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80+ Alternatives for “But”: A Word List for Writers

Other Ways to Say But

The Simplest Words Are Often the Toughest to Replace

Can you imagine devising alternatives for a, an, or the ?

Fortunately, those words don’t stand out. Readers usually slip over them without a second thought.

However, but , like many words, isn’t invisible when it appears too often. Endless repetitions frustrate readers. Likewise with its most common replacement, however .

Imagine a Man and a Woman Resolving a Dispute

Ron leaned toward Edwina. “ But you said you would —”

She pointed her finger at him. “ But I changed my mind.”

They both stood, glaring at each other, but not budging an inch from their spots on the edge of the swimming pool. A voice floated over the fence, but it was too soft to decipher.

Ron yelled , “Who is it?”

But the voice remained silent.

Edwina propped her hands on her hips but kept glaring at Ron. “It’s probably your moth —”

“Not his mother,” replied the voice, “ but I’ll give you three guesses. Then I’ll throw you both into the pool if you don’t kiss and make up.”

Seven appearances of but in seven paragraphs. Let’s consider an edited version:

Ron leaned toward Edwina. “You said you would —”

They both stood, glaring at each other, and not budging an inch from their spots on the edge of the swimming pool. A voice floated over the fence — a voice too soft to decipher.

Ron yelled, “Who is it?”

The voice remained silent.

Edwina propped her hands on her hips, continuing to glare at Ron. “It’s probably your moth —”

This example illustrates how instances of but can be reduced by deletion. Seven occurrences have been trimmed to two: in dialogue, where rules about repetition become less important. Even so, the conversation here comes across better with most of the repetitions removed.

Story prompt: Who does that voice belong to, and why are Ron and Edwina arguing?

What’s Happening to Arnold?

Arnold’s lips trembled. Nearly a century had crept by, but he would never forget the day he lost Anna. He tried to calm himself, but anxiety battered his thumping heart, which beat faster every moment. His lungs screamed for air, but nothing could get past the spasms in his throat.

He clutched his chest and reached for his cell phone but couldn’t force his fingers to cooperate. He slumped to the floor.

Arnold had always feared death, but as Anna’s face floated before his eyes, a wave of warmth and peace enveloped him. “Anna,” he said, “where have you been?”

Can we replace all instances of but ?

Arnold’s lips trembled. Nearly a century had crept by. However , he would never forget the day he lost Anna. He tried to calm himself. Even so , anxiety battered his thumping heart, which beat faster every moment. His lungs screamed for air, yet nothing could get past the spasms in his throat.

He clutched his chest and reached for his cell phone, although he couldn’t force his fingers to cooperate. He slumped to the floor.

Arnold had always feared death. In spite of that , as Anna’s face floated before his eyes, a wave of warmth and peace enveloped him. “Anna,” he said, “where have you been?”

Did the edited version unsettle you because your brain wanted to think but every time you encountered a substitute? Teaching point: Direct replacements for but function best if limited.

Let’s try a combination edit that relies on both deletion and replacement:

Arnold’s lips trembled. Nearly a century had crept by, yet he would never forget the day he lost Anna. He tried to calm the anxiety battering his thumping heart, which beat faster every moment. His lungs screamed for air — air that couldn’t get past the spasms in his throat.

He clutched his chest. Reached for his cell phone with fingers that refused to cooperate. He slumped to the floor.

Arnold had always feared death. Why? A wave of warmth and peace enveloped him as Anna’s face floated before his eyes. “Anna,” he said, “where have you been?”

One direct replacement for but remains. Rewording removes the rest.

Sometimes But Is the Better Alternative

Analyze this statement from a man arguing with a buddy in a truck-stop café:

“He avows that he’s ‘very, very intelligent.’ That being said , his actions contradict his words.”

This snippet might suit a news commentator or a political scientist, but not a stereotypical trucker.

How about this instead?

“He says he’s ‘very, very intelligent,’ but actions speak louder than words.”

