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Write an Excellent "Why I Want to Be a Manager" Essay

By: Henrique Bertulino

Write an Excellent "Why I Want to Be a Manager" Essay

Being asked to write an essay that tackles your ambition in life can be tricky. Essays that do so hope to make the writer understand their desires and aspirations in life. Here is an example of a “Why I want to Be A Manager” Essay that will help you relay your ambitions to the reader.

Essay Sample - Why I Want to Be a Manager: Be a Good Manager by Being a Leader

Unsupported topic answer, lack of major information, unclear and disorganized structure, points for improvement, reliable sources of info, always remember.

Students can use this guide in their essays to receive higher marks. Those applying for jobs can also borrow inspiration from this guide to impress hiring managers or the human resource department in their company of choice.

When we hear the word "manager," we often think of an essential member of a company or an organization that is head of the management team . Landing a managerial role is one of my ambitions in life. Being able to have a job that I am really passionate about is a great opportunity that I don’t want to miss. Through this job, I’ll be able to learn different management styles and improve my management skills .

Successful managers are essential to have good management . They are the ones who are responsible for instilling the functions of management and controlling the departments of a company. Managers are important personnel in an organization because they guide their departments to work together and take one direction to succeed in reaching organizational goals .

In addition, companies believe that having successful employees will lead to the success of the business. Having great managers with excellent communication skills that promote teamwork is one of the most vital components of an exceptional employee.

I always ask myself how I can become an effective manager . How will I fulfill my management roles ? My answer is: Be a leader. Leading employees in an efficient manner requires excellent leadership skills . A great leader must have a positive attitude because they are the ones who will take the organization to new heights.

Good leaders find great opportunities in difficult situations. Nowadays, the workplace environment is stressful and energy draining. Without a proper leader, people in this kind of environment can be less productive. In this situation, effective managers play a significant role in building cooperation and growth culture.

Leadership is essential to build a great workplace environment that helps staff members to connect with other co-workers . This will encourage the staff to be more confident with their abilities and help them increase their productivity.

As a person who heads the employees, managers can use their leadership skills in motivating their team members . They can also be an inspiration to the employees to develop talents and explore their maximum abilities. Leadership is an important skill that a manager should have.

Becoming an important part of the company comes with a lot of responsibility. That being said, I am ready to take a management position and become an effective manager to help the company succeed.

Essay Analysis

The example has the basic structure of an essay: an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. However, did the writer include the critical aspects of the subject and talked about it in the essay? Here are the few errors that the author should take note of:

An effective essay should have a clear central idea. For this essay, it’s answering the question: “Why do you want to be a manager?”

However, a big chunk of the essay focused on explaining why "leadership" is vital for an organization and why a manager needs to be a leader, not answering their "Why" of wanting to be a manager.

To effectively answer questions through an essay, you can add a personal experience or statistics. To illustrate, the example essay can include:

My mother was a manager of her company for many years before retiring. She was a hard-working, punctual, and respected member of her company. Every time she took me to her workplace, everyone showed how they admired her leadership and skills. I want to be just like her - she not only helped the company be successful but also played an important part in her co-workers ' growth.

The essay only relied on one focal characteristic of a manager - leadership. Paragraphs in an excellent essay have topic sentences that are then supported by the subsequent sentences to expand the idea of the essay.

The author could have included more types, roles, and characteristics of a manager. For instance, the essay above can include the following characteristics:

  • Sincere enthusiasm. If the leaders are sincerely enthusiastic and passionate, they’ll help their co-workers create a productive environment in the workplace.
  • Great communication skills . Leaders must be excellent in motivating, delegating, and instructing the employees they are in charge of. Poor communication will lead to poor outputs. Leaders who lack this skill will be perceived as being weak and fail as a leader.
  • Loyalty. A great leader understands that loyalty is reciprocal. They must express loyalty in ways that benefit the team members.
  • Decisiveness. Good leaders must have the ability to take risks and be decisive in their decision-making. They should be empowered to make decisions and take risks knowing that they will hold themselves accountable if it goes the wrong way. Leaders who aren't decisive are usually ineffective.

Although it might look like the essay has a beginning, middle, and end, it doesn't mean that it has appropriately constructed content. When writing an essay or anything that requires you to keep the readers' attention, always try to be in your audience's shoes.

