15 Contoh Soal Dari Text Malin Kundang (Narrative Text) Beserta Jawaban

15 Contoh Soal Dari Text Malin Kundang (Narrative Text) Beserta Jawaban

Dalam bahasa inggris, kita mengenal adanya jenis text bukan? seperti contohnya adalah recount text, descriptive text da lain sebagainya. Nah, pada kesempatan kali ini, admin akan menyediakan beberapa soal yang berhubungan dengan text dalam bahasa inggris yaitu mengenai text malin kundang.

Cerita malin kundang pasti sudah tidak asing lagi bukan dengan sahabat SBI semua? So, langsung saja yuk kita coba uji kemampua sahabat KBI semua lewat test berikut ini 🙂 Check this out!

Malin Kundang

Once upon a time , that a poor family consisting of a mother and her son named Malin Kundang . Because his father had left him , the mother must work hard to be able to raise a family.   Malin was the son of the wise but a little bit naughty . When he is about to go up, Malin feel sorry for his mother who always used to work hard live it . Then Malin ask permission for going about looking for a job in the big city .   “ Mom, I want to go to town. I want to work to be able to help mom here. “ pinta Malin . “ Don’t leave the mother alone , son. Mom just got you here. “said the mother refused. “ Let me go , mom . I pity seeing mom continued to work until now. ” said Malin . “Well son, but remember don’t forget mom and this village when you have success there ,” Said the teary mother of ari ‘s eyes .   The next day, Malin went to the big city with the use of a ship . After several years of hard work , he succeeded in the city of rantauannya . Malin is now a wealthy man who even had a number of merchant ships . And Malin had married a beautiful woman there. News about Malin who became a wealthy man to the one to his mother. The mother was very happy to hear it. He is always waiting at the beach every day , hoping the older si wayangnya eyes back and raised his mother . drajat But Malin never came.   One day istiri Malin asked about mother Malin and want to meet with him. Malin was not able to resist the desires of the wife of a very loved it. That the journey towards preparing Malin village using a private ship pretty great . Eventually the matter came to his village Malin , along with his wife and his men.   Hear the arrival of Malin, the mother felt very excited .  sh e even ran to the beach to immediately see her son .   “What is it my son Malin, ya ? This  your  mother , you remember “asked her mother . “ Malin Kundang , my son , why are you going so long without sending the news ?” He said while hugging Malin Kundang .   His wife, who was surprised at the fact that the old lady , smelly , filthy who embraced her husband , said: “So , the smell of old lady , this is the mother you filthy , Malin “   Because of the shame , Malin Kundang soon let go of his mother ‘s arms and pushed him to fall. “I didn’t know you poor old woman ,” said Malin . “The Foundation of the old lady had no idea myself , any just claim to be my mother. “ Advanced Malin snapped .   Hear the words of his children like that, the mother feels sad and angry. He did not suspect , and the very disayanginya turns into a child of sin . “Oh my God , if he is a true son of mine , I beg give doom him and Fox was the one she so rocks. ” the prayer of his mother ‘s wrath .   Shortly thereafter the wind and Thunder rumbles hit and destroy ships Malin Kundang . After that , the body of Malin Kundang is stiff and then into the rock with coral.

Choose the True one between these choice

2.What Malin’s mother does to malin?

4.What malin’s wife does?

5.What do you learn from the story of Malin Kundang?

6.What malin said to his mom before he went to the city?

7.How many actors in the story of Malin Kundang?

8.Where  the story comes from?

9.Who is the main actor of that story?

10.Why malin meets his mom?

Fill the blanks based on the story of Malin Kundang

  • What is the moral value of malin kundang?
  • Who are the actors of Malin kundang story?
  • How are the characteristic of Malin Kundang?
  • Is malin kundang succeed now? why?
  • How malin kundang’s mom cursed him? tell it.

The answers of Multiple choice

Selamat mengerjakan sahabat SBI 🙂

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Malin Kundang - Contoh Narrative Text

Contoh Soal Narrative Text Legend dan Jawabannya

Contoh soal narrative text kelas 10 dan 12 SMA ini dapat juga menjadi rujukan pembelajaran narrative text kelas 9 SMP. Bagaimanapun juga secara garis besar semua materi narrative text hampir sama baik SMP maupun SMA.

Table of Contents

contoh soal narrative text legend dan jawabannya

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Materi Narrative Text, beserta Contoh Teks, dan Soal Latihan

Materi Narrative Text, beserta Contoh Teks, dan Soal Latihan

  • Orientation Bagian Orientation berisi tentang pengenalan tokoh-tokoh, latar belakang tempat dan waktu dari cerita. (siapa, apa, kapan, dan dimana)
  • Complication Pada bagian complication, masalah-masalah mulai muncul dan harus di selesaikan oleh tokoh utama pada cerita tersebut.
  • Resolution Resolution adalah dimana cerita berakhir. Pada bagian ini masalah terselesaikan oleh si tokoh utama. Dalam bagian Resolution juga biasanya terdapat moral value atau nasihat dari cerita tersebut atau yang biasa disebut juga dengan Coda.
  • Menggunakan Action Verb dalam bentuk Past Tense. Misalnya : Walked, Said, Wondered, dsb.
  • Menggunakan Nouns tertentu sebagai kata ganti orang, hewan dan benda tertentu dalam cerita. Misalnya : the princess, the girl, the queen, dsb.
  • Menggunakan Adjectives yang membentuk noun phrase. Misalnya : The red riding hood, the poisoned apple, dsb.
  • Menggunakan Time Connectives dan Conjunctions untuk mengurutkan kejadian-kejadian. Misalnya : before, after, then, next,soon, dsb.
  • Menggunakan Adverbs dan Adverbial Phrase untuk menunjukkan lokasi kejadian atau peristiwa. Misalnya : on the sea, in the mountain, there, happily ever after, dsb
  • Kumpulan Narrative Text Beserta Artinya
  • Materi dan Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Folktales (Cerita Rakyat) Kelas 6 SD

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55 Soal Narrative Text Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 dan Kunci Jawaban (Soal Pilihan Ganda dan Soal Essay)

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WISLAH.COM – Tulisan ini memuat 55 soal pilihan ganda dan esai tentang Narrative Text untuk siswa kelas 10 SMA, lengkap dengan kunci jawaban. Soal-soal ini dirancang untuk menguji pemahaman siswa tentang struktur, ciri-ciri, dan unsur-unsur penting dalam teks naratif, serta kemampuan mereka dalam menganalisis cerita rakyat dan dongeng.

