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11 rules for transformation of sentences from affirmative to negative sentences.

In this article, we are going to discuss Transformation of Sentences Affirmative to Negative. We will cover Transformation of sentences in three parts –

  • Interchange of Affirmative and Negative Sentences,
  • Interchange of Assertive and Interrogative Sentences ,
  • Interchange of Assertive and Exclamatory Sentences. 
  • Interchange of Simple, Complex and Compound Sentences .

Let’s start with -

Interchange of Affirmative and Negative Sentences:

Table of contents:.

  • Rule 1: Negative word + opposite of the main word.
  • Rule 2: Using "Fail" + infinitive.
  • Rule 3: Using "None but".
  • Rule 4: Using  "Nothing but" .
  • Rule 5: Using  "Never but" .
  • Rule 6: Using "No sooner....than ".
  • Rule 7: Using "Not only...but also".
  • Rule 8: Using "So...that".
  • Rule 9: Using "Too... to".
  • Rule 10: Using "Not more than" .
  • Rule 11: Changing the degrees of comparison .

At first we have to remember that—

 (I)   A  negative sentence must contain a  negative word . Such negative words are –

No, not, never, nothing, none, nobody, no one, nowhere, neither, nor  etc.

To turn an affirmative sentence into a negative sentence a negative word must be used.

Remember,  ‘not’  is used only with an auxiliary verb. 

I  do not  go there. (Here  ‘do’  is an auxiliary verb).

He  was not  punished. (Here  ‘was’  is an auxiliary verb) 

 (II)   Both, the affirmative sentence and the negative one must be the same meaning (sense).


Affirmative –  They  like  her. [Turn into negative] 

Negative –  They  do not like  her. ❌

Negative –  They  do not dislike  her. ✅

Only putting a negative word may change the sense of the statement. Here we have used the opposite word of the main verb ( like => dislike ) thus keeping the meaning unchanged.

Rules for Transformation of Affirmative to Negative Sentences:

 Rule 1: 

Use a Negative Word + Opposite Word of the Main Word:

With the help of the opposite of the main word of the sentence. The main word is usually an adjective or a verb or an adverb. 

E.g. –

Affirmative –  I am doubtful. [Turn it into a negative sentence.]

We know that to turn an affirmative sentence into a negative sentence a negative word must be used.

In this case, simply use a  not   after the be-verb  ( am ).

Negative –   I  am not  doubtful .

Up to this, the formation of the negative sentence is correct, but the transformation is not, as  I am doubtful  and  I am not doubtful  have completely opposite meanings.

So, to keep the sense unchanged, —

Use the  opposite word of  doubtful .

The o pposite meaning of  doubtful  is  sure .

Negative –  I  am not   sure . 

(This is the right answer)

Other examples –

Affirmative –  Fruits are good for health. (Main word –  good )

Negative –  Fruits  are  not  bad  for health. (Opposite of  good  is  bad )

Affirmative –  We have won the match. (Main word –  won )

Negative –  We  have  not  lost  the match. (Opposite of  won  is  lost )

Affirmative –  I love you. (Main word – love)

Negative –  I  do  not  hate  you. (Opposite of  love  is  hate )

Affirmative –  She dislikes me. (Main word –  dislikes )

Negative –  She  does  not  like  me. (Opposite of  dislike  is  like )

Related:  Interchange of Assertive and Exclamatory sentences .

Make a negative sentence by putting a  ' fail'  + infinitive . ( Infinitive =  to + V1 ), 

Here  ‘fail’  becomes the  main verb  while the  main verb of the affirmative sentence is used after a  ‘to’  in its base form (infinitive) .

Affirmative –  He made us laugh. [Turn into a negative sentence]

Use  ‘fail’  as the main verb.

[Here the affirmative sentence is in past tense. So, we will use the past form of  'fail' .] 

Negative –   He failed...

Use  to + V1 , where  V1  is the  main verb  of the affirmative sentence.

[Here the main verb of the affirmative is  'make' .]

Negative –   He failed  to make ...

Next,  Put the rest portion of the affirmative. 

Negative –  He failed to make  us laugh .

But is it a negative sentence?

Of course not, there is no negative word in the sentence.

Final step:

Make the sentence negative by using a negative word.

In this case, we will use the negative form of the main verb  ‘failed’ . The negative of  ‘failed’  is  ‘did  not  fail’ . Hence,

Negative –   He  did  not  fail  to make us laugh .

Is the correct answer.

Affirmative –  We go to school.

Negative –  We  do not fail to go  to school.

