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Investment Thesis Template

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Hassan Saab

Prior to becoming a Founder for Curiocity, Hassan worked for Houlihan Lokey as an Investment Banking Analyst focusing on sellside and buyside  M&A , restructurings, financings and strategic advisory engagements across industry groups.

Hassan holds a  BS  from the University of Pennsylvania in Economics.

Adin Lykken

Currently, Adin is an associate at Berkshire Partners, an $16B middle-market private equity fund. Prior to joining Berkshire Partners, Adin worked for just over three years at The  Boston Consulting Group as  an associate and consultant and previously interned for the Federal Reserve Board and the U.S. Senate.

Adin graduated from Yale University, Magna Cum Claude, with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Economics.

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According to the WSO Dictionary ,

"An investment thesis aims to take an abstract idea and turn it into a functional investment strategy. An investment thesis helps investors evaluate investment ideas, ideally guiding them in selecting the best ideas that can help meet their investment objectives."

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Writing a Credible Investment Thesis

Only a third of acquiring executives actually write down the reasons for doing a deal.

By David Harding and Sam Rovit

  • November 15, 2004

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Every deal your company proposes to do—big or small, strategic or tactical—should start with a clear statement how that particular deal would create value for your company. We call this the investment thesis. The investment thesis is no more or less than a definitive statement, based on a clear understanding of how money is made in your business, that outlines how adding this particular business to your portfolio will make your company more valuable. Many of the best acquirers write out their investment theses in black and white. Joe Trustey, managing partner of private equity and venture capital firm Summit Partners, describes the tool in one short sentence: "It tells me why I would want to own this business."

Perhaps you're rolling your eyes and saying to yourself, "Well, of course our company uses an investment thesis!" But unless you're in the private equity business—which in our experience is more disciplined in crafting investment theses than are corporate buyers—the odds aren't with you. For example, our survey of 250 senior executives across all industries revealed that only 29% of acquiring executives started out with an investment thesis (defined in that survey as a "sound reason for buying a company") that stood the test of time. More than 40% had no investment thesis whatsoever (!). Of those who did, fully half discovered within three years of closing the deal that their thesis was wrong.

Studies conducted by other firms support the conclusion that most companies are terrifyingly unclear about why they spend their shareholders' capital on acquisitions. A 2002 Accenture study, for example, found that 83% of executives surveyed admitted they were unable to distinguish between the value levers of M&A deals. In Booz Allen Hamilton's 1999 review of thirty-four frequent acquirers, which focused chiefly on integration, unsuccessful acquirers admitted that they fished in uncharted waters. They ranked "learning about new (and potentially related) business areas" as a top reason for making an acquisition. (Surely companies should know whether a business area is related to their core before they decide to buy into it!) Successful acquirers, by contrast, were more likely to cite "leading or responding to industry restructuring" as a reason for making an acquisition, suggesting that these companies had at least thought through the strategic implications of their moves.

Not that tipping one's hat to strategy is a cure-all. In our work with companies that are thinking about doing a deal, we often hear that the acquisition is intended for "strategic" reasons. That's simply not good enough. A credible investment thesis should describe a concrete benefit, rather than a vaguely stated strategic value.

A credible investment thesis should describe a concrete benefit, rather than a vaguely stated strategic value. This point needs underscoring. Justifying a deal as being "strategic" ex post facto is, in most cases, an invitation to inferior returns. Given how frequently we have heard weak "strategic" justifications after a deal has closed, it's worth passing along a warning from Craig Tall, vice chair of corporate development and strategic planning at Washington Mutual. In recent years, Tall's bank has made acquisitions a key part of a stunningly successful growth record. "When I see an expensive deal," Tall told us, "and they say it was a 'strategic' deal, it's a code for me that somebody paid too much."

And although sometimes the best offense is a good defense, this axiom does not really stand in for a valid investment thesis. On more than a few occasions, we have been witness to deals that were initiated because an investment banker uttered the Eight Magic Words: If you don't buy it, your competitors will.

Well, so be it. If a potential acquisition is not compelling to you on its own merits, let it go. Let your competitors put their good money down, and prove that their investment theses are strong.

Let's look at a case in point: [Clear Channel Communications' leaders Lowry, Mark and Randall] Mayses' decision to move from radios into outdoor advertising (billboards, to most of us). Based on our conversations with Randall Mays, we summarize their investment thesis for buying into the billboard business as follows:

Clear Channel's expansion into outdoor advertising leverages the company's core competencies in two ways: First, the local market sales force that is already in place to sell radio ads can now sell outdoor ads to many of the same buyers, and Clear Channel is uniquely positioned to sell both local and national advertisements. Second, similar to the radio industry twenty years ago, the outdoor advertising industry is fragmented and undercapitalized. Clear Channel has the capital needed to "roll up" a significant fraction of this industry, as well as the cash flow and management systems needed to reduce operating expenses across a consolidated business.

Note that in Clear Channel's investment thesis (at least as we've stated it), the benefits would be derived from three sources:

  • Leveraging an existing sales force more extensively
  • Using the balance sheet to roll up and fund an undercapitalized business
  • Applying operating skills learned in the radio trade

Note also the emphasis on tangible and quantifiable results, which can be easily communicated and tested. All stakeholders, including investors, employees, debtors and vendors, should understand why a deal will make their company stronger. Does the investment thesis make sense only to those who know the company best? If so, that's probably a bad sign. Is senior management arguing that a deal's inherent genius is too complex to be understood by all stakeholders, or simply asserting that the deal is "strategic"? These, too, are probably bad signs.

Most of the best acquirers we've studied try to get the thesis down on paper as soon as possible. Getting it down in black and white—wrapping specific words around the ideas—allows them to circulate the thesis internally and to generate reactions early and often.

The perils of the "transformational" deal. Some readers may be wondering whether there isn't a less tangible, but equally credible, rationale for an investment thesis: the transformational deal. Such transactions, which became popular in the exuberant '90s, aim to turn companies (and sometimes even whole industries) on their head and "transform" them. In effect, they change a company's basis of competition through a dramatic redeployment of assets.

The roster of companies that have favored transformational deals includes Vivendi Universal, AOL Time Warner (which changed its name back to Time Warner in October 2003), Enron, Williams, and others. Perhaps that list alone is enough to turn our readers off the concept of the transformational deal. (We admit it: We keep wanting to put that word transformational in quotes.) But let's dig a little deeper.

Sometimes what looks like a successful transformational deal is really a case of mistaken identity. In search of effective transformations, people sometimes cite the examples of DuPont—which after World War I used M&A to transform itself from a maker of explosives into a broad-based leader in the chemicals industry—and General Motors, which, through the consolidation of several car companies, transformed the auto industry. But when you actually dissect the moves of such industry winners, you find that they worked their way down the same learning curve as the best-practice companies in our global study. GM never attempted the transformational deal; instead, it rolled up smaller car companies until it had the scale to take on a Ford—and win. DuPont was similarly patient; it broadened its product scope into a range of chemistry-based industries, acquisition by acquisition.

In a more recent example, Rexam PLC has transformed itself from a broad-based conglomerate into a global leader in packaging by actively managing its portfolio and growing its core business. Beginning in the late '90s, Rexam shed diverse businesses in cyclical industries and grew scale in cans. First it acquired Europe's largest beverage—can manufacturer, Sweden's PLM, in 1999. Then it bought U.S.-based packager American National Can in 2000, making itself the largest beverage-can maker in the world. In other words, Rexam acquired with a clear investment thesis in mind: to grow scale in can making or broaden geographic scope. The collective impact of these many small steps was transformation. 14

But what of the literal transformational deal? You saw the preceding list of companies. Our advice is unequivocal: Stay out of this high-stakes game. Recent efforts to transform companies via the megadeal have failed or faltered. The glamour is blinding, which only makes the route more treacherous and the destination less clear. If you go this route, you are very likely to destroy value for your shareholders.

By definition, the transformational deal can't have a clear investment thesis, and evidence from the movement of stock prices immediately following deal announcements suggests that the market prefers deals that have a clear investment thesis. In "Deals That Create Value," for example, McKinsey scrutinized stock price movements before and after 231 corporate transactions over a five-year period. The study concluded that the market prefers "expansionist" deals, in which a company "seeks to boost its market share by consolidating, by moving into new geographic regions, or by adding new distribution channels for existing products and services."

On average, McKinsey reported, deals of the "expansionist" variety earned a stock market premium in the days following their announcement. By contrast, "transformative" deals—whereby companies threw themselves bodily into a new line of business—destroyed an average of 5.3% of market value immediately after the deal's announcement. Translating these findings into our own terminology:

  • Expansionist deals are more likely to have a clear investment thesis, while "transformative" deals often have no credible rationale.
  • The market is likely to reward the former and punish the latter.
  • The dilution/accretion debate. One more side discussion that comes to bear on the investment thesis: Deal making is often driven by what we'll call the dilution/accretion debate. We will argue that this debate must be taken into account as you develop your investment thesis, but your thesis making should not be driven by this debate.

Sometimes what looks like a successful transformational deal is really a case of mistaken identity. Simply put, a deal is dilutive if it causes the acquiring company to have lower earnings per share (EPS) than it had before the transaction. As they teach in Finance 101, this happens when the asset return on the purchased business is less than the cost of the debt or equity (e.g., through the issuance of new shares) needed to pay for the deal. Dilution can also occur when an asset is sold, because the earnings power of the business being sold is greater than the return on the alternative use of the proceeds (e.g., paying down debt, redeeming shares or buying something else). An accretive deal, of course, has the opposite outcomes.

But that's only the first of two shoes that may drop. The second shoe is, How will Wall Street respond? Will investors punish the company (or reward it) for its dilutive ways?

Aware of this two-shoes-dropping phenomenon, many CEOs and CFOs use the litmus test of earnings accretion/dilution as the first hurdle that should be put in front of every proposed deal. One of these skilled acquirers is Citigroup's [former] CFO Todd Thomson, who told us:

It's an incredibly powerful discipline to put in place a rule of thumb that deals have to be accretive within some [specific] period of time. At Citigroup, my rule of thumb is it has to be accretive within the first twelve months, in terms of EPS, and it has to reach our capital rate of return, which is over 20% return within three to four years. And it has to make sense both financially and strategically, which means it has to have at least as fast a growth rate as we expect from our businesses in general, which is 10 to 15% a year.

Now, not all of our deals meet that hurdle. But if I set that up to begin with, then if [a deal is] not going to meet that hurdle, people know they better make a heck of a compelling argument about why it doesn't have to be accretive in year one, or why it may take year four or five or six to be able to hit that return level.

Unfortunately, dilution is a problem that has to be wrestled with on a regular basis. As Mike Bertasso, the head of H. J. Heinz's Asia-Pacific businesses, told us, "If a business is accretive, it is probably low-growth and cheap for a reason. If it is dilutive, it's probably high-growth and attractive, and we can't afford it." Even if you can't afford them, steering clear of dilutive deals seems sensible enough, on the face of it. Why would a company's leaders ever knowingly take steps that would decrease their EPS?

The answer, of course, is to invest for the future. As part of the research leading up to this book, Bain looked at a hundred deals that involved EPS accretion and dilution. All the deals were large enough and public enough to have had an effect on the buyer's stock price. The result was surprising: First-year accretion and dilution did not matter to shareholders. In other words, there was no statistical correlation between future stock performance and whether the company did an accretive or dilutive deal. If anything, the dilutive deals slightly outperformed. Why? Because dilutive deals are almost always involved in buying higher-growth assets, and therefore by their nature pass Thomson's test of a "heck of a compelling argument."

As a rule, investors like to see their companies investing in growth. We believe that investors in the stock market do, in fact, look past reported EPS numbers in an effort to understand how the investment thesis will improve the business they already own. If the investment thesis holds up to this kind of scrutiny, then some short-term dilution is probably acceptable.

Reprinted with permission of Harvard Business School Press. Mastering the Merger: Four Critical Decisions That Make or Break the Deal , by David Harding and Sam Rovit. Copyright 2004 Bain & Company; All Rights Reserved.

David Harding (HBS MBA '84) is a director in Bain & Company's Boston office and is an expert in corporate strategy and organizational effectiveness.

Sam Rovit (HBS MBA '89) is a director in the Chicago office and leader of Bain & Company's Global Mergers and Acquisitions Practice.                                              

10. Joe Trustey, telephone interview by David Harding, Bain & Company. Boston: 13 May 2003. Subsequent comments by Trustey are also from this interview.

11. Accenture, "Accenture Survey Shows Executives Are Cautiously Optimistic Regarding Future Mergers and Acquisitions," Accenture Press Release, 30 May 2002.

12. John R. Harbison, Albert J. Viscio, and Amy T. Asin, "Making Acquisitions Work: Capturing Value After the Deal," Booz Allen & Hamilton Series of View-points on Alliances, 1999.

13. Craig Tall, telephone interview by Catherine Lemire, Bain & Company. Toronto: 1 October 2002.

14. Rolf Börjesson, interview by Tom Shannon, Bain & Company. London: 2001.

15. Hans Bieshaar, Jeremy Knight, and Alexander van Wassenaer, "Deals That Create Value," McKinsey Quarterly 1 (2001).

16. Todd Thomson, speaking on "Strategic M&A in an Opportunistic Environment." (Presentation at Bain & Company's Getting Back to Offense conference, New York City, 20 June 2002.)

17. Mike Bertasso, correspondence with David Harding, 15 December 2003.

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Investment Thesis: What It Is, How To Write One & Examples

An investment thesis formulates the characteristics and criteria that define a potentially profitable investment. It outlines the reasons behind the investment decision, including various criteria, financial outcomes, and strategies to manage risks. Essentially, it serves as a detailed plan for investors.  

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What is an Investment Thesis?

An investment thesis serves as a strategic blueprint for investors, guiding their decisions and actions by providing the rationale behind their investment choices. Typically crafted by financial analysts, portfolio managers, or investment professionals, the process begins with a thorough assessment of market potential. This involves scrutinizing trends, growth forecasts, and demand dynamics to identify opportunities. The investment thesis validates the significance of these opportunities by highlighting unmet needs or areas of dissatisfaction within the market.

Furthermore, it quantifies potential gains through meticulous financial scrutiny, including revenue forecasts and return on investment assessments. Beyond identifying opportunities, the investment thesis also plays a crucial role in managing risks by employing risk management tactics such as diversification and contingency plans, helping investors navigate market fluctuations and operational hurdles effectively.

Key Takeaways

  • An investment thesis defines the criteria for profitable investments, providing a detailed plan and rationale for investors.
  • An investment thesis serves as a guiding framework for investment decisions, enhancing comprehension and facilitating well-informed choices.
  • Key components of an investment thesis include identifying the investment opportunity, clarifying goals, evaluating viability and risks, and assessing growth potential.

Understanding the Investment Thesis

An investment thesis is akin to a detailed plan for potential investments, often formulated by finance experts. It entails extensive research and analysis to articulate investment ideas effectively. While typically authored by professionals such as venture capitalists or private equity firms, individuals may also develop their own. This document holds significant importance in facilitating well-informed investment decisions, aiding both investors and companies in evaluating opportunities such as stocks or acquisitions.

By elucidating the reasons for investment, the thesis serves as a guiding framework for investors’ decisions. It streamlines decision-making processes, enhances comprehension of underlying rationales, and provides a means for investors to gauge the performance of their investments. Moreover, an investment thesis functions as a roadmap, charting the course toward successful investments.

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How to write an Investment Thesis

Crafting an investment thesis is essential for all investors, whether individuals or professionals. An investment thesis serves as a guide for making choices, explaining the reasoning behind decisions, and providing a framework for assessing investment opportunities. Here is a simple guide with the most important steps for crafting a good investment thesis:

Summarize the investment philosophy and its main goals.


Analyze the market or sector, covering trends, size, growth rates, major players, and recent events.


Formulate a clear and concise statement of the investment thesis, outlining the opportunity and potential returns.


Develop a thorough analysis to support the main idea, exploring market dynamics, competition, trends, regulations, and past performance.


Outline a comprehensive investment strategy. Specify criteria for choosing investments, such as valuation, growth potential, risk tolerance, diversification plans, and how to allocate portfolios.


Identify and evaluate possible investment risks, such as market, industry, regulatory, and company-specific risks. Also, discuss strategies to mitigate these risks.


Develop an exit strategy for the investment, outlining desired returns, timeframes, and possible methods of exit such as selling to another company, acquisitions, or selling on the secondary market.


Describe how investment performance is monitored, including key indicators and success criteria. Also, explain how the strategy adjusts to new information or market changes.


Examples of an Investment Thesis

Portfolio managers and investment companies frequently share their investment strategies on their websites. Here are three examples from prominent investors:

Andreessen Horowitz

Andreessen Horowitz, often referred to as a16z, is a prominent venture capital firm established in 2009 by Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz. Active in the private markets, the firm invests in various sectors including AI, healthcare, consumer goods, cryptocurrency, enterprise solutions, fintech, and gaming.

Their investment strategy revolves around observing consumer trends and investing where AI intersects with consumer products. They stress the importance of developing the right AI applications to attract funding, particularly in areas like productivity enhancement and specialized tasks.

In this example, the firm explores how Moore’s Law contrasts with Eroom's Law in healthcare costs. They propose leveraging AI to cut costs and enhance outcomes by gradually integrating it into workflows. Combining AI with life sciences advancements offers transformative opportunities, advocating for a gradual transition to revolutionize healthcare and life sciences. [1]

Goldman Sachs

Goldman Sachs is a global financial powerhouse operating in major financial hubs worldwide, offering services in investment banking, IPO underwriting, securities trading, wealth, and asset management.

The bank’s investment thesis has resulted in a $1 billion investment in companies led by diverse individuals through the “Launch With GS” program aimed at supporting diverse leadership. [2] Goldman Sach collaborates with clients to invest in diverse General Partners across various strategies and offers the Entrepreneur Cohort for growth, reflecting their commitment to diversity and inclusion for achieving strong investment returns and driving industry innovation. [3]

ARK Invest provides  ETFs focused on disruptive innovation like AI and blockchain. The firm remains committed to long-term growth, leveraging innovative strategies and deep research across various sectors, including cryptocurrencies.