Dengan berlatih mengerjakan soal-soal ini, siswa diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan membaca, menulis, dan berpikir kritis mereka dalam bahasa Inggris. Selain itu, soal-soal ini juga dapat membantu siswa memahami nilai-nilai moral dan pesan-pesan penting yang terkandung dalam cerita-cerita rakyat dan dongeng.

A. 45 Soal Pilihan Ganda (Multiple Choice)

Reading Comprehension 1:

The Legend of Sangkuriang

Once upon a time in West Java, lived a beautiful princess named Dayang Sumbi. She was banished from the kingdom by her father for disobedience. In her exile, she met a magical dog named Tumang, who was actually a god in disguise. They fell in love and had a son named Sangkuriang.

Sangkuriang grew up unaware of his father’s true identity. One day, he was hunting with Tumang, but Tumang refused to catch any prey. Frustrated, Sangkuriang killed Tumang and brought his heart home to his mother. Dayang Sumbi, enraged by her son’s actions, hit him on the head with a rice ladle, leaving a scar. Sangkuriang left home, heartbroken and ashamed.

Years later, Sangkuriang returned to his homeland, not recognizing his mother due to her youthful appearance. They fell in love and planned to marry. However, Dayang Sumbi discovered the scar on Sangkuriang’s head and realized his true identity. To prevent the incestuous marriage, she asked him to build a lake and a boat in one night.

Sangkuriang, with the help of spirits, almost completed the task. But Dayang Sumbi tricked the rooster into crowing prematurely, signaling dawn. Enraged, Sangkuriang kicked the unfinished boat, creating the mountain Tangkuban Perahu. The lake he created became Bandung Basin.

  • What is the main theme of this legend? a. The power of love. b. The consequences of disobedience. c. The importance of forgiveness. d. The dangers of pride. Jawaban: b
  • Why did Dayang Sumbi hit Sangkuriang? a. He disobeyed her orders. b. He killed her beloved dog. c. He wanted to marry her. d. He failed to build the lake and boat. Jawaban: b
  • How did Dayang Sumbi prevent the marriage? a. She told him the truth about his father. b. She asked him to perform an impossible task. c. She fled the kingdom. d. She cursed him. Jawaban: b
  • What is the significance of Tangkuban Perahu? a. It is a symbol of Sangkuriang’s love for Dayang Sumbi. b. It is a reminder of his anger and frustration. c. It is a sacred place for the people of West Java. d. It is a popular tourist destination. Jawaban: b
  • What can we learn from this legend? a. Love conquers all. b. Actions have consequences. c. Forgiveness is important. d. Pride leads to downfall. Jawaban: b

Reading Comprehension 2:

The Story of Malin Kundang

Malin Kundang was a poor boy who lived with his mother in a small village. One day, he decided to leave his village and seek fortune in a faraway land. He worked hard and became a successful merchant.

Years later, Malin Kundang returned to his village with his wealthy wife. His mother, overjoyed to see him, rushed to embrace him. However, Malin Kundang, ashamed of his humble origins, denied knowing her. Heartbroken, his mother cursed him to turn into stone.

As Malin Kundang sailed away, a storm struck his ship. He was thrown overboard and turned into a stone statue, forever a reminder of his ingratitude.

  • What is the main theme of this story? a. The importance of wealth. b. The dangers of ambition. c. The power of a mother’s love. d. The consequences of ingratitude. Jawaban: d
  • Why did Malin Kundang deny his mother? a. He was afraid of his wife. b. He was ashamed of his past. c. He did not recognize her. d. He was angry with her. Jawaban: b
  • How did his mother react to his denial? a. She forgave him. b. She cursed him. c. She begged him to reconsider. d. She left the village. Jawaban: b
  • What happened to Malin Kundang after he denied his mother? a. He became even wealthier. b. He was shipwrecked and turned into stone. c. He returned to his wife and lived happily ever after. d. He regretted his actions and sought his mother’s forgiveness. Jawaban: b
  • What can we learn from this story? a. Money can’t buy happiness. b. Respect your elders. c. Don’t be ashamed of your past. d. All of the above. Jawaban: d

Reading Comprehension 3: The Wise Monkey and the Crocodile

Once, a monkey lived on a berry tree on a riverbank. He befriended a crocodile who lived in the river. The monkey would share berries with the crocodile, and they would spend hours talking.

One day, the crocodile’s wife became jealous of their friendship and demanded the monkey’s heart to eat. The crocodile, hesitant at first, eventually agreed to fulfill his wife’s wish. He invited the monkey to his home across the river, claiming his wife was ill and wanted to meet him.

The clever monkey agreed but said he left his heart in the berry tree. When they reached the other side, the monkey quickly climbed up the tree and told the crocodile the truth. The crocodile, ashamed of his actions, apologized and returned to his wife empty-handed.

  • What is the main conflict in this story? a. The monkey and the crocodile’s friendship. b. The crocodile’s wife’s jealousy. c. The monkey’s cleverness. d. The crocodile’s greed. Jawaban: b
  • Why did the crocodile invite the monkey to his home? a. To introduce him to his wife. b. To share a meal with him. c. To fulfill his wife’s wish for the monkey’s heart. d. To show him his new home. Jawaban: c
  • How did the monkey trick the crocodile? a. He pretended to be sick. b. He said he left his heart in the berry tree. c. He hid in the river. d. He threatened to call the other animals for help. Jawaban: b
  • What is the moral of the story? a. Don’t trust anyone easily. b. Always be prepared for danger. c. Think before you act. d. Don’t let jealousy control you. Jawaban: d
  • Which of the following is NOT a character in the story? a. The monkey b. The crocodile c. The crocodile’s wife d. The berry tree Jawaban: d

Reading Comprehension 4: Bawang Merah and Bawang Putih

Bawang Putih lived with her stepmother and stepsister, Bawang Merah. They were cruel to Bawang Putih, making her do all the chores while they lived in luxury.

