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Retirement speech sample

Refusing to rest honorably - a teacher's farewell address

By:  Susan Dugdale  

The retirement speech sample below was written to show you the end result of using the step-by-step guidelines I put together on 'how to write a retirement speech' and, to find out just how long it took to follow my own advice!

* You can find the answer to that $64 thousand dollar question at the foot of the page.

Although my farewell address is fictional, it is based on experience. In a former life, before I began write-out-loud.com, I was a high school teacher for many years.

The background and setting for this speech 

To give you a deeper understanding, here's the context and a little about a speaker.

The setting is a school assembly hall. It is the end of term. The staff and students are looking forward to the holidays and a rest.

The speaker is Jane Smith. She has taught in this challenging low socio-economic school for the last 25 years.

Mr Harris, the school principal, has given her a warm introduction and returned to his seat. The focus, and the stage, is now hers alone.

Leave - with definition

A retirement speech sample by a teacher 

"Thank-you Mr. Harris {The Principal} for your wonderful introduction.

Have I really been here 25 years? That sounds like a long time ... about the same length as a double spell of English grammar on a Friday afternoon when the sun is shining. On and on, and on.

Fortunately for you I don't plan to.

I remember coming here with my brand-new teacher kit. I was full of ideas, things to do to make a difference. I thought I was the teacher and you, the students, were my pupils. How wrong I was.

It took a while to understand. I was, you see, a reluctant learner. My head was so full of how things 'should be', there was very little room for how things 'were'.

The gap in those early days between what I thought I needed to teach and what the students in my classes actually needed to learn was wide.

There were times when bridging it was difficult: even times when it seemed impossible, and I wanted to give up. To run away, as fast as I could.

I am very grateful I did not.

Mr. Harris is kind in saying I gave you the gift of myself: my energy, enthusiasm,  honesty, respect and love. While that's true, I'm going to turn those words around and give them straight back, for this is precisely what you have given me.

I have been privileged to have had in my classroom many, many fine young people. 25  years ago, some of them began to teach me how to teach.

They helped me build the first bridges. From them I learned true teaching is a special  partnership. It only works when the teacher can see through a student's outer image, into their heart and, can understand and respect what they see.

The student's role is to allow themselves  to be seen, not just for who they are, or have been, but also for who they could be.

Over the years I've been teaching, fashion has had skirts short, long, and short again. Underwear boldly  became over wear for a time. Hair has come, gone, been big, cropped, technicolored, bleached, curled, straightened, extended and dreadlocked. And lately, there's tatts.

Despite the changing  of outward appearance there has always been and always will be a constant. That is the inner need to strive for what is true and right.

I look back with gratitude. I entered a profession dedicated to assisting young people  achieve their potential, to revealing or finding their best selves and discovered it was a two-way street.

As I leave it, I am taking many of you with me. You will live on in my memories. I'll always remember the things we achieved together: the many successful plays we put on, the speeches you gave, the debates and end of year concerts.

I've been asked what I'm going to do now. I'm going to do a lot of things and very few  of them conform to the notion of retirement as a time of waiting for the inevitable end.

Helen Hayes, put it this way: 'People who refuse to rest honorably on their laurels when they reach “retirement” age seem very admirable to me.'

Quote: People who refuse to rest honorably on their laurels when they reach “retirement” age seem very admirable to me. Helen Hayes

I am  going to travel to places I've always wanted to go to and haven't been.

I am going to read books that have been waiting on my 'must read' list for years. I will garden, learn new skills, play with my grandchildren, visit art galleries, enjoy being around friends... In short, I plan to LIVE.

Thank you to my colleagues for their support, friendship and for being exemplars of  what it is to serve faithfully with humility. I will always remember our shared laughter, our joys, as well as our struggles.

Thank-you for the never-ending supply of black coffee in the staffroom to keep me awake and alert.

Thank-you too, for the notes of appreciation, words of encouragement, sharing of resources, and time but mostly for your sincerity and trust.

And lastly, I leave you with this thought. There is only ever one of each of us: one Jane Smith or one Mr Harris. We are unique.

We are neither better nor less than anybody else but rather the best or least of ourselves.

I  am still working on finding the best of me. It is an exciting on-going journey. Thank-you for being my traveling companions along a large and important part of my way. I am forever grateful for your company. 

Happy holidays!"

retirement ceremony school teacher essay

I hope my example retirement speech was useful to you and you're feeling more confident now about writing your own speech.

Remember there are no set rules - just guidelines which you can accept, alter or reject as you see fit.

Resources for writing your own speech

If you're feeling apprehensive, take heart. You can do this.

Go to 'how to write a retirement speech' . These are the guidelines I used for this speech sample. Use them to start putting together what you want to say. If you need additional help, there are full notes here on 'how to write a speech'

Do go through my collection of retirement quotations too. You'll find a broad and varied selection of one-liners plus verse. Some are warmly funny while others are sharp. There's sure to be something here for you.

*How long did this speech take to write?

Image: water color painting of an alarm clock. Text: The bad news is that time flies. The good news is that you're the pilot. Michael Altshuler

* For the time-conscious, my retirement speech sample took approximately 5 hours from planning to the form you see now.

Put in perspective against many years of work, that represents a very brief token of respect for your colleagues and yourself.

How long is this speech?

It is 749 words long which will take approximately six minutes to say .   

Is your speech writing 'bla, bla, bland'?

Discover how action verbs make your writing vocally vibrant, succinct and precise.

And lastly, some of you may appreciate this offer... 

Speech writer graphic with text: Are you finding writing your speech hard? I could do it for you. Click and find out more.

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Write A Memorable Retirement Speech For A Teacher: A Detailed Guide

retirement ceremony school teacher essay

Are you considering delivering a retirement speech for a teacher? This guide has everything you need to know for a teacher’s retirement speech.

Whether you’re a colleague, friend, principal, student, or family member, this guide will help you deliver a memorable speech that honors and celebrates the incredible contributions of a retiring teacher. Ready? Let’s go!

Note: This guide is a more detailed version of my article: Your Guide to Writing a Heartfelt Farewell Speech For Teacher . If you’re looking for templates instead of a long guide, I suggest that you visit that page as well.

Elements Of A Memorable Retirement Speech For A Teacher 

Parting ways with a teacher who has left a lasting mark can feel bittersweet. We yearn to express our appreciation, share heartfelt sentiments, and leave a lasting impression. But crafting those words can be daunting. 

I’ve got you covered. By blending these key ingredients below, you can concoct a farewell speech that will resonate deeply with your teacher.

1. Start With A Strong Opening

Capture attention with a compelling introduction. This could be an anecdote, a relevant quote , or a surprising statistic that sets the stage for your topic. Your opening sets the tone for your speech, so make it memorable and engaging. 

Once you’ve hooked your audience, they’ll be eager to hear what you have to say next.

Colleagues, students, and friends, do you still remember when we were all convinced mitochondria were the powerhouse of the cell, only to find out later it was chloroplasts? Oh, it’s still mitochondria? Well, I guess the internet isn’t always right and isn’t as good as our good old teacher!

2. Express Your Heartfelt Gratitude

Show your appreciation for the retiring teacher’s impact by genuinely celebrating their remarkable career and their dedication to students and the school community.

Reflect on specific ways their influence has positively impacted your life or the lives of others. Did they spark your interest in a subject? Did they offer support and encouragement? Share these personal stories to show the lasting impact they made.

Finally, express your sincere gratitude by thanking them for everything they have done. You can do this in a heartfelt speech, a personal note, or even a simple handshake and “Thank you for everything.”

From the moment I stepped into your class, you instilled in me a passion for learning that has shaped my entire life. 

Your ability to explain complex concepts with clarity and humor, coupled with your unwavering belief in your students’ potential, pushed me to challenge myself and reach for my goals. You’ve not only shaped the minds of countless students, but you’ve also created a legacy of kindness, support, and inspiration.

For everything you’ve done, thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

3. Celebrate The Teacher’s Impact

Move beyond simply listing achievements and celebrate the impact the teacher has made. This shift in focus goes beyond awards and titles, showcasing the real-world difference they’ve made, which made you pay tribute to your teacher through your speech.

We’re here today to celebrate Ms./Mr./Mx. [Teacher’s Name], not just for their [Number] years of dedicated service, but for the countless lives they have touched. You pushed us countless times in school and helped us to win awards and contests that we weren’t sure were achievable.

Also, their passion for [Subject] wasn’t just contagious, it ignited a spark in each of us, inspiring us to think critically, reach for our goals, and become well-rounded individuals. The lessons learned in their classroom extend far beyond the textbooks, shaping who we are today and preparing us for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

4. Share Memorable Moments

To add a personal and engaging touch to your speech, consider sharing memorable moments you had with your teacher. Recount specific experiences that showcase your teacher’s unwavering enthusiasm and dedication to creating a memorable learning experience for their students.

One memory that particularly sticks with me is when [Teacher’s Name] brought in a giant inflatable globe to demonstrate different climates.

It wasn’t just the visual aid, though—it was the way they transformed the classroom into a bustling marketplace, assigning us roles as traders from different regions. Their infectious enthusiasm and creativity made learning about geography an unforgettable adventure, not just a memorization exercise.

5. Reflect On The Teacher’s Legacy

Discussing the teacher’s positive impact on the school and community can create a lasting impression. This section can highlight their influence and enduring legacy. 

By emphasizing how their contributions will continue to shape future generations, we can celebrate the positive mark they left on the school and broader community.

Beyond our classroom walls, [Teacher’s Name]’s impact radiates through the countless students they have nurtured. Their dedication to [Specific Qualities] has not only fostered academic growth but also instilled valuable life lessons in generations of young minds. 

We, their students, colleagues, and the entire community, carry a piece of their legacy—a testament to the enduring power of a dedicated educator.

6. Extend Warm Wishes

Express your sincere appreciation to the teacher for their contributions by offering them warm wishes for their future endeavors. Show your hope that they continue to lead a fulfilling life after retirement, carrying their passion and dedication with them into new pursuits.

Though we will miss your presence in the classroom, we are all incredibly excited for this next chapter in your life. May your retirement be filled with joy, exploration, and new adventures. 

We know you’ll carry the same passion and dedication that made you such a phenomenal teacher in everything you do, and we wish you nothing but the best in your well-deserved time to relax, travel, and pursue your passions!

7. Infuse With Lighthearted Humor

A sprinkle of humor can elevate the audience’s engagement and leave them with a lasting impression. Share specific examples of how her wit made learning both enjoyable and memorable. You can then segue into a retirement joke to lighten the mood.

We can’t forget Mr./Ms./Mx. [Teacher’s Name]’s signature humor!

Who remembers the time she used a banana peel analogy to explain friction, leaving us all in stitches? Or how she’d weave puns into history lessons, making dates and events stick in our minds forever? 

Her ability to turn any topic into a comedic learning experience is truly unmatched. But fear not, fellow students, for I’m sure Mr./Ms./Mx. [Teacher’s Name] will find new (and hopefully less chaotic) ways to entertain herself in retirement! Perhaps she’ll finally have time to write that stand-up routine we’ve all been secretly waiting for.

8. Personalize The Speech

To make the speech truly impactful, personalize it to reflect the teacher’s unique personality and interests. This adds a meaningful touch and allows the teacher’s passion to shine through.

Highlighting these aspects can inspire many students to develop their own individuality and explore their passions.

Remembering our Mr./Ms./Mx. [Teacher’s Name] fondly fiddling with her paintbrush as they explained the color wheel, or excitedly sharing their birdwatching photos after a weekend hike, it becomes clear their passion extended far beyond the classroom walls.

Seeing their enthusiasm motivated many of us, reminding us that learning isn’t just about textbooks, but about pursuing what truly ignites our curiosity, whether it be art, nature, or anything in between. This is a lesson I’ll carry well beyond these halls, thanks to our teacher’s inspiring spirit.

9. Engage The Audience

To create an interactive and engaging speech, actively involve the audience. This fosters a sense of participation and community, allowing everyone to contribute to the celebration. Encourage their participation as a way to celebrate your teacher’s impact and create a collective tribute.

Throughout [Teacher’s name]’s incredible career, they’ve sown countless seeds of knowledge and inspiration. Now, let’s all take a moment to reflect.

Who remembers the time [Teacher’s Name] helped you with [Specific Example]? Or who can recall a piece of advice they gave that still resonates today?

Feel free to share your stories and memories with each other, as together, we paint a beautiful picture of the profound impact [Teacher’s Name] has had on all of us.

10. End On A Positive Note

To leave a lasting and positive impression, conclude your speech by expressing your gratitude to your teacher. Thank them for their dedicated service and wish them a happy and fulfilling retirement. Briefly, but sincerely, reiterate your appreciation for their contributions and the positive impact they have made, leaving behind a lasting legacy.

Though a bittersweet chapter closes today, know that the impact you’ve made on countless lives, including mine, will forever be etched in our hearts. We are eternally grateful for your dedication, your unwavering support, and the encouragement you gave. 

May your well-deserved retirement be filled with joy, adventure, and the unwavering knowledge that you leave behind a legacy of empowered minds and grateful spirits.

Guidelines To Follow When Writing A Retirement Speech For A Teacher

Having the right elements is essential for a memorable retirement speech, but how do you put them together? Here are some guidelines to ensure your speech is just as special as your teacher!

1. Make An Outline

Don’t rush into writing the speech. Before you put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard), give yourself ample time to plan and prepare. This involves creating a rough outline—essentially, a roadmap for your speech. 

Jot down the key points you want to convey, including expressing gratitude, acknowledging significant achievements, and sharing well wishes. This outline serves as a guide, ensuring your speech flows logically and stays on track.

On a side note, you can use the elements listed in the previous section as your rough outline.