Affirmative –  She plays football.

Negative –  She  doesn’t fail to play  football. 

Affirmative –  keep quiet. 

Negative –  Don’t fail to keep  quiet.

Affirmative –  Be honest.

Negative –  Don’t fail to be  honest.

See more: Transformation of  Simple and Complex Sentences

Use  "None but" :

If an affirmative sentence starts contains the word  ‘only’  or  ‘alone’ , then replace it with  ‘none but’  to make the sentence negative.

Affirmative –  Only  a good administrator can control the situation.

Negative –   None but  a good administrator can control the situation. 

Affirmative –  Only  the liberals support this law.

Negative – None but  liberals support this law.

Affirmative –  You  alone  will rescue the children.

Negative – None but  you will rescue the children.

Affirmative –  An educated man  alone  can change the society.

Negative – None but  an educated man can change the society.

Use  "Nothing but" :

If an affirmative sentence contains  'Only'  and after that any object is mentioned, replace  'only'  with  “Nothing but”  to make a negative sentence.

Affirmative –    Only  an ice-cream  was in the kitchen.

Negative –  Nothing but  an ice-cream was in the kitchen.

Affirmative –  He gave me only a hundred-rupee note.

Negative –  He gave me  nothing but  a hundred-rupee note.

Affirmative –  I play  only  football .

Negative –  I play  nothing but  football.

Affirmative –  He smokes  only   Havana * .

Negative –  He smokes  nothing but   Havana .

* Havana  is a cigar of premium quality that originated in Havana, Cuba.

Use "Never...but":

If an affirmative sentence contains  when  or  whenever , replace it with  never...but., how to use never...but:, affirmative structure –  clause 1 +  when/whenever  + clause 2 e.g. – affirmative –  i wear a mask  whenever  i go out. negative –  i  never  wear a mask  but  i go  or, another way to use when/whenever is- affirmative structure –  when/whenever + clause 1 + , + clause 2 e.g. – affirmative –  whenever  i go out, i wear a mask. negative –  i  never  go out  but  wear a mask. affirmative –  i see you when you come here. negative –  i  never  see you  but  you come here. affirmative –   when  the bell rings, we wake up negative –  the bell  never  rings  but  we wake up., use  " no sooner...than" ..

If an affirmative statement contains  “As soon  as” , then replace it with  no sooner...than  to make a negative sentence. 

First, we have to understand the  use of “As soon  as” and “No sooner...than”.

A sentence containing an   ‘as soon as’   usually has  two clauses .

As in,  "As soon as the teacher entered the class, the students stopped talking"  , two clauses are there –

One is –  “As soon as the teacher entered the class”  and

The other is –  “the students stopped talking.”

So, the  structure of the sentence  is – 

As soon as + subject 1 + verb 1 + object 1 + subject 2 + verb 2 + object 2.


Affirmative –  As soon as + subject 1 + verb 1 + object 1 + subject 2 + verb 2 + object 2.

Negative –   No sooner  + auxiliary verb **  + subject 1 + verb 1 + object 1 +  than  + subject 2 + verb 2 + object 2.

** The In this case,  auxiliary verbs  may be – 

Do/does  (for present indefinite tense),

Did  (for past tense), 

Had  (for past perfect tense).

Or to simplify,

Affirmative –  As soon as   + Clause 1 + clause 2.

Negative –   No sooner   + clause 1 +  than  + clause 2.

Affirmative –  As soon as  the teacher entered the class, the students stopped talking.

Negative –  No sooner  did the teacher enter the room,  than  the students stopped talking. 

Affirmative –   As soon as  I had seen you, you fled.

Negative –   No sooner  had I seen you  than you fled.

Affirmative –   As soon as reached the station, the train left.

Negative –  No sooner   did I reached the station  than  the train left.

Affirmative –   As soon as  John got out of the building, a robber snatched his bag.

Negative –  No sooner  did John get out of the building  than  a robber snatched his bag.

Use  “ Not only...but also ” :

If an affirmative sentence contains  “Both...and”  replace it with  “ Not only...but also ”   to transform the affirmative into a negative sentence.

Affirmative –  Both John and Jack are guilty.

Negative –   Not only  John  but also  Jack is guilty.

Affirmative –  Both Rohit and Virat play well.

Negative –   Not only  Rohit  but also  Virat plays well.

Affirmative –  I can play both guitar and sitar.

Negative –  I can play  n ot only  guitar  but also  sitar.

Affirmative –  Prantik is  both  tall  and  strong..

Negative –  Prantik is  not only  tall  but also  strong.

