thesis statement in spanish

Developing a Strong Thesis Statement in Spanish

Writing is a critical skill in both academic and professional environments, and one of the most essential components of any good piece of writing is a strong thesis statement. The thesis statement is the backbone of your essay; it encapsulates the main argument and sets the direction for the entire text. For students and professionals who work in Spanish-speaking contexts, mastering the art of crafting an effective thesis statement in Spanish is just as important as doing so in English. This guide will explore the fundamentals of creating a robust thesis statement, including its definition, importance, components, and strategies to develop one effectively in Spanish. By the end, you will have the tools you need to construct compelling and clear thesis statements for a range of writing tasks.

Understanding the Basics

What is a Thesis Statement? In any essay, article, or research paper, the thesis statement serves as the guiding light. It is a concise summary of the main point or claim of the text, typically situated at the end of the introductory paragraph. In Spanish, this is often referred to as “la tesis” or “la declaración de tesis”. A good thesis statement should be specific, arguable, and sufficiently detailed to provide a roadmap for the reader. It tells your audience what to expect and helps them understand the purpose and direction of your writing.

The Structure of a Thesis Statement

A thesis statement generally consists of two parts: the topic and the assertion or claim about that topic. For example, if your essay discusses the importance of renewable energy in Spain, your thesis might look something like this: “La energía renovable es crucial para el futuro de España porque reduce la dependencia de los combustibles fósiles y promueve un medio ambiente más saludable.” This statement clearly identifies the topic (renewable energy) and makes an assertive claim about its importance, setting up the arguments you will develop throughout your essay.

Why is it Important?

Guiding the Reader: A well-crafted thesis statement helps guide the reader through your argument, making it easier to follow and understand. It acts as a roadmap, indicating what to expect from the rest of the text.

Focusing Your Writing: For the writer, a clear thesis statement provides focus. It narrows down the topic, allowing you to hone in on specific aspects and ensuring your writing remains relevant and concise.

Establishing Credibility: A strong, well-defined thesis statement enhances the credibility of your writing. It shows that you have a clear understanding of your topic and a specific direction for your argument, which can help persuade your audience of your viewpoint.

Creating a Thesis Statement in Spanish

Choosing Your Topic: The first step in developing a strong thesis statement is selecting a topic. The topic should be specific enough to be covered adequately within the scope of your essay but broad enough to allow for several points of discussion. For instance, if you are writing about Spanish cinema, you might choose a topic like “Las influencias del cine español en la cultura global.” This topic is broad enough to allow for multiple perspectives but specific enough to guide your research and argument.

Formulating Your Assertive Claim: Once you have chosen your topic, the next step is to formulate an assertive claim or argument about that topic. This is the core of your thesis statement. For example, you might assert, “El cine español ha influido significativamente en la cultura global a través de sus innovadoras técnicas narrativas y temáticas sociales.” This claim not only establishes the importance of Spanish cinema but also hints at the specific aspects (narrative techniques and social themes) that you will explore in your essay.

Refining Your Thesis Statement

Ensuring Specificity and Clarity: A strong thesis statement should be clear and specific, avoiding vague generalizations. For instance, instead of saying, “El cine español es importante,” a more specific statement would be, “El cine español ha jugado un papel crucial en el desarrollo de nuevas técnicas cinematográficas y en la representación de temáticas sociales complejas.”

Testing Your Thesis Statement: Before finalizing your thesis statement, test its strength by asking yourself if it is arguable and if it provides a clear direction for your essay. A good thesis statement should invite discussion and not simply state a fact. For example, “España es un país” is not arguable, while “La diversidad cultural de España ha enriquecido su cine y música” is a claim that can be supported with evidence and analysis.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

Being Too Vague or General: A thesis statement should provide a clear, specific point of view. Avoid vague statements that do not give a clear direction for your essay.

Making Multiple Claims: Your thesis statement should present a single, coherent claim. Avoid trying to cover too many points, which can confuse your readers and weaken your argument.

