the U.S. Foreign Service has been involved in at any point since 1924 and describe — in 1,500 words or less — how the Foreign Service was successful or unsuccessful in advancing American foreign policy goals, including promoting peace, in this country/region and propose ways in which it might continue to improve those goals in the coming years.

Contest deadline: April 3, 2023

Download the study guide for the 2023 National High School Essay Contest. This study guide provides students with a basic introduction to the topic and some additional context that can assist them in answering the question. It includes the essay question, prizes and rules for the contest; an introduction to diplomacy and peacebuilding; key terms; topics and areas students might explore; and a list of other useful resources.

Learn more about the contest rules and how to submit your essay on the American Foreign Service Association’s contest webpage .

2022 National High School Essay Contest

Katherine Lam, a freshman from University High School in Tucson, Arizona, is the 2022 National High School Essay Contest winner. In her essay, “Competition and Coaction in Ethiopia: U.S. and Chinese Partnerships for International Stabilization,” Lam focuses on how the Foreign Service has partnered with other U.S. government agencies, nongovernmental organizations and — most notably — China to promote peace and development in Ethiopia. Lam will travel to Washington, D.C., to meet with a member of the U.S. Department of State’s leadership and gain full tuition for an educational voyage with Semester at Sea.

Olivia Paulsen was this year’s runner-up. She is a currently a junior receiving a home-schooled education in Concord, Massachusetts. Paulsen will be attending the international diplomacy program of the National Student Leadership Conference this summer.

The 2022 honorable mentions were: Josh Diaz (Little Rock, AR); Grace Hartman (Bethlehem, PA); Elena Higuchi (Irvine, CA); Ovea Kaushik (Oklahoma City, OK); Evan Lindemann (Palm Desert, CA); Percival Liu (Tokyo, Japan); Alexander Richter (San Jose, CA); and Gavin Sun (Woodbury, MN).

USIP congratulates all the winners of the 2022 National High School Essay Contest.

Partnerships for Peace in a Multipolar Era

The current multipolar era poses challenges for U.S. foreign policy but also provides new opportunities for partnership across world powers—including emerging great powers like China and Russia—to build peace in conflict-affected countries. Describe a current situation where American diplomats and peacebuilders are working with other world powers, as well as local and/or regional actors, in a conflict-affected country to champion democracy, promote human rights, and/or resolve violent conflict.    A successful essay will lay out the strategies and tactics U.S. Foreign Service Officers and American peacebuilders are employing to build successful partnerships with other world and regional powers and with local actors in the chosen current situation.  The essay will also describe specific ways that these partnerships are helping to promote stability and build peace.

Contest deadline: April 4, 2022

Download the study guide for the 2022 National High School Essay Contest. This study guide provides students with a basic introduction to the topic and some additional context that can assist them in answering the question. It includes the essay question, prizes, and rules for the contest; an introduction to diplomacy and peacebuilding; key terms; topics and areas students might explore; and a list of other useful resources.

Learn more about the contest rules and how to submit your essay on the American Foreign Service Association’s contest webpage.  

2021 National High School Essay Contest

Mariam Parray, a sophomore from Pulaski Academy in Little Rock, Arkansas, is the 2021 National High School Essay Contest winner. In her essay, “Diplomats and Peacebuilders in Tunisia: Paving the Path to Democracy,” Ms. Parray focuses on how the Foreign Service partnered with other U.S. government agencies and NGOs to effect a peaceful democratic transition in Tunisia. She emphasizes the importance of multifaceted approaches as well as the importance of bringing marginalized groups into the fold. Mariam will travel to Washington to meet with a member of the Department of State’s leadership and will also gain a full tuition to an educational voyage with Semester at Sea. Harrison McCarty was this year’s runner-up. Coincidentally, he is also a sophomore from Pulaski Academy in Little Rock, Arkansas. Harrison will be attending the international diplomacy program of the National Student Leadership Conference this summer. The 2021 honorable mentions were: Louisa Eaton (Wellesley, MA); Samuel Goldston (Brooklyn, NY); Lucy King (Bainbridge Island, WA); Haan Jun Lee (Jakarta, Indonesia); Khaled Maalouf (Beirut, Lebanon); Madeleine Shaw (Bloomington, IN); Allison Srp (Austin, MN); and Daniel Zhang (Cortland, NY).

