Market Research

17 research quotes to inspire and amuse you

Being a researcher requires dedication, hard work and more than a little inspiration. Here’s something to boost the last item on that list.

We’ve sourced some of the most interesting and thought-provoking research quotes we can find. We hope they’ll leave you feeling inspired and motivated to start – or complete – your best ever research project.

As these quotes show, research is a common thread running through all kinds of professions and pursuits, from Ancient Rome right up to the present day. If you practice research, you’re part of a long list of people throughout history, all dedicated to finding new knowledge and ideas that ultimately make the world a better place.

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1. “No research without action, no action without research”

- Kurt Lewin

Lewin (1890-1947) was a German-American social psychologist. He’s known for his theory that human behavior is a function of our psychological environment.

2. “Research is seeing what everybody else has seen and thinking what nobody else has thought.”

- Albert Szent-Györgyi 

Szent-Györgyi (1893-1986)  was a Hungarian pharmacologist known for his work on vitamins and oxidation. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1937.

3. "Bad news sells papers. It also sells market research."

- Byron Sharp 

Sharp is Professor of Marketing Science and Director of the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute, the world’s largest centre for research into marketing.

4. "In fact, the world needs more nerds."

- Ben Bernanke

Bernanke is an American economist and former chair of the board of governors at the United Stares Federal Reserve.

5. "Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing."

- Wernher von Braun

Von Braun (1912-1977) was a German-American physicist and rocket engineer whose team launched the first US satellite into space.

6. "Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose."

- Zora Neale Hurston

Hurston (1891-1960) was an American anthropologist and writer known for her research and writing on slavery, race, folklore and the African-American experience.

7. "Research is creating new knowledge."

- Neil Armstrong

Armstrong (1930-2012) was an American astronaut famed for being the first man to walk on the Moon.

8. "I believe in innovation and that the way you get innovation is you fund research and you learn the basic facts."

- Bill Gates

Gates needs little introduction – he’s an entrepreneur, philanthropist and the founder of Microsoft.

9. “The best research you can do is talk to people”

- Terry Pratchett

Pratchett is an award-winning British science fiction and fantasy author. He was knighted in 2009. He is known for The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and the Discworld series.

10. “Research means that you don’t know, but are willing to find out”

- Charles F. Kettering

Kettering (1876-1958) was an American engineer, known for inventing the electric starter used in combustion engines, as well as other automobile technologies.

11. “Nothing has such power to broaden the mind as the ability to investigate systematically and truly all that comes under thy observation in life.”

- Marcus Aurelius

Marcus Aurelius (121-180) was a Roman Emperor and Stoic philosopher.

12. “It is a good thing for a research scientist to discard a pet hypothesis every day before breakfast.“

- Konrad Lorenz

Lorenz (1903-1989) was an Austrian biologist known for his game-changing research on animal behavior. He was jointly awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1973.

13. “Research is something that everyone can do, and everyone ought to do. It is simply collecting information and thinking systematically about it.”

- Raewyn Connell

Connell is an Australian sociologist. She is a former professor of at the University of Sydney and is known for her work on gender and transgender studies.

14. “As for the future, your task is not to foresee it, but to enable it.”

- Antoine de Saint Exupery

De Saint Exupery (1900-1944) was a French aviator, author and poet, best known for his story The Little Prince, one of the best-selling books of all time.

15. “It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data.”

- Arthur Conan Doyle (writing as Sherlock Holmes)

Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was a British crime writer and creator of the legendary Sherlock Holmes, master of deduction.

16. “If we knew what we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?”

- Albert Einstein

Maybe the most famous scientist of all time, Albert Einstein (1879-1955) was a German physicist who came up with the theory of relativity. However, it was his description of the photoelectric effect, the interplay between light and electrically charged atoms, that won him the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921.

17. “The power of statistics and the clean lines of quantitative research appealed to me, but I fell in love with the richness and depth of qualitative research.”

- Brené Brown

Brown is a researcher and storyteller studying courage, shame, empathy and vulnerability. She is a best-selling author and inspirational speaker. She is a research professor at the University of Houston.

Sarah Fisher

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50 Research Quotes To Inspire The Academic In You

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Research is the process of collecting data, saving critical information, then analyzing and interpreting the data.

There are three types of research: exploratory, casual, and descriptive. Each of them is used for a different purpose and in a certain way.

Research is important in all fields of work. For example, clinical research is what permits doctors to determine the way to treat patients best.

It is what makes the event of the latest medicines, new procedures, and new tools doable. If it weren't for clinical analysis, we wouldn't be ready to decide if new treatments are more efficient than the current treatments.

Here on our page, you can find 50 inspiring and funny quotes about research. Let's take a look at these quotes. If you like these quotes, do also read our physics quotes and classic literature quotes .  

Deep Quotes About Research

Here are some famous research quotes in all their glory.

1. "No research without action, no action without research."

- Kurt Lewin.

2. "Research has formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose."

- Zora Neale Hurston .

3. "I believe in innovation and that the way you get innovation is you fund research, and you learn the basic facts."

- Bill Gates.

4. "Research means that you don’t know, but are willing to find out."

- Charles F. Kettering.

5. "It is a good thing for a research scientist to discard a pet hypothesis every day before breakfast."

- Konrad Lorenz .

6. "You'd be amazed how much research you can get done when you have no life whatsoever."

- Ernest Cline.

7. "Highly organized research is guaranteed to produce nothing new."

- Frank Herbert.

8. "With a library, it is easier to hope for serendipity than to look for a precise answer."

- Lemony Snicket.

9. "The measure of greatness in a scientific idea is the extent to which it stimulates thought and opens up new lines of research."

- Paul Dirac.

10. "What we find changes who we become."

- Peter Morville.

Select Quotes About Scientific Research

Here are some scientific research quotes (Einstein said a few as well) for our readers.

11. "Research is to see what everybody else has seen and to think what nobody else has thought."

- Albert Szent-Gyorgyi.

12. "If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?"

- Albert Einstein.

13. "The important thing in science is not so much to obtain new facts as to discover new ways of thinking about them."

- William Lawrence Bragg.

14. "The whole of science is nothing more than a refinement of everyday thinking."

15. "The more thoroughly I conduct scientific research, the more I believe that science excludes atheism."

- Lord Kelvin.

16. "Scientific research is one of the most exciting and rewarding of occupations."

- Frederick Sanger.

17. "If we choose to ignore science and refuse to fund important scientific research, we voluntarily cede our place as a world leader in innovation."

- Bill Foster.

18. "We need to have much clearer regulations on things like corporate funding of scientific research. Things need to be made explicit which are implicit."

- Noreena Hertz.

19. "I think, however, that so long as our present economic and national systems continue, scientific research has little to fear."

- John B. S. Haldane.

20. "We need to celebrate and reward people who cure diseases, expand our understanding of humanity, and work to improve people's lives."

- Mark Zuckerberg.

In-Depth Market Research Quotes

Here are some business research quotes - inspirational to many. You'll also find market research quotes that could help your business assess the market.

21. "Without data, you're just another person with an opinion."

- W. Edwards Deming.

22. "The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well, the product or service sells itself."

- Peter Drucker.

23. "Marketing without data is like driving with your eyes closed."

- Dan Zarrella.

24. "When research walks on the field, the judgment does not walk off."

- Dick Kampe.

25. "If you want to understand today, you have to search yesterday."

- Pearl Buck.

26. "Understanding human needs is half the job of meeting them."

- Adlai E Jr Stevenson.

Funny Quotes About Research

Enjoy these funny quotes that will tickle your funny bone.

27. "What is research but a blind date with knowledge?"

- Will Harvey.

28. "Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing."

- Werner von Braun.

Scholars Quotes About Academia

Here is some research academic quote for our readers.

29. "You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. You are the guy who’ll decide where to go."

- Dr. Seuss.

30. "Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein."

- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

31. "In much of society, research means to investigate something you do not know or understand."

- Neil Armstrong.

32. "What is the matter with universities is that the students are school children, whereas it is of the very essence of university education that they should be adults."

- George Bernard Shaw.

33. "That afternoon, I came to understand that one of the deepest purposes of intellectual sophistication is to provide distance between us and our most disturbing personal truths and gnawing fears."

- Richard Russo.

34. "What I learned on my own I still remember."

- Nassim Nicholas Taleb.

35. "There are times when wisdom cannot be found in the chambers of parliament or the halls of academia but at the unpretentious setting of the kitchen table."

- E.A. Bucchianeri.

36. "We do not need magic to change the world, we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already: we have the power to imagine better."

- J.K. Rowling.

37. "If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no. If you don’t step forward, you’re always in the same place."

- Nora Roberts.

38. " Trust the process and it will bring out the hidden subject as the results.

- David Harris.

Medical Research Quotes

Here are some science research quotes and cancer research quotes. There are also a few stem cell research quotes.

39. "Advances in medicine and agriculture have saved vastly more lives than have been lost in all the wars in history."

- Carl Sagan.

40. "America's doctors, nurses, and medical researchers are the best in the world, but our health care system is broken."

- Mike Ferguson.

41. "Prior to penicillin and medical research, death was an everyday occurrence. It was intimate."

- Katherine Dunn.

42. "Stem cell research can revolutionize medicine, more than anything since antibiotics."

- Ron Reagan.

43. "Medical research in the twentieth century mostly takes place in the lab; in the Renaissance, though, researchers went first and foremost to the library to see what the ancients had said."

- Peter Lewis Allen.

44. "It is certainly important to be looking for cures to medical disorders, but it is equally important to conduct research on human health and well-being."

- Stephen LaBerge.

45. "A wise physician skilled our wounds to heal, is more than armies to the public weal."

- Alexander Pope.

46. "It is false to suggest that medical breakthroughs come only through government research."

- Roger Wicker.

47. "The realities are that it's difficult to find funding for research for a medical cure. I believe in developing technology as opposed to medical research."

- Steve Gleason.

48. "A doctor is a man who writes prescriptions till the patient either dies or is cured by nature."

- William Broome.

49. "A fool will not only pay for a 'cure' that does him no good but will write a testimonial to the effect that he was cured."

- E. W. Howe.

50. "I decided to take two years between finishing undergraduate and beginning medical school to devote fully to medical research. I knew that I wanted to go to medical school during undergraduate, but I was also eager to get a significant amount of research experience."

- Eva Vertes.

Here at Kidadl , we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for research quotes, then why not take a look at funny science quotes , or poetry quotes .

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Writvik Gupta

A professional content writer hailing from Kolkata, India, with extensive experience in the corporate sector, Writvik Gupta has worked with several reputed companies, including ITC WelcomHotel Jodhpur, Bharti AXA Life Insurance, Aryan Imaging, and Eduquity. He also serves as a consultant for a startup based in Bangalore. With a passion for the outdoors, Writvik enjoys trekking and traveling to remote destinations. He also has a keen interest in exploring various cuisines and regularly volunteers for social causes.

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  • George Mason University

Center for the Advancement of Well-Being

Famous Quotes on Research and Well-Being

  • Post author By Whitney Hopler
  • Post date July 20, 2020


Motivational Quotes on the Benefits of Research

by Whitney Hopler, Communications Manager

Lifelong learning is an important part of well-being, and research helps you learn. The process of researching benefits the well-being of both individual researchers and society in general, studies show . What are you wondering about? Researching your questions is an adventure that will grow your mind well. Here are some famous quotes on the well-being benefits of research:

“If we knew what we were doing it wouldn’t be research.” – Albert Einstein

“By seeking and blundering we learn.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose. ” – Zora Neale Hurston

“I believe in innovation and that the way you get innovation is you fund research and you learn the basic facts.” – Bill Gates

“Humanity will draw more good than evil from new discoveries.” – Marie Curie

“Train yourselves. Don’t wait to be fed knowledge out of a book. Get out and seek it. Make explorations. Do your own research work. Train your hands and your mind. Become curious. Invent your own problems and solve them. You can see things going on all about you. Inquire into them. Seek out answers to your own questions.” – Irving Langmuir

“Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody else has thought.” – Albert Szent-Gyorgyi

“Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.” – Carl Sagan

“Research: the quest for in-depth knowledge and wisdom.” –  Lailah Gifty Akita

“Through research each scientist grows as a human being and helps others to do likewise.” – Pope John Paul II

“All I’m armed with is research.” – Mike Wallace

“There are those who say we cannot afford to invest in science, that support for research is somehow a luxury at moments defined by necessities. I fundamentally disagree. Science is more essential for our prosperity, our security, our health, our environment, and our quality of life than it has ever been before.” –  Barack Obama

“… research itself provides an important long-run perspective on the issues that we face on a day-to-day basis. ” – Ben Bernanke

“Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing.” – Wernher von Braun

“Research is creating new knowledge.” – Neil Armstrong

“Do research. Feed your talent. Research not only wins the war on cliche, it’s the key to victory over fear and its cousin, depression.” – Robert McKee

“Why do we do basic research? To learn about ourselves.” – Walter Gilbert

“What we find changes who we become.” – Peter Morville

“Research is the highest form of adoration.” – Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

“It is my sincere desire that my research and hard work will help create a world where we all learn to walk this Earth, safe, enlightened and free from the perils of cruelty, ignorance, and all the other dark and sinister forces … ” – Alexei Maxim Russell

“Love permeates all things and laws. Scientists should research it more.” – Toba Beta

“But an attentive researcher – like you – might be able to see something that all the experts can’t see, if she asks the right questions.” – Katherine Howe

“Find out what’s really out there. I never said to be like me, I say be like you and make a difference.” – Marilyn Manson

“There is nothing like looking, if you want to find something. You certainly usually find something, if you look, but it is not always quite the something you were after.” – J.R.R. Tolkien

“The outcome of any serious research can only be to make two questions grow where only one grew before.” – Thorstein Veblen

“Most of the knowledge and much of the genius of the research worker lie behind his selection of what is worth observing. It is a crucial choice, often determining the success or failure of months of work, often differentiating the brilliant discoverer from an otherwise admirable but entirely unproductive plodder.” – Alan Gregg

“The universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.” – Eden Phillpots

“My brain is only a receiver. In the universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists.” – Nikola Tesla

“I think that research is very important, but in the end you have to work from your instinct and feeling and take those risks and be fearless.” – Anna Wintour

“Research is the name given the crystal formed when the night’s worry is added to the day’s sweat.” – Martin H. Fischer

“Investing in science education and curiosity-driven research is investing in the future.” – Ahmed Zewail

“Keep on going and the chances are you will stumble on something, perhaps when you are least expecting it. I have never heard of anyone stumbling on something sitting down.” –  Charles F. Kettering

“Play is the highest form of research.” – Albert Einstein

“Since new developments are the products of a creative mind, we must therefore stimulate and encourage that type of mind in every way possible.” – George Washington Carver

“The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.” – Arthur Clarke

“Research is the process of going up alleys to see if they are blind.” – Marston Bates

“When entering on new ground we must not be afraid to express even risky ideas so as to stimulate research in all directions.” – Claude Bernard

“Great scientific advances spring from pure research. Even scientists renowned for their ‘useful’ applied discoveries often achieved success only when they abandoned their ostensible applied-science goal and allowed their minds to soar … ” – Jacques Cousteau

“Research has been called good business, a necessity, a gamble, a game. It is none of these – it’s a state of mind.” – Martin H. Fischer

“To do successful research, you don’t need to know everything, you just need to know one thing that isn’t known.” –  Arthur L. Schawlow

“The way to do research is to attack the facts at the point of greatest astonishment.” – Celia Green

“There seems no limit to research, for as been truly said, the more the sphere of knowledge grows, the larger becomes the surface of contact with the unknown.” –  Sir William Cecil Dampier

“Innovation is the key to the future, but basic research is the key to future innovation.” – Jerome Isaac Friedman

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Science Quotes for Inquiring Minds

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Curious about science? These science quotes show the importance of science and scientific endeavors in our daily lives.

From the first wheel to the International Space Station, scientific inquiry has advanced the human condition and pushed us to new frontiers.

The search for knowledge, advancement, and satisfaction of curiosity have all shaped the broad field of science and continue to do so today.

So here are the best quotes about science, scientists, and scientific fields to encourage you to find new ways to think and explore the world and beyond.

