Anchoring Script: Quiz Competition

Crafting an anchoring script for a quiz competition is much like assembling the pieces of a puzzle to create an engaging and cohesive picture. An anchor serves as the bridge between the audience and the event, ensuring the smooth flow of the program while keeping the participants and audience engaged. From the introduction to the conclusion, a script for a quiz competition should be articulate, structured, and infused with just the right amount of excitement.

Table of Contents

Understand the Event

Quiz competition anchoring script tips, quiz competition anchoring script example #1.

Introducing the Teams:

Before we begin, let’s quickly go over the rules. Each team will have 15 seconds to answer a question. Correct answers will award you 10 points, while a wrong answer won’t cost you any points. However, there’s a twist! If a team cannot answer, the question will be passed to the next team for a chance to steal for 5 points. Remember, no conferring with other teams, and please wait for me to acknowledge you before you answer.

Between Rounds:

While our teams take a short breather and our judges tally the scores, let’s turn to our audience. Here’s a question for you: Which planet is known as the Red Planet? The first one to raise their hand with the correct answer might just win a little prize!

Encouragement and Commentary:

What an astonishing display of knowledge we’ve witnessed today! Every team has shown immense dedication and brilliance. While the judges finalize the scores, let’s give a huge round of applause to all our participants. You are all champions in the quest for knowledge!

As we close the curtains on today’s event, let us take forward the spirit of inquiry and the joy of learning. Until we meet again, keep questioning, keep learning, and keep shining. Thank you, and have a great [morning/afternoon/evening]!

Quiz Competition Anchoring Script Example #2

Introduction of Teams:

Before we dive into the mind-boggling questions, let’s familiarize ourselves with the rules of the game. Each team will get precisely 15 seconds to answer a question. A correct answer will fetch you 10 points, while a wrong one will not deduct any points. If a team fails to answer, the question will pass to the next team for a bonus of 5 points. Remember, teamwork and timing are of the essence!

Transition and Summary of Rounds:

While the participants ready themselves for the next challenge, let’s turn our attention to our wonderful audience. Here’s a fun question for you: [Insert Audience Question]. Think you’ve got the right answer? Raise your hand, and let’s see if you can outsmart our contestants!

Motivation and Commentary:

What a rollercoaster of knowledge we’ve been on today! From history to science, from literature to current affairs, our participants have taken us on an incredible journey. As the scores are being tallied, let’s applaud all the participants for their hard work and dedication.

As we conclude, let’s carry forward the zeal for learning and the courage to question. Until next time, keep your quest for knowledge alive. Thank you, and have a wonderful [morning/afternoon/evening]!

Final Thoughts

Writing an anchoring script for a quiz competition is an art that combines information, engagement, and entertainment. By following this guide, you will be well on your way to creating a script that not only runs the competition smoothly but also makes it a memorable event for all those involved. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a first-time anchor, your script is your roadmap to a successful quiz competition. Good luck, and happy scripting!

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Write a Diary Entry on Winning a Quiz Competition [With PDF]

Diary writing is a skill to pen down one’s thoughts in a diary and this question is often asked during examinations. You should know the correct format so that no marks are deducted in the examinations. There are four examples below on the topic- winning a quiz competition. Refer to them to understand a proper format for a diary entry.

Whenever asked to write a diary entry, these examples can come in very helpful. So, let’s start.

Feature image of Diary Entry on Winning a Quiz Competition

Question-1: Write a diary entry,  About winning an inter school quiz competition.

Hints : Where was the competition? – Tell your experience or preparation for the quiz competition- Describe the competition- What did you learn?

1st March 2021, Monday, 6:00 pm,

Dear Diary,

Today I want to share my immense joy with you.

I have been preparing for an inter school quiz competition which was going to be hosted by my school this year. The preparation was extra tough as we definitely wanted to win in our own home grounds. Our team had four members and all of us had some experience in quizzing competitions. Today the competition started by 9 am, the rounds were tough but the finale was very competitive as both teams were aggressive on the buzzer.

The questions went by and we won the competition with a lead of 2 points. Today I learnt how important preparation is as it helped us score against the opponents and this victory has boosted my confidence to perform next time. Dear diary, I am really glad today for the team and pray we do better each time.

Question-2: Write a diary entry,  About winning a quiz competition held at your housing complex.

Hints: On what occasion was the competition held? – How was your preparation for the quiz competition- Describe the competition.

26th January 2021, Tuesday, 5:00 pm.

Today I wanted to tell you about this great day I had.

My housing society organizes a quiz competition amongst us youngsters during the Republic day celebrations. It was my first time participating in the competition and I was nervous about it. Each block in the society made up one team. The competition started at 10 am with the host introducing each team, then the rounds began where the team that lost was eliminated.

I was lucky to have experienced teammates as I was nervous for sure. We went to the finals and faced great opposition, each team timed their buzzer well giving prompt answers. Just with a single point in the lead we finally won the competition. This day will always be cherished by me as a day I experienced the joy of making my parents proud by winning the competition.

Question-3: Write a diary entry,  About winning a quiz competition at the mall.

Hints: what was the competition held for? – Tell your encounter in the mall- Describe the competition- How you felt after winning.

25th December 2020, Friday, 7:00 pm.

Today I cannot wait to pen down the exciting day I had.

Today I went to Orion Mall with my friends to celebrate Christmas, and all  of us were stunned to see the place decorated with holiday props and a huge Christmas tree placed at the center of the mall. While touring we were attracted by a quiz competition going on.

The theme was Christmas and we all decided to take part in it. The rounds went by answering various questions while we really enjoyed ourselves. The finale was intense but we finally won. With a round of applause, the competition came to an end. The anchor congratulated our team and we were really happy to win. This Christmas was special and I will always cherish this day and pray to have such fun again next year.

Question-4: Write a diary entry,  About winning a quiz competition telecasted in the television.

Hints:  What was the television quiz show you participated in- How was your preparation

16th March 2021, Tuesday, 9:00 pm.

Today was probably the best day of my life.

Today was the day the quiz competition I participated in was broadcasted in Television. There is a popular quiz show that hosts competition amongst youngsters and then the episode is broadcasted in television. The show started at 7 pm and my entire family was there huddled together in front of the television.

The show started by introducing all the participants and then the rounds began. After answering multiple questions we finally began an intense finale. The rules stated the team hitting the buzzer gets to answer and neither team gave up any chances. To our delight, we were able to win by a few points. My family was very happy and proud of me and I have decided to work even harder for the quizzing competition next year.

The scenarios covered here will help you understand the format of a diary entry. The topic- winning a quiz competition, shows you four different scenarios which you can refer to better understand diary writing entry. Hope you found this session to be helpful. Let us know your valuable opinion as well as suggest anything you want to bring to our notice in the comment section below. Thank you, hope to see you again soon.

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Benefits of Quiz Participation for kids | Why is it Important?


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  • December 12, 2022

importance of participating in quizzes-1

Why quizzes you ask? In addition to being a lot of fun, quizzes may be beneficial for personal development. They can teach you more about who you are and how other people see you. In addition to the apparent educational benefits of exposing young children to unique concepts and skills, quizzes completely change the way that knowledge is delivered. Since the questions are not curriculum-focused and require critical thinking and in-depth research, students establish the habit of creative learning early on.

Today's online quizzes are interactive avenues where students may learn , look for possibilities to succeed beyond the classroom, and secure their futures rather than compete for cash prizes or overnight fame.

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How Quiz Participation Helps

The "why" or reasoning behind what we learn is known as motivation. On the other hand, participation is usually the "what." You desire students to take an active role in their education. Next, think about quizzes. They pique students' attention by encouraging them to engage with the material. A student needs to think critically, go deeper, and participate when taking an exam.

Quizzing will continue to evolve as we work to improve student learning. Regardless matter the available technology, the content must come first. Knowing the fundamentals is not all that analysis is about; it also involves drawing conclusions, making connections, and figuring out hidden meanings. It must emphasize using reason. The objective is to track, document, and evaluate students' learning results. The final quiz is the graded test for the course. Exams are given at the conclusion of each class to review key concepts before moving on to new ones. Stated differently, the purpose of worksheets and online mini tests is to ensure that students comprehend a subject before on to the next. 

Motivation and Engagement

Motivation is the "why" or rationale behind what we learn. In contrast, involvement is typically the "what." You want pupils to actively participate in their education. Then consider quizzes. By pushing students to interact with the content, they raise their interest. When taking a quiz, a student must ponder, dig deeper, and actively engage.

In the long run, taking low- or no-stakes online exams on a regular basis can help reinforce learning. Why? due to the fact that these exams need you to recollect previously learned material. By recovering information, you organize it and create signals and connections. Even quizzes assist students in developing their soft skills .

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Aptitude and Aspiration

  • Each school quiz competition seeks to motivate students to go beyond textual comprehension and relate theory to real-world applications of their studies. However, it is not as simple as it seems. But the majority of educational establishments have gone a step farther and started doing quizzes. During this process, they discovered the many benefits of quiz contests, so let's do the same.
  • Exams can also be administered to individuals of various ages and races.
  • You can get a broad or specialized understanding of a subject by taking quizzes.
  • Tests are intended to enhance general comprehension and encourage fun learning strategies.
  • Students are able to "think outside the box" or from a number of viewpoints when they compete in quiz contests.
  • It encourages open communication between participants so they can benefit from one another.
  • Students can learn about specific subjects and improve their language abilities by participating in quiz tournaments at schools and universities.
  • A brief assessment or tool, it is used by some educational institutions to determine how well pupils have progressed in terms of their knowledge, skills, and capabilities, either generally or in relation to particular subjects like science, math, and so on.

Quizzes on the Internet

Take any quiz you can find. This also applies to online tests. Online tests are frequently used in e-learning programs to track, document, and evaluate student achievement. Manual evaluation is necessary for offline quizzes, and it takes time.

Technologies are used to grade online exams. When you click the submit button on the quiz, you will immediately view the results. Online tests can be intricate and challenging . In any case, the goal is to have fun. The idea of e-learning is quite alluring since it's exciting. Because of how they were created, the questions in this are really interesting. Most quizzes are completed quickly. Online tests are an excellent way to evaluate your knowledge.

Numerous websites provide online tests that cover a wide range of topics and sectors. Regardless of age, taking a quiz is always enjoyable. It's a fascinating way to learn. Therefore, quizzes must be a part of every student's assessment plan.

Multiple platforms offer free online quiz contests for children according to their grade level needs and interests.

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It's time to encourage your kids to take part in quiz contests now that you know their benefits. Your child will have an advantage over their peers if you assist them in developing and perfecting their talents. Thus, get your kid involved right away and don't hesitate any longer.

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English & science quiz – 2023-24.

Prepare for an exhilarating journey into the realms of knowledge and discovery as we extend a warm invitation to your esteemed school for the ENGLISH & SCIENCE QUIZ – 2023 - 24. Ignite Curiosity, Foster Excellence

This captivating quiz event welcomes students from Play Group to Level-12 to embark on an unforgettable journey of curiosity and learning. We hold a profound belief that this quiz will serve as the spark exploding a deep interest for Science & English among our young learners.

English: - Unleash your creativity and linguistic prowess in constructing narrative texts and persuasive writing. Dive into the world of words, from simple spelling patterns to intricate ones. Explore these vital dimensions:

Punctuation: Master the art of using punctuation to convey meaning and rhythm.

Spelling: Conquer a spectrum of spelling patterns, from the elementary to the complex.

Syntax and Grammar: Craft artistically structured, grammatically impeccable sentences.

Text Purpose and Structure: Understand how different text types' structures serve distinct purposes.

Error Correction and Proofreading: Hone your skills in detecting and rectifying errors for impeccable writing.

For Our Youngest Learners (KG, Nursery, Grades 1-2): - Tailored content: English: Explore colors, numbers, alphabets, and shapes matching, igniting language and cognitive development.

SCIENCE: - Embark on a scientific adventure spanning Earth and Beyond, Energy and Change, Life and Living, and natural and Processed Materials. Explore these skill domains:

Observing and Measuring: Sharpen your ability to keenly observe, measure, and record data.

Interpreting Data: Learn to derive valuable insights from collected data.

Applying Data: Discover how data can solve real-world scientific challenges.

Investigating and Higher-Order Skills: Uncover the process of scientific investigation and apply higher-order thinking skills.

For Our Youngest Learners (KG, Nursery, Grades 1-2) - Tailored content: Science: Dive into the world of animals, fruit names, and shapes matching, fostering curiosity and early scientific understanding.

The Odyssey Unfolds in Two Stages:

1 - elimination round (handwritten).

Mark your calendars for January 24, 2024. In this preliminary stage, contestants will face an exciting challenge – 20 questions in 20 minutes. Their performance will be assessed based on the number of correct answers. Brace yourselves for a whirlwind of knowledge!

2 - GRAND FINALE (Online)

For the champions who emerge victorious, the Grand Finale awaits on February 21, 2024. The Grand Finale will set the stage for an even more intellectually demanding quiz, where the brightest minds will compete for the title of top participants.

The Scroll of Knowledge Awaits:

Get ready for the english and science awards 2024.

These awards aim to recognize and honor the remarkable achievements of our students in the fields of English and Science. The English and Science Awards for 2024 will bring together students from various schools to showcase their knowledge, creativity, and dedication. The awards will encompass a wide range of categories, from English language skills to scientific exploration, allowing our young talents to shine in their own unique ways.