2. Consider The Audience

Considering the audience goes beyond merely remembering who they are. It means understanding their age range, interests, and familiarity with the teacher. By tailoring your speech to these details, you ensure it resonates with them.

For younger students, you might use lighthearted anecdotes or references to pop culture they recognize. For older audiences, a more formal tone with specific examples of the teacher’s impact would be appropriate. 

Knowing how well the audience knows the teacher also allows you to choose appropriate stories and inside jokes that will have a deeper impact.

3. Research The Teacher

While you know the teacher, research adds valuable depth. Time can cloud memories, and a deeper understanding enriches your speech, so spend some time knowing more about them.

Research allows you to personalize your message. Also, you can learn about their career journey, accomplishments, and impact, enabling you to incorporate specific details and stories that resonate deeply.

Additionally, research fosters a meaningful connection. You can highlight their contributions to the school and community and showcase their positive impact, making the moment more special for everyone.

Ultimately, research empowers you to craft a speech that transcends generic well-wishes. It allows you to express genuine appreciation and capture the essence of their remarkable career.

4. Use A Conversational Tone

Ditch the formal, stiff speech and aim for a natural, friendly way of speaking—just like how you’d chat with colleagues or friends. This makes your words easy to understand and keeps the audience engaged. After all, you’re not delivering a lecture: you’re sharing heartfelt words about a special person and their impact!

Think of it like telling a story around the campfire. You want your voice to be warm, inviting, and engaging, not monotone and distant. This conversational approach allows you to connect with the audience on a deeper level and make your message truly resonate.

5. Keep It Positive

Celebrate the teacher’s journey with genuine joy by focusing on the countless triumphs and impactful moments that have defined their career. 

Let your words be a bouquet of appreciation, free from any thorns of negativity or controversy. Shed light on their achievements and the invaluable contributions they’ve made to the lives of students and the school community. 

This positive approach will ensure your speech is not just informative, but truly inspirational and a fitting tribute to their dedication.

6. Mark Emphasis And Pauses

While using a prepared text is acceptable, simply reading it word-for-word won’t create a memorable speech. To make your speech truly memorable for your teacher, strategically emphasize key words, phrases, and sentences. Pause at appropriate moments to allow yourself and the audience to breathe and absorb the important points.

To remember these, consider marking your prepared text by underlining words or phrases to emphasize and marking areas where you want to pause with a brief note or symbol.

7. Break Up Long Sentences

Speaking for several minutes during a speech at an elevated volume can be tiring. Avoid sounding breathless by breaking up long sentences in your speech. This will make it easier for you to deliver and for the audience to follow your message.

If you’ve included long-winded jokes or retirement quotes , paraphrase them for easier delivery while retaining their essence.

8. Practice Your Delivery

Rehearse your delivery aloud several times before the actual speech. This allows you to identify and remove any clunky or awkward phrasing. Hearing yourself speak helps you edit your speech for clarity and conciseness.

9. Time Yourself

Beyond editing, practice your speech with a timer to understand its duration and ensure it falls within the sweet spot of three to five minutes. This timeframe allows you to express your heartfelt gratitude and celebrate the teacher’s achievements without overburdening the audience’s attention.

Remember, brevity can be surprisingly powerful. A succinct and impactful message can leave a lasting impression.

10. Plan The Finishing Touch

After your speech, consider how you’ll connect with the retiree. Will you shake their hand, offer a personal note, or present a retirement gift ? Planning this gesture adds a thoughtful touch and can be subtly acknowledged during your speech.

Tips On How To Write A Retirement Speech

Having learned the key ingredients for a memorable speech, you might still find editing daunting. However, these tips can simplify the process and elevate the quality:

1. Embrace Bullet Points

Use them to organize thoughts and establish a clear flow. This visual aid makes writing, revising, and delivering your speech easier, ensuring a smooth and impactful presentation.

2. Write Everything

Don’t be afraid to jot down everything that comes to mind! Write down memories, stories, anecdotes, and any interesting information you have about your teacher.

Capture emotions, details, and specific moments. Don’t worry about perfect sentences or hitting the three- to five-minute mark right away. The goal is to unleash your creativity and capture as much as possible. You can always refine and select the most impactful parts later on.

3. Use Vivid Details

Move beyond stating facts and emotions. Instead, use vivid sensory details to paint a picture for the audience. Describe what you saw, heard, felt, and even smelled during memorable moments with your teacher. This immersive approach will allow the audience to truly relive the experience and connect with your speech on a deeper level.

4. Be Specific

Mention names of individuals involved, locations where events took place, and even approximate timeframes. By sharing unique and personal details, you’ll trigger deeper emotional connections for both your teacher and the audience. This allows you to relive the moments within your speech, making it more vivid and engaging.

5. Show Don’t Tell

Instead of simply telling what happened in your anecdotes, use action verbs and descriptive details to paint a picture for your audience. Show, don’t tell. Instead of saying “I was bored in class,” describe how you slouched in your chair, doodled on your notes, or gazed out the window longingly. This allows the audience to engage their imagination and draw their own conclusions about the emotions and atmosphere.

6. Verify Your Information

While memories can be cherished, details may fade over time. To ensure the accuracy of your anecdotes, consider seeking clarification from others involved, if appropriate. This verifies factual details and allows you to confidently share your story without causing any unintended confusion.

7. Prioritize Clarity

While formality is important in certain contexts, prioritize clarity and naturalness in your speech for this specific occasion over strict grammar. You can use informal language and even contractions that are widely understood by your audience. However, exercise caution and avoid slang or overly casual language that could be perceived as unprofessional or disrespectful.

8. Step Away

Take a break from your speech after writing it. Coming back to it with fresh eyes after a few days allows you to identify areas for improvement with greater objectivity. You may find sections that seemed good initially could be refined or removed, and stepping away can even spark new ideas that enhance your message.

9. Seek Feedback

After pouring your heart and soul into crafting your speech, it’s easy to become attached to it. But sometimes, what sounds great to you might not quite hit the mark with your audience.

That’s where a fresh pair of eyes (or ears) can really come in handy. Don’t be shy about sharing your speech with someone you trust and getting their thoughts. They might catch things that you’ve missed and help you make your speech even better.

10. Embrace Revision

Editing is iterative. Refining your work hones the message, streamlines the flow, and delivers a concise, impactful speech. Hitting the sweet spot allows you to express your gratitude while retaining the audience’s attention.

Tips On How To Deliver A Retirement Speech For A Teacher

Once you’ve crafted your speech, it’s time for the delivery. This can be nerve-wracking, as expectations can run high and you may feel pressure not to let your teacher down on their special day. However, by following these tips, you can confidently deliver a memorable speech:

1. Radiate Your Sincerity

Sincerely express gratitude and maintain a respectful and appreciative tone. Direct it to the teacher and your audience. Also, make eye contact and speak with warmth, letting your genuine emotions shine through your speech and well wishes for your retired teacher . This creates a heartfelt moment that celebrates their dedication.

2. Use A Timer

Use a timer as a guide to stay within the allotted time. Respecting the timeframe shows consideration for your teacher, the program, and the audience’s attention span. This allows your message to resonate without feeling rushed.

3. Rehearse Delivery

Practice your pacing, tone, and gestures for a polished and engaging presentation. Consider recording yourself to identify areas for improvement. Breathe deeply, visualize success, and remember your genuine appreciation for your teacher, ensuring a heartfelt and confident delivery.

4. Memorize Pauses And Emphasis

Use pauses and inflection to highlight key points and convey your appreciation. Be sure to memorize the marks you made in your copy if you’re planning to not bring it with you. 

5. Prepare Adlibs

Speeches don’t always go exactly as planned. That’s why it’s a good idea to have some spontaneous remarks or adlibs prepared. These can help lighten the mood, keep the audience engaged, or fill any unexpected gaps in your speech.

6. Empower Your Words

Use confident gestures and body language to emphasize key points and connect with the audience. Stand tall, maintain eye contact, and smile genuinely. Your passion and sincerity are equally important as your words.

7. Anticipate Audience Participation

When you’re delivering your speech, there’s always a chance that someone in the audience might interject or react. And you know what? That’s actually a good thing! It shows that people are engaged and interested in what you’re saying. Just be ready to stay focused and not get too thrown off track, especially if you’re working with limited time.

8. Embrace Vulnerability

When you were chosen to give a speech or volunteered to do so, it’s a clear sign that your teacher has meant a lot to you. Since the speech you’re crafting is deeply personal, it’s natural to feel vulnerable while delivering it. 

You might find yourself tearing up or bursting into laughter, and that’s perfectly okay. Just remember to stay composed and focused so you can get through the speech smoothly. You can always let your emotions out later, once the formalities are over.

9. Speak Clearly

When delivering your speech, aim to speak clearly and at a moderate pace so that your audience can easily grasp your message. Don’t rush through your words—strategically pause to emphasize key points and give your audience time to absorb what you’re saying. 

Additionally, make sure to modulate and project your voice, avoiding a monotone delivery which can quickly lose your audience’s interest. Instead, vary your pitch and volume to naturally highlight important ideas and convey emotions effectively.

And while it’s important to speak audibly, remember that there’s no need to shout—maintain a confident tone that carries your message without overpowering your listeners.

10. Be Genuine

Express genuine appreciation and heartfelt sentiments throughout your speech. Remember, sincerity resonates deeply with your audience. As you conclude, deliver a final heartfelt statement with confidence and enthusiasm, leaving a lasting impression on everyone present. This signals the end of your speech and smoothly transitions into applause, marking the start of your retired teacher’s celebration .

By incorporating these tips and practicing beforehand, you can ensure your delivery is polished, engaging, and respectful. Remember, your genuine emotions and heartfelt words, delivered with confidence, will resonate most deeply with the audience and the retiring teacher.

An Example Of A Retirement Speech For A Teacher

Now that you’ve familiarized yourself with the elements, guidelines, and tips, you’re better equipped to craft your own heartfelt retirement speech for your teacher. To demonstrate how these components can blend harmoniously, here’s a brief example of a retirement speech incorporating the discussed elements.

Note: Not all the tips and guidelines mentioned earlier were directly incorporated into this example as this contains generic anecdotes. Consider this more as a template or outline highlighting key elements of a retirement speech for a teacher.

Colleagues, students, and friends,

Do you still remember when we were all convinced mitochondria were the powerhouse of the cell, only to find out later it was chloroplasts? Oh, it’s still mitochondria? Well, I guess the internet isn’t always right and isn’t as good as our good old teacher!

Anyway, today marks a turning point. After [Number] years of being our own educational powerhouse, [Teacher’s Name] is embarking on a well-deserved retirement.

We’re here to celebrate not just your [Number]-year service, but the countless lives you’ve touched. You championed critical thinking, personal growth, and academic excellence. We won awards, explored new ideas, and learned in ways that went beyond textbooks, thanks to you.

Aside from that, from day one, your humor, clarity, and unwavering belief in us lit a lifelong love of learning. You challenged us to reach our potential, inspiring countless minds with your kindness, support, and dedication.

Do you all remember the giant inflatable globe? It wasn’t just the visual aid, though—it was the way you transformed the classroom into a bustling marketplace, assigning us roles as traders from different regions of the world. I wish most kids could also have a learning experience like that.

And who can forget your signature humor? The banana peel analogy for friction and historical puns are unforgettable. We trust you’ll find new, less chaotic, ways to entertain yourself in retirement—maybe even a stand-up routine!

Meanwhile, I vividly remember how your passion for painting and birdwatching wasn’t just a hobby; it was a reminder that learning goes beyond the curriculum. You ignited a spark in many of us, encouraging us to embrace our individual curiosities. Thank you for that, as you instilled in me the ability to appreciate the arts and nature.

Your dedication to [Specific Qualities] extended beyond academics, fostering valuable life lessons that resonate with us to this day. Generations of students, colleagues, and the entire community carry a piece of your legacy.

However, with all good things, there comes an end. Today marks a bittersweet transition. These walls have echoed with your infectious enthusiasm for [Number] years. We, the beneficiaries of your passion, carry a piece of your legacy with us.

While we’ll miss your presence, we celebrate your well-deserved freedom and fulfillment. Thank you, [Teacher’s Name], and may your retirement be filled with joy and endless possibilities.

As we near the end of this speech, let’s take a moment to reflect on how [Teacher’s Name] impacted us.

Share how they helped you or how their advice still resonates today. Feel free to tell your stories and memories with each other, as together, we paint a beautiful picture of the profound impact [Teacher’s Name] has had on all of us.

[Let The Audience Participate]

Thank you for those stories. Now, this chapter may be closing, but the impact our teacher made on countless lives, including mine, will forever be etched in our hearts.

We are eternally grateful for your dedication, your unwavering support, and the spark you ignited in each of us.

Regardless of your relationship with the retiring teacher, this guide equips you to craft a memorable speech. Hopefully, you found this guide helpful in honoring and celebrating your teacher’s dedication and impact on countless lives.

On a different note, if you’re planning to send away your teacher with a gift, you might want to consider these recommendations of mine:

  • Personalized Teacher Retirement Gift
  • Teacher Retirement Gift Basket
  • Personalized Teacher Retirement Plaque
  • Teacher Retirement Appreciation Gift Set
  • School Is Out Forever Bag

Meanwhile, if you’re looking for more retiree-related content, why not check out my other posts:

  • 28 Engaging Activities You Can Do To Stay Busy And Active In Retirement
  • 400 Must-Do Adventures: Ultimate Retirement Bucket List for Every Dream
  • Unleash Your Post-Retirement Passion: 15 Tips To Follow To Help You Find What It Is
  • How To Make Your Retirement Announcement Memorable: A Quick 5-Step Guide
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My wife and I quit the rat race and retired in 2021. We RV'ed around the US for a couple of years and now we're slow traveling outside the US!