Overly Broad Statements: Ensure your thesis statement is focused enough to be thoroughly addressed within the scope of your essay. Overly broad statements can dilute your argument and make your essay feel unfocused.

Examples of Strong Thesis Statements in Spanish

To further illustrate the principles discussed, here are some examples of strong thesis statements in Spanish:

  • Tema: La influencia de García Márquez en la literatura.
  • Tesis: “Las obras de Gabriel García Márquez han revolucionado la literatura moderna con su realismo mágico y profundización en temas como el amor y la identidad cultural.”
  • Tema: El impacto del turismo en la economía española.
  • Tesis: “El turismo ha sido un motor crucial de la economía española, generando empleo, fomentando la inversión en infraestructura y promoviendo la diversidad cultural.”
  • Tema: Las políticas de energía renovable en España.
  • Tesis: “Las políticas de energía renovable en España han reducido significativamente las emisiones de carbono y han posicionado al país como líder en sostenibilidad ambiental.”

Developing a strong thesis statement is an essential skill for effective writing, whether in Spanish or any other language. It requires clear thinking, a focused topic, and a well-defined argument. By understanding the basics of what a thesis statement is and why it is important, along with strategies for crafting and refining your thesis, you can enhance the clarity and persuasiveness of your writing. Avoiding common pitfalls and learning from strong examples will further strengthen your ability to create compelling thesis statements. Ultimately, whether you are a student working on an essay or a professional writing a report, a strong thesis statement will serve as the foundation of your text, guiding your audience through your argument with clarity and purpose.

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Spanish Essay Phrases: 40 Useful Phrases for an Impressive Writeup


May 30, 2019

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Do you need to write a lot of essays in Spanish? If you do, don’t worry. It's about to get a little bit easier for you because here in this article, we’ve listed many useful Spanish essay phrases that you can readily use in your essays.

Essay Phrases

Feel free to pepper your essays with the words and expressions from this list. It would certainly elevate your essays and impress your teachers. You're welcome!

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No time to read now? Then you might opt to get the list in PDF instead. If you sign up to the newsletter, you'll get the list of Spanish essay phrases in PDF format plus free audio files. 

Spanish Essay Phrases

Spanish Essay PhraseEnglish Translation
1para empezarto begin with
2en primer lugarin the first place
3al principioin the beginning
4como punto de partidaas a point of departure
5por un ladoon the one hand
6para continuarto continue
8mientras tantomeanwhile
9ademásin addition; also; moreover
10tambiéntoo; also
13después de (+ infinitivo)after
16antes de (+ infinitivo)before
17sin embargonevertheless
18a pesar de (+ infinitivo)in spite of
19aunqueeven though; even if
21en cambioon the other hand
22por otra parteon the other hand
23por otro ladoon the other hand
24sino que; sinobut (rather)
25en realidadin reality; really
26hay que tomar en cuentayou have to take into account
27lo importante esthe important thing is
28por esotherefore
29por lo tantotherefore
32para ilustrarto illustrate
33por ejemplofor example
34a causa debecause of
35en conclusiónin conclusion
36en finin short
38en resumenin summary; to summarize
39para concluirto conclude
40para terminarto conclude

Spanish essay phrases pinterest

Additional Resources

You can also check out the following resources:

84 Spanish Expressions for Agreeing and Disagreeing

Common Spanish Verbs

Expresiones útiles para escribir en español

Looking for more Spanish phrases? Check out this e-book with audio!

Try to use the essay phrases in Spanish that you learned in this lesson and write a few example sentences in the comments section!

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About the author 

Janey is a fan of different languages and studied Spanish, German, Mandarin, and Japanese in college. She has now added French into the mix, though English will always be her first love. She loves reading anything (including product labels).

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AP Spanish Argumentative Essay

Tips For the AP Spanish Argumentative Essay

Need some help with the AP Spanish Argumentative Essay? In my humble opinion, it is the most complicated task our AP Spanish students will have to complete. El ensayo argumentativo requires excellent reading skills, listening skills and writing skills. So how can we help our students do well on this part of the AP Spanish exam? Here are some tips!