The long-winded but replacement is scratched, one verb is replaced, and a cliché is added.

Takeaway: Don’t slash every occurrence of any word. Analyze each instance.

Direct Replacements For But

Explore rewording before you consult this list. Then, if you opt for alternatives, choose with care. Modern fiction novelists might make different choices than period fiction writers would.

A albeit, all the same, alternatively, although, anyhow, apart from that, aside from that, at any rate, at the other end of the scale, at the same time, at variance with that, au contraire

B to D bar, barring, barring that, be that as it may, besides, brushing that aside, by contrast, contrariwise, conversely, despite that, discounting that, disregarding that

E and F even if, even so, even supposing that, even with that, except, except that, excepting, excepting that, excluding that, for all that, forgetting that

H and I having said that, howbeit, however, ignoring that, in any case, in any event, in consideration of that, in spite of that, in the face of that, inversely

J to N just the same, leaving that behind, letting that pass, more to the point, nevertheless, nonetheless, not considering that, not taking that into consideration, notwithstanding

O on the contrary, on the other hand, on the other side of the coin, other than that, overlooking that

P to S passing over that, paying no attention to that, paying no heed to that, paying that no mind, per contra, regardless, save, skipping over that, still, still and all

T to Y that being said, that said, then again, though, undeterred by that, vice versa, what’s more, whereas, with that said, with the exception of, without regard to, yet

Red-Pencil Time

Can you edit away all or most instances of but in the following exercises?

Trevor stamped his feet . “ But I don’t wanna go, Mummy. And you can’t make me can’t make me can’t make me.”

Brittney bit her lip, attempting to contain her anger, but she couldn’t prevent the sharpness that edged into her voice. “Yes, I can. You’ve already missed two days of school, but there’s nothing wrong with you.”

“ But I’m hot and my stomach hurts and my throat is sore. … And … and … I can’t find my homework.”

“You mean the homework you didn’t do because you were too busy playing video games?”

He squeezed out a solitary tear.

But his mom didn’t fall for it. Trevor could produce tears better than any Hollywood actor. “Ten minutes. You be ready in ten minutes or you’re grounded for ten days. No video games. No TV. No dessert.”

Suggested solution

Trevor stamped his feet. “ But I don’t wanna go, Mummy. And you can’t make me can’t make me can’t make me.”

Although Brittney bit her lip in an attempt to contain her anger, she couldn’t prevent the sharpness that edged into her voice. “Yes, I can. You’ve already missed two days of school, and there’s nothing wrong with you.”

However, his mom didn’t fall for it. Trevor could produce tears better than any Hollywood actor. “Ten minutes. You be ready in ten minutes or you’re grounded for ten days. No video games. No TV. No dessert.”

Notes: For the sake of realism, Trevor’s dialogue is untouched . Brittney’s single but is replaced by and. Although and however also make guest appearances.

Louis scanned the heads in the crowd. Everyone but Darlene had shown up for the party. He tried to ignore the disappointment in the pit of his stomach, but it gnawed at him so much that he pulled his phone from his pocket. He stared at the screen. If I call her, she’ll think I’m needy. But if I don’t call her, she’ll think I don’t care.

He tapped his FAVORITES button, but an incoming call interrupted him before he was able to bring up her number. Another unknown caller? That’s the third in less than ten minutes. But against his strict policy to ignore telemarketers and strangers, he answered.

A voice crackled in his ear . “Louis? Is that you? I’ve been trying to reach you, but your phone keeps going to voicemail.”

“Darlene! Where are you? And why isn’t your number showing up?”

“It’s a burner. But I can’t explain right now. Meet me at my place in ten minutes.”

“Ten minutes.”

The line went dead.

Louis scanned the heads in the crowd. Everyone except Darlene had shown up for the party. Despite his efforts to ignore the disappointment in the pit of his stomach, it gnawed at him so much that he pulled his phone from his pocket. He stared at the screen. If I call her, she’ll think I’m needy. But if I don’t call her, she’ll think I don’t care.