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Retiring teacher tribute

Writing a retiring teacher tribute can be a daunting task because when a beloved teacher retires, life pauses for a moment. When a teacher is retiring after being in the classroom of one school for many years, their departure is like the end of an era.  

The retirement of a special teacher is watershed event for a generation of students. We associate favorite teachers with our youth -- a time when life was vibrant and schedules seemed simpler.

Those mentors who gave us understanding and advice after others had crushed our fragile egos will always have a special place in our hearts. Likewise the no-nonsense teachers who challenged us and, in the process, taught us the joy of learning, helped shape our careers and our success.

By the same token, teachers get an immense amount of pleasure from their students' successes. In addition to preparing a teacher retirement tribute, those who plan the retirement party should invite past students as surprise guests. That is one sure way to delight the retiree.

Ideas beyond Thank y ou for a retiring teacher tribute

There are many well-known quotes about education and teachers that you can work into a retiring teacher tribute. You might also try one of the following ideas as an outline for your teacher retirement speech:

Consider putting together a  memory book for a retiring teacher and ask past students or pincipals to write messages to include. Those who do not teach can scarcely imagine how much this will mean.  If you need convincing, check out this PBS feature on 91-year-old Flossie Lewis .

Create a fictitious report card that applies to the teacher’s strength with grades for such qualities as:

Older teacher demonstrating a point in front of a chalkboard.

  • Ability to multitask, managing 32 disinterested adolescents while explaining once more the rule about pronouns and antecedents to the five students who really care;
  • Ability to find humor in grave situations such as when a student pops his lunch bag in the cafeteria, making a sound like a gunshot;
  • Ability to draw strength and energy from mysterious sources, being pleasant and helpful to the helicopter parents who call 30 minutes after you've gone to bed. 
  • Ability to be clairvoyant, seeing beyond the restlessness or feigned boredom to reach the unique individual hiding behind such appearances;
  • Ability to do the impossible -- getting girls to stop chattering and boys to stop looking out the window when it’s time to pay serious attention;
  • Ability to change people’s lives, sharing the excitement of learning with students and colleagues alike.

(You get the idea. You can be serious or funny according to the personality of the retiring teacher.)

For high school teachers who spend much of their time helping students get into college, develop an application form or a letter of recommendation for retirement. For elementary school teachers who are always dealing with kids with the sniffles or hurt places, create a commendation from a fictitious doctor's office or health department.

Write a letter home to the husband or children similar to a letter the teacher might have written to a parent of a student with some issue.  Offer humorous advice about coping with a newly retired teacher.

Create a lesson plan for retirement. The plan could have periods for discussions about time management activities, quizzes by financial advisors or shopping at the grocery story during non-peak times..

Pretend to call an unscheduled meeting after school to discuss the new policy on school dress codes, haircuts, backpacks or other things about kids that the administration expects teachers to deal with. Stress how important the meeting is including how it trumps time to get a lunch break.

Create a mock-up daily schedule that includes before school bus duty, teaching  classes , doing substitute duty during the planning period, an after-school meeting followed by a parent conferences and a two-minute bathroom break.

Write an imaginary letter from a grateful parent who acknowledges all the extra effort the retiring teacher invested in her son or daughter to get them on the honor roll, to pass the class or to get into college.

If you use your imagination and consider all the tasks an educator performs, there are dozens of ways you can tailor those tasks to fit a retirement tribute while adding a little humor. Have some fun and make your retiring teacher tribute a message that will be fitting for one who has touched the lives of hundreds of students. 

Funny teacher retirement speech

This bogus teacher retirement speech takes a humorous look at the low points of teaching. Most all of the stereotypes that teachers know about are included.  How many will you identify with? .

The video has problems with some spots visually because of the way the fake beard makes the pixels gyrate but the really artful part of this is the sound . . . which is not affected.  Enjoy the laugh.

rretiring teacher spoof about all the stereotypes

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  • Example of A Farewell Speech For A Retiring Teacher Colleague

Saying goodbye to a retiring teacher colleague is a significant and emotional moment in any school community. It is an opportunity to reflect on the impact they have had on the lives of students, the school, and their fellow colleagues. To help honor and celebrate their contributions, we have prepared four heartfelt farewell speech templates. These templates are designed to express gratitude, reflect on shared memories, acknowledge the retiring teacher's accomplishments, and offer well wishes for their retirement journey. Each template provides a unique perspective, allowing you to choose the one that best suits the retiring teacher and the occasion. By utilizing these templates, you can convey your appreciation, share meaningful anecdotes, and inspire colleagues to continue the retiring teacher's legacy. Remember to personalize the templates by incorporating specific details about the retiring teacher's achievements and the impact they have had on the school community. Let us come together to celebrate their remarkable career and bid a fond farewell as they embark on a new chapter in their lives.

Template A Tribute to a Mentor

Good afternoon, everyone. Today, we are here to celebrate the retirement of Mr. Smith, who has been a teacher and a mentor to many of us for over 30 years. Mr. Smith, you have touched the lives of countless students with your passion, wisdom and humor. You have inspired us to pursue our dreams, to challenge ourselves and to never stop learning. You have shown us what it means to be a true educator and a leader.

I still remember the first day I met you in your biology class. You greeted me with a warm smile and a friendly handshake. You made me feel welcome and curious about the subject. You taught me not only the facts and concepts of biology, but also the skills and values of scientific inquiry. You encouraged me to ask questions, to experiment and to discover. You also taught me how to work with others, how to communicate effectively and how to respect different opinions. You were always patient, supportive and respectful.

You were not only my teacher, but also my mentor. You helped me with my academic and personal problems. You gave me advice, guidance and feedback. You motivated me to pursue my interest in medicine and to apply for medical school. You were always there for me when I needed you. You were like a second father to me.

Mr. Smith, you have made a lasting impact on my life and on the lives of many others. You have left a legacy of excellence and integrity in this school and in this community. You have earned our respect, admiration and gratitude. We will miss you dearly, but we will never forget you. We wish you all the best in your retirement. Thank you for everything you have done for us.

Template A Toast to a Friend

Hello, everyone. I am honored to be here today to say a few words about Mrs. Jones, who is retiring after 25 years of teaching English at this school. Mrs. Jones, you are not only a colleague, but also a friend to me and to many others here. You are one of the kindest, most generous and most fun-loving people I know.

You have been a wonderful teacher and a role model for your students. You have taught them how to read, write and speak English with confidence and creativity. You have introduced them to the beauty and diversity of literature from different cultures and eras. You have fostered their critical thinking, analytical skills and appreciation for language arts. You have also nurtured their personal growth, their social skills and their moral values.

You have been a great colleague and a team player for your fellow teachers. You have shared your expertise, your resources and your insights with us. You have collaborated with us on various projects, activities and events. You have supported us in our professional development and in our personal endeavors. You have always been helpful, cooperative and cheerful.

You have been a loyal friend and a confidant for me and for many others here. You have listened to our joys and sorrows, our hopes and fears, our successes and failures. You have offered us your comfort, your encouragement and your wisdom. You have celebrated with us our milestones and achievements, our birthdays and anniversaries, our holidays and vacations. You have always been there for us when we needed you.

Mrs. Jones, you have been a blessing to this school and to this community. You have enriched our lives with your friendship, your humor and your grace. We will miss you terribly, but we will always remember you fondly. We wish you happiness, health and peace in your retirement. Thank you for being such a wonderful teacher, colleague and friend.

Template A Farewell from a Student

Good morning, everyone. I am here today to say goodbye to Mr. Lee, who is retiring after 20 years of teaching math at this school. Mr. Lee, you are one of the best teachers I have ever had. You have made math fun, easy and interesting for me and for many other students.

You have taught me how to solve math problems with logic, creativity and confidence. You have explained math concepts with clarity, simplicity and enthusiasm. You have demonstrated math applications with relevance, practicality and innovation. You have challenged me to think critically, to work hard and to excel in math.

You have also taught me how to be a better person with character, integrity and compassion. You have shown me how to respect myself and others, how to cooperate with my classmates and teachers, how to overcome difficulties and failures, how to appreciate diversity and differences, how to contribute to society and the world.

Mr. Lee, you have made a difference in my life and in the lives of many others. You have given us knowledge, skills and values that will help us in our future endeavors. You have earned our trust, admiration and gratitude. We will miss you a lot, but we will always keep you in our hearts. We wish you joy, fulfillment and adventure in your retirement. Thank you for being such an amazing teacher.

Template A Goodbye from a Principal

Good evening, everyone. I am here today to bid farewell to Ms. Green, who is retiring after 15 years of teaching music at this school. Ms. Green, you are one of the most talented, dedicated and passionate teachers I have ever worked with. You have brought music to life for me and for many others here.

You have taught us how to play music with skill, expression and emotion. You have exposed us to the richness and diversity of music from different genres and periods. You have inspired us to appreciate music as an art form, a cultural heritage and a universal language. You have encouraged us to explore our musical talents, interests and potentials.

You have also taught us how to live music with joy, harmony and spirit. You have shown us how to enjoy music as a source of pleasure, relaxation and inspiration. You have demonstrated how to use music as a tool for communication, collaboration and connection. You have instilled in us a love for music that will last a lifetime.

Ms. Green, you have been a gift to this school and to this community. You have enriched our lives with your music, your energy and your charisma. We will miss you immensely, but we will always cherish you dearly. We wish you all the best in your retirement. Thank you for being such a wonderful teacher.

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Retirement Of Teacher Essay Examples

Retirement Of Teacher - Free Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

Retirement of a teacher is a time when they can finally say goodbye to their years of hard work in the classroom, and embrace a new chapter in their life. It marks the end of their teaching career, and a chance for them to enjoy their golden years. Retirement can be filled with new adventures, travel, and spending time with family and friends. It can also bring feelings of nostalgia as they reflect on their past experiences, students they have taught, and the impact they have had on the lives of others. Retirement can be bittersweet, as teachers say goodbye to a profession they have dedicated their lives to, but it also brings opportunities for new beginnings and exciting possibilities.

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Farewell Speech for Teacher | Farewell Speeches for Teacher by Students in English

February 8, 2024 by Prasanna

Farewell Speech for Teacher:  Almost every time, we used to celebrate people’s departure rather than their arrival. With these farewell speeches for teachers by students, you will get to know how to bid a proper farewell to a well-deserved teacher. In this article, we will guide you on what to write to wish your teacher all the best in life after teaching career. Your teacher leaving the schools might have inspired you who you are today.

Apart from gifts, farewell speech for teachers by students can illustrate their values and ethics. Moreover, it would remain in the heart of students and the school. Be it for a teacher who is leaving the school for relocation or who is retiring. Therefore, they deserve written farewell speech for the moving or retiring teacher by their students.

Let your teacher know how you feel for their hard work. Then again, show your gratitude and appreciation for your teacher to memorable in the school.

Students can also find more  English Speech Writing  about Welcome Speeches, Farewell Speeches, etc

Long and Short Farewell Speeches for Teacher in English

In this article, check out the samples of farewell speech for teachers. You don’t have to worry about the language of the speech as it is very simple. The speeches will mainly focus on the essence of farewell speech for teachers. Long speech on farewell speech for teachers is helpful for students of classes 7,8,9 and 10. Short speech on farewell speech for teachers is helpful for students of classes 1,2,3,4,5 and 6.

Farewell Speech Teacher

Long Speech on Farewell Speech for Teacher by Students

Good morning respected principal, teachers, and my fellow students.

Here I feel grateful to deliver this farewell speech on such an outstanding day like this. We are all here to bid goodbye to our valuable high teacher, who retired from the active position. Today, I realized how time and valued moments fly.

I feel the honor to say that we must respect all the valuable skills and knowledge. Our teacher had offered everything to the students to make future leaders. Also, we must thank him for all his efforts, sincerity, and hard work for teaching with great patience.

He has been in this respected position and service for over thirty (mention the years of that teacher) years now. He had spent imparting the right knowledge and skills onto the students appropriately. He is sincere, responsible, well respected, and highly esteemed in the teaching profession. We always believe that he is an achiever, generous, modest, and open-minded teacher. However, we respect the fact that he had to be helpful to all the students in some way.

We feel grateful when some of us were facing some challenges; you stood with us and motivated to meet the challenges. Also, he gave strong encouragement and motivation every time to the students. In such a case, he had built the future leaders and made everyone the best. Sir, with your experience in facing hard situations, we were able to overcome some of the difficulties.

Throughout his career in the school, he was an excellent teacher and responsible for his commitments in promoting the best techniques in the teaching sector. Sir, your outstanding qualities have inspired everyone.

Thank you, for everyone for the opportunity. Farewell Teacher!

Short Speech of Farewell for Teacher in English

Good morning to the respected principal, teachers, and all dear teachers and my fellow students. We have gathered here to celebrate Mr. (Name of the teacher)’s farewell party. Today. Here we have been gathered to bid goodbye or farewell to our highly valued teacher.

However, this is an excellent opportunity to offer thanks for how our teacher. He has so much expertise and passed across some unique skills to the students. Though it is is very sad for bidding goodbye to someone who has become more of a father. But we still need to use this chance to demonstrate our gratitude to him.

The 30 years he had spent offering the best and right skills onto the students. He is a great counselor in the teaching profession. Also, he makes the students push their limits in solving the difficulties. We appreciate when the students were facing challenges, he stood with us. He has indeed produced a generation of scholars that was strong. Balancing all the abilities and skills of life with education, it seems the school is more than just construction. In fact, the school building became a citadel of knowledge and wisdom for the students.

