Introduction to HTML and CSS

Foundations course, introduction.

So here it is: it’s time to actually start making things . This section will teach you the basics of HTML and CSS, the two foundational building blocks of pretty much everything on the web.

Lesson overview

This section contains a general overview of topics that you will learn in this lesson.

  • Get a basic overview of HTML, CSS and how they work together.


HTML and CSS are two languages that work together to create everything that you see when you look at something on the internet. HTML is the raw data that a webpage is built out of. All the text, links, cards, lists, and buttons are created in HTML. CSS is what adds style to those plain elements. HTML puts information on a webpage, and CSS positions that information, gives it color, changes the font, and makes it look great!

Many great resources out there keep referring to HTML and CSS as programming languages , but if you want to get technical, labeling them as such is not quite accurate, because they are only concerned with presenting information. They are not used to program any logic. JavaScript, which you will be learning in the next section, is a programming language because it’s used to make webpages do things. Yet, there is quite a lot you can do with just HTML and CSS, and you will definitely need them both. The following lessons focus on giving you the tools you need to be successful once you get to the JavaScript content as you continue through our curriculum!

  • Read HTML vs CSS vs JavaScript . It’s a quick overview of the relationship between HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Knowledge check

The following questions are an opportunity to reflect on key topics in this lesson. If you can’t answer a question, click on it to review the material, but keep in mind you are not expected to memorize or master this knowledge.

  • What do HTML and CSS stand for?
  • Between HTML and CSS, which would you use for putting paragraphs of text on a webpage?
  • Between HTML and CSS, which would you use for changing the font and background color of a button?
  • What is the difference between HTML, CSS and JavaScript?

Additional resources

This section contains helpful links to related content. It isn’t required, so consider it supplemental.

FreeCodeCamp article goes into a little more depth than the assigned one. It covers things we’ll be teaching explicitly in later lessons though, so don’t worry about memorizing any of the details.

Save as a bookmark for future reference. It’s a massive API documentation collection maintained by FreeCodeCamp . Read the ‘Welcome’ message for more information.

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  • HTML Tutorial
  • HTML Exercises
  • HTML Attributes
  • Global Attributes
  • Event Attributes
  • HTML Interview Questions
  • DOM Audio/Video
  • HTML Examples
  • Color Picker
  • A to Z Guide
  • HTML Formatter

HTML Exercises, Practice Questions and Solutions

Are you eager to learn HTML or looking to brush up on your skills? Dive into our HTML Exercises , designed to cater to both beginners and experienced developers. With our interactive portal, you can engage in hands-on coding challenges, track your progress, and elevate your web development expertise. Whether you’re starting from scratch or aiming to refine your HTML knowledge, our practice questions and solutions offer a step-by-step guide to success.

A step-by-step HTML practice guide for beginner to advanced level.

Benefits of HTML Exercises

  • Interactive Quizzes: Engage in hands-on HTML quizzes.
  • Progress Tracking: Monitor your learning journey.
  • Skill Enhancement: Sharpen coding skills effectively.
  • Flexible Learning: Practice at your own pace.
  • Immediate Feedback: Receive instant results and feedback.
  • Convenient Accessibility: Accessible online, anytime.
  • Real-world Application: Apply HTML concepts practically.
  • Comprehensive Learning: Cover a range of HTML topics.

How to Start Practice ?:

Embark on your HTML learning journey by accessing our online practice portal. Choose exercises suited to your skill level, dive into coding challenges, and receive immediate feedback to reinforce your understanding. Our user-friendly platform makes learning HTML engaging and personalized, allowing you to develop your skills effectively.

HTML Best Practice Guide:

Dive into HTML excellence with our comprehensive Best Practice Guide. Uncover essential coding standards, optimization tips, and industry-recommended approaches to HTML development. Elevate your skills with insightful advice, practical examples, and interactive challenges. Ensure your web projects stand out for their clarity and performance by following these proven best practices.

Why Practice HTML Online?

  • Hands-On Learning : Immerse yourself in interactive HTML exercises to gain practical experience.
  • Progress Tracking : Monitor your learning journey and see how your skills improve over time.
  • Flexible Practice : Learn at your own pace, anytime and anywhere with convenient online accessibility.
  • Real-World Application : Apply HTML concepts to real projects, enhancing your ability to create websites.
  • Comprehensive Coverage : Explore a variety of HTML topics, from basic syntax to advanced techniques.

HTML Online Practice Rules:

  • Be Honest : Complete exercises independently, avoiding plagiarism or unauthorized help.
  • Time Management : Adhere to time limits to simulate real-world scenarios effectively.
  • Code Quality : Prioritize clean, efficient, and well-structured HTML code.
  • Follow Guidelines : Adhere to platform instructions for input/output formats and code submission.
  • No Cheating : Refrain from using external resources during assessments, unless explicitly permitted.
  • Utilize Feedback : Learn from automated feedback and engage with the community for support.
  • Active Participation : Join forums, discussions, and share insights with fellow learners to enhance your understanding.
  • Continuous Improvement : Identify and address areas of weakness for ongoing growth and development.

