2022 essay paper upsc

UPSC Essay Topic wise Question Papers of last 31 years (1993-2023) for Civil Services IAS/IPS Exam Free Download

In the UPSC mains examination, essay paper is worth 250 marks and three hours. Here is the topic wise questions from the earlier years for the benefit of civil service IAS IPS aspirants.

1.1 India Since Independence

1.2 federalism, decentralization, 1.3 administration, 1.4 judiciary, 1.5 poverty, social justice, 1.6 indian society, culture and values, 1.7 media, tv & cinema, literature, 2.1 growth vs development, 2.2 environment vs development, 2.4 sectors of economy, 3.1 values in education, 3.2 scheme implementation, 3.3 higher education, 4.1 character, honesty, ethics, 4.2 knowledge, 4.3 compassion, 4.4 truth and reality, 4.5 youth, discipline, 4.6 towards excellence, 5.1 @national politics, 5.2 @world / quote type, 5.3 empowerment overall, 5.4 compared to men, 6.1 globalization, 6.2 international org./ bilateral, 6.3 security, 6.4 history, 7.1 science and religion, 7.2 science and education, 7.3 computer and internet, 7.4 sci-tech: others, appendix: linear paper of upsc essay 2023, appendix: linear paper of upsc essay 2022, appendix: model answer pe free lecture & powerpoint, appendix: syllabus of essay paper in upsc, 1 india: democracy, administration, society, culture.

  • Is the Colonial mentality hindering India’s Success? -2013
  • In the context of Gandhiji’s views on the matter, explore, on an evolutionary scale, the terms ‘Swadhinata’, ‘Swaraj’ and ‘Dharmarajya’. Critically comment on their contemporary relevance to Indian democracy -2012
  • Dreams which should not let India sleep. -2015
  • Why should we be proud of being Indians? -2000
  • Whither Indian democracy? -1995
  • How far has democracy in India delivered the goods? -2003
  • What we have not learnt during fifty years of independence. -1997
  • What have we gained from our democratic set-up? -2001
  • My vision of India in 2001 a.d. -1993
  • Impact of the new economic measures on fiscal ties between the union and states in India. -2017
  • Water disputes between States in federal India. -2016
  • Cooperative federalism : Myth or reality. -2016
  • Creation of smaller states and the consequent administrative, economic and developmental implication -2011
  • Evaluation of panchayati raj system in India from the point of view of eradication of power to people. -2007
  • Water resources should be under the control of the central government. -2004
  • The language problem in India: its past, present and prospects. -1998
  • There are better practices to “best practices”. -2021
  • How should a civil servant conduct himself? -2003
  • Politics without ethics is a disaster. -1995
  • The VIP cult is a bane of Indian democracy -1996
  • Need for transparency in public administration -1996
  • The country’s need for a better disaster management system. -2000
  • Politics, bureaucracy and business – fatal triangle. -1994
  • We may brave human laws but cannot resist natural laws. -2017
  • Justice must reach the poor -2005
  • Judicial activism and Indian democracy. -2004
  • Judicial activism. -1997
  • A society that has more justice is a society that needs less charity. (- जिस समाज में अधिक न्याय होता है उस समाज को दान की कम आवश्यकता होती है।) – 2023
  • There can be no social justice without economic prosperity but economic prosperity without social justice is meaningless (बिना आर्थिक समृद्धि के सामाजिक न्याय नहीं हो सकता, किन्तु बिना सामाजिक न्याय के आर्थिक समृद्धि निरर्थक है ) -2020
  • Neglect of primary health care and education in India are reasons for its backwardness. -2019
  • The focus of health care is increasingly getting skewed towards the ‘haves’ of our society. -2009
  • Food security for sustainable national development -2005
  • Reservation, politics and empowerment. -1999
  • Culture is what we are, civilization is what we have (जो हम है, वह संस्कार; जो हमारे पास है, वह सभ्यता ) -2020
  • Indian culture today: a myth or a reality? -2000
  • Modernism and our traditional socio-ethical values. -2000
  • The composite culture of India. -1998
  • The Indian society at the crossroads. -1994
  • From traditional Indian philanthropy to the gates-buffet model-a natural progression or a paradigm shift? -2010
  • New cults and godmen: a threat to traditional religion -1996
  • Biased media is a real threat to Indian democracy. -2019
  • Responsibility of media in a democracy. -2002
  • Role of media in good governance -2008
  • Does Indian cinema shape our popular culture or merely reflect it? -2011
  • How has satellite television brought about cultural change in Indian mindsets? -2007
  • Is sting operation an invasion on privacy? -2014
  • Mass media and cultural invasion. -1999
  • The misinterpretation and misuse of freedom in India. -1998
  • Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world (कवि संसार के अनधिकृत रूप से विधायक होते हैं) – 2022

2 Economy, Development

  • Poverty anywhere is a threat to prosperity everywhere. -2018
  • Digital economy: A leveller or a source of economic inequality. -2016
  • Innovation is the key determinant of economic growth and social welfare. -2016
  • Near jobless growth in India: An anomaly or an outcome of economic reforms. -2016
  • Crisis faced in India – moral or economic. -2015
  • Was it the policy paralysis or the paralysis of implementation which slowed the growth of our country? -2014
  • GDP (Gross Domestic Product) along with GDH (Gross Domestic Happiness) would be the right indices for judging the wellbeing of a country-2013
  • Can capitalism bring inclusive growth? -2015
  • Resource management in the Indian context. -1999
  • Economic growth without distributive justice is bound to breed violence. -1993
  • Forests are the best case studies for economic excellence (आर्थिक समृद्धि हासिल करने के मामले में वन सर्वोत्तम प्रतिमान होते हैं।) – 2022
  • Alternative technologies for a climate change resilient India. -2018
  • Should a moratorium be imposed on all fresh mining in tribal areas of the country? -2010
  • Urbanisation and its hazards -2008
  • Protection of ecology and environment is essential for sustained economic development. -2006
  • Urbanization is a blessing in disguise. -1997
  • Ecological considerations need not hamper development. -1993
  • Globalization would finish small-scale industries in India. -2006
  • Multinational corporations – saviours or saboteurs -1994
  • Special economic zone: boon or bane -2008
  • Is the criticism that the ‘Public-Private-Partnership’ (PPP) model for development is more of a bane than a boon in the Indian context, justified ?-2012
  • Farming has lost the ability to be a source of subsistence for majority of farmers in India. -2017
  • BPO boom in India. -2007
  • Tourism: Can this be the next big thing for India? -2014
  • Are our traditional handicrafts doomed to a slow death? -2009

3 Education

  • Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in – school. (- शिक्षा वह है जो विद्यालय में विधालय में सीखी गई बातों को भूल जाने के बाद भी शेष रह जाती है।)
  • Destiny of a nation is shaped in its classrooms. -2017
  • Education without values, as useful as it is, seems rather to make a man more clever devil-2015
  • Independent thinking should be encouraged right form the childhood. -2007
  • Are the standardized tests good measure of academic ability or progress? -2014
  • Irrelevance of the classroom. -2001
  • Is the growing level of competition good for the youth? -2014
  • Literacy is growing very fast, but there is no corresponding growth in education. -1996
  • Is an egalitarian society possible by educating the masses ? -2008
  • What is real education? -2005
  • “Education for all” campaign in India: myth or reality. -2006
  • Restructuring of Indian education system. -1995
  • Privatization of higher education in India. -2002
  • Credit – based higher education system – status, opportunities and challenges -2011

4 Quote based, Philosophy, Ethics

  • A smile is the chosen vehicle for all ambiguities (हर असमंजस के लिए मुस्कराहट ही चुनिन्दा साधन है) – 2022
  • Philosophy of wantlessness is a Utopian, while materialism is a chimera. -2021
  • Your perception of me is a reflection of you; my reaction to you is an awareness of me. -2021
  • Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication (सरलता चरम परिष्करण है ) -2020
  • Ships don’t sink because of water around them ships sink because of water that gets into them (जहाज अपने चारों तरफ के पानी के वजह से नहीं डूबा करते, जहाज पानी के अंदर समां जाने की वजह से डूबता हैं ) -2020
  • Life is a long journey between being human and being humane.  (मनुष्य होने और मानव बनने के बीच का लम्बा सफर ही जीवन है)-2020
  • Values are not what humanity is, but what humanity ought to be -2019
  • Best for an individual is not necessarily best for the society -2019
  • Courage to accept and dedication to improve are two keys to success -2019
  • Wisdom finds truth -2019
  • A people that values its privileges above its principles loses both. -2018
  • Customary morality cannot be a guide to modem file. -2018
  • Need brings greed, if greed increases it spoils breed. -2016
  • Character of an institution is reflected in its leader. -2015
  • With greater power comes greater responsibility. -2014
  • Words are sharper than the two-edged sword. -2014
  • Attitude makes, habit makes character and character makes a man. -2007
  • He would reigns within himself and folds his passions and desires and fears is more than a king. -1993
  • Thinking is like a game, it does not begin unless there is an opposite team. (- सोच एक खेल की तरह है, यह तब तक शुरू नहीं होता है जब तक कि एक विपरीत टीम/पक्ष न हो।) – 2023
  • Mathematics is the music of reason. (- गणित ज्ञान का संगीत है।) – 2023
  • The real is rational and the rational is real. -2021
  • Mindful manifesto is the catalyst to a tranquil self (विचारपरक संकल्प स्वयं के शांतचित्त रहने का उत्प्रेरक है )-2020
  • ‘The past’ is a permanent dimension of human consciousness and values. -2018
  • A good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge. -2018
  • There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so. -2003
  • Disinterested intellectual curiosity is the lifeblood of civilisation. -1995
  • Joy is the simplest form of gratitude. -2017
  • Compassion is the basic of all morality of the world -1993
  • Lending hands to someone is better than giving a dole. -2015
  • Be the change you want to see in others (Gandhi)-2013
  • Just because you have a choice, it does not mean that any of them has to be right (केवल इसलिए कि आपके पास विकल्प हैं, इसका यह अर्थ कदापि नहीं है कि उनमें से किसी को भी ठीक होना ही होगा) – 2022
  • Reality does not conform to the ideal, but confirms it. -2018
  • Truth is lived, not taught -1996
  • When money speaks, the truth is silent. -1995
  • Search for truth can only be a spiritual problem. -2002
  • The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining (छप्पर मरम्मत करने का समय तभी होता है, जब धूप खिली हुई हो) – 2022
  • You cannot step twice in the same river (आप उसी नदी में दोबारा नहीं उतर सकते) – 2022
  • Discipline means success, anarchy means ruin -2008
  • Youth is a blunder, manhood a struggle, old age a regret -1994
  • If youth knew, if age could. -2002
  • Youth culture today. -1999
  • Fifty Golds in Olympics: Can this be a reality for India? -2014
  • Visionary decision-making happens at the intersection of intuition and logic. (- दूरदर्शी निर्णय तभी लिए जाते है अंतर्ज्ञान और तर्क का परस्पर मेल होता है।) – 2023
  • Not all who wander are lost. (- भटकने वाले सभी गुम नहीं हो जाते।) – 2023
  • Inspiration for creativity springs from the effort to look for the magical in the mundane (- रचनात्मकता की प्रेरणा अलौकिक ता में चमत्कार ढूंढने के प्रयास से उपजति है) – 2023
  • A ship in harbour is safe, but that is not what ship is for (जहाज बन्दरगाह के भीतर सुरक्षित होता है, परन्तु इसके लिए तो वह होता नहीं है) – 2022
  • Quick but steady wins the race. -2015
  • Useless life is an early death. -1994
  • Our deeds determine us, as much as we determine our deeds. -1995
  • The paths of glory lead but to the grave. -2002
  • The pursuit of excellence. -2001

