University of Nottingham PhD Thesis Template

This template is adapted from the previous template I wrote in 2017: University of Nottingham Thesis and Dissertation Template

The current one includes more sample scripts in Chapter 4 Main Chapter, demonstrating the use of figures, tables, lists (for Research Questions and Hypotheses, etc.), equations, and PDF appendix in the Appendices chapter.

This one is specifically shaped for a PhD thesis submission.

Please double check with your faculty's thesis submission guideline.

University of Nottingham PhD Thesis Template

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Example of University of Nottingham Thesis format

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Example of University of Nottingham Thesis format

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University of Nottingham Thesis

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University of Nottingham

Approved by publishing and review experts on SciSpace, this template is built as per for University of Nottingham Thesis formatting guidelines as mentioned in University of Nottingham author instructions. The current version was created on and has been used by 695 authors to write and format their manuscripts to this journal.

Journal of the Association of Arab Universities for Basic and Applied Sciences template (Elsevier)

SciSpace is a very innovative solution to the formatting problem and existing providers, such as Mendeley or Word did not really evolve in recent years.

- Andreas Frutiger, Researcher, ETH Zurich, Institute for Biomedical Engineering

(Before submission check for plagiarism via Turnitin)

What to expect from SciSpace?

Speed and accuracy over ms word.

With SciSpace, you do not need a word template for University of Nottingham Thesis.

It automatically formats your research paper to University of Nottingham formatting guidelines and citation style.

You can download a submission ready research paper in pdf, LaTeX and docx formats.

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Frequently asked questions

1. can i write university of nottingham thesis in latex.

Absolutely not! Our tool has been designed to help you focus on writing. You can write your entire paper as per the University of Nottingham Thesis guidelines and auto format it.

2. Do you follow the University of Nottingham Thesis guidelines?

Yes, the template is compliant with the University of Nottingham Thesis guidelines. Our experts at SciSpace ensure that. If there are any changes to the journal's guidelines, we'll change our algorithm accordingly.

3. Can I cite my article in multiple styles in University of Nottingham Thesis?

Of course! We support all the top citation styles, such as APA style, MLA style, Vancouver style, Harvard style, and Chicago style. For example, when you write your paper and hit autoformat, our system will automatically update your article as per the University of Nottingham Thesis citation style.

4. Can I use the University of Nottingham Thesis templates for free?

Sign up for our free trial, and you'll be able to use all our features for seven days. You'll see how helpful they are and how inexpensive they are compared to other options, Especially for University of Nottingham Thesis.

5. Can I use a manuscript in University of Nottingham Thesis that I have written in MS Word?

Yes. You can choose the right template, copy-paste the contents from the word document, and click on auto-format. Once you're done, you'll have a publish-ready paper University of Nottingham Thesis that you can download at the end.

6. How long does it usually take you to format my papers in University of Nottingham Thesis?

It only takes a matter of seconds to edit your manuscript. Besides that, our intuitive editor saves you from writing and formatting it in University of Nottingham Thesis.

7. Where can I find the template for the University of Nottingham Thesis?

It is possible to find the Word template for any journal on Google. However, why use a template when you can write your entire manuscript on SciSpace , auto format it as per University of Nottingham Thesis's guidelines and download the same in Word, PDF and LaTeX formats? Give us a try!.

8. Can I reformat my paper to fit the University of Nottingham Thesis's guidelines?

Of course! You can do this using our intuitive editor. It's very easy. If you need help, our support team is always ready to assist you.

9. University of Nottingham Thesis an online tool or is there a desktop version?

SciSpace's University of Nottingham Thesis is currently available as an online tool. We're developing a desktop version, too. You can request (or upvote) any features that you think would be helpful for you and other researchers in the "feature request" section of your account once you've signed up with us.

10. I cannot find my template in your gallery. Can you create it for me like University of Nottingham Thesis?

Sure. You can request any template and we'll have it setup within a few days. You can find the request box in Journal Gallery on the right side bar under the heading, "Couldn't find the format you were looking for like University of Nottingham Thesis?”

11. What is the output that I would get after using University of Nottingham Thesis?

After writing your paper autoformatting in University of Nottingham Thesis, you can download it in multiple formats, viz., PDF, Docx, and LaTeX.