  • 1st GRAND PRIZE: 300,000/- (2 Awards)
  • 2nd PRIZE: 50,000/- (14 Awards)
  • Third Prize: 20,000/- (14 Awards)
  • Fourth Prize: 10,000/- (28 Awards)
  • Fifth Prize: Gold Medal (700)
  • Sixth Prize: Silver Medal (700)
  • Seventh Prize: Bronze Medal (700)
  • Eighth Prize: Special Awards
  • Ninth Prize: Exciting Giveaways!


We've got more than just the thrill of the competition waiting for you:

  • Principal of the Year: Celebrate outstanding leadership with certificates.
  • Souvenirs for Principal: A special memento for the school's administrative force.
  • Coordinator of the Year: Recognize exceptional coordinators with certificates.
  • Teacher of the Year: Applaud dedicated educators with certificates.
  • Souvenirs for Teachers: Tokens of appreciation for the mentors.


  • 📅 Registration Deadline: December 05, 2023
  • 📚 Syllabus Delivery: December 28, 2023
  • 📝 Paper Distribution: January 20, 2024
  • 🚀 Elimination Round: January 24, 2024
  • 📢 Elimination Round Results: February 15, 2024
  • 🏆 Grand Finale: February 21, 2024
  • 📣 Announcement of Results: February 28, 2024
  • 🎉 Prize Distribution: March 21, 2024
  • Mark your calendars for these important dates and get ready for an exciting journey!

Note: We offer Syllabus Books for preparation, and our diligent Monitoring Team may visit your school to ensure a fair process. The Grand Finale will be conducted online, and the winners will be selected based on their scores and the time taken to complete the quiz.

Welcome to the Computer & General Knowledge Quiz Contest 2024!

Are you ready to put your digital dexterity to the test? Get ready to power up your intellect and dive into the dynamic world of computers with our thrilling Computer Quiz Contest 2024! Introducing the Computer Quiz Contest 2024—

an exciting opportunity for tech enthusiasts to showcase their knowledge, problem-solving skills, and quick thinking in a fun, competitive environment. Whether you're a coding prodigy, a hardware guru, or simply love all things tech, this contest is tailor-made for you!

Contest Format: The contest will consist of multiple rounds, each designed to challenge participants' understanding of various aspects of computer science, including programming languages, software development, hardware components, networking, cybersecurity, and emerging technologies.

Contest Format for Pre-Level: Participants answer multiple-choice questions on basic computer concepts like hardware, software, and common application functions.

Why Participate?

Expand Your Knowledge: Expand Your Knowledge: Test your understanding of key concepts and developments in the ever-evolving field of computer science.

Challenge Yourself: Put your problem-solving skills to the test and tackle mind-bending puzzles and scenarios.

Showcase Your Talent: Demonstrate your expertise and impress your peers with your command of all things tech.

Win Prizes: Compete for exciting prizes and accolades as you strive to emerge victorious in this ultimate battle of the bytes. Get set for an exciting adventure of exploration and discovery with our General Knowledge Quiz Contest 2024! Whether you're a trivia whiz, a history buff, or simply curious about the world, this contest is your chance to showcase your knowledge and compete for glory!

About the Contest: The General Knowledge Quiz Contest 2024 celebrates learning and intellectual prowess. Participants showcase their knowledge across various topics like history, geography, literature, science, and current events. From famous landmarks to obscure facts, every piece of knowledge could lead to victory!

Contest Format: The competition comprises rounds designed to challenge participants' knowledge, critical thinking, and ability to think on their feet. Whether you excel at rapid-fire trivia, logical puzzles, or in-depth analysis, there's something for everyone in this thrilling competition!

Format for Pre-Level Students: MCQs: Answer questions on animals, colors, shapes, geography, and famous figures.

Picture Recognition: Identify objects, animals, or landmarks from images.

True/False Statements: Respond to simple true/false statements on topics like animals, plants, numbers, and shapes.

Storytelling/Nursery Rhymes: Recite stories, nursery rhymes, or songs to demonstrate memory and verbal skills.

Interactive Quizzes: Engage in activities such as matching items, identifying patterns, or completing sequences.

Why Participate? Expand Your Horizons: Test your knowledge across a diverse array of subjects and discover new facts and insights along the way.

Challenge Your Mind: Put your critical thinking skills to the test and tackle thought-provoking questions and challenges.

Connect with Others: Join fellow knowledge enthusiasts and engage in friendly competition as you vie for the title of Quiz Champion.

Win Prizes: Compete for fantastic prizes and recognition as you strive to outwit and outshine your competitors.

The quest unfolds in two exciting stages: Elimination Round: (Online) The journey begins with the Preliminary Round, where participants face off in a test of wits and knowledge. They tackle 20 challenging questions evaluating comprehension of computer principles and general knowledge. This stage separates contenders from spectators, setting the stage for the competition.

Grand Finale: (Online) For the victorious few from the Preliminary Round, the Grand Finale awaits as the pinnacle of the competition. This electrifying showdown unfolds in the digital realm, where participants engage in an online battle of intellect and quick thinking. Armed with knowledge and strategy, they vie for the prestigious title of Quiz Champions in a high-stakes showdown. With the spotlight on them, participants must demonstrate prowess and agility to navigate through challenges.

In essence, the Preliminary Round is the gateway to the Grand Finale, allowing participants to prove their worth. The Grand Finale represents the culmination of their efforts, as participants compete head-to-head in a thrilling display of skill and determination. Together, these stages form an odyssey of discovery and competition, inviting participants to push their boundaries and emerge victorious in the quest for knowledge and excellence.

Get ready to embrace the excitement of the Computer and General Knowledge Awards 2024!

The 2024 Computer and General Knowledge Awards celebrate students' outstanding achievements in computer science and general knowledge. They bring together students from various schools to showcase their expertise, innovation, and commitment. With categories ranging from English proficiency to scientific inquiry, this event empowers students to shine brightly.

  • Grand Prize: 300,000/- (Two Awards)
  • Second Prize: TABLETS (14 Awards)
  • Third Prize: 25,000/- (14 Awards)
  • Fourth Prize: 15,000/- (14 Awards)
  • Fifth Prize: 10,000/- (14 Awards)
  • Sixth Prize: Gold Medal (700)
  • Seventh Prize: Silver Medal (700)
  • Eighth Prize: Bronze Medal (700)
  • Principal of the Year: Commemorate exemplary leadership with certificates of recognition.
  • Souvenirs for Principal: Present a distinctive keepsake to honor the school's administrative champions.
  • Coordinator of the Year: Acknowledge exceptional coordinators with prestigious certificates.
  • Teacher of the Year: Applaud committed educators with esteemed certificates of achievement.
  • Souvenirs for Teachers: Offer heartfelt tokens of appreciation to our invaluable mentors.
  • 📅 Registration Deadline: April 25, 2024
  • 📚 Syllabus Delivery: April 29, 2024
  • 🚀 Elimination Round: May 15, 2024
  • 📢 Elimination Round Results: May 20, 2024
  • 🏆 Grand Finale: May 27, 2024
  • 📣 Announcement of Results: June 05, 2024
  • 🎉 Prize Distribution: August 18, 2024

Mark your calendars for these significant dates and prepare for an exhilarating adventure!

Note: We offer Syllabus Books for preparation, and our diligent Monitoring Team may visit your school to ensure a fair process. The Elimination Round and Grand Finale will be conducted online, and the winners will be selected based on their scores and the time taken to complete the quiz.

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I just wanted to extend my gratitude for hosting such an amazing competition. It is a wonderful opportunity for kids, and I hope to see more such events.

Riffat Naveed

It's a very informative and learning-based contest. I appreciate it and hope their contest will continue to provide the best knowledge.

We find such types of competitions effective, thrilling, and motivating. Our students took a keen interest and showed good results. Thanks to HRCA for organizing these types of competitions.

Amtul Matin

t was a great learning experience for all our participants. Winners and participants were both greatly motivated and encouraged after receiving their awards and certificates.

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Since 1883, we have delivered The Queen's Commonwealth Essay Competition, the world's oldest international schools' writing competition. Today, we work to expand its reach, providing life-changing opportunities for young people around the world.

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The Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition 2024 is now closed for entries

Find out more about this year’s theme

'Our Common Wealth'.


140 years of The Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition

The Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition (QCEC) is the world’s oldest international writing competition for schools and has been proudly delivered by the Royal Commonwealth Society since 1883. 



An opportunity for young Commonwealth citizens to share their thoughts, ideas and experiences on key global issues and have their hard work and achievement celebrated internationally.

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Frequently Asked Questions for the Competition. Before contacting us please read these.



In 2023 we were delighted to receive a record-breaking 34,924 entries, with winners from India and Malaysia. Read their winning pieces as well as those from previous years.



Terms and Conditions for entrants to The Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition. Please ensure you have thoroughly read them before submitting your entry.

How to Win Essay Contests: A Step-by-Step Guide

10 Steps to Writing Contest-Winning Essays

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quiz competition essay in english

  • University of Maryland

Did you know that you can win prizes with your writing skills? Essay contests are a fun way to turn your creativity and your command of the written word into great prizes. But how do you give your essay the edge that gets it picked from among all of the other entries?

Here's a step-by-step guide to writing essays that impress judges. Follow these steps for your best chances of winning writing contests.

Read the Essay Contest Rules

The first thing that you should do to win essay contests is to read the rules thoroughly. Overlooking one small detail could be the difference between winning the contest and wasting your time.

Pay special attention to:

  • The contest's start and end dates.
  • How often you're allowed to enter.
  • The word or character count .
  • The contest's theme.
  • The criteria that the judges will use to pick the winners.
  • Who the sponsoring company is, and what their branding is like.
  • And any other details the sponsor requires.

It might help you to print out the sweepstakes rules and highlight the most important elements, or to take notes and keep them close at hand as you write.

If you summarize the relevant rules in a checklist, you can easily check the requirements off when you've finished your essay to ensure you haven't overlooked anything.

Brainstorm Your Essay Ideas

Many people want to jump right into writing their essay, but it's a better idea to take some time to brainstorm different ideas before you start. Oftentimes, your first impulse isn't your best.

The Calgary Tutoring Centre lists several reasons why brainstorming improves your writing . According to their article, brainstorming lets you:

"Eliminate weaker ideas or make weaker ideas stronger. Select only the best and most relevant topics of discussion for your essay while eliminating off-topic ideas. Or, generate a new topic that you might have left out that fits with others."

For a great brainstorming session, find a distraction-free area and settle in with a pen and paper, or your favorite method to take notes. A warm beverage and a healthy snack might aid your process. Then, think about your topic and jot down quick words and phrases that are relevant to your theme.

This is not the time to polish your ideas or try to write them coherently. Just capture enough of the idea that you know what you meant when you review your notes.

Consider different ways that you can make the contest theme personal, come at it from a different angle, or stand out from the other contest entries. Can you make a serious theme funny? Can you make your ideas surprising and unexpected?

Write down all your ideas, but don't judge them yet. The more ideas you can come up with, the better.

Select the Essay Concept that Best Fits the Contest's Theme and Sponsor

Once you've finished brainstorming, look over all of your ideas to pick the one you want to develop for your essay contest entry.

While you're deciding, think about what might appeal to the essay contest's sponsor. Do you have a way of working the sponsor's products into your essay? Does your concept fit the sponsor's company image?

An essay that might be perfect for a Budweiser contest might fall completely flat when Disney is the sponsor.

This is also a good time to consider whether any of your rejected ideas would make good secondary themes for your essay.

Use a Good Hook to Grab the Reader's Attention

When it's time to start writing your essay, remember that the first sentence is the most important. You want to ensure that your first paragraph is memorable and grabs the reader's attention.

When you start with a powerful, intriguing, moving, or hilarious first sentence, you hook your readers' interest and stick out in their memory when it is time to pick winners.

Writer's Digest has some excellent tips on how to hook readers at the start of an essay in their article, 10 Ways to Hook Your Reader (and Reel Them in for Good) .

For ideas on how to make your essay unforgettable, see Red Mittens, Strong Hooks, and Other Ways to Make Your Essay Spectacular .

Write the First Draft of Your Essay

Now, it's time to get all of your thoughts down on paper (or on your computer). Remember that this is a first draft, so don't worry about perfect grammar or if you are running over your word count. 

Instead, focus on whether your essay is hitting the right emotional notes, how your story comes across, whether you are using the right voice, and if you are communicating everything you intend to.

First drafts are important because they help you overcome your reluctance to write. You are not trying to be good yet, you are trying to simply tell your story. Polishing that story will come later.

They also organize your writing. You can see where your ideas fit and where you need to restructure to give them more emotional impact.

Finally, a first draft helps you keep your ideas flowing without letting details slow you down. You can even skip over parts that you find challenging, leaving notes for your next revision. For example, you could jot down "add statistics" or "get a funny quote from Mom" and come back to those time-consuming points later.

Revise Your Essay for Flow and Organization

Once you've written the first draft of your essay, look over it to ensure that it flows. Is your point well-made and clear? Do your thoughts flow smoothly from one point to another? Do the transitions make sense? Does it sound good when you read it aloud?

This is also the time to cut out extraneous words and ensure you've come in under the word count limit.

Generally, cutting words will improve your writing. In his book, On Writing , Stephen King writes that he once received a rejection that read: "Formula for success: 2nd Draft = 1st Draft – 10%." In other words, the first draft can always use some trimming to make the best parts shine.

If you'd like some tips on how to improve your first draft, check out these tips on how to self-edit .

Keep an Eye Out for "Red Mittens"

In her fantastic book, The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio , Terry Ryan talked about how her mother Evelyn used "red mittens" to help her be more successful with contest entries.