He tapped his FAVORITES button —

An incoming call interrupted him before he was able to bring up her number. Another unknown caller? That’s the third in less than ten minutes. Against his strict policy to ignore telemarketers and strangers, he answered.

A voice crackled in his ear. “Louis, is that you? I’ve been trying to reach you, but your phone keeps going to voicemail.”

“It’s a burner. I can’t explain right now. Meet me at my place in ten minutes.”

Notes: Everyone but Darlene becomes everyone except Darlene. The second sentence is reworded to remove but. To preserve a feeling of reality, Louis’s internal monologue isn’t altered. An em dash and new paragraph show the interruption of his attempt to bring up Darlene’s number. But against is changed to against. Darlene’s first words are left as is, although to amp the pace, but is removed from her second bit of dialogue. Louis’s final but remains as well.

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15 thoughts on “ 80+ Alternatives for “But”: A Word List for Writers ”

Hello Kathy. I plan on doing a review for The Writer’s Lexicon. I love it. It sits on my desk and the pages are already showing signs of wear (in one week). 😉 Thanks again for all you do.

Thanks, Robyn. I’m glad you find it helpful. 🙂

Do you have any words/phrases/concepts you’d like me to tackle?

YES! Can you go more in-depth with WAS? In your book, you cover to go but (oops, :-)) was is my sticky wicket. PLEASE. Thank you, Kathy.

How about this one, Robyn?

100 Ways to Avoid “To Be” Verbs in Writing .

It begins on page 237 of The Writer’s Lexicon print edition.

I was reading the chapter when I noticed your reply. OR I read the chapter as your reply zoomed in. I love that but (ugh, two baddies) I confess to skimming the chapter. Maybe I didn’t want to see the bad news on my favorite passive verb. Ha.

When I write in rhyme I am mindful of past tense words being unstressed where the present tense is stressed. Writing is so hard. Maybe that’s why it’s so worth it?

As is another stickler for me.

As as in at the same time or as in because or …?

Try https://kathysteinemann.com/Musings/because/

And I’ll be posting something in a week or two that covers like similes. The replacements there would work for many instances of as .

Oh yes, writing is worth the effort. Painting the page with words is an art form that goes from the finger-painting beginner who splatters words about, to the master who weighs each one to decide whether it’s worthy of inclusion.

Thanks Kathy. Now I’m an old-hand at writing, and having been involved in proof-reading and editing, I can afford to smile at some of my old faux pas. It’s amazing how little thought some writers put into their work. Now, more than ever, with the literary scene bulging at the seams…authors should pay more heed to the words they put into print.

Thanks, Joy.

Some of the most popular authors commit faux pas, but we love their writing so much that we ignore minor glitches. Grammatically correct narrative doesn’t count for much unless the story pulls us in. However, a great story full of distractions can result in lost readers.

We toe across a tightrope every time we write, seeking a balance, breaking the rules if necessary, to create (we hope?) a masterpiece.

Hi Kathy, if you stick a ‘Twitter’ share button on here, I can pass the post info to my 20k followers there and probably gain your site more visitors.

Done, Stuart. Thanks for the plugs!

And shared!

Thanks, i loved it. The alpha list is a touch of genius. I now have a new shooter to use in my next game of marbels. Please keep up the good work. Chuck

Thanks for stopping by, Allan.

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Alternatives to the Word ‘But’ for Academic Writing

  • 3-minute read
  • 4th November 2015

Anne might not be the most celebrated Brontë, but she was on to something in The Tenant of Wildfell Hall , in which the titular tenant notes that ‘there is always a “but” in this imperfect world’.

The same is certainly true of academic writing , where the word ‘but’ is an essential (though sometimes overused) term for constructing grammatical sentences, particularly when comparing two points.