12. Is University of Nottingham Thesis's impact factor high enough that I should try publishing my article there?

To be honest, the answer is no. The impact factor is one of the many elements that determine the quality of a journal. Few of these factors include review board, rejection rates, frequency of inclusion in indexes, and Eigenfactor. You need to assess all these factors before you make your final call.

13. What is Sherpa RoMEO Archiving Policy for University of Nottingham Thesis?


Green Can archive pre-print post-print or publisher's version/PDF
Blue Can archive post-print (ie final draft post-refereeing) or publisher's version/PDF
Yellow Can archive pre-print (ie pre-refereeing)
White Archiving not formally supported
  • Pre-prints as being the version of the paper before peer review and
  • Post-prints as being the version of the paper after peer-review, with revisions having been made.

14. What are the most common citation types In University of Nottingham Thesis?

1. Author Year
2. Numbered
3. Numbered (Superscripted)
4. Author Year (Cited Pages)
5. Footnote

15. How do I submit my article to the University of Nottingham Thesis?

16. can i download university of nottingham thesis in endnote format.

Yes, SciSpace provides this functionality. After signing up, you would need to import your existing references from Word or Bib file to SciSpace. Then SciSpace would allow you to download your references in University of Nottingham Thesis Endnote style according to Elsevier guidelines.

with University of Nottingham Thesis format applied

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university of nottingham thesis template

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I spent hours with MS word for reformatting. It was frustrating - plain and simple. With SciSpace, I can draft my manuscripts and once it is finished I can just submit. In case, I have to submit to another journal it is really just a button click instead of an afternoon of reformatting.

university of nottingham thesis template

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University of Nottingham PhD Thesis Template

This template is adapted from the previous template I wrote in 2017: University of Nottingham Thesis and Dissertation Template

The current one includes more sample scripts in Chapter 4 Main Chapter, demonstrating the use of figures, tables, lists (for Research Questions and Hypotheses, etc.), equations, and PDF appendix in the Appendices chapter.

This one is specifically shaped for a PhD thesis submission.

Please double check with your faculty's thesis submission guideline.

University of Nottingham PhD Thesis Template

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University of Nottingham Thesis and Dissertation Template

The template is constructed for the final submission of the thesis based on the Project handbook in the university workspace.

The thesis template includes the sections below:

  • Abstract page
  • Acknowledgement page
  • Table of Contents
  • Aims and Objectives
  • Description of the Work
  • Background and Related Work
  • Implementation
  • Project management
  • Contributions and reflections
  • Bibliography

It meets the requirements for a PhD thesis and works for all computer science dissertations and project reports on all campuses.

University of Nottingham Thesis and Dissertation Template


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is a digital archive containing:

Follow the procedure shown in the . (To deposit a thesis or dissertation, first select "Nottingham eTheses" or "Nottingham eDissertations" before selecting Deposit Guide).

Material held in the Repository is made available under licence and unless otherwise stated (e.g. under a Creative Commons licence) the applies.

Before making such material available online, University of Nottingham Libraries endeavours to mitigate risk of damage to third parties by checking the copyright status of material wherever feasible and of their responsibilities with regard to copyright.

In case of query relating to copyright ownership please refer to our .

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When you use "Search", you will be searching the full text of items in the repository. It is therefore important to choose specific search terms, or combinations of terms, to avoid retrieving many irrelevant items. The facility will help you retrieve the most relevant results.

To focus specifically on Theses or Dissertations, click first on "Nottingham eTheses" or "Nottingham eDissertations" before selecting "Search".

is part of a worldwide network of open access archives that can be searched using specialist services such as or popular Internet search engines. COUNTER-compliant usage statistics can be accessed at .


University of Nottingham Thesis Template for PhD Degree

This is a thesis template for PhD degree of the University of Nottingham.

University of Nottingham Thesis Template for PhD Degree

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University of Nottingham Thesis Template


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This is a thesis template for the PhD students of University of Nottingham. This template is also available on Overleaf at


Thanks Li Yue for her efforts of conducting the thesis template, which is available at:

Dissertation and thesis support

The NTU Library offers support for undertaking dissertation, research projects, and theses work across all levels of study.

Find support by level of study

Undergraduate dissertation / final year research project, postgraduate masters dissertation / research project, phd or professional doctorate thesis.