Being a beneficiary of awards is not a simple thing below your knowledge, contributions, and abilities. In fact, you deserve more for your efforts that you had out in the teaching profession. We are so grateful that you have taught with sincerity, passion, and zeal. Thank you for making the class not boring and realize that learning is essential in life. Of course, you knew how to capture the student’s attention.

Sir, you have put all your efforts into infusing such patience onto the students. We hope that you get a life a happy moment with a lot of sweet memories with your whole family. We also pray that the skills we students have gained from you are used in building a great nation.

You have remained the most favorite, and I believe that your fame in our schools never ends. We wish you all the best teachers for your future life after the school profession. Also, you have been an inspiration to many of us in the school.

Thank you for your patience and efforts, Sir. Your family can have more time and fun with you now. Also, we believe that you know your students always love to hang out with you. No one can erase your professionalism, affectionate gestures, and sweetness to us that are engraved on our hearts. On behalf of our whole school present here today, we wish your life is the best.

FAQ’s on Farewell Speech for Teacher

Question 1. How to start the farewell speech for the teacher?

Answer: Try to follow these points to make your farewell speech the best.

  • Initially, greet the audience.
  • Greeting the attention of your audience
  • Building a rapport between you and the audience
  • Orienting the audience about the purpose of the gathering.
  • Finally, the tone of the speech

The body of the speech includes:

  • Factual experiences should be shared
  • A positive message should be passed
  • The outstanding contributions and achievements made to the school by that particular teacher.
  • The duration of that teacher has spent
  • Dont forget to add some humor in your farewell speech

Question 2. What are some tips for the best farewell speech to the teacher by teachers?

Answer: Remember, there is no specific formula for giving a farewell speech to teachers in the school. But here are some tips to deliver your farewell speech to your teacher.

  • Share your experiences with that teacher, who is leaving the school or retiring
  • Reveal gratitude and offer thank you
  • Always keep it short and sweet
  • Make it original

Question 3. What are the ways to start a farewell speech without saying good morning?

Answer: Some of the best ways to start a speech are:

  • Tell a personal story
  • Ask a question
  • Quote a powerful teacher
  • Tell the audience to imagine
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How to Write a Memorable Retirement Speech + Examples

Updated 12/28/2023

Published 03/2/2020

Belinda McLeod, BA in Secondary Education

Belinda McLeod, BA in Secondary Education

Contributing writer

Follow this guide to write a memorable retirement speech, whether for yourself, a friend, or colleague.

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Stepping up to the podium for your own retirement speech or perhaps for a colleague’s grand exit? Bravo! Whether you’re bidding farewell to your own illustrious career or celebrating a coworker’s legacy, it’s a momentous occasion. And guess what? The spotlight’s on you, and people are eager to be moved, amused, and maybe shed a tear or two.

Jump ahead to these sections:

  • Who Gives a Retirement Speech?

Retirement Speech Etiquette

Tips for writing a retirement speech, short retirement speech examples.

If this is your debut into the world of retirement speeches, you don’t have to fret too much. Think of it as giving a wedding toast but with fewer embarrassing stories and more career highlights. 

Even if you’ve mastered the art of public speaking, a retirement speech is a unique beast. After all, you want your words to capture the essence of decades of dedication and hard work. 

This article will help you do just that. Keep reading to learn how to write a retirement speech that resonates and leaves an indelible mark.

Tip: Growing older and entering retirement also means watching your friends and family members grow older, too. And that often means coping with loss and grief. If you know a retiree who's facing a loss, our post-loss checklist  may be able to help.

Who Gives a Retirement Speech? 

Retirement speeches are a rite of passage and a moment to reflect on years of service, shared memories, and the legacy left behind. But who steps up to the mic to deliver these poignant words during an office farewell or retirement party ?

While the retiree is an obvious choice, there are others who’ve shared in the journey and can offer unique perspectives. Each speaker brings something unique to the table, painting a comprehensive picture of the retiree’s impact. Let’s take a look at the roles of these speakers and the insights they can bring to the celebration.

The retiree

If you’re the retiree taking center stage, this is your chance for personal reflection. You can share:

  • Anecdotes from your journey
  • The challenges you overcame
  • Milestones you celebrated
  • Gratitude for colleagues, mentors, and the organization

A retiree’s speech often carries pride in their achievements, nostalgia for the memories, and excitement for the future. You might also sprinkle in some humor like a light-hearted mistake or a memorable office prank. This speech is your curtain call, so make sure to leave a lasting impression and maybe impart some wisdom to those still in the midst of their careers.

A coworker’s perspective is invaluable because they’ve been in the trenches together, weathered the same storms, and celebrated mutual successes. If you’re giving a retirement speech for a close coworker, you can highlight:

  • The retiree’s professional attributes and teamwork
  • The camaraderie you shared
  • Recollections of shared projects, inside jokes, and day-to-day interactions
  • Your personal bond and the times you spent together

Your words have the power to connect with many in the room, echoing shared sentiments and reinforcing the retiree’s impact on the team.

A boss or manager

When a boss or manager speaks, it’s a testament to the retiree’s professional impact. Your perspective offers a birds-eye view of the retiree’s contributions, leadership, and the legacy they leave behind.

You can also touch on the personal qualities that made the retiree stand out, such as their resilience, dedication, or mentorship to younger colleagues. The retirement speech is a chance to express gratitude on behalf of the organization, pride in their accomplishments , and to assure the retiree that their shoes were hard to fill.

Retirement speeches are a tribute, a celebration, and a farewell all wrapped into one. As with any significant occasion, there’s etiquette to follow to make the event memorable for all the right reasons. Understanding these nuances can make the difference between a speech that’s cherished and one that’s merely endured.

Consider some retirement speech etiquette to ensure your words resonate with grace, respect, and warmth.

Dress appropriately

The way you dress not only reflects your respect for the occasion but also sets the tone for your speech. Dressing appropriately signifies that you value the event and the person being honored. It's not just about looking good; it's about showing that you've put thought into your appearance as a mark of respect. 

Whether it's a formal event or a casual gathering, ensure your attire matches the occasion. Remember, it's always better to be slightly overdressed than underdressed.

Use humor wisely

Humor can be a fantastic tool to lighten the mood and engage the audience. However, it's a double-edged sword. What's funny to one person might be offensive to another. 

When incorporating humor, make sure it's in good taste and won't alienate or upset anyone. Steer clear of inside jokes that only a few might understand or controversial topics that could divide the room. The goal is to evoke smiles and laughter, not raised eyebrows.

A retirement speech is a heartfelt tribute, and sincerity is its cornerstone. While it's okay to refer to notes or an outline, ensure your words come from the heart.

Authenticity resonates. People can tell when sentiments are genuine versus when they're merely rehearsed lines. Speak with conviction, share genuine anecdotes, and let your true feelings shine through.

Be positive

Retirement is a celebration of a significant milestone. While it's tempting to bring up past challenges or conflicts, focus on the positive. Highlight achievements, growth, and the good times. 

Even if there were hurdles, frame them as learning experiences or stepping stones that led to greater successes. A positive tone uplifts the atmosphere and leaves the retiree with fond memories.

Time the speech correctly

While you want to cover all your points, you don’t want to bore anyone to sleep. A speech that's too long can lose the audience's attention, while one that's too short might seem insincere.

Aim for a sweet spot, typically between 5 to 10 minutes. This gives you plenty of time to convey your message without overstaying your welcome. Practice beforehand and, if possible, time yourself to keep on track.

Be grateful

Whether you're the retiree thanking your colleagues or a manager expressing appreciation for years of service, always express gratitude. Recognize the contributions, the memories, and the shared journey. A simple 'thank you' can resonate deeply, leaving a lasting impression on the retiree and the audience alike.

Crafting a retirement speech is an art that can seem daunting. After all, you have to encapsulate decades of memories, achievements, and emotions into a few minutes. 

Thankfully, with the right approach and a sprinkle of creativity, you can pen a speech that’s both memorable and moving.

General tips

Whether you’re a retiree or a colleague, retirement speeches should be given with utmost care and respect. Add a touch of creativity, and you’ve got a well-prepared speech that will move hearts and honor the star of the show.

Here are some general tips for crafting a memorable retirement speech.

Choose a speaker who knows the person well

Selecting the right speaker is the foundation of a memorable retirement speech. The speaker's connection with the retiree can make all the difference. Here are some qualities the ideal speaker should have:

  • Personal connection:  The speaker should have a personal rapport with the retiree so they can give genuine anecdotes and heartfelt sentiments.
  • Knowledge of career journey:  Choose someone familiar with the retiree's professional journey, milestones, and achievements.
  • Eloquence:  While personal connection is vital, the speaker should also be comfortable speaking in public and conveying emotions effectively.
  • Representative of the team:  Ideally, the speaker should represent the sentiments of the larger group, ensuring the speech resonates with everyone present.
  • Avoid last-minute choices:  Plan ahead so the speaker has ample time to prepare. Don't leave the selection of the speaker to the last moment.

Focus on the honoree

retirement ceremony school teacher essay

The retiree is the star of the show, and the speech should reflect that. Here's how to keep the spotlight on them:

  • Highlight achievements:  Discuss significant milestones, projects, and contributions made by the retiree.
  • Share personal anecdotes:  Personal stories add warmth and depth. Share moments that capture the retiree's essence.
  • Avoid generic praises:  Be specific in your compliments. Instead of saying "You're great," mention what makes them so.
  • Incorporate feedback: Talk to colleagues and gather shared memories or sentiments to include.
  • Acknowledge growth:  Discuss how the retiree evolved over the years, both professionally and personally.

Keep it short — but not too short

Timing is everything when you’re giving a retirement speech. You’ve got to strike the perfect balance. Here's how to ensure your speech is just right:

  • Set a time limit:  Aim for 5-10 minutes. It's long enough to cover key points but short enough to retain attention.
  • Practice out loud:  This helps in gauging the length and making necessary edits.
  • Prioritize content:  Focus on the most impactful memories and achievements.
  • Engage the audience:  A well-timed speech ensures the audience remains engaged throughout.
  • Leave room for applause:  Factor in moments of applause or reactions, ensuring the speech doesn't feel rushed.

Carefully use humor

Humor can elevate a speech, but you’ve got to tread carefully. Here's how to infuse humor without overstepping:

  • Know your audience:  Choose jokes that are appropriate for the audience's sensibilities.
  • Avoid sensitive topics:  Steer clear of controversial or potentially hurtful subjects.
  • Test your joke:  Share them with a trusted colleague to gauge their reaction.
  • Use light self-deprecation:  It's a safe way to add humor without offending anyone.
  • Stay authentic:  Forced humor can fall flat. If humor isn't your strength, focus on warmth and sincerity.

Preparation is key to delivering a confident and heartfelt speech. You can thoroughly prepare in several ways:

  • Write an outline:  Organize your thoughts and structure your speech with a clear beginning, middle, and end.
  • Rehearse: Practice multiple times to get the flow right and make necessary tweaks.
  • Seek feedback:  Share your speech with a trusted colleague or friend for feedback.
  • Visualize the day:  Imagine yourself giving the speech. This mental rehearsal can boost confidence.
  • Stay calm and composed:  Remember, it's a celebration. Take deep breaths, stay relaxed, and speak from the heart.

As the retiree

If you’re a retiree, there are several ways to create a great speech:

  • Reflect on your journey: Talk about where you started, the highs and lows along the way, and where you feel like you've "landed" at the end of your career.
  • Acknowledge and appreciate: There are a lot of people who have helped you on your way. Take the time to acknowledge and thank them for their role in your life and career.
  • Share life lessons: What lessons have you learned that you want to pass along? Share these during your speech.

As a trusted coworker or superior

What about if you’re a coworker or superior? Focus on highlighting the retiree’s impact, sharing personal anecdotes, and offering well wishes for the future.

You might know the person pretty well, but it's always important to make sure you've got the right information on hand. Make sure to gather information and fact check for items like:

  • How long the retiree has been in the industry.
  • How long the retiree has worked for the company.
  • The previous positions the person held within the company.
  • The contributions they made while working.
  • Awards the person who is retiring may have received in the course of their career.
  • Pertinent information about the retiree's work history.

retirement ceremony school teacher essay

Here are some snippets of retirement speeches that you can amend for your situation. Remember, it is important to speak from the heart. Your audience will appreciate a more authentic speech rather than a stoic message.

For a friend

When Max began work at our firm, gas was $1.19 a gallon, and Ronald Reagan had just been elected president. Kramer vs. Kramer won Best Picture, and “Call Me” by Blondie was playing on the radio. All that to say, she’s been a fixture here for quite a while. To say that Max knows every aspect of this business like the back of her hand is not an understatement.

I remember the first time I walked into this office. Maxine was the first person to greet me. She gave me advice on where to park, showed me how to fill out a PTO request, and answered all my questions during lunch. She introduced me to everyone on staff.  And she made sure I knew all the ins and outs of working for Brighton Industries. This wasn’t part of her job, but she did it anyway. She made every new person in the office feel welcome.

Every office has a “go-to” person. The person who knows how to handle the difficult client. The person who knows how to hire the right person for the job. The person who knows how to load new toner in the printer. Max has been our go-to person for 25 years, and she leaves big shoes to fill.

One of Max’s best qualities is her ability to stay calm in the middle of the storm. Do you remember the great Jones Company fiasco in 2004? While the rest of us panicked about the loss of our biggest client, she went out and found us a new client. And that client brought in twice as much revenue as the client we lost!

We know that Maxine is looking forward to retirement. She told me she is planning to spend more time quilting. And she’ll be hanging out with her daughter and three adorable grandbabies. You’ve all seen pictures of her grandkids, right? Of course, you have! We are all so excited to wish Maxine well as she starts checking off items from her retirement bucket list . 

