I Heart Britain

23 Strange & Quirky British Festivals

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Maybe it's all the rainy days, or maybe it's the fact that the UK is a nation of islanders, but they really do know how to make life interesting. The United Kingdom is home to some of the world's quirkiest festivals, and each year you'll find hundreds, even thousands of excited Brits chasing cheese down hills, toe wrestling, and running around with sacks of wool – among other things.

Below, we've gathered up 23 of the strangest British festivals. Should you find yourself near one on a future trip, we highly recommend working it into your itinerary. It doesn't even matter which one – they're all strange and delightful in their own way, and there's not a one we wouldn't wholeheartedly recommend.

Table of Contents

JORVIK Viking Festival

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Where : York, North Yorkshire, England

When : Annually in February

This annual festival of York's Viking heritage features a variety of living history encampments, markets, talks, combat performances, and tours around the city. While York's historic centre always has a pretty strong Viking vibe, this February celebration takes it from its usual level of, say, 8…and pushes it up to at least a 12 out of 10. If you've ever wanted to feel like you're inside a brutal historic drama, put this festival on your travel bucket list.

Clovelly Seaweed Festival

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Where : Clovelly, Devon, England

When : Late May

If you've watched many British travel shows, you've almost definitely seen the incredible seaside village of Clovelly. This north Devon coastal village features a steep pedestrianised cobblestone street, donkeys and sleds to takes things up and down, and a fee for tourist entry. It remains privately-owned to this day, and you can't buy a home there unless you actually intend to live in it.

Though Clovelly gets a steady stream of tourists, that spikes in late May when they hold the annual seaweed festival. The festival not only celebrates seaweed as a nutritious food, but also a versatile product that can be used in arts and crafts. Even if you're not a fan of eating seaweed, it's worth a day out for the scenery, sea air, and all the crafts, music, and workshops on offer. The festival is put on in aid of the North Devon Hospice, so you're also helping a good cause.

World Stinging Nettle Eating Championship


Where : Marshwood, Dorset, England

When : The Saturday before summer solstice in June

If you eat stinging nettles without boiling away the mildly poisonous hairs that cover the plant, your tongue will swell up and blacken. Parts of your body that come into contact with the hairs can develop an itchy rash.  So of course, the Brits decided to make a festival where you try to strip and eat as many stinging nettle leaves as possible.

At the World Stinging Nettle Eating Championships, the 2018 male champion Phil Thorne (perfect name, btw) consumed 104 feet of stinging nettles, while the female champions Mel Long and Rachel Woods each ate around 61 feet of the painful plants.

The Whittlesea Straw Bear Festival

Where : Whittlesea, Cambridgeshire, England

When : The Tuesday following Plough Monday (the first Monday after the twelfth night of January)

This three-day Cambridgeshire harvest festival includes Mummers plays, street performances, costumed Morris dancers, and people wearing giant piles of hay – along with a giant “bear burning”.

Many unfamiliar with British festivals will be startled to see that a good number of the revelers use blackface makeup as part of their costumes. Though often considered highly racist in modern industrialized cultures, the tradition is said to originate with impoverished 16th-century farm workers who used black paint to disguise themselves when they had to go out begging during harsh winters (though some scholars have offered less innocent explanations). If you're curious, you can read more in this Independent article about the tradition.

The Padstow ‘Obby ‘Oss


Where : Padstow, Cornwall, England

When : May Day

Nearly 200 years ago, C.S. Gilbert (not to be confused with W.S. Gilbert of the famed duo, Gilbert and Sullivan) wrote about an annual May 1st jubilee in Padstow, known as the Hobby Horse. Though the tradition has evolved a bit, it continues on today, starting at midnight each April 30th. They start by singing to the landlord of the Golden Lion Inn, then carry on around the town until the wee hours of the morning.

Throughout the next day, people display flowers and tree branches around the town, and festivities continue all through the day until ending around the maypole at midnight. The main identifying feature of the festival is the obby oss, of which there are two. It's a bit difficult to explain these unusual horse costumes, but you can see one of them in the photo above. They dance and parade around the town, and people take turns teasing the oss.

World Bog Snorkeling Championships


Where : Llanwrtyd Wells, Wales

When : Each August bank holiday since 1985

When most people think about places to snorkel, they imagine tropical beaches and brightly-coloured fish. In the UK, however, there's a set of people who go straight for the nearest peat bog.

Each year, Wales is home to the World Bog Snorkeling Championship, and event that sees its participants don snorkels and flippers to complete two consecutive lengths of a trench cut through a peat bog. Llanwrtyd Wells, Wales is recognized as the origin point for bog snorkeling, dreamt up during a pub conversation back in 1976. Since then, it's spread to countries like Australia, Ireland, and Sweden – enough places that I suppose it makes sense to have a “World Championship”.

Stonehaven Fireballs

Where : Stonehaven, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

When : Hogmanay (New Year's Eve)

All over Scotland, New Year's Eve is celebrated in a different and dramatic fashion. For starters, it's not “New Year's Eve” in Scotland. It's Hogmanay. Fire is a chief component of many celebrations, but Stonehaven kicks it up a notch.

At midnight in the coastal town of Stonehaven, dozens of Scots move through the High Street, whirling balls of fire as they go. Bagpipes, drums, shouting, and sparks flying about – what could be a better way to ring in the new year?

