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Concierge Services Business Plan Template

Written by Dave Lavinsky

concierge services business plan template

Concierge Services Business Plan

Over the past 20+ years, we have helped over 1,000 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans to start and grow their concierge services businesses. On this page, we will first give you some background information with regards to the importance of business planning. We will then go through a concierge services business plan template step-by-step so you can create your plan today.

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What is a Concierge Services Business Plan?

A business plan provides a snapshot of your concierge services business as it stands today, and lays out your growth plan for the next five years. It explains your business goals and your strategy for reaching them. It also includes market research to support your plans.

Why You Need a Business Plan for Concierge Services

If you’re looking to start a concierge services business, or grow your existing concierge services business, you need a business plan. A business plan will help you raise funding, if needed, and plan out the growth of your concierge services business in order to improve your chances of success. Your concierge services business plan is a living document that should be updated annually as your company grows and changes.

Sources of Funding for Concierge Services Businesses

With regards to funding, the main sources of funding for a concierge services business are personal savings, credit cards, bank loans and angel investors. With regards to bank loans, banks will want to review your business plan (hand it to them in person or email to them as a PDF file) and gain confidence that you will be able to repay your loan and interest. To acquire this confidence, the lender will not only want to confirm that your financials are reasonable, but they will also want to see a professional plan. Such a plan will give them the confidence that you can successfully and professionally operate a business. Personal savings and bank loans are the most common funding paths for concierge services businesses.

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How to write a business plan for concierge services.

If you want to start a concierge services business or expand your current one, you need a business plan. The guide and sample below details the necessary information for how to write each essential component of your Concierge Services business plan.

Executive Summary

Your executive summary provides an introduction to your business plan, but it is normally the last section you write because it provides a summary of each key section of your plan.

The goal of your Executive Summary is to quickly engage the reader. Explain to them the type of concierge services business you are operating and its status. For example, are you a startup, do you have a concierge services business that you would like to grow, or are you operating concierge services businesses in multiple markets?

Next, provide an overview of each of the subsequent sections of your plan. For example, give a brief overview of the concierge services industry. Discuss the type of concierge services business you are operating. Detail your direct competitors. Give an overview of your target customers. Provide a snapshot of your marketing plan. Identify the key members of your team. And offer an overview of your financial plan.  

Company Analysis

In your company analysis, you will detail the type of concierge services business you are operating.

For example, you might operate one of the following types of concierge services businesses:

  • Shopping : this type of business performs a variety of shopping tasks, from grocery shopping to sourcing a specific big-ticket item.
  • Entertainment, dining, and travel arrangements: this type of business makes reservations and procures tickets for a variety of events, or to meet clients’ travel needs.
  • Courier: this type of business delivers mail, makes bank deposits, delivers laundry / dry cleaning, or performs general errands.
  • Personal assistant: this type of business assists with whatever the client requests, including the tasks listed above, as well as tasks such as electronic organization, social media management, research, etc.

In addition to explaining the type of concierge services business you will operate, the Company Analysis section of your business plan needs to provide background on the business.

Include answers to questions such as:

  • When and why did you start the business?
  • What milestones have you achieved to date? Milestones could include the number of persons assisted, the prestige of clientele served, etc.
  • Your legal structure. Are you incorporated as an S-Corp? An LLC? A sole proprietorship? Explain your legal structure here.

Industry Analysis

In your industry analysis, you need to provide an overview of the concierge services industry.

While this may seem unnecessary, it serves multiple purposes.

First, researching the concierge services industry educates you. It helps you understand the market in which you are operating.

Secondly, market research can improve your strategy, particularly if your research identifies market trends.

The third reason for market research is to prove to readers that you are an expert in your industry. By conducting the research and presenting it in your plan, you achieve just that.

The following questions should be answered in the industry analysis section of your concierge services business plan:

  • How big is the concierge services industry (in dollars)?
  • Is the market declining or increasing?
  • Who are the key competitors in the market?
  • Who are the key suppliers in the market?
  • What trends are affecting the industry?
  • What is the industry’s growth forecast over the next 5 – 10 years?
  • What is the relevant market size? That is, how big is the potential market for your concierge services business? You can extrapolate such a figure by assessing the size of the market in the entire country and then applying that figure to your local population.

Customer Analysis

The customer analysis section of your concierge services business plan must detail the customers you serve and/or expect to serve.

The following are examples of customer segments: large corporations, political organizations, busy individuals.

As you can imagine, the customer segment(s) you choose will have a great impact on the type of concierge services business you operate. Clearly, political organizations would respond to different marketing promotions than socialites, for example.

Try to break out your target customers in terms of their demographic and psychographic profiles. With regards to demographics, include a discussion of the ages, genders, locations and income levels of the customers you seek to serve. Because most concierge services businesses primarily serve customers living in their same city or town, such demographic information is easy to find on government websites.

Psychographic profiles explain the wants and needs of your target customers. The more you can understand and define these needs, the better you will do in attracting and retaining your customers.  

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Competitive Analysis

Your competitive analysis should identify the indirect and direct competitors your business faces and then focus on the latter.

Direct competitors are other concierge services businesses.

Indirect competitors are other options that customers have to purchase from that aren’t direct competitors. This includes individuals who prefer to complete tasks on their own, or from dedicated personal assistants.

With regards to direct competition, you want to describe the other concierge services businesses with which you compete. Most likely, your direct competitors will be concierge services businesses located very close to your location.

For each such competitor, provide an overview of their businesses and document their strengths and weaknesses. Unless you once worked at your competitors’ businesses, it will be impossible to know everything about them. But you should be able to find out key things about them such as:

  • What types of customers do they serve?
  • Do they specialize in specific services (i.e. travel arrangements or finding specific artwork, etc.)?
  • What is their pricing (premium, low, etc.)?
  • What are they good at?
  • What are their weaknesses?

With regards to the last two questions, think about your answers from the customers’ perspective. And don’t be afraid to ask your competitors’ customers what they like most and least about them.

The final part of your competitive analysis section is to document your areas of competitive advantage. For example:

  • Will you provide a wider range of services?
  • Will you offer greater convenience, such as online requests?
  • Will you provide personalized customer service?
  • Will you offer better pricing?

Think about ways you will outperform your competition and document them in this section of your plan.  

Marketing Plan

Traditionally, a marketing plan includes the four P’s: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. For a concierge services business plan, your marketing plan should include the following:

Product : In the product section, you should reiterate the type of concierge services company that you documented in your Company Analysis. Then, detail the specific products you will be offering. For example, in addition to arranging dinner reservations, will your concierge services business provide dining recommendations and reminders of upcoming anniversaries or other important dates that typically include dining out?

Price : Document the prices you will offer and how they compare to your competitors. Essentially in the product and price sub-sections of your marketing plan, you are presenting the services you offer and their prices.

Place : Place refers to the location of your concierge services company. Document your location and mention how the location will impact your success. For example, will you operate from a physical office, or will you interact with clients online and/or at their home or place of business? In this section, discuss how your location will affect demand for your services.

Promotions : The final part of your concierge services marketing plan is the promotions section. Here you will document how you will drive customers to your location(s). The following are some promotional methods you might consider:

  • Advertising in local papers and magazines
  • Reaching out to local websites
  • Signs and billboards
  • Social media marketing
  • Local radio advertising

Operations Plan

While the earlier sections of your business plan explained your goals, your operations plan describes how you will meet them. Your operations plan should have two distinct sections as follows.

Everyday short-term processes include all of the tasks involved in running your concierge services business, including marketing, providing consultations, completing tasks, maintaining company vehicles, keeping up to date on restaurants and events, etc.

Long-term goals are the milestones you hope to achieve. These could include the dates when you expect to assist your 100th person, or when you hope to reach $X in revenue. It could also be when you expect to open a concierge services business in a new location.  

Management Team

To demonstrate your concierge services business’ ability to succeed, a strong management team is essential. Highlight your key players’ backgrounds, emphasizing those skills and experiences that prove their ability to grow a company.

Ideally you and/or your team members have direct experience in managing concierge services businesses. If so, highlight this experience and expertise. But also highlight any experience that you think will help your business succeed.

If your team is lacking, consider assembling an advisory board. An advisory board would include 2 to 8 individuals who would act like mentors to your business. They would help answer questions and provide strategic guidance. If needed, look for advisory board members with experience in customer service, or successfully running small businesses.  

Financial Plan

Your financial plan should include your 5-year financial statement broken out both monthly or quarterly for the first year and then annually. Your financial statements include your income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statements.

Income Statement : an income statement is more commonly called a Profit and Loss statement or P&L. It shows your revenues and then subtracts your costs to show whether you turned a profit or not.

In developing your income statement, you need to devise assumptions. For example, will you serve clients on a contract basis, or on an as-needed basis? And will sales grow by 2% or 10% per year? As you can imagine, your choice of assumptions will greatly impact the financial forecasts for your business. As much as possible, conduct research to try to root your assumptions in reality.

Balance Sheets : Balance sheets show your assets and liabilities. While balance sheets can include much information, try to simplify them to the key items you need to know about. For instance, if you spend $50,000 on building out your concierge services business, this will not give you immediate profits. Rather it is an asset that will hopefully help you generate profits for years to come. Likewise, if a bank writes you a check for $50,000, you don’t need to pay it back immediately. Rather, that is a liability you will pay back over time.

Cash Flow Statement : Your cash flow statement will help determine how much money you need to start or grow your business, and make sure you never run out of money. What most entrepreneurs and business owners don’t realize is that you can turn a profit but run out of money and go bankrupt.

In developing your Income Statement and Balance Sheets be sure to include several of the key costs needed in starting or growing a concierge services business:

  • Office build-out including fixtures, construction, etc.
  • Cost of buying or leasing a company vehicle
  • Cost of office supplies such as software
  • Payroll or salaries paid to staff
  • Business insurance
  • Taxes and permits
  • Legal expenses

Attach your full financial projections in the appendix of your plan along with any supporting documents that make your plan more compelling. For example, you might include your office lease, or an overview of all the services you provide.  

Putting together a business plan for your concierge services business is a worthwhile endeavor. If you follow the template above, by the time you are done, you will truly be an expert. You will really understand the concierge services industry, your competition, and your customers. You will have developed a marketing plan and will really understand what it takes to launch and grow a successful concierge services business.  

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Concierge Services Business Plan

Executive summary image

Scalability, strategic partnerships, and a recurring revenue model make starting a concierge business a lucrative and rewarding profession.

Anyone can start a new business, but you need a detailed business plan when it comes to raising funding, applying for loans, and scaling it like a pro!

Need help writing a business plan for your concierge services business? You’re at the right place. Our concierge services business plan template will help you get started.

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  • Fill in the blanks – Outline
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How to Write A Concierge Services Business Plan?

Writing a concierge services business plan is a crucial step toward the success of your business. Here are the key steps to consider when writing a business plan:

1. Executive Summary

An executive summary is the first section planned to offer an overview of the entire business plan. However, it is written after the entire business plan is ready and summarizes each section of your plan.

Here are a few key components to include in your executive summary:

  • Introduce your Business: Start your executive summary by briefly introducing your business to your readers.This section may include the name of your concierge services business, its location, when it was founded, the type of concierge services business (E.g., corporate concierge services, residential concierge services, hotel concierge services), etc.
  • Market Opportunity: Summarize your market research, including market size, growth potential, and marketing trends. Highlight the opportunities in the market and how your business will fit in to fill the gap.
  • Concierge Services: Highlight the concierge services you offer your clients. The USPs and differentiators you offer are always a plus.For instance, you may include travel & transportation services, event planning & coordination, restaurant & dining services, personal shopping & gift services, etc as some of your services.
  • Marketing & Sales Strategies: Outline your sales and marketing strategies—what marketing platforms you use, how you plan on acquiring customers, etc.
  • Financial Highlights: Briefly summarize your financial projections for the initial years of business operations. Include any capital or investment requirements, associated startup costs, projected revenues, and profit forecasts.
  • Call to Action: Summarize your executive summary section with a clear CTA, for example, inviting angel investors to discuss the potential business investment.

Ensure your executive summary is clear, concise, easy to understand, and jargon-free.

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2. Business Overview

The business overview section of your business plan offers detailed information about your company. The details you add will depend on how important they are to your business. Yet, business name, location, business history, and future goals are some of the foundational elements you must consider adding to this section:

  • Residential concierge services
  • Corporate concierge services
  • Hotel concierge services
  • Personal concierge services
  • Describe the legal structure of your concierge services, whether it is a sole proprietorship, LLC, partnership, or others.
  • Explain where your business is located and why you selected the place.
  • Owners: List the names of your concierge services’ founders or owners. Describe what shares they own and their responsibilities for efficiently managing the business.
  • Mission Statement: Summarize your business’ objective, core principles, and values in your mission statement. This statement needs to be memorable, clear, and brief.
  • Business History: If you’re an established concierge services provider, briefly describe your business history, like—when it was founded, how it evolved over time, etc.Additionally, If you have received any awards or recognition for excellent work, describe them.
  • Future Goals: It’s crucial to convey your aspirations and vision. Mention your short-term and long-term goals; they can be specific targets for revenue, market share, or expanding your services.

This section should provide a thorough understanding of your business, its history, and its future plans. Keep this section engaging, precise, and to the point.

3. Market Analysis

The market analysis section of your business plan should offer a thorough understanding of the industry with the target market, competitors, and growth opportunities. You should include the following components in this section.

  • Target market: Start this section by describing your target market. Define your ideal customer and explain what types of services they prefer. Creating a buyer persona will help you easily define your target market to your readers.For instance, business professionals, corporate clients, senior citizens, or travelers & tourists could be an ideal market for concierge services.
  • Market size and growth potential: Describe your market size and growth potential and whether you will target a niche or a much broader market.For instance, the global concierge services market is going to be $1190.89 million by 2030, so it is crucial to define the segment of your target market and its growth potential.
  • Competitive Analysis: Identify and analyze your direct and indirect competitors. Identify their strengths and weaknesses, and describe what differentiates your concierge services from them. Point out how you have a competitive edge in the market.
  • Market Trends: Analyze emerging trends in the industry, such as technology disruptions, changes in customer behavior or preferences, etc. Explain how your business will cope with all the trends.For instance, virtual & remote services have a booming market; explain how you plan on dealing with this potential growth opportunity.
  • Regulatory Environment: List regulations and licensing requirements that may affect your concierge services company, such as business registration & licensing, employment laws, insurance, data privacy & security, etc.

Here are a few tips for writing the market analysis section of your wedding consultant business plan:

  • Conduct market research, industry reports, and surveys to gather data.
  • Provide specific and detailed information whenever possible.
  • Illustrate your points with charts and graphs.
  • Write your business plan keeping your target audience in mind.

4. Wedding Planning Services

The product and services section should describe the specific services and products that will be offered to customers. To write this section should include the following:

  • Service categories: To add structure and clarity, divide your services into groups or types. You might group services into categories like Personal Errands, Travel Assistance, Event Planning, Home Services, etc.
  • Travel assistance
  • Ticket reservation
  • Personal errands
  • Event planning
  • Restaurant reservation
  • Home services
  • Additional Services: Mention if your concierge services company offers any additional services. You may include services like home management, pet care, personal fitness & wellness, technology assistance, event tickets & reservations, etc.

In short, this section of your concierge services plan must be informative, precise, and client-focused. By providing a clear and compelling description of your offerings, you can help potential investors and readers understand the value of your business.

5. Sales And Marketing Strategies

Writing the sales and marketing strategies section means a list of strategies you will use to attract and retain your clients. Here are some key elements to include in your sales & marketing plan:

  • Unique Selling Proposition (USP): Define your business’s USPs depending on the market you serve, the equipment you use, and the unique services you provide. Identifying USPs will help you plan your marketing strategies.For example, personalized attention, extensive network & exclusive partnership, or technology integration could be some of the great USPs for a concierge services company.
  • Pricing Strategy: Describe your pricing strategy—how you plan to price your services and stay competitive in the local market. You can mention any discounts you plan on offering to attract new customers.
  • Marketing Strategies: Discuss your marketing strategies to market your services. You may include some of these marketing strategies in your business plan—social media marketing, email marketing, content marketing, etc.
  • Sales Strategies: Outline the strategies you’ll implement to maximize your sales. Your sales strategies may include partnering with other businesses, offering referral programs, influencer collaboration, etc.
  • Customer Retention: Describe your customer retention strategies and how you plan to execute them. For instance, introducing loyalty programs, discounts & offers, personalized service, etc

Overall, this section of your personal concierge business plan should focus on customer acquisition and retention.

Have a specific, realistic, and data-driven approach while planning sales and marketing strategies for your concierge services business, and be prepared to adapt or make strategic changes in your strategies based on feedback and results.

6. Operations Plan

The operations plan section of your business plan should outline the processes and procedures involved in your business operations, such as staffing requirements and operational processes. Here are a few components to add to your operations plan:

  • Staffing & Training: Mention your business’s staffing requirements, including the number of employees or concierge professionals needed. Include their qualifications, the training required, and the duties they will perform.
  • Operational Process: Outline the processes and procedures you will use to run your concierge services business. Your operational processes may include client onboarding, service request management, service request management, service planning & coordination, service execution, etc.
  • Equipment & Software: Include the list of equipment and software required for concierge services, such as communication devices, computer systems & software, office supplies, security equipment, technology gadgets, safety equipment, etc.Explain how these technologies help you maintain quality standards and improve the efficiency of your business operations.

Adding these components to your operations plan will help you lay out your business operations, which will eventually help you manage your business effectively.

7. Management Team

The management team section provides an overview of your concierge services business’s management team. This section should provide a detailed description of each manager’s experience and qualifications, as well as their responsibilities and roles.

  • Founders/CEO: Mention the founders and CEO of your concierge services company, and describe their roles and responsibilities in successfully running the business.
  • Key managers: Introduce your management and key members of your team, and explain their roles and responsibilities.It should include, senior management, and other department managers (e.g. operations manager, customer services manager, general manager.) involved in the concierge services business operations, including their education, professional background, and any relevant experience in the industry.
  • Organizational structure: Explain the organizational structure of your management team. Include the reporting line and decision-making hierarchy.
  • Compensation Plan: Describe your compensation plan for the management and staff. Include their salaries, incentives, and other benefits.
  • Advisors/Consultants: Mentioning advisors or consultants in your business plans adds credibility to your business idea.So, if you have any advisors or consultants, include them with their names and brief information consisting of roles and years of experience.

This section should describe the key personnel for your concierge services, highlighting how you have the perfect team to succeed.

8. Financial Plan

Your financial plan section should provide a summary of your business’s financial projections for the first few years. Here are some key elements to include in your financial plan:

  • Profit & loss statement: Describe details such as projected revenue, operational costs, and service costs in your projected profit and loss statement . Make sure to include your business’s expected net profit or loss.
  • Cash flow statement: The cash flow for the first few years of your operation should be estimated and described in this section. This may include billing invoices, payment receipts, loan payments, and any other cash flow statements.
  • Balance Sheet: Create a projected balance sheet documenting your concierge services business’s assets, liabilities, and equity.
  • Break-even point: Determine and mention your business’s break-even point—the point at which your business costs and revenue will be equal.This exercise will help you understand how much revenue you need to generate to sustain or be profitable.
  • Financing Needs: Calculate costs associated with starting a concierge services business, and estimate your financing needs and how much capital you need to raise to operate your business. Be specific about your short-term and long-term financing requirements, such as investment capital or loans.

Be realistic with your financial projections, and make sure you offer relevant information and evidence to support your estimates.

9. Appendix

The appendix section of your plan should include any additional information supporting your business plan’s main content, such as market research, legal documentation, financial statements, and other relevant information.

  • Add a table of contents for the appendix section to help readers easily find specific information or sections.
  • In addition to your financial statements, provide additional financial documents like tax returns, a list of assets within the business, credit history, and more. These statements must be the latest and offer financial projections for at least the first three or five years of business operations.
  • Provide data derived from market research, including stats about the industry, user demographics, and industry trends.
  • Include any legal documents such as permits, licenses, and contracts.
  • Include any additional documentation related to your business plan, such as product brochures, marketing materials, operational procedures, etc.

Use clear headings and labels for each section of the appendix so that readers can easily find the necessary information.

Remember, the appendix section of your concierge services business plan should only include relevant and important information supporting your plan’s main content.

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This sample concierge services business plan will provide an idea for writing a successful concierge services plan, including all the essential components of your business.

After this, if you still need clarification about writing an investment-ready business plan to impress your audience, download our concierge services business plan pdf .

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why do you need a concierge services business plan.

A business plan is an essential tool for anyone looking to start or run a successful concierge services business. It helps to get clarity in your business, secures funding, and identifies potential challenges while starting and growing your business.

Overall, a well-written plan can help you make informed decisions, which can contribute to the long-term success of your concierge services company.

How to get funding for your concierge services business?

There are several ways to get funding for your concierge services business, but self-funding is one of the most efficient and speedy funding options. Other options for funding are:

  • Bank loan – You may apply for a loan in government or private banks.
  • Small Business Administration (SBA) loan – SBA loans and schemes are available at affordable interest rates, so check the eligibility criteria before applying for it.
  • Crowdfunding – The process of supporting a project or business by getting a lot of people to invest in your business, usually online.
  • Angel investors – Getting funds from angel investors is one of the most sought startup options.

Apart from all these options, there are small business grants available, check for the same in your location and you can apply for it.

Where to find business plan writers for your concierge services business?

There are many business plan writers available, but no one knows your business and ideas better than you, so we recommend you write your concierge services business plan and outline your vision as you have in your mind.

What is the easiest way to write your concierge services business plan?

A lot of research is necessary for writing a business plan, but you can write your plan most efficiently with the help of any concierge services business plan example and edit it as per your need. You can also quickly finish your plan in just a few hours or less with the help of our business plan software .

How do I write a good market analysis in a concierge services business plan?

Market analysis is one of the key components of your business plan that requires deep research and a thorough understanding of your industry. We can categorize the process of writing a good market analysis section into the following steps:

  • Stating the objective of your market analysis—e.g., investor funding.
  • Industry study—market size, growth potential, market trends, etc.
  • Identifying target market—based on user behavior and demographics.
  • Analyzing direct and indirect competitors.
  • Calculating market share—understanding TAM, SAM, and SOM.
  • Knowing regulations and restrictions
  • Organizing data and writing the first draft.

Writing a marketing analysis section can be overwhelming, but using ChatGPT for market research can make things easier.

About the Author

concierge service business plan

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Concierge Service Business Plan Template

Written by Dave Lavinsky

Concierge Service Business Plan

You’ve come to the right place to create your Concierge Service business plan.

We have helped over 1,000 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans and many have used them to start or grow their Concierge Service businesses.

Below is a template to help you create each section of your Concierge Service business plan.

Executive Summary

Business overview.

Quality Concierge Services is a startup concierge service company located in San Francisco, California. The company is founded by Max Trenton, a former concierge with a large, established concierge service company. Max has worked within the concierge industry for over 15 years and has a wide range of skills and depth of knowledge within this industry. He has acted as a concierge for over 300 clients, with a 99% rating from clients overall. Quality Concierge Services will provide concierge services for any busy professional, affluent individual or time-constrained customer. We provide personalized, reliable and exceptional concierge services that cater to the unique needs and preferences of each of our clients. Our mission is to ensure the utmost satisfaction and convenience on behalf of our clients. Needs and preferences may include travel arrangements, reservations to events or theaters, tailor-made personal solutions to organizational tasks, arrangements for care for children or animals within a household, and numerous other detail-oriented tasks that many busy clients do not have time to arrange.

Quality Concierge Services will also provide event planning and execution, from casual pool gatherings to cocktail parties in corporate settings. The concierge service will be one that is on-call 24/7, providing full coverage of any event, including unforeseen circumstances during travel, that other concierge services do not supply. Quality Concierge Services goes the “extra mile” when arranging travel, even providing chauffeurs for driving when needed.

Product Offering

The following are the services that Quality Concierge Services will provide:

  • Personalized services to meet the preferences of each client
  • Travel arrangements and changes with 24/7 on-call service
  • Reservations service, including theater and hard-to-acquire ticketed events
  • Personally-tailored solutions for organizational tasks, such as office re-arrangements, wardrobe extensions, and property assessments
  • Chauffeur and childcare provisions when circumstances warrant

Customer Focus

Quality Concierge Services will target high net-worth individuals, busy professional executives, and those individuals who need specialized care and detailing found within concierge services. Quality Concierge Services will also target high-level executives and their support staff, as well as travel agents who can offer referrals to Quality Concierge Services.

