Allegory Explained

Animal Farm (Allegory Explained)

Animal Farm (Allegory Explained)

Animal Farm is a classic novel by George Orwell that tells the story of a group of farm animals who rebel against their human farmer in hopes of creating a society where the animals can be free and live in harmony. However, the pigs, who take on leadership roles, become corrupted by power and ultimately become just as oppressive as the humans they overthrew.

allegory in animal farm essay

At its core, Animal Farm is an allegory for the Russian Revolution and the rise of Stalinism. The characters and events in the novel represent real-life people and events from this time period, with the pigs representing the ruling class and the other animals representing the working class. By using animals to tell this story, Orwell is able to comment on the dangers of political corruption and the importance of maintaining a just and equal society.

Throughout the novel, Orwell uses symbolism and allegory to convey his message. For example, the character of Napoleon represents Joseph Stalin, while Snowball represents Leon Trotsky. The use of these characters and their actions to represent real-life events and people helps to make the novel more accessible and relatable to readers, while also allowing Orwell to make pointed criticisms of the political systems of his time.

Background of Animal Farm

allegory in animal farm essay

Authorship by George Orwell

Animal Farm is an allegorical novella written by George Orwell , published in 1945. George Orwell, whose real name was Eric Arthur Blair, was an English writer and journalist. He is best known for his two dystopian novels, Animal Farm and 1984, which are considered some of the most influential works of the 20th century. Orwell was known for his political and social commentary , and his works often reflected his experiences and observations of the world around him.

Historical Context

Animal Farm was written during a time of great political upheaval in Europe. The novella was published just after the end of World War II, a time when many countries were grappling with the aftermath of the war and the rise of totalitarian regimes. In particular, Orwell was critical of the Soviet Union and its leader, Joseph Stalin, who he believed had betrayed the ideals of the Russian Revolution and become a dictator.

Publication and Reception

Animal Farm was first published in England on August 17, 1945. The novella was an immediate success, and it has since become one of the most widely read and studied works of the 20th century. The book has been translated into more than 70 languages and has sold millions of copies worldwide. Despite its popularity, Animal Farm has also been the subject of controversy and censorship, particularly in countries with authoritarian governments.

Plot Overview

allegory in animal farm essay

Main Events

Animal Farm is an allegorical novel by George Orwell, published in 1945. The book tells the story of a group of farm animals who rebel against their human farmer, hoping to create a society where the animals can be equal, free, and happy. The story takes place on a farm in England, and the animals are led by two pigs named Snowball and Napoleon. The main events of the story are as follows:

  • The animals overthrow Mr. Jones, the farmer, and rename the farm “Animal Farm”
  • Snowball and Napoleon emerge as leaders of the animals
  • The pigs begin to take control of the farm and establish themselves as the ruling class
  • Snowball is chased off the farm by Napoleon’s dogs, leaving Napoleon in complete control
  • Napoleon becomes increasingly corrupt and authoritarian, using violence and propaganda to maintain his power
  • Boxer, a loyal horse, is sent to the glue factory when he is no longer useful to Napoleon
  • The pigs become indistinguishable from the humans they had rebelled against, and the other animals realize that they have been betrayed

Key Characters

There are several key characters in Animal Farm, each representing a different aspect of the Russian Revolution and its aftermath. Some of the most important characters are:

  • Old Major: A wise old pig who inspires the animals to rebel against their human oppressors
  • Snowball: A pig who is a skilled speaker and idealistic leader, but is chased off the farm by Napoleon’s dogs
  • Napoleon: A pig who becomes increasingly authoritarian and corrupt, using violence and propaganda to maintain his power
  • Boxer: A loyal horse who works tirelessly for the good of the farm, but is ultimately betrayed by Napoleon
  • Squealer: A pig who serves as Napoleon’s propaganda minister, using lies and half-truths to manipulate the other animals

Overall, Animal Farm is a powerful allegory that uses the story of a group of farm animals to explore the rise of totalitarianism in the Soviet Union and the dangers of political power.

Allegorical Significance

allegory in animal farm essay

Animal Farm, written by George Orwell, is a political allegory that uses animals to represent historical figures and events. The novel explores themes of totalitarianism, propaganda, and the corruption of ideals. The allegory is significant in its representation of the Russian Revolution, Stalinism vs. Trotskyism, and the dangers of totalitarianism and propaganda.

The Russian Revolution

Animal Farm is an allegory for the Russian Revolution, with the animals representing historical figures such as Leon Trotsky, Joseph Stalin, and Vladimir Lenin. The novel explores the events leading up to the revolution, as well as the aftermath and the rise of Stalinism. The pigs, who represent the Bolsheviks, initially work towards a socialist society, but eventually become corrupt and oppressive.

Stalinism vs. Trotskyism

The novel also explores the conflict between Stalinism and Trotskyism. Napoleon, the main pig, represents Stalin, while Snowball represents Trotsky. The two pigs have different ideas about how the farm should be run, with Snowball advocating for a more democratic approach and Napoleon favoring a more authoritarian regime. Napoleon eventually wins out, banishing Snowball and becoming a dictator.

Totalitarianism and Propaganda

Animal Farm also explores the dangers of totalitarianism and propaganda. The pigs use propaganda to manipulate the other animals, convincing them that their actions are in their best interest. The pigs also establish a totalitarian regime, using violence and intimidation to maintain their power. The novel serves as a warning about the dangers of totalitarianism and propaganda, and the need for vigilance in protecting democratic ideals.

Themes and Motifs

allegory in animal farm essay

Power and Corruption

Animal Farm is a political allegory that illustrates the corrupting nature of power. The pigs, who initially lead the rebellion against the human farmer, soon become corrupt and oppressive rulers themselves. They use propaganda and manipulation to maintain their power, and they modify the rules of Animalism to suit their own interests. As a result, the animals on the farm become increasingly oppressed, and the pigs become increasingly tyrannical.

The Illusion of Utopia

Animal Farm portrays the idea that utopian societies are impossible to achieve. The animals initially believe that they can create a perfect society in which all animals are equal, but they soon realize that this dream is unattainable. The pigs, who become the ruling class, create a society that is even more oppressive than the one that they overthrew. The novel suggests that any attempt to create a utopia is doomed to fail because of the corrupting influence of power.

Class Warfare

Animal Farm is a commentary on the class struggle between the working class and the ruling class. The animals on the farm represent the working class, while the pigs represent the ruling class. The novel illustrates how the ruling class uses propaganda and manipulation to maintain their power and control over the working class. The novel suggests that the only way to achieve true equality is through a revolution that overthrows the ruling class and creates a society in which all individuals are equal.

Overall, Animal Farm is a powerful allegory that explores themes of power, corruption, the illusion of utopia, and class warfare. The novel suggests that any attempt to create a perfect society is doomed to fail because of the corrupting influence of power. The novel also illustrates how the ruling class uses propaganda and manipulation to maintain their power and control over the working class.

Character Analysis

Napoleon is a large pig and one of the main characters in Animal Farm. He is known for his intelligence, ambition, and ability to manipulate others. As the story progresses, Napoleon becomes increasingly tyrannical and corrupt, using his power to oppress the other animals and maintain his own authority. He is often compared to Joseph Stalin, the former leader of the Soviet Union, due to his ruthless tactics and disregard for the well-being of his subjects.

Snowball is another pig and one of the leaders of the animal revolution. He is intelligent, passionate, and eloquent, and he believes in the principles of Animalism. However, he is eventually driven out of the farm by Napoleon and his supporters, who view him as a threat to their power. Snowball is often compared to Leon Trotsky, a Russian revolutionary who was exiled by Stalin and eventually assassinated.

Boxer is a loyal and hardworking horse who plays a key role in the revolution. He is known for his strength and his motto, “I will work harder.” Despite his loyalty to the cause, Boxer is eventually betrayed by the pigs and sent to the knacker’s yard to be slaughtered. Boxer represents the working class, who are often exploited by those in power.

Squealer is a small, persuasive pig who serves as Napoleon’s chief propagandist. He is skilled at manipulating language and convincing the other animals to accept Napoleon’s authority. Squealer represents the role of propaganda in maintaining a dictatorship, and the power of language to influence public opinion.

Overall, the characters in Animal Farm represent different aspects of the Soviet Union and the Russian Revolution. By examining their actions and motivations, readers can gain a deeper understanding of the dangers of totalitarianism and the importance of individual freedom and democracy.

Literary Devices

One of the most prominent literary devices used in Animal Farm is symbolism. The novel is an allegory, and the characters, events, and settings all represent something else. For example, the pigs represent the Communist Party leaders, while the other animals represent the working class. The farm itself represents the Soviet Union. The use of symbolism helps to convey complex ideas and themes in a way that is easy for readers to understand.

