1. Finding Common Ground: Resolving the Controversy that Surrounds Stem

    finding common ground essay

  2. Finding Common Ground

    finding common ground essay

  3. Module 2 Lesson 1 Finding Common Ground_Argumentative Essay.docx

    finding common ground essay

  4. 📚 Essay Example on Leadership & Entrepreneurship: Finding Common Ground

    finding common ground essay

  5. Finding a Common Ground

    finding common ground essay

  6. Finding Common Ground Through Social Change

    finding common ground essay


  1. Finding Common Ground: Embracing Similarities in Religions for a More Loving World

  2. Finding common ground

  3. How to Choose the Right Idea: Finding Common Ground #engineeringpodcast #glaucoma #ophthalmology

  4. Finding Common Ground #relationship #friendship #advice

  5. Finding Common Ground

  6. Finding Common Ground: When Values Clash in Relationships


  1. Finding Common Ground: Using Logical, Audience-Specific Arguments

    In this minilesson, students respond to a hypothetical situation by writing about their position on the subject. After sharing their thoughts with the class, students consider the opposite point of view and write about arguments for that position. They then compare their position with that of their potential audience, looking for areas of overlap.

  2. Finding Common Ground

    His essay, "Finding Common Ground," is in the form of a letter to his cousin, exploring the importance of embracing complexity in dialogue, so that we can best engage the hearts of those around us as we search for mutual common ground. Matthew thanks Professor Ian Gerdon for his powerful class emphasizing the importance of true discourse in ...

  3. Finding Common Ground: The Path to Harmonious Coexistence

    In conclusion, finding Common Ground is a foundational aspect of a progressive society. It allows for harmonious coexistence, fostering understanding and collaboration in diverse fields such as politics, environment, community building, and education. By championing the principles of dialogue, inclusivity, and respect, it is possible to build a ...

  4. Common Ground in Rhetoric

    By. Richard Nordquist. Updated on March 06, 2019. In rhetoric and communication, common ground is a basis of mutual interest or agreement that's found or established in the course of an argument . Finding common ground is an essential aspect of conflict resolution and a key to ending disputes peacefully.

  5. How to disagree productively and find common ground

    Some days, it feels like the only thing we can agree on is that we can't agree -- on anything. Drawing on her background as a world debate champion, Julia Dhar offers three techniques to reshape the way we talk to each other so we can start disagreeing productively and finding common ground -- over family dinners, during work meetings and in our national conversations.

  6. Finding Common Ground with Anyone

    Reaching common ground helps you go from seeing the other person as someone who is different from you to seeing yourselves as a unified "us.". 3. Avoid echo chambers. Finding common ground can also help disrupt ideological echo chambers. Echo chambers are when everyone's views sound the same as everyone else's.

  7. Guide to Writing a Rogerian Essay: Tips and Examples

    A Rogerian essay is a form of argumentative essay that aims to find a middle ground between two conflicting perspectives. This type of essay is structured differently from traditional argumentative essays, focusing on finding common ground and understanding the opposing viewpoints. Below is an overview of the typical structure of a Rogerian essay:

  8. The Rogerian Argument

    4. The Bridge: A solid Rogerian argument acknowledges the desires of each side and tries to accommodate both. In this part, point out the ways in which you agree or can find common ground between the two sides. There should be at least one point of agreement. This can be an acknowledgement of the one part of the opposition's agreement that ...

  9. Finding Common Ground: Building Bridges in a Divided World

    Finding common ground is not a sign of weakness but a testament to the strength of human connection. It is an essential skill for resolving conflicts, fostering unity, and driving progress in an increasingly divided world. While challenges such as confirmation bias, polarization, and mistrust may be daunting, employing strategies like active ...

  10. The art of finding common ground

    The art of finding common ground. Disagreements, miscommunications, opposing beliefs -- oh my! Whether at work, with strangers or over family dinner, these talks will help you traverse the rugged terrain of heated conversation and map out the best ways to see eye-to-eye. Watch now. Add to list. 14:46.