A dissertation is an academic report that has a large word limit (5,000 - 10,000 words). It can be the biggest piece of writing you undertake during your undergraduate degree. You may be asked to select a topic to focus on and this may also require choosing a certain type of methodology or undertaking a literature review. We recommend the following material to help get you started.

Books and literature

  • Carey, M. 2013.,  The social work dissertation: using small-scale qualitative methodology . 2nd ed. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
  • Fisher, C. M., and Buglear, J., 2007.,  Researching and writing a dissertation: a guidebook for business students . 2nd ed. Harlow: Prentice Hall.
  • Harrad, S., 2008.  Student projects in environmental science. Chichester: John Wiley.
  • Naoum, S. G., 2013.  Dissertation research & writing for construction students . 3rd ed. London: Routledge.
  • Smith, K., Todd, M.J., Waldman, J., 2009.   Doing your undergraduate social science dissertation . London: Routledge.
  • Walliman, N., and Appleton, J. V., 2009.  Your undergraduate dissertation in health and social care: the essential guide for success . Los Angeles: Sage.
  • Walliman, N., and Buckler, S., 2008.  Your dissertation in education. London: SAGE.
  • plus many more available via  Library OneSearch about dissertations, research methods, literature reviews, etc.

Useful links

  • Writing an undergraduate dissertation (Royal Literary Fund)
  • Literature reviews (an interactive presentation about what a literature review is, and how to go about writing one).

Further help

  • Attend  one of our workshops about dissertation research, literature reviews, proofreading, etc.
  • Book an appointment to talk to a member of staff.
  • Talk with your dissertation or research project supervisor.

A masters degree usually has some sort of extended individual project. It typically involves a high word count (between 12,000 and 20,000 words). The structure is similar to an undergraduate dissertation, but you will be expected to investigate your topic in greater detail, and develop your research methodology skills further. The following resources will help you get started.

  • Biggam, J., 2015.   Succeeding with  your master's dissertation: a step-by-step handbook. 3rd ed.  Maidenhead: McGraw Hill.
  • Hart, C., 2005.   Doing your masters dissertation: realizing your potential as a social scientist. London: Sage.
  • Jesson, J., Matheson, L., Lacey, F. M., 2011.   Doing your literature review: traditional and systematic techniques .  London: Sage.
  • Murray, L., and Lawrence, B., 2000.  Practitioner-based enquiry: principles for postgraduate research .  London: Falmer Press.
  • Parija, S. C., and Kate, V., 2018.  Thesis writing for Master's and PhD Program .  Singapore: Springer Nature.
  • Wallace, M., and Wray, A., 2016.   Critical reading and writing for postgraduates .  3rd ed. Los Angeles: Sage.
  • Dissertation Guide (Royal Literary Fund)
  • Attend  one of our workshops about dissertation research for taught postgrad students, literature reviews, proofreading, etc.

Undertaking a thesis at postgraduate research level requires you to conduct a literature review and original research. The NTU Doctorate Plus programme supports you throughout this process. Take a look at our  Research Students page to see what help is available.

You can also consult the  Researcher Development Brochure to see the full range of workshops available to postgraduate researchers, including guidance for academic writing, research methodologies, and practical support for working with long documents.

  • Churchill, H. & Sanders, T., 2007.  Getting your PhD : a practical insider's guide . London: SAGE.
  • Dunleavy, P., 2003. Authoring a PhD : how to plan, draft, write, and finish a doctoral thesis or dissertation.  Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Hayton, J., 2015.  PhD : an uncommon guide to research, writing & PhD life . James Hayton PhD: James Hayton.
  • Lee, N.-J., 2009.  Achieving your professional doctorate . Maidenhead: Open University Press.
  • Murray, R., 2016.  How to write a thesis.4th ed . Maidenhead: Open University Press.
  • Phillips, E. and Pugh, D., 2015.  How to get a PhD: a handbook for students and their supervisors. 6th ed. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
  • plus many more available via  Library OneSearch about research methods, literature reviews, etc.
  • Theses by previous NTU research students – view these online in the thesis collection in  IRep .
  • Research Development Gateway – this NOW learning room provides a wide range of resources to support your skills development as you undertake your thesis.
  • Attend one of our  workshops for more advice on getting started with your literature review, keeping up-to-date and managing your references.
  • Book an appointment with your  Research Support Librarian .
  • Talk with your supervisory team.