Tip #1 Direct Instruction

Students need to understand what exactly they need to do for the AP Spanish Argumentative Essay. Consider taking the class time to have a mini lesson that provides the specifics and details of the expectations. Here is a short list of what students should know.

-2 readings; one in narrative form and usually on graph or chart

-1 listening source

-each source must be referenced at least once in their essay

-writing needs to be organized and concise

-only 1 hour to read, listen and write!

I created this Google Slides presentation for the direct instruction I provide to my students. Feel free to create one too, or use mine to save time!

AP Spanish Argumentative Essay Tip #2

Don’t assume that your students have good writing skills. *Yes, they need to understand what they read and hear. Let’s assume that they are practicing those skills daily in one way or another in class. But in my experience, students really struggle with organizing their writing.

Teach them how to write a concise introductory paragraph that ends with a thesis statement (the answer to the question that was asked for the task).

Then teach them how to write a topic sentence. When they have a clear topic sentence, their paragraph is much more likely to stay on track. This is really important, because the time constraint on this section of the AP Exam is a big challenge!

AP Spanish Argumentative Essay Tip #3

Design teacher-friendly ways for students to practice.

Let’s face it. Students need lots of practice and lots of feedback to get good at this essay. But essays are very time consuming to write and very time consuming to grade.

The strategy I use with my students is to break the essay into parts and allow them to practice one part at a time.

Day 1: Direct instruction followed by a set of sources

-Teach students how to focus on what the question is

-Encourage them to underline, star and highlight important parts of the text

-Ask them to take notes while listening

*Now, develop a thesis/answer to the question. Teach them to choose the one that’s easier to prove rather than the one they believe is the right answer!

Pair students. Have them write the introductory paragraph only. I am always shocked with how many students need help getting the formula right for their intro. I tell them to put their thesis statement last! Why don’t they?? Lol!

Giving feedback on just one paragraph is far less overwhelming and time consuming than grading a whole essay, especially if they’re working in pairs! Half the correcting!

Once they have a good intro paragraph, have them move on to their topic sentences for each body paragraph. Ask them to identify a quote/idea from each source to include within their paragraph.

When you are happy with their topic sentences and quotes, now they can write their conclusion. This part is easier- it’s the inverse of their introduction!

AP Spanish Argumentative Essay Tip #4

Share resources!

At least for me, it took me a long time to feel confident in my instruction for the AP Spanish Argumentative Essay. I did not have a colleague- I was (and still am) the only one teaching the course at my school. The College Board did not have AP Classroom, or at least nothing like what exists now. I had never heard of Teachers Pay Teachers.

Therefore, I learned by trial and error and created everything from scratch. It was time consuming. Like…. years!!!!

Profes, don’t do that to yourself!

If you have a teaching partner in your school, or maybe someone you know from another district, divide and conquer! Share what you create!

Here are the resources I know about that may help you and your students gain confidence regarding the Argumentative Essay!

AP Spanish Language and Culture: the College Board site (has lots of lessons, videos and free practices!)

AP Spanish Argumentative Essay: Sample Intro Paragraphs (FREEBIE!)

AP Spanish Argumentative Essay Feedback Checklist (My lifesaver!)

AP Spanish Argumentative Essay: Graphic Organizer for Student Practice

AP Spanish Argumentative Essay: How To

Test Prep Growing Mega Bundle (This includes all my materials for the open ended sections of the AP Spanish test)

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Basic Guidelines For Writing Essays in Spanish

how to write essays in spanish

Students tend to focus on speaking practice while learning Spanish, so they often neglect writing. However, most educators emphasize its importance for mastering the language. They say it’s impossible to become fluent in a particular language if one doesn’t train writing skills. 

Therefore, teachers give a lot of essay assignments to students. This type of homework is a great way to inspire them to think and communicate in Spanish effectively. It may be quite difficult to complete such a task. However, it’s one of the most effective ways to learn Spanish or any other language.