Management Team

Quality Concierge Services will be owned and operated by Max Trenton. He has recruited others from his former place of employment to assist in his startup company. These individuals include Troy Statton, who was the Senior Concierge as the former employer and Kerry Lombaugh, a former associate who will become the Administrative Manager.

Max Trenton holds a Master of Arts degree in Organizational Leadership and has been employed both as a concierge and a Business Development Director in a concierge service firm. He has been employed for over 15 years within the concierge industry. Many of his former clients have indicated they would like to follow him to Quality Concierge Services when it opens for business.

Troy Statton will be the Concierge Director in Quality Concierge Services, overseeing all aspects of the services that concierge personnel provide. He will also manage the Human Resources responsibilities. Troy holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Hospitality from the University of Wisconsin and is held in high regard by his former clients. Many of his clients have already promised to follow him wherever he is employed.

Kerry Lombaugh holds an Associates of Arts degree in Administration and has 15 years of experience in the management of mid-sized offices. She will be the Office Manager and is familiar with all customer service procedures, bookkeeping, and is known for her personable demeanor and the ability to negotiate with clients to find a positive result for all.

Success Factors

Quality Concierge Services will be able to achieve success by offering the following competitive advantages:

  • Friendly, knowledgeable, and highly-qualified team of Quality Concierge Services
  • Unique offerings, such as on-call 24/7 itinerary service for travel arrangements and unexpected or last-minute changes, personally-tailored solutions for organizational tasks, such as office re-arrangements, wardrobe extensions, and property assessments
  • Quality Concierge Services offers the best pricing in town. Their pricing structure is the most cost effective compared to the competition.

Financial Highlights

Quality Concierge Services is seeking $200,000 in debt financing to launch Quality Concierge Services. The funding will be dedicated toward securing the office space and purchasing office equipment and supplies. Funding will also be dedicated toward three months of overhead costs to include payroll of the staff, rent, and marketing costs for the print ads and marketing costs. The breakout of the funding is below:

  • Office space build-out: $20,000
  • Office equipment, supplies, and materials: $10,000
  • Three months of overhead expenses (payroll, rent, utilities): $150,000
  • Marketing costs: $10,000
  • Working capital: $10,000

The following graph outlines the financial projections for Quality Concierge Services.

Quality Concierge Services Pro Forma Projections

Company Overview

Who is quality concierge services.

Quality Concierge Services is a newly established, full-service concierge service company in San Francisco, California. Quality Concierge Services will be the most reliable, personalized and convenient choice for high net-worth individuals, busy professionals or those who need specialized services in daily life. Quality Concierge Services will concentrate on the personal preferences of each client and strive to always meet those needs. Quality Concierge Services will provide a guarantee of 100% satisfaction to meet the standards of our clientele each and every time we serve.

  Quality Concierge Services will be able to offer several unique services that go above and beyond those of other services found in San Francisco. The team of professionals will assist with travel itineraries in unforeseen circumstances (including 24/7 phone calls). They will also provide chauffeur services and childcare services when unforeseen circumstances require “all hands on deck”. Concierge Services removes all headaches and issues for our clients of the Quality Concierge Services and ensures every issue is taken care of expeditiously while delivering the best customer service.

Quality Concierge Services History

Since incorporation, Quality Concierge Services has achieved the following milestones:

  • Registered Quality Concierge Services, LLC to transact business in the state of California
  • Has a contract in place for a 10,000 square foot office at one of the midtown buildings
  • Reached out to former clients of the management staff at Quality Concierge Services
  • Began recruiting a staff of six and office personnel to work at Quality Concierge Services

Quality Concierge Services

The following will be provided by Quality Concierge Services:

  • Day to day management of digital calendars for each client

Industry Analysis

The concierge services industry is expected to grow over the next five years to over $496 million. The growth will be driven by the rising affluence and disposable income of top performers within industry and commerce. The growth will also be driven by the income that allows high-net worth individuals and others capture their own visions and preferences for goods and services. The increasing time constraints placed on busy professionals will also drive growth in the concierge services sector, as will the increase in global travels and tourism. Costs within the concierge services industry will likely be reduced as the digital world creates greater efficiencies of time through the use of digital tools to schedule, plan, and maintain event calendars. The costs will also be reduced as more concierge duties are absorbed by AI attendants and personal robotic tools.

Customer Analysis

Demographic profile of target market.

    Total population1,680,988100%
        20 to 24 years114,8726.8%
        25 to 34 years273,58816.3%
        35 to 44 years235,94614.0%
        45 to 54 years210,25612.5%
        55 to 59 years105,0576.2%
        60 to 64 years87,4845.2%
        65 to 74 years116,8787.0%
        75 to 84 years52,5243.1%

Customer Segmentation

Quality Concierge Services will primarily target the following customer profiles:

  • High net-worth individuals
  • Busy professionals
  • Those who seek personalized care
  • Travel agents who can refer potential clients
  • Professional association memberships
  • San Francisco-based private clubs

Competitive Analysis

Direct and indirect competitors.

Quality Concierge Services will face competition from other companies with similar business profiles. A description of each competitor company follows.

Platinum Concierge Company

The Platinum Concierge Company is a San Francisco-based company that specializes in serving celebrities, entertainment artists and social media influencers. The concierge services company is on-call 24 hours per day and offers personalized assistance and support to clients, ranging from making reservations, booking travel arrangements, event planning, obtaining tickets for shows or concerts, arranging transportation, and more.

The Platinum Concierge Services company holds a very high level of exclusivity and the focus is on only those clients who can afford to pay the highest rates for concierge service. Premium, luxury and over-the-top concierge services are the mainstay of this company. The owners, Randall and Candace Myerson, have been in the concierge business for over thirty years and hold many clients in exclusive relationships. While the services include typical personalized activities, the concierge services do not include coverage for mitigating issues, such as childcare or urgent needs to change travel plans.

eX Concierge Group

eX Concierge Group is a premium concierge service tailored specifically for busy C-suite executives. Their mission is to alleviate the burdens of clients’ hectic schedules, enhance productivity, and enrich their personal and professional lives. The target audience is executives at the highest level who face unique challenges and time constraints. The service is designed to cater to their specific needs, preferences, and confidentiality requirements.

The services at eX Concierge Group include those that take the strain away from executives: travel management, personal assistance, event planning, tickets with exclusive access, VIP experiences, and day-to-day operations. Gift-sourcing and deliveries are sometimes included. The personal qualities of the eX Concierge Group are those that fully support high-level executives. They focus on discretion, efficiency, and the ability to anticipate their clients’ needs before they arise.

Black Rifle Personal Concierge Company

The Black Rifle Personal Concierge Company is a security-focused concierge service for those individuals who require such care. The owner of the company is Taylor Lawrence, a former US Navy Seal Commander, who employs former special forces concierge personnel to assist in the aspects of personal security and safety required by certain individuals. The safety of clients is the first priority; however, concierge services also include chauffeur services, planning and executing meetings and events, travel arrangements and security oversight while traveling and other facets of the concierge services.

While the Black Rifle Personal Concierge Company holds personal security as the highest priority, other aspects of concierge services are also offered: discrete and private investigations of potential business partners or high-level employees may be completed, home management and security conditions may be overseen and the security and safety of all company personnel may also be included in concierge services. Black Rifle Personal Concierge Company also builds personal digital toolkits that enable executives to access services, add requests for service, define any concerns and communicate with absolute privacy. Such services are not typically found within a concierge service; however, they are entirely germane for those who require a high degree of security and caution.

Competitive Advantage

Quality Concierge Services will be able to offer the following advantages over their competition:

Marketing Plan

Brand & value proposition.

Quality Concierge Services will offer the unique value proposition to its clientele:

  • Highly-qualified team of skilled employees who are able to provide a comprehensive set of services that enable clients to concentrate on their business and personal lives rather than planning and scheduling activities and events.
  • Chauffeur and childcare services are offered in the event of schedule conflicts or delays
  • 24/7 on-call service available for transportation changes, itinerary cancellations and other unexpected circumstances
  • Unbeatable pricing to its clients; they will offer the lowest pricing in the city.

Promotions Strategy

The promotions strategy for Quality Concierge Services is as follows:

Word of Mouth/Referrals

Quality Concierge Services has built up an extensive list of contacts over the years by providing exceptional service and expertise to their combined client base. The contacts and clients will follow the managers to their new company and contract with Quality Concierge Services.

Professional Associations and Networking

Max Lawrence will affiliate his company with several associations and industry networking groups to bring Quality Concierge Services to the forefront of potential clients.

Launch Events

Two weeks prior to the opening of the company, Quality Concierge Services will send personal invitations to all former clients, inviting them to a champagne brunch for the launch.

Website/SEO Marketing

Quality Concierge Services will fully utilize their website. The website will be well organized, informative, and list all the services that Quality Concierge Services provides. The website will also list their contact information and list their various services. The website will engage in SEO marketing tactics so that anytime someone types in the Google or Bing search engine “concierge company” or “concierge near me,” Quality Concierge Services will be listed at the top of the search results.

The pricing of Quality Concierge Services will be higher than some competitors; however, it will meet the expectations of their clients. Clients will feel they receive excellent value when purchasing their services.

Operations Plan

The following will be the operations plan for Quality Concierge Services. Operation Functions:

  • Max Townsend will be the owner and President of the company. He will oversee all staff and manage client relations. Max has spent the past year recruiting the following staff:
  • Troy Statton will be the Concierge Director, overseeing all aspects of the services that concierge personnel provide.
  • Kerry Lombaugh will be the Office Manager and oversee all customer service procedures, while providing administrative tasks and bookkeeping.


Quality Concierge Services will have the following milestones completed in the next six months.

  • 5/1/202X – Finalize contract to lease office space
  • 5/15/202X – Finalize personnel and staff employment contracts for the Quality Concierge Services
  • 6/1/202X – Finalize contracts for Quality Concierge Services clients
  • 6/15/202X – Begin networking at industry events
  • 6/22/202X – Begin moving into Quality Concierge Services office
  • 7/1/202X – Quality Concierge Services opens its doors for business

Financial Plan

Key revenue & costs.

The revenue drivers for Quality Concierge Services are the fees they will charge to clients for their personal services.

The cost drivers will be the overhead costs required in order to staff Quality Concierge Services. The expenses will be the payroll cost, rent, utilities, office supplies, and marketing materials.

Funding Requirements and Use of Funds

Quality Concierge Services is seeking $200,000 in debt financing to launch its concierge services company. The funding will be dedicated toward securing the office space and purchasing office equipment and supplies. Funding will also be dedicated toward three months of overhead costs to include payroll of the staff, rent, and marketing costs for the launch brunch and association memberships. The breakout of the funding is below:

Key Assumptions

The following outlines the key assumptions required in order to achieve the revenue and cost numbers in the financials and in order to pay off the startup business loan.

  • Number of Clients Per Month: 255
  • Average Revenue per Month: $765,000
  • Office Lease per Year: $100,000

Financial Projections

Income statement.

FY 1FY 2FY 3FY 4FY 5
Total Revenues$360,000$793,728$875,006$964,606$1,063,382
Expenses & Costs
Cost of goods sold$64,800$142,871$157,501$173,629$191,409
Initial expenditure$10,000$0$0$0$0
Total Expenses & Costs$291,815$416,151$454,000$483,240$514,754
EBITDA$68,185 $377,577 $421,005 $481,366 $548,628
Depreciation$27,160$27,160 $27,160 $27,160 $27,160
EBIT$41,025 $350,417 $393,845$454,206$521,468
Interest$23,462$20,529 $17,596 $14,664 $11,731
PRETAX INCOME$17,563 $329,888 $376,249 $439,543 $509,737
Net Operating Loss$0$0$0$0$0
Use of Net Operating Loss$0$0$0$0$0
Taxable Income$17,563$329,888$376,249$439,543$509,737
Income Tax Expense$6,147$115,461$131,687$153,840$178,408
NET INCOME$11,416 $214,427 $244,562 $285,703 $331,329

Balance Sheet

FY 1FY 2FY 3FY 4FY 5
Accounts receivable$0$0$0$0$0
Total Current Assets$184,257$381,832$609,654$878,742$1,193,594
Fixed assets$180,950$180,950$180,950$180,950$180,950
Depreciation$27,160$54,320$81,480$108,640 $135,800
Net fixed assets$153,790 $126,630 $99,470 $72,310 $45,150
TOTAL ASSETS$338,047$508,462$709,124$951,052$1,238,744
Debt$315,831$270,713$225,594$180,475 $135,356
Accounts payable$10,800$11,906$13,125$14,469 $15,951
Total Liability$326,631 $282,618 $238,719 $194,944 $151,307
Share Capital$0$0$0$0$0
Retained earnings$11,416 $225,843 $470,405 $756,108$1,087,437
Total Equity$11,416$225,843$470,405$756,108$1,087,437
TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY$338,047$508,462$709,124$951,052$1,238,744

Cash Flow Statement

FY 1FY 2FY 3FY 4FY 5
Net Income (Loss)$11,416 $214,427 $244,562 $285,703$331,329
Change in working capital($19,200)($1,966)($2,167)($2,389)($2,634)
Depreciation$27,160 $27,160 $27,160 $27,160 $27,160
Net Cash Flow from Operations$19,376 $239,621 $269,554 $310,473 $355,855
Net Cash Flow from Investments($180,950)$0$0$0$0
Cash from equity$0$0$0$0$0
Cash from debt$315,831 ($45,119)($45,119)($45,119)($45,119)
Net Cash Flow from Financing$315,831 ($45,119)($45,119)($45,119)($45,119)
Net Cash Flow$154,257$194,502 $224,436 $265,355$310,736
Cash at Beginning of Period$0$154,257$348,760$573,195$838,550
Cash at End of Period$154,257$348,760$573,195$838,550$1,149,286

Concierge Service Business Plan FAQs

What is a concierge service business plan.

A concierge service business plan is a plan to start and/or grow your concierge service business. Among other things, it outlines your business concept, identifies your target customers, presents your marketing plan and details your financial projections.

You can easily complete your Concierge Service business plan using our Concierge Service Business Plan Template here .

What are the Main Types of Concierge Service Businesses? 

There are a number of different kinds of concierge service businesses , some examples include: Shopping, Entertainment, dining, and travel arrangements, Courier, and Personal assistant.

How Do You Get Funding for Your Concierge Service Business Plan?

Concierge Service businesses are often funded through small business loans. Personal savings, credit card financing and angel investors are also popular forms of funding.

What are the Steps To Start a Concierge Service Business?

Starting a concierge service business can be an exciting endeavor. Having a clear roadmap of the steps to start a business will help you stay focused on your goals and get started faster.

1. Develop A Concierge Service Business Plan - The first step in starting a business is to create a detailed concierge service business plan that outlines all aspects of the venture. This should include potential market size and target customers, the services or products you will offer, pricing strategies and a detailed financial forecast. 

2. Choose Your Legal Structure - It's important to select an appropriate legal entity for your concierge service business. This could be a limited liability company (LLC), corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship. Each type has its own benefits and drawbacks so it’s important to do research and choose wisely so that your concierge service business is in compliance with local laws.

3. Register Your Concierge Service Business - Once you have chosen a legal structure, the next step is to register your concierge service business with the government or state where you’re operating from. This includes obtaining licenses and permits as required by federal, state, and local laws.

4. Identify Financing Options - It’s likely that you’ll need some capital to start your concierge service business, so take some time to identify what financing options are available such as bank loans, investor funding, grants, or crowdfunding platforms.

5. Choose a Location - Whether you plan on operating out of a physical location or not, you should always have an idea of where you’ll be based should it become necessary in the future as well as what kind of space would be suitable for your operations.

6. Hire Employees - There are several ways to find qualified employees including job boards like LinkedIn or Indeed as well as hiring agencies if needed – depending on what type of employees you need it might also be more effective to reach out directly through networking events.

7. Acquire Necessary Concierge Service Equipment & Supplies - In order to start your concierge service business, you'll need to purchase all of the necessary equipment and supplies to run a successful operation. 

8. Market & Promote Your Business - Once you have all the necessary pieces in place, it’s time to start promoting and marketing your concierge service business. This includes creating a website, utilizing social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter, and having an effective Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy. You should also consider traditional marketing techniques such as radio or print advertising.

How to Start a Concierge Business: Everything You Need to Know

How to start a concierge business - also referred to as a personal assistant business can be accomplished in a few easy steps. 3 min read updated on September 19, 2022

What Is a Concierge Business?

How to start a concierge business - also referred to as a personal assistant business can be accomplished in a few easy steps. It is a popular and lucrative business that provides a variety of personal services to customers/clients. 

Several of the benefits of starting a concierge business include:

  • A personal concierge has the option of working from the comfort of home.
  • Providing different concierge services and the number of clients you work for determine your potential annual income. A personal concierge can earn an estimated $60,000 annually by offering a wide range of services to a large client base.
  • Getting started as a personal concierge is a career choice that does not require an individual to have prior experience, certifications, or special training.
  • A person providing concierge services is in the position to receive gifts and tips from their clients, which is a boost to your income. 

There are several non-beneficial aspects of starting a concierge business to consider that include:

  • A personal concierge may encounter clients that are considered high-maintenance and difficult to work with that requires working hectic schedules including weekends and holidays.
  • Due to demanding clients, time-consuming projects, and unforeseen situations it's necessary to regulate your personal schedule to accommodate "on call" or "last minute" situations.
  • If accessing a client's home, you will need to have liability insurance and be bonded.

Step 1. Before starting a concierge business, you will first want to research, study, and learn the legal components and requirements of starting your business. These legal requirements can range from types of personal liability insurance to insurance covering the business itself. You'll also want to determine the type of business license (s) you'll need prior to opening.

Step 2.  Research the demographics of the area you plan to focus your business on to learn what type of clientele you would be working with and what type of concierge services would be in demand. You do not have to focus on just one demographic. You can have clients ranging from large families and corporate accounts to the professional who works from home. 

Step 3. Decide what types of concierge services you want to provide to your clients. These services can range from pet services, such as dog walking, pet grooming, and pet sitting when clients are out of town to arranging travel itineraries for vacations or business trips. Some personal concierge services offer shopping for gifts as well as household items like groceries and personal items. 

Step 4. Create, design, and follow a well-defined business plan that highlights your future goals with your new business. Knowing your financial goals and working towards achieving these goals will help your business be successful and profitable. 

Step 5. Join a professional organization or association like The International Concierge and Lifestyle Management Network to meet other like-minded business owners like yourself.

Step 6. Register your business with your state. You will need to research to make sure no other business has already claimed the name you've selected. For information about starting a business, check the information at the U.S. Small Business Administration  website. 

Step 7. Create a web presence by checking for domain names and creating a website to promote your business.

  • What type of equipment do I need to start a concierge business?

You will need a few standard office supplies and equipment such as a computer with a strong internet connection, printer, answering machine, and a reliable phone with multiple lines. You want clients to be able to reach you easily via phone and having internet access allows you to send and receive emails and maintain your social media presence, which is important in marketing your business.

  • Should I use social media?

Yes. Having a strong social media presence will boost your popularity and potentially increase your client base. Social media sites to consider include Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Create a business profile on each to promote your business. 

  • Are there startup costs required to open a concierge business?

Yes. The costs can range from $2,000 to $4,000. The amount depends on the type of services you'll be providing and the equipment necessary to complete the service.

If you need help with starting a concierge business, you can post your legal need on UpCounsel's marketplace. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5 percent of lawyers to its site. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law and average 14 years of legal experience, including work with or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb.

Hire the top business lawyers and save up to 60% on legal fees

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Concierge Services Business Plan Template

Written by Dave Lavinsky

Concierge Services Business Plan Template

If you’re looking to create a concierge services business plan, you’ve come to the right place!

Over the past 25 years, the PlanPros team has helped over 1 million entrepreneurs and business owners write business plans….and many of them have started and grown successful concierge services businesses. Below is an example of a business plan for a concierge services business.

Concierge Services Business Plan Example

Below is our concierge services business plan template and sample plan created using our ai business plan generator :  

I. Executive Summary

Company overview.

EliteCare Concierge is a premier concierge service located in the heart of Corona, CA. As a newly established enterprise, we’ve pinpointed a significant opportunity within the local market for high-caliber concierge services. Our mission is to bridge this gap by delivering superior, customized services that cater to the unique demands of our clients. Our service portfolio includes travel arrangements, event planning, personal shopping, home services, and wellness and lifestyle management, all designed to enhance our clients’ quality of life by offering convenience, efficiency, and a touch of luxury. Our foundation is built upon the vast experience of our founder who previously managed a successful concierge service, equipping us with the necessary expertise to thrive in this sector and position ourselves as the preferred choice for concierge services in Corona, CA.

Success Factors

Since launching on January 6, 2024, EliteCare Concierge has swiftly marked significant milestones as a S Corporation. Our journey commenced with the creation of our distinctive company name and logo, alongside securing a prime operational base. These achievements symbolize our initial steps towards redefining concierge services in Corona, CA. Our expertise in delivering exceptional travel, event planning, and wellness services, combined with our commitment to personalized care, sets us apart in the industry. These factors, supplemented by our dedication to superior customer service and a comprehensive approach to client well-being, fortify our competitive edge and establish us as a leader in the local market.

Industry Analysis

The Concierge Services industry in the United States, currently valued at over $6 billion, is poised for steady growth, driven by the increasing demands of busy professionals and affluent clients for personalized services. EliteCare Concierge is strategically positioned to capitalize on this upward trend by offering bespoke services that cater specifically to the needs of our clientele in Corona, CA. With a focus on customization and the integration of digital solutions like a user-friendly mobile app, we are at the forefront of meeting the evolving preferences of our customers. These industry trends, coupled with our commitment to innovation and excellence, ensure our competitive advantage and future growth in the flourishing concierge services sector.

Customer Analysis

Our target customers are busy professionals and affluent individuals residing in Corona, CA, who seek the convenience and luxury of personalized concierge services. These clients value their time and prefer to entrust their personal, travel, and lifestyle needs to experts who can deliver high-quality, customized solutions. Understanding the unique preferences and requirements of our clientele allows us to tailor our services to enhance their daily lives significantly. Our focus on personalization and luxury positions us to meet and exceed the expectations of our discerning customer base.

Competitive Analysis

EliteCare Concierge stands out from the competition by offering a comprehensive suite of services unmatched in quality. Our specialization in travel arrangements, event planning, and wellness services, combined with our commitment to customization and excellence, ensures a unique and satisfying experience for our clients. Our competitive edge is further strengthened by our outstanding customer service and a holistic approach to client care, making us not just a service provider but a trusted partner in managing our clients’ diverse needs.

Marketing Plan

At EliteCare Concierge, our marketing strategy is centered around showcasing our diverse array of services and competitive pricing. We aim to highlight our expertise in travel planning, event organization, personal shopping, and comprehensive home and lifestyle management services. Pricing strategies are tailored to match the premium nature of our offerings while ensuring value for our clients. Our promotions plan leverages digital marketing through social media platforms and a user-friendly website, alongside traditional marketing channels, to reach our target audience effectively. Engaging content and client testimonials will play a key role in illustrating the quality and customization of our services, positioning us as the top choice for concierge services in our community.

Operations Plan

Our operations plan is focused on ensuring the seamless delivery of our concierge services. Key operational processes include client consultation and needs assessment, service customization, execution, and follow-up to guarantee satisfaction. We are committed to achieving significant milestones such as expanding our service offerings, enhancing our digital platform for easier client interaction, and growing our client base in Corona, CA. These steps are crucial for maintaining operational excellence and sustaining our growth trajectory.

Management Team

EliteCare Concierge is led by a seasoned team of professionals with extensive experience in concierge services and business management. Our founder, with a successful track record in the industry, is supported by a group of experts specializing in travel, event planning, and lifestyle management. Together, our team’s expertise and passion for service excellence drive our mission to offer unparalleled concierge services in Corona, CA.

Financial Plan

To achieve our growth objectives, EliteCare Concierge requires substantial funding. These funds will be allocated towards expanding our service offerings, enhancing our digital presence through technology investments, and broadening our market reach in Corona, CA. Our financial strategy is designed to ensure the sustainability and scalability of our business in the competitive concierge services market.