Page Contents

Top 15 Science Quotes

The science of today is the technology of tomorrow. Edward Teller
Science is the systematic classification of experience. George Henry Lewes

Herbert Spencer quote "Science is organized knowledge"

Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life. Immanuel Kant
Reason, observation, and experience; the holy trinity of science. Robert Green Ingersoll
Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure Science. Edwin Powell Hubble
The great tragedy of science – the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by an ugly fact. Thomas Huxley

Plato science quote "Science is nothing but perception"

Science is a way of thinking much more than it is a body of knowledge. Carl Sagan
Science is not only a disciple of reason but, also, one of romance and passion. Stephen Hawking
The heart of science is measurement. Erik Brynjolfsson
Science is magic that works. Kurt Vonnegut

Douglas Preston quote "Hubris and science are incompatible"

Science is not finished until it is communicated. Mark Walport
Science does not permit exceptions. Claude Bernard

Quotes about Science

What is science? Find out what it is, how it’s done, and why it’s important with the best quotes about science. At it’s heart, science is about asking questions and applying data to draw conclusions with the Scientific Method .

Sure, we may have had a class or two that tripped us up in high school, but science is also fun! From paper mache volcanoes to model rockets, we can all remember a time when we enjoyed putting our minds to scientific thought.

Science is a beautiful gift to humanity; we should not distort it. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
Science is fun. Science is curiosity. We all have natural curiosity. Science is a process of investigating. It’s posing questions and coming up with a method. It’s delving in. Sally Ride
Science knows no country, because knowledge belongs to humanity, and is the torch which illuminates the world. Louis Pasteur
Science, like art, religion, commerce, warfare, and even sleep, is based on presuppositions. Gregory Bateson
No science is immune to the infection of politics and the corruption of power . Jacob Bronowski
Science without conscience is the death of the soul. Francois Rabelais
In all science, error precedes the truth, and it is better it should go first than last. Horace Walpole
In science, the credit goes to the man who convinces the world, not to whom the idea first occurs. Francis Darwin

Francis Bacon quote "Science is but an image of the truth"

Science is not, despite how it is often portrayed, about absolute truths. It is about developing an understanding of the world, making predictions, and then testing these predictions. Brian Schmidt
There are in fact two things, science and opinion; the former begets knowledge, the latter ignorance. Hippocrates
Science is wonderfully equipped to answer the question ‘How?’ but it gets terribly confused when you ask the question ‘Why?’ Erwin Chargaff
Science has not yet taught us if madness is or is not the sublimity of the intelligence. Edgar Allan Poe
I am among those who think that science has great beauty . Marie Curie
Science and technology are the keys to both our longevity and our demise. Our entire existence on this planet is a double-edged sword. Rhys Darby
Science gives us knowledge, but only philosophy can give us wisdom. Will Durant
The difference between science and the fuzzy subjects is that science requires reasoning while those other subjects merely require scholarship. Robert A. Heinlein
Every great advance in science has issued from a new audacity of imagination. John Dewey
Science, my lad, is made up of mistakes, but they are mistakes which it is useful to make, because they lead little by little to the truth. Jules Verne
Scientific research is one of the most exciting and rewarding of occupations. Frederick Sanger

Kary Mullis quote "Science grows like a weed every year"

The nineteenth century believed in science but the twentieth century does not. Gertrude Stein
Science is simply common sense at its best, that is, rigidly accurate in observation, and merciless to fallacy in logic. Thomas Huxley
Art is I ; science is we. Claude Bernard
Science has made us gods even before we are worthy of being men. Jean Rostand
I believe there are no questions that science can’t answer about a physical universe. Stephen Hawking
Science is like a love affair with nature ; an elusive, tantalising mistress. It has all the turbulence, twists and turns of romantic love, but that’s part of the game. Vilayanur S. Ramachandran
If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it? Albert Einstein
Science is organized common sense where many a beautiful theory was killed by an ugly fact. Thomas Huxley
Let both sides seek to invoke the wonders of science instead of its terrors. Together let us explore the stars, conquer the deserts, eradicate disease, tap the ocean depths, and encourage the arts and commerce. John F. Kennedy
There is a single light of science, and to brighten it anywhere is to brighten it everywhere. Isaac Asimov
The virtues of science are skepticism and independence of thought. Walter Gilbert

"Science does not know its debt to imagination"

Science is the great antidote to the poison of enthusiasm and superstition. Adam Smith
Science has proof without any certainty. Creationists have certainty without any proof. Ashley Montague
Science investigates; religion interprets. Science gives man knowledge which is power; religion gives man wisdom which is control. Martin Luther King, Jr.
When science finally locates the center of the universe, some people will be surprised to learn they’re not it. Bernard Bailey
Science is always wrong. It never solves a problem without creating ten more. George Bernard Shaw
We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology. Carl Sagan
The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom. Isaac Asimov
Science is a way of life. Science is a perspective. Science is the process that takes us from confusion to understanding in a manner that’s precise, predictive and reliable – a transformation, for those lucky enough to experience it, that is empowering and emotional. Brian Greene
Science has explained nothing; the more we know the more fantastic the world becomes and the profounder the surrounding darkness. Aldous Huxley

Scientist Quotes

If I could remember the names of all these tiny particles, I’d be a botanist. Albert Einstein
Philosophy of science is about as useful to scientists as ornithology is to birds. Richard P. Feynman
To me there has never been a higher source of earthly honor or distinction than that connected with advances in science. Isaac Newton
What is required of a working hypothesis is a fine capacity for discrimination. Jean-Francois Lyotard
There are no such things as applied sciences, only applications of science. Louis Pasteur
The scientist is motivated primarily by curiosity and a desire for truth. Irving Langmuir

"There is no complete theory of anything"

Science commits suicide when it adopts a creed. Thomas Huxley
Most people say that it is the intellect which makes a great scientist. They are wrong: it is character. Albert Einstein
I think what a life in science really teaches you is the vastness of our ignorance. David Eagleman
Statistics is the grammar of science. Karl Pearson
In the spirit of science, there really is no such thing as a ‘failed experiment.’ Any test that yields valid data is a valid test. Adam Savage
In science, nothing is ever 100% proven. Michio Kaku
Science is the search for truth, that is the effort to understand the world: it involves the rejection of bias, of dogma, of revelation, but not the rejection of morality. Linus Pauling
A true scientist would never put away a dirty test tube or falsify a report. Virginia L. Mullen
Rocket science has been mythologized all out of proportion to its true difficulty. John Carmack
But I don’t see myself as a woman in science. I see myself as a scientist. Donna Strickland
Science literacy is the artery through which the solutions of tomorrow’s problems flow. Neil deGrasse Tyson

Quotes about Scientists

Scientists have become the bearers of the torch of discovery in our quest for knowledge. Stephen Hawking
Few scientists acquainted with the chemistry of biological systems at the molecular level can avoid being inspired. Donald Cram
Facts are the air of scientists. Without them you can never fly. Linus Pauling
If an elderly but distinguished scientist says that something is possible, he is almost certainly right; but if he says that it is impossible, he is very probably wrong. Arthur C. Clarke
It is inexcusable for scientists to torture animals; let them make their experiments on journalists and politicians. Henrik Ibsen
No one should approach the temple of science with the soul of a money changer. Thomas Browne
What is a scientist after all? It is a curious man looking through a keyhole, the keyhole of nature, trying to know what’s going on. Jacques Yves Cousteau

Roger Penrose quote "Science and fun cannot be separated"

If your science experiment needs a statistician, you need to design a better experiment. Ernest Rutherford
Defintiion of a scientist: a man who understood nothing, until there was nothing left to understand. Anthony Zerbe, The Omega Man
In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual. Galileo Galilei
No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong. Albert Einstein
The best scientist is open to experience and begins with romance – the idea that anything is possible. Ray Bradbury
When I find myself in the company of scientists, I feel like a shabby curate who has strayed by mistake into a room full of dukes. W. H. Auden
Some dreamers demand that scientists only discover things that can be used for good. John Polanyi
The man of science has learned to believe in justification, not by faith , but by verification. Thomas Huxley
When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong. Arthur C. Clarke
The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence. Nikola Tesla
A first-rate laboratory is one in which mediocre scientists can produce outstanding work. Patrick M.S. Blackett
The scientist is not a person who gives the right answers, he’s one who asks the right questions. Claude Levi-Strauss

Scientific Quotes

These scientific quotes celebrate the soundness and structure of the scientific method and the values it brings to different fields like chemistry and physics.

Over the decades, great scientists have shaped scientific discourse with their rigorous standards, ethics, and respect for the consequences of their work.

These opinions help us to share the reverence for the sciences with those who worked in them.

Scientific theory is a contrived foothold in the chaos of living phenomena. Wilhelm Reich
Scientific advancement should aim to affirm and to improve human life. Nathan Deal
The characteristic of scientific progress is our knowing that we did not know. Gaston Bachelard

"Scientific knowledge is a kind of discourse"

Science and mindfulness complement each other in helping people to eat well and maintain their health and well-being. Thich Nhat Hanh
A scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it. Max Planck
Every time tiny particles swing through time and space , something is changing. Neale Donald Walsch
All science requires mathematics. The knowledge of mathematical things is almost innate in us. This is the easiest of sciences, a fact which is obvious in that no one’s brain rejects it; for laymen and people who are utterly illiterate know how to count and reckon. Roger Bacon
Science is about knowing; engineering is about doing. Henry Petroski
Bad times have a scientific value. These are occasions a good learner would not miss. Ralph Waldo Emerson
Nothing is less predictable than the development of an active scientific field. Charles Francis Richter
Anybody who has been seriously engaged in scientific work of any kind realizes that over the entrance to the gates of the temple of science are written the words: ‘Ye must have faith.’ Max Planck
True science teaches, above all, to doubt and to be ignorant. Miguel de Unamuno
By denying scientific principles, one may maintain any paradox. Galileo Galilei
This means that to entrust to science – or to deliberate control according to scientific principles – more than scientific method can achieve may have deplorable effects. Friedrich August von Hayek
It is right that we be concerned with the scientific probity of metaphysics. Gabriel Marcel
Medicine is a science of uncertainty and an art of probability. William Osler
Science and technology are going to be the basis for many of the solutions to social problems. Frances Arnold
Science is exploration. The fundamental nature of exploration is that we don’t know what’s there. We can guess and hope and aim to find out certain things, but we have to expect surprises. Charles H. Townes
America’s space program is a symbol of our success as a scientifically and technologically advanced nation. Randy Forbes
Science will explain how but not why. It talks about what is, not what ought to be. Science is descriptive, not prescriptive; it can tell us about causes but it cannot tell us about purposes. Indeed, science disavows purposes. Jonathan Sacks

"We don't regard any scientific theory as the absolute truth"

The folly of mistaking a paradox for a discovery, a metaphor for a proof, a torrent of verbiage for a spring of capital truths, and oneself for an oracle, is inborn in us. Paul Valery
Science is the acceptance of what works and the rejection of what does not. That needs more courage than we might think. Jacob Bronkowski

Chemistry Quotes

Chemistry is not torture but instead the amazing and beautiful science of stuff, and if you give it a chance, it will not only blow your mind but also give you a deeper understanding of your world. Hank Green
Living organisms are created by chemistry. We are huge packages of chemicals. David Christian
Chemistry was always my weakest subject in high school and college. Eric Betzig
Our cells engage in protein production, and many of those proteins are enzymes responsible for the chemistry of life. Randy Schekman
Chemical synthesis is uniquely positioned at the heart of chemistry, the central science, and its impact on our lives and society is all pervasive. Elias James Corey
I believe that the science of chemistry alone almost proves the existence of an intelligent creator. Thomas Edison
Chemistry is necessarily an experimental science: its conclusions are drawn from data, and its principles supported by evidence from facts. Michael Faraday
Every man who receives a liberal education now counts chemistry among the most indispensable objects of his studies. Antoine Francois Fourcroy
The country which is in advance of the rest of the world in chemistry will also be foremost in wealth and in general prosperity. William Ramsay
The laws of physics and chemistry must be the same in a crucible as in the larger laboratory of Nature. Alfred Harker
All theoretical chemistry is really physics, and all theoretical chemists know it. Richard P. Feynman
Chemistry, unlike other sciences, sprang originally from delusions and superstitions, and was at its commencement exactly on a par with magic and astrology. Thomas Thomson
To my disappointment, not many young people seem to be interested in science, especially chemistry. Akira Suzuki

Physics Quotes

Physics is experience, arranged in economical order. Ernst Mach
Physics is, hopefully, simple. Physicists are not. Edward Teller

Katherine Johnson quote "Everything is physics and math"

In science there is only physics; all the rest is stamp collecting. Lord Kelvin
Physics is becoming too difficult for the physicists. David Hilbert
A person who isn’t outraged on first hearing about quantum theory doesn’t understand what has been said. Neils Bohr
Gravity explains the motions of the planets, but it cannot explain who sets the planets in motion. Isaac Newton
It should be possible to explain the laws of physics to a barmaid. Albert Einstein
It is wrong to think that the task of physics is to find out how Nature is. Physics concerns what we say about Nature. Niels Bohr
Physics is really figuring out how to discover new things that are counterintuitive, like quantum mechanics. Elon Musk
We live in a Newtonian world of Einsteinian physics ruled by Frankenstein logic. David Russell
Quantum physics thus reveals a basic oneness of the universe. Erwin Schrodinger
Studying physics, mathematics, and chemistry is worshipping God. Fethullah Gulen
Physics is the only profession in which prophecy is not only accurate but routine. Neil deGrasse Tyson
I am now convinced that theoretical physics is actually philosophy. Max Born

Funny Science Quotes

One thing to be said for scientists is despite the seriousness and meticulous nature of their work, many of them haven’t lost their senses of humor.

From Albert Einstein to Neil deGrasse Tyson, these fun lines show even the best scientists know how to bring some levity to their fields.

Even if you think the Big Bang created the stars, don’t you wonder who sent the flowers? Robert Breault
Basic research is what I am doing when I don’t know what I am doing. Wernher von Braun
If I were ever abducted by aliens, the first thing I’d ask is whether they came from a planet where people also deny science. Neil deGrasse Tyson
Science is basically an inoculation against charlatans. Neil deGrasse Tyson
The dinosaurs became extinct because they didn’t have a space program. Larry Niven
A bacteriologist is a man whose conversation always starts with the germ of an idea. Evan Esar
Science is a wonderful thing if one does not have to earn one’s living at it. Albert Einstein
Science never solves a problem without creating ten more. George Bernard Shaw
Science may never come up with a better office communication system than the coffee break. Earl Wilson
A fool’s brain digests philosophy into folly, science into superstition, and art into pedantry. Hence University education. George Bernard Shaw
Science can purify religion from error and superstition. Religion can purify science from idolatry and false absolutes. Pope John Paul II
Facts are not science – as the dictionary is not literature. Martin H. Fischer
Great moments in science: Einstein discovers that time is actually money. Gary Larson

Still looking for laughs? Check out more funny quotes here!

Other than the laws of physics, rules have never really worked out for me. Craig Ferguson
Science and religion are not at odds. Science is simply too young to understand. Dan Brown
Hypotheses, like professors, when they are seen not to work any longer in the laboratory, should disappear. Henry Edward Armstrong
Statistics: The only science that enables different experts using the same figures to draw different conclusions. Evan Esar
An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field. Neils Bohr
My theory of evolution is that Darwin was adopted. Steven Wright
If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe. Carl Sagan
Scientists are toms, peeping toms at the keyhole of eternity in human stupidity. Arthur Koestler

We hope these quotes from great scientists gave you a new appreciation for the scientific method and all science has given humanity.

Science allowed the most intrepid minds to go from gazing at stars to soaring among them. The curiosity and experimentation of great scientific minds is a cornerstone of all our advances as a species.

While it takes time for ideas to form, hypotheses to be tested, and thoughts to develop into technologies, science is how it happens.

So the next time you use that iPhone, visit the doctor, or even flick a light switch, remember to be thankful for the science that provided it.

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Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous old research quotes, research sayings, and research proverbs, collected over the years from a variety of sources.

Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody else has thought. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi
Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose. Zora Neale Hurston
If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it? Albert Einstein
After all, the ultimate goal of all research is not objectivity, but truth. Helene Deutsch
If you steal from one author it's plagiarism; if you steal from many it's research. Wilson Mizner
Research is what I'm doing when I don’t know what I’m doing. Wernher von Braun
No research is ever quite complete. It is the glory of a good bit of work that it opens the way for something still better, and this repeatedly leads to its own eclipse. Mervin Gordon
The common facts of today are the products of yesterday’s research. Duncan MacDonald
Research teaches a man to admit he is wrong and to be proud of the fact that he does so, rather than try with all his energy to defend an unsound plan because he is afraid that admission of error is a confession of weakness when rather it is a sign of strength. H.E. Stocher
Research is the process of going up alleys to see if they are blind. Marston Bates
If men liked shopping, they'd call it research. Cynthia Nelms
The way to do research is to attack the facts at the point of greatest astonishment. Celia Green
In my opinion, we don't devote nearly enough scientific research to finding a cure for jerks. Bill Watterson
Imagination is the highest form of research. Albert Einstein
The scholar's greatest weakness: calling procrastination research. Stephen King
Do research. Feed your talent. Research not only wins the war on cliche, it's the key to victory over fear and its cousin, depression. Robert McKee
Doing research on the Web is like using a library assembled piecemeal by pack rats and vandalized nightly. Roger Ebert
What is research, but a blind date with knowledge. William Henry
Research serves to make building stones out of stumbling blocks. Arthur D. Little
He who does not research has nothing to teach. Proverb
Research: the distance between an idea and its realization. David Sarnoff
Research is a way of taking calculated risks to bring about incalculable consequences. Celia Green
Nothing has such power to broaden the mind as the ability to investigate systematically and truly all that comes under thy observation in life. Marcus Aurelius
We don't ask research to do what it was never meant to do, and that is to get an idea William Bernbach
I believe in innovation and that the way you get innovation is you fund research and you learn the basic facts. Bill Gates
The outcome of any serious research can only be to make two questions grow where only one grew before. Thorstein Veblen
Research must continue to be the centerpiece of intellectual life, and our commitment to research must grow, because our problems are growing. Ernest L. Boyer
Research is about following the gleam into the dark. It's also about being sensitive enough to know which fact is "the creative fact; the fertile fact; the fact that suggests and engenders," as opposed to the fact that deadens and kills a delicate new project. Lauren Groff
Fools make researches and wise men exploit them. H. G. [Herbert George] Wells
Research now means a Google search. John Palfrey
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25 of the Best Motivational Quotes from Scientists

We’ve been posting motivational science quotes every Monday for a couple of years now. Why do we do it, you ask? Because we love digging into the wisdom of scientists past and present, reminding ourselves why the work we do is so important. And we love being able to pass on these little nuggets of optimism and motivation as we find them.

When we interview scientists for our blog , as well as asking them for their favorite science jokes , as we also ask what their favorite science quotes are.

We’ve had so many brilliant ones shared with us, so we wanted to collect our top 25 into one great big inspirational blog for you. Bookmark this page for whenever you feel like life in the lab is getting you down.

1. “Everything is theoretically impossible, until it is done.” – Robert A. Heinlein.

“Although from a sci-fi book, I think it captures the spirit of the scientific frontier,” says Martyn Webb , who’s studying for his PhD at the University of East Anglia.

2. “The reward of the young scientist is the emotional thrill of being the first person in the history of the world to see something or to understand something. Nothing can compare with that experience.” – Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin

We’re sure every passionate early career researcher will agree! Thank you Dr Deborah Kronenberg-Versteeg from the University of Cambridge for sharing this beautiful quote from the British-born American astronomer and astrophysicist (who proposed in her 1925 doctoral thesis that stars were composed primarily of hydrogen and helium).

3. “What you learn from a life in science is the vastness of our ignorance.” – David Eagleman

Next time you feel pressure to know everything, remember this quote that Dr Laura Boddington shared with us. Knowing everything is impossible, don’t let imposter syndrome take hold!

4. "If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants." – Issac Newton

Kate Manley , part of the Prostate Cancer Genetics Team at the University of East Anglia, reminds us of the importance of acknowledging all the scientists whose discoveries have made our current work possible.

5. “If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?” – Albert Einstein

Thanks to James Cleland , PhD Fellow at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, for making this our favourite retort to: “Are you going to clean that up?”

6. "Our virtues and our failures are inseparable, like force and matter. When they separate, man is no more.” – Nikola Tesla

It’s important to remember that failure is not only an inevitable part of life, it’s an inevitable part of success. Thank you Lab Heroes Runner-Up Elisabeth Paul , soon-to-be PhD Student at Linköping University, for sharing this.

7. “Impossible only means that you haven’t found the solution yet.” – Anonymous

Thank you to Lab Heroes Runner-Up Ettore Ambrosini , a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Padova, for this mantra for those days when nothing feels possible. There is always a way!

8. “In science the credit goes to the man who convinces the world, not to the man to whom the idea first occurs.” – Sir William Osler

Just because you aren’t the first person to do it, doesn’t mean it’s not hugely important. Thank you to Lab Heroes Winner Dr Enitome Bafor from the University of Benin for the reminder that there’s always a new way to see, understand, and communicate things.

9. “Every brilliant experiment, like every great work of art, starts with an act of imagination.” – Jonah Lehrer

It’s no wonder that so many scientists are also brilliant artists. Life science truly is is one of the most creative, beautiful industries to work in. Thank you Nina Lichtenberg from UCLA for this one.

10. “The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it.” – Neil deGrasse Tyson

Chris Hoyle from the University of Manchester sharing one of our personal favourite science quotes here. I mean, we’re biased of course, but… can you really argue with that?

11. “Science is not only a disciple of reason but also one of romance and passion.” – Stephen Hawking

The late, great Stephen Hawking reminding us why we all fell in love with science. Thank you Elizabeth Thomas from the Monash Alfred Psychiatry Research Centre for this one.

12. “Science and everyday life cannot and should not be separated.” – Rosalind Franklin

“[This is] my favorite quote that I have held onto since graduate school,” says Madison Fletcher , a postdoc at the University of California, Irvine. We can see why, and we love this too.

13. “All outstanding work, in art as well as in science, results from immense zeal applied to a great idea.” – Santiago Ramón y Cajal

We love this quote, shared with us by Dr Samantha Murray . It reminds us that our passion for what we do is as important as our ability.

14. “If you know you are on the right track, if you have this inner knowledge, then nobody can turn you off... no matter what they say.” – Barbara McClintock

Maria Diehl shared this wonderful quote from Barbara McClintock, cytogeneticist and winner of the 1983 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, with us. A brilliant reminder to always trust our gut instinct, and follow our curiosity.

15. “Above all, don't fear difficult moments. The best comes from them.” – Rita Levi-Montalcini

Another brilliant quote shared by Maria Diehl. Rita Levi-Montalcini won the 1986 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine jointly with colleague Stanley Cohen for the discovery of nerve growth factor. So we’re definitely inclined to take her advice.

16. “Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody else has thought.” – Albert Szent-Györgyi

Professor Elek Molnar from our Scientific Advisory Board reminding us that, as life scientists, our ability to research is something truly special.

17. “If you want to have good ideas, you must have many ideas.” – Linus Pauling

“It sums up my scientific method,” says Stuart Maudsley from the University of Antwerp.

18. “We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the Universe. That makes us something very special.” – Stephen Hawking

If you’re ever struggling with motivation, it helps to remember how remarkable you are just for being human! Thank you James Quinn from the University of Manchester the reminder.

19. “Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.” – Marie Curie

This quote, shared by postdoc Christina Murray from UCL, feels especially pertinent right now.

20. “Science means constantly walking a tightrope between blind faith and curiosity; between expertise and creativity; between bias and openness; between experience and epiphany; between ambition and passion; and between arrogance and conviction – in short, between and old today and a new tomorrow.” — Henrich Rohrer

Thank you Adriana Humanes from Newcastle University for the reminder of how important and unique our work as scientists is.

21. “Science knows no country, because knowledge belongs to humanity, and is the torch which illuminates the world.” – Louis Pasteur

This one’s from our Head of Product Development James Flanaghan . As an international business committed to championing and connecting life scientists all over the world, we couldn’t love this sentiment more.

22. “When kids look up to great scientists the way they do musicians, actors [and sports figures], civilization will jump to the next level.” – Brian Greene

Thanks to our Head of US Operations, Paula Klockner , for this one! Maybe we WILL realise our dreams of being scientists / rock stars after all...

23. “The important thing is to never stop questioning [or learning].” – Albert Einstein

Another great quote that’s one of Paula’s favourites, and one to remember when we feel too scared to ask that burning question. We’re all still learning, no matter how far along our career path we are. That’s the beauty of science.

24. “We cannot solve problems with the same thinking we used to create them.” – Albert Einstein

Yep, this is our third Einstein quote of the article. But you can’t deny the guy knew what he was talking about! This quote shared by our Head of Chemistry Dr Richard Patterson reminds us of the importance of thinking outside of the box.

25. “I am among those who think that science has great beauty.” – Marie Curie

What better sentiment to end on than this? This is one is our Director of Marketing Dr Sam Roome ’s favorite quote. Because science is sometimes hard, and messy, and complicated, and frustrating… but at its core, it’s absolutely beautiful.

What science quotes do you have pinned up in your lab?

Share them with us on Twitter at @hello_bio


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research quotes

The Best Quotes About Research


A list of the best research quotes and sayings, including the names of each speaker or author when available. This list is sorted by popularity, so only the most famous research quotes are at the top. The authors of these historic research quotes are displayed next to each quote, so if you see one you like be sure to check out other inspirational research quotes from that same writer.

This list answers the questions, "What are the best quotes about research?" and "What are inspirational research quotes?"

If I have seen further... it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.

If I have seen further... it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.

If we knew what we were doing it wouldn't be research., to write it, it took three months; to conceive it --three minutes; to collect the data in it --all my life., by seeking and blundering we learn., scientific research consists in seeing what everyone else has seen, but thinking what no one else has thought., fools make researches and wise men exploit them..

research quotes

Research Quotes

Most popular research quotes

"Research" means "to search again." Why not? Sometimes, a new interpretation emerges that is of vast importance. - Isaac Asimov quote.

"Research" means "to search again." Why not? Sometimes, a new interpretation emerges that is of vast importance. — Isaac Asimov

Nothing has such power to broaden the mind as the ability to investigate systematically and truly all that comes under thy observation in life. - Marcus Aurelius quote.

Nothing has such power to broaden the mind as the ability to investigate systematically and truly all that comes under thy observation in life. — Marcus Aurelius

The investigator should have a robust faith—and yet not believe. - Claude Bernard quote.

The investigator should have a robust faith—and yet not believe. — Claude Bernard

experiments science

Basic research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing. - Wernher von Braun quote.

Basic research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing. — Wernher von Braun
Better ask twice than lose your way once. — Danish proverb

proverbs asking Danish proverbs

After all, the ultimate goal of all research is not objectivity, but truth. — Helene Deutsch The Psychology of Women

Research is four things: brains with which to think, eyes with which to see, machines with which to measure and, fourth, money. - Albert Szent-Gyorgy quote.

Research is four things: brains with which to think, eyes with which to see, machines with which to measure and, fourth, money. — Albert Szent-Gyorgy
The will to succeed is important, but what's more important is the will to prepare. — Bobby Knight


Knowing how hard it is to collect a fact, you understand why most people want to have some fun analyzing it. — Jesse L. Greenstein

Every man has a right to his own opinion, but no man has a right to be wrong in his facts. - Bernard Baruch quote.

Every man has a right to his own opinion, but no man has a right to be wrong in his facts. — Bernard Baruch
One pits his wits against apparently inscrutable nature, wooing her with ardor but nature is blind justice who cannot recognize personal identity. — Charles Brenton Huggins
He uses statistics as a drunken man uses lamp-posts... for support rather than illumination. — Andrew Lang

It is inexcusable for scientists to torture animals; let them make their experiments on journalists and politicians. - Henrik Ibsen quote.

It is inexcusable for scientists to torture animals; let them make their experiments on journalists and politicians. — Henrik Ibsen
Money won't buy happiness, but it will pay the salaries of a large research staff to study the problem. — Bill Vaughan
Market research can establish beyond the shadow of a doubt that the egg is a sad and sorry product and that it obviously will not continue to sell. Because after all, eggs won't stand up by themselves, they roll too easily, are too easily broken, require special packaging, look alike, are difficult to open, won't stack on the shelf. — Robert Pliskin
The trouble with research is that it tells you what people were thinking about yesterday, not tomorrow. It's like driving a car using a rearview mirror. — Bernard Loomis
The latest research on polls has turned up some interesting variables. It turns out, for instance, that people will tell you any old thing that pops into their heads. — Charles Saxon

It requires a very unusual mind to undertake the analysis of the obvious. - Alfred North Whitehead quote.

It requires a very unusual mind to undertake the analysis of the obvious. — Alfred North Whitehead

Basic research is what I am doing when I don't know what I am doing. - Wernher von Braun quote.

Basic research is what I am doing when I don't know what I am doing. — Wernher von Braun

When curiosity turns to serious matters, it's called research. - Marie von Eschenbach quote.

When curiosity turns to serious matters, it's called research. — Marie von Eschenbach Aphorisms

Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose. - Zora Neale Hurston quote.

Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose. — Zora Neale Hurston Dust Tracks on the Road

We find that in research a certain amount of intelligent ignorance is essential to progress; for, if you know too much, you won't try the thing. - Charles F. Kettering quote.

We find that in research a certain amount of intelligent ignorance is essential to progress; for, if you know too much, you won't try the thing. — Charles F. Kettering Professional Amateur: The Biography of Charles Franklin Kettering
The dead hand of research lies heavy on too many novels. — Nancy Hale Adventures of the Mind
Research is the process of going up alleys to see if they are blind. — Marston Bates in Quote

The research worker remains a student all his life. - William Beveridge, quote.

The research worker remains a student all his life. — William Beveridge, The Art of Scientific Investigation

Research is the search of people who don't know what they want. - G. K. Chesterton quote.

Research is the search of people who don't know what they want. — G. K. Chesterton The G. K. Chesterton Calendar

Scientific research was much like prospecting: you went out and you hunted, armed with your maps and your instruments, but in the end your preparations did not matter, or even your intuition. You needed your luck, and whatever benefits accrued to the diligent, through sheer, grinding hard work. - Michael Crichton quote.

Scientific research was much like prospecting: you went out and you hunted, armed with your maps and your instruments, but in the end your preparations did not matter, or even your intuition. You needed your luck, and whatever benefits accrued to the diligent, through sheer, grinding hard work. — Michael Crichton The Andromeda Strain
In research the front line is almost always in a fog. — Francis Crick What Mad Pursuit: A Personal View of Scientific Discovery

When a man after long years of searching chances upon a thought which discloses something of the beauty of this mysterious universe, he should not therefore be personally celebrated.  He is already sufficiently paid by his experience of seeking and finding. - Albert Einstein quote.

When a man after long years of searching chances upon a thought which discloses something of the beauty of this mysterious universe, he should not therefore be personally celebrated. He is already sufficiently paid by his experience of seeking and finding. — Albert Einstein in The New York Times

scientists seeking

The way to do research is to attack the facts at the point of greatest astonishment. — Celia Green The Decline and Fall of Science
Research has been defined as guerilla warfare on the unknown. — Alan Gregg The Furtherance of Medical Research
The subject matter of research is no longer nature in itself, but nature subjected to human questioning. — Werner Heisenberg Literature and Science

If politics is the art of the possible, research is surely the art of the soluble.  Both are immensely practical-minded affairs. - Peter B. Medawar quote.

If politics is the art of the possible, research is surely the art of the soluble. Both are immensely practical-minded affairs. — Peter B. Medawar New Statesman

If you steal from one author, it's plagiarism; if you steal from many, it's research. - Wilson Mizner quote.

If you steal from one author, it's plagiarism; if you steal from many, it's research. — Wilson Mizner The Legendary Mizners
The gift for investigation appears at an early age: the demon of research speaks to men whilst they are still young. — Charles Richet The Natural History of a Savant
The joy of research must be found in doing, since every other harvest is uncertain. — Theobald Smith Journal of Bacteriology

Research means going out into the unknown with the hope of finding something new to bring home. - Albert Szent-Gyorgy quote.

Research means going out into the unknown with the hope of finding something new to bring home. — Albert Szent-Gyorgy Perspectives in Biology and Medicine

Blind alleys and garden paths leading nowhere are the principal hazards in research. - Lewis Thomas quote.

Blind alleys and garden paths leading nowhere are the principal hazards in research. — Lewis Thomas Late Night Thoughts on Listening to Mahler’s Ninth Symphony

The outcome of any serious research can only be to make two questions grow where only one grew before. - Thorstein Veblen quote.

The outcome of any serious research can only be to make two questions grow where only one grew before. — Thorstein Veblen The Evolution of the Scientific Point of View

Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing. - Wernher von Braun quote.

Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing. — Wernher von Braun

Copy from one, it's plagiarism; copy from two, it's research. - Wilson Mizner quote.

Copy from one, it's plagiarism; copy from two, it's research. — Wilson Mizner

Motto for a research laboratory: What we work on today, others will first think of tomorrow. - Alan Perlis quote.

Motto for a research laboratory: What we work on today, others will first think of tomorrow. — Alan Perlis
You can have a research career if and only if you do research without trying to have a research career. — Nassim Nicholas Taleb The Bed of Procrustes

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140 What Is Research Quotes To Inspire You

Following is our list of what is research quotations and slogans full of insightful wisdom and perspective about what is a.

Famous What Is Research Quotes

Without animal research, polio would still be claiming thousands of lives each year. — Albert Sabin 27
It is inexcusable for scientists to torture animals; let them make their experiments on journalists and politicians. — Henrik Ibsen 63
If abandoning animal research means that there are some things we cannot learn, then so be it ... We have no basic right ... not to be harmed by those natural diseases we are heir to. — Tom Regan 37
I think animal testing is a terrible idea; they get all nervous and give the wrong answers. — Peter Kay 57
When it comes to having a central nervous system, and the ability to feel pain, hunger, and thirst, a rat is a pig is a dog is a boy. — Ingrid Newkirk 38
Medical research in the twentieth century mostly takes place in the lab; in the Renaissance, though, researchers went first and foremost to the library to see what the ancients had said. — Peter Lewis Allen 56
Animals are good to think with. — Claude Levi-Strauss 42
Atrocities are not less atrocities when they occur in laboratories and are called medical research. — George Bernard Shaw 65
A rat is a pig is a dog is a boy. They're all animals. — Ingrid Newkirk 44
Even if animal tests produced a cure for AIDS, we'd be against it. — Ingrid Newkirk 21
All animals, including humans, have a right to lives of dignity and respect, without forced intrusions. — Marc Bekoff 52
To endow animals with human emotions has long been a scientific taboo. But if we do not, we risk missing something fundamental, about both animals and us. — Frans de Waal 53
You know, we all oppose animal cruelty. But sometimes we forget that animals on farms suffer and feel pain like all other animals. They, too, deserve to be protected from harm and cruelty. — Charlotte Ross 42
Humanity's true moral test, its fundamental test…consists of its attitude towards those who are at its mercy: animals. — Milan Kundera 45
I don't care whether animals are capable of thinking; all I care about is that they are capable of suffering! — Jeremy Bentham 90

What Is A Quotes

What my campaign is about is a political revolution - millions of people standing up and saying, enough is enough. Our government belongs to all of us, and not just the hand full of billionaires. — Bernie Sanders 765
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit . — Aristotle 739
The great question that has never been answered, and which I have not yet been able to answer, despite my thirty years of research into the feminine soul, is 'What does a woman want?' — Sigmund Freud 636
Be a free thinker and don't accept everything you hear as truth. Be critical and evaluate what you believe in. — Aristotle 595
Never, never be afraid to do what's right, especially if the well-being of a person or animal is at stake. Society's punishments are small compared to the wounds we inflict on our soul when we look the other way. — Martin Luther King, Jr. 535
A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow. — William Shakespeare 465
When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love . — Marcus Aurelius 444
Everyone is in favor of free speech. Hardly a day passes without its being extolled, but some people's idea of it is that they are free to say what they like, but if anyone else says anything back, that is an outrage. — Winston Churchill 426
A Scout is never taken by surprise; he knows exactly what to do when anything unexpected happens. — Robert Baden-Powell 417
Simply believing in the existence of God is not exactly what I would call a commitment. After all, even the devil believes that God exists. Believing has to change the way we live. — Mother Angelica 386
The bond with a dog is as lasting as the ties of this earth can ever be. — Konrad Lorenz 644
You treat me like a dog and you expect me to smile? You remind me of a jackass. — Stone Cold Steve Austin 430
One had better die fighting against injustice than die like a dog or a rat in a trap. — Ida B. Wells 426
A dog barks when his master is attacked. I would be a coward if I saw that God's truth is attacked and yet would remain silent. — John Calvin 334
You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks. — Winston Churchill 313
The fidelity of a dog is a precious gift demanding no less binding moral responsibilities than the friendship of a human being. — Konrad Lorenz 297
If you hear the dogs, keep going. If you see the torches in the woods, keep going. If there's shouting after you, keep going. Don't ever stop. Keep going. If you want a taste of freedom, keep going. — Harriet Tubman 296
Don’t let the same dog bite you twice. — Chuck Berry 266
If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man. — Mark Twain 230
Life is life - whether in a cat, or dog or man. There is no difference there between a cat or a man. The idea of difference is a human conception for man's own advantage. — Sri Aurobindo 226

Animal Testing Quotes

Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages. — Thomas Jefferson 155
Mankind's true moral test, its fundamental test (which lies deeply buried from view), consists of its attitude towards those who are at its mercy: animals. And in this respect mankind has suffered a fundamental debacle, a debacle so fundamental that all others stem from it. — Milan Kundera 59
Cruelty to animals is one of the most significant vices of a low and ignoble people. — Alexander von Humboldt 42
universal compassion is the only guarantee of morality. — Arthur Schopenhauer 27
Animals are not brethren, they are not underlings; they are other nations, caught with ourselves in the net of life and time. — Henry Beston 19
Giving cancer to laboratory animals has not and will not help us to understand the disease or to treat those persons suffering from it. — Albert Sabin 18
Animals can communicate quite well. And they do. And generally speaking, they are ignored — Alice Walker 17
Man is the only creature that consumes without producing — George Orwell 16
Vivisection is a social evil because if it advances human knowledge, it does so at the expense of human character. — George Bernard Shaw 13
I abhor vivisection with my whole soul. All the scientific discoveries stained with innocent blood I count as of no consequence. — Mahatma Gandhi 12

Animal Ethics Quotes

You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him. — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 255
Compassion for animals is intimately associated with goodness of character, and it may be confidently asserted that he who is cruel to animals cannot be a good man. — Arthur Schopenhauer 109
The day may come when the rest of the animal creation may acquire those rights which never could have been withholden from them but by the hand of tyranny. — Jeremy Bentham 103
The meaning of life is pretty clear: Living things strive to pass their genes into the future. The claim that we would not have morals or ethics without religion is extraordinary. Animals in nature seem to behave in moral ways without organized religion. — Bill Nye 97
I think using animals for food is an ethical thing to do, but we've got to do it right. We've got to give those animals a decent life, and we've got to give them a painless death. We owe the animal respect. — Temple Grandin 87
The assumption that animals are without rights, and the illusion that our treatment of them has no moral significance, is a positively outrageous example of Western crudity and barbarity. Universal compassion is the only guarantee of morality. — Arthur Schopenhauer 82
Mercy to animals means mercy to mankind. — Henry Bergh 75
A man is ethical only when life, as such, is sacred to him, that of plants and animals as that of his fellow men, and when he devotes himself helpfully to all life that is in need of help. — Albert Schweitzer 61
Animals shouldn't be mistreated. — Tucker Carlson 47
What is it that should trace the insuperable line? ...The question is not, Can they reason? nor Can they talk? but, Can they suffer? — Jeremy Bentham 42

Animal Welfare Quotes

Not to hurt our humble brethren is our first duty to them, but to stop there is not enough. We have a higher mission - to be of service to them whenever they require it. — Francis of Assisi 272
The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man. — Charles Darwin 198
Most people have forgotten how to live with living creatures, with living systems and that, in turn, is the reason why man, whenever he comes into contact with nature, threatens to kill the natural system in which and from which he live. — Konrad Lorenz 192
The more I see of men, the better I like my dog. — Frederick the Great 143
Animals share with us the privilege of having a soul. — Pythagoras 138
We cannot have peace among men whose hearts find delight in killing any living creature. — Rachel Carson 134
If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals. — Albert Einstein 121
Cruelty to animals is one of the most significant vices of a low and ignoble people. Wherever one notices them, they constitute a sign of ignorance and brutality which cannot be painted over even by all the evidence of wealth and luxury. — Alexander von Humboldt 102
As custodians of the planet it is our responsibility to deal with all species with kindness, love, and compassion. That these animals suffer through human cruelty is beyond understanding. Please help to stop this madness. — Richard Gere 93
A robin redbreast in a cage Puts all heaven in a rage. — William Blake 92

Experiments On Animals Quotes

Food intake correlates with lifespan. Reducing food intake can lengthen lives, as demonstrated by experiments on lab animals. — Peter Attia 48
Experience demands that man is the only animal which devours his own kind, for I can apply no milder term to the general prey of the rich on the poor. — Thomas Jefferson 40
Humans - who enslave, castrate, experiment on, and fillet other animals - have had an understandable penchant for pretending animals do not feel pain. — Carl Sagan 13
If experiments on animals were abandoned on grounds of compassion, mankind would have made a fundamental advance. — Richard Wagner 9
It simply feels right to me to blend the glittery delights of New York City with a largely raw vegan diet - with the soul-deep conviction that animals are not ours to eat, wear, exploit or experiment on. — Victoria Moran 8
An animal experiment cannot be justifiable unless the experiment is so important that the use of a brain-damaged human would be justifiable. — Peter Singer 6
Those who experiment on animals should never be able to quiet their own conscience by telling themselves that these cruelties have a worthy aim. — Albert Schweitzer 4
You ask about my opinion on vivisection. I quite agree that it is justifiable for real investigations on physiology; but not for mere damnable and detestable curiosity. — Charles Darwin 3
Don't despair for story's future or turn curmudgeonly over the rise of video games or reality TV. The way we experience story will evolve, but as storytelling animals, we will no more give it up than start walking on all fours. — Jonathan Gottschall 1
The problem with experiments has always been that human beings make the decisions on whether or not the animals have benefitted from the treatment. — James Randi 0

Animal Rights Quotes

All things of creation are children of the Father and thus brothers of man. ... God wants us to help animals, if they need help. Every creature in distress has the same right to be protected. — Francis of Assisi 332
God requires that we assist the animals, when they need our help. Each being (human or creature) has the same right of protection. — Francis of Assisi 242
I became a vegetarian after realizing that animals feel afraid, cold, hungry and unhappy like we do. I feel very deeply about vegetarianism and the animal kingdom. It was my dog Boycott who led me to question the right of humans to eat other sentient beings. — Cesar Chavez 172
It should not be believed that all beings exist for the sake of the existence of man. On the contrary, all the other beings too have been intended for their own sakes and not for the sake of anything else. — Maimonides 147
It is through this mysterious power that we too have our being, and we therefore yield to our neighbors, even to our animal neighbors, the same right as ourselves to inhabit this vast land. — Sitting Bull 135
Because I'm a civil rights activist, I am also an animal rights activist. Animals and humans suffer and die alike. Violence causes the same pain, the same spilling of blood, the same stench of death, the same arrogant, cruel and vicious taking of life. We shouldn't be a part of it. — Dick Gregory 133
Put a small child in a playpen with an apple and a bunny. If s/he eats the apple and plays with the bunny, s/he's normal;but if s/he eats the bunny and plays with the apple, I'll buy you a new car. Somewhere along the line we must have been TAUGHT to do the wrong thing. — Maynard James Keenan 115
Being kind to animals is not enough. Avoiding cruelty is not enough. Housing animals in more comfortable, larger cages is not enough. Whether we exploit animals to eat, to wear, to entertain us, or to learn, the truth of animal rights requires empty cages, not larger cages. — Tom Regan 114
I don't have any understanding of a human being who doesn't respect the beauty of life and that goes for all creatures that have thoughts, feelings and needs. — Alicia Silverstone 109
It's not about loving animals. It's about fighting injustice. My whole goal is for humans to have as little contact as possible with animals. — Gary Yourofsky 102

Animal Agriculture Quotes

It is not larger, cleaner cages that justice demands...but empty cages; not traditional animal agriculture but a complete end to all commerce in the flesh of dead animals; not more humane hunting and trapping, but the total eradication of these barbarous practices. — Tom Regan 51
Animal agriculture takes up an incredible 70% of all agricultural land, and a whopping 30% of the land surface of the planet. As a result, farmed animals are probably the biggest cause of slashing and burning the world's forests. — Kathy Freston 8
We would be foolish and silly not to unite with people in the public health sector, the environmental community, [and] unions, to try to challenge corporate agriculture. — Wayne Pacelle 5
I believe we can create a truly humane, sustainable, and health food production system without killing any animals. I imagine a revolution in veganic agriculture in which small farmers grow a variety of vegetables, fruits, grains, and legumes, all fertilized with vegetable sources. — Gene Baur 5
I know of no pursuit in which more real and important services can be rendered to any country than by improving its agriculture, its breed of useful animals, and other branches of a husbandman's cares. — George Washington 4
It is simply that in all life on earth as in all good agriculture there are no short-cuts that by-pass Nature and the nature of man himself and animals, trees, rocks and streams. Every attempt at a formula, a short-cut, a panacea, always ends in negation and destruction. — Louis Bromfield 3
Eventually, humans invented agriculture, which could be understood as a way of turning the natural world into a tool for our use. There's evidence that we have been domesticating crops and animals for at least 15,000 years, adapting ecosystems to our preferred way of life. — Annalee Newitz 2
The seven things that make up the rainbow of India's development are India's strong and deep rooted family system, Agriculture-Animal development, India's Matru Shakti (women power), Natural Resources (Jal, Jameen, Jungle), Youth power, Vibrant Democracy and Knowledge. — Narendra Modi 2
The lifeblood of Mercy For Animals is our undercover investigations of animal agriculture. — Nathan Runkle 2
Animal agriculture makes a 40% greater contribution to global warming than all transportation in the world combined; it is the number one cause of climate change. — Jonathan Safran Foer 2

