• October 10, 2023

Looking to advertise your interior design business on Facebook? Showcase your recent projects, increase brand exposure, generate leads, and promote company achievements with Facebook ads.

Target your ads specifically to your interior design audience by specifying your target market, targeting people with interests related to interior design, and targeting people searching for interior design services or products. To effectively advertise your interior design business, find a niche, set up a website with a blog, engage in social media marketing, distribute content, utilize email marketing, and join industry sites like Houzz.

By implementing these strategies, you can reach your target audience and gain visibility in the competitive market of interior design.

Benefits Of Facebook Ads For Interior Designers

Facebook ads have numerous benefits for interior designers. One of the key advantages is the ability to showcase recent projects, allowing potential clients to see the designer’s work firsthand. These ads also help increase brand exposure, reaching a wider audience and potentially attracting new leads or free consultations.

Interior designers can use Facebook ads to promote their company achievements, blog posts, and other relevant content, further enhancing their online presence. With careful targeting, these ads can effectively reach the desired audience, generating interest and potential business opportunities. Additionally, Facebook ads provide a cost-effective way to advertise and reach a large number of people, making them a valuable tool for interior designers looking to grow their businesses.

Interior Design Facebook Ads: Boost Your Business with Powerful Marketing

Credit: blog.appointy.com

How To Get Started With Facebook Ads

Advertising with Facebook is a straightforward way to take your interior design business to the next level. To get started, choose the right ad format that suits your goals. Next, define your target audience carefully to ensure your ads reach the right people.

Set a budget that aligns with your marketing plan and goals. Once that’s done, focus on creating compelling ad visuals and copy that will capture your audience’s attention. Use high-quality images and write engaging and persuasive ad copy that showcases your brand and offerings.

By following these steps, you can effectively leverage Facebook ads to promote your interior design business and attract new customers.

Targeting Your Facebook Ads To Reach The Interior Design Audience

To effectively target the interior design audience with your Facebook ads, it’s crucial to specify your target market carefully. By doing so, you can ensure that your ads are reaching the right people who are most likely to be interested in your services.

One strategy is to use interests to target your audience and select options related to interior design . Additionally, consider targeting people who are actively searching for interior design services or products, as they are already showing intent. Another potential targeting option is based on relationship status, as different relationship statuses may have different preferences when it comes to interior design.

By strategically targeting your ads, you can increase the chances of reaching your desired audience and achieving better results for your interior design business.

Best Practices For Facebook Ads In The Interior Design Industry

Utilizing high-quality visuals is crucial for interior design Facebook ads. Showcasing your work through visually appealing images will capture the attention of your target audience. Additionally, creating attention-grabbing headlines and compelling copy is essential to attract potential customers. The use of lead forms can help generate leads and inquiries, allowing you to connect with interested individuals more easily.

To ensure the effectiveness of your ads, it is important to monitor and analyze their performance regularly. This way, you can optimize your campaigns to maximize their impact and make the most out of your advertising budget. By following these best practices, you can create successful Facebook ads and promote your interior design business effectively.

Case Study: Successful Interior Design Facebook Ads Campaigns

Interior Design Facebook Ads have proven to be successful in various campaigns. For instance, Campaign 1 focused on increasing lead generation by targeting local homeowners. By specifically reaching out to this demographic, the campaign successfully captured the attention of potential clients.

Campaign 2 aimed to promote high-end interior design services to affluent customers, ensuring that the ads were tailored to their preferences and needs. This approach resulted in attracting the target audience and generating interest in the services offered. Lastly, Campaign 3 showcased a specific design style to attract a niche audience.

By emphasizing a unique aesthetic, the campaign effectively engaged individuals with a particular interest in that style. Overall, these case studies demonstrate the effectiveness of Interior Design Facebook Ads in reaching the desired audience and achieving campaign goals.

Tips For Effective Ad Copy And Visuals For Interior Design Facebook Ads

Effective ad copy and visuals are crucial for successful interior design Facebook ads. Use descriptive language to highlight your unique selling points and capture your audience’s attention. Showcasing before-and-after images can demonstrate the transformative power of your designs. Incorporate testimonials or customer reviews to provide social proof and build trust with potential customers.

Make sure to include a clear call-to-action that encourages engagement and conversions, such as “Book a consultation today” or “Shop our latest collection. ” By following these tips, you can create compelling and effective interior design Facebook ads that capture the interest of your target audience and drive results.

Maximizing Roi With Facebook Ads For Interior Designers

Maximizing ROI with Facebook Ads for Interior Designers can be achieved through continuous monitoring and adjustment of ad campaigns based on performance. Testing different targeting options and ad creatives is crucial to optimizing results. Retargeting website visitors and engaged users can lead to higher conversion rates.

Tracking leads and conversions is essential in measuring the effectiveness of your ads. By following these strategies, interior designers can gain visibility and exposure for their brand, showcase their recent projects, and generate new leads. Additionally, targeting specific audiences based on interests, relationship status, and search behaviors can further enhance the effectiveness of Facebook ads.

With careful planning and implementation, interior designers can leverage Facebook Ads to grow their business and reach their target audience effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions For Interior Design Facebook Ads

Do facebook ads work for interior designers.

Facebook ads are effective for interior designers to showcase projects, increase brand exposure, generate leads, and promote company achievements.

How Do I Target My Facebook Ads To Interior Design Audience?

To target your Facebook ads to the interior design audience, follow these steps: 1. Specify your target market carefully. 2. Target your audience based on their interests. 3. Target people searching for interior design services or products. 4. Consider targeting people based on their relationship status.

By following these steps, you can effectively reach your desired audience on Facebook.

How Do I Advertise My Interior Design?

To advertise your interior design business: 1. Use Facebook Ads for targeted marketing and increased brand exposure. 2. Showcase your recent projects and promote company achievements, blog posts, and more. 3. Specify your target market carefully and target people interested in interior design services or products.

4. Set up a professional website with a blog, engage in social media, and utilize email marketing. 5. Join industry sites like Houzz to expand your reach and connect with potential clients.

Who Is The Target Audience For Interior Designers?

The target audience for interior designers includes homeowners, business owners, and property developers.

In the competitive world of interior design, Facebook ads have proven to be a valuable tool for reaching target audiences and achieving business goals. By utilizing Facebook’s advertising features, interior designers can showcase their recent projects, increase brand exposure, generate leads, and promote their company achievements.

The key to success lies in carefully targeting the right audience based on interests, relationship status, and search behavior. It is also important for interior designers to establish a strong online presence through a well-designed website with a blog and active social media accounts.

By distributing content on social media, engaging in email marketing, and joining industry sites like Houzz, interior designers can effectively reach their target market. In today’s digital age, Facebook ads are a cost-effective and efficient way for interior designers to stand out and thrive in the industry.

So, let your designs take center stage and leverage the power of Facebook advertising to grow your interior design business.

interior design facebook ads case study

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How to Run Facebook Ads for Interior Designers

Are you an interior designer who wants to get more clients and grow your business using Facebook ads ?

Do you feel overwhelmed trying to figure out how to create effective ads on the massive Facebook platform?

Advertising on Facebook can feel like learning a whole new language at first. But don’t worry – with the right strategy and approach, you can master Facebook ads and use them to take your interior design business to new heights. 

In this guide, we’ll break down everything you need to know to run successful Facebook ad campaigns as an interior designer. And by the end, you’ll be ready to launch profitable Facebook ads that attract your ideal interior design clients.

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Let’s get started! 

facebook ads for interior designers

1. Define Your Target Audience

The foundation of any effective Facebook ad campaign is having a crystal clear picture of who your ideal client is.

You need to go beyond basic demographics like age, gender and location and really understand the needs, goals, challenges and preferences of your target interior design clients.

Start by looking at your existing best clients – the ones you most enjoy working with and who are the most profitable for your business. What do they have in common in terms of lifestyle, values, taste in home decor, etc.? Create an ideal client avatar that paints a vivid picture of your target customer.