Use "so...that":

If an affirmative sentence contains a  ‘’ , then replace it with  so...that  ( so  + adjective/adverb +  that ).

E.g. – 

Affirmative –  Jack is  too  proud  to  apologize. 

Replace  ‘too’  with  ‘so + adjective/adverb + that’ .

Negative –  He is  so proud that...

Now, change the  infinitive (to + v1)  to a  negative clause .

[Here, the infinitive in the affirmative sentence is –  to apologize . So, change  ‘to apologize’  to a whole  negative sentence (clause)  which may have a structure i.e. –  ...he will not apologize. 

Subject + auxiliary verb + not + main verb (apologize).

Negative –  He is so proud that  he will not apologize . 

Remember –  ‘Too’  is  not a negative word  but it  has a  negative tone . 

As, if I say,  “You are too good.”  I mean  “You should not be that good.”  Similarly, by  “The flower is too beautiful.”  I mean  “The flower would not have been that beautiful.”  Though the sentences are still affirmative. 

For this reason, the affirmative sentences and the negative sentence are similar in meaning. No opposite word is required here.

Affirmative –  I am too weak to walk.

Negative –  I am so weak that I can not walk.

Affirmative –  She was too busy to receive your call.

Negative –  She was so busy that sue can not receive your call.

Affirmative –  Joe is  too  lazy  to  complete a task on time.

Negative –  Joe is  so  lazy  that  he can’t not complete a task on time.

Affirmative –  The car is  too  large  to  fit into the garage.  

Negative – The car is  so  large  that  it cannot fit into the garage.

Use "".

If an affirmative sentence contains  so...that , replace it with  too .

Affirmative –  The floor is  so  hot  that  it will burn our feet. [Turn it into negative sentence] 

In this sentence, there are  two clauses  –

A. The floor is so hot , and

B. That it will burn our feet .


To turn it into a negative sentence, follow these steps:

Replace  ‘so’  with  ‘too’ . (In clause  A )

Negative –   The floor is  too  hot...

Replace  ‘that’  with  ‘to’ . And put a  ‘not’  before it.

Negative –   The floor is too hot  not  to ...

Put a verb in its base form  after  'to'.  Actually it is an  infinitive ( to + v1 ).  

Here we have already put  ‘to’   in step 2 . Now,  only the V1  (base form of the main verb) is left.

Now the question is- What is the main verb here?

It is  ‘burn’ . And the infinitive is –  ‘to burn’ .

Negative –   The floor is too hot not  to burn our feet.

Affirmative –  She is so smart that she can be cheated.

Negative –  She is too smart not to be cheated.

Use "Not more than"

If an affirmative sentence contains “Only” + a number , replace that with “Not more than” + the number.

Affirmative – I took only one cup of tea.

Negative – I took not more than one cup of tea.

Affirmative – I got only 45% marks in the final year.

Negative – I got not more than 45% marks in the final year.

Affirmative – I bought only two tickets.

Negative – I bought not more than two tickets.

Affirmative – Did you write an essay of only hundred words?

Negative – Did you write an essay of not more than hundred words?

Change the Degree of Comparison:

Another way to turn an affirmative sentence into a negative one is  changing the degree of comparison .

We know that sometimes, while  changing the degree of comparison , a negative word is used in the answer. 

Positive –  I am as strong as John. [Turn into a  comparative degree .] 

Comparative –  John is  not  stronger than I.

So, here we find that, with the changing of degree, an affirmative sentence is changed to a negative sentence. 

If you are asked

Positive –  I am as strong as John. [Turn into a  negative sentence .] 

Again the answer will be the same. 

In these types of question, you need not be worry about the transformed sentence structure, just change the degree of the sentence.

For this case, put the comparative degree of the sentence–

It is that easy.

Some other examples: 

Positive to Comparative :–

Positive –  She is as poor as I am.

Comparative –  I am  not  poorer than she.

Positive –  She is as handsome as her sister.

Comparative –  Her sister is  not  handsomer than she.

Positive –  Her sister is as tall as she.

Comparative –  She is  not  taller than her sister.

Comparative to Positive :–

Comparative –  He is taller than I am.

Positive –  I am  not  so tall as he is.

Comparative –  Football is more popular than golf.

Positive –  Golf is  not  so popular as football.

Comparative –  He is better than I.

Positive –  I am  not  so good as he.

Comparative –  This tree is larger than that.

Positive –  That tree is  not  so large as this.

Comparative –  Football is more interesting than cricket.