5 Women empowerment

  • Greater political power alone will not improve women’s plight. -1997
  • Women’s reservation bill would usher in empowerment for women in India. -2006
  • The new emerging women power: the ground realities. -1995
  • Hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. -2021
  • If women ruled the world -2005
  • The hand that rocks the cradle -2005
  • Patriarchy is the least noticed yet the most significant structure of social inequality (पितृ-सत्ता की व्यवस्था नजर मैं बहुत काम आने के बावजूद सामाजिक विषमता की सबसे प्रभावी संरचना है) -2020
  • Fulfilment of ‘new woman’ in India is a myth. -2017
  • If development is not engendered, it is endangered. -2016
  • Whither women’s emancipation? -2004
  • Empowerment alone cannot help our women. -2001
  • Women empowerment: challenges and prospects. -1999
  • Woman is god’s best creation. -1998
  • Men have failed: let women take over. -1993
  • Managing work and home – is the Indian working woman getting a fair deal ?-2012

6 International issues, Internal Security, History

  • South Asian societies are woven not around the state, but around their plural cultures and plural identities. -2019
  • Modernisation and westernisation are not identical concepts. -1994
  • ‘globalization’ vs. ‘nationalism’ -2009
  • National identity and patriotism -2008
  • Globalizations and its impact on Indian culture. -2004
  • The masks of new imperialism. -2003
  • As civilization advances culture declines. -2003
  • The implications of globalization for India. -2000
  • My vision of an ideal world order. -2001
  • India’s contribution to world wisdom. -1998
  • The world of the twenty-first century. -1998
  • Preparedness of our society for India’s global leadership role. -2010
  • Technology as the silent factor in international relations (अंतर्राष्ट्रीय संबंधों मैं मौन करक के रूप मैं प्रौद्योगिकी) -2020
  • Has the Non-Alignment Movement (NAM) lost its relevance in a multipolar world ? -2017
  • Restructuring of UNO reflect present realities -1996
  • The global order: political and economic -1993
  • India’s role in promoting ASEAN co-operation. -2004
  • Importance of Indo-US nuclear agreement -2006
  • Management of Indian border dispute is a complex task. -2018
  • In the Indian context , both human intelligence and technical intelligence are crucial in combating terrorism -2011
  • Are we a ‘soft’ state ? -2009
  • Good fences make good neighbours -2009
  • Is autonomy the best answer to combat balkanization? -2007
  • Terrorism and world peace -2005
  • True religion cannot be misused. -1997
  • History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce. -2021
  • Geography may remain the same ; history need not. -2010

7 Science-Technology

  • Spirituality and scientific temper. -2003
  • Science and Mysticism : Are they compatible ?-2012
  • What is research, but a blind date with knowledge! -2021
  • Modern technological education and human values. -2002
  • Value-based science and education. -1999
  • The march of science and the erosion of human values. -2001
  • The process of self-discovery has now been technologically outsourced. -2021
  • Rise of Artificial Intelligence: the threat of jobless future or better job opportunities through reskilling and upskilling. -2019
  • ‘Social media’ is inherently a selfish medium. -2017
  • Cyberspace and Internet : Blessing or curse to the human civilization in the long run -2016
  • Increasing computerization would lead to the creation of a dehumanized society. -2006
  • The cyberworld: its charms and challenges. -2000
  • Computer: the harbinger of silent revolution. -1993
  • Technology cannot replace manpower. -2015
  • Science and technology is the panacea for the growth and security of the nation-2013
  • The modern doctor and his patients. -1997
  • The lure of space. -2004

Section-A (write any one)

  • Thinking is like a game, it does not begin unless there is an opposite team. (- सोच एक खेल की तरह है, यह तब तक शुरू नहीं होता है जब तक कि एक विपरीत टीम/पक्ष न हो।)
  • Visionary decision-making happens at the intersection of intuition and logic. (- दूरदर्शी निर्णय तभी लिए जाते है अंतर्ज्ञान और तर्क का परस्पर मेल होता है।)
  • Not all who wander are lost. (- भटकने वाले सभी गुम नहीं हो जाते।)
  • Inspiration for creativity springs from the effort to look for the magical in the mundane (- रचनात्मकता की प्रेरणा अलौकिक ता में चमत्कार ढूंढने के प्रयास से उपजति है)

Section-B (write any one)

  • Girls are weighed down by restrictions, boys with demands – two equally harmful disciplines. (-लड़कियां बंदिशों के तथा लड़के अपेक्षा के बोझ तले दबे हुए होते हैं दोनों ही समान रूप से हानिकारक व्यवस्थाएं हैं।)
  • Mathematics is the music of reason. (- गणित ज्ञान का संगीत है।)
  • A society that has more justice is a society that needs less charity. (- जिस समाज में अधिक न्याय होता है उस समाज को दान की कम आवश्यकता होती है।)

Answer one-one essay from each section in 1000-1200 words

  • History is a series of victories won by the scientific man over the romantic man (इतिहास वैज्ञानिक मनुष्य के रूमानी मनुष्य पर विजय हासिल करने का एक सिलसिला है।) – 2022
  • A ship in harbour is safe, but that is not what ship is for (जहाज बन्दरगाह के भीतर सुरक्षित होता है, परन्तु इसके लिए तो वह होता नहीं है) & 2022
  • Just because you have a choice, it does not mean that any of them has to be right (केवल इसलिए कि आपके पास विकल्प हैं, इसका यह अर्थ कदापि नहीं है कि उनमें से किसी को भी ठीक होना ही होगा) – 2022
Year Lectures Powerpoint
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2022 Free Lecture: Free Powerpoint:

Essay: Candidates may be required to write essays on multiple topics. They will be expected to keep closely to the subject of the essay to arrange their ideas in orderly fashion, and to write concisely. Credit will be given for effective and exact expression.

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Essay Paper UPSC 2021 (Mains): Question Paper and Analysis

Last updated on January 8, 2022 by Alex Andrews George

Essay Paper UPSC 2021 (Mains)

UPSC conducted the  Essay Paper , as part of the Civil Services Main Exam 2021 on 07-01-2022.

There were 8 Essay topics, out of which candidates were asked to write on two topics in 3 hours.

Candidates were supposed to answer about 1000 words for each essay (about 10-12 pages).

Table of Contents

Essay Paper UPSC 2021 Instructions

  • Total Marks: 250 marks, Time duration: 3 hours.
  • The essay must be written in the medium authorized in the admission certificate which must be stated clearly on the cover of this question-cum-answer (QCA) booklet in the space provided.
  • No marks will be given for answers written in the medium other than the authorized one.
  • Word limit, as specified, should be adhered to.
  • Any page or portion of the page left blank, must be struck off clearly.

Essay Question Paper – UPSC Civil Services Main Exam (Written) 2021

Write  two  essays, choosing  one  topic from each of the following Sections A and B, in about 1000-1200 words each:

1. The process of self-discovery has now been technologically outsourced.

2. Your perception of me is a reflection of you; my reaction to you is an awareness of me.

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3. Philosophy of wantlessness is Utopian, while materialism is a chimera.

4. The real is rational and the rational is real.

5. Hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.

6. What is research, but a blind date with knowledge!

7. History repeats itself, first as a tragedy, second as a farce.

8. There are better practices to “best practices”.

Most of the essays topics this year were philosophical and open to the interpretation of the candidates. However, considering the philosophical base of the questions, most candidates found the questions tricky. It was not easy to write 1000 words on each topic within the time constraints.

UPSC has ensured that the essay topics were much different from the GS questions.

A philosophical theme is clearly evident in most of the essay topics in Section A as well as Section B. This was the case in 2020 as well. However, this year it became much more prominent. It is a clue about what UPSC expects from the essay paper.

Rather than asking candidates to write on topics most aspirants are familiar or trained with, UPSC is now evaluating the essay writing skills of aspirants by providing them with abstract or philosophical topics.

The reason for such a shift in the pattern should be the change in the focus of the Commission.

All the 8 topics presented this year will test spontaneous thinking, comprehension, writing skills, and time-management of aspirants.

Repeated questions from previous years

The importance of the previous year UPSC questions cannot be stressed more.

Just like prelims, in mains too many questions came directly repeated from previous year question papers. Also, there were themes you often see in many essay books.

One such question was Hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.

Thinkers, Philosophers, and their Quotes

Let’s analyse the source of some of the question topics.

Your perception of me is a reflection of you; my reaction to you is an awareness of me.

This essay topic was a quote going rounds on the internet. The quote is attributed to “Coach Bobbi” [Bobbi Chegwyn] on Facebook.

