Fax cover templates

Use customizable fax cover templates for seamless communication. make a fax cover sheet for your business using these templates in minutes..

Fax cover page template surrounded by 3D design elements

Free fax cover page templates

If you or your business still use fax machines, it’s important that you have a professional fax cover sheet. Fax cover sheets will make communication a breeze. They can also protect the content of your fax if it contains sensitive information. Explore a variety of fax cover page templates that you can quickly and easily edit in Word. There are a variety of fax cover sheet templates available: choose from simple fax cover sheet templates or colorful fax cover sheet templates. You can customize each fax cover page to match your company branding. For example, you can add your company colors to the fax cover page for a professional look. These fax cover page templates include space for your logo, your company name, and contact information like your phone number and email. You can also enter the number of pages in your fax and the subject. Explore more templates that you can use for your business .

WTO / Letters and Emails / Cover Letters / Free Fax Cover Letter (Sheet) Templates

Free Fax Cover Letter (Sheet) Templates

A Fax Cover Letter , sometimes referred to as a fax cover sheet, goes at the beginning of any faxed document. It displays important information that lets the recipient know whom the document is intended for.

These cover letters usually include a brief description of the contents, its purpose, and how to contact the sender.

It is different from a regular cover letter.  A regular cover letter is usually sent with resumes and other business reports to non-familiar entities to introduce applicants and their qualifications.  On the other hand, it usually precedes a document detailing what information the recipient will find in the fax. In most cases, these accompany documents whose correspondents are somewhat familiar with each other.

Whereas sending important documents and messages using a fax machine is not common in the contemporary technological world, some companies may still prefer to use fax over electronic mail. If you are applying for a job position using the machine, you can include both the fax cover sheet and the regular cover letter along with your resume. The ideal format for sending these documents will be a fax cover letter, a traditional cover letter, and your resume.

Free Templates

Free Fax Cover Letter Sample 01 for Word

Need for a Fax Cover Letter

A fax cover letter is essential anytime you send professional correspondence or classified documents using the fax machine.

For instance

If a company requests that you fax a copy of your company’s financial data, it is crucial that you include a cover sheet describing what you sent, why, and whom it is intended for.

In some cases, employers may be specific about how they want job applicants to apply and submit their job application documents. In such cases, applicants must follow the submission guidelines to ensure that their documents reach the potential employer safely and at the right time. If an employer requires a paper copy of your job application forms and resume, sending them via fax can be quicker than traditional mail. Given such a case, including a brief, strong, and professional cover letter along with your application documents will certainly help the recipient determine the importance of your fax.

Benefits of Usage

These cover letters are essential anytime you send information or important documents using the traditional fax machine or the eFax. They not only provide context for your document but also give it a more formal and professional look.

The following are the main advantages/benefits of using these:

Keeps information safe

When you send information or communicate to another person through fax, the recipient will receive the message as a paper copy. And in most cases, companies and businesses usually have one fax machine accessible to everyone within the company. Including a cover letter that discloses who the fax is from, whom it is intended for, what is in the fax, and whether it is confidential will help keep your private information safe.

Helps your information reach the intended person

It usually discloses where the document needs to go and whom it is intended for. This is important, especially where the receiving company or business uses one fax machine for the entire employee pool, in that it ensures the document ends up in the hands of the right person.

It makes it easier for the recipient to contact you

The cover letter usually includes the sender’s contact information. If the recipient of the faxed document wants to contact you for clarification or further questions, this will be helpful as it displays your contact details.

What to Include in the Cover Letter

The contents of the cover letter may differ, as different companies follow different formats or different templates.

However, the following are the general contents that are used for official correspondence in most corporations:

Company name and logo

A professional fax cover letter should contain the sender’s company name at the top of the page. If the company has a business logo, it should also be prominently displayed at the top of the page, so that the recipient immediately knows which company sent the fax.

Sender’s contact information

A covering sheet must include the sender’s contact information. You can include your relevant contact details, including your name, phone number, email address, and your company’s business address. If you are applying for a job position, including your contact details in the cover sheet makes it easier for the potential employer to contact you for an interview or additional clarifications.

Recipient’s name

If the faxed document is intended for a single person that you are already familiar with, you can include the recipient’s name on the cover letter. However, if you are sending the fax to an unknown recipient, the company in general, or multiple people within the company, you can include the company name in your cover letter.