You can then use Facebook’s powerful ad targeting options to reach people who match your ideal client profile. Target based on demographics, interests, behaviours, and the Facebook pages they interact with. The key is to get as specific as possible so your ads reach the people most likely to hire you as their interior designer.

For example, instead of targeting a broad audience of homeowners, you could target people who are fans of specific interior design magazines or TV shows, regularly shop at high-end home furnishing stores, and have household incomes over $150,000. This will help you hone in on qualified potential clients.

By taking the time upfront to define a detailed target audience, you’ll be able to create Facebook ads that resonate and get the right people interested in your interior design services. Don’t rush this crucial step.

2. Craft Engaging Ad Creative

With your target audience dialed in, it’s time to focus on your actual Facebook ads. Your ad creative – the images, videos, and copy in your ads – will be the first thing people see, so it needs to instantly grab their attention and draw them in.

Use high-quality, professional photos that showcase your interior design work in the best light. Highlight beautiful spaces you’ve designed for clients with a similar aesthetic to your target audience. And make sure the images are bright, crisp, and eye-catching amongst the visual clutter of the Facebook news feed.

In addition to static photos, consider using video in your ads. Video is highly engaging on Facebook and can stop serial scrollers in their tracks. Create short video tours of spaces you’ve designed or record client testimonials raving about your work. Just keep videos to 15-30 seconds for the best completion rates.

Your ad copy needs to clearly communicate the transformation your interior design services provide and the benefits clients can expect. So, use headlines that speak directly to the needs and desires of your ideal clients. Then expand on the value of your services in the body text. Keep copy concise, about 2-3 short sentences max. 

End every ad with a crystal clear call-to-action (CTA) telling people exactly what you want them to do, like “Book a Free Consultation” or “Get a Custom Quote.”

Your CTA should lead to a dedicated landing page on your website that continues the conversation started in your ad and makes it easy to take the next step.

Make sure to maintain a consistent look and feel between your ads and website to create a seamless experience. By combining scroll-stopping visuals with benefit-driven copy and a compelling CTA, your ads will engage your target audience and get them excited to work with you.

3. Set Your Budget and Bids

Facebook ads can be a highly cost-effective way to reach your ideal interior design clients, but you need to set your budget and bids strategically to get the best return on your spend. 

Start by thinking about your interior design business’ overall marketing budget and how much you’re comfortable investing in Facebook ads each month.

Keep in mind that it can take some testing to dial in your strategy, so be prepared to invest consistently for at least 3 months to give your campaigns time to optimise.

When setting up your Facebook ad campaign, you’ll be able to choose either a daily or lifetime budget. With a daily budget, Facebook will pace your spend throughout the day to avoid using up your budget too quickly. A lifetime budget lets you set a total amount to spend over a set date range. Choose the option that works best for your cash flow.

At the ad set level, you’ll set your bids, which is how much you’re willing to pay for your desired action, like a click to your website or lead form completion. Facebook provides suggested bid ranges based on your industry and target audience. 

Start your bids on the lower end of the suggested range and increase gradually as you see good results. The key is to keep your bids competitive so your ads have a chance to be shown to your audience, but not overbid and waste budget.

Finally, consider your anticipated customer value when setting bids. If a new interior design client is worth an average of $5,000 in revenue, you can afford to pay more per lead than if a client is only worth $500. Make sure your ad bids align with your ultimate revenue goals.

By setting a budget you’re comfortable with and bids based on your average customer value, you’ll give your Facebook ads the best chance to deliver a positive ROI for your interior design business.

4. Optimise for Best Results

Launching your Facebook ad campaigns is just the beginning. To get the most out of your budget, you need to continually monitor, test, and optimise your campaigns based on performance. 

Start by deciding the key metrics you’ll track to gauge success. For interior designers, leads are often the main goal, so cost per lead will be an important number to watch. Also pay attention to ad engagement metrics like click-through rate to see how your audience is responding. 

Check in on your campaigns at least 2-3 times per week to see what’s working and what’s not. Give ads at least 3-5 days to generate data before making any major adjustments.

A/B test different elements of your campaigns to hone in on the most effective approach for your interior design business. Try testing:

– Different ad formats (single image, carousel, video, etc.) 

– Various ad copy and CTAs

– Tweaks to your target audience 

– Landing page variations

– Bid adjustments

Test one element at a time so you can pinpoint what changes have the greatest impact. And make sure to let each test run long enough to reach statistical significance before picking a winner and iterating.

Over time, you’ll gain valuable insights into what resonates with your ideal interior design clients. Pause underperforming ads and put more budget behind your top performers. By continuously optimising, you’ll supercharge the results you’re able to achieve with your Facebook ads.

One more tip is to organise your Facebook ad account with a logical campaign structure to make analysis and optimisation easier. Use separate campaigns for each interior design service you offer, then ad sets for each target audience segment.

This will give you full control over budgets and make it simple to see what’s working at a glance.

Putting It All Together 

Ready to become a master of Facebook ads for your interior design business? Let’s recap the key steps:

1. Define your target audience based on your ideal interior design client profile. Use Facebook’s targeting options to reach your best potential customers.

2. Craft engaging ad creative with scroll-stopping images or videos and benefit-focused copy. Include a clear CTA leading to a dedicated landing page.

3. Set your budget based on your overall marketing spend and bids according to your average customer value. Monitor spend closely.

4. Launch your campaigns and then consistently optimise based on results. A/B test, push budget to top performers, and use a clean account structure.

By following this proven process, you’ll be able to generate a steady stream of high-quality interior design leads from Facebook ads, growing your business and boosting your bottom line.

The key is to commit to mastering the platform and not getting discouraged if your initial results aren’t as great as you hoped. Keep testing, iterating, and honing your approach. Over time, you’ll see your hard work pay off in spades.

So what are you waiting for? There are homeowners out there right now looking for an interior designer with your unique style and skill set to transform their space. Go reach them with irresistible Facebook ads and turn them into your next ecstatic clients!

Want your interior design services to reach a wider audience? Hire Upbeat Agency and experience the impact of expertly crafted Facebook ads driving your success!


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Facebook Ads Interior Design Case Study

In-Art Studio – Interior Design Company

We Generated This results for In-Art Studio

New Leads During a 2 Month Facebook Ads Campaign

Cost Per leads


interior design facebook ads case study

The Summary

In-Art Studio Is Architectural and Interior Design company, had been successfully doing business for about 7 years. The business grew the old fashioned way – with the owner building personal relationships and receiving referrals from existing customers. He had no formal marketing or advertising strategy and virtually no online presence. He was just getting to know potential customers in the time-honored tradition of shaking their hands and educating them on what he did.

In-Art Studio had never tried marketing before. Also they have no online presence. So clients first goal is to create social media and increase brand awareness on social media. In-Art Studio completed 3 projects last month. Now he wants about 10+ projects a month through marketing. So the second goal is generating new leads of people who need interior design service…

Our Solution

Since his business was new to online marketing, and the client’s budget was limited, we initially chose to steer clear of Google Ads and instead focus our efforts on Facebook Ads. Because Facebook is best for getting new leads from targeted people. you can grow your audience and increase brand awareness through Facebook advertising. Also, it’s budget-friendly.

Our strategy was simple. Step 1: we create social media Step 2: we optimized Social Media for Facebook marketing Step 3: 2 We Create 1 ads for increase brand awareness Step 4: Now We Create 2 ads For generating leads Step 5: Retargeting campaign.

We created social media accounts and optimized for marketing. Then we run an ad to increase brand awareness. And this ad was for Instagram and Facebook. After increasing brand awareness. We create Facebook ad campaigns to generate leads for targeted people.

Here we create 2 Facebook ads. One ad we targeted women only and the second ad we targeted people who are interested in home decorating. And these 2 ads we run on Instagram and Facebook for 30 days. This 2 ads campaign was an enthusiastic success. In 30 days, we generated 18 new leads from our 2 ads, a phenomenal 31% conversion rate… The average cost per lead was $17.24.