The Ark Invest thesis revolves around disruptive innovation, targeting transformative technologies nearing tipping points. They focus on five innovation platforms: AI, Robotics, Energy Storage, DNA Sequencing, and Blockchain. Ark Invest’s approach blends top-down and bottom-up research for early innovation capture and long-term value creation. Emphasizing high-conviction bets, long-term investment, and industry focus, Ark Invest anticipates exponential growth to benefit from technological disruptions. [4]

What should be in an investment thesis?

As an important document, an investment thesis explains why an investment opportunity is expected to be profitable. It should include key components to thoroughly analyze and guide decision-making effectively. These 7 pieces of information are indispensable:

  • The Investment in Question: Identify the reason and the investment opportunity under consideration.
  • Investment Goal(s): Clarify the investment's aims and aspirations by defining its objectives and goals.
  • Viability of the Investment: Evaluate the investment's potential, considering any favorable trends or factors.
  • Potential Downsides and Risks: Address and analyze the risks associated with the investment, highlighting any potential challenges or drawbacks.
  • Costs and Potential Returns: Evaluate the financial aspects of the investment, including costs, expected returns, and potential losses.
  • Alignment with Intended Goals: Ensure that the investment aligns with the overall investment objectives and strategies.
  • Growth Potential: Assess the growth prospects of the investment opportunity.

What is the difference between investment thesis and investment mandate?

An investment thesis is the reasoning behind an investment strategy, based on research and analysis, helping investors make informed decisions. Conversely, an investment mandate is a set of instructions given by an investor to a manager, guiding how to manage funds according to the investor’s goals, risk tolerance, and desired outcomes. Here are the key differences:

Explain why a certain investment or strategy is likely to succeed.


Define rules for investing.

Provide an understanding of the investment opportunity, including analysis, risks, and returns.


Provide clear guidance and direction for investment professionals.

Define Market trends, industry dynamics, company fundamentals, competitive positioning, potential catalysts, and risk factors.


Define Asset classes, geographic regions, industry sectors, investment style, risk tolerance, and compliance guidelines.

The scope of an investment thesis provides a roadmap for investors, guiding decision-making through research and analysis to aid informed and effective investment choices.


The scope of an investment mandate defines instructions and parameters for managing investments.

What is a trade thesis?

A trading thesis is essentially an idea or argument made by a trader or investor about a particular financial instrument, market or asset. This process explains the reasoning behind a trading decision, considering things like market trends, economic indicators, and technical or fundamental analysis. This thesis acts as a plan for understanding the reasons behind a trade and what factors are likely to influence its outcome, aiding in making informed decisions in financial markets. Having a clear trading thesis helps traders and investors clarify their strategy and evaluate the possible risks and rewards of a trade.

Article Source

  • Andreessen Horowitz: “ AI at the Intersection: The a16z Investment Thesis on AI in Bio + Health ”
  • Goldman Sachs: “ Launch With GS ”
  • Goldman Sachs: “ Goldman Sachs Research ”
  • Ark Invest: “ Big Ideas 2022 ”  

Investment thesis

  • Investment thesis

What is an investment thesis?

Why you need a solid investment thesis, how to write an investment thesis , step one: determine your minimum viable fund size, step two: pinpoint your investment focus, step three: portfolio construction , how to present your fund thesis to lps, investment thesis example.

Breaking into the venture capital ecosystem is both challenging and competitive. Having a great investment thesis is key to running a successful VC fund. Without a clear investment strategy and effective portfolio construction , your fund won’t get very far.

In this article, we’ll cover how you can develop a strong investment thesis.

investment thesis icon

In private equity and venture capital , an investment thesis (sometimes called a fund thesis or fund strategy) outlines how you plan to use invested capital to generate returns. Your investment thesis clarifies how you’ll make money for the investors in your fund—it’s a definition of what your fund will do. 

Your investment thesis may include:

Your fund size

The number of companies in your portfolio

The stages and industries of those companies

The geographies those companies are located in

The differentiated way your fund will support your portfolio companies

Your average check size

The amount of capital reserved for follow-on investments

The return profile for your fund, based on the size of the stakes you’re trying to take in each company and your estimated success rate

How the fund will set itself apart from similarly sized or focused funds

An investment thesis tells a story by describing how each of these elements work together. 

Your fund’s investment thesis explains how you’ll cooperate with, compete with, and differentiate from other venture funds. An effective fund investment thesis is realistic and sustainable. It aligns with your investment team’s network of professional contacts (which provides access to deals), untapped opportunities in new and existing markets, and your LPs’ investment interests. 

Your fund thesis also supports compliance with the “ venture capital fund ” definition under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 , which is important if you plan to rely on the related regulatory exemption for private funds. 

Creating your own fund investment thesis involves determining fund size, investment focus, and portfolio construction. 

The size of your fund influences almost every element of your investment strategy: The number of companies in your portfolio, your check size, the amount of reserve capital you have, and the return profile for your fund. Fund size also affects the types of LPs you attract and helps determine your fund’s portfolio management fees, which then dictate the operational expenses you can realistically support. 

Competitive research

To determine your ideal fund size, start by researching funds with goals and benchmarks like yours to see how they’re faring. You may also want to research successful funds across a handful of different industries and sectors to see what works. You can learn more information about funds by subscribing to trade publications, reading press releases from funds when they close, or on social media.

Once you’ve settled on a fund size, the next step is to outline the stage, industry, and location you’ll invest in. Articulating your investment focus helps narrow your aim and convince limited partners (LP) with interests in these sectors and stages to get on board with your strategy. It also makes it easier for founders who meet your parameters to identify your fund as a potential investor—and discourages founders who aren’t a good fit from pitching your firm.

At what point in a company’s life cycle do you want to invest and offer guidance? If you’re interested in being a sounding board for early-stage companies who are just getting started, you might want to invest at the pre-seed , seed , or Series A stages. However, if you prefer to work with companies that already have steady revenue and an established business model, you’ll probably want to focus on a later stage. 

Ultimately, the stage where you can focus your investments will be a function of your fund size and the anticipated number of companies in your portfolio. So keep this top of mind when building out your minimal viable fund size.   

Which sectors are you interested in? Do you plan to target a specific industry—like healthcare, fintech, or real estate—or focus on companies across a handful of different industries? 

Where are the companies you’ll be investing in? What particular challenges and assets do they have because of where they operate? You may choose to invest in local companies if you already have a deep network of contacts nearby. On the other hand, if you’re open to traveling, or want to capitalize on emerging, international, or underserved markets, you may want to expand your reach. This may also apply if your fund’s investment thesis is based on industry, for example, so you may be agnostic to geography. 

Other considerations

Depending on your investment goals, you might have other criteria to look at, like a company’s social impact, environmental influence, or commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. 

A thoughtful portfolio is critical to running a successful fund and shaping your overall investment thesis. Your strategy for portfolio construction signals to LPs how you plan to allocate their capital across investments. Your fund’s investment portfolio is essentially the roadmap for the life of the fund. It spells out the number of companies you’ll invest in, the amount of capital you’ll pour into each company, your target ownership for each company, how much you’ll set aside for initial investments, and how much you’ll reserve for follow-on investments.

Portfolio construction is made up of the following elements: 

Investment focus

Diversification: Types of companies you’ll invest in and what percent of the fund will be for non-qualifying investments or investments outside the thesis

Check size: The amount you’ll invest in each company

Investment horizon: How long you have to allocate the capital and how long you’ll hold each investment

Expected returns: How much you expect to return on the capital invested

Investor requirements: Maximum or minimum contributions

A good rule of practice is to ensure that your investments align with your portfolio construction model before making each investment decision, and then actively thereafter. Set aside time to regularly evaluate whether your investments align with your model, and where to course-correct. If your investments deviate from your original thesis, you’ll need to adjust your model or reset your focus. This is particularly important to track if you include a specific investment thesis in your fund’s legal documents.

Learn more about how to create a portfolio construction strategy

Most VCs prepare versions of their fund thesis that go into different levels of detail, ranging from a one-sentence elevator pitch, like the example below, to a full pitch deck.

You should be able to sum up your fund strategy in one or two straightforward sentences. Here’s an example investment thesis from a hypothetical venture fund:

“Krakatoa Ventures is raising a $25 million seed fund to back U.S.-based startups focused on climate technology and earth sciences. The fund will capitalize a highly specialized network of climate scientists the general partners developed during their two decades of academic study in volcanology and climatology.”

→Ready to make a full pitch deck for LPs? Prepare for your next meeting with investors using our free pitch deck template and example pitch decks .

This example highlights a key aspect of a great fund strategy: It shouldn’t be a thesis that just anybody can go out and execute. Your edge, such as your personal experience and network, are integral parts of the plan. Articulate why you’re better positioned than anyone else to execute your investment thesis.

Rita Astoor

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Writing a Credible Investment Thesis

by David Harding and Sam Rovit

Every deal your company proposes to do—big or small, strategic or tactical—should start with a clear statement how that particular deal would create value for your company. We call this the investment thesis . The investment thesis is no more or less than a definitive statement, based on a clear understanding of how money is made in your business, that outlines how adding this particular business to your portfolio will make your company more valuable. Many of the best acquirers write out their investment theses in black and white. Joe Trustey, managing partner of private equity and venture capital firm Summit Partners, describes the tool in one short sentence: "It tells me why I would want to own this business." 10

Perhaps you're rolling your eyes and saying to yourself, "Well, of course our company uses an investment thesis!" But unless you're in the private equity business—which in our experience is more disciplined in crafting investment theses than are corporate buyers—the odds aren't with you. For example, our survey of 250 senior executives across all industries revealed that only 29 percent of acquiring executives started out with an investment thesis (defined in that survey as a "sound reason for buying a company") that stood the test of time. More than 40 percent had no investment thesis whatsoever (!). Of those who did, fully half discovered within three years of closing the deal that their thesis was wrong.

Studies conducted by other firms support the conclusion that most companies are terrifyingly unclear about why they spend their shareholders' capital on acquisitions. A 2002 Accenture study, for example, found that 83 percent of executives surveyed admitted they were unable to distinguish between the value levers of M&A deals. 11 In Booz Allen Hamilton's 1999 review of thirty-four frequent acquirers, which focused chiefly on integration, unsuccessful acquirers admitted that they fished in uncharted waters. 12 They ranked "learning about new (and potentially related) business areas" as a top reason for making an acquisition. (Surely companies should know whether a business area is related to their core before they decide to buy into it!) Successful acquirers, by contrast, were more likely to cite "leading or responding to industry restructuring" as a reason for making an acquisition, suggesting that these companies had at least thought through the strategic implications of their moves.

Not that tipping one's hat to strategy is a cure-all. In our work with companies that are thinking about doing a deal, we often hear that the acquisition is intended for "strategic" reasons. That's simply not good enough. A credible investment thesis should describe a concrete benefit, rather than a vaguely stated strategic value.

A credible investment thesis should describe a concrete benefit, rather than a vaguely stated strategic value.

This point needs underscoring. Justifying a deal as being "strategic" ex post facto is, in most cases, an invitation to inferior returns. Given how frequently we have heard weak "strategic" justifications after a deal has closed, it's worth passing along a warning from Craig Tall, vice chair of corporate development and strategic planning at Washington Mutual. In recent years, Tall's bank has made acquisitions a key part of a stunningly successful growth record. "When I see an expensive deal," Tall told us, "and they say it was a 'strategic' deal, it's a code for me that somebody paid too much." 13

And although sometimes the best offense is a good defense, this axiom does not really stand in for a valid investment thesis. On more than a few occasions, we have been witness to deals that were initiated because an investment banker uttered the Eight Magic Words: If you don't buy it, your competitors will.

Well, so be it. If a potential acquisition is not compelling to you on its own merits, let it go. Let your competitors put their good money down, and prove that their investment theses are strong.

Let's look at a case in point: [Clear Channel Communications' leaders Lowry, Mark, and Randall] Mayses' decision to move from radios into outdoor advertising (billboards, to most of us). Based on our conversations with Randall Mays, we summarize their investment thesis for buying into the billboard business as follows:

Clear Channel's expansion into outdoor advertising leverages the company's core competencies in two ways: First, the local market sales force that is already in place to sell radio ads can now sell outdoor ads to many of the same buyers, and Clear Channel is uniquely positioned to sell both local and national advertisements. Second, similar to the radio industry twenty years ago, the outdoor advertising industry is fragmented and undercapitalized. Clear Channel has the capital needed to "roll up" a significant fraction of this industry, as well as the cash flow and management systems needed to reduce operating expenses across a consolidated business.

Note that in Clear Channel's investment thesis (at least as we've stated it), the benefits would be derived from three sources:

  • Leveraging an existing sales force more extensively
  • Using the balance sheet to roll up and fund an undercapitalized business
  • Applying operating skills learned in the radio trade

Note also the emphasis on tangible and quantifiable results, which can be easily communicated and tested. All stakeholders, including investors, employees, debtors, and vendors, should understand why a deal will make their company stronger. Does the investment thesis make sense only to those who know the company best? If so, that's probably a bad sign. Is senior management arguing that a deal's inherent genius is too complex to be understood by all stakeholders, or simply asserting that the deal is "strategic"? These, too, are probably bad signs.

Most of the best acquirers we've studied try to get the thesis down on paper as soon as possible. Getting it down in black and white—wrapping specific words around the ideas—allows them to circulate the thesis internally and to generate reactions early and often.

The perils of the "transformational" deal . Some readers may be wondering whether there isn't a less tangible, but equally credible, rationale for an investment thesis: the transformational deal. Such transactions, which became popular in the exuberant '90s, aim to turn companies (and sometimes even whole industries) on their head and "transform" them. In effect, they change a company's basis of competition through a dramatic redeployment of assets.

The roster of companies that have favored transformational deals includes Vivendi Universal, AOL Time Warner (which changed its name back to Time Warner in October 2003), Enron, Williams, and others. Perhaps that list alone is enough to turn our readers off the concept of the transformational deal. (We admit it: We keep wanting to put that word transformational in quotes.) But let's dig a little deeper.

Sometimes what looks like a successful transformational deal is really a case of mistaken identity. In search of effective transformations, people sometimes cite the examples of DuPont—which after World War I used M&A to transform itself from a maker of explosives into a broad-based leader in the chemicals industry—and General Motors, which, through the consolidation of several car companies, transformed the auto industry. But when you actually dissect the moves of such industry winners, you find that they worked their way down the same learning curve as the best-practice companies in our global study. GM never attempted the transformational deal; instead, it rolled up smaller car companies until it had the scale to take on a Ford—and win. DuPont was similarly patient; it broadened its product scope into a range of chemistry-based industries, acquisition by acquisition.

In a more recent example, Rexam PLC has transformed itself from a broad-based conglomerate into a global leader in packaging by actively managing its portfolio and growing its core business. Beginning in the late '90s, Rexam shed diverse businesses in cyclical industries and grew scale in cans. First it acquired Europe's largest beverage-can manufacturer, Sweden's PLM, in 1999. Then it bought U.S.–based packager American National Can in 2000, making itself the largest beverage-can maker in the world. In other words, Rexam acquired with a clear investment thesis in mind: to grow scale in can making or broaden geographic scope. The collective impact of these many small steps was transformation. 14

But what of the literal transformational deal? You saw the preceding list of companies. Our advice is unequivocal: Stay out of this high-stakes game. Recent efforts to transform companies via the megadeal have failed or faltered. The glamour is blinding, which only makes the route more treacherous and the destination less clear. If you go this route, you are very likely to destroy value for your shareholders.

By definition, the transformational deal can't have a clear investment thesis, and evidence from the movement of stock prices immediately following deal announcements suggests that the market prefers deals that have a clear investment thesis. In "Deals That Create Value," for example, McKinsey scrutinized stock price movements before and after 231 corporate transactions over a five-year period. 15 The study concluded that the market prefers "expansionist" deals, in which a company "seeks to boost its market share by consolidating, by moving into new geographic regions, or by adding new distribution channels for existing products and services."

On average, McKinsey reported, deals of the "expansionist" variety earned a stock market premium in the days following their announcement. By contrast, "transformative" deals—whereby companies threw themselves bodily into a new line of business—destroyed an average of 5.3 percent of market value immediately after the deal's announcement. Translating these findings into our own terminology:

  • Expansionist deals are more likely to have a clear investment thesis, while "transformative" deals often have no credible rationale.
  • The market is likely to reward the former and punish the latter.

The dilution/accretion debate . One more side discussion that comes to bear on the investment thesis: Deal making is often driven by what we'll call the dilution/accretion debate . We will argue that this debate must be taken into account as you develop your investment thesis, but your thesis making should not be driven by this debate.

Sometimes what looks like a successful transformational deal is really a case of mistaken identity.

Simply put, a deal is dilutive if it causes the acquiring company to have lower earnings per share (EPS) than it had before the transaction. As they teach in Finance 101, this happens when the asset return on the purchased business is less than the cost of the debt or equity (e.g., through the issuance of new shares) needed to pay for the deal. Dilution can also occur when an asset is sold, because the earnings power of the business being sold is greater than the return on the alternative use of the proceeds (e.g., paying down debt, redeeming shares, or buying something else). An accretive deal, of course, has the opposite outcomes.

But that's only the first of two shoes that may drop. The second shoe is, How will Wall Street respond? Will investors punish the company (or reward it) for its dilutive ways?

Aware of this two-shoes-dropping phenomenon, many CEOs and CFOs use the litmus test of earnings accretion/dilution as the first hurdle that should be put in front of every proposed deal. One of these skilled acquirers is Citigroup's [former] CFO Todd Thomson, who told us:

It's an incredibly powerful discipline to put in place a rule of thumb that deals have to be accretive within some [specific] period of time. At Citigroup, my rule of thumb is it has to be accretive within the first twelve months, in terms of EPS, and it has to reach our capital rate of return, which is over 20 percent return within three to four years. And it has to make sense both financially and strategically, which means it has to have at least as fast a growth rate as we expect from our businesses in general, which is 10 to 15 percent a year. Now, not all of our deals meet that hurdle. But if I set that up to begin with, then if [a deal is] not going to meet that hurdle, people know they better make a heck of a compelling argument about why it doesn't have to be accretive in year one, or why it may take year four or five or six to be able to hit that return level. 16

Unfortunately, dilution is a problem that has to be wrestled with on a regular basis. As Mike Bertasso, the head of H. J. Heinz's Asia-Pacific businesses, told us, "If a business is accretive, it is probably low-growth and cheap for a reason. If it is dilutive, it's probably high-growth and attractive, and we can't afford it." 17 Even if you can't afford them, steering clear of dilutive deals seems sensible enough, on the face of it. Why would a company's leaders ever knowingly take steps that would decrease their EPS?