Below is an overview of our expected financial performance over the next five years:

FY 1 FY 2 FY 3 FY 4 FY 5
Revenues $2,164,147 $2,343,404 $2,537,508 $2,747,690 $2,975,282
Direct Expenses $978,150 $1,027,982 $1,080,353 $1,135,392 $1,193,235
Gross Profit (%) 54.8% 56.1% 57.4% 58.7% 59.9%
Other Expenses $97,085 $100,030 $103,065 $106,192 $109,414
Depreciation $16,000 $16,000 $16,000 $16,000 $16,000
Amortization $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Interest Expense $16,800 $16,800 $16,800 $16,800 $16,800
Income Tax Expense $369,639 $413,906 $462,451 $515,657 $573,941

II. Company Overview

EliteCare Concierge is a pioneering Concierge Service based in Corona, CA. As a newly established local concierge service, we’ve identified a significant gap in the market – the absence of high-quality local concierge services. At EliteCare Concierge, we’re committed to filling this gap by offering unparalleled services tailored to meet the unique needs of our clients in Corona, CA.

Our array of services is designed to cater to the diverse needs of our clientele, ensuring convenience, efficiency, and excellence. We specialize in travel arrangements, making your travel planning seamless and stress-free. Our event planning services aim to create memorable experiences, meticulously tailored to your preferences. For those in need of personal shopping, we offer personalized solutions that cater to your taste and requirements. We also provide comprehensive home services to ensure your living environment is as comfortable and welcoming as possible. Lastly, our wellness and lifestyle services are designed to promote a balanced and healthy lifestyle, tailored to your individual needs.

Located in the heart of Corona, CA, EliteCare Concierge is perfectly positioned to serve the residents of this vibrant community. Our founder brings a wealth of experience from previously running a successful concierge service, equipping us with the knowledge and expertise to excel in this industry. We believe our ability to offer superior travel arrangements, event planning, and wellness and lifestyle services sets us apart from the competition, making us the go-to concierge service in Corona, CA.

Since our inception on January 6, 2024, EliteCare Concierge has achieved significant milestones as a S Corporation. Our journey began with the development of a unique company name and the design of our logo, followed by securing a prime location for our operations. These accomplishments mark the beginning of our journey to redefine concierge services in Corona, CA.

III. Industry Analysis

The Concierge Services industry in the United States is currently valued at over $6 billion and is expected to continue growing at a steady rate in the coming years. With an increasing number of busy professionals and affluent individuals seeking personalized assistance and convenience, the demand for concierge services is on the rise. This presents a lucrative opportunity for businesses operating in this industry, such as EliteCare Concierge, to capitalize on the growing market.

One of the key trends driving growth in the Concierge Services industry is the increasing focus on personalized and tailored services to meet the unique needs of clients. EliteCare Concierge, with its commitment to providing top-notch, customized services to customers in Corona, CA, is well-positioned to benefit from this trend. By offering a wide range of services designed to cater to the specific requirements of each client, EliteCare Concierge can differentiate itself in the market and attract a loyal customer base.

Another trend shaping the Concierge Services industry is the growing popularity of virtual and digital concierge services, which offer convenience and accessibility to clients. EliteCare Concierge can leverage this trend by incorporating innovative technology solutions into its service offerings, such as a user-friendly mobile app or online booking platform. By staying ahead of industry trends and embracing digital advancements, EliteCare Concierge can enhance its competitive edge and appeal to tech-savvy customers in Corona, CA.

IV. Customer Analysis

Below is a description of our target customers and their core needs.

Target Customers

EliteCare Concierge will target local residents in Corona, CA, recognizing the diverse needs of this community. Our services are designed to cater to busy professionals who value their time and seek assistance with daily tasks, personal errands, and lifestyle management. This segment appreciates the convenience and efficiency that concierge services bring to their fast-paced lives.

We will also focus on serving the elderly population within the community, providing them with personalized support services that enhance their quality of life. Our offerings will include assistance with household chores, running errands, and coordinating healthcare services. This approach ensures that our older clients can enjoy a comfortable and independent lifestyle with dignity.

In addition to our primary target groups, EliteCare Concierge will tailor its services to meet the needs of small business owners in the area. Understanding the unique challenges faced by local entrepreneurs, we will offer business support services such as administrative assistance, event planning, and travel arrangements. This strategy will enable us to support the growth and success of the local business community, fostering a strong relationship with this vital sector.

Customer Needs

EliteCare Concierge can fulfill a crucial need for high-quality Concierge Services among residents who desire premium assistance with their daily or occasional tasks. This service caters to those who value their time and prefer to delegate errands, planning, and various personal or business tasks to professionals. By doing so, customers can focus on what matters most to them, whether it’s spending more time with family, focusing on their careers, or simply enjoying their leisure time.

Customers can expect a personalized and tailored experience that goes beyond basic service delivery. EliteCare Concierge understands the importance of attention to detail, responsiveness, and reliability in creating a trustworthy relationship. This ensures that every interaction not only meets but exceeds the expectations of those seeking convenience, efficiency, and excellence in service.

Furthermore, EliteCare Concierge can address the growing demand for lifestyle management services among individuals who are looking for a harmonious balance between their personal and professional lives. The ability to access a wide range of services from a single provider simplifies the process and enhances the overall customer experience. This comprehensive approach to concierge services positions EliteCare as a valuable partner in managing the complexities of modern living.

V. Competitive Analysis

Direct competitors.

EliteCare Concierge’s competitors include the following companies:

Alpha Hormones  specializes in hormone replacement therapies and wellness services. Their product range includes bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, testosterone replacement therapy, and personalized wellness plans. Price points vary depending on the treatment plan but generally fall into the premium category due to the personalized nature of their services. Alpha Hormones boasts notable revenues, attributed to their high client retention rates and premium pricing. They operate primarily in the southern California area, targeting adults experiencing hormonal imbalances or seeking wellness and anti-aging solutions. Key strengths include their specialized focus on hormone therapy and a personalized approach to wellness. However, their narrow service focus and premium pricing could be perceived as weaknesses, limiting their market reach to those who can afford or are interested in hormone-specific treatments.

KA Health & Wellness  offers a broad spectrum of health and wellness services, including nutritional counseling, fitness planning, and stress management programs. Their services are priced competitively, aiming to attract a wide range of customers looking for comprehensive wellness support. They generate substantial revenues by catering to a large customer base interested in holistic health approaches. Located across multiple sites in California, they serve a diverse clientele, from busy professionals to health-conscious individuals. Their strength lies in their holistic approach to health and wellness, providing a one-stop solution for clients. However, their broad focus might dilute their brand identity and expertise in any single area of wellness, posing a challenge in markets with preference for specialized services.

Dorothea Cist, ND , operates as a naturopathic doctor offering services such as nutritional counseling, herbal medicine, and homeopathy. Pricing for her services is on a case-by-case basis, often reflecting the bespoke nature of her treatments. Her practice generates moderate revenues, largely from repeat clients and referrals. She serves the local community in and around her practice location, focusing on individuals seeking alternative or complementing treatments to conventional medicine. The key strength of Dorothea Cist, ND, is her personalized and natural approach to health, appealing to those wary of conventional treatments. A potential weakness is the niche market focus, which might limit her client base to those already interested in or aware of naturopathic medicine.

Competitive Advantages

At EliteCare Concierge, we pride ourselves on offering a suite of services that distinctly sets us apart from the competition. Our ability to provide top-tier travel arrangements, event planning, and wellness and lifestyle services is unparalleled. We understand that our clients seek not just convenience, but also a touch of luxury and personalization in their lives. To that end, we meticulously tailor each service to meet the unique needs of our clients, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable experience. Whether it’s planning a dream vacation, orchestrating a flawless event, or enhancing daily wellness routines, our expertise and attention to detail guarantee satisfaction beyond expectations.

Beyond the core services that we excel in, our competitive advantage is further solidified by our commitment to superior customer service and a holistic approach to care. We recognize that the essence of concierge service lies in the ability to anticipate and cater to every individual’s needs. This foresight allows us to offer personalized recommendations and solutions that truly resonate with our clients. Our team is not only skilled but also passionate about going the extra mile, making us not just a service provider but a trusted partner in our clients’ lives. In an era where time is of the essence, we provide not only the luxury of time-saving but also the invaluable peace of mind, knowing that all aspects of our clients’ personal and professional needs are managed with the utmost care and professionalism.

VI. Marketing Plan

Our marketing plan, included below, details our products/services, pricing and promotions plan.

Products, Services & Pricing

EliteCare Concierge offers a comprehensive suite of services designed to cater to the varied needs of its clients, ensuring convenience, efficiency, and superior quality in every task undertaken. The array of services provided includes travel arrangements, event planning, personal shopping, home services, and wellness and lifestyle services. Each of these services is tailored to meet the individual preferences and requirements of their clients, ensuring a personalized experience that is both satisfying and exclusive.

Travel arrangements by EliteCare Concierge encompass everything from booking flights and accommodations to organizing detailed itineraries for both leisure and business trips. Clients can expect to pay an average price of $250 for these services, depending on the complexity and length of the travel plans. This service ensures that clients have a hassle-free travel experience, with all details meticulously planned and managed by EliteCare.

Event planning is another area of expertise for EliteCare Concierge, offering to organize a wide range of events from intimate gatherings to grand celebrations. The service covers venue selection, catering arrangements, decoration, and entertainment, ensuring every aspect of the event is perfect. Clients can expect the cost for event planning services to start at $500, varying according to the scale and specifics of the event.

For those who either lack the time or prefer not to engage in shopping tasks, EliteCare provides personal shopping services. This includes everything from grocery shopping to sourcing unique gifts and personal items. Clients can avail themselves of this service for an average fee of $100 per session, which offers them the luxury of having all their shopping needs handled by a professional, tailored to their tastes and preferences.

Home services offered by EliteCare Concierge cover a wide range of needs including cleaning, maintenance, and organization tasks. Whether it’s regular housekeeping, deep cleaning, or specific home maintenance tasks, clients can expect to pay an average of $150 for these services, ensuring their living spaces are always in pristine condition.

Lastly, wellness and lifestyle services are designed to enhance the overall quality of life for EliteCare clients. This includes arranging spa appointments, fitness sessions, nutritional planning, and more. These services are aimed at promoting a balanced and healthy lifestyle, with prices averaging $200 depending on the type and frequency of service.

In conclusion, EliteCare Concierge offers a diverse portfolio of services aimed at making the lives of their clients more convenient and enjoyable. With a focus on quality, personalization, and client satisfaction, EliteCare ensures that every service, whether it’s travel planning or home maintenance, is delivered to the highest standard. The pricing structure is designed to reflect the bespoke nature of the services offered, providing value and excellence across all areas of their operation.

Promotions Plan

To attract customers, EliteCare Concierge employs a multi-faceted promotional strategy that ensures we effectively reach and engage with our target audience in Corona, CA, and beyond. At the core of our approach is a robust online marketing campaign, complemented by several other tactics designed to enhance visibility and foster trust within our community.

Online marketing stands as a pillar of our promotional efforts. We leverage the power of social media to connect with potential clients, share valuable content, and showcase our services. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn offer us the opportunity to build a strong online presence and engage with our audience through targeted ads, informative posts, and interactive stories. Additionally, our website serves as a central hub for our digital marketing efforts, optimized for search engines to ensure we appear at the top of search results when potential clients are looking for concierge services in their area. Email marketing campaigns also play a crucial role, enabling us to keep in touch with our subscribers, offering them exclusive deals, and keeping them informed about our latest services and promotions.

Beyond online marketing, we engage in local community events and partnerships. Participating in local fairs, sponsoring community activities, and collaborating with other local businesses allow us to enhance our visibility and establish EliteCare Concierge as a trusted member of the Corona, CA community. These efforts not only help us reach potential clients but also build goodwill and a positive reputation within the area.

Referral programs form another essential part of our promotional strategy. We encourage our satisfied clients to refer friends and family by offering them incentives, such as discounts on future services. This word-of-mouth marketing strategy helps us build a loyal customer base and attract new clients who trust the recommendations of their peers.

Finally, targeted PR efforts, including press releases and features in local media, help us gain exposure and establish credibility. By sharing our story, highlighting our unique offerings, and showcasing our commitment to the community, we attract positive attention and differentiate ourselves in a competitive market.

In conclusion, through a combination of online marketing, community engagement, referral programs, and targeted PR efforts, EliteCare Concierge is poised to attract and retain customers, establishing ourselves as the go-to concierge service in Corona, CA. Our comprehensive promotional strategy ensures we reach our target audience effectively, build lasting relationships, and achieve sustainable growth.

VII. Operations Plan

Our Operations Plan details:

  • The key day-to-day processes that our business performs to serve our customers
  • The key business milestones that our company expects to accomplish as we grow

Key Operational Processes

To ensure the success of EliteCare Concierge, there are several key day-to-day operational processes that we will perform.

  • Maintain continuous, open lines of communication with clients through various channels such as phone, email, and text to understand their needs and preferences.
  • Coordinate and schedule services requested by clients, ensuring all details are managed efficiently from booking to execution.
  • Implement strict quality control measures to ensure that all services provided meet the high standards expected by our clients.
  • Build and maintain strong relationships with vendors and service providers to ensure availability, negotiate favorable terms, and guarantee quality of service.
  • Manage accurate billing for services rendered and process payments promptly, offering multiple payment options for client convenience.
  • Systematically collect feedback from clients after service delivery to gauge satisfaction levels and identify areas for improvement.
  • Implement targeted marketing strategies to attract new clients and retain existing ones, including social media campaigns, local advertising, and referral programs.
  • Provide ongoing training and professional development opportunities for staff to ensure they remain knowledgeable and capable of delivering exceptional service.
  • Develop and maintain a responsive system for addressing any client issues or emergencies that may arise, ensuring swift and satisfactory resolution.
  • Leverage technology to streamline operations, including the use of management software for scheduling, billing, and communication purposes.

EliteCare Concierge expects to complete the following milestones in the coming months in order to ensure its success:

  • Launch Our Concierge Services:  Successfully introducing our services to the market with a clear value proposition and targeted outreach to our initial customer segments in Corona, CA. This includes setting up a user-friendly website, social media presence, and local advertising campaigns to create awareness and drive initial sign-ups.
  • Establish Key Partnerships:  Form strategic partnerships with local businesses, service providers, and vendors that can enhance our service offerings and provide exclusive deals or services to our clients. These partnerships are critical for offering a comprehensive suite of services and for facilitating rapid scaling of our operations.
  • Secure Necessary Licenses and Insurances:  Ensure that all regulatory requirements are met, including obtaining any necessary permits and licenses specific to the services offered. Additionally, securing comprehensive insurance coverage to protect the business and its clients is crucial for mitigating risks associated with the services provided.
  • Build a Robust Service Delivery Team:  Hire and train a team of dedicated concierges and support staff who embody the company’s values and are committed to providing exceptional service. This includes developing a thorough training program that equips staff with the necessary skills and knowledge to exceed customer expectations.
  • Achieve Operational Excellence:  Streamline operations to ensure efficiency and high-quality service delivery. This includes implementing an effective customer relationship management (CRM) system, developing standard operating procedures (SOPs) for all services, and establishing a feedback loop with clients to continuously improve service offerings.
  • Reach $15,000/Month in Revenue:  Implement aggressive sales and marketing strategies to acquire new clients and retain existing ones, with the goal of reaching $15,000 in monthly revenue. This will require a deep understanding of our target market, competitive pricing strategies, and ongoing promotions or loyalty programs to encourage repeat business.
  • Develop a Scalable Business Model:  Refine our business model to ensure it is scalable and adaptable to changing market conditions. This includes exploring additional revenue streams, such as membership fees or premium service offerings, and planning for geographic expansion beyond Corona, CA.
  • Establish a Strong Brand Identity:  Develop and maintain a strong brand identity that resonates with our target audience. This involves consistent messaging across all marketing channels, building a positive online presence, and delivering on our brand promise of exceptional, personalized service.
  • Ensure Financial Management and Sustainability:  Implement robust financial planning and management practices, including regular financial forecasting, budgeting, and cash flow management. Securing initial funding or a line of credit to support operations until the business becomes cash flow positive is also critical for long-term sustainability. By achieving these milestones, EliteCare Concierge will be well-positioned to establish itself as a leading provider of concierge services in Corona, CA, and lay a strong foundation for future growth and success.

VIII. Management Team

Our management team has the experience and expertise to successfully execute on our business plan.

Management Team Members

EliteCare Concierge management team, which includes the following members, has the experience and expertise to successfully execute on our business plan:

Adrian Jackson, President

With a proven track record of establishing and nurturing successful business ventures,  Adrian Jackson  stands at the helm of EliteCare Concierge as its President. His extensive background in concierge services provides a solid foundation for the company. Adrian’s previous experience in managing a concierge service has not only honed his skills in customer service excellence but also in operational efficiency and business strategy. His leadership is instrumental in steering EliteCare Concierge towards achieving its mission of delivering unparalleled services. Adrian’s innovative approach and commitment to excellence make him a pivotal figure in ensuring the company’s success and sustainability in the competitive concierge industry.

IX. Financial Plan

Funding requirements/use of funds.

To accomplish our growth goals, EliteCare Concierge needs $168,000 in funding. Key uses of this funding will be as follows:

Capital Investments
Location Buildout $50,000
Furniture $10,000
Equipment, Machines and Computers $20,000
Non Capital Investments
Working Capital $30,000
Initial Rent/Lease $4,000
Staff Salaries for the First 3 Months $45,000
Initial Marketing and Advertising $5,000
Supplies $2,000
Insurance $2,000

Financial Projections

financial projection concierge services business plan

5 Year Annual Income Statement

FY 1 FY 2 FY 3 FY 4 FY 5
Revenues $2,164,147 $2,343,404 $2,537,508 $2,747,690 $2,975,282
Direct Costs
Direct Costs $978,150 $1,027,982 $1,080,353 $1,135,392 $1,193,235
Salaries $72,814 $75,023 $77,299 $79,644 $82,060
Marketing Expenses $6,067 $6,251 $6,441 $6,637 $6,838
Rent/Utility Expenses $6,067 $6,251 $6,441 $6,637 $6,838
Other Expenses $12,135 $12,503 $12,883 $13,274 $13,676
Depreciation $16,000 $16,000 $16,000 $16,000 $16,000
Amortization $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Interest Expense $16,800 $16,800 $16,800 $16,800 $16,800
Net Operating Loss $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Use of Net Operating Loss $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Taxable Income $1,056,111 $1,182,590 $1,321,289 $1,473,305 $1,639,832
Income Tax Expense $369,639 $413,906 $462,451 $515,657 $573,941
Net Profit Margin (%) 31.7% 32.8% 33.8% 34.9% 35.8%

5 Year Annual Balance Sheet

FY 1 FY 2 FY 3 FY 4 FY 5
Cash $695,928 $1,469,704 $2,332,583 $3,298,134 $4,198,148
Other Current Assets $185,762 $201,149 $217,810 $228,974 $247,940
Intangible Assets $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Acc Amortization $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Fixed Assets $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000
Accum Depreciation $16,000 $32,000 $48,000 $64,000 $80,000
Preliminary Exp $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Current Liabilities $91,219 $95,697 $100,399 $103,465 $108,554
Debt outstanding $168,000 $168,000 $168,000 $168,000 $0
Share Capital $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Retained earnings $686,472 $1,455,156 $2,313,994 $3,271,643 $4,337,534

5 Year Annual Cash Flow Statement

FY 1 FY 2 FY 3 FY 4 FY 5
Net Income (Loss) $686,472 $768,683 $858,838 $957,648 $1,065,891
Change in Working Capital ($94,543) ($10,908) ($11,959) ($8,097) ($13,877)
Plus Depreciation $16,000 $16,000 $16,000 $16,000 $16,000
Plus Amortization $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Fixed Assets ($80,000) $0 $0 $0 $0
Intangible Assets $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Cash from Equity $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Cash from Debt financing $168,000 $0 $0 $0 ($168,000)
Cash at Beginning of Period $0 $695,928 $1,469,704 $2,332,583 $3,298,134

What Is a Concierge Services Business Plan?

A concierge services business plan is a document that outlines the strategies you have developed to start and/or grow your concierge services business. Among other things, it details information about your industry, customers and competitors to help ensure your company is positioned properly to succeed. Your concierge services business plan also assesses how much funding you will need to grow your business and proves, via your financial forecasts, why the business is viable.  

Why You Need a Business Plan for your Concierge Services Business

A business plan is required if you are seeking funding for your concierge services business. Investors and lenders will review your plan to ensure it meets their criteria before providing you with capital. In addition, a concierge services business plan helps you and your team stay focused. It documents the strategies you must follow and gives you financial projections you should strive to achieve and against which you can judge your performance.  

Concierge Services Business Plan Template PDF

Download our Concierge Services Business Plan PDF to help guide you as you create your business plan for your own concierge services business.  

concierge service business plan


Concierge Business Plan Template

Written by Dave Lavinsky

Writing a Successful Business Plan For Your Concierge Business + Template

If you’re looking to start or grow a concierge business, you need a business plan. Your plan will outline your business goals and strategies, and how you plan on achieving them. It will also detail the amount of funding you need, and if needed, present a case to investors and lenders regarding why they should invest in your business.

In this article, we’ll explain why you should invest the time and energy into creating a concierge business plan, and provide you with a concierge business plan template and sample, taken from our numerous  sample business plans , that includes an overview of what should be included in each section. Download the Ultimate Concierge Business Plan Template here >

Why Write a Business Plan For a Concierge Business?

There are many reasons to write a business plan for a concierge company, even if you’re not looking for funding. A business plan can help you see potential pitfalls in your business strategy, as well as identify opportunities you may not have considered. It can also help you track your progress and adjust your plans as needed.

That said, if you are looking for funding, a business plan is essential. Investors and lenders want to see that you have a solid understanding of your industry, your customers, and your competition. They also want to know that you have a realistic view of your financial situation and how much money you’ll need to get started.

How To Write a Business Plan For a Concierge Business

While every business plan is different, there are 10 essential components that all concierge business plans should include:

Executive Summary

Company description, industry analysis, customer analysis, competitor analysis, marketing plan, operations plan, management team, financial plan.

Keep in mind that you’ll need to tailor this information to your specific type of concierge business, but these 10 components should be included in every plan.

The executive summary is the first section of your business plan, but it’s often written last. This is because it provides an overview of the entire document.

In the executive summary, briefly explain what your business does, your business goals, and how you plan on achieving them. You should also include a brief overview of your financial situation, including how much money you’ll need to get started.

For organizational purposes, you could create headings for each main section of your business plan to highlight the key takeaways.

For example, your concierge executive summary might look something like this:

Company Overview

[Insert Company Introduction / Short Summary]

Business Goals

[Insert Business Goals & How You Plan To Achieve Them]

Industry Overview

[Insert Industry Statistics on the Size of Your Market]


[Insert Overview of Competitors & Your Competitive Advantage]

[Insert Information About The Marketing Strategies You Will Use To Attract Clients/Customers]

Financial Overview

You can add and/or remove sections as needed, but these are the basics that should be included in every executive summary.

The next section of your concierge business plan is the company description, where you’ll provide an overview of your business.

Include information about your:

  • Company History & Accomplishments To Date

Mission Statement and/or Company Values

With regards to the company overview, here you will document the type of concierge company you operate. For example, there are several types of concierge companies such as:

  • Home-Based Concierge Businesses
  • Business Concierge Services
  • Lifestyle Management Companies
  • Homeowners’ Association Concierge Services

For example, a concierge company description might look something like this:

We are an X type of concierge company.

Company History

If an existing company: Since launching, our team has served X customers and generated $Y in revenue.

If startup: I conceived [company name] on this date. Since that time, we have developed the company logo, found potential space, etc. 

This is just an example, but your company description should give potential investors a clear idea of who you are, what you do, and why you’re the best at what you do.

The next section of your business plan is the industry analysis. In this section, you’ll need to provide an overview of the industry you’re in, as well as any trends or changes that might impact your business.

Questions you will want to answer include:

  • What is the overall size of the concierge industry?
  • How is the industry growing or changing?
  • What are the major trends affecting the concierge industry?
  • Who are the major players in the concierge industry?

For example, your industry analysis might look something like this:

The size of the concierge industry is $XX billion.

