Università degli Studi di Verona

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PhD programmes are the third and highest level of university education in Italy.

The objective of a PhD is to learn good methodology for advanced academic or scientific research that can be applied at universities, public authorities or private institutions, or to acquire highly specialised professional knowledge to use in a company.

In the context of internationalising research , the University of Verona actively supports international PhD programmes, thesis co-tutoring and the issuing of the additional Doctor Europaeus certificate, as per specific collaboration agreements with foreign universities. It is also possible to be employed in a company on an advanced research apprenticeship contract and work towards your PhD at the same time.

Candidates are admitted to the programmes by a competitive application process . At the end of the three- or four-year period of study, graduates are awarded with the title of dottore di ricerca (PhD) after successfully defending their thesis.

PhD Programmes

Inflammation, immunity and cancer.

Area : Life and Health Sciences Language : English Duration : 3 years Lesson calendar

Biomolecular Medicine

Neuroscience, psychological and psychiatric sciences, and movement sciences, national phd programme in kinesiology and sport sciences.

Area : Life and Health Sciences Language : English Duration : 3 years Lesson calendar  

Applied Life and Health Sciences

Area: Life and Health Sciences Language : Italian, English Duration : 3 years Lesson calendar

Clinical and Experimental Biomedical Sciences

Surgical and cardiovascular sciences.

Area: Life and Health Sciences Language : English Duration : 3 years Lesson calendar

Regenerative Medicine, Technological and Translational Surgery

Area : Life and Health Sciences Language: Italian Duration: 3 years Lesson calendar

European and International Law

Area : Law and Economics Language : Italian, French, English, German, Spanish, Portuguese Duration : 3 years Lesson calendar

Interuniversity PhD in Accounting and Management

Area : Law and Economics Interuniversity PhD with Università di Udine Language : Italian, English Duration : 3 years Lesson calendar

Economics and Finance

Area : Law and Economics Language : English Duration : 4 years Lesson calendar

Computer Science

Area: Natural Sciences and Engineering Language : English Duration : 3 years Lesson calendar

Nanoscience and Advanced Technologies

Interuniversity phd in mathematics.

Area: Scienze naturali e ingegneristiche Interuniversity PhD with Università di Trento Language : English Duration : 3 years Lesson calendar


Course partially running (last cycle activated 39th) Area: Natural Sciences and Engineering Language : English Duration : 3 years Lesson calendar

Molecular, Industrial and Environmental Biotechnologies

Area : Natural Sciences and Engineering Language: Italian, English Duration: 3 years Lesson calendar

Smart Agrifood Sciences

Area : Natural Sciences and Engineering Lingua: English Duration: 3 years Lesson calendar

Intelligent Systems Engineering

Human sciences.

Area: Arts and Humanities Language: English, Italian Duration: 3 years Lesson calendar

Philology, Literature, and Performance Studies

Area: Arts and Humanities Language: Italian Duration: 3 years Lesson calendar

Foreign Literatures and Languages

Area: Arts and Humanities Language: Italian, English Duration: 3 years Lesson calendar


Area: Arts and Humanities Interuniversity PhD with Libera Università di Bolzano Language : English, Italian, German Duration : 3 years Lesson calendar

Archaeology, Art History and History

PhD Programmes in collaboration with firms for Public Administration, cultural heritage, and digital and environmental transition (funded within the National Recovery and Resilience Plan - PNRR).

PhD Programmes in collaboration with firms for Public Administration, cultural heritage, and digital and environmental transition (funded within the National Recovery and Resilience Plan - PNRR).

The European Union promotes this initiative in the framework of the 'Next Generation EU' Programme for funding Doctoral scholarships related to projects that are consistent with PNRR objectives, Mission 4, Component 2 'From Research to Enterprise' (M4C2), Investment 3.3 and Mission 4, Component 1 'Strengthening the supply of education services: from nursery schools to universities' (M4C1), Investment 3.4 and 4.1. The PhD paths include mobility periods at enterprises and abroad for study and research purposes.