Then after 1 month of 2 ads campaigns, we create another retargeting campaign. In this campaign we targeted people who showed interest in our last ad but didn’t click on the ad. Retargeting ads was a success. We get 28 more leads from retargeting ads in 25 days. During the 2 month Facebook ad campaign, we generated over 43 new leads for In-Art Studio.

Our lead generation strategy worked. We delivered great results for a brand that had done little online, with an owner who was skeptical that online marketing could work well for his industry. We’ve proven it’s possible to generate leads for companies with no prior online presence.

- No online presence -No formal marketing or advertising strategy

-Create Social Media -optimized Social Media -Run Campaign For brand awareness -Campaign For leads -Retargeting Campaign

-43+ New Leads During a 2-Month FB Campaign -17 Cost Per leads -18 Leads CLOSED


In-art studio owner review.

inart studio

We can sell your interior design services through Facebook ads. So Let's Grow Together!

If you want to grow your interior design business through online and get more interior design consultation meetings from clients then we can help you

interior design facebook ads case study

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How to Advertise an Interior Design Business on Facebook

Today I’m going to go over how to advertise an interior design business on Facebook. At our agency we’ve done this very successfully several times – getting quality leads and new customers for interior design firms.

One of the things that I get a lot of requests for are examples of industry specific types of ads. Ecommerce ads are going to look quite different than advertising a high end service business like an interior design firm.

In this guide, I’m going to show you an example campaign that recreates some of the things that we’ve used in the past for our successful interior design campaigns.

NOTE: The type of offer we use for an interior design firm will also often be successful for other businesses that have high value clients.

Creating Your Interior Design Facebook Campaign

The first thing you need to do is go into Facebook Ads Manager and hit the “create” button.

Create Facebook campaign

Setting Up The Facebook Campaign Level

That will pop up the screen where you start to create your campaign.

IMPORTANT: All Facebook campaigns are set up into 3 levels. 1. Campaign level 2. Ad set level 3. Ad level If you’ve never set up a campaign in Facebook before, check out this post on Facebook Ads for Small Business . It will help you get started successfully.

Next, you fill out your campaign information. The MOST important thing to select correctly on this screen is the Campaign Objective that you choose.

There are two choices here that can work. The first is conversions. If you go with conversions you will need to make sure the Facebook Pixel is set up correctly on your site, because you will be sending Facebook traffic to your site and Facebook will be measuring the actions people take.

I have a post on How to Set Up a Facebook Pixel here , if you need to know how to do that.

For most interior designers who are just starting out with Facebook, I recommend the second option – lead generation.

Choosing the right campaign objective

You’ll also want to make sure that you name your:

Set the budget to something you’re comfortable with. For buying type , choose auction.

Click save to draft on the bottom right corner and the campaign level is done.

Setting Up the Facebook Ad Set Level

Next you’ll move onto setting up your ad set level.

First, I’m going to tell you that there are a lot of things in this level you don’t need to worry about. That’s good news, because Facebook campaigns can be fairly daunting otherwise.

You can skip the dynamic creative and the catalog without any problems.

The first thing you want to put information into is the location section. Most interior designers are local businesses. They have local clients and often local suppliers.

So, in location you want to put in whatever town you work in and the radius around the town you work in.

Setting up your location in your Facebook ad

You can play around with the radius. It starts at 25 miles, but you can bring that in if it’s too big. You can also just choose the town or postal codes you normally work in.

At this point you want to note how many people are in your audience. In this example, there are 290,000 people.

Keeping an eye on your Facebook ad audience size

We’ll come back to that in a bit.

The next thing you need to fill out is your demographic information.

Since I’ve worked with several interior designers, I know from experience that most people under the age of 35 aren’t going to hire an interior designer. There are a few exceptions, but most of the time they just don’t have the finances.

While both men and women will hire interior designers, on Facebook women tend to be more responsive with this type of campaign.

interior design facebook ads case study

You can see that adding these demographics has lowered my reach to 92,000 people. (I told you we’d come back to that!)

interior design facebook ads case study

For this campaign, I’m going to skip interests – that’s not unusual on campaigns for local businesses – because we are already down to under 100,000 people in our audience.

Now, if you are based in a larger city like New York or London then you MAY want to use interests to target. Or you may narrow by zip code like I mentioned earlier.

You can also skip connections and leave automatic placements as is. You can also leave optimization for ad delivery set as standard.

Since we’re using the lead generation objective, Facebook will work out which placements work best. They’re good at that.

Ad Set Summary: The ad set level can LOOK very confusing. The key is to focus on the areas you really need and leave everything else alone. All you need is location, age and gender. If you have a VERY large city you may also need interests.

Setting up the Facebook Ad Level

The ad level is where you put in the ad creative (images and copy) that you’re going to use in your ad.

This is where you put in the all important offer. But before we get into the offer you want to make sure that you have the correct Facebook and Instagram pages selected.

Selecting the right accounts for your Facebook ad.

Facebook will show your ad where it converts the best. With automatic placements it will show across both Instagram and Facebook.

Now, there are a TON of different ways you can create ads in Facebook. There are videos and carousels, but for an interior design business you want to use a single image ad.

Selecting image ad for your Facebook ad.

Interior design is VERY visual and you want to take advantage of that with your best images from your portfolio.

Important! If you are just getting started and don’t have images yet, you can use stock images from Facebook’s partnership with Shutterstock.

interior design facebook ads case study

After you select your image, it’s time to select the primary text that goes above the image.

I’m going to show you a copy technique that I call the ‘call out method.’

I know from working with interior designers that most of their clients are either redecorating or have moved house recently. So you want to catch THOSE people’s attention so that you get the right people responding to your ad.

The call out method for Facebook ad copy.

The questions you can see above make an excellent opening to the copy. If you are redecorating or have just moved house – those questions are really going to grab your attention.

Next we want to emphasize the BENEFIT of the service we are offering.

benefits of service in Facebook ad

You’ll see here that we say “We’ll design a beautiful interior for your home and manage the project for you.”

Of course, you need to tailor this to your specific style, but this type of copy can really work. It shows two major benefits and homeowners LOVE the idea of someone else managing the project for them.

Next is the headline.

If you are an interior designer you probably already offer free consultations and that’s what we’re going to offer in this Facebook ad.

You’ll see the headline now says “Free Interior Design Consultations.”

The offer for the Facebook ad

The offer is VERY important.

People just scrolling through Facebook aren’t going to trust you yet. If you try and get people to pay your design fee right up front, it’s almost always too big of an ask and they won’t do it.

A free consultation is low risk for the potential customer. It gives them a chance to get to know you before they commit, and it’s an offer that can get great results.

IMPORTANT: Your offer is the MOST important part of your ad. It should be something that is EASY for people to say yes to.

For the description, this is optional. You don’t have to put anything there and it will only show in certain placements. But you can put something like “click here to sign up for your free interior design consultation.”

interior design facebook ads case study

For the display link you want to put in the root of your website. So if your site is designbydeborah.co.uk then put that in this space.

After you do that you want to choose your call to action button. In this case you are trying to get leads so you want to select “sign up.”

interior design facebook ads case study

For this campaign we’ll be using a Facebook lead generation campaign. So instead of people clicking through to your website, they stay on Facebook and submit their contact information to you right on your ad.

Resource: The detail about how Facebook Lead Ads function is a little beyond the scope of this post. But I do have a whole guide to Facebook lead ads here. I recommend you check that out if you aren’t familiar with lead ads.

In order to get the lead ad to work, you’ll need to set up a lead form .

Lead forms for Facebook ad.

Unless you have a form already set up that you can duplicate, you will want to click on “new form.”

creating the lead form for the Facebook ad.

First you will want to name your form something you will recognize later on. Then for form type go with more volume.

choose more volume on lead form

Turn off the intro – you don’t need it.