If you are applying for a job position, it is important to conduct some background research to find out more information about the company and the hiring manager’s name. If you are unable to identify the name of the hiring manager, you can include a general title on the cover letter, such as Dear Hiring Team/Manager.

Date and time of fax transition

Including the date and time of transition in the cover letter is crucial, especially when sending time-sensitive information. Generally, the traditional fax machine and the eFax automatically print the date and time of transmission at the topmost part of the cover letter. However, in some cases, the machine’s calendar and the clock may be off, meaning that you will have to manually include the date and time of transmission on your faxed document.  

Number of pages of the faxed document

It is essential that you include the total number of pages of the document in your cover letter. When filling out the number of pages, ensure that you include the cover letter sheet as part of the total pages. This ensures that the recipient receives all of your attached documents, and in case they find that some pages are missing, they will let you know.

The subject of the fax

The subject includes a brief description of what the fax is all about and why you are sending it. From this section, the recipient gets a fair idea about its importance.

Summary or description of the document attached

An official fax correspondence cover page may also include a summarized description of the attached documents. This can include information on what the document is all about, the document’s total number of pages, a privacy notice (if applicable), the urgency level of the attached materials, and any other relevant information.

Confidentiality statement, if required

If you are sending sensitive data, such as medical information, personnel records, or company financial data, it is essential to include a confidentiality statement at the bottom of your cover letter. The confidentiality statement typically states that the fax contents are solely meant for a certain recipient, and any unauthorized use or disclosure of that information is prohibited. Some cover letters also include a notice to unintended recipients asking them to contact the sender if they receive the fax in error.

Using a few sentences, let your recipient know what they will find in your fax. This encourages them to read the rest because they have already established its importance. If you have attached several documents, such as your resume and covering letter, you can use this section to list all the documents you have attached in the order you sent them.

Clear instructions

If you expect the recipient to follow up or perform other action upon receipt of your documents, you can state that in your cover letter.

Relevant notes

The cover sheets typically include an additional note section or a blank area for further instructions.

The most relevant notes include:

  • Please reply
  • Kindly comment

Type your relevant notes clearly, and include a phone number or email where the recipient can contact you. The relevant notes section is especially important when sending company documents that need to be reviewed, but you can always omit this section when applying for a job.

A cover letter template is a pre-designed document that serves as a front page for your fax communication, providing essential information and enhancing the professionalism of your correspondence. Our selection includes a range of professionally designed templates, each tailored to different purposes and industries. Best of all, these templates are readily available for free download, ensuring the utmost convenience for you. Whether you are a business professional or an individual seeking to streamline your fax communications, our templates offer a hassle-free solution with numerous benefits.

company name and logo

[sender’s name]

[sender’s mailing address]

[sender’s phone number]

[sender’s email address or website(optional)]

Recipient’s name and title]

Recipient’s company name and address]

Recipient’s fax number]

[sender’s name and fax number]

Date and time of fax transition]

[Total number of pages, including the cover letter sheet]

SUBJECT LINE: [Write the subject of your fax, for example, Hr Assistant Job Application Materials]

[Paragraph one: using a few sentences, describe the contents] for example;

I have attached the following documents:

• Cover letter for Hr assistant job

• Relevant academic certificates

• Employer recommendation letter

[Paragraph 2: Let the recipient know why you are sending the documents].

For example, I am sending this fax in response to your job posting for an HR Assistant date August 21, 2021. Based on the job description and qualifications criteria, I am well suited for the job. Kindly review my attached job application materials to see my qualifications, skills, and relevant experience.

I look forward to positive feedback from you.

[Relevant notes: Mark on the appropriate note that is relevant to your contents]




Following are some free samples for you:

Dear Ms. Doe,

I am pleased to forward the requested technical specifications and contract details for the “GreenTech Innovations” project. These documents provide comprehensive information on our proposed renewable energy solutions, including solar panel installations and wind turbine integration for your Techville campus.

Please review the attached specifications and contract at your earliest convenience. I am available for any queries or further discussions at (555) 123-4567 or [email protected].

I look forward to a fruitful collaboration.

Best Regards,

Senior Consultant

EcoTech Enterprises

456 Renewable Road

EcoCity, OR 97035

Subject: Submission of Grant Proposal for “Youth Empowerment Program”

Dear Ms. Johnson,

Enclosed, please find the detailed grant proposal for our “Youth Empowerment Program.” This initiative aims to provide career-oriented workshops and mentorship programs to underprivileged youth in Edutown. The proposal outlines our objectives, program structure, budgetary needs, and the projected impact on the community.