You may be tempted to go online and find the best essay writing service to have your essay written for you. This may be helpful when you’re pressed for time, but in the long run, you’re missing an opportunity to improve your own essay writing skills. That’s why we are going to provide you with some recommendations on how to ease the writing process.

Some tips on writing in Spanish 

  • Be careful with word spelling. Remember that teachers pay special attention to spelling so it can either make or break your student image. Having good spelling makes a positive impression of your writing skills and boosts your grades. 
  • Make your essay coherent with the help of connectors. Use them to explain the relationship between the ideas so your essay doesn’t look like just a list of thoughts and facts. 
  • Pay attention to syntax or the word order. As you need to stick to the academic style, try to keep the traditional order such as “subject + verb + objects”. This will also help you express your opinion in a simpler way, so it’s more clear to the reader.
  • Avoid word repetitions by using synonyms. Frequent repetitions make your text boring and heavy. If you use the same words again and again, your essay will look dull. Hence, try to find synonyms in Spanish thesaurus and replace the most commonly used expressions with them. 
  • Before you create a final version of your essay, let someone read it and give feedback. It’s hard to be objective about your writing, so ask another person to tell you which ideas are less clear if your text contains any confusing phrases, and what are the positive aspects that can be reinforced. 
  • Do not write the essay in your native language first to translate it into Spanish then. This approach is not viable for mastering a foreign language. The only thing that you are doing by translating the text literally is practicing the grammatical structures that you have learned. This doesn’t help you learn new idioms and collocations that don’t follow the general grammatical rules. 

Now that you know how to make your writing better, let’s consider a step-by-step guide to essay writing in Spanish. 

Pick an interesting topic 

If possible, choose a topic you are truly excited about. Unless the specific title was given to you by instructors, find a theme you want to research and write about. True interest is what will drive you towards creating an excellent piece. If you enjoy reading about the subject you are going to analyze in your essay, then you will definitely succeed in writing. Remember that decent work can be done only if you are passionate about it. 

Brainstorm the ideas 

When it comes to any project, brainstorming is an integral stage of the creation process. This is one of the most efficient ways to gain insights and generate new ideas. You can use this technique to think of the main supporting arguments, an approach for a catchy introduction, and paragraph organization. You can also try freewriting and/or make a brief outline to ease the writing process itself. 

Create an introduction 

Probably the main rule about creating an introduction that you have to stick to is adding a clear thesis statement there. It must be included in the first paragraph to give your essay a certain direction and help the readers focus their attention on the topic. Also, your introduction must be catchy and intriguing to evoke the desire to read the essay further and learn more. 

Organize an essay body 

It’s essential to make the body paragraphs organized logically. You need to make sure that each of them is closely related to the main topic and discusses one major point. Each body paragraph must consist of a topic sentence and supporting arguments with evidence. It’s very important to write sentences in a logical sequence so they follow each other orderly. Also, since paragraphs shouldn’t overlap in content, add smooth transitions from one to the other. 

Sum up the content 

The vital requirement to the conclusion is that it must logically relate to the original thesis statement. Generally, it’s not acceptable to introduce new ideas in the conclusion. Instead, you need to sum up the main points mentioned in the essay’s body. It’s also forbidden to add any off-topic ideas to the last paragraph of your paper.

Check content relevance and cohesion 

Once you complete the conclusion, read through the essay for relevance and cohesion. Make sure that the whole piece is on the topic and in the mode required. In particular, check if body paragraphs support the thesis statement and whether the conclusion relates to it. After that, read your paper once again to see whether the parts connect together well. Think if there are logical links between ideas and if you need more transitions. 

Read for clarity and style

Scan your essay to find out whether some sections may be unclear to the reader. Analyze the text to find out if it sounds academic and polished. Check if there are any vague pronouns, excessive wording, or awkward phrases. Don’t forget to make sure that all points are listed in similar grammatical forms.

The last stage of your writing process is final proofreading. Read your paper the last time looking at grammar, spelling, punctuation, verb tense, word forms, and pronoun agreement. Correct all the mistakes to make your work excellent. 