Features of Practice Portal:

  • Immediate Feedback : Receive instant feedback on mistakes to facilitate quick learning.
  • Unlimited Attempts : Practice exercises multiple times to master HTML concepts.
  • Time Management Tools : Display elapsed time for each set of exercises to help manage time effectively.
  • Performance Analytics : Track your progress with detailed analytics, highlighting strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Interactive Code Editor : Experience an immersive coding environment for hands-on practice.
  • Hints and Solutions : Access hints and solutions to guide your learning process.
  • Community Integration : Engage with peers through forums and discussions for collaborative learning.
  • Adaptive Difficulty : Adjust exercise difficulty based on user performance for personalized challenges.
  • Gamification Elements : Earn scores, achievements, or badges to make learning HTML engaging and fun.

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Improve your Coding Skills with Practice


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Assignment 1 — Introduction to HTML

This assignment familiarizes with using a text editor to create the basic required structure of a web page, how to add content to the web page, and add some basic style to update the appearance of the web page.

When a browser displays a web page, it is interpreting two types of languages, HTML and CSS.

You structure the content of a web page using consist of a beginning tag , some content, and then an ending tag:

Notice that the name of the ending tag begins with a / symbol.

The minimum elements needed to construct your web page is as follows:

All content is contained within the element. The element of an HTML file contains the element that provides some information about the web page itself and the element that provides the title of the web page that appears in the browser. The content of your web page is included within the element.

You can use CSS properties to specify how your web page should look. For example, you can set the background color, margins, borders, and font information through the use of CSS properties. CSS can be defined within the <head> element of your HTML file:

Subsequent assignments will provide additional information about how and where to define CSS properties.

For more information about HTML and CSS, see Chapter 1 of the book.

  • Assignment 1 - Introduction to HTML
  • Assigment 1 - Tutorial - Making an HTML File
  • Attend the orientation meeting or watch the video.
  • In Blackboard, write a post in the Discussion group to introduce yourself. Describe any experience that you currently have with HTML.
  • Read and complete the exercises in Chapter 1 of the Head First HTML and CSS book.
  • Create a folder named Chapter1 .
  • mission.html
  • Zip your Chapter1 folder and name the file yourName .
  • Submit the zipped file through the Assignments section in Blackboard.

You assignment should demonstrate:

  • Creating two separate HTML files.
  • Revising the content (text) in the HTML to be your own content, instead of that provided by the book.
  • Using <h1> and <h2> tags to create headings.
  • Using <p> tags to include content.
  • Adding a border to the content on both pages.
  • Adding a page color background to both pages.
  • Including margins on both pages.

Example assignment:

Chapter 1 - index.html

Chapter 1 - mission.html

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  • Password Generator
  • HTML Editor
  • HTML Encoder
  • JSON Beautifier
  • CSS Beautifier
  • Markdown Convertor
  • Find the Closest Tailwind CSS Color
  • Phrase encrypt / decrypt
  • Browser Feature Detection
  • Number convertor
  • CSS Maker text shadow
  • CSS Maker Text Rotation
  • CSS Maker Out Line
  • CSS Maker RGB Shadow
  • CSS Maker Transform
  • CSS Maker Font Face
  • Color Picker
  • Colors CMYK
  • Color mixer
  • Color Converter
  • Color Contrast Analyzer
  • Color Gradient
  • String Length Calculator
  • MD5 Hash Generator
  • Sha256 Hash Generator
  • String Reverse
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  • URL Decoder
  • Base 64 Encoder
  • Base 64 Decoder
  • Extra Spaces Remover
  • String to Lowercase
  • String to Uppercase
  • Word Count Calculator
  • Empty Lines Remover
  • HTML Tags Remover
  • Binary to Hex
  • Hex to Binary
  • Rot13 Transform on a String
  • String to Binary
  • Duplicate Lines Remover

W3Docs allows you to test your HTML skills with exercises.

You can find different HTML exercises (with answers) provided for each HTML chapter. Solve exercises by editing some code. If you cannot solve the exercise, get a hint, or see the answer.

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W3docs Online Quizzes

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  • The HTML-BASIC checks your knowledge of HTML-BASIC.
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  • HTML Basics
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  • Angular Basics
  • Sass Basics
  • Vue.js Basics
  • Python Basics
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  • NodeJS Basics

Popular Tutorials

Learn python interactively, popular examples.

HTML is the foundation of web development—it's the language that structures everything you see online.

Web development is in high demand, and to meet this demand, it's essential to learn languages like CSS and JavaScript alongside HTML. But it all starts with HTML.