Recognition of foreign PhD qualifications

phd economics and finance verona

National PhD programme in Kinesiology and Sport Sciences

The Call for Applications for the 40th cycle of the National PhD Programme Kinesiology and Sport Sciences run in collaboration with 24 Italian University will be published in the next months.

National PhD programmes in agreement

For the 40th cycle , the University of Verona participates in the following National PhD programmes with administrative headquarters at other Italian Universities with the financing of doctoral scholarships:

  • Autonomous Systems of the Polytechnic of Bari
  • Artificial intelligence – Industry of the Polytechnic of Turin
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) of the Sapienza University of Rome
  • Learning sciences and digital technologies of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
  • Leadership, Empowerment, and Digital Innovation in Education and Learning (LEDIEL) of the University of Bari “Aldo Moro”
  • Religious studies of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia

The administrative headquarters of the Doctorate manages the competition procedures and related registrations. More information can be found by visiting the pages of the individual courses.

phd economics and finance verona

AntCom network publishes a call for 10 PhD fellowships within the training program “From Antiquity to Community: Rethinking Classical Heritage through Citizen Humanities”. The positions are funded by the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under the Marie Sktodowska-Curie Action, Grant Agreement 101073543.

Applications will be accepted from 24/02/2023 until 24/04/2023 at 12:00 pm (Central European Time).

What’s AntCom What is the role of classical heritage in building modern, plural, diverse European identities? To answer this question the consortium “From Antiquity to Community: Rethinking Classical Heritage through Citizen Humanities” (AntCom) will train a new generation of 10 highly skilled cultural heritage researchers allowing them to fully engage in the digital transitionas well as to address its professional and societal challenges

Official call and futher information at the AntCom web site https://antcom.eu/

The AntCom project has received funding from Horizon Europe Program for Research and Innovation under the action Horizon MSCA Doctoral Network, Grant Agreement No. 101073543

Borse di Dottorato PON

PON Doctoral scholarships

43 additional PhD scholarships have been awarded in 2022 (XXXVII cycle) thanks to the funding available within the REACT-EU ESF resources on Green and Innovation topics under the National Operational Programme "Research and Innovation" 2014-2020 (PON), Ministerial Decree 10 August 2021, no. 1061.

The PON grant beneficiaries began their doctoral training on 1 January 2022. The training and research activities are aimed at the realisation of a research project developed within the framework of GREEN or INNOVATION themes, which, as provided for by the SNSi and NRP guidelines, promote the dissemination of an open approach to innovation and more excellent interchange between the world of research and the world of production. By the provisions of Ministerial Decree 1061/2021, the doctoral programme provides for a compulsory period in a company (minimum 6 up to 12 months). The project shall also include mobility abroad (up to 6 months).  

Borse di Dottorato a valere sul Programma Operativo Nazionale "Ricerca e Innovazione" 2014-2020, D.M. 1061 (XXXVII ciclo)

Elenco dottorandi beneficiari di borsa PON e relativo progetto

TClock4AD Doctoral network publishes a call for 17 PhD fellowships within the training program “Targeting Circadian Clock Dysfunction in Alzheimer’s Disease”. The positions are funded by the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under the Marie Sktodowska-Curie Action.

Online application was expired on May 31 st  2023.

What's  TClock4AD

Targeting Circadian Clock Dysfunction in Alzheimer’s Disease” Doctoral Network (TClock4AD) is a joint doctoral programme funded within Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Networks that aims to train doctoral candidates thorough an international consortium of universities, research institutions, SMEs, a hospital, a patient association and other socio-economic actors from different countries across Europe and beyond.