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  • Using extracts for criticism, review or quotation

You can include limited extracts of a copyright work in your thesis for the purposes of criticism, review or quotation under an exception to UK Copyright law.

This exception cover two distinct uses:

  • Criticism or review - allows the use of short extracts or quotations for the purpose of critique or review.  Use must be genuinely for this purpose and not for illustrative or enhancement purposes.
  • Quotation - allows the use of quotations for purposes other than criticism and review.  The length of a quote should not be more than is needed for the specific purpose of use. 

You can copy from all types of copyright works as long as they have been made available to the public e.g. published. Fair dealing applies to how much you can copy and you must acknowledge the source.

What is a 'fair' amount will vary with circumstances. Read our guidance on fair dealing for more help. 

Top of the page

  • Copying for examination

Another exception to UK Copyright law, Illustration for instruction , allows copying for the purposes of examination. This includes the incorporation of materials in Masters dissertations, or PhD theses, that count towards a final examination mark.

So you can copy material (e.g. photographs, tables, diagrams etc.) to include in your thesis or as appendices to it. Any copying is again subject to  fair dealing , so you may only copy short extracts that are 'fair'. Any such copying must always clearly acknowledge the source.

This exception only covers your work up to examination (for example, the process of assessment of a PhD thesis), but not beyond. So if you are going to subsequently make your work public, e.g. deposit it in an open access repository (e.g. University eTheses service ), or publish it, you cannot rely on this exception. If appropriate, it would be better to rely on the criticism, review, or quotation exceptions. Failing this, you should try to substitute open licensed materials, or seek permission from the rights holder.

  • How else can you lawfully incorporate copyright material?

If the proportion of a work that you want to include is more than what is 'fair dealing', or your intended use is not covered by the exceptions already mentioned, then you could:

  • use open licensed materials which may allow some copying and reuse without seeking permission e.g. Creative Commons licences, Open Government licence.
  • seek permission from the rights holder.
  • Referencing

When you include copyright material in your assessed work, you should always acknowledge the source by fully referencing it. This is also a condition of relying on any of the fair dealing exceptions to UK Copyright law already mentioned.

If you do not do this, you may be accused of academic plagiarism, as well as infringing copyright. Copyright is distinct from, but relates to, considerations of academic plagiarism.

See the guides on Avoiding Plagiarism and Referencing and Citing for help in acknowledging the sources you use.

Top of the page  

Self - plagarism

Self-plagiarism occurs where you present your own previously used or published work as novel and original. Within a learning context, this can also be referred to as ‘recycling’ - multiple submissions of the same work. This is unlikely to be academically appropriate – for more information see the Academic integrity and misconduct webpage or talk to your supervisor.  

It can be appropriate to reuse a reasonable portion of content from a thesis in a journal article or other form of publication (and vice versa). You should discuss the suitability of this with your supervisor.  

Your research can be published in the following ways: 

In your thesis, deposited and made openly available with UoN Libraries’ eTheses repository ,  

In sections or in full via a third party publisher, e.g. a published book, or journal article. 

When publishing, you must consider aspects of copyright. Copyright is distinct from, but relates to, considerations of academic plagiarism. 

If publishing during your PhD, with the intention of then using all or some of the same material within your thesis, you will need to ensure you have sufficient permissions to publish that content. Unless a contract states otherwise, PhD students own the copyright in their work. If you publish this research, in for example, a journal this may involve signing an agreement that will typically shift rights from the author to the publisher.  

If reusing small amounts, your own existing work must be cited fully in the new work - the requirement to cite isn’t limited to referring to the work of others. If reusing larger amounts, you would need to have permission to do so, either by ensuring your contract includes a clause for reuse of content for thesis publication or seeking permission from the publisher separately.  

  • Copyright in your work

You will normally own the copyright in your work. An exception might arise where pre-existing agreement allocates copyright to another party (for example, if you or a project you have worked on is sponsored or funded by an external organisation).

The University of Nottingham provides guidance on Intellectual Property Rights for Students and Graduates .