Your review and feedback on this proposal are highly valued. For any further information or discussion, feel free to contact me at (555) 987-6543 or [email protected].

Thank you for considering our proposal. We are eager to make a positive impact in our community together.

Warm regards,

Linda Brown

Program Director

Community Connect

321 Unity Blvd.

Hope City, NY 10010

The provided fax cover letters serve as useful instructional guides for individuals seeking to compose professional fax correspondence, due to several key elements that they incorporate. Firstly, they adhere to a clear and formal structure, which is essential in business communication. Each letter begins with the date, followed by the recipient’s details, including their name, position, company, and address, thereby ensuring that the fax is directed to the appropriate individual. This is a critical aspect, as it personalizes the communication and aids in proper routing within an organization.

Moreover, the subject line in the second sample provides a succinct summary of the content, an approach that enhances clarity and aids the recipient in understanding the context of the letter immediately. Both samples exhibit a professional tone, using courteous language and a respectful salutation, which is essential to maintaining professionalism.

The body of each letter is concise yet informative, outlining the purpose of the correspondence and the contents of the fax. This clarity of purpose is crucial in business settings where time is often of the essence. The letters also include the sender’s contact information, an important aspect that facilitates easy follow-up or clarification.

In conclusion, these samples are instructive in demonstrating the key components of effective business fax cover letters: clear structure, personalized addressing, concise content, and professional tone. Such attributes are vital for ensuring that the communication is received, understood, and acted upon appropriately in a professional environment.

Tips for Writing the Cover Letter

Once you have understood the general format of the cover letter, you can easily input the information that you want to communicate in the letter. However, while writing your cover sheet, there are essential tips that you need to consider to ensure effective communication and to make your fax look neat and professional.

These include:

Check for repeating information

Naturally, the receiver of your documents will read your documents as soon as they read the cover sheet. Therefore keep it brief and avoid including any repeated information as this will make it too long. Keep in mind that long cover letters are less likely to be read.

Offer sufficient details

Make sure to include enough descriptive details in your cover letter, including your name, the number of pages, the recipient’s name and contact information, the purpose, and your reason for sending it, to keep the recipient wanting to read through the rest of the fax. However, avoid providing too much information as the recipient will think that they have read enough to get its gist.

Consider the Recipient Business Hours

If you want the recipient to read the letter on the same day, you should send it before they close business.

If the recipient closes the shop at 5.00 pm, if the cover letter is received past the time, they will probably read it the next day.


If the fax is confidential, the cover letter should also be marked as“ confidential” to ensure the intended person only reads the information.

Keep it Neat and Professional

You should avoid slang and unofficial language in your cover letter. The details in the letter will inform the recipient of what to expect in the fax.

Key Takeaways

A cover letter is a sheet that precedes documents sent through the fax machine.  To write an effective cover letter that immediately communicates the essential information to the recipient, include the sender’s contact information, company name and logo, recipient’s contact information, and briefly state the purpose and contents of your fax. Your cover letter should also include the document’s total pages to ensure that the recipient receives all the documents. Finally, make sure to include the date and time of fax transmission-especially for time-sensitive documents.

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Haley S.

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Elevate Communications with Fax Cover Sheets

Ensure every transmission begins with a professional touch with cover sheets. Choose and download from our array of free professional templates, or create your own as a default cover for outgoing faxes.

general fax cover letter template

What is a fax cover sheet?

A fax cover sheet plays a crucial role when sending faxes online, ensuring the protection of your fax's contents once delivered. It serves to identify the sender, the recipient, the subject, and can also offer a brief overview of the attached document's contents.  ‍ Beyond just safeguarding your message, fax cover sheets are versatile tools that can add clarity and detail about the recipient, enhancing the overall communication. Customize cover sheets with your branding or essential information to make your faxes stand out.

What are the categories of cover sheets available via Fax.Plus?

Fax.Plus offers three methods of using cover sheets to meet your fax communication needs.

Cover Sheet Generator

Custom cover sheet, shared cover sheet, how can i add a cover sheet when sending out a fax.

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Explore printable fax cover sheet examples & use cases

Fax cover sheets vary based on the fax's purpose and recipient. For casual faxes to colleagues, simplicity is key. Our blank template offers all essential info without unnecessary complexity. ‍ For professional contacts or confidential messages, appearance matters more. Our detailed templates convey importance and confidentiality clearly. Choose from our free fax cover sheets to ensure your messages are professional and secure.