With short words like ‘but’, you shouldn’t worry too much about repetition. Nevertheless, sometimes an alternative (like ‘nevertheless’) can improve the flow of your prose, so herein we provide a few alternatives to the word ‘but’ that you can use in your written work.


Conjunctions are words used to connect two parts of a sentence, such as ‘but’, ‘and’ and ‘because’. The term ‘but’ connects two parts of a sentence while also setting up a contrast (e.g. ‘It was delicious, but the texture was awful’). In these cases, ‘but’ can be substituted with one of the following:

  • Although (e.g. ‘I love dancing, although my feet hurt afterwards.’)
  • Though (e.g. ‘I haven’t slept in a week, though I hope tonight I can rest properly.’)
  • Yet (e.g. ‘It was terrible, yet I still want to go back and try again.’)

As well as conjunctions, you can link and contrast two ideas with an adverb or an adverbial phrase . Perhaps the most commonly used is ‘however’, so we will use this to illustrate how these words can substitute for ‘but’.

The key difference is that while conjunctions typically link two clauses in one sentence, adverbials like ‘however’ set up a contrast between two separate sentences:

Conjunction: I love dancing, but my feet hurt afterwards.

Adverbial: I love dancing. However, my feet hurt afterwards.

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As you can see, this can be handy when you want to begin a new sentence with a contrast. Having said this, the term ‘however’ can also appear mid-sentence or after a semicolon:

It was terrible. I still, however, want to go back.

It was terrible; however, I still want to go back.

Other adverbials that can be used to replace ‘but’ include:

  • Nonetheless (e.g. ‘I ran fast; nonetheless, the horse won the race.’)
  • Nevertheless (e.g. ‘It seemed like a mad idea. Nevertheless, it worked.’)
  • Despite this (e.g. ‘I prepared for the exam thoroughly. Despite this, I failed.’)
  • Having said that (e.g. ‘I will never drink again. Having said that, pass me a beer.’)

As a final point, one alternative to ‘but’ you might see is ‘on the other hand’. Ideally, though, this should only be used when the initial point has been introduced with ‘On the one hand’:

On the one hand , I did break everything in your house. On the other hand , it was my birthday, so you should forgive me.

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How to Say “But” Differently: Formal and Informal Ways

When it comes to expressing contrast or introducing an alternative perspective, the word “but” is one of the most commonly used conjunctions. However, to add variety and richness to your language, it’s essential to have a repertoire of alternative words and phrases for “but.” In this guide, we will explore both formal and informal ways to say “but” and provide tips and examples to help you master their usage.

Table of Contents

Formal Ways to Say “But”

If you are writing a formal document, academic paper, or presenting a professional report, it is important to use appropriate language. Here are several formal alternatives to the word “but” that you can employ:

The word “however” is a sophisticated substitute for “but” that is commonly used in formal writing. It presents a contrast or alternative point of view in a more nuanced and balanced manner. For example:

Original: The project was challenging, but we managed to complete it on time.

Alternative: The project was challenging; however, we managed to complete it on time.

2. Nevertheless

“Nevertheless” is a formal term that is often used to concede a point or introduce a conflicting idea. It adds a touch of elegance to your language while maintaining clarity. For example:

Original: The outcome was unexpected, but we learned valuable lessons from it.

Alternative: The outcome was unexpected; nevertheless, we learned valuable lessons from it.

3. On the other hand

“On the other hand” is a commonly used phrase that signifies an alternative viewpoint or counterargument. It is suitable for formal discussions or debates. Here’s an example:

Original: The plan is ambitious, but it may not be feasible in our current financial situation.

Alternative: The plan is ambitious; on the other hand, it may not be feasible in our current financial situation.

Informal Ways to Say “But”

When engaging in casual conversations or writing in an informal style, it’s important to use language that is conversational and relatable. Here are some informal alternatives to “but” that you can utilize:

“However” may be formal, but it can also be used in informal contexts to add a touch of sophistication. For example:

Original: I wanted to go to the party, but I had too much homework to do.

Alternative: I wanted to go to the party; however, I had too much homework to do.

“Yet” is a versatile and informal alternative to “but” that is often used in everyday conversations. It conveys a similar meaning while adding a bit of flair to your language. Here’s an example:

Original: It was raining, but we decided to go to the beach anyway.

Alternative: It was raining, yet we decided to go to the beach anyway.

“Still” is a simple and informal word that can replace “but” in many contexts. It adds a sense of contrast or contradiction without sounding overly formal. For example:

Original: She was exhausted, but she managed to stay awake during the movie.

Alternative: She was exhausted, still she managed to stay awake during the movie.

Examples of “But” Alternatives in Context

To further illustrate the usage of these alternative words and phrases for “but,” here are some additional examples:

  • Example: It was a challenging task, but we completed it successfully.

Alternative: It was a challenging task; nevertheless, we completed it successfully.

Example: The results were disappointing, but they provided valuable insights.

Alternative: The results were disappointing; however, they provided valuable insights.

Example: The concert was postponed, but we still had a great time.

Alternative: The concert was postponed, yet we still had a great time.

By consciously incorporating these alternatives into your language, you can enhance your expression and avoid unnecessary repetition of the word “but.” Whether in formal or informal contexts, having a wide range of alternatives at your disposal allows you to communicate more effectively and creatively.

Remember to adapt your choice of alternative based on the tone, context, and intended level of formality. Practice using these alternatives in your writing and conversations to become more proficient. With time and experience, you will develop a natural command of using these words and phrases in place of “but.”

So, go ahead, diversify your language, and explore the multitude of ways to express contrast and introduce alternative viewpoints! Happy communicating!

Related Guides:

  • Guide: How to Say a Phrase Differently
  • How to Say “According to” Differently
  • How to Say “Another Example” Differently: A Comprehensive Guide
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What can I use instead of "but" and "however"?

I just noticed I tend to use "but" and 'however" in almost every paragraph.

Examples (all of them are from the same story):

I almost let everything out. But , funny, I didn't. I didn't want him to feel bad. Which made me wonder if maybe I enjoyed punishing myself. But what for? This was the first time we were going to be apart for so long. Two months wasn't a big deal for most people. But for me, it was an endless torture. But as I stood there, watching the bus disappear down the street, I reminded myself that it wasn't so bad. That we would still see each other on weekends. Li was holding me from behind. I liked to sit like that—feeling his warmth on my back, and his moist breath on my neck. It made me feel protected, at ease. As though nothing in the world could hurt me. However , that day, something disturbed that feeling. I wanted to cry. I wanted to shout at him, tell him that I was already here. However , I knew I couldn't protest. It was my fault, after all. I had come too early, and he probably thought I was still in Nantou.

Is their use justifiable? Or should I use something else instead?

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wyc's user avatar

  • Honestly, I don't see the problem with many of the uses in your example. The first example reads well. In the second I would remove the first "but." The third and fourth read fine. –  Chris Commented Jan 19, 2014 at 1:27
  • I had a therapist who suggested that, as I talked to her, I replace "but" with "and." It frequently worked! "But" sets up the upcoming statement in opposition to the first, and "and" doesn't do that. (See what I did there?) –  Ken Mohnkern Commented May 11, 2015 at 18:11

6 Answers 6

There are many synonyms to but . For the meaning you are pointing out in your question, some of them would be still, nevertheless, nonetheless, though, although, and yet . You can find these and the ones for the other meanings in any site with synonyms lookup function, such as Thesaurus ("but" synonyms) .

However , it should be noted that it can be counterproductive to sprinkle your story with synonyms of a common word just for the sake of non-repetition. Just as it happens with the word "said": Many people think you should not abuse of "said" synonyms in dialog tags (see The Use and Abuse of Dialogue Tags , for example), because it "draws [the readers'] attention away from the dialogue and yank them out of the story". Same can happen with but . The abundance of random synonyms might rather obstruct the reading experience.