Archiving your thesis

University of Nottingham regulations for doctoral students stipulate that they must upload the final version of their thesis to the University's eTheses service repository. This will be archived as a record of the work which has been examined, including any academically necessary corrections.

Once the degree has been conferred, the thesis will be published open access unless:

  • The content contains material that is confidential or infringes third party copyright
  • A restriction has been applied for due to time-limited confidentiality issues.
  • An embargo had been requested, for example to facilitate external publication.

Where you have made use of material that infringes copyright, or the thesis contains material that is confidential, you will need to submit a second version that excludes this content.

For further help see our:  Copyright and intellectual property guidance for electronic thesis submission


More advice:

  • Copyright and research

Copyright home

On this  page

  • Submitting your thesis

Related reading

  • Copyright and IP guidance for electronic thesis submission
  • Deposit guide for eTheses
  • eTheses service
  • Open licences
  • Seeking permission

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  1. University of nottingham dissertation title page

    university of nottingham thesis template

  2. Thesis Outline Template

    university of nottingham thesis template

  3. 18 Thesis Outline Templates and Examples (Word

    university of nottingham thesis template

  4. 10 Free Dissertation & Thesis Templates

    university of nottingham thesis template

  5. GitHub

    university of nottingham thesis template

  6. University of nottingham dissertation title page

    university of nottingham thesis template


  1. Writing That PhD Thesis

  2. How to use the Master Thesis Template to Guide your writeup

  3. Nottingham forest template. Done this with my friend

  4. Cold Nottingham forest CapCut template

  5. Nottingham forest capcut template. Hope you like

  6. What Is a Thesis?


  1. Thesis submission

    Thesis submission. You are required to submit a thesis for examination after your period of registered study and before the conclusion of the thesis pending period. Your thesis should be submitted to the Nottingham ePrints service and must be the result of your own work, done mainly while you were registered as a researcher of this university.

  2. University of Nottingham Thesis and Dissertation Template

    The template is constructed for the final submission of the thesis based on the Project handbook in the university workspace. The thesis template includes the sections below: It meets the requirements for a PhD thesis and works for all computer science dissertations and project reports on all campuses.

  3. University of Nottingham PhD Thesis Template

    This template is adapted from the previous template I wrote in 2017: University of Nottingham Thesis and Dissertation Template The current one includes more sample scripts in Chapter 4 Main Chapter, demonstrating the use of figures, tables, lists (for Research Questions and Hypotheses, etc.), equations, and PDF appendix in the Appendices chapter.

  4. Uploading your thesis

    Step 1. You will need the following information: The type of degree - PhD, DM, MPhil, MRes, etc. The full title of your thesis. The abstract of your thesis. The names of your supervisors. The year and month when you expect to graduate. The full text of your thesis, in PDF format.

  5. Guidelines for Submission of MPhil/PhD Thesis

    Thesis submitted to the University of Nottingham. for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, May* 1990 * or October, as the case may be. The title page should be followed by a Table of Contents and then by the Abstract. PhD 1990 J Robinson. In the unlikely event of a thesis having of two or more volumes, the volume number should precede the degree ...

  6. University of Nottingham Thesis Template for PhD Degree

    This is a thesis template for PhD degree of the University of Nottingham. An online LaTeX editor that's easy to use. No installation, real-time collaboration, version control, hundreds of LaTeX templates, and more. ... University of Nottingham Thesis Template for PhD Degree. Open as Template View Source View PDF. Author. Chao Zhang. Last ...

  7. GitHub

    This repository includes the LaTeX template and the submission cover for the University of Nottingham thesis/dissertation. It can be directly used for: AE3IDS Individual Dissertation Single Honours (UNNC) AE3IDJ Individual Dissertation Joint Honours (UNNC) G53IDS Individual Dissertation Single Honours (UNUK)

  8. Finding theses

    Finding University of Nottingham theses (UK and Malaysia only) The libraries in the UK and Malaysia hold copies of all PhD and MPhil theses written by University of Nottingham students. Use NUsearch [UK; Malaysia] to find theses in both print and electronic format, where available. Finding a thesis on your topic area:

  9. Your Thesis Title: Your Name Your Student ID

    university-of-nottingham-thesis-and-dissertation-template - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document is a thesis submitted by [Name] to the University of Nottingham in partial fulfillment of a BSc in Computer Science. It includes standard thesis sections such as an introduction outlining the research problem and objectives, background and ...