Philosophy of wantlessness is Utopian, while materialism is a chimera.

This essay topic was connected with J.K. Mehta’s Theory of Wantlessness!

This has also connections with Mahatma Gandhi’s philosophy.

The real is rational and the rational is real.

This is a quote by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel .

As per Hegel, something can be real, yet it may not exist. Also, something may not be real, it may still exist. For Hegel, reality does not mean existence.

Among philosophers, Hegel is one whose thought is extremely difficult to understand. Often to understand Hegel’s thoughts, we need to grasp his ideas, not in isolation but together with his dialogue with other philosophers, in particular, Aristotle and Kant.

The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.

“The Hand That Rocks the Cradle Is the Hand That Rules the World” is a poem by William Ross Wallace that praises motherhood as the preeminent force for change in the world. The poem was first published in 1865 under the title “ What Rules the World “.

What is research, but a blind date with knowledge!

This is a quote by Will Harvey . Will Harvey (born 1967) is an American software developer and Silicon Valley entrepreneur.

History repeats itself, first as a tragedy, second as a farce.

It was Karl Marx who said that history repeats itself, first as tragedy, then as farce.

First, it’s a tragedy because it shouldn’t have happened. Then it’s a farce (joke) because we didn’t learn from our mistakes the first time around. This is Marx’s version of dark humour.

What should aspirants preparing for next year do for an essay paper?

First of all, you should take the essay paper seriously.

Unless properly trained, it is not easy to write 10-12 pages on an abstract or philosophical topic.

You need to polish your comprehension and analytical skills.

Read different kinds of essays – particularly philosophical essays.

Give stress to the thoughts of philosophers like Immanuel Kant, Thomas Aquinas, John Locke, Friedrich Niche, Karl Marx etc. Start writing essays on famous quotes.

Also, be prepared to write essays touching other areas like society, polity, economy, or technology. UPSC is known for surprises.

Remember that there is nothing like a constant trend with respect to UPSC questions.

What you get by analysing the previous year question papers are clues. And only those are what you need from UPSC questions!

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2022 essay paper upsc

About Alex Andrews George

Alex Andrews George is a mentor, author, and social entrepreneur. Alex is the founder of ClearIAS and one of the expert Civil Service Exam Trainers in India.

He is the author of many best-seller books like 'Important Judgments that transformed India' and 'Important Acts that transformed India'.

A trusted mentor and pioneer in online training , Alex's guidance, strategies, study-materials, and mock-exams have helped many aspirants to become IAS, IPS, and IFS officers.

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2022 essay paper upsc

January 8, 2022 at 11:36 am

Upsc has chosen right path to evaluate person.one person read, listen ,rember and write in exam.He qualify exam.He is just like computer.worthy less people selected by upsc every year.They are not thinker.so our country is intellectually insolvent.civil services requires thinker to. progess country and welfare of common man.These types of question evaluate intellectual for the welfare of human being.

January 9, 2022 at 1:44 pm

You are putting the quality of a leader and a literate society in such a person who just has to follow his supremes.He/She must be a good analyst. That’s it!!!

June 13, 2022 at 12:41 pm

in the bureaucracy – there is no space for logical thinking.

once you clear the exams and get appointed – you have to follow the “protocol’ or “procedures” – its difficult to be analytical and innovative – bcos the system demands obedience and adherence to the protocol. If you follow the protocol – and even if lot of people are severely affected – you wont be taken to task. But if you are innovative – and even if ONE person gets affected – you will be punished.

2022 essay paper upsc

January 8, 2022 at 4:02 pm

Yeah!I’ve passed upsc .

January 25, 2022 at 2:21 pm

I have written Essay on three topics..how may I share?

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Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) on September 16 conducted the first paper of CSE Mains 2022 that is the Essay Paper.

Essay Paper UPSC 2022 Instructions

  • Total Marks: 250 marks, Time duration: 3 hours.
  • The essay must be written in the medium authorized in the admission certificate which must be stated clearly on the cover of this question-cum-answer (QCA) booklet in the space provided.
  • No marks will be given for answers written in the medium other than the authorized one.
  • Word limit, as specified, should be adhered to.
  • Any page or portion of the page left blank, must be struck off clearly.

Write two essays, choosing one topic from each of the following Sections A and B, in about 1000-1200 words each:

  • Forests are the best case studies for economic excellence.
  • Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.
  • History is a series of victories won by the scientific man over the romantic man.
  • A ship in the harbour is safe but that is not what a ship is for.
  • The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining.
  • You cannot step twice in the same river.
  • Smile is the chosen vehicle for all ambiguities.
  • Just because you have a choice, it does not mean that any of them has to be right.

UPSC CSE Main 2022 essay paper analysis

  • There has been a trend of increased number of philosophical essays in the past couple of years however this time around the benchmark was higher than the previous few years. However, considering the philosophical base of the questions, most candidates found the questions tricky. It was not easy to write 1000 words on each topic within the time constraints.
  • UPSC has ensured that the essay topics were much different from the GS questions.
  • Rather than asking candidates to write on topics that most candidates are familiar with or have practiced with, UPSC now assesses candidates' essay writing skills by providing them with abstract or philosophical topics.
  • This year most of the themes were either proverbs or famous quotes.
  • All 8 topics this year will test applicants' spontaneous thinking, understanding, writing and time management.
  • Topics required broad interpretation
  • Themes asked:
  • Poetic language as a tool to re-institute order in human society. 
  • Getting out of one’s comfort zone 
  • Do the right things at the right time
  •  You won’t get the exact time/experience twice.
  • Importance of smile
  • Theme related to choices and decision making

It is necessary to know that why essay paper is required in a competitive exam?

UPSC notification says that “candidates may be required to write essays on multiple topics. They will be expected to keep closely to the subject of the essay, to arrange their ideas in an orderly fashion, and to write concisely. Credit will be given for effective and exact expression.”

What can one make out from this? The following quote of Abraham Lincoln very aptly answers the question…..


‘Writing’ (essay) of the aspirant works as a window, for the highly experienced examiner, to the thought process of the candidate. Examiner will not only evaluate the content of the aspirant but also his thought process, viewpoints on critical matters, clarity in thinking, ability to explain his view point concisely and effectively, ability of coherence and putting his ideas in an orderly fashion, language. In a nutshell, it acts as a mean to bring out the traits of a potential civil servant and to evaluate if he is fit to be one.

Having discussed about the importance of the paper, it is essential to clear the misconceptions associated with essay paper before moving to how to prepare for it.

  • There is no preparation required for essay paper-GS and optional knowledge will suffice.

Truth. This is wrong way of thinking. In GS marks will be awarded just for content. But in essay, examiner will pay attention to more than content as explained above.

  • One needs to be champion in English-use technical jargons, vocabulary.

Truth. It is worth noting that in UPSC CSE, the simpler the language the better it is. There is no need of flowery jargons and expressions. 

  •   There is no difference between language paper essay and ‘Essay’ paper.

Truth. This is highly misconceived notion on the part of aspirants to treat the essay paper just like essays asked in the language papers. The importance of both is vastly different. One is aimed to judge the language of the aspirant whereas the other is aimed to bring out the true traits of a potential Civil Servant. 

  • Essay paper can’t be prepared so easily.

Truth. This is again a misconception. There have been candidates who have drastically increased their marks from scores like 100-110 to 150-160 with proper strategy and preparation. It is worth noting that essay paper requires relatively lesser effort to improve as compared to GS papers. The rate of investment is quite high.

From where to prepare for the essay paper?

  • GS and optional preparation will give content.
  • Reading non-fiction: will help to develop thinking process.
  • Anecdotes, stories, quotes, facts and figures: A separate notebook should be kept for the same.
  • Referring to magazines: Yojana, Kurukshetra, EPW, Economic Survey, DowntoEarth.
  • Newspaper editorials, relevant lines said by eminent/constitutional posts like President, PM etc.
  • Essay transcripts of previous year toppers.

How to prepare for the essay?

  • Firstly read the transcripts of previous year toppers to get a feel of what comprises a well-written essay. 
  • A separate notebook for essay should be prepared where fodder collected from the above mentioned sources should be written in point format. 
  • An aspirant should prepare material on all the general topics that have been asked in the exam previously. This should include quotations, facts/ figures, anecdotes, sayings, case studies, government schemes.
  • Give stress to the thoughts of philosophers like Immanuel Kant, Thomas Aquinas, John Locke, Friedrich Niche, Karl Marx etc. Start writing essays on famous quotes.
  • Whenever aspirant takes a particular topic, he should to try to think of all the possible themes/ dimensions of it. For eg: Consider the topic “With great power, comes great responsibility”. Aspirant can think of the topic from SPECLIH perspective- Social, Political, Economic, Cultural, Legal, International and Humanistic. This is one way of covering multiple dimensions.
  • Read different kinds of essays – particularly philosophical essays. Give stress to the thoughts of philosophers like Immanuel Kant, Thomas Aquinas, John Locke, Friedrich Niche, Karl Marx etc. 
  • Next step is to write essays. Pick up the previous year papers and practice them at home in exam conditions. Self-evaluate and get a feedback from mentors, peers and teachers.

How to approach an essay? 

  • Aspirant should have clear cut plan ready for attempting the essay paper. It should be clear in his mind before entering the examination hall how he is going to manage the time. The answers to following questions should be ready beforehand. 
  • How much time will be devoted in choosing the topic?
  • How much time will be devoted in interpreting the topic?
  • How much time will be devoted in making a rough skeleton of the essay?
  • How much time will be devoted in attempting the essay?
  • How much time will be devoted in revising and underlining the keywords?
  • Aspirant should always keep a buffer of 10 minutes in order to meet any exigency.

Eg: Topic Selection: 5 minutes, Brainstorming: 10-15 minutes, writing: 1 hour, revision: 5 minutes.