The answer, of course, is to invest for the future. As part of the research leading up to this book, Bain looked at a hundred deals that involved EPS accretion and dilution. All the deals were large enough and public enough to have had an effect on the buyer's stock price. The result was surprising: First-year accretion and dilution did not matter to shareholders. In other words, there was no statistical correlation between future stock performance and whether the company did an accretive or dilutive deal. If anything, the dilutive deals slightly outperformed. Why? Because dilutive deals are almost always involved in buying higher-growth assets, and therefore by their nature pass Thomson's test of a "heck of a compelling argument."

Reprinted with permission of Harvard Business School Press. Mastering the Merger: Four Critical Decisions That Make or Break the Deal , by David Harding and Sam Rovit. Copyright 2004 Bain & Company; All Rights Reserved.

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David Harding (HBS MBA '84) is a director in Bain & Company's Boston office and is an expert in corporate strategy and organizational effectiveness.

Sam Rovit (HBS MBA '89) is a director in the Chicago office and leader of Bain & Company's Global Mergers and Acquisitions Practice.

10. Joe Trustey, telephone interview by David Harding, Bain & Company. Boston: 13 May 2003. Subsequent comments by Trustey are also from this interview.

11. Accenture, "Accenture Survey Shows Executives Are Cautiously Optimistic Regarding Future Mergers and Acquisitions," Accenture Press Release, 30 May 2002.

12. John R. Harbison, Albert J. Viscio, and Amy T. Asin, "Making Acquisitions Work: Capturing Value After the Deal," Booz Allen & Hamilton Series of View-points on Alliances, 1999.

13. Craig Tall, telephone interview by Catherine Lemire, Bain & Company. Toronto: 1 October 2002.

14. Rolf Börjesson, interview by Tom Shannon, Bain & Company. London: 2001.

15. Hans Bieshaar, Jeremy Knight, and Alexander van Wassenaer, "Deals That Create Value," McKinsey Quarterly 1 (2001).

16. Todd Thomson, speaking on "Strategic M&A in an Opportunistic Environment." (Presentation at Bain & Company's Getting Back to Offense conference, New York City, 20 June 2002.)

17. Mike Bertasso, correspondence with David Harding, 15 December 2003.

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Jun 24, 2020, vc lab: vc investment thesis template.

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In order to build a strong venture capital firm as a first-time fund manager, you need to start with a strong Investment Thesis. Find our worksheet here.

What is the Investment Thesis for a venture capital firm?

An Investment Thesis is the strategy by which a venture capital fund makes money for the fund investors, called Limited Partners or LPs. It identifies the stage, geography and focus of investments, as well as the unique differentiation of the firm.

What are Limited Partners?

Limited Partners, or LPs, are investors in venture capital funds, and there are a number of common categories, including family offices, pension funds, endowments, sovereign wealth funds and even corporates. LPs often have allocations for different stages of venture capital as an asset class, and these allocations are provided by their internal or external investment strategy managers.

Why is the Investment Thesis important for a venture capital firm?

An Investment Thesis is used to attract Limited Partners, and it guides the activities of the firm. Most LPs have investment criteria for their venture capital allocations that they are looking to meet, and a compelling Thesis allows LPs to see if a fund meets their desired allocation criteria.

What are New Managers?

New Managers are a category of venture capitalists that are launching a new venture capital firm. Even experienced venture capitalists get categorized as a New Manager if they are launching a new firm. Many categories of LPs are restricted from investing into New Managers, including pension funds, endowments, sovereign wealth funds and even corporates. This is because New Managers do not have a track record and because the new firms run into common problems of any new business.

What is the most common Limited Partner for a New Manager?

Most New Managers raise capital from family offices, which are the investment operations of wealthy individuals and families. Small to mid-sized family offices are often led by a wealthy individual, such as an entrepreneur that has had a large exit, and these individuals make the decision to invest into a fund. Family offices often have an agenda and a focus that can align with a compelling Investment Thesis, allowing New Managers to more easily get meetings. 

How do you write a compelling Investment Thesis?

There are multiple components to a compelling Investment Thesis that we have compiled into a simple to follow format. A good Thesis can often take months to develop, iterating on feedback from the market, advisors, and fund investors. In order to start this process, we have created a simple template for creating a venture capital Investment Thesis below.

“[Fund Name] is launching a [$x MM] [Stage] venture fund in [Country / City] to back [Geography] [Sector / Market Companies] [with Secret Sauce]”

Below you can see tips for each component in [brackets]:

  • [Fund Name] When getting started, we recommend using a last name or color, like ‘Ressi Ventures’ or ‘Orange Fund,’ since the Thesis will evolve many times over the first months. After you feel that you have a final Thesis, then choose a name that represents your fund.
  • [$x MM] This is the size of committed capital by LPs to the fund. You will be able to raise a fund that is 10 times the size of what you think you can easily close from contacts that you already have. So, if you think that you can easily raise $500,000 from friends, acquaintances and other contacts, then your first fund size maximum is $5 MM.
  • [Stage] Stage is usually based on fund size, and, for New Managers, the options are angel (<$5 MM), pre-seed ($5 MM to $15 MM), seed ($15 MM to $50 MM) and Series A (>$50 MM). It is easier to have a larger fund doing an earlier stage, such as a $100 MM angel fund, than it is to have a smaller amount of money for a later stage, such as a $10 MM Series A fund.
  • [Country / City] This is the city or country where the New Managers are living or plan to live while running the fund. Now, most funds have a life of at least 10 years, so make sure to pick a city or country where you and your fellow New Managers plan to be for some time. In addition, if you are living in a large country, then it is better to specify a city or region. “East Coast” is better than the United States.
  • [Geography] This is the region where the fund will invest in portfolio companies. If the Geography is not specified, then it is assumed that the funding will be local. This is particularly important for New Managers, who often try to be too broad and then do not appear credible. For example, it is unrealistic to assume that a New Manager with a small fund will do cross border deals that require complex legal management. 
  • [Sector / Market Companies] This is the type of companies that the fund will focus on investing in, such as FinTech, digital health, SaaS or marketplaces. Ideally, when choosing a sector or market in a geography, the opportunity will be obvious to the right LPs, such as "East Coast Fintech companies” or “German SaaS companies.” 
  • [with Secret Sauce] ’Secret Sauce’ is your insight into a sector or market opportunity based on your in-depth experience. For example, “West Coast heath startups based on my 15 years leading the largest health tech angel group in San Diego while practicing neurosurgery.” The secret sauce needs to show why you are uniquely qualified to create this fund, and, if the market opportunity is not obvious, it should also show why the market opportunity is important right now.

What is a sample Investment Thesis?

Using the above template, here are some clear and concise thesis examples:

  • “Purple Ventures is launching a $5 MM angel fund in Brussels to back European government technology startups that leverage the partner’s experience in various political and bureaucratic leadership roles across the EU.”
  • “Found Capital is a $15 MM Seed fund in Lagos to back African mobile payment and fintech companies sourced from the partners network built while working as startup ambassadors at Google, PayPal and Microsoft in Africa.”
  • “Sven Fund is a $100 MM Series A fund in Singapore to back blockchain startups in Asia that are building dynamic supply chain systems, which is a market segment where the partner had the largest recent exit in the region.”

How specific should your Investment Thesis be?

A compelling Investment Thesis is very specific about stage, geography and focus to align with the allocation requirements of Limited Partners. A common problem is that New Managers are often afraid to be specific, since they feel it will limit their ability to do hot deals. A Thesis states the intention of a firm to pursue certain kinds of investments, but often is not legally binding in the firm or in the fund agreements. So, an Investment Thesis has the effect of gravity. Venture capitalists often can do deals that are far away from the Thesis, but they have less attraction.

How do you refine your Investment Thesis?

You will be refining your Thesis heavily for the first few months when forming your fund. The measure of a great thesis is how easily it can attract meetings with LPs, but the first person that you need to satisfy with your thesis is yourself.

Here is an initial exercise to get started that should take about 30 minutes to an hour.

  • First, use the template above and try to write three versions of a potential venture fund thesis. As mentioned above, be as concise and specific as possible.
  • Next, read each of them aloud while recording a video of yourself. Speak conversationally (in the same way you might casually pitch the idea to someone in an elevator), and in one video "take". 
  • Then, watch the videos and ask yourself if you would realistically invest in that thesis. How clear was the message? How confident was the delivery? What questions come to mind?
  • Finally, revise the thesis and video until you are satisfied with your work. Resist the urge to make the one-sentence thesis a one-page thesis. Remember: brevity is the key. 

Download this VC Investment Thesis Worksheet

What are the next steps.

This is just one part of the first steps to starting a venture capital firm, which include: 

  • Review Our VC Investment Thesis Template
  • Determining Your Venture Capital Fund Size
  • Selecting a Venture Fund Area of Focus
  • Building a Strong Value Proposition for a VC Firm

We will be adding separate guides for each of these sections shortly on our main How to Start a Venture Capital Firm Guide . 

This content is provided by VC Lab, the YC for VC. Learn more about the industry-leading and free programs at: https://GoVCLab.com Decile Partners by Decile Group is the leading Fund Admin provider with a 94 NPS and no customer churn rate. Learn more about the turnkey and flat rate fund admin. https://FI.co/insight/best-fund-admin-decile-partners If you have questions about venture capital, ask the leading AI for VC, Decile Base. The Decile Base venture AI offers a fund lawyer, accountant, and tax specialist on demand. https://DecileHub.com/base VC Lab is a part of Decile Group. Decile Group is unlocking the potential of venture capital with a full-stack platform that empowers emerging managers to launch top-performing funds 3x faster through training, tools, and capital. https://DecileGroup.com

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How to Develop Your Own Investment Thesis: A Critical Step for Aspiring Venture Capitalists

s an aspiring venture capitalist, you hold the key to unlock the untapped potential of startups, propelling them to soaring heights and reshaping industries. But in this electrifying landscape of opportunities, how do you navigate through the ever-changing tides? The answer lies in the essence of venture capital success: developing your own investment thesis.

What exactly is an Investment Thesis?

An investment thesis is your North Star, an illuminating beacon that guides you through the vast ocean of startups, helping you navigate toward the brightest prospects. It's a strategic framework, meticulously crafted to align your investment approach, criteria, and aspirations.

With an investment thesis, you define the types of companies you want to invest in, the industries you're interested in, and the stages of startups you believe have the most potential. It's like setting your preferences and priorities before you begin the journey.

Why is an investment thesis so critical for aspiring venture capitalists? The answer is simple—this well-defined roadmap sets you apart from the crowd and gives you the edge to thrive in this fiercely competitive world. It empowers you to make informed decisions, uncover hidden gems in the startup ecosystem, and unlock the true potential of visionary entrepreneurs.

In this blog post, we will explore the essential steps to create a compelling and potent investment thesis

Getting Started With Your Investment Thesis: Conducting Market Research

At the core of any successful investment thesis lies comprehensive market research. Understanding industry trends, evaluating market opportunities, and assessing the competitive landscape are vital steps to identify lucrative investment prospects. 

Keep a finger on the pulse of the business landscape and stay attuned to shifts and disruptions. Analyze the forces shaping various sectors, from cutting-edge technologies and regulatory changes to changes in consumer behavior. Identifying and understanding these trends will enable you to anticipate the future landscape, positioning you as an astute investor who can spot opportunities before they materialize.

With a keen understanding of industry trends, venture capitalists must evaluate market opportunities with a discerning eye. Look beyond the surface and assess the long-term growth potential of markets and industries. Identify white spaces and areas where innovation is likely to flourish. Be mindful of macroeconomic factors, such as GDP growth, inflation rates, and demographic shifts, as they can profoundly influence market dynamics. A comprehensive evaluation of market opportunities will empower you to focus your investments on ventures that have the potential to become tomorrow's industry leaders.

In the vibrant world of startups, competition is the norm. As such, to excel as a venture capitalist, you must also gain a panoramic view of the competitive landscape. Analyze existing players and their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis). Identify startups that have the potential to disrupt established markets and challenge the status quo. Furthermore, seek out market gaps, where unmet needs and underserved customer segments await innovative solutions. Investing in startups that address these gaps can lead to remarkable returns on investment and foster a positive impact on society.

Market research is not a mere exercise of intuition and speculation; it thrives on data-driven insights. Leverage data analytics, market reports, and industry research to augment your understanding of market trends. Embrace technology and data tools that can provide you with a wealth of information at your fingertips. By making data-driven decisions, you'll foster a more robust investment thesis and bolster your credibility as a venture capitalist.

While conducting market research, it's crucial to remember that the startup ecosystem is dynamic and ever-changing. Be prepared to pivot and adapt your investment thesis in response to new information and shifts in the market. Stay agile and flexible, allowing your investment strategy to evolve as you gain deeper insights. Successful venture capitalists are those who can navigate uncertainty, staying attuned to emerging trends and swiftly adjusting their course to capitalize on unforeseen opportunities.

Defining The Investment Criteria for your Investment Thesis

Once you've gathered market insights, now it’s the fun part - it's time to define your investment criteria. Determine the stages of startups you want to invest in, such as seed, early-stage, or late-stage companies. Consider the industries you're passionate about or have domain expertise in. 

Additionally, establish your preferred investment size and the level of diversification you aim to achieve within your portfolio. Having clear investment criteria will streamline your decision-making process and keep your investments focused on your goals.

Determining the Stages of Startups

Venture capitalists invest in startups at various stages of their lifecycle, each offering distinct opportunities and risks. Deciding which stage aligns best with your expertise and risk appetite is pivotal. Consider if you want to invest in seed-stage companies, which are in their infancy and require significant support, or if you prefer early-stage startups with a product and initial traction. Alternatively, you may focus on later-stage companies that are scaling and need capital to expand rapidly. Your chosen stage will dictate your involvement level and the potential return horizon of your investments.

Geographical Preferences and Target Industries

Venture capital is a global endeavor, and you can choose to invest locally, regionally, or even globally. Geographical preferences may be influenced by factors like your network, knowledge of specific markets, and comfort with regulatory environments. Moreover, identifying the industries you're passionate about or have domain expertise in is crucial. Investing in industries you understand well will allow you to provide strategic value to the startups you support, beyond just financial backing.

Investment Size and Portfolio Diversification

The size of your investments and portfolio diversification strategy are interlinked. Determine the average investment size you are comfortable with, as this will influence the types of startups you can back. Some venture capitalists prefer larger, concentrated bets on a select few startups, while others spread their investments across a broader range of smaller companies to diversify risk. Striking the right balance is key—too few investments can expose you to concentrated risk, while too many might dilute your ability to provide adequate support to each startup.

Alignment with Personal Values and Objectives

As an aspiring venture capitalist, your investment criteria should be in harmony with your personal values and long-term objectives. Consider what impact you want to make through your investments. Are you driven by social impact, environmental sustainability, or a particular mission? Aligning your investment criteria with your values will not only enhance your satisfaction as an investor but may also attract entrepreneurs who share your passion, fostering a mutually rewarding relationship.

Market Fit and Growth Potential

While defining your investment criteria, focus on identifying startups that exhibit strong market fit and immense growth potential. Market fit refers to the startup's ability to address a specific problem or need in the market effectively. Investigate whether the startup's product or service resonates with its target audience and has the potential for widespread adoption. Moreover, evaluate the scalability of the business model, as this will determine the startup's growth trajectory and its potential to become a market leader.

Synergy with Your Expertise and Network

Leverage your expertise and network to your advantage when defining your investment criteria. Aligning with startups that can benefit from your insights and connections will create a symbiotic relationship. As an investor, you can offer more than just financial support; your guidance and connections can be invaluable in helping startups navigate challenges and scale their businesses. Synergy with your expertise and network can significantly enhance your value proposition as a venture capitalist.

Balancing Risk and Return

Investing in startups inherently involves risk, and your investment criteria should reflect your risk appetite and tolerance. Strive for a balance between risk and potential return that aligns with your investment objectives. High-growth startups often carry higher risk, but they can also offer substantial rewards.

On the other hand, more established companies may provide a steadier return, albeit with potentially lower growth potential. Understanding this balance is essential in defining your investment criteria and building a well-rounded portfolio.

Balancing risk and potential returns is a fine art, and your investment thesis should outline how you plan to approach this delicate balance. Furthermore, learn to measure and quantify risk in the startup ecosystem using various risk assessment techniques to make informed investment choices.

Identifying Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Your Investment Thesis

Key Performance Indicators are quantifiable metrics that provide critical insights into the performance and achievements of a business. By tracking relevant KPIs, venture capitalists can assess the overall health and direction of a startup, enabling them to support portfolio companies effectively. Moreover, KPIs offer a basis for comparison, allowing you to benchmark a startup's progress against its peers and industry standards.

Tailoring KPIs to Startup Stages and Industries

While KPIs share a common goal of tracking performance, their significance can vary significantly based on the stage and industry of a startup. For example, early-stage companies might prioritize metrics related to customer acquisition, retention, and product-market fit. In contrast, late-stage startups might focus on revenue growth, customer lifetime value, and profitability. Tailoring KPIs to suit the unique needs and challenges of each startup stage and industry is vital for meaningful performance assessment.

Selecting Actionable and Measurable Metrics

When identifying KPIs, seek metrics that are both actionable and measurable. Actionable KPIs provide clear guidance on how to improve performance, helping startups identify areas that need attention and enhancement. Measurable KPIs, on the other hand, are quantifiable, allowing you to track progress and changes over time. The ability to take action based on KPIs and measure their impact ensures a proactive approach to enhancing a startup's performance.

Common KPIs in Venture Capital

While KPIs can be highly specific to individual startups and industries, certain metrics have proven valuable across the venture capital landscape. Some common KPIs include:

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC): The cost to acquire a new customer, helping evaluate marketing efficiency.

Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR): Provides insight into the company's predictable revenue stream.