  10. University of Nottingham PhD Thesis Template

    This template is adapted from the previous template I wrote in 2017: University of Nottingham Thesis and Dissertation Template The current one includes more sample scripts in Chapter 4 Main Chapter, demonstrating the use of figures, tables, lists (for Research Questions and Hypotheses, etc.), equations, and PDF appendix in the Appendices chapter.

  11. University of Nottingham Thesis Template

    Approved by publishing and review experts on SciSpace, this template is built as per for University of Nottingham Thesis formatting guidelines as mentioned in University of Nottingham author instructions. The current version was created on and has been used by 695 authors to write and format their manuscripts to this journal. SciSpace is a very ...

  12. Templates

    This template is adapted from the previous template I wrote in 2017: University of Nottingham Thesis and Dissertation Template The current one includes more sample scripts in Chapter 4 Main Chapter, demonstrating the use of figures, tables, lists (for Research Questions and Hypotheses, etc.), equations, and PDF appendix in the Appendices chapter.

  13. University of Nottingham PhD Thesis Template

    This template is adapted from the previous template I wrote in 2017: University of Nottingham Thesis and Dissertation Template The current one includes more sample scripts in Chapter 4 Main Chapter, demonstrating the use of figures, tables, lists (for Research Questions and Hypotheses, etc.), equations, and PDF appendix in the Appendices chapter.

  14. University of Nottingham Thesis Latex Template

    University of Nottingham Thesis Latex Template - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. One of the key hurdles that students encounter is formatting their thesis according to the strict guidelines set by their university. With specific requirements regarding margins, font styles, citation formats, and overall layout, ensuring that your thesis meets these ...

  15. University of Nottingham Thesis and Dissertation Template

    The template is constructed for the final submission of the thesis based on the Project handbook in the university workspace. The thesis template includes the sections below: Title page; Abstract page; Acknowledgement page; Table of Contents; Introduction Motivation; Aims and Objectives; Description of the Work; Background and Related Work ...

  16. Dissertation Examples

    Students in the School of Economics at the University of Nottingham consistently produce work of a very high standard in the form of coursework essays, dissertations, research work and policy articles. Below are some examples of the excellent work produced by some of our students. The authors have agreed for their work to be made available as ...

  17. - Nottingham ePrints

    More.. Nottingham ePrints is a digital archive containing: research papers - articles, conference papers etc - produced by University of Nottingham authors; theses submitted for University of Nottingham research degrees; dissertations submitted as part of taught courses (full text of these is only accessible to logged-in UoN users).

  18. University of Nottingham Thesis Template for PhD Degree

    This is a thesis template for PhD degree of the University of Nottingham. An online LaTeX editor that's easy to use. No installation, real-time collaboration, version control, hundreds of LaTeX templates, and more. ... University of Nottingham Thesis Template for PhD Degree. Open as Template View Source View PDF. Author. Chao Zhang. Last ...

  19. University of Nottingham Thesis Template

    University of Nottingham Thesis Template . Contribute to Nrutrino/thesis_template development by creating an account on GitHub.

  20. Dissertation and thesis support

    A dissertation is an academic report that has a large word limit (5,000 - 10,000 words). It can be the biggest piece of writing you undertake during your undergraduate degree.

  21. Alternative formats of thesis submission

    For submission at PhD level, students opting for the translation + thesis option should submit an extended translation of 20,000 - 40,000 words. The translation should be of publishable standard. The translation should be accompanied by a thesis of 45,000 - 80,000 words. The total word-count for thesis plus translation together must be 80,000 ...

  22. University of Nottingham Dissertation Template

    University of Nottingham Dissertation Template - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document discusses the challenges of writing a dissertation and provides information about a dissertation writing service called that can assist students with their dissertations. It states that crafting a dissertation is a monumental task that can be ...

  23. Writing a thesis

    The University of Nottingham provides guidance on Intellectual Property Rights for Students and Graduates. Top of the page. Archiving your thesis. University of Nottingham regulations for doctoral students stipulate that they must upload the final version of their thesis to the University's eTheses service repository. This will be archived as a ...