Positive –  Cricket is  not  so interesting as Football.

Comparative –  He eats more than I.

Positive –  I do  not  eat as much as he does.

Superlative to Positive :–

Superlative –  The Bourj Khalifa is the tallest building in the world.

Positive – No other  building is as tall as the Bourj Khalifa.

Superlative –  Akhtar is the fastest bowler in the world.

Positive – No other  bowler in the world is as fast as Akhtar.

Superlative –  Bolt is the fastest runner.

Positive – No other  runner is as fast as Bolt.

Superlative –  I will be the happiest man one day.

Positive – No other  man will be as happy as I will be.

Read more:  Interchange of Positive Degree and Comparative Degree . 

Read more:   Interchange of Positive Degree and Superlative Degree .

Read more:  Interchange of Comparative Degree and Superlative Degree .

Transformation of Sentences | Interchange of Affirmative Sentence and Negative Sentence

Thank you...


Posted by Souvik

You may like these posts, post a comment, 12 comments.

you do your homework change into negative

Mr.Soudik.Das Sir.easiest grammar.I would like to speak with u Sir.If it possible u may send ur mail or contact no.

you do your homework change into negative

Happy to help you... Any time you can contact me at [email protected]

It is never too late to change.(neg)

Thank you very much πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

You're welcome... Happy to help you... Visit again πŸ™‚

what is the correct were not present yesterday. were u not present yesterday ot were you present yesterday

Were you present yesterday?

I am very much pleased with this article. This is the best article on transformation I have ever seen. Thanks a lot.

negative এ rules no,none,nean,not, nathing all words πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

Very helpful. Thanks for these rules and examples

Sir My school teacher is not approving 2nd rule fail+infinitive.

Actually it depends on the questions. You can't always follow the "fail+infinitive" when applying the "Rule 1" (i.e. using a negative word) is possible.

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Affirmative to Negative Exercises

Affirmative to Negative Exercises with Answers

In this article, we will discuss Affirmative to Negative Exercises with Answers exploring their benefits, and techniques, and answering common questions. Affirmative to Negative Exercises involve transforming positive affirmations into negative ones with answers. 

Affirmative to Negative Exercises 1:

1. transform the following from affirmative to negative and vice versa..

1.  I am not an unreasonable man.

2. I am attentive to what you say.

3. He said he had not done it.

4. No one can deny that he is clever.

5. I shall not forget you.

6. I must obey you.

7. He is sometimes foolish.

8. Everybody liked her.

9. All were present in the meeting.

10. I did not find many people there.

People also ask

8. Transformation

Affirmative to Negative Answers 1:

1.  I am a reasonable man.

2. I am not inattentive to what you say.

3. He said he had undone it.

4. Everyone can deny that he is clever.

5. I shall remember you.

6. I can not but obey you.

7. Is he not sometimes foolish?

8. None disliked her.

9. No one was absent in the meeting.

10. I found some people there.

Exercises 2:

2. turn the following from affirmative to negative and vice versa..

1. I shall remember your kindness.

2. I was never absent in the class.

3. This question is not easy.

4. He loved you.

5. Everybody will admit that he is honest.

6. I am not displeased with you.

7. I am not ignorant of the matter.

8. He is not always happy.

9. Amal is strong.

10. He was not helpful to others.

Affirmative to Negative Answers 2:

1. I shall never forget your kindness.

2. I was always present in the class.

3. This question is difficult.

4. It was not that he did not love you.

5. Nobody will deny that he is honest.

6. I am pleased with you.

7. I am aware of the matter.

8. He is never unhappy.

9. Amal is not weak.

10. He was without hope to others.

Affirmative to Negative Exercises 3:

3. change the following from affirmative to negative and vice versa..

1. He touched every flower.

2. This work is within my reach.

3. He is in fear.

4. I went to his place.

5. She wrote a letter.

6. The two brothers were not unlike each other.

7. They did not fail to win the match.

8. Mohan loves Sachin.

9. He did not leave any machine unrepaired.

10. Everyone present cheered the boy.

Affirmative to Negative Answers 3:

1. He left no flower untouched.

2. This work is not beyond my rich

3. He is not without fear.

4. It was not that he did go to this place.

5. It was not that she did not write a letter

6. The two brothers were like each other.

7. They won the match

8. It is not that Mohan does not love Sachin.

9. He left all machines repaired.

10. There was no one present who did not cheer.

Affirmative to Negative Exercises 4:

4. transform the following from affirmative to negative and vice versa..