It is currently growing at an annual rate of 5%, with the industry expected to be worth $10 billion by 2025.

Major trends affecting the industry are the growth of the economy and the rise of millennial entrepreneurs. The increase in new businesses is also driving the business concierge segment of the industry.

How We Fit Into The Industry

This is just an example, but your industry analysis should give potential investors a clear idea of the overall industry, and how your company fits into that industry.

The next section of your concierge business plan is the customer analysis. In this section, you’ll need to provide an overview of who your target customers are and what their needs are.

  • Who are your target customers?
  • What are their needs?
  • How do they interact with your industry?
  • How do they make purchasing decisions?

You want a thorough understanding of your target customers to provide them with the best possible products and/or services. Oftentimes, you will want to include the specific demographics of your target market, such as age, gender, income, etc., but you’ll also want to highlight the psychographics, such as their interests, lifestyles, and values.

This information will help you better understand your target market and how to reach them.

For example, your customer analysis might look something like this:

Target Market & Demographics

The demographic (age, gender, location, income, etc.) profile of our target concierge customer is as follows: 

– Age: 25-54

– Gender: Male/Female

– Location: Urban

– Income: $50,000+

– Education: College educated


Our core customer interests are as follows: 

– Technology: They are early adopters of new technology and they appreciate the convenience that concierge services can provide.

– Travel: They enjoy traveling and they are willing to pay for concierge services that will make their travel experiences more convenient and enjoyable.

In summary, your customer analysis should give potential investors a clear idea of who your target market is and how you reach them.

The next section of your business plan is the competitor analysis. In this section, you’ll need to provide an overview of who your major competitors are and their strengths and weaknesses.

  • Who are your major competitors?
  • What are their strengths and weaknesses?
  • How do they compare to you?

You want to make sure that you have a clear understanding of your competition so that you can position yourself in the market. Creating a SWOT Analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) for each of your major competitors helps you do this. 

For example, your competitor analysis might look something like this:

Major Competitors

XYZ Company is our major competitor. Its offerings include this, this and this. Its strengths include XYZ, and its weaknesses include XYZ.

Competitive Advantage

Your competitor analysis should give potential lenders and investors a clear idea of who your major competitors are and how you compare to them.

The next section of your business plan is the marketing plan. In this section, you’ll need to provide an overview of your marketing strategy and how you plan on executing it.

Specifically, you will document your “4 Ps” as follows:

  • Products/Services : Here is where you’ll document your product/service offerings.
  • Price : Detail your pricing strategy here.
  • Place : Document where customers will find you and whether you will use distribution channels (e.g., partnerships) to reach them.
  • Promotion : Here you will document how you will reach your target customers. For instance, concierge businesses often reach new customers via promotional tactics including print and online advertising, public relations, direct mail, and/or email marketing.

For example, your marketing plan might look something like this:


We offer the following products/services: 

We will use a premium pricing strategy to establish ourselves as the highest quality brand.

We will serve customers directly and through a partnership with XYZ company.

As you can see, your marketing plan should give potential investors a clear idea of your marketing objectives, strategies, and tactics.

The next section of your business plan is the operations plan. In this section, you’ll need to provide an overview of your company’s day-to-day operations and how they will be structured.

  • What are your company’s daily operations?
  • How are your company’s operations structured?
  • Who is responsible for each task?

Your operations plan should be detailed and concise. You want to make sure that potential investors have a clear understanding of your company’s day-to-day operations and how they are structured.

You will also include information regarding your long-term goals for your operations and how you plan on achieving them.

For example, your operations plan might look something like this:

Daily Operations

Our company’s daily operations include XYZ.

Operational Structure

Our company is structured as follows:

  • Department 1
  • Department 2
  • Department 3

Each department is responsible for XYZ tasks.

Long-Term Goals

Our long-term goals for our operations are to achieve the following over the next five years.

Date 1: Goal 1

Date 2: Goal 2

Date 3: Goal 3

Date 4: Goal 4

Your operations plan should give readers a clear idea of your company’s day-to-day operations, how they are structured, and your long-term goals for the company.

The next section of your business plan is the management team. In this section, you’ll need to provide an overview of your management team and their experience.

  • Who is on your management team?
  • What are their qualifications?
  • What is their experience?

Your management team ideally includes individuals who are experts in their respective fields. You want to make sure that lenders and investors have a clear understanding of your management team’s qualifications and experience, and feel they can execute on your plan.

For example, your management team might look something like this:

Our management team is comprised of the following X individuals with the following experience.

Team Member 1: 

Team member 1’s qualifications and experience include XYZ.

Team Member 2: 

Your management team should give potential lenders and investors a clear idea of who is on your team and how their qualifications and experience will help your company succeed.

The final core section of your business plan is the financial plan. In this section, you’ll need to provide an overview of your company’s financials.

  • What are your company’s projected revenues?
  • What are your company’s projected expenses?
  • What is your company’s projected growth rate?
  • How much funding do you need and for what purposes? For example, most startup concierge businesses need outside funding for things such as marketing, staff salaries, and office lease.

Your financial plan should give potential investors a clear understanding of your company’s financials. While you may include a summary of this information in this section, you will include full financial statements in the appendix of your business plan.

For example, your financial plan might look something like this:

Our company’s projected revenues over the next five years are $XYZ.

Expenses & Net Income

Our company’s projected expenses and net income over the next five years are $XYZ.

Uses of Funding

This is just an example, but your financial plan should give potential investors a clear idea of your company’s financial projections.

The final section of your business plan is the appendix. In this section, you’ll need to provide any additional information that was not included in the previous sections.

This may include items such as:

  • Full financial statements
  • Resumes of key management team members
  • Letters of reference
  • Articles or press releases
  • Marketing materials
  • Product information
  • Any other relevant information

By including this information in the appendix, you are allowing potential investors and lenders to learn more about your company.

In summary, writing a concierge business plan is a vital step in the process of starting and/or growing your own business.

A business plan will give you a roadmap to follow. It can also help you attract investors and partners.

By following the tips outlined in this article, you can be sure that your business plan will be effective and help you achieve your goals.  

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How to Start a Concierge Service: Essential Guide for Entrepreneurs

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Are you considering starting your own concierge service business but unsure where to begin? In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through 9 crucial steps to help you successfully launch your concierge service, from market research to brand development and operational strategies.

The global concierge services market is projected to reach $900 billion by 2027 , with a growing demand for personalized assistance in various sectors. By following our checklist, you can capitalize on this lucrative industry and carve out a niche for your concierge service business.

Whether you are a seasoned entrepreneur or a first-time business owner, this article will equip you with the essential tools and insights to kickstart your concierge service business and thrive in a competitive market. Let's dive in and turn your business idea into a reality!

  • Conduct thorough market research
  • Create a solid business plan
  • Develop a financial model
  • Secure necessary funding
  • Establish legal structure for the business
  • Obtain all required permits and licenses
  • Develop a branding and marketing strategy
  • Create a professional website and incorporate necessary technology
  • Officially launch the business and begin operations

9-Steps To Start a Business

Step Description Average Time Average Cost (USD)
Market Research Conduct thorough market research to understand target audience, competitors, and market demand. 1-2 months 500-1000
Business Planning Develop a comprehensive business plan detailing services offered, market analysis, operational structure, and goals. 3-4 months 1000-2000
Financial Modeling Create detailed financial projections including startup costs, pricing strategy, and revenue streams. 2-3 months 800-1500
Secure Funding Explore funding options and prepare a compelling pitch to attract investors. 6-12 months 2000-5000
Legal Structuring Choose an appropriate legal structure with the help of a legal advisor. 1-2 months 500-1000
Permits and Licenses Obtain all necessary licenses and permits required to legally operate a concierge service. 1-3 months 500-1500
Branding and Marketing Develop a strong brand identity and implement an effective marketing strategy. 2-4 months 1000-2000
Website and Tech Build a professional website and consider developing an app for easy booking. 2-3 months 1000-2000
Launch and Operate Organize a launch event and begin operations with clear processes in place. 1-2 months 500-1000

Market Research

Before launching your Concierge Service business, it is crucial to conduct thorough market research to understand your target audience, competitors, and the market demand for such services. This step involves gathering data through surveys, focus groups, and online research to tailor your services effectively.

Market research will help you identify the needs and preferences of your target audience, allowing you to offer personalized services that meet their expectations. It will also enable you to analyze your competitors and differentiate your Concierge Service from others in the market.

Here are some key aspects to consider during the market research phase:

Tips for Market Research:

  • Identify your target audience: Conduct demographic and psychographic research to understand the characteristics and preferences of your potential customers.
  • Competitive analysis: Study your competitors to identify their strengths and weaknesses, and find opportunities to position your Concierge Service uniquely in the market.
  • Market demand: Determine the level of demand for Concierge Services in your target market through surveys, interviews, and online research.

By conducting comprehensive market research, you will be able to create a solid foundation for your Concierge Service business and make informed decisions throughout the startup process.

Concierge Service Business Plan Get Template

Business Planning

When starting a Concierge Service, one of the most critical steps is to develop a comprehensive business plan. This document will serve as a roadmap for your business and is crucial for securing investors. A well-thought-out business plan should include details on your business concept, services offered, market analysis, marketing strategies, operational structure, and long-term goals.

Business Concept: Clearly define your Concierge Service business concept. What services will you offer? Who is your target audience? What sets your business apart from competitors?

Services Offered: Outline the range of services your Concierge Service will provide. This could include travel arrangements, event planning, personal shopping, and more. Consider conducting market research to identify the most in-demand services.

Market Analysis: Conduct a thorough market analysis to understand the demand for Concierge Services in your target area. Identify your competitors, target audience, and market trends. This information will help you position your business effectively in the market.

Marketing Strategies: Develop a detailed marketing plan that outlines how you will promote your Concierge Service to attract clients. This could include online marketing, social media campaigns, partnerships with local businesses, and networking events.

Operational Structure: Define the operational structure of your Concierge Service business. This includes staffing requirements, workflow processes, and technology tools needed to deliver exceptional service to your clients.

Long-Term Goals: Set clear long-term goals for your Concierge Service business. Consider revenue targets, expansion plans, and potential areas for growth. Keep in mind that your business plan should be a dynamic document that can be adjusted as your business evolves.

Tips for Developing a Business Plan:

  • Include detailed financial projections to demonstrate the potential profitability of your Concierge Service business.
  • Seek feedback from industry experts or mentors to ensure your business plan is comprehensive and well-researched.
  • Regularly review and update your business plan to reflect changes in the market or your business strategy.

Financial Modeling

Creating detailed financial projections for your Concierge Service is crucial for the success of your business. Financial modeling involves breaking down your startup costs, pricing strategy, revenue streams, and conducting a break-even analysis. This will not only help you manage your finances wisely but also attract potential investors by showcasing the profitability of your business.

When developing your financial model for your Concierge Service, consider the following key components:

  • Startup Costs: Begin by outlining all the expenses associated with launching your Concierge Service. This may include office space, technology infrastructure, marketing costs, staff salaries, and any other initial investments.
  • Pricing Strategy: Determine how you will price your services to ensure profitability while remaining competitive in the market. Consider factors such as the value you provide to clients, industry standards, and pricing models of similar businesses.
  • Revenue Streams: Identify all potential sources of revenue for your Concierge Service. This may include one-time service fees, subscription packages, commission from partner vendors, or any other income streams.
  • Break-Even Analysis: Conduct a break-even analysis to determine the point at which your Concierge Service will become profitable. This analysis will help you understand how many clients you need to reach this milestone and guide your business decisions.

Tips for Financial Modeling:

  • Consult with a financial advisor or accountant to ensure accuracy in your financial projections.
  • Regularly review and update your financial model as your Concierge Service grows and evolves.
  • Consider different scenarios and sensitivities in your financial projections to be prepared for potential challenges or opportunities.

Concierge Service Financial Model Get Template

Secure Funding

One of the crucial steps in starting a Concierge Service business is securing funding to ensure that your business idea becomes a reality. There are various funding options available such as Venture Capital , Angel Investors , Bank Loans , or Crowdfunding . Each option has its own set of requirements and benefits, so it is important to carefully consider which option aligns best with your business goals.

Before approaching potential investors or financial institutions, it is important to prepare a compelling pitch that showcases the potential of your Concierge Service business. Your pitch should clearly outline the unique value proposition of your business, your target market, revenue forecasting, and growth strategy. This will help investors understand the profitability and scalability of your business idea.

Tips for Securing Funding:

  • Conduct thorough research on potential investors or financial institutions to understand their investment criteria and preferences.
  • Prepare a detailed business plan that outlines your Concierge Service business model, market opportunity, competitive analysis, and financial projections.
  • Highlight the achievements and milestones of your business so far, such as any partnerships or customer testimonials, to build credibility with potential investors.

Remember that securing funding for your Concierge Service business may take time and effort, but with a well-prepared pitch and a clear vision for your business, you can attract the necessary resources to launch and grow your business successfully.

Legal Structuring

When starting a Concierge Service business, one of the crucial steps is choosing an appropriate legal structure for your business. The legal structure you select, whether it's an LLC, S-Corp, or Sole Proprietorship, will have a significant impact on various aspects of your business, including taxation, liability, and overall operations.

Here are some key considerations to keep in mind when choosing the legal structure for your Concierge Service:

Tip: Consult with a Legal Advisor

  • It is highly recommended to seek the advice of a legal professional when deciding on the legal structure for your Concierge Service business. They can provide valuable insights based on your specific circumstances and goals.
  • A legal advisor can help you understand the implications of each legal structure in terms of taxation, liability protection, and compliance requirements.
  • By working with a legal expert, you can ensure that your business is set up in a way that aligns with your long-term objectives and minimizes potential risks.

Choosing the right legal structure is essential for setting a solid foundation for your Concierge Service business. Take the time to research and consult with professionals to make an informed decision that will serve your business well in the years to come.

Permits And Licenses

Obtaining all necessary permits and licenses is a critical step in starting your Concierge Service business. This process ensures that you are legally allowed to operate your business and provide services to your clients.

Business Licenses: Before you can start offering your concierge services, you will need to obtain a business license from your local government. This license allows you to legally operate your business within the designated area.

Tax Registrations: Registering your business for taxes is another important step. You will need to obtain a tax identification number and register for sales tax if applicable. This ensures that your business is compliant with all tax regulations.

Special Permits: Depending on the specific services you plan to offer, you may need to obtain special permits related to hospitality and travel coordination. For example, if you plan to assist clients with booking travel arrangements, you may need a travel agency license.

Tips for obtaining permits and licenses:

  • Research the specific permits and licenses required for concierge services in your locale.
  • Consult with a legal advisor to ensure you are compliant with all regulations.
  • Keep all permits and licenses up to date to avoid any legal issues in the future.

Branding And Marketing

Developing a strong brand identity for your Concierge Service business is essential to stand out in a competitive market. Your brand identity should include a memorable business name, a visually appealing logo, and cohesive marketing materials that reflect the values and services of your business.

When creating your business name, make sure it is easy to remember, reflects the services you offer, and is available for trademark registration. Your Concierge Service name should convey professionalism, reliability, and trustworthiness to potential clients.

Next, design a logo that visually represents your brand and helps establish a connection with your target audience. Your logo should be versatile enough to be used across different marketing materials and platforms. Consider hiring a professional designer to create a unique and eye-catching logo for your Concierge Service .

Once you have established your brand identity, it's time to focus on marketing your Concierge Service to your target audience. Implementing an effective marketing strategy that combines both digital and traditional channels is crucial for reaching potential clients and building brand awareness.

Tips for Branding and Marketing Your Concierge Service:

  • Identify your target audience and tailor your marketing efforts to resonate with their needs and preferences.
  • Utilize a mix of digital marketing tactics such as social media advertising, email marketing, and search engine optimization to reach a larger audience online.
  • Don't underestimate the power of traditional marketing methods such as print advertising, networking events, and local partnerships to promote your Concierge Service in your community.

Remember to consistently monitor the success of your marketing efforts and adjust your strategy as needed to maximize your reach and engagement with potential clients. Building a strong brand identity and implementing an effective marketing strategy will help position your Concierge Service for success in the market.

Website And Tech

Building a professional website and considering the development of an app can greatly benefit your Concierge Service business. A well-designed website acts as the online storefront for your services, while an app can make booking and managing services more convenient for your customers. It is important to ensure that the technology stack you choose handles user data securely and enhances the overall customer experience.

When it comes to building your website, focus on creating a user-friendly interface that showcases the range of services your Concierge Service offers. Make sure that the website is responsive and optimized for mobile devices, as many customers may prefer to access your services on the go.

Tips for Website Development:

  • Include clear calls-to-action to encourage visitors to book your services.
  • Utilize high-quality images and engaging content to capture the attention of potential customers.
  • Consider implementing an online booking system to streamline the reservation process.

Developing an app for your Concierge Service can further improve the customer experience by providing a convenient platform for booking and managing services. Make sure to work with experienced app developers to create a user-friendly interface that aligns with your brand identity.

Additionally, focus on data security when developing your website and app. Ensure that all user data is encrypted and protected from potential cyber threats. Building trust with your customers by prioritizing the security of their information is crucial for the success of your Concierge Service business.

Launch And Operate

Organize a launch event to announce the Concierge Service officially to the public. This event can help generate buzz and attract potential clients. Make sure to highlight the unique services and benefits your Concierge Service offers.

Once the business is officially launched, it's time to begin operations. Have a clear process in place for handling bookings, customer relations, and service fulfillment. Consistency and quality are key to establishing a good reputation in the industry.

Regularly reviewing customer feedback is essential for understanding what is working well and where there is room for improvement. Analyzing feedback can help you make informed decisions to enhance the customer experience.

Tips for Launching and Operating a Concierge Service Business:

  • Create a strong online presence through social media channels and a user-friendly website to attract potential clients.
  • Offer special promotions or discounts to incentivize new customers to try out your services.
  • Invest in training your staff to provide exceptional customer service and handle various requests efficiently.

Starting a concierge service business can be a rewarding venture with the right planning and execution. By following the 9 steps checklist outlined in this blog post, you can position your business for success in the competitive market. From conducting market research to securing funding and launching your services, each step is crucial for building a strong foundation for your business.

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  • Unleash Your Business Potential: Elevate Success with a Pitch Deck!
  • Effective Methods to Enhance Revenue for Concierge Services
  • What Are Nine Strategies To Effectively Promote And Advertise A Concierge Service Business?
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  • Strategies To Increase Your Concierge Service Sales & Profitability
  • What Are The Best Nine Strategies For Scaling And Growing A Concierge Service Business?
  • How To Sell Concierge Service Business in 9 Steps: Checklist
  • Key Startup Costs For A Concierge Service
  • What Are The Key Factors For Success In A Concierge Service Business?
  • Evaluating Concierge Service Businesses
  • How to Access Concierge Services Without Spending a Dime
  • How to Craft a Business Plan for a Concierge Service That Stands Out
  • Remember to continuously assess and adapt your business strategies based on customer feedback and market trends.
  • Building a strong brand identity and effective marketing strategy will help you stand out in the industry and attract your target audience.
  • By providing personalized assistance and exceptional service, you can establish a loyal customer base and grow your concierge service business over time.

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What Is Concierge Service? – Meaning & Business Models


Do you ever wake up and feel like there should be someone to do your errands while you sit back and relax? To plan your entire holiday or a date, instead of you sitting in front of the computer screen for hours? Do you want an expert to be your personal assistant or your lifestyle manager?

Well, there are companies which provide such services. Their employees will do anything for you as long as it’s legal, moral and ethical.

Welcome to the era where concierge services have become a big and really profitable business model .

What Is A Concierge?

Some say that the word ‘concierge’ is derived from the Latin word ‘conservus’, which translates to ‘fellow slave’, while some say that it has evolved from the French ‘comte des cierges’, which means ‘the keeper of the candles’, which was essentially the main duty of concierges during the Middle Ages. Nonetheless, concierges’ meaning and duties have changed over time. They now perform almost every task for top-level managers, VIP customers of banks and hotels, superstars, or anyone who has enough money to outsource their work to them.

So, what is a concierge?

A concierge is an individual or company specialising in personal assistance or any other assistance services like household management, lifestyle management, transportation, travel and vacation planning, etc., and provides personalised services to its clients (usually high-net-worth clients) at a variable price.

The idea is to save the client’s time by performing their routine or specialised tasks.

The Concierge Services Business Model

Concierge services are a fairly recent addition to the luxury industry, all thanks to the constantly changing business environment , technological advancement, and the long working hours of the working professionals. Such limitations have resulted in a lack of time in the life of the people. They now wish for either more time or someone who can do the work for them while they free their time for the things that matter. The concierge services business model capitalises on this need.

Earlier, concierges used to be restricted to hotels or luxury apartment buildings and assisted guests by making restaurant reservations, arranging spa services, recommending places to visit, booking transportation, etc. But now, these individuals and companies have moved ahead and specialised in many tasks ranging from lining up tickets for concerts or special events, planning a holiday trip, doing the shopping errands, restaurant recommendations and reservations, etc.

The business models of different concierge service providers differ in the types of service provided and to whom it is provided. Some concierges help employers maintain good employer-employee relations, some deal in handling customer grievances, some concierges provide personal travel planning services, while some provide all these services by acting as personal assistants or lifestyle managers.

Here are few concierge services business models that are prevalent today:

Concierge Medicine

Concierge medicine (also called boutique medicine, retainer-fee practice, direct care, and membership medicine) is a prevalent concept where the customer pays a flat/annual fee or a retainer in exchange of enhanced personalised care and better access to their doctors.

The concept was started in 1996 when a doctor from Seattle decided to ask his patients to pay an annual fee or a retainer in exchange for highly attentive medicine. The practice became famous in a short while and was accepted by a lot of doctors from all over the world.

The concierge medicine business model is a win-win model for both the doctors and the patients as the doctor doesn’t have to manage a huge number of patients to make their ends meet, and the patients get timely and personalised care and treatment from their doctor.

The retainer fee of such service range from few hundred dollars to tens of thousands of dollars per year. This may or may not be in addition to other charges and may or may not be covered by health insurance policies .

Lifestyle Management / Personal Concierge

Lifestyle management is a specialised service where the client outsources his personal tasks like daily errands management, pet sitting, house sitting, reservations, special events management, shopping etc. to a commercial firm or a professional.

These concierge brands  use their expertise to save time and provide exceptionally personalised luxurious service to their high-net-worthed clients.

Hotel Concierge

The hotel concierge is one of the oldest and most prevalent concierge services provided to VIP and high-net-worth clients. These concierges provide services like making recommending and making restaurant reservations, arranging spa services, booking transportation, procuring tickets for special events, attending and assisting client’s guests etc.

Travel Concierge

The increasing popularity and affordability of travelling around the world have led to an addition of a new business model in the concierge industry: the travel concierge (or the trip concierge). The firms providing such services excel in travel planning and stand out by providing real-time information and 24×7 VIP support to their clients.

These companies know everything about the legal, social and cultural aspects of travelling in other countries and reserve/book everything beforehand for a seamless travel experience.

The Future Of Concierge Services

Mobile devices and the internet have changed the way concierges work. Today, a person residing in New York can ask his personal assistant residing in India to plan his trip to Egypt. All this can be done seamlessly with just one text message.

The industry is also not untapped and under-marketed anymore. The developed technology has included AI to concierges, which has led to this industry opening gates to medium-level income clients.

Google Assistant has all the plans to become your personal concierge. Assist is a famous automated assistant for messaging and voice. Haptik is building conversational AI for the world. Even Amazon has capitalised on this new trend with the introduction of Alexa .

With the new rise in the demand and supply of concierge services, the future of concierge services looks to be very good.

Go On, Tell Us What You Think!

Did we miss something?  Come on! Tell us what you think of our article on Concierge services business model  in the comments section.

Aashish Pahwa

A startup consultant, digital marketer, traveller, and philomath. Aashish has worked with over 20 startups and successfully helped them ideate, raise money, and succeed. When not working, he can be found hiking, camping, and stargazing.

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Concierge Service Business Plan

Published Dec.22, 2022

Updated Sep.14, 2024

By: Jakub Babkins

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Concierge Service Business Plan

Table of Content

Concierge Service Business Plan For Starting Your Own Company

The purpose of this business plan is to outline the formation of a concierge service business. The concierge service helps clients take care of their everyday tasks by providing various services.  This plan provides a roadmap for the business’s growth from start-up through maturity. The business plan includes the company’s goals, competitive analysis, financial projections, and marketing strategy.