Under questions you will need to edit some. Tell people exactly what to do and what they are getting. In this case you want email, full name, and phone number. You’ll have to add the phone number section.

The phone number is VERY important because you’ll find it much easier to contact your new leads if you can CALL them.

adding the phone number to the lead form

There is a lot of other information you can ask for as well, but it’s important to keep this simple. The more information you ask for, the less likely it is people will fill out the form.

Pro Tip: For these ads to work well, it’s important that you call your leads as QUICKLY as possible after they submit their details and while they are still thinking about your offer. The longer you wait the less likely they will be to book.

For the privacy policy section you need to link to the privacy page on your website.

Then for the thank you screen you want to tell them what just happened with their information. In this case we tell them to expect someone to be in touch to set up the consultation.

Thank you section for lead ad

That’s how you set up the ad level.

Get More Training for Facebook Ads (FREE)

There is nothing I like better than to see business owners increase their ROI with Facebook Ads. In order to help business owners succeed with Facebook ads I’ve created a FREE webinar training that you can register for here.

Free Facebook ads training

When you attend this webinar you’ll learn:

  • 3 different Facebook ad strategies that we use every day. These strategies have generated millions of dollars in revenue and are tried and proven to work.
  • How to customize the Facebook ads strategy to your particular business. There is no such thing as a one size fits all approach to Facebook ads.
  • How Facebook and Instagram have changed and how to adjust your ad strategy to what works in 2021.

How to Set Up Facebook Ads for an Interior Design Firm – Video Guide

In this video I show you step by step how to set up a lead ad for an interior design firm. We’ve successfully used this strategy for many firms.

The Bottom Line on Facebook Ads for Interior Designers

The actual set up of these ads is fairly straightforward as long as you stick to the parts that really matter.

The most important part of these ads is the offer – giving a free consultation works well and you need to know how much you can pay per lead.

To figure out your budget per lead you need to know how much a client is worth and how many leads convert into clients.

Facebook ads can work VERY well for interior design firms, if you know how to use them properly.

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Vertex Marketing Agency

For a client in the home decor industry

How We Helped a New York Designer Reach Their Goals

Before & after.

Here is a comparison of results from August of 2021 and January 2022, which shows before and after our advertising services. 

Digital Marketing Case Study Results

Client Ad account in August 2021 (before)

interior design facebook ads case study

Client Ad account in January 2021 (after)

Facebook ads Manager Case study results : before hiring us

Purchase Percentage Increase in %


Purchase conversion value increase in %

Client background.

For this business, being profitable with Facebook ads was becoming more and more difficult.

Despite an employee’s marketing background, IOS14 changes affected the business results tremendously and they were at halt with Facebook marketing.

As time went on, the situation did not improve but they knew that Facebook ads were an important source of traffic and a significant sales channel.

First Step: Account Audit

Here are some honest mistakes we noticed in their ads manager in August of 2021: 

– Running outdated creatives expecting the same results – Running ads that didn’t fit the campaign objective (ex.: re-targeting ads for a cold     audience) – Combining cold audiences with past purchases in the same ad set – Optimizing for the wrong events for their goals (add to carts and awareness rather     than conversions) – Boosting posts instead of using ads manager – Combining warm and cold audiences in the same ad set – Combining multiple interest-based audiences in the same ad set

How we Increased Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) by 119%

After the account audit, we knew what we had to do:

  • Ad Creation. We made some changes in style, message and language.
  • Ad account structure. We simplified and organized adsets and audiences.
  • Funnel Optimization.  We created a seamless funnel and designed a complimentary strategy.

Ad creation

1. a change in style, 2. we sold the vision, not the product.

The message changed when we focused on selling the vision, instead of the product. We worked with the client to determine how a customer’s life might have benefited from the product.

3. Speak their language

We provided more information about the product within the ads.

When business owners know their product well, it can sometimes be hard to put themselves in the shoes of someone who’s never heard of it before.

We included things like:

  • Deal-maker  features that make the product shine and give them a reason to buy
  • Spoke their language with everyday words and real-life scenarios
  • Benefit-based call-outs that every person understands and resonates with

Account Structure

1 . simplified ad account structure.

account structure for facebook ads

2. Audience Organization

Audiences were organized and divided by interest, stage in the funnel, and cold/warm. We also excluded necessary audiences.

audience organization for facebook ads

Funnel Renovation

1. they wanted conversions, and they got’em.

Instead of optimizing add to carts and awareness, we invested ad spend in campaigns with conversion objectives.

2. Ads instead of Boosted posts

Instead of boosting posts , we invested in ads. This gave us more control over measurements, ad creatives and budget.

3. Creating a funnel

We geared the ads towards conversions by running the right ones in the right stages of the funnel. By using the right ads, we attracted prospects in one campaign, gained trust in another, re-targeted and upped purchases in the final ones. 

A job well done!

To summarize, we…

Reworked their ads

Reorganized their ad account

Shifted their marketing strategy

… and it worked! Check out the results!

Did you find this case study helpful?

More success stories below, case study: 4x’d a laptop refurbisher’s roas in 90 days with facebook ads.

After the impactful changes of IOS14, this brand found difficulty in managing Facebook ads, generating new solutions to their advertising problem while remaining profitable. In the end, they have a company to run and Facebook ads were becoming more and more difficult to keep up with.

Case Study: Facebook Ads For E-commerce

An In-depth case study on how we helped an E-Commerce company increase online sales with Facebook ads

Case Study: Social Media Marketing

Case study: foster’s sports centre, get in touch.

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Inflow: eCommerce Marketing Agency

Home > Paid Search Advertising

Furniture Facebook Ads Case Study: ROAS 0 to 29.5 in 3 Months

Avatar for Andrew Halfman (Alumni)

Editor’s note: This case study was originally published in 2019 and was updated in 2021 for modern best practices and recommendations.

Here’s the truth: Many companies that try to manage paid social media campaigns on their own don’t see sufficient return on their ad spend (ROAS). 

If you’re wasting time and money each month on Facebook advertising and not seeing results, there’s a good chance you aren’t setting up your campaigns in a way that takes into consideration where the audience is along the buyer’s journey.

Lucky for you, this Facebook ads case study will walk you through every step of incorporating that strategy into your campaigns.

Today, we’ll share an example of an eCommerce furniture store that had been investing more than $2,000 per month on their social campaigns, with absolutely zero return on ad spend — and how we got them to an eventual 29.5x ROAS in just three months. 

Keep reading to find out:

  • Exactly what was wrong with their Facebook ads strategy
  • Which changes we implemented (and why) 
  • And how you can apply the same concepts to your social campaigns

The Client: Artisan Furniture Co.

Furniture is one of the fastest growing product categories for retail eCommerce. 

According to Statista , the furniture eCommerce industry is projected to increase to more than $61.2 billion in 2025. As of the latest measured period, 12.3% of total retail eCommerce sales in the United States are attributed to furniture and home furnishing.

It’s no wonder furniture retailers like “Artisan Furniture Co.” are looking to tap into that growth as much as they can.

Aristan (client name redacted) specializes in a niche furniture style, with an average order value around $1,300. As mentioned above, they were spending more than $24,000 per year with little to show for their efforts.

Their goal when they partnered with our team: Increase ROAS on social campaigns and set the foundation for scalable growth later on.

Our eCommerce Facebook Ads Strategy

Before we get into Artisan’s tactical mistakes (and what we did to solve them), let’s talk about our eCommerce Facebook Ads approach: “ See, Think, Do, ” based on the framework coined by Avinash Kaushik .

A table with two columns labeled: Consideration stage and Audience. Three rows under consideration stage labeled: See, think, do.

The basic idea: Create specific campaigns with different targeting, creative, and calls-to-action setup for each stage of the funnel. It often looks something like this:

  • Begin with an ad for an audience that is high in the funnel, and collect data that allows you to narrow that audience down. 
  • As you narrow down the audience, set different campaign objectives and deliver different messages. 
  • Once your audience has been narrowed to customers in the consideration and decision stages, present more assertive, conversion-focused ads. 