1. The boy is too lazy to be successful.

2. She is so good that everybody would like her.

3. The tree is so high that I cannot climb it.

4. The sum is too difficult for me to do.

5. She is so clever that she will understand your problem.

6. It is too hot to go out now.

7. These mangoes are too cheap to be good.

8. He is so rich that he would help you.

9. He is too proud to apologize for his mistake.

10. The poem is too simple to need an explanation.

11. The boy is too small to reach up to the branches of the tree.

Affirmative to Negative Answers 4:

1. The boy is so lazy that he can not be successful.

2. She is too good not to like her.

3. The tree is too high to climb it.

4. The sum is so difficult for me That I can not do it.

5. She is too clever to understand your problem.

6. It is so hot that we can not go out now.

7. These mangoes are so cheap that they can not be good.

8. He is too rich to help you.

9. He is so proud he can not apologize for his mistake.

10. The poem is so simple that it needs not an explanation.

11. The boy is so small that he can reach up to the branches of the tree.

Affirmative to Negative Exercises 5:

5. change the following from affirmative to negative and vice versa..

1. He is the best boy here.

2. He is as clever as Amit.

3. I am not so rich as you.

4. He is taller than his brother.

5. Ruma is not so beautiful as Rekha.

6. Mumbai is the biggest city in India.

7. He was the best footballer of his time.

8. Our school is the oldest in the locality.

9. Misery is the greatest of all mysteries.

10. Asia is the biggest continent.

Affirmative to Negative Answers 5:

1. No other boy is as good as he is here.

2. Amit is not cleverer than he is.

3. You are richer than me.

4. His brother is not as tall as he is.

5. Rekha is more beautiful than Ruma.

6. No other city in India is as big as Mumbai.

7. No other footballer of his time is as good as he is.

8. No other school is as old as our school in the locality.

9. There is no other mystery as great as misery.

10. No other continent is as big as Asia.

Affirmative to Negative Exercises 6:

6. convert the following from affirmative to negative and vice versa..

1. As soon as I arrived, the noise ceased.

2. No sooner did she see me than she burst into tears.

3. As soon as I reached the station the train left.

4. No sooner did the doctor arrive than the patient died.

5. You alone can do this.

6. There is none but wishes to be happy.

7. I found none who was not moved.

8. Only Ram was present there.

9. None but the brave deserve the fair.

10. Only she can solve the problem.

Affirmative to Negative Answers 6:

1. No sooner had I arrived than the noise ceased.

2. As soon as she saw me she burst into tears.

3. No sooner as I reached the station than the train left.

4. As soon as the doctor arrived, the patient died.

5. None but you can do this.

6. Everyone wishes to be happy.

7. I found everyone who was moved.

8. None but Ram was present there.

9. Only the brave deserve the fair.

10. None but she can solve the problem.

Affirmative to Negative Exercises 7:

7. change the following from affirmative to negative and vice versa..

1. You must help him with his needs.

2. Only graduates can apply for the post.

3. None but your friend knows the secret.

4. He owns no property other than this house.

5. He did not live long.

6. There is no smoke without fire.

7. Every smoke has a fire.

8. He did not pass the examination.

9. She attended the class yesterday.

10. He is an orator of great repute.

1. You can not escape helping him with his needs.

2. None but graduates can apply for the post.

3. Only your friend knows the secret.

4. He owns only this house.

5. He lived short.

6. Every smoke has a fire.

7. There is no smoke without fire

8. He failed the examination.

9. She was not absent from the class yesterday.

Affirmative to Negative Exercises 8:

8. transform the following from affirmative to negative and vice versa..

1. Few men would be cruel to the poor

2. I saw the Eiffel Tower.

3. He failed to pass in the examination.

4. You will miss the train unless you hurry up

5. There was no one but wept in the gathering.

6. He was a man not without ability.

7. She alone could answer the question.

8. Everybody admits that he is a rogue.

9. If you do not try hard you cannot become successful.

10. He did not keep his promise.

1. Not many men would be cruel to the poor.

2. It was not that I did not see the Eifel Tower.

3. He did not pass the examination.

4. You will miss the train if you do not hurry up.

5. Everyone wept in the gathering.

6. He was a man of inability.

7. None but she could answer the question.

8. No one will deny that he is a rogue.

9. If you try soft you can become unsuccessful.

10. He lost his promise.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: can anyone benefit from affirmative to negative exercises .

A: Yes, anyone looking to transform their mindset and overcome self-limiting beliefs can benefit from these exercises.

Q: How long does it take to see results? 

A: Results vary from person to person, but with consistent practice, you can start to see positive changes in a matter of weeks.

