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Fashion management/marketing personal statement example.

"Hollie, why do you always look at what people are wearing?" was something my mother said to me in my early teens, and she was right.

To me, fashion is body language. It is a non-verbal form of communication showing a lot about the wearer to the observer. The most enticing aspect of studying a fashion related course is that fashion blossoms on the unexpected.

Developing new ideas in relation to this global industry's future, from how a business best communicates with its consumer or its environmental and cultural concerns, is something that I am whole heartedly interested in. The opportunity of combining my interest in fashion products with management and marketing skills really excites me.

Currently I think some aspects of fashion, like branding, are working with a lack of flexibility and have fallen behind where they could be. In an industry as fast paced as this one the engagement of brand to consumer is critical and adding value to the consumer, along with sustainability, is what I would like to improve.

With over a year of work experience at "Claire's", as a sales assistant, I have gained invaluable fashion retail environment experience and I know that is where I want to be. In "Claire's" I am constantly communicating with and promoting product lines to customers.

This has improved my confidence and interpersonal skills. Visual merchandising has allowed me to advance my creativity and my time management skills through meeting deadlines and has emphasised my attention to detail. I am also responsible for daily statistics reports in which I analyse consumer behaviour, product information and net sales.

This has engaged me into understanding the financial aspect of the business, challenges me to think in a logical and critical manner and continually drives me to meet and surpass targets. Within school, I have been chosen by the teachers and pupils as 'Deputy Head of House' because of my participation in a variety of House events.

This role has added to my organisational and team working skills greatly as I am expected to organise and manage 'House Events' months prior and to communicate with, as well as lead, a large group of people. In addition, my involvement in the Community Service Group involves me presenting information to the rest of the school and being inventive on how to do so.

My study of English has improved my understanding of written and verbal communication and allows me to be creative and innovative.

Undertaking Business Studies at A-level has cemented my desire for a career in marketing management. In particular, I liked the modules about marketing where I learnt about the marketing mix and different marketing plans and strategies.

Also a module called "Principles of Management and Leadership" was one I thoroughly enjoyed where I learnt about effective management in different situations and how to motivate staff. My study of history requires me to compare the effect that the past has had on present situations whilst also considering the perspectives of others.

All of these skills are transferable to the course and will stand me in good stead for life at university. Outside school my main interests are blogging and reading about current fashion trends, as it enables me to be creative and express ideas, which I believe will allow me to enhance the course and which I love to do!

Having been to international fashion capitals such as New York, Paris and London I have also developed a desire to travel, as I can see many different cultures and perceptions of fashion in different countries.

I am eager to participate fully in all aspects of university life from social to academic and relish the opportunity to turn the enthusiasm I have for this field into a full time career, hopefully in fashion marketing.

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This personal statement was written by hollieirwin19 for application in 2014.

hollieirwin19's Comments

I have received all my conditional offers. Nottingham Trent University: Fashion Management BA Hon Nottingham Trent University: Fashion Marketing BA Hon Northampton University: Fashion Marketing BA Hon Southampton University: Fashion Marketing/Management BA Hon Heriot Watt University: Fashion Marketing and Retailing BA Hon

This personal statement is unrated

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University of Leeds

How to Write a Personal Statement for a Masters in Fashion Marketing

Young male student looking down at a fashion marketing personal statement standing in front of two fashion mannequins

Ready to apply for a fashion Masters ?

Once you’ve perfected your CV, it’s time to write your accompanying fashion marketing personal statement.

This must demonstrate your relevant experience and express your passion for the course.

Follow our top tips below to help you create yours and boost your chances of getting accepted onto the course.

What is a personal statement?

According to graduate careers site Prospects,  a personal statement is a piece of writing  that you submit as part of your postgraduate application and is your first real chance to sell yourself to the university and demonstrate that you are a right fit for the course.

The personal statement should act as a supporting document to your CV that primarily highlights your work experience in more detail, alongside why you are interested in the course and what you are planning to do with the Masters.

At the University of Leeds, academics are looking for students to go into detail about why they are applying for their particular university, so it’s worth discussing which modules in the course content you are most excited by (read the module guide thoroughly before starting this) or if there are any  research projects underway  that you are interested in.

Why do I need to write one for a Masters in fashion?

In a highly competitive market, universities are looking for fashion students who can bring a wealth of knowledge and a unique perspective to the course to enhance everyone’s learning experience.

Therefore, the need to provide a personal statement is becoming increasingly common as a mandatory requirement at the application stage of fashion Masters courses. This helps universities ensure that the highest calibre of applicants who are realistically able to succeed at postgraduate level are accepted onto their course.

Personal statements act as a unique opportunity to introduce and sell yourself to course academics and make sure that your application stands out from the rest.

How do I write a personal statement for a Masters in fashion marketing?

Your personal statement will be included in your online application. There is no definitive structure for the personal statement to allow flexibility in how you summarise your motivations but in general it should cover these three areas:

  • Your previous background in relation to the qualification
  • Why you are choosing the university in particular
  • What you are planning on doing with the Masters and how you will use this in the future

If you meet the standard entry requirements, you’ll need to focus your personal statement on why you want to study with the University of Leeds. On the other hand, if you do not meet the standard entry requirements (are a non-standard applicant), change the focus to show you are eligible through cross-transferable skills and demonstrate how you’ll make a difference to the course by outlining your career journey to date and justifying why you are switching to the fashion industry.