As she put it:

"The purpose of the Red Mitten was almost self-explanatory -- it made an entry stand out from the rest. In a basket of mittens, a red one will be noticed."

Rhyme, alliteration, inner rhyme, puns, and coined words were some of the red mittens that Evelyn Ryan used to make her entries pop. Your essay's red mitten might be a clever play on words, a dash of humor, or a heart-tuggingly poignant story that sticks in the judges' minds.

If your first draft is feeling a little bland, consider whether you can add a red mitten to spice up your story.

Put Your Contest Entry Aside

Now that you have a fairly polished draft of your essay contest entry, put it aside and don't look at it for a little while. If you have time before the contest ends, put your essay away for at least a week and let your mind mull over the idea subconsciously for a little while.

Many times, people think of exactly what their essay needs to make it perfect... right after they have hit the submit button.

Letting your entry simmer in your mind for a while gives you the time to come up with these great ideas before it's too late.

Revise Your Essay Contest Entry Again

Now, it's time to put the final polish on your essay. Have you said everything you wanted to? Have you made your point? Does the essay sound good when you read it out loud? Can you tighten up the prose by making additional cuts in the word count?

In this phase, it helps to enlist the help of friends or family members. Read your essay to them and check their reactions. Did they smile at the right parts? Were they confused by anything? Did they connect with the idea behind the story?

This is also a good time to ensure you haven't made any grammar or spelling mistakes. A grammar checker like Grammarly is very helpful for catching those little mistakes your eyes gloss over. But since even computer programs make mistakes sometimes, so it's helpful to have another person — a good friend or family member — read it through before you submit it.

Read the Essay Contest Rules One Last Time

If you've been following these directions, you've already read through the contest rules carefully. But now that you've written your draft and had some time to think things over, read them through one more time to make sure you haven't overlooked anything.

Go through your checklist of the essay requirements point-by-point with your finished essay in front of you to make sure you've hit them all.

And now, you're done! Submit the essay to your contest, and keep your fingers crossed for the results !

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  • Indian Exams /

English for Competitive Exams


  • Updated on  
  • Mar 21, 2023

English for Competitive Exams

While most Indian students are comfortable with the quantitative section of competitive exams such as CAT, GMAT , GRE , IELTS , etc, English for competitive exams remains a challenge for many. With equal weightage, if not more, to English for competitive exams as to Maths, it’s imperative to gain clarity about basic grammar rules , understand the skills it needs to crack the verbal section of competitive exams and get extremely comfortable and confident with English for competitive exams.  Does the “English monster” petrify you and gives you doubts about cracking the competitive exam you are preparing for?

Worry not, you will conquer and win over this monster after reading this guide. This blog will help you gain clarity on general English for competitive exams, the best English books for preparation , golden rules of grammar, tips to improve your score in the verbal section of various competitive exams , and the types of questions asked!

This Blog Includes:

English grammar for competitive exams, basic error types in english for competitive exams, idioms & phrases, one-word substitution, one word substitution for ssc cgl, sentence correction, reading comprehension, vocabulary to improve english for competitive exams , english grammar quizzes, english grammar rules for competitive exams , competitive exam books for english, ssc books for english, english books for upsc, read newspapers regularly , keep revising grammar rules , prepare for reading comprehension, excel at spotting errors , build a strong vocabulary, work on your listening skills, time management.

English is one of the most scoring sections of competitive exams if you do them well. They are designed to understand your proficiency and understanding of English. Moreover, if you are able to answer Grammar questions correctly and quickly, you have more time to focus on other sections of the exam. So, let’s check out some of the important English grammar sections for competitive exams:

  • Prepositions
  • Homophones/Homonyms
  • Sentence Correction Questions
  • Sentence Rearrangement & Para jumbles
  • Idioms And Phrases
  • Subject-Verb Agreement
  • Reported Speech
  • Active And Passive Voice
  • Conjunctions
  • One Word Substitutions
  • How to write Articles
  • Confusing Words
  • Synonyms and Antonyms
  • Letter Writing Format
  • Spotting the Error
  • List of Prepositions
  • Poetic Devices
  • Rules For Tenses

General English for Competitive Exams 

Most competitive exams test the verbal skills of candidates with questions based on topics like Nouns , Pronouns , Adjectives , Adverbs, Tenses , Prepositions , Conjunctions , Active and Passive Voice , Reporting Speech , Diction, etc. Knowledge of these topics will help you answer the questions on the verbal section of competitive exams. Appearing for IELTS , TOEFL or PTE is an elementary yet painstaking effort if you’re planning to study abroad .

  • Subject-Verb Agreement 
  • Parallelism 
  • Modifiers 
  • Grammatical Construction 
  • Diction 
  • Logical Prediction 
  • Idioms 
  • Rhetorical Construction 

Syllabus in English for Competitive Exams

Here are the major topics that are usually covered under the section of English for Competitive exams, be it CAT , SSC or other prominent entrance exams.



Multiple Meaning
Reading Comprehension
Paragraph Completion

Now, let’s impart you with the key tips and tricks to crack these English section topics in competitive exams:

A unique combination of ‘fill in the blanks with ‘reading comprehension, a cloze test comprises of a paragraph having some missing words in it that the student is asked to add. As a prominent part under English for competitive exams, while taking a cloze test, you must first try to familiarize yourself with the flow and context of the passage.

Under this topic of English for competitive exams, remember to

  • Read the passage meticulously and carefully.
  • Link sentences to each other which will help you find the right word to fill in the blanks
  • Gauge the tone of the passage and negate options accordingly which will give you the right answer.
  • Highlight keywords that are frequently or prominently used.

Idioms and phrases can be another bewildering topic you might encounter while preparing for English for competitive exams. English idioms and phrases can be quite complex to understand and tackle, there are some useful tricks that can help you memorise them easily. Here is a list of hacks and tricks that can assist you in remembering idioms and phrases as well as their meanings.

  • Comprehend the context of an idiom or phrase, especially in the situation in which it is used. The most important quality of idioms and phrases is that they are situational, and contextual as well as might suit one situation or even more than that.
  • Don’t mug up idioms, phrases and their meanings but try to build up a story or visual around them which will help you remember them in the long run.
  • You can also delve deeper into an idiom or phrase and its origins which can further assist you in cracking this section of English for Competitive exams.

The master key for nailing one-word substitution is to constantly practice them through different sample papers and mock tests. Read newspapers regularly and try learning five new words every day. Your vocabulary will significantly play an important role in solving one-word substitutions.

One Word Substitution Quiz

quiz competition essay in english

Your answer:

Correct answer:

Your Answers

One-word substitution words are very commonly asked in SSC CGL exams and weigh highly as well. So, here are some of the common word substitutions asked in SSC CGL for you to prepare:

Complex situation or a mix-upImbroglioThe romantic imbroglio happened
when he met my landlords assuming
they were my parents.
A person who lives in solitudeRecluseHe was a recluse until the
the girl entered his life.
Make someone feel youngRejuvenateThis exfoliating scrub can
completely rejuvenate your skin.
Not showing enough care and attentionRemissI realised that she was totally
remiss in finishing her daily tasks.
15. A shelter for a DogKennelOur new pup spent all his day

hiding inside the kennel.
16. Where wild animals live: LairI found a hidden lair in the
forest but was too afraid to go inside it.
A place where coins are madeMintThis industrial facility is actually
a mint that manufactures coins.
Ordinary and DullMundaneI am bored with the mundane
life of the quarantined days.
A person who loves himself the mostNarcissistJohn is a narcissist and will
never love anyone else but himself.
A group of spoiled girlsPosseA posse of high school students
arrived at the party.

In English for competitive exams, you will come across sentence correction questions that many find confusing and complex to solve. This topic depends upon various other grammar concepts such as subject-verb agreement, modifiers, and tenses , amongst others. While practising this topic, some of the essential tips you can utilise are:

  • Start with locating errors in the questions, they might be in the structure, placement of verbs, or even in dictions (affect instead of effect).
  • Once you have found the error, the next thing is to eliminate the wrong options.
  • Sometimes the shorter answer is the right one because long options are added to confuse the student. So, choose accordingly. 
  • Substitute your answer within the sentence and see if it makes sense. If it does, select it otherwise go through the sentence again and reconsider the other options.

As a prominent inclusion under English for competitive exams, Reading Comprehension comprises a passage which is then followed by certain objective or multiple-choice questions that the test-taker needs to answer. The useful tips and tricks for nailing Reading Comprehension are as follows:

  • Narrow down a central idea that has been talked about in the passage.
  • Comprehend the context of the paragraph and note down the key pointers discussed.
  • While solving questions, use those key pointers and once you have found the answers, connect them with the content of the passage to recheck.
  • For synonym or antonym -related questions, choose the option which suits the content of the passage and your vocabulary will also play a pivotal role in finding the right answer for these types of questions.

While working on your English for competitive exams, it’s also important to build a strong vocabulary. Read our blog on 50 difficult words and meanings to start building a foundation of extensive vocabulary that will help you master English for competitive exams. In addition to this, it’s also important to understand the difference between similar words that have been confusing us for the longest time. 

  • Lie – be in or assume a horizontal or resting position on a supporting surface. Lay – put (something) down gently or carefully.
  • Hanged – kill (someone) by tying a rope attached from above around their neck and removing the support from beneath them. Hung – suspend or be suspended from above with the lower part dangling free (used for things, not people).
  • Adapt – make suitable.  Adopt – take a child as one’s own.
  • Allusion – pleasant and good-tempered.  Illusion – false notion.
  • Besides – by the side. Besides – in addition to. 
  • Childish – Silly. Childlike – Innocent. 
  • Historic – famous or important in history. Historical – pertaining to history. 
  • Verbal – relating to words. Verbose – wordy.
  • Disinterested – free from bias or prejudice.  Uninterested – not interested.

Now that you have learned what comes with these competitive exams, let’s take some interesting short quizzes that will help you understand your proficiency in English.

Editing Quiz

quiz competition essay in english

Here is a list of a few must-know grammar rules to help you prepare for English for competitive exams and crack the verbal section of any competitive exam: 

  • When a Noun or Pronoun is placed before a gerund (ing-word), it must be in the possessive case. For example, I was pleased with Robert’s coming here. But the possessive case cannot be used with a gerund when the noun devotes a lifeless thing. For example, there is no danger of the wall (not walls) falling down. 
  • A Proper Noun becomes a common noun when it is used in plural form or when an article is placed before it. For example Five Gandhis, the Miltons, etc.
  • A Collective Noun takes a Singular Verb when the whole group is considered as one unit. Example: The Committee consists of 5 members. But if we refer to the members of the community separately, the verb takes the plural form. Like, The community have taken their seats. 
  • While confessing a fault (or expressing a negative idea) the should be – first, second, and then third. However, when expressing praise or a positive idea, the sequence of personal pronouns is second, third, and then first.
  • Few/Fewer/Many are used before Countable Nouns while Less/Lesser/Much is used before Uncountable Nouns. 
  • An Adverb should never be placed between ‘to’ and the Verb.
  • When the subjects joined by ‘either-or’, or ‘neither-nor are of different persons, the Verb will agree in person and number with the Noun nearest to it. 
  • If connectives like ‘ with’, ‘together with, ‘as well as, ‘ accompanied by ‘, etc are used to combine two subjects, the verb agrees with the subject mentioned first. 
  • ‘That ‘ in a sentence is used for crucial information while ‘ which ‘ is used for additional information. 
  • Generally ‘ as ‘ is followed by a Verb and ‘like ‘ is followed by a Noun. 
  • ‘Like ‘ is used to present similarity whereas ‘ such as ‘ is used to give examples.
  • ‘ Compared to ‘ is used to draw a comparison between unlike things while ‘ Compared with ‘ is used to draw a comparison between like things.
  • Advice is an Uncountable Noun. ‘ Advices ’ is wrong. 

In order to prepare well for the exam, you need to prepare with good resources. Studying top-rated books for your competitive exams will help you ace your exams!

Check out the best books for English for competitive exams:

  • Objective General English by S.P. Bakshi
  • English Grammar and Composition by SC Gupta
  • Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis
  • Objective English for Competitive Examination by Hari Mohan Prasad and Uma Sinha
  • General English for All Competitive Course by SC Gupta
  • Tips and Techniques in English for Competitive Exams by Disha Experts
  • Essays for Civil Services and Other Competitive Exams by Pulkit Khare

The following SSC CGL books are perfect for the students preparing for one of the most renowned exams on a variety of topics like synonyms, antonyms, one-word substitution, sentence correction , idioms and phrases, spelling tests, etc. 

  • Competitive General English by Kiran Prakashan
  • Previous Year Papers by MB Publications
  • Corrective English by A.K. Singh

Here are some of the best books for UPSC Exam’s English section that you can prepare from:

  • General English a Book for UPSC and State Civil Services
  • 7 Years UPSC IAS/ IPS Mains English 
  • IAS Mains Compulsory English 
  • 8 Years UPSC Civil Services IAS Mains English 
  • Compulsory English by Hari Mohan Prasad
  • Lucent’s Prelims General Studies for UPSC and PCS 2022 Edition in English

How to Improve General English for Competitive Exams?

Here are a few tips and tricks to improve English for competitive exams: 

English for Competitive Exams

The importance of reading newspapers regularly not only adds to your knowledge but also helps you improve your vocabulary and broaden your horizons, provided you read it the right way.

  • Firstly, time your reading for every major article, keep the stopwatch running. This simple act will make you faster and more focused.
  • Don’t miss the editorials. Editorial articles are big and rich and they should form the core of your reading practice.
  • Use highlighters and pens to mark new words, difficult phrases, key ideas, etc that you come across while reading the newspaper. 
  • Write down everything you have learned (like new words, phrases, etc ) in a separate place and review it periodically.