Q: Are there any risks involved?  

A: No, there are no risks associated with these exercises. They are a safe and effective way to promote personal growth.

Q: Can Affirmative to Negative Exercises replace therapy? 

A: While these exercises can be powerful, they are not a substitute for professional therapy when needed.

Q: How can I stay motivated to practice these exercises? 

A: Setting goals, tracking progress, and seeking support from a coach or mentor can help maintain motivation.

Affirmative to Negative Exercises for Transformation is a remarkable tool for anyone on the path to personal growth and self-improvement. By challenging self-limiting beliefs and transforming them into positive affirmations, you can unlock your full potential and create a more fulfilling life. Start your journey today and watch as your mindset and life transform before your eyes.

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  • Affirmative to Negative Sentence Transformation Exercises

Exercises on Transformation of Affirmative Sentences to Negative Sentences

To help you practise transforming affirmative sentences into negative sentences , this article will provide you with a few exercises. Try them out.

Table of Contents

Exercise 1 – transform affirmative sentences into negative sentences, exercise 2 – transform negative sentences into affirmative sentences, exercise 3 – transform sentences as directed, frequently asked questions on transformation of affirmative sentences into negative sentence exercises.

Go through the following sentences and transform the affirmative sentences into negative sentences.

1. I like watching movies.

2. They finished the project.

3. You are clever.

4. My friends and I are going on a trip together.

5. Leah works at the pharmacy.

6. This story is incomplete.

7. The house is big.

8. I could help you with the assignment.

9. We will reach the airport in twenty five minutes.

10. He has been waiting for you for two hours.

Check from the answers below to see if you have got it right.

1. I do not like watching movies.

2. They did not finish the project.

3. You are not clever.

4. My friends and I are not going on a trip together.

5. Leah does not work at the pharmacy.

6. This story is not incomplete.

7. The house is not big.

8. I could not help you with the assignment.

9. We will not reach the airport in twenty five minutes.

10. He has not been waiting for you for two hours.

Go through the following sentences and transform them into affirmative sentences.

1. This dress is not new.

2. Naveen and Sunil were not best friends.

3. Ricky does not love to have chocolate pastries after lunch.

4. She will not have arrived by noon.

5. Mia does not teach French.

6. Fathima has not been taking her medicines regularly.

7. We did not buy four new beds.

8. The cupboard does not seem to be broken.

9. Shaun’s father was not sick.

10. Sandeep has not been living in Puerto Rico for five years.

Once you are done, check your answers to see if you did it correctly.

1. This dress is new.

2. Naveen and Sunil were best friends.

3. Ricky loves to have chocolate pastries after lunch.

4. She will have arrived by noon.

5. Mia teaches French.

6. Fathima has been taking her medicines regularly.

7. We bought four new beds.

8. The cupboard seems to be broken.

9. Shaun’s father was sick.

10. Sandeep has been living in Puerto Rico for five years.

Go through the following sentences and transform them as directed.

1. I don’t think you have to be worried about him. (Transform into an affirmative sentence)

2. Gayatri has come home. (Transform into a negative sentence)

3. They will be going to Las Vegas. (Transform into a negative sentence)

4. Monica is not a cook. (Transform into an affirmative sentence)

5. Chandler makes jokes. (Transform into a negative sentence)

6. I stayed at the hotel. (Transform into a negative sentence)

7. We did not forget the tickets. (Transform into an affirmative sentence)

8. You have to bring me a pair of gloves. (Transform into a negative sentence)

9. Serena wore a long blue dress to the prom. (Transform into a negative sentence)

10. It has not been raining since yesterday. (Transform into an affirmative sentence)

Check out the answers given below to see if you transformed the sentences correctly.

1. I think you have to be worried about him.

2. Gayatri has not come home.

3. They will not be going to Las Vegas.

4. Monica is a cook.

5. Chandler does not make jokes.

6. I did not stay at the hotel.

7. We forgot the tickets.

8. You do not have to bring me a pair of gloves.

9. Serena did not wear a long blue dress to the prom.

10. It has been raining since yesterday.

What are the rules to be followed when transforming an affirmative sentence into a negative sentence?

When transforming an affirmative sentence into a negative sentence, the general way to do it is by adding β€˜not’ after the verb. In case the sentence does not have a helping verb, you can use forms of the β€˜do’ verb and add β€˜not’ to it. In sentences with more than one verb, the helping verb is negated using β€˜not’ while the remaining part of the sentence remains the same.