The Yorkshire Pudding Boat Race

Where : Brawby, North Yorkshire, England

When : Varies, but it's mostly annual and in the summer (it appears there was no race this year)

The Yorkshire Pudding Boat Race is another one of those strange festivals dreamt up in a pub. Brawby artist Simon Thackray thought it might be fun to sail down a river in a giant Yorkshire pudding, so he chatted with a local baker and make it happen.

The boats used in this race are real Yorkshire puddings of flour, water, and eggs, but they're coated in yacht varnish to make them seaworthy.

The World Gravy Wrestling Championships

Where : Rossendale, Lancashire, England at The Rose ‘N' Bowl

When : Annually in August

For more than a decade now, this event has been held at the Rose ‘N' Bowl in Rossendale to benefit the East Lancashire Hospice (along with a number of competitor-selected charities). Contestants wrestle in a pool full of Lancashire gravy for two minutes, with points awarded for fancy dress, entertainment factor, and overall wrestling ability. Alongside the main event, you'll also find a variety of food stalls, performances, vendors, and kid activities.

Events occur throughout the day, and the local fire brigade helps to hose down wrestlers in between rounds.

The Egg Throwing World Championships

When : On Swaton Vintage Day, typically late June

The World Egg Throwing Championship is hosted annually during Swaton Vintage Day, a festival originally intended to showcase a variety of vintage vehicles. Though its vintage country show still occurs, the egg throwing activities have gained some prominence, overshadowing the old cars, tractors, and motorbikes just a bit.

In addition to the vintage vehicles and thrown eggs, the Swaton Vintage Day events also feature a novelty dog show (with categories like waggiest tail and “dog most like owner”), aviation demonstrations, a tea tent, a variety of vendors, and plenty of activities for kids and families.

Cooper's Hill Cheese Rolling

Where : Cooper's Hill, Brockworth, Gloucester, England

When : Annually, on the spring bank holiday

It's a simple event, really. A 7-9 pound wheel of Double Gloucester cheese is sent rolling down a hill, then people chase after it. The first person to reach the bottom wins the cheese. In recent years, the cheese has actually been replaced by a styrofoam replica, as the real cheese would build up a dangerous amount of momentum at 70 mph, occasionally threatening the safety of spectators.

What started out as a quirky little event for the village of Brockworth has now transformed into an international media circus. It's even been mentioned in shows like ER and the Gilmore Girls.

International Festival of Wormcharming

Where : Blackawton, Devon, England

When : Annually in early May

In 1983, Dave Kelland and a mate were having a drink in The Normandy Arms pub on miserable, wet day. On the way home, Dave relieved himself on the ground and saw worms surface. Somehow, these things led him to believe it would be a good idea to hold an event to see who can charm the most worms out of the ground. Though it started as more of an adult event in 1984, it has  since become fun for the whole family.

How does it work? Everyone gets a 1 metre x 1 yard plot, and you get 5 minutes for the “worming up” phase, where you're allowed to do whatever you feel will get worms to come out (short of digging, forking, or pouring hazardous liquids onto the ground). From there, each team gets 15 minutes to get as many worms as possible before judging and returning them safely to the ground.

In addition to the main event, they also have a fancy dress competition, novelty dog competition, and loads of food and entertainment. You can view the official event website HERE .

Summer/Winter Solstice at Stonehenge

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Where : Stonehenge, near Amesbury, Wiltshire, England

When : Solstice dates

It's believed our ancestors built Stonehenge to align with the movements of the sun, guiding their year and framing important celestial events – the midwinter sunset at the winter solstice and the midsummer sunrise at the summer solstice.

Today, thousands of make the trek to Stonehenge on these dates. For some, it's a religious experience. For others, it's a chance to share an experience with people long dead. Some just enjoy the energy of the crowd or the chance to be out in nature. Regardless, a solstice at Stonehenge is an incredible event – and the only time people are allowed to stay out all night among the stones.

World Toe Wrestling Championship

When : Annually, early summer

At the World Toe Wrestling Championships, competitors sit with their bare feet in a square ring, then lock big toes and attempt to wrestle the other person's foot to the sideboard of the designated area. It's a strange event, and it's perhaps the only sport where nurses inspector the toes of competitors for fungus and hidden weapons. It's part skill, part strength, and part psychological warfare.

Oh, and you need to be willing to strain your back and break a few toes while you're at it. If you're still interested after hearing all that, you can learn more HERE .

Kettlewell Scarecrow Festival

When : Annually in mid-August

Once each year, scarecrows take over the small village of Kettlewell in North Yorkshire (not far from the market town of Skipton). There are themed trails with clues, activities for kids and families, and more food than you could ever possibly hope to eat – but mostly, there are scarecrows. Lots and lots of scarecrows.

Jack-in-the-Green Celebration

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Where : Hastings, East Sussex, England

If you're a Jethro Tull fan, you've probably heard of Jack-in-the-Green. You may not know where the phrase comes from, though. Jack-in-the-Green started back in the 18th century as a part of May Day celebrations, ushering in the summer season. Originally, it was quite a bawdy affair, with a Lord and Lady of the May carrying out practical jokes, and everyone generally having a wild time. Eventually, a pretty May Queen replaced the Lord and Lady, and the whole thing became much more subdued.

In the 1970s and 80s, though, the tradition was brought back to life. Most notably, 1983 brought the Jack-in-the-Green Celebration to Hastings. Jack marches through the city, covered in leaves and twigs and generally looking like some kind of humanoid shrub. In some places, he's accompanied by attendants representing Robin Hood and Maid Marion. In Hastings, he's accompanied by Bogeys (Bogeymen) disguised in green rags, vegetation, and green-face.