Free fax cover sheet template modern Fax.Plus 01

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Free Fax Cover Sheet Template

Offices typically create a custom blank fax cover sheet and then print multiple copies to place by the fax machine. Because of this, we've designed our fax cover sheets with plenty of room for writing quick messages.

Printable Blank Fax Cover Sheet

The two PDF files below are similar except that the second one includes a place to write the company name. Note that in both it is clear that the # of pages includes the cover sheet as page 1. You can also download these for Microsoft Word.

Basic Fax Cover Sheet -  Screenshot

Basic Fax Cover Sheet (.pdf)

Download for Word 2007+ (.docx)

Blank Fax Cover Sheet

Company Fax Cover Sheet (.pdf)

Fax Cover Sheet Template

Other versions.

License : Private Use (not for distribution or resale)

"No installation, no macros - just a simple spreadsheet" - by Jon Wittwer


This free Fax Cover Sheet template for Excel provides a professional and concise format that you can use to create your own personal or company cover sheet.

Many offices choose to place multiple copies of a blank cover sheet right by the fax machine, so we've designed this template to have plenty of space to fill in the information by hand.

More Free Fax Cover Sheets

  • Fax Covers by Microsoft - templates.office.com - A few free fax templates available from Microsoft's template gallery.
  • Collection of Fax Cover Sheets - myfax.com - A very large collection of free fax cover sheets that you can browse and download for Microsoft Word. Many different styles and designs.

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For the office.

Free Simple & Basic Fax Cover Sheet (10+ Printable Templates)

Fax cover sheet serves to identify the sender of the documents faxed. A fax number is not enough to know about the sender, and there is a need to add the name and phone number. Similarly, it is crucial to mention the desired fax recipient to reach in the right hands. Here we provide you free  simple fax cover sheet templates  to download and attach along with your faxes.

Simple Fax Cover Sheet:

The samples here are in simple fax cover sheet printable format. Also, you can customize them using Microsoft Word.

  • Template 1 :

Download the simple fax cover sheet pdf to print and attach with your documents to fax.

simple fax cover sheet

  • Template 2 :

The  simple fax template  is available in PDF or DOC format.

simple fax cover

  • Template 3 :

The simple fax cover page can be used to send personal faxes.

simple fax cover page

  • Template 4 :

The cover sheet is editable and free to download.

Simple fax cover letter

  • Template 5 :

The free simple fax cover sheet can be used to send faxes on behalf of any company. You can enter the company’s logo on the left corner of the sheet.

Fax cover simple

  • Template 6 :

The simple printable fax cover sheet holds the confidentiality statement, which can send confidential documents.

fax sheet simple

Basic Fax Cover Sheet:

Basic fax cover pages or sheets follow a basic pattern that could fax any kind of documents. Faxing is still in trend because it is safe and keeps the privacy of sensitive documents secure. Documents like medical reports, insurance files, etc., are preferred to transfer through faxing.

Here we provide you  basic fax cover sheet template  with options to choose the best one for you.

  • Template 7 :

Download the free basic fax cover sheet to use along with your faxes.

Basic fax cover

  • Template 8 :

The basic fax cover sheet printable format is available for the following sample.

Basic fax cover page

  • Template 9 :

The following template is in basic fax cover sheet pdf or DOC format. You can edit the sample using MS Word by entering your details.

Basic fax cover sheet

  • Template 10 :

This is a printable basic fax cover sheet template that you can use for faxing personal or on a professional level.

fax cover basic

  • Template 11 :

Download the colorful and attractive sample of the fax cover sheet.

fax sheet basic

  • Template 12 :

The sheet holds beautiful patterns making it attractive and unique from others.

fax page basic

What Should Be There In A Simple Or Basic Fax Cover Sheet?

The basic fax cover letter or simple fax cover letter must contain the name, phone number, and the fax number of the sender and receiver. The purpose is to mention the basic details before going through the actual attached documents.

You can also add the number of sheets attached and any special message if needed. There can also be a confidentiality statement if the fax holds sensitive or private documents.

How To Make A Simple Or Basic Fax Cover Sheet?

Add the required details to your simple fax cover page or sheet. You can create your cover sheet using MS Word, and you can also download the free printable basic fax cover sheet templates and customize them according to you.