Give 3 examples of transformation of an affirmative sentence into a negative sentence.

Given below are 3 examples of transformation of an affirmative sentence into a negative sentence for your reference.

  • The lift is working.

The lift is not working.

  • Katie works at the hospital.

Katie does not work at the hospital.

  • Neethu has been living in Seattle for the last twenty years.

Neethu has not been living in Seattle for the last twenty years.

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you do your homework change into negative

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you do your homework change into negative

Change Negative Sentences To Affirmative Sentences Without Changing Meaning

Change the following negative sentences into affirmative sentences without changing their meaning. An example is given below.

She is not honest.

We can express the same idea in another way.

She is dishonest.

1. You are not very kind.

2. She was not present.

3. He is never late for meetings.

4. She is not obedient.

5. This is not a big problem.

6. You are not allowed to enter my home.

7. You have not paid your fee.

8. He was not given admission.

9. She was not allowed to enter the house.

10. We must not make insensitive remarks.

11. There aren't many apples on the tree.

12. She doesn't have many friends.

13. I didn't get good grades.

1. You are unkind / cruel.

2. She was absent.

3. He is always on time for meetings.

4. She is disobedient.

5. This is a small problem.

6. You are forbidden from entering my home.

7. You have failed to pay your fee.

8. He was denied admission.

9. She was prevented from entering the house.

10. We must refrain from making insensitive remarks.

11. There are few apples on the tree.

12. She has few friends.

13. I got bad / poor grades.

Change negative sentence to affirmative sentence without changing the meaning

1. He is not rich.

2. The trains are not late.

3. They did not oppose the plan.

4. She did not turn up for the party.

5. This is not a serious problem.

6. She cannot walk after the accident.

7. The students must not use the staff car park.

8. She did not accept my invitation.

9. He could not meet the deadline.

10. He has not confessed to the crime.

11. She has not arrived yet.

12. I have not had an opportunity to meet him.

1. He is poor.

2. The trains are on time.

3. They supported the plan.

4. She failed to arrive for the party.

5. This is a minor problem.

6. She has been immobile after the accident.

7. Students are forbidden to use the staff car park.

8. She rejected my invitation. / She refused to accept my invitation.

9. He failed to meet the deadline.

10. He has denied committing the crime.

11. She is yet to arrive.

12. I am yet to have an opportunity to meet him.

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Present Perfect Simple Tense Exercise 5

Perfect english grammar.

you do your homework change into negative

All Forms 2

Make the present perfect tense - positive, negative or question. Click here to review how to make the present perfect. Click here to return to the list of English grammar exercises. Download this exercise in PDF.

Seonaid Beckwith

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Reported commands, negations – Exercise 2

Task no. 2329.

Finish the sentences using Reported speech. Always change the tense, although it is sometimes not necessary.

Peter, "Don't clean the black shoes!" Peter told me  

Peter told me not to clean the black shoes .

Do you need help?

Reported commands and requests in English

  • Karen, "Don't play football in the garden!" Karen told me .
  • Teacher, "Don't forget your homework!" The teacher reminded me .
  • Mike, "Don't shout at Peter!" Mike told me .
  • Yvonne, "Don't talk to your neighbour!" Yvonne told me .
  • Denise, "Don't open the door!" Denise told me .
  • Marcel, "Don't sing that song!" Marcel reminded me .
  • Jane, "Don't watch the new film!" Jane advised me .
  • Walter, "Don't ring Romy on Sunday!" Walter told me .
  • Lisa, "Don't fly via Paris!" Lisa advised me .
  • Jamie, "Don't eat so much junk food!" Jamie reminded me .
  • You are here:
  • Grammar Exercises
  • Reported Speech

Home of English Grammar

Make Negative Sentences

Change the following affirmative sentences into negative.

1. I .................................... like to read science fiction.

2. dogs .................................... chase cats., 3. dogs ................................ like to chase cats., 4. pete ....................................... not want to talk with ann., 5. alice ..................................... not work for an insurance company., 6. i .................................... not like this wine very much., 7. i ....................................... not enjoy playing with my kids., 8. sharon ...................................... not make models from clay., 9. i ................................. practice the violin every morning., 10. my brother ....................................... not earn two hundred dollars a week., 11. our team ................................. not play well yesterday., 12. he ................................. not go to school by bus..

1. I do not like to read science fiction.

2. Dogs do not chase cats.

3. Dogs do not like to chase cats.

4. Pete does not want to talk with Ann.

5. Alice does not work for an insurance company.

6. I do not like this wine very much.

7. I do not enjoy playing with my kids.

8. Sharon does not make models from clay.

9. I do not practice the violin every morning.

10. My brother does not earn two hundred dollars a week.

11. Our team did not play well yesterday.

12. He does not go to school by bus.

Grammar notes

Affirmative sentences in the simple present tense are changed into negatives by putting do not or does not before the verb.

Affirmative sentences in the simple past tense are changed into negatives by putting did not before the verb.

you do your homework change into negative

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''He did everything.'' - Turn this sentence into negative without changing its meaning

How can we change the following sentence into negative one without changing the meaning?

He did everything.

Can we change it into this:

He left nothing undone.
Didn't he do anything

Andrew's user avatar

  • 2 Strange question. Simple didn't do everything is not good enough? No meaning is changed. –  Vladimir Markiev Commented Jan 27, 2017 at 9:14
  • #Vladimir, you've turned this sentence changing the meaning. –  Roby Commented Jan 27, 2017 at 9:18
  • 2 I assume that mean to negate the verb. Which He left doesn't do. You'll have to use a dummy subject to get the effect you want: "There was nothing he did not do ." –  deadrat Commented Jan 27, 2017 at 10:05

4 Answers 4

He did not stop until everything was done.

Michael Curry's user avatar

He left nothing undone

is pretty much the same as "he did everything". Your other example, however, is a question not a statement.

Another possibility:

There was nothing he didn't do.

Does fit. Another choice might be:

The second suggestion from the question does not fit.

Alpha Draconis's user avatar

The question completely misunderstands itself.

'He did everything' is grammatically positive; semantically it means little. Define 'everything', please?

'He left nothing undone' is still positive, unless you think 'he ran away' or 'he surrendered' or 'he lost' grammatically negative. Do you?

'Didn't he do anything?' is a question; not comparable to the other examples.

'He did nothing' is still a positive statement. 'He did (whatever)' will always remain positive.

'He did not do anything' is as close as you could get to a negative statement.

Robbie Goodwin's user avatar

  • You can't see that "anything" could be considered positive while "nothing" is negative? Regardless, this doesn't answer the question. If you want clarification, please ask for it in comments. –  Catija Commented Feb 9, 2017 at 4:45
  • No, Catija, never. The thing done is wholly irrelevant. The only thing positive or negative is the act of doing it. 'He did a negative thing' is a positive statement. The simple answer is, it's not possible to change a sentence like that into negative without changing the meaning. With a great deal of imagination it might be possible to make the sentence negative but that could never be done with without changing the meaning. –  Robbie Goodwin Commented Feb 9, 2017 at 22:08

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you do your homework change into negative

Negative Questions

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you do your homework change into negative

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  1. Affirmative to Negative Transformation of Sentences

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  2. Transformation Of An Affirmative Sentence To A Negative Sentence

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  3. Negative Sentences

    Learn how to change affirmative sentences into negative sentences in English with this grammar worksheet. Find out the rules and examples for simple present, simple past and other tenses.

  4. Change affirmative into negative

    October 15, 2016 -. Change the following affirmative sentences into negative sentences. An example is given below. Susie will help you solve the problem. (Affirmative) Susie will not help you solve the problem. (Negative) Exercise. Make negative sentences.

  5. Transformation of Affirmative Sentences to Negative Sentences

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  6. 11 Rules for Transformation of Sentences from Affirmative to Negative

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  9. Sentence transformation: affirmative to negative

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  10. Exercises on Transformation of Affirmative Sentences to Negative Sentences

    Practice transforming affirmative sentences into negative sentences with examples and answers. Learn the rules and tips for changing the polarity of sentences with different verb forms and structures.

  11. present tense

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  14. Present Perfect Simple Tense Exercise 5

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  15. Reported commands, negations

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  16. Make Negative Sentences

    Learn how to form negative sentences in English with do not, does not, did not and other auxiliary verbs. Practice with 12 examples and answers.

  17. ''He did everything.''

    'He did a negative thing' is a positive statement. The simple answer is, it's not possible to change a sentence like that into negative without changing the meaning. With a great deal of imagination it might be possible to make the sentence negative but that could never be done with without changing the meaning.

  18. II finished my homework change into negative sentences

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  19. Past simple

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  20. Past simple

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  22. Negative Questions

    Change the statement into a negative question. Change the statement into a negative question. Toggle Navigation. Games; Blog; News; Class PIN; Join for Free; Sign in; Toggle Navigation. ... Didn't you do your homework? / Didn't he do his homework? 20 Mary is going to have lobster for lunch.

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