“Municipal Doctoral scholarships”

With Ministerial Decree no. 725 of 22 June 2021, the Italian Ministry for University and Research - MUR, in agreement with the Ministry for Southern Italy and Territorial Cohesion, provided for the experimental funding of "Municipal Doctoral scholarships" aimed at the definition, implementation, study and monitoring of local strategies for sustainable development and to foster in-depth analysis of issues concerning the quality of life of the citizens of inland areas, both from technical and scientific perspectives.

Two proposals submitted by the Unione Montana Comelico and the Unione Montana Spettabile Reggenza dei Sette Comuni within the PhD in Computer Science framework have been funded with two three-year PhD scholarships worth € 73,735.92.

DIRNANO - Directing the Immune Response through designed NANOmaterials

The group of Organic Chemistry and Nanobiointeractions of the Department of Biotechnology, led by Prof. Roberto Fiammengo within the framework of the EU H2020 Marie Skłodowska - Curie Innovative Training Network (MSCA-ITN) project “ DIRNANO - Directing the Immune Response through designed NANOmaterials ” employees an Early Stage Researcher (PhD Student) for position ESR09 - "Development of therapeutic cancer nanovaccine candidates” . The ESR09 is enrolled in the doctoral programme of Biotechnology (PhD in Biotechnology) of the University of Verona.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 956544.

The Empirical study of Literature Training Network

The ELIT network opened a call for applications within the framework of the ELIT project (Empiricalstudy of Literature Training Network), coordinated by the University of Verona, for 10 PhD positions , . Each early-stage researcher is enrolled in a doctoral programme leading to a double/joint doctoral degree involving two universities. One position is at the University of Verona (UNIVR) and VU Amsterdam (The Netherlands).  

What’s ELIT The Empirical Study of Literature Innovative Training Network (ELIT) is an EU network whose mission is to provide a Joint/Double Doctorate level training programme, on innovative approaches applied to literary reading in the digital age. This interdisciplinary programme will train future research leaders with the capability to address the needs of improving literacy rates and mental wellbeing in European society.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 860516.

PancREatic Cancer OrganoiDs rEsearch


The EU project PRECODE, established a shared doctorate programme of excellence for 14 PhD positions on pancreatic cancer . One of them is at the University of Verona, within the research team led by Dr Vincenzo Corbo.

What’s PRECODE PRECODE (PancREatic Cancer OrganoiDs rEsearch)  is a  network  involving 24 universities, SMEs and patient advocate groups from 9 countries, who have designed a specific  training and research programme  for the next generation of creative and innovative researchers in pancreatic cancer.

This Innovative Training Programme is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme.


The ATLAS is an Innovative Training Network - European Joint Doctorate project, a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme. The project, coordinated by the University of Leuven, is implemented by a consortium of seven Universities and many industrial partners; it established a shared doctorate programme for 15 PhD positions, each leading to a double/joint doctoral degree involving two universities; two positions are at the University of Verona.

What’s ATLAS ATLAS stands for “AuTonomous intraLuminAl Surgery” and targets the training of experts in a very specific branch of Robotic Surgery. Intraluminal navigation, a particularly challenging branch,  reappears in many minimal invasive surgical (MIS) interventions that rely on steering flexible instruments through fragile lumens or vessels.

Doctoral programmes and the territory

To train the best researchers, the University of Verona, in line with the European Principles for Innovative Doctoral Training, invests in doctoral courses, strengthening their international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral dimension by promoting courses in collaboration with Italian and foreign enterprises and organisations to develop competitive profiles and know-how that can be spent in public and private contexts.

Collaboration with enterprises and other entities Collaboration with international universities

Office UO  PhD Office  

  Location Via San Francesco, 22 - 37129 Verona   Opening times Monday, Wednesday and Friday: from 10 am to 1 pm   Phone  +39 045 802 8608-8078   Email [email protected]  

INVITE is a doctoral programme of the University of Verona with a strong inter-sectoral, inter-disciplinary and international research and training dimension .

The INVITE doctoral programme aims to encourage each student’s intellectual curiosity and support the acquisition of critical thinking skills by training them in the use of innovative theoretical tools and practical methods.