Irony is another literary device that is used throughout Animal Farm. One example of irony is when the pigs, who were once oppressed by Mr. Jones, become the oppressors themselves. This is ironic because they were fighting for freedom and equality, but end up becoming just as bad as their former oppressor. Another example of irony is when the pigs change the commandment “All animals are equal” to “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” This is ironic because it goes against the very idea of equality that the animals were fighting for.


Foreshadowing is also used in Animal Farm to hint at events that will happen later in the novel. For example, the animals are warned about the danger of the pigs becoming too powerful early on in the novel. This foreshadows the pigs’ eventual rise to power and their abuse of that power. Another example of foreshadowing is when the pigs start to walk on two legs, which is a clear sign that they have become more like humans than animals. This foreshadows the pigs’ eventual transformation into human-like oppressors.

Overall, the use of literary devices in Animal Farm helps to convey complex ideas and themes in a way that is easy for readers to understand. Symbolism, irony, and foreshadowing are just a few of the devices used throughout the novel to convey the message that power corrupts, and that revolutions can often lead to new forms of oppression.

Critical Interpretations

Political readings.

Animal Farm has been interpreted in various ways, but one of the most common interpretations is that it is a political allegory. The novel is seen as a critique of the Soviet Union and its communist government. The pigs, who are the leaders of the animal revolution, are often seen as a representation of the Soviet leadership, with Napoleon being compared to Joseph Stalin and Snowball to Leon Trotsky. The novel highlights the dangers of totalitarianism and the need for a society that values freedom and equality.

Moral and Ethical Discussions

Apart from the political interpretations , Animal Farm has also sparked moral and ethical discussions . The novel raises questions about the nature of power and the corrupting influence it can have on individuals and societies. The pigs, who initially fight for animal rights, eventually become corrupt and oppressive, demonstrating the dangers of unchecked power. The novel also explores the importance of language and propaganda in shaping public opinion and controlling the masses.

Overall, Animal Farm is a thought-provoking novel that raises important questions about politics, power, and morality. Its enduring popularity is a testament to its relevance and the timeless nature of its themes.

Influence on Literature and Popular Culture


Since its publication, Animal Farm has been adapted into various forms of media, including films, stage plays, and even a video game. The most notable adaptation is the 1954 animated film produced by Halas and Batchelor, which remains a classic to this day. The film stays true to the book’s allegorical nature and serves as an excellent introduction to the story for younger audiences.

In addition to the film, there have been numerous stage adaptations of Animal Farm, including a 1984 production by the Royal Shakespeare Company. The play was well-received and praised for its ability to capture the essence of the book’s political commentary.

Cultural References

Animal Farm has had a significant impact on popular culture, with references to the book appearing in various forms of media. One notable example is the song “Pigs (Three Different Ones)” by Pink Floyd, which was inspired by the book’s themes of corruption and greed.

The book has also been referenced in various television shows, including The Simpsons and South Park. These references often serve as a commentary on current political events and draw parallels to the book’s portrayal of totalitarianism.

Overall, Animal Farm’s influence on literature and popular culture is a testament to its enduring relevance and ability to provoke thought and discussion.

'Animal Farm' Themes and Symbols

Political allegory, totalitarianism, corruption of ideals, power of language.

allegory in animal farm essay

  • B.A., English, Rutgers University

George Orwell's Animal Farm is a political allegory about revolution and power. Through the tale of a group of farm animals who overthrow the owner of the farm, Animal Farm explores themes of totalitarianism, the corruption of ideals, and the power of language.

Orwell frames his story as a political allegory; every character represents a figure from the Russian Revolution. Mr. Jones, the original human owner of the farm, represents the ineffective and incompetent Czar Nicholas II. The pigs represent key members of Bolshevik leadership: Napoleon represents Joseph Stalin, Snowball represents Leon Trotsky, and Squealer represents Vyacheslav Molotov. Other animals represent the working classes of Russia: initially passionate about revolution eventually manipulated into supporting a regime that was just as incompetent and arguably more brutal than the previous one.

Orwell argues that any revolution led by a small, conspiratorial group can only degenerate into oppression and tyranny. He makes this argument through the main Animal Farm allegory—that of the farm. The revolution begins with firm principles of equality and justice, and initially, the results are positive, as the animals get to labor for their own direct benefit. However, as Orwell demonstrates, revolutionary leaders can become as corrupt and incompetent as the government they overthrew.

The pigs adopt the human ways they once fiercely opposed (drinking whiskey, sleeping in beds), and they make business deals with farmers that benefit them alone. Meanwhile, the other animals see only negative changes in their lives. They continue to support Napoleon and work harder than ever despite the decline in quality of living. Eventually, the promises of heated stalls and electric light—what they've been working for all along—become fantasy.

Animal Farm suggests that totalitarianism and hypocrisy are endemic to the human condition. Without education and true empowerment of the lower classes, Orwell argues, society will always default to tyranny.

The pigs’ descent into corruption is a key element of the novel. Orwell, a socialist, believed the Russian Revolution had been corrupted by power-seekers like Stalin from the start.

The animals' revolution is initially led by Snowball, the key architect of Animalism; at first, Napoleon is a secondary player, much like Stalin. However, Napoleon plots in secret to seize power and drive Snowball away, undermining Snowball's policies and training the dogs to be his enforcers. The principles of equality and solidarity that inspired the animals become mere tools for Napoleon to seize power. The gradual erosion of these values reflects Orwell’s criticism of Stalin as nothing more than a tyrant hanging onto power through the fiction of a communist revolution.

Orwell doesn’t reserve his vitriol for the leaders, however. The animals representing the people of Russia are depicted as complicit in this corruption through inaction, fear, and ignorance. Their dedication to Napoleon and the imaginary benefits of his leadership enable the pigs to maintain their hold on power, and the ability of the pigs to convince the other animals that their lives were better even as their lives become demonstrably worse is Orwell’s condemnation of the choice to submit to propaganda and magical thinking.

Animal Farm explores how propaganda can be used to control people. From the start of the novel, Orwell depicts the animals being manipulated by common propaganda techniques, including songs, slogans, and ever-changing information. Singing "Beasts of England" evokes an emotional response that reinforces the animals' loyalty to both Animalism and the pigs. The adoption of slogans like Napoleon is always right or four legs good, two legs bad demonstrates their unfamiliarity with the complex philosophical and political concepts underlying the revolution. The constant alteration of the Seven Commandments of Animalism demonstrates how those in control of information can manipulate the rest of a population.

The pigs, who serve as the leaders of the farm, are the only animals with a strong command of language. Snowball is an eloquent speaker who composes the philosophy of Animalism and persuades his fellow beasts with the power of his oratory. Squealer is adept at lying and spinning stories to maintain control. (For example, when the other animals are upset about Boxer’s cruel fate, Squealer quickly composes a fiction to defuse their anger and confuse the issue.) Napoleon, while not as smart or as eloquent as Snowball, is skilled at imposing his own false view on everyone around him, as when he falsely inserts himself into the historical record of the Battle of the Cowshed.

As an allegorical novel, Animal Farm is rife with symbolism. Just as the animals represent individuals or groups from Russian history, the farm itself represents Russia, and the surrounding farms represent the European powers that witnessed the Russian Revolution. Orwell’s choices about which objects, events, or concepts to highlight are not driven by plot as in narrative fiction. Instead, his choices are carefully calibrated to evoke a desired response from the reader.

Whiskey represents corruption. When Animalism is founded, one of the commandments is ‛No animal shall drink alcohol.’ Slowly, however, Napoleon and the other pigs come to enjoy whiskey and its effects. The commandment is changed to ‛No animal shall drink alcohol to excess’ after Napoleon experiences his first hangover and learns how to moderate his whiskey consumption. When Boxer is sold to the Knacker, Napoleon uses the money to purchase whiskey. With this act, Napoleon fully embodies the human qualities against which the animals once revolted.

The Windmill

The windmill represents the attempt to modernize Russia and the general incompetence of Stalin’s regime. Snowball initially proposes the Windmill as a way of improving the farm’s living conditions; when Snowball is driven off, Napoleon claims it as his own idea, but his mismanagement of the project and the attacks from other landowners mean the project takes far longer to complete than expected. The final product is of inferior quality, much like many of the projects undertaken by the Soviets post-revolution. In the end the Windmill is used to enrich Napoleon and the other pigs at the expense of the other animals.

The Commandments

The Seven Commandments of Animalism, written on the barn wall for all to see, represent the power of propaganda and the malleable nature of history and information when the people are ignorant of the facts. The commandments are altered throughout the novel; each time they are changed indicates that the animals have moved even further away from their original principles.