The purpose of business plans for concierge services is to secure financing for the start-up of a concierge service business. This business plan works best for senior daycare business plans too.

senior concierge services

2. Executive Summary

The business.

The purpose of this business plan is to provide a comprehensive overview of the Concierge Service business, its operations, and its potential for success. The company, Frail Care Concierge , will provide an array of services to corporate and individual clients, from personal errands to corporate travel assistance. The owner of the concierge service business has a vast knowledge of how to make a concierge service business plan.

The goal is to become the premier concierge service provider in the city. To achieve this, the company will focus on providing exceptional levels of customer service while also striving to remain competitive with our pricing. The company will also ensure that our team is well-trained and knowledgeable about our services.

Business Target

As a concierge service company, the company anticipates generating revenue by providing personalized concierge services to individuals, families, and businesses. The aim of this sample business plan for personal concierge service is to help with negotiating contracts, advertising, PR, and budgeting.

Our goal is to provide a range of services to clients in order to make their lives easier. The services offered will include errand running, grocery shopping, home organization, event planning, and more. Additionally, the window cleaning business plan will provide window cleaning and house cleaning services.

Concierge Service Business Plan - Business Target

3. Company Summary

Company owner.

Dave Parker is the owner of Frail Care Concierge. He is highly experienced and qualified professional in the concierge industry. He has more than 20 years of experience in concierge management and has gained extensive knowledge in the areas of customer service, concierge management, marketing, sales, and operations.

Why The Concierge Service Is Being Started

The Dave Parker had over 20 years of expertise as a concierge manager, in addition to experience in other sectors of this industry. Having extensive experience in the industry made him start the business and make this personal concierge services business plan.

How The Concierge Service Will Be Started

The senior concierge service business plan financial experts helped the owner make this business plan which aims to enhance the business so that every individual can benefit from it.

These ready-made business plans for concierge services contain the operational plan involving hiring the initial staff, including a manager, an assistant, and a customer service representative.

The Concierge Service business will be started with a minimal amount of capital. This will be used to purchase the necessary tools and equipment needed to start the business, such as computers, furniture, and office supplies.

With the help of financial experts, the concierge company owner estimates startup costs, including assets, investments, loans, and expenses.

Concierge Service Business Plan - Startup Cost

As part of the start-up requirements for a Frail Care concierge service, the following information is provided: total startup expenses, total assets, total start-up funding, total funding requirements, total assets, total liabilities, total planned investment, total capital, total liabilities, and total funding.

Research and Development$10,000
Expensed Equipment$35,000
Start-up Assets$253,000
Cash Required$183,000
Start-up Inventory$35,000
Other Current Assets$238,000
Long-term Assets$243,600
Start-up Expenses to Fund$240,800
Start-up Assets to Fund$952,600
Non-cash Assets from Start-up$1,240,600
Cash Requirements from Start-up$289,500
Additional Cash Raised$48,000
Cash Balance on Starting Date$36,000
Liabilities and Capital 
Current Borrowing$0
Long-term Liabilities$0
Accounts Payable (Outstanding Bills)$27,200
Other Current Liabilities (interest-free)$0
Planned Investment$1,193,400
Investor 1$0
Investor 2$0
Additional Investment Requirement$0
Loss at Start-up (Start-up Expenses)$373,500

4. Services of Concierge Service

The purpose of the business plan for a concierge service company is to raise capital and attract potential partners, as well as to provide stakeholders with an overview of the company’s goals, strategies, and financial projections, the services of the concierge service business include:

  • Provide personalized concierge services to clients, including errand running, shopping, appointment setting, scheduling, and event planning.
  • Create and manage a database of reliable and trusted service providers, such as cleaners, caterers, and chauffeurs.
  • Provide research and recommendations on local attractions, restaurants, and other service.
  • The carpet cleaning business plan provides services for carpet cleaning.
  • Providing services to the dating concierge service business plan includes helping the clients create a profile, finding and vetting potential matches, providing feedback on the best matches, providing date ideas, arranging dates, providing post-date feedback, and providing relationship advice.
  • The handyman business plan provides services such as lawn care, pressure washing, gutter cleaning, and snow removal.
  • Arrange transportation and accommodation for clients.
  • Vet potential service providers and negotiate the best rates for clients.
  • Use online technology and platforms to manage client requests and bookings.
  • Develop and implement promotional strategies to increase visibility and reach among target audiences.
  • Provide customers with a 24/7 support system to ensure satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Monitor customer feedback and use it to improve services.
  • Monitor industry trends and devise strategies to remain competitive.
  • Track performance metrics, such as customer satisfaction ratings and response times.

5. Marketing Analysis

One of the most important components of concierge service business plan templates is the marketing analysis it provides. The concierge service market is a highly competitive and dynamic one. As such, it is important for entrepreneurs to understand the market’s key elements and develop a marketing strategy that considers the trends, opportunities, and threats present in the market.

Market Trends

The main trends in the concierge service market are the changing consumer preferences, the rise of technology, and the increasing demand for convenience. Consumers are increasingly shifting from traditional services to more technological solutions, such as using apps to manage their concierge service needs. In addition, consumers are increasingly demanding more convenience, making the concierge service market highly competitive.

Marketing Segmentation

The business plan for personal concierge service market segmentation It includes individuals, corporate clients such as companies that require assistance with executive travel arrangements, private clients who need assistance with errands, travel arrangements, personal event planning, and specialty clients such as parents looking for child care assistance, seniors who need elderly care assistance, and others.

Concierge Service Business Plan - Market Segmentation

This is the business plan for investors who want to start a concierge service business, and it targets individuals and corporations. For the concierge service business, the company targets individuals and businesses who need help with their daily activities, as well as those who are seeking professional and personal support. The Frail Care Concierge Company’s services are intended for individuals and businesses from all sectors, such as corporate executives, entrepreneurs, students, families, and others who need assistance.

Product Pricing

The pricing for our concierge services will be based on the service requested. The company will provide a range of services, from basic errand running to more complex tasks, such as event planning and travel arrangements. For each service, the company will offer a base rate, with additional fees for any additional tasks or services requested.

6. Marketing Strategy Of Concierge Service

Competitive analysis.

The concierge service market is highly competitive, with many providers offering similar services. These companies are focusing on expanding their service offerings and launching new services, innovative products, and digital solutions. They are also focusing on strategic collaborations and partnerships to increase their market presence and strengthen their market reputation.

Sales Strategy

In starting a concierge errand business, revenue and profit are the primary objectives. The company will promote our concierge service through a combination of online, print, and word-of-mouth strategies. This will include creating a website and social media profiles, placing ads in local publications, and attending relevant events to spread the word.

Sales Monthly

The luxury concierge business plan focuses on building relationships with other businesses, such as hotels, restaurants, and transportation services, to create a network of partners that can refer customers to the concierge service.

The business generates revenue by selling services to the clients, including errand running, shopping, appointment setting, scheduling, and event planning. According to the experts, the following sales will occur each month, based on the opinions of the experts.

Concierge Service Business Plan - Sales Monthly

Sales Yearly

The concierge service company earns revenue by providing various services. Based on the experts’ estimates, the following sales are anticipated yearly.

Concierge Service Business Plan - Sales Yearly

Sales Forecast

There is an expectation of a relatively consistent level of sales for the concierge service company. A steady stream of revenue is expected rather than sharp fluctuations. The following forecasts the sales:

Concierge Service Business Plan - Sales Forecast

Unit Sales
Unit PricesYear 1Year 2Year 3
Direct Unit CostsYear 1Year 2Year 3
Direct Cost of Sales   

7. Personnel Plan Of Concierge Service

Company staff.

Professional staff will be hired by the owner to assist in starting a concierge service company. Employees will be needed to operate the Company:

The management staff includes;

  • General Manager
  • Operation Manager
  • Human Resources Manager

The operational team includes;

  • Front Desk Coordinator
  • Concierge Attendants
  • Security Guards
  • Housekeeping Staff

Other Staff includes;

  • Administrative Assistant
  • IT Technician
  • Receptionist
  • Cleaning Staff

Average Salary of Employees

Average salaries of concierge service employees varies according to the company’s location, size, and services. Concierge services generally pay between $25,000 and $100,000 per year.

8. Financial Plan For Concierge Service

In collaboration with financial experts, Dave Parker assessed the company’s finances and developed a strategy for how to start concierge service. To outline the company’s development, they develop financial plans for three years in advance.

Important Assumptions

In order to calculate the financial plan for the concierge service company:

Plan Month123
Current Interest Rate9.25%9.36%9.40%
Long-term Interest Rate7.38%7.41%7.44%
Tax Rate27.01%26.06%24.09%

However, deviations are expected to be limited to levels that do not impact the company’s major financial strategies.

Brake-even Analysis

The following is a breakdown of the concierge company’s fixed and variable costs:

Concierge Service Business Plan - Brake-even Analysis

An analysis of monthly break-evens is shown in the following table

Monthly Units Break-even4566
Monthly Revenue Break-even$122,850
Average Per-Unit Revenue$223.00
Average Per-Unit Variable Cost$0.68
Estimated Monthly Fixed Cost$169,200

Projected Profit and Loss

The following is the projected profit and loss for a concierge service company.

Sales and Marketing and Other Expenses$123,000$126,000$128,000
Leased Equipment$0$0$0
Payroll Taxes$24,000$25,000$26,000
Profit Before Interest and Taxes$531,300$1,194,768$2,499,951
Interest Expense$0$0$0
Taxes Incurred$106,260$238,954$499,990
Net Profit$425,040$955,814$1,999,961
Net Profit/Sales5.19%9.49%16.14%

Profit Monthly

Concierge Service Business Plan - Profit Monthly

Profit Yearly

Concierge Service Business Plan - Profit Yearly

Gross Margin Monthly

Concierge Service Business Plan - Gross Margin Monthly

Gross Margin Yearly

Concierge Service Business Plan - Gross Margin Yearly

Projected Cash Flow

Cash flow projections are shown in the following column diagram.

Concierge Service Business Plan - Projected Cash Flow

Detailed information about pro forma cash flow is shown in the following table. It includes subtotal cash from operations; subtotal cash received, subtotal operational expenditures, and general assumptions.

Cash Received
Cash from Operations   
Cash Sales$54,600$58,968$63,685
Cash from Receivables$23,600$25,488$27,527
Additional Cash Received   
Sales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Received$0$0$0
New Current Borrowing$0$0$0
New Other Liabilities (interest-free)$0$0$0
New Long-term Liabilities$0$0$0
Sales of Other Current Assets$0$0$0
Sales of Long-term Assets$0$0$0
New Investment Received$0$0$0
ExpendituresYear 1Year 2Year 3
Expenditures from Operations  
Cash Spending$37,500$38,500$40,500
Bill Payments$24,500$27,500$28,500
Additional Cash Spent   
Sales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Paid Out$0$0$0
Principal Repayment of Current Borrowing$0$0$0
Other Liabilities Principal Repayment$0$0$0
Long-term Liabilities Principal Repayment$0$0$0
Purchase Other Current Assets$0$0$0
Purchase Long-term Assets$0$0$0
Net Cash Flow$21,500$23,500$24,500
Cash Balance$27,500$29,500$31,500

Projected Balance Sheet

Below is a projected balance sheet that shows data about the pro forma balance sheet, total current assets, total long-term assets, total assets, current subtotal liabilities, total liabilities, total capital, and total liabilities.

Current Assets   
Accounts Receivable$25,500$28,560$32,101
Other Current Assets$2,500$2,500$2,500
Long-term Assets   
Long-term Assets$9,000$9,000$9,000
Accumulated Depreciation$19,300$21,616$24,318
Liabilities and CapitalYear 4Year 5Year 6
Current Liabilities   
Accounts Payable$18,500$20,720$23,289
Current Borrowing$0$0$0
Other Current Liabilities$0$0$0
Long-term Liabilities$0$0$0
Paid-in Capital$20,500$29,215$38,627
Retained Earnings$34,500$37,605$41,366
Net Worth$298,000$324,820$357,302

Business Ratios

Here is a table showing business ratios, ratio analysis, and total assets.

  • How much does it cost to start a concierge business? The cost of starting a concierge business varies significantly depending on the type and size of the business. You may have to pay licensing, insurance, marketing, equipment, and staffing costs. Also, you may need to pay for services such as bookkeeping, web hosting, and other operational costs. Starting a concierge business can cost anywhere from a few thousand dollars to several thousand dollars.
  • Do I need a license to start a concierge business? Yes. Depending on the state you are in, you may need a business license, permits, or other licenses to start a concierge business. Additionally, you may need to be certified or trained in certain areas, such as first aid or CPR. It is important to research the requirements in your area before starting a concierge business.

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Personal Concierge Business Plan [Sample Template]

By: Author Tony Martins Ajaero

Home » Business Plans » B2C Sector

Are you about starting a concierge service? If YES, here is a complete sample personal concierge business plan template & feasibility report you can use for FREE.

The Concierge service is a business indeed to start. This is one business that makes you versatile. What is more, you are sure to make loads of profit when you delve into this type of trade. In the united states of America, there are a good number of people who have delved into this industry and the truth remains that they are doing really well in it.

A Sample Personal Concierge Service Business Plan Template

1. industry overview.

The Business Concierge Services industry is known for providing on-demand services for clients that ranges from business executives to employees and individuals.

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Players in this industry offer a wide variety of services such as running errands, conducting grocery and personal shopping, making travel and restaurant reservations, and home management services et al. The services may be provided in-person or remotely via telecommunications.

For instance, in hotels or resorts, a concierge company assists guests by performing various tasks such as making restaurant reservations, booking hotels, arranging for spa services, recommending nightlife hot spots, booking transportation (like taxi, limousines, airplanes, boats, etc.), coordinating porter service (luggage assistance request), procuring of tickets to special events, and assisting with various travel arrangements and tours of local attractions.

Concierge also assists with sending and receiving parcels. In hospitals, concierge service services are becoming increasingly available. A hospital concierge provides services similar to those of a hotel concierge, but serves patients and employees as well.

This helps hospital staff members who work long shifts, and helps to provide work-life balance. There are loads of independent personal concierge services companies that provide errand services and information services for their clients / members.

They are known to provide services such as informational requests, setting dinner reservations, making telephone calls, researching travel arrangements and other related services.

Usually, concierge services companies will bill on an hourly rate and depending on the type of task, service charges can fluctuate drastically. Other companies bill a flat monthly fee based on the number of requests a member or client as the case may be is allowed to place each month.

For instance, in the united kingdom, since the year 2000 and as of 2010, concierge services has become a key marketing and loyalty tool in the banking sector and offered as a benefit on luxury credit cards and entertainment. This type of service offering is also known as lifestyle management.

The Business Concierge Services industry is indeed a growing industry and pretty much active in the United States and other developed countries. Statistics has it that in the United States of America alone, there are about 790registered companies in this industry, employing about 2,828 and the industry rakes in a whooping sum of $271 million annually.

The industry is projected to continue to grow at a 2.6 percent rate. It is important to state that there is no company with a dominant market share in the industry. There are loads of players in this industry simply because the entry barriers for the Business Concierge Services industry are low.

As a matter of fact, the required startup costs for new organization can be as low as the cost of acquiring a computer / laptop and internet device and the can successfully swing into full – time operations without the need of employees, significant capital expenses or even an office facility.

Over and above, The Business Concierge Services industry is very open to any aspiring entrepreneur who has the required skills to start his or her own concierge services business and of course make good money from the industry. As a matter of fact, it was projected that over the next five years, new technology will continue to emerge that will make it easier for more players to come into the industry hence increasing the competition in the industry.

2. Executive Summary

Peak Performer™ Concierge Services, LLC is a registered and standard business concierge services company that will be based in Baltimore – Maryland, United States of America, but operate all over the United States. We have been able to secure a standard and well – positioned office facility in a busy business district in Baltimore, the largest city in Maryland where we intend coordinating all our concierge activities from.

We are a business concierge service company that is set to compete in the highly competitive Business Concierge Services industry not only in the United States market, but also in the global market.

Peak Performer™ Concierge Services, LLC will be involved in business concierge services such as arranging travel, tours and hotel reservation, arranging for spa services, shopping (conducting grocery and personal shopping), providing courier functions, providing small event and party planning, providing home management services, arranging dining and entertainment and fulfilling other tasks associated with a business trip (booking transportation like taxi, limousines, airplanes, boats, etc., recommending nightlife hot spots, and coordinating porter service (luggage assistance request) et al).

Our business goal is to become one of the leading business concierge services company in the United States and we will make sure that every outsource jobs that we handle for our clients favorable compete with the best in the industry.

Our workers are going to be selected from a pool of talented and highly creative professionals with various skills as it relates to the services we offer in and around Baltimore and also from any part of the United States of America.

We will make sure that we take all our workers through the required trainings that will position them to meet the expectation of the company and to compete favorably with leading business concierge services companies in the United States and throughout the globe.

At Peak Performer™ Concierge Services, LLC, our client’s best interest come first, and everything we do will be guided by our values and professional ethics. We will ensure that we hold ourselves accountable to the highest standards by meeting our client’s needs precisely and completely.

We will cultivate a working environment that provides a human, sustainable approach to earning a living, and living in our world, for our partners, freelance workers and for our clients.

Peak Performer™ Concierge Services, LLC is founded by Larry Clinton and his friend and business partner for many years Ken Bradford. They have a combine qualification and experience that will position them to perform excellently well in the Business Concierge Services Industry.

Both of them are proud members of International Concierge and Lifestyle Management Association (ICLMA) and the National Concierge Association.

3. Our Products and Services

We are poised to give our clients the very best in services and that is why we shall leave no room for laxity as we work hard to bring the very best to our customers. Peak Performer™ Concierge Services, LLC is established with the aim of maximizing profits in The Business Concierge Services industry.

We want to compete favorably with the leading business concierge services companies in the United States which is why we have but in place a competent quality assurance team that will ensure that all our services meet and even surpass our customers’ expectations.

We will work hard to ensure that Peak Performer™ Concierge Services, LLC is not just accepted in Baltimore – Maryland, but also throughout the United States of America. Our service offerings are listed below;

  • Arranging travel, tours and hotel reservation
  • Arranging for spa services
  • Shopping (conducting grocery and personal shopping)
  • Providing courier functions
  • Providing small event and party planning
  • Providing home management services
  • Arranging dining and entertainment
  • Fulfilling other tasks associated with a business trip (booking transportation like taxi, limousines, airplanes, boats, etc), recommending nightlife hot spots, and coordinating porter service (luggage assistance request) et al)

4. Our Mission and Vision Statement

  • Our vision is to establish a standard business concierge services company whose services and brand will not only be accepted in Baltimore – Maryland, but also throughout the United States of America.
  • Our mission is to provide professional and highly creative business concierge services that will assist businesses, individuals and busy corporate executives in achieving their business and personal goals and also to achieve work – life balance.
  • We want to build a business concierge services company that can favorably compete with other leading brands in the industry.

Our Business Structure

Peak Performer™ Concierge Services, LLC, is a business concierge services company that will be launched in Baltimore, but hope to grow big and secure outsourced jobs from big corporations and top corporate executives from all over the United States of America.

We are aware of the importance of building a solid business structure that can support the picture of the kind of world class business we want to own. This is why we are committed to only hire the best hands (freelancers and back office staff) within our area of operations.

At Peak Performer™ Concierge Services, LLC, we will ensure that we hire people that are qualified, hardworking, creative, customer centric and are ready to work to help us build a prosperous business that will benefit all the stakeholders (the owners, workforce, and customers).

As a matter of fact, profit-sharing arrangement will be made available to all our senior management staff and it will be based on their performance for a period of five years or more as agreed by the board of trustees of the company. In view of the above, we have decided to hire qualified and competent hands to occupy the following positions;

  • Chief Executive Officer
  • Operation Manager
  • Human Resources and Admin Manager
  • Sales and Marketing Executive
  • Business Concierge Service Providers

Client Service Executive

5. Job Roles and Responsibilities

Chief Executive Officer – CEO:

  • Increases management’s effectiveness by recruiting, selecting, orienting, training, coaching, counseling, and disciplining managers; communicating values, strategies, and objectives; assigning accountabilities; planning, monitoring, and appraising job results; developing incentives; developing a climate for offering information and opinions; providing educational opportunities.
  • Responsible for providing direction for the business
  • Creates, communicates, and implements the organization’s vision, mission, and overall direction – i.e. leading the development and implementation of the overall organization’s strategy.
  • Responsible for signing checks and documents on behalf of the company
  • Evaluates the success of the organization

Operation Manager:

  • Serve as project manager of the organization; works directly with employees on the field
  • Develops strategic plan by studying technological and financial opportunities; presenting assumptions; recommending objectives.
  • Accomplishes subsidiary objectives by establishing plans, budgets, and results measurements; allocating resources; reviewing progress; making mid-course corrections.
  • Coordinates efforts by establishing procurement, production, marketing, field, and technical services policies and practices; coordinating actions with corporate staff.
  • Builds company image by collaborating with customers, government, community organizations, and employees; enforcing ethical business practices.
  • Maintains quality service by establishing and enforcing organization standards.
  • Maintains professional and technical knowledge by attending educational workshops; reviews professional publications; establishes personal networks; benchmarks state-of-the-art practices; participates in professional societies.
  • Makes certain that production and development department perform efficiently, coordinate employee efforts, and facilitate communications between management and graphic designer
  • Ensures that the organization work in line with international best practices.

Admin and HR Manager

  • Responsible for overseeing the smooth running of HR and administrative tasks for the organization
  • Design job descriptions with KPI to drive performance management for clients
  • Regularly hold meetings with key stakeholders to review the effectiveness of HR Policies, Procedures and Processes
  • Maintains office supplies by checking stocks; placing and expediting orders; evaluating new products.
  • Ensures operation of equipment by completing preventive maintenance requirements; calling for repairs.
  • Defines job positions for recruitment and managing interviewing process
  • Carries out staff induction for new team members
  • Responsible for training, evaluation and assessment of employees
  • Responsible for arranging travel, meetings and appointments
  • Updates job knowledge by participating in educational opportunities; reading professional publications; maintaining personal networks; participating in professional organizations.
  • Oversees the smooth running of the daily office activities.

Sales and Marketing Manager

  • Manage external research and coordinate all the internal sources of information to retain the organizations’ best customers and attract new ones
  • Models demographic information and analyze the volumes of transactional data generated by customer
  • Identifies development opportunities; follows up on development leads and contacts; participates in the structuring and financing of projects; assures the completion of development projects.
  • Writes winning proposal documents, negotiate fees and rates in line with organizations’ policy
  • Responsible for handling business research, market surveys and feasibility studies for clients
  • Responsible for supervising implementation, advocate for the customer’s needs, and communicate with clients
  • Develops, executes and evaluates new plans for expanding increase sales
  • Creates new markets cum businesses for the organization
  • Empowers and motivates the sales team to meet and surpass agreed targets

Accountant / Cashier:

  • Responsible for preparing financial reports, budgets, and financial statements for the organization
  • Provides managements with financial analyses, development budgets, and accounting reports; analyzes financial feasibility for the most complex proposed projects; conducts market research to forecast trends and business conditions.
  • Responsible for financial forecasting and risks analysis.
  • Performs cash management, general ledger accounting, and financial reporting for one or more properties.
  • Responsible for developing and managing financial systems and policies
  • Responsible for administering payrolls
  • Ensuring compliance with taxation legislation
  • Handles all financial transactions for Peak Performer™ Concierge Services, LLC
  • Serves as internal auditor for Peak Performer™ Concierge Services, LLC.

Concierge Services Providers

  • Arranges travel, tours and hotel reservation
  • Arranges for spa services
  • Shops (conducting grocery and personal shopping)
  • Provides courier functions
  • Provides small event and party planning
  • Provides home management services
  • Arranges dining and entertainment
  • Fulfils other tasks associated with a business trip (booking transportation like taxi, limousines, airplanes, boats, etc), recommending night life hot spots, and coordinating porter service (luggage assistance request) et al)
  • Welcome clients by greeting them in person or on the telephone; answering or directing inquiries.
  • Ensures that all contacts with clients (e-mail, walk-In center, SMS or phone) provides the client with a personalized customer service experience of the highest level
  • Through interaction with clients on the phone, uses every opportunity to build client’s interest in the company’s products and services
  • Manages administrative duties assigned by the chief executive office in an effective and timely manner
  • Consistently stays abreast of any new information on the organizations’ products, promotional campaigns etc. to ensure accurate and helpful information is supplied to clients when they make enquiries

6. SWOT Analysis

We do not want to leave room for doubt in operating our business; that is why we have given our timer and resources to identifying our strengths and weaknesses.