You can't build a solid foundation in web development without mastering HTML first—it's the building block that makes everything else possible.

In this guide, we will cover:

Beginner's Guide to HTML

  • Is HTML for You? (Hint: If you want to build websites and understand how the web works, absolutely yes!)
  • Best Way to Learn HTML (Your way!)
  • How to Start Coding in HTML?

If you are simply looking to learn HTML step-by-step, you can follow our free tutorials in the next section.

These tutorials will provide you with a solid foundation in HTML and prepare you for the next step in your career.

What is HTML?

HTML Basics

HTML Web Design Basics

HTML Paragraphs

HTML Headings

HTML Comments

HTML Unordered List

HTML Ordered List

HTML Description List

HTML Line Break

HTML Pre Tag

HTML Horizontal Line

HTML Block and Inline

HTML Images

HTML Italic

HTML Superscript and Subscript

HTML Formatting

HTML Meta Elements

HTML Favicon

HTML Form Elements

HTML Form Action

HTML Semantic HTML

HTML div Tag

HTML aside Tag

HTML section Tag

HTML footer Tag

HTML main Tag

HTML figure and figcaption

HTML Accessibility

HTML Layout

HTML Responsive Web Design

HTML and JavaScript

HTML Canvas

HTML Iframes

HTML Entities

HTML Quotations

HTML File Paths

HTML Emojis

HTML Symbols

Is HTML for you?

Whether HTML is the right choice depends on what you want to accomplish and your career goals.

HTML from Learning Perspective

If you want to start with web development or build websites, HTML is where you need to begin.

Take a look at this web page. The styling and functionality are handled by CSS and JavaScript, but the structure—the foundation—is built with HTML.

Web page with HTML, CSS, JS

So, if you want to make websites, HTML is essential.

HTML as a Career Choice

HTML is essential if you're aiming for a career in web development. It's used in:

  • Building Websites
  • Managing Content on Websites
  • Creating Email Templates
  • Designing User Interfaces

Knowing HTML forms the foundation of web development. However, HTML alone is not enough. To build a successful web development career, you'll also need to learn CSS and JavaScript.

HTML primarily focuses on the front-end. However, if you are interested in backend development, data science, or mobile app development, HTML might not be the right starting point for you. Python is great for backend development, R is essential for data science, and Swift or Kotlin are key for mobile app development.

Ultimately, your career goals will determine whether HTML is the right starting point for you.

Best Way to Learn HTML

There is no right or wrong way to learn HTML. It all depends on your learning style and pace.

In this section, we have included the best HTML learning resources tailored to your learning preferences, be it text-based, video-based, or interactive courses.

Text-based Tutorial

Best: if you want to learn HTML at your own pace without spending any money.

If you want to learn HTML for free with a well-organized, step-by-step tutorial, you can use our free HTML tutorials .

Our tutorials will guide you through HTML one step at a time, using practical examples to strengthen your foundation.

Interactive Course

Best: if you want hands-on learning, get your progress tracked, and maintain a learning streak.

Learning to code is tough. It requires dedication and consistency, and you need to write tons of code yourself.

While videos and tutorials provide you with a step-by-step guide, they lack hands-on experience and structure.

Recognizing all these challenges, Programiz offers a premium Learn HTML Course that allows you to gain hands-on learning experience by solving problems, building real-world projects, and tracking your progress.

Online Video

Best: if you are an audio-visual learner and learn by watching others code and following along.

If you're more of a visual learner, you can follow Learn HTML - Full Tutorial for Beginners by freeCodeCamp on YouTube to further guide you on your HTML journey.

Best: if you are a casual and hobby learner who wants to learn HTML on the go.

While it’s possible to learn HTML from mobile apps, it’s not the ideal way because writing code can be challenging. Additionally, it's difficult to build real-world projects with multiple files on mobile devices.

Nevertheless, you can use these apps to try things out:

Important: You cannot learn to code without developing the habit of writing code yourself. Therefore, whatever method you choose, always write code.

While writing code, you will encounter errors. Don't worry about them, try to understand them and find solutions. Remember, programming is all about solving problems, and errors are part of the process.

How to Run HTML?

1. Run HTML right in your browser.

Write your HTML code in a text editor, save it with a .html extension, and double-click this file to open it in your browser. No need to install anything!

2. Try an online HTML editor.

We have created an online editor to run HTML directly in your browser. It's completely free, and you can start coding right away.


Programming Tricks

  • HTML Lab Assignments

HTML Assignment and HTML Examples for Practice

Text formatting, working with image, working with link, frame set & iframe.

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Document and website structure

  • Overview: Introduction to HTML

In addition to defining individual parts of your page (such as "a paragraph" or "an image"), HTML also boasts a number of block level elements used to define areas of your website (such as "the header", "the navigation menu", "the main content column"). This article looks into how to plan a basic website structure, and write the HTML to represent this structure.