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Interesting Literature

A Summary and Analysis of George Orwell’s Animal Farm

By Dr Oliver Tearle (Loughborough University)

Animal Farm is, after Nineteen Eighty-Four , George Orwell’s most famous book. Published in 1945, the novella (at under 100 pages, it’s too short to be called a full-blown ‘novel’) tells the story of how a group of animals on a farm overthrow the farmer who puts them to work, and set up an equal society where all animals work and share the fruits of their labours.

However, as time goes on, it becomes clear that the society the animals have constructed is not equal at all. It’s well-known that the novella is an allegory for Communist Russia under Josef Stalin, who was leader of the Soviet Union when Orwell wrote the book. Before we dig deeper into the context and meaning of Animal Farm with some words of analysis, it might be worth refreshing our memories with a brief summary of the novella’s plot.

Animal Farm: plot summary

The novella opens with an old pig, named Major, addressing his fellow animals on Manor Farm. Major criticises Mr Jones, the farmer who owns Manor Farm, because he controls the animals, takes their produce (the hens’ eggs, the cows’ milk), but gives them little in return. Major tells the other animals that man, who walks on two feet unlike the animals who walk on four, is their enemy.

They sing a rousing song in favour of animals, ‘Beasts of England’. Old Major dies a few days later, but the other animals have been inspired by his message.

Two pigs in particular, Snowball and Napoleon, rouse the other animals to take action against Mr Jones and seize the farm for themselves. They draw up seven commandments which all animals should abide by: among other things, these commandments forbid an animal to kill another animal, and include the mantra ‘four legs good, two legs bad’, because animals (who walk on four legs) are their friends while their two-legged human overlords are evil. (We have analysed this famous slogan here .)

The animals lead a rebellion against Mr Jones, whom they drive from the farm. They rename Manor Farm ‘Animal Farm’, and set about running things themselves, along the lines laid out in their seven commandments, where every animal is equal. But before long, it becomes clear that the pigs – especially Napoleon and Snowball – consider themselves special, requiring special treatment, as the leaders of the animals.

Nevertheless, when Mr Jones and some of the other farmers lead a raid to try to reclaim the farm, the animals work together to defend the farm and see off the men. A young farmhand is knocked unconscious, and initially feared dead.

Things begin to fall apart: Napoleon’s windmill, which he has instructed the animals to build, is vandalised and he accuses Snowball of sabotaging it. Snowball is banished from the farm. During winter, many of the animals are on the brink of starvation.

Napoleon engineers it so that when Mr Whymper, a man from a neighbouring farm with whom the pigs have started to trade (so the animals can acquire the materials they need to build the windmill), visits the farm, he overhears the animals giving a positive account of life on Animal Farm.

Without consulting the hens first, Napoleon organises a deal with Mr Whymper which involves giving him many of the hens’ eggs. They rebel against him, but he starves them into submission, although not before nine hens have died. Napoleon then announces that Snowball has been visiting the farm at night and destroying things.

Napoleon also claims that Snowball has been in league with Mr Jones all the time, and that even at the Battle of the Cowshed (as the animals are now referring to the farmers’ unsuccessful raid on the farm) Snowball was trying to sabotage the fight so that Jones won.

The animals are sceptical about this, because they all saw Snowball bravely fighting alongside them. Napoleon declares he has discovered ‘secret documents’ which prove Snowball was in league with their enemy.

Life on Animal Farm becomes harder for the animals, and Boxer, while labouring hard to complete the windmill, falls and injures his lung. The pigs arrange for him to be taken away and treated, but when the van arrives and takes him away, they realise too late that the van belongs to a man who slaughters horses, and that Napoleon has arranged for Boxer to be taken away to the knacker’s yard and killed.

Squealer lies to the animals, though, and when he announces Boxer’s death two days later, he pretends that the van had been bought by a veterinary surgeon who hadn’t yet painted over the old sign on the side of the van. The pigs take to wearing green ribbons and order in another crate of whisky for them to drink; they don’t share this with the other animals.

A few years pass, and some of the animals die, Napoleon and Squealer get fatter, and none of the animals is allowed to retire, as previously promised. The farm gets bigger and richer, but the luxuries the animals had been promised never materialised: they are told that the real pleasure is derived from hard work and frugal living.

Then, one day, the animals see Squealer up on his hind legs, walking on two legs like a human instead of on four like an animal.

The other pigs follow; and Clover and Benjamin discover that the seven commandments written on the barn wall have been rubbed off, to be replace by one single commandment: ‘All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.’ The pigs start installing radio and a telephone in the farmhouse, and subscribe to newspapers.

Finally, the pigs invite humans into the farm to drink with them, and announce a new partnership between the pigs and humans. Napoleon announces to his human guests that the name of the farm is reverting from Animal Farm to the original name, Manor Farm.

The other animals from the farm, observing this through the window, can no longer tell which are the pigs and which are the men, because Napoleon and the other pigs are behaving so much like men now.

Things have gone full circle: the pigs are no different from Mr Jones (indeed, are worse).

Animal Farm: analysis

First, a very brief history lesson, by way of context for Animal Farm . In 1917, the Tsar of Russia, Nicholas II, was overthrown by Communist revolutionaries.

These revolutionaries replaced the aristocratic rule which had been a feature of Russian society for centuries with a new political system: Communism, whereby everyone was equal. Everyone works, but everyone benefits equally from the results of that work. Josef Stalin became leader of Communist Russia, or the Soviet Union, in the early 1920s.

However, it soon became apparent that Stalin’s Communist regime wasn’t working: huge swathes of the population were working hard, but didn’t have enough food to survive. They were starving to death.

But Stalin and his politicians, who themselves were well-off, did nothing to combat this problem, and indeed actively contributed to it. But they told the people that things were much better since the Russian Revolution and the overthrow of the Tsar, than things had been before, under Nicholas II. The parallels with Orwell’s Animal Farm are crystal-clear.

Animal Farm is an allegory for the Russian Revolution and the formation of a Communist regime in Russia (as the Soviet Union). We offer a fuller definition of allegory in a separate post, but the key thing is that, although it was subtitled A Fairy Story , Orwell’s novella is far from being a straightforward tale for children. It’s also political allegory, and even satire.

The cleverness of Orwell’s approach is that he manages to infuse his story with this political meaning while also telling an engaging tale about greed, corruption, and ‘society’ in a more general sense.

One of the commonest techniques used in both Stalinist Russia and in Animal Farm is what’s known as ‘gaslighting’ (meaning to manipulate someone by psychological means so they begin to doubt their own sanity; the term is derived from the film adaptation of Gaslight , a play by Patrick Hamilton).

For instance, when Napoleon and the other pigs take to eating their meals and sleeping in the beds in the house at Animal Farm, Clover is convinced this goes against one of the seven commandments the animals drew up at the beginning of their revolution.

But one of the pigs has altered the commandment (‘No animal shall sleep in a bed’), adding the words ‘ with sheets ’ to the end of it. Napoleon and the other pigs have rewritten history, but they then convince Clover that she is the one who is mistaken, and that she’s misremembered what the wording of the commandment was.

Another example of this technique – which is a prominent feature of many totalitarian regimes, namely keep the masses ignorant as they’re easier to manipulate that way – is when Napoleon claims that Snowball has been in league with Mr Jones all along. When the animals question this, based on all of the evidence to the contrary, Napoleon and Squealer declare they have ‘secret documents’ which prove it.

But the other animals can’t read them, so they have to take his word for it. Squealer’s lie about the van that comes to take Boxer away (he claims it’s going to the vet, but it’s clear that Boxer is really being taken away to be slaughtered) is another such example.

Communist propaganda

Much as Stalin did in Communist Russia, Napoleon actively rewrites history , and manages to convince the animals that certain things never happened or that they are mistaken about something. This is a feature that has become more and more prominent in political society, even in non-totalitarian ones: witness our modern era of ‘fake news’ and media spin where it becomes difficult to ascertain what is true any more.

The pigs also convince the other animals that they deserve to eat the apples themselves because they work so hard to keep things running, and that they will have an extra hour in bed in the mornings. In other words, they begin to become the very thing they sought to overthrow: they become like man.

They also undo the mantra that ‘all animals are equal’, since the pigs clearly think they’re not like the other animals and deserve special treatment. Whenever the other animals question them, one question always succeeds in putting an end to further questioning: do they want to see Jones back running the farm? As the obvious answer is ‘no’, the pigs continue to get away with doing what they want.

Squealer is Napoleon’s propagandist, ensuring that the decisions Napoleon makes are ‘spun’ so that the other animals will accept them and carry on working hard.

And we can draw a pretty clear line between many of the major characters in Animal Farm and key figures of the Russian Revolution and Stalinist Russia. Napoleon, the leader of the animals, is Joseph Stalin; Old Major , whose speech rouses the animals to revolution, partly represents Vladimir Lenin, who spearheaded the Russian Revolution of 1917 (although he is also a representative of Karl Marx , whose ideas inspired the Revolution); Snowball, who falls out with Napoleon and is banished from the farm, represents Leon Trotsky, who was involved in the Revolution but later went to live in exile in Mexico.