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Free Fax Cover Sheet Templates ❤️

fax cover sheet logo

Standard Fax Cover Sheet Template [Free Printable Pdf]

  • April 30, 2024 May 2, 2024

A standard fax cover sheet isn’t a single, universally mandated format. However, there are common elements included in most fax cover sheets used in business settings.

Related Fax Cover Page –

  • Business Fax Cover Sheet
  • Confidential Fax Cover Sheet
  • Urgent Fax Cover Sheet
  • Medical Fax Cover Sheet

Table of Contents

Printable Standard Fax Cover Sheet Template

Printable Standard Fax Cover Sheet Template

Here’s a breakdown of what a standard business fax cover sheet typically offers:

Header Information:

  • Sender:  This section includes your name, title (optional), company name, and contact information (phone number, email address).
  • Recipient:  This section includes the recipient’s name, title (optional), company name, and fax number.

Transmission Details:

  • Date:  The date the fax is sent.
  • Fax Number:  Your fax number (pre-printed if using a company template).
  • Number of Pages:  The total number of pages being faxed, including the cover sheet.

Body (Optional):

  • Subject/Re:  A brief description of the content being faxed or a reference to any previous communication.

Additional Elements (May Vary):

  • Confidentiality Notice: A statement highlighting the potentially confidential nature of the faxed information.
  • Instructions: Any specific instructions for the recipient, such as requesting a confirmation call upon receipt.
  • Company Logo: The company logo might be pre-printed on the template for branding purposes.

Standard Fax Cover Page Template

The key aspect of a standard fax cover sheet is a consistent format that ensures all this essential information is presented clearly and professionally. Many companies might have pre-designed templates with their branding elements for employees to use.

Benefits of a Standard Format:

  • Clarity and Organization: A standard format avoids confusion by presenting information in designated sections.
  • Efficiency: Saves time by having a ready-made template rather than creating a cover sheet from scratch each time.
  • Professionalism: Projects a polished and consistent image for your business communication.

While there’s no single “standard” mandated by a governing body, these elements and benefits highlight the importance of using a well-designed fax cover sheet in professional settings.

standard Fax Cover Page Template

Standard Fax Cover Letter

A standard fax cover sheet offers several benefits for businesses, making it a valuable tool for professional communication. Here’s a breakdown of its key advantages:

Enhanced Clarity and Organization:

Clear Information Presentation: A standardized format ensures all essential details are included and displayed prominently. This includes sender and recipient information, date, fax number , and number of pages transmitted. It avoids confusion, especially when faxing multiple documents or to someone unfamiliar with the content.

Contextual Understanding: Some templates offer space for a brief description of the faxed documents and their purpose. This helps the recipient understand the context of the information and prioritize it accordingly.

Improved Security and Confidentiality:

Confidentiality Notice: Professional templates often include pre-printed statements highlighting the potentially confidential nature of the faxed content. This serves as a reminder to the recipient to handle the information with care and adhere to any relevant security protocols.

Security Measures: Some templates might offer a section for specifying any specific security measures required by the sender, like requiring a call confirmation upon receipt or mentioning encryption used for highly sensitive documents.

Streamlined Communication and Efficiency:

Standardized Format: Using a standardized template saves time compared to creating a cover sheet from scratch each time. It ensures all necessary information is included consistently, avoiding delays due to missing details.

Predefined Options: Templates can include pre-defined options for frequently faxed documents (e.g., “Contract for Approval” or “Invoice”) to further streamline the process. This eliminates the need to type out repetitive information.

Professional Image and Brand Consistency:

Cohesive Presentation: A professional template incorporates your company logo and branding elements, creating a polished and consistent presentation. This reinforces your brand identity and conveys a sense of professionalism in your business communication.

Brand Image Enhancement: Using a standardized template across all your faxes ensures consistency in presentation. This projects a more professional image to your clients, partners, and vendors.

Standard Fax Cover Page Printable Template

Standard Fax Cover Page

Legal and Record-Keeping Benefits:

  • Documentation: The fax cover sheet serves as a legal record of the transmission. In case of any discrepancies or legal issues, the information on the cover sheet can be used as documentation of the fax content, sender, recipient, and date of transmission.
  • Internal Record-Keeping: Some templates might have designated areas for including reference numbers or tracking details. This can be helpful for internal record-keeping and managing fax communications within your organization.