Prerequisites: Basic HTML familiarity, as covered in . HTML text formatting, as covered in . How hyperlinks work, as covered in .
Objective: Learn how to structure your document using semantic tags, and how to work out the structure of a simple website.

Basic sections of a document

Webpages can and will look pretty different from one another, but they all tend to share similar standard components, unless the page is displaying a fullscreen video or game, is part of some kind of art project, or is just badly structured:

Usually a big strip across the top with a big heading, logo, and perhaps a tagline. This usually stays the same from one webpage to another.

Links to the site's main sections; usually represented by menu buttons, links, or tabs. Like the header, this content usually remains consistent from one webpage to another — having inconsistent navigation on your website will just lead to confused, frustrated users. Many web designers consider the navigation bar to be part of the header rather than an individual component, but that's not a requirement; in fact, some also argue that having the two separate is better for accessibility , as screen readers can read the two features better if they are separate.

A big area in the center that contains most of the unique content of a given webpage, for example, the video you want to watch, or the main story you're reading, or the map you want to view, or the news headlines, etc. This is the one part of the website that definitely will vary from page to page!

Some peripheral info, links, quotes, ads, etc. Usually, this is contextual to what is contained in the main content (for example on a news article page, the sidebar might contain the author's bio, or links to related articles) but there are also cases where you'll find some recurring elements like a secondary navigation system.

A strip across the bottom of the page that generally contains fine print, copyright notices, or contact info. It's a place to put common information (like the header) but usually, that information is not critical or secondary to the website itself. The footer is also sometimes used for SEO purposes, by providing links for quick access to popular content.

A "typical website" could be structured something like this:

a simple website structure example featuring a main heading, navigation menu, main content, side bar, and footer.

Note: The image above illustrates the main sections of a document, which you can define with HTML. However, the appearance of the page shown here - including the layout, colors, and fonts - is achieved by applying CSS to the HTML.

In this module we're not teaching CSS, but once you have an understanding of the basics of HTML, try diving into our CSS first steps module to start learning how to style your site.

HTML for structuring content

The simple example shown above isn't pretty, but it is perfectly fine for illustrating a typical website layout example. Some websites have more columns, some are a lot more complex, but you get the idea. With the right CSS, you could use pretty much any elements to wrap around the different sections and get it looking how you wanted, but as discussed before, we need to respect semantics and use the right element for the right job .

This is because visuals don't tell the whole story. We use color and font size to draw sighted users' attention to the most useful parts of the content, like the navigation menu and related links, but what about visually impaired people for example, who might not find concepts like "pink" and "large font" very useful?

Note: Roughly 8% of men and 0.5% of women are colorblind; or, to put it another way, approximately 1 in every 12 men and 1 in every 200 women. Blind and visually impaired people represent roughly 4-5% of the world population (in 2015 there were 940 million people with some degree of vision loss , while the total population was around 7.5 billion ).

In your HTML code, you can mark up sections of content based on their functionality — you can use elements that represent the sections of content described above unambiguously, and assistive technologies like screen readers can recognize those elements and help with tasks like "find the main navigation", or "find the main content." As we mentioned earlier in the course, there are a number of consequences of not using the right element structure and semantics for the right job .

To implement such semantic mark up, HTML provides dedicated tags that you can use to represent such sections, for example:

  • header: <header> .
  • navigation bar: <nav> .
  • main content: <main> , with various content subsections represented by <article> , <section> , and <div> elements.
  • sidebar: <aside> ; often placed inside <main> .
  • footer: <footer> .

Active learning: exploring the code for our example

Our example seen above is represented by the following code (you can also find the example in our GitHub repository ). We'd like you to look at the example above, and then look over the listing below to see what parts make up what section of the visual.

Take some time to look over the code and understand it — the comments inside the code should also help you to understand it. We aren't asking you to do much else in this article, because the key to understanding document layout is writing a sound HTML structure, and then laying it out with CSS. We'll wait for this until you start to study CSS layout as part of the CSS topic.

HTML layout elements in more detail

It's good to understand the overall meaning of all the HTML sectioning elements in detail — this is something you'll work on gradually as you start to get more experience with web development. You can find a lot of detail by reading our HTML element reference . For now, these are the main definitions that you should try to understand:

  • <main> is for content unique to this page. Use <main> only once per page, and put it directly inside <body> . Ideally this shouldn't be nested within other elements.
  • <article> encloses a block of related content that makes sense on its own without the rest of the page (e.g., a single blog post).
  • <section> is similar to <article> , but it is more for grouping together a single part of the page that constitutes one single piece of functionality (e.g., a mini map, or a set of article headlines and summaries), or a theme. It's considered best practice to begin each section with a heading ; also note that you can break <article> s up into different <section> s, or <section> s up into different <article> s, depending on the context.
  • <aside> contains content that is not directly related to the main content but can provide additional information indirectly related to it (glossary entries, author biography, related links, etc.).
  • <header> represents a group of introductory content. If it is a child of <body> it defines the global header of a webpage, but if it's a child of an <article> or <section> it defines a specific header for that section (try not to confuse this with titles and headings ).
  • <nav> contains the main navigation functionality for the page. Secondary links, etc., would not go in the navigation.
  • <footer> represents a group of end content for a page.