The Project is cofunded by  the University of Verona, Regione del Veneto and by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 754345.

More info: www.univr.it/invite

N.B. The content of this video reflects only the author's view and the Research Executive Agency (REA) is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

phd economics and finance verona

PhD Positions - University of Verona

Simone Quercia's profile photo

Simone Quercia


The Program offers two dedicated tracks: “Economics (ECO)” and “Mathematics and Data Analytics for Finance (MDAF)”. We invite applications from outstanding graduates who hold or are expected to hold a master’s degree in Economics, Finance or related fields. The deadline for application is May 23rd, 2024. F eel free to contact the Coordinator at [email protected] or visit the official Program webpage https://www.dse.univr.it/?ent=cs&id=1008&lang=en for further information.

For students interested in behavioral and experimental economics, let me remark that we have a large community working in this area of research and a fully equipped laboratory for conducting economics’ experiments ( VELE lab ). According to RepEc, the Department of Economics ranks in the top 5% of the world distribution of research departments and institutions in the field of "Cognitive and Behavioural Economics" (April 2024). If interested in behavioral economics, feel free to contact [email protected] for further information.

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8 PhD positions in Economics – 40th Cycle, Università degli Studi di Verona, Italy

Post-doctoral Position in Italy

8 PhD positions in Economics: An opportunity awaits exceptional candidates in Economics and Finance as the University of Verona opens its doors for the 40th cycle of Ph.D. admissions. This scholarship position offers a remarkable chance to delve into advanced research and academic exploration in a vibrant academic environment.

Summary Table:

Available PositionsPart-time Study OptionScholarship AvailableCycle Duration
8YesYesOctober 1, 2024 – September 30, 2028

Study Area: Economics and Finance

Scholarship Description: The scholarship offers a unique opportunity for eight individuals to pursue their Ph.D. studies in Economics and Finance . With a focus on academic excellence and research innovation, this program provides a platform for candidates to engage in rigorous scholarly endeavors, guided by experienced mentors.

Eligibility: Candidates eligible for this scholarship must hold a qualification such as laurea magistrale, laurea specialistica, or laurea del vecchio ordinamento (pre D.M. 509/1999), obtained either in Italy or from an equivalent institution abroad. Professional qualifications such as MBA or MBBS do not qualify for Ph.D. studies. Additionally, candidates expected to graduate by the enrolment date are also eligible to apply.

Required Documents: Applicants are required to submit the following documents:

  • Academic transcripts
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • Statement of purpose
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Any additional documents specified in the Call for Applications

How to Apply: To apply for the scholarship, candidates must visit the ESSE3 website at www.univr.it/ammissionedottorati during the specified dates mentioned in the Call for Admissions. After selecting the Ph.D. Programme of interest, candidates need to complete the online application and submit it, along with the required documentation, to [email protected] before the deadline indicated in the Call.

Last Date: The deadline for application submission is May 23, 2024 , by 12:00 PM .

Don’t miss this chance to embark on a journey of academic discovery and research excellence. Apply now and take a step towards shaping the future of Economics and Finance.


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Ph.D. School in Economics and Finance

Director: Prof. Gianluca Femminis

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"By relying on a large number of Faculty members, our Ph.D. offers the opportunity to carry out research in many areas of Economics and Finance...

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Partner University

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Final ranking 2024

Call for Applications – Ph.D. in Economics and Finance - Academic year 2024/2025

Call for Pre-Applications – Ph.D. in Economics and Finance - Academic year 2024/2025

Grant to attend Master Courses 2024-2025

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PhD in Economics and Management

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Dottorati di ricerca - 36° ciclo

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  1. PhD in Economics and Finance, University of Verona, Italy (two more

    phd economics and finance verona


    phd economics and finance verona

  3. PhD in Economics and Finance, University of Verona, Italy (eight

    phd economics and finance verona

  4. PhD in Economics and Finance, University of Verona, Italy (four

    phd economics and finance verona

  5. Chiara NARDI

    phd economics and finance verona

  6. Apply for a PhD position in University of Verona

    phd economics and finance verona


  1. Ph.D. in Economics and Finance

    Taxes and Contributions : Ph.D. students holding a scholarship must pay a single instalment at the time of enrolment of € 452.00 (€186.00 regional tax + €250.00 University fees + € 16.00 stamp duty) Ph.D. students who do not hold a scholarship are exempt from payment of University fees and must pay a single instalment at the time of ...

  2. Ph.D. in Economics and Finance

    PhD graduates in Economics and Finance may undertake positions at universities, research institutes, consulting firms, further public and private companies working in the industrial, credit and insurance sectors. ... Università degli Studi di Verona. Via dell'Artigliere, 8 37129, Verona Partita IVA 01541040232 | Codice Fiscale 93009870234 ...

  3. Ph.D. in Economics and Finance

    PhD students without scholarship: €202.00 (of which €186.00 as regional tax on the right to study, €16.00 for stamp duty paid virtually) Call for applications Economics and Finance 40th cycle Expired

  4. PDF PhD program in Economics and Finance University of Verona, Dept. of

    PhD program in Economics and Finance University of Verona, Dept. of Economics List of courses, academic year 2023/24 The PhD program offers two tracks: Economics (ECO) and Mathematics and Data Analytics for Finance (MDAF). Each track has dedicated courses, with some offered by the University of Padua (PhD in "Economics and Management").

  5. Economics and Finance, Ph.D.

    4.0 Read 60 reviews. Elevate your academic pursuit at the University of Verona with the pioneering doctoral program in Economics and Finance. This program offers a comprehensive blend of theoretical knowledge and applied research, positioning you at the forefront of advancements in economic and financial domains.

  6. Dottorati

    Economics and Finance Law and Economics. Area: Law and Economics Language: English Duration: 4 years Lesson calendar. Maggiori informazioni. ... coordinated by the University of Verona, for 10 PhD positions, . Each early-stage researcher is enrolled in a doctoral programme leading to a double/joint doctoral degree involving two universities.

  7. Department-Dep.Economics-University of Verona

    The Department of Economics (DSE) of the University of Verona promotes and coordinates teaching and research activities in the broad areas of economics and statistics. The Department strives to attain levels of excellence in theoretical and applied research and continually increases its international profile. The Department offers a Bachelor ...

  8. PhD programmes-Dep.Economics-University of Verona

    Ph.D. in Economics and Finance Degree class: DOTTORATI ... PhD in Economics and Management Degree class: DOTTORATI Location: Verona . Already enrolled? Inserisci la matricola per vedere la tua offerta formativa nell'anno corretto. Studying. Courses Bachelor's degrees ... 37129 Verona VAT number01541040232

  9. Ph.D. in Economics and Finance

    The Graduate School in Economics and Management (GSEM) of the Universities of Padua, Venice and Verona (Italy) is pleased to announce the availability of a limited number of three-year PhD Research Scholarships starting from the academic year 2011-12. ... The GSEM at the University of Verona solicits applications for admission to the joint Ph.D ...

  10. PhD in Economics and Finance, University of Verona, Italy (two more

    We are pleased to announce the 2023 second call for applications of the PhD Program in Economics and Finance at the University of Verona. The Program aims at bringing brilliant students to the international research frontier, and at developing their ability to create their own research contributions. Two more scholarships are available. To apply, visit here. 

  11. Ph.D. in Economics and Finance

    Ph.D. in Economics and Finance PhDs. Search Search Email address. FILTRA PER: ... Providing support to the PhD Schools and PhD programmes. ... Università degli Studi di Verona. Via dell'Artigliere, 8 37129, Verona

  12. PhD Positions

    We are pleased to announce that the 2024 call for applications of the PhD Program in Economics and Finance at the University of Verona is now open. This year, eight scholarship positions are available, offering a gross monthly stipend of approximately 1,600 euros for the full duration of the four-year program. The stipend will increase by 50% ...

  13. Alessandro Bucciol-Dep.Economics-University of Verona

    Tuesday, Hours 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM, Professor of Econometrics since 2019, at the University of Verona since 2009. Since 2021 he is the coordinator of the PhD program in Economics and Finance. He accomplished a laurea (master's) degree in Statistical and Economic Sciences (2003) and a PhD in Economics and Management (2007) at the University of Padua.

  14. 8 PhD positions in Economics, Università degli, Italy

    May 19, 2024. 8 PhD positions in Economics: An opportunity awaits exceptional candidates in Economics and Finance as the University of Verona opens its doors for the 40th cycle of Ph.D. admissions. This scholarship position offers a remarkable chance to delve into advanced research and academic exploration in a vibrant academic environment.

  15. Ph.D. in Economics and Finance

    Ph.D. in Economics and Finance PhDs. Search Search Email address. FILTRA PER: ... PhD students must obtain a specified number of CFUs each year by attending teaching activities offered by the PhD School. ... Università degli Studi di Verona. Via dell'Artigliere, 8 37129, Verona ...

  16. Department of Economics, University of Verona

    The Department of Economics at the University of Verona is a leading department in the region for the studies of economics and realted fields. The Department specializes in topics such as economics history, microeconomics, economic systems, argricultural and resource econmics, financial economics, as well as health, education, and welfare.

  17. PhD in Economics and Finance, University of Verona, Italy (eight

    Description. The PhD Program in Economics and Finance of the University of Verona trains academic and professional figures able to autonomously carry out research in economics and finance at universities, research institutes, consulting firms, public and private companies. PhD graduates undertake job positions requiring critical and problem ...

  18. Ph.D. School in Economics and Finance

    Call for Applications - Ph.D. in Economics and Finance - Academic year 2024/2025. 19 March 2024. Call for Pre-Applications - Ph.D. in Economics and Finance - Academic year 2024/2025. 11 January 2024. Grant to attend Master Courses 2024-2025

  19. Postdoctoral Position in Economics and Finance 2021

    The Department of Economics of the University of Verona is seeking to fill one Postdoc position in any field of Economics and Finance. The research position is ideally meant for newly minted or close to completion PhDs. The appointment is initially for three years but may be extended based on performance and availability of resources.

  20. Top 265 Programs 2024

    PhD in Economics - University of Torino. PhD Programs, Master's Programs, MBA Programs, Bachelor's Programs, Other at INOMICS. - The Site for Economists. Find top jobs, PhDs, master's programs, short courses, summer schools and conferences in Economics, Business and Social Sciences.

  21. PhD in Economics and Management

    PhD in Economics and Management. Duration : 4 years CFU : 240. Administrative ... Università degli Studi di Verona. Via dell'Artigliere, 8 37129, Verona Partita IVA 01541040232 | Codice Fiscale 93009870234 Univr risponde - Assistente Virtuale. InfoChat Studenti InfoChat Studenti

  22. Nosakhare Liberty Arodoye (PhD)

    Senior Lecturer & Head of Department (Department of Economics, UNIBEN), Public Finance Researcher & Consultant, Data Analyst and Business Strategy Expert at University of Benin · PhD(Econs), MSc(Econs), BSc((Econs. & Stat.) , Diploma in Banking & Finance, Mnes, PSE-ASCON<br><br>I am the current Head of Department, Department of Economics, University of Benin, and also a member of the ...

  23. Postdoctoral Position in Economics and Finance

    Job Description. The Department of Economics of the University of Verona is seeking to fill one Postdoc position in any field of Economics and Finance.. The research position is ideally meant for newly minted or close to completion PhDs. The appointment is initially for two years but may be extended based on performance and availability of resources.