  • First thing is choosing the right topic from each section. This will depend upon the aspirant’s holistic understanding of the topic. Do not get swayed by the fact that since it is an easy topic I won’t choose it. I will choose unconventional topic just to impress the examiner. This is wrong way of thinking.
  • Brainstorm and prepare skeleton of the topic:
  • Every essay should have an introduction, body and conclusion.
  • Introduction: can be a fictitious story, real life anecdote, quote, a paragraph on what all is going be covered in the essay.
  • Themes/ dimensions to be covered eg: SPECLIH, temporal, sectoral, walks of life, problem and solution format.
  • Quotes, sayings, anecdotes, facts/ figures.
  • Conclusion: it should always be on a futuristic and optimistic note. Summarize the essay in 4 to 5 lines and then write the vision for future. Some saying, quote, lines of eminent personalities can be used.
  • Structuring of the essay:
  • Language should  be  simple and clear
  • Keep the sentences short and powerful
  • An occasional use of powerful word or jargon can give the essay an edge
  • Proper subheadings
  • Transition smoothly from one para to the next through a link sentence/ through a question

What to avoid in the essay?

  • Aspirant should never give one-sided arguments or viewpoints which are against constitutional spirit.
  • Never focus excessively on only one dimension or theme.
  • Always write what is asked not what one knows.
  • Do not give disproportionate amount of time to one essay avoiding the other one.
  • Avoid criticizing the government, its policies and schemes.
  • Avoid being seen as a person belonging to a particular ideology.
  • Avoid writing in bullets, making diagrams, figures, charts. Essay should always be in continuous para format.

It is often seen that aspirants do not give the necessary attention to the essay paper. They spend months preparing for the optional and the GS papers but hardly give dedicated time to essay paper. This leads them to score poorly in the exam and they fail to get the edge which they could have easily achieved with a proper strategy and preparation for the essay paper. If one compares GS papers score with that of essay one can find out that it is difficult to achieve a score of 120-125 marks in the former whereas aspirants touch 150 and even 160 in the essay paper which gives them an edge of almost 30 marks. CSE topper 2017 scored just 100 marks in the essay paper of CSE 2015 whereas after making the necessary effort and rectifying his mistakes he was able to score 155 in CSE 2017.

2022 essay paper upsc

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Courses test series, our selections, essay question paper: upsc cse mains 2022.

  • Compiled by Lukmaan IAS
  • September 16, 2022
  • Essay Paper Analysis , UPSC Essay Paper-2022 , UPSC Paper Analysis , UPSC PAPER-2022

Table of Contents


  • 1. Forests are the best case studies for economic excellence
  • 2. Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world
  • 3. History is a series of victories won by the scientific man over the romantic man
  • 4. A ship in harbour is safe, but that is not what ship is for
  • 5. The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining
  • 6. You cannot step twice in the same river
  • 7. A smile is the chosen vehicle for all ambiguities
  • 8. Just because you have a choice, it does not mean that any of them has to be right

Essay Paper


Public admin. (paper-ii) question paper : upsc cse mains-2022, public admin. (paper-i) question paper : upsc cse mains-2022, gs paper-4 upsc cse mains-2022.



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2022 essay paper upsc

(Download) UPSC IAS Mains Essay Exam Question Paper - 2022


(Download) UPSC Mains 2022 Question Paper: Essay Compulsory

  • Marks : 250 (125x2)
  • Duration: 3 hours
  • Exam Date:  16-09-2022
  • Year : 2022
  • Exam Date : 

Write Two Essays, choosing One from each of the Sections A and B, in about 1000-1200 words each.

Section-a (125 marks) - choose any one essay, q-1.forests are the best case studies for economic excellence., q-2.poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world., q-3.history is a series of victories won by the scientific man over the romantic man., q-4.a ship in harbour is safe, but that is not what ship is for., download upsc mains essay (compulsory) papers pdf, section-b (125 marks)- choose any one essay, q-1.the time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining., q-2.you cannot step twice in the same river., q-3.a smile is the chosen vehicle for all ambiguities., q-4.just because you have a choice, it does not mean that any of them has to be right., click here to download full papers pdf, (e-book) upsc mains essay (compulsory) papers ( 2000-2020 ) pdf, download upsc mains gs 10 year papers pdf, download upsc pre gs 10 year papers pdf, download upsc mains gs solved papers pdf, printed study material for ias mains general studies, printed study material for ias mains essay, << go back to main page.

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[Download pdf] UPSC IAS Mains 2022 – Essay Question Paper

ForumIAS announcing GS Foundation Program for UPSC CSE 2025-26 from 26th June. Click Here for more information.

UPSC IAS Mains 2022 Examinations have started with the essay paper. After the completion of the examination in the first session, UPSC IAS Mains 2022 Essay Question Paper is out. If you are preparing for the 2023 examination, you can go through the question paper and check the type of topics that are being asked.

Download pdf of UPSC IAS Mains 2022 – Essay Question Paper or View the Images of UPSC IAS Mains 2022 – Essay Question Paper below:

  • Forests are the best case studies of economic excellence
  • Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world
  • History is a series of victories won by the scientific man over the romantic men
  • A ship in harbour is safe, but that is not what a ship is meant for
  • The time to repair the roof is when sun is shining
  • You cannot step twice in the same river
  • A smile is the chosen vehicle for all ambiguities
  • Just because you have a choice, it does not mean that any of them has to be right

2022 essay paper upsc

To access Previous Year Question Paper  –  Click Here 

Previous Year UPSC Mains Papers

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UPSC Civil Services Mains 2022 Essay Paper

UPSC Mains Essay Paper 2022: The Union Public Service Commission started the UPSC Civil Services Main Exam 2022 on September 16, 2022. The UPSC mains exam started on September 16, 2022 , and will be held on 17, 18, 24, and 25, 2022, at various locations around the country. GeeksforGeeks have brought the UPSC Mains Essay Paper 2022 to make your exam preparation perfect. 

The highest score in the Mains Written level is crucial since 7 out of 9 papers are counted for merit ranking. Preliminary level marks, on the other hand, are not counted for merit ranking. As a result, the candidate’s attention should not only be on passing the exam but also on obtaining the best and highest possible grades. 

To gain a notion of Important Essay Topics for UPSC 2023 , one needs at least to look at the previous seven years of UPSC Essay Topics. Practicing the UPSC Essay Topics of Previous Years helps throughout the UPSC Mains exam, and the aspirant may ace the essay paper with enough preparation.

UPSC 2022 Mains Essay Question Paper:

The UPSC Essay paper is divided into two portions. Section A and Section B are the two. Each segment has four questions. Candidates must select one topic from each section, resulting in a total of two essay questions.

The word count for each question should be between 1000 and 1200 . Each question is worth 125 marks , thus the total number of marks is 250. The question paper will be evaluated on merit.

The Essay Topics asked in the UPSC Mains 2022 are given below:

1) Forests are the best case studies for economic excellence.

2) Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.

3) History is a series of victorious won by the scientific man over the romantic man.

4) A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what a ship is for. 

1) The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining. 

2) You cannot step twice in the same river. 

3) A smile is the chosen vehicle for all ambiguities. 

4) Just because you have a choice, it does not mean that any of them has to be right.

Aspirants can evaluate and plan their approach for the Civil Services Examination’s Mains level based on the question paper of 2022. UPSC Mains 2022 Essay Paper UPSC Mains 2022 GS Paper 1 UPSC Mains 2022 GS Paper 2 UPSC Mains 2022 GS Paper 3 UPSC Mains 2022 GS Paper 4

UPSC Mains Essay Previous Year Question Paper:

  • UPSC Mains Essay Paper 2021
  • UPSC Mains Essay Paper 2020
  • UPSC Mains Essay Paper 2019
  • UPSC Mains Essay Paper 2018
  • UPSC Mains Essay Paper 2017
  • UPSC Mains Essay Paper  2016 

How to Score Marks on UPSC Mains Essay Topics?

Writing provides insight into your cognitive process. This is precisely what the examiner looks at when reading your answer script. An essay is essentially a well-organized collection of ideas on any given topic. Mastering the skill of getting the highest possible grade on a test involves a lot of effort and dedication. The UPSC Mains essay is more than just a test of factual knowledge; it is also a test of creativity and confidence. 

Follow these strategies to get high marks in the UPSC Mains Essay paper:

1. Choose your topic carefully

The UPSC Essay paper 2022 is divided into two portions, and applicants must write one essay from each area. Both essays are worth 125 points and are 1000-1200 words long. Before choosing a topic, consider if it is too contentious or whether you have enough facts to write about it.

2. Think about the subject

Once you’ve decided on a topic, think about it and jot down the essential keywords you’ll use in your essay. Try to take a multifaceted approach to the essay and stick to a decent format of introduction, body, and conclusion.

3. Structure the essay in a proper manner

The opening paragraph is the heart of the essay and should provide a clear overview of the issue. The main focus should be on your thoughts on the subject. The primary body of the essay should be broken into little paragraphs that are interconnected nicely. The essay’s wording should be simple, clear, and easy to grasp. 

The UPSC Mains essay assesses your critical thinking abilities rather than your use of fancy language. Facts and statistics should be supplied whenever necessary. The use of quotations and sayings strengthens the essays. The final paragraph should speak for itself. Candidates should aim to write the essay in an unbiased or balanced manner.

Economic Growth, women empowerment, art & culture, media & society, social justice or poverty, education, renowned quotes from notable individuals , and other themes are among the UPSC Essay Topics.

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UPSC Essays Simplified: Structure and Flow of a good essay– the third step

How to build a 'structure and flow' in a good essay our expert takes you through the third stage of writing an essay in upsc essentials' new series. don't miss the essay exercise towards the end of the article..

2022 essay paper upsc

How to write essays for UPSC Civil Services Exams?   This is one of the most popular questions among aspirants. In UPSC Essentials’ special series  UPSC Essays Simplified , we take you through various steps of writing a good essay. While there is no set formula or fixed criteria prescribed,  Manas Srivastava  talks to  Ravi Kapoor , our expert, in this new series who guides the aspirants with a simplified framework on how to write a good essay. Don’t miss  ‘The Essay Exercise’  towards the end of the article.

Ravi Kapoor focuses on the following steps of pre-writing and writing stages which will help aspirants to write a ‘good essay’.

2022 essay paper upsc


Today, we will focus on Step 3. 