Remember that the most important thing about learning a foreign language is a regular practice. Therefore, you should use any opportunity provided by instructors to polish your skills. Hopefully, the recommendations given above will help you write an excellent essay and master the Spanish language!

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The KudoZ network provides a framework for translators and others to assist each other with translations or explanations of terms and short phrases.

thesis statement in spanish

Glossary entry (derived from question below)

English term or phrase:, thesis statement, spanish translation:, planteamiento / (breve) proposición, english term.

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Thesis Statement

4 +3
5 +1
5 +1
May 31, 2012: Having taught English as a foreign language in a number of countries in several distinct regions of the Spanish-speaking world---including two years in Mexico---I'm uniquely prepared to speak to the language of education en los países de habla hispana. Mercedes is absolutely correct: it's a calque. You might want to do some searches to find relevant sites (perhaps from universities) in specific countries, and see how professors/instructors---who actually teach essay writing---describe the process; in doing so, you´ll see that these terms are not equivalents (throughout the Spanish-speaking world). For what it's worth (and with all due respect), my first reaction when I saw your multiple suggestions was precisely what Mercedes suggests. Cheers from the Mariana Islands!
May 31, 2012:

En el diccionario RAE, la primera definción dada ("Acción y efecto de declarar o declararse;" vease: corresponde perfectamente para el contexto lingüístico porque un(a) estudiante/escritor(a) declara la principal idea (el tesis) de la investigación que se trata en el ensayo o papel.

Vivo en México desde 2010 y puedo asegurarle que se usa "declaración de (la) tesis" en el mundo hispanófono. Claro que se puede usar otros terminos, pero no se puede negar el uso de "declaración de (la) tesis.
May 31, 2012:

Proposed translations

thesis statement in spanish

PhD in Translation Studies in Spanish

Works in: Spanish to English, English to Spanish, Portuguese to English

agree : Exacto, la tesis se plantea para luego corroborarla en el trabajo de investigación. Saludos.
Así es; muchas gracias, Mercedes, y saludos
agree : right to the point
Thanks, MollyRose :-)
agree : eso es! saludos Marcelo!
Muchas gracias, Diogozas :-)

Something went wrong...

Help with your translation project

Works in: English to Spanish, English, Spanish to English

Declaración de Tesis

thesis statement in spanish

rethink technology

Native in: Spanish 

Works in: English to Spanish, Spanish to English, Spanish

Afirmación de Tesis

thesis statement in spanish

Criminal, Civil and Immigration Law

Works in: Spanish to English, English to Spanish, French to English, and 3 more.

Presentación de tesis


thesis statement in spanish

12 years experience. Graduated from UBA

Works in: English to Spanish

Propuesta de tesis

thesis statement in spanish

M.S. Leg/Fin Translator - 12 yrs - MemoQ

Native in: English (Variants: US, British, UK) 

Works in: Spanish to English, Portuguese to English, French to English, and 2 more.

declaración de tesis / enunciado de tésis / oración de tésis / una tesis

agree : Yo diría "declaración de la tesis", es decir, su intención. Saludos. O casi mejor "declaración sobre la tesis", en mi opinión.
neutral : No es exactamente una "declaración". Este término sería en este caso un calco del inglés./Claro que "statement" es "declaración" pero aquí no es una buena solución traductológica. Se diría "planteamiento o formulación de la tesis".
No se trata de una "declaración" ni un calco, sino una "declaración de (la) tesis" (la idea principal del ensayo de toda investigación, dada en el primer párrafo o la introducción de ello) que corresponde precisamente a thesis statement.

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Thinking about Topics

Exploring broad topics in Spanish Studies scholarship is a good way to start thinking about potential topics for your essay, research paper, or project. As you explore some of the broad topics in recent scholarship, consider:

  • What are the expectations around the essay, paper, or project? Are there specific geographic or temporal requirements for the assignment?
  • What interests you most about some of the broad topics? What are some of the ways that they connect with your interests inside and outside of the classroom?