Squealer, meanwhile, is based on Molotov (after whom the Molotov cocktail was named); Molotov was Stalin’s protégé, much as Squealer is encouraged by Napoleon to serve as Napoleon’s right-hand (or right-hoof?) man (pig).


Animal Farm very nearly didn’t make it into print at all. First, not long after Orwell completed the first draft in February 1944, his flat on Mortimer Crescent in London was bombed in June, and he feared the typescript had been destroyed. Orwell later found it in the rubble.

Then, Orwell had difficulty finding a publisher. T. S. Eliot, at Faber and Faber, rejected it because he feared that it was the wrong sort of political message for the time.

The novella was eventually published the following year, in 1945, and its relevance – as political satire, as animal fable, and as one of Orwell’s two great works of fiction – shows no signs of abating.

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Animal Farm

George orwell.

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Animal Farm: Introduction

Animal farm: plot summary, animal farm: detailed summary & analysis, animal farm: themes, animal farm: quotes, animal farm: characters, animal farm: symbols, animal farm: literary devices, animal farm: theme wheel, brief biography of george orwell.

Animal Farm PDF

Historical Context of Animal Farm

Other books related to animal farm.

  • Full Title: Animal Farm
  • When Written: 1944-45
  • Where Written: England
  • When Published: 1945
  • Literary Period: Modernism
  • Genre: Allegorical Novel
  • Setting: A farm somewhere in England in the first half of the 20th century
  • Climax: The pigs appear standing upright and the sheep bleat, “Four legs good, two legs better!”
  • Antagonist: Napoleon specifically, but the pigs and the dogs as groups are all antagonists.
  • Point of View: Third Person

Extra Credit for Animal Farm

Tough Crowd. Though Animal Farm eventually made Orwell famous, three publishers in England and several American publishing houses rejected the novel at first. One of the English editors to reject the novel was the famous poet T.S. Eliot, who was an editor at the Faber & Faber publishing house. One American editor, meanwhile, told Orwell that it was “impossible to sell animal stories in the U.S.A.”

Red Scare. Orwell didn’t just write literature that condemned the Communist state of the USSR. He did everything he could, from writing editorials to compiling lists of men he knew were Soviet spies, to combat the willful blindness of many intellectuals in the West to USSR atrocities.

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Themes and Analysis

Animal farm, by george orwell.

'Animal Farm' is a political allegory based on the events of the Russian revolution and the betrayal of the cause by Joseph Stalin.

Mizpah Albert

Article written by Mizpah Albert

M.A. in English Literature and a Ph.D. in English Language Teaching.

The novel echoes the corrupting nature of power through the themes and symbols. It is a satire on totalitarianism and dictatorship.

Animal Farm Analysis

Animal Farm Themes


Orwell’s use of Totalitarianism as the theme demonstrates, without education and true empowerment of the lower classes, any revolution led would only be led into oppression and tyranny. Initially, the results of the revolution look promising, as the animals get the direct benefit of their labor. Soon, the pigs adopt human ways and make business deals with farmers that benefit them alone. But, only negative changes happen in the life of the other animals. Still, they continue to work as their leader Napoleon bid them. In the end, the revolutionary leaders become as corrupt and incompetent as the government they overthrew.

Power of Language

Language has the power to engage and disengage. In Animal form, Orwell excellently depicts the power of language through the pigs, only animals with a strong command of language. In the beginning, singing “Beasts of England,” taught by the Old Major, infuses the emotional response.

Also, Snowball compiles the philosophy of Animalism and with his eloquent speech persuades his fellow animals on the farm to follow it. Similarly, Squealer with his adept skill of oration controls the animals on the farm. At the same time, the animals’ adoption of slogans like “Napoleon is always right” or “Four legs good, two legs bad” underlines their lack of understanding and easy to be manipulated nature.

Class structures

From time immemorial class division seems to be a major issue of human society. George Orwell comments on the same through the class division in ‘ Animal Farm ‘ before and after the revolution. He ironically presents the human tendency to have class structures even though they speak of total equality. When the story begins, class division is evident with the human beings being on top of every animal as the rulers of Manor Farm.

During the revolution, they vow not to treat any animal inferior. Soon it all changes, when the pigs, so-called “brain workers”, assume the role of leader and superiors start to control other animals. Evidently, Orwell points out the threat the class division imposes on society when they aim to have democracy and freedom.

Power leading to corruption

“Power leading to corruption” is another major theme Orwell explores in ‘ Animal Farm ’. Many of the characters, predominantly the pigs after the humans demonstrate the theme in the novel. Initially, humans exploit their power over animals. Later following the revolt, the pigs start to fill in the gap created by the eviction of man. They manipulate their position of leadership to exploit other animals. Though Napoleon is presented as the villain of the novel, neither Snowball nor the Old Major is immune to corruption.

As brain workers, the pigs, including Snowball, take advantage of the animal and keeps milk and apple away for them. Even Old Major, who brings forth the idea “all animals are equal,” lecturing from a raised platform, symbolically presents an idea of him being above the other animals on the farm. Altogether, it is made clear that the desire for power, evidently corrupt people.

The Failure of Intellect

Orwell presents a sceptical view on intellect that doesn’t produce anything of importance. In the novel, the pigs, identified as the most intelligent animals, use their intelligence only to exploit other animals than making their life better. Similarly, Benjamin, who is good, acts indifferent towards using the knowledge and speaks philosophically of moral values. Also, the dogs, equally intelligent like the pigs, don’t use their knowledge except to read “the Seven Commandments”. Thus, intelligence is often being unused or ill-used.

The Exploitation of Working Class

‘ Animal Farm ‘ more than being an allegory of the ways humans exploit and oppress one another, throws light upon how they exploit and oppress animals. In the first chapter, through Old Major’s speech, we get a detailed picture of how humans exploit the animals and rob them of their productions.

Also, in the second chapter, when the animals break open the harness-room at the end of the stables, they see “the bits, the nose-rings, the dog-chains, the cruel knives” with which Mr Jones extracted cruelty on the animals. Much like this, during the conversation between Mr Pilkington and Napoleon in chapter 10, he loosely comments “If you have your lower animals to contend with […] we have our lower classes!” Ultimately, it gives a perspective that, in the views of the ruling class, animals and workers are the same.

Analysis of Key Moments in Animal Farm

  • Old Major shares his dream of a life without humans. He also teaches the animals “Beasts of England” a song that inspires them.
  • Few months after the Old Major’s death, the revolt breaks out when Mr Jones forgets to feed the animals and a fed-up cow pushes her way into the store-shed to look for food. The animals rejoice in their victory. They change the name of the farm to ‘Animal Farm’ and decide on seven commandments to live by.
  • The animals are happy and they work well together more efficiently than Mr Jones ever did. Boxer, the horse, puts in a huge effort, with the motto ‘I will work harder!’.
  • The Battle of the Cowshed establishes Snowball as a hero. He also sets up ‘committees’ focused on education, reading and writing.
  • Napoleon, however, thinks educating the old animals is a waste of time. He focuses on the youngsters and removes the puppies of Jessie and Bluebell, to educate himself which foreshadows his guile nature.  
  • At one point, Napoleon drives Snowball out of the Farm with the help of the puppies, who are now grown-up dogs. But, Squealer convinces the other animals that Snowball was a traitor.
  • Napoleon announces himself to be the leader. And, he keeps making changes in the seven commandments. Finally, they have only one commandment that says, “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”
  • Later, he announces that the farm will be trading with neighboring farms. This comes as a shock to the animals as it goes against their commandments of Animalism.
  • In the final image, the animals in the Farms are confused and bewildered when they realize that they cannot tell the difference between man and pig. Both have been sublimated into each other.

Style, Tone, and Figurative Language

The style and language of  ‘ Animal Farm ‘ are simple as it involves Animal characters. The dialogues are delivered in short sentences, including the conclusion of the novel: “It was a pig walking on his hind legs […] He carried a whip in his trotter” (Chapter 10).  Further, Orwell has written the sentences in the passive voice, emphasizing the characters (animals) lack of control over the incidents that are happening.

To speak about the tone, it is playful and lighthearted in the beginning. It opens like any other fable where the animals could speak. Also, a tint of excitement could felt, as the animals win over their human suppressers and have hope for a beautiful future of their own. Soon, the tone turns bitter and monotonous in accordance with the story unfolds.

Two of the dominant figurative language use in ‘ Animal Farm ‘ is “onomatopoeia” and “Allusion”. Orwell employs animal sounds and movements to describe the actions. For example, while “stirring” and “fluttering” speaks of their movement, “cheeping feebly” and “grunting” explains their way of communications. 