People Writing About What Is Research

Name Quotes Likes

Ingrid Newkirk

80 817

Henrik Ibsen

152 1433

Tom Regan

22 607

Peter Kay

21 308

Claude Levi-Strauss

46 1278

George Bernard Shaw

1399 16489

More What Is Research Quotes

Basic research is what I am doing when I don't know what I am doing. — Wernher Von Braun 180
What is desired is that the teacher ceased being a lecturer, satisfied with transmitting ready-made solutions. His role should rather be that of a mentor stimulating initiative and research. — Jean Piaget 217
We get letters a few times a year from people that write papers on the show. You know, like, 'Oh, my psychology or my cultural studies class - this is my term paper.' Somebody wrote it as their thesis, about the social experiment of the show, because the show is a reflection of what's going on in culture. — James Murray 85
No matter what we eat, how much we exercise, how resilient our genes are, how skinny or young or wise we are—none of it will matter unless we’re breathing correctly. That’s what these researchers discovered. The missing pillar in health is breath. It all starts there. — James Nestor 83
Designing is a matter of concentration. You go deep into what you want to do. It's about intensive research, really. The concentration is warm and intimate and like the fire inside the earth - intense but not distorted. You can go to a place, really feel it in your heart. It's actually a beautiful feeling. — Peter Zumthor 76
Gratitude is good for health, happiness, and wellbeing. But it's not the default human state. And the research around gratitude and what we're told to do to become more grateful isn't great. The truth about gratitude is much more interesting. — Michael Easter 66
Research your own experience. Absorb what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically your own. — Dan Inosanto 63
I think young writers should get other degrees first, social sciences, arts degrees or even business degrees. What you learn is research skills, a necessity because a lot of writing is about trying to find information. — Irvine Welsh 62
So what we're all hoping to do, us researchers, is to develop ways to not really just extend lifespan but to keep people healthier for longer. We may just have a greater impact than a single drug because these drugs could potentially treat one disease but prevent 20 others. — David Sinclair 40
Hermione is so close to who I am as a person that I've never really had to research a role. I'm literally rediscovering what it means to be an actress. — Emma Watson 25
What is research but a blind date with knowledge? — Will Harvey 16
There is an increasing gap between academic research and business application. Sometimes the incentives for success in the academic world are not consistent with what it takes to run a company. — Dave Ulrich 16
When theres ever a breakthrough, a true breakthrough, you can go back and find a time period when the consensus was 'well, thats nonsense!', so what that means is that a true creative researcher has to have confidence in nonsense. — Burt Rutan 13
Too many scholars think of research as purely a cerebral pursuit. If we do nothing with the knowledge we gain, then we have wasted our study. Books can store information better than we can--what we we do that books cannot is interpret. So if one is not going to draw conclusions, then one might as well just leave the information in the texts. — Brandon Sanderson 13
The problem with contemporary art is that no one bothers to do the research necessary to give people what they want. — Michael Scott 12
We think that it is the best scientists working in the frontier fields of science who are best able to judge what is good and what is bad - if any - in the application of their scientific research. — Kenichi Fukui 12
I wish more and more that health were studied half as much as disease is. Why, with all the endowment of research against cancer, is no study made of those who are free from cancer? Why not inquire what foods they eat, what habits of body and mind they cultivate? — Sarah Norcliffe Cleghorn 12
In fact, researchers have settled on what they believe is the magic number for true expertise: ten thousand hours. — Malcolm Gladwell 12
If the history of science teaches us anything, it is that what conquers our ignorance is research, not giving up and attributing our ignorance to the miraculous work of a creator. — Jerry A. Coyne 11
The paradox of Steve Jobs's career is that he had no interest in listening to consumers - he was famously dismissive of market research - yet nonetheless had an amazing sense of what consumers actually wanted. — James Surowiecki 11
People don't know what they want until you show it to them. That's why I never rely on marketing research. Our task is to read things that are not yet on the page. — Steve Jobs 10
The fundamental message of the Wu Tang music is as vast as the ocean in all reality, but it's still a straight path. You can take one lyric and by researching what that lyric is giving out to you, it should give you more than a day's worth of school, maybe three days' worth of school. — RZA 10
Planning to write is not writing. Outlining, researching, talking to people about what you're doing, none of that is writing. Writing is writing. — E. L. Doctorow 8
Without troublesome work, no one can have any concrete, full idea of what pure mathematical research is like or of the profusion of insights that can be obtained from it. — Edmund Husserl 8
Learning to learn is to know how to navigate in a forest of facts, ideas and theories, a proliferation of constantly changing items of knowledge. Learning to learn is to know what to ignore but at the same time not rejecting innovation and research. — Raymond Queneau 8
There is no such thing as a good or bad ad in isolation. What is good at one moment is bad at another. Research can trap you into the past. — William Bernbach 6
New York rushed to get students into early childhood programs, but the research is clear that it has to be high quality. What we are giving poor kids now in early childhood is nothing like what we are giving middle-class kids in most places. — Pedro Noguera 6
Blessed is he who invented recording! But what a pity that he was not born centuries earlier! Think only of all that we would be able to hear and therefore understand better. Oh, the unending research in libraries and museums, the readings and collations of texts, the maddening desire to know the truth! — Wanda Landowska 6
There is this peculiar blind spot in the culture of academic medicine around whether withholding trial results is research misconduct. People who work in any industry can reinforce each others' ideas about what is okay. — Ben Goldacre 6
Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing. — Wernher Von Braun 5
Coaches do so much research about a referee because they believe refereeing is such a crucial part of the game that the result may hinge on what we say or do. They probably know more about me than I know myself! — Alan Lewis 5
Work out what is truly important to you. Research shows people with consistently high happiness scores prioritise their life according to the things they value. They've worked out what is most important to them and don't allow themselves to get sidetracked. — Robert Holden 5
Dave Wann's recipes from his own experience in Simple Prosperity are a breath of fresh air, and just what we need for a saner future. They include ideas, sound research and down-to-earth advice we can all use. This book is also much more: a friendly, personal guidebook for living a more enjoyable, healthy, loving life. — Hazel Henderson 5
We need to look at less obvious paths, things like the wind in the jet stream, which is very high up. The material science of what type of kite string you would need to connect up to that. That's still at the basic research level. — Bill Gates 4
You just work really hard and scrutinize. What is it called in politics? "Opposition research"? You want to do the detective work on your client so to speak before your opponent can dig it up. We're vetting everything thoroughly. — James Ponsoldt 4
The approach we try to take here [Morris's Institute for Creation Research] is to assume that the word of God is the word of God and that God is able to say what He means and means what He says, and that's in the Bible and that is our basis. And then we interpret the scientific data within that framework. — Henry M. Morris 4
For me, when working on a film or play or television show, everything for me starts with the screenplay and I am devoted to that and that is what I work from. Any research I do or any preparation I do on my own is all ultimately in service of that. — James Spader 4
I was invited by a publisher to write the text for Tantra.[1] Having done some research, what fascinated me was the evidence that many 'tantric' ideas actually came to India from the Mediterranean. It is rather a dry read and debunks reports of orgies and sexual mischief – sorry to disappoint. — Indra Sinha 4
What is fetus farming? Simply put, it is the creation and development of a human fetus for the purposes of later killing it for research or for harvesting its organs. — Nathan Deal 4
Much of outcomes research is a systematic attempt to exploit what is known and make it better. — Kevin Kelly 3
Many churches of all persuasions are hiring research agencies to poll neighborhoods, asking what kind of church they prefer. Then the local churches design themselves to fit the desires of the people. True faith in God that demands selflessness is being replaced by trendy religion that serves the selfish. — Billy Graham 3
A problem of future research is to clarify how young children learn what type of social comparative information is most useful for efficacy evaluation — Albert Bandura 3
I spend 60 hours a week on my business but I don't work for a minute. Work is hard. But what I do - writing, speaking, researching, learning, and sharing information - is pure joy. It's what I was called to do. — Carmine Gallo 3
That's what I like about acting. When you're preparing for a role, you do your research, and the bonus is you get to learn these skills. Now, it's on to whatever the next thing is I have to learn. — Parminder Nagra 3

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50 Famous Quotes by Scientists That Will Inspire You

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Albert Einstein Head.jpg Photograph by Orren Jack Turner, Princeton, N.J. Modified with Photoshop by PM_Poon and later by Dantadd. , Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

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Top 15 Interesting Facts about The Renaissance

1. the important thing is to never stop questioning – albert einstein.

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2. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity – Albert Einstein

3. the good thing about science is that it’s true whether or not you believe in it – neil degrasse tyson.

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Neil deGrasse Tyson in June 2017 (cropped).jpg Norwegian University of Science and Technology , CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

4. Science is not only a disciple of reason but, also, one of romance and passion – Stephen Hawking

5. the most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. it is the source of all true art and science – albert einstein.

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6. Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known – Carl Sagan

7. the universe is under no obligation to make sense to you – neil degrasse tyson.

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8. Science is the great antidote to the poison of enthusiasm and superstition – Adam Smith

9. science knows no country, because knowledge belongs to humanity, and is the torch which illuminates the world – louis pasteur.

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Louis Pasteur.jpg Paul Nadar , Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

10. To myself, I am only a child playing on the beach, while vast oceans of truth lie undiscovered before me – Isaac Newton

11. we are all connected to each other, biologically; to the earth, chemically; and to the rest of the universe, atomically – neil degrasse tyson.

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12. The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom – Isaac Asimov

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Isaac.Asimov01.jpg Phillip Leonian [1] from New York World-Telegram & Sun.[2] , Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

13. The most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehensible – Albert Einstein

14. science is organized knowledge. wisdom is organized life – immanuel kant.

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15. Nothing in life is to be feared; it is only to be understood – Marie Curie

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Marie Curie c. 1920s.jpg Henri Manuel , Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

16. The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge – Stephen Hawking

17. science and religion are not at odds. science is simply too young to understand – dan brown, 18. to teach how to live without certainty and yet without being paralyzed by hesitation is perhaps the chief thing that philosophy, in our age, can do for those who study it – bertrand russell.

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19. The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don’t know – Albert Einstein

20. science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind – albert einstein.

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21. The important thing is to never stop questioning – Albert Einstein

22. the greatest scientists are artists as well – albert einstein, 23. science is the poetry of reality – richard dawkins, 24. the only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible – arthur c. clarke.

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25. Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution – Theodosius Dobzhansky

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26. The universe doesn’t care what you believe. The wonderful thing about science is that it doesn’t ask for your faith, it just asks for your eyes – Neil deGrasse Tyson

27. two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and i’m not sure about the universe – albert einstein, 28. science is simply common sense at its best, that is, rigidly accurate in observation, and merciless to fallacy in logic – thomas henry huxley, 29. “the more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe about us, the less taste we shall have for destruction.” – rachel carson, 30. life is like riding a bicycle. to keep your balance, you must keep moving – albert einstein.

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31. If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants – Isaac Newton

32. imagination is more important than knowledge. for knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution – albert einstein.

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33. The good thing about science is that it’s true whether or not you believe in it – Neil deGrasse Tyson

34. a scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it – max planck.

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Max Planck (1858-1947).jpg Unknown authorUnknown author, credited to Transocean Berlin (see imprint in the lower right corner) , Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

35. The cosmos is within us. We are made of star stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself – Carl Sagan

36. the important thing in science is not so much to obtain new facts as to discover new ways of thinking about them – william lawrence bragg, 37. science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality – carl sagan, 38. science and everyday life cannot and should not be separated – rosalind franklin, 39. the nitrogen in our dna, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. we are made of starstuff – carl sagan, 40. the most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. it is the source of all true art and science – albert einstein, 41. equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure science – edwin hubble, 42. the science of today is the technology of tomorrow – edward teller.

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43. Science is magic that works – Kurt Vonnegut

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44. Science is not only a disciple of reason but, also, one of romance and passion – Stephen Hawking

45. to know that we know what we know, and to know that we do not know what we do not know, that is true knowledge – nicolaus copernicus, 46. the universe is a pretty big place. if it’s just us, seems like an awful waste of space – carl sagan, 47. the brain is wider than the sky – emily dickinson, 48. we are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. but we can understand the universe. that makes us something very special – stephen hawking, 49. the only real valuable thing is intuition – albert einstein.

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50. Science is the great antidote to the poison of enthusiasm and superstition – Adam Smith

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Stocks could fall 30% as US heads for a deep recession, analyst warns

Bca research issues gloomy forecast for us stock market.

Calamos Investments President and CEO John Koudounis doesn't predict a rate hike from the central bank and says there's still money on the market's 'sidelines.'

Markets will be 'trading sideways' amid Fed's 'wait and see' stance, expert says

Calamos Investments President and CEO John Koudounis doesn't predict a rate hike from the central bank and says there's still money on the market's 'sidelines.'

There may be trouble looming on the horizon for the U.S. stock market , according to BCA Research.

In a note to clients last week, BCA Research chief global strategist Peter Berezin warned that, contrary to popular belief, the economy will fall into a recession either this year or in early 2025. 

Should that happen, the S&P 500 could tumble to 3,750, which marks a 30% drop from current levels.

Berezin's prediction hinges on the belief that the labor market will slow notably in coming months, which will weigh heavily on consumer spending – a major driver of economic growth. The relationship between inflation and unemployment is measured by something called the "Phillips curve."


"The reason the U.S. avoided a recession in 2022 and 2023 was because the economy was operating along the steep side of the Phillips curve," he wrote. "When the labor supply curve is nearly vertical, weaker labor demand will mainly lead to lower wage growth and falling job openings. In other words, an immaculate disinflation."

New York Stock Exchange Wall Street

Pedestrians in front of the New York Stock Exchange in New York on Feb. 16, 2024. (Michael Nagle/Bloomberg via Getty Images / Getty Images)

Berezin also foresees widespread economic pain, with growth slowing sharply in Europe and China. This scenario could further weaken global growth and weigh heavily on international stocks.


Stocks notched a new record in mid-May, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average topping 40,000 for the first time ever, but they have since fallen from those highs. 

Ticker Security Last Change Change %
DOW JONES AVERAGES 39308 -23.85 -0.06%
NASDAQ COMPOSITE INDEX 18188.301546 +159.54 +0.88%
S&P 500 5537.02 +28.01 +0.51%

The indexes opened slipped Monday morning as investors await key jobs data from the Labor Department. The S&P benchmark was down about 12 points as of mid-morning.

Wall Street in New York

A Wall Street sign in New York City on Jan. 27, 2023. (Photographer: John Taggart/Bloomberg via Getty Images / Getty Images)

The forecast from BCA Research – one of the gloomiest on Wall Street – comes after a volatile year for the market.


All three indexes tumbled in mid-2023 amid fears the Federal Reserve would raise interest rates higher than previously expected – and hold them at peak levels for longer. However, they have recouped those losses and more, with the S&P 500 up more than 29% since it hit bottom at the end of October. 

Since the start of the year, the benchmark index is up about 15%, while the Dow Jones Industrial Average has climbed 3.7%. The tech-heavy Nasdaq Composite, meanwhile, has increased about 20% year to date.

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Help wanted: Charting the challenge of tight labor markets in advanced economies

At a glance.

  • Labor markets in advanced economies today are among the tightest in two decades, not merely a pandemic-induced blip but rather a long-term trend that may continue as workforces age.
  • Tightness means forgone economic output. We estimate that GDP in 2023 could have been 0.5 percent to 1.5 percent higher across these economies if employers had been able to fill their excess job vacancies.
  • Companies and economies will need to boost productivity and find new ways to expand the workforce. Otherwise, they will struggle to exceed—or even match—the relatively muted economic growth of the past decade.
  • Actions for companies and policy makers include:
  • Focus on skilling and reskilling, including attracting talent from unconventional pools, offering more flexible work, and internal mobility.
  • Encourage foreign-born workers with programs to properly integrate them into the workforce.
  • Shape retirement policies to encourage people to work beyond standard retirement ages and take steps to attract more women into the workforce, for example, by offering elder or childcare infrastructure.
  • Prioritize investment in labor-complementing and labor-substituting AI and automation to unlock productivity.

Labor market tightness is a persistent challenge. Though loosening somewhat since their 2022 peaks, labor markets in advanced economies remain tighter than at any other time over the past two decades. This is not a pandemic-induced phenomenon. Rather, it continues a long-term trend that started in 2010, when advanced economies began their protracted recovery from the 2008 financial crisis.

Shifting demographic forces could intensify this trend in the future. As workforces age and population growth decelerates, countries cannot count on excess workers to power economic growth. Absent concerted efforts to boost productivity or increases in the workforce through higher participation or immigration, many advanced economies will struggle to exceed—or even match—the relatively muted economic growth of the past decade.

So far, the impact of the labor market squeeze has been unevenly distributed. Job vacancies have climbed most steeply in sectors that traditionally have low productivity, such as healthcare and hospitality, as well as those with stagnant productivity, like construction. Without action, labor shortages may continue to hit sectors that struggle to increase productivity.

Tight job markets present both challenges and opportunities. Job seekers find work more easily and may garner higher wages. Yet upward wage pressure can spur inflation and stress businesses, particularly smaller ones. For instance, companies may need to turn down orders because they can’t hire enough workers to satisfy demand. At the economy level, we estimate that GDP in 2023 could have been 0.5 to 1.5 percent higher in the biggest advanced economies if employers had been able to fill their job vacancies.

Businesses large and small will need strategies to confront persistent labor shortages. Deploying and adopting technologies is one way they can power productivity growth. Retraining programs can help workers gain new skills needed as technologies shift, and matching programs can pair people with jobs. Businesses also can expand their hiring pools, including by seeking to attract immigrants and people who might otherwise sit on the sidelines.

Against this backdrop, this article examines labor markets in advanced economies, using 20 charts to illustrate conditions in labor markets today, future prospects, and actions to address shortages. These labor markets range across 30 economies in Asia, Europe, and North America, with a particular focus on the eight largest: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

Tightness is the trend

Today’s tight labor markets reflect longer-term trends in vacancy and unemployment rates across advanced economies.

Since 2010, labor markets have tightened across all 30 advanced economies we analyzed. 1 The 30 countries are Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Comparing job vacancies with numbers of unemployed job seekers provides one measure of labor market tightness. The number of job vacancies per unemployed person increased by more than four times on average across these economies between 2010 and 2023, and by almost seven times in the United States.

Labor shortages have appeared across a diverse group of countries that have no apparent common features other than their stage of development. Tightness is particularly acute in seven countries—the Czech Republic, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Singapore, and the United States—that have more vacancies than unemployed workers. Together these countries account for 53 percent of the total labor supply of the 30 advanced economies in our research, and 64 percent of collective GDP. In another seven countries, the number of job vacancies is 0.5 to 1.0 times the number of unemployed workers. Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom are in this group.

But not all large economies have labor shortages. For example, labor markets in France and Italy remain relatively slack, as they do in 14 other countries among the 30. This group collectively accounts for 31 percent of total labor supply and 20 percent of total GDP. Yet even in most of these places, labor markets have tightened. Vacancies per unemployed person have increased by five times in Italy and by almost four times in France.

The tightening trend began after the 2008 financial crisis, when job vacancies were dwarfed by a vast number of unemployed people. The recovery was slow: labor markets in these 30 economies took 8.2 years on average to reach the degree of tightness they had before the crisis.

The desire to hire carried on apace, and labor markets continued to tighten until the COVID-19 pandemic took hold in early 2020. During the pandemic, many labor markets oscillated, first to extreme looseness and then to extreme tightness. Generous fiscal stimulus measures during the crisis fueled a comparatively fast job recovery, and by 2022, labor markets had achieved the highest ratio of job vacancies to unemployed people in two decades. Today, labor markets remain historically tight but have cooled somewhat from that peak. For instance, as of April 2024, the vacancy-to-unemployment ratio in the United States had dropped to 1.2 from 1.4 at the end of the prior year.

The devil is in the details: Decoding the labor data

In the internet era, posting job listings is easy and motivation to take them down is low, raising questions about the reliability of data on job openings. 1 “Measuring job openings in the U.S. labor market,” Congressional Research Service, February 28, 2024. In this research, we examined trends in labor market tightness using a variety of data that economists typically employ to understand labor market dynamics, drawing data from multilateral and country statistical agencies. These included the following:

  • Labor supply, or all the people seeking work, is the sum of the people with jobs (employed people) and people looking or recently looking for jobs (unemployed people).
  • Labor demand, or all jobs that need workers, is the sum of filled positions (equal to employed people) and unfilled positions (vacancies or job openings).
  • Unemployment rate, or the percentage of people seeking work who haven’t found jobs, is unemployed people divided by labor supply (the sum of employed and unemployed people).
  • Vacancy rate, or the percentage of jobs that remain unfilled, is job vacancies divided by labor demand (the sum of filled jobs and job vacancies).

We focus on measuring labor market tightness as the ratio of vacancy rates to unemployment rates, but our conclusions hold if we examine unemployment rates only (exhibit). In 2023 in all countries but Denmark, Luxembourg, Norway, and Sweden, the unemployment rate was lower than the median observed since 2000, and the average unemployment rate across 30 advanced economies was among the lowest one-fifth of unemployment rates observed since 2000.

To explore the micro underpinnings of labor shortages, we analyzed vacancy and employment data at the sector level in seven of the eight focus countries. (We were unable to extract the same data for Japan.) Additionally, we combined US occupational data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics with McKinsey Global Institute’s skills taxonomy to understand the types of jobs and workers most affected by the labor shortage.

We also tested whether labor market tightness was a result of mismatches between workers and available jobs. This happens when vacancy rates rise without a commensurate decline in unemployment rates or vice versa. While we found evidence of such mismatches in Australia, Canada, and the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic, by the end of 2022 they were resolving, and so that analysis is absent from this report. 2 This can be seen on the Beveridge curve, which illustrates the relationship between unemployment rates and job opening rates. For an example, see The Beveridge curve (job openings rate vs. unemployment rate), seasonally adjusted , US Bureau of Labor Statistics, accessed May 20, 2024; Gadi Barlevy et al., The shifting reasons for Beveridge-curve shifts , IZA discussion paper number 16517, IZA Institute of Labor Economics, October 2023.

Across the eight focus economies, labor markets have retreated from peak tightness during the COVID-19 pandemic toward conditions more similar to the rising prepandemic trend. Only Italy, which had one of the loosest labor markets among developed economies before the pandemic, shows no signs of declining tightness yet. This could be the result of the Italian government’s fiscal response to COVID-19, which the International Monetary Fund estimates exceeded 45 percent of the country’s GDP, making it the most generous relief package among advanced economies. 2 Database of Fiscal Policy Responses to COVID-19, International Monetary Fund, accessed May 28, 2023. Japan, where the labor market was among the tightest before the pandemic, lags its prepandemic trend, in part because a weakening yen increased costs in the import-dependent economy. Nonetheless, job vacancies remain 1.2 times the number of job seekers.

Overall, the appetite to hire continues along a rising trend line, outpacing the number of workers seeking jobs.

Increased labor input drove economic growth in many countries

What was behind the robust appetite for labor?

Since 2010, countries that have increased GDP fastest have done so primarily by adding more workers rather than by improving productivity. In markets such as Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States, where labor has been relatively plentiful and consequently easier to hire, companies had a business rationale to add hours and employment rather than tackling the harder job of improving productivity. Countries where labor wasn’t so plentiful—Germany and Japan, for example—relied more on productivity growth to propel their economies, although that did not fully compensate for low labor force growth. In fact, labor productivity has stagnated in many advanced economies, as documented in previous McKinsey Global Institute reports. 1 For more, see Investing in productivity growth , McKinsey Global Institute, March 2024, and Rekindling US productivity for a new era , McKinsey Global Institute, February 2023.

Even though all countries experienced a productivity slowdown after the financial crisis, some countries were more negatively affected than others. In Australia, productivity benefited from a commodity boom, while in the United Kingdom, underinvestment in regions other than the southeast may have exacerbated stagnating productivity. 2 Angelina Bruno, Jessica Dunphy, and Fiona Georgiakakis, Recent trends in Australian productivity , Reserve Bank of Australia, September 2023; Productivity in the UK: Evidence review , UK Productivity Commission, National Institute of Economic and Social Research, June 2022.

The excess supply of labor has dwindled

In the wake of the financial crisis, many people struggled to find work. In 2010, there were roughly 24 million excess workers, as measured by comparing the number of job seekers with the number of job openings across the eight countries. Today the number of job seekers is close to the number of job vacancies.

However, the degree of excess supply (or no excess supply at all, in some cases) varies at the country level. Labor demand exceeded supply in Germany, Japan, and the United States at the end of 2023. Recently, Germany enacted a law aimed at increasing immigration of highly skilled workers, and in the United States efforts are under way to establish a federal commission to study labor shortages and find ways to address them.

The excess supply of unemployed workers relative to job openings in France and Italy was two million and one million, respectively. While these economies have meaningful slack in their labor markets today, even they have tightened. Their excess labor figures are 7.1 and 5.7 percent, respectively, down from prepandemic peaks well above 10 percent.

The factors that drove labor market tightness also varied across countries. Unemployment rates in Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States came down from highs in 2010, while Australia never had very high unemployment. Italy continued to have a relatively high rate of unemployment but also increased vacancies, suggesting either a mismatch or a higher natural rate of unemployment. Meanwhile, demand increased markedly in Japan while its shrinking population constrained its labor supply.

The labor surplus has fallen from 24 million to 1 million since 2010 in eight advanced economies

The number of excess workers dwindled as growth in labor demand outpaced growth in labor supply. Labor forces in these eight countries grew between 2010 and 2023. Propelled by population growth and increased labor force participation that outweighed the impact of aging, 33 million workers in total joined their labor forces.

Over the same period, labor demand grew strongly, fueled by expansive monetary and fiscal policies as these countries recovered from the financial crisis. Employers needed to fill some 57 million additional jobs over the same period, or 24 million more than the number of available workers. Most advanced economies avoided subsequent downturns. This uninterrupted growth in demand not only drove average unemployment down from 8 percent to 4 percent but also created an additional ten million unfilled jobs across the eight economies.

During that time, people worked fewer hours on average, but the imbalance between job seekers and available jobs wasn’t due to that change. From 2010 to 2023, the average number of hours worked per employee fell from 37 to 36, a 3 percent decline roughly equivalent to just 33,000 workers in 2023. Declining working hours affect labor supply and labor demand equally, meaning the net effect is negligible.

Countries today have fewer than one million excess workers in aggregate: the number of job seekers is close to the number of job vacancies. What appears to be a perfectly matched labor market is in reality an extremely tight one, since some degree of excess supply is always the norm—matching is never perfect, and demand and supply are always in flux as workers switch jobs and employers shift strategies.

GDP could have been higher by 0.5 to 1.5 percent in 2023 if excess vacancies had been fewer

Increased job vacancies can constrain real economic output; they represent demand for goods and services that businesses are unable to fulfill. In seven of the eight countries—Japan is the exception—unfilled job vacancies in 2023 were higher than in 2019, before the onset of COVID-19, when they were in turn higher than their median levels from 2010 to 2019.

Unmet demand for labor can be addressed by finding additional new workers or by raising the productivity of existing workers. This can restore balance to labor supply and demand while creating additional output.

We estimate the additional output that would have been produced if labor markets were not so tight by examining the degree to which vacancy rates are higher than a structural or natural rate of vacancies. Structural vacancy rates vary across industries and countries and can even vary over time. To account for this, we compared sector-level vacancy rates in 2023 to vacancy rates in 2019 as well as to the median rate from 2010 to 2019. We find that, depending on the country, GDP could have been 0.5 percent to 1.5 percent higher in 2023 if that unmet labor demand had been filled. 1 To estimate how much GDP might have been generated absent increased labor market tightness, we determined how many additional workers would be employed if 2023 job vacancy rates by sector fell to their historical level in 2019, or to their median vacancy rate level from 2010 to 2019, in each country. The output was estimated based on that number of workers and the average productivity per worker, at 2023 levels, for each sector. It is sensitive to the productivity assumption; we assume average productivity, but the potential productivity of unfilled vacancies could be lower than the sector average.

Who’s feeling the crunch?

Employers in some sectors have felt the impact of the labor shortage more than others, and the appetite for physical and manual skills has unexpectedly intensified.

All sectors have higher job vacancy rates today than in 2010

Across economies, average vacancy rates, or job vacancies as a share of total labor demand, increased by more than two percentage points from 2010 to 2023 in the healthcare, leisure and hospitality, and construction sectors. 1 Includes seven of the eight focus countries. This data was not available for Japan. Conversely, job vacancy rates in the financial and real estate sector and the information sector, both high-productivity sectors with well-paid jobs, changed by less than one percentage point on average.

The pandemic hit the leisure and hospitality sector particularly hard as travel and tourism slowed. As restaurants and hotels reopened, they struggled to restaff. In Europe, some hotels hired people with little or no experience, and fast-food restaurants in the United States raised wages and shortened hours to cope with a shortage of staff. 2 Ryan Mann, Esteban Ramirez, and Matthew Straus, “ Three innovations to solve hotel staffing shortages ,” McKinsey, April 2023; Carol Kahn, “Sedona hotels cope with staffing shortages,” Sedona Red Rock News , October 29, 2021; Andrew Mills, Corina Pons, and Catarina Demony, “No experience, no resume, you’re hired! Hotels fight for staff,” Reuters, July 4, 2022; Joanna Fantozzi, “Restaurants are still dramatically decreasing their hours, new study shows,” Nation’s Restaurant News , October 28, 2022. Aggregate employment levels indicate that previous restaurant and hotel workers have rejoined the workforce, but they appear to have taken jobs in other sectors.

The healthcare sector has been strained as aging populations have driven demand for these services. The sector had the highest number of job vacancies among the sectors in our research, or 16.9 percent of all vacancies in 2023.

Vacancy rates also markedly increased in the construction sector, in part due to its cyclicality. Demand in the sector began climbing in 2010 after dropping sharply during the financial crisis. Today, strong demand for housing and government spending on large infrastructure projects, such as a €45 billion construction relief package in Germany and a $1.2 trillion package for infrastructure in the United States, have propelled vacancies.

Vacancies have not grown in lockstep with employment

Sectors fall into four groups depending on how vacancies grew in relation to employment: “labor hungry,” “labor attracting,” “labor disrupting,” and “labor efficient”.

Labor shortages have had the biggest impact on labor-hungry sectors, such as healthcare and construction, as previously noted. Demand for labor has risen faster than the sector’s ability to attract workers. Vacancies have increased in public and private healthcare systems despite efforts in countries such as the United Kingdom to attract immigrants to the sector, and construction is booming in most advanced economies due to housing shortages and infrastructure needs. Typically less capital intensive and more difficult to automate, these sectors added jobs at or faster than the average clip but not fast enough to keep pace with demand. In Canada, for instance, a recent House of Commons committee report acknowledged that the country has “longstanding issues with lack of supply of health professionals,” in part due to mental health issues and burnout exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which have led to retention issues. 1 Sean Casey, Addressing Canada’s healthcare workforce crisis , Report of the Standing Committee on Health, House of Commons, Canada, March 2023.   And some Italian construction companies are turning to workforce development programs and partnerships with African universities to recruit and train new workers. 2 “Webuild CEO Pietro Salini: Ready to hire about 10,000 people in next three years to develop infrastructure in Italy,” Webuild Group, September 18, 2023.

Conversely, labor-attracting sectors like financial and real estate, information, and professional services have also added employment faster than average—they have attracted workers at a faster pace than their demand for labor has grown. In this group, only the professional services sector increased its share of overall vacancies.

Manufacturing is a labor-disrupting sector. Although the sector accounted for a smaller part of the workforce in 2023 than in 2010 across the eight countries, its job vacancies nonetheless increased significantly, especially after 2019. Research by economist Richard Baldwin found that since 2013, the manufacturing sector has lost 20 million jobs globally due to productivity gains from increasing automation. 3 Richard Baldwin, “Where in the world are manufacturing jobs going?” Factful Friday with Richard Baldwin, LinkedIn, December 22, 2023. The mix of workforce skills has been changing, as some manufacturing jobs require more customer relations or analytics, and as corporate manufacturing footprints are themselves changing. For example, areas such as semiconductors and electric vehicle manufacturing are demanding more workers as a result of shifts in industrial policy and “friendshoring.”

Trade is a labor-efficient sector, in which productivity enhancements have eased the pressure to hire. As consumer demand has shifted, the retail segment of the trade sector has increasingly automated and digitized, increasing productivity and mitigating the impact of labor shortages. In Japan, for example, convenience stores are responding to staff shortages not only by relying on immigrant labor but also by rolling out technology like self-checkout and cleaning robots. 4 For immigrant labor, see “For a glimpse of Japan’s future, see its convenience stores,” Economist , April 4, 2024. For automation, see “Promotion of digitization to improve convenience,” FamilyMart, accessed May 20, 2024. For cleaning robots, see Fumika Nakashima, “Japan’s FamilyMart to roll out cleaning robots at 300 convenience stores,” Nikkei Asia, February 13, 2024.

Sectors struggling with productivity contributed disproportionately to vacancy growth

What explains the differences between the shifting employment share and the shifting share of vacancies? Productivity and productivity growth are crucial factors: sectors with lower productivity and productivity growth had steeper increases in vacancy share. In a growing economy with a tight labor market, low-productivity sectors requiring the most labor per unit of additional output are likely to be most constrained.

Opportunities exist to boost productivity across sectors. The leisure and hospitality sector in the United States provides a case study. In 2021, the sector accounted for 16 percent of all job vacancies, a comparatively big share that was three percentage points higher than its average from 2010 to 2020. The sector responded to challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic by automating more processes and raising wages by an average of 29 percent from mid-2019 to mid-2023. Those steps increased the sector’s productivity by 6.4 percent over that period, decreasing pressure to hire and reducing its share of vacancies as its vacancy rate fell to 6 percent in 2023 from a decade high of 11 percent in 2021.

Spotlight: Physical and manual skills in demand

Demand for skill types is another lens through which the impact of a labor shortage can be examined. Our skills taxonomy comprises five broad categories—technological, social and emotional, higher cognitive, basic cognitive, and physical and manual skills, mapped to detailed occupations. 1 See A new future of work: The race to deploy AI and raise skills in Europe and beyond , McKinsey Global Institute, May 2024. Here we analyze skills to understand increased job vacancies in the United States. While some conclusions could be extrapolated to other peer countries, they may not be universally true.

In an era of technological change, the most significant absolute shortage is in technological skills. Occupations relying on these skills, like software developers and other IT-related jobs, have been the hardest to fill since 2015, although the advent of generative AI may restore some balance. The changing skill mix within occupations has already shown up in the United Kingdom in increased references to the need for technological skills in occupational postings. 2 Rui Costa et al., “Old skills, new skills—what is changing in the UK labour market” The Pissarides Review into the Future of Work and Wellbeing , Institute for the Future of Work, February 2024.

However, a shortage of physical and manual skills has likely exacerbated recent labor market tightness. Jobs requiring these skills had the lowest vacancy rate among the five broad skill categories, and job vacancies seeking these skills increased most since 2015. This reflects growing demand for manufacturing and repair workers as well as for some types of healthcare workers, like nursing assistants. For instance, Delaware has begun offering tuition assistance and other incentives to attract workers to study nursing in an effort to address a shortage of trained nurses. 3 See Johnny Perez-Gonzalez, “Delaware responds to nursing shortage with ‘Tuition Incentive Program,’” WHYY, December 13, 2023.