Each of the aforementioned elements can be clicked on to read the corresponding article in the "HTML element reference" section, providing more detail about each one.

Non-semantic wrappers

Sometimes you'll come across a situation where you can't find an ideal semantic element to group some items together or wrap some content. Sometimes you might want to just group a set of elements together to affect them all as a single entity with some CSS or JavaScript . For cases like these, HTML provides the <div> and <span> elements. You should use these preferably with a suitable class attribute, to provide some kind of label for them so they can be easily targeted.

<span> is an inline non-semantic element, which you should only use if you can't think of a better semantic text element to wrap your content, or don't want to add any specific meaning. For example:

In this case, the editor's note is supposed to merely provide extra direction for the director of the play; it is not supposed to have extra semantic meaning. For sighted users, CSS would perhaps be used to distance the note slightly from the main text.

<div> is a block level non-semantic element, which you should only use if you can't think of a better semantic block element to use, or don't want to add any specific meaning. For example, imagine a shopping cart widget that you could choose to pull up at any point during your time on an e-commerce site:

This isn't really an <aside> , as it doesn't necessarily relate to the main content of the page (you want it viewable from anywhere). It doesn't even particularly warrant using a <section> , as it isn't part of the main content of the page. So a <div> is fine in this case. We've included a heading as a signpost to aid screen reader users in finding it.

Warning: Divs are so convenient to use that it's easy to use them too much. As they carry no semantic value, they just clutter your HTML code. Take care to use them only when there is no better semantic solution and try to reduce their usage to the minimum otherwise you'll have a hard time updating and maintaining your documents.

Line breaks and horizontal rules

Two elements that you'll use occasionally and will want to know about are <br> and <hr> .

<br>: the line break element

<br> creates a line break in a paragraph; it is the only way to force a rigid structure in a situation where you want a series of fixed short lines, such as in a postal address or a poem. For example:

Without the <br> elements, the paragraph would just be rendered in one long line (as we said earlier in the course, HTML ignores most whitespace ); with <br> elements in the code, the markup renders like this:

<hr>: the thematic break element

<hr> elements create a horizontal rule in the document that denotes a thematic change in the text (such as a change in topic or scene). Visually it just looks like a horizontal line. As an example:

Would render like this:

Planning a simple website

Once you've planned out the structure of a simple webpage, the next logical step is to try to work out what content you want to put on a whole website, what pages you need, and how they should be arranged and link to one another for the best possible user experience. This is called Information architecture . In a large, complex website, a lot of planning can go into this process, but for a simple website of a few pages, this can be fairly simple, and fun!

the common features of the travel site to go on every page: title and logo, contact, copyright, terms and conditions, language chooser, accessibility policy

Active learning: create your own sitemap

Try carrying out the above exercise for a website of your own creation. What would you like to make a site about?

Note: Save your work somewhere; you might need it later on.

At this point, you should have a better idea about how to structure a web page/site. In the next article of this module, we'll learn how to debug HTML .

HTML for Beginners – How to Get Started with Web Development Basics

Patrick Cyubahiro

Have you always been interested in learning HTML but didn't know where or how to start? Well, this guide is for you.

In it, we will look at:

  • An introduction to HTML

A Brief History of HTML

Why learn html.

  • Prerequisites for learning HTML
  • A simple HTML page
  • How to get started with HTML

Introduction to HTML


HTML is an abbreviation for HyperText Markup Language.

This acronym is composed of two main parts: HyperText and Markup Language.

What does “HyperText” mean?

HyperText refers to the hyperlinks or simply links that an HTML page may contain. A HyperText can contain a link to a website, web content, or a web page.

What is a “Markup language”?

A markup language is a computer language that consists of easily understood keywords, names, or tags that help format the overall view of a page and the data it contains. In other words, it refers to the way tags are used to define the page layout and elements within the page.

Since we now know what HyperText and Markup Language mean, we can also understand what these terms mean when put together.

What is HTML?

HTML or HyperText Markup Language is a markup language used to describe the structure of a web page. It uses a special syntax or notation to organize and give information about the page to the browser.

HTML consists of a series of elements that tell the browser how to display the content. These elements label pieces of content such as "this is a heading", "this is a paragraph", "this is a link", and so on. They usually have opening and closing tags that surround and give meaning to each piece of content.

There are different tag options you can use to wrap text to show whether the text is a heading, a paragraph, or a list. Tags look like <h1> (opening tag) and </h1> (closing tag).