Customer Churn Rate: Measures customer retention and the ability to maintain long-term 


Burn Rate: Tracks how quickly a startup is spending its capital, indicating runway and sustainability.

Gross and Net Profit Margins: Assessing revenue generation and cost efficiency.

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): Estimates the value of a customer over their entire engagement with the startup.

The Power of Data-Driven Decision Making

KPIs are not merely numbers on a dashboard; they fuel data-driven decision-making. By continuously monitoring KPIs, you can identify strengths, weaknesses, and potential roadblocks. Data-driven insights enable you to provide tailored guidance and support to your portfolio companies, helping them navigate challenges and seize growth opportunities.

Building a Well-defined Due Diligence Process

A well-structured due diligence process empowers you to make informed decisions, mitigates risks, and will help you identify the startups that align best with your investment thesis!

Let's delve deeper into the key steps involved in building an effective due diligence process so you can include it on your Investment Thesis:

1. Defining Your Due Diligence Objectives

Start by clarifying your objectives for the due diligence process. What key aspects do you want to evaluate in potential startups? Identify the critical areas of focus, such as market opportunity, team capabilities, competitive landscape, financials, and scalability. Setting clear objectives ensures that you leave no stone unturned while assessing potential investments.

2. Gathering Essential Information

Begin the process by collecting comprehensive data and information about the startup under consideration. Request financial statements, market research, business plans, and any other relevant documentation. Engage in one-on-one discussions with the startup's founders and management team to gain insights into their vision, strategy, and execution plans. Gathering essential information lays the groundwork for a detailed evaluation.

3. Market Analysis

Conduct a thorough market analysis to assess the startup's positioning within its industry. Analyze market trends, potential for growth, competitive landscape, and potential threats. Understanding the market dynamics helps you gauge the startup's competitive advantage and potential for success.

4. Team Evaluation

Evaluate the startup's team to understand their expertise, experience, and alignment with the company's vision. Assess the cohesiveness and complementarity of the team, as a strong and capable team is a significant factor in a startup's success.

5. Financial Due Diligence

Perform rigorous financial due diligence to examine the startup's financial health and viability. Analyze revenue streams, cost structures, cash flow, and projections. Scrutinize financial ratios and indicators to assess the startup's financial sustainability and growth potential.

6. Product and Technology Assessment

Evaluate the startup's product or technology to gauge its uniqueness and potential market fit. Understand the value proposition it offers to customers and how it addresses market needs. Assess the scalability and defensibility of the product or technology to ensure long-term competitiveness.

7. Legal and Regulatory Review

Conduct a legal and regulatory review to identify any potential legal risks or compliance issues. Scrutinize contracts, licenses, intellectual property rights, and any pending legal disputes. Ensuring the startup operates within legal bounds safeguards your investment from unnecessary risks.

8. Customer and Partner Feedback

Gather feedback from customers, partners, and industry experts to gain external perspectives on the startup's product or service. Their insights can validate the startup's market fit, customer satisfaction, and potential for growth.

9. Risk Analysis

Identify and assess potential risks associated with the investment. Consider market risks, operational risks, technological risks, and competitive risks. A thorough risk analysis helps you make informed decisions about risk-reward trade-offs.

10. Decision-Making and Post-Investment Monitoring

Based on the findings from the due diligence process, make data-driven decisions on whether to invest in the startup. If you decide to proceed, establish a monitoring plan to track the startup's progress and performance after the investment. Continuously monitor the startup's performance against the initially defined objectives and pivot if needed.

Refining Your Thesis and Iterating

It’s also important to keep in mind that an investment thesis should not be static; it should evolve with your experiences and the changing market dynamics. Embrace flexibility and adaptability, and be open to learning from both successful and unsuccessful investments. As you gain insights from your portfolio companies and the market, update and refine your investment thesis to enhance its effectiveness continually!

Developing your own investment thesis is a critical step for aspiring venture capitalists. It provides you with a structured approach to identify and seize opportunities in the dynamic startup ecosystem. 

Through comprehensive market research, clear investment criteria, risk assessment, and an adaptable approach, your investment thesis will act as a guiding force throughout your venture capital journey. Embrace the continuous learning process, and don't hesitate to iterate and refine your thesis as you gain experience in the thrilling world of venture capital.

Interested in the full research paper?

You might also like, the ultimate guide to venture capital term sheets, mastering the art of the vc pitch: how to secure funding for your startup, six top reason's why junior vcs quit their job, surviving the startup gauntlet: lessons in failure and success, 18 questions every vc should ask a founder during an introductory call, supporting founders, shaping industries: worklife ventures' strategic investments, about goingvc.

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The Impact Investor | ESG Investing Blog

The Impact Investor | ESG Investing Blog

Investing for financial return is only part of the equation.

How to Create an Investment Thesis [Step-By-Step Guide]

Updated on June 13, 2023

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One of the worst mistakes an investor can make is to sink their money into an investment without knowing why. While this may seem like the world’s most obvious mistake to avoid, it happens every day. Look no further than the stock market for plenty of examples of misguided optimism gone terribly wrong.

That’s where the idea of an investment thesis comes in. An investment thesis is a common tool used by venture capital investors and hedge funds as part of their investment strategy.

Most funds also use it on a regular basis to size up potential candidates during buy-side job interviews. But you don’t have to work at a venture capital fund or private equity firm to reap the benefits of creating an investment thesis of your own.

Table of Contents

What Is an Investment Thesis?

Materials needed to create a thesis for your investment strategy, a step-by-step guide to creating a solid investment thesis, step 1: start with the essentials, step 2: analyze the current market, step 3: analyze the company’s sector, step 4: analyze the company’s position within its sector, step 5: identify the catalyst, step 6: solidify your thesis with analysis, free tools to help strengthen your investment strategy.

Couple Checking an Online Documents

An investment thesis is simply an argument for why you should make a specific investment. Whether it be a stock market investment or private equity, investment theses are all about creating a solid argument for why a certain acquisition is a good idea based on strategic planning and research.

While it takes a little more work upfront, a clear investment thesis can be a valuable tool for any investor. Not only does it ensure that you fully understand why you’re choosing to put your hard-earned money into certain stocks or other assets, but it can also help you develop a long-term plan.

Should an investment idea not go as planned, you can always go back to your investment thesis to see if it still holds the potential to work out. By considering all the information your thesis contains, you’ll have a much better idea of whether it’s best to cut your losses and sell, continue holding, or even add to your position.

An investment thesis includes everything you need to create a solid game plan, making it a foundational part of any stock pitch.

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Writing on a Notebook

One of the benefits of an investment thesis is that it can be as complex or as simple as you like. If you actually work at a venture capital firm , then you may want to develop a full-on venture capital investment thesis. But if you’re a retail investor just looking to solidify your investment strategy, then your thesis may be much more straightforward.

If you’re an individual investor, then all you really need to create an investment thesis is somewhere to write it out. Whether it be in a Google or Word doc or on a piece of paper, just make sure you have a place to record your thesis so that you can consult it down the line.

If you’re developing a venture capital investment thesis that you plan to present to an investment committee or potential employers, then there are plenty of great tools online that can help. Slideteam has thousands of templates that can help you create a killer investment thesis , as well as full-on stock pitch templates.

As mentioned earlier, an investment thesis holds the potential to help you plot out a strategy for pretty much any acquisition. But for the sake of simplicity, we’ll assume throughout the examples in the following steps that you’re an investor interested in going long on a stock that you plan to hold for at least a few months or years.

Venture capitalists looking to invest in companies or startups can also apply the same principles to other investment goals. Investors who are looking to short a certain stock should also be able to use these techniques to locate potential investments. The main difference, of course, is that you’ll be looking for bad news instead of good.

First things first. Before you get into doing the research that goes into an investment thesis or stock pitch, make sure you take the time to write out the basics. At the top of the page, include things like:

  • The name of the company and its ticker symbol
  • Today’s date
  • How many shares of the company you already own, if any
  • The current cost average for any shares you may already hold
  • Whether the stock pays dividends and, if so, how often. You may also want to include the current ex-dividend and dividend payment dates.
  • A brief summary of the company and what it does

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Now it’s time to take a look at the entire market and the direction it’s headed. Why? As Investors Business Daily points out,

“History shows 3 out of 4 stocks move in the same direction as the overall market, either up or down. So if you buy stocks when the market is trending higher, you have a 75% chance of being right. But if you buy when the market is trending lower, you have a 75% chance of being wrong.”

While the overall market direction is definitely an important factor to keep in mind, what you choose to do with this information will largely come down to your individual investing style. Investors Business Daily founder William O’Neil advised investors only to jump into the market when it was trending up.

Another approach, however, is known as contrarian investing, which revolves around going against market trends. Warren Buffett summed up the idea behind this strategy with his famous quote, “Be fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful.” Or as Baron Rothschild more graphically put it, “Buy when there is blood in the streets, even if the blood is your own.”

Most investors who are looking for a faster return will likely be better off waiting to strike until the iron is hot. If you align more with the long-term contrarian philosophy, however, bleak macroeconomic outlooks may actually strike you as an ideal investment opportunity .

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Now that you’ve got a look at the overall market, it’s time to take a look at the sector your company fits into. The Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS) breaks down the entire market into 11 sectors. If you want to get even more specific, you can further break down companies into the GICS’s 24 industry groups, 69 industries, and 158 sub-industries.

Once you identify which group your company belongs to, you’ll then want to take a look at that sector’s performance. Fidelity provides a handy breakdown of the performance of various sectors over different time periods.

But why does it matter? Two reasons.

  • Identifying which sectors various companies belong to can help you ensure that your portfolio is properly diversified
  • The reason that sector ETFs tend to be so popular is that when a sector is trending, many of the stocks within that sector tend to move in unison. The reverse is also true. When a certain industry is lagging, the individual stock prices of the companies in that industry may be affected negatively. While this is not always the case, it’s a general rule of thumb to keep in mind.

The idea behind working sectors into your investment criteria is to give you an overview of what type of investment you’re about to make. If you’re a momentum trader, then you may want to shoot for companies within the strongest-performing sectors this year or even over the past few months.

If you’re a value investor, however, you may be more open to sectors that have historically experienced high growth, even if they are currently suffering due to the overall state of the economy. Some speculative investors may even be interested in an innovative industry with strong potential growth possibilities, even if its time has not yet come.

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If you want to up your odds of success even more, then you’ll want to compare the company you’re interested in against the performance of similar companies in the same industry.

These are the companies that tend to get the most attention from large, institutional investors who are in a position to significantly increase their market value. Institutional investors tend to have a huge amount of money in play and are far less likely to invest in a company without a proven track record.

When choosing an investment, they’ll almost always go with a global leader over a new business, regardless of its promise. However, they also consider intrinsic value, which considers how much a company’s stock is selling for now, as opposed to how much revenue the company stands to earn in the future. In other words, institutional investors are looking for companies that are stable enough to avoid surprises but that also stand to generate considerable capital in the future.

Why work this into your game plan? Because even if you don’t have millions of dollars to invest in a company, there may be hedge funds or venture capital firms out there that do. When these guys make an investment, it tends to be a big one that can actually move a company’s share price upward. Why not ride their coattails and enjoy a solid growth rate as they invest more money over time into proven winners?

That’s why it’s important to make sure that you see how a company stacks up against its closest competitors. If it’s an industry-leading business with a large market share, it’s likely to be a strong contender with solid fundamentals. If not, you may end up discovering competing companies that make sense to consider instead.

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At this point, hopefully, you’ve identified the best stock in the best sector based on your ideal investing style. Now it’s time to find out exactly why it deserves to become a part of your portfolio and for how long.

If a company has been experiencing impressive growth, then there’s bound to be a reason why.

  • Is the company experiencing a major influx of business because it’s currently a leader in the hottest sector of the moment? Or is it a “good house in a bad neighborhood” that’s moving independently of the other stocks in its industry?
  • How long has it been demonstrating growth?
  • What appears to be the catalyst behind its movement? Does the stock owe its growth to strong management, recent world events, the approval of a new drug, the introduction of a hot new product, etc?

One mistake that far too many beginning investors make is assuming that short-term growth alone always indicates the potential for long-term profit. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. By figuring out exactly why a stock is moving, you’ll be far better positioned to decide how long to hold it before you sell.

A strong catalyst can cause the price of a stock to skyrocket overnight, even if it’s laid dormant for years. Even things like social media hype and rumors can cause a stock’s price to shoot up over the course of a given day. But woe to the investor that assumes these profits will last. Many are often left holding the bag when the price increase turns out to be part of a “ pump and dump .”

While many day traders can make a nice profit by capitalizing on these situations, such trades are best avoided altogether if you plan to hold a stock long-term. That’s why it’s so important to understand whether a stock is “in play” for the day or whether its growth can be attributed to more permanent factors that support the potential for a high return over time.

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If you’re planning on investing a significant amount of capital in any stock, then a little research may be able to save you from a lot of heartache. Keep in mind that the focus of an investment thesis is to formulate a reasoned argument about why adding an asset to your portfolio is a good idea.

While all investments come with some level of risk, research can be an excellent risk mitigation strategy. There’s nothing worse than watching an investment fail due to an obvious factor you could have spotted with closer analysis. Don’t let it happen to you!

Fundamental analysis can help you ensure that your potential investments have the underlying traits that winning stocks are made of. While there’s a bit of a learning curve involved when you’re first starting out, here are some of the things you’ll want to focus on:

EPS stands for “earnings per share.” It’s a common financial indicator that basically tells you how much a company makes each time it sells a share of its stock. In this regard, a higher EPS is a good thing, but it’s important to look for solid EPS growth over time. Ideally, you’ll want to see consistent growth in a company’s EPS over the past three or more quarters.

Sales and Margins

Investing is all about putting your cash into successful companies, which is why sales and margins are key components to finding worthy investments. Sales indicate how much a business has made from (you guessed it) sales. Sales margin, also known as gross profit margin, is the amount of revenue a company actually gets to keep after you factor in overhead and other production costs. Ideally, a good investment will exhibit strong, consistent sales growth in recent years.

Return On Equity (ROE)

ROE is one of the more commonly used valuation metrics and is calculated by dividing the company’s net income/shareholders’ equity. ROE is basically a measure of how efficiently a company is using the capital it generates from equity fundraising to increase its own value. The higher the ROE, the more likely it is that a company operates with a focus on using its cash flow to increase its profits.

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Woman Taking Notes

While these are just a few examples of various analysis methods to work into your investment thesis, they can go a long way toward locating solid companies worth investing in. Interested in learning more about technical and fundamental analysis? There are now plenty of great sites that can help you master the secrets of the training world.

In our opinion, Tradimo is one of the most underrated, as it provides tons of free classes for investors of all levels. Udemy also has some great classes that can help you learn how to beef up your investment thesis with as much quality information as possible.

But keep in mind that these are only suggestions. The most important part of any personal investment thesis is that it makes sense to you and can serve as a valuable tool to help you along your investing journey.

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Avatar of The Impact Investor

Kyle Kroeger, esteemed Purdue University alum and accomplished finance professional, brings a decade of invaluable experience from diverse finance roles in both small and large firms. An astute investor himself, Kyle adeptly navigates the spheres of corporate and client-side finance, always guiding with a principal investor’s sharp acumen.

Hailing from a lineage of industrious Midwestern entrepreneurs and creatives, his business instincts are deeply ingrained. This background fuels his entrepreneurial spirit and underpins his commitment to responsible investment. As the Founder and Owner of The Impact Investor, Kyle fervently advocates for increased awareness of ethically invested funds, empowering individuals to make judicious investment decisions.

Striving to marry financial prudence with positive societal impact, Kyle imparts practical strategies for saving and investing, underlined by a robust ethos of conscientious capitalism. His ambition transcends personal gain, aiming instead to spark transformative global change through the power of responsible investment.

When not immersed in the world of finance, he’s continually captivated by the cultural richness of new cities, relishing the opportunity to learn from diverse societies. This passion for travel is eloquently documented on his site, ViaTravelers.com, where you can delve into his unique experiences via his author profile.

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Sutton Capital

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How to Create an Investment Thesis

What it is, why you want one, and how to create it.

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One of the essential elements in a venture capital firm is the investment thesis. The thesis can come in many varieties, from broad and loosely defined focuses to a specific vertical and company stage. On the other hand, some investors choose to allocate capital without a core thesis driving their decisions and see success in this strategy. This post will define an investment thesis, why investors decide to develop one, and some tips on creating one.

What is an investment thesis?

Simply put, the investment thesis is an assumption made about a market, vertical, or trend that will drive the strategy for a particular firm or fund. Just as a startup will assume a problem or market need and build a product around solving that problem, an investor will consider various markets and trends and develop an investment strategy focused on that assumption.

Why develop an investment thesis?

The thesis is the driving force behind what a firm chooses to focus on to generate returns. It will be a fundamental part of how VCs decide what to look for in specific markets, source deals, and where they ultimately decide to invest their capital. The thesis helps keep a firm focused, allowing investors to work within particular parameters when they go about their business.

There are a couple of advantages to having a thesis-driven approach as a venture capital firm. It will drive relationships that the firm pursues. This relationship driver applies to how firms source deals from an investment standpoint and choose their limited partners. These relationships with experts in a particular vertical will help portfolio companies with mentorship, independent board seats, and talent sourcing.

A thesis compels VCs to be experts within their particular field. If a firm bases its thesis around FinTech, it will most likely have some expertise in that field. This knowledge will help them understand the marketplace, specific problems a startup is trying to solve and judge founder talent. The firm will also be a thought leader in the space by releasing analysis and reporting trends in the industry. Lastly, the firm's partners will be a better value-add to the companies within their portfolio, paving a quicker path for a startup's growth and success.

Example of a thesis

A16Z , a prominent Silicon Valley firm, has several different areas they invest in, from FinTech to Growth to Consumer focused startups. Below is their investment thesis for their FinTech portfolio:

"Fintech companies are innovating across broad categories — in banking, lending, insurance, real estate, and investing — both on the customer-facing side and in core infrastructure. We believe the combination of mobile, digital money, machine learning, and new data sources offers startups a unique opportunity to leapfrog outdated infrastructure and compete with incumbent financial institutions to reimagine the way we manage our finances." Source

We understand that the firm focuses on startups that use mobile and machine learning to innovate on financial management through this statement. This thesis has helped drive the firm's investments in Stripe (now valued at $36B) and Carta (currently valued at $3.3B).

For an awesome hub of investment thesis examples, check out this link !

How to build an investment thesis

When developing a thesis, there are vital things to keep in mind:

Markets : Start with market sizing to make sure that a particular industry is worth pursuing. We will discuss market sizing strategies in a future post.

Trends: Understand macro trends impacting the markets and industries that you determine are big enough to pursue.

Companies : Break down each company within a market that has upside potential. Look at recent companies that have seen success within your specific industry focus.

Exits : Make sure there is an exciting exit environment for companies in that particular segment. You want your investments to see a return through going public or M&A activity.

Tips on the above:

Things to think about defining in a thesis would be company stage, geography, vertical, or market.

People tend to want a fully-formed thesis right off the bat, but it's an iterative process. The scrum process might be three months, but the full process can take a year before talking about a thesis publicly.

Have a hunch on something that isn't fully formed and then test it out:

Go out and talk to entrepreneurs.

Talk to buyers of the technology.

Form relationships with ecosystem partners.

Incrementally improve your thesis based on feedback and results.

For some more tips and strategies on creating a thesis, check out this informative Medium post .

Final thoughts

The thesis can help you stay focused and is your north star. For startups, it will help them target your firm. For LPs, it will help them judge your conviction and investment strategy. When developing a thesis, think about taking on big problems and big ideas. There are so many significant issues to be solved globally, and we have a golden opportunity to help solve them. Think big, and don't limit yourself only to ideas on making returns for investors, but how to impact the world.

This story is from Sutton Capital contributor Zeb Hastings. For more information on Zeb’s work, please visit his  website .

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How To Make An Investment Thesis: Ultimate Guide To Best Investment Decision

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An Introduction to Investment Thesis

An investment thesis forms the basis of an investor's strategy and serves as a framework to direct investment choices as well as articulate the reasoning behind targeting assets or markets. A robust investment thesis clearly outlines the factors that will drive returns while minimizing risks. Developing a thought-out investment thesis is crucial for achieving success in investments.

This guide will take you through the components of creating a compelling investment thesis from beginning to end. We will discuss how to identify promising investment opportunities, analyze target companies, perform valuation modeling, build a portfolio, present the fund's thesis to potential investors, implement the thesis in investment activities, and adapt it as market conditions evolve. By adhering to a disciplined investment thesis, investors can consistently make informed decisions and make choices to outperform the market.

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Identifying Investment Opportunities

The initial step in developing an investment thesis involves pinpointing areas of focus that will shape your investment decisions. This entails determining sectors, asset classes, geographical regions, or other frameworks on which you wish to concentrate your research and analysis.

When determining the area you want to focus on, there are four key questions and factors to consider;

  • Your expertise and knowledge - It is best to concentrate on areas where you have experience or can gain expertise without stretching yourself
  • Macroeconomic trends - Look out for trends that can have an impact. These trends could include shifts, advancements, policy changes, and more. Identify sectors, regions, or asset classes that are likely to benefit from these long-term shifts
  • Market inefficiencies - Keep an eye out for market inefficiencies. Opportunities often arise in markets that are fragmented, complex, or experiencing changes
  • Investment horizons - Consider the investment horizon required for investment theses. Some ideas may require a time frame to materialize their potential returns while others may offer shorter-term gains

Once you have determined your area of focus, it is crucial to conduct in-depth research on the macro trends shaping that market. Look for trends that will drive growth over the years rather than focusing solely on quarterly fluctuations mentioned in market reports. The objective is to identify factors that can positively impact revenues, margins, and valuations of well-positioned companies.

With an understanding of the landscape established through research, you can then search for companies positioned to take advantage of the identified trends. Look for firms, with products/services/customers/geographical reach or innovative strategies that give them an edge when it comes to capitalizing on these opportunities.

Analyzing the Company

For an investment thesis, it is crucial to assess the company you are considering for investment. This assessment should include an evaluation of the company's drivers of growth, its management team and strategy as well as potential risks and challenges.

Growth Drivers

When analyzing the market value of a company, you'll want to closely examine the products, customers, and competitive positioning that are fueling its growth.

  • Products: Look at the company's current product portfolio and pipeline. Do they have innovative products that are gaining market share? How large is their total addressable market and how much of it have they penetrated so far?
  • Customers: Evaluate who their key customers are and how loyal they are. Look at metrics like net dollar retention rate to understand how loyal their customers are
  • Competition: Analyze the competitive landscape and the company's positioning. Do they have a durable competitive advantage? How do they compare to rivals on factors like pricing, product features, and customer experience?
  • Scalability: Do margins get larger or smaller as a customer increases its size? In some cases, unprofitable companies become highly profitable with growth - in other cases, costs increase in line with revenues. 

Management and Strategy

The strategy and execution capabilities of management are critical to a company's success.

  • Management Team: Research the background and track record of key executives. Do they have relevant industry experience and a history of generating returns?
  • Strategy: Assess management's strategic priorities and plans to drive growth. Do they have a coherent plan to expand their market opportunity?
  • Culture & Incentives: Assess how they attract and retain talent. Are employees actively involved and motivated to excel?

Assessing the management will help ascertain whether the company has the leadership to seize the upcoming opportunity.

Risks and Challenges

When conducting an analysis it's important to consider factors;

  • Technology Shifts: Take into account innovations that could affect the company's market.
  • Regulation: Consider possible changes in regulations that may impact the business model and financial aspects.
  • Macro Trends: Look at shifts in the wider economic environment that could influence customer demand.

Thoroughly examining the company across these dimensions provides the information and perspective to build confidence in your investment thesis. It helps you understand the business model, growth trajectory, management capabilities, risks involved, and valuation potential.

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Conducting Valuation

Whilst a company's valuation is largely based purely on how much an investor or acquirer is willing to pay, there are a number of methodologies that help to guide valuations:

Choosing the Appropriate Valuation Method

DCF valuation is typically preferred when assessing situations where reliable projections can be made. However, for early-stage or volatile companies, it may be more appropriate to consider comparable multiples based on similar industry peers.

Making Projections and Assumptions

When making projections and assumptions it is essential to conduct research to establish credible forecasts.

Projections should encompass metrics such as revenue growth, margins, capital expenditure requirements, and working capital needs. Additionally, explicit assumptions should be made regarding elements like market size, market share, pricing strategies, and costs among others. Conducting sensitivity analysis can help stress test these assumptions.

Ensuring Upside to Current Valuation

Once you have determined the value of a company you can compare this value against its market capitalization. Look for the ultimate goal of valuation is to support your thesis that the company is undervalued. If the current market price exceeds your estimate of value it may be prudent to reassess your assumptions and analysis. The greater the upside potential identified within your analysis the stronger your conviction becomes in considering an investment opportunity.

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Constructing Your Portfolio

When constructing your portfolio based on your investment thesis, you should diversify your holdings and size your positions appropriately based on conviction and risk tolerance.


Your investment thesis should guide how you diversify your portfolio. For example, if your thesis focuses on emerging market consumer stocks, you would want exposure across multiple countries and consumer product categories. Diversifying appropriately helps manage overall portfolio risk. You want to avoid overexposure to any single company, sector, or country.

Position Sizing

When determining position sizes within your portfolio, larger positions should be allocated to your highest conviction ideas based on your investment thesis. However, position size should also be constrained based on your risk tolerance. Larger positions will drive portfolio performance but also increase volatility. 


As market conditions change, rebalancing your portfolio involves  realigning holdings in line with your investment thesis. If certain positions have increased significantly in size, trimming them down and reallocating to underweight areas can improve diversification and risk-adjusted returns. Revisiting your thesis and rebalancing at regular intervals instills discipline in sticking to your core investment tenets.

Presenting to Investors

When presenting your investment thesis to investors it's crucial to communicate and address important information right from the start. Your objective is to explain your insights and build confidence in your ability to generate returns.

To begin - guide investors through your thesis, research process, and valuation methodology. Elaborate on the trends you've identified and analyze the company's growth drivers and competitive position. Share how you arrived at your valuation.

Next, emphasize your "edge”. The expertise, relationships, or analytical skills that give you an advantage in assessing this opportunity. Provide examples of investments you've made in the past by leveraging an edge to establish credibility

Lastly, demonstrate your risk management abilities by addressing challenges and risks. Outline the assumptions underlying your thesis and discuss scenarios where they may not hold true. Describe how you plan to monitor and mitigate risks related to regulations, supply chains, customer demand, or management execution. 

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Implementing the Thesis

Once you have developed an investment thesis the next step is executing trades to construct a portfolio that aligns with your thesis. It is crucial to approach this process with strategic planning in order to achieve results.

When making investments it is important to allocate positions based on your level of confidence in each holding while also ensuring diversification. Generally speculative or higher risk assets should be given allocations that don’t jeopardize the portfolio as a whole.

Ongoing portfolio management necessitates actively monitoring performance against the expectations outlined in your investment thesis. By keeping track of metrics, business drivers, and macroeconomic factors you can gauge whether your thesis remains valid.

As new data emerges over time adjustments and rebalancing of your portfolio will likely be required. This involves reducing exposure to holdings where the original thesis has weakened or deteriorated while increasing exposure to emerging opportunities. 

Continuously refining your portfolio ensures that it remains closely aligned with your investment thesis as market conditions evolve. Successful investors remain adaptable. Adjust their allocations while keeping their long-term perspectives intact.

Updating the Investment Thesis

As time progresses it is crucial to revisit and update your investment thesis accordingly.

Markets are constantly changing and it is crucial to stay updated with information that emerges. Your initial assumptions may not always hold true which can lead to poor investment decisions if you stick to an investment thesis.

To ensure the relevance of your investment thesis periodically reassess all your assumptions and projections. Take a look at your growth estimates, address any emerging threats, and analyze how market sentiment has shifted. If there have been changes in the investment narrative it's essential to update your thesis

Incorporate insights from sources such as earnings reports, industry conferences, macroeconomic data, and more. I. Objectively evaluate if adjustments need to be made based on the information at hand.

The key here is flexibility; being able to adapt to information sets good investors apart from the average ones. 

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Developing an Investment Thesis

To ensure the success of your investment thesis it's important to steer clear of pitfalls. Here are a few common ones;

Lack of Diversification

Having an overconcentration in a sector, geography, or asset type can leave a portfolio vulnerable. For example, an investment thesis focused solely on fast-growing US tech companies could miss opportunities in emerging markets. 

Biased Assumptions

It's easy to fall into the trap of making projections that confirm your existing bias about a company's growth potential. Avoid exaggerated assumptions that are not grounded in facts, and remember that “hope” has historically been a bad investment strategy 

Ignoring New Information

Markets and companies are dynamic, so no investment thesis holds true forever. Do not blindly stick to your original assumptions if new data suggests your thesis is no longer valid. Be ready to change course if your investment case deteriorates. Failing to adapt can turn gains into losses.

To summarize this guide - here are the most important factors in an investment thesis ;

  • Identifying economic trends and sector-specific opportunities to focus on when making investments.
  • Conducting a thorough analysis of potential companies, for your portfolio including their products, customers, competitors, and management.
  • Using valuation models such as discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis to determine a target value based on your projections.
  • Creating a diverse portfolio by considering your confidence level and risk tolerance for each position.
  • Clearly presenting your investment strategy and unique advantage to inspire confidence in investors.
  • Consistently implementing your investment strategy when making buy or sell decisions.
  • Monitoring your portfolio and assumptions, updating the thesis as needed based on new data.

Creating a thoughtful investment thesis takes rigorous research and ongoing discipline. However, it also establishes a framework to capitalize on the upside potential of emerging trends. Investors who take the time to develop a compelling thesis are more apt to outperform the market. With the right blend of macro perspective and individual security analysis, your investment thesis can unlock substantial value creation.

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How to Write an Investment Thesis

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Duolingo Stock Quote

Plus, a look at "one of the most obvious long-term trends out there" and more.

In this podcast, Motley Fool analyst Jason Moser discusses:

  • Recognizing short-term catalysts.
  • Why home improvement is "one of the most obvious long-term trends out there."
  • Travel and return-to-work are two trends worth watching.

Then, using language-learning app Duolingo ( DUOL 4.25% ) as an example, Motley Fool analyst Alicia Alfiere shares key questions to ask when writing an investment thesis, including:

  • What are its competitive advantages?
  • Who's running the company?
  • Will broader trends help or hurt?
  • Stocks discussed: BKNG ( BKNG 1.92% ) , HD ( HD 1.52% ) , LOW ( LOW 0.38% ) ,  MSFT ( MSFT 1.00% ) , and DUOL.

To catch full episodes of all The Motley Fool's free podcasts, check out our  podcast center . To get started investing, check out our  quick-start guide to investing in stocks . A full transcript follows the video.

10 stocks we like better than Duolingo, Inc. When our award-winning analyst team has a stock tip, it can pay to listen. After all, the newsletter they have run for over a decade, Motley Fool Stock Advisor , has tripled the market.*

They just revealed what they believe are the ten best stocks for investors to buy right now… and Duolingo, Inc. wasn't one of them! That's right -- they think these 10 stocks are even better buys.

See the 10 stocks

*Stock Advisor returns as of March 3, 2022

This video was recorded on March 7, 2022.

Chris Hill: Tell the DJ to queue up ZZ Top because we're talking about investing trends with legs. Motley Fool Money starts now. I'm Chris Hill joined by Motley Fool senior analyst Jason Moser. Thanks for being here.

Jason Moser: Hey, thanks for having me.

Chris Hill: Everybody loves a good trend, right?

Jason Moser: Sure.

Chris Hill: We're investors, we love a good trend. Lately, I don't know if you've noticed as the market has continued its grim slide of 2022, that doesn't stop potential trends from emerging here or there. I wanted to talk with you about how to figure out which trends have legs and which ones don't. I'll just start with an example of one that I think for me anyway, doesn't really have legs, and it goes under the umbrella of because of reasons, this industry has sold off tremendously. Therefore, it presents an opportunity for investors because it's trading below where it should be. The one that leaves to mind for me that's come up several times over the past two plus years is the Cruise Industry, and that may be a good short-term opportunity for some people. I'm not interested in that.

Because it's not an industry that I think has great long-term tailwinds behind it, I don't mean to pick on the Cruise Industry, but you know what I'm talking about. There are some trends that get a lot of attention, but it's for short-term reasons.

Jason Moser: Yeah, I'm glad you said short-term reasons because I agree with what you're saying. I think the way I typically try to break this down in my own mind, and I've talked before about the way that I invest. As a long-term investor, someone who typically like to be a net buyer of stocks, I'd like to buy, I don't really like selling. Typically I am looking for companies that I feel they're going to be relevant for decades. Figuring out and following the long-term trend in differentiating that between what I would call a short-term catalyst, and so I think that the Cruise example there is a good example of something where there's a short-term catalyst. Before 2020, I don't know that Cruise ships were really a place where I was interested in investing, it sounds you feel the same way. It's just not an industry that you're all that interested in. I think that's how I start to at least look at this, because you could look at the Cruise liners for example, and say, "well, I'm not all that interested." But by the same token, it does feel there's a short-term catalysts in place that could result in value for shareholders if things continue to improve. The travel industry in general has been shellacked, but things are starting to come back.

There were a lot of questions early on in 2020 as to whether these major Cruise liners would even survive. They did a good job, I think of figuring out ways to survive and keeping their balance sheets in working order there, but I think for me, you see the benefit of a reopen and then say, alright, Cruise liners could benefit from that, the stock's been may start to reflect that optimism. But beyond that short-term catalyst, is there something there? Do you see more people clamoring to go on cruises as the years go by? I'm not convinced that's the case. I think it's a relevant industry. I think there are people who love to take cruises, but I think there are also a lot of risks that come with something like that. For me, it's trying to think about what direction the world is headed and I'll be honest with you, I'm sure you probably can relate to this as a parent. I looked at my kids, I have two daughters, they're are at sophomore junior and high school. I looked at them and their friends and what they're doing, what they're watching, the apps that they're using, ways that they're conducting their business, that to me starts to tell a little bit more about consumer behavior, trends that may be forming, things that matter to younger generations that will continue to matter even as they get older. I typically try to break it down between looking at a long-term trend versus a short-term catalysts in figuring out ways to discern between the two.

Chris Hill: If you think back to last year in the late spring, one of the big trends getting a lot of attention was what was referred to as the great reopening.

Jason Moser: Yeah.

Chris Hill: It seems we're at that point again, as Omicron levels continue to drop, vaccines continue to rise, more and more businesses, we talked about this last Friday on Motley Fool Money about some of the biggest tech companies in America opening up their offices, mask mandates coming down. You were talking to the folks at Cheddar, and I'm happy to share Jason Moser as a resource our with media outlets. [laughs] You're welcome Cheddar. But seriously, you were talking to them about this trend, weren't you?

Jason Moser: Yeah, we were talking about reopening, and to me it feels like reopening 2.0. We did go through a reopening before, where I think a lot of us are starting to get back out there and resuming somewhat normal behavior. This is the next iteration of that, where I think the wall start to come down and even more people start to go out and really get their lives back to normal. We were talking about ideas, investments, companies that will benefit from this next phase of reopening, and then what future they may have even beyond that, because I would look at reopening as definitely a short-term catalyst. This is not something where the long-term trend is for our economy to reopen, and so for me that doesn't mean that there aren't great ideas out there, that doesn't mean there's no money to be made, but by the same token, and I think, we said this a lot when we were talking about the stay at home stock, theme that we were delving into a couple of years ago. 

You want to make sure that regardless, these are businesses that you feel will continue to do well even beyond the short-term catalysts. Because this short-term catalyst will end, and then you want to make sure that you're not left holding the bag with the business that maybe isn't going to continue to benefit beyond just that catalyst. For me, there are a lot of different ways you can look at the companies that will benefit from this. I mean, you're talking about incremental traffic in all places, people going back to work, office buildings getting busier, the areas around the office buildings getting busier, malls getting busier, so what companies can you expect a benefit there? To me, there are a lot of different ways you can look at it. I think travel is one that stands out immediately just because so many people are ready-to-go do something. We saw some of the snap-back in travel earlier through the course of this last couple of years, but it does look things continue to get even better. 

I was looking through Booking Holdings, for example their most recent earnings call, they were talking about the fact that they are seeing the trends continuing to move in the right direction. They said the first half of February they saw meaningful improvement across all of their regions compared to January, but then they made this reference to gross bookings. They said gross bookings for the summer are higher than they were at this time in 2019, so that's encouraging for a number of different reasons and it sounds a lot of people are planning trips. I know that we are both planning to get a trip and I'm going to be going a few places here over the summer as well looking forward to that. But when you think about just the fact that gross bookings for the summer are higher than they were at this time in 2019, that's really encouraging. The nice thing about travel is it's truly a global opportunity. I think travel is going to continue to be a long-term trend that investors can benefit from, so Booking Holdings stands out as one way to look at this reopen 2.0.

Chris Hill: It is interesting. The difference, as you said, the long-term trend versus the short-term catalysts, because ultimately there has to be something sustainable. There has to be something about an underlying business that we as investors can see a pathway for growth. Which, and this may be just my preference, I always prefer organic growth as opposed to growth through acquisition. It's not to say that that doesn't work, there are plenty of businesses that have rewarded shareholders by going the route of acquisition. But to me, it's just preferable to see a business like I've talked before about Home Depot and Lowe's, and not that they do a tremendous amount of increasing their store count year-over-year, but you look at the way that they've grown out their online presence, their deliveries, that sort of thing, that's just easier for me to wrap my head around.

Jason Moser: Well, yeah. I think Home Depot and Lowe's, two very good examples of businesses that I think could certainly benefit here over the next several months as consumer traffic continues to pick up. We've seen the strength in the housing market over the past couple of years, and the neat thing about housing is whether you own or you rent, home improvement maintenance, all that stuff is always on the table. That's to me one of the most obvious long-term trends out there, because everybody needs a roof over their head. You look at Home Depot and Lowe's, the quarters that they just chalked up, to be able to maintain their gross margins in a time like this when inflation really is front and center, Lowe's actually expanded their gross margin very modestly. Home Depot, a little bit of pressure, but overall they've really been able to maintain prices very well and passes these costs along to consumers.

I think part of that is just due to the nature of the market that it serves, it's a necessary market. Then they love to throw the statistics out there, 50 percent of the homes here in the US are over 40 years old. A lot has changed in 40 years. The ways that we build houses, the ways that we've repair our homes and update and improve our homes. What that ultimately means is you get this massive installed housing base out there just in this country alone, that really requires a lot of what Home Depot and Lowe's are selling. They may not be the sexiest names in the world, and they may not like the world on fire in the near-term, but when you stretch the chart out, if you look at the way these companies performed through the years, 3, 5, 10 years, they are just tremendous performers. Lowe's in particularly, you look at what Marvin Ellison has done there, that has been just nothing short of spectacular. I think what we've got now is really two businesses there in Lowe's and Home Depot that you and I have likened before to MasterCard and Visa . It's almost like a which one should I pick? Why bother choosing? You could actually own both and get away with it just fine. It's not a bad idea, actually.

Chris Hill: Not a bad idea at all. Last thing and then I'll let you go. When you think about long-term trends, I suppose there are a couple of different ways you can think about them. One is to try and predict where the future is going and be right, not only about the direction, but the timing of how soon we're going to get there. I was on David Gardner's Rule Breaker investing podcast recently and on an episode that were set in the year 2052 and one of the jokes we made on that was that self-driving cars, still not a thing [laughs] and it may not be by the way. That's one way to do it, like OK, this is where the world is going. But another way to do it is to look at trends right now and say, OK, do I think this is going to be here in 20 years? You can say that about individual products, you can also say that about industries. It's why whenever someone has a new baby and he's like, I want to buy a stock for them. My answer is always Starbucks. Because I know that the way we drink coffee in 50 years is going to look a whole lot like the way we drink it now.

Jason Moser: [laughs] If it looks any different, Starbucks is probably going to be one of the companies that is innovating and iterating there. So you probably win either way. Yeah, I think to me, one of the trends that I think it's front and center right now for a lot of people is work, exactly how we're going to be working. We're talking about stay at home, now we're talking about reopen. It's been a weird two years. There're offices that never closed down and then there are other offices that just have closed down completely and you wonder what exactly the future holds. I look to a business like Microsoft, for example, and I think it's very telling that you've got a lot of these big tech companies that are reopening their offices. They're eager and excited to do that, and I think that's for a number of reasons. I think that you've seen some of the CEOs of these businesses, Twitter for example, they're talking about the fact that, yes, remote work is available, but it is harder. It makes things a lot more difficult. I'm sure probably you run into some challenges where remote work does make things harder. 

But by the same token, there are a lot of folks that like that, convenience in being able to go do what they want to do when they want to go do it, it certainly expands that work schedule. For me, I look at the absolutes as being probably what you want to avoid. If you're saying, well, we're just going to be a virtual-only company, you're probably leaving something on the table there. But if you say that, well, everybody has to be at the office all the time, well, you're leaving some talent out there that you might not be able to get otherwise. To me, the hybrid work environment, that's what seems like the future holds. You look at a company like Microsoft , a company that's responsible for getting so many of those tools that we've been able to use, whether you're Slack or Zoom or Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Teams and all of the tools that Microsoft provides, they help enable what ultimately I think we're going to see is the hybrid work environment where a lot of folks have the opportunity to do it however they want to do it, but companies still have a process and a philosophy in place that leaves everybody feeling included. I think that's probably one of the bigger challenges. I think that's going to be one of the things that companies will figure out as time goes on, is managing the remote and the physically present workforce together. Not saying that's an easy thing to do, but I think that's going to be something that companies are going to have to do. Because to me, again, it feels like you've take it to the extreme, if you go absolutes one way or the other, that to me seems to open up more challenges of opportunities the longer you play that out.

Chris Hill: Jason Moser, thanks for being here.

Jason Moser: Thank you.

Chris Hill: Remember back in high school when your English teacher taught you how to write a thesis statements, it's the main idea of your essay and you are not going to get an A without a strong thesis statement. It turns out that's one of those skills that comes in handy for investors like you and me. Here to talk through the nuts-and-bolts of an investment thesis is Motley Fool Senior Analyst, Alicia Alfiere. Thanks for being here.

Alicia Alfiere: Thanks for having me.

Chris Hill: Before we get into some of the key questions that can go into an investment thesis. Why do you think an exercise like this is helpful for us as investors?

Alicia Alfiere: First, when we think of an investment thesis, it's really a summary of what you think of the company and why you think it makes a good investment case, as well as some of the risks. It's really important, particularly now when we are seeing a lot of market volatility. The idea here is that I will help you cut through all the noise of that market volatility and focused on signals for your company and hopefully stop you from selling a company that's actually pretty good.

Chris Hill: I know that you've been using Duolingo, let's use that as an example here, and some of the key questions that people can ask when they are looking to build an investment thesis for any business, for any stock and it starts with really knowing the company.

Alicia Alfiere: This one sounds like a no-brainer, but there are actually companies out there that require a little bit extra time and research to be able to answer questions like, what does this company sell? Do? What problem are they solving? Who are their customers? How do they make money? That's really fundamental to understand. If we use Duolingo as an example here, Duolingo is a global mobile learning platform with the mission to develop the best educational content in the world and make it universally available. They offer a gamified approach to learning over 40 languages and they offer a lot of different solutions here. They have their flagship Duolingo Learning Language App, which is free. They have Duolingo Plus, which is a subscription. Duolingo English Test, which is a proficiency exam, and Duolingo for Schools. Essentially the problem that they're solving here, is making education accessible to the mobile generation and their lessons are pretty effective. According to their internal study, users with five Duolingo units were as proficient in reading and listening as students with four college semesters of language classes. Then in terms of how do they make money, again really important to understand. They make most of their money from their subscription products. The rest comes from the Premium Apps, so those are based revenues and revenues from their English tax.

Chris Hill: Every business has competition, so obviously it is worth spending a minute or two when you're putting together an investment thesis thinking about competitive advantages that a business might have.

Alicia Alfiere: Look at the competition within the industry. Is there a product or service sticky? Does the business have network effects? When we talk about network effects, think of a platform like Facebook. Where you have this virtuous circle of data which makes your users use it more, which brings in more data, which allows you to get more insights, [laughs] which again makes that product even more valuable. In terms of Duolingo they are in a highly competitive industry. Lots of options to learn new languages, whether it's a virtual or in-person classes, other apps and websites and there is substitution items that you could use as well like translator apps. But what advantages does Duolingo have? They have a strong brand, they have had over 500 million downloads and their flagship app is the top grossing app in the education category on Google Play and the Apple App Store. This strong brand recognition really helps to drive organic growth for them. 

They also have strong network effects so 41.7 million monthly active users, which includes a US contingent that actually out numbers. Total US high school foreign language learners which a massive amount here. They have over a half billion exercises completed daily on the platform and as a result of that strong network, Duolingo beliefs, they have the largest collection of language learning data, and they feed this virtual cycle of their network by using their collection of data, to make learning experiences more efficient and differentiated for its users. In terms of platform stickiness, over 50 percent of daily active users have used the app for more than seven days in a row, and one million users have an active stretch of longer than 365 days. Pretty impressive there, but there are some tricky parts here for paid subscribers, it's a bit more complicated. About 40 percent of annual subscribers renew their subscriptions after a year or about nine percent of monthly subscribers renew their subscription after one year. They got some work to do here.

Chris Hill: At the Motley Fool, we're not just interested in the business, we're interested in the management as well. It's worth spending time figuring out, hey, who are the people running this business?

Alicia Alfiere: Absolutely. Take a look at who are the co-founders, who is leading the Company? Do they have a long-term vision? What's their culture like? Remember their employees are what make a vision come to life. If employees don't buy in, it's going to be really hard for a company to grow. For Duolingo, it was founded by Luis von Ahn and Severin Hacker, two engineers who met at Carnegie Mellon. Luis is the CEO and Director, Severin is the CTO and Director. They're both heavily involved in the company, which we really like. For Luis growing up in Guatemalan, he saw how access to education can truly transform lives and when he met his kindred spirit in Safran the two embarked are creating an accessible, effective, and intelligent learning solution. While they started with languages, their long-term goal is to have language learning be just one of the education solutions that they offer. They've already started along this path. They have their Literacy App, Duolingo ABC, which teaches children how to read and they're working on an app to teach elementary school math. For culture, I like to look at website like Glassdoor to see what employees think. Do they like working there? Are they dedicated to vision? On Glassdoor, 93 percent of employees would recommend Duolingo to a friend and 97 percent approve of the CEO, so pretty solid results here.

Chris Hill: We say all the time investing is about the future. At some point when you're putting together an investment thesis, you got to check a couple of boxes in terms of what does the future look like for this business?

Alicia Alfiere: Yes. Think about the future. What's the market opportunity for them? Can they grow? How can they grow? Are there any broader trends that can help or hurt the company in the future? For Duolingo, they're a player in a growing market, the mobile learning space. Preferences for convenience, an on-demand services have driven a lot of consumers toward mobile solutions. Whether it's shopping or learning, and COVID accelerated the usage for mobile learning. Though the growth will probably edge away from some of that COVID highs, it's still expected to grow. Global language learning spending both online and offline, reached 61 billion in 2019 and is projected to grow to 115 billion by 2025. Within this market, online learning is growing fast. From 12 billion in 2019 to 47 billion in 2025. Perhaps the convenience and flexibility of mobile learning, as well as smartphone adoption overall, is broadening the demand for that language learning products. Since Duolingo's annual revenues were about 161 Million in 2020, they're only about 1.3 percent of the current market for online language learning, which gives them a ton of room to grow. They have a plan to grow, which is really important. They think that they could grow by increasing the number of users, converting free users to those paid subscription users, increasing subscription stickiness, which we already talked about, and expanding their solutions, beyond that language learning.

Chris Hill: We want to be bullish when we're thinking [laughs] about stock that we're considering adding to our portfolio. But at some point you have to put on the bare hat and think about what are the risks to this business?

Alicia Alfiere: Because every investment has risks, that's the nature of the beast and if you can't find one, you need to research more. Be curious, play the part of the skeptic and ask, what could go wrong. This is especially important in times of market volatility. For Duolingo, we already talked about some of the issues that they have here. Operating in a highly competitive environment and subscription retention numbers that could be better. But there's also another issue we didn't talk about, and that's low switching costs. What that means that it doesn't really cost a lot of money and it's not a huge hassle for users to simply change apps, or take in person costs instead and so that is another risk.

Chris Hill: You've clearly put in some work on Duolingo, tell me how the story ends. Is this stock you're adding to your portfolio or is it on your watchlist for right now?

Alicia Alfiere: Well, right now it's more on my watchlist. At the end of this process, what I like to do is summarize and actually, hey, what would the investment thesis look like? In this case, I would say Duolingo has gamified approach to learning, which has helped the company build a strong brand and benefit from strong network effects in some platform stickiness. With these competitive advantages, strong tailwinds from online education trends, a large market to expand into, and a plan for expansion, Duolingo is an intriguing company by subscription retention statistics and those low switching costs give me a bit of a pause for right now. I'm going to continue to follow them and research them because I find this company fascinating and a really value leadership's vision and plans for the future.

Chris Hill: Do you've more information about putting together your own investment thesis in our show notes. So check those out when you get a chance. Alicia Alfiere, thanks so much for being here.

Chris Hill: That's all for today, I will be coming up tomorrow, three analysts share some of the biggest investing lessons that they've learned over the past 20 years. As always, people on the program may have interest in the stocks they talk about and the Motley Fool may have formal recommendations for or against. So don't buy or sell stocks based solely on what you hear. I'm Chris Hill. Thanks for listening. We'll see you tomorrow.

Alicia Alfiere owns Microsoft. Chris Hill owns Home Depot, Lowe's, Microsoft, Starbucks, and Visa. Jason Moser owns Booking Holdings, Mastercard, Starbucks, and Visa. The Motley Fool owns and recommends Booking Holdings, Home Depot, Mastercard, Microsoft, Starbucks, Twitter, and Visa. The Motley Fool recommends Lowe's and recommends the following options: short April 2022 $100 calls on Starbucks. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy .

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Investment Thesis: The Roadmap for Successful Investing

6 min Read June 18, 2024 at 12:47 PM UTC

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An investment thesis provides a structured framework to guide the decision-making process of investors, whether individual or institutional.

An investment thesis is a well-reasoned argument that serves as the foundation for making investment decisions.

It is a written document that outlines an investor’s goals, market analysis, risk tolerance, and the specific criteria they will use to evaluate potential investment opportunities.

Essentially, an investment thesis provides a structured framework to guide an investor’s decision-making process.

Why Every Investor Needs an Investment Thesis

An investment thesis is crucial because it helps investors avoid impulsive or emotionally driven investment choices that may not align with their overall objectives.

By establishing clear principles and guidelines, an investment thesis mitigates the risks associated with poorly informed or hasty investment decisions.

Developing a robust investment thesis encourages investors to thoroughly research and analyze the market, industry, and company-specific factors that could impact an investment’s potential for success.

This due diligence process can reveal potential risks or issues that might otherwise be overlooked, ultimately protecting the investor’s capital.

Also Read: Becoming an Investor: Do it Yourself or via a Venture Fund?

Components of an Investment Thesis

While the specific components of an investment thesis may vary depending on the investor’s strategy and preferences, most comprehensive theses include the following elements:

  • Investment Goals: Clearly defined objectives that the investor aims to achieve through their investments, such as capital appreciation, income generation, or a combination of both.
  • Risk Tolerance: An assessment of the level of risk the investor is willing to take, which can range from conservative to aggressive.
  • Market Analysis: A thorough evaluation of the market conditions, trends, and potential opportunities that could impact the investment’s performance.
  • Industry Analysis: An examination of the specific industry or sector in which the investment opportunity exists, including competitive landscape, regulatory environment, and growth prospects.
  • Company Analysis: A detailed assessment of the company’s financials, management team, competitive advantage, and growth prospects.
  • Exit Strategy: A plan for how and when the investor intends to exit the investment, whether through an initial public offering (IPO), acquisition, or other means.

At Daba, we work alongside institutional and individual investors to help develop or refine their Africa-focused investment thesis, providing in-depth market analysis, industry insights, and company-specific assessments. Click here to learn more.

Types of Investment Theses

Investment theses can be categorized into different types, each with its own set of criteria and principles. Some common types include:

  • Value Investing: This strategy focuses on identifying undervalued companies with strong fundamentals, with the expectation that the market will eventually recognize their true value, resulting in share price appreciation.
  • Growth Investing: Growth investors seek companies with exceptional growth potential, often in emerging or rapidly expanding industries, to capitalize on their future earnings and revenue growth.
  • Income Investing: This strategy prioritizes investments that generate consistent income streams, such as dividend-paying stocks, bonds, or real estate investment trusts (REITs).
  • Socially Responsible Investing: Investors with a socially responsible investment thesis prioritize companies that demonstrate strong environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices, aligning their investments with their ethical and moral values.

Evolving the Investment Thesis

An investment thesis should not be set in stone; it should be a living document that evolves over time as market conditions, industry trends, and the investor’s goals change.

Regular reviews and updates to the investment thesis are necessary to ensure that it remains relevant and effective.

Developing Investment Theses for Africa

Investing in Africa presents unique opportunities and challenges that require a deep understanding of the continent’s diverse markets, cultures, and regulatory environments.

At Daba, we specialize in helping investors navigate these complexities and develop robust investment theses tailored to the African context.

Our team combines on-the-ground knowledge with rigorous data analysis to provide comprehensive market insights, industry assessments, and company evaluations.

By leveraging our expertise, investors can make informed decisions and build investment theses that are well-aligned with their goals and risk tolerance for African markets.

At Daba, we work with investors to continuously monitor and assess the validity of their investment thesis for African markets. Click here to discover how our analysis and updates can help you make informed investment decisions.

Examples of Investment Thesis

Orange Cote d’ivoire (BRVM: ORAC)

Mobile money is transforming financial inclusion across West Africa. The BRVM-listed company Orange CI is at the forefront of this mobile money revolution through its subsidiary Orange Money.

While traditional banking struggles to reach rural areas, Orange Money’s mobile money services provide easy access to financial tools like payments, transfers, and savings via basic mobile phones. It is a major player in the mobile money market in Africa, operating in 18 countries as of 2020, and is the leader in multiple WAEMU markets.

Orange’s strong brand reputation, widespread mobile network coverage, and strategic partnerships with banks position it well to capitalize on the booming demand for mobile financial services across the region. The company has a stable balance sheet and consistent revenue growth from its core telecom business.

Given this pioneering role in mobile money, powerful market position, and solid financials, the company can deliver attractive returns by riding the mobile money wave sweeping West Africa. Any near-term stock price dips would present an opportune entry point. An investment thesis is not limited to stocks .

Xty Developments (Fictional)

Urbanization is rapidly accelerating across the African continent, creating massive demand for affordable housing solutions, especially in fast-growing cities. Xty Developments is an innovative property company focused on addressing this urban housing crunch.

By using modern construction techniques and embracing a scale model, Xty can construct high-quality yet affordable apartment complexes quickly and cost-effectively. Their standardized designs optimize for efficient building and operational costs.

While new property companies face execution risks, Xty’s founder has over 15 years of proven experience delivering successful projects across multiple African markets. Their current pipeline already includes lucrative developments underway in three major cities.

With rapid urbanization an unstoppable megatrend, Xty’s compelling value proposition, and the founder’s seasoned track record, we have high conviction this venture can generate outsized returns for early investors backing its expansion across key African urban centers.

Also Read: Building a Winning Fund: Portfolio Strategies and Tips

Getting Your Investment Thesis Right

An investment thesis is a critical tool for investors seeking to make well-informed and disciplined investment decisions.

By establishing clear objectives, conducting thorough research and analysis, and defining specific criteria for evaluating opportunities, an investment thesis helps mitigate risks and increase the likelihood of achieving desired returns.

Whether you are an institutional investor, fund manager, or individual investor, partnering with Daba can help you develop or refine your investment thesis for the African market, positioning you for success in this dynamic and rapidly evolving region.

This material has been presented for informational and educational purposes only. The views expressed in the articles above are generalized and may not be appropriate for all investors. The information contained in this article should not be construed as, and may not be used in connection with, an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy or hold, an interest in any security or investment product. There is no guarantee that past performance will recur or result in a positive outcome. Carefully consider your financial situation, including investment objective, time horizon, risk tolerance, and fees prior to making any investment decisions. No level of diversification or asset allocation can ensure profits or guarantee against losses. Articles do not reflect the views of DABA ADVISORS LLC and do not provide investment advice to Daba’s clients. Daba is not engaged in rendering tax, legal or accounting advice. Please consult a qualified professional for this type of service.

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What Is an Investment Thesis?

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Investment Thesis: An Argument in Support of Investing Decisions

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Charlene Rhinehart is a CPA , CFE, chair of an Illinois CPA Society committee, and has a degree in accounting and finance from DePaul University.

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The term investment thesis refers to a reasoned argument for a particular investment strategy, backed up by research and analysis. Investment theses are commonly prepared by (and for) individual investors and businesses. These formal written documents may be prepared by analysts or other financial professionals for presentation to their clients.

Key Takeaways

  • An investment thesis is a written document that recommends a new investment, based on research and analysis of its potential for profit.
  • Individual investors can use this technique to investigate and select investments that meet their goals.
  • Financial professionals use the investment thesis to pitch their ideas.

Understanding the Investment Thesis

As noted above, an investment thesis is a written document that provides information about a potential investment. It is a research- and analysis-based proposal that is usually drafted by an investment or financial professional to provide insight into investments and to pitch investment ideas. In some cases, the investor will draft their own investment thesis, as is the case with venture capitalists and private equity firms.

This thesis can be used as a strategic decision-making tool. Investors and companies can use a thesis to decide whether or not to pursue a particular investment, such as a stock or acquiring another company. Or it can be used as a way to look back and analyze why a particular decision was made in the first place—and whether it was the right one. Putting things in writing can have a huge impact on the direction of a potential investment.

Let's say an investor purchases a stock based on the investment thesis that the stock is undervalued . The thesis states that the investor plans to hold the stock for three years, during which its price will rise to reflect its true worth. At that point, the stock will be sold at a profit. A year later, the stock market crashes, and the investor's pick crashes with it. The investor recalls the investment thesis, relies on the integrity of its conclusions, and continues to hold the stock.

That is a sound strategy unless some event that is totally unexpected and entirely absent from the investment thesis occurs. Examples of these might include the 2007-2008 financial crisis or the Brexit vote that forced the United Kingdom out of the European Union (EU) in 2016. These were highly unexpected events, and they might affect someone's investment thesis.

If you think your investment thesis holds up, stick with it through thick and thin.

An investment thesis is generally formally documented, but there are no universal standards for the contents. Some require fast action and are not elaborate compositions. When a thesis concerns a big trend, such as a global macro perspective, the investment thesis may be well documented and might even include a fair amount of promotional materials for presentation to potential investing partners.

Portfolio management is now a science-based discipline, not unlike engineering or medicine. As in those fields, breakthroughs in basic theory, technology, and market structures continuously translate into improvements in products and in professional practices. The investment thesis has been strengthened with qualitative and quantitative methods that are now widely accepted.

As with any thesis, an idea may surface but it is methodical research that takes it from an abstract concept to a recommendation for action. In the world of investments, the thesis serves as a game plan.

What's Included in an Investment Thesis?

Although there's no industry standard, there are usually some common components to this document. Remember, an investment thesis is generally a proposal that is based on research and analysis. As such, it is meant to be a guide about the viability of a particular investment.

Most investment theses include (but aren't limited to) the following information:

  • The investment in question
  • The investment goal(s)
  • Viability of the investment, including any trends that support the investment
  • Potential downsides and risks that may be associated with the investment
  • Costs and potential returns as well as any losses that may result

Some theses also try to answer some key questions, including:

  • Does the investment align with the intended goal(s)?
  • What could go wrong?
  • What do the financial statements say?
  • What is the growth potential of this investment?

Putting everything in writing can help investors make more informed decisions. For instance, a company's management team can use a thesis to decide whether or not to pursue the acquisition of a rival. The thesis may highlight whether the target's vision aligns with the acquirer or it may identify opportunities for growth in the market.

Keep in mind that the complexity of an investment thesis depends on the type of investor involved and the nature of the investment. So the investment thesis for a corporation looking to acquire a rival may be more in-depth and complicated compared to that of an individual investor who wants to develop an investment portfolio.

Examples of an Investment Thesis

Portfolio managers and investment companies often post information about their investment theses on their websites. The following are just two examples.

Morgan Stanley

Morgan Stanley ( MS ) is one of the world's leading financial services firms. It offers investment management services, investment banking, securities, and wealth management services. According to the company, it has five steps that make up its investment process, including idea generation, quality assessment, valuation, risk management , and portfolio construction.

When it comes to developing its investment thesis, the company tries to answer three questions as part of its quality assessment step:

  • "Is the company a disruptor or is it insulated from disruptive change? 
  • Does the company demonstrate financial strength with high returns on invested capital, high margins, strong cash conversion, low capital intensity and low leverage? 
  • Are there environmental or social externalities not borne by the company, or governance and accounting risks that may alter the investment thesis?"

Connetic Ventures

Connetic Adventures is a venture capital firm that invests in early-stage companies. The company uses data to develop its investment thesis, which is made up of three pillars. According to its blog, there were three pillars or principles that contributed to Connetic's venture capital investment strategy. These included diversification, value, and follow-on—each of which comes with a pro and con.

Why Is an Investment Thesis Important?

An investment thesis is a written proposal or research-based analysis of why investors or companies should pursue an investment. In some cases, it may also serve as a historical guide as to whether the investment was a good move or not. Whatever the reason, an investment thesis allows investors to make better, more informed decisions about whether to put their money into a specific investment. This written document provides insight into what the investment is, the goals of the investment, any associated costs, the potential for returns, as well as any possible risks and losses that may result.

Who Should Have an Investment Thesis?

An investment thesis is important for anyone who wants to invest their money. Individual investors can use a thesis to decide whether to purchase stock in a particular company and what strategy they should use, whether it's a buy-and-hold strategy or one where they only have the stock for a short period of time. A company can craft its own investment thesis to help weigh out whether an acquisition or growth strategy is worthwhile.

How Do You Create an Investment Thesis?

It's important to put your investment thesis in writing. Seeing your proposal in print can help you make a better decision. When you're writing your investment thesis, be sure to be clear and concise. Make sure you do your research and include any facts and figures that can help you make your decision. Be sure to include your goals, the potential for upside, and any risks that you may come across. Try to ask and answer some key questions, including whether the investment meets your investment goals and what could go wrong if you go ahead with the deal.

It's always important to have a plan, especially when it comes to investing. After all, you are putting your money at risk. Having an investment thesis can help you make more informed decisions about whether a potential investment is worth your while. Make sure you put your thesis in writing and answer some key questions about your goals, costs, and potential outcomes. Having a concrete proposal in place can spell the difference between earning returns and losing all your money. And that's if your thesis supports the investment in the first place.

Harvard Business School. " Writing a Credible Investment Thesis ."

Lanturn. " What is an Investment Thesis and 3 Tips to Make One ."

Morgan Stanley. " Global Opportunity ."

Medium. " The Data That Built Our Fund's Investment Thesis ."

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ICON: Will The Huge Acquisition Of PRA Continue To Create Synergies?

Gustavo Larraga Tapia profile picture

  • ICON Public is a global clinical research organization that provides services for the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device industries.
  • The clinical research organization sector is expected to have strong growth due to increased drug research and development, providing opportunities for ICON's growth.
  • The company has been 'digesting' a huge 2021 merger that loaded it with debt and diluted outstanding shares.
  • I think the valuation is not the most attractive, even considering possible margin expansion and high single digit growth.

Scientists working in the laboratory

Investment Thesis

ICON ( NASDAQ: ICLR ) is a UK company operating in the lucrative medicines research and development sector. This sector is not only very profitable, but it is also essential for society, and therefore, it is expected to continue growing in the coming years.

In this context, it is this company that carried out an ambitious merger with PRA Health Sciences in 2021, which strongly diluted the outstanding shares and put ICON in debt. In this article, we will delve into the company's business model, its value proposition, and observe the performance of the business after such a large merger to evaluate whether, at the current price, the company presents an investment opportunity.

ICON Return vs S&P500

ICON Return vs S&P500

Business Overview

ICON Public is a global clinical research organization (CRO) that provides services for the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device industries. ICON is involved in the management and execution of clinical trials, helping companies bring new drugs and medical treatments to market. They offer a range of services, including clinical trial design, patient recruitment, data management, regulatory affairs, and more.

ICON 2022 Investor Presentation

ICON 2022 Investor Presentation

Value Proposition

Clinical research organizations primarily provide services related to the planning, management, execution, and analysis of clinical trials. Before a new drug can be brought to market, it often must undergo extensive preclinical and clinical testing, as well as regulatory review, to verify safety and efficacy. This process is neither cheap nor easy ; in fact, it is estimated that the cost of getting a new drug approved is around $314 million to $2.8 billion , and it takes an average of about 10 years.

For this reason, many small and medium-sized companies often face challenges when developing their medicines and drugs independently. Hiring the services of companies like ICON is a good way to efficiently handle these tasks and guide successful progression through the development process, from Phase I to Phase IV . This is made possible thanks to the professional infrastructure and know-how in conducting therapeutic trials.

Cancer Institute NSW

Phases of a Clinical Trial (Cancer Institute NSW)

The CRO market is estimated to have a size of almost $60 billion (ICON would have around a 12% market share), and annualized growth of almost 10% is expected until 2030. This growth is attributed to the constant increase in drug research and development due to pressure on pharmaceutical players to develop medicines for known life-threatening medical conditions such as AIDS, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and others. Therefore, this sector has strong tailwinds for the coming years, which the company could take advantage of to continue its growth.

Contract Research Organization (<a href='https://seekingalpha.com/symbol/CRO' _fcksavedurl='https://seekingalpha.com/symbol/CRO' title='CROBEX Index'>CRO</a>) Market Size, Drivers, Competitors 2030

CRO Market Forecast (Zion Market Research)

Key Ratios and PRA Merger

In the last decade, the company has achieved almost a 20% annual revenue growth ; however, this growth comes with certain nuances.

For instance, during FY2018, the company experienced a 48% growth, but its EBITDA margins fell from 23% to 17%. This was a result of a change in the recognition of payments to investigators and certain other costs reimbursed by clients. Before 2018, these costs were deducted from the revenue, but since that year, they have been considered directly as an expense. Consequently, the revenue artificially increased, while the margins decreased.

Author's Representation

Author's Representation

Additionally, it is noteworthy that in 2021, the company issued almost $6 billion in debt, which was unusual before that year.

This issuance was a result of the company merging with PRA Health Sciences . In 2020, PRA Health Sciences generated $3.2 billion in revenue, compared to ICON's $2.8 billion. This merger is the reason for the 175% growth in revenue between 2019 and 2021. With these two factors considered, it becomes evident that the 20% annual growth is not organic and, much less, sustainable.

Author's Representation

As one might expect, such an ambitious merger comes with a hefty price tag. The merger with a direct competitor larger than ICON cost approximately $12 billion , with the company paying $80 in cash per share and 0.4125 shares of its stock to PRA shareholders. This merger explains the issuance of $6 billion in debt and a 55% increase in the number of shares outstanding during 2021 and 2022.

While, at the time, the situation might have seemed uninvestable due to the significant share dilution and the fact that net debt had reached almost 6x EBITDA, the current scenario has witnessed a cooling down. The company has successfully digested the growth, and the level of leverage has been reduced to 2.5x EBITDA. This is a much more reasonable level and significantly diminishes the risk of bankruptcy.

Author's Representation

In the fiscal year preceding its merger, PRA Health Sciences generated $3.2 billion in revenue and $458 million in EBITDA , resulting in a margin of 14.4%. This implies that ICON paid over 25x EV/EBITDA and 60x Net Income (assuming the merger cost was $12 billion).

Author's Representation

This represents a substantial premium , particularly considering that PRA had experienced a 12% revenue growth in the years leading up to the merger, and its margins were comparatively lower when benchmarked against some peers, as illustrated in the accompanying graph.

The substantial premium can be attributed to the high expectations from management regarding the creation of synergies between both companies, anticipating cross-selling opportunities and margin improvements. This optimistic outlook was expressed by management in 2021 :

There are several key strategic reasons why we have decided to proactively unite our organizations at this time. By joining together, we will significantly enhance our operational scale, which is essential to meeting current and future customer demands. With broader and deeper service, geographic and therapeutic offerings, and extensive data-driven health care technology, we can deliver enhanced solutions for all customers, increasing access to patients and reducing development time and cost. ICON and PRA share a common focus on leveraging data and applying technology to execute clinical trials and post-approval studies with the highest quality and speed. The pandemic has accelerated the transformation of the clinical trial landscape and opened up significant opportunities to decentralize trials. We believe this trend is here to stay. And by integrating capabilities, including PRA's mobile and connected health platforms, real-world data and information solutions with ICON's global site network, home health services and wearables expertise, we can deliver truly differentiated, decentralized and hybrid trial solutions.

Author's Representation

A good measure to assess the integration of the merger and the value generated is through the return on capital employed (( ROCE )). In this case, the metric is significantly distorted by the goodwill resulting from the merger with PRA. To understand the purely operational return, I am adjusting the metric by removing the goodwill.

The ROCE, including goodwill, stands at only 7%. Between 2018 and 2019 (considered more normalized years), this figure ranged between 22-24%. On the other hand, the Adjusted ROCE would be around 19%, indicating a relatively improved return. However, when compared to the approximately 45% pre-merger, it still falls short. This could suggest that, while the full impact of remaining synergies is not entirely clear, the merger with PRA might not have been the most effective way to generate value. This could be attributed, in part, to the high merger price, and it raises the possibility that management may have overestimated the scale and margin improvements achievable through the merger.

Author's Representation

To assess the company's value, I plan to project the top-line growth and margins for the next five years. Beginning with FY2023, the company has provided guidance indicating an approximate 5% growth for the year, aligning with the trend seen in other comparable companies reporting reduced growth. For the following years, I believe a realistic estimate is in the range of 8-9%, considering the inherent growth in the sector and the anticipated benefits from the PRA merger, such as the high single-digit growth promised by management and a slight margin expansion.

We continue to expect to deliver on the mid-term to long-term financial projections we announced a year ago, revenue growth in the mid to high single digits on a combined company basis, and adjusted EBITDA growth in the low teens, and EPS growth in the mid to high teens. CEO Steve Cutler on Q4 2021 Earnings Call

Applying an EV/EBITDA output multiple of 15x to these projections, which seems reasonable in my view, the anticipated return would be around 10% from the current price. While this return is not entirely compelling, it's important to consider various factors in the investment decision-making process.

Author's Representation

Final Thoughts

Although the business model seems excellent to me, given the great value proposition and favorable market trends for the coming years, the current valuation does not appear entirely attractive, and I still have some doubts about the value that will be generated by the merger with PRA . Of course, I will remain vigilant about the situation, hoping to observe positive signs such as a reduction in debt and an improvement in valuation.

For these reasons, I believe that a ' hold ' rating is reasonable, especially considering that there are very similar companies with better valuations, such as Charles River or a company with much greater organizational growth like Medpace . This allows to monitor the merger situation closely and reassess as more information becomes available.

This article was written by

Gustavo Larraga Tapia profile picture

Analyst’s Disclosure: I/we have no stock, option or similar derivative position in any of the companies mentioned, and no plans to initiate any such positions within the next 72 hours. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

Seeking Alpha's Disclosure: Past performance is no guarantee of future results. No recommendation or advice is being given as to whether any investment is suitable for a particular investor. Any views or opinions expressed above may not reflect those of Seeking Alpha as a whole. Seeking Alpha is not a licensed securities dealer, broker or US investment adviser or investment bank. Our analysts are third party authors that include both professional investors and individual investors who may not be licensed or certified by any institute or regulatory body.

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VC investment Thesis: Union Square Ventures

VC investment Thesis: Union Square Ventures

Tl;dr: The four USV investment thesis’ shared from 2012 to 2021 to guide their investment decisions for this venture capital firm. 