Additional Advantages:

Customization Options: While templates offer a standardized format, many allow for some level of customization. You might be able to include additional information specific to the fax, such as a reference number or a request for a response.

Positive First Impression: A well-designed and informative cover sheet creates a positive first impression for your business, showcasing attention to detail and professionalism.

In essence, a standard fax cover sheet goes beyond simply providing contact information. It promotes clear communication, enhances security awareness, streamlines processes, projects a professional image, and aids in legal and record-keeping aspects. By incorporating them into your business faxing routine, you can ensure effective and secure communication with your clients, partners, and other stakeholders.

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Fax Cover Sheet

  • Send Fax Online

Free Fax Cover Sheet – Printable and Editable

We have listed out more than 500+ fax cover sheets in the website based on different niche requirements. All of these fax covers are free to download, edit, Print and use them to send fax online or using fax machines. In General these are usual A4 sheet format templates (If print is required.) General Instructions on how to use these templates are mentioned in the footer section.

general fax cover letter template

To have a plain and simplistic fax cover, you can explore this section of templates. These are purely simple and easy to edit.

general fax cover letter template


If you are looking for fax cover templates that has a unique handwriting font in it, look out for a few in this section.

general fax cover letter template


These are the set of professional fax cover templates. Choose the one you like and simply edit and print as per your need.

general fax cover letter template


Sending out confidential fax to someone? You must to use confidential fax cover sheet to keep your fax secure.

general fax cover letter template

Use beautifully designed fax cover letters for your faxes and make them look outstanding. Explore few elegant designs of fax covers.

general fax cover letter template

Basic fax cover sheets are the one tat are mostly in use and are handy to edit without much makeup. Simply download and start faxing.

general fax cover letter template

Want to send fax to the IRS? Use our designed sample fax cover sheets specially customised for IRS faxing.

general fax cover letter template

If you wish to use simple and plain fax cover letters for your faxes, here are few designs that you might like. Just explore and choose as you like.

general fax cover letter template

Private Confidential

We have curated some private and confidential styles of fax cover sheets for specific needs where you need secure faxes.

general fax cover letter template

Medical Records

Should you be involved in sending medical records via faxes, you can checkout some fax covers specially designed for faxing medical records.

general fax cover letter template

Cursive Fonts

If you want to design your fax cover sheet with beautiful cursive fonts and designs, you can checkout few of our designs in this section.

general fax cover letter template


You want to send send faxed for administrative purposes and then you shall need to use special type of fax covers. We have curated some.

general fax cover letter template

Doctor’s Office

While you are working from Doctor’s office, there’s specific type of fax cover sheet for doctor’s clinic. You can download and use them.

general fax cover letter template

Outline fax cover sheets are simple designs with standard outlines. Just download, edit and fax from any of the templates in this section.

general fax cover letter template

Faxes sent out of any hospital must have a distinguished fax cover sheet. If you are looking out for any such formats, explore this section.

Fax Cover Sheet Templates usage and Guidelines

You could choose from various Fax templates sections displayed above. Each section contains multiple sets of fax cover sheet templates that are easy to edit, print, download and fax.

  • 1. These are ready to use fax cover templates and can be downloaded in word (.doc), pdf, png, and Mac Editable (.Pages)
  • 2. If you need to enter the information manually, you simply can download and print any of your selected template and then enter the fax related information manually.
  • 3. If you need to enter the information using computer, you can download the editable version of your shortlisted template and edit that using either MS Word (.doc), if you are using Windows OS or else Pages (.pages) if you are using Mac OS. Both the versions are downloadable and editable.
  • 4. After your final fax cover letter is prepared, you could send it using fax machine or use online services to send fax online.

If you wish to seek any support for any customised requirements that you could not see here, please feel free to email us at [email protected] , we shall make your required version available here for free.

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  • Fax Cover Sheets

HIPAA fax, reimagined.

general fax cover letter template

Generic Fax Cover Sheet

Downloadable generic fax cover that has been designed to contain standard fax information including details about the fax sender, recipient, and subject.

Used for various personal and business faxes.

Download a Fax Cover Sheet

Step 1: choose a template.

Select from our collection of free fax cover pages .

Step 2: Preview

Click each thumbnail to preview the contents of the template.

Step 3: Download

Download , save , or print the template as DOC or PDF file.