‘ Animal Farm ,’ being an allegorical novel, alludes to Russian Revolution, through its settings and characters.  The character of the Old Major, Snowball, and Napoleon, alludes respectively to Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky, and Stalin. Also, the events following the revolution: Battle of the Cowshed, Snowball being chased off the Farm, and the slaughter of the hens allude to Trotsky’s exile and the Moscow trials of 1936-38.  Though, the character of Napoleon is an allusion to Joseph Stalin, Russia’s totalitarian dictator, his name attributes to Napoleon Bonaparte, the French world conqueror.

Analysis of Symbols

‘ Animal Farm ’ uses symbols prevalently as it is more than a story of animals. From the Farm to the animals represent the People and events of the Russian Revolution. Unlike a narrative fiction in which the author decides on which events or characters to highlight, here he carefully standardized his plot to evoke the desired response from the readers. are not driven by the plot as in. Instead, his choices are carefully calibrated to evoke a desired response from the reader.

“Whiskey” symbolizes corruption in the novel. The changing perspective of the pigs over, consuming Whiskey delineates how steadily they fall prey to corruption. In the beginning, when Animalism is founded, one of the commandments read: ‛No animal shall drink alcohol.’ For the animals suffered in the hands of humans. But, when Napoleon and the other pigs come to enjoy whiskey, they change the commandment ‛No animal shall drink alcohol to excess’. Finally, when Napoleon uses the money received by selling Boxer, embodies his corrupted nature similar to that of human beings.

The Windmill

The windmill in the novel represents the attempt to modernize Russia. Initially, when Snowball proposes the idea of a Windmill, Napoleon protests against it. Later, he claims it as his own idea. Also, the product coming out inferior in quality refers to the general ineptitude of Stalin’s regime.

Boxer’s character in the novel symbolizes the Russian working class. With his strength, he does most of the work on the farm. Similarly, the working-class people of the Soviet Revolution were exploited for their energy. Like Boxer and the other animals betrayed by the pigs, the people were betrayed by the intellectuals. On the whole, communism was not as beneficial for the working class as it was originally intended to be.

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Mizpah Albert

About Mizpah Albert

Mizpah Albert is an experienced educator and literature analyst. Building on years of teaching experience in India, she has contributed to the literary world with published analysis articles and evocative poems.


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Animal Farm by George Orwell: Literary Analysis Essay

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The Significance of the Novel’s Title

The major themes emerging from the novel, important passages and their significance, the setting of the novel and its effects on the plot, the main characters and their motivations, important relationships among characters in the novel, the narrator of the story and impact of his perspective on the narration, the ending of the novel, recommendation of the novel, works cited.

George Orwell’s Animal Farm is often discussed as an allegorical story having the features of the fable and satire. The significance of the novella’s title is in its satirical nature. An animal farm is traditionally discussed as a place where animals are bred by humans. The farms are usually named after the owner. However, Animal Farm is rather different. It is a place where animals are owners of the properties (Orwell 6). While referring to the meaning and significance of the phrase which is used for the title of the novella, it is important to emphasize the opposition between animals and humans as well as their differences.

The name “Animal Farm” is chosen by the characters in order to accentuate the meaning of this specific place where animals can rule instead of humans and without being exploited by them. However, the ownership of the farm by animals is a rather provocative idea. While focusing on the fact that the purpose of the novella is to present the political regime in the Soviet Union before World War II, it is possible to state that the title is significant because it stresses on the inhuman nature of Joseph Stalin’s regime.

Providing the title for the work, Orwell seems to ask the questions about the differences in the regime of the Soviet Union and irrational rule of animals at the farm. The satirical title is significant because the reader also starts asking questions about the political and social meaning of the work’s message and ideas. Using the metaphor in the title, Orwell draws the readers’ attention to the Animal Revolution as his allegory to demonstrate the results of the Russian Revolution of 1917. That is why, the title is significant to represent the double meaning of the story and stimulate the readers’ interpretation of the literal and allegorical aspects of the title’s meaning.

The major themes represented in the novella are the leadership and power in the Soviet Union, corruption, inequality, the role of an individual in the society, exploitation, and control. In his novella, Orwell discusses the power in the Soviet Union as unlimited and focused in the hands of the elite, as it is typical for the totalitarian governments. These leaders are allegorically described in the characters of pigs which are powerful, but selfish, brutal, and vicious.

The theme of corruption is discussed with the help of stating that the absolute power makes people corrupted or depraved because of receiving the unlimited resources. Thus, those pigs which were the leaders of the Animal Revolution betrayed their ideals and principles and chose to live in Manor’s house because of the convenience and extreme desire to satisfy their needs while ignoring the needs of the other working animals.

These animals chose to follow the principle “All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others” (Orwell 112). Thus, Orwell also discusses the themes of inequality and the role of an individual in the society. In spite of the fact that the Animal Revolution was declared to be organized for the welfare of all animals, only the leaders received the real benefits. The same situation was observed in the Soviet Union. The social stratification and the division into rich and poor were not overcome, but these problems were hidden now.

The other significant themes discussed in the fable are exploitation and control supported by the leaders of the revolution. The pigs were satisfied with the work of hard-working animals, but any differences in the views could result in violent punishment. This allegory represents how Stalin chose to resolve the problems with dissenters. Thus, the institution of control in the Soviet Union was People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs, and the guarantee of the pig’s control was dogs which were used to persecute dissenters.

The first passage that attracts the reader’s attention is Major’s speech about the role of a man in the world. Thus, Major states in his speech, “Man is the only creature that consumes without producing…Yet he is lord of all the animals” ( Orwell 6 ). Major notes that a man makes animals work, but he does not care about them and only “prevent them from starving” ( Orwell 6). Major persuades the animals that they are better than men, and they have to rebel while focusing on the threats of exploitation. This statement reflects the Socialists’ arguments declared during the Revolution period. However, the significance of the passage is in the fact that the pigs forget about their statements and ideals while receiving some power, and they begin to exploit the others.

In Chapter 3, the principles of the Socialists’ attitude to work and the belief of the poor men in the better future are reflected. The horse Boxer becomes the inspiration for each animal at the farm because he follows the principle “I will work harder!” (Orwell 25). This principle is actively followed by lower class animals, but it is also used by the pigs to exploit workers. The ideology prevents these animals from seeing the real situation at Animal Farm.

The expulsion of Snowball with the help of dogs can be discussed as the important allegorical description of the struggle between Joseph Stalin and Leon Trotsky observed in the Soviet Union. Napoleon used any means to realize his goals. Thus, he even used dogs to fear Snowball and other animals, “there was a terrible baying sound outside, and nine enormous dogs wearing brass-studded collars came bounding into the barn. They dashed straight for Snowball, who only sprang from his place just in time to escape their snapping jaws” (Orwell 48). Napoleon could not support his leadership with the other resources, and he used violence to state his high social position. This moment is symbolic to represent the deterioration of any Socialist principles declared at Animal Farm.

The next significant passage is about judging Snowball as a scapegoat. This moment is important to describe the reality of Animal Farm and make the reader think about the Soviet Union. Snowball was accused of any crime at the farm only because he did not support Napoleon. Thus, “If a window was broken or a drain was blocked up, someone was certain to say that Snowball had come in the night and done it” (Orwell 66). This situation is the first step in persecution of ‘suspicious’ animals who were killed because of possible relations with Snowball. Thus, the authorities used all the cruel methods to justify and support their regime while violating the basic principles of their ideologies.

The setting of the novella is imaginary Manor Farm located in England. This place becomes the communal territories owned by the animals after the Animal Revolution. The time period associated with the described events is not stated clearly. Animal Farm becomes the place where animals live according to the principles of Animalism and equality of all the animals. These equal animals have the only enemy in men who previously exploited them (Orwell 4).

Concentrating on the allegorical meaning of the novella, it is possible to note that the setting of the story is the Soviet Union after the period of the Russian Revolution in 1917 and during the rule of Joseph Stalin. The setting can be considered as affecting the plot significantly because all the described events occur at Animal Farm where animals try to develop the communal way of life. This farm becomes the place where the pigs win the people and receive the power.

It is possible to state that the story could be told in a different setting, but the features of the fable can be lost because the main distinctive feature of the novella is its allegorical character. While putting the characters of the novella in the real-life setting, it is possible to discuss the moments from the history of the Soviet Union without using any allegories and metaphors in order to accentuate the dramatic features of the regime. That is why, this story about the corrupted leaders and exploited workers presented in a different setting can be discussed as ineffective to reveal the author’s main idea.

The main characters of the novella are Napoleon, Snowball, Boxer, Squealer, and Old Major. The character of Napoleon is based on the personality of Joseph Stalin. This ambitious pig tries to become a leader at Animal Farm after the death of Old Major. Napoleon uses all the means to achieve the goal, and these means are mostly persuasive speeches and unlimited violence. As a result, Napoleon can be described as a political tyrant.