Let's see some other examples:

The first version of HTML was written in 1993; since then, many different versions of HTML have been released, allowing developers to create interactive web pages with animated images, sound, and gimmicks of all kinds.

The most widely used version throughout the 2000's was HTML 4.01, which became an official standard in December 1999.

Another version, XHTML, was a rewrite of HTML as an XML language.

In 2014, HTML5 was released, and it took over from previous versions of HTML. This version includes new elements and capabilities added to the language. These new features allow you to create more powerful and complex websites and web apps, while keeping the code easier to read.

HTML is the foundation of all web pages. Without HTML, you would not be able to organize text or add images or videos to your web pages. HTML is the root of everything you need to know to create great-looking web pages!

As the name suggests, hypertext refers to cross-referencing (or linking) between different related sections or webpages on the world-wide-web.

HyperText mark-up language is a standard mark-up language that allows developers to structure, link, and present webpages on the world-wide-web. So it is important to know the structure and layout of the website that you would like to build.

Prerequisites for Learning HTML

HTML is a relatively easy language and does not require any formal education. So basically, there are no prerequisites for learning it.

HTML is text-based computer coding, and anyone can learn and run it, as long as they understand letters and basic symbols. So, all you need is basic computer knowledge and the ability to work with files.

Of course, any knowledge of other programming languages will enhance your abilities with HTML and web development, but this is not a prerequisite for learning HMTL.

What a Simple HTML Page Looks Like

Alright let's see what's going on here:

Note: In HTML, an opening tag begins a section of page content, and a closing tag ends it.

For example, to markup a section of text as a paragraph, you would open the paragraph with an opening paragraph tag, which is "<p>", and close it with a closing paragraph tag, which is "</p>".

In closing tags, the element is always preceded by a forward slash ("/").

How to Get Started with HTML

There are many different online resources that can help you learn HTML. I recommend the following ones:

  • freeCodecamp : an interactive and free learning platform that aims to make learning web development possible for anyone. This platform has well-structured content, good exercises to help you grasp the concept, and a supportive community that can help you in case of any difficulties during the course.
  • W3Schools : a learning platform that covers all the aspects of web development. It explains HTML tags in a very understandable and in-depth way, which also makes it easier to learn how to use them well.

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Cardinals designate OF Tommy Pham for assignment, recall Jordan Walker


St. Louis Cardinals’ Tommy Pham watches his sacrifice fly to score Nolan Arenado during the fourth inning of a baseball game against the Milwaukee Brewers Wednesday, Aug. 21, 2024, in St. Louis. (AP Photo/Jeff Roberson)

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NEW YORK (AP) — The St. Louis Cardinals designated Tommy Pham for assignment on Friday, ending the outfielder’s second stint with the team after one month, and recalled outfielder Jordan Walker, who had a strong rookie season in 2023 before struggling this year.

Pham was acquired along with starting pitcher Erick Fedde from the Chicago White Sox on July 29 as part of a three-team trade that sent Michael Kopech and Tommy Edman to the Dodgers.

Pham hit a grand slam in his first game for the Cardinals but batted .206 with two homers and 12 RBIs in 23 games. He was 2 for 28 in his last 10 games. Pham batted .266 with five homers and 19 RBIs this season for the majors-worst White Sox.

“We had a couple of conversations and during those conversations, he felt like it would be better for his career for this move to be made,” manager Oliver Marmol said before the Cardinals opened a three-game series at the New York Yankees. “So we granted it.”

A free agent after this season, Pham began his big league career by playing 4 1/2 seasons for the Cardinals, who traded him to Tampa Bay at the 2018 deadline.


Last season, he helped the Diamondbacks reach the World Series after being acquired from the New York Mets at the deadline. The well-traveled Pham also has played for San Diego, Cincinnati and Boston.

Walker made St. Louis’ opening day roster but was 10 for 69 (.145) in 24 games. The 22-year-old was optioned to Triple-A Memphis on April 26, returned Aug. 12 and went 1 for 11 in four games.

“I think Jordan Walker has a chance to be a real game-changing impact player for a very long time for this organization,” Marmol said. “In order to do that, he’s going to need the at-bats but he’s also going to need some real adjustments throughout those at-bats for him to become that player and I do have confidence in his ability to do that.”

At Triple-A, the former first-round pick batted .263 with nine homers and 37 RBIs in 84 games.

Walker hit .276 with 16 homers and 51 RBIs in 117 games as a rookie last season, which he began with a 12-game hitting streak.


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MLB Trade Rumors

Tigers Designate Joey Wentz For Assignment

By Steve Adams | August 30, 2024 at 2:55pm CDT

2:55pm : The Tigers made these moves official and also announced that right-hander Alex Faedo was transferred to the 60-day IL. He landed on the 15-day IL on August 22 due to a right shoulder strain and the club announced that his season is over, per Cody Stavenhagen of The Athletic on X . Detroit’s 40-man roster count drops to 39.