One day, Bawang Putih lost her stepmother’s shawl in the river. A magical fish found it and returned it to Bawang Putih, granting her wishes in return. Bawang Putih wished for a beautiful dress and carriage to attend a festival.

At the festival, Bawang Putih’s beauty attracted a prince. As she ran home, she lost her slipper. The prince searched for the owner of the slipper and found Bawang Putih. They fell in love and married.

Bawang Merah and her mother were jealous and tried to sabotage Bawang Putih’s happiness, but their evil plans backfired, and they were punished. Bawang Putih and the prince lived happily ever after.

  • What is the main theme of this story? a. The importance of hard work. b. The dangers of jealousy. c. The power of kindness and forgiveness. d. The rewards of patience and perseverance. Jawaban: c
  • Why did Bawang Putih lose the shawl in the river? a. She was careless. b. Her stepsister pushed her. c. She was trying to wash it. d. She wanted to attract the fish. Jawaban: c
  • Who helped Bawang Putih? a. A fairy godmother. b. A magical fish. c. A prince charming. d. A talking bird. Jawaban: b
  • What did Bawang Putih wish for? a. To be rich. b. To be beautiful. c. To attend the festival. d. To marry the prince. Jawaban: c
  • How did the story end? a. Bawang Putih and the prince lived happily ever after. b. Bawang Merah and her mother were punished. c. Bawang Putih forgave her stepsister and stepmother. d. All of the above. Jawaban: d

Reading Comprehension 5: The Story of Ramayana

The Ramayana is an ancient Indian epic that tells the story of Rama, a prince of Ayodhya. Rama is exiled from his kingdom with his wife, Sita, and his brother, Lakshmana. In the forest, Sita is kidnapped by Ravana, the demon king of Lanka.

Rama and Lakshmana embark on a journey to rescue Sita, with the help of Hanuman, the monkey god. They build a bridge to Lanka, defeat Ravana in a great battle, and rescue Sita. They return to Ayodhya, where Rama is crowned king.

  • What is the main theme of the Ramayana? a. The triumph of good over evil. b. The importance of family. c. The power of love and devotion. d. All of the above. Jawaban: d
  • Why was Rama exiled from his kingdom? a. He disobeyed his father. b. He lost a battle. c. His stepmother wanted her son to be king. d. He was cursed by a sage. Jawaban: c
  • Who kidnapped Sita? a. Ravana. b. Hanuman. c. Lakshmana. d. Sugriva. Jawaban: a
  • How did Rama and Lakshmana rescue Sita? a. They negotiated with Ravana. b. They paid a ransom. c. They built a bridge to Lanka and defeated Ravana in battle. d. They tricked Ravana into releasing Sita. Jawaban: c
  • What happened after Rama rescued Sita? a. They returned to Ayodhya and lived happily ever after. b. Rama doubted Sita’s purity and banished her. c. Sita proved her innocence and they were reunited. d. Rama became king and ruled wisely. Jawaban: c

Reading Comprehension 6: Cinderella

Cinderella is a kind and beautiful young woman who lives with her cruel stepmother and stepsisters. They make her do all the chores and treat her badly.

One day, the king announces a ball to find a bride for his son, the prince. Cinderella wants to attend but has nothing to wear. Her fairy godmother appears and magically transforms her rags into a beautiful gown and gives her glass slippers.

Cinderella goes to the ball and dances with the prince, who falls in love with her. However, she must leave at midnight before the spell breaks. In her haste, she loses one of her slippers.

The prince searches for the owner of the slipper and finds Cinderella. They marry and live happily ever after.

  • What is the main theme of Cinderella? a. The importance of beauty. b. The power of magic. c. The triumph of good over evil. d. The rewards of kindness and perseverance. Jawaban: d
  • Why couldn’t Cinderella go to the ball at first? a. She was too young. b. She didn’t have a dress. c. Her stepmother forbade her. d. She was too busy with chores. Jawaban: c
  • Who helped Cinderella go to the ball? a. Her fairy godmother. b. Her father. c. Her friends. d. Her stepsisters. Jawaban: a
  • What did Cinderella lose at the ball? a. Her necklace. b. Her earring. c. Her slipper. d. Her crown. Jawaban: c
  • How did the prince find Cinderella? a. He asked everyone in the kingdom to try on the slipper. b. He followed her carriage. c. He recognized her voice. d. He saw her portrait. Jawaban: a

Reading Comprehension 7: Snow White

Snow White is a beautiful princess with skin as white as snow. Her stepmother, the Evil Queen, is jealous of her beauty and orders a huntsman to kill her. However, the huntsman takes pity on Snow White and leaves her in the forest.

Snow White finds refuge in a cottage where seven dwarfs live. They become her friends and protect her from the Evil Queen. The Queen, disguised as an old woman, tricks Snow White into eating a poisoned apple, which puts her into a deep sleep.

A handsome prince finds Snow White and awakens her with a kiss. They fall in love and marry, while the Evil Queen is defeated.

  • What is the main conflict in Snow White? a. Snow White’s beauty. b. The Evil Queen’s jealousy. c. The seven dwarfs’ kindness. d. The prince’s love for Snow White. Jawaban: b
  • Why did the Evil Queen want to kill Snow White? a. She was afraid of Snow White’s power. b. She wanted to be the fairest in the land. c. She hated all princesses. d. She wanted to take over the kingdom. Jawaban: b
  • Who helped Snow White in the forest? a. The huntsman. b. The seven dwarfs. c. The prince. d. The animals. Jawaban: b
  • How was Snow White awakened from her sleep? a. A magic potion. b. A true love’s kiss. c. A song. d. A spell. Jawaban: b
  • What happened to the Evil Queen? a. She was forgiven by Snow White. b. She escaped and lived happily ever after. c. She was defeated and punished. d. She became friends with the seven dwarfs. Jawaban: c

Reading Comprehension 8: The Little Mermaid

The Little Mermaid is a mermaid princess who dreams of becoming human. She makes a deal with the sea witch, Ursula, to trade her voice for legs. However, if she cannot make the prince fall in love with her and marry her, she will turn into sea foam.

The Little Mermaid goes to the surface and meets the prince, who is attracted to her beauty but cannot understand her because she has no voice. Ursula, disguised as a beautiful woman, tries to seduce the prince with the Little Mermaid’s voice.