The character of Snowball is based on the personality of Leon Trotsky, the main rival of Joseph Stalin in the Soviet Union. Snowball is an idealist, and he also wants to become a leader at Animal Farm, but he fails because of avoiding the use of extremely violent means and because of basing only on clear reasoning. That is why, Napoleon makes Snowball to become a scapegoat in order to receive the opportunity to cope with the smart competitor.

Boxer is a cart-horse who represents the working class at Animal Farm. Boxer works hard in order to contribute to the farm’s intensive development. He is loyal, strong, naïve, and dedicated to the ideals of Animalism. Boxer can be discussed as motivated by the belief in the better future and achievements of the working animals.

Squealer is a pig who develops the active propaganda at Animal Farm in order to support Napoleon’s ideas and personality (Orwell 20). This pig speaks in a language that is understandable for other animals, and he is motivated by possible Napoleon’s appraisal.

Old Major is an old pig whose character is written basing on the personalities of Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin. Old Major is rather wise, and he is focused on finding better ways for living at farm while avoiding the exploitation of the animals as the lower class (Orwell 3-4).

The character to whom it is possible to relate oneself is Boxer. This cart-horse is the appropriate choice because he discusses the hard work as the only way to build the better future, and he tries to inspire the others to do their best to create something good.

The novella is based on the description of the problematic relationships between Napoleon and Snowball. These pigs are rivals in their fight for leadership at Animal Farm. In spite of the fact that both Napoleon and Snowball orient to receiving the unlimited leadership and influence, the methods which they use to complete the goals are different. That is why, Napoleon who uses violence and fear becomes more powerful than Snowball who uses reasoning. Although Napoleon and Snowball start applying the ideals of Animalism to the regime at Animal Farm as a team, they need more leadership after the death of Old Major. These relations are typical for the ruling class where the fight for power is not only extreme but also prolonged.

The other type of relationships is described with references to workers Boxer and Benjamin. Orwell describes these animals’ relations the following way, “the two of them usually spent their Sundays together in the small paddock beyond the orchard, grazing side by side and never speaking” (Orwell 4). The horse and the donkey represent different visions and attitudes to the world and situation, but they live to support each other. Boxer can be described as more enthusiastic and positive while discussing the ideals of Animalism. Benjamin is more passive in spite of the fact that he understands the real situation at Animal Farm. Benjamin chooses not to do anything to fight cruelty of Napoleon’s regime. Thus, this character represents the visions of the majority in the Soviet Union.

The narrative point used in Animal Farm is third-person, and this point of view can be discussed as impersonal and omniscient because Orwell is not presented as a character in the work. First, it seems that the narrator’s perspective is limited, but then it can be found that readers know more than animals which are discussed in the story. Thus, the anonymous narrator not only retells the actions of the animals, but he also presents the motives and thoughts of such characters as Napoleon, Squealer, Boxer, and Benjamin (Orwell 3-14). As a result, this perspective can affect the way according to which the story is told and understood by the reader. The used approach helps accentuate the differences observed in the pigs’ words and their actions toward horses and other animals who work hard to support the commune.

The narrator can also be described as detached, and there are more opportunities for the author to present and develop the allegorical meaning of the novella while focusing on the real motivation of such characters as Napoleon and Squealer while comparing their words, thoughts, and actions with the activities of the other animals at the farm (Orwell 58-64). This point of view is effective to be used in the allegorical novella because the reader can understand all the hidden meanings of the described activities and words while referring to the narrator’s ironical remarks and hints. That is why, the choice of the perspective is rather appropriate to address the idea or message of this satirical story.

The ending of the novella can be discussed as appropriate to represent the result of corruption of the ideals and principles developed at Animal Farm. Thus, animals betrayed their ideals because of the benefits of working with their human enemies. However, the last scene demonstrates that animals and men have many features in common because of their focus on cheating, exploiting, and expanding only their own properties. The quarrel between animals’ leaders and people observed by the other animals through windows of the house reveals that “the creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which” (Orwell 118). Thus, Orwell effectively stresses on how tyrants can use the ideals against the lower classes and support their power with the methods used by the previous leaders.

Animal Farm should be recommended for reading to others because this allegorical novella is helpful to understand the nature of the totalitarian regimes which can be based on the effective ideals. Furthermore, the novella is interesting to help readers become detached from the historical reality associated with the Russian Revolution and look at the events from the other perspective. The satirical anti-utopian story makes the reader think about the true nature of many things observed in different types of the society. In his work, Orwell effectively discussed the threats of the totalitarian regimes which can be corrupted because of the aspects of the human nature. That is why, the novella can be actively recommended to the readers to look at the political events from the perspective of the satirical fable.

Orwell, George. Animal Farm. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 1990. Print.

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IvyPanda. (2020, June 19). Animal Farm by George Orwell: Literary Analysis.

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allegory in animal farm essay

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Animal Farm : Allegory and the Art of Persuasion

Cover of Animal Farm (1945) by George Orwell (2008 edition)

Cover of Animal Farm (1945) by George Orwell (2008 edition).

Allegories are similar to metaphors: in both the author uses one subject to represent another, seemingly unrelated, subject. However, unlike metaphors, which are generally short and contained within a few lines, an allegory extends its representation over the course of an entire story, novel, or poem. This lesson plan will introduce students to the concept of allegory by using George Orwell’s widely read novella, Animal Farm , which is available online through Project Gutenberg.

Guiding Questions

What are allegories and how are they used in literature?

What makes an allegory effective?

Why is Orwell's Animal Farm an allegory?

Learning Objectives

Assess the allegories used in George Orwell’s Animal Farm.

Explain how allegories operate as a rhetorical device.

Evaluate the social and political significance of Animal Farm . 

Lesson Plan Details

At the time when Animal Farm was published in the 1940s the rule of Joseph Stalin in the Soviet Union and events in Ukraine and Georgia, as well as other places throughout Eastern Europe, would have been familiar to the average reader. This background knowledge will help to make the allegorical structure of Orwell’s novella clear to students. This lesson plan can be adapted to expand on history and social studies lessons which focus on this time period.

Allegory can be found both in literature and in the visual arts, such as painting and sculpture. Like metaphors, allegories utilize one subject as if it were analogous to another, seemingly unrelated, subject. Unlike metaphors, the representational image is more detailed and is sustained throughout the length of a story, novel, or poem. Allegories are generally understood as rhetorical, and, as a form of rhetoric, are generally designed to persuade their audience. More information about allegories and rhetoric is accessible through EDSITEment's Literary Glossary .

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.R.1. Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text.

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.R.2. Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development; summarize the key supporting details and ideas.

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.R.4. Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a text, including determining technical, connotative, and figurative meanings, and analyze how specific word choices shape meaning or tone.

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.R.6. Assess how point of view or purpose shapes the content and style of a text.

In this lesson students will focus on George Orwell’s Animal Farm as an example of this rhetorical device, as it is perhaps the most widely read allegory in the middle school and high school classrooms. Orwell’s 1945 novella is an allegorical indictment of tyranny which utilizes the historical events and players of the Russian Revolution and the subsequent rise of Stalin as a cautionary tale. This lesson can be taught in conjunction with a close reading of the text, or it can be used to introduce the concept of allegory. Other well known allegorical texts include Edmund Spenser’s The Faerie Queen , William Golding’s The Lord of the Flies , and John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress .

  • Review and bookmark the web pages containing definitions for allegory and rhetoric , as well as the text of George Orwell’s Animal Farm .  
  • A complete audiobook is available.
  • The 1954 cartoon film of Animal Farm (70 minutes) is available. 

Activity 1. Animal Farm and Allegory

George Orwell’s 1945 novella, Animal Farm , is the story of an animal revolution. The animal residents of Manor Farm, spurred on by the dream of the pig, Old Major, decide they will change their “miserable, laborious, and short” lives. They overthrow Mr. Jones, their master, and take over the management of the farm. Rather than living under the heel of their human master, the animals of Manor Farm decide that they will take control of the products of their labor, working for the good of the farm and other animals, rather than for the good of humans.

How is this story allegorical? You may provide your own definition of allegory, or you can ask your students to read the definition of allegory that is available through EDSITEment's Literary Glossary . If an allegory is “a n extended metaphor in which characters and objects hold both a literal meaning as well as a secondary, implied meaning, ” then what is the additional or alternative meaning contained in Orwell’s story of animal rebellion?