About our Expert:   Ravi Kapoor IRS (R) , has now ditched his coveted rank of deputy commissioner and has offered free quality mentorship to UPSC aspirants, drawing upon his ten years of experience to create customised and productive curriculum. Through a free mentorship programme, he integrates tailored educational materials, psychological principles, visual learning techniques, and a strong emphasis on mental well-being into his teaching skills granting aspirants a chance to learn from his expertise.

How to have a ‘Structure and Flow’ in a good essay?

Everyone knows that an essay should be broken down into an introduction, body and conclusion. But what is written inside these 3 components and HOW it is written makes the difference between an essay fetching average or excellent scores.

Structuring and flow refer to the organisation of the essay and your ideas therein.

Festive offer

A good structure is a way of organising information that fits well with the essay topic and the ideas you wish to present in your arguments such that the reader can make sense of the entire write-up without much effort.

Good flow refers to how your arguments and counterarguments connect from one to another such that the reader finds it logically connected and easy to comprehend.

An essay without these elements will appear to be disorganized, jargoned, hard to comprehend and overall, complicated.

Contrary to popular belief, flow and structure are not subjective writing skills that are inborn in good writers but can be learned and improved upon. What follows is a series of structuring techniques that will help you choose the best one for any essay topic you may encounter.

What are different types of structures? 

1. 2 side face-off:.

This is the oldest trick in the book. While writing the body of the essay, you divide it into arguments and counterarguments. In other words, you compare one side of the debate with the other.

For example:

“Thinking is like a game; it does not begin unless there is an opposite team”

The body of the essay can be divided into 2 parts- one agreeing with the statement and one disagreeing with it as follows:

Thinking is reciprocal as thought builds on other thoughts. The Socratic method, championed by Socrates, is a testament to this idea. Socrates would go around Athens spreading knowledge by asking questions and inciting dialogue which would lead the conversationist to the point of realization about something new and profound.

Similarly, when Einstein said he was standing on the shoulders of giants, he meant that his theory of relativity was built using many ideas developed by mathematicians and physicists who came before him.

The reciprocal nature of thought helps to improve it by allowing dissent and counterarguments much like a game of chess. An example is the Case study pioneered by Harvard Business School wherein one case is debated upon in detail considering various strategies before arriving at the optimal one.

While dissent and opposition can lead to many a good idea, there are more ways for thought to develop into ideas within human consciousness. Human cognition is too complex to be restricted to one mode of thinking. A Case in point is intuitive or creative thinking that can arise spontaneously without the interlocking of two human intelligences.

For instance, creative geniuses often hit upon their best ideas out of the blue in ‘Eureka’ moments that seem to arise from within the subconscious mind without the presence of an opponent.

Another example is ‘thought-experiments’ used by philosophers that are designed to be introspective exercises that one engages with, with oneself. Thought experiments are indispensable tools for philosophers and physicists to offer insight into a profound problem of logic and metaphysics.

2.Dimensional analysis:

It has become fashionable to break the essay topic into various dimensions such as Social, Cultural, Historical, Economic etc. But this is not a one-size-fits-all method and may or may not work with every essay topic.

“Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in the school…”

While this topic can be written about based on various dimensions such as economic, historical, social etc, it is not necessarily the best structure for it.

Instead, a better way to present the information in this essay topic would have a mix of chronology and analysis in the following way-

We are blank slates when we are born onto which society and culture leave their imprint. Through childhood and adolescence, the education system seeks to put us through a treadmill of learning, hoping for a fully functional human to emerge at the end. Sadly, the world that awaits a young adult after school is often very different from what the education system has imparted.

Memorization, exams, grades and NCERT books amount to nothing in a world driven by start-ups, ChatGPT and Social Media influencers…. Please note that the dimensions such as social, cultural and historical factors can also be mentioned in the body of the essay as supporting content ideas.

In most essay topics, these dimensions are best used to describe the reasons and impact of an issue or debate instead of as just a structure.

3. Timeline and Chronology

Some essay topics are uniquely suited for a chronological structure wherein you take the reader through a historical journey or evolution such as :

“History is a series of victories won by the scientific man over the romantic man”

This topic is about the ancient debate between rationality and idealism. To write well about it, you would have to trace the through major historical intellectual movements such as the Scientific Revolution, the Dark Ages, the Renaissance, etc. While doing so, you could mention how each stage was relevant for rational thinking versus idealism with relevant examples.

While you do so chronologically, remember to also present a balanced approach in your arguments- On every stage, you can mention how rational thinking and idealism have been in a tight relationship, but both have been an integral part of human consciousness representing creativity and logic. You may also mention how this to and fro has enriched human civilisation and led to the development of science and art.

4. Anecdotes and stories

Many students like to start their essays with an anecdote- a personal story or an imaginary one about characters highlighting the debate presented in the essay topic. While this is not a bad strategy, it requires a fair amount of creative writing ability to pull off properly. It is also important to mention that anecdotes are not the most suitable vehicle to comprehensively deal with the essay topic as not all arguments can easily fit into a personal story.

An example of a good use of anecdotal structure is:

“Not all who wander are lost”

About 2000 years ago, a wandering prince changed the world by questioning the most profound and radical assumptions about human existence. Prince Siddhartha was bathed in luxury and wanted for nothing. But when we saw the naked reality of the world and all its suffering, he could not silence his mind to the questions that we take for granted- why is there suffering and death? If suffering is inevitable then what is the point of life? Is there peace to be found or are we doomed to suffer in this life?

He wandered for years in search of answers, as lost as a soul can be. But in the end, it was his wandering that changed the world forever. When he became the Buddha, he not only found himself but saved millions of others from being lost themselves….

Anecdotes can make for good hooks or introductions to an essay but may not serve well to cover the entire body of the essay.

The Essay Exercise



1.  Use Anecdotes or historical examples in intro

2.  2 side face-offs in body of the essay

3. Balanced conclusion

Start with comparing USSR and USA in the cold war. Preparation for nuclear war and hint at how being pre-emptive is strategic but not always a good thing.


Conclude by saying that we must strike a balance between preparedness and being spontaneous:

Important points to note: 

  • You can choose which type of structure to use- there is no single best choice.
  • You may use more than 1 type of structure.
  • You may use structures for introduction, body and conclusion.

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Manas Srivastava is currently working as deputy copy editor at The Indian Express and writes for UPSC and other competitive exams related projects.

Manas Srivastava is currently working as Deputy Copy Editor with The Indian Express (digital) and majorly writes for UPSC-related projects leading a unique initiative known as UPSC Essentials. In the past, Manas has represented India at the G-20 Youth Summit in Mexico. He is a former member of the Youth Council, GOI. A two-time topper/gold medallist in History (both in graduation and post-graduation) from Delhi University, he has mentored and taught UPSC aspirants for more than four years. His diverse role in The Indian Express consists of writing, editing, anchoring/ hosting, interviewing experts, and curating and simplifying news for the benefit of students. He hosts the YouTube talk show called ‘Art and Culture with Devdutt Pattanaik’ and a LIVE series on Instagram and YouTube called ‘You Ask We Answer’.His talks on ‘How to read a newspaper’ focus on newspaper reading as an essential habit for students. His articles and videos aim at finding solutions to the general queries of students and hence he believes in being students' editor, preparing them not just for any exam but helping them to become informed citizens. This is where he makes his teaching profession meet journalism. He is also currently working on a monthly magazine for UPSC Aspirants. He is a recipient of the Dip Chand Memorial Award, the Lala Ram Mohan Prize and Prof. Papiya Ghosh Memorial Prize for academic excellence. He was also awarded the University’s Post-Graduate Scholarship for pursuing M.A. in History where he chose to specialise in Ancient India due to his keen interest in Archaeology. He has also successfully completed a Certificate course on Women’s Studies by the Women’s Studies Development Centre, DU. As a part of N.S.S in the past, Manas has worked with national and international organisations and has shown keen interest and active participation in Social Service. He has led and been a part of projects involving areas such as gender sensitisation, persons with disability, helping slum dwellers, environment, adopting our heritage programme. He has also presented a case study on ‘Psychological stress among students’ at ICSQCC- Sri Lanka. As a compere for seminars and other events he likes to keep his orating hobby alive. His interests also lie in International Relations, Governance, Social issues, Essays and poetry. ... Read More

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Kalki 2898 AD has broken box office records, making Rs 180 crore on its opening day in India and surpassing the collections of previous hits like KGF Chapter 2 and Jawan. The film, released in multiple languages, collected the most from its Telugu version. With a star-studded cast and high anticipation, it is predicted to have a strong weekend and potentially reach Rs 500 crore.

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2022 essay paper upsc

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Jun 28, 2024

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MPPSC 2024 Exam Pattern consist of of Preliminary exam, Main exam and Interview round. The MPPSC Prelims exam is objective in nature. MPPSC Prelims exam consists of 2 Papers. The duration of exam is 2 hours for each paper. Mode of Exam is Offline (Pen and Paper-based).

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FIP Magazine

A. GS 1 Related

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B. GS 2 Related


1. A playbook to handle gestational diabetes better

Syllabus: Mechanisms, laws, institutions and Bodies constituted for the protection and betterment of vulnerable sections of the population

Prelims: Gestational diabetes

Mains: Challenges due to gestational diabetes

Context​: Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), characterized by hyperglycemia first diagnosed during pregnancy, is a common yet often neglected medical disorder with a global prevalence of 14%. A new series published in The Lancet emphasizes the need for a holistic life-course approach to managing GDM, offering insights into its pathophysiology, screening, management, and prevention.

Risk Factors and Rising Prevalence

  • Major Risk Factors: Age, family history of diabetes, and high BMI.
  • Rising Incidence: Linked to the broader crisis of non-communicable diseases like obesity and cardiometabolic disorders among women of childbearing age.


  • Pregnancy Complications: Increased risk of complications during pregnancy.
  • Long-Term Impact on Mothers: Up to 31% of type 2 diabetes cases in parous women are attributable to GDM.
  • Long-Term Impact on Babies: Increased risk of type 2 diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and neurodevelopmental disorders.

Barriers to Appropriate Care

  • Resource Limitations: Insufficient resources to provide appropriate care.
  • Isolation of Maternal Care: Secondary maternal care is often isolated from primary care, leading to the loss of crucial health information.
  • Healthcare Prioritization: Focus on the baby’s health post-birth often overshadows the mother’s long-term health.