Narrowing a Topic

If you have identified a broad topic, the next step is to adapt or narrow the topic to match the course expectations and requirements for your essay, paper, or project. As you narrow your topic, consider: 

  • What are expectations around the length of the paper or project?
  • What are the requirements around the use of primary and secondary sources?

Forming a Research Question

Identifying a topic and sources to support your analysis is an important first step in the research process. For many essays and projects, forming a research question and thesis statement is an important next step. As you form a research question, plan to use additional resources: 

  • Visit your professors during drop-in office hours or make an appointment with them to discuss your research question and thesis statement early in the process. 
  • Use the  UConn Writing Center  to formulate or revise a research question or preliminary thesis statement. The writing center offers free in-person and online tutoring. You can make an appointment, drop-in with a quick question, or request written feedback.
  • Email or make an appointment with the  Research Services Librarian for Spanish Studies  for help finding additional primary or secondary sources. 
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  • Next: Exploring Broad Topics in Spanish Studies >>
  • Last Updated: Aug 29, 2024 11:41 AM
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  • How to Write a Thesis Statement | 4 Steps & Examples

How to Write a Thesis Statement | 4 Steps & Examples

Published on January 11, 2019 by Shona McCombes . Revised on August 15, 2023 by Eoghan Ryan.

A thesis statement is a sentence that sums up the central point of your paper or essay . It usually comes near the end of your introduction .

Your thesis will look a bit different depending on the type of essay you’re writing. But the thesis statement should always clearly state the main idea you want to get across. Everything else in your essay should relate back to this idea.

You can write your thesis statement by following four simple steps:

  • Start with a question
  • Write your initial answer
  • Develop your answer
  • Refine your thesis statement

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Table of contents

What is a thesis statement, placement of the thesis statement, step 1: start with a question, step 2: write your initial answer, step 3: develop your answer, step 4: refine your thesis statement, types of thesis statements, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about thesis statements.

A thesis statement summarizes the central points of your essay. It is a signpost telling the reader what the essay will argue and why.

The best thesis statements are:

  • Concise: A good thesis statement is short and sweet—don’t use more words than necessary. State your point clearly and directly in one or two sentences.
  • Contentious: Your thesis shouldn’t be a simple statement of fact that everyone already knows. A good thesis statement is a claim that requires further evidence or analysis to back it up.
  • Coherent: Everything mentioned in your thesis statement must be supported and explained in the rest of your paper.

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The thesis statement generally appears at the end of your essay introduction or research paper introduction .

The spread of the internet has had a world-changing effect, not least on the world of education. The use of the internet in academic contexts and among young people more generally is hotly debated. For many who did not grow up with this technology, its effects seem alarming and potentially harmful. This concern, while understandable, is misguided. The negatives of internet use are outweighed by its many benefits for education: the internet facilitates easier access to information, exposure to different perspectives, and a flexible learning environment for both students and teachers.

You should come up with an initial thesis, sometimes called a working thesis , early in the writing process . As soon as you’ve decided on your essay topic , you need to work out what you want to say about it—a clear thesis will give your essay direction and structure.

You might already have a question in your assignment, but if not, try to come up with your own. What would you like to find out or decide about your topic?

For example, you might ask:

After some initial research, you can formulate a tentative answer to this question. At this stage it can be simple, and it should guide the research process and writing process .

Now you need to consider why this is your answer and how you will convince your reader to agree with you. As you read more about your topic and begin writing, your answer should get more detailed.

In your essay about the internet and education, the thesis states your position and sketches out the key arguments you’ll use to support it.

The negatives of internet use are outweighed by its many benefits for education because it facilitates easier access to information.

In your essay about braille, the thesis statement summarizes the key historical development that you’ll explain.

The invention of braille in the 19th century transformed the lives of blind people, allowing them to participate more actively in public life.