While reading your output, ask yourself questions that you'll typically ask if you had been the reader and not the writer. These questions can be:

  • Did I understand this part after reading it once?
  • What can I do to make this section easier for my readers to comprehend?
  • Did the subsequent sentences in the paragraph support the topic sentence?
  • Did my paragraphs connect to each other smoothly?
  • Were my readers encouraged to read everything in my essay?

Everyone can improve their writing. Using the sample above, here are the following tips you can take note of so you don’t commit the same mistakes the author did:

Plan and Outline

Unclear sections and disorganization can easily be avoided when you take some time to sit down and write all your thoughts into paper first. Think of the following and write an outline before writing:

  • What do you want to be included in your essay?
  • What are the main points you want the readers to focus on?
  • What’s the goal of your essay?

Outlines will make writing easier because you will know where you're going. It will give you an idea of which topic you need to write about next, knowing what point you're building toward, and how you can get to your conclusion.

Dividing your writing into smaller sections will help you be more organized. Outlining also:

  • Saves you time
  • Assist you in selecting critical contents and sections
  • Helps you write cleanly, accurately, and directly to the point

There are two types of outline :

  • Keyword Outline displays a quick overview of the ideas you'd like to include in the essay in the form of two to three words.
  • Sentence Outline , on the other hand, is more detailed. It provides the general information of the topics using sentences.

Include Relevant Parts

For the topic "Why I want to be a manager," you can incorporate the following parts:

  • What inspired you to want to be a manager
  • What characteristics you need to be a manager
  • What you're doing or did to become a manager

Following are some good research papers you can refer to and cite for your paper:

  • 8 Essential Qualities That Define Great Leadership
  • 10 Characteristics of an Effective Manager
  • The Role and Responsibilities of a Manager
  • 25 Leadership Skills You Need To Learn Fast
  • The Seven Types of Managers: Which One Are You?

To summarize, once you finished writing your essay, check if:

  • The subject or question has been answered
  • It has been divided into sections for easier reading
  • You used proper grammar, and you didn't unintentionally plagiarize any parts

If you want assistance and professional help from experts to make sure that you have an essay that's a cut above the rest, reach out to Studybay today.

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What Great Managers Do

  • Marcus Buckingham

role of manager essay

Much has been written about the qualities that make a great manager, but most of the literature overlooks a fundamental question: What does a great manager actually do ? While there are countless management styles, one thing underpins the behavior of all great managers. Above all, an exceptional manager comes to know and value the particular quirks and abilities of her employees. She figures out how to capitalize on her staffers’ strengths and tweaks her environment to meet her larger goals.

Such a specialized approach may seem like a lot of work. But in fact, capitalizing on each person’s uniqueness can save time. Rather than encourage employees to conform to strict job descriptions that may include tasks they don’t enjoy and aren’t good at, a manager who develops positions for his staff members based on their unique abilities will be rewarded with behaviors that are far more efficient and effective than they would be otherwise.

This focus on individuals also makes employees more accountable. Because staffers are evaluated on their particular strengths and weaknesses, they are challenged to take responsibility for their abilities and to hone them.

Capitalizing on a person’s uniqueness also builds a stronger sense of team. By taking the time to understand what makes each employee tick, a great manager shows that he sees his people for who they are. This personal investment not only motivates individuals but also galvanizes the entire team.

Finally, this approach shakes up existing hierarchies, which leads to more creative thinking.

To take great managing from theory to practice, the author says, you must know three things about a person: her strengths, the triggers that activate those strengths, and how she learns. By asking the right questions, squeezing the right triggers, and becoming aware of your employees’ learning styles, you will discover what motivates each person to excel.

Great leaders tap into the needs and fears we all share. Great managers, by contrast, perform their magic by discovering, developing, and celebrating what’s different about each person who works for them. Here’s how they do it.

“The best boss I ever had.” That’s a phrase most of us have said or heard at some point, but what does it mean? What sets the great boss apart from the average boss? The literature is rife with provocative writing about the qualities of managers and leaders and whether the two differ, but little has been said about what happens in the thousands of daily interactions and decisions that allows managers to get the best out of their people and win their devotion. What do great managers actually do ?

  • Marcus Buckingham is a researcher of high performance at work, co-creator of StrengthsFinder and StandOut, and a coauthor of Nine Lies About Work: A Freethinking Leader’s Guide to the Real World (Harvard Business Review Press). His most recent book is Love + Work: How to Find What You Love, Love What You Do, and Do It for the Rest of Your Life (Harvard Business Review Press).

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Write an Excellent Why I Want to Be a Manager Essay

role of manager essay

About The Knowledge Nest

Welcome to The Knowledge Nest, a leading platform in the field of community and society. We are dedicated to providing valuable information, resources, and insights to individuals seeking to enhance their understanding of various subjects. In this article, we explore the role of a manager and shed light on why pursuing a career in management can be a rewarding choice.

The Importance of Managers in Today's Workplace

Managers play a pivotal role in organizations of all sizes. They are responsible for guiding teams, making critical decisions, and ensuring smooth operations. Effective management is crucial for achieving organizational goals and maintaining a productive work environment.

As a manager, you hold the key to enhancing team performance, fostering employee growth, and driving organizational success. Your ability to lead, organize, and inspire can make a significant impact on the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the business.

Benefits of Pursuing a Career in Management

1. Leadership Opportunities: Being a manager offers you the chance to lead and mentor others. By taking on a leadership role, you have the opportunity to guide teams toward success and make a positive difference in their professional development.

2. Impactful Decision-Making: Managers are entrusted with decision-making authority, allowing them to shape the direction of an organization. Your decisions can influence processes, strategies, and outcomes, helping the business adapt and thrive in a dynamic environment.

3. Continuous Learning: Management roles often involve tackling new challenges and taking on diverse responsibilities. This presents opportunities for continuous learning and development, enabling you to enhance your skill set and broaden your knowledge in various areas.

4. Versatile Career Paths: The skills gained through a career in management are highly transferable. Whether you choose to remain in the same industry or explore new sectors, the skills you acquire as a manager can open doors to a wide range of career paths and opportunities.

The Role of a Manager

A manager's role can vary depending on the organization, industry, and level of responsibility. However, some key responsibilities are typically associated with management positions:

1. Planning and Strategy

Managers are involved in setting goals, defining strategies, and creating plans to achieve objectives. They analyze market trends, assess competition, and develop effective strategies to position the organization for success.

2. Team Leadership

One of the primary responsibilities of a manager is leading and managing a team of individuals. This involves setting expectations, providing guidance, delegating tasks, and fostering a positive work environment. Effective team leadership is crucial for maximizing productivity and maintaining employee satisfaction.

3. Decision-Making and Problem-Solving

Managers often face complex decisions and challenging problems. They gather relevant information, evaluate options, and make informed decisions to address critical issues. Problem-solving skills are essential for identifying obstacles and implementing effective solutions.

4. Communication and Collaboration

Maintaining effective communication within the team and across different departments is vital for successful management. Managers must convey information clearly, listen actively, and foster collaboration to ensure the smooth flow of information and effective teamwork.

5. Performance Evaluation and Feedback

Managers are responsible for assessing employee performance, providing constructive feedback, and identifying areas for improvement. By conducting regular performance evaluations, managers can support employee growth and development, ultimately benefiting the overall team and organization.

In conclusion, pursuing a career in management offers numerous benefits and opportunities for personal and professional growth. With the right skills, mindset, and passion, you can excel in this role and make a significant impact on the success of an organization. Remember, becoming a manager is not only about the title, but also the ability to inspire, lead, and drive positive change.

At The Knowledge Nest, we strive to equip individuals like you with valuable insights and resources to help you succeed in your chosen career path. Explore our blog for more informative articles and resources related to community and society.

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1.1 The Role of Management

  • What is the role of management?

Management is the process of guiding the development, maintenance, and allocation of resources to attain organizational goals. Managers are the people in the organization responsible for developing and carrying out this management process. Management is dynamic by nature and evolves to meet needs and constraints in the organization’s internal and external environments. In a global marketplace where the rate of change is rapidly increasing, flexibility and adaptability are crucial to the managerial process. This process is based in four key functional areas of the organization: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Although these activities are discussed separately in the chapter, they actually form a tightly integrated cycle of thoughts and actions.

From this perspective, the managerial process can be described as (1) anticipating potential problems or opportunities and designing plans to deal with them, (2) coordinating and allocating the resources needed to implement plans, (3) guiding personnel through the implementation process, and (4) reviewing results and making any necessary changes. This last stage provides information to be used in ongoing planning efforts, and thus the cycle starts over again. The four functions are highly interdependent, with managers often performing more than one of them at a time and each of them many times over the course of a normal workday.