At the end of the procession, Jack is slain to release the spirit of summer.

Hunting of the Earl of Rone

When : Annually during the May bank holiday weekend

Each year, the residents of Combe Martin spent a weekend “hunting” the Earl of Rone, who isn't found until Monday. On Monday, the Earl is paraded around on a donkey, then shot, then revived, then shot again and revived, and so on – until sunset, when he's chucked into the sea as the sun sets.

If you think that sounds completely mental, you're not alone – and that's before you add in the hobby horse and drums. It's all in good fun, though, and any surplus funds donated during the event go to good causes in the area.

Nutters' Dance

When : Annually on Easter

Perhaps the most misunderstood and controversial entry on this list is the Britannia Coco-Nutters dance troupe. These Lancastrian clog dancers go out each Easter and dance 7 miles across the town of Bacup. The dancers don blackface, often attributed to the Cornish miners who came to the area – though some sources say it was a disguise to ward off evil spirits. Some consider them to be quite inappropriate in this day and age, but others are glad to see they're carrying on the tradition in spite of those who misinterpret their intentions.

Tichborne Dole

When : Annually on March 25th

Many years ago in the village of Tichborne, sometime around 1150, a wealthy old woman on her deathbed stipulated that a donation of farm produce should be shared with the poor each year. That lady was Mabella Tichborne. Supposedly, her husband didn't approve and said the dole would only consist of land she could encircle on her own while carrying a burning torch. Though in poor health, she crawled around a 23-acre field which is now known as “the crawls”.

Old Lady Tichborne is said to have put a curse on the family and the dole, stating that if the dole ever stopped, the family would have seven sons, and then the next generation would have seven daughters – leading to the end of the family name and title. The dole continued from the 12th century up until 1796, when local officials ordered the dole to stop. It was attracting all manner of undesirables for freebies, and they didn't like it.

Sure enough, bad things started to happen. Part of the house crumbled. Then came seven sons, followed by a generation of seven daughters. Though the dole was reinstated, bad things continued to happen. Eventually, the last male hair to the title died off in the 1960s.

The dole continues today, but now they hand out flour instead of bread.

Up Helly Aa

When : The last Tuesday of January

Up Helly AA is a fire festival held annually in Shetland, and though it's often associated with Lerwick, it actually occurs in a number of locations throughout the Shetlands. The current festival grew out of an old tradition of young men dragging flaming tarred barrels around, getting drunk and causing mischief – and the current celebration is actually not too far from it.

If you can brave the long trip and cold, windy weather, it's not to be missed.

Twelfth Night

When : Approximately January 6th, annually

This festival occurs on the Twelfth Night, though the exact day can vary based on day of the week. A Holly Man (winter version of the Green Man) bedecked in greenery comes in over the Millennium Bridge, accompanied by mummers and wassailers. They perform a traditional play featuring St. George, and then cake is handed out. The individuals who find the concealed King bean and Queen pea in their cakes are crowned King and Queen for the day, and then everyone heads for the George Inn for more revelry.

The event is free, and it occurs no matter what the weather is like.

Whitby Goth Weekend

When : Twice yearly in April and October/November

Whitby Goth Weekend is a festival of music and weirdness that converges on the town of Whitby twice annually. Goths and steampunks and other unconventional types flood the town that inspired Bram Stoker to write Dracula. There's music, food, and plenty of unusual shopping – not to mention stunning seaside scenery and a sense of camaraderie among oddballs.

Tetbury Woolsack Races

When : Annually, in late May

In the small Cotswold town of Tetbury, there's an annual race to carry a 60-pound wool sack while racing up a relatively steep hill (35-pounds for women). The annual tradition is rooted in the town's history as an important wool market between Oxford and Bristol, and while the wool trade is no longer what it once was, they still honour their past with this quirky race.

Each year, people gather in Tetbury to drink, run with wool sacks, and generally have a good time. There's often a celebrity guest, and there are loads of stalls and activities for spectators. Like many, if not most of these types of events, the proceeds benefit nearby charities.

Which Strange British Festival Would You Most Like to Attend?

Let us know in the comments – and if we've missed any, feel free to add them!

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Listen to the presentation about unusual British festivals and choose the correct option to complete the sentence .

Câu 1: During a pancake race, you have to __________________.

A. eat as many pancakes as possible

B. run as fast as possible while tossing a pancake in a pan

C. run and jump over ropes without dropping the pancake

  • Xem lời giải

Giải chi tiết:

Trong một cuộc đua bánh kếp, bạn phải ____________.

A. ăn càng nhiều bánh càng tốt

B. chạy càng nhanh càng tốt trong khi ném bánh kếp vào chảo

C. chạy và nhảy qua dây thừng mà không làm rơi bánh kếp

Thông tin: On Shrove Tuesday in February, otherwise known as Pancake Day, a special Pancake Bell is rung in Scarborough. Everyone goes down to the road next to the beach where they skip – yep, they jump over long ropes, up to fifteen people to one rope. And they have pancake races. This is quite common in the UK – running with a frying pan and tossing a pancake at the same time.