Peak Performer™ Concierge Services, LLC engaged the services of a core professional in the area of business consulting and structuring to assist our organization in building a well – structured business concierge services business that can favorably compete in the highly competitive Business Concierge Services industry in the United States and the world at large.

Part of what the team of business consultant did was to work with the management of our organization in conducting a SWOT analysis for Peak Performer™ Concierge Services, LLC. Here is a summary from the result of the SWOT analysis that was conducted on behalf of Peak Performer™ Concierge Services, LLC;

Our core strength lies in the power of our team; our field staff and back office workforce. We have a team of creative and highly proficient people with excellent qualifications and experience in various niche areas in the Business Concierge Services industry.

Aside from the synergy that exist in our carefully selected field staff and back office staff, our services will be guided by best practices in the industry.

As a new business concierge services company, it might take some time for our organization to break into the market and gain acceptance especially from top profile clients in the fast growing and highly competitive Business Concierge Services industry; that is perhaps our major weakness. Another weakness is that we may not have the required cash to promote our business the way we would want to.

  • Opportunities:

No doubt, the opportunities in the Concierge Services industry is massive considering the number of individuals (busy corporate executives) and corporate organizations whose businesses and lifestyle depends on the services of concierge service providers and those who would want to achieve work – life balance.

As a business concierge services company, we are ready to take advantage of any opportunity that is available in the industry.

Every business faces a threat or challenge at any part of the life cycle of the business. These threats can be external or internal. This shows the importance of a business plan, because most threats or challenges are to be anticipated and plans put in place to cushion what effect they might bring to the business.

Some of the threats that we are likely going to face as a business concierge service company operating in the United States are unfavorable government policies, the arrival of a competitor within our location of operations and global economic downturn which usually affects spending / purchasing power.

There is hardly anything we could do as regards these threats other than to be optimistic that things will continue to work for our good.


  • Market Trends

The fact that operators in the Business Concierge Services industry conduct their clients’ professional and personal affairs, from handling dry cleaning and shopping to making travel arrangements makes it an interesting service related business to venture into.

During the recession, low corporate profit and low per capita disposable income discouraged households and companies from hiring concierges, though loads of concierge service providers entered the industry during the recession because of its low barriers to entry.

As the economy bounces back the demand for concierge services is expected to return to the industry, with solid revenue and enterprise growth over the next couple of years.

The fact that the Business Concierge Services industry is a service-based industry makes it easier to set – up. While products may include monthly or yearly subscriptions, mobile apps and online memberships, players in the industry thrive on the scope and niche of services they offer. Concierge services vary widely depending on the size of the concierge company, their location and price.

As a matter of fact, it was projected that over the next five years, new technology will continue to emerge that will make it easier for more players to come into the Business Concierge Services industry hence increasing the competition in the industry.

8. Our Target Market

No one breaks one without first streamlining their target market. Before starting our business concierge services company, we are certain that there is a wide range of both corporate and individual clients who cannot successfully run their businesses or lifestyle without outsourcing some of their operations to a third party service provider.

As a matter of fact, without concierge service providers, it will be pretty difficult for some top executives to attain peak performance and work – life balance. In view of that, we have created strategies that will enable us reach out to various corporate organizations and individual who we know can’t afford to do without our services.

We have conducted our market research and survey and we will ensure that the services we offer well accepted in the market place. Below is a list of the people and organizations that we will specifically market our products and services to;

  • Busy top corporate executives
  • Busy businessmen and businesswomen
  • Tourists and frequent travelers
  • Banks, Insurance Companies and other related Financial Institutions
  • Blue Chips Companies
  • Corporate Organizations
  • Manufacturers and Distributors
  • Real Estate Owners, Developers, and Contractors
  • Research and Development Companies
  • Entrepreneurs and Start – Ups

Our Competitive Advantage

No doubt the competition in the Concierge Services industry is getting stiffer by the day, you have to be highly creative and come up with detailed services and concepts in order to survive in the industry. The Business Concierge Services industry is indeed a very prolific and at the same time a highly competitive industry. Clients will only hire your services if they know that they can get nothing but the best from you.

We are quite aware that to be highly competitive in the Business Concierge Services industry means that you are not only expected to be able to deliver consistent and highly creative jobs, but you must be able to meet set targets. No one would want to continue to hire your services if don’t always meet up with the target date of completion of projects.

Our competitive advantage lies in the power of our team and management; our workforce. We have a team of creative and highly proficient concierge service providers in various niche areas in the Business Concierge Services industry, a team with excellent qualifications and experience.

Aside from the synergy that exists in our carefully selected workforce, our fees and services will be guided by best practices in the industry.

Lastly, all our employees will be well taken care of, and their welfare package will be among the best within our category (startups concierge service provider businesses in the United States) in the industry. It will enable them to be more than willing to build the business with us and help deliver our set goals and achieve all our business aims and objectives.


  • Sources of Income

We like small businesses that have grown need to identify all our sources of income. This is very vital because it is the needful thing to do especially when whilst starting out in trade. 

Peak Performer™ Concierge Services, LLC is established with the aim of maximizing profits in the Business Concierge Services industry and we are going to go all the way to ensure that we do all it takes to meet and surpass the expectations of all our clients.Peak Performer™ Concierge Services, LLC will generate income by offering the following services;

10. Sales Forecast

One thing is certain; there would always be corporate organization and individual (especially busy top corporate executives) who would need the services of business concierge services companies.

We are well positioned to take on the available market in the Business Concierge Services industry and we are quite optimistic that we will meet our set target of generating enough income / profits from the first six month of operations and grow our business concierge services company to enviable heights.

We have been able to critically examine the business concierge market and we have analyzed our chances in the industry and we have been able to come up with the following sales forecast. The sales projection is based on information gathered on the field and some assumptions that are peculiar to similar startups.

Below is the sales projection for Peak Performer™ Concierge Services, LLC, it is based on the location of our business and of course the wide range of our services and target market;

  • First Fiscal Year-: $100,000
  • Second Fiscal Year-: $200,000
  • Third Fiscal Year-: $450,000

N.B : This projection is done based on what is obtainable in the industry and with the assumption that there won’t be any major economic meltdown and arrival of a competitor offering similar business concierge services like us. Please note that the above projection might be lower and at the same time it might be higher.

  • Marketing Strategy and Sales Strategy

We are mindful of the fact that there is and there will always be a stiffer competition in the Business Concierge Services industry, hence we have been able to hire some of the best marketing experts to handle our sales and marketing.

Our sales and marketing team will be recruited based on their vast experience in the Business Concierge Services industry and they will be trained on a regular basis so as to be well equipped to meet their targets and the overall business goal of Peak Performer™ Concierge Services, LLC.

Our goal is to grow Peak Performer™ Concierge Services, LLC to become one of the top 10 concierge service providers in the United States of America which is why we have mapped out strategy that will help us take advantage of the available market and grow to become a major force to reckon with not only in the United States of America but also in other parts of the world.

Do It Peak Performer™ Concierge Services, LLC is set to make use of the following marketing and sales strategies to attract clients;

  • Introduce our business concierge services company by sending introductory letters / emails alongside our brochure to corporate organizations, households, busy corporate executives and key stake holders.
  • Promptness in bidding for business concierge related contracts from the government and other cooperate organizations
  • Advertise our business in relevant business magazines, newspapers, TV stations, and radio station.
  • List our business on yellow pages ads (local directories)
  • Attend relevant international and local expos, seminars, and business fairs et al
  • Create different packages for different category of clients in order to work with their budgets and still deliver excellent services
  • Leverage on the internet to promote our business
  • Engage direct marketing approach
  • Encourage word of mouth marketing from loyal and satisfied clients

Publicity and Advertising Strategy

We have been able to work with our in house brand and publicity consultants to help us map out publicity and advertising strategies that will help us walk our way into the heart of our target market.

We are set to become the number one choice for both corporate clients and individual clients in the whole of the United States and beyond which is why we have made provisions for effective publicity and advertisement of our business concierge services company.

Below are the platforms we intend to leverage on to promote and advertise Peak Performer™ Concierge Services, LLC;

  • Place adverts on both print (newspapers and magazines) and electronic media platforms
  • Sponsor relevant community based events / programs
  • Leverage on the internet and social media platforms like; Instagram, Facebook , twitter, YouTube, Google + et al to promote our services
  • Install our Bill Boards on strategic locations all around Baltimore – Maryland and other key cities in the United States of America.
  • Distribute our fliers and handbills in target areas
  • Contact corporate organizations and busy corporate executives by calling them up (emailing them as well) and informing them of Peak Performer™ Concierge Services, LLC and the services we offer
  • List our business concierge services company in local directories / yellow pages
  • Advertise our business concierge services company in our official website and employ strategies that will help us pull traffic to the site.
  • Ensure that all our staff members wear our branded shirts and all our official vehicles are well branded with our company logo et al.

12. Our Pricing Strategy

Pricing our services is the right things to put in place from the very beginning. Usually, concierge services companies will bill on an hourly rate and depending on the type of task, service charges can fluctuate drastically. Other companies bill a flat monthly fee based on the number of requests a member or client as the case may be is allowed to place each month.

At Peak Performer™ Concierge Services, LLC we will adopt both the hourly billing rate and flat monthly fee. We will ensure that we keep the prices of our services below the average market rate for all of our customers by keeping our overhead low and by collecting payment in advance from corporate organizations who would hire our services. In addition, we will also offer special discounted rates to all our customers at regular intervals.

We are aware that there are some one off jobs or government contracts which are always lucrative; we will ensure that we abide by the pricing model that is expected from contractors or organizations that bid for such contracts.

  • Payment Options

At Peak Performer™ Concierge Services, LLC, our payment policy will be all inclusive because we are quite aware that different people prefer different payment options as it suits them. Here are the payment options that we will make available to our clients;

  • Payment via bank transfer
  • Payment via online bank transfer
  • Payment via check
  • Payment via bank draft
  • Payment via mobile money
  • Payment with cash

In view of the above, we have chosen banking platforms that will help us achieve our plans with little or no itches.

13. Startup Expenditure (Budget)

In setting up any business, the amount or cost will depend on the approach and scale you want to undertake and the nature if the business. If you intend to go big by renting a place, then you would need a good amount of capital as you would need to ensure that your employees are well taken care of, and that your facility is conducive enough for workers to be creative and productive.

This means that the start-up can either be low or high depending on your goals, vision and aspirations for your business. The materials and equipment that will be used are nearly the same cost everywhere, and any difference in prices would be minimal and can be overlooked.

As for the detailed cost analysis for starting a business concierge services company; it might differ in other countries due to the value of their money. However, this is what it would cost us to setup Peak Performer™ Concierge Services, LLC in the United of America;

  • Business incorporating fees in the United States of America will cost – $750.
  • The budget for Liability insurance, permits and license will cost – $3,500
  • Renting / leasing a small office space that will accommodate the number of employees for at least 6 months (Re – Construction of the facility inclusive) will cost – $150,000.
  • Equipping the office (computers, printers, projectors, markers, servers / internet facility, furniture, telephones, filing cabinets, and electronics) will cost – $10,000
  • Amount required to purchase the needed software applications – $ 3,500
  • Launching an official Website will cost – $500
  • Amount need to pay bills and staff members for at least 2 to 3 months – $70,000
  • Additional Expenditure such as Business cards, Signage, Adverts and Promotions will cost – $5,000

Going by the report from the market research and feasibility studies conducted, we will need about two hundred and fifty thousand (250,000) U.S. dollars to successfully set – up a medium scale but standard business concierge services company in the United States of America.

Please note that you can successfully launch this type of business from any part of the world in your bedroom with just a functional laptop, internet facility and the required software applications. But if you choose to build a business with structure, a business that does not revolve around one man or woman, then you should follow the above structure.

Generating Funding / Startup Capital for Peak Performer™ Concierge Services, LLC

Peak Performer™ Concierge Services, LLC is a business that will be owned by Larry Clinton and his friend and business partner for many years Ken Bradford. They are the sole financial of the business which is why they decided to restrict the sourcing of the start – up capital for the business to just three major sources.

These are the areas we intend generating our start – up capital;

  • Generate part of the start – up capital from personal savings and sale of his stocks
  • Generate part of the start – up capital from friends and other extended family members
  • Generate a larger chunk of the startup capital from the bank (loan facility).

N.B: We have been able to generate about $100,000 (Personal savings $85,000 and soft loan from family members $15,000) and we are at the final stages of obtaining a loan facility of $150,000 from our bank. All the papers and document has been duly signed and submitted, the loan has been approved and any moment from now our account will be credited.

14. Sustainability and Expansion Strategy

The future of a business lies in the numbers of loyal customers that they have the capacity and competence of the employees, their investment strategy and the business structure. If all of these factors are missing from a business (company), then it won’t be too long before the business close shop.

One of our major goals of starting Peak Performer™ Concierge Services, LLC is to build a business that will survive off its own cash flow without the need for injecting finance from external sources once the business is officially running. We know that one of the ways of gaining approval and winning customers over is to consistently offer excellent services at a very competitive price than what is obtainable in the industry.

Peak Performer™ Concierge Services, LLC will make sure that the right foundation, structures and processes are put in place to ensure that our staff welfare are well taken of. Our company’s corporate culture is designed to drive our business to greater heights and training and retraining of our workforce (freelance workers and back office staff members inclusive) is at the top burner.

As a matter of fact, profit-sharing arrangement will be made available to all our management staff and it will be based on their performance for a period of three years or more. We know that if that is put in place, we will be able to successfully hire and retain the best hands we can get in the industry; they will be more committed to help us build the business of our dreams.

Check List / Milestone

  • Business Name Availability Check:>Completed
  • Business Incorporation: Completed
  • Opening of Corporate Bank Accounts various banks in the United States: Completed
  • Opening Online Payment Platforms: Completed
  • Application and Obtaining Tax Payer’s ID: In Progress
  • Securing a small but standard office facility : Completed
  • Application for business license and permit: Completed
  • Purchase of All form of Insurance for the Business: Completed
  • Conducting Feasibility Studies: Completed
  • Generating part of the start – up capital from the founders: Completed
  • Writing of Business Plan: Completed
  • Drafting of Employee’s Handbook: Completed
  • Drafting of Contract Documents: In Progress
  • Design of Logo for the business: Completed
  • Secure trademark for our products: In Progress
  • Graphic Designs and Printing of Packaging Marketing / Promotional Materials: Completed
  • Recruitment of employees: In Progress
  • Purchase of the Needed furniture, office equipment, software applications, electronic appliances and facility facelift: In Progress
  • Creating Official Website for the business: In Progress
  • Creating Awareness for the business: In Progress
  • Health and Safety and Fire Safety Arrangement: In Progress
  • Establishing business relationship with vendors and key players in various industries: In Progress

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Concierge Service Business Plan Pdf Explained: Simple Concepts for Big Wins

Concierge Service Business Plan Pdf Explained: Simple Concepts for Big Wins

A Concierge Service Business Plan PDF outlines strategic steps to achieve success in luxury service markets. This document simplifies complex business concepts for entrepreneurs to gain competitive advantages.

Crafting a concise concierge service business plan is critical for entrepreneurs aiming for success in the premium service sector. This roadmap lays out the foundation for delivering personalized services that cater to the unique needs of affluent clients. With precise market analysis, clear financial projections, and innovative marketing strategies, the business plan serves as a guide for building a reputable brand.

It helps in identifying key opportunities, overcoming potential challenges, and driving significant growth. Implementing the strategies from a well-developed plan not only ensures operational efficiency but also enhances customer satisfaction, leading to greater client retention and increased profitability in the concierge industry.

Introduction To Concierge Services

Welcome to the world of concierge services , where luxury meets necessity and personalized assistance takes center stage. This comprehensive overview unravels the simple concepts behind the ever-evolving concierge service business. Perfect for entrepreneurs aiming for big wins; let’s dive into this exciting and rewarding industry.

Defining Concierge Services

Think of a concierge service as your personal assistant for just about anything. It handles tasks from mundane errands to extraordinary requests. This service caters to clients craving convenience, time management, and stress reduction. Ultimately, these services aim to add hours to your day and provide peace of mind.

The Rising Demand For Personalized Assistance

Our fast-paced world sees a surge in demand for personalized assistance. Busy lifestyles fuel this growth. Clients seek customized services to manage daily tasks effectively. The concierge business thrives on this need, offering tailored support that aligns with individual preferences and schedules.

Potential Market Segments For Concierge Services

Diverse market segments exist for concierge services. They cater to various groups, including but not limited to:

  • Corporate executives: They need support for business tasks.
  • Working professionals: They juggle career and personal life.
  • Seniors: They require assistance with daily activities.
  • Travelers: They seek local expertise and itinerary planning.

Identifying and understanding these segments allows concierge businesses to tailor their offerings for maximum impact and client satisfaction.

Developing Your Concierge Service Business Plan

Developing your Concierge Service Business Plan is the blueprint to your venture’s success. Crafting a detailed plan helps turn your visions into reality. It serves as a guide through the maze of starting and running a successful concierge service. Let’s delve into the essential components.

Executive Summary And Business Objectives

A concise Executive Summary presents a snapshot of your business. It outlines vital details like your mission, goals, and the road to profitability. Clarify your Business Objectives to set clear milestones. Use bullet points for an easy overview:

  • Define your mission: What is your concierge business’s main goal?
  • Set short-term goals: What will you achieve this year?
  • Identify long-term aspirations: Where will your business be in five years?

Market Analysis And Target Demographic

Understanding your market sets you up to win. Look at trends and predict where the industry is heading. Focus on the Target Demographic . Who needs your services the most? Profile them:

Age Range Occupation Income Level
30-50 years Professionals Upper-middle class

Service Offerings And Unique Selling Propositions

Your Service Offerings are what you bring to the table. List them as features and benefits:

Your Unique Selling Propositions ( USPs ) help you stand out. They answer “Why choose us?” Highlight these propositions:

  • 24/7 personalized service
  • Exclusive network of contacts

Operational Structure And Workflow

A solid Operational Structure ensures seamless service. Describe your workflow with clarity and brevity:

  • Clients make requests via app or phone.
  • A dedicated concierge is assigned.
  • Request is fulfilled efficiently.

Financial Projections And Funding Requirements

Realistic Financial Projections attract investors. Showcase your expected revenues, costs, and profits over time. Your Funding Requirements convey what you need to start and grow. Include essential info:

Year Revenue Costs Profit
Year 1 $100K $50K $50K
Year 2 $200K $80K $120K

State your initial capital and ongoing costs for a well-rounded picture.

Marketing And Growth Strategies

Marketing and Growth Strategies are the lifeblood of any concierge service business plan. To capture attention and build a sustainable enterprise, you need clever tactics. These simple yet powerful concepts can lead to big wins. Let’s dive into how branding, online presence, partnerships, and customer-focused strategies can amplify your success.

Branding And Identity For Concierge Services

Establishing a solid brand identity sets the stage for recognition and trust. It conveys your business’s values and services at a glance. Your logo, color scheme, and messaging need to tell a consistent and appealing story. They should resonate with your target audience and distinguish you from competitors.

Online Presence And Digital Marketing Techniques

Building a robust online presence is crucial. A good website and active social media can attract clients. Use search engine optimization (SEO) to rank higher on Google. Paid ads can also boost your visibility. Regularly update your content to keep it fresh and engaging.

Networking And Partnerships

  • Connect with local businesses and service providers.
  • Attend community events to meet potential clients.
  • Form partnerships for referrals and bundled services.

Customer Retention And Expansion Tactics

Happy customers are your best advocates. Provide exceptional service to encourage repeat business. Implement a loyalty program to reward clients. Ask for feedback and use it to improve. Expand your services based on client needs and market trends.

Legal And Ethical Considerations

Peeking into the world of concierge services uncovers a realm where legalities and ethics shape success. Your business plan must not only sketch out the financials and marketing strategies but also navigate through the regulatory and moral intricacies. Let’s unravel these vital cogs, ensuring your venture stands upright in the eyes of the law and society.

Business Registration And Licensing

Begin your journey with proper business registration . This legal hallmark transforms your idea into a recognized entity.

  • Select a business structure suitable for your services (LLC, Sole Proprietorship, Corporation).
  • Register your business name with local authorities.
  • Obtain necessary licenses, varying with location and service spectrum.

Insurance And Liability Management

Insurance shields your business from unforeseen events. Concierge services involve property and personal interactions, inflating the risk factor.

  • General liability insurance is a must for injury or property damage coverage.
  • Consider professional liability insurance for service-based claims.
  • Worker’s compensation insurance covers employee-related incidents.

Privacy And Confidentiality In Concierge Services

Privacy is paramount in concierge services. Clients entrust personal information with expectations of strict confidentiality.

  • Develop a privacy policy outlining data handling processes.
  • Regularly train staff on privacy practices.
  • Secure client data with robust digital and physical safeguards.

Performance Monitoring And Continuous Improvement

Creating a successful concierge service business is more than just winning the trust of new clients. It’s about maintaining high standards and striving for improvement . A comprehensive Business Plan for concierge services should always include robust methods for Performance Monitoring and Continuous Improvement . These concepts track progress and enhance service quality .

Key Performance Indicators For Concierge Services

To measure success, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are essential. They help concierge businesses gauge efficiency and customer satisfaction . Below are essential KPIs to monitor :

  • Customer Retention Rates: Measure client loyalty and service appeal.
  • Response Time: Track how quickly clients receive assistance.
  • Service Delivery Quality: Evaluate the standard of services provided.
  • Revenue Growth: Analyze financial health and growth patterns.

Client Feedback Systems And Service Adaptation

Client feedback shapes the evolution of services. It ensures services meet and exceed expectations . Implementing a solid feedback system can include:

Method Description
Surveys Gather targeted insights into client experiences.
Reviews Public feedback provides transparency and trust.
Suggestion Boxes Collect anonymous client suggestions on service improvements.

Regular analysis of feedback leads to service adaptation and personalization , fostering a culture of excellence.

Continuous Training And Staff Development

Investing in team growth is crucial for maintaining top-tier concierge services. An effective staff development plan would focus on strategies such as:

  • Regular Training Sessions: Enhance skills and service knowledge.
  • Mentorship Programs: Pair new recruits with experienced staff.
  • Performance Reviews: Provide constructive feedback for improvement.

These initiatives ensure staff stay up-to-date with industry standards and deliver exceptional service .

Frequently Asked Questions Of Concierge Service Business Plan Pdf Explained: Simple Concepts For Big Wins

What should the business model be for concierge.

A concierge business model should focus on a membership or subscription-based structure, providing personalized services tailored to client preferences and offering multiple tiers of convenience and luxury options.

How Do Concierge Services Make Money?

Concierge services charge clients for membership or subscription fees, mark-up on personalized services, and receive commissions from partner businesses for referrals.

How Do You Create A Concierge Program?

Identify target clients and assess their needs. Develop tailored services and hire trained staff. Establish operational protocols and leverage technology for efficiency. Market your concierge program effectively and continually gather client feedback for improvements.

What Is The Concept Of Concierge Service?

A concierge service offers personalized assistance to clients, managing tasks like travel bookings, reservations, and event planning. It’s akin to having a personal assistant for various lifestyle services.

Crafting a strategic concierge service business plan is your ladder to success. Embrace the simplicity and potency of clear-cut strategies detailed in our guide. Let these actionable insights pave your path to industry triumph. Ready to scale new heights? Your blueprint for grand achievements awaits.

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Personal Concierge Business

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How to Start a Personal Concierge Business

Written by: Carolyn Young

Carolyn Young is a business writer who focuses on entrepreneurial concepts and the business formation. She has over 25 years of experience in business roles, and has authored several entrepreneurship textbooks.

Edited by: David Lepeska

David has been writing and learning about business, finance and globalization for a quarter-century, starting with a small New York consulting firm in the 1990s.

Published on April 21, 2022

How to Start a Personal Concierge Business

Investment range

$2,550 - $6,100

Revenue potential

$78,000 - $292,000 p.a.