A strong thesis statement should tell the reader:

  • Why you hold this position
  • What they’ll learn from your essay
  • The key points of your argument or narrative

The final thesis statement doesn’t just state your position, but summarizes your overall argument or the entire topic you’re going to explain. To strengthen a weak thesis statement, it can help to consider the broader context of your topic.

These examples are more specific and show that you’ll explore your topic in depth.

Your thesis statement should match the goals of your essay, which vary depending on the type of essay you’re writing:

  • In an argumentative essay , your thesis statement should take a strong position. Your aim in the essay is to convince your reader of this thesis based on evidence and logical reasoning.
  • In an expository essay , you’ll aim to explain the facts of a topic or process. Your thesis statement doesn’t have to include a strong opinion in this case, but it should clearly state the central point you want to make, and mention the key elements you’ll explain.

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A thesis statement is a sentence that sums up the central point of your paper or essay . Everything else you write should relate to this key idea.

The thesis statement is essential in any academic essay or research paper for two main reasons:

  • It gives your writing direction and focus.
  • It gives the reader a concise summary of your main point.

Without a clear thesis statement, an essay can end up rambling and unfocused, leaving your reader unsure of exactly what you want to say.

Follow these four steps to come up with a thesis statement :

  • Ask a question about your topic .
  • Write your initial answer.
  • Develop your answer by including reasons.
  • Refine your answer, adding more detail and nuance.

The thesis statement should be placed at the end of your essay introduction .

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McCombes, S. (2023, August 15). How to Write a Thesis Statement | 4 Steps & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved September 11, 2024, from

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thesis statement

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  1. AP Spanish Language- Teaching the writing of a thesis statement

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  2. Thesis Cheat Sheet [English + Spanish] by Berk's Buys

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  3. latex thesis template spanish

    thesis statement in spanish

  4. Thesis Statement in Spanish

    thesis statement in spanish

  5. Spanish Thesis Ideas

    thesis statement in spanish

  6. 45 Plantillas Perfectas de Declaración de Tesis (+ Ejemplos)

    thesis statement in spanish


  1. Thesis Statements: Patterns

  2. Doorstep Statement: Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs-Meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers 11/28/23

  3. Thesis Statements (English & Arabic)

  4. How to Write a Thesis Statement for an Essay

  5. tips for writing a thesis statement in Essay #youtubeshort #youtube #ytshorts #learnify

  6. Spanish Explanation


  1. Composing a Thesis Statement in Spanish

    A thesis statement in Spanish is called a planteamiento del problema or formulación del problema. An effective statement should have language that is accurate, argumentative, and academic. You ...

  2. Developing a Strong Thesis Statement in Spanish

    The thesis statement is the backbone of your essay; it encapsulates the main argument and sets the direction for the entire text. For students and professionals who work in Spanish-speaking contexts, mastering the art of crafting an effective thesis statement in Spanish is just as important as doing so in English. This guide will explore the ...

  3. 4. Aprende a elaborar la thesis statement (tesis) de tu ensayo

    En esta serie de videos académicos aprenderás a elaborar un ensayo, ya sea en inglés o en español. En esta cuarta parte te explico qué es la tesis del e...

  4. 40 Useful Spanish Essay Phrases

    25. en realidad. in reality; really. 26. hay que tomar en cuenta. you have to take into account. 27. lo importante es. the important thing is.

  5. Thesis statement in Spanish

    Write a rough draft of your thesis statement. Escribe un borrador de tu hipótesis. Make an outline using your thesis statement in order to prepare an organized essay. Haz un boceto usando tu enunciado de tesis para preparar un ensayo organizado. Write down a list of different reasons you might give for supporting your thesis statement.

  6. Tips For the AP Spanish Argumentative Essay

    Learn how to teach and practice the AP Spanish Argumentative Essay, which requires reading, listening and writing skills. Find resources, examples and strategies to help students write a clear thesis statement and organize their ideas.

  7. Basic Guidelines For Writing Essays in Spanish

    Learn how to write essays in Spanish with a clear thesis statement in the introduction. Follow the steps to pick a topic, brainstorm ideas, organize paragraphs, and proofread your work.