By putting ads in front of the right customers at the right time, your campaigns are much more likely to convert — and Artisan’s Facebook furniture ads are proof.

6 Common Facebook Ads Mistakes & Solutions

We began with a general onboarding audit of the activity in the client’s Facebook Ads account, identifying six tactical mistakes they were making:

  • Too few ads
  • Incorrect campaign objectives  
  • Too broad of an audience
  • Too high of a frequency rate
  • Default focus on link clicks
  • No URL tags

1. Too Few Ads

In their previous three-month campaign, Artisan ran just two ads, with zero copy and image variations along the way.

The problem: A message that resonates and compels Facebook users at the top of the funnel isn’t going to have the same effect on an audience member further down the funnel (and vice versa). 

The Solution

When developing paid social campaigns, you should develop a variety of creative ads with tailored messages to show your audience at different parts of the funnel.

At the same time, you should test different ads to find the best versions at each step in the funnel. Simple A/B tests like this reveal the insights you need for big revenue growth.

Your customer acquisition strategy should also include:

  • A lookalike audience campaign based on the interests and demographics of your paying customers
  • Retargeting campaigns that use a Facebook pixel to re-engage people who have visited your website, clicked on your ads, or joined your newsletter

Of course, to make all of this happen, you’re going to need ad creative — and a lot of it.

2. Incorrect Campaign Objectives

Like many eCommerce businesses, Artisan made the mistake of not transitioning from high-funnel to low-funnel campaign objectives when necessary.

Out of the client’s two ads, one used the campaign objective of engagement . Setting this objective means your ads will appear to the people who are most likely to like, share, and comment on your post. 

While likes and comments can be useful for developing social proof, engagement alone will not typically result in conversions and purchases.

Engagement can be used in the beginning stages of a broad awareness campaign, but it’s necessary to shift to the campaign objectives of traffic and conversions to get you the results you’re looking for. 

3. Too Broad of an Audience

Artisan had previously lumped together a wide array of interests into a single Facebook audience. Interests like “Mother’s Day Gifts and Wishes” were alongside completely unrelated interests like “New Home Sales.” 

When you have so many conflicting audience interests, there’s simply no way that ad creative can speak to (and motivate) all of the customers in that segment.

The better approach: Split these interests out into separate campaigns with custom audiences and create different ads for each. 

For example, if you run a general prospecting campaign around Mother’s Day, use ad copy like “Mother’s Day Sale” or “Give your mom a gift that lasts.” 

4. Too High of a Frequency Rate

Artisan’s ad frequency rate was 2.5 — which meant, on average, people saw their engagement campaign two and a half times in their news feed. When you’re targeting shoppers at the top of the funnel, this is harmful for a few reasons:

  • A large portion of the people who see your ads are not going to be interested. When those people see it two or more times, more of them will tend to hide or dislike your ad, which sends negative signals to Facebook (leading them to penalize you with higher costs).
  • When you show your ad to certain people more than once, you miss out on the opportunity to reach more individual people who might actually want to see it.

By managing your frequency rate and keeping it less than two, your prospecting ads will reach more potential customers and be less likely to result in hides and dislikes. 

5. Default Focus on Link Clicks

Like many first-time Facebook Ads users, Artisan chose the default setting for their traffic campaign objective: link clicks.

However, by defaulting to this objective, Facebook searches for people who are more likely to click solely on your link — rather than those customers who are more likely to click through to your website’s landing page. 

Choosing landing page views under “Delivery Optimization” sends a much stronger signal to Facebook that you want your ad to be shown to somebody who is likely to view your landing page. This way, you’ll have a more qualified session, and you’ll see lower bounce rates, longer average session durations, and higher page depths.

6. No URL Tags

If you don’t set up referral tags in Google Analytics, all external traffic will report as referral traffic — without any knowledge of whether someone came from the Facebook page where they saw your ad or from somewhere else. 

Because Artisan didn’t have any URL tags attached to their Facebook furniture ads, there was no way of knowing how many engaged customers were actually making it to their website.

URL tags tell you which ads are working and which are not, where you’re getting a return on your purchase, where you need to tweak messaging and targeting, and when you need to stop a campaign altogether. 

By taking the time to set up URL tags properly, you can collect the data you need to make smarter decisions about your campaigns. 

An illustration in a horizontal row of an eye, a light bulb containing a brain and a conversation bubble with the text Click!

Applying the ‘See, Think, Do’ Facebook Ads Strategy

With those common errors out of the way, we dove into the secret ingredient for all of our Facebook case studies: the “See, Think, Do” method.

Prior to working with us, Artisan spent 74% of their budget on an engagement campaign. This can be useful for the general prospecting “See” phase — but without narrowing down the audience and delivering new ads in the “Think” and “Do” stages, they weren’t getting the conversions they were looking for.

We jumped in with a few changes to make that happen:

The ‘See’ Phase

We kicked off this phase with a new reach campaign for Artisan, designed to get their brand in front of a broader audience of potential customers that were high in the funnel. 

We also launched a video view campaign for general prospecting and gaining brand awareness and recognition with the new audience.

The ‘Think’ Phase

Artisan previously ran their engagement (“See”) and traffic (“Think”) campaigns with essentially the same audience, limiting any growth or conversions.

Now, we used the information gathered in the “See” phase to update and refine the audience network for the “Think” phase — generating much more qualified leads to Artisan’s site. 

The ‘Do’ Phase

By the time we entered the “Do” phase with our conversion campaign, the audience was already familiar with our brand and our products, and they were that much more prepared to take the action our client was looking for: to purchase their unique furniture. 

Putting It All Together: How to Sell Furniture on Facebook

Now that you understand our “See, Think, Do” strategy (and the common Facebook Ads mistakes we see from clients), you can apply the same strategies to your campaigns.

We’ve detailed the steps we took for Artisan below to help you boost your own Facebook results. The best part? You can use these tactics to sell all kinds of eCommerce products, not just furniture and home furnishings .

Step 1: Redefine the Audience

Stop jumbling your varied customer interests into one giant melting pot of an audience. 

We took the interests of the people Artisan wanted to reach, splitting them up into groups for general prospecting. From there, we discovered what the specific interests were of the people who were actually engaging with our ads.

And then, once you know which audience types are interacting with your content, build specific retargeting lists for your future conversion campaigns.

Step 2: Develop a Variety of Creative.

The more creative you have, the better chance it resonates with your intended audience.

Using copy and image variations, we developed tailored ads for the audience segments we’d chosen, running several at the same time. This allowed us to test them against each other and see where the results were coming from.

Step 3: Set Up Necessary URL Tags.

For the most complete picture of your audience data, you need to know where your customers are coming from.

We created URL tags for every Artisan ad and input them into the URL parameters of the “Tracking” section in the ad settings. This way, we always knew where clicks and site visits were coming from and which ads we needed to re-optimize.

Step 4: Create Funnel-Based Campaigns.

If you’re not seeing results from your campaigns, use our “See, Think, Do” approach to reorganize your ads for maximum impact.

As mentioned above, we started with a reach and a video view campaign to get our ads in front of our target audience established in Step 1. We drove more than 340,000 10-second views from new customers with just $859.

Next, we narrowed down our audience again to launch our traffic campaign, to get people thinking about Artisan’s products and website.

Finally, we narrowed that audience down even further into a supercharged group ready for our conversion campaign — those who would be most likely to make a purchase.

The Results: A Facebook Ads Case Study to Emulate

Successful digital marketing depends on delivering the right messages, to the right people, at the right times. The ‘ See, Think, Do’ framework allows you to do just that — and Artisan’s Facebook advertising case study proves it works.

In just a few months, we were able to grow ROAS from 0 to 29.5 , using the same budget and just a few tweaks to their strategy. In other words, for every dollar spent on Facebook selling furniture, Artisan received almost $30 back in sales.