Time to build

0 – 3 months

Profit potential

$70,000 - $117,000 p.a.

Industry trend

These crucial factors should be taken into account when you begin your personal concierge business:

  • Range of services — Decide on the range of services you will offer, such as personal errands, travel planning, event planning, home management, and lifestyle management.
  • Specialization — Consider offering specialized services like relocation assistance, pet care, wellness services, and luxury experiences to attract a wider range of clients. 
  • Training and certification — Consider undergoing training in areas such as travel planning, event management, and home organization to enhance your expertise and credibility. While not mandatory, obtaining certifications from organizations like the International Concierge and Lifestyle Management Association (ICLMA) can enhance your credibility.
  • Register your business — A limited liability company (LLC) is the best legal structure for new businesses because it is fast and simple. Form your business immediately using ZenBusiness LLC formation service or hire one of the best LLC services on the market.
  • Legal business aspects — Register for taxes, open a business bank account, and get an EIN .
  • Scheduling — Use scheduling software to manage appointments, track tasks, and reduce overbooking risks. Offer online booking options for convenience.
  • Partnerships — Partner with local businesses, such as travel agencies, event planners, and luxury service providers, to offer joint promotions and cross-promote services.

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Interactive Checklist at your fingertips—begin your personal concierge business today!

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Is a personal concierge business profitable?

A personal concierge business can be very profitable, bringing in up to $125 an hour. The key is to offer outstanding services to clients, who may then give you referrals.

What does a luxury concierge do?

A luxury concierge provides personalized and high-end services to affluent clients. They assist with various tasks, such as making travel arrangements, securing reservations at exclusive restaurants, organizing special events, procuring luxury goods, and providing general lifestyle management.

What does a private concierge do?

A private concierge offers personalized assistance and support to individual clients. They cater to their specific needs and preferences, managing tasks like running errands, booking appointments, arranging transportation, handling household management, and providing personal assistance.

What skills do you need to become a concierge?

To become a concierge, essential skills include excellent communication and interpersonal abilities to interact with clients effectively. Strong organizational and time management skills are crucial for multitasking and handling various requests efficiently.

How can I differentiate my personal concierge business from competitors in the market?

To differentiate your personal concierge business from competitors, focus on providing exceptional customer service and building strong relationships with clients. Tailor your services to specific niche markets or specialized needs, such as corporate concierge services or luxury travel planning. 

What types of services can a personal concierge business provide to clients?

A personal concierge business can provide a wide range of services based on client preferences. This can include travel planning, hotel and restaurant reservations, event and party coordination, personal shopping, home organization, appointment scheduling, transportation arrangements, pet care, and household management. 

personal concierge business idea rating

Step 1: Decide if the Business Is Right for You

Pros and cons.

Starting a personal concierge business had pros and cons to consider before deciding if it’s right for you.

  • Good Money – Make about $75 per hour
  • Low Expenses – No rent or overhead; run the business from home
  • Engaging Work – Work for interesting people; no day will be the same
  • Odd Hours – May have to work some evenings and weekends
  • Demanding Clients – Clients may have high expectations

Concierge industry trends

Industry size and growth.

personal concierge industry size and growth

  • Industry size and past growth – The global concierge service industry was worth $537.6 million in 2028.(( ))
  • Growth forecast – The global concierge service industry is projected to expand by nearly 44% by 2025 to reach $773 million. 

Trends and challenges

personal concierge Trends and Challenges

Trends in the personal concierge industry include:

  • More and more companies are contracting with external personal concierge services to their upper-level managers as a benefit. This broadens the opportunity for personal concierge businesses to target a whole new market. 
  • While concierge services used to be for the wealthy, they are increasingly being used by busy families and seniors. Many concierge businesses offer specific packages of services for those groups for one monthly charge.

Challenges in the personal concierge industry include:

  • When the economy faces challenges such as the current inflation situation, personal concierge services are often among the first expenses to be cut. 
  • Personal concierge services may involve a lot of driving, so rising fuel costs can cut into profit margins.

Demand hotspots

personal concierge demand hotspots

  • Most popular states – The most popular states for concierges are California, Maine, and Wisconsin.(( ))
  • Least popular states – The least popular states for concierges are Alabama, New Hampshire, and Louisiana.

What kind of people work in personal concierge?

personal concierge industry demographics

  • Gender –   58.9% of concierges are female, while 36.8% are male . (( ))
  • Average level of education – The average concierge has a bachelor’s degree.
  • Average age – The average concierge in the US is 45.2 years old.

How much does it cost to start a personal concierge business?

Startup costs for a personal concierge business range from $2,500 to $6,000 assuming you already have a car. Costs include a computer and a website.

You could also get a membership in the National Concierge Association (NCA) for about $300 annually. After you have some experience and meet a few other qualifications you can become an NCA accredited associate and later a certified concierge, giving you added credibility. 

Start-up CostsBallpark RangeAverage
Setting up a business name and corporation$150 - $200$175
Business licenses and permits$100 - $300$200
Business cards and brochures$200 - $300$250
Website setup$1,000 - $3,000$2,000
Computer$500 - $1,000$750
Marketing budget$500 - $1,000$750
Total$2,550 - $6,100$4,325

How much can you earn from a personal concierge business?

personal concierge earnings forecast

You can earn about $75 per hour for personal concierge services. Luxury concierge services, meaning more extensive services like event planning, can cost between $90 and $125 per hour. Your profit margin should be about 90%.

In your first year or two, you could have two clients for whom you work 10 hours a week, bringing in $78,000 in annual revenue. This would mean more than $70,000 in profit, assuming that 90% margin. As your business gains traction, you could have five clients at 15 hours a week. At this stage, you’d hire employees, reducing your profit margin to 40%. With annual revenue of $292,000, you’d still make an impressive profit of $117,000.

What barriers to entry are there?

The only barrier to entry for a personal concierge business is breaking into the market and finding your first clients.

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Step 2: hone your idea.

Now that you know what’s involved in starting a personal concierge business, it’s a good idea to hone your concept in preparation to enter a competitive market. 

Market research will give you the upper hand, even if you’re already positive that you have a perfect product or service. Conducting market research is important, because it can help you understand your customers better, who your competitors are, and your business landscape.

Why? Identify an opportunity

Research personal concierge businesses in your area to examine their services, price points, and customer reviews. You’re looking for a market gap to fill. For instance, maybe the local market is missing a luxury concierge service or a corporate concierge service. 

concierge service business plan

You might consider targeting a niche market by specializing in a certain aspect of your industry, such as event planning concierge services or an errand service for busy people.

This could jumpstart your word-of-mouth marketing and attract clients right away. 

What? Determine your services

You can offer any number of services as a personal concierge such as:

  • Restaurant reservations or travel arrangements
  • Errands like grocery shopping, putting gas in cars, picking up from the pharmacy
  • Dog walking and pet sitting
  • Bill sorting
  • Appointment making and scheduling 

How much should you charge for personal concierge services?

Prices for personal concierge services are $65 to $75 per hour. Luxury concierge services rates can go up to $125 an hour. Your costs will be limited to fuel, insurance, and marketing, so you should aim for a profit margin of about 90%.

Once you know your costs, you can use this Step By Step profit margin calculator to determine your mark-up and final price points. Remember, the prices you use at launch should be subject to change if warranted by the market.

Who? Identify your target market

Your target market is likely to be more established people and professionals, whom you can find on Facebook or LinkedIn.

Where? Choose your business premises

In the early stages, you may want to run your business from home to keep costs low. But as your business grows, you’ll likely need to hire workers for various roles and may need to rent out an office. You can find commercial space to rent in your area on sites such as Craigslist , Crexi , and Instant Offices .

When choosing a commercial space, you may want to follow these rules of thumb:

  • Central location accessible via public transport
  • Ventilated and spacious, with good natural light
  • Flexible lease that can be extended as your business grows
  • Ready-to-use space with no major renovations or repairs needed

Step 3: Brainstorm a Business Name

Here are some ideas for brainstorming your business name:

  • Short, unique, and catchy names tend to stand out
  • Names that are easy to say and spell tend to do better 
  • Name should be relevant to your product or service offerings
  • Ask around — family, friends, colleagues, social media — for suggestions
  • Including keywords, such as “concierge” or “personal concierge”, boosts SEO
  • Name should allow for expansion, for ex: “Personalized Concierge Services” over “Travel Concierge Services”
  • A location-based name can help establish a strong connection with your local community and help with the SEO but might hinder future expansion

Once you’ve got a list of potential names, visit the website of the US Patent and Trademark Office to make sure they are available for registration and check the availability of related domain names using our Domain Name Search tool. Using “.com” or “.org” sharply increases credibility, so it’s best to focus on these. 

Find a Domain

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Finally, make your choice among the names that pass this screening and go ahead with domain registration and social media account creation. Your business name is one of the key differentiators that sets your business apart. Once you pick your company name, and start with the branding, it is hard to change the business name. Therefore, it’s important to carefully consider your choice before you start a business entity.

Step 4: Create a Business Plan

Here are the key components of a business plan:

what to include in a business plan

  • Executive Summary: A brief summary outlining the personal concierge business, including its mission, key objectives, and potential for success.
  • Business Overview: An overview of the personal concierge business, detailing its mission, vision, values, and the problem it aims to solve for clients.
  • Product and Services: A concise description of the specific services offered by the personal concierge business, such as errand running, event planning, and lifestyle management.
  • Market Analysis: An analysis of the target market for the personal concierge services, including demographics, needs, and trends that present opportunities for the business.
  • Competitive Analysis: An examination of competitors in the personal concierge industry, highlighting strengths, weaknesses, and unique selling points to position the business effectively.
  • Sales and Marketing: A plan outlining how the personal concierge business will promote its services, attract clients, and generate revenue.
  • Management Team: A brief introduction to the key members of the personal concierge business team, highlighting their skills and expertise.
  • Operations Plan: Details on the day-to-day operations of the personal concierge business, covering tasks, schedules, and client interactions.
  • Financial Plan: A comprehensive overview of the personal concierge business’s financial projections, including revenue forecasts, expenses, and profit margins.
  • Appendix: Additional supporting documents or information, such as resumes of key team members, market research data, or legal documents, to provide a more in-depth understanding of the business.

If you’ve never created a business plan, it can be an intimidating task. You might consider hiring a business plan specialist to create a top-notch business plan for you.

Step 5: Register Your Business

Registering your business is an absolutely crucial step — it’s the prerequisite to paying taxes, raising capital, opening a bank account, and other guideposts on the road to getting a business up and running.

Plus, registration is exciting because it makes the entire process official. Once it’s complete, you’ll have your own business! 

Choose where to register your company

Your business location is important because it can affect taxes, legal requirements, and revenue. Most people will register their business in the state where they live, but if you’re planning to expand, you might consider looking elsewhere, as some states could offer real advantages when it comes to personal concierge businesses. 

If you’re willing to move, you could really maximize your business! Keep in mind, it’s relatively easy to transfer your business to another state. 

Choose your business structure

Business entities come in several varieties, each with its pros and cons. The legal structure you choose for your personal concierge business will shape your taxes, personal liability, and business registration requirements, so choose wisely. 

Here are the main options:

types of business structures

  • Sole Proprietorship – The most common structure for small businesses makes no legal distinction between company and owner. All income goes to the owner, who’s also liable for any debts, losses, or liabilities incurred by the business. The owner pays taxes on business income on his or her personal tax return.
  • General Partnership – Similar to a sole proprietorship, but for two or more people. Again, owners keep the profits and are liable for losses. The partners pay taxes on their share of business income on their personal tax returns.
  • Limited Liability Company (LLC) – Combines the characteristics of corporations with those of sole proprietorships or partnerships. Again, the owners are not personally liable for debts.
  • C Corp – Under this structure, the business is a distinct legal entity and the owner or owners are not personally liable for its debts. Owners take profits through shareholder dividends, rather than directly. The corporation pays taxes, and owners pay taxes on their dividends, which is sometimes referred to as double taxation.
  • S Corp – An S-Corporation refers to the tax classification of the business but is not a business entity. An S-Corp can be either a corporation or an LLC , which just need to elect to be an S-Corp for tax status. In an S-Corp, income is passed through directly to shareholders, who pay taxes on their share of business income on their personal tax returns.

We recommend that new business owners choose LLC as it offers liability protection and pass-through taxation while being simpler to form than a corporation. You can form an LLC in as little as five minutes using an online LLC formation service. They will check that your business name is available before filing, submit your articles of organization , and answer any questions you might have. 

Form Your LLC

Choose Your State

We recommend ZenBusiness as the Best LLC Service for 2024

concierge service business plan

Step 6: Register for Taxes

The final step before you’re able to pay taxes is getting an Employer Identification Number , or EIN. You can file for your EIN online or by mail or fax: visit the IRS website to learn more. Keep in mind, if you’ve chosen to be a sole proprietorship you can simply use your social security number as your EIN. 

Once you have your EIN, you’ll need to choose your tax year. Financially speaking, your business will operate in a calendar year (January–December) or a fiscal year, a 12-month period that can start in any month. This will determine your tax cycle, while your business structure will determine which taxes you’ll pay.

concierge service business plan

The IRS website also offers a tax-payers checklist , and taxes can be filed online.

It is important to consult an accountant or other professional to help you with your taxes to ensure you’re completing them correctly.

Step 7: Fund your Business 

Securing financing is your next step and there are plenty of ways to raise capital:

types of business financing

  • Bank loans: This is the most common method but getting approved requires a rock-solid business plan and strong credit history.
  • SBA-guaranteed loans: The Small Business Administration can act as guarantor, helping gain that elusive bank approval via an SBA-guaranteed loan .
  • Government grants: A handful of financial assistance programs help fund entrepreneurs. Visit to learn which might work for you.
  • Friends and Family: Reach out to friends and family to provide a business loan or investment in your concept. It’s a good idea to have legal advice when doing so because SEC regulations apply.
  • Crowdfunding: Websites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo offer an increasingly popular low-risk option, in which donors fund your vision. Entrepreneurial crowdfunding sites like Fundable and WeFunder enable multiple investors to fund your business.
  • Personal: Self-fund your business via your savings or the sale of property or other assets.

Bank and SBA loans are probably the best option, other than friends and family, for funding a personal concierge business. You might also try crowdfunding if you have an innovative concept. 

Step 8: Apply for Licenses/Permits

Starting a personal concierge business requires obtaining a number of licenses and permits from local, state, and federal governments.

Federal regulations, licenses, and permits associated with starting your business include doing business as (DBA), health licenses and permits from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration ( OSHA ), trademarks, copyrights, patents, and other intellectual properties, as well as industry-specific licenses and permits. 

You may also need state-level and local county or city-based licenses and permits. The license requirements and how to obtain them vary, so check the websites of your state, city, and county governments or contact the appropriate person to learn more. 

You could also check this SBA guide for your state’s requirements, but we recommend using MyCorporation’s Business License Compliance Package . They will research the exact forms you need for your business and state and provide them to ensure you’re fully compliant.

This is not a step to be taken lightly, as failing to comply with legal requirements can result in hefty penalties.

If you feel overwhelmed by this step or don’t know how to begin, it might be a good idea to hire a professional to help you check all the legal boxes.

Step 9: Open a Business Bank Account

Before you start making money, you’ll need a place to keep it, and that requires opening a bank account .

Keeping your business finances separate from your personal account makes it easy to file taxes and track your company’s income, so it’s worth doing even if you’re running your personal concierge business as a sole proprietorship. Opening a business bank account is quite simple, and similar to opening a personal one. Most major banks offer accounts tailored for businesses — just inquire at your preferred bank to learn about their rates and features.

Banks vary in terms of offerings, so it’s a good idea to examine your options and select the best plan for you. Once you choose your bank, bring in your EIN (or Social Security Number if you decide on a sole proprietorship), articles of incorporation, and other legal documents and open your new account.

Step 10: Get Business Insurance

Business insurance is an area that often gets overlooked yet it can be vital to your success as an entrepreneur. Insurance protects you from unexpected events that can have a devastating impact on your business.

Here are some types of insurance to consider:

types of business insurance

  • General liability: The most comprehensive type of insurance, acting as a catch-all for many business elements that require coverage. If you get just one kind of insurance, this is it. It even protects against bodily injury and property damage.
  • Business Property: Provides coverage for your equipment and supplies.
  • Equipment Breakdown Insurance: Covers the cost of replacing or repairing equipment that has broken due to mechanical issues.
  • Worker’s compensation: Provides compensation to employees injured on the job.
  • Property: Covers your physical space, whether it is a cart, storefront, or office.
  • Commercial auto: Protection for your company-owned vehicle.
  • Professional liability: Protects against claims from a client who says they suffered a loss due to an error or omission in your work.
  • Business owner’s policy (BOP): This is an insurance plan that acts as an all-in-one insurance policy, a combination of the above insurance types.

Step 11: Prepare to Launch

As opening day nears, prepare for launch by reviewing and improving some key elements of your business. 

Essential software and tools

Being an entrepreneur often means wearing many hats, from marketing to sales to accounting, which can be overwhelming. Fortunately, many websites and digital tools are available to help simplify many business tasks. 

You may want to use industry-specific software, such as Blackbell or FCS , to manage your tasks, orders, payments, personal calendar, and customer support.

  • Popular web-based accounting programs for smaller businesses include Quickbooks , Freshbooks , and Xero . 
  • If you’re unfamiliar with basic accounting, you may want to hire a professional, especially as you begin. The consequences for filing incorrect tax documents can be harsh, so accuracy is crucial. 

Develop your website

Website development is crucial because your site is your online presence and needs to convince prospective clients of your expertise and professionalism.

You can create your own website using services like WordPress, Wix, or Squarespace . This route is very affordable, but figuring out how to build a website can be time-consuming. If you lack tech-savvy, you can hire a web designer or developer to create a custom website for your business.

They are unlikely to find your website, however, unless you follow Search Engine Optimization ( SEO ) practices. These are steps that help pages rank higher in the results of top search engines like Google. 

Here are some powerful marketing strategies for your future business:

  • Targeted Partnerships: Collaborate with local businesses, such as high-end restaurants, hotels, or event venues, to establish mutually beneficial partnerships, expanding your reach and credibility.
  • Referral Programs: Encourage satisfied clients to refer your services by implementing a referral program, offering incentives like discounts or complimentary upgrades for each successful referral.
  • Community Events Participation: Attend local events, trade shows, or community gatherings to showcase your services and engage with potential clients face-to-face, building trust and a personal connection.
  • Social Media Engagement: Leverage social media platforms strategically by sharing valuable content, client testimonials, and behind-the-scenes glimpses to build an online presence and connect with a wider audience.
  • Loyalty Programs: Implement loyalty programs to reward repeat clients, fostering long-term relationships and encouraging them to consistently choose your services over competitors.
  • Content Marketing: Create informative blog posts, videos, or podcasts that highlight the benefits of personal concierge services, addressing common challenges faced by busy individuals and showcasing your expertise.
  • Local SEO Optimization: Optimize your online presence for local search by ensuring accurate business information, obtaining positive reviews, and utilizing location-specific keywords to enhance your visibility on search engines. Regularly update your Google My Business and Yelp profiles to strengthen your local search presence.
  • Specialized Packages: Develop specialized service packages tailored to specific needs, such as corporate concierge services, vacation planning, or event coordination, to attract diverse clientele with unique requirements.
  • Testimonials and Case Studies: Showcase success stories through client testimonials and case studies on your marketing materials, highlighting the tangible benefits and positive outcomes of your personalized services.
  • Promotional Events and Workshops: Organize promotional events or workshops to demonstrate your skills and services firsthand, allowing potential clients to experience the value you bring to their lives.

Focus on USPs

unique selling proposition

Unique selling propositions, or USPs, are the characteristics of a product or service that set it apart from the competition. Customers today are inundated with buying options, so you’ll have a real advantage if they are able to quickly grasp how your personal concierge business meets their needs or wishes. It’s wise to do all you can to ensure your USPs stand out on your website and in your marketing and promotional materials, stimulating buyer desire. 

Global pizza chain Domino’s is renowned for its USP: “Hot pizza in 30 minutes or less, guaranteed.” Signature USPs for your personal concierge business could be:

  • Luxury concierge services to meet your every need
  • Need a helping hand? Let our attentive concierges carry the load 
  • Corporate concierge services to take the pressure off your team

You may not like to network or use personal connections for business gain. But your personal and professional networks likely offer considerable untapped business potential. Maybe that Facebook friend you met in college is now running a personal concierge business, or a LinkedIn contact of yours is connected to dozens of potential clients. Maybe your cousin or neighbor has been working in personal concierge services for years and can offer invaluable insight and industry connections. 

The possibilities are endless, so it’s a good idea to review your personal and professional networks and reach out to those with possible links to or interest in concierge services. You’ll probably generate new customers or find companies with which you could establish a partnership. 

Step 12: Build Your Team

If you’re starting out small from a home office, you may not need any employees. But as your business grows, you will likely need workers to fill various roles. Potential positions for a personal concierge business include:

  • Concierges – perform concierge services
  • General Manager – staff management, accounting
  • Marketing Lead – SEO strategies, social media

At some point, you may need to hire all of these positions or simply a few, depending on the size and needs of your business. You might also hire multiple workers for a single role or a single worker for multiple roles, again depending on need. 

Free-of-charge methods to recruit employees include posting ads on popular platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, or You might also consider a premium recruitment option, such as advertising on Indeed , Glassdoor , or ZipRecruiter . Further, if you have the resources, you could consider hiring a recruitment agency to help you find talent. 

Step 13: Start Making Money!

If you want an inexpensive business that you can start from home, look no further! Starting a personal concierge business is a great way to break into a market that’s set to expand by more than 40%. And at $75 an hour, you can make quite a nice living while helping people in your community. It’s a simple business to start and can be quite gratifying. 

You’re off to a great start having learned about the entrepreneurial process, so now you’re ready to get your personal concierge business up and running!

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  • Decide if the Business Is Right for You
  • Hone Your Idea
  • Brainstorm a Business Name
  • Create a Business Plan
  • Register Your Business
  • Register for Taxes
  • Fund your Business 
  • Apply for Licenses/Permits
  • Open a Business Bank Account
  • Get Business Insurance
  • Prepare to Launch
  • Build Your Team
  • Start Making Money!

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How To Start Concierge Service Business [PLAN]

Personal concierge business startup guide.

What is a concierge business? How much do you charge personal concierge? What is a concierge service? The concierge services industry is well regarded for providing customers with on-demand services. The major target market of this line of business includes individuals, employees, business executives, etc.

If you are an entrepreneur who wants to venture into this business, by now you must have fulfilled all the necessary requirements for starting this business. Continue reading this article to find out how you will be able to write a good and simple business plan for your concierge business.

Here is how to start a concierge service business.

BUSINESS NAME:  Prime Royal Concierge Services, LLC.

  • Executive Summary
  • Our Products and Services
  • Vision Statement
  • Mission Statement
  • Business Structure
  • Market Analysis
  • Sales and Marketing Strategy
  • Financial Plan
  • Sales Forecast


Prime Royal Concierge Services, LLC is a fully registered and licensed concierge business which is set to be established in Louisiana, United States. The business will be offering a number of its services to customers all around the United Sates.

Prime Royal Concierge Services, LLC will be owned and managed by Wilson Morrison and his long time business associate and friend, Nelson Murray. Their experience would be of immense benefit to the business.

Having carried out a thorough feasibility study, we have come up with a total of $300,000 as the total startup cost which will be sourced from the owners solely.


Starting up Prime Royal Concierge Services, LLC has always been our dream. We are very keen in offering the very best services to our esteemed customers; this is why we will work very hard to make sure we provide quality products and services.

Below is a list of the services we will be providing our customers:

  • Arranging travel, tours and hotel reservation
  • Shopping, including grocery
  • Arranging for spa services
  • Offering courier functions
  • Providing home management services
  • Offering party and event planning
  • Making arrangements for dining and entertainment
  • Providing other tasks which are related to business trip (such as booking transportation, airplanes, etc) and making recommendations for night life hot spots, etc.


Our business vision is simply to establish a business which will be a standard and renowned concierge services company, providing its services to not just customers in Louisiana, United States, but in all of the various cities in the United States.


We have a mission in our concierge business: It is to provide the very best concierge services to our various customers, ranging from individuals, companies, to corporate organizations. We want to be focused on helping them achieve their personal and business goals. Also, we want to make sure our concierge business is built to be able to compete very well with the top businesses in the industry all over the United States.


We understand that all businesses require a very strong business foundation or structure to be able to fully succeed. It is for this reason that we will make sure to hire employees who are qualified, hardworking, competent, creative, and ready to share our business vision.

Also, we will make sure to include profit-sharing in our business arrangement. Only employees in our senior management team who have maintained good performance for a minimum period of five years will be eligible for this arrangement. Below are the positions we will be offering in our business organization:

  • Chief Executive Officer
  • Human Resources and Admin Manager
  • Operation Manager
  • Sales and Marketing Executive
  • Business Concierge Service Providers
  • Client Service Executive


One truth about this business is that the business is a very interesting service related one which any entrepreneur can key into. The reason is because the business is such that allows operators to be able to handle clients’ personal and professional matters such as taking care of their shopping, travel arrangements, dry cleaning needs, etc.

Target Market

The following are the various groups which will make up the target market for our concierge services business:

  • Busy business people
  • Busy top corporate executives
  • Financial institutions such as Banks, Insurance Companies, etc
  • Tourists and regular travellers
  • Corporate Organizations
  • Blue Chips Companies
  • Manufacturers and Distributors
  • Research and Development Companies
  • Manufactures and Distributors
  • Entrepreneurs and Startups
  • Owners, Developers, and contractors of real estate.


We are already familiar with the industry, and we know how stiff the competition in the industry is. This is why we have put in place several sales and marketing strategies which will help us tackle the competition head-on. Before we arrived at these strategies, we however, first made contact with sales and marketing experts. Below are the various strategies which will help us promote our business successfully to our target market:

  • We will make introductions of our business to our various target markets by sending introductory letters and emails, together with our business brochure to households, corporate organizations, etc.
  • We will be very quick in our bidding for concierge service contracts from both government and non-government contracts.
  • We will make sure to list our business in local directories.
  • We will make sure to promote our business by advertising in newspapers, relevant business magazines, radio and TV station, etc.
  • We will also ensure to always stay active in the business by keeping up-to-date through seminars, local expos, business fairs, etc.
  • We will make sure to seize the online world by making sure to advertise our business on social media such Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

FINANCIAL PLAN Source of Startup Budget

From our thorough research and feasibility studies, we have been able to come up with a total of $300,000 as the needed startup capital for our concierge business. This capital will be sourced solely from the owners, Wilson Morrison and his long time business associate and friend, Nelson Murray. Both of them will each contribute half of the startup capital to make up the full amount.


Below is a sales projection for Prime Royal Concierge Services, LLC for the following three years after startup. This sales projection is based on proper research on available data in the industry, and it is only a projection which should provide us with a guide in the first three years.

First Fiscal Year                    $150,000 Second Fiscal Year                $250,000 Third Fiscal Year                   $500,000

Above is a concierge service BUSINESS STARTUP GUIDE which has made use of the business name ‘Prime Royal Concierge Services, LLC’. This concierge service business will be located in Louisiana, United States.

Prime Royal Concierge Services, LLC will be focused on offering its services to its clients in the whole of the United States, and it will be jointly owned by Wilson Morrison and his long time business associate and friend, Nelson Murray.

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Concierge Services Explained: Make the most of it

The modern-day well-to-do person sees value in access to an efficient personal concierge service that responds perfectly to his need for experiences that are both exclusive and luxurious. For example, a coveted seat at a much-awaited music concert or clubhouse access to a sold-out cricket game is some of those wins that a great concierge service can set you up for. 

American Express offers complimentary concierge services for their premium card members. What can an Amex concierge service do for you? Just call up and ask.   

What is a Concierge 

A concierge is an individual or an organisation which offers personal assistance on almost all aspects, from household management to chauffeur services, at a price. The desire for experience over ownership in this era of digital technology is driving modern concierge companies to deliver exceptional services 24*7 to its affluent clients.

Some of the tasks that a typical concierge service arranges or performs are listed below:

  • Arranging transportation services
  •  Sourcing tickets for concerts, movies, and events
  •  Recommending and making restaurant and hotel reservations 
  •  Pet care
  •  Senior citizen care
  •  Planning itineraries and making travel arrangements
  • Recommending and delivering gifts and flowers
  • Running errands such as grocery shopping, dry cleaning, laundry services
  • Sourcing special items like antiques and paintings on demand 

Types of Concierge Services

Owing to the globalisation and technological advancements, concierge services have expanded to various sectors. Let’s have a look at the different types of personalized services and what you can expect from them.

Travel Concierge

With an increase in business and leisure travel, a travel concierge is almost a necessity for planning your itinerary, selecting accommodation, and making other travel arrangements. Ensuring that your travel experience proceeds without a hitch, the service remains a faithful assistant during all your travels worldwide. A travel concierge makes use of its contacts to get reservations with local restaurants, hotels, transport providers, or bookings at tourist attractions. 

Hotel Concierge

A hotel concierge takes care of everything from transportation to making reservations at local restaurants  , suggesting suitable itineraries to helping with all your travel arrangements during your stay at a hotel. 

Medicine Concierge

A medicine concierge comes to your aid during a medical crisis . Very similar to a personal assistant, this service seamlessly manages hospital admissions, doctor appointments, final bills and filing insurance claims. A medicine concierge works on a flat/annual fee business model.

Lifestyle Concierge

A lifestyle concierge is at your side, running errands for you and making sure all aspects of your life run smoothly. This personalised service offers home and event management services. A lifestyle concierge works on a retainer basis, wherein you pay an agency every month for a lifestyle manager.

Shopping Concierge

Sometimes, life gets so demanding that even selecting the right garment for an event becomes a hassle. In such cases, a shopping concierge provides you assistance with your shopping needs. The shopping concierge is trained not only to source items for you but also to optimize your wardrobe and help you with your look . 

Benefits of Concierge Services

Concierge services make your life easier and also get   the job done to your total satisfaction. Here are a few benefits of availing a concierge service:

  • Saves time  One of the most obvious benefits of leveraging a concierge service is that it allows you to have more time and energy to attend to what really matters   . While the concierge takes care of routine chores, you can build goals, connect with family, and live your life better.  
  • Reliability Reliability is one of the key factors essential to any concierge’s survival and reputation. Most concierge services guarantee this through trained personnel and a dedicated network of specialised contacts from travel agencies to medical institutions.
  • Exclusive privileges and complimentary benefits You can get seemingly impossible things done at the last minute due to the well-connected and vast network of concierge services. It could be as simple as getting your free entry to exclusive clubs or as complicated as upgrades at top luxury and boutique hotels a month in advance. 
  • Exclusive access A concierge service can get you access to VIP tickets and sold-out events through their network of partners. You can even enjoy access to members-only venues and events.
  • Emergency assistance Emergency assistance for unfortunate incidents such as loss of baggage, missed flight, or a medical emergency are taken care of through emergency concierge assistance.

Amex Platinum Card  offers you ‘Do anything’ concierge, which assures you of assistance with a unique experience across the globe. Whether you need travel-related assistance, want tickets to a VIP event, or need a special gift delivered to your loved ones, Amex Platinum Concierge can help you.

Concierge services in India is a huge potential market with the growing economy and rise in the number of enterprising, affluent millennials. Thanks to the digital revolution, concierge services do not have a location or time zone barriers. Concierge services are undoubtedly the future of the service industry.

If you want something done right... You don't have to do it yourself

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Access the underground scene. Expect to be at the front of the line and behind the stage of any venue, from Wimbledon to the World Cup. We roll out the red carpet, from prestigious customer service to the moment you attend actual galas and premiers.

Lifestyle Management

Live large. As your personal concierge, you can have it all. Our lifestyle management programs handle requests for celebrities, heads of state, royalty, and more. Outsource your inconveniences and responsibilities. Trade them for freedom and flexibility.

Corporate Concierge

Elevate your employee experience. Our recognition solutions reward your company's greatest resource to help you acquire lifelong, quality talent. Inspire more productivity and lower turnover with our customized business concierge programs.

Private Aviation

Travel in style. Our automatic discount alerts notify you of flight specials, empty legs, and one-way deals so you reserve enviable transport without all the hassle.

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The 11 Best Luxury Concierge Services In The World

VIP access to the most exclusive experiences.

by Editorial Team Updated on February 6, 2023

At Luxe Digital, we test and recommend products that we think you will love. If you buy something, we might earn a commission . This supports our team at no extra cost for you.

Personal concierge services are on the rise. With the emergence of digital and the desire for experiences over ownership, modern concierge companies are radically evolving to deliver exceptional services 24/7 to their affluent clients.

Modern affluent women and men know that time is their most precious resource. When you’re always connected and on the go, your time is the one thing you can never get back.

To help you save time and get privileged access to private events that money can’t buy, a luxury concierge is your perfect companion. It’s your secret weapon to unlock a world of exclusive experiences and VIP events.

Looking for a last-minute private jet to take you from New York to Miami over the weekend? No problem! Dying to get a front-row seat at the next Oscar ceremony? Done! Wanting to try the new Michelin-star restaurant in London? Your table is reserved for this evening. It’s that easy.

Well, nearly that easy. You first need to find the luxury concierge service that’s right for you.

To help you find the best lifestyle concierge to fit your needs, we’re reviewing the top 11 concierge companies in the world. Before jumping into the actual list, we’ll quickly look at what exactly is a luxury concierge . We’ll tell you why they might be relevant to you , and, more importantly, what you should pay attention to when selecting your concierge.

best luxury concierge services world - Luxe Digital

What is a luxury concierge?

A concierge is a person or a company that is available to help you in your day-to-day life. Their services can range from planning and booking your family holidays to making restaurant reservations or getting you access to special events. Some concierge companies also provide financial services . Others might focus on event organization or high-end travel reservations.

The word concierge probably comes from the old French word “ comte des cierges .” The comte des cierges was a servant responsible for maintaining the lighting and cleanliness of medieval palaces.

Today’s concierge services extend far beyond just maintaining your candles lit. Concierges are highly skilled people who can add real value to your life by taking care of some essential and time-consuming tasks for you. They also have an extensive network to help you get VIP access to some of the most ultra-exclusive events and experiences around the world.

In general, you’ll find two categories of concierge services today:

  • Personal concierge services: if you want to hire the services of a concierge for yourself.
  • Corporate concierge services: if a company wants to provide concierge services to its employees as an extra benefit.

best luxury concierge companies real-estate - Luxe Digital

Why do you need a high-end concierge?

Not everyone needs a luxury concierge. Some people like to manage every aspect of their life themselves. But if you’re too busy and want to outsource some tasks, a personal concierge makes a lot of sense.

There are three main reasons for wealthy people to subscribe to a luxury concierge service:

  • To save time;
  • To get exclusive access to private events thanks to the concierge’s network;
  • To outsource time-consuming and repetitive tasks.

Continue reading if one of these three reasons appeals to you.

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How to select the best luxury concierge for you?

There are more concierge services available to you today than ever before. While the range of options is great, it can be hard to compare services and understand where their expertise truly lies. Here are three tips to help you select the best luxury concierge for you .

Know what you want your concierge to do

Before comparing concierge companies, you first need to think carefully about what it is you want them to do for you. Are you looking for a general lifestyle concierge ? Or a company that specializes in organizing travel or dining experiences ?

You’ll see in our list below that certain concierge companies specialize in specific areas. This gives them a greater depth of expertise. But you might feel constrained after a while if you want your concierge to take on more responsibilities.

best luxury concierge service yacht reservation - Luxe Digital

Choose the level of support that you want

Some concierge companies are now offering the option to choose between membership packages and on-demand services.

Membership packages are the traditional form of concierge support. You pay a monthly or yearly fee to be part of the concierge program. In exchange, you get 24/7 support from your concierge, who will, over time, get to know you and anticipate your needs.

On-demand concierge services are a new kind of experience where you pay as you go. It’s more transactional and focused on getting particular tasks done on a more ad-hoc basis.

best luxury concierge service hotel reservation - Luxe Digital

Think about the geographic location of your concierge

Even though most concierge companies provide dedicated service around the clock, their expertise and network might not be relevant if you’re traveling across the world.

Consider your lifestyle and decide if you prefer a concierge with experience in a particular state or country , or if you require the service of a global concierge company with a network of connections across the world instead.

best luxury concierge service private jet reservation - Luxe Digital

The 11 best luxury concierge services in the world

Now that you know what a concierge is, why you might need one, and how to choose the right one for you, let’s look at the best options available on the market.

We’ve reviewed the 11 best luxury concierge companies in the world. The list is not a rank from best to worst, as each concierge specializes in a particular area. If they are on our list, it means that they provide exceptional value to their members.

You need to review them carefully and decide which company is best positioned to add real value to your lifestyle.

1. Quintessentially

best luxury concierge service quintessentially - Luxe Digital

Founded in 2000 by Ben Elliot, Paul Drummond, and Aaron Simpson, Quintessentially is one of the best-known luxury concierge companies in the world. With over 60 offices across the world and a team of more than 1,500 concierge specialists, Quintessentially is a leader in global luxury lifestyle services.

With an average client net worth of $36 million, Quintessentially concierges have fulfilled some extravagant requests over the years. They’ve been able, for example, to close the Sydney Harbour Bridge for a wedding proposal or to arrange a private dinner on an iceberg.

2. Innerplace Concierge

best luxury concierge service innerplace - Luxe Digital

Founded in 2002 in London, Innerplace Concierge is one of the world’s most established luxury lifestyle concierges. With a restless demand for the exceptional, this award-winning members-only luxury concierge company offers crème de la crème access to the more glamorous side of life, with a bespoke, highly personal approach to your every wish and whim.

The luxury concierge company specializes in securing access for its members to private member’s clubs, the finest restaurants, and select VIP events. They also have expertise in everything from bespoke luxury travel to art and even business connections. 

Innerplace Concierge focuses on London, where its influence is at its peak. Still, their unrivaled insider knowledge and exclusive, international connections allow them to cater to members worldwide. 

With two unique tiers of membership, Innerplace Concierge caters to a select few UHNW individuals and families with their Red Membership and young, affluent professionals with their Lifestyle Membership. 

Remarkably, they also offer a short-term Jetset Membership for visitors traveling to London and a Corporate Membership option.

3. John Paul Group

best luxury concierge service johnpaul - Luxe Digital

Founded in 2008 by David Amsellem, the John Paul Group is one of the leaders in global corporate concierge services. The group helps companies provide exceptional services to both clients and employees through loyalty programs.

Accor Hotels acquired John Paul Group in 2016 and now counts over 1,000 concierges across 12 separate offices. Noteworthy request that they’ve been able to accomplish: renting a private Caribbean island for a “Robinson Crusoe”-themed trip.

4. One Concierge

best luxury concierge service oneconcierge - Luxe Digital

One Concierge is the first luxury concierge company to offer both membership and on-demand concierge services to its high-net-worth clients. With access to over 10,000 global service providers, One Concierge has one of the most comprehensive and exhaustive partnership programs in the industry. Each partner is handpicked and screened by their specialists to ensure that they meet the most demanding expectations.

One Concierge handles concierge requests in more than 115 countries around the world.

5. Knightsbridge Circle

best luxury concierge service knightsbridge circle - Luxe Digital

Founded by three former American Express Black Card employees, Knightsbridge Circle is an invitation-only, very high-end private concierge service for the UHNWs. With a client base with an average net worth of $800 million and a membership fee starting from $25,000, Knightsbridge Circle helps busy individuals save time and get exclusive invitations.

The group helped organize a wedding vow renewal with the Pope and a private dinner in front of The Last Supper of Leonardo da Vinci.

6. Pure Entertainment Group

best luxury concierge service pure entertainment group - Luxe Digital

You might have seen some of the Pure Entertainment Group’s work featured in the New York Times, Forbes, Elite Traveler Magazine, or Robb Report . Pure Entertainment Group is a global bespoke event management and luxury concierge company that was founded in 2007.

The company offers high-quality, highly tailored luxury concierge services to discerning high-net-worth and ultra-high-net-worth individuals and corporations around the world.

7. The Fixer Lifestyle Group

best luxury concierge service the fixer lifestyle group - Luxe Digital

The Fixer Lifestyle group has over 12 years of experience managing UHNWIs and HNWIs demands. Based in the UK, the group specializes in providing luxury concierge services such as high-end restaurant reservations and access to VIP events. One of their most common requests from clients is to get access to sold-out shows such as the Paris Fashion Week, the Wimbledon final, or Premier League matches.

8. Velocity Black

best luxury concierge service velocity black - Luxe Digital

Velocity Black is one of the most progressive luxury concierges on our list. They combine deep human expertise with artificial intelligence to act as a lifestyle assistant that lives on your phone. Members get access to complimentary upgrades and preferred rates to major events, all at the press of a button.

Velocity Black was founded in the United Kingdom by ex-Goldman Sachs Zia Yusuf and Alex Macdonald with a team of ex-Amazon and ex-Uber executives. The concierge company has already delivered over 50 thousand experiences across more than 60 countries.

9. Nota Bene

best luxury concierge service notabene - Luxe Digital

Nota Bene started as a lifestyle magazine before evolving into a premium concierge company. Founded by Anthony Lassman, Nota Bene caters to discerning travelers seeking the most exclusive experiences. The team focuses on curating unique luxury travel experiences .

10. Bon Vivant

best luxury concierge service bon vivant - Luxe Digital

Founded by travel aficionados Emyr Thomas, Bon Vivant is one of London’s leading concierge and lifestyle management services with global coverage. Their expertise naturally lies in luxury travel planning but also in high-end restaurant reservations and access to exclusive and sold-out events.

11. The Billionaire Concierge

best luxury concierge service billionaire lifestyle - Luxe Digital

The Billionaire Concierge is an invitation-only high-end luxury concierge service with offices mostly in Dubai, Hong Kong, London, Los Angeles, Monaco, Moscow, and Qatar. The company provides luxury lifestyle services to its HNW members, including shopping for rare watches and jewelry and celebrity chef private reservations.

best luxury concierge companies hotel - Luxe Digital

Resources and further reading recommendations about luxury concierge services

We used several authoritative resources to help us write this guide to luxury concierge companies. We recommend that you read them if you want to learn more about concierge services in general.

These are also great resources if you want to understand a particular aspect of the lifestyle service industry or want to stay up-to-date with the latest trends:

  • “ Les anciens prisons de Paris .” Le Cabinet de Lecture et le Cercle Réunis: Gazette des Familles (in French), January 5, 1841.
  • “ Concierge services “, Wikipedia, 2019.
  • “ Hospitality services “, Wikipedia, 2019.
  • “ How concierge roles are changing in an internet age “, by Laura Koss-Feder, Hotel News Now, July 9, 2018.
  • “ Business Concierge Services Industry in the US: Industry Market Research Report “, IBISWorld, August 2018.
  • “ The Cultivation Of A Concierge “, by David Belcher, The New York Times, October 9, 2013.
  • “ The Hotel Concierge: A User’s Guide “, by Sophia Banay, Forbes, August 18, 2006.
  • “ Top Luxury Concierge Websites For The Super-Rich “, by R.L. Adams, Forbes, November 14, 2016.

About the author

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  5. Pro Concierge Service Business Plan Template

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  1. Concierge Services Business Plan Template

    A business plan will help you raise funding, if needed, and plan out the growth of your concierge services business in order to improve your chances of success. Your concierge services business plan is a living document that should be updated annually as your company grows and changes.

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    Writing a concierge services business plan is a crucial step toward the success of your business. Here are the key steps to consider when writing a business plan: 1. Executive Summary. An executive summary is the first section planned to offer an overview of the entire business plan. However, it is written after the entire business plan is ...

  3. Concierge Service Business Plan Template

    Download a customizable template to create your own concierge service business plan, including financial model and market analysis. Learn how to start or grow your concierge service business with tips and examples.

  4. How to Start a Concierge Business: Everything You Need to Know

    Step 1. Before starting a concierge business, you will first want to research, study, and learn the legal components and requirements of starting your business. These legal requirements can range from types of personal liability insurance to insurance covering the business itself. You'll also want to determine the type of business license (s ...

  5. Concierge Service Business Plan Example

    Godsend Concierge Service's start-up costs will include all the equipment needed for the home-based office, legal fees, website creation, and start-up advertising. The projected growth rate for GCS is over 100% per year, with strong operating margins. GCS expects to have sales of $156,000 by year 3.

  6. How to write a business plan for a concierge services company?

    Your concierge services company business plan will normally include both yearly and monthly cash flow forecasts so that the readers can view the impact of seasonality on your business cash position and generation. The initial financing plan. The initial financing plan, also known as a sources and uses table, is a valuable resource to have in ...

  7. Concierge Services Business Plan Template

    A concierge services business plan is a document that outlines the strategies you have developed to start and/or grow your concierge services business. Among other things, it details information about your industry, customers and competitors to help ensure your company is positioned properly to succeed. Your concierge services business plan ...

  8. Writing A Successful Concierge Business Plan + Template

    Date 3: Goal 3. Date 4: Goal 4. Date 5: Goal 5. Your operations plan should give readers a clear idea of your company's day-to-day operations, how they are structured, and your long-term goals for the company. Create a winning business plan quickly & easily with our Ultimate Concierge Business Plan Template.

  9. How to Start a Concierge Service: Steps for Success

    Prepare a detailed business plan that outlines your Concierge Service business model, market opportunity, competitive analysis, and financial projections. Highlight the achievements and milestones of your business so far, such as any partnerships or customer testimonials, to build credibility with potential investors.

  10. What Is Concierge Service?

    The Concierge Services Business Model. Concierge services are a fairly recent addition to the luxury industry, all thanks to the constantly changing business environment, technological advancement, and the long working hours of the working professionals.Such limitations have resulted in a lack of time in the life of the people.

  11. Concierge Service Business Plan

    Get the most out of your business plan example. Follow these tips to quickly develop a working business plan from this sample. 1. Don't worry about finding an exact match. We have over 550 sample business plan templates. So, make sure the plan is a close match, but don't get hung up on the details. Your business is unique and will differ from ...

  12. Concierge Service Business Plan [Edition 2024] OGScapital

    The senior concierge service business plan financial experts helped the owner make this business plan which aims to enhance the business so that every individual can benefit from it. These ready-made business plans for concierge services contain the operational plan involving hiring the initial staff, including a manager, an assistant, and a ...

  13. Personal Concierge Business Plan [Sample Template]

    A Sample Personal Concierge Service Business Plan Template. 1. Industry Overview. The Business Concierge Services industry is known for providing on-demand services for clients that ranges from business executives to employees and individuals.

  14. Concierge Service Business Plan Pdf Explained ...

    A Concierge Service Business Plan PDF outlines strategic steps to achieve success in luxury service markets. This document simplifies complex business concepts for entrepreneurs to gain competitive advantages. Crafting a concise concierge service business plan is critical for entrepreneurs aiming for success in the premium service sector.

  15. How to Start a Personal Concierge Business

    Growing. Commitment. Flexible. These crucial factors should be taken into account when you begin your personal concierge business: Range of services — Decide on the range of services you will offer, such as personal errands, travel planning, event planning, home management, and lifestyle management.

  16. How To Start Concierge Service Business [PLAN]

    First Fiscal Year $150,000. Second Fiscal Year $250,000. Third Fiscal Year $500,000. CONCLUSION. Above is a concierge service BUSINESS STARTUP GUIDE which has made use of the business name 'Prime Royal Concierge Services, LLC'. This concierge service business will be located in Louisiana, United States.

  17. What Is A Concierge Service?

    What is a Concierge. A concierge is an individual or an organisation which offers personal assistance on almost all aspects, from household management to chauffeur services, at a price. The desire for experience over ownership in this era of digital technology is driving modern concierge companies to deliver exceptional services 24*7 to its ...

  18. One Concierge

    Request My Concierge. Our concierge services offer unparalleled customer support for every request. Access to event planners and hospitality. experts 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. 10,000 industry connections giving you access to. the rare, glamorous, and exotic. No membership fees, or annual contracts. Only guaranteed excellence.

  19. The 11 Best Luxury Concierge Services In The World

    10. Bon Vivant. Founded by travel aficionados Emyr Thomas, Bon Vivant is one of London's leading concierge and lifestyle management services with global coverage. Their expertise naturally lies in luxury travel planning but also in high-end restaurant reservations and access to exclusive and sold-out events.