What shall I include?

When writing a fashion marketing personal statement, we’d recommend that you include:

  • Your reasons for applying for the fashion Masters course.
  • Which specific fields within fashion marketing and design management interests you the most.
  • Your academic experience to date, including the subject areas and modules that you most enjoy.
  • The most significant research project or dissertation you have undertaken, discussing the title, research methods and overall outcomes.
  • Any previous experience of engaging in quantitative research alongside the research methods and statistical packages used.
  • Your career plans and how the course might help you achieve them.

How long should a fashion marketing personal statement be?

Although there is typically no given word count, at a Masters degree level, your personal statement should be no less than one page in length. The course leader will be checking your writing capabilities, so it needs to be professionally written and thoroughly proofread for spelling and grammar before it is submitted.

Young fashion professional holding a grey laptop in front of a clothes line and next to a dressmakers mannequin

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  • Fashion Marketing Personal Statement Examples

As you embark on your journey to pursue a career in the dynamic world of fashion marketing , your personal statement will play a crucial role in helping you get into a university in the UK . Find below successful fashion marketing personal statement examples . 

Fashion Marketing Personal Statement Example

My passion for fashion marketing was ignited by the vibrant and dynamic world depicted in the popular Netflix series, “Emily in Paris.” From a young age, I was fascinated by the endless possibilities of self-expression through fashion, and the role it played in shaping our perceptions of the world. This fascination led me to pursue a deeper understanding of the industry, and I was soon travelling to some of the world’s most iconic fashion capitals such as Milan, Paris, and London, to experience the latest trends and styles firsthand.

My passion was further fueled by a life-changing internship at the prestigious Pearl Lemon PR in New York, where I had the opportunity to work alongside seasoned professionals and gain hands-on experience in the field. During my time there, I was able to develop my skills in various aspects of fashion marketing, from managing social media campaigns to conducting market research and analysis. I was also able to develop important relationships within the industry, and I believe that this experience will be invaluable as I move forward in my career.

In addition to my passion and experience, I am confident that my academic background will enable me to succeed in fashion marketing. My AAA levels in English, Maths, and Sociology have prepared me with a strong foundation in communication, critical thinking, and data analysis. English has allowed me to effectively express my thoughts and ideas, while Maths has given me a solid understanding of numbers and statistics, which are essential in determining market trends. Sociology has provided me with a broad understanding of human behaviour, which is crucial in understanding consumer preferences and behaviour.

I am eager to bring my passion, experience, and skills to a UK university and further my education in fashion marketing. I am confident that my unique blend of experience, education, and passion makes me an ideal candidate for a university program in this field. I am eager to contribute to the success of a university, and I am excited about the opportunities that a UK education will provide me to grow both professionally and personally. I am committed to working hard and embracing new challenges, and I believe that a degree in fashion marketing from a UK university will be the perfect platform for me to launch my career in this exciting and dynamic industry.

Fashion Marketing Personal Statements

I have always been driven by a passion for creativity and a love for the finer details. I am eager to study Fashion Marketing as I believe this will provide me with the ideal platform to showcase my flair for fashion, as well as allow me to demonstrate my strong literary skills. The course promises to offer me a unique opportunity to learn new techniques, develop new skills, and challenge myself in ways that I have never experienced before.

I have always had a deep-rooted passion for writing and I am proud to say that several of my poems were published in the “Peotry writers” anthology before I had even entered secondary school. Writing and fashion have always been my preferred forms of self-expression and I am eager to find a way to bring these two worlds together. I envision a future where I can use my writing skills to bring new ideas to life within the fashion industry and create a fresh approach to journalism and literature.

My experiences studying Sociology, Media, and English Language at A Level, have provided me with specific skills that have helped me to grow and develop creatively. The English Language was my favourite subject, and I relished the opportunity to focus on topics that were important to me, as well as learn a wide variety of linguistic and language techniques. Media Studies was also an exciting subject for me as it allowed me to develop and edit a mock-up independent magazine, focusing on a genre of my choice. I chose to study the music industry, and I was able to learn about various forms of media promotion, advertising, and film. I was able to work as part of a creative team and participate in group activities, and I have developed the ability to work independently and collaboratively.

I love the freedom that comes with the humanities and the arts, and I appreciate the ability to express myself creatively without feeling tied down to any specific “idea”. The freedom to explore my vision and perspective is what sets these subjects apart from the more factual and scientific-based subjects.

I am currently documenting my photographs and personal reflections on my Tiktok blog, and I enjoy experimenting with different visuals and imagery. Over the years, I have become interested in a wide range of creative ideas, and I am particularly inspired by photographers such as Anna-Lou Leibovitz and Amber Asaly, whose works have been featured in my favourite magazines such as Galore and Vogue.

I have already taken a course in Fashion Marketing and Promotion at the University of Liverpool, but I was disappointed to find that the course placed a heavy emphasis on the practical side of fashion, with little focus on the academic marketing and business aspects that initially attracted me to the course.

The opportunity to study Fashion Marketing and Management is incredibly appealing to me as I have a deep-seated passion for writing, as well as a strong interest in the business aspect of the fashion industry. I believe that my passion for fashion and my focus on academics will make me an excellent candidate for the course. I am confident that I will bring something new and diverse to the subject and the industry, and I am eager to embark on this exciting journey.

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  • How to Write a Personal Statement for a PhD
  • UCAS Personal Statement: A Writing Guide And Tips For Success
  • Tips for Writing a Personal Statement for the University
  • How to Write a Personal Statement That Stands Out
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Fashion Personal Statement Example

Sample statement.

For me, fashion enables you to define yourself without even having to open your mouth. Your own unique style can tell a complete stranger everything they need to know about you and your personality, and the even bigger benefit is that you can change your style to suit your mood or the occasion.

I feel that clothing allows you to change the way you are perceived by society more easily than anything else you could change about yourself. By being a true style chameleon you can be anything you want to be. Designers that really encompass this feeling for me are Vivienne Westwood, Stella McCartney, and in recent years, Victoria Beckham.

At school I excelled in Textiles and completed a complicated formal dress, involving an inner corset, for my final year project. This course allowed me to develop the practical skills needed to truly understand the fashion industry and my independent research gave me an insight in to textile manufacturing and development.

To help develop my own personal sense of style I worked part-time in High Street fashion store River Island during my time at college. Whilst there I learnt a lot about how to combine individual items to create whole outfits, as well as the business side of fashion such as staff management, deliveries, and visual merchandising.

Outside of my education I enjoy travelling as I feel this helps to inspire my future fashion choices and shows me how different cultures and climates have affected the way people dress. For me, part of the fun of travelling is bringing back clothing or accessories to remind you of your holiday at home.

I also enjoy being involved in social media, and run several of my own ‘blogs’. I hope that in the future my writing experience will enable me to gain work experience in a fashion journalism or editorial role.

I hope that my time at university will allow me to learn more about the manufacturing and designing side of the fashion industry so that I can begin to develop my own range of home ware textiles. 

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Fashion Retail Management Personal Statement Examples

  • 1 Personal Statement Example Links
  • 2 Career Opportunities
  • 3 UK Admission Requirements
  • 4 UK Earnings Potential For Fashion Retail Managers
  • 5 Similar Courses in UK
  • 6 UK Curriculum
  • 7 Alumni Network

Personal Statement Example Links

  • Personal Statement Example 1
  • Personal Statement Example 2
  • Personal Statement Example 3
  • Personal Statement Example 4
  • Personal Statement Example 5

Ever wondered about the strategies that drive successful fashion brands and retail businesses? Intrigued by the idea of combining your love for fashion with business acumen?

If so, a degree in Fashion Retail Management could be your ideal pathway. This vibrant field of study equips you with the tools to understand the ever-changing fashion market, from buying and merchandising to marketing and brand management.

Fashion Retail Management is an exciting and relevant university course for students interested in pursuing a career in the fashion industry. This course provides an in-depth look at the business side of fashion, from the design process to the retail environment. It covers topics such as merchandising, marketing, product development, and customer service. Students will gain an understanding of the business side of fashion, as well as the creative side.

They will learn how to develop and manage a successful retail business, from selecting the right product mix to understanding customer needs and preferences. In addition, students will gain an understanding of the latest trends and technologies in the fashion industry.

This course is an excellent choice for students who want to gain a comprehensive understanding of the fashion industry. It provides a well-rounded education in the business side of fashion, as well as the creative side. It also offers a great opportunity to gain valuable experience in the fashion retail industry. With this knowledge, students can pursue a career in the fashion industry, either as a fashion designer, retailer, or entrepreneur.

Overall, Fashion Retail Management is a great choice for students interested in pursuing a career in the fashion industry. It provides a comprehensive education in the business side of fashion, as well as the creative side. It also offers students the opportunity to gain valuable experience in the fashion retail industry. With this knowledge, students can pursue a successful career in the fashion industry.

👍 When writing a personal statement : Highlight your passion for the course, demonstrating your understanding of it. Use relevant personal experiences, coursework, or work history to showcase how these have fostered your interest and readiness for the course.

Career Opportunities

Someone with a degree in fashion retail management can pursue a variety of different careers and professions in the fashion industry.

1. Retail Buyer: A retail buyer is responsible for selecting and purchasing merchandise for a retail store. They must have a keen eye for fashion trends and an understanding of the target customer.

2. Visual Merchandiser: Visual merchandisers are responsible for creating attractive displays and window displays that will draw customers into the store. They must have an eye for design and be able to create visually appealing displays.

3. Fashion Designer: Fashion designers create clothing and accessories for a variety of different markets. They must have an eye for fashion trends and be able to create stylish and fashionable pieces.

4. Fashion Stylist: Fashion stylists are responsible for creating looks for models, celebrities, and other public figures. They must have an eye for fashion trends and be able to create stylish and fashionable looks.

5. Fashion Publicist: Fashion publicists are responsible for promoting fashion brands and designers. They must have a good understanding of the fashion industry and be able to create innovative and effective campaigns.

6. Fashion Photographer: Fashion photographers are responsible for capturing fashion images for magazines, websites, and other publications. They must have an eye for detail and be able to create visually stunning images.

7. Fashion Market Researcher: Fashion market researchers are responsible for gathering and analyzing data related to the fashion industry.

UK Admission Requirements

The UK Admission Requirements for the University Course Fashion Retail Management are as follows:

In order to be accepted into this course, applicants must have achieved a minimum of a 2:2 honors degree in a related subject such as fashion, retail, business, or marketing. In addition, applicants must also have a minimum of two years of relevant professional experience in the fashion retail industry.