Tạm dịch: Vào Thứ ba Shriver vào tháng hai, còn được gọi là ngày Pancake, một tiếng chuông Pancake đặc biệt được rung lên ở Scarborough. Mọi người đi xuống con đường cạnh bãi biển nơi họ bỏ qua - vâng, họ nhảy qua những sợi dây dài, lên đến mười lăm người cho một sợi dây. Và họ có cuộc đua bánh kếp. Điều này khá phổ biến ở Anh - chạy bằng chảo rán và ném bánh kếp cùng một lúc.

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Mẹo : Viết lời giải với bộ công thức đầy đủ tại đây

0 Bình luân

Câu 2: Nowadays, the people who win the cheese rolling competition are usually _______________.

A. top athletes       

B. people from the village  

C. visitors from all over the world

Ngày nay, những người chiến thắng trong cuộc thi lăn phô mai thường là _____________.

A. vận động viên hàng đầu

B. người dân làng

C. du khách từ khắp nơi trên thế giới

Thông tin: Nowadays this strange custom attracts visitors from all over the world, but the people from the local village are usually the ones who catch the cheese.

Tạm dịch: Ngày nay, phong tục kỳ lạ này thu hút du khách từ khắp nơi trên thế giới, nhưng người dân địa phương thường là những người bắt pho mát .

Câu 3: The fastest snail in the Snail Racing is __________________.

A. cooked with garlic and butter

B. rescued from the barbecue

C. given a prize of extra lettuce

Con ốc nhanh nhất trong Snail Racing thì __________________.

A. nấu với tỏi và bơ

B. giải cứu khỏi thịt nướng

C. được trao giải thưởng thêm rau diếp

Thông tin: The snails have to race from an inner circle to an outer circle and the winner gets a lot of lettuce.

Tạm dịch: Những con ốc phải chạy đua từ vòng tròn bên trong đến vòng tròn bên ngoài và con vật chiến thắng nhận được rất nhiều rau diếp.

Câu 4: Black Pudding throwing is similar to __________________.

A. pancake tossing

B. Olympic sports like javelin and shotput

Ném Black Pudding tương tự như ____________.

A. tung bánh xèo

B. các môn thể thao Olympic như javelin và shotput

Thông tin: Black puddings are like big sausages made mainly from dried blood. Contestants bowl three black puddings each at 21 Yorkshire puddings set on a six-metre platform; the winner is the one who knocks down the most.

Tạm dịch: Bánh pudding đen giống như những cái xúc xích lớn được làm chủ yếu từ máu khô. Thí sinh ném ba puddings đen mỗi cái ở 21 Yorkshire puddings đặt trên bục sáu mét; người chiến thắng là người làm đổ được nhiều nhất.

Câu 5: To win the best gurner competition, one man __________________.

A. had all his teeth removed      

B. grew a really long beard    

C. had a lot of facial piercings

Để giành chiến thắng trong cuộc thi người có khuôn mặt buồn cười nhất, một người đàn ông                      .

A. đã nhổ hết răng

B. nuôi một bộ râu thật dài

C. có rất nhiều khuyên trên mặt

Thông tin: The man who won the title of best gurner the most in recent years had all his teeth taken out so he could make terrible faces more easily.

Tạm dịch: Người đàn ông giành được danh hiệu người có khuôn mặt buồn cười nhất trong những năm gần đây đã nhổ hết răng để anh ta có thể làm cho khuôn mặt khủng khiếp dễ dàng hơn.

Câu 6: The Burning of the Clocks festival is __________________.

A. 2 years old        

B. 20 years old            

C. 200 years old

Lễ hội Burning of the Clocks thì __________________.

A. 2 tuổi                     

B. 20 tuổi                   

C. 200 tuổi

Thông tin: In Brighton there’s a Burning the Clocks Festival to celebrate the winter solstice on December 21st. This custom started twenty years ago and is very popular.

Tạm dịch: Ở Brighton, có một lễ hội đốt cháy đồng hồ để chào mừng ngày đông chí vào ngày 21 tháng 12. Phong tục này bắt đầu từ hai mươi năm trước và rất phổ biến.


Hello. I’m going to talk about British festivals. I’m sure you’ve heard about the Notting Hill Carnival in London and the Edinburgh Festival, but today we’re going to look at a lot more that you might not know about. Actually, a lot of these are not exactly festivals, but strange races or competitions. Some of them are ancient and some are modern.

So, let’s start in January in the north of Scotland with the Burning of the Clavie. This is a whisky barrel which is set alight then carried through the streets as a bonfire. It’s an ancient tradition which always takes place on 11th of January, the first day of the year, according to an older form of the calendar. The bonfire brings good luck for the coming year and people used to keep bits of burnt wood as protection against evil spirits. At the end of January, even further north, in the Shetland Islands, there’s another fire festival, the Up Helly Aa. This seems like an ancient festival, but has actually only been going for about 130 years – well, it is fairly old, I suppose. People carry fire-lit torches and a Viking boat through the streets, then set fire to the boat. There’s lots of dancing; it’s good fun.

Now to the north of England. On Shrove Tuesday in February, otherwise known as Pancake Day, a special Pancake Bell is rung in Scarborough. Everyone goes down to the road next to the beach where they skip – yep, they jump over long ropes, up to fifteen people to one rope. And they have pancake races. This is quite common in the UK – running with a frying pan and tossing a pancake at the same time.

Another kind of race takes place in spring – cheese rolling. In Gloucestershire, in the south-west of England, round cheeses in round boxes are sent rolling down a hill and people run after them and try and catch them. The hill is very steep, so people often fall over – if you take part in this you need to be very fit and wear your oldest jeans. Nowadays this strange custom attracts visitors from all over the world, but the people from the local village are usually the ones who catch the cheese.