USIP congratulates all the winners of the 2021 National High School Essay Contest. 

Diplomats and Peacebuilders: Powerful Partners

What characteristics lead to a successful effort by diplomats and peacebuilders to mediate or prevent violent conflict? The United States Foreign Service—often referred to as America’s first line of defense—works to prevent conflict from breaking out abroad and threats from coming to our shores. Peacebuilders work on the ground to create the conditions for peace and resolve conflicts where they are most needed. 

Successful essays will identify, in no more than 1,250 words, a situation where diplomats worked on a peacebuilding initiative with partners from the country/region in question, nongovernmental organizations, and other parts of the U.S. government, and then go on to analyze what characteristics and approaches made the enterprise a success.  

Contest deadline: April 5, 2021

Download the study guide for the 2021 National High School Essay Contest. This study guide provides students with a basic introduction to the topic and some additional context that can assist them in answering the question. It includes key terms in conflict management and peacebuilding and examples of peacebuilding initiatives, with reflection questions for independent learners to dig more deeply or for teachers to encourage class reflection and discussion. We hope this study guide will be a useful resource for educators and students participating in this contest, and for educators who want their students to learn more about this year’s contest topic.

2020 National High School Essay Contest

Jonas Lorincz, a junior from Marriotts Ridge High School in Marriottsville, MD, is the 2020 National High School Essay Contest winner. In his essay, “Verification, Mediation, and Peacebuilding: The Many Roles of the U.S. Foreign Service in Kosovo,” Mr. Lorincz focused on the importance of interagency cooperation in mediating the crisis in Kosovo – primarily looking into how diplomats and other civilian agencies engaged in peacebuilding throughout the conflict.

Claire Burke was this year’s runner-up. She is a junior at Mill Valley High School in Shawnee, KS. 

The 2020 honorable mentions were: Grace Cifuentes (Concord, CA), Grace Lannigan (Easton, CT), Seryung Park (Tenafly, NJ), Vynateya Purimetla (Troy, MI), David Richman (Norfolk, VA), Madeleine Shaw (Bloomington, IN), Sara Smith (Fargo, ND), and Jack Viscuso (Northport, NY).  USIP congratulates all the winners of the 2020 National High School Essay Contest. 

2020 National High School Essay Contest Topic

Why Diplomacy and Peacebuilding Matter

How do members of the Foreign Service work with other civilian parts of the U.S. Government to promote peace, national security and economic prosperity?

Qualified essays focused on a specific challenge to U.S. peace and prosperity and included one example of the work of the Foreign Service and one or more examples of collaboration between America’s diplomats and other civilian (i.e. non-military) U.S. Government agencies or organizations.

2019 National High School Essay Contest

In its 21st year, the American Foreign Service Association (AFSA)’s National High School Essay Contest encouraged students to think about how and why the United States engages globally to build peace, and about the role that the Foreign Service plays in advancing U.S. national security and economic prosperity.

For the second year in a row, the National High School Essay Contest focused on an important aspect of operating in countries affected by or vulnerable to violent conflict: effective coordination of the many different foreign policy tools the United States has at its disposal. Whether you were addressing the prompt for a second year or new to the contest, the contest will have challenged you to expand your understanding of the role of the Foreign Service and other actors in foreign policy, identify case studies, and provide a sophisticated analysis in a concise manner.

The essay prompt and a helpful study guide are included below; you can find out more information about the rules and how to submit by checking out AFSA’s essay contest page .

2019 Essay Question

The United States has many tools to advance and defend its foreign policy and national security interests around the world—from diplomatic approaches pursued by members of the Foreign Service, to the range of options available to the U.S. military. In countries affected by or vulnerable to violent conflict, peacebuilding tools are important additions to the national security toolkit.