The occupations with the biggest increase in share of vacancies are associated with labor-hungry sectors such as food service, healthcare, and construction. Workers in these occupations mostly use physical and manual skills, which in many cases are challenging to automate and, in the case of healthcare occupations, likely to face unabated increases in demand as populations age.

Workers in occupations in which the share of vacancies declined most, by contrast, use physical and manual skills for only a small part of their work. Instead, these occupations, which include management, sales, financial operations and computing, rely most heavily on social and emotional skills. Across all sectors, such occupations are often more highly paid; in some cases, they are likely to be a shrinking slice of the total workforce. Office support occupations could shrink as basic cognitive skills are increasingly automated, while sales is already a shrinking occupational category as e-commerce becomes a bigger part of retail trade and technological changes shift marketing dollars to other channels and assets. 1 Michael Riely, Inside the decline of sales occupations , US Bureau of Labor Statistics Beyond the Numbers series, May 2020. Research by McKinsey has found that generative AI might accelerate the trend of automation in both of these occupational categories. 2 See The economic potential of generative AI: The next productivity frontier , McKinsey Global Institute, June 2023.

Jobs requiring a high proportion of physical and manual skills often have lower wages. In tight labor markets, wage dynamics shift based on workers’ changing opportunity costs, including options to move into higher-paying jobs. As US labor markets tightened, wages grew across the board, especially among workers in the lowest-paying occupations, and the biggest beneficiaries were workers who switched jobs. 1 David Autor, Arindrajit Dube, and Annie McGrew, The unexpected compression: Competition at work in the low wage labor market , National Bureau of Economic Research working paper number 31010, November 2023. Given that the labor share of production is about 60 percent across advanced economies, rising labor costs are highly relevant for employers and policy makers. 2 Based on data through 2013 for Germany, Japan, and the United States. See Loukas Karabarbounis and Brent Neiman, The global decline of the labor share , National Bureau of Economic Research working paper number 19136, June 2013.

Grouping US occupations based on average salaries, the occupations in the bottom half of the income range require physical and manual skills more than 40 percent of the time. Those lower-paying occupations in the third and fourth quartiles by income had the fastest wage growth from 2015 to 2022. The top half of occupations by income require physical and manual skills much less, and just 5 percent of the time among the top quartile of occupations by pay.

Growing the supply-side pie

Labor supply has struggled to keep up with overall demand due to shifts in demographics—and that’s unlikely to change, according to projections to 2030.

Higher participation rates mitigated the impact of aging on labor supply

Even as labor markets have tightened, labor supply has grown. From 2010 to 2023, 34 million additional people joined the workforces across the eight countries, an average growth rate of 0.6 percent a year. The first factor influencing this growth is the expansion of population, both from so-called natural growth, or the net of new births and deaths, and from immigration. The second factor is linked to an aging mix of workers and had the opposite impact, pushing supply lower. The third factor is increased participation in the labor force, which helps mitigate the impact of aging.

The independent contribution of each of these three factors is clear. Had population alone grown, it would have accounted for 31 million of the 34 million added workers. Aging alone would have led to 18 million fewer workers as more seniors dropped out of the labor force. However, at the same time, labor force participation has increased, particularly among workers 55 years and older. The combined effects of these three factors net to 34 million additional workers.

The dynamics of these three factors varied greatly by country. Labor supply grew fastest in Australia and Canada, driven by strong population growth. Population growth also drove increased labor supply in the United Kingdom and the United States, though more moderately than in Australia and Canada. Germany’s labor supply growth was due largely to increased participation rates, while France’s growth came from both population growth and more participation. In Japan and Italy, the impact of aging has been much more pronounced than in other countries, although for now increased participation has allowed for continued modest labor force growth.

Population growth slowed, despite being buoyed by immigration

A major challenge to labor force growth in the future is that the population growth rate has slowed in all eight countries since 2010 and is projected to continue to decline. In fact, populations in Japan and Italy are shrinking, and, according to United Nations estimates, the German population will begin to shrink by 2030.

Falling birth rates in many advanced economies largely explain their slower population growth. In some countries, immigration has also declined, exacerbating the trend. Immigration could have compensated for natural population decline, or when deaths exceed births, since 2015—if it had been roughly 1.5 to 3.0 times higher than current levels in Australia, Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States. In France, Italy, and Japan, it would have needed to be even higher.

Immigration enables short-term labor supply growth. By contrast, it takes perhaps 20 years for natural increase in a population to affect the labor market, because a baby born today cannot meaningfully work for roughly 20 years. Many immigrants are of working age and so can participate in the labor force today. 1 “Foreign-born workers: Labor force characteristics—2023,” US Bureau of Labor Statistics press release, May 21, 2024. For instance, the Congressional Budget Office estimates that the US labor force in 2033 will be larger by 5.2 million people, mostly because of higher net immigration. 2 Phillip L. Swagel, Director’s statement on the budget and economic outlook for 2024 to 2034 , Congressional Budget Office, February 2024. Research by the Brookings Institution suggests that an unexpectedly high level of net immigration explains the recent fast pace of added employment in the United States. 3 Wendy Edelberg and Tara Watson, New immigration estimates help make sense of the pace of employment , Brookings Institution, March 2024.

Older workers are an increasing share of populations

Beyond their slowing population growth, all the countries in our sample are aging, a trend that will intensify as members of the baby boom generation become older. This creates an obstacle to labor force growth because older people often work at much lower rates, especially past the age of 65.

The proportion of the working-age population, or people over 15 years old, that is 55 years and older increased from 2010 to 2023, and the United Nations projects that that share will grow even more by 2030. At that time, about half of the working-age populations of Germany, Italy, Japan, and the United Kingdom will be older than 55, and almost one-third will be older than 65. Populations are younger in Australia, Canada, and the United States, where by 2030 roughly two-fifths of the working-age populations will be older than 55.

As countries aged overall, labor force participation among older cohorts of the working-age population increased.

Older workers fueled growth in the labor supply

Even as aging populations pose a potential drag on labor force growth, people have been working more at almost every stage of life in all eight countries. (The exceptions are 15- to 24-year-olds in Canada, Italy, and the United Kingdom, who are working less; similarly, 25- to 54-year-olds in France are working slightly less.) For example, in the United States, shifts in the overall age mix pushed the aggregate labor force participation rate lower from 2010 to 2023, yet the participation rate grew, albeit marginally, in every age cohort over the period.

Everywhere, older people are working longer. The largest increases in labor force participation have been among those 55 years and older (with the notable exception of the United States, where work in that cohort increased only modestly). From 2010 to 2023, participation among this cohort grew 23 percentage points in Italy, 15 points in Germany and France, and 12 points in Japan. This increase in participation rates reflected shifting pension policies and attitudes toward retirement. For instance, Italy switched to a defined-contribution retirement system and increased its retirement age in 2011. 1 Margherita Borella and Flavia Coda Moscarola, The 2011 pension reform in Italy and its effects on current and future retirees , working paper number 151/15, Center for Research on Pensions and Welfare Policies, September 2015. And long before the COVID-19 pandemic put labor market tightness onto the global radar, Japanese companies struggling to find workers in an aging society were tapping the country’s Silver Jinzai Centers. These community centers for older people traditionally found retirees to help maintain parks or manage parking lots, but more recently, a wide variety of Japanese corporations are enlisting them to find workers for jobs they can’t otherwise fill. 2 Ippei Hoshi, Shinichiro Yamaguchi, and Nobuaki Takada, Changes in elderly employment: New roles of “Silver” Human Resources Centers , Nomura Research Institute, March 2017; Daisuke J. Nakajima and Jeffrey D. Korzenik, “How America can bring the Japanese economic miracle stateside,” Wall Street Journal , June 5, 2023.

The shaded bars in the accompanying exhibit illustrate how labor force participation rates might grow if trends in participation rates for each age cohort continue to 2030 in line with the trend set from 2012 to 2023. In the United States, labor force participation rates didn’t change much over that period, but in countries like Italy and Japan, where participation rates have shifted markedly, achieving the past trend could yield significant increases in labor force participation rates.

Spotlight: Increasing female labor force participation boosted labor supply

One component of rising participation rates is the narrowing gender gap. We compared the ratio of female and male labor force participation rates and average hours worked per week to approximate the gender gap in the workforces of our focus countries. We found the gender gap has been shrinking since 2010, more significantly in labor force participation than in hours. About 60 percent of the workers who joined the labor force from 2010 to 2023 were women. In Italy, Japan, and Germany, the narrowing gender gap is due entirely to women participating in the labor force more. In other countries, the ratio climbed as women increased their labor force participation while participation among men declined, by as much as three percentage points in some places.

Currently more women work part-time than men, likely due to different responsibilities in the household. Improving labor force participation among women may therefore be encouraged by flexible working arrangements and access to care support. For example, Japan has made progress on its gender gap in part through a set of policies called Womenomics that include providing daycare support and tax incentives to encourage married women to join the labor market. 1 “Japan introduces ‘womenomics’ to counter the country’s aging workforce and boost GDP,” Council on Foreign Relations, accessed May 20, 2024. Such interventions could increase the contribution of women to labor supply growth and reduce tightness in the labor market.

Labor supply growth is expected to slow further

Looking ahead, we examined two possible scenarios for labor force participation rates in 2030. In both cases, labor force growth slows.

  • A stable scenario, in which labor force participation rates in each age cohort remain constant at 2023 levels between now and 2030
  • A growth scenario assuming that trends in 2010–23 participation rate growth for each age cohort continue to 2030

In the stable scenario, France, Italy, Germany, and Japan may have smaller labor supplies by 2030. In fact, even if labor participation rates continue to grow at the same rate as in the past in Germany, Italy, and Japan, their labor forces won’t increase. By contrast, Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States are likely to see increases in labor supply under either scenario, although at a slower pace than over the past 13 years, due to stronger expected rates of immigration.

Gearing up for continued tightness

Given shifting demographics, advanced economies will need to find ways to grow labor supply and increase productivity in order to maintain their current level of economic growth, and employers and policy makers can help by taking action.

To maintain GDP growth, all countries need additional labor supplies or productivity growth—and some need both

We quantify four scenarios of economic growth using two alternative rates of productivity growth along with our two possible scenarios of future labor force participation rates. For each economic growth scenario, we assume adequate demand for labor—in other words, that no recession occurs that would curb employment. This assumption may be reasonable in the short term, though recessions are notoriously hard to predict. The United States has so far navigated an economic soft landing, but any economic downturn could crimp job demand. Meanwhile, Germany and Japan have experienced only tepid demand growth, calling into question the underlying strength of demand in those countries.

By contrast, new technologies offer the potential for more robust productivity growth that could dispel some of those concerns. Our two productivity growth scenarios include a higher estimate that uses average productivity growth from 1999 to 2007, a period of robust productivity growth before the financial crisis, and a lower estimate that uses productivity growth from 2012 to 2022. These scenarios suggest that, absent productivity acceleration or growth in labor force participation rates, GDP will increase at a slower pace than the 2012 to 2022 trend in the eight countries.

If labor force participation continues to grow or there is an increase in productivity back to pre-2007 levels in Australia and Japan, the countries would maintain their 2012–22 trend of GDP growth.

Four of the six other countries—Canada, France, the United Kingdom, and the United States—would need productivity to return to pre-2007 levels in order to maintain their economic growth. Continued growth of the labor force participation rate is relatively less important to maintaining economic growth for these countries.

Germany would need continued labor force participation rate growth and a return to pre-2007 levels of productivity to maintain its level of economic growth.

By constrast, even if Italy continued its high rate of growth in labor force participation, it would still need to increase productivity growth by an additional 0.1 percent each year above its 0.4 percent pre-2007 annual productivity growth.

All of these countries have the potential to reach a higher level of productivity growth in the future. Previous MGI research documents the promise of technologies like artificial intelligence, which has the potential to deliver more than enough added productivity to keep their economies growing even in a future with a declining labor supply. To be sure, the path to realize that opportunity is far from certain. Implementing any new technology requires complicated adaptation of business processes and extensive retraining of workforces. However, employed correctly, these tools offer a way forward to economic prosperity despite labor supply constraints.

These projections are not predictions of the future, but they do illustrate the demographic constraints on economies over the next decade, casting a cloud on the prospects of durably resolving labor shortages. For economies to maintain stability or grow, they will need to go beyond business as usual to boost productivity or find additional workers in new ways.

Concerted actions can improve labor supply and productivity and better match people to jobs.

All labor market stakeholders—employers, market influencers, policy makers, training institutions, and other workforce development organizations—can address labor shortages. Each can act by improving supply, productivity, or matching. Action employers can take include the following:

  • Improve their value proposition for prospective talent and talent they already employ. Prior McKinsey research has found that some of the most sought-after talent values flexibility and meaningful work. 3 Aaron De Smet, Bonnie Dowling, Marino Mugayar-Baldocchi, and Bill Schaninger, “‘ Great attrition’ or ‘great attraction’? The choice is yours ,” McKinsey Quarterly , September 8, 2021. Providing flexibility, like hybrid working arrangements or flexible hours, and evaluating performance based on output rather than hours worked allow top talent to create more sustainability in work. Training and career advancement opportunities could attract workers to hard-to-fill occupations typically plagued by vacancies. Indeed, companies that excel at training and internal mobility achieve better talent retention as well as top-tier financial performance and more consistent and resilient performance. 4 See Performance through people: Transforming human capital into competitive advantage , McKinsey Global Institute, February 2023. Companies can also double down on retaining talent they already have by, say, improving internal social connections and investing in and developing high-quality managers.
  • Seek talent outside traditional hiring pools. Companies should seek talent in broader, more unconventional pools, including by shifting from credentials-based to skills-based hiring. They can offer more flexible work arrangements for parents and seniors contemplating retirement. Employers could also consider looking at often-overlooked groups, like recently incarcerated workers and those with gaps in their résumés, as potential sources of untapped talent.
  • Unlock talent in their own organizations through internal mobility. Employers can address skill mismatches by actively shaping career pathways to help employees acquire new skills and by making mobility and rotation a vital part of company strategy. Fostering a culture of collaboration is essential to helping employees discover and build cross-functional skills, with the triple benefits of improved innovation, fewer skill gaps, and higher employee retention.
  • Invest in labor-complementing and labor-substituting technology and operations to unlock productivity. Technology adoption can take center stage on company agendas in a tight labor environment, including a full assessment of the potential for augmentation and automation with artificial intelligence and other technologies at the level of specific occupations and work processes. Occupations in administrative support or food services, for instance, have high potential for automation, while healthcare and management occupations have little potential. Companies can then develop short- and long-term strategies to deploy technology and other process improvements to improve the efficiency and attractiveness of jobs that can be enhanced with automation. To capture the full productivity benefit of new technologies, companies also can invest in reskilling, for example through on-the-job training and coaching, creating centers of excellence to better harness skills within their workforces, and identifying skill gaps.

Policy makers and other market-making participants can take the following steps to address tight markets:

  • Make it easier for older workers, women, and foreign-born talent to find work. To increase labor force participation among older workers, policy makers can implement more flexible retirement policies that encourage workers to continue working beyond standard retirement ages. They also can design policies to support working parents, such as establishing a minimum leave and improving access to childcare, two policies that have improved female participation in some countries. The supply of workers outside of the developed world remains large, but foreign-born workers can be an immediate and significant source of labor only if properly integrated into the workforce.
  • Support the building of human capital across the workforce. Scaling up reskilling programs and improving access to and the capacity of career-oriented schools will help improve the human capital of the workforce. Policy makers can develop incentives to support retraining and other programs needed to facilitate occupational transitions that often accompany continued technological improvement. This approach could be accelerated by artificial intelligence in some countries.
  • Reduce labor market barriers to help match job seekers to job openings. Discouraging barriers to employment, like credentialing and noncompete agreements, as well as improving housing affordability in high-productivity, job-rich regions would allow talent to migrate to where it is most needed and most valuable. Universities and workforce development programs can also work hand in glove with employers to help future employees build skills and find the right job opportunities in an ever-evolving labor market.


This research was led by Anu Madgavkar , a McKinsey Global Institute partner in New Jersey; Olivia White , a McKinsey senior partner and director of MGI based in San Francisco; Sven Smit , a McKinsey senior partner and chair of MGI based in Amsterdam; Chris Bradley , a McKinsey senior partner and director of MGI based in Sydney; and Ryan Luby , a senior knowledge expert and associate partner based in New York. Michael Neary led the working team, which included Claire Le Barbenchon, Maclaine Fields, Emma Forde, Clio Hancock, Young Kim, Brendan Mackie, Robert Malongo, Shaibyaa Rajbhandari, Noah Welgoss, Simone Tai, Rohan Vora, Samantha Wang, Noah Welgoss, and Daisong Zhang.

This project benefited immensely from the perspectives of McKinsey colleagues. Our thanks go to Marc Canal, Gurneet Singh Dandona, Marco Dondi (alumni), Bonnie Dowling, Bryan Hancock, Maya Horii, Roland Huyghues-Despointes, Tasuku Kuwabara, Deepa Mahajan, Dana Maor, Jan Mischke, Michael Park, and Lauren Yayboke.

We are grateful to the academic advisers who challenged our thinking and sharpened our insights: Martin Baily, senior fellow emeritus in economic studies at the Brookings Institution; Christopher Pissarides, Nobel Prize winner and Regius Professor of Economics at the London School of Economics; and Matthew Slaughter, Paul Danos Dean of the Tuck School of Business and the Earl C. Daum 1924 Professor of International Business, Dartmouth College.

This report was edited and produced by Stephanie Strom, senior editor, together with senior data visualization editor Chuck Burke. We also thank David Batcheck, Nienke Beuwer, Rishabh Chaturvedi, Shannon Ensor, Paromita Ghosh, Rebeca Robboy, Rachel Robinson, and Amanda Soto for their support.

We thank McKinsey Global Publishing for designing this visual narrative, including team members Mary Gayen, Katrina Parker, Charmaine Rice, Diane Rice, Dana Sand, and Nathan R. Wilson.

As with all MGI research, this work is independent and has not been commissioned or sponsored in any way by any business, government, or other institution. While we gathered a variety of perspectives, our views have been independently formed and articulated in this report. Any errors are our own.

Tight job markets are challenging for businesses, yet they also present opportunities to improve productivity and livelihoods. Efforts to engage more workers in fulfilling jobs matched to their skills and enriched with new technologies that improve productivity can yield broad-based prosperity and boost economic growth.

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Research is an expression of faith in the possibility of progress. The drive that leads scholars to study a topic has to include the belief that new things can be discovered, that newer can be better, and that greater depth of understanding is achievable. Research, especially academic research, is a form of optimism about the human condition.

I have yet to see any problem, however complicated, which, when you looked at it in the right way, did not become still more complicated.

There is an increasing gap between academic research and business application. Sometimes the incentives for success in the academic world are not consistent with what it takes to run a company.

I don't accept the argument of people like David Horowitz that the government should impose some sort of predetermined political balance on academic research.

The Internet is a big boon to academic research. Gone are the days spent in dusty library stacks digging for journal articles. Many articles are available free to the public in open-access journal or as preprints on the authors' website.

I like the way Microsoft participates in other-than-mainstream activities, such as academic research, charities, scholarships and connecting the disconnected by providing technology support to underserved people.

I see top business schools working to bridge this gap [between academic research and business application] by respecting executive education, by having more mature students who proactively draw from faculty what they know they need, and by having faculty who are willing to leave their ivory towers for the murky world of business reality. Unfortunately, at other times, business professors have little or not interest or savvy about business issues.

My career in academic research has not been involved with active management of securities. I've tried to understand risk-and-return relationships; also the pricing of derivative securities.

There's some pretty good academic research that suggest that what Americans don't like is losing.

The love of money is the root of all evil. That is the fundamental truth that I have verified through 3 decades of empirical, investigative, legal, academic research trying to answer some fundamental questions about human existence and why we behave the way we do, why we think the way we do, why we act the way we do...It is the love of money that has the potential to exterminate- to render extinct- the entire human race.

There's a lot of things to learn, starting with you'd better caution people just as the State Department cautioned people, especially those of Chinese descent, before they decide to engage in academic research in China.


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Government of Canada Announces $11 Million to Advance Small Modular Reactor Research and Hydrogen Technologies to Support Clean Energy Development

From: Natural Resources Canada

News release

It is in this context that federal, provincial and territorial ministers are meeting in Calgary, Alberta, from July 3 to July 5, 2024, at the annual Energy and Mines Ministers’ Conference, to share perspectives and continue driving momentum in the energy and mining sectors.

July 3, 2024                                                             Calgary, Alberta                                                         Natural Resources Canada

As nations globally move to reduce carbon emissions and shift to non-emitting forms of energy, investing in advanced technologies will help ensure Canada remains a global energy leader. Through and beyond the energy transition that is already well underway, ultra-low carbon sources of energy such as wind, solar, hydro and nuclear power will be key to seizing the enormous economic opportunities that are available to Canadians in all regions of the country.

Today, the Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, announced $11 million in funding for nine energy technology projects — $2.5 million in funding for small modular reactor research and $8.5 million to support innovation in Canada’s clean hydrogen sector.

Of this funding, $5 million will be allocated to three projects in Alberta selected through the Energy Innovation Program’s (EIP) Clean Fuels and Industrial Fuel Switching call for proposals, including:

·        $3,000,000 to Aurora Hydrogen Inc. to advance the use of microwave energy for pyrolysis technology to convert methane to hydrogen and solid carbon with minimal greenhouse gas emissions and no water use;

·        $1,000,000 to Quantiam Technologies for the production of carbon-negative methanol and e-fuels from captured carbon dioxide and green hydrogen; and,

·        $1,000,000 to Innova Hydrogen Corp  for zero-carbon hydrogen production via catalytic methane pyrolysis.

The remaining four projects, also in Alberta, are funded through the EIP and support the Hydrogen Centre of Excellence , a strategic initiative led by Alberta Innovates . They include:

·        $1,300,450 to ATCO Gas and Pipelines Ltd. , in partnership with Qualico, to conduct a feasibility assessment of a pure hydrogen pipeline network to heat new homes in the community of Bremner in Strathcona County, Alberta, including constructing a pure-hydrogen demonstration home;

·        $1,264,550 to Innovative Fuel Systems to reduce emissions from heavy-duty vehicles by developing a hydrogen and diesel dual-fuel retrofit system applicable to 90 percent of heavy-duty engines;

·        $508,935 to ATCO Gas and Pipelines Ltd. to develop the Fort Saskatchewan Operating Centre into the first commercial 100-percent hydrogen-heated building in North America and as a demonstration site for end-user heating technologies that utilize pure and blended hydrogen with natural gas; and,

·        $415,000 to New Wave Hydrogen Inc. to accelerate the time of methane thermal cracking for hydrogen production via shock wave heating technology in preparation for successive field pilots.

These projects will drive progress in energy innovation across Canada while positioning the country to become a leader in hydrogen and other critical energy technologies.

Nuclear energy is part of the suite of non-emitting technologies needed for the world to transition to a net-zero future. NRCan introduced the Enabling Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) Program in 2023 to support the development of supply chains for SMR manufacturing and fuel and fund research on SMR waste management solutions to ensure that SMRs, and the waste they generate, can be safely managed, now and into the future.

As part of the Enabling SMRs Program:

·        The University of Regina will receive a total of $941,651 over three years to study long-term disposal strategies for intermediate level and non-fuel high level wastes from SMRs within Saskatchewan; and,

·        The University of Alberta will receive a total of $1,656,000 over three years for its project on additive manufacturing (AM) of next-generation functionally graded materials for use in SMRs.

Canada is committed to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 and recognizes that close collaboration with provinces and territories, Indigenous partners and key stakeholders is crucial to building a thriving, inclusive, low-carbon economy. By working together through gatherings such as the annual Energy and Mines Ministers’ Conference, Canada is advancing the most promising competitive advantages in every region of the country to drive a prosperous and sustainable economy for the future.

“This week’s announcements are part of a series of significant steps the Government of Canada continues to take to support good jobs and promote sustainable growth, including the launch of the Hydrogen Strategy for Canada Progress Report, Canada’s Critical Minerals Strategy and Canada’s founding of the Sustainable Critical Minerals Alliance last fall. I will continue to work with all partners to ensure Canada remains a global supplier of choice for clean energy in a net-zero world — ensuring a prosperous and clean future for Canadians from coast to coast to coast.”  The Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson Minister of Energy and Natural Resources 
“New Wave Hydrogen is honoured to be a part of the Canadian clean energy transition. The vision and benefits of these funding programs offer vital support to emerging companies. This funding stimulates growth, not just for the New Wave technology — it extends to support Canada’s innovation ecosystem and networked growth through engineering, manufacturing and clean energy sectors.” Kathleen O’Neil CEO New Wave Hydrogen, Inc.

Quick facts

According to an independent ranking from BloombergNEF, Canada has surpassed China as the world’s most promising jurisdiction for manufacturing lithium-ion batteries such as those used in electric vehicles.  

The EIP advances clean energy technologies that will help Canada meet its climate change targets, while supporting the transition to a low-carbon economy. It funds research, development and demonstration projects and other related scientific activities.

Interest in low-carbon hydrogen in Canada has increased significantly since 2020, with over 80 low-carbon hydrogen production projects announced, representing over five million tonnes of hydrogen production capacity and an economic expression of interest of over $100 billion in potential investment in domestic clean energy opportunities and jobs. 

Since 2020, British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick have published hydrogen strategies, identifying hydrogen as a provincial clean energy priority and describing provincial actions and objectives to realize regional low-carbon hydrogen objectives. Hydrogen has been identified as a key opportunity area by a number of jurisdictions as part of the Regional Tables and features prominently in the recently released British Columbia Regional Energy and Resource Table – Framework for Collaboration on the Path to Net-Zero .

There are now 13 low-carbon hydrogen production facilities in operation across Canada, able to produce over 3,000 tonnes of low-carbon hydrogen per year.

 NRCan was allocated $29.6 million over four years in Budget 2022 for research and development to support the conditions and frameworks necessary for SMRs to displace fossil fuels and contribute to climate change mitigation. Funding announced today complements work taking place with a number of jurisdictions through the Regional Tables, as well as through the Canada-Alberta Working Group and a sub-working group on SMRs. 

The nuclear sector helps Canada avoid approximately 45 million metric tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions annually, compared to electricity produced from natural gas. In a country where 82 percent of our electricity already comes from low- or non-emitting sources, nuclear continues to be a complement to the strong renewables sector in continuous development. 

Associated links

  • Canadian Critical Minerals Strategy
  • Hydrogen Strategy for Canada and Progress Report
  • Energy Innovation Program
  • Hydrogen Centre of Excellence - Alberta Innovates
  • Enabling Small Modular Reactors Program
  • Budget 2024 – Attracting Investment for a Net-Zero Economy
  • Backgrounder: Economic Growth and Productivity
  • 2030 Emissions Reduction Plan: Clean Air, Strong Economy
  • Net-zero emissions by 2050
  • Clean Hydrogen Investment Tax Credit

Natural Resources Canada Media Relations 343-292-6100 [email protected] Carolyn Svonkin Press Secretary Office of the Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Canada 343-597-1725  [email protected]

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    Here are some famous quotes on the well-being benefits of research: "If we knew what we were doing it wouldn't be research.". - Albert Einstein. "By seeking and blundering we learn.". - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. "Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose.

  6. 170 Science Quotes from Top Scientists

    Explore the best quotes about science, scientists, and scientific fields from top thinkers and innovators. Discover the importance, beauty, and challenges of science and scientific research.

  7. Research Quotes: 12 Research Quotes that Will Inspire You

    Here are 12 research quotes that are sure to leave you feeling inspired and motivated to complete your next project. "All I'm armed with is research." -Mike Wallace. "Measuring engagement ...

  8. Goodreads

    We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us.

  9. 180 Research Quotes to Inspire and Motivate

    Quotes about research can motivate individuals to stay dedicated, patient, and resilient in their pursuit of answers to complex questions, acknowledging that research is a journey filled with challenges and unexpected twists. Famous Research Quotes. Research is the process of going up alleys to see if they are blind. — Marston Bates. 41

  10. Scientific Research Quotes

    A collection of quotes from various scientists, researchers, and thinkers on the topic of scientific research. Explore their views on ethics, funding, innovation, challenges, and rewards of scientific research.

  11. Research Sayings and Research Quotes

    Find inspirational, wise, and humorous quotes about research from various sources, such as Albert Einstein, Zora Neale Hurston, and Bill Gates. Learn from the insights and experiences of researchers, scholars, and innovators on the process and value of research.

  12. Top 10 Research Quotes

    10. Writing the perfect paper is a lot like a military operation. It takes discipline, foresight, research, strategy, and, if done right, ends in total victory. Ryan Holiday. 9. Through my research, I found that vulnerability is the glue that holds relationships together. It's the magic sauce. Brene Brown. 8.

  13. 25 of the Best Motivational Quotes from Scientists

    11. "Science is not only a disciple of reason but also one of romance and passion.". - Stephen Hawking. The late, great Stephen Hawking reminding us why we all fell in love with science. Thank you Elizabeth Thomas from the Monash Alfred Psychiatry Research Centre for this one. 12.

  14. 117 Riveting Research Quotes & Captions

    Ten Best Research Quotes. 1.) Research is creating new knowledge. 2.) Research is seeing what everybody else has seen and thinking what nobody else has thought. 3.) As for the future, your task is not to foresee it but to enable it. 4.) An actual scientist embraces debate because it sharpens their research.

  15. Research Quotes

    A list of the best research quotes and sayings, including the names of each speaker or author when available.This list is sorted by popularity, so only the most famous research quotes are at the top. The authors of these historic research quotes are displayed next to each quote, so if you see one you like be sure to check out other inspirational research quotes from that same writer.

  16. Research Quotes

    A collection of the top 44 best research quotes. *"Research" means "to search again." Why not? Sometimes, a new interpretation emerges that is of vast importance. *Nothing has such power to broaden the mind as the ability to investigate systematically and truly all that comes under thy observation in life.

  17. 165 Research Quotes to Inspire and Motivate

    They encourage researchers to be open-minded, curious, and persistent in their quest for new discoveries and insights. Quotes about research can motivate individuals to stay dedicated, patient, and resilient in their pursuit of answers to complex questions, acknowledging that research is a journey filled with challenges and unexpected twists.

  18. The 17 Best Quotes about research

    research Quotes. 17 of the best book quotes about research. 01. "Everything. A letter may be coded, and a word may be coded. A theatrical performance may be coded, and a sonnet may be coded, and there are times when it seems the entire world is in code. Some believe that the world can be decoded by performing research in a library.".

  19. 50 Famous Quotes by Scientists That Will Inspire You

    2. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity - Albert Einstein. Albert Einstein famously stated, "In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.". This quote serves as a beacon of hope during challenging times, reminding us that even amidst adversity, there is potential for growth and advancement.

  20. Research Quotes

    Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody else has thought. ~ Albert Szent-Gyorgyi. Lost in a gloom of uninspired research. ~ William Wordsworth. Research is the process of going up alleys to see if they are blind. ~ Marston Bates. The heart and soul of good writing is research; you should write not what you know ...

  21. BCA Research issues gloomy forecast for US stock market

    A new analyst note from BCA Research suggests the S&P 500 could slide as much as 30% within the next year as the U.S. economy enters a deep recession. ... Quotes displayed in real-time or delayed ...

  22. Labor markets: Tight in advanced economies

    In the internet era, posting job listings is easy and motivation to take them down is low, raising questions about the reliability of data on job openings. 1 "Measuring job openings in the U.S. labor market," Congressional Research Service, February 28, 2024. In this research, we examined trends in labor market tightness using a variety of data that economists typically employ to ...


    Research, especially academic research, is a form of optimism about the human condition. Henry Rosovsky. Expression, Optimism, Understanding. 19 Copy quote. Show source. I have yet to see any problem, however complicated, which, when you looked at it in the right way, did not become still more complicated. Poul Anderson.

  24. Charles Schwab

    The Charles Schwab Corporation provides a full range of brokerage, banking and financial advisory services through its operating subsidiaries.

  25. Australia-India research supporting more scientific breakthroughs

    "The Australia-India Strategic Research Fund has delivered more than 360 collaborative research projects in the past 18 years, ensuring our nation's universities and research institutions have remained at the forefront of global research initiatives." Quotes attributable to the Hon. Dr. Jitendra Singh, Minister for Science and Technology ...

  26. Government of Canada Announces $11 Million to Advance Small Modular

    NRCan introduced the Enabling Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) Program in 2023 to support the development of supply chains for SMR manufacturing and fuel and fund research on SMR waste management solutions to ensure that SMRs, and the waste they generate, can be safely managed, now and into the future. As part of the Enabling SMRs Program: