English Compositions

Short Essay on Importance of Outdoor Games [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

In today’s session, you will learn how to write short essays on the Importance Of Outdoor Games. There will be three sets of essays in this session, covering different word limits. 

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Short Essay on Importance of Outdoor Games in 100 Words

Playing outdoor games like cricket, football, basketball and badminton are known to benefit our physical and mental health. It improves blood flow, strengthens our muscles, improves our immunity and stamina, relaxes our body and mind, helps us stay focused and keeps us fit.

Playing outdoors also allows us to get some sunlight which in turn, helps the body produce vitamin D and strengthens our bones. Spending time in nature refreshes our mood and keeps us happy. Playing together with other people also teaches us social skills and helps us understand the meaning and value of team spirit, trust and working together as a unit. Outdoor games help in the overall growth and development of children and also keep people of all ages healthy. 

Short Essay on Importance of Outdoor Games in 200 Words

Today, with the advancement of technology, life has become easier and whatever we need is just a click away. This has made people adopt a sedentary lifestyle and they are reluctant to step out from the comfort of their homes.

People stay glued to their phones, computers and television screens all day long and they seem to have forgotten the joy of going out, playing outdoor games like cricket, hockey, football and badminton, and enjoying with real people. This sedentary lifestyle has resulted in people falling sick more often, lacking energy, lacking social skills and becoming distant from the people in their lives and social circles. 

Playing outdoor games is known to benefit our physical and mental health. It improves blood flow, strengthens our muscles, improves our stamina and immunity, provides relaxation to our body and mind, helps us stay focused and keeps our body weight in check.

Playing outdoors also gives us the opportunity to get some sunlight which in turn, helps the body produce vitamin D and strengthens our bones. Spending time in nature also refreshes our mood and keeps us happy. Playing together with other people also teaches us social skills and helps us understand the meaning and value of team spirit, trust and working together as a unit. 

Outdoor games are fun and help us stay healthy and fit. We all should take time out to go outdoors and play games. 

Short Essay on Importance of Outdoor Games in 400 Words

In today’s world, as technology has made connecting with each other and staying entertained so easy, people have adopted a sedentary lifestyle. Most people stay glued to their phones, computers or television screens all day long and hardly move around.

They seem to have forgotten the joy of going outdoors and playing games with their friends. This sedentary lifestyle has resulted in people falling sick more often, lacking energy and stamina, lacking social skills and becoming distant from the people in their lives and social circles. 

When we were kids, we used to go out every day, meet our friends and play games like cricket, badminton, football, volleyball, tennis, kho-kho and hide and seek. We ran behind each other, laughed crazily and enjoyed our time. Outdoor games kept us active and helped us stay fit and in good health. Today, with technology, our lifestyles have changed and we don’t find the motivation to engage in physical activities. This is something that is going to harm us in the long run. 

Playing outdoors also gives us the opportunity to get some sunlight which in turn, helps the body produce vitamin D and strengthens our bones. Spending time in nature also refreshes our mood and keeps us happy. It is observed that this can benefit people suffering from depression and other mental health issues as well. 

Children playing outdoor games learn new things and develop a problem-solving attitude. It helps in their overall growth and development. Playing together with other people also teaches us social skills and helps us understand the meaning and value of team spirit, trust and working together as a unit. 

Today, governments and private institutions everywhere are encouraging people to become physically more active as well as play outdoor games. More and more parks, grounds and stadiums are being built. Outdoor games are being promoted.

Doctors are advising people to go outside and play as well. It is one of the best things that we can do for ourselves. If one is interested and skilled in playing a certain game like cricket, hockey or football, one can even make that their career and become a professional player. Playing outdoor games is very important and we should encourage everyone to play. 

In this lesson today, I have adopted a very simplistic approach to writing these essays for a better understanding of all kinds of students. Still, if you have any doubts regarding this session, you can mention that in the comment section below. If you want to read more such important essays, keep browsing our website. 

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How to do IELTS

IELTS Essay: Outdoor Activities

by Dave | Real Past Tests | 7 Comments

IELTS Essay: Outdoor Activities

This is an IELTS writing task 2 sample answer essay from the real exam on the topic of outdoor activities.

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Some think that it is more important for children to engage in outdoor activities instead of playing videogames.

To what extent to you agree or disagree?

Many believe that children today play too many videogames and should instead spend more time outdoors. In my opinion, though the former diversion is more educational than in years past, the full scope of the latter makes it preferable.

Advocates of gaming point out their recent evolution. This goes beyond more realistic graphics and includes the topics and types of games now available. Many games today are essentially a cinematic experience, with fully realised characters and themes that rival other great works of art. In this way, games are as educational as more respected art forms such as novels and films. Moreover, not all games are passive. There are more and more games every year that require creative and logical thinking, such as puzzles and text based mysteries. The developers of the newest apps available for phones now take advantage of improving hardware to push forward the medium and engage the mind.

Nonetheless, the games mentioned above are the exceptions and the benefits of outdoor play are greater in general. The most obvious advantage is the effect on heath. The world is facing an obesity epidemic that is at least partly driven by more sedentary lifestyles centered around consumer electronics and gaming. Going outside is a natural antidote and can instill in children good habits that will promote a healthy life later. Additionally, outdoor activities offer the opportunity for children to engage in a social activity. Most games are, to varying degrees, an individual experience but playing with others outside will foster teamwork and improved interpersonal skills.

In conclusion, games can be worthwhile but they rarely have more value than going outside. It is therefore important that parents strive to limit children’s screen time.

1. Many believe that children today play too many videogames and should instead spend more time outdoors. 2. In my opinion, though the former diversion is more educational than in years past, the full scope of the latter makes it preferable.

  • Paraphrase the essay topic.
  • Write a clear opinion. Read more about introductions here.

1. Advocates of gaming point out their recent evolution. 2. This goes beyond more realistic graphics and includes the topics and types of games now available. 3. Many games today are essentially a cinematic experience, with fully realised characters and themes that rival other great works of art. 4. In this way, games are as educational as more respected art forms such as novels and films. 5. Moreover, not all games are passive. 6. There are more and more games every year that require creative and logical thinking, such as puzzles and text based mysteries. 7. The developers of the newest apps available for phones now take advantage of improving hardware to push forward the medium and engage the mind.

  • Write a clear topic sentence with your main idea at the end.
  • Explain your main idea.
  • Develop the idea.
  • Finish developing it.
  • Transition to a related idea.
  • Develop that idea.
  • Conclude with the furthest result/development.

1. Nonetheless, the games mentioned above are the exceptions and the benefits of outdoor play are greater in general. 2. The most obvious advantage is the effect on heath. 3. The world is facing an obesity epidemic that is at least partly driven by more sedentary lifestyles centered around consumer electronics and gaming. 4. Going outside is a natural antidote and can instill in children good habits that will promote a healthy life later. 5. Additionally, outdoor activities offer the opportunity for children to engage in a social activity. 6. Most games are, to varying degrees, an individual experience but playing with others outside will foster teamwork and improved interpersonal skills.

  • Write a new topic sentence with a new main idea at the end.
  • Use specific examples.
  • Develop them fully.
  • Add in a related idea.
  • Develop it.

1. In conclusion, games can be worthwhile but they rarely have more value than going outside. 2. It is therefore important that parents strive to limit children’s screen time.

  • Summarise your ideas and repeat your opinion.
  • Add a final thought. Read more about conclusions here .

What do the words in bold below mean?

Many believe that children today play too many videogames and should instead spend more time outdoors. In my opinion, though the former diversion is more educational than in years past , the full scope of the latter makes it preferable .

Advocates of gaming point out their recent evolution . This goes beyond more realistic graphics and includes the topics and types of games now available . Many games today are essentially a cinematic experience , with fully realised characters and themes that rival other great works of art. In this way , games are as educational as more respected art forms such as novels and films. Moreover , not all games are passive . There are more and more games every year that require creative and logical thinking , such as puzzles and text based mysteries . The developers of the newest apps available for phones now take advantage of improving hardware to push forward the medium and engage the mind .

Nonetheless , the games mentioned above are the exceptions and the benefits of outdoor play are greater in general . The most obvious advantage is the effect on heath. The world is facing an obesity epidemic that is at least partly driven by more sedentary lifestyles centered around consumer electronics and gaming. Going outside is a natural antidote and can instill in children good habits that will promote a healthy life later . Additionally , outdoor activities offer the opportunity for children to engage in a social activity . Most games are, to varying degrees , an individual experience but playing with others outside will foster teamwork and improved interpersonal skills .

In conclusion, games can be worthwhile but they rarely have more value than going outside. It is therefore important that parents strive to limit children’s screen time .

instead rather than

though despite

former diversion one mentioned before distraction

educational help you learn

in years past in the past

full scope entire range

the latter one mentioned last

preferable better

advocates supporters

point out argue

evolution changes

goes beyond passes

realistic graphics better images

now available out now

essentially fundamentally

cinematic experience like a movie

fully realised characters realistic characters

themes what the game wants to say/express

rival compare well with

in this way like this

educational helps you learn

more respected art forms highly revered arts

moreover also

passive not active

more and more increasing

creative expressive

logical thinking rational thinking

puzzles problems to solve

text based mysteries games based on writing

developers people who make games

take advantage exploit

improving hardware better phones, computers, etc.

push forward drive innovation

medium type of device

engage the mind must think about

nonetheless regardless

mentioned above written about before

exceptions outside the norm

greater in general larger overall

most obvious advantage clearest benefit

world is facing Earth is grappling with

obesity epidemic people getting fatter

at least partly driven by up to a point somewhat the source of

sedentary lifestyles not active

centered around have to do with

consumer electronics phones, computers, etc.

natural antidote clear remedy

instill teach

good habits good actions

promote a healthy life later be healthy throughout life

additionally also

offer the opportunity for allow for

engage in have to do with

social activity talking with others

to varying degrees to different extents

individual experience done alone

foster teamwork encourage working together

improved interpersonal skills better communication with others

worthwhile useful

rarely not often

therefore thus

strive try for

limit keep contained

screen time using phones, tablets, computers, etc.


ɪnˈstɛd   ðəʊ   ˈfɔːmə daɪˈvɜːʃən   ˌɛdju(ː)ˈkeɪʃənl   ɪn jɪəz pɑːst   fʊl skəʊp   ðə ˈlætə   ˈprɛfərəbl   ˈædvəkɪts   pɔɪnt aʊt   ˌiːvəˈluːʃən   gəʊz bɪˈjɒnd   rɪəˈlɪstɪk ˈgræfɪks   naʊ əˈveɪləbl ɪˈsɛnʃəli   sɪnəˈmætɪk ɪksˈpɪərɪəns   ˈfʊli ˈrɪəlaɪzd ˈkærɪktəz   θiːmz   ˈraɪvəl   ɪn ðɪs weɪ ˌɛdju(ː)ˈkeɪʃənl   mɔː rɪsˈpɛktɪd ɑːt fɔːmz   mɔːˈrəʊvə ˈpæsɪv mɔːr ænd mɔː   kri(ː)ˈeɪtɪv   ˈlɒʤɪkəl ˈθɪŋkɪŋ   ˈpʌzlz   tɛkst beɪst ˈmɪstəriz dɪˈvɛləpəz   teɪk ədˈvɑːntɪʤ   ɪmˈpruːvɪŋ ˈhɑːdweə   pʊʃ ˈfɔːwəd   ˈmiːdiəm   ɪnˈgeɪʤ ðə maɪnd ˌnʌnðəˈlɛs ˈmɛnʃənd əˈbʌv   ɪkˈsɛpʃənz   ˈgreɪtər ɪn ˈʤɛnərəl məʊst ˈɒbvɪəs ədˈvɑːntɪʤ   wɜːld ɪz ˈfeɪsɪŋ   əʊˈbiːsɪti ˌɛpɪˈdɛmɪk   æt liːst ˈpɑːtli ˈdrɪvn baɪ   ˈsɛdntəri ˈlaɪfˌstaɪlz   ˈsɛntəd əˈraʊnd   kənˈsjuːmər ɪlɛkˈtrɒnɪks   ˈnæʧrəl ˈæntɪdəʊt   ɪnˈstɪl   gʊd ˈhæbɪts   prəˈməʊt ə ˈhɛlθi laɪf ˈleɪtə əˈdɪʃənli ˈɒfə ði ˌɒpəˈtjuːnɪti fɔː   ɪnˈgeɪʤ ɪn   ˈsəʊʃəl ækˈtɪvɪti tuː ˈveəriɪŋ dɪˈgriːz , ˌɪndɪˈvɪdjʊəl ɪksˈpɪərɪəns   ˈfɒstə ˈtiːmwɜːk   ɪmˈpruːvd ˌɪntəˈpɜːsən(ə)l skɪlz ˈwɜːθˈwaɪl   ˈreəli   ˈðeəfɔː   straɪv   ˈlɪmɪt   skriːn taɪm

Vocabulary Practice

Remember and fill in the blanks:

Many believe that children today play too many videogames and should i________d spend more time outdoors. In my opinion, t__________h the f_______________n is more e____________l than i_____________t , the f___________e of t______________r makes it p_____________e .

A___________s of gaming p_________t their recent e___________n . This g________________d more r_________________s and includes the topics and types of games n__________________e . Many games today are e________________y a c______________________e , with f______________________s and t__________s that r______l other great works of art. I______________y , games are as e___________________l as m___________________s such as novels and films. M___________r , not all games are p____________e . There are m________________e games every year that require c___________e and l__________________g , such as p____________s and t_______________________s . The d______________s of the newest apps available for phones now t______________________e of i_____________________e to p_________________d the m____________m and e____________________d .

N______________s , the games m__________________e are the e_______________s and the benefits of outdoor play are g____________________l . The m______________________________e is the effect on heath. The w_________________g an o__________________c that is a________________________y more s_____________________s c___________________d c______________________s and gaming. Going outside is a n___________________e and can i__________l in children g_______________s that will p_____________________________r . A______________y , outdoor activities o________________________r children to e__________n a s_______________y . Most games are, t____________________s , an i____________________e but playing with others outside will f______________________k and i___________________________s .

In conclusion, games can be w_______________e but they r_________y have more value than going outside. It is t______________e important that parents s_________e to l_______t children’s s________________e .

Listening Practice

Listen below and use the activities in here to practice:

Reading Practice

Read more about this topic and practice with these ideas :


Speaking Practice

Practice with the following questions from the real IELTS speaking exam:

  • What sport do you like?
  • Do you prefer team or individual sports?
  • Who is your favourite sports star?
  • What is the most popular sport in your country?

Writing Practice

Write about this related topic and check with my sample answer:

Many feel that going to the gym is the best way to stay fit. Others think there are more effective methods.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer: Gym/Exercise (General Training)

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mohamad dar

Many believe that outdoor activities should be prioritized over videogames.In my opinion,although computer games boost creativity,outdoor hobbies enrich interpersonal relationships.

Proponents of gaming argue initiative concepts lying behind these entertainments as a superiority.One of these concepts relate to mind interference to solve dilemmas in the games.For example,when one plays call of duty game,he should concentrate on finding an appropriate way to pass sophisticated challenges to win the battle.Thus,both hemisphere work together and full brain efficiency is the following outcome.As most daily life activities require prompt reaction and games simulate real situation,so some reckon them as a positive trend.

Nonetheless,the games mentioned above are not comprehensive and the favorable effects of physical outdoor activities on communications are greater generally.Firstly,people have social instinct and lonliness is the consequence of devoting long hours infront of computers or mobile phones and playing.Researchers have shown that EQ, Emotional Quotient,plays the fundamental role in individuals prosperity.EQ is understanding and managing self and others emotion to communicate better with them.In addition,this capability is just achieved by increasing social connections through outdoor activities.Therefore,being fortune and prosperous would only be gained only if individuals invest in interpersonal relations by spending more time outdoors.

To sum up,having more outdoor activities in lieu of indoor ones are a greater contributor to achieve success.Hence,orienting children to socialize by participating in teamwork would definitely lead to desirable results.

Hi Dave,I haven’t mentioned ‘children’ in my introduction,does it make the whole essay off topic?

Hi,would you please guide me


I really like your style of teaching.


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Haha thanks!

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Essay On Outdoor Games – 10 Lines, Short and Long Essay

Essay On Outdoor Games – 10 Lines, Short and Long Essay

Key Points to Remember When Writing Essay on Outdoor Games 

10 lines on outdoor games, a paragraph on outdoor games, short essay on outdoor games, long essay on outdoor games, what will your child learn from outdoor games essay.

Writing an essay often takes us on a journey of discovery, allowing us to share our thoughts and feelings about a particular topic. Among these topics, the essay on outdoor games in English stands out for its rich content. Essays not only help us to express ourselves but also enrich our knowledge. Especially concerning outdoor games, it reminds us of our childhood, the golden days under the sun, and the many life lessons these games taught us. The benefits of  essay writing  are manifold, from enhancing our language skills to helping us introspect. When the topic is as riveting as outdoor games, it becomes a delightful experience.

When writing about the vibrant world of outdoor games, it’s crucial to hit the right notes to create a captivating and authentic narrative. Here are some key pointers to help you craft your outdoor game essay.

  • Understand the Importance:  First and foremost, recognise the significance of outdoor games in personal development and society. They’re not just about physical activity; they teach life values, perseverance, and teamwork.
  • Be Personal:  Sharing your own experiences can make your essay more relatable. Whether it’s the joy of scoring a goal or the disappointment of a missed opportunity, personal anecdotes bring life to your narrative.
  • Highlight the Benefits:  Emphasise the myriad advantages of participating in outdoor games, from physical health improvements to mental well-being and from team spirit to leadership skills.
  • Address Challenges:  While outdoor games offer many joys, it’s essential to address challenges as well. These could include issues like the over-commercialisation of sports or the lack of facilities in certain areas.
  • Incorporate History and Evolution:  Briefly touch upon the history and evolution of popular games. This adds depth and showcases the timelessness of human engagement with outdoor activities.
  • Use Vivid Descriptions:  Use your words to paint a picture. Describing the vibrant atmosphere of a playground or the tension of a match can make readers feel as if they are right there.
  • Include Varied Perspectives:  While your personal experiences are essential, consider adding insights from other players, coaches, or spectators to provide a rounded perspective.
  • Discuss the Societal Impact:  Delve into how outdoor games influence society, whether by fostering community ties, creating local heroes, or even boosting the economy in some cases.
  • Emphasise Lifelong Lessons:  Reiterate the life lessons outdoor games teach, such as resilience, dedication, patience, and the spirit of sportsmanship.
  • Conclude With a Personal Touch:  Wrap up your outdoor game essay with a reflective note. You could discuss the changing nature of outdoor games today or express hope for future generations to continue cherishing them.

Remember, every essay is a canvas for your thoughts. While these guidelines can help you follow the right direction, your unique voice and perspective will make your outdoor game essay truly stand out.

Outdoor games have long been the heartbeat of childhood memories and are a significant part of many people’s lives. They’re not just activities but experiences, lessons, and stories waiting to unfold. Here are a few lines that capture their essence and magic.

1. Outdoor games provide the perfect escape from our digital-driven lives, allowing us to connect with nature.

2. They instil qualities like teamwork, discipline, and resilience from a young age.

3. These games are an excellent way for children to enhance their physical fitness and agility.

4. Every outdoor game, such as soccer, cricket, or tennis, has its unique rules and charm.

5. Participating in them can lead to improved concentration and mental strength.

6. Outdoor games often act as social gatherings, fostering community ties and friendships.

7. They offer a break from the monotony of routine, filling one’s day with joy and excitement.

8. They also teach us about competition, determination, and the essence of fair play.

9. Celebrating victories and coping with game defeats prepares us for bigger life challenges.

10. Lastly, outdoor games remind us of the simple joys of life, laughter, and play, which often get overshadowed in adulthood.

With their enticing allure, outdoor games have shaped many of our fondest memories. They serve as a bridge connecting us to nature, to our peers, and even to our innermost selves. Let’s delve a bit deeper into their undeniable charm.

Outdoor games  are a beautiful blend of  physical activity , strategy, and camaraderie. Playing under the open sky, feeling the gentle breeze, or even the intense sun adds a unique dimension to the experience. These games are not just about winning or losing; they celebrate spirit, teamwork, and the sheer joy of participation. From casual weekend matches to intense neighbourhood tournaments, outdoor games bring communities together, fostering friendships and creating memories that last a lifetime. They are an integral part of our cultural tapestry, teaching us valuable life lessons while ensuring we have a good time.

Outdoor games are an age-old tradition that has been the cornerstone of many childhoods and cultural celebrations. Their significance stretches beyond physical activity, touching the realms of personal growth, societal bonding, and holistic development.

In a world increasingly dominated by screens and virtual interactions, outdoor games offer a refreshing respite. They allow children and adults alike to exercise their bodies, minds, and interpersonal skills. The sprawling fields become arenas where strategies are plotted, bonds are forged, and memories are etched. Games like football, cricket, and basketball are not just  sports ; they are platforms that teach teamwork, leadership, perseverance, and the essence of sportsmanship.

Moreover, outdoor games are instrumental in enhancing mental well-being. The sheer joy of playing in nature, under the vast expanse of the sky, has therapeutic qualities, helping reduce stress and anxiety. Communities come together to cheer for local teams or simply enjoy a friendly match in the park. In these moments, differences fade, replaced by a shared love for the game.

In conclusion, outdoor games are not just pastimes. They embody culture, passion, and life lessons. They remind us of the importance of staying active, being part of a community, and cherishing simple joys.

Outdoor games have been an essential aspect of human civilisation for centuries. They represent a tapestry of cultures, histories, and personal narratives. This essay explores the essence of outdoor games, their various types, and their numerous benefits.

What Are Outdoor Games?

As the name suggests, outdoor games are recreational activities primarily played in open spaces, fields, courts, or any designated playing area outdoors. Unlike  indoor games  that rely on boards or other small tools, outdoor games usually require more prominent space and involve physical activity. They are characterised by their ability to unite people in a communal setting and promote competition and cooperation.

Different Types of Outdoor Games

Different Types of Outdoor Games

There’s an incredible diversity in outdoor games, each with its distinct flavour and cultural significance.

  • Soccer (football):  Known as the ‘beautiful game’, soccer is played between two teams aiming to score goals by propelling a ball into the opposing team’s net. With over 270 million players worldwide, it’s arguably the world’s most popular sport.
  • Basketball:  Played on a rectangular court, players aim to shoot a ball through the opponent’s hoop while preventing the opposing team from doing the same. Its origins trace back to Dr. James Naismith in 1891.
  • Cricket:  Particularly popular in countries like India, Australia, and England, cricket involves two teams, one trying to score runs while the other bowls and fields, attempting to restrict the scoring and dismiss the players.
  • Tennis:  A racquet sport where players or pairs hit a ball over a net, trying to ensure the opponent cannot return it. Grand Slam tournaments like Wimbledon and the US Open are hugely popular worldwide.
  • Baseball:  Mainly played in the US and Japan, it involves two teams taking turns to bat and field. The batter aims to hit pitches and score runs while the fielding team tries to prevent this.
  • Rugby:  A team sport with two teams trying to carry or kick the ball over the end line or into goalposts. Known for its physical intensity, rugby has variations like Rugby Union and Rugby League.
  • Hockey:  Played on grass or turf, hockey involves teams using sticks to hit a ball into a net. Field hockey is widespread globally, while ice hockey dominates in countries like Canada and Russia.
  • Volleyball:  A game where two teams send a ball over a net, aiming to ground it on the other team’s side. It can be played on various surfaces, including sand, known as beach volleyball.

Benefits of Playing Outdoor Games

1. physical well-being.

Outdoor games promote physical health by enhancing cardiovascular stamina, muscular strength, flexibility, and coordination  (3) .

2. Mental Health

Playing outdoors reduces stress, anxiety, and depression. The combination of physical activity, sunlight, and social interaction acts as a mood elevator  (2) .

3. Life Skills

Outdoor games teach crucial skills like teamwork, leadership, patience, and perseverance. Their competitive nature also teaches players how to gracefully handle wins and losses.

4. Social Interaction

They act as a platform for social interaction, helping individuals forge friendships and understand teamwork. This is especially significant in a world increasingly dominated by screens  (4) .

5. Cultural Significance

Traditional outdoor games connect individuals to their roots and teach them about their heritage and traditions.

6. Connection with Nature

Playing outdoors provides an opportunity to connect with nature. It instils an appreciation for the environment and the importance of sustainability  (1) .

Delving into an essay about outdoor games will give your child a profound appreciation for these activities beyond just play. They will uncover the multifaceted benefits of outdoor games, from physical and mental well-being to the life skills and cultural insights they impart. Additionally, through this exploration, they will grasp the importance of maintaining a balanced lifestyle, blending the digital age’s conveniences with the age-old joys of playing under the open sky.

In essence, outdoor games are invaluable life lessons encapsulated in play, competition, and camaraderie moments. As we navigate the complexities of modern living, it’s crucial to instil in our children the enduring values and joys these games offer, ensuring a balanced and enriching life experience.


1. Playing outdoors; nidirect; https://www.nidirect.gov.uk/articles/playing-outdoors

2. Glassy. D, Tandon. P; Playing Outside: Why It’s Important for Kids; American Academy of Pediatrics; https://www.healthychildren.org/English/family-life/power-of-play/Pages/playing-outside-why-its-important-for-kids.aspx

3. Top 5 benefits of children playing outside; Sanford Health; https://news.sanfordhealth.org/childrens/play-outside/

4. McCarthy. C; 6 reasons children need to play outside; Harvard Health Publishing; https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/6-reasons-children-need-to-play-outside-2018052213880 ; October 2020

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essay about outdoor activities

Outdoor activities have a profound impact on our well-being. In this section, we’ll uncover the positive effects of immersing ourselves in nature. From the environmental benefits to the safety measures, we’ll explore the various aspects of outdoor activities that contribute to our overall health and happiness. So grab your gear and get ready to discover why venturing into the great outdoors is not only good for you but also for the environment.

Impact of the Outdoors

Time spent in nature has a great influence on people’s wellbeing. Taking part in outdoor activities gives many benefits, both physically and mentally. Studies have demonstrated that outdoor time can reduce the danger of long-term illnesses and lift mood, while decreasing stress. Plus, outdoor activities lead to better sleep quality. Who needs a therapist when you’ve got nature? Outdoor activities offer mental health advantages that even Freud couldn’t figure out.

Environmental Benefits of Outdoor Activities

Engaging in outdoor activities offers more than just personal benefits: they have environmental advantages too! By spending time outdoors, like camping, hiking, or walking in a park, we notice the natural beauty around us and develop a deeper understanding of the environment. Our commitment to conservation is also boosted, as is our determination to employ eco-friendly means of transport. As a result, air pollution and carbon emissions are reduced, which benefits both our health and our surroundings.

Moreover, outdoor activities help us grasp the intricate details of the natural world that can’t be found inside. By exploring different ecosystems, we get to witness the interconnectedness of all living things.

So why not take the plunge and enjoy all the positive aspects of the great outdoors? Not only do we benefit ourselves, but we also ensure that future generations can also appreciate our planet. Don’t be afraid of venturing out – the only thing more frightening than outdoor activities is missing out on them! Get out there and make a difference in your life and the health of our planet today.

Safety and Precautions for Outdoor Activities

Outdoor activities have lots of advantages for your wellbeing. So, safety must come first!

  • Prep is key. Research the place, check the weather and take the right gear.
  • Keep an eye out for hazards such as uneven ground, slippery surfaces and wild animals.
  • Obey any rules or regulations from authorities or organisations.

Safety must be a priority when enjoying outdoor activities. Be prepared, aware and follow the rules. This will reduce the risks and give you all the benefits! Ready to ditch the gym? Get your dose of vitamin D and fresh air with outdoor activities!

Physical Health Benefits of Outdoor Activities

Engaging in outdoor activities has numerous physical health benefits. In this section, we will explore how outdoor activities can help reduce the risk of chronic illnesses, boost mood and reduce stress, and improve sleep quality. The benefits associated with these activities provide compelling reasons to incorporate them into our daily lives, contributing to our overall well-being and vitality.

Reduce Chronic Illness Risk

Outdoor activities like hiking, jogging, and cycling have been found to lower the risk of chronic illnesses. They also help maintain good physical health.

  • Cardiovascular exercises reduce the chance of diseases such as heart disease, stroke or diabetes.
  • Natural sunlight provides Vitamin D, which can help prevent osteoporosis, multiple sclerosis, and some types of cancer.
  • Fresh air and natural environment help reduce exposure to indoor air pollutants which can cause respiratory diseases such as asthma or allergies.

It is important to include outdoor activities in everyday life to benefit from them. Safety measures should be taken to ensure a safe experience, like wearing protective gear, staying hydrated and being aware of any potential hazards.

Boosts Mood and Reduces Stress

Outdoor activities can lift your mood and reduce stress levels. Studies have shown that being outside can make you happier and calmer, and lessen anxiety and depression . The fresh air, physical activity, and natural environments all contribute to these effects. Plus, taking a break from everyday life and immersing yourself in nature’s beauty can give you a sense of escape and tranquility.

Outdoor activities provide a break from normal pressures. The natural setting relaxes, so it’s good for stress relief . Take a walk in the park, go for a hike, or do yoga on the beach. Disconnect from screens, noises, and distractions.

Mood-boosting physical activity is another way outdoor activities reduce stress. Exercise releases endorphins – feel-good chemicals in the brain. So get outside and walk, jog, cycle, or play sports . Natural sunlight helps create vitamin D , which is linked to better mental health.

Outdoor activities help your sleep too. Enjoy the benefits of nature !

Improved Sleep Quality

Benefits of outdoor activities include better sleep quality. Nature’s calming effects relax and reduce stress, promoting deeper sleep. Sunlight during the day helps regulate the body’s clock, leading to better sleep patterns. Being active in the outdoors tires the body, helping you drift off faster. Plus, the fresh air and oxygen in nature can improve respiratory health, boosting overall sleep quality.

Disconnect from tech and step outside – outdoor activities help break the cycle of poor sleep. Though it takes time, consistency is key. Many have found relief from sleep issues after embracing outdoor activities such as evening walks or starry sky camping trips. Research continues to explore the connection between outdoor activities and sleep, and many report positive experiences. Nature is the ultimate therapist – no couch needed!

Mental Health Benefits of Outdoor Activities

Engaging in outdoor activities has a profound impact on our mental health. In this section, we will explore the specific mental health benefits that outdoor activities offer. From reducing depression and anxiety to alleviating stress and improving overall mental wellness, these activities have the potential to enhance our well-being. Let’s dive into the evidence-backed facts and findings that highlight the positive effects of outdoor activities on our mental health.

Reduce Depression and Anxiety

Incorporating outdoor activities into one’s routine can be an effective way to reduce depression and anxiety symptoms . Hiking, gardening, and spending time in a park can provide tranquility and peace. Natural surroundings, fresh air, and sunlight can have a calming effect on the mind. This improves mental well-being .

Physical exercise during outdoor activities triggers the release of endorphins . These are “feel-good” hormones . They can improve mood and reduce stress. This can help reduce depression and anxiety.

Being outdoors allows individuals to disconnect from technology and stressors . This break from constant connectivity can give the mind a much-needed rest. This can help reduce depression and anxiety.

In conclusion, self-care by engaging in outdoor activities can have a positive impact on mental health. Taking the time to connect with nature and incorporate these experiences into one’s routine can reduce depression and anxiety symptoms. This improves overall well-being.

Reduce Stress and Improve Mental Wellness

Outdoor activities can reduce stress and boost mental wellness . They help people relax and escape from the pressures of technology. Plus, the calming natural environment can ease stress and anxiety.

Walking in the park, going for a hike, or sitting by a lake or beach can give a sense of peace. Furthermore, it allows them to focus on the present moment, improve concentration, and enhance overall mental well-being .

Moreover, outdoor activities often involve social interactions. Joining outdoor clubs or playing team sports provide chances for connection and socializing. These can boost mood, decrease loneliness or isolation, and increase overall happiness.

In conclusion, outdoor activities are an effective way to reduce stress and improve mental wellness . Spending time in nature helps people find solace from the pressures of daily life, while enjoying the benefits of being outdoors.

Social Benefits of Outdoor Activities

Engaging in outdoor activities offers a range of benefits for well-being, particularly in terms of social connections. In this section, we will explore how outdoor activities enhance social interactions, fostering meaningful connections and a sense of community. Discover how spending time outdoors can promote social well-being and create opportunities for camaraderie, collaboration, and shared experiences.

Enhance Social Interactions

Engaging in outdoor activities offers the chance to socialize and build relationships. These activities provide a platform to meet people with similar interests, creating camaraderie and belonging.

  • Hikes or team sports encourage teamwork, allowing individuals to form bonds with peers.
  • Fitness classes or yoga offer an environment to meet new people and make connections.
  • Outdoor events bring people together, inspiring social engagement.
  • Exploring nature with friends or family promotes quality time, strengthening communication and relationships.
  • Outdoor recreational activities create shared experiences and lifelong memories.
  • Volunteering for environmental conservation connects like-minded people who are passionate about making a positive change.

These interactions bring enjoyment and personal growth. By participating in outdoor activities that involve socializing, individuals can develop interpersonal skills, gain confidence, and expand their network.

Connecting with others through outdoor activities brings communities closer, fostering unity and purpose. It allows people to talk, exchange ideas, learn from each other, and make friends. This enhances society by promoting inclusivity, empathy, and cooperation.

Seeking opportunities to socialize outdoors provides countless rewards. Whether joining a hiking club or attending outdoor community events, being proactive in connecting with others while enjoying nature can lead to a more fulfilled life. So go outside, connect, and experience the joy of socializing!

Take a break from therapy and just go for a hike in the fresh air instead!

Engaging in outdoor activities has numerous benefits for our overall well-being. In this section, we will delve into the environmental advantages of these activities, specifically focusing on how they allow us to connect with nature. By immersing ourselves in the beauty of the outdoors, we can reap the rewards of improved mental health, enhanced physical fitness, and a deeper appreciation for the natural world around us. So, let’s explore the ways in which outdoor activities provide us with an enriching and transformative experience in nature.

Connect with Nature

Connecting with nature is a key part of outdoor activities that brings numerous benefits to overall wellbeing. It enables individuals to immerse themselves in the beauty and calmness of the natural world, fostering a deeper understanding of their environment. One can achieve this connection through various activities, such as hiking, camping, or simply spending time in parks or natural reserves.

  • Spending time outdoors allows people to disconnect from the fast-paced modern world and reconnect with nature.
  • Engaging with nature provides a sense of peacefulness and promotes relaxation, reducing stress and bettering mental health.
  • Nature’s sights, sounds, and smells have been found to improve mood, increasing happiness and emotional well-being.
  • Connecting with nature also has physical benefits, as it encourages physical activity and provides exposure to sunlight, which supports healthy vitamin D levels.
  • Exploring natural landscapes can enhance one’s awareness and understanding of environmental conservation, leading to more sustainable lifestyles.

In addition, connecting with nature stimulates the senses. Individuals can experience the colors of flowers, the sound of waterfalls, the touch of soil under their feet, and even the taste of freshly picked berries. This can evoke a feeling of amazement and joy.

To fully connect with nature, one can engage in mindfulness activities such as sitting quietly by a river or under a tree. Watching wildlife or meditating in natural surroundings further deepens this connection. By immersing oneself in nature without distractions, one can benefit from its healing effects and find solace.

For connecting with nature, one can set aside regular time for outdoor activities like hiking or gardening. This allows individuals to form a routine that prioritizes their connection with nature. Additionally, actively seeking out new environments like national parks or nature reserves can provide varied experiences and expand one’s knowledge of different ecosystems. Engaging in activities that promote environmental conservation, such as beach cleanups or tree planting events, not only encourages a connection with nature but also helps preserve it.

By taking advantage of the opportunity to connect with nature, individuals can benefit from its numerous positive effects on wellbeing. From improving mental and physical health to fostering a sense of environmental stewardship, this connection with nature enhances lives and encourages a deeper appreciation for the world around us. Remember to wear sunscreen to avoid getting too much sun.

Outdoor activities can be lots of fun, but safety must always come first! Here are five tips to help you stay safe:

  • 1. Learn the environment: Research the location beforehand. Check the terrain, weather and wildlife.
  • 2. Wear the right gear: Use the right gear and clothing for the activity and weather. Wear a helmet, protective gear and proper shoes.
  • 3. Stay hydrated and fed: Bring enough water and snacks to keep your energy up. Dehydration and lack of nutrition can cause fatigue and accidents.
  • 4. Plan and communicate: Let someone know your plans. Stick to paths and trails to avoid getting lost.
  • 5. Be prepared: Carry a basic first aid kit and learn how to give first aid. Know how to respond to an emergency, like calling for help or doing CPR.

Safety is key for outdoor activities. Following these tips can make your outdoor experience safer and more enjoyable.

Popular Outdoor Activities for Well-being

Outdoor activities are known for their positive impacts on well-being. Engaging in them not only helps maintain physical fitness, but boosts mental health too. Spending time in nature and doing outdoor activities has many advantages and contributes to overall well-being.

Exploring nature: Hikes, nature walks, or camping trips can provide a sense of peace. Seeing the beauty of the natural environment and breathing in the fresh air can calm the mind and lower stress.

Outdoor sports and recreational activities: Cycling, swimming, or playing frisbee are great for physical health and promote fulfillment and happiness. Doing these popular outdoor activities lets people enjoy the outdoors while improving overall well-being.

Gardening and nature-related hobbies: Gardening or birdwatching or photography can have a good effect on well-being. These activities let individuals connect with nature, increasing relaxation and mental health.

Mindfulness in natural environments: Practicing yoga or meditation outdoors helps connect with oneself and the surroundings. Doing mindfulness exercises in outdoor settings centers individuals and brings inner peace.

Outdoor group activities: Team sports, group hikes, or outdoor fitness classes promote physical fitness and a sense of community. Doing these popular outdoor activities can raise self-esteem and overall well-being.

Adventure and thrill-seeking activities: Rock climbing, kayaking, or zip-lining create excitement and an adrenaline rush. These activities let people step out of their comfort zones, promoting personal growth and well-being.

Outdoor activities also improve problem-solving, teamwork, and leadership skills. Plus, they offer a break from technology-driven lives, allowing individuals to reconnect with the natural world and form lasting memories.

Therefore, outdoor activities are beneficial for well-being and a healthier lifestyle.

Tips for Incorporating Outdoor Activities into Daily Life

Incorporating outdoor activities into daily life can have amazing perks for wellbeing . Not only does it provide physical exercise, but it also helps with mental and emotional wellbeing. Time in nature can reduce stress, raise mood, and sharpen cognitive function . Plus, outdoor activities can enhance socializing and deepen connection to nature. Here are a few tips:

  • Take regular walks or jogs around your neighborhood or local park. This helps get fresh air, stretch your legs, and clear your mind.
  • Find outdoor hobbies or sports that you enjoy. This could be hiking, cycling, gardening, or playing a team sport. It will make outdoor time more enjoyable and sustainable.
  • Set goals and challenges. For instance, explore new hiking trails or ride a certain distance on your bike each week. This adds excitement and motivation.
  • Make outdoor activities a social event. Invite friends or family members to join you for a walk or picnic. This will enhance relationships and make outdoor activities more fun.
  • Take advantage of outdoor spaces during work or study breaks. Instead of staying indoors, step outside to get fresh air and stretch. This improves focus and productivity.

Remember, everyone’s preferences and schedules differ. Therefore, find outdoor activities that fit your interests and lifestyle. Incorporating outdoor activities into your daily routine can bring nature’s benefits to your wellbeing.

Also, take extra steps to enrich your outdoor experience. Explore parks, forests, or beaches for variety. Disconnect from technology to fully immerse yourself in nature. Incorporating outdoor activities into daily life can significantly boost your wellbeing. By following these tips and finding outdoor activities that resonate with you, you can prioritize your health and happiness. So go out and make the most of the great outdoors!

Incorporating outdoor activities into one’s lifestyle can have various benefits on overall well-being. Research has displayed that engaging in outdoor activities has a positive effect on mental health, physical health, and life satisfaction . Spending time in nature has been linked to reduced levels of stress and anxiety, improved mood, enhanced cognitive function, and more physical exercise . It offers an opportunity to disconnect from technology and daily life, allowing individuals to recharge and revitalize. Plus, outdoor activities encourage social interaction and connect individuals with their natural environment, promoting a sense of belonging and connectedness. These findings indicate the importance of incorporating outdoor activities into one’s lifestyle to enhance overall well-being.

Incorporating outdoor activities into one’s daily routine can have substantial benefits. Research suggests that being in natural environments can improve mental health by reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety. Nature allows individuals to experience a sense of peacefulness, which can lead to improved mood and overall wellbeing. The sights, sounds, and smells of nature provide a soothing effect, helping people relax and reduce stress levels. Additionally, engaging in outdoor activities often involves physical activity, which has been associated with numerous health advantages. Regular physical activity can improve cardiovascular health, strengthen muscles and bones, and reduce the risk of chronic ailments. By engaging in outdoor activities, individuals can enjoy the benefits of both nature and physical activity, leading to improved well-being.

In addition to the mental and physical advantages, outdoor activities offer unique opportunities for personal growth and self-reflection. Nature gives a background for individuals to ponder their lives, set objectives, and gain a deeper understanding of themselves. Outdoor activities such as hiking or camping can challenge individuals both physically and mentally, developing resilience and personal progress. Moreover, being in nature allows individuals to appreciate the beauty of the natural world, cultivating a sense of admiration and gratitude. This connection to nature has been revealed to upgrade overall well-being and promote a sense of environmental stewardship. Overall, engaging in outdoor activities not only enhances mental and physical well-being but also provides opportunities for personal growth and a stronger connection to the natural world.

To sum up, incorporating outdoor activities into one’s lifestyle is key to improving overall well-being. The research supports the many benefits that outdoor activities have on mental health, physical health, and life satisfaction. Spending time in nature allows individuals to disconnect from technology and daily demands, leading to decreased stress and increased revitalization. Furthermore, outdoor activities promote social interaction and a sense of belonging, fostering a closer connection with the natural environment. Being in natural environments improves mental health by reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety, while physical movement improves physical well-being. Outdoor activities also offer opportunities for personal growth, reflection, and a sense of awe and gratitude towards the natural world. By incorporating outdoor activities into one’s lifestyle, individuals can improve their mental, physical, and overall well-being.

Some Facts About The Benefits of Outdoor Activities for Well-being:

  • ✅ Spending time outdoors in nature can improve both physical and mental health. (Source: Team Research)
  • ✅ Sunlight can improve sleep and help ease depression symptoms. (Source: Team Research)
  • ✅ Exercising in green spaces can make physical activity more enjoyable and provide opportunities for socializing. (Source: Team Research)
  • ✅ Exposure to microorganisms in nature can help strengthen the immune system. (Source: Team Research)
  • ✅ Regular time spent outdoors, especially in nature, can improve physical and emotional wellness and strengthen the bond with the natural world. (Source: Team Research)

FAQs about The Benefits Of Outdoor Activities For Well-Being

What are the benefits of outdoor activities for well-being.

Engaging in outdoor activities has numerous benefits for both physical and mental well-being. Spending time in nature can improve physical health by boosting the immune system, reducing the risk of respiratory concerns, and promoting an active lifestyle. It also provides mental health benefits such as reducing stress, fighting depression and anxiety, improving mood and self-esteem, and allowing the mind to rest and practice mindfulness.

How does spending time outdoors benefit cardiovascular disease?

Being outdoors and participating in physical activities in nature can have positive effects on cardiovascular health. Outdoor exercise, with its fresh air and green environment, improves sleep quality, reduces stress levels, cortisol levels, and muscle tension, all of which are risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Additionally, access to green spaces motivates people to exercise more, leading to higher levels of fitness and overall improved health.

Can outdoor activities help in reducing the effects of intrusive stimuli while social distancing?

Yes, outdoor activities can be beneficial in reducing the effects of intrusive stimuli, particularly during social distancing measures. The natural environment puts your mind at ease and provides a mental and emotional refuge from the indoor world. Spending time outdoors in nature, away from the distractions of flat-screen TVs and indoor noise, allows your mind to rest and decompress, promoting relaxation and improved focus.

How do outdoor activities contribute to a reduced risk of mental illness?

Engaging in outdoor activities, especially in green spaces, has been shown to reduce the risk of mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety. The combination of being in nature, getting direct sunlight, and engaging in physical exercise helps fight depression and anxiety. Studies have demonstrated improvements in mood and self-esteem, as well as faster psychological stress recovery, among individuals who spend time in nature.

What are the benefits of outdoor green spaces for communities?

Outdoor green spaces offer numerous benefits to communities. They reduce environmental stressors like air pollution, noise, and heat, benefiting the health of all community members. Access to nature promotes social connection, bringing people together and improving relationships. Green spaces also have positive effects on neighborhood crime rates, with cleaning and greening vacant city lots leading to reduced crime and decreased feelings of depression among nearby residents.

How does spending time in nature contribute to the overall wellness of individuals?

Spending time in nature supports overall wellness by benefiting both the mind and body. It increases life expectancy, improves sleep quality, reduces the risk of diseases such as cancer, and strengthens mental capacities such as focus and attention. Additionally, nature provides a venue for social connection and brings communities together. Engaging in outdoor activities contributes to an active lifestyle and helps individuals maintain their physical and mental well-being.

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Research Highlights Importance of Outdoor Activity and Connection to Nature

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A new publication by NCSU graduate student Brent Jackson and SE CASC Faculty Affiliates Lincoln Larson , Nils Peterson , Erin Seekamp , and Kathryn Stevenson was recently published in the journal, Sustainability. This publication, Connection to Nature Boosts Adolescents’ Mental Well-Being during the COVID-19 Pandemic , summarizes research by the SE CASC’s Southeast Conservation Adaptation Strategy Working Group . The following news release was written by Laura Oleniacz for the NC State News website and can be viewed here . 

Outdoor Activity Tied to Mental Health of Teens, Young Adults During COVID-19 Pandemic

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Essay on Adventure | Adventure Essay for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on Adventure: Adventures are some of the moments in life, which makes our heart pump faster and gives us the feeling of being alive and full. It is an exciting experience very different from our normal daily routine. The adventure also brings with it a certain amount of risk. It brings thrill with it, and we can feel the wind rushing. Some people love adventures and live for them. Others use it as a means of escape from their normal lives. Whatever be the reason, adventure makes people feel great about being able to live those moments.

Activities like horse riding, bungee jumping, river rafting, parasailing, skiing, kayaking, paragliding, mountain climbing, freefalls etc. are called adventure activities. All of these activities also have a risk factor, but that is what makes them exciting. Adventure activities must be done under expert supervision, which will keep you safe in case of any emergency situation. Everyone should indulge in some adventure activity in their lives because we only live once.

Given below are short and long essays on an adventure for students where we cover every aspect of the topic. The essays are written in English in a simple manner. We have provided 200, 400 and 600 words essay on adventure activities. These essays will give you all the necessary and relevant information you need about adventure.

You can also find more  Essay Writing  articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Long and Short Essays on Adventure for Students and Kids in English

We provide children and students with essay samples on a long essay of 500 words and a short essay of 150 words on the topic “Adventure” for reference.

Short Essay on Adventure 250 Words in English

Short Essay on Adventure is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Adventure is defined as any activity which excites you and brings you a thrill. These activities make you feel alive, and you can feel your heart beating like crazy. For a moment everything slows down and in that single moment, lies the real adventure about adventure. People like to add adventure activities in their lifestyle because it is a natural stress buster and makes you feel good. Some people have a knack for exploration, and they try to fulfil their wishes of exploring the world and actively participate in adventurous activities.

Adventurous activities have its thrill and risks. When we face fear, we are given an opportunity to overcome them. Those who win over their fears, win over themselves. Adventure helps in eliminating this fear from our lives and makes us more willing to accept challenges. It makes us physically and mentally strong. When we take part in any adventure activity, it tells us a lot about ourselves as well. Activities like camping, rock climbing, paragliding make us feel one with nature. They also teach us how to become self-reliant. It provides us with the opportunity to be able to learn some skills we might need if we ever face any emergency situation.

Any activity which excites us, makes us feel alive and has a thrill to it is defined as an adventure. Adventurous activities bring a fresh flavour to our lives and make us feel good emotionally and physically. The experience is the one which actually makes adventure what it is. It’s not only about the end of the summit but also the tough climb which challenges us and tells us how important every step in our lives is.

The adventure tourism industry is becoming popular year by year as more and more people are attracted to the thrill and adrenaline rush it brings. Adventure activities were previously a bit confined to the wealthy only, but now with the advancements in the industry, more and more people can afford it. It’s not cheap, but it’s worth every penny you spend on it. Also, with the growth of the industry, the people involved in it also improve their lives. It is essential to have an adventure in our lives. Without it, our lives would be so much less exciting. Imagine how dull life would be if nothing excited you any more or you could do nothing that excites you or feel good about yourself.

To be able to shelve off these shackles of stress, adventure activity bring the much-needed change in our lives. We start looking at life from a better perspective when we experience something we have never experienced before. Outdoor adventures are the best type of adventurous activities where we feel in unison with nature. With the evolution of mankind and cities. The natural ambience brings with a fresh change of scenery then the normal buildings, roads and cars. We all should try adventure activities at least once in our lives.

Adventure activities also include amusement parks which feature big rides that are fun and exciting. Adventure activities also help in improving our overall stamina and endurance. When we work out our body, we are burning calories and making the body work harder, which also keeps us away from lifestyle diseases. Adventure is good for both mind, body and soul, but we all should be careful when planning them. We should always make safety our first priority because nobody would want any mishappening during any activity. Make sure that all safety measures are in place, and an expert is available to help if required. Once safety is ensured, enjoy all you can but always be aware of your surrounding and the people around you. In case of emergency act quickly if you are in a position to help.

Long Essay on Adventure 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Adventure is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

The first time we are in an adventure activity, we all might feel that this is a bad decision, but adventure makes our life complete. Our lives feel empty without excitement, thrill and adventure. We all need it, and we all should have some of it while we can. Adventure activity can also be the much-needed change in your life. It can fill you with a lot of positive energy and a fresh perspective about life. With this newfound self, you are bound to perform well in your profession. When we feel good about ourselves, we think good thought and everyone else around us also feel good, and that is what adventure gives us.

Also, we get to meet tons of new people and make strong bonds with them. We all should realise that life is a one-time adventure and we should fill it with moments of as many as adventures we can. During present times, it is often very difficult to take time out of your schedule to go out on adventures, but we would be missing on so much fun if we do that. We all should try any adventure activity at least once. The first time is the most fun as it is the first time we are the most nervous, we are filled with fear, but as soon as the fresh air hits our faces head-on, that fear just vanishes, and we feel so much more alive and thankful that we decided to do it.

Adventure activities often are planned, but sometimes life hits us with unexpected surprises, and we should be ready for them. The adventure experience is very important. When we are planning any activity, we should be a bit thorough. We should all comply with safety measures always because they are for our safety in the case of any emergency situation. It is very much the case that in high-risk activities often there are experts who are there to make the experience less risky and more enjoyable for you. You should trust the experts and comply with whatever he/she says but being careful on your part would do you no harm.

Adventure activities include paragliding, in which you are glide down from a high point, usually a mountain and come down to the ground enjoying the beautiful scenes in between. Rock climbing is a test o strength and agility. You have to hold on to minor crevices and make your way up. Cycling is a great adventure sport that tests your endurance and challenges you to go beyond your limits. Wildlife safari brings you as close a possible to the wild. You can enjoy the animals in their natural habitat. During river rafting, you find yourself taming treacherous waters. You have to keep rowing to keep your balance which tests your strength and helps you overcome your fear. Hiking is a completely different experience in itself. You have to find your way through mountains, camp in the nights, cook your own food ad live in small tents. Adventure activities also include mountain climbing, kayaking, zip-lining, bungee jumping, scuba diving, canoeing, snowboarding and exploring.

Adventure sports are risky, but that is what brings the thrill. You get to enjoy the marvels of nature in their real essence. The adventure tourism is now a multi-billion dollar industry as more and more people are being attracted towards it. As the sport becomes more affordable, it is bound to continue its growth. This will also improve the conditions of people associated with adventure activities. Taking part in any adventure activity will teach you how to overcome your fears and obstacles by going through them. Adventure has life lessons embedded deeply in its experience and we should embrace them with open arms and a clear mind.

Adventure Essay Conclusion

Adventure activities help us realise that life is to be lived, and we are blessed with an opportunity to live a life full of adventure daily. We should do at least one thing every day, which excites us. Every day we are given an opportunity to live life to the fullest, and it is on us as to how we spend our everyday. We all should take part in any adventure activity once in our life to realise how fun and exciting they actually are. Adventurous activities also teach us life lessons, and we should learn them the fun way. The essays are written in a simple language and to improve understanding.

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Essay on Outdoor Games

Students are often asked to write an essay on Outdoor Games in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Outdoor Games

Importance of outdoor games.

Outdoor games are essential for overall development. They help in improving physical health, boosting mental strength, and enhancing social skills.

Types of Outdoor Games

There are various types of outdoor games like football, cricket, basketball, and hide and seek. These games require physical activity and teamwork.

Benefits of Outdoor Games

Outdoor games help in building stamina, improving concentration, and developing leadership skills. They also provide an opportunity to enjoy nature.

Outdoor games are fun and beneficial. They are an integral part of a balanced lifestyle and should be encouraged among students.

250 Words Essay on Outdoor Games


Outdoor games are an integral part of human life, offering a perfect blend of physical exercise and recreational activity. They foster social interaction, teamwork, and a spirit of competitiveness.

The Importance of Outdoor Games

Outdoor games are crucial for maintaining physical health. They help in building strength, improving coordination, and boosting cardiovascular health. Apart from physical benefits, they also promote mental well-being. They can reduce stress, improve mood, and enhance cognitive abilities.

The Social Aspect

Outdoor games are inherently social. They involve interaction and cooperation with others, which can help in developing communication skills and understanding the importance of teamwork. These games also teach about competition and how to handle both victory and defeat gracefully.

Outdoor Games in a Digital Age

In the digital age, the popularity of outdoor games is waning as people, especially youngsters, are increasingly drawn towards electronic gadgets. This shift has significant implications for physical and mental health. Hence, there is a need to promote outdoor games and highlight their benefits.

In conclusion, outdoor games hold immense value in our lives. They are not just a source of entertainment but also provide various health benefits and life skills. Despite the digital distractions, it is crucial to encourage outdoor games to ensure a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

500 Words Essay on Outdoor Games

The significance of outdoor games, physical benefits.

Outdoor games are a natural way to exercise. They engage multiple muscle groups, improving overall fitness, strength, and coordination. Whether it’s a game of soccer that boosts cardiovascular health, or a round of golf that enhances precision and concentration, each outdoor game has unique physical benefits. Regular participation in these games can reduce the risk of obesity, heart disease, and other health-related issues.

Social Advantages

Outdoor games are often played in teams, promoting social interaction. These games require cooperation, teamwork, and communication, which are essential skills in building strong social relationships. They also provide an opportunity to learn sportsmanship, respect for others, and how to handle both victory and defeat gracefully.

Cognitive Development

Mental well-being, challenges and solutions.

Despite these benefits, the prevalence of outdoor games is decreasing. Increased screen time, urbanization, and safety concerns are some of the factors contributing to this decline. However, it’s crucial to address these challenges. Schools and communities can play a significant role by providing safe play areas and promoting outdoor games as part of a balanced lifestyle. Parents and educators can encourage children to balance screen time with outdoor play.

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Compare & Contrast Essay: Outdoor Activities Vs. Playing Video Games

Video games are often under fire from publicity-hungry senators who want to pander to the older generation. However, as time goes by the people who enjoy video games now will soon be in power. But, until that day we are forced to question whether video games and outdoor activities should be compared and contrasted. This essay compares and contrasts outdoor activities.

Video games

Video games are not designed to burn off a lot of energy. They are not aerobic in any way, nor are they able to increase physical fitness.

Video games are able to stimulate intellect and help to teach people how to focus on one task for hours on end. It gives a psychological reward for extended concentration and effort.

Video games stimulate the competitive urge in people, making them more amenable to real-world competition. Competition is healthy and therefore it is a good thing to stimulate it as much as possible.

Video games force people to use logic and other problem solving elements of their mind. This helps them to become slightly more proficient at problem solving in real life.

Video games help people to come to terms with being on their own for long periods. This is healthy as people who are over dependant on human interaction are often mal adjusted when it comes to independence and having their own direction in life.

Outdoor activities

Outdoor activities are aerobic, even if a person simply takes up walking. This means that energy is burnt off which helps to increase physical fitness.

Outdoor activities are not really set up to help a person concentrate. In fact, they often involve allowing the mind to wander, as this is often part of the relaxing element involved with outdoor activities.

Outdoor activities that involve games are just as competitive as video games, and so are good for people on a psychological level. Encouraging healthy competition is what helps people strive to be better.

Outdoor activities do not stimulate logic and problem solving elements in the mind, but does stimulate spatial and lateral thinking elements in the brain. It also helps to build mind to body coordination, whereas video games only stimulate hand-to-eye coordination.

Outdoor activities are far more social than video games, which means they help people to become more sociable. They make it easier for people to come together in groups and take part in social activities.

It seems pretty obvious that a person should indulge in both video games and outdoor activities in equal measure. Just like any form of recreation, too much of one thing can be bad. A healthy mix of outdoor activities and video games is going to be healthy and positive for both adults and children.

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Essay on Outdoor Games


Children love playing outdoors. It is good for children to stretch their arms and legs instead of sitting in front of the television all day. Through this essay on outdoor games, we will understand the importance of playing outdoors for children.

Outdoor games mainly refer to those games which we play outside in the open air. Since it is played outside, several factors like weather and time must be taken into consideration. It is not possible to play outdoor games when it is raining heavily or when it gets dark as children may fall sick or injure themselves. In this short essay on outdoor games, we will look at the benefits and types of outdoor games so that it will be effortless for children to write an essay on outdoor games in English.

Essay on Outdoor Games

Benefits of Outdoor Games

Just like the way children get to warm up themselves by playing outdoors, there are many advantages associated with outdoor games. We will discuss them here in this essay on outdoor games. The greatest benefit is to their physical health. While playing outdoors, they will be exposed to sunlight which is a rich source of vitamin D. This naturally improves their stamina and strengthens their bones and muscles.

As much as outdoor games help children to stay physically fit, they also keep them emotionally happy, free from tension or stress. We don’t have to worry about their lifestyle as outdoor games are meant to keep all problems at bay. This short essay on outdoor games also emphasises that outdoor games and activities help in the overall development of children. Along with learning to work in a team, these games build confidence in them.

Besides, outdoor games are a way for them to connect with their surroundings and nature, which will enable them to be conscious of protecting our environment . So, let us make our children admire the beauty of nature and help them attain mental peace and happiness through outdoor games.

Varieties of Outdoor Games

Any game or activity done in a group outside a house or in a large playground can be considered an outdoor game. The essay on outdoor games in English will discuss some of the favoured outdoor games of children.

Cricket, Badminton, Football, Marco Polo, Kabaddi , and Catch the Thief are widely played by children of all ages. These games keep them refreshed and relaxed, and they will be able to better focus and retain what they have learnt in class. So, let us make them aware of the significance of outdoor games through this essay on outdoor games. In this way, they will be able to write a simple paragraph about my favourite game.

By making them play outdoor games, we can develop their personality. For more such essays for kids, visit our website.

Frequently Asked Questions on Essay on Outdoor Games

What is the importance of outdoor games.

Outdoor games are essential for the holistic growth of our children. They must make it a routine to engage in outdoor activities and games to build their physical stamina and keep their minds stress-free.

How will this essay on outdoor games be useful for children?

With the help of this essay, children will be able to understand the different types of outdoor games and the benefits of playing them. This will also help them to write an essay on the topic.

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essay about outdoor activities

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The Benefits of Outdoor Play: Why It Matters

essay about outdoor activities

Outdoor play is beneficial for children beyond the physical activity it provides. It helps them socialize, understand their bodies better, engage in imaginative play and enjoy the outdoors. In today's busy and complex world, it can be difficult to schedule outdoor time with your child. But, it is something you should prioritize for your child's healthy growth and development.

School-aged children need about three hours of outdoor play each day. While this is a lot to add to a daily schedule, the activity will contribute to the physical and emotional health of your child.

Katie K. Lockwood, MD , a pediatrician at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) Primary Care, Flourtown , shares some tips about how families can get active together.

Why outdoor play is important

Unstructured physical activity improves the health of your child. It reduces the likelihood of obesity and weight-related health concerns which are becoming bigger issues for families today. Outdoor play also improves mental health as a result of physical activity.

A break from devices

Screens and the amount of time your child spends engaging with a device is a key reason why outdoor time should be a scheduled activity.

“Scheduling time to actively play outdoors sets a natural limit on the amount of time your child can spend with a device (such as TV, smartphone or video game),” says Dr. Lockwood. “It promotes active engagement with their peers and the natural environment, and helps them develop respect for the world and consideration for others around them.”

Replacing some recreational screen time with outdoor play also helps reduce the risks of a sedentary lifestyle.

Improvements to sleep, mood and social skills

Unstructured physical activity during the day also helps children sleep better at night. It can increase concentration and improve mood the next day.

Perhaps the greatest health benefit is in a child’s ability to learn how to engage with others while having fun.

“Outdoor play helps children grow socially, helping them to develop healthy ways of forming friendships, responding to physical interaction, and using their imaginations to entertain each other,” says Dr. Lockwood. “It helps them solve problems, build relationships within their peer group and gain a respect for nature.”

Easy ways to find outdoor space

Knowing why outside play is important to your child's development is the first step to prioritizing outdoor activities in your child’s schedule. Knowing where to go is another step in the right direction.

To find ideas for places you might go and activities you may want to try with your family, visit your local parks and recreation website or the visitors bureaus of towns and cities near where you live. Look for things like public parks and trails, zoos, orchards, gardens and wildlife refuges.

Another resource:  Prescribe Outside , Philadelphia’s nature prescription program, provides physicians and families with tools to improve the health and wellness of Philadelphia children by helping them locate and use safe, accessible, and convenient public green space and discover the many health benefits of time spent in nature. The program is a partnership between Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), Awbury Arboretum, Let’s Go Outdoors, and the USDA Forest Service, and Temple University Center for Sustainable Communities.

Playing close to home

If you can’t go far or travel isn’t an option, there are still many ways to get outside close to home. Consider the following activities:

  • Have a scavenger hunt. You can look for specific objects or be a bit more general like: things that begin with the letter B, or something for each color of the rainbow
  • Do leaf rubbings. All you need are paper, crayons and any new leaves you can find.
  • Dig in the dirt. Find worms and bugs, make mud pies, and flip over rocks to see what you'll find
  • Plant something. Get some flower or vegetable seeds and start your own garden.
  • Make an obstacle course. Time each kid as they jump, roll, climb, step or go under the various obstacles. Added bonus: You can do this inside if needed.
  • Get active. Play a game like twister or hopscotch, Simon Says, Mother-may-I or the freeze dance. Take turns picking and leading the games and get involved. Kids love when you play too!
  • Learn something new. Try yoga or fishing. Dance alone in your room or out in the front yard. Build something with sticks, Lincoln logs or Legos. Share your creations or the new skills you learned with friends and relatives. Use social media if you can't get together in person.
  • Do the alphabet workout. Create an “exercise alphabet” by assigning an exercise to each letter of the alphabet. Then spell out your name, performing the exercise designated for each letter. Be sure to take a 15-20 second rest between each exercise. Pro Tip: YouTube has lots of helpful videos.


IELTS TOPIC: An Outdoor Activity

04/16/2024 08:48 AM

Things to consider:

  • You can combine a few outdoor activities into one . For example , having a picnic can be followed by a nice walk, some exercising, and admiring the natural environment around you. Don't run out of ideas when talking about this topic but instead, add more ideas to it.
  • You can begin the Part 2 topic with your opinion on going outdoors and the benefits of that. For instance:
  • Improved Sleep
  • Reduced Depression Symptoms
  • Improved Physical Activity
  • Improved Immune System
  • Better Breathing
  • Mental Well-Being
  • You can express your opinion about going outside at the start of your speech. For instance , you can say that there is a trend of young people staying mostly at home because of so much entertainment available these days.

essay about outdoor activities

Part 2: Sample Answer

Ok, so when it comes to outdoor activities, I’m a real lover of nature . I enjoy spending time outside so much, as I feel completely recharged by walking around town , going to a park, and enjoying the quiet environment and the trees or flowers around me. For me , nature is a getaway from the busy, mundane , and stressful work week . So I often organize small trips, as I live in a wonderful, green coastal city surrounded by mountains. One of these activities I organize almost weekly is a long biking journey .

I discuss why I enjoy nature.

I usually do this on the weekend as I need a lot of time. This activity involves me and a few friends picking up our bikes or taking some public ones and biking on a route in one direction for about 15 to 20 kilometers. There are two amazing destinations I usually go biking on – one is on a fantastic seaside road that spans many kilometers , following the coastline and the sea, with a view of islands , and the other one is similar, following another coastline the opposite way and entering a newly build financial district twelve kilometers from the city center.

I describe the activity and the roads I take.

I’ve done this activity over 30 times already and each time it was an amazing journey and everyone involved loved the experience so much. I could easily say that it never gets old . I usually invite some of my friends and from time to time a new person to join our biking trips , and I have to say, so far no one has been disappointed .

I talk about who I do it with and why.

For me, going outside is a necessity . We live a very sedentary , stale lifestyle while working or at home, and I have to force myself to go outside and “ touch grass ” as they say . Moreover , this is a great sport and a way to stay fit and even challenge myself , as 20 kilometers is not an easy task and it takes a few hours to finish. Well, I love this activity and I plan to do it again and again for the foreseeable future .

I summerize why its important to go out and do activities outside.

Idioms and Phrases

Sentence starters and linking words, vocabulary related to the topic, business phrases, part 3 questions.

In Part 3 we continue to talk about going out and spending time outdoors in or near nature as well as in the city.

essay about outdoor activities

Examiner:  Is having outdoor activities important to people?

Mental health.

  • Outdoor activities are vital for mental health. They provide a natural escape from daily stress , enhance mood , and improve concentration . Nature’s peacefulness can help with depression and anxiety , offering a restorative environment for the mind .

Physical Health

  • Engaging in outdoor activities is crucial for physical health as it promotes cardiovascular fitness , strengthens muscles , and increases flexibility . Regular exposure to sunlight provides vitamin D , essential for bone healt h and immune function .

Examiner:   Do people go outdoors more or less now than in the past?

People in the cities.

  • In cities, people are going out less now than in the past. Urban trends show a decline as many individuals seek comfort and entertainment , rather than a simple walk. Additionally , many people simply have no time throughout their day to engage with the outdoors.

People In The Country

  • Contrarily , country living is seeing a rise in outdoor activities , with more people embracing nature and open spaces , leading to increased outdoor experiences. People in the country generally spend most of their days out and that has been the case forever. 

Examiner:   What can people do outdoors besides exercising?

Exploring nature.

  • Outdoor activities extend beyond exercise. Exploring nature - hiking , birdwatching , or building sandcastles - connects us to the environment and offers tranquility . People tend to hike and climb natural peaks everywhere these days.


  • Outdoors, we can socialize - from frisbee games to picnics . Shared experiences foster bonds and create lasting memories for us and we can do a lot of activities outdoors with our friends and family.

Well, oftentimes something as simple as a walk in the park can be more than enough of an activity to entertain people who would just look around and maybe admire some sights . For instance , just walking along a coastal town and looking at the sea could be mesmerizing . Some other things people could do are having picnics at the park, drinking coffee with friends, reading a book under the shadow of a tree , or joining some activity club like an art club outside or a history tour around a city. There are a lot of activities a person could join if he's looking to break the boredom of daily life .

Examiner:   What places do people visit outdoors?

  • People visit iconic landmarks like the Eiffel Tower , Taj Mahal , or Statue of Liberty . These sites hold historical , cultural , or architectural significance and attract tourists from around the world. Other places are outdoor markets , shopping streets , or food streets , which also attract people in droves .

Natural Locations

  • Nature enthusiasts explore natural locations - forests , beaches , mountains , and national parks . These serene spots offer tranquility , wildlife , and breathtaking vistas for nature lovers who prefer to escape the loud and polluted cities for an unforgettable getaway .

Those who travel to different cities or countries aim to visit the top landmarks and tourist locations in those places. These could be monuments , large squares , public buildings like libraries or city halls , religious temples or churches , and so on. That is usually the first on their list . After these, people would try to experience the natural places of these countries – they’ll visit the parks , they will hike around the mountains , and explore the coastal areas of the cities they visit. And then lastly just wandering around and walking to previously undiscovered places makes people happy, even if these places are not remarkable or special in any way .

Examiner:  What can people do to get close to nature?

Get out of their way.

  • To get close to nature, one has to explore. Taking walks , hiking trails , and observing wildlife around the area where he or she lives is one option . Engaging one's senses in forests , parks , and open spaces nearby, or researching your local area can help find those special scenic spots . Nature awaits discovery just beyond your doorstep .

Holiday Planning

  • A person can plan a holiday in natural places - natural parks , mountainous areas , or seaside locations . To get more of his holiday, one must disconnect from urban life , breathe fresh air , and immerse oneself in the beauty of untouched landscapes .

In cities, there is very little that they can do actually. If the cities have well-developed parks , public gardens , or zoos , these would be the only ways people can be near anything natural . Unfortunately , many cities have overbuilt to accommodate more people and businesses, and have slowly cut down the natural areas within . So a person has to go out of his way , perhaps drive out , to see real nature and natural landscapes . Owning a car in this case makes it easier to go outside of those big concrete jungles and experience nature to its fullest . But it is a struggle and some people have complained about the slow destruction of nature in cities.

Examiner:   Do people enjoy spending time close to nature nowadays?

The case for yes.

  • Many people find solace in nature’s tranquility , away from the bustle of urban life . The fresh air , greenery , and peacefulness often lead to a sense of rejuvenation and well-being . Nature’s beauty can inspire and provide a space for reflection and relaxation.

The Case for No

  • Some individuals prefe r urban environments with their conveniences and social opportunities . They may find nature unstimulating or even uncomfortable due to factors like insects , unpredictable weather , and the lack of modern amenities . For these people, nature doesn’t equate to enjoyment but rather inconvenience .

I am not really sure . I have seen lots of middle-aged and older people having walks and wanting to genuinely reconnect with nature, however, I rarely see young people doing that. Perhaps this is just a stage in their life where they prioritize being online and receiving entertainment higher than spending time in nature , and perhaps that will change once they become 35 or 40 years old. But I’m not sure if that changes with age or if it’s a generational thing that will stick and these young people who spend so much time at home would simply remain there as a learned habit .

Outdoor Learning: Educational and Social Benefits Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

Arrangement of the learning space

Body engagement and actions, materials and tools used in learning, participants and their relationship with each other, rules and norms of learning, works cited.

Many activities that students do in classrooms can also be done outside the classroom. Since outdoor learning is aimed at gaining practical experiences, the arrangement of the learning space matters. Space is arranged to allow for free movement of learners, especially when doing field research (Lave 64). For example, students might go to the field to collect data and record their observations about plant samples.

In this context, the learning space is a field where plants are located. Students can be organized into groups to move around the field collecting the specific plants for learning. Space allows for free movement of the students and their teacher. They can identify a specific place where they can gather after collecting the sample. It can be a place under a tree with shade where they can record observations, take notes, and draw sketches while standing. A teacher can use a movable blackboard or whiteboard to give instructions and teach.

Body engagement and actions taken during outdoor learning is aimed at achieving various objectives. For instance, greetings, discussions, and practical experiments help in the development of attitude and creating an aesthetic awareness among the learners. The approach is necessary when the authority wants to create public awareness about a social problem. They can also learn skills that can help them to control the problem.

During the learning process, the mode of interaction among them matters. These include gestures, sign language, and various body movements to dramatize the learning. Since it is an informal setting, learners freely interact. They engage each other socially through friendly conversations as the learning continues. These might include laughter, greeting, and eating. As the learning continues, they get used to one another and share both personal and topic-based experiences (Lave 74).

The teacher has the ultimate responsibility for what happens during the learning process. However, experience earned outside the classroom assists learners to develop a greater sense of responsibility towards one another. The teacher is also engaged in the actions to help in building the skills needed to complete a task assigned to them. To achieve greater benefits with the learning outside the classroom, it is essential to match activities chosen with the core objectives of the fieldwork.

Selecting the objectives to be achieved might depend on factors such as timing and sequences of learning activities (Resnick 20). In many instances, learning outside the classroom has been used to gather practical information, which is then compared to the theoretical knowledge learned in the classroom. The exercise involves various physical activities.

The mode of using learning materials in outdoor education is different from that of the formal learning setting. Informal education, the use of education materials, tools, and other resources take a structured format. Tools and materials are organized and used systematically for progressive learning. Even though outside school education tends to take the same format, the use of learning materials and tools does not take a formal structure.

Learning tools can be books, pens, scientific equipment, sharp objects, and vegetation among other things. Tools are used in drawing sketches, digging the field, building structures. The aim is to ensure the learners get firsthand knowledge from the materials, tools, and other resources they use (Resnick 17).

The manipulation of tools and materials to gain knowledge and experience does not take a particular format. What one group does might differ from the subsequent groups that are learning the same concept. For instance, one group might be digging holes while others might be developing structures on the holes. In this case, materials used by the subsequent groups to learn might be different.

Also, the level of control on how they are used is limited. As a result, innovativeness and creativity are encouraged by learners. The freedom of using learning materials allows the learners to discover many things that had never been discovered before. The social organization of the learning outside school gives the learners a chance to explore the topic further (Lave 70).

Learning outside the school offers a sense of social diversity and flexibility. The participants can be adults, a mixture of adults and children, or a specific group of people. As opposed to the classroom where everything is done according to the structured schedule and the use of learning resources, learning outside the school environment is more diverse. It depends on the context and the issue to be learned at the moment and this can change the situation. People who learn outside school have diverse experiences and skills.

During learning, the organization of the classroom is a bit unique. Instead of having a teacher and a learner as in the school context, outdoor learning includes people with diverse knowledge and skills (Resnick 15). The work of the facilitator is to organize the learners in a manner that encourages interactivity and creativity. All people in the classroom can learn from one another by sharing life experiences and skills.

The concept of interdependency is prevalent among the participants. The learners freely interact and depend on one another. They share knowledge and skills as well as life experiences with each other. In many instances, the classroom setting in outdoor learning is arranged in groups. Each group has several people who interdepend on each other in the process of acquiring knowledge.

The interdependency in this context enhances diversity and practical learning skills. Students have the freedom to consult, do several activities together, and share practical skills. It is different from the school learning in which activities in the classroom follow a certain structure and organization (Lave 68). The teacher tends to control the activities as opposed to outdoor learners who are more social and uncontrolled.

Training in the informal learning environment is characterized by a practical approach to learning as the main norm. This is opposed to formal education where students are exposed to basic skills. The rest of the skills are learned through work experiences. Learning outside the school takes practical approaches in which the knowledge is not confined to specific standards.

There is no limit of learning for students who have the freedom of exploring the subject to the levels of their desires. Many subjects are aimed at providing solutions to real-life problems. There is no formal procedure for solving these problems. What is important is that the ultimate goal is achieved (Resnick 19). A learner can come up with a skill that can be adopted without many questions about its credibility.

The norms followed in a normal classroom setting are different from those followed when learning outside a classroom. In a classroom, learning practices are individualized and the learning outcomes are assessed independently. Some of the assessment tools include assignments, homework, and exam, which are done by the individual students.

Learning outside the school promotes a sense of interdependence and interaction among learners. The main norm in outside learning is the aspect of the shared evaluation of learning activities. The activities to be done during learning sessions occur in groups and students contribute to the development of the knowledge and learning project (Lave 77).

The idea of informal learning outside the classroom is essential for professionals in all structured workplaces. Sometimes, the structured systems might fail to work because of unexpected breakdowns. In these cases, a person who has practical skills and experience in the informal context is needed. It is also important to note that everything cannot operate in a formal way (Resnick 22). Therefore, acquiring knowledge through informal learning is necessary to deal with unstructured problems.

Lave, Jean. “Situating Learning in Communities of Practice.” Perspectives on Socially Shared Cognition (Chap. 4). (1991): 63-82. Print.

Resnick, L. B. “The 1987 Presidential Address Learning In School and Out.” Educational Researcher 16.9 (1987): 13-54. Print.

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IvyPanda. (2020, August 6). Outdoor Learning: Educational and Social Benefits. https://ivypanda.com/essays/outdoor-learning-educational-and-social-benefits/

"Outdoor Learning: Educational and Social Benefits." IvyPanda , 6 Aug. 2020, ivypanda.com/essays/outdoor-learning-educational-and-social-benefits/.

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Outdoor Learning: Educational and Social Benefits'. 6 August.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Outdoor Learning: Educational and Social Benefits." August 6, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/outdoor-learning-educational-and-social-benefits/.

1. IvyPanda . "Outdoor Learning: Educational and Social Benefits." August 6, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/outdoor-learning-educational-and-social-benefits/.


IvyPanda . "Outdoor Learning: Educational and Social Benefits." August 6, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/outdoor-learning-educational-and-social-benefits/.

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Outdoor Activities are more Beneficial than Computer Games

Outdoor activities are more beneficial than computer games ielts essay.

Some people think that outdoor activities are more beneficial for children’s development than playing computer games. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. You should write at least 250 words.

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Outdoor Activities are more Beneficial than Computer Games IELTS Essay IELTS Essay

It is often argued that children should spend more time on outdoor activities than on computer games. I agree with this opinion and I will defend my stand with valid arguments in this essay.

To begin with, taking part in outdoor activities enhances children’s physical well being. As a growing number of children follow a sedentary lifestyle, their health conditions are getting worse. However, if children can engage themselves in outdoor activities, they will spend less time in front of screens, which allow them to breath the fresh air and build up a strong immune system. For example, according to a survey conducted by Peking University, after the introduction of the daily outdoor activities to students, the youngsters’ obesity rate has decreased by 20% and fewer of them have vision disorder problem. Hence, it is obvious that being exposed to the fresh air and workout is crucial for children’s health.

Furthermore, children can improve their interpersonal skills by joining in outdoor activities. This is to say, instead of playing videogames in front of screens, children have more chances to have face-to-face interactions with their peers when they spend time outdoors. Consequently, children are more likely to communicate with others confidently as well as establish empathy, which are crucial social skills in adult life. Meanwhile, many outdoor activities require teamwork, and this also prepares children for the workplace where they have to cooperate with one another. For instance, a psychological research shows that children who were interested in outdoor activities at an early age tend to grow up into extrovert individuals, with excellent social skills and promising careers. Therefore, it is important for children to spend enough time engaging with peers at outdoor activities.

In conclusion, this essay discussed that engaging in outdoor activities can not only improve children’s physical fitness, but also cultivate their social skills. I highly recommend children to spend time with friends in outdoor activities rather than playing video games. ielts x pre s s

IELTS Essay on Outdoor Activities

Some people believe that outdoor activities provide more benefit for a child’s development than playing computer games. Not only do I completely agree with this idea, but I also believe that computer games are quite detrimental to a child’s development.

Outdoor activities are beneficial to children in many ways. Human beings are meant to be a part of nature, and constantly being trapped in unnatural environments limits children’s ability to develop physically, mentally, and emotionally. For example, humans are not designed to sit in a chair for long periods of time, be it in a classroom or in an office, as it has detrimental effects on their bodies. Spending time outdoors helps to remedy this problem by allowing people to move freely and stimulate and strengthen their muscles which helps to improve their posture and well-being. Furthermore, studies have proven that children who spend more time outdoors and in nature are far less stressed and more mentally and emotionally stable than those who spend less time outdoors and more time watching television or playing computer games. ielts  xpress

Playing computer games, on the other hand, poses several risks to the development of children. Firstly, most computer games are addictive, and this can lead to several negative effects for children, both physically and mentally. Studies have shown that children who play computer games for even just one hour a day can suffer from eyesight and musculoskeletal problems, which inevitably negatively affects other areas of their lives, including their studies. Moreover, mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, and stress are commonly found in children who play addictive and violent computer games, and this also negatively affects their development, and can have a detrimental impact on their relationships and ability to communicate with others.

In conclusion, although some computer games can be educational and can have certain positive effects on children’s development, I believe that the negative impacts far outweigh any benefit, and that spending time outdoors is the key to a healthy development for children.

IELTS Writing Task 2 on Video Games

Nowadays, video games play an integral part in children’s life because of games’ convenience and innovation. However, some people say that outdoor activities bring more benefits for the development of children than playing computer games. In my point of view, I completely agree with this statement because there are a lot of advantages to outdoor recreational activities.

To begin with, outdoor activities have an indispensable impact on the development of mental and physical strength of children. Firstly, students who take part in sports will have a stronger body and can escape from obesity or heart diseases. Those children will have better knowledge about their body hence they can build muscles and get lean easily. On top of that, playing basketball or soccer after school will also enhance their social skills which are important for making more good friends and becoming positive people in their community. Finally, joining outdoor activities regularly will help children get better memory and reduce stress so that pupils will have a happy life. IELTSXpress

On the other hand, playing video games has some downsides. At first, children who spend a lot of their time on computer games have a higher risk of game addiction. Game addiction does not only make their score worse but also limit them with social interaction. Moreover, focusing on the screen and staying in front of the computer will cut down their eyes’ ability and their immune system.

In conclusion, children should be lent to participate in outdoor activities or sports to develop comprehensively, learn a number of skills and improve their health.

Indoor and Outdoor Games IELTS Writing Task 2

Numerous characters deem it is more advantageous for children to spend hours outdoor activities such as playing basketball, riding a bike, and hiking than staying at home; in contrast, certain groups of people oppose and affirm that playing virtual games at house is better than playing outdoor for kids’ development. I reckon it is necessary to play outside.

First of all, young teenagers having fun from outdoor activities become physically fitter than a child staying at the building, which is one of my reasons why I preferred to take pleasure from outdoor pursuits. As youngster’s spare hours spent on strolling in a park, hanging out, or basketball court somehow related to physical exercise, so they tend to grow faster and have robust immune systems compared a home sitter. For instance, my friend Rayleigh, who used to play a PlayStation and other video games in his childhood, grew up as a short man. Hence, it is essential for school boys and girls to feel pleasure from strolling, hiking, and shopping.

Secondly, going-out also empowers adolescents’ mental states, as those children experience many circumstances and meet many types of people, so their state of psychologies become stable and earn communication skill. In comparison, computer players age as introverts. For example, if we observe successful and extrovert people in business, they spent many hours hanging out with friends and made a lot of intimates in their young ages. Thus, it gets sometimes said that adults’ successes get based on outside leisure times.

In conclusion, from the ideas and examples given, I firmly believe spending time outside is more valuable for children, as the virtues of time spent outdoor is immeasurable. Therefore, I state again, the public should advocate this point of my view.

IELTS Essay on Children and Video Games

Many believe that children today play too many video games and should instead spend more time outdoors. In my opinion, though the former diversion is more educational than in years past, the full scope of the latter makes it preferable.

Advocates of gaming point out their recent evolution. This goes beyond more realistic graphics and includes the topics and types of games now available. Many games today are essentially a cinematic experience, with fully realized characters and themes that rival other great works of art. In this way, games are as educational as more respected art forms such as novels and films. Moreover, not all games are passive. There are more and more games every year that require creative and logical thinking, such as puzzles and text based mysteries. The developers of the newest apps available for phones now take advantage of improving hardware to push forward the medium and engage the mind.

Nonetheless, the games mentioned above are the exceptions and the benefits of outdoor play are greater in general. The most obvious advantage is the effect on heath. The world is facing an obesity epidemic that is at least partly driven by more sedentary lifestyles centered around consumer electronics and gaming. Going outside is a natural antidote and can instill in children good habits that will promote a healthy life later. Additionally, outdoor activities offer the opportunity for children to engage in a social activity. Most games are, to varying degrees, an individual experience but playing with others outside will foster teamwork and improved interpersonal skills.

In conclusion, games can be worthwhile but they rarely have more value than going outside. It is therefore important that parents strive to limit children’s screen time. IELTSXpress

Some people think that outdoor activities are more beneficial for children’s development than playing computer games IELTS Essay

These days not many children are seen playing outdoor games, instead they stay indoors and get themselves engaged in activities like playing video games. Some think that outdoor games have more importance when compared with playing video games. I too think the same.

The prime reason for my argument is because of the fact that more children are found unhealthy these days just because they live a sedentary life inside their homes. To be clear, when children have less opportunities to play outside, the risk of life-style diseases such as obesity is higher among them. When children become less agile, not only their physical fitness is affected, but also their intellectual capabilities are altered adversely. Studies have shown that children who spend more time playing video games and mobile games have lesser problem solving abilities. ieltsxpRESS

The second point to be noted is that outdoor games enhances socialization among children. To be precise, when children get engaged in group activities such as football and volleyball, they learn better socialization skills. Another advantage which outdoor games have over video games is that, it develops qualities such as competitions and co-operation, which are considered as vital skills in a child’s future.

On the other hand, when children play video games and computer games, it keeps them an enhanced entertainment experience. However, I think in most cases, children get addicted to these, which might affect them in various ways.

To conclude, though there are benefits for children when they play video games, I think playing outdoor games is better. ielt s xpress

IELTS Writing Task 2 Some people think that outdoor activities are more beneficial for children’s development than playing computer games

It is more vital that teenagers should take part in outdoor sporting events rather than spending time on gaming consoles. This essay agrees with this statement because this trend will help children to have a fit body and playing sports will make them a better human being.

Firstly, outdoor activities are physically demanding and when teenagers engage themselves in these events, this will make them physically healthy. This is because taking part in outdoor events strengthen their bones and muscles. Therefore, it leads to children having a life free from diseases, such as for overweight. To illustrate, a recent study by Cambridge University found that children who take part in sporting events are more likely to live a healthy life than who do not. IELTSXpress.com

Secondly, playing outdoor games will make children a better overall person when they become adults. This is because while playing in group games teenagers learn different traits like leadership, coordination and cooperation. These skills will help them in the later stages of life when they will be required to work in as a team at the workplace. These skills cannot be learned by children who play video games only. For example, in the US, it is mandatory for all students to take part in outdoor games because authorities believe that teenagers become better citizens on playing outdoor games like football, baseball.

In conclusion, it is very important that children must take part in outdoor games because this will make them physically strong and children are more likely to become good persons.

IELTS Writing Task 2 To what extent do you agree or disagree

Since the 1990s computer games have become more and more commonplace inside the home. Games and consoles have become more advanced leading to greater graphics and greater interactivity between player and game. However, it can be argued that despite these developments, playing outside still has more benefits to a child or teenager. I agree with this view and in this essay I will explain why.

One of the most important advantages of playing outside is that it’s much better for your health. Taking part in outdoor activities will almost certainly involve a high level of physical movement, be it a football game, hide and seek or the popular playground game ‘it’. Running around not only improves your motor skills but also dramatically reduces levels of obesity, cholesterol and can even improve concentration. In contrast, video games promote a sedentary lifestyle. ieltsxpress.com

Secondly, playing with friends on the street or in a club significantly improves face to face communication skills. Having to organise a game, separating teams, inviting people to play and dealing with conflict will lead to a more socially confident, emotionally aware and apt communicator. These skills are fundamental to a person’s personal life and work life. You are only able to improve face to face communication skills in person, and unfortunately not through a headset.

In conclusion, perhaps no matter how real or intricate video games become, they will never be more beneficial than the simplest outdoor game with friends, due to the communication and health benefits involved.

IELTS Essay on Topic Children

With the current technological onslaught comes a technological issue in children education: computer games. Some people argue that the role of computer games for children is still too vague and thus, should not be given precedence over outdoor activities. Nevertheless, from my standpoint, while children certainly benefit from physical activities, digital gaming also proves its worth in several aspects.

The merits of outdoor activities can be seen easily first in terms of children’s health. As today children often spend most of their daytime at school, the open-air settings of outdoor activities will act as an effective antidote to their schoolwork pressure. With further physical outdoor activities from simple sports like jogging, running to more complex ones like hiking, camping, children are able to augment both their physical and mental health, uplifting their overall mood and learning productivity. Another conspicuous benefit lies in the networking expansion. When participating in outdoor activities, children will have opportunities to meet with other people of different backgrounds. Therefore, children’s face-to-face communication skills can witness significant improvements, which assists them to form a more intimate network of friends. ieltsxpress

With that being said, it is rather short-sighted to completely downplay computer games. In certain ways, computer games can promote students’ creativity and logical thinking. Currently, many state-of-the-art games have such sophisticated gameplay that players must utilize their brainpower and ingenuity to conquer these games. For instance, some computer games often negatively associated with unenviable reputation among parents such as League of Legends or Battlegrounds require children to develop innovative yet efficacious team strategies to gain the ultimate victory. Furthermore, computer games can enable children to create virtual networking. Today computer games have achieved huge popularity to actually become a networking platform in which children can make friends with different people from numerous backgrounds but sharing the same interest: computer game. Hence, besides direct face-to-face network, thanks to computer games, children can also have circles of online friends and broaden their web of relationships.

In conclusion, both outdoor activities and computer games play a certain part in children’s development. The primary issue now shifts to striking the right balance between these two activities for children with a view to making the most use out of them.

IELTS Writing Task 2 on Children Computer Games

It is often argued that children should spend more time outdoors than playing computer games. I agree with this opinion and will defend my position with strong arguments in this essay.

To inaugurate with, participation in outdoor activities improves children’s physical well-being. As more children become sedentary, their health is deteriorating. However, if children can exercise outdoors, they will spend less time in front of screens, which allows them to breathe fresh air and boost their immune systems. For instance, according to a survey conducted by Oxford University, after the introduction of daily outdoor activities by students, the obesity rate among young people decreased by 25%, and fewer of them have vision problems. It is clear from this that being outdoors and exercising is critical to children’s health.

Moreover, children can improve their interpersonal skills by participating in outdoor activities. That is, instead of playing video games in front of screens, children are more likely to have face-to-face interactions with their peers when they spend time outdoors. Consequently, children are more likely to communicate confidently with others and also develop empathy, which is an important social skill in adulthood. Meanwhile, many outdoor activities require teamwork, and this also prepares children for a workplace where they need to cooperate with each other. For example, psychological research shows that children who were interested in outdoor activities at an early age tend to grow up to be extroverts, with excellent social skills and promising careers. Therefore, it is important that children spend enough time to engage with peers in outdoor activities.

To sum up, this essay discussed that participating in outdoor activities can not only improve children’s physical fitness but also develop their social skills. I strongly encourage children to spend time outdoors with friends rather than playing video games.

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Outdoor Activities are more Beneficial than Computer Games

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essay about outdoor activities

Family Life

Playing Outside: Why It’s Important for Kids

family hiking, dad gives daughter a piggy back ride

By: Danette Glassy, MD, FAAP & Pooja Tandon, MD, FAAP

No matter what the weather brings, playing outside is good for kids in so many ways. There is scientific evidence that playing outside improves health, and children of all ages love it. And we know that the more time a child spends in nature, the more likely they are to grow up to be good stewards of our planet⁠—an environmental win!

Finding nature all around us

We don't necessarily need to travel far to enjoy nature. Your family can connect with nature in a school playground , backyard , table-top garden, or even virtually (though not with all of the benefits).

There are also many ways to find out what parks are nearby based on zip code, including some that you can get to by walking or taking public transportation . Many public green spaces have features and programs for all ages and abilities.

Outdoor play ideas by age

Playing outside and exploring nature is for all ages! Some ideas to consider:

Bring your infant or toddler outside.

Being outside gives your little one enjoy sensory-rich experiences and physical activity their rapidly developing minds and bodies need.

  • Get down to earth. Toss down a blanket on the grass or soft earth. Let your baby enjoy the fresh breezes, bird songs, forest smells and plant textures. Give them some outside tummy time , blowing bubbles for them to reach for and watch glisten in the sun.
  • Go on a guided tour. Pretend you're a tour guide; try to see your neighborhood through the eyes of someone who has never been there before. Describe out loud all that you see in as much detail as possible: " This is where your big sister skinned her knee learning to ride their bike . That's the building where our friend lives. I think it was built a long time ago.... " If your child is in a stroller , stop and squat down to their level, see what is getting their attention and talk about it. This kind of running commentary helps kids learn vocabulary and communication skills .
  • Take story time outside. Reading with your child is one of the best ways to develop strong emotional bonds, helping build a sense of security is essential for growth and development. Grab a blanket and a few books and find a shady spot for outdoor story time. Ideally, bring along books that are set outside so you can help your child make connections: " Oh, look, a picture of a cloud. Let's look up in the sky to find a cloud! "
  • Let’s roll. Ball play is another great way to engage this age child outside. Sit on the grass across from one another and roll a ball back and forth . This not only builds motor planning and balance skills, but also helps teach social turn-taking and watching each other's body language.

Explore with preschoolers & grade-school age kids.

Young children are developing and learning from every experience.

Build nature sculptures with twigs, leaves, cones, rocks and more by sticking the collected items into a play dough base. Ask your child what kind of patterns they see with the different items. Or, let your child play in mud with old pots, pans, utensils and household tools to develop senses and motor skills.

Take imagination outside. The wonders of the outdoors can inspire new ideas. Trees and bushes can become hideouts, rock walls can become mountains for favorite figurines, while flowers can become jungles for toy animals. Let children draw make-believe worlds on the sidewalk in chalk, or creative obstacle courses to run! If your children tell you they don't know what to play, then think up something you played as a child.

Raise a yardwork helper. Many children may groan when asked to help out in the yard,but preschoolers are just the right age to give small, supervised helpful tasks such as watering flowers. Preschoolers love to feel like helpers, and many yardwork tasks provide sensory input that can be calming.

Bike or walk with the family in your neighborhood or find a new park to explore. If you have a bicycle trailer or your child is able to bike, get some exercise while enjoying the outdoors. Describe what you see along the way and talk about the weather. Use a lot of details to help them learn new words and engage all their senses.

  • Go for a silly stroll . Challenge kids to tiptoe for half a block, turn in circles as they walk, march with high knees, or wiggle their hips and shimmy their shoulders. Then let kids call the shots! It might be fun to trade off being the "leader" with each block!
  • Plan outdoor playdates . Meet up with friends outdoors to build social connections for both children and adults.

Challenge older children & teens.

Stay engaged with the outdoors as a family. Take advantage of this time to bond over games and activities you all enjoy or challenge yourselves with something new.

Hold a nature scavenger hunt or start a nature collection. Look for local plants, trees, animals and birds. Collect rocks, acorns, leaves or pinecones. See how many items children can find on a list, or gather objects to add to a collection. Collecting helps build focus, patience, and commitment as kids learn to gauge what makes an object worthy to be added to their treasures.

Leave a trail. Organize with parents of your children's friends to send kids on "secret spy missions." One family goes on a walk with sidewalk chalk, drawing arrows and letters along the way to spell out a secret message. The other family must then follow the arrows along the way to record the letters in the message.

Build a bird feeder. Bird feeders are great ways to attract wildlife to your window or yard. It can be fun to look up the birds you see, keep a list and watch what time of the year different species come around.

Have a ball. Kicking a soccer ball, throwing a frisbee, jumping rope or playing any sports you all enjoy can keep the outdoors fun as children get older.

Pack a picnic or plan a barbeque outside with friends and family. Share a meal or play a game together while you enjoy the outdoors.

Take a walk-and-talk. Older children and teens may find it easier to share how they are feeling while walking side-by-side with you rather than a face-to-face conversation. A short daily walk can be a great time for an emotional check-in with your child. It lets you see how they are handling any changes and challenges in their life and let them know how you are there to help them through it all. Some children also open up while tossing or kicking a ball back and forth.

Benefits of outdoor play

Getting outside provides more than a fun break for children and teenagers. It is also good for their physical and mental health and development.

Children and teens who spend time playing outside and enjoying nature can be:

  • Physically healthier. Children play harder outdoors than indoors and they need daily opportunities to do so. More outdoor time is linked with improved motor development and lower obesity rates and myopia (nearsightedness) risk. Safely getting some sun also helps us make vitamin D that our bodies need to stay healthy and strong.
  • More engaged in learning. Playing outside promotes curiosity, creativity and critical thinking and focus. Studies have found that children who spent more time in nature exploration had improved learning outcomes.
  • More positive in behavior & mood. Research shows that when children spent time in natural settings they had less anger and aggression . Impulse control also improves. This might be especially important when normal routines change for children.
  • Mentally healthier. Stress and depression are lower for all people who spend time in nature. Children show increased focus and reduced symptoms of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Take advantage of the healing power of play in nature—near your home or neighborhood, or wherever you feel comfortable. Remember to dress appropriately for the weather. It's also a good idea to wash hands or use hand sanitizer during and after your adventure.

Finally, ask community leaders to ensure all kids have safe places to play outside. Getting outdoors, being in nature and moving our bodies is good for everyone!

More information

The Power of Play: How Fun and Games Help Children Thrive

Are Your Children Getting Enough Exercise Each Day?

Drowning Prevention for Curious Toddlers

Project Nature

Kids to Parks Day (National Park Trust)

, is a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics Councils on Community Pediatrics and Early Childhood, as well as the Washington Chapter of the AAP. Dr. Glassy recently retired after more than three decades practicing primary care pediatrics in Mercer Island, Washington.

, is a general pediatrician and researcher at the University of Washington and Seattle Children’s Hospital. Her research interests include studying and promoting equitable access to physical activity and outdoor time for all children.

Home — Essay Samples — Nursing & Health — Physical Exercise — The Importance of Sports and Outdoor Activities for Children’s Development


The Importance of Sports and Outdoor Activities for Children’s Development

  • Categories: Childhood Development Children Physical Exercise

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Words: 1196 |

Published: May 7, 2019

Words: 1196 | Pages: 3 | 6 min read

Table of contents

Physical development, in retrospect, baseball and softball.

  • Helps build physical strength.
  • Improves hand to eye coordination.
  • Teaches balance.
  • Creates discipline.
  • Build teamwork skills.
  • Develop leadership skills.
  • Cardiovascular endurance.
  • Increases muscle strength.
  • Improves flexibility and coordination skills.
  • Brings balance and helps to control weight.
  • Teaches to be disciplined and builds sense of teamwork.
  • Leadership and fairness attributes.
  • Boosts self-esteem.
  • Helps to strengthen legs.
  • Improves Balance.
  • Physical fitness and exercise.
  • Maintains weight control.
  • Teaches discipline and self esteem.
  • Sense of community.
  • Helps with family bonding and gives a sense of freedom.
  • Environmental awareness

Walking Works Too

  • Helps bring balance.
  • Great coordination.
  • Leg strength and weight control.
  • The feeling of freedom.
  • Raises self-esteem.
  • Creates an awareness for the environment along with family bonding.

Emotional Advancement

Social advancement, mental advancement.

Image of Alex Wood

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  1. Essay on Outdoor Activities

    500 Words Essay on Outdoor Activities Outdoor Activities: A Path to Health, Happiness, and Harmony. Outdoor activities offer a multitude of benefits that can positively impact our physical and mental well-being. Engaging in outdoor pursuits can enhance our overall health, promote happiness, and foster a deeper connection with nature.

  2. Why Is It Important to Spend Time Outdoors Essay

    Essay about Outdoor Activities: Conclusion. Spending time outdoor means going outside the enclosed setting to a natural space where one gets enough time to adventure what is new in the natural setting. Researches proof that engaging in outdoor activities is beneficial for the growth and development of the physical and mental wellbeing of an ...

  3. Short Essay on Importance of Outdoor Games [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

    Visa Guide: Short Essay on Pleasure of Reading [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF. Playing outdoor games is known to benefit our physical and mental health. It improves blood flow, strengthens our muscles, improves our stamina and immunity, provides relaxation to our body and mind, helps us stay focused and keeps our body weight in check.

  4. IELTS Essay: Outdoor Activities

    5. Additionally, outdoor activities offer the opportunity for children to engage in a social activity. 6. Most games are, to varying degrees, an individual experience but playing with others outside will foster teamwork and improved interpersonal skills. Write a new topic sentence with a new main idea at the end.

  5. Essay On Outdoor Games

    Here are a few lines that capture their essence and magic. 1. Outdoor games provide the perfect escape from our digital-driven lives, allowing us to connect with nature. 2. They instil qualities like teamwork, discipline, and resilience from a young age. 3. These games are an excellent way for children to enhance their physical fitness and agility.

  6. Essay on Importance of Outdoor Games

    500 Words Essay on Importance of Outdoor Games Introduction: The Value of Outdoor Games. ... While technology has brought numerous benefits, it is essential to maintain a balance between indoor and outdoor activities. Outdoor games are a vital part of this balance. They offer a holistic approach to development, nurturing the body, mind, and spirit.

  7. The Benefits of Outdoor Activities for Well-being

    Key takeaway: Outdoor activities have a positive impact on well-being, providing various physical, mental, and social benefits. Engaging in outdoor activities can reduce the risk of chronic illnesses, boost mood, and improve sleep quality. Outdoor activities also promote mental wellness by reducing depression, anxiety, and stress.

  8. Research Highlights Importance of Outdoor Activity and ...

    We found that 67% of students reported limiting outdoor activities and 54% reported reducing park use during the pandemic. Students who reduced their use of outdoor spaces cited structural reasons (e.g., lockdowns), concerns about viral transmission, and negative emotions that obstructed active lifestyles. Students who maintained pre-pandemic ...

  9. Adventure Essay for Students and Children in English

    Given below are short and long essays on an adventure for students where we cover every aspect of the topic. The essays are written in English in a simple manner. We have provided 200, 400 and 600 words essay on adventure activities. These essays will give you all the necessary and relevant information you need about adventure.

  10. Essay on Camping

    Camping is an outdoor activity that involves spending time in nature, exploring its different aspects, and doing a wide variety of activities. Individuals spend time in various natural settings and enjoy themselves by taking part in physical activities. The history of camping can be traced back to the early years of the 20th century (Daniel, 2015).

  11. Essay on Outdoor Games

    250 Words Essay on Outdoor Games Introduction. Outdoor games are an integral part of human life, offering a perfect blend of physical exercise and recreational activity. They foster social interaction, teamwork, and a spirit of competitiveness. The Importance of Outdoor Games. Outdoor games are crucial for maintaining physical health.

  12. Outdoor Recreation and Social Media

    Get a custom essay on Outdoor Recreation and Social Media. Camping, hiking, skiing, or simply cycling in a park after work are extremely beneficial for people since it helps them stay fit and keep their minds sharp. Such physical activities produce a double positive effect on a person's well-being because it provides both healthy exercise and ...

  13. Compare & Contrast Essay: Outdoor Activities Vs ...

    Outdoor activities are far more social than video games, which means they help people to become more sociable. They make it easier for people to come together in groups and take part in social activities. Conclusion. It seems pretty obvious that a person should indulge in both video games and outdoor activities in equal measure.

  14. Writing Task 2: People spend less time on outdoor activities

    Type: Cause and Solution Essay. Sample Answer band 7.5+ In recent days, youth tend to prefer staying indoors, even on holidays or weekends, rather than participating in outdoor activities. This essay will explain the reasons for the problem as well as proposing several solutions. There are a number of factors that drive the situation.

  15. Essay on Outdoor Games

    Any game or activity done in a group outside a house or in a large playground can be considered an outdoor game. The essay on outdoor games in English will discuss some of the favoured outdoor games of children. Cricket, Badminton, Football, Marco Polo, Kabaddi, and Catch the Thief are widely played by children of all ages.

  16. The Benefits of Outdoor Play: Why It Matters

    Outdoor play is beneficial for children beyond the physical activity it provides. It helps them socialize, understand their bodies better, engage in imaginative play and enjoy the outdoors. In today's busy and complex world, it can be difficult to schedule outdoor time with your child. But, it is something you should prioritize for your child's ...

  17. IELTS TOPIC: An Outdoor Activity

    Part 2: Sample Answer. Ok, so when it comes to outdoor activities, I'm a real lover of nature. I enjoy spending time outside so much, as I feel completely recharged by walking around town, going to a park, and enjoying the quiet environment and the trees or flowers around me. For me, nature is a getaway from the busy, mundane, and stressful ...

  18. Benefits Of Outdoor Essay

    959 Words4 Pages. Playing outdoor has a multitude of benefits. It allows children to feel at one with the natural world. They can explore and use their imagination. It keeps them active and enhances their physical development. Playing outside enables children to feel free and this is something that cannot be replicated indoors.

  19. Outdoor Learning: Educational and Social Benefits Essay

    Many activities that students do in classrooms can also be done outside the classroom. Since outdoor learning is aimed at gaining practical experiences, the arrangement of the learning space matters. Space is arranged to allow for free movement of learners, especially when doing field research (Lave 64). For example, students might go to the ...

  20. Outdoor Activities are more Beneficial than Computer Games

    IELTS Essay on Outdoor Activities. Some people believe that outdoor activities provide more benefit for a child's development than playing computer games. Not only do I completely agree with this idea, but I also believe that computer games are quite detrimental to a child's development. Outdoor activities are beneficial to children in many ...

  21. Playing Outside: Why It's Important for Kids

    Outdoor play ideas by age. Playing outside and exploring nature is for all ages! Some ideas to consider: Bring your infant or toddler outside. Being outside gives your little one enjoy sensory-rich experiences and physical activity their rapidly developing minds and bodies need. Get down to earth. Toss down a blanket on the grass or soft earth.

  22. The Importance of Sports and Outdoor Activities for Children's

    In Retrospect. By being active in outdoor action children become more productive. They grow up to become more versatile adults. These outdoor activities improve their physical, emotional, social, and mental health greatly.