In such complex environments, cooperation across agencies and approaches is challenging, but it can also blend knowledge and skills in ways that strengthen the overall effort to establish a lasting peace. On the other hand, lack of coordination can lead to duplication of effort, inefficient use of limited resources and unintended consequences.

In a 1,000-1,250-word essay, identify two cases—one you deem successful and one you deem unsuccessful—where the U.S. pursued an integrated approach to build peace in a conflict-affected country. Analyze and compare these two cases, addressing the following questions:

  • What relative strengths did members of the Foreign Service and military actors bring to the table? What peacebuilding tools were employed? Ultimately, what worked or did not work in each case?
  • How was each situation relevant to U.S. national security interests?
  • What lessons may be drawn from these experiences for the pursuit of U.S. foreign policy more broadly?

Download the study guide for the 2019 AFSA National High School Essay Contest

2018 National High School Essay Contest

Jennifer John from Redwood City, CA is the 2018 National High School Essay Contest winner, surpassing close to 1,000 other submissions. Her essay examined to what extent U.S. interagency efforts in Iraq and Bosnia were successful in building peace. Aislinn Niimi from Matthews, NC was the runner up.

The 2018 honorable mentions were: Alex, DiCenso (North Kingstown, RI),Alexandra Soo (Franklin, MI), Caroline Bellamy (Little Rock AR), Colin LeFerve (Indianapolis, IN), Elizabeth Kam (Burlingham, CA), Emma Singh (Tenafly NJ), Emma Chambers (Little Rock AR),  Francesca Ciampa (Brooksville, ME), Greta Bunce (Franktown, VA), Isaac Che (Mount Vernon OH), Isabel Davis (Elk River MN), Katrina Espinoza (Watsonvile, CA), Molly Ehrig (Bethlehem, PA), Payton McGoldrick (Bristow, VA), Rachel Russell (Cabin John, MD), Sarah Chapman (Tucson, AZ), Shalia Lothe (Glen Allen VA), Sohun Modha (San Jose CA), Suhan Kacholia (Chandler, AZ), Supriya Sharma (Brewster, NY), Sydney Adams (Fort Wayne, IN), Tatum Smith (Little Rock AR), and William Milne (Fort Wayne, IN).  

2017 National High School Essay Contest

Nicholas Deparle, winner of the 2017 AFSA National High School Essay Contest, comes from Sidwell Friends School in Washington DC. A rising senior at the time, Mr. Deparle covers the Internally Displaced Persons crisis in Iraq and potential ideas to help resolve the issue.  Read his winning essay here . Mr. Manuel Feigl, a graduate of Brashier Middle College Charter High School in Simpsonville, SC took second place.

This year there were twenty honorable mentions: Mohammed Abuelem ( Little Rock, Ark.), Lucas Aguayo-Garber (Worcester, Mass.), Rahul Ajmera (East Williston, N.Y.), Taylor Gregory (Lolo, Mont.), Rachel Hildebrand (Sunnyvale, Calif.), Ryan Hulbert (Midland Park, N.J.), India Kirssin (Mason, Ohio), Vaibhav Mangipudy (Plainsboro, N.J.), William Marsh (Pittsburgh, Penn.), Zahra Nasser (Chicago, Ill.), Elizabeth Nemec (Milford, N.J.), David Oks (Ardsley, N.Y.), Max Pumilia (Greenwood Village, Colo.), Nikhil Ramaswamy (Plano, Texas), Aditya Sivakumar (Beaverton, Ore.), Donovan Stuard (Bethlehem, Penn.), Rachel Tanczos (Danielsville, Penn.), Isabel Ting (San Ramon, Calif.), Kimberley Tran (Clayton, Mo.), and Chenwei Wang (Walnut, Calif.).

2017 Essay Contest Topic

According to the United Nations, 65 million people worldwide have left their homes to seek safety elsewhere due to violence, conflict, persecution, or human rights violations. The majority of these people are refugees or internally displaced persons (IDPs).

Imagine you are a member of the U.S. Foreign Service —– a diplomat working to promote peace, support prosperity, and protect American citizens while advancing the interests of the United States abroad – and are now assigned to the U.S. embassy in one of these four countries.