With so many concepts and rules for grammar you need to remember for English for competitive exams, it will be a good idea to revise the grammar rules on a daily or weekly basis.

  • You can prepare flashcards and carry them with you while you are travelling and make sure you go through them whenever you get time. 
  • Make sure you use the vocabulary and grammar rules that you use in your writing; be it an assignment or a mere WhatsApp message. 
  • Take guidance from some of the best English Grammar books .

Nailing the reading comprehension section of English for the competitive exam depends on your reading speed, efficient analysis, repeated practice and strong vocabulary. Here are a few tips to understand this section:

  • Focus on the linking words like yet , however , on the other hand , but , in contrast , in conclusion , in addition , etc. This will allow you to establish a structure to the text.
  • Never get too lost in the details and try to understand the whole passage. Instead, work from the questions back to the passage. Once you have read the question, you know exactly what you are looking for and this will help you fetch the answer easily.

While improving your English for competitive exams calls for going into the basics of grammar and honing verbal ability skills, it’s also important to excel in the ability to identify errors quickly and reach the correct answer effectively. 

  • Read the sentence completely and understand the meaning and structure of the sentence.
  • Try to find the evidence for your answer, instead of choosing an answer just because you think it is correct.
  • Remember that answer choices in passive voice are usually incorrect. 
  • Scan the answer choices for obvious differences and low-hanging fruits – the first and last words of each answer choice, pronouns, and verbs. 

Related Read

Having a strong vocabulary can always help you ace English for competitive exams. You can use the following techniques:

  • Learn at least one new word every day and use it in general conversations.
  • Flashcards can be the best way to memorise words easily.
  • Make use of smartphone apps like U-Dictionary, Vocab24, English Grammar Ultimate, Duolingo, English Grammar Handbook, etc. to learn on the go.

Recommended Read:

  • Best English Speaking Books
  • How to Speak Fluent English in 30 days

Having strong listening skills gives you the ability to apply your knowledge of the language in everyday settings.

  • Listen to English TV, online videos, podcasts, radio, movies or whatever you can find.
  • After listening to a short passage, try to think of questions that could be asked and try answering them accordingly.
  • If you have difficulties in understanding the accent, practice by playing an audio message and then reading the content. It is important to work on your pronunciation.
  • Focus on the meaning, try to understand the idea and draw conclusions.

Time Management is the key to master English for competitive exams. Try to finish the section as soon as possible because it will give you an upper hand over others.

We hope that all these concepts, types of questions, grammar rules, and tips and tricks will help you prepare well for English competitive exams. If you need any help with the preparation of competitive exams like GMAT, GRE, IELTS, etc, you can get in touch with Leverage Edu and kickstart your journey to success. 

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Sonal is a creative, enthusiastic writer and editor who has worked extensively for the Study Abroad domain. She splits her time between shooting fun insta reels and learning new tools for content marketing. If she is missing from her desk, you can find her with a group of people cracking silly jokes or petting neighbourhood dogs.

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Very well explained the key areas one needs to focus on Verbal/English Section, to prepare themselves for various competitive exams. I liked it.

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6 Benefits of Essay Writing Competitions

30 Jan, 2024 | Blog Articles , Get the Edge

Essay competition

5. They don’t require any funding or background knowledge

Most essay competitions are free to enter, and a good essay can be written based on your own ideas and public resources. They can be completed at any time and place, and panels will often accept entries from around the world.

Most can be found online if you look around – a quick Google search usually turns up the most reputable ones. If you’re keen to develop in the STEM field, the Oxford Scientist’s Schools Competition might take your fancy (2). Was the Scholastica Law summer school program (3) right up your alley? Trinity College Cambridge has competitions in many areas, including Law (4).

These, and many other, opportunities are open to anyone, even if you don’t have prior experience.

6. Now is the best time to enter!

Essay competitions are usually based around deadlines. While this may seem scary and overwhelming, it’s the number one reason to start now. With tight time frames, you won’t be able to procrastinate.

Similarly, many are only open to certain year groups or age ranges – so it’s best to seize any opportunity when it arises. That shows proactivity, and gives you more knowledge and skills to build on later. You can apply these new skills to another competition, a job, summer course or your degree.

Read more about how to write the perfect essay

Next steps for passionate writers

  • Read some top tips on academic writing in English .
  • Oxford University have a list of essay and creative writing competitions for students covering a range of subjects
  • Keen to try out UK university life? Sign up to one of our Oxford Scholastica summer schools today!

References and Further Reading:





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10 History Competitions for High School Students

Are you in high school and looking to participate in a history competition? Check out this curated list below of opportunities from across the country!

Competing and performing well in a history competition can offer valuable exposure by indicating your interest in the subject of history to potential colleges. Competitions also grant the opportunity to improve one’s skills in writing, public speaking, or debate , for example. Additionally, you can also choose to conduct independent research on various topics that come under the umbrella of history, and publish them in prestigious journals like the Concord Review !

Below are 10 history competitions to consider, some of which are offered in the summer and others during the school year. The programs range from live quiz competitions to essay competitions to oratory contests , so there is something for everyone!

We’ve also covered some great history programs in this blog, and research ideas in history here !

1. International History Olympiad

One of the most popular competitions at the high school level, the International History Olympiad is a competition attended by hundreds of students from all over the world. The multi-day series of events features numerous competitions (as well as non-competitive events) that offer many opportunities for students to win awards and connect with other individuals. The Olympiad takes place in a new location around the world each year (with past editions being held at Honolulu, Berlin, Rome), deeming it also a great opportunity to take advantage of in terms of international travel. Qualification is conducted through participation in regional, national, and international qualifying events.

Application Deadline: July 2024

Location: TBD, 2023’s competition took place in Rome

Prizes: Prizes vary by rank and competition

Eligibility: All high school students are eligible through participation in regional, national, and international qualifying events

2. The National History Bee

This popular competition takes place on an annual basis in the capital of the United States. In order to qualify for participation at the national level of the competition, students must advance beyond rounds at the local and state levels in their respective districts. The History Bee is a buzzer-based history quiz that occurs at the individual level, without the help of teammates. Students compete 1-1 over many rounds where they answer paragraph-long questions about various historical topics . Visit the National History Bee’s website to learn more about specific competition rules and formatting. This is a very esteemed competition where you can network with other students, learn more about historical facts, and impress colleges.

Application Deadline: TBA

Location: Washington, DC and Arlington, VA

Eligibility: All high school students younger than 19 years old: Varsity (11th and 12th grade), Junior Varsity (9th or 10th grade)

3. Joseph S. Rumbaugh Historical Oration Contest

This contest is offered by The National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) and is an oration competition. Each participant must draft and present an original oration between five to six minutes in length . Then, students must deliver the oration from memory without notes or props. The topic must be an event, personality, or document related to the Revolutionary War. The oration must also show a relation between the chosen topic and America today. This is a great way to simultaneously develop public speaking and writing skills!

Students must get through preliminary local rounds, state levels, and then advance to the national level at which place scholarships and prizes are awarded. The orations are evaluated on composition, delivery, significance, historical accuracy, and other secondary criteria. Winners on the national level in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place receive cash prizes, as well as an Olympic-sized medal.

Application Deadline: TBA, varying by state and SAR chapter

Location: Virtual

Prizes: Varying cash prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners

Eligibility: Students in grades 9-12th

4. George S. & Stella M. Knight Essay Contest

Offered by The National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR), this essay competition invites students to submit an 800-1,200 word essay. The essay needs to be based on an event, person, philosophy or ideal associated with the American Revolution , Declaration of Independence, or the framing of the U.S Constitution. Essays will be judged on historical accuracy, clarity, organization, grammar, spelling, and documentation.

Like other competitions offered by the SAR, the contest is conducted in stages on the local, state, and national level. Contact your local chapter to enter into the competition. All essays must additionally include a title page, bibliography page, and a biography page. The prizes vary for the top 5 essay writers. However, the first place winning essay will be submitted in the SAR magazine and will have an opportunity to visit Washington, D,C. This is a great opportunity to strengthen one’s ability to conduct research and synthesize historical information .

Location: Virtual, through each SAR chapter

Prizes: Varying cash prizes for winners at each tier

5. The National History Day National Contest

The National Contest of National History Day is a massive gathering of nearly 3,000 individuals offered annually by the organization to student scholars and their families. National History Day invites successful winners of local and affiliate contests to share their research and other history-related work widely. Beyond competing in a variety of competitions, partnerships with local museums and cultural institutions offer students dynamic programming and professional development opportunities .

The gathering takes place in Maryland for a week-long series of events inviting students from all across the U.S., and the world. Students can also take the competition as a chance to explore Washington, D.C and benefit from the plethora of historical sites at the nation’s capital. This is a fantastic opportunity! To compete on such a national level is an amazing opportunity and very impressive feat that is sure to demonstrate your passion for history and historical reasoning to colleges.

Application Deadline: June 9-13, 2024

Location: University of Maryland, College Park

Prizes: Varying prizes per category of the competition

Eligibility: All high school students, teachers and parents are also invited

6. The National History Bowl

In a similar fashion to The National History Bee, The National History Bowl is offered once a year in the nation’s capitol to students who have advanced past local, regional, and state History Bowl competitions. The format is a buzzer-based history quiz with teams of up to 6 students . Students seek to answer questions faster than their opponents about topics covering: the history of the arts, sciences, religion, philosophy, language, historical geography, recent history, and even a bit of the history of sports and entertainment. Questions can reference all eras of history in all geographic regions of the world . Check out their website for specific information about the tournament format and how to advance in each round.

Note : We’ve covered the competition in depth here !

Application Deadline: TBD

7. World Historian Student Essay Competition

Offered by the World History Association, this international contest asks students to address a historical topic and its relation to student’s personal lives and world history at large. An example of a past paper topic is: “My ancestor walked with Abraham Lincoln from Illinois to fight in the Black Hawk War of 1832." The essays are judged based on the thesis, evidence of critical-thinking, organization, and other criteria. Overall, this written competition is a pretty good opportunity to assess your writing ability from a renowned organization in the discipline of history.

Application Deadline: May 1, 2024

Prizes: $500 Prize and a one year membership to the World History Association

Eligibility: An international competition for students in grades K-12

8. The American History Essay Contest

Presented by the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), this essay competition seeks to introduce younger students to employ creativity in thinking about the history of the United States . The DAR set out a unique topic for each competition cycle and the submissions are judged for historical accuracy, topic adherence, organization of materials, originality, and writing quality. The essays are evaluated on a local, state, divisional, and national level. The contest is carried out through participating chapters of the DAR organization.

Application Deadline: Varies, contact your local DAR chapter

Prizes: Certificate of participation for each student and varying medals and awards for winners at each division (local, state. national)

Eligibility: Students in 9th-12th grade

9. Write Your Own Historical Fiction Competition

The Write Your Own Historical Fiction Competition is offered by The Historical Association each year to students across the world. Although varying by year, the organization typically does not assign a firm theme for the entries to the competition. The essays, ranging from 400 to 3500 words, are evaluated for their historical accuracy, convincing storytelling, effective use of historical vocabulary, and creativity. Do note that entries must be submitted by a teacher on behalf of a school.

Although the competition’s premise is a bit unconventional for a history competition, this contest offers students a unique opportunity to channel their creativity through the lens of an important academic subject . This will prove very beneficial when writing applications to colleges, or other writing endeavors at large.

Application Deadline: TBA, likely June 2024

Prizes: Cash awards for winners as well as a specially-designed notebook

Eligibility: Students in Years 5-13. Internationally

10. The David McCullough Essay Prize

Named after the Pulitzer Prize-winning historian, this essay competition offered by The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History , recognizes outstanding high school student research essays each year. Essays for the competition (between 1,500-2,000 words) are required to center primary source analysis of a document in American history from 1493 to 2000. This is a solid opportunity to conduct historical research very similar to collegiate writing , with citations, a bibliography and secondary sources attached.

Prizes: Cash awards for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place and a certificate of participation for all students

Eligibility: Students in 10th-12th grade part of the National Academy of American History and Civics

If you are interested in doing university-level research in history and politics, then you could also consider applying to the Lumiere Research Scholar Program , a selective online high school program for high school students. Last year, we had over 4000 students apply for 500 spots in the program! You can find the application form here.

Aisha is a student at Princeton University, studying Anthropology and Global Health. On campus, she is involved with student groups centered around health equity and cultural affinity. In her free time, she enjoys podcasting, learning languages, and trying new recipes.

Image Source: National History Bowl logo

English Summary

Write An Application To The Principal For Quiz Competition In English

The Principal Mayurkashi Covent School Kapurthala Punjab

Respected Sir, With due respect, I, Vikram Singh, a student of class 12th of your esteemed institution, am writing this application on behalf of the whole class to bring to your kind notice the fact that it has been 02 months since our school conducted a quiz competition. It is a well-known fact that in today’s world, to be better prepared for tomorrow, one must have a strong hold in all spheres and subjects of life.

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Caya Academy: Your English Language Partner

Hippo International English Olympiad

Hippo Results Are Available Now! ✧˖°

Hippo participant information portal.

This button is exclusively for participants who have completed registration and received a confirmation message from us. If you are a registered participant, please click the button below to review your competition information. Teachers can use this to verify the list of students registered under their school.

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What is Hippo? 