For your retirement

Thank you so much for all the kind words. I have loved working at Brighton Industries. I have had some of the best times in my life at this office. I have made lifelong friends who I treasure. Thank you for being the best coworkers and friends a woman could ask for.

There are a few things that I won’t miss about working for Brighton. I won’t miss filling out the TPS reports. I won’t miss the late nights that came with tax season. I won’t miss how cold the office is in the summer, or how hot the office is during the winter. But I will miss all of you. You have made this office feel like a second home to me. Thank you.

I discovered what amazing coworkers I had when I lost my mom to cancer three years ago. You all stepped in so willingly to pick up the slack when I couldn’t perform my regular duties. Not only did you take on more responsibilities in the office, but many of you also provided meals to my family. It meant the world to me, knowing that I could depend upon you all for help.

For a coworker

I have witnessed many people come and go throughout my years here at Smith and Smith. However, I am sadder today than ever, knowing Michelle won’t be stepping out of our elevator Monday morning. 

Even though Michelle has only worked at Smith and Smith for the last eight years, she has contributed much to our organization. For example, she made our network more secure by spearheading our cybersecurity efforts. But she also had a knack for streamlining processes, allowing us to work more efficiently. Before Michelle began working here, we worked a great deal of overtime. The reason we are now able to leave at 5 p.m. is because of the processes she began.

On a personal level, Michelle was always a delight to be around. She’s not one to complain – even when we had to put in extra hours last winter. Michelle was always the first to jump in to help when someone was sick or had a personal emergency. We all have stories of how Michelle helped us during a pinch. 

Michele – I will remember you with fondness. I am excited that you will have more time to spend with your beautiful grandchildren, and I wish you every happiness in the future. 

I was honored to be asked to speak about Samuel this afternoon. After working for Samuel for over 20 years, I have a lot to say. Don’t worry, Sam. Most of it is good.

First, I would like to tell you some things about Sam’s background that you might not have been aware of. Sam has a degree in Chemistry from Perdue. Even though he was prepared to spend his life in a lab setting, he sat next to a stranger on the subway one day while going to a job interview. He spoke with this person and learned he was starting a new shoe company and looking for someone to oversee the distribution. Of course, that stranger was Frank Jones, our illustrious founder. And that was why Sam never used his chemistry degree.

The second thing you may not know about Sam is that he is a violin virtuoso. I didn’t know this about him until a few years ago when Sam and his wife had me over for dinner. I saw a music stand in the corner of his living room and asked about it. Sam’s wife encouraged him to play for me. Needless to say, I was dumbfounded by his talent. 

For a subordinate

I know I have the reputation of being a bit of a perfectionist. In fact, before Lucy was hired four years ago, I had been through twelve assistants in thirteen years. That’s one reason why today is such a sad day for me. While I am ecstatic that Lucy will have more time to devote to her novel, I am sorry that I have to find someone to replace her. It’s not going to be easy.

Lucy is amazingly gifted at reading my mind. In fact, it’s a little scary how she seems to know what I want before I ask for it. This ESP, or whatever gift she has been blessed with, has saved me on more than one occasion. I’ll never forget how she interrupted me during a meeting with Mrs. Franklin to remind me of something that saved that account. She also kept me out of the doghouse at home by purchasing perfect Mother’s Day and anniversary gifts for Louise.

While I certainly will miss Lucy’s contributions to our workplace, I am most sad for our clients. Everyone loves Lucy, and they are as heartbroken as I am that she is retiring.  

For a teacher

Throughout Mrs. Anderson’s career, she has taught approximately 2,300 students. That means she has graded more than 18,000 essays, 2,300 research papers, and more book reports than you can imagine. Incredibly, her purple flair ink pen isn’t attached permanently to her hand with all of the grading she has done over the years.

But more important than the essays and book reports are the relationships she has formed with her students over the last three decades. She has comforted students who have lost family members and helped kids find jobs. She has written letters of recommendation for scholarships and advised many in their careers. 

On top of her work as an English teacher, she has overseen the publication of the yearbook and newspaper, traveled with students to Europe, ran the concession stand at football games, coached the cheerleaders, and sat through negotiations each year on behalf of the teachers’ union. 

Mrs. Anderson – you deserve a break. We hope you can sleep in each morning, stay up late reading novels each night, and travel the globe without the fear of losing a kid. Congratulations on your retirement!

For a family member

It’s hard to imagine our Dad without a job. This place has been a part of his routine for so long that he may show up on Monday simply out of habit. In fact, we may have to put a sign on the back of his front door reminding him to stay at home. 

And Dad loved every minute of it. Unlike most people, Dad never complained about his job. In fact, when we prayed as a family before each meal, Dad often expressed thanks for this company and his job. 

But, we are thankful that he can now stay home. He’s worked hard for a long time and deserves a break. But don’t worry – he won’t be sitting around for long. My siblings and I all have lists of home repairs that only Dad can do. We’ve also scheduled a few fishing trips over the next several months.

Thank you for inviting my siblings and me to this retirement party. It’s been a lovely day. I only wish Mom could have survived long enough to see Dad retire. She was always so proud of Dad for everything he accomplished. I’m sure she is smiling down on us right now. 

Funny retirement speech

Christopher has many gifts and talents. And he has contributed a lot to our company over the years. He’s been the top salesperson for twenty-three out of the twenty-five years he has worked here. He has worked hard to streamline our processes to work smarter, not harder. He has also been a leader in our industry by representing us in front of the state legislature. 

Even though I can easily provide you with a long list of awards and accolades, he will forever be known in this office as the person who was always misplacing his stuff. We found his keys by the copier, his wallet next to the giant fern in the back room, his raincoat on Mitch’s desk, and his water bottles – everywhere. It’s always been a mystery to everyone how someone absentminded can perform in a high-pressure job so well. 

So, we have purchased a tile tracker system to help you keep track of all your stuff on behalf of your retirement. Now that you won’t have an entire staff of people keeping track of your personal belongings, we think this might help. It may also keep Louise from killing you during your first week at home.

Retirement: The Next Stage in Life

As we stand on the precipice of one chapter ending and another beginning, we must recognize and celebrate the journey that brought us here. Whether you’re the one stepping into the golden years of retirement or honoring a colleague making that leap, words are powerful. A heartfelt speech can encapsulate years of dedication, camaraderie, and growth.

Retirement isn’t just about saying goodbye to a job. It’s about acknowledging the passion, identity, and pride that one has in their career. For many, their career is a significant part of their life’s narrative. 

As you craft your speech or pen down your thoughts, remember to celebrate this dedication. It might take a bit more effort, but the impact of genuine appreciation will resonate deeply, marking a memorable transition into the next exciting phase of life.


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Your Office Partner

Example of a Farewell Speech for a Retiring Teacher Colleague

Are you looking for a farewell speech for a teacher colleague? Here is a sample farewell speech for a retiring teacher by the student, principal, teacher colleagues by students to teacher, colleague, a co-worker who is bidding farewell to their colleagues in a school, university, college, or office. We at semioffice.com giving you many sample speeches on this topic.

Don’t forget to give a nice gift to your teacher colleagues. You can buy gifts for teachers online and from local markets. A gift is a precious thing that reminds about you of many times in life.

Farewell Speech for Teacher Retiring in English

Good Morning, My Dear Colleagues,

Today, we have gathered here to bid farewell to our exceptional teacher and a mentor who retired from active service. Yet, today, I realized how time flies.

It gives me immense pleasure to say that (mention the name of the teacher) has taught us a lot about teachers and how to live our lives as responsible and kind individuals. Our dear teacher has imparted not only skills but also valuable ethics to us. There is no doubt in saying that she was our favorite hello, and is our hardest goodbye. There are no words to express our feelings for her, but it is our responsibility to express our sincerest gratitude. It feels like yesterday when she just started her teaching career. Thirty-five years is an easy number to say but once pondered upon it. It’s a life that we have spent together as a family.

She is much more than a teacher; she is a mother. She is one woman we could trust blindly and discuss whatsoever we want with her. There is no doubt in saying that she is the epitome of a perfect human being. A human with a beautiful inside out. A free soul. I still remember how we could see her roaming around with a cup of tea and helping anyone she saw on her way. It gives us immense grief to let her go. She has set amazing examples for the young generations to follow. I still remember her one piece of advice, which was “Life to Learn, Learn to live.” Having someone like her was no less than a blessing. Our sessions of wisdom in break time were so soulful and relaxing. She always provided us with the most comfortable environment to work in.

I wish there were a way to make her stay a bit longer and to let us enjoy her beautiful company. It wrenches my heart to say Goodbye to his mesmerizing human being. Lots of Love. I hope you stay happy wherever you go. May All the odds be in your favor. Stay Safe. Goodbye!

Farewell Speech for a Retiring Teacher Colleague

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Retirement Speech: Fifty Years of Teaching

Retirement Speech: Fifty Years of Teaching

The speaker is celebrating their 50th anniversary as a third-grade teacher. They thank their family, colleagues, and students for their support over the years. They reflect on their experiences working with children from different backgrounds and helping them overcome issues like bullying. The speaker shares that their motivation for teaching has remained the same throughout their career: they love teaching and learning, and they enjoy working with kids. They express gratitude towards their family, colleagues, and the school administration for making their journey memorable. The speaker feels sad about saying goodbye to the school as they retire but wishes everyone the same happiness they had being a teacher.

In this assignment, you will write a speech for a 50th anniversary celebration.

Hello everyone, and thank you for joining me as I reflect on a beautiful journey that began fifty years ago. It means so much to have my family, friends, colleagues, and students here today to share memories with me. Over the past fifty years, I have dedicated myself to teaching third grade with love and a great deal of sacrifice. I am incredibly grateful to my family for their unwavering support throughout my career, and I also want to express my appreciation for the exceptional staff at this school who have made my teaching days unforgettable. Today marks the end of this journey, and it is with a heavy heart that I give this retirement speech, as I bid farewell to all those who have been a part of my fifty-year journey.

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In my life, I have been fortunate to collaborate with remarkable individuals who have greatly influenced me. Time passes quickly like a shooting star in the sky, leaving only a fleeting spark. Yet, these past years have been especially fulfilling for me. Being an educator has allowed me to engage with children from diverse backgrounds and belief systems. The occurrence of bullying among my students has inspired me to commit myself to offering them essential assistance. Teaching third graders has particularly brought me joy as we share the experience of reading stories and provides continuous learning opportunities.

At the start of my teaching journey, I was asked why I had chosen this path. I responded that teaching is driven by my passion for sharing and gaining knowledge and provides stability and fulfillment in working with young learners. This initial drive has remained constant throughout my long career, motivating me each day as I witness my students succeed and experience the joy of teaching them. Consequently, every morning I wake up with a smile, knowing genuine happiness awaits me at work.

Once again, I would like to thank everyone present today for their continuous support. This is especially true for my family, who has been my greatest inspiration. I also want to express gratitude towards the amazing school staff, administration, and all those who have accompanied me on this journey. My hope is that you all experience the same joy that teaching has brought me. It saddens me to realize that this school will no longer be a part of my daily life.

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How to Write a Retirement Speech – Samples & Ideas

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Amanda Green was born in a small town in the west of Scotland, where everyone knows everyone. I joined the Toastmasters 15 years ago, and I served in nearly every office in the club since then. I love helping others gain confidence and skills they can apply in every day life.

Like other types of speech, a retirement speech takes preparation. You can dedicate one to a friend or colleague or deliver a message as the retiree. But how do you write a retirement speech?

My guide will help you give sample speeches for a retirement party. Discover the steps you need to follow, mistakes to avoid, and some tips to improve. I even included an example to follow.

What Is a Retirement Speech?

retirement ceremony school teacher essay

A co-worker can give a retirement speech to a retiree or a retirement speech by a retiree.

Someone who has worked with the honoree for a long time can extend their congratulations for racing this unique milestone at the end of their career. They usually share interesting information while showing respect to the person who contributed significantly to the workplace.

A retirement speech can also be given by the person retiring. They may thank their fellow employees for the beautiful years and for helping them grow in the company.

These occasions are usually informal. That means you can deliver a casually funny retirement speech that’s the opposite of typical, formal speeches. But it is always helpful to plan what you will say in the speech so that everything flows smoothly.

What Makes a Good Retirement Speech?

A speech is a critical medium for presenting information and entertainment to a group of people. Here are some qualities of an excellent retirement speech.

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Focuses on the Honoree

Whether it’s a formal or informal retirement speech, it’s essential to focus on the honoree . Do not focus on yourself but on the accomplishments and values of the retiree.

A speech should be free from ambiguity so everyone can understand it easily. Make sure to break up run-on sentences and reduce wordiness. Using the active voice also improves the clarity of the speech.


It’s okay to insert famous quotes in your speech. But it’s also important to customize your message to the person you are honoring. Do not give a generic retirement speech you copied from Google or a speech builder.


A person who served in your organization deserves a long speech. But avoid repetitive, cliche , and filler words. Don’t bore your audience with a 30-minute speech.


An attention-grabbing story in the introduction is a quick way to make your speech enjoyable. Other methods include using examples, inserting quotations, and citing jokes.

Use of Body Language

An outstanding speech is not only about verbal communication but also comes with necessary body language. Use non-verbal cues with your hands, mouth, and eyes.

How Long Should a Retirement Speech Last?

The length of the retirement speech depends on the time allotted for this part of the event. It usually lasts around 5-10 minutes and comprises 600-1000 words.

Some people do not need to read from their manuscripts at this length. They may prepare and practice using only their outline. But if you’re a beginner, you can bring an entire manuscript when delivering.

Retirement Speech Writing Steps

Follow these six steps to creating a retirement speech.

Step 1: Gather information

The first step to creating a retirement speech is to gather information about the person’s life from different people. Hopefully, you can get extraordinary stories from them and a core idea of what you will put in the speech.