  • Turkey (Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs)
  • Kenya (Bureau of African Affairs)
  • Afghanistan (Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs)
  • Iraq (Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs)

Your task is to provide recommendations to address the refugee/IDP crisis facing the country in which you are now posted. Using the resources available to you as a member of the Foreign Service, write a memo to your Ambassador outlining how the United States might help address the current unprecedented levels of displacement. You may choose to address issues related to the causes of refugee crisis, or to focus on the humanitarian crisis in your host country.

A qualifying memo will be 1,000-1,250 words and will answer the following questions:

  • How does the crisis challenge U.S. interests in the country you are posted and more broadly?
  • Specifically outline the steps you propose the U.S. should take to tackle the roots or the consequences of the crisis, and explain how it would help solve the issue or issues you are examining. How will your efforts help build peace or enhance stability?
  • How do you propose, from your embassy/post of assignment, to foster U.S. government interagency cooperation and cooperation with the host-country government to address these issues?  Among U.S. government agencies, consider U.S. Agency for International Development, the Foreign Commercial Service and the U.S. Institute of Peace.

Memo Template

TO: Ambassador ______________________

FROM: Only use your first name here

RE: Think of this as your title, make sure to include the country you are writing about

Here you want to lay out the problem, define criteria by which you will be deciding the best steps the U.S. could take, and include a short sentence or two on your final recommendation. Embassy leadership is very busy and reads many memos a day —– they should be able to get the general ““gist”” of your ideas by reading this section.


This section should provide any background information about the crisis or conflict relevant to your proposed policy. Here, you should mention why the issue is important to U.S. interests, especially peace and security.

Proposed Steps:

This is where you outline your proposed policy. Be specific in describing how the U.S. might address this issue and how these steps can contribute to peace and security. Include which organizations you propose partnering with and why.


This is where you write your final recommendations for embassy leadership. Think of this as a closing paragraph.

Companion Guide for the 2017 National High School Essay Contest

It is no easy task to jump into the role of a diplomat, especially when confronted by such an urgent crisis. USIP, in consultation with AFSA, developed a guide to provide a basic introduction to the topic and some additional context that can assist you in answering the question, while still challenging you to develop your own unique response. As such, this guide should be used as a starting point to your own research and as you ultimately prepare a compelling memo outlining recommendations the U.S. government should follow to respond to the refugee and IDP crisis.

In the guide you will find: insights into the role of the Foreign Service; country, organization, and key-term briefs to provide a foundational understanding; and a list of other useful resources. Download the Companion Guide for the 2017 National High School Essay Contest (.pdf).

2016 National High School Essay Contest

USIP first partnered with AFSA for the 2016 contest and was pleased to welcome winner Dylan Borne to Washington in August. His paper describes his role as an economic officer in the U.S. Agency for International Development’s Bureau for Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance. He writes about promoting education for girls in Afghanistan through on-line courses and dispersal of laptops. Read his winning essay (.pdf).

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vietnam essay competition 2023

Vietnam India Friendship Essay Contest 2023 by Embassy of Vietnam, New Delhi for Class 6 to 12 Students: Register by August 31

  • Gaurav Chaurasia
  • May 24, 2023

The Embassy of Vietnam, New Delhi is organizing Vietnam India Friendship Essay Contest 2023 and inviting registrations from Class 6 to 12 Students.

Topic of Essay Contest

The Heritage of Vietnam.

Eligibility Criteria

  • School Students from 6 to 12 standard will participate in this Essay Contest.
  • At least 500 schools from all over India will participate.
  • More than 15,000 students will participate.

Prizes to the winners are proposed in the following order:

Junior Group (Standard 6 to 8)

  • First Position (1 Prize): Rs. 10,000 Cash
  • Second Position (1 Prize): Rs. 5,000 Cash
  • Third Position (2 Prizes): Rs. 2,000 Cash each
  • Special Prize (5 Prizes): Rs. 1,000 Cash each

Senior Group (Standard 9 to 12)

Important dates.

  • Announcement of the Contest: Apr 25, 2023, Tuesday
  • Last Date of Entry: Aug 31, 2023, Thursday
  • Results Declaration: Nov 1, 2023, Wednesday

How to Register?

For registration, interested participants can contact by email to: email[at]vietnamcontest[dot]com.

Click here to view the official notification of the Vietnam-India Friendship Essay Contest 2023.

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Vietnam India Friendship Essay Contest 2023

Vietnam India Friendship Essay Contest 2023

About Vietnam India Friendship Essay Contest 2023

Embassy of Vietnam in New Delhi, India is organizing “Vietnam India Friendship Essay Contest 2023”. Every student will get a Participation Certificate. There is NO ENTRY FEE or any other kind of fee for students or for school during any stage of the activity.

Essay Topic(s): “The Heritage of Vietnam”

Last Date: 31st Aug 2023. The Essay must reach us within working hours.

Guidelines – What to do?

1. Write an Essay on the topic mentioned above as per Topic

2. Essay must be in English – Handwritten / Typed / Printed / Email

3. Send the Essay to us.

● By Email: email(at) (preferred) ● By WhatsApp : 9810036282 ● By Post: Embassy of Vietnam, EP-7A, Chandragupta Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi, India 110021

For more details please refer the Official Website

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Awarded the third Political Essay Competition on protecting the Party's ideological foundation

vietnam essay competition 2023

On the evening of October 22 in Hanoi, the Steering Committee and Organizing Committee of the third political essay contest on protecting the Party's ideological foundation, in 10, organized awards for collectives and individuals with outstanding achievements. participate in the contest.

Attending were members of the Politburo: comrade Truong Thi Mai, Standing member of the Secretariat, Head of the Central Organizing Committee; Nguyen Xuan Thang, Director of the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, Chairman of the Central Theoretical Council, Deputy Head of the Central Steering Committee 35, Head of the Contest Steering Committee.

Also attending was comrade Nguyen Trong Nghia, Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Head of the Central Propaganda Committee, Deputy Head of the 35th Central Steering Committee. 

The third political essay contest on protecting the Party's ideological foundation, in 2023, is directed by the Central Steering Committee 35, assigned to the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, and coordinated by the Central Propaganda Department. , organized by the Central Theoretical Council, Communist Magazine, People's Newspaper, Vietnam Television, and Vietnam Journalists Association. This year's contest has a very important meaning, a highlight in the preliminary review of 05 years of implementing Resolution No. 35-NQ/TW, dated October 22, 10 of the XII Politburo on "strengthening security and Protect the Party's ideological foundation, fight against wrong and hostile views in the new situation."

The Party's ideological foundation is not dry, sublime, and abstract theoretical issues

Giving a directive speech, comrade Nguyen Xuan Thang, Politburo member, Director of the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, Chairman of the Central Theoretical Council, Deputy Head of the 35th Central Steering Committee, Head of the Steering Committee The contest director affirmed that the organization and successful implementation of the political essay contest on protecting the Party's ideological foundation is one of the concrete and vivid demonstrations of the implementation of Resolution No. 35 of the Party. Politburo in a creative, practical and very meaningful way.

“I am very impressed with the 3rd contest with the participation of more than 301 thousand entries in the categories of print magazines, electronic magazines, print newspapers, electronic newspapers, radio, television and diverse forms of works; Rich content of works; many works of good quality; Authors and groups of authors participating in the contest come from many different social backgrounds, many different occupations, and different ages; The oldest person is 101 years old and many of them are high school students, of many ethnicities and religions, both domestic and overseas Vietnamese, and foreigners who love Vietnam. This shows that the spread of the competition is very broad and profound.

From the reality of the Competition, it can be clearly seen that the Party's ideological foundation is not dry, sublime, and abstract theoretical issues; Protecting the Party's ideological foundation means protecting the Party's platform, guidelines and policies, and the State's policies and laws; is to protect the Party, protect the regime and protect the people; is to protect what is right and progress; Criticizing what is wrong and negative has become a regular, familiar activity, closely linked to the work of agencies, units and the daily life of each officer, party member and citizen. ", comrade Nguyen Xuan Thang said.

According to comrade Nguyen Xuan Thang, the work of building the Party, building the political system, protecting the Party's ideological foundation in general and organizing a political essay contest on protecting the Party's ideological foundation in particular is necessary. focus on a number of contents: Regarding content, it is necessary to continue to focus on steadfastly protecting, applying and creatively developing Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh thought; protect and disseminate the Party's guidelines and policies, the State's policies and laws, and the cause of innovating the path to socialism in Vietnam; identify and resolutely fight against wrong, hostile, and sabotaging views against the Party, State, and regime.

At the same time, continue to encourage the summarizing and spreading of good models, good practices, and good experiences in localities, agencies, and units in the organization to protect the Party's ideological foundation, and fight against criticism. Wrong and distorted views of hostile, reactionary, and politically opportunistic forces.

Pay more attention to the connection between building and fighting, between protecting and supplementing, creatively developing the Party's ideological foundation, connecting with identifying, criticizing, and refuting false and hostile allegations; combat fake news, bad news, and toxic news by spreading positive information and focusing on self-reflection, self-correction, self-prevention, and preventing manifestations of self-evolution and self-transformation internally; Integrating the protection of the Party's ideological foundation, fighting against wrong and hostile views with the work of building a clean, strong and comprehensive Party and political system with effective implementation professional work in each agency, unit, enterprise, union and with the daily life of each family and each person; associated with studying and following Ho Chi Minh's ideology, ethics, and style with encouraging and protecting those who are dynamic, creative, dare to think, dare to speak, dare to do, dare to take responsibility, dare to change newly creative, daring to face difficulties, challenges and decisive in acting for the common good.

The ideological foundation of our Party is essentially revolutionary scientific ideology and theory on socialism and the path to socialism in Vietnam. This is the light of truth that illuminates the path of the Vietnamese revolution from victory to victory.

“It is necessary to continue to mobilize the active participation of not only those who work in ideology, theory, and professional journalism, but also to widely gather the participation of a large number of officials, party members, and all walks of life. people; the sympathy and support of people, friends across five continents, and of progressive forces that love peace, justice, and righteousness in the world", Professor and PhD Nguyen Xuan Thang expressed. 

Vivid evidence confirms that Resolution 35 of the Politburo has truly come to life

Speaking summarizing the 2023 Competition and launching the fourth Political Essay Competition on protecting the Party's ideological foundation, Comrade Nguyen Trong Nghia, Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Head of the Central Propaganda Committee, Deputy Head of the Committee Directed 35 Central Committees to clearly state that the third political essay contest on protecting the Party's ideological foundation in 2023 was a great success. The contest has become an extensive political activity, spreading widely throughout the political system, the entire society and abroad. The success of this year's contest, along with the previous two years, 2 and 2021, is vivid proof that Resolution 2022 of the Politburo has truly come to life, been implemented methodically and synchronously, effective, creative and increasingly pervasive.

In order for the fourth Political Essay Contest on protecting the Party's ideological foundation to achieve even better results, promote the successes that have been achieved, and replicate good experiences and good practices, comrade Nguyen Trong Nghia said. that it is necessary to constantly innovate creative thinking in the way of thinking and doing, in which it is necessary to pay attention to implementing a number of contents:

First of all, we must continue to thoroughly grasp the meaning, purpose, requirements of the competition and the direction of the Central Steering Committee 35. Regularly consolidate and raise awareness and political trust of a large number of officials, party members and people towards the party, state and socialist regime. Focus on deeply grasping and effectively implementing the Resolution of the XNUMXth Party Congress and the Resolutions of the Central Committee and the Politburo on Party building and rectification.

Continue to innovate the content, methods, and forms of protecting the Party's ideological foundation in the spirit of closely combining building and fighting, in which building is the basic task, long-term strategy, fighting is the task. important and urgent tasks and must use positivity to repel negativity.

Along with that, the provincial Party Committees, City Party Committees, Party Committees directly under the Central Government, Steering Committee 35 at all levels, departments, ministries, branches, localities and units need to respond and actively participate in the strong competition. Moreover, with creative, practical and effective organizational methods.

Pay special attention to building a network of core cadres to carry out the task of protecting the Party's ideological foundation in association with continuing to gather, mobilize and foster positive factors discovered through meetings. exam, especially for young factors.

Press and media agencies need to focus on improving the quality of products on this topic to closely follow the breath of life, fight directly and uncompromisingly with the destructive and distorted rhetoric of the world. Hostile forces, political opportunists, negative manifestations, deterioration in political ideology, ethics, lifestyle, manifestations of self-evolution, self-transformation, forming the mainstream information flow , actively attracting the attention of a large number of readers.

“The work of protecting the Party's ideological foundation and fighting against wrong and hostile views needs to be paid more attention to both steadfastly and persistently protect, affirm, supplement and develop the foundation. the Party's ideology, resolutely and promptly fight and refute wrong views and sabotage and distorted rhetoric of hostile, reactionary and politically opportunistic forces. With that meaning, on behalf of the Contest Steering Committee, I launch the fourth Political Essay Contest on protecting the Party's ideological foundation in 2024," said comrade Nguyen Trong Nghia.

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52nd UPU letter-writing contest launched

52nd UPU letter-writing contest launched ảnh 1

Nguyen Binh Nguyen (right), a ninth grader at Nguyen Tri Phuong High School in Hanoi receives a consolation prize of the 51st edition of the International Letter-Writing Competition for Young People in 2022. (Photo: VNA)

Binh Dinh (VNA) – The 52nd edition of the International Letter-Writing Competition for Young People was launched at a school in Quy Nhon city, the central province of Binh Dinh on January 9.

The ceremony was organised by the Ministry of Information and Communication, Ministry of Education and Training, Central Committee of Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, Vietnam Writers Association, Vietnam Post Corporation, Tien Phong, and Nhi Dong newspapers.

Recognising safety as a critical component of its mission and in support of the UN Second Decade of Action for Road Safety, the Universal Postal Union (UPU), in partnership with the UN Road Safety Fund (UNRSF), is holding its 52nd International Letter-Writing Competition in 2023 under the theme:  "Imagine you are a superhero and your mission is to make all roads around the world safer for children. Write a letter to someone explaining which superpowers you would need to achieve your mission."

It is expected that through the contest, students will have a better understanding of the Road Traffic Laws, and conditions for ensuring road traffic safety, including infrastructure means of transport, vehicles, and travelers on roads and traffic activities.

Vice Chairman of Binh Dinh provincial People’s Committee Nguyen Tuan Thanh said that the contest helps nurture the love and responsibility of young people for social and national issues.

At the event, Vietnam’s UPU writing contest organisers awarded a consolation prize of the 51st contest and a Certificate of Merit from the Ministry of Education and Training to Nguyen Binh Nguyen, a ninth grader at Nguyen Tri Phuong High School in Hanoi. This is the 17th time Vietnamese students have won prizes after 34 years of participating in the contest./.

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  • Vietravel co-organized the Vietnam – India essay contest 2022
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Vietravel co-organized the Vietnam – India essay contest 2022

As Vietnam’s Largest Aviation and Tourism Corporation, Vietravel is honored to cooperate with the Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in New Delhi to host Vietnam - India Friendship Essay Contest 2022 successfully for Indian students.

The contest occurred in two months from December 1st, 2022. Vietravel is delighted as 6,150 participants from 194 schools across 52 cities from 20 States & UTs of India.

Vietravel would like to thank the enthusiastic collaboration of the Embassy of Vietnam in New Delhi, Athena Ventures, and the sheer number of people who contributed to the success of this contest.

The essays written by Indian students showed their amazing knowledge and interest in Vietnam as their future travel destination. Initially, 16 prizes were to be awarded. Considering the good quality of the essays, one extra special prize was awarded. The results of 17 Winners have been declared on the

website of the Vietnam Embassy. 

Results Declaration of Viet Nam India Friendship Essay Contest 2022

Vietravel hopes the writing contest helped raise Indian students’ knowledge about the charming beauty of Vietnam by sharing their interesting stories.

Prize Distribution for the winners was held in the Embassy of Vietnam in New Delhi on February 17th, 2023. Vietnamese Ambassador, H.E. Mr. Nguyen Thanh Hai gave the Certificates and Prizes to the winners. Speaking on this occasion, the Ambassador highlighted the old and deep relationship between India and Vietnam. He shared that 2022 marked the fiftieth anniversary of the bilateral diplomatic relations between Vietnam and India.

Prize Distribution Event for the winners

Applauding the support of Vietravel, the co-organizer of this contest, the Ambassador informed that “Vietravel is Asia’s leading tour operator with offices in many countries and has won World Travel Awards for 8 consecutive times. A one-stop solution provider for inbound and outbound tourists, Vietravel is the largest of its kind in Vietnam”.

All the winners were jubilant about getting the prizes and meeting the Ambassador of Vietnam. Some of the Principals and Parents present on the occasion requested that this essay contest be made an annual program.

Vietravel is looking forward to cooperating with the Vietnam Embassy in New Delhi to organize more amazing events in India. We hope to see you all again at this year’s upcoming events. 

As the Largest Aviation-Tourism corporation in the country, Vietravel consistently provides high-standard services at the most competitive prices so that you can discover the beauty of not only Vietnam but all of Southeast Asia. 

Please contact us for more information

Vietravel – Asia’s Leading Tour Operator

Hotline: (84) 35 235 61 61

Email: [email protected]


#VietravelAsia #Vietravel #Vietnam      

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Results declaration of viet nam india friendship essay contest 2022.

vietnam essay competition 2023

Viet Nam – India Friendship Essay Contest 2022 was organised by the Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam in India and Vietravel. Two month long contest was open for Indian school students from all across India. Vietnamese Ambassador, H.E. Mr. Nguyen Thanh Hai was delighted as 6150 school students participated from 194 schools across 52 cities from 20 States & UTs of India.

The essays written by Indian students showed their knowledge and interest about Viet Nam as their future travel destination. Initially, 16 prizes were to be awarded. Considering the good quality of essays, one extra special prize was awarded. 

All the winners will now be contacted individually to verify their details. The prize will be disbursed to the verified winners. All participants will be issued eCertificates in due course of time.

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vietnam essay competition 2023

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Winner of Viet Nam's first #UN75 essay contest announced

December 14, 2020.

Trịnh Thị Hạnh An , 3rd year student, won the first prize of the first National essay competition to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the United Nations. Her essay features the relationship between Viet Nam and the United Nations, the country’s contribution to the goals and mission of the UN, especially in peace and sustainable development.

An was crown at the Final Pitching Round for the contest that took place at the Green One UN House today. Five young finalists were selected from more than 150 contestants from all across the country including one online participant from Australia.

The Panel of Expert Judges are Ms. Nguyen Phuong Nga, former Permanent Representative of Viet Nam to the UN; Mr. Do Hung Viet, former Deputy Permanent Representative of Viet Nam to the UN; and Ms. Caitlin Wiesen, UNDP Resident Representative in Viet Nam.

In his opening remarks, UN Resident Coordinator in Viet Nam Mr. Kamal Malhotra highlighted that “ while the partnership between the United Nations and the Government of Viet Nam has been a special and close one for over four decades now since it joined the UN in September 1977, this relationship has evolved over time as it should, and now focuses not only on what the UN can do to support the Government of Viet Nam and its people inside the country but also regionally and globally ”.

The young essay finalists have captured both the domestic and international aspects of the UN’s partnership with Viet Nam. They reflected on both what this partnership has achieved so far and what it should focus on as Viet Nam moves forward in the region and the world over the coming decade.  

UNDP Resident Representative in Viet Nam Ms. Caitlin Wiesen congratulated the young essay finalists for their great participation and impressive work. “ The finalists gave the Jury a very difficult time because there are too many good choices,” she said. “Our great thank for your contribution. This will help deepen the understanding of Viet Nam and the UN. I hope that this is the beginning of a partnership that we will continue to deepen ".

Ms. Wiesen thanked the Panel of Expert Judges for their great participation, insight and advices on how we can improve moving forward.

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