From people-racing, to animals, very tiny animals. World Championship Snail Racing takes place in a village in Norfolk. The snails have to race from an inner circle to an outer circle and the winner gets a lot of lettuce. There’s a party and barbecue for the snail owners and observers. This custom began in the 1960s after a local man saw something similar in France. In the UK we don’t eat snails, by the way.

More fun, in my opinion, are the onion-eating contest, also in Gloucestershire – a race to finish eating a raw onion – and the Black Pudding Throwing Championship, in Lancashire. Black puddings are like big sausages made mainly from dried blood. Contestants bowl three black puddings each at 21 Yorkshire puddings set on a six-metre platform; the winner is the one who knocks down the most. Another fun contest takes place in September at the Egremont Crab Fair in Cumbria in the north of England. The World Gurning Championship is a competition to pull the ugliest face. It sounds ridiculous but this is an ancient British tradition and the Crab Fair itself dates back to 1267. The man who won the title of best gurner the most in recent years had all his teeth taken out so he could make terrible faces more easily.

Finally, let’s go back to the south of England. In Brighton there’s a Burning the Clocks Festival to celebrate the winter solstice on December 21st. This custom started twenty years ago and is very popular. People make clock lanterns and time-themed figures of paper and wood, then walk through the town to the beach where the sculptures are set on fire and there’s a massive firework display.

So, that’s just a taste of a few of our old and more modern traditions. Would you like to take part in any of them?

Dịch bài nghe:

Xin chào. Tôi sẽ nói về các lễ hội của Anh. Tôi chắc chắn rằng bạn đã nghe nói về Notting Hill Carnival ở London và lễ hội Edinburgh, nhưng hôm nay chúng tôi sẽ cho bạn thấy những điều mà có thể bạn chưa biết tới. Trên thực tế, rất nhiều trong số này không chính xác là lễ hội, mà là các cuộc đua hoặc cuộc thi kỳ lạ. Một số trong số đó là cổ xưa và một số là hiện đại. Vì vậy, hãy bắt đầu từ tháng 1 ở phía bắc Scotland với chương trình Burning of the Clavie. Đây là một thùng rượu whisky được đặt xuống sau đó được mang qua các đường phố như một đống lửa. Nó là một truyền thống cũ luôn diễn ra vào ngày 11 tháng 1, ngày đầu tiên của năm, theo thời điểm cũ của lịch. Ngọn lửa mang lại may mắn cho năm tới và mọi người thường giữ những mảnh gỗ bị cháy để bảo vệ chống lại linh hồn ma quỷ. Vào cuối tháng 1, thậm chí xa hơn về phía bắc, tại Quần đảo Shetland, có một lễ hội lửa khác, Up Helly Aa. Đây có vẻ như là một lễ hội cổ xưa, nhưng thực sự chỉ mới diễn ra được khoảng 130 năm – thật ra, nó khá cũ, tôi cho là vậy. Mọi người mang theo những ngọn đuốc rực lửa và một chiếc thuyền Viking qua các đường phố, sau đó đốt lửa cho thuyền. Có rất nhiều điệu nhảy; nó rất vui.

Bây giờ đến phía bắc nước Anh. Vào Thứ ba Shriver vào tháng hai, còn được gọi là ngày Pancake, một tiếng chuông Pancake đặc biệt được rung lên ở Scarborough. Mọi người đi xuống con đường cạnh bãi biển nơi họ nhảy qua - vâng, họ nhảy qua những sợi dây dài, lên đến mười lăm người cho một sợi dây. Và họ có cuộc đua bánh kếp. Điều này khá phổ biến ở Anh - chạy bằng chảo rán và ném bánh kếp cùng một lúc.

Một loại cuộc đua khác diễn ra vào mùa xuân - lăn phô mai. Ở Gloucestershire, phía tây nam nước Anh, các loại phô mai tròn trong hộp tròn được gửi xuống một ngọn đồi và mọi người chạy theo họ và thử và bắt chúng. Ngọn đồi rất dốc, vì vậy mọi người thường ngã - nếu bạn tham gia vào việc này, bạn cần phải rất khỏe và mặc quần jean cũ nhất của bạn. Ngày nay, phong tục kỳ lạ này thu hút du khách từ khắp nơi trên thế giới, nhưng người dân địa phương thường là những người bắt được pho mát.

Từ người đua xe, đến động vật, động vật rất nhỏ. Giải vô địch thế giới Snail Racing diễn ra tại một ngôi làng ở Norfolk. Những con ốc phải chạy đua từ vòng tròn bên trong đến vòng tròn bên ngoài và con vật chiến thắng nhận được rất nhiều rau diếp. Có một bữa tiệc và thịt nướng cho các chủ sở hữu và những người giám sát những chú ốc. Phong tục này bắt đầu vào những năm 1960 sau khi một người đàn ông địa phương nhìn thấy một cái gì đó tương tự ở Pháp. Nhân tiện, ở Anh, chúng tôi không ăn ốc.

Thú vị hơn, theo ý kiến của tôi, là cuộc thi ăn hành tây, cũng ở Gloucestershire - một cuộc đua để ăn xong một củ hành sống - và Giải vô địch ném bánh pudding đen, ở Lancashire. Bánh pudding đen giống như xúc xích lớn được làm chủ yếu từ máu khô. Thí sinh ném ba puddings đen mỗi cái ở 21  puddings đặt trên bục sáu mét; người chiến thắng là người làm đổ được nhiều nhất. Một cuộc thi thú vị khác diễn ra vào tháng 9 tại Hội chợ cua Egremont ở Cumbria ở phía bắc nước Anh. Giải vô địch thế giới là một cuộc thi thu hút những gương mặt buồn cười nhất. Nghe có vẻ vô lý nhưng đây là một truyền thống cổ xưa của Anh và Hội chợ Cua bắt đầu từ năm 1267. Người đàn ông giành được danh hiệu người có khuôn mặt buồn cưới nhất trong những năm gần đây đã nhổ hết răng để anh ta có thể làm cho khuôn mặt khủng khiếp dễ dàng hơn.

Cuối cùng, hãy quay trở lại miền nam nước Anh. Ở Brighton, có một lễ hội đốt cháy đồng hồ để chào mừng ngày đông chí vào ngày 21 tháng 12. Phong tục này bắt đầu từ hai mươi năm trước và rất phổ biến. Mọi người làm đèn lồng đồng hồ và các hình vẽ bằng giấy và gỗ theo chủ đề thời gian, sau đó đi bộ qua thị trấn đến bãi biển nơi các tác phẩm điêu khắc được đốt cháy và có một màn bắn pháo hoa khổng lồ.

Vậy, đó chỉ là một cảm nhận về một vài truyền thống cũ và hiện đại hơn của chúng tôi. Bạn muốn tham gia phong tục nào trong số chúng?

Câu 7: The Clavie is __________________.

A. a whisky container

B. a wooden cross

C. a bonfire made of things people don't need

Clavie là ____________.

A. một thùng chứa whisky

B. một cây thánh giá bằng gỗ

C. một ngọn lửa làm từ những thứ mọi người không cần

Thông tin: So, let’s start in January in the north of Scotland with the Burning of the Clavie. This is a whisky barrel which is set alight then carried through the streets as a bonfire

Tạm dịch: Vì vậy, hãy bắt đầu từ tháng 1 ở phía bắc Scotland với chương trình Burning of the Clavie. Đây là một thùng rượu whisky được đặt xuống sau đó được mang qua các đường phố như một đống lửa.

Câu 8: In the Up Helly Aa festival, they burn __________________.

A. a wooden man   

B. a Viking boat 

C. a line in the grass

Trong lễ hội Up Helly Aa, họ đốt cháy __________________.

A. một người đàn ông bằng gỗ

B. một chiếc thuyền Viking

C. một đường thẳng trên cỏ

Thông tin: At the end of January, even further north, in the Shetland Islands, there’s another fire festival, the Up Helly Aa. This seems like an ancient festival, but has actually only been going for about 130 years – well, it is fairly old, I suppose. People carry fire-lit torches and a Viking boat through the streets, then set fire to the boat.

Tạm dịch: Vào cuối tháng 1, thậm chí xa hơn về phía bắc, tại Quần đảo Shetland, có một lễ hội lửa khác, Up Helly Aa. Đây có vẻ như là một lễ hội cổ xưa, nhưng thực sự chỉ mới diễn ra được khoảng 130 năm – thật ra, nó khá cũ, tôi cho là vậy. Mọi người mang theo những ngọn đuốc rực lửa và một chiếc thuyền Viking qua các đường phố, sau đó đốt lửa cho thuyền.

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listen to the presentation about unusual british

Listen to the presentation about unusual British festivals and choose the correct option to complete the sentence .

During a pancake race, you have to __________________.

  • A eat as many pancakes as possible
  • B run as fast as possible while tossing a pancake in a pan
  • C run and jump over ropes without dropping the pancake

Lời giải chi tiết:

Trong một cuộc đua bánh kếp, bạn phải ____________.

A. ăn càng nhiều bánh càng tốt

B. chạy càng nhanh càng tốt trong khi ném bánh kếp vào chảo

C. chạy và nhảy qua dây thừng mà không làm rơi bánh kếp

Thông tin: On Shrove Tuesday in February, otherwise known as Pancake Day, a special Pancake Bell is rung in Scarborough. Everyone goes down to the road next to the beach where they skip – yep, they jump over long ropes, up to fifteen people to one rope. And they have pancake races. This is quite common in the UK – running with a frying pan and tossing a pancake at the same time.

Tạm dịch: Vào Thứ ba Shriver vào tháng hai, còn được gọi là ngày Pancake, một tiếng chuông Pancake đặc biệt được rung lên ở Scarborough. Mọi người đi xuống con đường cạnh bãi biển nơi họ bỏ qua - vâng, họ nhảy qua những sợi dây dài, lên đến mười lăm người cho một sợi dây. Và họ có cuộc đua bánh kếp. Điều này khá phổ biến ở Anh - chạy bằng chảo rán và ném bánh kếp cùng một lúc.

Nowadays, the people who win the cheese rolling competition are usually _______________.

  • A top athletes       
  • B people from the village  
  • C visitors from all over the world

Ngày nay, những người chiến thắng trong cuộc thi lăn phô mai thường là _____________.

A. vận động viên hàng đầu

B. người dân làng

C. du khách từ khắp nơi trên thế giới

Thông tin: Nowadays this strange custom attracts visitors from all over the world, but the people from the local village are usually the ones who catch the cheese.