This entry criteria is comparable to other courses in the same field, as most courses require a minimum of a 2:2 honors degree in a related subject and some professional experience. However, the Fashion Retail Management course is unique in that it requires two years of professional experience in the fashion retail industry, which is more than many other courses in the same field.

UK Earnings Potential For Fashion Retail Managers

The average earnings for someone with a degree in Fashion Retail Management will vary depending on the individual’s experience and the type of job they are pursuing. Generally, entry-level positions in the fashion retail industry can range from £18,000 to £25,000 per year, while more experienced professionals may earn up to £45,000.

In terms of trends in the job market, the fashion retail industry is expected to grow significantly over the next few years. This is due to the increasing demand for more specialized roles, such as e-commerce and digital marketing, as well as the growing popularity of online shopping. As a result, salaries for those in the fashion retail industry are likely to increase, with more experienced professionals commanding higher wages.

Similar Courses in UK

Other university courses related to Fashion Retail Management include:

1. Fashion Buying and Merchandising: This course focuses on the buying and merchandising aspects of the fashion industry, and provides students with an understanding of the processes involved in selecting and purchasing fashion products for retail. It also covers topics such as trend forecasting, product development, and market analysis.

2. Fashion Design: This course focuses on the design aspects of the fashion industry, and provides students with an understanding of the principles and techniques of fashion design. It covers topics such as fabric selection, pattern making, garment construction, and styling.

3. Fashion Marketing: This course focuses on the marketing aspects of the fashion industry, and provides students with an understanding of the strategies and tactics used to promote fashion products. It covers topics such as market research, advertising, public relations, and digital marketing.

The key differences between these courses and Fashion Retail Management are that Fashion Retail Management focuses on the management aspects of the fashion industry, such as store operations, customer service, inventory control, and financial management. It also covers topics such as retail strategy and retail analytics. The other courses, on the other hand, focus on the buying, design, and marketing aspects of the fashion industry.

UK Curriculum

The key topics and modules covered in the Fashion Retail Management course include:

  • Introduction to the Fashion Retail Industry: This module covers the fundamentals of the fashion retail industry, including the history of fashion retail, the global fashion industry, the structure of the fashion retail industry, and the different types of fashion retailers.
  • Merchandising and Buying: This module focuses on the principles and practices of merchandising and buying, including the role of the buyer, the importance of forecasting trends, and the development of a product range.
  • Visual Merchandising: This module covers the principles of visual merchandising, including the use of lighting, colour, and design to create an appealing shopping environment.
  • Store Management: This module covers the principles of store management, including customer service, store operations, and financial management.
  • Digital Marketing and E-Commerce: This module covers the principles of digital marketing and e-commerce, including the use of social media, website design, and search engine optimisation.
  • Retail Strategy and Planning: This module covers the principles of retail strategy and planning, including the development of a business plan and the implementation of a retail strategy.

In addition to the academic modules, the course also includes hands-on experience and practical work. This includes visits to fashion retailers and industry events, as well as the opportunity to develop a portfolio of fashion retail projects.

Alumni Network

One notable alumni from the course Fashion Retail Management is Sarah Willersdorf, who is the Global Head of Luxury and Chief Strategy Officer at Boston Consulting Group. She is a leading expert in the luxury and fashion retail industry, having worked with some of the world’s most iconic fashion brands. She is an advocate for the industry, and has been a keynote speaker at many events, including the Luxury Goods Summit and the Luxury Retail Summit. She is also a mentor to many young fashion professionals, and is a frequent contributor to industry publications.

The university offers a variety of networking opportunities for alumni, including the Fashion Retail Management Alumni Network. This network provides a platform for alumni to connect with one another and to participate in events, such as the annual Fashion Retail Management Alumni Reunion held each year in London. The network also offers mentorship opportunities, career advice, and exclusive job postings.

Additionally, alumni can stay connected through the university’s online alumni portal, which provides access to a variety of resources, including news and updates about the course, alumni events, and job postings.

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Effective Guide: Fashion Design Personal Statement Example

Table of Contents

Fashion design is a fascinating and ever-changing field. If you’re interested in pursuing a career in fashion design, it’s essential to create a personal statement that showcases your skills and interests.

In this article, we’ll provide a fashion design personal statement example and share tips on writing your own personal statement. So whether you’re still brainstorming ideas or putting the finishing touches on your personal statement, read on for inspiration!

What Is a Fashion Design Personal Statement?

A fashion design personal statement is a written document that outlines your goals and motivations for pursuing a career in fashion design. It explains why you are the best candidate for a coveted spot in a fashion design program. In addition, it also highlights your experience or qualifications related to the field. A well-written personal statement can be an effective way to demonstrate your passion for fashion.

Why Write a Personal Statement for Fashion Design?

A personal statement for fashion design is a great way to highlight your skills, experiences, and motivations behind pursuing this field . It can be a helpful tool when applying for colleges or scholarships. It allows admissions officers or selection committees to get to know you better as an individual.

When writing your statement, stay focused on what makes you passionate about fashion design. Avoid simply regurgitating information that can easily be found elsewhere in your application package.

Instead, take the time to reflect on what has drawn you toward this creative industry. Share stories of how your interest in fashion has developed over time. Showing off your unique perspective will help differentiate you from other applicants while demonstrating that you’re serious about pursuing a career in fashion.

Tips for Writing a Fashion Design Personal Statement

When it comes to writing a personal statement for a fashion design program, there are certain things you want to keep in mind. Here are five tips that will help your statement stand out:

  • Be specific about your design experience and interests. What sparked your interest in fashion? Why do you want to study fashion design specifically? Make sure to highlight any relevant coursework or projects you’ve undertaken.
  • Show off your personality! A strong personal statement should give the reader a sense of who you are as an artist. Share some of your creative inspirations and how they inform your work.
  • Keep it concise and well-written. Avoid extraneous detail and highlight what makes you unique as a designer. The admission committee is likely going to read dozens (if not more) of statements, so make sure yours is sharp and easy to follow.
  • Get feedback from others before submitting the final version. It can be helpful to get feedback from classmates, teachers, or anyone else with editorial expertise. This will help ensure that your statement represents yourself in the best possible light!

a person in a brown garment using a MacBook pro

What to Avoid Writing in the Personal Statement?

When writing a personal statement, be sure to avoid the following:

  • Generic statements about your love of fashion. Be specific about what intrigues you about the field and why you want to study it.
  • Discussing other unrelated experiences or interests. Your focus should be on explaining why you want to pursue fashion design specifically.
  • Writing anything that could be perceived as negative or self-deprecating. A positive attitude is vital when selling yourself in any application materials.

Fashion Design Personal Statement Example

A personal statement is your chance to share with the admission committee who you are and why you want to attend the program. It is a chance for you to voice your interests and desire to study in the field of fashion design. Below is a fashion design personal statement example to inspire you to craft one for yourself:

Personal Statement Sample

As an artist, I have always been intrigued by how clothes can dramatically change someone’s appearance and express their personality. For me, fashion design is not just about creating beautiful clothing; it is also a form of storytelling and self-expression.

Ever since I was young, I have loved playing with different textures and fabrics, experimenting with color palettes, and putting together unique outfits. When I discovered fashion design as a career option, I knew it was the perfect fit for me. I believe nothing is more satisfying than taking an idea and turning it into something tangible that people can wear or see on TV.

Fashion Design has allowed me to develop my artistic skills while also giving me a practical understanding of how garments are made and marketed. Over the years, I have participated in many fashion shows as a designer and model manager/coordinator. This experience has taught me valuable lessons about working as part of a team, dealing with last-minute changes, and interpreting feedback from others.

I am confident that my passion for artistry combined with my organizational skills would make me an excellent candidate for any Fashion Design program.

When writing a fashion design personal statement, the most important thing is to be yourself. Don’t try to imitate someone else’s style; instead, let your personality shine through.

Be sure to focus on what makes you unique and why you want to pursue a career in fashion design. Above all, make sure your statement is well-written and error-free. Following the tips in this post will help ensure that your personal statement stands out from the rest.

Effective Guide: Fashion Design Personal Statement Example

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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Fashion and Management

Applied in: winter 2013, university offers: london college of fashion.

At this very minute, businesses all over the world are being brought to life by aspiring entrepreneurs. Whether they will succeed or not and why is what intrigues me.

My curiosity for business was sparked when I did an internship at TFL “Occupational Health” last year. I learnt valuable leadership lessons from the head of the department who showed me ways to motivate a team whilst staying in control. I also had the opportunity to see the work behind the organisation when I helped the administration team with their internet database.  During my time there, I also attended a Health Fair where I greeted TFL workers and was given the responsibility of performing health checks. It gave me a chance to develop my communication and organisational skills, skills needed for any good business venture. My work experience allowed me to understand the basics of how a business works and see it being applied in a real life context.

This experience and my interest in maths and business led me to choose the economic science section of the French Baccalaureate. Maximising profit and calculating margins are aspects of the course I particularly enjoyed. Furthermore, I found the international side of business interesting. Being bilingual and having learnt Russian for five years has given me an insight into Russian culture and will enable me to work in an international environment. My visit to Saint Petersburg made me aware of the growing appetite for western goods in Russia with the advance of capitalism. I also studied Latin and Ancient Greek. These languages have deepened my knowledge and increased my ability to analyse information. I enjoy debating in PSHE and like to get my point of view across.

In addition, I have taken art as an extra subject as I believe it offers new perspectives and stimulates ideas about design, helping to communicate these ideas visually. It has made me more patient and more open minded as well as giving me a creative edge. I have used my artistic skills to participate in the School Fashion Show last year. This made me develop my presentation and marketing skills, as we had to collaborate as a group to create a dance routine and design our clothes. I am a motivated and competitive person determined to succeed in anything I put my mind to. These new competences I have gained will help me with marketing and designing new business ideas.

Moreover, having been the editor in chief of an article about journalist, Nicholas Bellet, my interest in leading a group and organising tasks has been ignited. This year, I worked closely with two students on a group supervised coursework. We produced a magazine for seniors after doing research and finding out that the population in wealthy countries such as England is aging and that society is recognising the market potential of seniors. We identified a gap in the market and took advantage of that. Although our magazine wasn’t published, we still collaborated and had to manage the costs of printing our magazine, taking into account the economies of scale. I found that these two tasks fed my desire to study business. Wanting to extend my knowledge, I read a book on “Management: Theory and practice” by G A Cole. I found it particularly interesting to read about women in management and how to break through the glass ceiling.

David Kirkpatrick’s “The Facebook Effect” was also fascinating as I realised how a small idea can turn into a multi-billion dollar business and even change the world if you are equipped with the right knowledge and know how to exploit it.

What attracted me to this area of study is the breadth of knowledge I can acquire through the interdisciplinary and international aspects of business from marketing to finance. I feel this course will prepare me to work in a management role or even one day help me run a business.

Please note UCAS will detect any form of plagiarism. PSE and its contributors do not take any responsibility for the way in which personal statements are used.

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How to Write a Fashion Business Plan in 10 Easy Steps

  • Published: May 28, 2023
  • By: Yellowbrick

Have you ever dreamed of making a splash in the world of fashion? Do you possess the creative flair and keen business sense needed to dress the world in your unique vision? If you’re nodding your head, it’s time to strut your stuff and create a fashion business plan  that’ll make investors sit up and take notice.

Fear not, we’re here to help with this 10-step guide that will assist you in crafting a blueprint tailor-made for success . So grab a cup of coffee, and let’s dive in together, preparing you to take the fashion industry by storm!

Find Your Fashion Niche

First things first,  what’s your style , darling ? Are you all about haute couture or do you fancy yourself as the next streetwear sensation? Identifying your niche is crucial to setting the foundation of your business plan. Ask yourself: who’s your target audience? What makes your brand unique? Answering these questions will help you carve out your place in the fashion world.

Executive Summary: Give ‘Em the Runway Rundown

Think of your executive summary as the teaser trailer for your business plan. It should be concise , snappy , and give your readers a taste of what’s to come . Summarize your company’s mission, its unique selling points, and your strategy for growth. Remember, first impressions count, so make it fabulous!

Company Description: Flaunt Your Brand’s Personality

Here’s where you  spill the beans about your company . What’s the story behind your brand? How will it make a difference in the fashion industry? Describe your company’s history, structure, and culture. Don’t forget to mention any milestones or achievements that make you stand out from the crowd.

Market Analysis: Study Your Style Scene

You’ll need to  do some legwork to get the lowdown on your target market . Analyze trends, competitors, and your audience’s buying habits. Who are the big players in your niche? What are the gaps in the market? Uncover the secrets to your competitors’ success and learn how to make your brand shine even brighter.

Product Line: Show Off Your Fashion Forwardness

Here’s your chance to strut your stuff and flaunt your designs . Detail your product line, including sketches, materials, and price points. How will your collection evolve over time? What’s your plan for future collections? Give readers a sneak peek into your fashion-forward world and leave them wanting more.

Marketing and Sales Strategy: Work That Catwalk!

Now that you’ve got your fabulous designs, how do you plan to spread the word ? Outline your marketing strategy, touching on advertising, social media, influencers, and PR. Describe your sales channels and how you’ll reach your target audience. Remember, in the fashion world, you’ve got to work to make it!

Operational Plan: Behind the Seams

In this section, delve into the nitty-gritty of your day-to-day operations . Discuss your production process, suppliers, and inventory management. How will you ensure quality control? What’s your plan for scaling up as your business grows? Give readers a behind-the-scenes look at the nuts and bolts of your fashion empire.

Management and Organization: Assemble Your Style Squad

No one can run a fashion empire alone.  Introduce your readers to your team , highlighting their experience and expertise . How will your organizational structure support your business’s growth? Be sure to discuss any advisors or mentors who’ll help guide you on your journey to the top.

Financial Projections: Crunching the Couture Numbers

Fashion may be all about glamor and glitz, but at the end of the day, it’s still a business. In this section, lay out your financial projections ,  including revenue , expenses , and profit . Create a comprehensive budget and cash flow statement to demonstrate your financial savvy. Don’t forget to address any potential risks and how you’ll mitigate them. After all, a solid financial plan is your ticket to fashion stardom.

Appendices: The Cherry on Top

Wrap up your fashion business plan with any additional information or documentation that supports your case. This might include market research data, design patents, or even letters of intent from potential buyers. Think of the appendices as the finishing touches to your plan – the cherry on top that ties everything together.

A Runway-Ready Business Plan

And there you have it – a 10-step guide to crafting a fashion business plan that’s equal parts style and substance. With your runway-worthy blueprint in hand, you’re now ready to take the fashion world by storm . So go on, dazzle investors, and watch your designs light up the catwalks. After all, the sky’s the limit when you’ve got a plan that’s dressed to impress!

But wait, before you dive headfirst into the world of fashion business, remember that it’s essential to keep learning and expanding your knowledge . To help you achieve even greater success, consider enrolling in the Fashion Industry Essentials Course  offered by Yellowbrick.

Taught by esteemed faculty from the prestigious Parsons School of Fashion  and leading industry insiders, this course covers essential aspects of the business side of fashion, including:

  • Visual style
  • Portfolio design
  • Fashion production
  • Marketing & PR

Featuring five enthralling online modules and a range of skill-building activities, you can progress at your own pace, tailoring the learning experience to suit your needs. Each module typically takes between 3 to 5 hours to complete.

And the cherry on top? You’ll have the extraordinary opportunity to learn from industry powerhouses  like Elaine Welteroth, Brandon Maxwell, and Rebecca Minkoff. Upon completing the course, you’ll be awarded a  non-credit certificate of completion from Parsons , showcasing your commitment to the fashion industry.

So, are you ready to strut your stuff? Don’t hesitate! Begin crafting your fashion business plan and enroll in the Fashion Industry Essentials Course  today to stay ahead of the curve. Empower yourself with the knowledge and skills to make your mark on the fashion world!

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Sudden Resignations. A Leaked Letter. What’s Happening Inside Miss USA?

Noelia Voigt’s announcement this week that she was stepping down as Miss USA set off a string of departures and prompted larger questions about the inner workings of the organization.

UmaSofia Srivastava and Noelia Voigt sit side by side in short bejeweled dresses with pageant sashes.

By Madison Malone Kircher

When the reigning Miss USA, Noelia Voigt, announced this week she would be resigning from her position, she cited her mental health and wrote about her gratitude for the opportunity.

“As individuals, we grow through experiencing different things in life that lead us to learning more about ourselves,” she wrote on Instagram on Monday.

But an internal resignation letter by Ms. Voigt to Miss USA leadership and the Miss Universe Organization, obtained on Friday by The New York Times, presented a much darker picture.

In the eight-page letter, Ms. Voigt, who represented the state of Utah and was crowned in September, described “a toxic work environment within the Miss USA Organization that, at best, is poor management and, at worst, is bullying and harassment.” She also complained in her letter that the organization had delayed making good on her prize winnings.

The Miss USA Organization did not respond to request for comment.

Ms. Voigt’s departure has spurred at least two other resignations. UmaSofia Srivastava, Miss Teen USA, announced she was stepping down from her role on Wednesday. Arianna Lemus, who represented Colorado at Miss USA in 2023, said on Friday she was resigning in solidarity after seeing Ms. Voigt’s post.

“That was a call to help,” Ms. Lemus, 27, said in an interview.

The sudden departures have touched off wider speculation in the pageant world that crowned winners are legally barred from speaking freely about their experiences with the Miss USA Organization. Many of Ms. Voigt’s past competitors, including Ms. Lemus, shared a statement demanding that she be released from any nondisclosure agreements.

In her resignation letter, Ms. Voigt said she experienced an incident of sexual harassment when, during a Christmas parade last year in Sarasota, Fla., a driver made inappropriate comments toward her.

She said in her letter that the organization failed to support her when she reported the incident.

Ms. Voigt went on to write that serving as Miss USA took a toll on her health, adding that she now struggled with anxiety and took medication to manage her symptoms.

She said she had begun experiencing “heart palpitations, full body shakes, loss of appetite, unintentional weight loss, loss of sleep, loss of hair and more.”

Some people believed Ms. Voigt’s Instagram post announcing her resignation contained a secret message. The first letter of each of the first 11 sentences of the statement spell the phrase “I AM SILENCED,” which some have interpreted as a signal that Ms. Voigt is unable to speak openly about her experience.

Just a few days after Ms. Voigt’s announcement, Ms. Srivastava, who was crowned Miss Teen USA in 2023, also resigned from her post .

“After careful consideration, I have decided to resign as I find that my personal values no longer fully align with the direction of the organization,” Ms. Srivastava, who represented the state of New Jersey at the Miss Teen USA pageant in September, wrote on Instagram.

Her post included a quote from the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche: “There are no beautiful surfaces without a terrible depth.”

“I know all of us who love the program want to rush out and do something,” Laylah Rose, the president and chief executive of the Miss USA Organization, wrote in an email to The Times earlier this week, regarding Ms. Voigt’s and Ms. Srivastava’s resignations. “My goal is to provide truly helpful steps we can take together.”

“Our all-encompassing goal at Miss USA is to celebrate and empower women,” Ms. Rose added, saying she was taking “these allegations seriously.”

Through a representative, both Ms. Srivastava and Ms. Voigt declined to comment, citing a nondisclosure agreement. (A copy of the 2023 Miss USA contract obtained by The New York Times appears to bar signees from disclosing any information about Miss USA while employed by the organization.)

After Ms. Voigt’s announcement, several of her fellow Miss USA 2023 competitors posted a statement on Instagram demanding that the Miss USA Organization release Ms. Voigt from any such agreement.

Juliana Morehouse, who competed at Miss USA representing Maine and lives in South Carolina, said in an interview with The Times that the letter originated in a group chat of 2023 participants who were “shocked and saddened” to hear of Ms. Voigt’s resignation. On a Zoom call, they hashed out the message they wanted to share in support of Ms. Voigt.

(Ms. Morehouse did not provide an exact figure but said the number of women who wrote and shared the letter comprised a majority of the 51 competitors at Miss USA in 2023.)

Claudia Michelle Engelhardt, who stepped down from her role as social media director for Miss USA this month, said she felt the Miss USA participants were unfairly pressured into signing their contracts.

“It was pretty much, ‘You have to sign this or you’re not going to compete,’” Ms. Engelhardt, 24, said. “You just worked your butt off to get here. You won your state. What, are you not going to go because you don’t want to sign a contract? They are basically holding you hostage, for lack of a better term, to sign this contract.”

Ms. Morehouse said she was given “a little over 24 hours” to review the contract.

“I don’t think any of us sought legal representation to review it with us,” she said in an interview with The Times. “We had never heard of such an ironclad NDA being implemented in previous years, because this was the first year of the new leadership.” (Ms. Rose became president of the organization last year.)

She emphasized that while her personal experience with Miss USA was a positive one, she hoped speaking out would ensure that was the case for all participants in the future.

Ms. Lemus, the former Miss Colorado USA, said she saw some irony in how Miss USA appeared to be operating.

“This is an organization that preaches women’s empowerment,” she said.

Madison Malone Kircher is a Times reporter covering internet culture. More about Madison Malone Kircher

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PERSONAL STATEMENT EXAMPLE Fashion Promotion and Fashion PR

Submitted by Rosie

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Fashion Promotion and Fashion PR

Fashion is at the heart of today’s generation and has the power to create new identities and influence lifestyles. From the logos seen so often on the streets, to the renowned and timeless brands like Valentino seen on the catwalks - branding and promoting is the most vital piece of the entire process. I strongly believe that Fashion Promotion is the right course for me and the degree in which I will thrive.

I have chosen a degree in Fashion Promotion as I believe it combines two of my strongest attributes; a creative flair and a commercial mind. There are several aspects of the degree that I am drawn to, for example, the opportunity for industry placement, fashion film and photography.

In December, I will be taking part in a Fashion PR and Marketing short course at The London College of Fashion. During the evenings I will be visiting galleries and exhibitions that will further support my studies. This course will be covering topics such as; the fashion calendar, segmentation, the marketing mix, press releases, the use of social media and much more; thus helping me to hone in on and improve my marketing knowledge whilst introducing me to the fashion industry.

In GCSE Media Studies, I learnt about the compelling ways in which brands communicate and draw consumers in and the psychology involved. I learnt in depth about marketing by studying advertising campaigns across industries. A Level Business Studies has given me a broader understanding of how brands operate on a daily basis, and has provided me with an apt knowledge of the marketing mix, trends and forecasting.

Whilst studying Photography, I have seen major development in my work. I have fostered my own personal style and learnt invaluable portfolio skills. I have improved my time management, presentational, planning and organisational skills. This has helped me meet deadlines, organise my time and enabled me to present myself and my work effectively. For my current project, I am questioning traditional portraiture by conveying personalities through alternative images.

Studying Spanish has taught me resilience, reasoning, cultural awareness, problem solving, attention to detail and most importantly communication skills which are essential in the fast moving industry of fashion. It has been proven that being able to converse and understand a second language improves our cognitive ability.

During Year 12, I took part in Young Enterprise which allowed me and a group of peers to innovate, promote, finance and sell a product. Throughout this project, I established a prominent role as Head of Marketing and Production, providing me with a comprehensive understanding of how essential social media is for promoting and how ingrained it is in the industry.. During this project, we marketed our product effectively to a specific age range (30-40 year old women) by utilising Facebook and targeting primary school fayres where there were parents of attending students.

I have always been an active part of my school’s community; in debates, Student Voice, peer mentoring, sports competitions, drama performances, culture days and fundraising. I was also appointed a prefect of Business Studies where I support younger students, organise classroom displays and volunteer at open evenings. Working in a restaurant means the pressure of operating in a fast-paced environment has become a second nature to me. I have learnt how to multitask, how to deal with difficult situations, how to communicate and work efficiently as a team and how to satisfy different consumer needs. Working so closely for two years with the brand Pizza Hut has given me an insight into their marketing techniques — something which will translate well when studying how fashion brands do the same. I believe that the knowledge and skills I have developed will thoroughly support me in this degree.

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    A personal statement for fashion design is a great way to highlight your skills, experiences, and motivations behind pursuing this field. It can be a helpful tool when applying for colleges or scholarships. It allows admissions officers or selection committees to get to know you better as an individual. When writing your statement, stay focused ...

  14. Personal Statement

    Fashion Marketing and Promotion Personal Statement 2I am drawn to the endless possibilities of fashion; the idea that someone can fully express themselves through their clothes captivates me. Fashion plays a major role in my life, from my part-time work to my leisure time; I always seem to have a hunger for fashion inspiration and ideas. I am currently studying a Level 3 BTEC diploma in ...

  15. Fashion and Management

    I have used my artistic skills to participate in the School Fashion Show last year. This made me develop my presentation and marketing skills, as we had to collaborate as a group to create a dance routine and design our clothes. I am a motivated and competitive person determined to succeed in anything I put my mind to.

  16. How to Write a Fashion Business Plan in 10 Easy Steps

    In this section, lay out your financial projections, including revenue, expenses, and profit. Create a comprehensive budget and cash flow statement to demonstrate your financial savvy. Don't forget to address any potential risks and how you'll mitigate them. After all, a solid financial plan is your ticket to fashion stardom.

  17. Fashion Personal Statement

    Fashion is a continuation of personality; individuals can take the same item of clothing from a retailer and envision it completely differently, thus making it unique to them. Another aspect of fashion that I find interesting is its many forms of influence, such as culture. On their travels, buyers see something that inspires their trend board ...

  18. Inside Miss USA Turmoil: A Leaked Letter and String of Resignations

    Some people believed Ms. Voigt's Instagram post announcing her resignation contained a secret message. The first letter of each of the first 11 sentences of the statement spell the phrase "I ...

  19. Harrison Butker speech: The biggest mistake he made in his

    The NFL issued a statement Wednesday, saying Butker's comments don't reflect the views of the league. "Harrison Butker gave a speech in his personal capacity.

  20. Fashion Promotion & PR Personal Statement

    Inspire your Fashion Promotion & Fashion PR personal statement with our UCAS examples and learn from previous students who have already applied to university. Order Prospectus; ... Fashion Marketing and Management Personal Statement . As an individual I have always had a passion for creativity and a keen eye and attention to detail. I stro...