If you want to show two ideas are opposed, there can be workarounds, thinking outside the box. Some times these ideas are not inherently opposed (in your first example, "Funny enough, I didn't"); some other times, the causal relationship can be implied (in your fourth example, just removing it would keep the meaning: "As I stood there..."); and some other times, it can be necessary (the rest of your examples fall in this category, in my opinion).

To finish, a workaround example, one that I don't pretend to be substitutive nor better, just to explain the idea:

I wanted to cry. I wanted to shout at him, tell him that I was already here. As I opened my mouth, I realized I couldn't protest. It was my fault, after all.

Marc Wolvesheir's user avatar

But is a conjunction that has a specific place and a specific meaning. It strikes me that your issue isn't so much with overusing the word "but" but* with using repetitive sentence structure. Please note, for instance, that you really, really aren't supposed to start a sentence with a conjunction because the whole point of a conjunction is to link two items together "I like coffee and tea." "I like coffee but I don't like tea." "I would like coffee or tea."

That isn't to say that you can't ever break this rule, but as with all grammatical rules, there are consequences. I think the primary consequence of breaking the "no conjunctions at the beginning of a sentence" rule is that it looks like you or your character finished a thought and then remembered they wanted to add something else. If you use it all the time, well... your viewpoint will sound like they're very, very confused. If that's what you're going for, don't worry about the overuse of "but" at all. If you're looking for normal, free-flowing prose, at least consider grammar.

*Note: I just typed but but.

NotVonKaiser's user avatar

Honestly, I don't see the problem with many of the uses in your example. The first example reads well. In the second I would remove the first "but." The third and fourth sound fine to my ears.

I second the advice that too much variety is potentially more distracting than the repetition.

Chris's user avatar

Like Chris I don't see a problem and would only have deleted the first "but" in the second text snippet.

You must understand that "but" is something like the 23rd most frequent word in English ( http://www.wordfrequency.info/free.asp?s=y ). It would be uncommon, if it did not appear often.

If you want, you can use this online service to calculate word frequencies for your own text: http://darylkinsman.ca/tools/wordfreq.shtml I just input my last novel and found that "but" was the 23rd most frequent word with 316 instances (of 50038) at 0.6%. If an analysis of your test shows significantly higher percentages (maybe more than 1%), you can start to worry.

What can I use instead of “but” and “however”?

Without further ado, here are the possibilities.

OTOH, on the contrary, otherwise, yet, even though, though ... still, rather, unexpectedly, despite, in spite of, ...

He is a good hire. I love his honesty, but his honesty could lead us into trouble. We should hire him. I love his honesty. On the other hand, his honesty could lead us into trouble.
The new medicine is giving people a lot of hope, but it is dangerous hope as it is not well tested yet. I do not agree with the new medicine that is giving people a lot of hope. On the contrary, I feel it is dangerous as it is not well tested yet.
The govt is not interested in people becoming rich, but they would want you to pay your taxes. The govt is not interested in people becoming rich. Rather, they would want you to pay your taxes.
The sky was clear and the weather was mild, but then it there was a thunderstorm and it started to rain. The sky was clear and the weather was mild. Unexpectedly, there was a thunderstorm and it started to rain.
She was born with debilitating condition, but she was successful in becoming a doctor. Even though she was born with debilitating condition, she was successful in becoming a doctor. Though she was born with debilitating condition, she was successful in becoming a doctor still. She was born with debilitating condition, yet she was successful in becoming a doctor. She persevered towards her success in becoming a doctor, otherwise she would have wallowed in her congenital debilitating condition. She persevered towards her success in becoming a doctor, despite her congenital debilitating condition. In spite of her being born with a debilitating condition, she was successful in becoming a doctor.

Blessed Geek's user avatar

In addition to the other good answers, "but ..." is a negation or restriction of the thing or condition it refers to. It "takes away" from it. It also breaks the flow of thought/action (which is fine when it's on purpose.)