Gathering information will be a breeze if the retiree has been a long-time employee. You’ll find out how multi-faceted the person is. To their fellow employees, the person might be friendly and good-humored. But to their supervisor, the retiree might be intelligent and strategic.

Try gathering as much information about their personality as possible. But remember the key details. Try asking the following questions:

  • How long has the retiree been in the industry?
  • How long has the retiree worked in the company?
  • What were their contributions to the field or company?
  • What were the awards they received in the course of their career?
  • What were their previous positions?

Step 2: Learn All the Special Qualities of the Person

Your retirement speech should not only highlight the person’s career. It must also involve legendary stories or perhaps funny stories from their personal life.

For example, what are their personal hobbies? If the retiree likes to golf, you might try a golf-related theme for the party. If the retiree is an English teacher, try inserting English puns in your speech.

Here are some questions you can ask during interviews with people to craft a fantastic retirement speech.

  • What are their nicknames?
  • What is the name of their current spouse and kids?
  • What would people say is the best trait of the retiree?
  • How has the person made an exceptional contribution to the workplace?
  • What lessons did the people learn from the retiree?

However, some people want to keep their private life private. You don’t have to snoop around when gathering information about the retiree.

Step 3: Write an Outline

The entire speech writing process and public speaking stage are much easier if you start with an outline.

You have to decide how the farewell speech will sound. Do you want a heartfelt speech, a humorous speech, or a mix of both? Once you have decided, it’s time to brainstorm what to include in each part.

  • Introduction – This part should include an attention-grabbing story. It’s an essential part of memorable retirement speeches.
  • Body 1 – Name one or two traits of the person. Are they great listeners? Do they always have the most brilliant ideas in meetings? Are they approachable to everyone?
  • Body 2 – Discuss the person’s entire career journey. This should be easy if you’ve worked with them for a long time or gathered enough information. Make it clear what the person has attained and the differences they made to the company.
  • Body 3 – Share personal lessons you’ve learned from the person. A short story can be used.
  • Thank the person – Wish the person well in their retirement. End the speech with a memorable punchline and a “Happy retirement!”

Step 4: Write Out the Speech (Optional)

Skip this step if you’re already a skilled public speaker. Some practiced orators can even deliver humorous speeches on the spot without stuttering.

But if it’s your first time delivering a retirement speech for a boss, it’s best to write it down. Start with retirement speech starter headlines. It can include interesting daft stories, milestones, or a philosophy.

But overly preparing a speech can make it sound less heartfelt. Make sure you’re writing an authentic speech that feels natural to deliver.

You also don’t want to use the word “I” very often. Otherwise, it will give the impression of a boastful speech.

Step 5: Get Feedback

Seek people’s help before delivering a grateful retirement speech in front of a large crowd. Try asking someone who knows the retiree well to listen to your speech. Ask them about their thoughts on the fun story you shared, and make sure to consider their alternative ideas.

It also helps to ask an editor to fix any spelling or grammar issues. They can help you keep the speech more concise and engaging.

Step 6: Record a Video of Your Speech Before You Give It

The last step before offering a tribute speech to a retiree is to record yourself. Check your appearance when you’re talking. Are you smiling or not? Was your brow creased? This step is essential if you don’t always talk in front of a large audience of people.

Retirement Speech Tips

retirement ceremony school teacher essay

Now that you know the correct procedure for speech-writing, here are some tips you can follow.

Choose a Speaker Who Knows the Person Well

If you were chosen as the speaker, then you must have enough knowledge about the person’s entire life. One advantage of knowing the person too well is that you instantly have various content ideas for your speech.

This person can be someone other than the head of the organization. It can be their work best friend, business partner, or family member.

Focus on the Honoree

Your priority is to think about how the person will feel. Do you want to focus on their success, positive attributes, or their future success? Brainstorm some characteristics or key points you want to include in the tribute speech.

You may evoke emotion in this speech by highlighting a sense of fondness. But don’t make it too dramatic, especially when your relationship was formed in the workplace.

Mentioning memorable moments improves bonds with the honoree. Let them know what you will miss most about them.

Keep It Short—But Not Too Short

An important person in the company deserves more than three minutes of tribute. But that doesn’t mean you must include every detail of their previous career. Keep it short and sweet at around five to ten minutes to not bore the audience.

Use a Simple Framework

Keep your outline organized and simple to clarify the main message. It should serve as a blueprint to track your entire speech.

You already know the five parts of a retirement speech. However, you can still make it simpler using these parts:

  • Greet the audience and thank them for coming to the party.
  • Express why everyone is gathered.
  • Talk about how this person made a difference in the company and industry.
  • Talk about how this person made a difference in your personal life.
  • Extend best wishes on the next chapter of their life.

Balance the Past and Future

Refrain from assuming that the best days of the retiree are over. They are likely to be excited about their retirement. So instead of making a eulogy-like speech, deliver one that covers both the past and future.

Carefully Use Humor

You’ve probably heard hundreds of speeches with funny punchlines. But you should always plan your humor around your audience. Avoid jokes that rely on profanity and controversial topics. No one also wants to hear you put the retiree down harshly.

As with any other type of speech or presentation, preparing is always worth it. Try talking with people who have worked closely with the retiree. Look for common themes, then start crafting.

I also don’t recommend spending too much time discussing the career highlight reel. The audience might already know the honoree’s professional development in minute detail. Focus on their impact, values, and the larger lesson they taught you.

Don’t Read Your Speech

It’s okay to bring an outline or manuscript as long as your eyes stay longer on the audience. Tell the speech from the heart, take deep breaths, and know exactly what you will tell next.

Stand Up Straight

Maintain a good posture as you walk across the stage and give the speech. It shows confidence in your discussion, making the audience more interested.

Avoid These Retirement Speech Pitfalls


Are you talking too much about yourself? Is your anecdote losing focus on the retirement speech’s goal? Make sure your address aims to make the retiree feel appreciated. The conclusion or final part of the speech should be direct gratitude toward the individual.

Joking Too Much

Using humor in speeches can be challenging, especially if your audience is a bunch of serious people. Although sharing a boys’ night out story is tempting, others might not appreciate it. That said, do your research on the audience to avoid awkwardness.

Becoming Out of Touch

No, retirees don’t sit on their porches all day reminiscing about their previous job. Many people continue working or start their own businesses. The correct term for this is “active retirement.” So avoid retirement cliches in your speech that will make you sound tone-deaf.

Joking about old age may have been common in earlier retirement speeches in an attempt to make a funny speech. But today, it’s considered insensitive. Avoid offensive words toward the retiree and the audience.

What Are Some Good Retirement Quotes?

Consider these thirty-five examples if you need some retirement quotes for your speech.

Inspirational Quotes for Retirement

  • “Retirement is not the end of the road. It is the beginning of the open highway.”
  • “Half of our life is spent trying to find something to do with the time we have rushed through life trying to save.” – Will Rogers
  • “For many, retirement is a time for personal growth, which becomes the path to greater freedom.” – Robert Delamontague
  • “Don’t act your age in retirement. Act like the inner young person you have always been.” – J. A. West
  • “Retirement, a time to enjoy all the things you never had time to do when you worked.” – Catherine Pulsifer
  • “Retirement is wonderful if you have two essentials: much to live on and much to live for.” 
  • “Retire from your job, but never retire your mind.”
  • “Age is just a number, but retirement is one of the greatest gifts to mankind.”
  • “The harder you work, the harder it is to surrender.” – Vince Lombardi
  • “Choose a job that you love and you won’t have to work another day.” – Confucius
  • ​”Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” – Mark Twain
  • “There’s never enough time to do all the nothing you want.”​ – Bill Waterson
  • “Retirement is a blank sheet of paper. It is a chance to redesign your life into something new and different.” – Patrick Foley

Funny Retirement Quotes

  • “He who laughs at the boss’ jokes probably isn’t far from retirement.”
  • “Congrats on being so tired that you had to retire.”
  • “The best time to start thinking about your retirement is before the boss does.”
  • “There really are two lives we live. The first life and then the second life when we realize we only have one life.”
  • “The best part about being retired is never having to request time off.”
  • “My retirement plan is to get thrown into a minimum security prison in Hawaii.” – Julius Sharpe
  • “I’m always announcing my retirement. I’m still not retired.” – Dick Van Dyke
  • “How do you know it’s time to retire? It’s when you stop lying about your age and start bragging about it!”
  • “During your work life, you pick up a lot of bad habits… like working.”
  • “The world’s longest coffee break is often referred to as retirement.”
  • “Now Fridays aren’t the best day of the week anymore… they all are!”
  • “I never reveal my age, but I do let people know I’m retired. They can just guess my age from that statement.”

Retirement Wishes

  • “Wishing you the best retirement ever! Enjoy the new chapter of your life and enjoy being your own boss.”
  • “It is not easy to say goodbye. But, I will hold on to the fond memories of working with you. I hope that this retirement brings you joy and peace.”
  • “Enjoy your new weekends which will last 7 days!”
  • “We wish you the best retirement possible.”
  • “You have been a great boss. I appreciate the effort you put into mentoring me.”
  • “You have reached an incredible level of freedom.”
  • “I can’t believe I will be working as you nap. Enjoy your retirement!”
  • “Cheers to a lifetime of weekends!”
  • “Goodbye to the coats and ties.”
  • “May your dreams come true as you begin your retirement.”

Retirement Speech Sample

Here’s an example of a short but heartfelt retirement speech you can give to someone you want to pay your respects to.

I have witnessed many friends come and go to this school. But today, we have gathered to show our love and respect for Hartford Elementary School’s English teacher, Bradley McAdams. After working with him for more than 30 years, I don’t think I have the right words to say about his inspiring impact, dedication, and character.

Bradley, or, as many people call him, “Mr. Brad,” has handled over 1,000 students. That includes 10,000 essays checked, 80 English lessons taught, and 60 literary works recommended.

But beyond the schoolwork checked, Bradley has made meaningful relationships with his students over the past few years. He became a good friend to individuals who need comfort and a family to children who want to feel a sense of belonging.

We are also proud of him for publishing his dissertation in 2018 and obtaining a doctorate in 2019.

Mr. Brad, you are one of the most inspiring educators in the teaching profession. You made a lasting impression on the world through your grit. You deserve a break! We hope you get enough rest, travels, and pampering in this new stage of your life. Congratulations on your retirement!

Craft a Well-Written Speech

Hopefully, my guide helped you learn how to write a retirement speech. Whether it’s for a friend or boss, that person deserves appreciation and support on their special milestone.

Another popular category for these speeches is when it comes to friends, family, service professionals, or a college commencement speech. Learn how to create an inspiring speech for different people!

How to Write a Farewell Speech – Tips & Samples

Father of the Groom Speech – Best Tips, Ideas & Samples

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Report on farewell ceremony of a teacher

Farewell Ceremony of a Teacher Report Writing

A farewell ceremony is an occasion where everyone pays tribute to the successful completion of someone’s work life. A farewell ceremony for a teacher means paying tribute to the complete teaching journey of a teacher.

Report Writing on farewell ceremony of a teacher tells you about the ceremony observed by a school to pay tribute to the teacher’s retirement.

Report on farewell ceremony of a teacher

The farewell ceremony is written on the basis of the following points:

  • How did the school commemorate the farewell ceremony ?
  • How the programme begins and how it goes
  • Farewell ceremony speech
  • How students and teachers come together to celebrate the ceremony

Report Writing on farewell ceremony of a teacher

On March 25, Bilaspur High School organized a farewell ceremony on the occasion of the retirement of beloved teacher Tarun Roy, who had been with the school for the last 25 years. The ceremony was held on the Nazrul stage.

The programme begins with a speech followed by the school headmaster. The headmaster mentioned the teaching journey of Tarun Sir and how he dedicated his life to school for his students. The headmaster also spoke about Tarun sir’s unique teaching style and his ability to make complex concepts very simple for students.

After that, Tarun sir spoke a few words about his whole teaching career and how his teaching career earned him lots of love and respect from students. Tarun sir expressed his gratitude to the school committee and all the teaching and non-teaching staff for making this day very special and memorable to him.

Later, students and teachers gave him some presentations to share and to wish him a long and healthy life. The programme ended with the cake cutting event. Overall, the farewell ceremony was a very emotional and heartfelt tribute.

Farewell ceremony is a day when we celebrate the journey of a teacher, and it’s very important to celebrate this kind of ceremony to remind ourselves of the role of a good teacher in society.

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Farewell Speech by Teacher on Farewell Party in simple and easy words

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Table of Contents

Farewell Speech by Teacher: Farewells are always hard, but they are especially hard when they involve someone who has been such an important part of our lives for so long. Farewell is a very common activity that takes place in every school and every college irrespective of the place. Farewell speech is one of the most important parts of the event and the teachers too are invited to deliver the farewell speech. In fact, farewell speech by teacher is one of the most crucial speeches which everyone listens with utmost concentration.

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The farewell speech by a teacher is both positive and memorable. It thanks the students for their time and effort, while also acknowledging the good things that they have accomplished together. The speech also looks to the future, wishing the students the best of luck in their future endeavors. How to write and deliver a farewell speech involves weaving gratitude, nostalgia, and well wishes into a memorable and touching moment.

Long and Short Farewell Speeches by Teacher

We have shared here some sample speeches which may help you prepare your farewell speech as well for the occasion. The language is very simple and the content is highly relevant and practical. Our short farewell speeches by teacher are highly preferred at school levels, while the long farewell speeches by teacher are preferred at the college and institute level. A welcome speech for farewell event sets the stage to honor, celebrate, and bid adieu to cherished individuals with warmth and appreciation. These speeches are just the sample and making these samples your base; you can develop your own unique farewell speech and add your own personal touch to make it authentic.