Tạm dịch: Ngày nay, phong tục kỳ lạ này thu hút du khách từ khắp nơi trên thế giới, nhưng người dân địa phương thường là những người bắt pho mát .

The fastest snail in the Snail Racing is __________________.

  • A cooked with garlic and butter
  • B rescued from the barbecue
  • C given a prize of extra lettuce

Con ốc nhanh nhất trong Snail Racing thì __________________.

A. nấu với tỏi và bơ

B. giải cứu khỏi thịt nướng

C. được trao giải thưởng thêm rau diếp

Thông tin: The snails have to race from an inner circle to an outer circle and the winner gets a lot of lettuce.

Tạm dịch: Những con ốc phải chạy đua từ vòng tròn bên trong đến vòng tròn bên ngoài và con vật chiến thắng nhận được rất nhiều rau diếp.

Black Pudding throwing is similar to __________________.

  • A pancake tossing
  • B Olympic sports like javelin and shotput

Ném Black Pudding tương tự như ____________.

A. tung bánh xèo

B. các môn thể thao Olympic như javelin và shotput

Thông tin: Black puddings are like big sausages made mainly from dried blood. Contestants bowl three black puddings each at 21 Yorkshire puddings set on a six-metre platform; the winner is the one who knocks down the most.

Tạm dịch: Bánh pudding đen giống như những cái xúc xích lớn được làm chủ yếu từ máu khô. Thí sinh ném ba puddings đen mỗi cái ở 21 Yorkshire puddings đặt trên bục sáu mét; người chiến thắng là người làm đổ được nhiều nhất.

To win the best gurner competition, one man __________________.

  • A had all his teeth removed      
  • B grew a really long beard    
  • C had a lot of facial piercings

Để giành chiến thắng trong cuộc thi người có khuôn mặt buồn cười nhất, một người đàn ông                      .

A. đã nhổ hết răng

B. nuôi một bộ râu thật dài

C. có rất nhiều khuyên trên mặt

Thông tin: The man who won the title of best gurner the most in recent years had all his teeth taken out so he could make terrible faces more easily.

Tạm dịch: Người đàn ông giành được danh hiệu người có khuôn mặt buồn cười nhất trong những năm gần đây đã nhổ hết răng để anh ta có thể làm cho khuôn mặt khủng khiếp dễ dàng hơn.

The Burning of the Clocks festival is __________________.

  • A 2 years old        
  • B 20 years old            
  • C 200 years old

Lễ hội Burning of the Clocks thì __________________.

A. 2 tuổi                     

B. 20 tuổi                   

C. 200 tuổi

Thông tin: In Brighton there’s a Burning the Clocks Festival to celebrate the winter solstice on December 21st. This custom started twenty years ago and is very popular.

Tạm dịch: Ở Brighton, có một lễ hội đốt cháy đồng hồ để chào mừng ngày đông chí vào ngày 21 tháng 12. Phong tục này bắt đầu từ hai mươi năm trước và rất phổ biến.

The Clavie is __________________.

  • A a whisky container
  • B a wooden cross
  • C a bonfire made of things people don't need

Clavie là ____________.

A. một thùng chứa whisky

B. một cây thánh giá bằng gỗ

C. một ngọn lửa làm từ những thứ mọi người không cần

Thông tin: So, let’s start in January in the north of Scotland with the Burning of the Clavie. This is a whisky barrel which is set alight then carried through the streets as a bonfire

Tạm dịch: Vì vậy, hãy bắt đầu từ tháng 1 ở phía bắc Scotland với chương trình Burning of the Clavie. Đây là một thùng rượu whisky được đặt xuống sau đó được mang qua các đường phố như một đống lửa.

In the Up Helly Aa festival, they burn __________________.

  • A a wooden man   
  • B a Viking boat 
  • C a line in the grass

Trong lễ hội Up Helly Aa, họ đốt cháy __________________.

A. một người đàn ông bằng gỗ

B. một chiếc thuyền Viking

C. một đường thẳng trên cỏ

Thông tin: At the end of January, even further north, in the Shetland Islands, there’s another fire festival, the Up Helly Aa. This seems like an ancient festival, but has actually only been going for about 130 years – well, it is fairly old, I suppose. People carry fire-lit torches and a Viking boat through the streets, then set fire to the boat.

Tạm dịch: Vào cuối tháng 1, thậm chí xa hơn về phía bắc, tại Quần đảo Shetland, có một lễ hội lửa khác, Up Helly Aa. Đây có vẻ như là một lễ hội cổ xưa, nhưng thực sự chỉ mới diễn ra được khoảng 130 năm – thật ra, nó khá cũ, tôi cho là vậy. Mọi người mang theo những ngọn đuốc rực lửa và một chiếc thuyền Viking qua các đường phố, sau đó đốt lửa cho thuyền.

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  1. Unusual British festivals

    Personal online tutoring. EnglishScore Tutors is the British Council's one-to-one tutoring platform for 13- to 17-year-olds. Listen to the presentation about unusual British festivals and do the exercises to practise and improve your listening skills.

  2. PDF Unusual British festivals

    Listen to the presentation about unusual British festivals and do the exercises to practise and improve your listening skills. 1. Preparation: matching. Do this exercise before you listen. Match the two parts of the phrase to make common festival activities. Write a-f next to the numbers 1-6.

