1. Essay on Service to Humanity is Service to God

    500 Words Essay on Service to Humanity is Service to God Introduction: The Interconnection of Service and Divinity. The phrase "Service to Humanity is Service to God" portrays the ultimate truth of human existence. It emphasizes that service to fellow human beings is akin to serving God, highlighting the spiritual dimension of altruism.

  2. Service to Man is Service to God

    Undertake service to the suffering humanity. Service is not merely confined to health services. Service encompasses every possible help to the fellow human beings. ... Consider every human being as a living divinity. God is present everywhere. Forgetting such an omnipresent divinity, we are hankering after petty and trivial bodily pleasures ...

  3. PDF Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol 37 (2004)

    compassion. Whatever service you undertake with a compassionate heart, it becomes sanctified. Consider every human being as a living divinity. God is present everywhere. Forgetting such an omnipresent divinity, we are hankering after petty and trivial bodily pleasures. The fact, however, is that we can never attain real happiness with the body.


    Every human being you come across is an embodiment of divinity . No purpose will be served by worshipping the idols and pictures, forgetting the living gods in front of us. Therefore, give less importance to such indirect methods of worshipping God. Consider the human being standing in front of you as an embodiment of divinity .

  5. Essay on Service to Man is Service to God

    In conclusion, serving humanity is a way of expressing gratitude to God. By helping others, we can make the world a better place, and in doing so, serve God. 250 Words Essay on Service to Man is Service to God Introduction. The principle of "Service to Man is Service to God" is a profound truth that underlines the essence of humanity.

  6. The Doctrine of Humanity

    This essay examines humanity through a theological survey of God's intentions for the crown of his creation. We give special and deserved attention to the early chapters of Genesis, believing that these chapters reveal God's creational design and establish God's creational order. ... Service to the Father is his "food" (John 4:34 ...

  7. Sathya Sai Baba Quotations on Service

    Service to humanity is service to divinity. Share your joy, your wealth and your knowledge with others less fortunate. That is the surest means of winning divine grace. Serve others for they are reflections of the same Entity of which you are yourself another reflection. No one of you has any authenticity, except in reference to the Original.

  8. Service to Humanity Is Service to God, Sample of Essays

    Service to Humanity Is Service to God. Spirit of humanity service is simply the service of divine love, kindness and religious tolerance. Helping and serving the penniless families give a beam to our face and a smirk to their faces too. The upshot is that we should initially help the people from the poor families and admit the children in ...

  9. Selfless Service

    Sri Sathya Sai Baba cautions us about major obstacles that stand in the way of selfless service: ego and attachment; and the feeling of doer-ship and enjoyer-ship. A true Sri Sathya Sai volunteer strives to overcome these obstacles through selfless service. Service done in a pure, selfless manner then becomes yoga—leading to union with God.

  10. Service to Humanity

    We keep humanity in high regard in principle but have no time to give it a meaning in our own life. We do not expend even a little time, a few seconds in the service of humanity, in the form of prayers or meditation or by any deeds. Throughout his life, Gandhiji was a humble servant of India and humanity. I believe in absolute oneness of God ...

  11. Swami Vivekananda's Idea of Service

    The idea that service of the poor is akin to worshiping the God. The idea is deeply ingrained in Indian spiritual thinking. Quoting Swami Vivekananda: "If you want to find God, serve man. To reach Narayana you must serve the Daridra Narayanas - the starving millions of India…". Doing service is a way of realizing oneself.

  12. Service to Humanity: The Virtues of Compassion and Charity

    Abstract. This chapter argues that the virtues of compassion and charity play a major role in shaping the Hizmet movement's understanding of service and philanthropy. Hospitality, compassion and charity form the triadic core of this movement. The virtue of compassion within the Western philosophical tradition is presented in dialogue with ...

  13. PDF Service to Hunanity

    ention. save service to the world of. umanity. O God! Make this. assemblage radiant. Make the hearts mer. iful. Confer the bounties of the Hol. Spirit. Endow them with a powe. from heaven. Bless them with heavenly minds. Increase their sincerity, so that with all humility and contrition they may turn to Thy kingdom and be o.

  14. Understanding Christ's Humanity and Divinity

    That's the Hypostatic Union in a nutshell. The Second Person of the Trinity, the Divine Logos, was (and is) God from all eternity. In the Incarnation, he entered space and time as Jesus of Nazareth. While preserving his Divinity whole and intact, he humbled himself by taking on our humanity. This meant creating a human body and also a human ...

  15. 9. Service to Humanity

    Service to Humanity - The Pathway to Peace. 9. Service to Humanity. "Be there to wipe away the tears of those who have been left bereft, heartbroken and vulnerable.". His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad. Is it not essential to recognize our obligation and paramount duty to assist all people who are facing difficulties? Of course it is.

  16. Placing Service to Humanity at the Center Of Our Lives

    Moreover, the Baha'i teachings say, "among the greatest of all services that can possibly be rendered by man to Almighty God is the education and training of children.". - Abdu'l-Baha, Selections from the Writings of Abdu'l-Baha, p. 133. So putting service at the center of our lives doesn't mean that we set aside other aspects of ...

  17. Essay on Service To Humanity Is Service To God

    Service To Humanity Is Service To God Essay Writing Tips. 1. Introduction: Start your essay by defining the concept of service to humanity and its importance in various religions and philosophies. Mention that serving others is considered a noble act that brings fulfillment and happiness. 2. Discuss the connection between service to humanity ...

  18. The Humanity of Divinity

    The Humanity of Divinity. Ziegler, Philip G. This essay is a modest effort to reflect upon the peculiar way in which the study of divinity makes humanists of us all. In what sense does the proper subject of Christian theology include humanity? How is it that disciplined reasoning concerning God leads us to no less disciplined reasoning ...

  19. Paragraph on "Service to Mankind is Service to God"

    Service to Mankind is Service to God. The term "Service of mankind is service to God" means that selfless service for the cause of humanity is as important as worshiping to God. Love of mankind is, in Vivekananda's opinion, the worship of God. This is the gist of all worship is to be pure and to do well to others.

  20. (PDF) Service to Humanity

    Service to humanity is Service to God . When the wor d GOD includes in. loving care of human race in entire universe . Religion . Any religion for any human race is the out come of the creation ...

  21. Write an essay on: 'Service to Humanity is Service to God

    Write an essay on: 'Service to Humanity is Service to God. ... Woodrow Wilson has rightly said, "There is no higher religion than human service." To work for the common good is the greatest creed. Our life acquires meaning only when we commit it towards the service of others. Love, care, compassion, kindness, empathy, sympathy, etc., are ...

  22. Service to Humanity is Service to Divinity

    Service to Humanity is Service to Divinity. At the end of soft skills development course at Amal Academy, a Mega Project is being assigned to impliment these skills. I along with Amal Circle ...

  23. What is the Best Way to Worship? Selfless Service to Humanity

    In this series of essays, we've discussed how Baha'is worship—but now, in the final essay, we've come to the ultimate form of worship: selfless service to humanity. The Baha'i teachings say that the highest and most spiritual stage of human development—and the most worshipful one—is selfless, altruistic service to others.