Pathophysiology and Screening

  • Glycaemic Exposure: Pathophysiology of glycemic dysregulation and its impact on pregnancy outcomes and future health.
  • Screening and Diagnosis: Early and late screening, medical and obstetric management, and health-economic considerations.

Transformative Approaches

  • Life-Course Perspective: Moving from a pregnancy-focused approach to a long-term perspective on GDM.
  • Universal Screening: Early testing of all pregnant women, with a proposed testing strategy effective in India.

Medical and Obstetric Management

  • Lack of Early Detection: Current detection methods often identify GDM later than optimal.
  • Modern Treatment Methodologies: Need for updated treatment methods tailored to individual needs.

Intergenerational Impact

  • Focus on Future Generations: Importance of considering the long-term health of both mother and child.


Improved Maternal and Child Health

  • Preventive Measures: Early detection and management can prevent severe complications for both mother and child.
  • Long-Term Health Benefits: Reducing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, obesity, and other non-communicable diseases.

Economic Considerations

  • Cost-Effective Screening and Management: Early and effective management of GDM can reduce healthcare costs associated with long-term complications.

Holistic Management Approaches

  • Integrated Care Models: Combining primary and secondary care to ensure continuity of care and information.
  • Lifestyle Interventions: Promoting healthy lifestyles to prevent the onset of GDM and related complications.

Universal and Early Screening

  • Universal Screening Protocols: Implementing universal screening in early pregnancy to identify and manage GDM promptly.
  • Effective Testing Strategies: Utilizing strategies like the two-hour postprandial blood sugar level test during the early weeks of pregnancy.

Nut Graf: The Lancet’s series on gestational diabetes highlights the urgent need for a comprehensive approach to manage this condition. By adopting early screening, integrated care models, and a life-course perspective, we can significantly improve the health outcomes for both mothers and their children, reducing the long-term impact of GDM and associated non-communicable diseases.

C. GS 3 Related


1. Uttarakhand Govt. to study risk posed by 13 glacial lakes during monsoon

Syllabus: Conservation, Environmental pollution and degradation

Prelims: Glacial lakes

Mains: Risk posed by glacial lakes during monsoon in India

Context​: With the onset of the monsoon season, the Uttarakhand State Disaster Management Department (USDMA) is set to conduct a vulnerability study of 13 glacial lakes. This initiative aims to prevent calamities such as glacial lake outbursts , which have previously caused significant destruction in the region.

Identification and Risk Assessment

  • Satellite Identification: New lakes identified earlier this year through satellite imaging.
  • High-Risk Zones: Five lakes in the high-risk zone located in Darma, Lasaryanghati, Kutiyangti Valley (Pithoragarh district), and Vasudhara Tal Lake (Dhauli Ganga basin, Chamoli district).

Study Details

  • Bathymetry Study: Starting in July, teams will measure lake depths and sizes.
  • Purpose: Understanding the formation, melting patterns, and potential hazards posed by these lakes.

Expert Involvement

  • Indian Institute of Remote Sensing
  • Geological Survey of India
  • National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee
  • Centre for Development of Advanced Computing
  • Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology

Climate Change Impact

  • Glacier Melting: Himalayan glaciers are vulnerable due to climate change, increasing the risk of lake outbursts.
  • Past Disasters: Historical incidents like the Kedarnath Valley flood (2013) and the Rishiganga Valley flood (2021) underscore the severity of such events.

Data Accuracy

  • Importance of Accurate Data: Reliable information on lake sizes and glacier behaviour is crucial for risk mitigation.

Preventing Calamities

  • Risk Mitigation: Early identification and intervention can prevent disasters similar to those in 2013 and 2021.
  • Community Safety: Protecting lives and property in vulnerable areas by taking proactive measures.

Scientific Contribution

  • Research Advancement: Enhanced understanding of glacial dynamics and climate change impacts in the Himalayan region.

Technical Measures

  • Lake Puncturing: Controlled puncturing and pipe installation to manage water levels and reduce pressure.
  • Continuous Monitoring: Regular satellite and ground-based surveillance to track changes in glacial lakes.


  • Inter-Agency Cooperation: Involving multiple scientific and technical institutions for comprehensive risk assessment.
  • Border Patrol Involvement: Engaging the Indo-Tibetan Border Police for on-ground reports and assistance.

Nut Graf: The USDMA’s initiative to study and mitigate the risks posed by glacial lakes in Uttarakhand is a critical step towards disaster prevention. By leveraging expert knowledge, advanced technology, and inter-agency cooperation, the state aims to safeguard its communities from the potential hazards exacerbated by climate change.

D. GS 4 Related

E. Editorials


1. Reasi and the ‘years-old’ issue of cross-border terror

Syllabus: GS-3, Role of External State and Non-state Actors in Creating Challenges to Internal Security

Mains: J&K terrorism and way to eradicate it 


  • The Reasi terrorist attack on June 9 coincided with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s third-term oath-taking ceremony.
  • Nine pilgrims were killed, and 41 were injured in the attack in Jammu and Kashmir.
  • Similar attacks occurred during Mr Modi’s previous oath-taking ceremonies, including the CGI Herat attack in 2014 by Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorists.

Ongoing Terrorist Threat:

  • The Reasi attack is potentially linked to terrorist groups in Pakistan.
  • Jammu and Kashmir have faced terrorism for almost 35 years, with recent incidents highlighting the persistent challenge.
  • India’s response evolved from defensive counter-insurgency to managing terrorism with confidence by the mid-1990s.

Diplomatic and Military Responses:

  • Pakistan’s support for J&K separatism increased after the Afghan Jihad, influencing its terrorism strategy against India.
  • India opted for a mix of military force and political activity to address the Kashmir issue.
  • Diplomatic efforts, including the 1998 composite dialogue, often stalled due to Pakistan’s reluctance to address terrorism concerns.

Pre-Emptive Actions and Global Diplomacy:

  • India used military force in response to significant attacks, such as the Balakot strike in 2019 and surgical strikes post-Uri attack in 2016.
  • The doctrine of pre-emption allows India to target terrorist preparations in Pakistan.
  • Despite diplomatic efforts, public opinion in India often demanded military action against unacceptable attacks.

International Recognition and Future Steps:

  • Major powers recognise Pakistan’s use of terrorism, though it maintains plausible deniability.
  • India’s sharing of information and evidence in terrorist cases aims to bolster its credibility internationally.
  • External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar emphasises the need to curb Pakistani terrorism by engaging the international community.

Nut Graf: The Reasi terrorist attack underscores the persistent cross-border terrorism challenge from Pakistan. Despite diplomatic efforts and selective military responses, India continues to seek international support to address the ongoing threat and ensure regional stability.


1. Net damage

Syllabus: GS-2, India and its Neighbourhood – Relations

Mains: Fisherman issue in the India-Sri Lankan relationship

  • Fishing resumed off India’s eastern coast after the annual 61-day ban.
  • A Sri Lankan sailor died during an operation to chase away Indian poaching trawlers.
  • A trawler was impounded, and 10 fishermen (eight from Tamil Nadu, and two from Andhra Pradesh) were apprehended.
  • Tamil Nadu Chief Minister sought the intervention of External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar for the release of the vessel and men.
  • Mr. Jaishankar responded, mentioning the Indian High Commission’s efforts to secure the release of 34 fishermen in judicial remand and six others serving sentences.

Need for Negotiations:

  • The incident highlights the need to revive negotiations to address the fisheries dispute, exacerbated by the 1974 and 1976 bilateral agreements.
  • Mr. Stalin urged Mr. Jaishankar to convene a meeting of the Joint Working Group, last held over two years ago.

Illegal Fishing and Marine Ecosystem:

  • Indian fishermen crossing the international maritime boundary line are engaging in illegal activities.
  • Protecting livelihood opportunities must be balanced with preserving the marine ecosystem.
  • Gradual replacement of bottom trawlers used by Tamil Nadu fishermen is necessary.
  • Fisherfolk need time to diversify into deep-sea fishing, marine cage farming, seaweed cultivation, and processing, and sea ranching.

Deep Sea Fishing Project:

  • The deep sea fishing project by the Union and Tamil Nadu governments has been largely unsuccessful.
  • Only 61 deep-sea fishing vessels have been handed over to beneficiaries after nearly seven years, with 19 more under construction.
  • The Union government should consider an all-India programme, raising the unit cost of a deep sea fishing vessel by ₹40 lakh to ₹80 lakh for better response.

Collaboration and Solutions:

  • New Delhi and Colombo should devise additional schemes to support Northern Province fishermen.
  • It is crucial for representatives of both countries, the fishing community, and officials from Tamil Nadu and the Northern Province to meet soon to resolve the dispute.

Nut Graf: The recent death of a Sri Lankan sailor amid poaching disputes underscores the urgent need for India and Sri Lanka to revive negotiations, address illegal fishing, protect livelihoods, and preserve marine ecosystems through collaborative efforts and sustainable fishing practices.

F. Prelims Facts

1. India and US in talks for Stryker infantry vehicles

Context: India and the U.S. are engaging in discussions regarding the potential co-production of Stryker infantry vehicles, alongside ongoing deals for MQ-9B unmanned aerial vehicles and GE-414 jet engines. These developments are part of broader defence collaborations under the Initiative on Critical and Emerging Technology (iCET) framework.

Early Stages of Negotiation

  • Interest in Co-Production: India has shown interest in co-producing Stryker infantry vehicles, with talks currently in the early stages.
  • U.S. Demonstration: The U.S. Army plans to demonstrate the capabilities of the Stryker to the Indian Army soon.

Defence Industrial Collaborations

  • MQ-9B Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Progressing towards finalization, with a letter of offer and acceptance delivered to India in early March.
  • GE-414 Jet Engines: Advanced negotiations for licence manufacture by Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. (HAL) to power the Light Combat Aircraft (LCA)-Mk1A.

Customization and Local Manufacturing

  • Local Manufacture: Potential for local manufacturing of Stryker variants under licence, with customizations for the Indian Army, including a variant with Javelin anti-tank guided missiles (ATGM) mounted.

Reservations and Alternatives

  • Indian Defence Officials’ Reservations: Some officials are hesitant about adopting Stryker due to the availability of similar vehicles developed by Indian companies.

Broader Collaborations

  • Co-Production of Javelin ATGMs: Discussions also include potential co-production of Javelin ATGMs.
  • Technological Collaboration: Exploring avenues for collaboration in research and development (R&D) and technological advancements.

Strengthening Defence Ties

  • India-U.S. Defence Partnership: Enhancing bilateral defence ties and strategic cooperation through joint production and technological collaborations.
  • Capability Enhancement: Improving the operational capabilities of the Indian Army with advanced and customized Stryker vehicles.

Economic and Industrial Impact

  • Boost to Local Manufacturing: Promoting local manufacturing and technological upgradation in India’s defence sector.
  • Job Creation and Economic Growth: Generating employment opportunities and contributing to economic growth through defence industrial collaborations.

2. Antelope-like mammal from Bhutan recorded at lowest elevation in Western Assam

Context: The mainland serow, an antelope-like mammal typically found in Bhutan, has been recorded at an unprecedentedly low elevation in western Assam, India. This discovery was made at Raimona National Park, significantly lower than its usual habitat range, and marks a notable occurrence in wildlife studies.

Discovery Details

  • Species Identified : Mainland serow (Capricornis sumatraensis thar) .
  • Location: Raimona National Park, western Assam.
  • Elevation Recorded: 96 metres above mean sea level.
  • Proximity to Human Habitation: First time recorded within a 1 km radius of human habitation.

Habitat and Range

  • Usual Habitat: Altitudes between 200 metres to 3,000 metres, primarily in Bhutan.
  • Natural Home: Phibsoo Wildlife Sanctuary and Royal Manas National Park in Bhutan.

Conservation Challenges

  • Habitat Degradation: Potential threats from habitat degradation due to human activities and environmental changes.
  • Human-Wildlife Conflict: Increased proximity to human habitation could lead to conflicts and threats to the serow.

Research and Monitoring

  • Lack of Data: Limited data on the species’ behaviour and adaptation at lower elevations.
  • Monitoring Efforts: Need for continuous monitoring to track the movement and health of the serow population in Assam.

Biodiversity and Ecology

  • Ecosystem Indicator: The presence of the serow at lower elevations could indicate changes in the ecosystem and environmental conditions.
  • Biodiversity Conservation: Highlights the importance of conserving diverse habitats to support various species.

Scientific and Conservation Implications

  • New Research Opportunities: Opens avenues for studying species adaptation to new environments.
  • Conservation Strategies: Necessitates the development of targeted conservation strategies to protect the serow and its habitat.

3. Economy robust despite global risks

Context: The Reserve Bank of India ( RBI ) released the 29th issue of its Financial Stability Report (FSR), highlighting the resilience and robustness of India’s financial system despite global economic risks. The report emphasizes the improved health of scheduled commercial banks (SCBs) and their role in supporting sustained economic activity through credit expansion.

Key Financial Indicators

  • Gross NPA Ratio: SCBs’ gross non-performing assets (GNPA) ratio fell to a multi-year low of 2.8% by the end of March 2024.
  • Net NPA Ratio: Declined to 0.6% by the end of March 2024.
  • Capital to Risk-Weighted Assets Ratio (CRAR): Stood at 16.8%.
  • Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) Ratio: Recorded at 13.9%.

Financial Health of NBFCs

  • CRAR: Non-banking financial companies (NBFCs) had a CRAR of 26.6%.
  • GNPA Ratio: GNPA ratio for NBFCs was at 4.0%.
  • Return on Assets (RoA): RoA stood at 3.3%.

Stress Test Scenarios

  • Macro Stress Tests: SCBs projected to maintain CRAR of 16.1%, 14.4%, and 13.0% under baseline, medium, and severe stress scenarios, respectively.
  • Interpretation: Stress tests are conservative assessments and should not be considered forecasts.

Global Economic Context

  • Geopolitical Tensions: Heightened geopolitical risks.
  • Public Debt: Elevated levels of public debt.
  • Disinflation Progress: Slow progress in disinflation efforts globally.
  • Global Financial Resilience: Despite challenges, the global financial system remains resilient and stable.

External Economic Risks

  • Geopolitical Instability: Ongoing geopolitical tensions affecting global economic stability.
  • Debt Levels: High public debt in various economies.
  • Inflation Challenges: Slow progress in achieving disinflation goals.

Domestic Financial Challenges

  • NPA Management: Continued focus on managing and reducing NPAs.
  • Credit Expansion Risks: Ensuring sustainable credit expansion without compromising financial stability.
  • NBFC Health: Maintaining the health and stability of NBFCs amidst evolving economic conditions.

Economic Stability

  • Macroeconomic Stability: The resilience of the financial system supports overall macroeconomic stability.
  • Credit Availability: Improved balance sheets of banks enable sustained credit availability, fostering economic growth.

Investor Confidence

  • Boost to Confidence: Low NPA ratios and strong capital adequacy ratios boost investor confidence in the Indian banking system.
  • Financial Sector Resilience: Demonstrates the robustness of the financial sector in handling external shocks and stresses.

4. Bolivian General arrested after failed coup attempt

Context: A failed coup attempt in Bolivia, led by Army chief Gen. Juan José Zúñiga, has resulted in significant political upheaval. The swift action of President Luis Arce to dismiss and arrest the rebel general prevented the takeover, stabilizing the situation rapidly. This incident underscores the fragile political climate in Bolivia, exacerbated by ongoing economic and political challenges.

Coup Attempt Details

  • Leader: Army Chief Gen. Juan José Zúñiga.
  • Action: Troops stormed the government palace with armoured vehicles.
  • Response: President Luis Arce sacked Gen. Zúñiga and appointed a new Army commander who ordered the troops to stand down.
  • Duration: The rebellion lasted for just three hours before soldiers retreated.

Arrests and Legal Action

  • Arrests: Gen. Juan José Zúñiga and former Navy Vice Adm. Juan Arnez Salvador were arrested.
  • Investigation: The Attorney General initiated an investigation.
  • Total Arrests: 17 people, including active and retired military personnel and civilians, have been detained.

Government’s Reaction

  • President’s Stand: President Luis Arce vowed to stand firm and control the situation.
  • Defence Minister’s Statement: Defence Minister Edmundo Novillo declared that the situation was under control and labelled the event a “failed coup.”

Political Tensions

  • Infighting: Ongoing political fights between President Arce and former president Evo Morales have paralyzed government functions.
  • Democratic Stability: The attempted coup highlights vulnerabilities in Bolivia’s democratic institutions.

Economic Crisis

  • Economic Challenges: The political instability is compounded by an ongoing economic crisis, further straining the nation’s governance and social fabric.

Military Involvement in Politics

  • Military Dissatisfaction: Gen. Zúñiga cited military frustration with political infighting as a motive for the coup attempt, indicating deeper issues within the armed forces.

Preservation of Democracy

  • Immediate Response: President Arce’s quick action in dismissing the rebel general preserved the democratic process.
  • Public Support: The support from hundreds of citizens outside the palace reinforced the legitimacy of the democratically elected government.

Regional Impact

  • Regional Reactions: The coup attempt elicited condemnation from regional leaders and organizations, emphasizing the importance of democratic stability in Latin America.

H. UPSC Prelims Practice Questions

  • Stryker infantry vehicles
  • Javelin anti-tank guided missiles (ATGM)
  • MQ-9B unmanned aerial vehicles
  • GE-414 jet engines

Select the correct answer using the code given below: 

  • 1 and 2 only
  • 1, 2, and 3 only
  • 2, 3, and 4 only
  • 1, 2, 3, and 4

Explanation: India is interested in co-producing the Stryker infantry vehicles and Javelin anti-tank guided missiles with the U.S. and deals for MQ-9B unmanned aerial vehicles and GE-414 jet engines are progressing.

  • India was committed to resolving issues with Pakistan peacefully through negotiations.
  • The agreement explicitly anticipated Pakistan promoting terrorism through non-state actors.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct? 

  • Both 1 and 2
  • Neither 1 nor 2

Explanation: The Simla Agreement committed India to resolving issues with Pakistan peacefully through negotiations. It did not anticipate Pakistan promoting terrorism through non-state actors.

  • It inhabits a wide range of altitudes from 200 meters to 3000 meters.
  • It is exclusively found in Assam at an elevation of 96 meters above sea level.
  • It is predominantly located in the Phibsoo Wildlife Sanctuary in Bhutan.
  • It is a hybrid species between a goat and a deer, primarily found in Bhutan.
  • 1 and 3 only
  • 2 and 4 only

Explanation: The mainland serow (Capricornis sumatraensis) is known to inhabit a wide range of altitudes from 200 meters to 3000 meters according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). It is not exclusively found in Assam at 96 meters above sea level, nor is it primarily located in the Phibsoo Wildlife Sanctuary in Bhutan. The mainland serow is not a hybrid species between a goat and a deer; rather, it is a distinct species of the genus Capricornis, belonging to the family Bovidae. Therefore, statement 1 is the only accurate description according to the IUCN, making (a) the correct answer.

  • Darma Lasaryanghati
  • Vasudhara Tal
  • Kutiyangti Valley

Which of the above lakes are posing a high risk during monsoon? 

  • 1, 2, and 3

Explanation: The lakes in Darma Lasaryanghati, Kutiyangti Valley, and Vasudhara Tal pose a high risk during the monsoon.

  • Family history of diabetes
  • 2 and 3 only

Explanation: Age, family history of diabetes, and high BMI are contributing factors to the increased prevalence of gestational diabetes globally.

I. UPSC Mains Practice Questions

  • Cross-border terrorism is the biggest point of contention between India and Pakistan. In light of this statement, analyse the options for its resolution. (15 marks, 250 words) [GS-2, International Relations]
  • Critically examine the various aspects of the fishermen dispute between India and Sri Lanka. (15 marks, 250 words) [GS-2, International Relations]

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1. How will you explain the medieval Indian temple sculptures represent the social life of those days? (Answer in 150 words) 10

2. Why did the armies of the British East India Company – mostly comprising of Indian soldiers – win consistently against the more numerous and better equipped armies of the Indian rulers? Give reasons. (Answer in 150 words) 10

3. Why was there a sudden spurt in famines in colonial India since the mid-eighteenth century? Give reasons. (Answer in 150 words) 10

4. Describe the characteristics and types of primary rocks. (Answer in 150 words) 10

5. Discuss the meaning of colour-coded weather warnings for cyclone prone areas given by India Meteorological department. (Answer in 150 words) 10

6. Discuss the natural resource potentials of ‘Deccan trap’. (Answer in 150 words) 10

7. Examine the potential of wind energy in India and explain the reasons for their limited spatial spread. (Answer in 150 words) 10

8. Explore and evaluate the impact of ‘Work From Home’ on family relationships. (Answer in 150 words) 10

9. How is the growth of Tier 2 cities related to the rise of a new middle class with an emphasis on the culture of consumption? (Answer in 150 words) 10

10. Given the diversities among the tribal communities in India, in which specific contexts should they be considered as a single category? (Answer in 150 words) 10

11. The political and administrative reorganization of states and territories has been a continuous ongoing process since the mid-nineteenth century. Discuss with examples. (Answer in 250 words) 15

12. Discuss the main contributions of Gupta period and Chola period to Indian heritage and culture . (Answer in 250 words) 15

13. Discuss the significance of the lion and bull figures in Indian mythology, art and architecture. (Answer in 250 words) 15

14. What are the forces that influence ocean currents? Describe their role in fishing industry of the world. (Answer in 250 words) 15

15. Describing the distribution of rubber producing countries, indicate the major environmental issues faced by them. (Answer in 250 words) 15

16. Mention the significance of straits and isthmus in international trade. (Answer in 250 words) 15

17. Troposphere is a very significant atmospheric layer that determines weather processes. How? (Answer in 250 words) 15

18. Analyze the salience of ‘sect’ in Indian society vis-a-vis caste, region and religion. (Answer in 250 words) 15

19. Are tolerance, assimilation and pluralism the key elements in the making of an Indian form of secularism? Justify your answer. (Answer in 250 words) 15

20. Elucidate the relationship between globalization and new technology in a world of scarce resources, with special reference to India. (Answer in 250 words) 15

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    DOWNLOAD General Studies 4 QUESTION PAPER : UPSC CSE MAINS 2022. ESSAY QUESTION PAPER - UPSC Civil Services IAS Mains - 2022 . Section A. 1. Forests are the best case studies for economic excellence. 2. Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world. 3. History is a series of victories won by the scientific man over the romantic man

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  3. Civil Services (Main) Examination, 2022

    06/07/2022: Question Paper : General Studies - I, General Studies - II, General Studies - III, General Studies - IV Essay Agriculture Paper - I, Agriculture Paper - II, Animal Hus. and Vet. Sc. Paper - I, ... 10 Feb 2022. Visitor No:711922931 (Since: 15 Sep 2016) ...

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  5. UPSC Mains 2022 Essay Question Paper

    Find the essay topics, word limit, marks and merit ranking of the UPSC Mains 2022 Essay paper conducted on 16th September 2022. Download the PDF of the question paper and get tips and links for preparation and answer writing.

  6. PDF Welcome to UPSC

    A B à 1000-1200 Write two essays, choosing one topic from each of the Sections A and B, in about 1000 —1200 words each 1250=250 1. 2. 3. 4.

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    UPSC conducted the Essay Paper, as part of the Civil Services Main Exam 2021 on 07-01-2022. There were 8 Essay topics, out of which candidates were asked to write on two topics in 3 hours. Candidates were supposed to answer about 1000 words for each essay (about 10-12 pages).


    [UPSC Mains 2022] ESSAY PAPER- UPSC CIVIL SERVICES MAINS EXAM (CSE) 2022 SECTION A 1) Forests are the best case studies for economic excellence. 2) Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world. 3) History is a series of victorious won by the scientific man over the romantic man. 4) A ship in harbor is…

  10. UPSC IAS Mains 2022

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  11. Upsc Cse Mains 2022 Essay Paper Analysis

    Essay Paper UPSC 2022 Instructions. Total Marks: 250 marks, Time duration: 3 hours. The essay must be written in the medium authorized in the admission certificate which must be stated clearly on the cover of this question-cum-answer (QCA) booklet in the space provided. No marks will be given for answers written in the medium other than the ...

  12. Previous Year Question Papers

    EOP for PwD Employees of UPSC; Directory; Museum; Virtual Tour of Museum; Examination . Calendar; Active Examinations; ... Previous Year Question Papers. Search Exam Name . Apply. Year: 2024 ... (For Year - 2021 - 2022) Paper - III Noting and Drafting, Precis Writing (For Year - 2021 - 2022) Combined SO (Gr B) LDCE Year 2019 - 2020 : Paper - I ...

  13. PDF UPSC Mains 2022 Essay Paper Synopsis

    UPSC Mains 2022 Essay Paper Synopsis NOTE: This is a mere outline to get you to start thinking about the topic. This is not a synopsis or a model essay. Just brainstorming. Were eager to read your insightful essays! Please post them in the comments. SECTION - A 1. Forests are the best case studies for economic excellence.

  14. Essay Question Paper: UPSC CSE Mains 2022

    Essay Paper Analysis, UPSC Essay Paper-2022, UPSC Paper Analysis, UPSC PAPER-2022; Table of Contents. Section A; Section B; Print. Section A. 1. Forests are the best case studies for economic excellence; 2. Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world; 3. History is a series of victories won by the scientific man over the romantic man

  15. (Download) UPSC IAS Mains Essay Exam Question Paper

    DOWNLOAD UPSC MAINS ESSAY (Compulsory) PAPERS PDF Section-B Section-B (125 marks)- Choose any one Essay Q-1.The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining. Q-2.You cannot step twice in the same river. Q-3.A smile is the chosen vehicle for all ambiguities. Q-4.Just because you have a choice, it does not mean that any of them has to be right.

  16. UPSC IAS Mains 2022

    UPSC IAS Mains 2022 Examinations have started with the essay paper. After the completion of the examination in the first session, UPSC IAS Mains 2022 Essay Question Paper is out. If you are preparing for the 2023 examination, you can go through the question paper and check the type of topics that are being asked.

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    Understand UPSC Toppers' approach, refine your answer-writing skills, and get a clearer perspective for your Civil Services Exam preparation ... UPSC Paper Solution. Talks and Interviews. Toppers Answer Copy. Research and Analysis. Preparation Strategy. Value Addition Optional Subject. ... Essay. Year 2023. English. Rank-1. 108 Likes. 88k, Read ...

  18. UPSC Civil Services Mains 2022 Essay Paper

    The UPSC mains exam started on September 16, 2022, and will be held on 17, 18, 24, and 25, 2022, at various locations around the country. GeeksforGeeks have brought the UPSC Mains Essay Paper 2022 to make your exam preparation perfect. The highest score in the Mains Written level is crucial since 7 out of 9 papers are counted for merit ranking.

  19. Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2022

    Name of Examination: Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2022. Date of Notification. 02/02/2022. Date of Commencement of Examination. 05/06/2022. Duration of Examination. One Day. Last Date for Receipt of Applications. 22/02/2022 - 6:00pm.

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    How to write essays for UPSC Civil Services Exams? This is one of the most popular questions among aspirants.In UPSC Essentials' special series UPSC Essays Simplified, we take you through various steps of writing a good essay.While there is no set formula or fixed criteria prescribed, Manas Srivastava talks to Ravi Kapoor, our expert, in this new series who guides the aspirants with a ...



  22. Model Essays

    UPSC Prelims 2024 CSAT (Answer Key) Revised Answer Key UPSC Prelims 2024 GS 1 UPSC Prelims 2024 CSAT UPSC Prelims 2024 GS 1 Mains Test Series scheduled to begin from 9th June, 2024 has been postponed as UPSC CSE Preliminary exam was moved forward due to Lok Sabha elections of 2024. UPSC Calendar 2025 Final Result - Civil Services Examination 2023 UPSC IFOS Notification - 2024 UPSC CSE ...

  23. ESSAY QUESTION PAPER : UPSC Civil Services IAS Exam MAINS 2022

    DOWNLOAD General Studies 1 QUESTION PAPER : UPSC CSE MAINS 2022 DOWNLOAD General Studies 2 QUESTION PAPER : UPSC CSE MAINS 2022 DOWNLOAD General Studies 3 QUESTION PAPER : UPSC CSE MAINS 2022 DOWNLOAD General Studies 4 QUESTION PAPER : UPSC CSE MAINS 2022 ESSAY QUESTION PAPER - UPSC Civil Services IAS Mains - 2022 …. Continue reading.

  24. MPPSC Prelims Paper 1 Question Paper 2024 with Answer Key: Download PDF

    MPPSC Prelims exam consists of 2 Papers. The duration of exam is 2 hours for each paper. Mode of Exam is Offline (Pen and Paper-based). MPPSC Prelims Paper 1 Question Paper 2024 with Answer Key - June 23, 2024 ... UPSC CSE : Polity - Fundamental Rights - 01. 15 Minutes. 10 Questions. 20 Marks ... (Held On 19 June 2022) Official Paper. 120 ...

  25. Comprehensive news analysis for 28 June 2024 for UPSC IAS prep.

    Syllabus: Mechanisms, laws, institutions and Bodies constituted for the protection and betterment of vulnerable sections of the population Prelims: Gestational diabetes. Mains: Challenges due to gestational diabetes. Context : Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), characterized by hyperglycemia first diagnosed during pregnancy, is a common yet often neglected medical disorder with a global ...

  26. UPSC Civil Services Prelims Exam 2024: Download Question Papers of GS

    The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) successfully conducted the Civil Services Examination (CSE) 2024 on June 16. The examination was organized in two shifts, with Paper 1 (General Studies ...

  27. Essay Paper for UPSC

    2023 SECTION - A Thinking is like a game, it does not begin unless there is an opposite team. Visionary decision-making happens at the intersection of intuition and logic. Not all who wander are lost. Inspiration for creativity springs from the effort to look for the magical in the mundane. SECTION - B Girls are … Continue reading "Essay Paper for UPSC - [2023-2007]"

  28. [ General Studies Paper

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