In the end, the Little Mermaid sacrifices herself to save the prince and turns into sea foam. However, her good deeds are rewarded, and she is transformed into a spirit of the air, where she can earn her immortality.

  • What is the Little Mermaid’s greatest desire? a. To have a beautiful voice. b. To become human. c. To marry a prince. d. To explore the world. Jawaban: b
  • What does the Little Mermaid trade with Ursula? a. Her tail. b. Her crown. c. Her voice. d. Her necklace. Jawaban: c
  • Why can’t the prince understand the Little Mermaid? a. He speaks a different language. b. She has no voice. c. He is deaf. d. She is shy. Jawaban: b
  • What happens to the Little Mermaid in the end? a. She marries the prince. b. She turns into sea foam. c. She returns to the sea. d. She becomes a human. Jawaban: b
  • What is the moral of the story? a. Be careful what you wish for. b. Don’t trust strangers. c. Love requires sacrifice. d. Always be yourself. Jawaban: c

Reading Comprehension 9: Beauty and the Beast

Belle, a young woman who loves reading, lives in a small village with her father. One day, her father gets lost in the forest and takes shelter in a mysterious castle. The castle’s master, a fearsome Beast, imprisons him. Belle offers to take her father’s place as the Beast’s prisoner.

As Belle spends time in the castle, she discovers that the Beast is not as monstrous as he seems. They develop a friendship, and Belle begins to see the kind heart beneath the Beast’s rough exterior.

Meanwhile, Gaston, a vain and arrogant hunter, wants to marry Belle. He leads a mob to the castle to kill the Beast. Belle arrives in time to save the Beast, and her love for him breaks the curse that turned him into a beast. The Beast transforms back into a handsome prince, and they live happily ever after.

  • What is the Beast’s true form? a. A monster. b. A lion. c. A prince. d. A wizard. Jawaban: c
  • Why does Belle become the Beast’s prisoner? a. She is kidnapped by the Beast. b. She is tricked by Gaston. c. She offers to take her father’s place. d. She wants to live in the castle. Jawaban: c
  • How does Belle feel about the Beast at first? a. She is scared of him. b. She is curious about him. c. She hates him. d. She pities him. Jawaban: a
  • What breaks the curse on the Beast? a. Belle’s kiss. b. Belle’s love. c. Gaston’s defeat. d. A magic spell. Jawaban: b
  • What is the moral of the story? a. Don’t judge a book by its cover. b. True love conquers all. c. Be kind to everyone. d. All of the above. Jawaban: d

B. 10 Soal Essay

  • Characters: The people or animals who take part in the story.
  • Setting: The time and place where the story happens.
  • Plot: The sequence of events that make up the story.
  • Conflict: The problem or challenge that the characters face.
  • Resolution: The way the conflict is solved.
  • Theme: The underlying message or meaning of the story.
  • Point of view: The perspective from which the story is told.
  • Orientation: This is the introduction of the story, where the characters, setting, and initial situation are established.
  • Complication: This is the rising action of the story, where the conflict is introduced and developed.
  • Resolution: This is the falling action and conclusion of the story, where the conflict is resolved and the story comes to an end.
  • Myths: Myths are often about gods, goddesses, or supernatural beings. They explain natural phenomena, the origins of the world, or the customs and beliefs of a culture. Myths are often considered sacred and are used to teach moral lessons.
  • Legends: Legends are based on historical figures or events, but they are often exaggerated or embellished over time. They may contain elements of truth, but they are not meant to be taken literally. Legends are often used to entertain or inspire.
  • Choose one Indonesian folktale and summarize its plot.

Answer (Example):

Timun Mas (The Golden Cucumber)

A widowed old woman named Mbok Srini longed for a child. She prayed to a giant, Buto Ijo, who granted her wish with a condition: when the child turned sixteen, she must be sacrificed to him. Mbok Srini agreed and received a cucumber containing a baby girl, whom she named Timun Mas.

Timun Mas grew into a beautiful and kind young woman. When her sixteenth birthday approached, Mbok Srini revealed the truth. Timun Mas was heartbroken but determined to escape. Buto Ijo came to claim Timun Mas, but Mbok Srini had given her a magic pouch containing seeds.

Timun Mas fled into the forest, scattering the seeds as she ran. The seeds grew into a thick vine that entangled Buto Ijo. Timun Mas then threw cucumber seeds that grew into a field of sharp cucumbers, injuring Buto Ijo. Finally, she threw shrimp paste, creating a boiling mud lake that trapped and defeated Buto Ijo. Timun Mas returned to her mother, and they lived happily ever after.

Plot Summary: A giant grants an old woman’s wish for a child, but demands the child as a sacrifice when she turns sixteen. The girl, Timun Mas, uses magical seeds to escape and defeat the giant, returning safely to her mother.

  • Good vs. evil
  • The importance of family
  • Respect for nature and elders
  • The consequences of greed, dishonesty, or arrogance
  • The power of love, kindness, and forgiveness
  • Passing down traditions and beliefs from one generation to the next.
  • Teaching moral lessons and social norms.
  • Expressing the hopes, fears, and dreams of a community.
  • Providing entertainment and a sense of shared identity.
  • First-person narrator: The narrator is a character in the story and uses “I” or “we” to tell the story from their perspective.
  • Third-person narrator: The narrator is not a character in the story and uses “he,” “she,” “it,” or “they” to tell the story. The third-person narrator can be omniscient (knowing everything) or limited (knowing only the thoughts and feelings of one character).
  • Answer: (Students should choose a folktale and analyze the use of language and literary devices, such as similes, metaphors, personification, symbolism, and repetition.)
  • Presenting characters who model positive behavior and values.
  • Showing the consequences of negative behavior.
  • Using simple language and engaging stories that children can understand.
  • Discussing the moral lessons of the story with children.

A Day at the Beach

The sun beat down on my face as I stepped onto the warm sand. It was a perfect summer day, and I couldn’t wait to spend it at the beach. The smell of salt and sunscreen filled the air, a familiar and comforting scent.

I spread out my towel and laid down, basking in the sun’s warmth. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore was a soothing melody, lulling me into a state of relaxation. I closed my eyes and let the rhythm of the ocean wash over me.