It’s not rocket science. By nurturing interested audience members down the funnel and not asking for too much from the customer right away, you can identify qualified users and deliver the messages they want to hear — all in the name of growing your profits.

So, what are you waiting for? Try applying these strategies to your campaigns today. Or, if you’d like an expert to handle it for you, our paid social media team members are always happy to help.

In the meantime, read more Facebook advertising case studies like this below:

  • How We Used Facebook Ads to Help Vitrazza Reach $1 Million/Month in Sales
  • KEH: 75.7% Increase in Overall ROAS for Paid Social Advertising
  • Atrantil: 318% Increase in Revenue from Facebook Ads

Avatar for Andrew Halfman (Alumni)

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About The Author

A photograph of Andrew Halfman and his wife at Red Rocks.

Andrew Halfman (Alumni)

Andrew was a Senior Paid Strategist at Inflow, where he specialized in driving business results through the power of paid social media. He has more than six years of experience in digital strategy, spanning paid search, paid social, email marketing, and programmatic media.

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We help interior design companies achieve impressive ROI through expertly crafted Facebook ad campaigns

Quit wasting time and money on ineffective ad campaigns.

Make your ad budget count, scale your business and blow up your sales.

Exclusive Facebook ads for interior designers.

We help interior designers escape the competition online by leveraging the power of Facebook ads. It's an advertising platform that offers huge opportunity for the early adopters. That's how we make our clients win.

Average cost-per-lead reduction: 75%

Exclusive focus: Interior Designers & Facebook Ads.

We specialise in generating leads exclusively for the interior design industry, focusing solely on Facebook ads. Our commitment is to excel in our niche, not dilute our expertise through diversification.

Consistently converting leads of unmatched quality.

Our clients adore our leads because they are budget-friendly, convert rapidly, and are incredibly dependable, surpassing their experiences with Google, YouTube, and Instagram ads.

Average cost-per-sale reduction: 65%

Interested in working with us? Here's what it looks like.

interior design facebook ads case study

Watch our free case study video. See if you qualify.

Watch our free case study video to make sure you and we can work together – click here now to find out.

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strategy session.

You then book a call using the online calendar that’s presented to you. We'll present our strategy to you.

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Onboarding & campaign launch within 7 days.

That’s basically it. We watch your ads like hawks. There’s no time better than now – so click here and let’s start.

Frequently Asked Questions

How quickly do i get to see results with your approach.

It takes us roughly 5 working days to get things set up for you and then we start running your ads. Results – in the form of booked appointments – can appear the first day your ads run. Although we would expect it to take a few days before the specific set-up we’ve created for you finally beds in. 

From there, we refine your ads as results come in, looking for small improvements in order to increase overall results. That can take 3 – 4 weeks. But you’ll be getting appointments in the meantime – and we’ll be aiming to run the size of the campaign necessary to keep your company fully busy throughout. You need to be able to handle the increased appointments and orders before we begin your ad campaign.

Why do you use Facebook only? There are many ads platforms – why not diversify?

Different platforms work very differently for interior designers. Some are incredibly competitive and very expensive – Google ads, especially. Others barely work at all. 

We know this from experience.

But when it comes to finding exclusive leads for interior designers, we know exactly what works – and that’s Facebook. 

In terms of quality of lead and cost, Facebook has been our undisputed champion for appointment generation. 

By exclusively utilizing Facebook and serving interior designers, we've honed unbeatable lead generation expertise.

With Facebook's robust audience tools, we can pinpoint audiences with exceptional precision.

We'll continue with Facebook until a better platform emerges, because it simply works!

Why don’t you work with interior design companies making less than six figures a year in revenue?

We earn when you earn. Our success is based on your success. In the past, the new flow of customers has overwhelmed smaller companies and they’ve had to switch off their campaigns while they try to handle the new workflow. Which means they stop using our services until they work out how to run their own business.

We need companies who can handle the increase in business and keep the revenues flowing. 

Larger businesses – those that have exceeded the multi six figures mark – have already worked out how to handle larger volumes of work. Their processes are more robust. They have good people in place. 

For them, handling a fairly sudden uplift in business is a matter of expanding what they already do – rather than having to learn it all from scratch. 

No matter where you operate the business is all there. We want to work with clients who can handle it. 

Why must I qualify before I can work with you?

We've noticed that newer businesses may face challenges handling the leads we generate. They can become overwhelmed and may need to pause their ad campaigns temporarily to regroup and adapt. During this time, our services might not be required, which isn't beneficial for anyone. On the other hand, more established businesses with their operations in order tend to excel. Even if they initially find the influx of leads a bit challenging, they quickly adapt because they've already fine-tuned their processes and assembled a skilled team. For them, it's about scaling up what they're already good at. Our aim is to ensure a seamless partnership. Small businesses experiencing overwhelm can impact our mutual success. We believe our growth is tightly connected to yours. As new business opportunities arise, we want to ensure you're fully prepared to handle them effectively

What if you work with another interior design company in my area, won’t that hurt my business?

That won’t happen. 

Before we take on a new client we make sure they’re right for us. In other words we first qualify them (just like we qualify new clients for you).

Part of that qualification is: do we already have a client in the area you operate in?

We routinely refuse to take on clients because their business competes with an existing client’s business. 

So rest assured: if you are our client then we will not take on a new client in your area of operation. 

We offer a 100% ROI guarantee. If we don't perform you don't pay. Simple as that.

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Facebook Ads for Interior Designers: Skyrocket Your Sales

  • Post author: Henry Cooper
  • Post published: April 23, 2024
  • Post category: Social Media Marketing / Blog
  • Post comments: 0 Comments

Facebook Ads for Interior Designers

Facebook Ads for Interior Designers

Are you an interior designer? Want to boost your business and attract more clients? Look no further than  Facebook Ads for Interior Designers . With its  massive reach and precise targeting , Facebook offers a dynamic platform to showcase your design expertise.

In this article, we’ll explore creating impactful Facebook ads tailored for interior designers. From captivating imagery to compelling messaging, we’ll dissect the elements that drive engagement and conversions. Ready to amplify your interior design business? Let’s dive in! 

Mastering Facebook Ads: 10 Essential Steps for Interior Designers

As an interior designer, venturing into the digital marketing realm can significantly impact your interior design business.  Facebook ads  provide a robust platform to showcase your design skills and attract potential clients through precise ad targeting. Let’s delve into the essential steps for mastering Facebook ads tailored specifically for interior designers:

1.  Setting Clear Campaign Goals in Visual Design Ads

Before diving into Facebook advertising, define your campaign objectives. Are you aiming to increase website visits, promote special offers, or showcase your portfolio? Select the appropriate campaign objective that will guide the rest of your ad creation process. Additionally, integrating the  Facebook Pixel  on your website is crucial. It helps track conversions from your Facebook ads, allowing you to measure success accurately and retarget visitors with tailored ads.

2.  Understanding Your Audience in Artful Interiors on Facebook

Effective ad targeting begins with understanding your audience. Utilize  Facebook Audience Insight Tools  to gain insights into user demographics, interests, and behaviors. Define your target audience based on factors such as location, age, interests, and online behavior. For interior designers, consider selecting zip codes or a radius around towns or cities where potential clients reside. This ensures your ads reach local homeowners interested in interior design services, maximizing relevance and impact.

3.  Crafting Compelling Ad Creatives in Design Showcase Ads

Your ad creatives play a pivotal role in capturing attention. Use high-quality images or videos that showcase your design work. Highlight your unique selling points and emphasize how your services can transform spaces. Remember to incorporate a  strong call-to-action (CTA)  that encourages users to take action, whether it’s visiting your website, contacting you, or exploring your portfolio.

Facebook Ads for Interior Designers

4.  Choosing the Right Ad Formats

Facebook offers various ad formats, each serving different purposes. As an interior designer, consider the following formats:

  • Photo Ads : Showcase your design projects with captivating visuals.
  • Carousel Ads : Display multiple images or videos in a single ad, allowing you to showcase a range of work.
  • Slideshow Ads : Create a dynamic slideshow of your portfolio.
  • Video Ads : Engage users with video content, such as behind-the-scenes glimpses or client testimonials.

5.  Creating Conversion-Oriented Landing Pages in Digital Marketing for Interior Decorators

Once users click on your ad, they should land on a well-designed and conversion-oriented page. Your landing page should align with the ad’s message and encourage users to take action. Include clear calls-to-action, relevant information, and a seamless user experience. Whether it’s signing up for a consultation or exploring your portfolio, ensure that your landing page facilitates conversions.

6.  Setting Up Ad Campaigns in Custom Interiors Marketing

Now that you’ve defined your goals and audience, it’s time to create your ad campaigns. Use  Facebook Ads Manager  to set up your campaigns. Organize your ads into ad sets based on targeting criteria (e.g., location, interests). Define your budget, schedule, and bidding strategy. Remember to allocate more budget to high-performing ad sets.

7.  Budgeting and Bidding Strategies in Decorative Design Promotions on Facebook

Facebook Ads for Interior Designers

Allocate your budget wisely. Start with a modest budget and gradually increase it as you gather data. Choose between daily or lifetime budgets. For bidding, consider  automatic bidding  initially to let Facebook optimize for your goals. As you gain insights, experiment with  manual bidding  to control costs and maximize results.

8.  Monitoring and Analyzing Performance

Regularly monitor your ad performance. Use  Facebook Analytics  to track metrics such as click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, and engagement. Identify underperforming ads or ad sets and make necessary adjustments. A/B testing different ad creatives, headlines, and CTAs can provide valuable insights.

9.  Optimizing Campaigns through Testing in Interior Design Facebook Campaigns

Testing is crucial for success. Conduct  split tests  (A/B tests) to compare different variables. Test ad copy, visuals, landing pages, and audience segments. Optimize based on what works best. Remember, small tweaks can lead to significant improvements in performance.

10.  Implementing Retargeting Strategies in Facebook Ads for Interior Designers

Retargeting allows you to reach users who have interacted with your brand before. Set up a  Facebook Pixel  to track website visitors. Create custom audiences based on specific actions (e.g., visited your portfolio page, added items to cart). Craft personalized retargeting ads to re-engage these warm leads and encourage conversions.

In wrapping up, mastering Facebook ads is key for interior designers to boost sales. Understanding your audience and crafting engaging ads is crucial. Continuous monitoring and testing help improve results. With these strategies, designers can increase sales and become industry leaders.

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Decor Blueprint

How to Build an Audience on Facebook for Interior Designers

Facebook has a large number of users and this is a great place to find potential clients. The number of  Facebook users is estimated to reach 2.9 billion in 202 3. As an interior designer, you may need to get the word out that you can provide exceptional services to potential clients.

Facebook offers you an opportunity to tap into this online audience. On the platform, you can share content and reach a wider market.

Building an audience on Facebook for interior designers is essential for the growth of your business because most people spend their time online and that is one of the best places to target them.

How to build a Facebook Audience for Interior Designers

Building a Facebook audience for interior designers takes a similar path to that of other businesses. It is not rocket science but requires you to master the basics so as to work the magic and watch your audience grow.

The main aim is to attract an audience and keep them engaged and more importantly, informed on the services available and how and where to hire you as an interior designer.

The following are some of the tasks that you can do so as to achieve this goal:

interior design facebook ads case study

Make your Facebook page presentable

This is the basic step in which you can start off. Do an audit of your Facebook page and update or edit the sections as necessary. Your Facebook page ought to be presentable and capable of keeping the audience engaged. The profile photo and cover photo ought to be well-selected. Have a good description in the ‘About’ section and take quality videos and images which are to be uploaded to the gallery.

You can mention that you provide interior design services and include the call to action- liking the page or subscribing to your newsletter.

Understand your audience

To build your Facebook audience, you will need to understand your audience. They may have similar interests and therefore, this will help you to categorize them and also know the best way to approach and target them.

This will give you an understanding of their browsing behaviors, the platforms in which they are in and what type of content attracts their attention. The information you get when you study your audience also helps when it comes to setting up targeted ads.

Use Facebook ads

Adverts are an effective method of targeting your audience. Facebook offers businesses with ads that can be tailored to reach your audience, within your budget. You can even select your campaign objective.

It may be to increase awareness, conversion, or consideration. Some factors that you may select as considerations of the success of the campaign include page likes, traffic, messages, video views, lead generation, video views and post engagement.

It is important for you to get the timing right so as to achieve a maximum possible reach over the period in which the campaign shall run. You can then schedule posts and have them published at the time they will have an optimum reach.

interior design facebook ads case study

Build and refine your Facebook marketing strategy

The online audience is bombarded with a lot of information and thus, you need to be precise so as to reach them.

In addition to that, you may need them to take action so your communication needs to be effective. Set the goals for your campaign and to test checks to confirm if it is proceeding as expected after the campaign goes live. If you had a set goal of likes or followers to get, check if you are on track to reaching the numbers.

Get your content right

It is important that you publish posts that are capable of attracting an audience. The information should be engaging, educational and clear. Design your content in such a way that it has a good flow and ensure that it does not sound too promotional. Your content can be words, videos, or an infographic.

The online audience has many posts to check but little reading time. This means that you need to create content that can attract them and keep them engaged. Using sponsored posts and relevant hashtags also help you to reach a wider audience.

  Get social and vocal

Facebook is a social network and you need to engage on other platforms so as to be seen by the online audience. With a vast number of Facebook users, it is not a pool but a big ocean with many conversations being held in various pages and groups.

Pulling an audience will also require you to go out and dive deep into the ocean. Get social and network with other people who are in the interior design industry. Like their pages and comment on their posts. By sharing your views, you will be seen by the other users interacting on the platforms.

You can also offer to feature other people in the interior design business on your page. Partnering with other page-owners and brands will give you more visibility. You can tag them in your posts and they can do the same for you. Such collaborations shall benefit both of you and give you the opportunity to reach a wider audience.

interior design facebook ads case study

Facebook live has gained popularity and this is a method that personalities and brands use to connect with their audiences. You can have live Q&A sessions on interior design so as to increase the engagement and traffic to your Facebook page and site. You can also do demos of your work via Facebook Live.

As soon as you master the best time to go live, you will be able to build an audience and keep them on the lookout for more live sessions from you.

Use the in-depth knowledge to build your interior design business

With this knowledge at hand, you can work on your Facebook marketing strategy and achieve the best results. Now that you have figured out how to go about building a Facebook audience for interior designers, pull the audience to your Facebook page and site.

May they welcome you into their space, allowing you to transform it with your amazing interior designing skills.

Ready to start growing your following? Read our article on the top 50 Interior Design Hashtags to use in your posts.

About The Author

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Freddie Chatt

Related posts, transforming spaces: the integration of ai interior design, 7 of the best free interior designer courses online, 5 key seo tips for interior designers: rank your interior design website, 14 tips for your interior design blog: get more clients from your blog.

Writing great high-end Interior Design case studies

Write great high-end Interior Design case studies

The most effective and convincing high-end interior design case studies have 4 key attributes when being promoted online

Case study writing | Bath Kitchen

Bath Kitchen Company website Fun Loving Kitchen – Example case study

1. they are usually 500+ words of indexable content with an editorial focus on the impact of your studio’s work, 2. they have a client testimonial, 3. they include easily scannable list of related services. we don’t want to relate other case studies here, though the temptation is there. we want our prospects to transition from research mode to understanding how our business works, not get caught in a content cul de sac., 4. they have a buyer-friendly call to action to set up a meeting, get in touch about a project, etc..

Write great Interior Design case studies | David Harber case study example

David Harber website Big Spaces – Example case study

Featured projects.

This is very different from, write-ups of projects, which in the main we all have on our websites, as we name drop the client (where appropriate) and show off the finished work. This isn’t hitting the mark as a case study and certainly isn’t making for a great study. It worth pointing out having a portfolio is very valid, but that is not the focus of this article.

We have to remember why we should be investing in writing the case study in the first place. Its about generating opportunities with the next prospect, and its role is to prove the impact of the work that we have just had beautifully shot. You should look beyond simply writing about what you made to articulate the impact of the outcome. If we can prove the worth of our project that has just been undertaken with facts and figures. If you have created impact with your work, then this can be no better communicated than through the happy words of the client, after all no matter how good you are at selling yourself, you’ll never be as good a salesperson as the client for whom you have had the greatest impact.

Interior Design case studies | The Myers Touch Case study example

The Myers Touch website Bronze Appeal – Example case study

Generating leads.

The purpose of your well-written impactful, process-framed case study is to generate leads; (just the be clear, process is important in framing your approach to a project, but at the end of the day people don’t buy processes, processes offers reassurance, people buy promises). A case study is a sales tool.

We all like a story, and we understand the story composition: a beginning a middle and an end. And like a story your case study should follow this format. Having a back-story, setting the context of the situation and the problem your were able to overcome, the middle— the ideas, process and solution you arrived at, and finally the impact of the outcome, the results of your work.

If you cover off all four elements outlined in the opening, you will not need thousands of words and you will be on the way to creating great case studies.

Writing Interior Design case studies | Hydeline NEC show stand photography

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Interior Design Facebook Ad Template

Captivate your audience and showcase your interior design expertise with this visually appealing facebook ad template..

Aimed at home decor enthusiasts, this template highlights the beauty of tailored space design in a friendly and inviting manner. The vibrant imagery showcases a well-appointed living area that radiates comfort and style, while the bold, clear headline invites potential clients to envision a space that is both personal and tastefully designed. Perfect for interior designers, decorators, or home furnishing brands, this template is easily customizable to highlight your unique selling points and design aesthetics on the world's largest social network. Use it to drive engagement, increase outreach, and attract customers who are looking for that special touch in their home or office spaces.

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7 Facebook Marketplace Hacks Interior Design Pros ALWAYS Use

Picture this: You walk into a friend's new home and compliment their vintage artwork, old-school dining chairs and antique finds . You're about to ask where it's all from, but they're already bursting at the seams to tell you. The words to follow are not a surprise: "I got it on Facebook Marketplace!"

If you've experienced this exact scenario, you're not alone. Second-hand shopping is more popular than ever, and Facebook Marketplace has sneakily made it to the top of the list when it comes to the best platforms to discover one-of-a-kind pieces. However, there's definitely a Marketplace learning curve, so if you haven't gotten into your groove yet, don't worry.

Whether it's how often you're searching, what keywords you're using or the nature of communicating with the seller, there are plenty of factors that play into how successful you are when scrolling through the platform, and interior designers have the process figured out down to a science. Here, we've compiled designers' favorite Facebook Marketplace tips and tricks for finding the perfect addition to your home.

📌 The More You Search, the Better

When you’re hunting for something specific on Facebook Marketplace, securing a piece before anyone else gets it first can feel like do or die. Although it’s hard to shake the feeling of losing a good deal, designers actually recommend taking a more relaxed approach, putting in more time so that the platform understands you and your aesthetic better.

“The more you search and shop on Facebook Marketplace, the more the algorithm gets to know you and what you're looking for. I recently searched for a corner table and now, when I sign on, I'm met with an abundance of corner table options,” says Meghan Jay, founder of Meghan Jay Interiors .

Instead of logging on and immediately hoping to find the perfect piece, try casually searching for what you’re looking for during your off time, whether that’s during your commute or while relaxing before bed. One of the many benefits of Facebook Marketplace is how often the platform refreshes with new pieces. Interior designer Tess Twiehaus of Tess Interiors suggests taking advantage of that by checking in daily to see what’s new.

📌 Discover Your Lucky Buzzwords

When it comes to buzzwords, there’s one rule that remains superior: Specificity is key. Jay suggests trying words like "vintage" or "reclaimed,” depending on what you’re looking for. If you’re looking for something really specific, Twiehaus recommends doing your research. Find the particular style, color or era you’re drawn to and search away.

“For instance, if you're looking for an armchair with texture, get specific about the texture," says Twiehaus. "Would you like something more earthy, with a ‘rush seat?’ Or perhaps something cozier and more modern, like ‘mohair?' I often type in the phrase ‘French brutalist’ and have rarely been disappointed.”

📌 Be Passionate When Messaging a Seller

So you’ve been patient and you finally found the perfect piece. The price is right and you’re ready to buy. How do you make sure you actually get to take it home?

“If I'm really in love with something, I'll express to the seller that I'm very interested and motivated to make a deal. I've even gone so far as to describe to the seller why I'm attached to the piece and how I intend on using it. I think it helps to convey your level of interest and your ability to pick the item up quickly. It shows you're serious – and that's very appealing to sellers,” says Jay.

Facebook Marketplace is unique in that it gives you, the buyer, the opportunity to communicate openly with sellers. Show them you’re passionate about giving their item a home, and they’ll be more likely to work with you.

📌 Embrace the Unique

Whether in thrift stores or through Facebook Marketplace, the fun of second-hand shopping is finding that one-of-a-kind item you just have to buy. That’s when it’s time to go all in. That being said, it’s normal to have hesitation when purchasing something online.

“Check the item out in person and literally feel it out,” suggests Twiehaus. “What is the piece made of? How is it constructed? Vintage furniture is an incredible way to bring personality into your space, but it's also supposed to be built to last .”

Twiehaus recommends paying careful attention to tags and labels to determine the original manufacturer and whether the piece has synthetic materials (which is usually a red flag). Yet when it comes to that perfect vintage piece that screams your name, she recommends embracing imperfections. “Allow me to introduce you to what my team likes to call weirdo candy. Weirdo candy is an all-encompassing term for the quirky, oddball stuff that you didn't necessarily seek out, but you must have once you see it. It's a conversation starter and there is always a story attached to it,” says Twiehaus.

Because of the way the platform gets to know you and what you like, Facebook Marketplace is one of the best places to find these types of pieces. If there are some dents or scratches but the piece still speaks to you, go for it. Chances are you’ll never find it again.

📌 Use the Buddy System

If you’ve found something you love but you’re nervous to follow through and meet up with a stranger, you’re not alone. However, there are ways to keep safety as your number one priority when buying on Facebook Marketplace. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

Bring a friend with you

Meet at a public location

Never give away any personal information

Share the listing and location with a friend

Stay in communication with a friend while picking up the piece

In terms of scammers, Amelia Strat of Kroesser + Strat Design has one rule: “NEVER send money ahead of time.”

📌 Know When to Negotiate (and When Not To)

While many sellers are open to negotiating, it’s important to understand when it may not be the best idea. If an item is truly everything you’re looking for and the price seems fair after conducting research, designers recommend skipping the negotiation.

“I first do a quick internet search to determine the fair market value of an item,” says Jay. “This is particularly easy if I'm looking at a retail piece. I then assess the condition of the piece I'm looking at. If the piece is in perfect condition, then I feel less able to ask for a heavily reduced price.”

With that in mind, if a piece is in less than ideal condition, especially after seeing it in person, negotiating may be worth it.

📌 Did We Mention to Keep Searching?

This may seem like a repeat of the first tip, but we promise there's always more to learn when it comes to searching. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, and you’ve been looking day in and day out, take a break for a bit. Give the platform time to refresh its inventory.

“If I’m not finding exactly what I want after a few days of checking daily, I walk away for a week or two and come back and suddenly there are way more options out there,” says Strat.

You can also try changing your search settings. Instead of typing in a specific item, try searching by location. Because your algorithm has gotten to know you better from your previous searches, you may start to see new pieces you love without all of the keyword play.

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