  8. Spanish Studies Subject Guide

    Use the UConn Writing Center to formulate or revise a research question or preliminary thesis statement. The writing center offers free in-person and online tutoring. You can make an appointment, drop-in with a quick question, or request written feedback. At UConn Storrs, the writing center is located on Level 2 of the Homer Babbidge Library ...

  9. Quiz & Worksheet

    Print Worksheet. 1. Julie is writing her thesis statement in Spanish, which looks at contrasting two policies. This is the best way to express the objective in her thesis statement: quiero ...

  10. How To Write A Thesis Statement in Spanish

    Crafting a thesis statement in Spanish presents unique challenges for students, including navigating linguistic intricacies, cultural nuances, and the pressure to clearly articulate an argument in a non-native language. Students must demonstrate profound understanding of both the subject matter and Spanish grammar, vocabulary, and syntax. Seeking assistance from experts who understand the ...

  11. Thesis Statement

    This is the affirmation of your thesis. In these particular cases, I believe the best translation of the term "statement" from English to Spanish is: "afirmación.". My suggestion is : "Afirmación de Tesis". And of course, the thesis statement is a short and convincing sentence in the introduction of the essay or article which ...

  12. Composing a Persuasive Essay in Spanish

    Composing a Thesis Statement in Spanish Composing a Persuasive Essay in Spanish Ch 11. Latin American Geography. Ch 12. Culture, History & Politics in... Ch 13. Cultural Etiquette in Spanish ...

  13. Creating a Thesis statement

    Learn how to write a thesis statement in English with tips and examples. Find out how to translate it into Spanish and get feedback from other users.

  14. thesis statement

    Many translated example sentences containing "thesis statement" - Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations.

  15. Spanish Studies Subject Guide

    Identifying a topic and sources to support your analysis is an important first step in the research process. For many essays and projects, forming a research question and thesis statement is an important next step. As you form a research question, plan to use additional resources: Visit your professors during drop-in office hours or make an ...

  16. Translation of "thesis statement" in Spanish

    Translation of "thesis statement" in Spanish. You'll likely provide this information in your thesis statement. Es probable que le brindes esta información en tu enunciado de tesis. Include the most salient points within your thesis statement. El enunciado de tesis debe incluir los puntos más destacados.

  17. thesis statement

    Principal Translations. Inglés. Español. thesis statement n. (dissertation: presentation of main argument) presentación de tesis nf. Hizo la presentación de su tesis ante tres notables académicos.

  18. How to Write a Thesis Statement

    Learn how to write a clear and concise thesis statement for your essay or paper. Follow four simple steps and see examples of different types of thesis statements.

  19. Examples of Thesis statement: in English

    Your thesis statement might change as you work through your paper. Tu hipótesis podría cambiar a medida que trabajas en tu ensayo. Use your best examples of evidence to support your introduction and thesis statement. Usa tus mejores ejemplos de evidencia para apoyar tu introducción y tu hipótesis. Write a rough draft of your thesis statement.

  20. thesis

    thesis statement n. (dissertation: presentation of main argument) presentación de tesis nf. Hizo la presentación de su tesis ante tres notables académicos. thesis student n. ([sb] writing doctoral dissertation) doctorando nm. estudiante de doctorado grupo nom.

  21. thesis statement

    thesis statement - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions. | Online Language Dictionaries. ... Discussions about 'thesis statement' in the English Only forum. See Google Translate's machine translation of 'thesis statement'. In other languages: ...

  22. Thesis in Spanish

    noun. 1. (argument) a. la tesis. (F) I love your writing style, but you need to strengthen your thesis.Me encanta tu estilo de escritura, pero tienes que reforzar tu tesis. 2. (education) a. la tesis. (F) This afternoon, she is going to defend her thesis on the civil wars of the 20th century.Esta tarde va a defender su tesis sobre las guerras ...

  23. Thesis statements in Spanish

    Translate Thesis statements. See authoritative translations of Thesis statements in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations.