Chevening Winning Essay
This essay will provide insights into crafting a winning Chevening scholarship essay. It will discuss key elements such as articulating leadership qualities, networking skills, and academic and professional aspirations in alignment with the Chevening criteria. You can also find more related free essay samples at PapersOwl about Communication.
How it works
I believe that trust, teamwork, respect and welcoming diversity are the basic elements to create a strong relationship among people. When I Grow Up Event for kids had launched by JCI Damascus, which specialized to display a huge number of occupations, professions and handcrafts in real way to enable children to practice it, so that will facilitate their career plan for the future. The manager of event signed the official agreement with one charity organization to bring 300 boys and girls. Before three days of launching the event, the organization had broken the promise.
The manager was frustrated and anxious to lose the event. He asked other members if anyone can help him. I participated in that event. When I heard his need, I took that bad situation on my account. The overdependence on win-win strategy, that always stimulates a strong professional network relevance. Because I have a wide range of public relationships, I began to communicate directly with the board of directors. That relationship between us built on trust. When I worked with them, I always attempt to pay attention to the need and sharing information with body language and positive gestures to show my interest in people’s views, as well as Taking overpromise and achieve it on time help me to build strong connections. Working with different cultures and environments paved the way to get valuable knowledge about it. I have appreciated the difference in religion, race and tradition to welcoming and accepting people in the team and place of working. Working on that help me to integrate with foreign people( from UK, USA and Span) and organizations as the UN and JCI. Working as a team with high respect to the different ideas and opinions and working on reaching to compromising solution help me to focus on the scheduled goals. Because of the aforementioned process, I was able without an official agreement to convince them courteously to approving the offer of attending. that was my pleasure to rescue the event and invite more than 550 orphans from 6 charity organizations and orphanages.
I hope to be collaborated with the best experts and professors in the UK to reach and achieve my goals. I am really keen on creating a strong partnership with international organizations to support justice and human right in developing countries in the coming years.
I plan to cooperate with foreign scholars by relying on the professional capacity of connection as well as to transmit our insights and prospective on different cultures and environments, that will boost my knowledge about other culture, history and traditions. I am enthusiastic of being a part of the active young leaders network around the world and discussing solutions for better world. The integration of our dreams, abilities and perspectives in one crucible, that will excess my horizon to achieve the future goals .
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"Chevening Winning Essay.", Jul 04, 2021. Accessed November 18, 2024.
"Chevening Winning Essay," , 04-Jul-2021. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 18-Nov-2024] (2021). Chevening Winning Essay . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 18-Nov-2024]
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Writing Chevening Leadership Essay
by Quva | Aug 21, 2019 | General | 2 comments
If you are reading this article, you have most probably progressed to the essay section in your Chevening application, and are wondering how you can sell yourself to a scholarship with one of the most rigid requirements in the world in a mere 500 words? The Leadership essay is undoubtedly the heart of your Chevening application, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it can make or break your application. So, it is important to carefully choose what you write because EVERY. WORD. COUNTS. (Literally).
Here is what the Chevening Leadership Essay question says:
Chevening is looking for people who will be future leaders or influencers in their home countries. Explain how you meet this requirement, using clear examples of your own leadership and influencing skills to support your answer
Word of advice
The first thing that you should know (and have hopefully done if you are already in the process of completing your application) before writing the essay is that a good essay cannot be written in a day or two. You cannot just think of one leadership example from your high school and structure your essay around it. It takes multiple iterations to write the perfect essay. However, there is no need to be intimidated by this fact because if you work in simple steps, you will find yourself fast on the right track, that is, illustrating your leadership potential in a convincing and authentic manner to the selection panel.
The first thing that you ought to do is to remember to not be overwhelmed by the essays of successful applicants you have read on the internet, and to not think that everyone who gets accepted to Chevening is bound to have held a high position in a big company. You should simply work on demonstrating your leadership potential from what experiences you have had in your life in an authentic and compelling manner. Remember, Chevening is looking for some indication in your essay that tells them that you have the potential to influence people in your country to bring about positive change in near future, and your essay should provide them with one. The first step towards writing the essay is to make a list of all the jobs you have held in your professional life in the past 5 years. For each job you have listed, also write your responsibilities, and the reason you are proud of that job. Any examples that you use in your essay should be recent, and not going as far back as high school. Next, prioritize. Take some time to think and eliminate the least impactful examples. Keep working till you find the ones that you feel can reflect you in the best light. Select top three examples from your life that show you in the capacity of a leader, in a scenario where you faced a problem and took charge, and went beyond your job description to solve that problem. Once you have selected your examples and figured out which leadership trait each example reflects, being with the first draft of your essay. It is important to begin your essay with one or two lines about what leadership is for you, and how do you describe it. Once you have done that, move on to answer the question of the essay with what is known as the STAR technique. It provides you with a structure for your essay and helps save words by describing your story in an efficient manner. STAR stands for S – Situation. This is a problem or a situation encountered by you. Start by briefly describing the problem, including the who, what, when, where, and how. T – Task. This is the part where you talk about your responsibilities in handling the situation you described above. Describe any challenges that encountered. A – Action. In this part, describe the steps you took to counter the situation. Be specific about any initiatives that you took as a leader to overcome the challenges you faced. Focus on your individual role in remedying the situation, and not on the team work. This will help Chevening identify you as a potential future leader, which is the purpose of this essay. R – Result. Finally talk about the results that you were able to achieve, and describe how you were able to avert the crisis using your leadership abilities. Be specific about the outcome that you were able to accomplish, and make sure that the results are realistic and believable in order to maintain the authenticity of the story. Once completed, do not forget to take one line to describe the lesson you learned from the situation you have mentioned. It will help you transition into your conclusion nicely. To conclude, briefly mention how Chevening will help you on your way to achieving your goals and becoming a leader. A few words of advice:
- Use formal English. Don’ts and can’ts are not allowed.
- Express your thoughts in a concise and clear manner. Do not be wordy.
- Use words efficiently to keep your word count in check.
- Finally, proofread. You cannot proofread your essay enough. Edit it and keep rereading it every 3-4 days. This is really important because every time you read your essay after a break, you will be able to look at it from a fresh perspective and see mistakes and identify problem areas that you could not before. Being in that frame of mind will also help you come up with better ways to write your examples or improve the existing ones.
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Does this program extend to PHD, or only one year master?
Chevening is for Master’s only.
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