After a while, I decided to take a dip in the water. The cool water was a welcome relief from the heat, and I floated on my back, watching the clouds drift by. I spotted a group of dolphins playing in the distance, their sleek bodies leaping out of the water in graceful arcs.

As the sun began to set, I walked along the shore, collecting seashells and watching the sky turn shades of orange, pink, and purple. The beach was nearly deserted now, and I had the whole place to myself. It was a magical moment, and I felt a deep sense of peace and tranquility.

As I drove home, I couldn’t help but smile. It had been a perfect day at the beach, filled with sun, sand, and the beauty of nature. I knew I would cherish the memories of that day for years to come.

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Latihan Ulangan Narrative Text

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  • Kamis, 5 September 2024

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10 Latihan Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris Narrative Text dengan Kunci Jawaban Kelas 10 SMA atau MA Semester Genap

10 Latihan Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris Narrative Text dengan Kunci Jawaban Kelas 10 SMA atau MA Semester Genap

KABAR TEGAL - Berikut ada 10 Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Narrative Text dengan kunci jawaban untuk Pelajar Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA atau MA) semester genap. 

Narrative text menceritakan cerita imajinatif ataupun cerita nyata yang dimodifikasi, dan disusun melalui urutan kejadian yang terjadi di masa lalu. 

Seperti cerita Sangkuriang, The Legend of Lake Toba, Malin Kundang dan lainnya, Narrative text atau teks narasi adalah suatu cerita yang dibuat runut dalam kalimat lampau. 

Simak informasi Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Narrative Text dengan Kunci Jawaban sebagai referensi tugas siswa kelas 10 SMA yang dikutip dari berbagai sumber. 

Baca Juga: Lirik Lagu 'Glitch Mode' - NCT DREAM EASY LYRICS Romanization dan Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia Versi Jepang  

Berikut adalah 10 latihan soal essay teks naratif khususnya legenda dengan kunci jawabannya;

Long, long ago, when the gods and goddesses used to mingle in the affairs of mortals, there was a small kingdom on the slope of Mount Wayang in West Java.

The King, named Sang Prabu, was a wise man.  He had an only daughter, called Princess Teja Nirmala, who was famous for her beauty but she was not married.

One day Sang Prabu made up his mind to settle the matter by a show of strength.

After that, Prince of Blambangan, named Raden Begawan had won the competition.  

Unfortunately, the wicked fairy, Princess Segara fell in love with Raden Begawan and used magic power to render him unconscious and he forgot his wedding.  

When Sang Prabu was searching, Raden Begawan saw him and soon realized that he had been enchanted by the wicked fairy.  

The fairy could not accept this, so she killed Raden Begawan. When Princess Teja Nirmala heard this, she was very sad. So a nice fairy took her to Kahyangan. 

1. Which one of the following statements is false about Sang Prabu?

Jawaban : Sang Prabu was  taken to Kahyangan by a wicked fairy.

2. Why does the wicked fairy use her magic to make Raden Begawan unconscious?

  Baca Juga: Gampang Banget! Yuk Intip Resep Bikin Kue Keranjang Khas Imlek, Cuma Siapin 4 Bahan Aja, Simak Selengkapnya

Jawaban : The answer is She didn’t want the prince of Blambangan marry the princess 

3. What do you think will happen if gods or goddesses cannot mingle in the affairs of people on the earth at that time?

Jawaban : The Wicked Fairy will not take Raden Begawan’s life.

4. So a nice fairy took her to Kahyangan.  (Paragraph 2) The word her in the sentence refers to…

Jawaban : Princess Nirmala 

5. The similarity between fairy and human according to the text.

Jawaban : The jealousy that they posses 

A long time ago, there lived on the island of Bali a giant-like creature named Kbo Iwo. The people of Bali used to say that Kbo Iwo was everything, a destroyer as well as a creator.

He was satisfied with the meal, but this meant for the Balinese people enough food for a thousand men.

Difficulties arose when for the first time the barns were almost empty and the new harvest was still a long way off.

This made Kbo Iwo wild with great anger.  In his hunger, he destroyed all the houses and even all the temples.  It made the Balinese turn to rage.

So, they came together to plan steps to oppose this powerful giant by using his stupidity.  

Baca Juga: Lirik Lagu 'Best Friend Ever' - NCT DREAM EASY LYRICS Romanization dan Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia

They asked Kbo Iwo to build them a very deep well, and rebuild all the houses and temples he had destroyed. After they fed Kbo Iwo, he began to dig a deep hole.

One day he had eaten too much, he fell asleep in the hole. The oldest man in the village gave a sign, and the villagers began to throw the limestone they had collected before into the hole.  

The limestone made the water inside the hole boiling. Kebo Iwo was buried alive.  Then the water in the well rose higher and higher until at last it overflowed and formed Lake Batur.  The mound of earth dug from the well by Kbo Iwo is known as Mount Batur. 

6. Which of the following facts is true about Kbo Iwo?

Jawaban : Kebo food was equal for food of a thousand people. 

7. Why did Kbo Iwo feel angry at the Balinese people?

Jawaban : Because Balinese people didn’t give him food. 

8. According to the story, if Kbo Iwa is never existed on Bali island, what do you think will happen?

Jawaban : We are not able to see the beauty of Lake Batur.

9. “So, they came together to plan steps to oppose this powerful giant……”(Paragraph 3). The antonym of the word “oppose “ is….

Jawaban : Support

10. What is Mount batur?

Jawaban : A mound of earth dug from the well by Kebo iwa 

Nah itulah 10 Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Narrative Text dengan Kunci Jawaban untuk siswa kelas 10 Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA atau MA) Semester Genap.***

Editor: Retno Dwi Marcelina

Bahasa Inggris

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  • Kamis, 5 September 2024


5 Contoh Soal Narrative Text Kelas 9 Essay, Cocok untuk Latihan Ujian Bahasa Inggris

5 Contoh Soal Narrative Text Kelas 9 Essay, Cocok untuk Latihan Ujian Bahasa Inggris (Markus Winkler dari Pixabay)

His mother, who had grown old and frail, refused to acknowledge him, believing him to be an imposter.

Heartbroken and angry, Malin cursed his mother and the village for their lack of recognition. In an instant, a mighty storm brewed, and waves crashed against the shore.