I nvestment thesis’ are a great way to learn about a VC firm, but more so it is a super way to impact your thinking about the world and the lens through which others view it. Since 2012, four investment thesis’ have been shared by Union Square Ventures.

Click to scroll to the one you want ( note it will jump just after the title )

  • Union Square Ventures Investment Thesis 1.0 (2012) – Posted by Andy Weissman
  • Union Square Ventures Investment Thesis 2.0 (2015) – Posted by Andy Weissman
  • Union Square Ventures Investment Thesis 3.0 (2018) – Posted by Rebecca Kaden
  • USV Climate Fund (2021) – Posted by Albert Wenger

Other reading from USV

  • Early Stage Investing – Fred Wilson – Sep 19, 2006
  • Our Focus – Brad Burnham – Aug 6, 2006
  • Addition by Subtraction – Andy Weissman – Feb 11, 2018

Union Square Ventures Investment Thesis 1.0 (2012)

Venture firms operate a bunch of different ways. Some have a geographical focus, others have a sector focus, still others have a stage focus. Union Square Ventures’ focus has evolved into what we call a “thesis” but is probably better described as a macro level view about the world – the Internet world – that we then (attempt) to structure investment activities around. In short, as described by Brad last year in 140 characters , USV invests in:

Large networks of engaged users, differentiated through user experience, and defensible through network effects.

When we are organizing our activities and thinking about investment decisions then, we parse that a little finer, we unpack some of the components. “ Large ” obviously requires scale – Twitter is a great example. But it can also mean large relative to a specific problem set or community . Stack Exchange is comprised of over 80 question and answer sites. Some of those sites, like Server Fault , are designed for very specific communities, but aim to have most of the potential members of that community as active participants. Similarly, Behance is designed for the world’s creative professionals.

“ Networks ” are of course interconnected groups or systems, but they also come in a few flavors. For example, networks can be centered around person-to-person sharing of an activity ( foursquare , Soundcloud ), facilitating a transaction ( Dwolla ), enabling creativity ( Tumblr , Wattpad ), person-to-person marketplaces ( Etsy , Kickstarter ), or business and personal finance marketplaces ( Lending Club , Funding Circle ). Marketplaces have some of the more interesting network components and use the efficient exchange of information to produce superior economics and create new economies in their area of focus. Examples include the creative projects that wouldn’t otherwise come to fruition if the Kickstarter  marketplace was not active, the individuals finding work through Workmarket’s  labor resource market, or the active secondary market in small business loans (and pieces thereof) being traded through Funding Circle . Finally, networks can also be networks of data, such as what DuckDuckGo (search), Indeed (jobs) and  Flurry (mobile apps) are doing that then provide aggregate data-level benefits to users from that data network aggregation.

We will also look closely at the “ user experience ” of these networks, being most interested in novel (“differentiated”) web and mobile native interface ways to engage users around a solution to the particular problem, one that is consistent with the fabric of the users’ experiences . The foursquare check-in is a good illustration of a native behavior designed in the context of exploring a city, as is  Codecademy’s method of teaching people to program by writing code inside a browser window. Similarly, Canvas provides a unique set of tools to play with images, thereby encouraging the remix and sharing of them, turntable’s entire experience is designed to play music with other people, and tumblr’s dashboard is a method of following and reacting to and with creativity. Unique user experience also extends beyond the user interface – it’s the design of the entire system: how it functions, what is allowed; what isn’t allowed; what values are inherent in the prospective functioning of the service . Kickstarter’s  incentive/pledge system, with minimum goals and rewards, is an example of a unique experience that is well-aligned with the goals of the service itself (participating in creativity). As Albert recently wrote about Etsy: “ the best long term steward of a network will be a company that focuses on value creation for all participants in the network instead of solely for its shareholders .”

The last component of this thesis relates to businesses that create barriers to entry through “ network effects “, in which the value of a service to a user increases as others use it. This can potentially arise in a number of ways: for example a proprietary data asset ; the marketplace dynamics of having a robust set of sellers and buyers; or through the development of a community that openly shares and exchanges information. In an era where the initial cost to develop the prototype of a product has been dramatically reduced, where there are mature and scalable open source tools and services to utilize for that development, and where cloud infrastructure is available on demand and at a variable cost, defensibility may no longer be found in the technology underpinnings – the code or IP – of a service . Defensibility may however arise through the growth of service that gets more valuable, and more interesting, with each new participant. One nice example of this is Twitter , which is so potentially valuable because, put simply, that’s where the Tweets as well as the personal follower/following relationships reside. The value of these businesses tends to be composed of the very networks they have created.

Taken together, these components comprise how USV looks at the Internet at large to find places where we should invest and where we can be good partners. Of course, the components are not monolithic and are subject to nuance and interpretation (see for example “ Do Network Effects Span Geographies “; “ How Strong Are Network Effects Online, REALLY “), but again, of course, that’s what makes them most interesting.

Union Square Ventures Investment Thesis 2.0 (2015)

Union Square Ventures has always been a “thesis” driven firm. We maintain specific principles about the internet that guide our investment decisions. While other things like stage and to a lesser extent geography, also matter, our thesis or point of view is the primary thing that guides our decision making.

We last wrote about this a few years ago, in  Investment Thesis@USV , where we attempted to describe this view of the world. There, we also tried to describe how dynamic the thesis is, or can be. A few years later, we have a better idea of how our thesis has evolved and now presents, circa 2015.

Since USV was founded, we have focused on the applications layer of the internet. The layer that sits on top of the relatively open and robust infrastructure of the internet, the infrastructure that allows for permissionless connectivity.

Initially, the investments related to that applications layer were what we called “ large networks ” – that is – broad based, mostly consumer-oriented networks that could, or at least aspired to, touch many many people (hundreds of millions or more).

Brad reduced this to  140 characters  a number of years ago:

USV in 140 characters: invest in large networks of engaged users, differentiated by user experience, and defensible though network effects — Brad Burnham (@BradUSV)  June 8, 2011

This thesis brought us to companies like  Twitter ,  Tumblr ,  Etsy  and  Soundcloud  – large networks that, to this day, have proven defensible through network effects.

Over time, it became harder – and it’s  still hard  – for newer entrants, newer broad consumer networks – to gain scale because to do so requires them to displace the time users devote and spend on the new incumbent networks, such as Facebook.

As a result we turned our attention and applied the thesis to those services that support the larger networks – so called “enabling technologies” – that were horizontal in nature, yet also broad with respect to the numbers of networks they could potentially support.

These enabling technologies are basically businesses that provide essential services to the new crop of web companies.

These are investments such as  Twilio  (a communications service),  MongoDB  (a database service),  Cloudflare  (a network and security service),  SiftScience  (fraud protection), and  Firebase  (a synchronization service). And a more recent investment –  Clarifai  (image and visual recognition service).

Then, roughly in the 2012 time frame, we also turned our attention to thinking about market-specific networks: networks in high-value niches that are differentiated and defensible, partially because they are domain-specific. These networks generally have more subtle or less obvious network effects, precisely because they involve something more specific and tight.

These often fall into specific categories – like education or learning ( Edmodo ,  Codecademy ,  Skillshare ,  Duolingo ,  Quizlet ,  Stack Exchange ), financial marketplaces ( Lending Club ,  Funding Circle ,  Circle Up ,  C2FO ) healthcare and medicine ( Figure 1 ,  Human DX ,  Clue ), science and engineering ( Science Exchange ,  SimScale ), the law ( Casetext ) and company ownership management ( eShares ).

These more subtle network effects also include platform shifts, such as mobile ( Amino ,  Figure 1  or  Duolingo ), venue shifts (enterprise security delivered in the cloud, such as  Cloudflare ), and data networks like  SiftScience , which delivers fraud protection by aggregating data points across thousands of domains.

Finally, and more recently we have been thinking and talking about the blockchain and bitcoin. When we analyze the network effects of the large internet platforms, it appears that part of their defensibility is through the centralization of data – user data, interaction data and transaction data.

We started to see that blockchains – by basically being a decentralized data layer – could over time erode those advantages.

So we turned the thesis to the exploration of services that could undermine larger networks by decentralizing the data asset that the large networks have. While this area is obviously early, we have made a handful investments in this decentralized layer including  Coinbase  (banking and brokerage),  OB1  (buy and sell marketplaces) and  Onename  (identity).

Finally, as infrastructure providers gravitate towards the applications layer, they are underinvesting in connectivity itself at a time when the demand is growing and new technologies are available. Inasmuch as the internet itself is an enabler of creation and creativity, we believe that businesses like  Veniam  (the “internet of moving things”) and one other unannounced investment we have made will be foundational layers for future generations of technology. So, we have also made a few investments in those telecommunications infrastructure companies with innovative technologies or business models (Access 2.0).

Importantly, the way in which we invest against this thesis is also cumulative – we don’t simply stop investing in any one area as we uncover other ones. It looks something like this, a chart of our active investments over time from 2004-present:

usv investment thesis

To capture this image into a current version of our investment thesis, we’ve reduced it again today to 140 characters.

This is USV, 2015:

As the market matures, we look for less obvious network effects, infrastructure for the new economy, and enablers of open decentralized data. — Andy Weissman (@aweissman)  December 15, 2015

Union Square Ventures Investment Thesis 3.0 (2018)

The commitment to a thesis is part of the fiber of USV–a shared set of ideas creates a framework that allows us to operate with focus and work on what matters most to our team. But what that thesis is has evolved over time and will continue to evolve. It reflects both a changing world as well as the shifting interests of our partnership. Recently, we have been working on its third iteration.

In its earliest days, USV started with a focus on the application layer of the web. The team quickly realized that network effects play a central role in all of these applications and Thesis 1.0 emerged: Invest in large networks of engaged users, differentiated by user experience, and defensible through network effects.  This post  breaks down the components, but the crux of this thesis involved primarily consumer focused businesses where the value of the service to a user increases as others use it, too. These network effects create defensibility and lead to scale.

This thesis drove USV’s investments in businesses such as Twitter, Etsy, Tumblr, Foursquare, Behance, and Kickstarter. It proved to be a productive filter and guidepost. But the success of businesses that benefited from network effects dominated consumer internet to a point where it became extremely difficult for new networks to emerge, which remains true today. As a result, USV revised the thesis to include 3 new buckets which Andy broke down in  this post . 1) Vertical networks and marketplaces such as those in financial services (e.g.  Lending Club ,  Funding Circle ,  CircleUp ,  Stash ); health and healthcare ( Nurx ,  Figure1 ,  Science Exchange ,  Clue ); education ( Duolingo ,  Quizlet ,  Tophat ,  Skillshare );  and ownership management ( Carta .) 2) The underlying technology of networks and emerging businesses (e.g.  MongoDB ,  Twilio ,  Cloudflare ,  Sift Science ,  Shippo ) 3) enablers of open and decentralized data which have the potential to counteract the centralizing force of the large internet networks. The last one is the root of USV’s blockchain portfolio  (e.g.  Coinbase ,  Blockstack ,  Algorand ,  CryptoKitties .)

Throughout these categories, a focus on companies that broaden access emerged as a common thread. This theme has become a driving force across the business models and sectors our portfolio covers. In education, for example, Duolingo allows users to learn new languages around the world, on their phones and from their couches, for free. In healthcare, Nurx creates new ability for consumers to access medical care at dramatically reduced cost. Coinbase makes an emerging asset class accessible to mass markets. Twilio allows developers anywhere to easily access the world’s voice and text communications infrastructure.

We believe we are still at the beginning of the opportunity to broaden access with the most critical implications ahead of us. As a result, we decided to revise our thesis into a third version:

USV backs trusted brands that broaden access to knowledge, capital, and well-being by leveraging networks, platforms, and protocols.

We think of knowledge, capital, and well-being as each encompassing multiple components. Knowledge includes education and learning, but also data driven insights and access to new ideas. With capital, we include financial capital from financial services innovation, whether in the current system or emerging financial platforms like crypto, but also human capital and technology infrastructure. And with well-being, we think about health and wellness, but also entertainment, connection, community, and fun.

The goal of these businesses is to build trusted brands–products and services that not only serve a purpose, but integrate into the hearts and minds of their customer in a way that is durable and important. Trust comes from true alignment and convincing the customer that their values and priorities are shared. The bar for this is higher than ever but the best businesses will continually meet it.

Many of our most recent investments fit in this thesis already, including  Stash , which is opening up high quality financial services products to new markets;  Algorand , which is creating a new scalable, decentralized currency and transaction platform; and  Flip , which is allowing users the freedom to move around without worrying about long leases by creating an open marketplace. But the new articulation will help us continue to use our thesis as a guide for our team in shaping our portfolio.

If you are an entrepreneur building a trusted brand that will broaden access in a new way, we would love to talk to you.

USV Climate Fund (2021)

At USV we  describe ourselves  as a “thesis-driven venture capital firm.” For our core fund, we have been investing against  Thesis 3.0  for some time. Over the last couple of years, we have been  developing a separate Climate Thesis , including making investments in companies such as  Leap  and  Wren .  We are excited to announce that we now have a $162 million Climate Fund specifically for that. Like our Opportunity Fund, this new Climate Fund will be managed by all the existing USV partners.

At the highest level, the Climate Thesis can be summarized as follows: The USV Climate Fund invests in companies and projects that provide mitigation for or adaptation to the climate crisis.

Mitigation is working on the causes of the climate crisis through either emissions reduction or drawdown of existing greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. Adaptation is working on the consequences of the climate crisis, such as increased risk of crop failure. Adaptation is part of the thesis in recognition that the climate crisis is not some distant future event but rather playing out in the here and now.

We will be breaking down this high-level thesis into specific ideas, much as we have done for Thesis 3.0. We will be publishing these as a series of blog posts going forward. The first such idea is using satellite imaging to enable high powered incentives for maintaining and improving forests (and eventually starting new ones). This idea has already resulted in an investment in  SilviaTerra , which we are also  announcing today .

The USV Climate Fund is a straight-up venture fund. We believe that decarbonizing the economy and dealing with past emissions (and their consequences), offers many opportunities for building important new companies that can produce venture type returns. The transformation of all aspects of the physical world over the coming decades will be on par with the changes brought about by digital technology. Unlike other USV funds which have focused primarily on bits, the Climate Fund will invest in both bits and atoms. Like our core funds, we will be targeting primarily Series A opportunities, which for us means something has been built that we can kick the tires on. That something can be as little as an early prototype and companies can definitely be pre-revenue.

We thank the limited partners who are trusting us with capital for this new thesis. And we are looking forward to backing entrepreneurs and teams working to help address the climate crisis.


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This position is part of the Office of Catalytic Investments (OCI), U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC). As the Vice President of Office of Catalytic Investments you will have overall responsibility for leading and managing the Office of Catalytic Investments of the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC).

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09/06/2024 to 10/04/2024

$147,649 - $221,900 per year

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  • Washington, DC 1 vacancy

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U.S. Citizens, Nationals or those who owe allegiance to the U.S.

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Open to the public Applicants that previously applied under Announcement # 24-OCI-DE-12192220-KL must reapply to receive consideration.

  • Drives development of a strategy for DFC's deployment of catalytic capital and targets.
  • Provides overall direction on DFC's catalytic capital strategy and updates to the strategy in accordance with U.S. Government priorities.
  • Develops relationships with companies, financial institutions, and foreign government officials.
  • Provides leadership and strategic direction to staff on the development of products and ensures they are fit-for-purpose to support stakeholder needs.
  • Drives development of a governance framework for DFC's deployment of catalytic capital.
  • Supports development and quality of catalytic capital guidelines, tools, and communication products.
  • Oversees investment activity for the office.
  • Works with investment teams to prioritize potential investment opportunities based on office strategy as well as sector strategies, Administration priorities, and feasibility of the project.
  • Proactively engages with internal colleagues and with external stakeholders to cultivate and advance new approaches and/or new application of DFC's products to address key development challenges and market failures. Advise on the development and implementation of selected approaches.
  • Serves as a member of DFC's senior leadership team and participates in the Agency's overall strategy development, goal setting and execution of Agency-wide priorities and initiatives.


Conditions of employment.

  • Must be a U.S. Citizen or National
  • Males born after 12-31-59 must be registered for Selective Service
  • Must submit resume and supporting documents (See How To Apply)
  • Suitability for Federal employment, as determined by a background investigation
  • May be required to successfully complete a probationary period
  • Selection may require completion of a one-year supervisory or managerial probationary period unless met during prior Federal service
  • Must be able to obtain and maintain a secret security clearance
  • Within 30 days of your start date, you will be required to file an Executive Branch Personnel Public Financial Disclosure Report (OGE-278)
  • This position will require foreign travel to developing countries


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You will be evaluated for this job based on how well you meet the qualifications above.

Applicants will be evaluated against the resume and mandatory qualification requirements. The candidate's experience will be reviewed in determining the degree to which he/she possesses each of the qualification requirements. You will not be considered for this position if you fail to submit qualification statements specifically addressing each mandatory technical qualification requirement. Failure to meet any of the Mandatory Qualifications standards will eliminate you from further consideration. A preliminary review will be made by Human Resources. Candidates may then be evaluated by a screening panel composed of a diverse mix of senior executives and/or general officers selected for organizational and/or functional backgrounds relevant to this position. The panel discusses each application and reaches consensus on the Highly Qualified candidates. Only the individuals in the Highly Qualified category will be referred to the hiring official for review.

As a new or existing federal employee, you and your family may have access to a range of benefits. Your benefits depend on the type of position you have - whether you're a permanent, part-time, temporary or an intermittent employee. You may be eligible for the following benefits, however, check with your agency to make sure you're eligible under their policies.

To apply for this position, you must provide a complete Application Package which includes:

  • Your Resume listing work schedule, hours worked per week, dates of employment (mm/yy) and duties performed.
  • Required Mandatory Technical Qualifications (MTQs ): Maximum 2 pages per MTQ.
  • Cover letter, optional

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The Federal hiring process is set up to be fair and transparent. Please read the following guidance.

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  • Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Policy
  • Financial suitability
  • New employee probationary period
  • Privacy Act
  • Reasonable accommodation policy
  • Selective Service
  • Signature and false statements
  • Social security number request

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