The four management functions can help managers increase organizational efficiency and effectiveness. Efficiency is using the least possible amount of resources to get work done, whereas effectiveness is the ability to produce a desired result. Managers need to be both efficient and effective in order to achieve organizational goals. For example in 2016, Delta , one of the most efficient network U.S. airlines, operated at revenue of 12.15 cents per seat-mile, which is the revenue the company makes on one seat (occupied or not) the distance of one mile. No other airline came close to operating this efficiently except Southwest , which flew seats that produced 12.51 cents a mile, the best performance of all U.S. airlines. 1 There are many ways that airlines can manage to produce higher revenue per seat-mile. For instance, they can raise ticket prices, fill more of their seats, operate more efficient aircraft that utilize less fuel, or negotiate favorable salaries with their employees. While efficiency and effectiveness are sometimes lauded by investors, airlines also need to account for customer satisfaction, which can mean extra costs. 2

To meet the demands of rapid growth, Skechers hired a new chief financial officer, John Vandemore, which allowed their existing CFO (David Weinberg) to concentrate on international expansion. Skechers CEO Robert Greenberg commented: “As international now represents more than 50 percent of our total business, we must continue to ramp up operations and infrastructure to meet the demand. David (Weinberg) understands how to do it the right way at the right speed to maintain our forward momentum. With John (Vandemore) handling CFO responsibilities, David will now have the bandwidth to travel and find opportunities to maximize our efficiencies around the globe.” 3

As these examples and Table 1 .1  show, good management uses the four management functions to increase a company’s efficiency and effectiveness, which leads to the accomplishment of organizational goals and objectives. Let’s look more closely at what each of the management functions entails.

What Managers Do and Why
Good management consists of these four activities: Which results in And leads to

Leads to Organizational efficiency and effectiveness Leads to Achievement of organizational mission and objectives


  • Define the term management .
  • What are the four key functions of managers?
  • What is the difference between efficiency and effectiveness?

Source contents: Principles of Management and Organizational Behavior . Please visit OpenStax for more details:

Introduction to Management and Organizational Behavior Copyright © by OpenStax is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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The Role of Managers in the Workplace

The role of managers in the workplace is one of the most significant when it comes to influencing organizational performance and meeting corporate goals. They have a direct impact on the employees they manage while are also expected to carry our various responsibilities targeted at aligning their department’s performance with the organizational goals set for growth and development.

The nature of the duties performed by managers is highly interconnected, which is why they have an immediate impact on the reaching of desired objectives set by the business owners and directors (Berg 2015). While managers are expected to perform multiple roles, their effectiveness as applied to organizational behaviour (OB) is the most important as it is concerned with the interconnections between workers and their organizations.

The OB framework considers three essential categories that are associated with interactions between workers and organizations in which they operate. At the micro-level, separate individuals operating within a company are considered, at the meso-level, there are workgroups, while on the macro-level, it is considered how organizations behave as whole entities. Within these levels of the OB framework, managers perform their individual responsibilities to facilitate positive outcomes in terms of profitability, employee engagement and retention, a positive corporate culture as well as effective communication and development.

Managers set objectives for their subordinates and determine the ways in which these objectives should be met. They organize work into manageable activities and assign them to relevant team members in order to meet the expectations of the set objectives. They are also expected to motivate the team to develop a positive ethos among the staff as well as communicate decisions clearly (Gaskell 2016).

Targets and performance measures are also set by managers in order to interpret and analyse how well the team is dealing with the assigned tasks. Finally, managers work on developing staff as valuable assets to companies. All of the mentioned responsibilities that managers perform on a regular basis are concerned with fostering a positive organisational behaviour framework that encourages workers to bring value to their companies and engage in the process of reaching the established goals.

Depending on the organisational behaviour model, managers can use different methods of guiding and controlling their subordinates and encouraging them to be productive. For example, in the autocratic OB model, the focus is placed on the managerial authority and orientation on the manager who is expected to have the most power and facilitate obedience and discipline form employees who are dependent on the decisions made by their manager. In the supportive model, the leadership of managers is targeted at supporting subordinates in their endeavours (Zhao, Chen, Glambek, & Einarsen 2019).

This approach is oriented on job performance and participation in order to meet the objectives set by the higher managers. Thus, depending on the needs of an organisation, managers adapt their work to meet the optimum outcomes and reach the set objectives. The characteristics of successful managers are wide-ranging, which is why poor management can result in damaged morale and productivity among employees.

Reference List

Berg, J 2015, ‘The role of personal purpose and personal goals in symbiotic visions’, Frontiers in Psychology , vol. 6, p. 443.

Gaskell, C 2016, ‘ The nine types of employees – and how to motivate them ’, The Guardian . Web.

Zhao, M, Chen, Z, Glambek, M, & Einarsen, S 2019, ‘Leadership ostracism behaviors from the target’s perspective: a content and behavioral typology model derived from interviews with Chinese employees’, Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 10, p. 1197.

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StudyCorgi . "The Role of Managers in the Workplace." July 31, 2021.

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Management Ethics: The Role of Managers Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment


Society’s responsibility and ethics, ethical perspective evolvement.

Ethics can be defined in different ways; it can be defined as a philosophy division seeking to tackle issues of morality including fairness, wrong doing, and justice and self-respect activities. Another explanation given to the term is a person’s act that makes him or her endure dynamics. Organizations are looked upon by the community to act ethically and socially responsible. Organizations are required to respect the society, practice justice, fairness and respect when dealing with their clients while improving their communities at the same time. When organizations are unable to act in accordance with the set ethical standards there will be an undesirable impact on all stakeholders.

Although a lot of organizations are unethical, many of them are aware of values of operating ethically and they do make ethical decision while operating. Strategic plan which is a process of bringing on board new ideas are developed to maximize the wealth of the stakeholders. Organizations should consider the society and all its stakeholders to be prosperous while putting forward strategies addressing what to be done, when to do it and stakeholders involved in order to prosper. “The management should set goals of maximum wealth creation for shareholders, with this in mind ethical decisions of improving the stake of all shareholders are welcomed.

The mission of wealth maximization is considered to be a narrow outlook. Evidently when profit maximization becomes the basis of financial decisions, it ignores the interests of the community in one hand and that of the government and workers and other concerned persons in the organization on the other hand” (Ellis 2007). Consequently this paper is going to address the role of ethics and communal responsibilities in coming up with strategic plan, considering needs of all people involved then explain how ethical perceptions have evolved. The paper will then conclude by highlighting on the importance of management ethics.

Organizations are supposed to put in mind the objectives of the society making them to thrive in the long run. Companies must also put into consideration objectives that are not financial; this is done to satisfy the company’s stakeholders. Since these are people who are directly influenced or influence the company.

“The organization should also develop a culture of responsibility which can be expressed as; Commitment to a strong work ethic, integrity, honesty and quality, personal relations based on trust and mutual respect. This entails a sociable attitude towards others combined with an ability to communicate openly and frankly together with a personalized and direct way of dealing with each other. This in turn shows a high level of tolerance for other ideas and opinions, as well as a relentless commitment to co-operate proactively with others. Another one is being more pragmatic than dogmatic approach to business that implies being realistic and basing decisions on facts” (James 2000).

“There is also Openness and curiosity for dynamic and future trends in technology, changes in consumer habits, new business ideas and opportunities, while maintaining respect for basic human values, attitudes and behavior, Pride in contributing to the reputation and the performance of the Company” (James 2000). This requires nurturing sense of excellence, fairness, overall accomplishment of day in day out efforts that goes past fashion and short-range gain, allegiance and identification to the organization.

Ethical perspective related matters encompass three major components which are awareness, articulation and application. They encompass ethical perspectives provide foundations of good ethical choice making, a person’s ability to describe the principles underlying his or her position and the use of ethical knowledge in making decisions and putting principles into action as one moves towards ethical options day in day out.

“Organizations take care of ethical matters through a number of ways. They make sure the service they provide is as per the moral principles and ethical guidelines, the moral conduct and the ethical code is made known to all stakeholders” (Burke 2009) The services given by the business are used in a suitable way for example “a web hosting company carries a site providing information on bomb making or suicide assistance, they cannot claim to have no responsibility if that information is used. This is not a matter of legal liability but of moral responsibility” (Burke 2009).

Other ethical perspective related matters involve, “societal communication disclosing corporate information in a fair and positive manner, the provision of workplace conditions which are safe, creation of an environment and culture conducive for ethical decisions, development and supply of socially useful products putting in consideration safety, comfort and respect of human rights” (Daniels 1992).

Therefore as shown in this paper social ethics is highly needed in the society particularly in the running of organizations. Consequently management of organizations should recognize their ethical duties while putting them in practice to set a good example to others. Managers should also put in place systems ensuring observance of ethics and the fostering of a sense of morality.

Burke, S., (2009) Business ethics and values: Individual, corporate and international perspectives (2 nd Ed.). England: Pearson Education.

Daniels, m., (1992) Matters of ethical perspective Brisbane , QLD: John Wiley & Sons Australia Ltd.

Ellis, l., (2007) Management ethics: The role of managers. Journal of Management Development, 21 (2), 152-163.

James, d., (2000) Social ethics, Brisbane , QLD: John Wiley & Sons Australia Ltd.

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IvyPanda. (2021, December 22). Management Ethics: The Role of Managers.

"Management Ethics: The Role of Managers." IvyPanda , 22 Dec. 2021,

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Management Ethics: The Role of Managers'. 22 December.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Management Ethics: The Role of Managers." December 22, 2021.

1. IvyPanda . "Management Ethics: The Role of Managers." December 22, 2021.


IvyPanda . "Management Ethics: The Role of Managers." December 22, 2021.

  • DOI: 10.56495/ejr.v3i2.573
  • Corpus ID: 272029079

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Published: Apr 11, 2019

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Correspondence aptitude, a decent organizer, the roles and responsibilities of managers, initiative ability, perceive issues.

Image of Prof. Linda Burke

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role of manager essay


  1. Write an Excellent "Why I Want to Be a Manager" Essay

    Essay Sample - Why I Want to Be a Manager: Be a Good Manager by Being a Leader. When we hear the word "manager," we often think of an essential member of a company or an organization that is head of the management team. Landing a managerial role is one of my ambitions in life. Being able to have a job that I am really passionate about is a ...

  2. Reflection Paper On Being A Manager: [Essay Example], 625 words

    The role of a manager is multifaceted, requiring a blend of leadership, interpersonal skills, and technical expertise. This reflection paper aims to explore the complexities of being a manager, drawing on theoretical frameworks and personal experiences. By examining the nuances of decision-making, team dynamics, and personal growth, this paper ...

  3. Role Of A Manager In An Organisation Business Essay

    Role Of A Manager In An Organisation Business Essay. "A manager may be a leader, a manager may not be a leader, but a leader may emerge who is not a manager.". This saying shows that roles of manager and leader not to be connected at all. However, for a business to be effective, managers must learn how to become leaders by developing ...

  4. Roles and Responsibilities of a Project Manager Essay

    The project manager organises and troubleshoots the numerous problems arising from development of multifaceted projects and client end user data. He avails all relevant information in timely manner if required by other subordinate staff (Winch, 2010). This makes the work of the auditors easy, when the company is preparing the financial records.

  5. What Great Managers Do

    What Great Managers Do. Great leaders tap into the needs and fears we all share. Great managers, by contrast, perform their magic by discovering, developing, and celebrating what's different ...

  6. The Importance of an Ideal Manager: [Essay Example], 497 words

    The Importance of an Ideal Manager. Managers play a crucial role in the success of any organization. An ideal manager is someone who possesses a unique set of skills and qualities that enable them to effectively lead and inspire their team. In this essay, we will explore the importance of an ideal manager and discuss the key traits and ...

  7. The role of management in business

    Management can be described as an act that brings together all resources belonging to an organization including people with the aim of achieving and utilizing them optimally to achieve overall corporate goals (Watson 2006, 34-40). Get a custom essay on The role of management in business. Organizations are governed by missions, vision and values ...

  8. Manager Essay

    Manager Essay. Sort By: Page 1 of 50 - About 500 essays. Decent Essays. Becoming A Healthcare Manager. 678 Words; 3 Pages; Becoming A Healthcare Manager ... Manager Role in Implementing Change Nicole Paschel University of Phoenix HCS/ 475 Ashley Tennessee December 17, 2010 Manager Role in Implementing Change There are successful ways to ...

  9. The Importance Of Leadership: [Essay Example], 777 words

    Leadership is not just a title or position; it is a set of skills and qualities that enable individuals to motivate and guide others towards a common objective. It is the ability to influence and inspire, to bring out the best in people and to create positive change. Whether it is in a business setting, a community organization, or even within ...