Suddenly, Malin's body turned into stone, and he became a statue, forever condemned for his arrogance and betrayal.

Baca Juga: PRAKTIS! Resep Mie Dok-dok Untuk Sahur di Bulan Ramadhan, Bisa Pakai Bahan-bahan yang Sudah Ada di Rumah!

To this day, the people of the village believe that the stone formation by the sea is the cursed Malin Kundang, a reminder of the consequences of pride and disrespect.


1. Who is the main character in the story? 2. What was Malin Kundang's ambition? 3. Why did Malin Kundang decide to return to his village?

Baca Juga: BERMANFAAT! 20 Kata-kata Menyambut Puasa Ramadhan 2024, Penuh Makna dan Motivasi untuk Tingkatkan Kualitas Ibadah 4. How did the people of the village react to Malin Kundang's return? 5. What happened to Malin Kundang in the end?

1. The main character in the story is Malin Kundang. 2. Malin Kundang's ambition was to become a successful merchant. 3. Malin Kundang decided to return to his village to show off his wealth to his family and friends.

Baca Juga: Hari Kabisat 2024 Itu Apa Artinya? Yuk Simak Penjelasan Berikut Ini! 4. The people of the village reacted to Malin Kundang's return with scorn and rejection, including his own mother who refused to acknowledge him. 5. In the end, Malin Kundang was turned into a stone statue as a punishment for his arrogance and betrayal, forever condemned by the curse he invoked.

Demikianlah contoh soal narrative text kelas 9 beserta dengan jawabannya. Semoga bermanfaat.***

Ini Kumpulan Contoh Soal ABM Kelas 9 Pilihan Ganda yang Bisa Jadi Bagian Asesmen Bakat Minat Siswa

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Ini kumpulan contoh soal abm kelas 9 pilihan ganda yang bisa jadi bagian asesmen bakat minat siswa.

Editor: Mayang Sari

Bahasa Inggris

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narrative text malin kundang

Contoh Narrative Text Malin Kundang Terbaru dan Terlengkap Versi 2016

Good morning all my friends? How are you this morning? Why do I greet you by “good morning”

Mengapa saya menyapa kalian dengan “selamat pagi” meskipun saat kalian buka line ini, bukan waktu di pagi hari. Itu karena saya berharap kalian mempunyai semangat seperti dipagi hari, semangat yang menggebu-gebu.

Pada hari yang cerah ini, saya akan memberikan informasi mengenai contoh teks yang berbentuk descriptive. Teks Narrative sendiri mempunyai pengertian bahwa teks tersebut menceritakan sebuah cerita yang bersifat Fiktif atau tidak nyata.

Kalian apa bila mendapat kan tugas mengenai teks Narrative . saran saya kalian memulai dengan apa yang ada disekitar kalian. Seperti halny dengan contoh teks yang akan saya kasih tahu kepada kalian semua, ini berhubungan hobi saya dan kesayangan saya , dimana saya selalu ,mengantarkan anak bujang saya sebelum tidur, dengan membacakan salah satu judul dongeng. Dengan harapan dia bisa merespon apa yang saya ceritakan.

Anak bujang saya senag sekali mendengarkan dongeng tentang. “Malin Kundang”. Kalian pastinya sudah mengetahui beradal dari manakah cerita ini berasal, kan? Yupp benar banget. Cerita ini berasal dari tanah minang, Padang.

[su_note note_color=”#dffef6″]

The Malin Kundang

Once upon time, there were an old woman and her son in a small wooden home in the jungle. Her son was named Malin Kundang. They had to survive to live after the father passed away. They found the wood and sold in the market. They would buy food after the wood had been sold.

Due to the wood could make them to be rich, Malin told to her mom to give permitting to find a job in the city. At the first time, her mom did not permit him because she was so old and there was no family. Malin promised after having much money, he would come back. Finally her mom gave permit. And he asked his friend to keep his mom at home while he was in city.

While Malin lived in the city, he met a beautiful girl and fortunately she was a daughter from rich family. He worked in her father and he married his daughter. He said that he did not have family anymore.

One day, they stopped over in Malin’s island. Malin’s friend knew his coming and told to his mom. They met Malin in his ship. His mom cried because Malin forgot his mom and he pushed her hard. Because his mom was angry, she said that Malin was liked a stone.

When they continued their trip, there was a storm and destroyed the ship and Malin became a stone,

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Malin Kundang

Pada jaman dahulu kala, ada seorang ibu tua dan anak bujangnya di sebuah rumah kayu di hutan. Anak bujangnya bernama Malin Kundang. Mereka harus bertahan hidup setelah ayahmnya meninggal.

Mereka mencari kayu dan menjualnya di pasar. Mereka akan membeli makanan setelah kayuna terjual.

Karena kayu tidak mengubah mereka mnjadi kaya, Malin meminta izin ibunya untuk mencari pekerjaan di kota. Awalnya ibunya tidak mengizinkannya karena beliau seudah tua dan tidak mempunyai keluarga lagi, Malin berjanji stelah mendapatkan banyak uang, dia akan kembali. Akhirnya ibunya mengizin. Dan dia meminta sahabatnya untuk mnjaga ibunya selama dia di kota.

Selama Malin tinggal di kota, ia bertemu dengan gadis cantik dan untungnya dia adalah anak gadis dari keluarga kaya. Dia bekerja untuk ayahnya dan menikahinya. Dan dia berkata bahwa dia tidak mempunyai keluarga lagi,

Suatu hari dia singgah di pulau Malin, kawan Malin mengetahuinya dan memberi tahu sang ibu. Mereka menemui Malin di kapal. Ibunya menanggis karena Malin lupa ibunya dan dia mendorong ibunya dengan keras. Karena ibunya marah, sia berkata bahwa Malin seperti sebuah batu,

Ketika mereka melanjutkan perjalanannya, ada badai dan menghancurkan kapal dan Malin berubah menjadi sebuah batu.,


Sebenarnya sangatlah mudah mendapatkan contoh jenis ini, karena ibuku kita sudah membacakannya menjelang tidur kita saat kita kecil dulu. Sampai jumpa pada posting berikutnya.