Hippo International English Language Olympiad, organized by the Global Hippo Association Italy and Gatehouse Awards United Kingdom, is a competition open to students aged 6 to 19 from around the world. It aims to promote the importance of English language knowledge and bring together children from different countries. Hippo is aligned with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), Internationally recognised and Ofqual regulated English language qualifications are used throughout the Olympiad. The qualifications are intended for candidates who are not native speakers of English and who wish to achieve high quality, internationally recognised qualification in English that is available and recognised worldwide. The competition consists of four rounds: Preliminary, National Final, Qualifier (subject to Terms and Conditions), and the World Final round in Assisi, Italy.

What's The Objective of Hippo?

The olympiad is an international event which promotes english language, challenges students around the globe to compete in english language knowledge, and motivates the teachers to cooperate. the olympiad encourages the development of a shared sense of identity and integration, serves as a role model for young people living together as one community. the main goal is to create and nourish friendly relations, international understanding and a spirit of healthy competition between young people interested in english language from all around the world., countries participated, students participated, students from malaysia, schools from malaysia, hippo olympiad 2024, ✧ open for students from 6 to 19 years of age ✧ aligned to cefr (common european framework of reference for languages) ✧ internationally recognised and ofqual, uk regulated ✧ approved and supported by minister of education, malaysia, preliminary round.

Date 26, 27 or 28 April 2024 Duration 1 hour Mode (1) Online at home (2) Paper-based at: ✧ Sri KDU International School (Klang, Selangor) ✧ Sekolah Sri UCSI (Cheras, KL) ✧ Sekolah Sri UCSI Springhill (PD, Negeri Sembilan)  ✧ Seri Jubli International School (Kluang, Johor) (3) Online or Paper-Based at your school (if your school is hosting) Area of Test • Reading • Use of English   [All multiple choice questions]

National Final Round

Date 25 May 2024 Duration 1 hour  Mode Online Area of Test • Reading • Writing • Essay (except Baby & Little Hippo)

Qualifier Round

Date 12 to 14 July 2024  Mode/ Venue Paper-based at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Area of Test • Use of English • Crossword

World Final Round

Date 23 to 26 Sept 2024  Mode/Venue Paper-based at Assisi, Italy Area of Test • Reading • Listening • Writing • Speaking • Use of English • Crossword

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Hippo 2024 Regulations (Please Read)

(1) dates & venue.

The competition comprises 4 main rounds: Preliminary Round, National Final Round, Regional Qualifier Round and World Final Round. PRELIMINARY ROUND Option 1 Date: 26, 27 or 28 April 2024 Duration: 1 hour (during one of the dates above) Mode: Online test Host: The session will be conducted by Hippo team using Zoom Option 2 Date: 27 April 2024 Duration: 1 hour Mode: Paper-Based at the following locations (subject to first come first serve basis): (1) Sri KDU International School at Klang, Selangor. (2) Sekolah Sri UCSI at Cheras, Kuala Lumpur. (3) Sekolah Sri UCSI Springhill at Port Dicson, Negeri Sembilan. (3) Seri Jubli International School at Kluang, Johor. Option 3 Date: 24, 25, 26, 27 or 28 April 2024 Duration: 1 hour Mode: Either a Paper-Based test or an Online test conducted within your school/tuition premises. Host: The session will be supervised by your respective school/tuition teachers (only if they decide to host). The date and mode can be anytime between 24 to 28 April 2024, with the decision to be made by teachers. NATIONAL FINAL ROUND Date: 25 May 2024  Duration: 1 hour Mode: Online  REGIONAL QUALIFIER ROUND Date: 12 to 14 July 2024  Mode & Venue: Paper-based test at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia WORLD FINAL ROUND Date: 23 to 26 September 2024 Mode & Venue: Paper-based test at Assisi, Italy (finalists and their accompanying teacher will receive a complimentary 3-night stay, including breakfast and dinner)

(2) Registration Procedure

Individual Registration If you're parent, teacher or student seeking to register individually without using the school registration form, please click:  Hippo Registration . You will be directed to our registration form, select "To register myself/my child/students individually" and fill in the rest of the form to register. Group Registration If you're a teacher and would like to register a group of students from your school or tuition center, please click:  Hippo Registration . You will be directed to our registration form, select "I am a teacher, please send me bulk registration form" in the registration form to request. We will contact you soon. [Registration Deadline] Please note that the registration deadline is on 1 April 2024. We will not accept any applications beyond this date.

(3) Participation Fee & Complimentary Workshop

The participation fee is RM60 per student . There are no extra fees if you qualify for the National Final or World Final rounds. Each participant will be given a COMPLIMENTARY Online Hippo-CEFR Preparation Workshop on a first come first served basis subject to availability. 

(4) Hippo Categories

For Hippo 2024, students should enroll according to their school grade or school year in 2024. There are 2 Hippo categories: Regular Category and Special Category. Regular Category Students from National (Public) or Private Schools (National Syllabus) are eligible to enroll in the Regular Category, equivalent to proficiency in "English as a Second or Foreign language". Level Assignment based on School Grade/Year as of March 2024: Primary 1 & 2: Baby Hippo Primary 3 & 4: Little Hippo Primary 5 & 6: Hippo 1 Secondary 1: Hippo 2 Secondary 2 & 3: Hippo 3 Secondary 4 & 5: Hippo 4 Form 6 & College students: Hippo 5 Special Category Students from English medium private/international schools or those who have studied for at least 3 years in an English-speaking country will have to choose the Special Category, equivalent to proficiency in "English as a First Language". Students from the Regular Category wishing to challenge higher levels can participate in the Special Category. Level assignment based on School Grade/Year as of January 2024 Year 1: Baby Hippo Year 2 & 3: Little Hippo Year 4 & 5: Hippo S1 Year 6: Hippo S2 Year 7 & 8 (or Sec 1 & 2): Hippo S3 Year 9 & 10 (or Sec 3 & 4): Hippo S4 Year 11, 12 & 13 (or Sec 5, form 6, college): Hippo S5 [Important Notes] 1) Both Regular and Special Categories combine the grading of Baby Hippo and Little Hippo without distinct categorization. 2) Baby Hippo will be of the same difficulty level as Little Hippo. The Use of English test for Baby Hippo will assess receptive knowledge only in both the preliminary and national finals rounds. 3) Hippo S1 mirrors Hippo 2; Hippo S2 mirrors Hippo 3; Hippo S3 mirrors Hippo 4; and Hippo S4 mirrors Hippo 5. Despite the similar content, they are evaluated separately based on their respective categories. 4) Students who reached the Hippo 2023 final round cannot compete at the same level in Hippo 2024. They will be recommended to enter the Special Category or participate one level higher. 5) Students from lower levels may compete at a higher level if they feel adequately prepared for that level. 6) The Global Hippo Association reserves the right to verify the school's curriculum, language of instruction, and the hours dedicated to English education. 7) The Global Hippo Association reserves the right to disqualify those who do not comply with the regulations.

(5) Hippo Categories vs CEFR Levels

Baby Hippo / Little Hippo Preliminary Round: CEFR Pre A1 YL (Young Learners) National Final & Final Round: CEFR A1 YL (Young Learners) Hippo 1 Preliminary Round: CEFR A1 YL (Young Learners) National Final & Final Round: CEFR A2 YL (Young Learners) Hippo 2 / Hippo S1 Preliminary Round: CEFR A1 National Final & Final Round: CEFR A2 Hippo 3 / Hippo S2 Preliminary Round: CEFR A2 National Final & Final Round: CEFR B1 Hippo 4 / Hippo S3 Preliminary Round: CEFR B1 National Final & Final Round: CEFR B2 Hippo 5 / Hippo S4 Preliminary Round: CEFR B2 National Final & Final Round: CEFR C1 Hippo S5 Preliminary Round: CEFR C1 National Final & Final Round: CEFR C2 If you wish to learn more about CEFR, click here .

(6) Competition Rounds - Pathway to the World Finals!

There are 4 competition rounds. 1) Preliminary Round (April 2024) • Participants compete in Reading and Use of English tests (50 to 54 multiple-choice questions) across various categories. • Top 10% (or more with the same marks) of participants from Malaysia proceed to the National Final round in May 2024. 2) National Final Round (May 2024) • The National Final round includes Reading, Writing (30 questions), and a free-writing task (100–200 words, excluding Baby & Little Hippo) with difficulty one level higher than the preliminary round. • The essay is assessed only if two or more candidates have the same scores on both reading and writing test. 3) World Final Round (Italy, September 2024) • Top scorers from the National Final qualify for the World Final Round in Assisi, Italy in September 2024. • Three-day half-board accommodation will be provided for all the candidates and their teachers free of charge, while the costs of travel will be borne by the participants. • In the World Final, participants take the Gatehouse Awards exam covering all four language skills, Use of English test (30 questions), and a crossword test to determine the winners. 4) Regional Qualifier Round (Malaysia, July 2024) • Best ranking participants from the National Final round, who did not qualify for the World Finals will be invited to join the qualifiers. • Triggered if Maritime Southeast Asia reaches 5,000 participants (minimum 500 per category). • The number of participants admitted will be proportional to the number of preliminary round participants in each category per country. • The Qualifier Round will be held in Malaysia in July 2024, featuring Use of English open-ended questions and a crossword. • There is a participation fee ranging from €60 to €100, depending on the location for the regional qualifier round. • The winner of each category will proceed to the World Final Round in Italy. Play-Off Qualifier Round (New) • Offers a chance for additional participants to qualify for the World Finals. • Open to select categories and regions, held in the UK in August 2024. • Participants take an intensive five-day Hippo English Language preparation course followed by a test on day 6. The fee will be announced after the National Final round. • Winners proceed to the World Finals, with entries proportional to the number of preliminary round participants in each category per country. 

(7) Preliminary & National Final Round (Points and Maximum Allowed Times)

PRELIMINARY ROUND The tests for the preliminary round of the Olympiad will consist of two parts: Reading Comprehension test & Use of English test (multiple choice questions). The maximum allowed time for each part is specified below.  There is only one correct answer to every question. There are no negative marks. •  Baby Hippo & Little Hippo (similar paper content)    - Reading: 30 questions | 1 point each | 20 minutes max    - Use of English: 20 questions | 1.5 point each | 20 minutes max •  Hippo 1    - Reading: 30 questions | 1 point each | 30 minutes max    - Use of English: 20 questions | 1.5 point each | 20 minutes max •  Hippo 2 & S1 (similar paper content), Hippo 3 & S2 (similar paper content)    - Reading: 34 questions | 1 point each | 30 minutes max    - Use of English: 20 questions | 1.5 point each | 20 minutes max •  Hippo 4 & S3 (similar paper content)    - Reading: 34 questions | 1 point each | 40 minutes max    - Use of English: 20 questions | 1.5 point each | 30 minutes max •  Hippo 5 & S4 (similar paper content), Hippo S5    - Reading: 40 questions | 1 point each | 45 minutes max    - Use of English: 20 questions | 1.5 point each | 30 minutes max Note: Answers are recorded on an answer sheet (OMR) for the paper-based test; there is no OMR for the online test. NATIONAL FINAL ROUND The exam level for the National Final Round will be one CEFR level higher than the one in the Preliminary Round. The tests for the National Final Round of the Olympiad will consist of Reading test, Writing test (30 questions) and Essay test (except for Baby & Little Hippo). The essay will be assessed only in case two or more candidates have the scores on both the reading and the writing test, to decide who will enter World Final Round. There is only one correct answer to every question. There are no negative marks. • Baby Hippo & Little Hippo (similar paper content)    - Reading: 30 questions | 1 point each | 30 minutes max    - Writing: 30 questions | 1.5 point each | 45 minutes max • Hippo 1    - Reading: 40 questions | 1 point each | 30 minutes max    - Writing: Free-writing task (essay) + 30 questions | 1.5 point each | 45 minutes max • Hippo 2 & S1 (similar paper content)    - Reading: 34 questions | 1 point each | 30 minutes max    - Writing: Free-writing task (essay) + 30 questions | 1.5 point each | 45 minutes max • Hippo 3 & S2 (similar paper content)    - Reading: 34 questions | 1 point each | 40 minutes max    - Writing: Free-writing task (essay) + 30 questions | 1.5 point each | 45 minutes max • Hippo 4 & S3 (similar paper content), Hippo 5 & S4 (similar paper content)    - Reading: 40 questions | 1 point each | 45 minutes max    - Writing: Free-writing task (essay) + 30 questions | 1.5 point each | 45 minutes max • Hippo S5    - Reading: 40 questions | 1 point each | 50 minutes max    - Writing: Free-writing task (essay) + 30 questions | 1.5 point each | 45 minutes max Note: • Reading test answers are recorded on an answer sheet (OMR), while Writing test answers are given in the test booklet for the paper-based test. • For the Online test, all answers will be submitted through the online system.