Farewell Speech by Teacher Leaving the School – Speech 1

A very good afternoon to each one of you present here!

When I was told that this gathering will be held for me and that I am expected to deliver a speech, my eyes had tears in them. The thought of leaving this school is indeed hard to accept. But it is really happening and here I’m delivering my farewell speech. Today is my last day at this school and my gunny sack that I will be taking from here is filled with mixed memories. It is very heavy as it is filled with experience of 17 years and learning of a lifetime. Although I joined in as a teacher here but over these years, I became a student, too, as I got to learn many things from my students. I will always cherish the relationship between the mentor and mentees. A teacher becomes a teacher because of her students and my lovely students have made me a teacher and I’m grateful to them. We together made this experience worth remembering.

When I read the comments of students in the feedback form that they never missed my classes and made sure to take part in the intriguing discussions, my heart fills with pride and happiness. I get my actual salary from the satisfaction that comes after hearing that I’ve been able to help my students in some way. The messages I have received from all of them are truly overwhelming. As I stand here today, I exude joy and feel glad to have chosen the profession of teaching where in I got the chance to make a difference and change people’s lives for better. Despite all the difficulties and challenges that come in the way of teachers, moments like these keep us going ahead. They push us to work harder and better and shape the young minds.

After leaving this school, I have planned to go to a vacation first and then work as guest lecturer in the University of __________ (Delhi). However, it does not matter wherever I go, I will never be forget this school as I too have grown up with you all.

Also Read: Farewell Speech in Office to your Colleagues

So, I bid you all good bye with a heavy heart and with the hope that you would achieve success in whatever you do. You will make me proud with your good deeds. In the end, I would like to say thanks to the Principal and my colleagues for their unending support and cooperation. You have been a significant part of my journey in this school. Working with you was a pleasure and I hope students will not pester you as much in future. I thank you with my heart for having me here, for saying such nice words and organizing this great farewell party that I will remember all my life.

God bless you all and good luck for all your future endeavors. Good bye and take care!

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Farewell Speech by Teacher Leaving the School – Speech 2

Respected Principal, Dear Teachers and Our Lovely Students – Firstly, I would like to thank you all for joining us today for the farewell celebration of our final year students in our engineering college!

While this is a very proud moment for all of us as every college student has passed with a very good percentage, we are feeling equally emotional since it’s time for our final year students to leave our college behind and move on to achieve new heights.

Before I begin with my speech, I would like express my gratitude to all of you for giving me the opportunity to deliver the speech today. While I am excited to speak a lot of things, I am equally nervous, so please pardon me if I sound too emotional.

We have spent four years with you all and by now it feels that very important members of our family have gathered together and collectively saying goodbye.

Above all, we are very happy for all of you because now you all are certified engineers and I am sure you all are going to utilize your knowledge to make excellent career for yourselves. While we have given all the academic knowledge related to engineering along with the practical knowledge of machines, etc. as much as we could; we are certain that you all are only going to amplify this knowledge and achieve success in your life.

While you all have passed with good marks, some of you were highly energetic and proactive while some of you were averages students and you might get career choice accordingly. I would hereby suggest that you should not compare yourself with others. You all are unique; I being the class teacher of your class have observed that some of you liked practical explanation and some of you preferred detailed theories, so there are abundant career options available for all of you. You just need to analyze your interest, match it with the skills you possess and achieve whatever you want to.

I would also like to say that from here, the new chapter of your life begins and I am not going to say that life would be easy, smooth and comfortable, for you are going to lead the life you choose for yourself. This is going to be the beginning of your professional life and in order to prove yourself you may have to do a lot of hard work. Also, you may need to sharpen your skills as per the requirement of your respective organization so don’t get disheartened and disappointed because ultimately you would succeed only if you are persistent in your performance.

Also Read: Farewell Speech for Seniors by Juniors

In the end, I would say that you all are a part of our college and you would always be. So whenever you need help, guidance or support, just approach us whenever, we will be more than happy to extend our hands to you.

Most of you are already placed in top-notch companies so do well there and share your experience with us. For those who wish to be an entrepreneur, our best wishes and supports are always being there with you.

I hereby rest my speech on a Thank You note and wish you all the very best!

Farewell Speech by Teacher Leaving the School – Speech 3

Respected Principal Sir, Vice Principal (VP) Sir, Teachers and Dear Students – A very good morning to everyone and thank you for assembling here.

As you all know we have gathered here to bid farewell to our hon’ble Principal Sir, Mr. A, who is retiring from our prestigious college today. Since he is the founder of our college, we can with pride confer him with the title of the ‘father of our college’.

Also Read: Farewell Speech on Retirement

Twenty years ago in the same month, he had established this college with the vision and mission to impart knowledge and education to all the students who get admission here. But even more appreciable, he was more interested in imparting education to the poor students belonging to the deprived society or students from low-income families whose parents cannot afford education for their children.

I along with 5 other professors had been one of the fortunate initial joiners; we got the opportunity, joined hands with Sir and did everything we could, to make this college successful. Ever since the establishment, we have seen Principal Sir doing constant hard work to get significant name and fame for the college. It was all because of his dedication and perseverance we are enjoying the status of being the members of one of the most renowned colleges.

Today, when I am standing here to deliver the speech for his farewell, my throat gets choked as I can’t imagine a single day spent without his guidance and support. He has always been like a big support for me, but strict and disciplined at the same time and most importantly whenever I approached him for any help or support, he would always extend his hands to support all of us.

Our principal sir also introduced various extracurricular activities in the college and because of his unvarying trust in his students do the students perform brilliantly. Some of our students have also won the state level games such as ‘Badminton, Kabaddi, Basket Ball, etc. We have also been doing well in intellectual activities such as debate, quiz, etc.

Sir, we are certainly going to miss you a lot; at the same time we also assure that we will work for our college with the same fervor and zeal and make you feel proud of your staff.

While your absence is irreparable, we are at least glad that you have accepted the invitation to join the trust of this college. You would, therefore be able to oversee us as without your guidance; we may lose our path.

Apart from being a highly intellectual person, our Principal Sir is an avid sportsperson too. He loves playing sports and games , often leading by example in encouraging an active and healthy lifestyle among students. I remember, every Sunday, he would challenge few of us for the Badminton tournament and most of the times he would win. I am going to miss all those activities.

While I am ending my speech, I would only say that our Principal Sir can never retire as he lives within the code of conduct of our college and we promise that we will always act as good representative of your college, who can feel proud of.

Thank You Sir and all the very best for all your future endeavors!

Farewell Speech by Teacher Leaving the School – Speech 4

Respected Principal Sir, Dear teachers and Dear Students – A very warm welcome to all of you!

As you are aware, we have gathered here to celebrate the farewell event of our school students. Before I begin with my speech, I would like to thank everyone for giving me this opportunity.

Let me start my speech by congratulating the students for passing out 12th exams with flying colors. Like every year, this year too, our school has done very well, as far as results go. This is only because our school believes in teaching with fun. However, I would also like to praise and appreciate all the students for their hard work and dedication. I acknowledge, the last 3 months were really difficult for the students and they were all engrossed in preparing for the exams. The main aim of their life was securing good marks in the upcoming exams, defining their primary goal in academic life. The faculty understands that every year our students undergo tremendous pressure to obtain good marks for themselves as well as for the school.

Though, their brilliant results help them getting admission to good renowned colleges from where they can gain advanced knowledge. Their knowledge helps them earn jobs in prominent companies, earn handsome salary and lead a successful life. However, we also feel that the students are rather leading a very serious life due to the pressure of exams they take.

Dear students, I would like to say, dedication and perseverance are good but you must not stop enjoying your life. This I am saying, because every year we have noticed that XII Standard students do not participate in any sport events nor do they take part in art and craft competition. Our school has the history of producing champions in every field. So my only appeal to the students who are in XI standard right now is that they must also participate in sports and other extracurricular activities while taking the study seriously.

For the passing students, we all are very happy and excited to know about your choice of college and course stream. While we know, that you must have already decided something concrete for yourself, we would be happy to extend our helping hands, in case you need any guidance and supervision.

Days spent with you all have been very memorable and I being the class teacher of XII Standard always have that extra bond with each one of you. Some of you are associated with this school since nursery and some of you joined it later; irrespective of this the bond we share with you all and the admiration and regard we have been getting from you all is remarkable.

Also Read: Welcome Speech for an Event

In the end, I would only request you all to always be the good ambassador of our school; live by the discipline and ethics you are learnt here and always listen to your heart before making any decision. If you need, we are always open to you all.

In the end, I would like to wish you all a very good luck and extend my best wishes.

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Farewell Speech by Teacher Leaving the School – Speech 5

Good morning esteemed dignitaries, my colleagues and my dear friends. I welcome you all to today’s gathering and thank you for being a part of it.

It is a very important day for us as you all know that our respected principal, Ms ________, is now retiring after serving 14 years in this school. It is our privilege that we have had the opportunity to work with her and students, you all should also consider yourself lucky that Ms ________ has been your mentor and leader for more than a decade now. She wears many hats — that of a mentor, an instructor, a peer and principal. She has watched you kids grow. She is not only a wonderful human being but a prodigy. She has run this school with confidence and pride. Her sheer hard work and dedication can be seen by all of us as the credit for the success of this school goes to her.

At this moment, I am reminded of a dialogue from the movie Mr. Holland’s Opus, “Look around you. There is not a life in this room that you have not touched, and each one of us is a better person because of you.” Dear Madam, this dialogue defines your character as you have touched many such lives and have inspired people around you to become better in whatever they do in their lives. Your honesty in life and commitment to your work is worth appreciating. The lessons that each of us has learnt from you is not written in any book or syllabus. You were first a student, then a teacher.

So, you could very well relate to students and their feelings and also understand what the teachers go through. You created a holistic and stress-free environment for the students and teachers. Your ensured discipline in a friendly manner and managed this school in the best way. You faced all the challenges sportingly and never let problems pull you down. When there were troubles, you effective solutions resolved the issues. You changed with the changing environment and rules. You were open to new ideas and never enforced your decisions on people and humbly accepted the suggestions, too.

After spending a long phase of her career as the principal of this school, she is now retiring. We bid her good bye with smiles and tears. We cannot possibly thank her enough for her enormous contribution to this school and we sincerely wish her a joyous retired life. We will miss her immensely and will keep inviting her to the important events in the school as you never will really part ways from any of us. You were, is and even in future will remain a significant part of this school and all our lives. Good luck and thank you. Now I would request Ms ___________ to come on the stage and give her last speech as the working principal of this school.

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Farewell Speech by Teacher Leaving the School – Speech 6

Good afternoon to all of you, I welcome our honorable vice-chancellor, dean, faculty members, and students for gathering today and I am glad to have been given the opportunity to deliver the speech and we all are here to bid a good farewell to our loving teacher Ms/Mrs …..

Dear all, teaching is not an easy task, but some people make it appear easy as they discover the hacks to it. Ms. _____ is one such teacher who considers teaching an art and values it like nothing else. She puts her heart and soul in her job. Despite all the challenges, she never wavered from her path and endlessly motivated students. It is needless to say that she will be dearly missed by all.

Ms.__________ has devoted 10 long years to this prestigious University and has been a part of the core family of the organization. She is someone who has not only spent years teaching students of different standards but has maintained the dignity of this institution. She has always been the go-to person for everything because she has been very diligent and efficient in her work in this decade. She is an inspiration not only for the students but also for the faculty members as we all have learned a lot from her. Her poised personality, calm and composed self is worth appreciating. She taught all of us to be so strong and prepared to withstand any obstacle of the life. I am sure her learning will not be forgotten by any of us.

Ms.________ held many teacher training programs that proved to be extremely beneficial for other faculty members. I remember all the conversations I had with her in the past and her creative ideas will always resonate in my mind. The staff members have learned a great deal from her and her experiences have had an indelible impression on their minds too.

I would call upon the stage our dean and request him/her to present this bouquet and small gift to Ms.________ from all of us. We cannot thank her enough for serving 10 years in this University and inculcating moral values in our students and shaping their futures. I hope that her journey was not just long but great. There is a saying that, “we think of teacher-heroes that taught us the academics but we don’t often think of those teachers that taught us life’s lessons.”

On your last day at this college, I would once again thank Ms.__________ for imparting knowledge into students, formulating personalities of young adults to mature beings, and for sharing with us life lessons. Dear Madam, this University was and will be always be your second home. Its doors will always remain open for you. It was a pleasure to have shared common space with you. Lastly, I, on behalf of the department, institution and students, sincerely thank you for your tireless efforts and wish you all the best for your life ahead.

Thank you very much!

Farewell Speech by Teacher FAQs

What should teachers say in farewell speech.

In a farewell speech, teachers should express appreciation for their students, share memorable moments, and offer best wishes for their future.

How do you say farewell speech for students?

A farewell speech for students should convey pride in their achievements, offer advice, and express hope for their successful journey ahead.

How do you write a simple farewell speech?

To write a simple farewell speech, express gratitude, share memorable experiences, and extend well-wishes for the future.

What a teacher should say at graduation?

At graduation, a teacher should commend students for their hard work, offer encouragement, and express pride in their accomplishments.

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School’s Out Forever: Reflections of a Retired Teacher

by Sandy Lingo | Jul 30, 2017 | 14 comments

retirement ceremony school teacher essay

When I came back from a field trip the last week of my career, this is how I found my library!

Teaching years are like dog years. I taught for 196 years.

Conversely, retirement years speed by like a guppy’s lifespan.  I have been retired since Spring 2010, and while it doesn’t feel like yesterday, it doesn’t seem possible that I’ve been going to sleep for nine years without an alarm clock.