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Narrative Text dan Soal Pilihan Ganda/Multiple choice Dengan Kunci Jawaban Untuk lampiran atau Appendix Skripsi Bahasa Inggris

Narrative Text dan Soal Pilihan Ganda/Multiple choice  Dengan Kunci Jawaban Untuk lampiran atau Appendix Skripsi 

soal essay narrative text malin kundang

 Bahasa Inggris


Long time ago a remote village, in central China, was inhabited mainly with farmers and hunters.

One day, a poor farmer lost his entire livestock to flood. He prayed hard to God for help or his family would die of starvation.

Few days later an old man, with long grey beard, passed by his house took pity on him. He gave him a goose and said. ″I don’t have any expensive thing to give you and hope this goose will help you to ease your hardship.″

A week later to his most surprise the farmer found an egg in his yard. This was not an ordinary egg. It was a golden egg. He was suddenly overcome with joy. Thereafter, the livelihood had rapidly improved but the farmer had forgotten his earlier hardship. He became lazy, arrogant and spendthrift.

Strangely, the goose only laid one golden egg every six months. The greedy farmer lost his patient and slaughtered his goose thinking there were plenty of golden eggs inside its stomach.

Though the very much regretted for his foolishness, it’s already too late.

Baca juga:  Jenis Jenis Text dalam Bahasa inggris dan Soal Soalnya lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban

1. What is the communicative purpose of the text ?

      a. To describe how the farmer got rich

      b. To share an amusing story with others

      c. To persuade the reader to read the story

      d. To entertain the reader with an interesting story

      e. To inform readers about the farmer and the goose

2. What happened to the farmer’s livestock ?

      a. They were all stolen                              d. They were killed by flood

      b. They were all given away                     e. They were eaten by the wild animal

      c. They were all slaughtered

3. Which of the following statement is true ?

      a. God gave the goose to the farmer

      b. The farmer did not believe the old man

      c. An old man with long grey beard gave a farmer a goose

      d. The farmer died of starvation because he became lazy and spendthrift

      e. The farmer slaughtered his goose because there were golden eggs inside its stomach

4. What do we learn from the story ?

      a. Foolishness did not pay                                               

      b. Always pray to God for help                           

      c. Not to be lazy or arrogant

      d. Not to forget a good deed

      e. Not to be greedy and be contented with what we had

5. ″I don’t have any expensive thing to give you ……………..″ (paragraph 3)

      The word ″I″ refers to ……………

      a. A poor farmer                            c. The reader                           e. Hunter

      b. The writer                                  d. An old man

      c. The reader 

Baca Juga :  Narrative Text dan Soal Soal Essay dan Pilihan Ganda Dengan Kunci Jawaban  

“Once upon a time a hawk fell in love with a hen. The hawk flew down from the sky and asked the hen, "Won't you marry me?"

The hen loved the brave, strong hawk and wishes to marry him. But she said, I cannot fly as high as you can. If you give me time, I may learn to fly as high as you. Then, we can fly together."

The hawk agreed. Before he went away, he gave the hen a ring. "This is to show that you have promised to marry me," said the hawk.

So it happened that the hen had already promised to marry a rooster. So, when the  rooster saw the ring, he became very angry. "Throw that ring away at once! Didn't you tell the hawk that you'd already promised to marry me?" shouted the rooster. Then  hen  was so frightened at the rooster's anger that she threw away the ring immediately.

When the hawk came the next day, the hen told him the truth. The hawk so furious that he cursed the hen. "Why didn't you tell me earlier? Now you'll always be scratching the earth, and I'll always be flying above you to catch your children," said the hawk.

The curse seems to have come true.

6. Why couldn’t the hen say “yes” right away?

a. Because she did not love the hawk,                      

b. Because she had no ring to exchange.

c. Because it would make the roaster angry. 

d. Because the hawk was too brave and strong.

e. Because she had to learn how to fly as high as the hawk.

7. What is the story about ?

a. A hen and a rooster

b. A rooster and his fiancé     

c. A hawk and his wife

d. A hawk, a hen a rooster.  

e. A hen and her children

8. “The hawk flew down from the sky and asked the hen, “Won’t you marry me?” (Par 1).

What does the underlined utterance mean?

a. The hen wanted to marry the hawk       d. The hen refused to marry the hawk

b. The hen agreed to be the hawk’s wife   e. The hawk proposed the hen to be his wife

c. The hawk wanted to marry the hen at the sky

9. Why was the rooster angry when he saw the ring?

a. The hen had betrayed him                                     d. The hen had stolen his ring

b. The hand didn’t wear her own ring                        e. The ring was not good for the hen

c. The ring was too small for the hen

10. What can we learn from the story?     We have to …

a. take car of our children                c. keep our promise                     e. love one another

b. listen to other                               d. marry soon

Baca juga:  Jenis Jenis Text dalam Bahasa inggris dan Soal Soalnya lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban  

The Magic Box

Once upon time, there was a poor farmer who dug up a big box in his field. He took at home with him and showed it to his wife. His wife cleaned it and kept it in their house.

One day, she dropped an apple into it. Immediately the box began to will up with apples. No matter how many were taken out. Others took their place. So the farmer dropped a coin into the box. At once, apples disappeared and the box began, to fill itself with coin. Everyday the farmer and his wife collected hundreds and hundreds of dollars from the box. Soon they became very rich.

soal essay narrative text malin kundang

             Now the farmer’s grandfather lived with the couple. He was not very strong and he could not go out to work. So the farmer asked the old man to help him take the money out of the box. When his grandfather became tired and wanted to rest, the farmer shouted at him, “Why are you so lazy? Why can’t you work harder ?” the old man did not say anything but he continued working until he fell inside the box and died. At once the money disappeared and the box began to fill up with dead grandfathers.

            The farmer had to pull them out and bury them. To do this he had to spend all the money he had collected. When he had used up all the money, the box broke and the farmer was just as poor as he was before.

11. How was the farmer according to the writer ?

a. Greedy     b.  Humorous     c. Generous           d.  Rich      e. Kind

12. The complication start in the part of the story when…

a.        the farmer dug up a big box in his field, took at home and showed it to his wife.

b.       His wife dropped an apple into it and immediately the  box filled up with apples.

c.        The farmer and his wife sold the apples and were able to live comfortable

d.       The farmers dropped the coins into the box

e.        The apples disappeared and bean to fill itself with coin. 

13. Which statement is true according to the story….

a. His wife cleaned and kept the box to the story

b. The box was full of valuable things when it was found

c. The farmer had to pull dead grandfather out and bury them

d. The poor farmer finally was killed by the grandfather

e. The farmer’s wife became happy after the grandfather.

14. What did we learn from the story ….

a. Being honest is not always wise

b. Being a miser is sometimes important

c. All the glitters is not gold                               

d. it is good to be honest in life                          

e. being greedy is not good.

15. The communicative purpose of the text is ….

a. to amuse and entertain the readers with problematic events

b. to tell the readers what really happened in the pest

c. to inform the readers how and why something works

       d. to present information about a current issue   

       e. to describe an event in the past

Butuh Lebih Banyak Text dan Soal  Klik Di Sini

The Tyrant Who Became a Just Ruler

        In the olden times there was a king who was so cruel and unjust toward his subjects that he was always called The Tyrant. So heartless was he that his people used to pray night and day that they might have a new king.

      One day, much to their surprise, he called his people together and said to them, “My dear subjects, the days of my tyranny are over. Henceforth, you shall live in peaces and happiness, for I have decided to try my rule henceforth justly and well.”

      The King kept his words so well that soon he was known throughout the land as The Just King. By and by one of his favorites came to him said, “Your Majesty, I beg you to tell me how it was that you had this change of heart towards your people.”

            And the King replied, “As I was galloping through my forests one afternoon, I caught a sight of a hound chasing a fox. The fox escaped into his hole, but not until he had bitten by the dog so badly that he would be lame for life. The hound, returning home, met a man who threw a stone at him, which broke his leg. And the horse, starting to run, fell into a hole and broke his leg. Here I came to my senses, and resolved to change my rule. ‘For surely,’ I said to myself, ‘he who does evil will sooner or later be overtaken by evil.”

 16.   Which of the statements is TRUE?

a.        The king was chased by a fox.

b.       The King’s behaviour never changed

c.        The man was thrown with a stone by a hound.

d.       The king’s subjects hated him when he was a tyrant.

e.        In the olden times the King was loved  by his subjects.

17.  Paragraph two tells us that the King ….

a.        never ended the day of his tyranny

b.       showed his surprise to his subjects

c.        decided to rule his subjects unjustly

d.       warned this subjects to obey his rules

e.        changed his behaviour and became a  just ruler.

 18.   The communicative purpose of this text is ….

a.        to criticize a work of art

b.       to describe particular person

c.        to describe how something is accomplished

d.       to entertain and deal with actual or vicarious experience

e.        to share an account of  unusual or amusing incidents with others.

  19.The organization of the text above is ….

a.        Goal, Material, Steps.

b.       Identification, Description

c.        Newsworthy event, Background Event, Sources

d.       Orientation, Crisis, Reaction, Coda, Reflection

e.        Orientation, Evaluation, Complication, Resolution, Reorientation

20. To show the real  words of the speakers, the writer uses ….

a.        passive voice

b.       direct speech

c.        reported speech

d.       simple past tense

e.        simple present tense.

A kangaroo is an animal found only in Australia, although it has a smaller relative, called a wallaby, which lives on the Australian island of Tasmania and also in New Guinea.

            Kangaroos eat grass and plants. They have short front legs, but very long, and very strong back legs and a tail. These they use for sitting up on and for jumping. Kangaroos have been known to make forward jumps of over eight metres, and leap across fences more than three metres high. Thelsoy can also run at speeds of over 45 kilometres per hour.

            The larges kangaroos are the great Grey kangaroo and the Red kangaroo. Adults grow to a length  of 160 metres and weigh over 90 kilos.

Kangaroos are marsupials. This means that the female kangaroo has an external pounch on the front of her body. A baby kngaroo is very tiny when it is born, and it crawls at once into this pounch where it spends its first five months of life.

21. where is kangaroo found?

a.        In  japan                c.   in Austria               e.   in Australia

b.       In London             d.   in America

22. it is about the kangaroos, except ………

a.        They eat grass and plants                          d.   they have a tail

b.       They have short front legs                        e.   they are not marsupials

c.        They have very strong back legs

23. the followings are what the kangaroo can do, except ……

a.        They have been known to make forward jumps of over eight metres

b.       They can leap across fences more than three metre high

c.        They can also run at speeds of over 45 kilometres per hour

d.       They can’t walk

e.        They are marsupials

24. adult ghrow to a length of…… metres.

a.        130                                    c.   150                                    e.   170

b.       140                                    d.   160

25. adult ghrow to a weigh over…….kilos.

a.        40                          c.   60                          e.   90

b.       50                          d.   80

26. a baby kangaroo is………..

a.        Very big                c.   Very tiny               e.   very cool

b.       Very long              d.   very smooth

27. what the title about the text…

a.        What the kangaroo?

b.       What the buffalo?            

c.   kangaroo is marsupials     

d.   kangaroo is Australian animals

e.   what the animal

28. the largest kangaroos are….

a.        The great grey kangaroo and the white kangaroo

b.       The great blue kangaroo and the red kangaroo

c.        The great grey kangaroo and the red kangaroo

d.       The great red  kangaroo and the green kangaroo

e.        The great white kangaroo and the pink kangaroo

29. what is the mean from first paraghraph..

a.      Kangaroo’s live.    

b.       Kangaroo’s species

c.   kangaroo’s job

d.   kangaroo’s hobby                        

e.   kangaroo’s name

30. why kangaroo can run at speeds of over 45 kilometres per hour?

a.        Kangaroo have short front legs, but very long

b.       Kangaroo can run like lion

c.        Kangaroo can run like tiger

d.       Kangaroo can run like zebra

e.        Kangaroo have many legs

1.       D
2.       D
3.       C
4.       E
5.       D
6.       C
7.       D
8.       E
9.       A
10.   C
11.   A
12.   B
13.   C
14.   E
15.   A
16.   D
17.   E
18.   D
19.   E
20.   B
21.   E
22.   E
23.   D
24.   D
25.   E
26.   C
27.   A
28.   C
29.   A
30.   A


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soal essay narrative text malin kundang

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