  10. Write an Excellent Why I Want to Be a Manager Essay

    The Role of a Manager. A manager's role can vary depending on the organization, industry, and level of responsibility. However, some key responsibilities are typically associated with management positions: 1. Planning and Strategy. Managers are involved in setting goals, defining strategies, and creating plans to achieve objectives.

  11. The Role of Management in organization Essay

    Introduction. The main role of management is categorized into four functions, i.e. Controlling, Leading, Organizing and planning. Many textbooks depict these functions as the simple, clear and unchanging guidelines to perfect management. However, the role of management is more than just following simple rules of procedure.

  12. 1.1 The Role of Management

    The four management functions can help managers increase organizational efficiency and effectiveness. Efficiency is using the least possible amount of resources to get work done, whereas effectiveness is the ability to produce a desired result. Managers need to be both efficient and effective in order to achieve organizational goals.

  13. The Role of Leaders and Managers in Organizations

    Managers and leaders have their significant roles to be played and both have interlinked responsibilities and job duties within organizations. There is a thin line of similarity between the tasks of leaders and managers when it comes to organizational performance. This paper discusses the role of managers and leaders to understand the ...

  14. The Role Of Project Manager Management Essay

    Conflicts and communication management approach. The project manager's role (PM) has the overall responsibility for the successful planning, implementation, execution, monitoring, control and conclusion of the project (Meredith and Mantel, 2006). The present paper aims to analyse the role of the project manager focused on the challenges that ...

  15. The Role of Management in Business: [Essay Example], 880 words

    Management plays a crucial role in businesses of all sizes and industries. In this essay, we will be discussing the role of management in business operations using a deductive approach. Effective management is essential for the success of any organization, and hence, it is crucial to analyze its role and impact on the business.

  16. Role of a Manager in an Organization

    The Role of a Manager in a Typical Organization. He/She should be good at organizing, staffing, directing, in communication and control. First and foremost the logic of group formation. Second, be informative, monitoring, being a non-discriminator not afraid to be a spokesperson. This person could perform the different activities, without ...

  17. role of a manager Essay

    The Role of Project Manager Essay. understanding about the role of project manager is unclear. Different people hold various viewpoints about it. According to Lewis, people have a vague understanding of what is the role of project manager, because a majority of project managers are promoted from other jobs such as engineers or technologists and ...

  18. The Role of Managers in the Workplace

    Words: 502 Pages: 2. The role of managers in the workplace is one of the most significant when it comes to influencing organizational performance and meeting corporate goals. They have a direct impact on the employees they manage while are also expected to carry our various responsibilities targeted at aligning their department's performance ...

  19. The importance of the Manager Role

    A manager should ensure resources are well organized and efforts are coordinated effectively and efficiently in alignment with company strategies and objectives. A manager's role involves getting things done through other people (Parker Follet, 1941 cited in Hannagan T, 2008). In today's competitive and global world, where changes in our ...

  20. Management Ethics: The Role of Managers Essay

    Get a custom essay on Management Ethics: The Role of Managers. Although a lot of organizations are unethical, many of them are aware of values of operating ethically and they do make ethical decision while operating. Strategic plan which is a process of bringing on board new ideas are developed to maximize the wealth of the stakeholders.

  21. What Are the Primary Responsibilities of a Manager?

    1. Leadership. Leadership is one of the most critical skills for success as a manager. People in management positions must be capable of helping drive employees to meet goals, motivate them through challenges and ensure they have all the support they need to excel in their jobs. 2.

  22. The Roles And Responsibilities Of Managers

    A direct face to face interaction by a manager can help to inspire employees and to reinforce positive attitude in them. This interaction helps the employees to adapt any change in the organization. Listening to employees. Employees' feedback is very important in an organization in case of managing change.

  23. The Role of Technology in Educational Resource Management: A Literature

    The results of this research reveal that the role of technology in managing educational resources plays a very influential role in education. The aim of this research is to clarify the role of technology in managing educational resources. Educational resources have undergone many changes since the beginning of the digital era. The digital era has had a major impact on the way educational ...

  24. Roles and Responsibilities of Managers

    Roles and Responsibilities of Managers. It is essential if a director needs participation from his group or representatives, or to focus. A decent director hones compassion and regards the individual qualities, conclusions and thoughts of the general population he associates with. He ought to tune in and react and offer gestures of recognition ...