(8) Regional Qualifier Round

The participants of the Olympiad will be categorized into Olympiad regions (hereinafter regions) for the purpose of organising regional qualifiers. The pre-set regions are as follows: 1. Mediterranean Europe 2. Continental Europe 3. Middle East 4. Central Asia 5. Indian Subcontinent 6. Maritime Southeast Asia 7. Far East 8. Africa 9. Central & South America The 2024 Qualifiers will be held in: 1. Venice, Italy for Mediterranean and Continental Europe 2. Istanbul, Turkey for Central Asia, Middle East and Africa 3. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for Indian Subcontinent & Maritime Southeast Asia 4. Macau or Hong Kong for the Far East 5. The location for Central & South America will be announced Where the number of enrolments in a specific region reaches 5,000 students in the 2024 edition, with a minimum of 500 candidates per Hippo Category, Qualifiers will be organised. Students with the best ranking among those not qualified for the World Finals will be admitted to the Qualifiers. The number of students admitted to the Qualifiers per category and country will be proportional to the number of preliminary round participants in each category per country. Regional Qualifiers will be held in person. Online examinations will not be available and no exemptions will be made. If a student does not confirm their participation within 5 working days of the invitation to the Regional Qualifiers, the next student in the ranking list from the same country will be invited. The minimum percentage of achievement for a student to be invited to the Qualifiers will be 70% of the first ranked student points. Students invited to the Regional Qualifiers will be requested to pay a participation fee ranging from €60 to €100 , depending on the location. The participation fee will cover the costs of insurance, merchandising (given to the participants upon arrival), participation in the organised activities and examination materials. Where applicable, a package including accommodation and participation fee will be proposed to the participants through an exclusive service provider. Students and accompanying teachers or parents will need to cover the costs of travel and accommodation. Travel arrangements will need to be made by the participants themselves, while Hippo will propose accommodation options. Students and one accompanying teacher or parent are expected to arrive at the venue one day before the examination date. The examinations will take place on the morning after while the proclamation of winners will take place in the evening. Winners of each Hippo category and for any of the Region will proceed to the World Finals.

(9) World Final Round

The final round of the Olympiad will be held in Assisi, Italy, in September 2024. All candidates can be accompanied by their English language teacher, or an English-speaking teacher from their school. Parents who wish to accompany their children need to make their own travel and accommodation arrangements as the hotels where the students are accommodated are booked exclusively for the Olympiad participants. Three-day half-board accommodation will be provided for all the candidates and their teachers free of charge, while the costs of travel will be borne by the participants. Finalists are expected to arrive the day before the examinations start; examinations will be held over two days while the proclamation of winners and awarding ceremony will be held on the evening of the second day of examinations. The programme of the final round will be sent directly to the finalists who confirmed their participation one week before the event. Finalists will be contacted and helped with making their travel arrangements.

(10) Play-Off Qualifier Round (New)

The Global Hippo Association will organise the Play-Off Qualifier Round in order to give additional participants the opportunity to reach Hippo 2024 World Finals by offering an intensive five-day Hippo English Language preparation course followed by a Hippo Test to be taken on day 6. Play-Off Qualifiers are open to Hippo 2, Hippo 3, Hippo 4 and Hippo 5 students of both regular and special categories. Participants will be divided into Olympiad regions (hereinafter regions) for the purpose of organising Play-Off Qualifiers. The same pre-set regions as for the Regional Qualifiers have been established. Pre-set regions are as follows: 1. Mediterranean Europe 2. Continental Europe 3. Middle East 4. Central Asia 5. Indian Subcontinent 6. Maritime Southeast Asia 7. Far East 8. Africa 9. Central & South America Where the number of enrolments in a specific region reaches 3,000 students in the 2024 edition, with a minimum of 300 candidates per Hippo Category, Play-Off Qualifiers will be organised. Play-Off Qualifiers will be held in the United Kingdom in the first week of August 2024. Students with the best ranking among those not qualified for the World Finals or for the Regional Qualifiers will be admitted to Play-Off Qualifiers. The number of students admitted to Play-Off Qualifiers per category and country will be proportional to the number of preliminary round participants in each category per country. Play-Off Qualifiers will be held in person. Online examinations will not be available and no exemptions will be made. If a student does not confirm their participation within 15 days of the invitation to Play-Off Qualifiers, the next student in the ranking list from the same country will be invited. The minimum percentage of achievement for a student to be invited to the Qualifiers will be 70% of the first ranked student points. Students invited to the Play-Off Qualifiers will be requested to pay a participation fee . Students will need to make their own travel arrangements and cover the costs themselves. The participation fee will cover the costs of teaching, learning materials, half-board accommodation, insurance, merchandising (given to the participants upon arrival). Costs and other details are available in a separate document. No accompanying teachers or parent are accepted. Students will be accommodated in a college open to students only, supervised by guardians 24/7. The courses will be taught by Hippo examiners, 4 hours a day, for a total of 20 hours. Students will be divided into groups based on the category in which they had participated. Lessons will be tailor-made and will include Hippo mock examinations. Play-Off Qualifiers examinations will take place on the morning of the 6th day of their stay, while the proclamation of winners will take place in the evening. Winners of each Hippo category and for any of the Region will proceed to the World Finals.

(11) Certificates & Prizes

Certificate of Participation All candidates in the preliminary round, national final round, regional qualifier and the world final round will receive a certificate of participation after the competition. Regional Qualifier Round Winners of each regional qualifier round will proceed to the World Finals. World Final Round • All candidates who pass the final round tests (scoring a minimum of 55%) will be awarded a Gatehouse Awards internationally recognized certificate in English. • Winners of Hippo 1, 2, and 3 will receive the Bucksmore Golden Ticket Prize, entailing a one-week stay at one of Bucksmore Education colleges. The prize is fully inclusive of tuition, accommodation, excursions, meals, and airport transfers. Air travel costs will be the responsibility of the winning recipient. • Winners of Hippo 4 and 5, as well as Hippo Special 1 to 4, will receive a Mizzou K-12 online course. The winner of Hippo Special 5 will receive a full Mizzou K-12 Online Diploma program. • Second-place winners of Hippo 1 to 3 will receive a Mizzou K-12 online course. Additional prizes will be available for the teachers of the winners.

(12) Marking & Ranking

The reading test answers are marked by an OMR device and for that reason need to be properly filled in. Candidates are required to use a pen while completing the OMR form. Our OMR sample form is available here . In case an OMR form is not properly filled in (e.g., incorrect or missing candidate number) or scanned and the OMR device cannot read it, Global Hippo Association keeps the right to disqualify the candidate if the identity of the candidate cannot be established. In the national finals, the essay will be marked only if two or more candidates have the same number of points on both the reading and the writing test or in case of suspected cheating or malpractice. For online examinations, in case of suspected malpractice, Hippo Association keeps the right to re-test the candidates using a parallel test and under the invigilation of the Hippo staff. The ranking list for all categories as well as the names of the candidates who qualified for the national finals will be available on within three weeks of the preliminary round date. The ranking list for all categories as well as the names of the candidates who qualified for the final round and eventually regional qualifiers will be available on within three weeks of the national finals date. The final round places will be assigned in the following way: Top 140 finalists will be admitted directly from the national finals ranking list. The number of finalists per category and country will be proportional to the number of preliminary round participants in each category per country. In order to promote a multicultural environment, wildcards will be granted to the best participant from each of the countries that does not have a finalist. In addition to the above, winners of regional qualifiers will be admitted to Finals. Global Hippo Association keep the right to increase the number of finalists if the number of applicants exceeds 83,295, all in accordance with the Olympiad regulations. The exact date of the final round as well as the participation confirmation deadline will be announced in due time.

(13) Past-Year Papers

Registered Hippo participants will receive past-year questions free of charge. Upon verification of your submission and payment, the organizer will send you a WhatsApp message containing the link to download the past-year question papers, with login username and password. Sample papers to practise are available to download on .

(14) Privacy

By registering for the competition through our online form, WhatsApp, direct contact, or schools, you agree to allow us to use your personal data, including your full name, phone number, and email, to send you communications such as welcome letters, payment reminders, updates, announcements, and materials related to future competitions and classes from Caya Academy Sdn Bhd.

Participation Fee

RM60 per participant

Payment Method

Kindly online transfer to the following account: Name: Caya Academy Sdn Bhd Bank: Maybank Account Number: 512884095226 Ensure you include the participant's name in the payment details. We will cross-check your payment with the registration form for accuracy. Additionally, please attach the payment receipt when submitting the registration from! You can also WhatsApp your payment receipt, and state the participant name to 011-6550 5400 or email to [email protected]  

Refund Policy

A refund is permissible if you are unable to attend the competition on the scheduled date due to a health condition, and the replacement date is not available. To request a refund of the participation fee, please ensure you provide a valid medical certificate.

For additional information about the competition, feel free to contact us via WhatsApp at 011-65505400 or 018-3733218 .

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The registration for Hippo 2024 is closed.  Participants may check their results and download their certificates below.

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CEFR Lesson

Join our weekly online lesson to better prepare for the competition and get familiar with CEFR syllabus.

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Hippo Global

Global Hippo Association is a non-profit organisation founded in 2012 with the purpose of promoting the importance of English language knowledge and bringing together children from different countries.

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Hall of Fame

Hippo 2023 12,000 Malaysian participants from 1,200 schools Hippo 2022 6,500 Malaysian participants from 1,000 schools Hippo 2021 6,800 Malaysian participants from 950 schools

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How to Win an Essay Contest

Last Updated: July 18, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Daniel Santos . Daniel Santos is a College Admissions & Career Coach and Prepory's co-founder and CEO. Prepory is a leading college admissions consulting firm that has guided over 9,000 students from 35 countries through the US college admissions process. Prepory is a member of the National Association for College Admissions Counseling and a trusted admissions counseling partner to several competitive high schools across Florida. Prior to founding Prepory, Daniel worked at various leading law firms and the United States House of Representatives. Daniel has been featured as a college admissions and career coaching expert across several major publications, including the Wall Street Journal, FORTUNE, and The Harvard Crimson. There are 9 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 173,044 times.

If you're hoping to write an essay that will win a contest, there are several ways to make your writing stand out. Before you start writing, make sure you read the essay guidelines so that you're following all of the rules. Come up with a topic that fits the contest's theme and craft a detailed, descriptive, and interesting essay. By making your essay original and error-free, you'll be much more likely to win the contest.

Crafting and Editing the Essay

Step 1 Read the essay contest rules before starting.

  • If you don’t follow one or more of the rules when writing and submitting your essay, your essay may be disqualified, so make sure to read over the rules several times if necessary.
  • It’s a good idea to print out the guidelines so that you can refer to them as you’re writing.

Step 2 Brainstorm essay ideas to pick a topic that works with the theme.

  • It’s super important to stick with the theme when you’re writing and not get off-topic.
  • For example, if the contest asks you to write about a person who has influenced you, make a list of the people that have had a big impact on your life and choose the person who you can write lots of descriptive examples about.

Step 3 Write a draft of your essay to get out all of your ideas.

  • It’s okay if you have several different drafts of one essay.
  • Make an outline of your essay before you start to help you organize your thoughts.

Step 4 Revise the essay to create a final draft.

  • Ask a friend or family member to read over your essay to see if it’s interesting and makes sense.
  • It may help you to put the essay aside for a day or two after you’ve written it so that you can revise it again with a fresh perspective.

Step 5 Proofread the essay carefully to check for any mistakes.

  • It may help to ask another person to read over the essay to see if they spot any mistakes.

Step 6 Submit your essay before the deadline.

  • Check to see when the submission deadline is in the contest’s guidelines and rules.
  • It may help you to put the essay deadline on your calendar so that you don’t forget when it is.
  • If you're sending the essay by mail, make sure you send it far enough in advance that it will reach the judges in time.

Making Your Essay Stand Out

Step 1 Choose an interesting essay beginning to grab the reader’s attention.

  • An example of an attention-grabbing introduction might be, “I held my breath for 82 seconds before I was yanked out of the water,” or “Sarah walked slowly up to the door, her body drenched in nervous sweat, before firmly knocking.”

Step 2 Come up with a creative title.

  • The title should give the reader a glimpse of what your essay is about while leaving them intrigued.
  • For example, if you’re writing an essay about a lemon picker, you might title the essay, "Living with Sour Fingers."

Step 3 Bring your essay to life by using lots of descriptive words.

  • Instead of saying, “The wheelbarrow fell down the hill,” you could say, “The rusty wheels of the wheelbarrow skidded over smooth rocks and sharp blades of grass until it skidded to a stop at the edge of the water.”

Step 4 Be original in your writing to make your essay stand out.

  • Read over your essay and look for sentences or ideas that would likely not be found in another person's essay.
  • If you're having trouble figuring out if you have an original element, have someone else read over your essay and tell you which parts stand out.

Step 5 Format your essay so that it looks neat and professional.

  • Review the essay guidelines to see if there’s a special way they’d like the essay formatted.

Expert Q&A

Daniel Santos

  • If you don't win, take a look at the winning entries if possible and see what they did that you didn't. Try to learn from this and incorporate it into your next essay. Thanks Helpful 19 Not Helpful 2
  • If you have difficulty understanding the topic or the guidelines, try to get in touch with the judges. Thanks Helpful 15 Not Helpful 2
  • Don't be afraid to ask for help if you have a hard time! As long as your work is original, getting feedback from others is a great way to make your writing stronger. Thanks Helpful 13 Not Helpful 2

quiz competition essay in english

  • Failure to follow the format requirements may disqualify your essay. Thanks Helpful 44 Not Helpful 8
  • Be aware of the deadline to ensure you get your essay submitted in time. Thanks Helpful 18 Not Helpful 3

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Home › Essay Competition 2024 › Writing Competitions For High School Students

Writing Competitions For High School Students

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Do you want to join a high school essay competition? But you’re struggling to find the right one for you? This list of 20 high school essay competitions is a wonderful way to boost your academic confidence.  

Essays exercise your communication and critical thinking skills, and a student’s essay reveals much about their confidence, brain power, social skills, and commitment. There’s a reason why universities require personal statements.

Suppose you want to sharpen your writing skills to outstanding university levels and get a chance to win academic scholarships to renowned institutions, cash prizes and recognition. Then, you need to join high school essay competitions!

Not convinced yet? Here are more reasons why entering (and potentially winning) essay competitions will make your university application more attractive. Universities will see that:

  • You learned more about your chosen subject beyond what your teachers taught you in your high school curriculum.
  • You’re committed and proactive because you went the extra mile.
  • Since you have had to juggle researching and writing for this essay with your other academic and extracurricular commitments, you have superb time management skills.
  • Research and writing are your strengths.
  • You have the confidence to try even if you’re not sure you’ll win!

Afraid you won’t win the competition? Don’t worry! 

Even just entering the competition signals all the good qualities just mentioned. Remember, the effort of applying itself shows how proactive and confident you are. So including your essay writing competition experience in your personal statement and talking about it in your interviews will make you stand out. Your teachers can also write about it on your college application essay or, if you’re going to a UK university, in your UCAS reference. 

Now that you know why you should join high school essay competitions, check out the Top 20 Essay Competitions for high school students. 

1. Immerse Education Essay Competition

In 2012, Immerse Education was founded to provide 13-18-year-old students exceptional educational experiences at the University of Oxford, Cambridge University, University of Sydney, and University College London.

What does “exceptional educational experiences” mean exactly? It means you’ll have the opportunity to learn from world-leading Oxbridge, Cambridge, and Ivy League Tutors. Are you planning to take Architecture at the university? Then taking the Architecture Residential Programme or Online Insights course at Immerse Education will introduce you to topics such as Foundations of Architecture and Architectural Styles through Time. You’ll then present your work on Theoretical Design.

Not only will you have the much-needed exposure to understand university-level architecture, but you’ll also gain like-minded friends for life.

You can choose from over 20 subjects. From architecture and engineering to medicine and law!

Participating in Immerse Education courses will give you a tremendous advantage over your competition. Listing Immerse in your personal essay application will instantly make you stand out. Not to mention the high-level academic writing skills you will have developed at this point.

Now that you know what Immerse is about, why should you apply for the Immerse Education essay competition? 

Because winning will give you a 100% scholarship! 

Over 10 winners will be chosen to receive such a fantastic prize. Runners-up will receive partial scholarships up to 70%.

Who are eligible to join? 13-18-year-old students of all nationalities! You’ve got nothing to lose and lots to gain from joining this essay competition. So don’t let the opportunity pass you by!


Open For Entries: March 16, 2022

Essay Competition Deadline: August 31, 2022

Entry Fee: None

Award Amount: 10x 100% scholarships and up to 70% scholarships for runner ups

2. Scholastic Art & Writing Awards Essay Competition

The Alliance for Young Artists & Writers has been supporting the future of creativity for 99 years through the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards. So what is the Alliance for Young Artists & Writers? It’s a nonprofit organisation aiming to present the creative work of exceptional young talents. In doing so, they give talented students in grades 7-12 opportunities to earn scholarships, exhibitions, and publications.

They have various scholarship awards to offer. For instance, National Medalists are entitled to scholarships amounting to $10,000. For those who wish to explore personal grief and loss through writing, six students can win the National New York Life Award and receive $1,000 scholarships. Then there is the Civic Expression Award offering $1,000 scholarships to six winners whose works spread awareness on social or political issues. 

What about the Exhibitions? Writings from each year’s National Medalists will be displayed in several institutions. Including the Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art, Arnot Art Museum, and the Museum of Fine Arts Houston. 

Winners also enjoy being featured in several publications, such as Best Teen Writing , Healing Through Creativity, and the yearbook. 

Who are the eligible high school students? Those who live in the US and Canada. Public, private, and home-schooled high schoolers are qualified. How about international students? Those who attend American schools in other countries are also allowed to join. You may want to know that the qualifications may differ per region. So it’s best to check in with your specific address. 

What are the categories for the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards Essay Competition? The categories include humour, dramatic scripts, flash fiction, novel writing, and poetry.


Scope: US and Canada

Open For Entries: September

Essay Competition Deadline: Deadlines vary between December and January, depending on your region

Entry Fee: $7 per individual entry and $25 per portfolio.

Award Amount:   $1,000 to $10,000 scholarships

3. National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Essay Competition

What is the purpose of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Essay Competition? To inspire high school juniors to express themselves through writing. As well as to openly recognise the best student writing. 

How can students join the NCTE essay competition? Via nomination by English Teachers in Canada, the United States, the Virgin Islands, and American Schools abroad. Chosen participants will have to submit two types of essays: best writing and themed writing. 

The NCTE shows the themed writing prompts on their website to encourage discussions among teachers and students. The contestants can write their theme write-up in any genre, such as Science & Technical, History, and Social Studies. Any writing format is also acceptable. Think personal essay, scientific report, news article, graphic novel, and more. All entries are submitted electronically in a PDF format. 

Your writing needs to reflect independent thinking to increase your chances of winning. Respond to the prompt with a sense of purpose and completeness. Ensure each sentence builds upon the other to cumulate in a thought-provoking piece. 


Scope: US, Canada, Virgin Islands, American Schools abroad

Open For Entries: Until November 15

Essay Competition Deadline: February 15

Award Amount:   None. Instead, the winner will receive the Superior Writing certificate. All nominated contestants will receive a Recognition certificate. 

4. The Adroit Prizes for Poetry & Prose Essay Competition

High school students worldwide are eligible to compete in The Adroit Prizes. The two genres you can write in are Poetry and Prose. Do you want to submit your writing in prose? You can give up to 3 writings at a time, with a 9,000 word limit across the pieces. For poetry, you can submit 6 at a time, with no word count limit. 

Winning entries will be featured in the Adroit Journal. And their authors will receive a cash prize of $200. So what is the Adroit Journal all about? Founded by poet Peter LaBerge in November 2010, it strives to showcase the future of prose, poetry, and art. 

The Adroit Journal has been featured in notable publications such as The Paris Review, New York Times, Teen Vogue, and Best American Poetry. Do you know it has been the #1 Poetry Market for the past two years? It has had the Most Submission Responses Reported within that period. 

It has heralded brilliant voices through the years, including Rita Dove, Ned Vizzini, Ocean Vuong, and Terrance Hayes. Yours could be next!


Scope: Worldwide

Open For Entries: Yet to be announced (must subscribe to the email list to stay updated)

Essay Competition Deadline: Yet to be announced (must subscribe to the email list to keep updated)

Award Amount: $200

5. National Society of High School Scholars (NSHSS) Creative Writing Scholarship Essay Competition

One of the co-founders of National Society of High School Scholars came from the family who instituted the Nobel Prizes. His name? Claes Nobel. Together with James Lewis, Claes established the NSHSS in 2022. To honour academic excellence in top-calibre high school students. 

How? By providing them with the network and resources they need to become the leaders of tomorrow. Of course, that means helping them succeed in college and in their future careers. What are these resources, you ask? College fairs, scholarships, partner discounts, career opportunities and more. NSHSS has a vast network. Connecting promising students with valuable partnerships is key to their future. 

A great example of NSHSS’ initiative is the ​​NSHSS Creative Writing Scholarship. Aspiring high school students who are set to graduate between 2022-2025 are eligible to join. They can submit entries in two categories: Poetry and Fiction. 

If you want to try out Poetry, you’re free to write it according to your personal preference. Whether it be formal verse, free verse, or experimental. Please format it according to how you want it to appear in the publication.

Want to submit Fiction instead? Great! The word limit is 5,000 words in any genre and not single-spaced. You can pass submissions for both entries if you like. Just limit to one per category. If you win, you get $2,000 scholarships, and your work will be published on the NSHSS website!


Scope: Worldwide 

Open For Entries: May 13, 2022

Essay Competition Deadline: October 31, 2022

Award Amount: $2,000 

6. Young Writers Awards Essay Competition

Bennington College created the Young Writers Awards to celebrate its outstanding literary legacy. It raised 3 U.S. poet laureates, 12 Pulitzer Prize winners, and countless New York Times bestsellers throughout its teaching. 

What better way to continue the legacy than by promoting writing excellence at the high school level? Bennington encourages 9th-12th grade students (US and International) to submit their best work in one of the three categories. Poetry, Fiction, and Nonfiction. 

If you choose to go for Poetry, you’ll need to provide a group of three poems. Going for Fiction instead? You can submit a short story not longer than 1,500 words. A one-act play that runs less than 30 minutes is also welcome. But what if you prefer to write Nonfiction? Awesome! Give an academic or personal essay amounting to 1,500 words or less. 

Bennington will choose 3 winners in each category to fill the positions of first, second, and third place. First-place winners garner a prize of $1,000. For second-place winners? $500. While third-place winners secure $250. 

That’s not all. Should finalists and winners study at Bennington, they’ll have the pleasure of undergraduate scholarship assistance! Finalists gain a $10,000 scholarship yearly, for a total of $40,000 for 4 years of study. What about the winners? They’ll gain a yearly $15,000 scholarship for four years. Adding up to $60,000. 


Scope: US and International

Open For Entries: September 1

Essay Competition Deadline: November 1

Award Amount:   $1,000 for First-place winners, $500 for second-place winners, $250 for third-place winners; Plus $40,000 worth of scholarships at Bennington for finalists and $60,000 for winners

7. Young Arts Essay Competition

Pursuing arts can be a long, difficult road for young artists without financial and social support. That’s what YoungArts aim to relieve. It’s one of the few US organisations that support artists in all 10 disciplines, including dance, classical music, theatre, and writing. 

Who are eligible to apply? US citizens, permanent residents, or green card holders in high school grades 10-12. Six genres are open to aspiring young writers: Creative Nonfiction, Novel, Poetry, Play or Script, Short Story, and Spoken Word. If you make it to the Finals, you’ll be invited to the National YoungArts Week. Here you’ll meet with the judges and compete with fellow finalists. 

What are the perks of winning in YoungArts? For starters, award winners can receive cash prizes anywhere from $100 to $10,000. 

But it doesn’t stop there. Because once you win YoungArts, they’ll take you under their wing and help you navigate and succeed in your career as an artist. You’ll be part of a robust community of distinguished artists. With mentors who will give you the guidance you’ll need to excel in your field. 

Plus, you’ll have a lifetime of creative opportunities and professional support at every stage of your artistic development. And do you know that you’ll have the chance of getting nominated for the US Presidential Scholar in the Arts? It’s one of the highest honours any high school student can achieve. Exemplifying what it means to be academically and artistically excellent. 


Open For Entries: June 7, 2022

Essay Competition Deadline: October 14, 2022

Entry Fee: $35

Award Amount: $100 to $10,000

8. Ocean Awareness Essay Competition

Linda Cabot launched Bow Seat Ocean Awareness Programs in 2011. It’s a nonprofit organisation established in Massachusetts, USA. Do you know where the name “Bow Seat” came from? It’s from a documentary entitled From the Bow Seat that Linda and her daughters filmed. 

The documentary discusses the environmental issues wrecking the Gulf of Maine. It was in this undertaking that Linda discovered the undeniable power of art. How it can move hearts in a way that textbooks and lectures by themselves could not. And so, Bow Seat hopes to inspire the younger generation to use their artistic talent in calling attention and awareness to care for the world’s oceans. 

Who are qualified to join this international contest? Middle and high school students who are 11-18 years old. You can submit pieces in Creative Writing or Poetry. 

For Creative Writing, you can submit both fiction and nonfiction. Short stories are perfect for fiction. For nonfiction? You can write blog posts, journal articles, or personal narratives. 

Do you want to try out Poetry? Spoken word, free, or formal verse are all accepted. Your writing should reflect the theme for the given year (since they change it yearly.) 

Winners receive cash prizes ranging from $100-$1,500 depending on your division (junior or senior) and position (gold, silver, bronze, pearl, or honourable mention).


Open For Entries: September 2022

Essay Competition Deadline: June 2023

Award Amount: $100-$1,500

For The Junior Division

  • Gold Award – $1,000
  • Silver Award – $750
  • Bronze Award – $250
  • Pearl Award – $150
  • Honourable Mention – $100

For The Senior Division

  • Gold Award – $1,500
  • Silver Award – $1,000
  • Bronze Award – $500
  • Pearl Award – $300
  • Honourable Mention – $250

9. Ayn Rand Essay Competition

The Ayn Rand Essay Competition increases awareness of Ayn Rand’s philosophy and novels. She has over 37 million books sold; among her most notable works are Anthem , The Fountainhead, and Atlas Shrugged . 

Her death in 1982 only increased her presence. You can see her in a US postage stamp, university courses, and an Oscar-nominated documentary. What keeps her voice prevalent? Her philosophy. 

You see, Ayn Rand believes that philosophy is what drives men to shape their individual lives and, ultimately, human history. She calls her particular brand of philosophy “Objectivism.” Or less formally, “a philosophy for living on earth.”

Two categories for the global Essay Competition are available for high school students: Anthem and The Fountainhead . In addition, contestants must discuss specific essay topics in their 600-1,200 word essays. It changes each year, and you can check what they are when the competition begins. 

Cash prizes are available for 5 positions: 1st place (1 winner), 2nd place (3 winners), 3rd place (5 winners), finalist (25 winners), and semi-finalist (50 winners.) 

Who can join the Anthem category? 8th-12th graders. What are the cash prizes for the winners? It ranges from $25 to $2,000. 

What about The Fountainhead? For this category, 11-12th graders can join. The cash prizes for winners range from $25 to $5,000. 

How do the judges choose the winning essays? Depending on how well the student justifies their point of view regarding Anthem’s/The Fountainhead’s philosophy. It doesn’t matter whether the Institute agrees with it or not. What’s essential is how clear, logical, and persuasive the writing is. 


Open For Entries: Yet to be announced

Essay Competition Deadline: Yet to be announced

Award Amount:   $25 – $5,000

  • 1st Place – $2,000
  • 2nd Place – $500
  • 3rd Place – $100
  • Finalist – $50
  • Semi-Finalist – $25

The Fountainhead

  • 1st Place – $5,000
  • 2nd Place – $1,250
  • 3rd Place – $250
  • Finalist – $100
  • Semi-Finalist -$25

10. River of Words® (ROW) Essay Competition

Saint Mary’s College of California’s Center for Environmental Literacy organised the international River of Words® contest. For what purpose? To inspire students to express their environmental observation through art. ROW has been encouraging students and teachers alike to savour watersheds. 

“Wait, what? Watersheds?” You may ask in wonder. Yes! The theme of the River of Words contest is all about watersheds. What are watersheds, and why are they so important?

A watershed is a land area that receives water via precipitation (rainfall and snowmelt.) The water then drains into the same body of water. Hence, every living and nonliving thing you see is part of your watershed! 

It’s vital to care for watersheds because wherever it is located, the water eventually drains somewhere . And they all create an interconnected system where each affects the other. So a problem in one watershed can have a massive effect on another! Do you want to care for the environment? Start with your own watershed. 

Who are qualified to join the ROW contest? Students who aren’t in college yet. Basically 5-19-year-old children. Raise the banner, high schoolers! 

What types of writing does ROW accept? Poetry not longer than 32 lines. There are several recognitions given to worthy poems. There’s the Monkey’s Raincoat Prize for outstanding haiku poems. And the One Square Block prize for poems that discusses the interaction between the natural world and manmade creations. 

All winning entries will be showcased in the River of Words anthology.


Essay Competition Deadline: December 1 (except Georgia and Arizona)

Award Amount:   None

11. American Foreign Services Association (AFSA) Essay Competition

The American Foreign Services Association (AFSA) is the sole representative of the US Foreign Service, established in 1924. It serves to protect the well-being and interests of AFSA members. One of the ways to achieve this is to increase awareness among the American populace about AFSA’s vital role in supporting American leadership worldwide.

And so, it established the yearly High School Essay Contest. To help the younger generation become more acquainted with AFSA and its mission for America.

Who are eligible to participate? Students in grades 9-12 in any of the 50 states, US territories, the District of Columbia, and US citizens studying abroad. The winner will receive $2,500 and a scholarship to participate in Semester at Sea. Plus, an all-expense paid trip to Washington DC from anywhere in the US. For the winner and their parents.

The runner-up will get $1,250 and a scholarship for the National Student Leadership Conference’s International Diplomacy Program.

Here’s a glimpse of what the essay looks like. It has to be between 1,000 to 1,250 words. Each year, the AFSA hands out prompts in three questions about national security and US foreign policy.


Essay Competition Deadline: April (Usually)

Award Amount:   $2,500

12. John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Contest Essay Competition

The John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Contest is an initiative of the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum. The library and museum pay tribute to John Kennedy by keeping his memory alive. Scholars and students go here when they need to research the service and political life of the late president. In touring the place, you’ll witness his life, leadership and legacy through historical materials. 

The contest inspires the younger generation to get to know more about the political figures who demonstrated acts of courage and service. Who can join the essay competition? United States high school students grades 9-12.

The theme for the essay is political courage. Choose an elected official who served when John F. Kennedy was born (1917) or after. What service did they do to merit the honour of being described as “courageous?”

Talk about the issue they faced, whether it be of local, state, or national significance, in a 700-1,000 word essay. The winners will receive cash prizes ranging from $100 to $10,000.


Open For Entries: September 1, 2022

Essay Competition Deadline: January 13, 2023

Award Amount:   First-place: $10,000 , Second-place: $3,000 , 5 Finalists: $1,000 each, 8 Semi-finalists: $100 each

13. Lewis Center for the Arts Essay Competition

Princeton University offers several programs in the Arts, such as Creative Writing, Visual Arts, and Theater, through its Lewis Center for the Arts. It’s an initiative to expand creative opportunities at Princeton.

Why is it named “Lewis,” you asked? To honour Mr Lewis, who donated an extraordinary $101 million gift to herald in a new age of the arts. What better way to cultivate participation and enrichment for the arts than by sponsoring scholarships and contests?

One such contest is the writing competition. Princeton hosts two contests for 11th-grade high school students: Ten-Minute Play and Poetry. For the Ten-Minute play, participants can only submit one entry with a maximum of 10 pages. That is, one page is equal to 1 minute.


Scope: US and International 

Award Amount:   $500 for First-place, $250 for Second-place, and $100 for Third-place

14. SPJ/JEA (Journalism Education Association) High School Essay Competition

The Journalism Education Association (JEA) is a nonprofit, scholastic journalism organisation. It serves to educate teachers and advisers on how best to educate students. To achieve this goal, they organise workshops and provide online resources.

One of the excellent ways to promote journalism is by conducting High School Essay competitions. It’s open to US 9th-12th graders.

Each year, JEA gives a writing prompt. The spring 2022 topic revolves around using social media for free speech within ethical bounds. The word limit for the essay is between 300 and 500 words.

What are the prizes for the winners? Scholarships ranging from $300 to $1,000 – funded by the Sigma Delta Chi Foundation. 


Entry Fee: $5

Award Amount: $1,000 scholarship for First-place, $500 scholarship for Second-place, and $300 for Third-place

15. Jane Austen Society of North America (JASNA) Essay Competition

What is the Jane Austen Society of North America? It’s a non-profit organisation dedicated to garnering as many readers as possible who will appreciate and study Jane Austen’s works and her life. Joan Austen-Leigh, Henry G. Burke, and J. David Grey founded JASNA in 1979. It has grown to become the largest society dedicated to Jane Austen, with over 5,000 members.

JASNA believes that literature is powerful in changing and enriching lives. Especially the writings of great authors, such as Jane Austen herself. To cultivate the new generations’ study and appreciation of Jane Austen’s works, JASNA arranges a Student Essay Contest every year.

Who are qualified to join? High school students from anywhere in the world! College and Graduate students are also invited.

What rewards will the winners enjoy? Scholarships ranging from $250-$1,000. The winners will also receive Norton Critical Editions of Jane Austen’s novels. Plus, one-year JASNA memberships.

Will the winning essays enjoy exposure on the JASNA website? Yes!


Open For Entries: February 2023

Essay Competition Deadline: date

Award Amount:   $1,000 scholarship for First-place, $500 scholarship for Second-place, and $250 scholarship for Third-place

16. World Historian Student Essay Competition

The primary mission of the World History Association (WHA) is to promote world history. How? By encouraging its publication, research, and teaching. And so, the association engages with teachers, students, and scholars of world history all over the globe. Keeping the conversation and enthusiasm for world history alive. 

To further encourage appreciation of world history, it carries out the World Historian Student Essay Competition. What is it? It’s an international writing competition open to grades K-12 students (take home the bacon high schoolers!) The issue you need to address in the essay is: “In what way has the study of world history affected my understanding of the world in which I live?”

What will the winner receive? $500! Plus a 1-year WHA membership. 


Scope: International 

Open For Entries: Before May 1

Essay Competition Deadline: May 1

Award Amount: $500

17. Nancy Thorp Essay Competition

For young sophomore and junior women in high school or preparatory school, the Nancy Thorp Essay Competition is created just for you by Hollins University. Nancy Thorp has been providing prizes, scholarships, and recognition to the best women poets for almost 60 years.

Who is Nancy Thorp? She was a young poet and a part of the 1960 Hollins class. Her family instituted the Nancy Thorp Poetry Contest after her death in 1962. To motivate and recognise promising young poets.

What will the winners receive? The first-place winner will receive a $350 cash prize and a renewable $5,000 scholarship at Hollins University if they choose to enrol. For the second-place winner? A renewable $1,000 scholarship at Hollins University.


Award Amount:   First-place: $350 cash prize and renewable $5,000 scholarship at Hollins University; Second Place: renewable $1,000 scholarship at Hollins University

18. We The Students Essay Competition

We The Students Scholarship Essay Contest is run by the Bill of Rights Institute (BRI.) Do you know that the BRI is a massive network of over 50,000 civics and history educators? It’s a nonprofit organisation focused on educating civics, teachers, and students on how to live the ideals of a just and free society.

How does it achieve its mission? By developing teaching programmes and educational resources on American government and history. Also, by sponsoring the student essay contest.

Who are eligible to join the We The Students writing competition?14-19-year-old students enrolled in any US school, including any of its territories and districts.

What will the essay be about? Every time the competition opens for new entries, they’ll display an essay prompt on their website. The 2022 essay prompt, for instance, centred on the importance of understanding one’s natural rights to building a free society. Essays should have between 500-800 words.

What will the winners receive? Cash prizes ranging from $500 to $7,500. The First-place winner will receive an additional reward – a scholarship to the Constitutional Academy.


Open For Entries: December 15

Essay Competition Deadline: April 15

Award Amount:   One First-Place Winner – $7,500; 5 Runners Up – $1,500 each; 10 Honourable Mentions – $500 each

19. Voice of Democracy Essay Competition

The US Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFA) established the Voice of Democracy audio-essay competition in 1947. Over 25,000 high school students from all over the country participate in the competition. A total of $2 million worth of educational scholarships and prizes will be divided among the winners.

Who are the VFA? The VFA is a US nonprofit organisation committed to serving veterans. How? By ensuring that the veterans receive the respect and entitlement that they deserve. The members of the VFA are mostly military service members and veterans.

VFA’s Voice of Democracy essay competition furthers this end by helping raise patriotism and appreciation of veterans among the new generations. There’s a different theme for each year. What was the theme for the 2022-2023 entries? It’s about “Why is the Veteran Important?”

Who are eligible to join? American middle school and high school students from grades 9-12. What will the high school winner earn? A $30,000 college scholarship!

Since it’s an audio-essay competition, the participant must submit an audio recording of their essay. The delivery has the same points as the content (35 points.) So speaking in a clear and authoritative voice is paramount!


Open For Entries: Before October 31

Essay Competition Deadline: October 31

Award Amount: $30,000 college scholarship

20. John Locke Essay Competition

Who is behind the John Locke essay competition? The John Locke Institute. What does it hope to achieve? To embolden the young to nurture within them the characteristics that transform good students into brilliant writers! These characteristics include critical analysis, independent thinking, a love of knowledge, and clear reasoning.

To fully appreciate this mission, you’ll need to know who John Locke is. John Locke was an Oxford Philosopher in the 17th century. His philosophy of education zeroed in on raising a student to love and esteem knowledge. Not so much with teaching all that is knowable.

And so, entering the John Locke Essay competition is one way of building upon one’s love of knowledge and refining one’s argumentation skills. There are seven categories open for essay writers: History, Economics, Theology, Psychology, Philosophy, Politics, and Law.  

Who are eligible to join? Global students younger than 18 years old (e.g. high school students). There are several questions listed under each category. However, the candidate must answer only one question from their chosen subject.

A category winner will gain a $2,000 scholarship for any John Locke programme. How about the overall best essay winner? They’ll receive a $10,000 scholarship for any of the John Locke gap year courses and/or summer schools.


Scope: Global

Award Amount:  $2,000-$10,000 scholarship for John Locke programmes

There you have it! Did you enjoy the round-up of the Top 20 Essay Competitions for high school students? We sure hope you did! 

If you’re unsure what competition to try, you may want to get your feet wet with our essay competition . Thousands of students apply every year to attend our life-changing summer course and Immerse’s essay contest is free to enter. You’ve got nothing to lose and a potential 100% scholarship to gain!

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Digital English

Letter to your brother about the utility of participating in quiz competitions.

Digital English has presented a letter-writing on participating in quiz competitions. This is for the students and the teachers who are engaged in education. At first, I have written the question. I hope you may get a question on the question paper like this type in the exam hall.

Question: Write a letter to your brother describing the utility of participating in quiz competitions.

My dear Debasish

I think that you will agree with me on my view of the value and utility of participation in quiz competitions. Please accept my best wishes and tender my regards to your parents.

yours affectionately

Dinesh Majumdar

Mangal bari 

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The roots of the English language extend to the medieval Germanic tribes in England, evolving through various historical phases. Influences from Latin, Norse, and Norman French have played a part in shaping the diverse mix of the English language, resulting in the way we know it today.

Over the centuries, English literature has flourished, producing iconic works that have left an indelible mark on the world. The Elizabethan era, often referred to as the Golden Age of English literature, witnessed the masterpieces of William Shakespeare, a figure synonymous with the richness of the English language. The language continued to evolve, fostering the creativity of renowned writers such as Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, and Virginia Woolf, who have significantly shaped the landscape of world literature.

Beyond literature, English has permeated various forms of artistic expression. From Hollywood films dominating the global cinema to the influence of English-language music genres like rock, pop, and hip-hop, the language has become a powerful medium for cultural exchange.

Today, English has firmly established itself as the language of international diplomacy, trade, and technology. It serves as a common ground for people from different linguistic backgrounds, facilitating global communication and collaboration. English’s global significance is underscored by its status as one of the official languages of organizations such as the United Nations.

Below are a few languages that are related to English in that they also belong to the Germanic branch of the Indo-European language family:

English is one of the most influential languages and is the most commonly spoken language with as many as 53 English speaking countries in the world classifying it as their official language.

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    Digital English has presented a letter-writing on participating in quiz competitions. This is for the students and the teachers who are engaged in education. At first, I have written the question. I hope you may get a question on the question paper like this type in the exam hall. Question: Write a letter to your brother describing the utility ...

  22. Free English Quizzes

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  23. Paragraph on "Quiz Competition"

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