  3. Unusual British festivals.

    For teaching purposes.https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/skills/listening/upper-intermediate-b2-listening/unusual-british-festivals

  4. 23 Strange & Quirky British Festivals

    23 Strange & Quirky British Festivals. August 23, 2019 by I Heart Britain. Maybe it's all the rainy days, or maybe it's the fact that the UK is a nation of islanders, but they really do know how to make life interesting. The United Kingdom is home to some of the world's quirkiest festivals, and each year you'll find hundreds, even thousands of ...

  5. PDF Unusual British festivals

    Transcript for Unusual British festivals. Hello. I'm going to talk about British festivals. I'm sure you've heard about the Notting Hill Carnival in London and the Edinburgh Festival, but today we're going to look at a lot more that you might not know about. Actually, a lot of these are not exactly festivals, but strange races or ...

  6. Unusual British Festivals

    This document provides exercises to help improve listening skills by having the learner listen to a presentation about unusual British festivals. It includes: 1. A preparation matching exercise to match festival activities to common phrases. 2. A true/false comprehension check with 8 statements about various festivals. 3. A multiple choice comprehension check with 8 sentences about different ...

  7. Page 31

    Listening skills practice: Unusual British festivals - exercises Listen to the presentation about unusual British festivals and do the exercises to practise and improve your listening skills. 1. Preparation: matching Do this exercise before you listen. Match the two parts of the phrase to make common festival activities.


    You will listen to a presentation about unusual British festivals and do the exercises to practise and improve your listening skills. Click on the image below. Remember, you can print the PDF exercises and check the transcript while listening to check pronunciation too =D

  9. Unusual british festivals interactive worksheet

    Unusual british festivals Unusual british festivals. Loading ad... MissPahola2 Member for 2 years 11 months Age: 18+ ... code: PE. Country: Peru. School subject: English as a Second Language (ESL) (1061958) Main content: Listening comprehension (2013242) LISTEN AND CHOOSE. Loading ad... Share / Print Worksheet. Google Classroom Microsoft Teams ...

  10. Unusual British Festivals

    unusual_british_festivals_-_exercises.pdf - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document describes several unusual British festivals and provides listening exercises to practice comprehension skills. The festivals involve activities like racing cheeses down hills, competitive pancake tossing, and judging ugly face competitions.

  11. PDF Listening skills practice: Unusual British festivals

    B: Wait—I found it! Nonverbal Activity 2: We Have to Move Now! •Cut several strips of paper. •On each strip of paper, write down a mood or a disposition like guilty, happy, suspicious, paranoid, insulted, or insecure. •Fold the strips of paper and put them into a bowl. They will be prompts.

  12. PDF Unusual British festivals

    Answers to Unusual British festivals - exercises. 1. Preparation: matching 1. d 2. f 3. a 4. e 5. c 6. b 2. Check your understanding: true or false 1. True 2. True 3. False 4. False 5. False 6. True 7. False 8. False 3. Check your understanding: multiple choice 1. a whisky container 2. a Viking boat 3. run as fast as possible while tossing a ...

  13. B2 listening

    Listen to the speaker continue talking about a book called The Filter Bubble and do the exercises to practise and improve your listening skills. ... Listen to the presentation about unusual British festivals and do the exercises to practise and improve your listening skills. 9;

  14. Listening skills practice: Unusual British festivals

    https://forms.gle/tAnFQZqG4WrAdjVN6Use the link for exercise :)

  15. Listen to the presentation about...

    Listen to the presentation about unusual British festivals and do the exercises to practise and improve your listening skills. https://bit.ly/2PlQV3m

  16. Unusual British festivals

    Play the whole audio without a break. Don't read the transcript. Now, listen to the audio and do the exercises on the following tabs. If you do not complete all the question, you can play the audio again. After that, read the dialog to make sure that you understand all word in the audio. IELTS - International English Language Testing System.

  17. w.pdf

    Listen to the presentation about unusual British festivals and do the exercises to practise and improve your listening skills. 1. Preparation: matching Do this exercise before you listen.

  18. unusual_british_festivals_-_exercises_0

    Listen to the presentation about unusual British festivals and do the exercises to practise and improve your listening skills. 1. Preparation: matching. Do this exercise before you listen. Match the two parts of the phrase to make common festival activities. Write a-f next to the numbers 1-6.

  19. A design presentation

    Check your browser's developer console for more details. Listen to the presentation about a new product design to practise and improve your listening skills. Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.

  20. Listen to the presentation about unusual British festivals and choose

    C. that running a restaurant may involve. D. that these places have survived for so long. E. how a restaurant shouldn't be run. Use of English. Task 1. Use of English. Music - a universal language. Music is universal - it is (0) ____ by all cultures. Some scientists believe that music came before speech and (1) ____ as a development of mating calls.

  21. Listen to the presentation about unusual British festivals and choose

    Listen to the presentation about unusual British festivals and choose the correct option to complete the sentence. Tel: 024.7300.7989 - Phone: 1800.6947 (Thời gian hỗ trợ từ 7h đến 22h) Đăng nhập

  22. Celebrations

    Personal online tutoring. The United Kingdom's international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. A registered charity: 209131 (England and Wales) SC037733 (Scotland). Listen to the speakers and do the exercises to practise and improve your listening skills.

  23. Listen to the presentation about unusual British festivals and choose

    Listen to the presentation about unusual British festivals and choose the correct option to complete the sentence. Lớp 12. Toán học 12. SGK Toán - Kết nối tri thức ... Listen to the presentation about unusual British festivals and choose the correct option to complete the sentence. Câu 1: During a pancake race, you have to _____. ...