2:03pm : The Tigers have designated left-hander Joey Wentz for assignment, reports Evan Petzold of the Detroit Free Press. He’ll be the corresponding roster move for right-hander Casey Mize , who is being reinstated from the 60-day injured list.

Wentz, 26, was the No. 40 overall pick by the Braves back in 2016. The southpaw quickly became one of the more prominent pitching prospects in what was then a stacked Braves farm system and made his way to the Tigers alongside outfielder Travis Demeritte in the trade that sent righty Shane Greene to Atlanta. Wentz made his big league debut with the 2022 Tigers and has pitched for Detroit in each of the past three seasons.

That 2022 cup of coffee proved to be a solid debut effort. Wentz started seven games, totaled 32 2/3 innings and posted a 3.03 earned run average along the way. His 20% strikeout rate and 9.6% walk rate didn’t necessarily stand out, but for a 24-year-old making his debut after just 12 appearances at the Triple-A level, it was an encouraging start all the same.

Unfortunately, that’s the most success Wentz has enjoyed in the majors to date. He appeared in 25 games with the 2023 Tigers — 19 of them starts — and was rocked for a 6.90 ERA with nearly identical strikeout and walk rates to that ’22 debut. Wentz became extremely homer-prone, however, surrendering an average of 2.13 round-trippers per nine innings pitched — the third-worst mark of any pitcher who totaled at least 100 innings last year.

Wentz’s 2024 season has been somewhat better but not enough to save his roster spot. In 55 1/3 innings, he’s pitched to a 5.37 ERA with a career-high 23.6% strikeout rate but also a career-worst 10.6% walk rate. He’s out of minor league options, so the Tigers couldn’t simply send him to Triple-A if they wanted to free up his roster spot. The DFA became a necessity in that regard, and Wentz will now be made available to all 29 other clubs via waivers.

If another club claims him, he’ll need to go right onto the big league roster, as he can’t be sent to the minors without clearing waivers. If he goes unclaimed, he lacks the service time and prior outright needed to reject a minor league assignment. As such, he’d stick with the Tigers as a depth option in Triple-A Toledo without occupying a 40-man roster spot.


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20 hours ago

I remember he was supposed to be a steal from the Braves when the Tigers got rid of Shane Greene. Hopefully the guy he’s replacing will make true of some of his promise. It feels like Mize probably only has 2 years left before he could be a free agent but he’s lost like 2 1/2 years due to injury.

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Not like Shane Greene worked out in Atlanta. Feel like Wentz biggest problem is confidence. Was worth the look.

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Weird timing. This DFA would have made more sense at the beginning of the season. He’s actually looked much improved over his last several games. He’s a lefty and still only 26 years old… I think there’s a 99.9% chance he’ll get claimed.

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17 hours ago

Yep, he’s a goner…..good for him. Now maybe he can get picked up by a team that knows the value of a lefty with good stuff.

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Culling time.

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Joey is being sent from Wentz he came.

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19 hours ago

Weird he pitched yesterday, did well, got hit by 2 comebackers and limped off. Today he gets DFA’d, that’s big league baseball for you

18 hours ago

The General Agreement says you can’t release an injured player. It’s curious/weird that wasn’t mentioned…..apparently Hinch avoided mentioning that to Pretzel.

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12 hours ago

Was at the game yesterday. He was 17 for 17 throwing strikes. He looked real good.

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I’ll miss him

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He is very handsome.just not good enough for the budding amazing tigers pitching next year

Yes, he’s got movie star looks. I see the Mets giving him a shot. New York. Bright lights. Big city. The two were made for each other.

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14 hours ago

Get a room you two

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He can’t locate .. always the main problem with pitchers who aren’t successful

The other half of that trade with Atlanta, Travis Demeritte has been out of baseball for 2 years.

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Joey looked like he had good stuff, and the walk rate wasn’t bad for a lefty. He’s young enough to still show improvement. Is he being cut because he’s one of Avila’s additions? I don’t see how not keeping him around until spring makes any sense. They could have just returned Emglert to the minors, or after getting hit on the knee, put Joey on the IL.

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He’s being cut because he hasn’t pitched well again this year, nothing to do with being one of Avila’s guys.

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No, he’s got a 5:30+ ERA and gave up 8 HR in 50 IP. It has nothing to do with Avila.

Pee Wee Harris must be living in terror that Al Avila will come out with the truth about why he got fired in Detroit….hint: Cheater Hnch wanted his chair and Pee Wee has probably figured out that’s still the case. He even hired Alex Avila as a broadcaster, who incidentally is very good at it….better than Peaches and the worm Benetti. Pee Wee is playing all of Avila’s guys except for Sweeny and after the blown the E-Rod trade and Boyd signing, can’t make blunders like that again. So in essence, Pee Wee is a leasing manager instead of a general manager and even hired the other squirt so he didn’t have to lug around the title he’s never earned.

Lol. The angry troll is back!

He’s in fine form today. His conspiracy theories are entertaining.

9 hours ago

Bzzzzzzzzzzzzz….the hive requests you call me “angry” or a “troll” when you all know none of you know a dang thing about baseball, never played adult baseball, and couldn’t compose an interesting post if your life depended on it.


2 hours ago

Yes, at one time baseball must have done him wrong. Lots of pent up anger and resentment coming out of that guy.

Actually, all the guys I know who once got paid to play baseball, in spite of having differences with how teams are run and managed, are respectful of the guys who made it past where they were.

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52 mins ago

Well, believe it or not…. It’s NOT exactly rocket science, you know….. As much as jocks would like to pretend….rocket science is actually much more complicated……

You started your weekend a bit early.

8 hours ago

S0 Gary…may I call you Gary? I realize you can’t post worth a fig, have never tried to, are happy to be mundane and boring and show up here to show proof of life for some reason. Your little gang will up-thumb you not for anything you say or do but because I overwhelm them and they feel compelled to act out. Am I drunk? LOL! uh, no. Was a single point I made addressed by your wee trio of angry bees….uh, no.

3 hours ago

You are not making points on this post (you do sometimes). You are just calling anyone affiliated to the Tigers names and making up conspiracy theories. When someone calls you out on here you lash out at them and call them names too. Change your username to “Nasty Narcissist”. It fits.

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Don’t trade with Atlanta. This guy stinks. Seems like most players they trade away never work out except the catcher they sent to Oakland.

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Wentz worked out better for Detroit than Greene did for Atlanta. Greene was one of the hottest closers in the league, got traded to Atlanta and immediately blew up his ERA.

No mention of what looked like a cracked shin bone? Evan Pretzel’s “sources not at liberty to blah blah blah” is Hinch… the dork is Hinch’s conduit to readers who believe anything the FP says. Early on I didn’t think Wentz had starter stamina and figured he’d end up in the pen where he could throw as hard as he could for an inning and stay in The Show. But Hinch kept starting him and he kept getting shelled second time through the lineup. Two wasted years and now they ditch him for Casey Mize? Why ask why?.

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It was the easiest choice to make.

Wentz could well turn out like Andrew Miller once he’s with a competent pitching coach instead of a college coach pretending to be one. Some might recall Miller was part of the ticking bomb the Tigers sent to the Fish for Cabrera, and the only one who later panned out as a reliever.. He’d be better off to get claimed before Fetter puts him in TJ surgery again.. Watch a team like the Dodgers or Red Sox pick him up and turn him around.

How is Fetter not competent? I’d like to hear your rationale for that. Jack Flaherty, Michael Lorenzen, the cutrent Tigers potching staff and most Tigers fans disagree.

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Get a life. Ask Jack Flaherty how the pitching coach with the Tigers ruined his career. Sorry resurrected more like. Have a clue before you comment. Easy to sit in Daddy’s basement and make comments though.

LOL! don’t worry..the other orphans here will adopt you……

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@senor smoke Does Aurelio Lopez know you are using his nickname from the ’84 team as your screen name here? Wentz had TJ surgery in March of 2020 and really hasn’t been the same pitcher since. Gardenhire was the manager then so Fetter was not the pitching coach during that season.

Aurelio is dead so the answer to your stupid question would be “no”. And I never said Fetter caused the second TJ, only that Wentz had one previously. Of course Fetter would have gotten him eventually.

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15 hours ago

What a stupid take. Miller went through 3 teams and 6 years before he figured things out. You keep talking about TJ surgery and Fetter without giving any evidence that the Tigers have a higher rate of pitchers requiring TJ than other teams. You blame it on them being told to throw harder when everything we know about the improvements this staff has made (which you ignore) says otherwise. Who hurt you as a child, that led to all this ill-informed anger?

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I can’t see a contender claiming him since he is out of options. Maybe a team going nowhere ( White Sox, Marlins, Blue Jays) give him a chance. If he clears he can’t refuse an assignment so he will be taking his talents to Toledo. ( Home of Jamie Farr)

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It’s a pity that Wentz couldn’t continue to prevent runs after his first MLB season. He came as a talented prospect and pitched very well in the minor leagues. But the surprising emergence of several pitchers who were called up from AAA made Wentz expendable.

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He came, he saw, he wentz

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13 hours ago

a 26 year old lefthander former 1st round pick

29 teams would take a flyer on this.

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7 hours ago

I watched the game Friday and he looked awesome. 17 pitches, 17 strikes. The only hit he gave up was the ball that beaned his hand. It makes me wonder if he already knew that he was going to be DFAed and was pitching without any pressure. UnFettered if you like.

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