Retired teachers often say they “miss the people” or they “miss the children.”  I will honestly say that, while my colleagues and students enriched my life in profound ways, I do not miss the necessary diplomacy of dealing with educators or the responsibility of guiding and corralling youngsters.

If I’m not a teacher, what am I?

The last year I taught, I was the librarian.  I gave it my all.  I facilitated eight book clubs, organized seventeen field trips, found the right line in my bifocals to shelve thousands of books, and nagged my principal, up to the last hour, for an increase in my budget.

My last day was May 31, and I was there until about 11:55 putting things right in my library.  Leaving my house in order.

That evening, around 7:00, I went to my car with another load of what was now junk:  teaching units in binders; my electric pencil sharpener and recess whistle; popsicle sticks, glitter, and contact paper.  Outside I met a parent who was there watching her kids’ soccer game. “Are you a teacher here?” she asked?

“Well, yes.  Well, kinda.  I was, I mean I am, at least until midnight,” I said. She was confused, and so was I.

I remember my husband saying when he retired, “If I’m not a teacher, what am I?”  I guess I felt a little like that, which is why I continued volunteering at my school for a couple years.  And then, suddenly, I realized I wasn’t a teacher anymore, and that was okay because I had become other things: an attentive daughter; a more present mother; an engaged friend; an avid activist, a student of the world.

When you are a teacher, you take your significance in the world for granted .

When you are a teacher, you know that every single day, for better or worse, you are going to impact kids, sometimes in profound ways. When you are retired, you have to work harder to articulate your purpose.  How can you feel important in the world when all you’ve done is meet friends for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, repot your African Violets, type your recipes, or achieve a thorough colonoscopy cleanse?

When I was working, my identity and worth were tied up with what I did, what I accomplished, what recognition I received.  I felt tremendous satisfaction when I finished grading a stack of essays, created a new novel unit, received an award, found the surface of my desk at the end of the day, returned from a field trip with the same number of kids I started with.

But now, in this reflective state of retirement, I find myself measuring my self-worth in other ways, not by what I’ve done, but who I am.   And it seems enough at the end of the day to take stock of how kind I was, even if I didn’t cross a thing off my to-do list.

I look back and worry.

Maybe I wasn’t such a good teacher after all.  There was the time I was reading the dramatic conclusion of Nightjohn to my eighth graders who encircled me, and I overheard 13-year-old Jonathon say to 13-year-old Emily, “You have the longest eyelashes.”  And I was furious at this acned adolescent who, quite naturally, found this fetching girl more fascinating than the conclusion of a book about slavery.

And there was the time a sixth grade boy picked through his dumpster-of-a-desk looking for his math textbook, and I turned the entire desk over, the contents forming a mountain at his feet.  And I did this in front of his peers.  I saw him tear up as he tried to sort the papers, and I admit now that for a minute I was very satisfied. I was big and he was small.    Then the shame came, and I got down on the floor and helped him make a neater, more manageable pile.

After college I got a job in a tough school.  This was a hard place for a green teacher to land, and I soon suspected I was hired more for my brawn than my brain, when in the first week the principal started sending me girls to paddle.

“Mr. Wilson wants you to swat me.”

“Why?” I asked.

“I don’t know.  You’re just asposed to swat me.”

And I did. But I also remember swatting a boy who was a real stinker, not a sociopath, just kind of a brat.  And that’s totally on me.

Kids in my book clubs say goodbye.

Kids in my book clubs say goodbye.

When I question my worth as a teacher, I never fret that I didn’t teach my students enough about literary devices or subject-verb agreement or Egyptian pyramids or long division.  I look back and know I could have been kinder, more patient, more understanding, more encouraging if I had worried less about the content I taught and more about the students.

I can’t remember

I regret that I can’t remember my students.  When they FB friend me, I go to their profiles and try to figure out if I was their sixth grade math teacher or eighth grade language arts teacher or middle school librarian.

When a former student bounds across Walmart and calls out, “Mrs. Lingo,” with her own children in tow, I might remember a poem she wrote about her dog, that she took Irish dancing lessons, that she had an appendectomy, or that she forgot to bring her lunch on a field trip, but darned if I can remember her name!

I want my students to know that even though I cared deeply for them, my brain just can’t hold all their data.  I am more likely to remember them as archetypes:  the try-to-be-invisible kid; the too-cool-for-school kid; the reading-all-the-time kid; the kid-with-a-suspicious bruise.

I have had many memorable students die in tragic and unexpected ways:  electrocution; car and plane accidents; running bases; pernicious anemia.  I ache remembering these kids:  a gregarious redhead; a likeable imp; a boy with impossibly deep dimples.  They are frozen at the age when I taught them, when I took for granted they would outlive me.  And I grieve for them.

But here’s the thing:  There are several students I can barely remember who have died from overdose, violence, or suicide.  Kids I can’t put a face to, can’t conjure a single interaction I had with them.  I didn’t invest the emotional energy to let these children imprint my brain or heart. Maybe I just didn’t notice them, sitting sullenly in the back row.  Or maybe I deemed them hopeless cases.   I mourn the lost opportunities to know them and maybe make a difference.


I went to my students’ dance recitals and hospital rooms and basketball games.  I called parents when I had this nebulous feeling that something wasn’t quite right with their child. I wrote comments and drew faces on students’ papers late into the night. I got to school early and left late.

I used up my very best for other people’s kids.  There was very little energy left for my own.  I never figured out the home/work balance.  That had less to do with my dedication to my profession than my need for approval from strangers.

My own children were in my sixth grade math class.  My students, for the most part, thought I was fun and funny, patient and kind.  My own children maybe thought otherwise, because they saw the home me.  That I was a fraud.

Those were the days!

I remember such fun:  International Feasts; field trips to the jail, synagogue, mosque, Jungle Jim’s, WLW; the joy of sharing books and meeting authors; “Lingojections” (a term coined by one of my students for the ditties and dances I created to help them remember math principles); talent shows and plays; Backwards Day and Mismatch Day; gerbil wedding and goldfish with middle names.

I saved all the notes my students wrote me:

A poem by Marty Paff, sixth grader :                                       Mrs. Lingo is the best She also hates giving tests, Albert Einstein is her man, Mrs. Lingo is better than a toucan. Math rappin’ is her thang. She’s very tall and very smart.

 “You won’t believe this but my oldest son just started sixth grade himself.

“You saw something in me.”

“Thank you for helping me throw (sic) school this year.”  Thanks, Ryan

Dear Mommy, I really enjoyed being in your class this year.  Thank you for being a great math teacher.  I really liked doing the ‘Lingo Rap.  From, Stacey Lingo P.S.  I hope you could read this letter.”

These letters sustain me In my dotage (which appears to be now).  I got some things right.

Retirement is a gift.

I go to sleep when I’m tired and wake up when I’m not!  When I wake up in the morning, I think, What am I worried about?   Nothing!  And then I start the day slowly, communing with FB or reading the paper.

I didn’t know how physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted I had been until I retired.  It’s like you don’t know how much the tooth hurt until it’s pulled.

I no longer think that weekends are for catching up, or that vacations are for enriching my curriculum.  That a grocery trip must be a race against time, or that a traffic jam will put me hopelessly behind.

Now, relationships can always be on the front burner.   Distance is never too great to visit a sick friend. Time is never too short to read to my 97-year-old mother-in-law.  Nothing was so pressing that I couldn’t sit with my parents as they diminished and died.

Often young teachers lament, “I can’t wait until I retire.”

And I say, “Don’t wish your life away.  It goes fast enough.”

Every stage of life is a gift.  Relish the working years. Work so hard that you feel like you’ve earned your retirement.  And then live it up!

To my teacher friends retiring this year, may you enjoy this next chapter.

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Ellen Austin-Li

I loved reading this post, not only for the tender moments when you recognize the impact you had on young lives on a daily basis, but also because I admire your honest self-appraisal of where you wonder if you could have done more. I have no doubt that you did your best and were a fabulous teacher, but I love how you let your humanity show through with some self-doubt.

A part of me relates to all of the above, as this is often how I felt as a nurse (an a pediatric one, for the most part). The thing I most loved about nursing was the immediate impact I had on the lives of my patients and their families (hopefully for the better), but the delivery of that care drained me of so much of my emotional and physical strength. I imagine teaching to be similar in that way.

Susan Lawrence

Such a vivid, truthful reflection. You are such a gift Sandy! Continuing enjoying your retirement and all it has to offer you – you truly deserve it.

Bev Bowers

You continue to teach in such beautiful ways.


This one got me. Lots of emotions. 🥲. Thanks for articulating how I am feeling…


“I worries less about the content and more about the students” Give what I know about you, I can’t even imagine this to be true. But I get what you’re saying. If you have impacted those students with just an ounce of what you have impacted us with your wisdom and light, then you will have made a profound difference in their lives. Thank you for your service!

Oops. “Worried less”.

Cathy Cook

What a beautiful piece. The home-work balance was the hardest for me especially with a traveling husband and no other supports, to the point I had to quit at one point. I loved “Don’t wish your life away” and “every stage of life is a gift”. In retirement it’s more about “What I AM” as you succinctly stated, rather than what you can accomplish. Hopefully we did the best we could at the time. I’m sure you were a wonderful, interesting teacher – challenging but firm when needed.


The work-home balance theory is just that-a theory. Our generation thought we could have it all. What we found out is that you can have it all, but you just can’t do it all. Something suffers. You, your family or the job. Or all of it. It’s simply impossible to be at the top of your game in the work force, be a fantastic mother/wife and have the time and energy to do it well. I was blessed to be able to choose to be a stay-at-home mom when the work-home balance became too much work. Granted, we had to live on one salary and there are obvious downsides to that, but I made the right choice for our family. I really enjoyed this piece and congratulations to your retiring friends!


How can I ever express the many ways you impacted my life and the lives of my children? Both Victoria and Michael had the privelage of calling you teacher, participate in book clubs, and have their identities shaped by what you said and did. Several years later you invited me to Women Writing for a Change. It was a time of great change for me as I left one career to enter another and you unselfishly invited me to share part of your world. Today Michael finds an interesting book and comments that Mrs. Lingo would like it. Victoria sees a gorgeous blouse and comments it reminds her of Mrs. Lingo – stylish and creative. I look forward to reading everything you write. We love you forever.

Carolyn Lieberg

I love your honest reflections — and agree with the posted comments about where we teachers or nurses or mothers or people hope to do good always yet failing sometimes. You will no doubt continue to draw past students to you in public places as they express gratitude or remind you of funny or poignant events. But retirement! Yes, a gift. As you say, it is one that lets us open the door to redesign purpose and goals. That’s a gift in itself, along with the lack of an alarm clock and a little voice inside that says the day’s accomplishments are sufficient. Enjoy!


Sandy, I always look forward to your wonderful blogs. This one is so beautifully written it has left me in tears. You truly depicted how fortunate we were to be educators. As a supervisor and principal I loved visiting your interactive classroom. The students were actively involved in learning. You encouraged learning by making the curriculum come alive. The first time I visited your sixth grade classroom the students were a human number line. Their participation led to understanding. If I had been blessed with a math teacher like you perhaps I would have liked math more. You gave your students every opportunity to be successful. Your creativity to make learning fun and help the students understand mathematical concepts was outstanding. You truly cared about your students. When I visited your middle school classroom I had to silently chuckle at the forbidden refrigerator hidden in the corner of your room covered with the beautiful cloth. The refrigerator was just in case a student came to school without breakfast or did not have lunch money. You always gave 100%+. Your dedication to your students and colleagues was a blessing. I was very fortunate to work with you as a colleague and now I am honored to call you my friend.

Anita Raturi

Sandy, you rock! I loved teaching too. And I love having a home business now. You are profound, sincere, funny and real.


Sandy, Thank you. I retired from teaching at NKU in 2008. Your words remind me of my own students and those moments I will always remember and I am sure there are many that I have already forgotten. I’ll never know which moments were most significant to my students – but I know what I have learned from my students. I love teaching in retirement – it’s a whole different adventure! Thanks for your honesty about the joys and heartbreaks of teaching. Katherine

Nancy Jones

Your writing reveals what made you a great teacher, Sandy–even when you doubt yourself. Thoughtfulness, compassion and kindness in every sentence! Retirement becomes you.

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     5184 Lenville Rd
     Moscow, ID 83843

208 882-1645
 Updated: July 22, 2015

After some wavering, I’ve decided to write my bio out of concern someone might coerce me to write it on a napkin on Friday night at the class reunion.  So here goes.

After graduating from good ol’ MHS, I attended the U of I graduating in 1970 in Agricultural Science.  After which I worked construction for a few years while enlisted in the Idaho National Guard.  In the mid-seventies, I returned to the family farm and have farmed here ever since.  We raise wheat, peas, lentils, garbanzos, hay and cattle.

I met my wife Henrianne while she was attending the U of I.  She worked at the courthouse and city hall for many years.  She then recently ran for public office and now is the current Latah County Clerk/Auditor.

We have 3 children who all attended MHS and the U of I.  It was very interesting and enjoyable watching them grow and participate in the local school activities.  Our oldest daughter Emily (31 yrs old) is married to Walker Berg – Chris and Gary Berg’s son.  Emily is an elementary school teacher in Vancouver WA and Walker is a police officer for City of Portland.  Our second daughter Amy and her twin brother John (22 yrs old) are both attending the U of I and should graduate next year.  Amy is focusing on Childhood Development and Family Relations, and John is studying Agricultural Systems Management.

The farm is a very busy place and keeps our family busy year around with no retirement plans in sight.  Moscow has been a good place to raise a family – quite a different town than in 1965, but an interesting town with a wide range of ideas and values.

We look forward to seeing everyone at the reunion.

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In Memory Video

) and let them know.


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