  11. Finding Common Ground: The Underpinning of Progress

    By definition, Common Ground refers to a foundational understanding or point of agreement between parties with differing opinions or views. It facilitates dialogue and fosters collaboration, paving the way for productive and harmonious relationships. This essay delves into the nuances of finding and nurturing Common Ground in various spheres ...

  12. Introduction to Building Common Ground

    What you'll learn to do: evaluate rhetorical approaches to building common ground. The intended audience for an argument includes those individuals or organizations that authors are trying to persuade. Arguments sometimes have unintended audiences, as well. Authors who know their intended audience, and who keep in mind possible unintended ...

  13. Finding Common Ground

    Read the essay Reality is our common ground. Read the essay Aligning Worldviews. Optionally read the essay What there is. Consider writing your own such essay. ... To find common ground we must dismiss the falsehoods in narratives. An ideology is a set of beliefs intended to describe how the world works, or how some believe it should work.

  14. There's Nothing Virtuous About Finding Common Ground

    October 25, 2018 7:28 AM EDT. Tayari Jones, the author of the novels An American Marriage, Silver Sparrow and The Untelling, is a professor at Emory University. T he first time I found myself ...

  15. Finding Common Ground: A Feminist Response to Men's Rights Activism

    on in this essay. This paper's title, "Finding Common Ground," reflects the belief that men's rights activists and feminists have more in common than either may believe. Its intended audience does not include members of the men's rights movement who 2 Founded in 2005, is a social networking and content-sharing website ...

  16. Essays on Common Ground

    Essays on Common Ground. Essay examples. Essay topics. 4 essay samples found. Sort & filter. 1 Finding Common Ground: Building Bridges in a Divided World . 2 pages / 981 words . In an increasingly polarized world, the art of finding common ground has never been more crucial. This essay delves into the significance of finding common ground, the ...

  17. How to disagree productively and find common ground

    Drawing on her background as a world debate champion, Julia Dhar offers three techniques to reshape the way we talk to each other so we can start disagreeing productively and finding common ground — over family dinners, during work meetings and in our national conversations. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device.

  18. Finding Common Ground

    Finding common ground: how theory development in public health research can unite us. ... Use our essay writing service and save your time. We guarantee high quality, on-time delivery and 100% confidentiality. All our papers are written from scratch according to your instructions and are plagiarism free.

  19. Erick Erickson: How to Find Common Ground

    Erick-Woods Erickson is the editor of the website The Resurgent and a talk-show host on radio station WSB. Follow The New York Times Opinion section on Facebook and Twitter (@NYTopinion), and sign ...

  20. Rogerian Argument Model

    The Rogerian argument, inspired by the influential psychologist Carl Rogers, aims to find compromise or common ground about an issue. If, as stated in the beginning of the chapter, academic or rhetorical argument is not merely a two-sided debate that seeks a winner and a loser, the Rogerian argument model provides a structured way to move ...

  21. Rogerian Argument

    This type of argument can be extremely persuasive and can help you, as a writer, understand your own biases and how you might work to find common ground with others. Here is a summary of the basic strategy for a Rogerian argument, and the infographic on the following page should be helpful as well. In your essay, first, introduce the problem.

  22. GRE Example Essay: The Goal of Politics

    In these cases, their ideals were destructive and needed to be checked by a strong opposing force. GRE Example Essay Prompt: Some people claim that the goal of politics should be the pursuit of an ideal. Others argue that the goal should be finding common ground and reaching reasonable consensus. Write a response in which you discuss which view ...

  23. 10.8: Introduction to Building Common Ground

    Provided by: Georgia State University Dept. of English. Project: APLU-PLC Adaptive Courseware for English Comp Project . License: CC BY-SA: Attribution-ShareAlike. 10.8: Introduction to Building Common Ground is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.