Activity 2. The Collective Farm and the Communist State

Many of the events at Manor Farm are closely linked to political events in Russia during the first half of the twentieth century. The rebellion by the working animals of the farm against the oppressive human farmer who lives off the fruits of their labor is directly analogous to the Russian Revolution of 1917 in which workers and peasants revolted against a feudal system in which feudal lords lived luxuriously from the toil of the peasants who farmed on their lands. If your students are not already familiar with some of the main events of Russian history from the turn of the twentieth century to the end of World War II, you may wish to have them read an overview of the history of the Soviet Union .

Ask students to answer the following questions about the events that take place on the Manor Farm, and how they are an allegorical retelling of the events from the Russian Revolution to the end of World War II in Russia.

  • How is Orwell’s Animal Farm an allegorical retelling of the end of feudalism and the rise and consolidation of communism in Russia?
  • How does Orwell parallel Czarist Russia and the life of the Russian peasants in the characters and events of Animal Farm ?
  • What internal feud within the Communist party is paralleled in the struggle for power between Napoleon and Snowball?
  • During the Stalinist period the Communist State repeatedly set industrial and agricultural production goals that were often difficult or impossible to reach. These goals played a major role in the government’s Five Year Plan and similar plans. How are these plans represented in Orwell’s novella?

Activity 3. What's in a Name?

Many of the characters in Animal Farm are clearly meant to represent historical figures. The human inspiration for Orwell’s fictional characters can often be found in the characters’ parallel actions, and sometimes even in their names. As an important structural component of the novella as an allegorical tale, each of the characters in the story is representative of players in the historical narrative the story represents.

After discussing with the class the trajectory of the Russian revolution and subsequent Communist Party fracturing, ask students to work in pairs on the characters of Animal Farm . If students are less familiar with the historical context, or if this lesson is not being taught in conjunction with a close reading of the Orwell text, you may prefer to work on completing this chart together as a class. 

Once students have filled out their charts ask them to think about the names of each of the characters. What importance and symbolism is contained in Orwell’s choice of names? Draw their attention to Napoleon and Boxer in particular.

Finally, ask students to answer the following questions:

  • What is the metaphor at the heart of Orwell’s allegorical tale?
  • How do the characters support the larger allegory of the story?
  • How is Orwell’s choice of animal and name for each character important in contributing to the larger story?

Activity 4. Tyranny by any other Name...

Orwell’s Animal Farm and 1984 , are often cited as works that are designed to show the weaknesses of Communism. These works took aim at the Soviet Union, however Orwell’s larger target was tyranny, in whatever form it appeared. He was as much concerned with the repression of rights and the injustice of the economic system in his own England as he was about Stalinist Russia.

As an allegorical tale about the dangers of tyranny, Orwell’s Animal Farm uses the story of Napoleon, Snowball, and Boxer as a form of rhetoric . Rhetoric can be understood as the use of language to persuade an audience of a belief or point of view. In the case of Animal Farm , Orwell is using the story of Manor Farm’s animal rebellion to caution people against the encroachment of tyranny. More information on rhetoric can be found in EDSITEment's Literary Glossary .

Ask students to contemplate the use of rhetoric in Animal Farm using the recommended questions : 

  • How is this allegorical tale also a rhetorical tale?
  • What is Orwell trying to persuade the audience to see or understand?
  • What is Orwell cautioning his audience against?
  • How does the story of Boxer act as a persuasive argument against tyranny?
  • What are the lessons to be learned from Napoleon’s behavior?
  • What is the warning contained in the changes to the list of commandments?
  • What is the lesson contained in the final, single commandment: All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others?

Ask students to gather together their answers to the questions posed throughout this lesson, which they should then use as the basis for writing a short essay answer the following questions:

  • How is Orwell’s Animal Farm an allegory, and what is in an allegory?
  • What are the rhetorical components of this allegory?
  • How is the use of allegory as a rhetorical device different from simply laying out a non-fictional account, or an historical or statistical analysis of the period and the rise of the Communist Party?
  • How is Orwell’s use of allegory rhetorically successful?

Martin Niemoller was a church pastor in Germany during Hitler’s rise to power. He shifted from an early support of Hitler to being very outspoken against the Nazi agenda and practices. He was arrested and held in concentration camps throughout World War II, and barely escaped execution. He is now perhaps best known for his cautionary poem:

In Germany they came first for the Communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time no one was left to speak up.

Ask students to compare Niemoller’s cautionary poem with Orwell’s allegorical story of the Manor Farm. How are their messages similar or different? How is the method of delivering those message similar or different?

Materials & Media

Animal farm: worksheet 1 - animal farm and allegory, animal farm: worksheet 2 - what's in a name, animal farm: worksheet 3 - what's in a name (teacher version), animal farm: worksheet 4 - tyranny by any other name..., related on edsitement, a literary glossary for literature and language arts, george orwell's essay on his life in burma: "shooting an elephant", fiction and nonfiction for ap english literature and composition.

Animal Farm

Introduction to animal farm ‎, summary of animal farm.

Following the success, the animals start harvesting and cultivation, with weekly meetings to debate on the policy matters. The pigs become administrators and assign duties to all the animals. However, Napoleon, the clever and astute pig, becomes the head, who does what he wants for himself. He also resorts to propaganda against his enemies and in his own praise. Therefore, Squealer is employed for this specific task. Although Jones and his men try to win the farm back, animals fight back ferociously. This is called the Battle of the Cowshed in which they are victorious. Soon the winter takes hold of the farm, while the only mare, Mollie, also flees. Snowball, on the other hand, devises innovative plans for a windmill installation and electricity generation. However, Napoleon opposes him for such schemes. Both go against each other and soon Napoleon, the astute one, uses the dogs to chase him out of the farm. Later, Squealer and Napoleon use his escape as the source of all evils on the animal farm.

Major Themes in Animal Farm

Major characters in animal farm, writing style of animal farm, analysis of literary devices in animal farm  .

Cows and horses, geese and turkeys, All must toil for freedom’s sake. Beasts of England, beasts of Ireland, Beasts of every land and clime, Hearken well and spread my tidings Of the golden future time. (Chapter-1)

The above lines taken from the first chapter show the use of alliteration that means the use of consonant sounds in quick succession in a line. For example, the /f/ sound is seen in 2 nd line.

No animal shall wear clothes. No animal shall sleep in a bed. No animal shall drink alcohol. No animal shall kill any other animal. (Chapter-II)

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Animal Farm

Animal Farm, by English author George Orwell, is a fable that uses a barnyard setting to represent the Russian Revolution and explores themes of class and power. Read the overview below to gain an understanding of the work and explore the previews of analysis and criticism that invite further interpretation.

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Animal farm topic overview.

"Animal Farm: An Overview." Gale Essential Overviews: Scholarly, Gale, 2015.

In his short novel Animal Farm (1945), English author George Orwell (1903–50) allegorizes the Russian Revolution of 1917, when the tsarist autocracy was pushed out and the Bolsheviks came into power, and the revolution's incremental betrayal of its supporters under dictator Joseph Stalin (1879–1953). Drawing on fable conventions, Orwell tells a farmyard story, casting revolutionary leaders Vladimir Lenin (1870–1924), Leon Trotsky (1879–1940), and Stalin as pigs, which—along with other common farm animals such as horses and hens—rebel against the tyranny of tsar-like farmer Mr. Jones. Set on a small English farm, the novel follows a collective of working animals that, as the pigs exploit them anew, toil pathetically day after day in the belief that they are remaking the farm as a republic.

Orwell wrote Animal Farm toward the end of World War II (1939–45), when the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) was being hailed by the Allied forces (including the British) for its decisive victories over Nazi Germany at Stalingrad (1942–43) and Kursk (1943). As such, he had difficulty finding a publisher prepared to offend Russian sensibilities. Gollancz and Faber and Faber, among other publishing houses, rejected the book outright. London publisher Jonathan Cape came close to printing it but was persuaded to reject the work by a Ministry of Information official later presumed to have been a Soviet spy. In spite of this reluctance, when it was finally released in England by Secker and Warburg in 1945, the novel was a runaway success, as it was the following year in the United States—no doubt helped by the dissolution of wartime alliances and the first rumblings of the Cold War. Regarded by many as Orwell's finest work, and certainly his first truly popular one, Animal Farm has long been ranked as among the best books of the twentieth century.

Historical and literary context

Following the revolution, the Russian Communist Party recast the former empire as a federation of republics with governments informed by the socialist principles of German philosopher Karl Marx (1818–83). Initially under the leadership of Lenin, Soviet Russia then entered an era of reconstruction, during which it privatized all aspects of the economy and attempted to control any forms of dissent to its Marxist-Leninist goals. After Lenin's death, Stalin effected a coup from within the Communist Party, and, although making a dogma of Marxist-Leninism, he turned the party into a properly totalitarian apparatus. During what is referred to as the Great Purge, millions of enemies of the state were executed or sent to forced-labor camps. Meanwhile, hasty attempts to modernize the peasant agriculture brought on deathly famines. Animal Farm retells this history metaphorically—in the sly maneuverings of the boar, Napoleon, to oust his rivals and take control of the farm; in his forcing the animals to build an electricity-generating windmill, which leaves no time for food production; and in his purges of alleged traitors to the animals' revolution against Mr. Jones.

The novel begins with Lenin (some say Marx or a Lenin-Marx composite), Trotsky, and Stalin figured in the characters of Old Major, Snowball, and Napoleon, respectively—pigs on a farm where animals are bred to produce (like the hens), to labor (like the cart horses), and to be fattened for slaughter (like the pigs). Old Major rouses the animals to rebel against the “tyranny of man,” and the Russian Revolution is satirized as a scrap between Mr. Jones and his animals. The animals, victorious, take over, and with a newfound sense of dignity set about everyday tasks such as harvesting hay. However, the pigs have only just posted the “seven commandments of Animalism,” including the tenet that “all animals are equal,” when they opt out of the hard labor and appropriate exclusively for themselves the comforts of the farmhouse. Here, what culminates in Napoleon's dictatorship tragically inflects the lives of the common animals, who continue to toil in the belief that they are forging Old Major's republic.

Bunt (1924) by Polish novelist Wladyslaw Stanislaw Reymont (1867–1925) bears a remarkable resemblance to Animal Farm , although it is not clear whether Orwell knew of the work. The novel allegorizes the same revolution with a story of farmyard animals rebelling against their human masters in a struggle for equality that ends in terror and oppression. Orwell's next novel after Animal Farm , Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949), offers a comparably symbolic—if more realistic—vision of everyday life impoverished culturally and politically by a Stalinesque regime. The fearful preoccupation with Stalinism also informs Orwell's Homage to Catalonia (1938), a nonfiction account of his experience in the Spanish Civil War (1936–39) fighting for a leftist militia.

In addition to pleasing popular audiences, Animal Farm appealed to political conservatives who recognized its value as a propaganda tool for discouraging socialist affiliations. Thus the Central Intelligence Agency clandestinely funded the 1954 animated film adaptation by John Halas (1912–95) and Joy Batchelor (1914–91), which was also the first feature-length animated film in English cinema history. Critics in the early twenty-first century have been just as attentive to Orwell's politics, yet there has been a greater tendency to acknowledge the novel as a work of politically informed art rather than of mere propaganda.

Themes and style

The grand theme of Animal Farm has to do with the capacity for ordinary individuals to continue to believe in a revolution that has been utterly betrayed. Orwell attempts to reveal how those in power—Napoleon and his fellow pigs—pervert the democratic promise of the revolution. The emotional force of the novel comes from the author's depictions of those ordinary animals who unthinkingly give themselves in good faith to working for the very system by which they are ruthlessly exploited. A case in point is Boxer, one of two cart horses among the pigs' “most faithful disciples.” The horses “had great difficulty in thinking anything out for themselves, but having once accepted the pigs as their teachers, they absorbed everything that they were told, and passed it on to the other animals.” Whether harvesting hay or fetching stones from the quarry, Boxer works harder than any other animal, yet still he adopts the motto “I will work harder.” So selfless is he in his service, in fact, that he works himself close to death. At this point Napoleon, while purporting to send him to the hospital, sells him to the slaughterhouse, then spends the money from his corpse on whiskey for the pigs.

The novel develops according to a recognizable dramatic pattern that underscores the tragedy of what it means to never lose faith in a betrayed revolution. For example, when the animals participate in the so-called Battle of the Cowshed, they witness Snowball decorated as “Animal Hero, First Class” for distinguishing himself in battle against Jones. Napoleon later revises the history with contradictory details—announcing that Snowball actually fought alongside Jones against the animals. When the animals resist the new story, the pig Squealer (a master deceiver) convinces them that their memories are faulty. This pattern of firsthand experience superseded by revisionist propaganda underscores the tragedy, as Orwell sees it, of ordinary individuals who forego their better judgment in letting a totalitarian regime dictate a false reality.

Orwell chose a difficult genre—the fable, often equated with children's literature—to offer a complex critique of one of the most problematic regimes in modern history. He succeeds by capturing both realistically and amusingly the characteristics of many of the animals and by convincing the reader that these characteristics lend themselves, at least metaphorically, to understanding human life in the totalitarian context. Rather than simply mocking his subjects, Orwell suggests that there is indeed something beastly about them: that there is something sheep-like about those who learn dogma by rote (who bleat “two legs bad, four legs good!” or “four legs good, two legs better!” interchangeably), something dog-like about secret police trained to attack on command, and something horse-like about those who unthinkingly give themselves body and soul to the bankrupt cause.

Critical discussion

Animal Farm was released to critical acclaim. Writing for the New York Times , historian Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. hailed it as “a simple story perhaps, but a story of deadly simplicity … [a] superbly controlled and brilliantly sustained satire.” Not everyone agreed with Schlesinger, however. Writer and critic W. J. Turner, for instance, thought the novel was marred by “pessimism” and accused Orwell of being “grossly unfair to Stalin in his account of him as ‘Napoleon.’” Still, the fact that the novel has been a staple in classrooms for generations suggests that critics like Turner did not have the last say.

Writing in 1989, activist-scholar John Molyneux (1948–) summed up Animal Farm as “probably the most popular and influential piece of literary propaganda produced in English, perhaps in any language, this century.” Molyneux claimed it was “likely that far more people have learned what they know of the fate of the Russian Revolution from here than from any other source.” In his introduction to a 2003 edition of the novel (with Nineteen Eighty-Four ), essayist and critic Christopher Hitchens (1949–2011) confirmed Animal Farm 's distinction as “the twentieth century's most successful satire.” As Hitchens and Molyneux both make clear, although the novel has long appealed to younger readers with scant knowledge of Soviet history, the book's legacy rests on its political force.

Indeed, Orwell scholars continue to read the novel for its political insights. Discussing The Rule of the Pigs , Oleg Minich's 2005 cartoon adaptation of Animal Farm , Olena Nikolayenko insisted in her 2007 essay in PS: Political Science and Politics that the book speaks profoundly to contemporary crises in and for democracy—in Minich's case, in the former Soviet Republic of Belarus. Other twenty-first-century scholars similarly return to Animal Farm to think through enduring political issues. David Dwan, for instance, in an ELH ( English Literary History ) article, considered Orwell's treatment of equality as a means of probing contemporary practices under Western democracy that do not always live up to prevailing ideals. Meanwhile, scholars such as Paul Kirschner have tried to reclaim the text as not only a political but also a literary work, reminding readers of Orwell's own declared intention “to fuse political purpose and artistic purpose into one whole.”

  • Dwan, David. “Orwell's Paradox: Equality in ‘ Animal Farm .’” ELH: English Literary History 79.3 (2012): 655–83.
  • Kirschner, Paul. “The Dual Purpose of ‘ Animal Farm .’” Review of English Studies 55.222 (2004): 759–86.
  • Molyneux, John. “ Animal Farm Revisited.” International Socialism Journal 2.44 (1989): 99–112. Print.
  • Nikolayenko, Olena. “Web Cartoons in a Closed Society: Animal Farm as an Allegory of Post-Communist Belarus.” PS: Political Science and Politics 40.2 (2007): 307–10.
  • Orwell, George. Animal Farm and 1984. Introduction by Christopher Hitchens. New York: Harcourt, 2003. Print.
  • Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr. “Mr. Orwell and the Communists: His ‘ Animal Farm ’ Is a Compassionate and Illuminating Fable for Our Times.” New York Times 25 Aug. 1946: 124+.
  • Turner, W. J. “How It Happened.” Rev. of Animal Farm , by George Orwell. Spectator 17 Aug. 1945: 156–57.

Further Reading

  • Cohen, Karl. “The Cartoon That Came in from the Cold.” Guardian . Guardian News and Media , 6 Mar. 2003. Web. 1 July 2014.
  • Fadaee, Elaheh. “Symbols, Metaphors, and Similes in Literature: A Case Study of Animal Farm .” International Journal of English and Literature 2.2 (2011): 19–27.
  • Leab, Daniel J. Orwell Subverted: The CIA and the Filming of Animal Farm . Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State UP, 2007. Print.
  • Letemendia, V. C. “Revolution on Animal Farm : Orwell's Neglected Commentary.” Journal of Modern Literature 18.1 (1992): 127–37.
  • Orwell, George. “The Freedom of the Press.” Times Literary Supplement 15 Sept. 1972. Print.
  • ———. “Why I Write.” Essays. 1946.London: Penguin, 2007.Print.
  • Rodden, John. “Appreciating Animal Farm in the New Millennium.” Modern Age 45.1 (2003): 67–76
  • Snyder, C. R. “Hope and the Other Strengths: Lessons from Animal Farm .” Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 23.5 (2004): 624–27.

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