More Fax Templates


  • Template 2 :

The following template is divided into three sections that need to be filled.

general fax cover letter template

  • Template 3 :

Here is a simple fax cover sheet. You are required to fill in sender and receivers’ information only

Fax Cover

  • Template 4 :

The fax cover sheet displays sections to write your name, fax number. Then, in the ‘to’ section, enter the receiver’s information.

Creative Fax Cover

  • Template 5 :

This is an uncomplicated printable template of a fax cover sheet. You can download it directly and print it.


Generic Fax Cover Sheet Templates:

This section contains different types of generic  fax cover sheet templates  which you can use for your faxing activity. Download the templates, edit them if needed and print them. We have also provided colorful template PDFs if you are looking for an informal fax cover sheet.

  • Template 6 :

If you are looking for an attractive fax cover sheet, you can edit, download and print the following template.

Coloured Fax cover sheet

  • Template 7 :

Here you get an option to add your company name. You can edit it using MS Word and enter your company name in the section. So, download it using the DOC button to add your company’s name.

fax page

  • Template 8 :

The Template displays various sections to be filled. The cover sheet would help to give prime information before going through the fax.

Fax cover template

  • Template 9 :

The fax includes a theme that makes it unique. Download and use it if you want a colorful fax cover page.

Theme Fax Cover

  • Template 10 :

The sheet is displayed in black and white format, with creative patterns used.

Cover sheet template

  • Template 11 :

The template exhibits sender and recipient’s information to fill.

Designed Fax Cover Sheet

What Does Generic Fax Cover Sheet Mean?

Generic fax cover page or sheet includes the sender and recipient’s information. In addition, it gives a brief idea to the receiver about the fax received and what does fax contain. Sometimes a generic fax cover letter comes with a statement of confidentiality and detailed information too.

The generic fax cover sheet helps in the delivery of fax to the right recipient. Moreover, it keeps the data safe and secure. We hope this article helped you find different Fax cover sheets, PDFs, or Fax Cover letters that you can download and edit as per your needs.

These free fax cover pages might save your time in creating a fax cover sheet. You can print them and use them for sending your faxes.

Where To Find Generic Fax Cover Sheets?

You can download the free fax cover sheet templates given in this article. It is a time-saving and easiest method to create a fax cover sheet of your company’s logo.

How To Use A Generic Fax Cover Sheet?

Download the fax cover sheet and use it before your actual fax documents. It gives an idea of what is there in the fax, who has sent it and states the designated receiver.

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All Formats

7+ Fax Cover Letter Templates – Free Sample, Example, Format Download!

A good fax cover letter template helps you to maintain professionalism as well as simplicity in communication. It is not worthy taking your time to draw a cover sheet by yourself when there are free templates available online. A4 sheets are the most common. Some websites offer these Job Cover Letter Templates only in word format, but you can also access excel fax cover letters in a few other sites. After downloading Cover Letter Templates , all you will have to is edit the name and address section to turn them into yours. There is ample space in the body section to ensure that you pass the entire intended message.

general fax cover letter template

Health Information Fax Cover Letter Sample PDF Free Download

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Fax Cover Letter Example Word Template Free Download

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Fax Cover Letter Word Format Template Free Download

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Pushpin Fax Cover Letter Sample Word Template Free Download

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Cat Fax Cover Letter Free Word Format Template Download

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Example of Fax Cover Letter Free PDF Template Download

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Basic Cover Letter Word Format Template Free Download

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Fax Cover Letter Example PDF Template Free Download

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More in Letters

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File Formats

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  1. Free Basic Fax Cover Sheet Template {PDF & Word}

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  2. Basic Fax Cover Sheet Template Free Printable in PDF

    general fax cover letter template

  3. Free Fax Cover Sheet Template Word

    general fax cover letter template

  4. How To Write a Fax Cover Sheet in Simple Steps

    general fax cover letter template

  5. Free Fax Cover Sheet Template

    general fax cover letter template

  6. Free Printable Generic Fax Cover Sheet

    general fax cover letter template


  1. 27 Free Fax Cover Sheet Templates (Word)

    27 Free Fax Cover Sheet Templates (Word) Fax cover letters are often used in professional or business settings where faxes are still commonly used as a means of communication. If you are faxing a document, you want to ensure that it includes a fax cover sheet. The sheet outlines details of the sender and recipient and other information about the fax, such as date, time, number of pages, and a ...

  2. Fax cover sheet template

    Create a professional fax cover sheet using these templates. Each fax cover page template is fully customizable, so you can add your logo, business name, and more.

  3. FREE Editable Fax Cover Sheet Template

    Free printable fax cover sheet template that you can customize before you print for your home or business. Instant download.

  4. Free Fax Cover Letter (Sheet) Templates

    Free Fax Cover Letter (Sheet) Templates A Fax Cover Letter, sometimes referred to as a fax cover sheet, goes at the beginning of any faxed document. It displays important information that lets the recipient know whom the document is intended for.

  5. Fax Cover Letter: Definition, Template and Example

    Learn about fax cover letters including when to use one, what to include and how to format one by looking at our fax cover letter template and example.

  6. Fax Cover Sheet and Fax Cover Pages [Free Templates]

    What is a fax cover sheet A fax cover sheet, also known as a fax cover letter , is a document that is sent with a fax to provide additional information. It includes details about the recipient, the sender, and the contents of the fax.

  7. Simple Fax Cover Sheet PDF Template

    Printable fax cover sheet template with a generic and simple design containing the essential fax cover fields. Save, print, or use online for free.

  8. Free Fax Cover Sheets

    Free PDF, Word, and Pages fax cover sheet templates for print or download These blank fax cover sheets and templates are available free for your use. Each is available as a Microsoft Word, PDF or Apple Pages template. Print or download our modern cover sheet designs and edit or customize as needed.

  9. Fax Cover Sheet Templates

    Download free editable Fax Cover Sheet Templates to streamline your communications. Customize, print, and send effortlessly. Get started now!

  10. Make a free, printable fax cover sheet template

    Fax cover sheet template: How to make downloadable and printable fax cover sheets. A fax cover sheet is essentially an introduction to your fax. It provides the sender and the recipient's contact information and/or fax number and offers a brief summary or description of the content.

  11. Free Fax Cover Sheet Templates

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  12. Printable Fax Cover Sheet Templates

    Use Fax.Plus pre-formatted fax cover sheet or printable fax cover sheet templates to add a custom cover page to documents you wish to transmit.

  13. Free Fax Cover Sheet Template

    Download a free Fax Cover Sheet template that you can customize in Excel, or print a fax cover sheet using an editable PDF form.

  14. Standard Basic Fax Cover Sheet

    Our Standard Basic Fax Cover Sheet template has got you covered. Download it for free in PDF or Docs format and streamline your fax communications.

  15. Free Printable Fax Cover Sheet Templates

    Simplify your faxing process with eFax's collection of editable fax cover sheet templates. Customize, print, and send effortlessly.

  16. Free Simple & Basic Fax Cover Sheet (10+ Printable Templates)

    Download the simple fax cover sheet and basic fax cover sheet free printable and editable templates. The free basic and simple fax cover sheets are available in DOC and PDF format.

  17. Standard Fax Cover Sheet Template [Free Printable Pdf]

    Here we have covered the Standard Fax Cover Sheet Template in Pdf. These printable Template are very easy to use and helpful.

  18. Free Fax Cover Sheet

    Each section contains multiple sets of fax cover sheet templates that are easy to edit, print, download and fax. 1. These are ready to use fax cover templates and can be downloaded in word (.doc), pdf, png, and Mac Editable (.Pages) 2. If you need to enter the information manually, you simply can download and print any of your selected template ...

  19. Free Generic Fax Cover Sheet: Download, Print, or Use Online

    Generic fax template designed to contain standard fax information including sender, recipient and subject. Downloadable as PDF or Word Doc file.

  20. Fax Cover Sheet

    To create a Editable copy of this template, click File, Make a Copy To download fax cover template, Select File option, Download as, and select a file. Fax Cover Sheet

  21. 10+ Printable Generic Fax Cover Sheet Templates [Free]

    Get editable and printable Generic fax cover sheet templates for free as your cover sheet for faxes. These Generic Fax Cover Sheet Templates can be downloaded easily.

  22. 7+ Fax Cover Letter Templates

    7+ Fax Cover Letter Templates - Free Sample, Example, Format Download! A good fax cover letter template helps you to maintain professionalism as well as simplicity in communication.

  23. Fax Cover Sheet Template

    A general fax cover page is basically an attached file or document in which is sent to your own fax and is a required portion of faxing. When it is time for you to start faxing, you will first need to place a special fax sheet on the very top of every one of your files or documents inside the fax machine and then proceed to send out your documents. Whether you decide to send your information ...