Many people use this in speech and writing all the time as a matter of habit, even when it's not really necessary or appropriate. A lot of the time two ideas are just in sequence and could simply be stated or even joined with "and".

Your second example shows both (as possibilities - not as I'm right/you're wrong!)

For me, it was an endless torture. As I stood there, watching the bus disappear down the street, I reminded myself that it wasn't so bad. For me, it was an endless torture and as I stood there, watching the bus disappear down the street, I reminded myself that it wasn't so bad.

There's a whole study called Conscious Languaging which teaches people to reduce or eliminate such usages because it can be a form of self sabotage.

On the flip side of this, using "but" can help convey uncertainty, hesitation, low self esteem, or intentional negating of the subject.

Garrison Keillor (in his A Prairie Home Companion radio show) uses this to great effect with his Norwegian bachelor farmers' "Yuh,but ...", where they have a reason why almost anything good won't work out - which serves mainly as a reflection on their state of mind rather than on the subject itself.

Joe's user avatar

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other term of but in essay


110+ Synonyms for “But” with Examples | Another Word for “But”

When we want to express contrast or qualify a statement, we often rely on the familiar conjunction “but” to bridge our thoughts. However, there are many instances where varying our language can enhance our writing, making it more interesting and nuanced. Understanding synonyms for “but” gives us more tools for expression.

But Synonyms

Another Word for But | 95+ Synonyms for "But" with Useful Examples

What Is “But”?

“ But ” is a conjunction primarily used to introduce a phrase or clause contrasting with what has been mentioned previously. It is a bridge between two statements that may introduce an exception, an opposing idea, or a contradictory point.

List of Synonyms for But

  • Nevertheless
  • On the other hand
  • Nonetheless
  • Despite this
  • On the contrary
  • In contrast
  • Notwithstanding
  • Excepting that
  • Except for the fact that
  • Be that as it may
  • Having said that
  • At the same time
  • In spite of this
  • Even though
  • Granted that
  • Assuming that
  • Even assuming that
  • In spite of the fact that
  • Despite the fact that
  • All the same
  • For all that
  • In any case
  • By contrast
  • As opposed to
  • With regard to
  • When it comes to
  • Provided that
  • Providing that
  • Notwithstanding the fact that
  • In any event
  • In the event that
  • Supposing that
  • With the exception of
  • Not to mention
  • To say nothing of
  • Consequently
  • Accordingly
  • That is why
  • Which is why
  • This is why
  • For this reason
  • For that reason
  • For which reason
  • On account of which
  • Due to which
  • Owing to which
  • In light of which
  • Given which
  • Considering which
  • With this in mind
  • Bearing this in mind

Types of Synonyms for But

Conjunction synonyms.

  • Although : Displays a contrast or exception and is usually more formal.
  • However : Indicates a shift in the discussion and often starts a new sentence.
  • Nevertheless : Denotes a strong contrast and is typically used in more formal writing.
  • On the other hand : Provides a clear-cut distinction between two different points.
  • Still : Suggests continuity but also introduces a contrast.
  • Though : Similar to “although,” it can be more conversational.
  • Yet : Implies that something is so despite the preceding words.

Preposition Synonyms

  • Except : Specifies something that is not included in the preceding statement.
  • Aside from : Similar to “except,” but can be used to sound less formal.
  • Outside of : Sets a boundary, often to exclude something.

Adverb Synonyms

  • Merely : Suggests limitation and is often used to reduce the impact of the ensuing statement.
  • Just : Used to focus on the main point, usually downplaying the previous information.

Common Synonyms for But

But vs. however.

While  but  is a conjunction used to introduce a contrast or exception,   however  serves a similar purpose but is typically used to start a new clause or sentence. It generally implies a greater contrast or an unexpected turn.

  • She wanted to purchase the dress, but it was too expensive.
  • The team played well; however , their efforts were not enough to secure a victory.

But vs. Yet

Yet   implies that despite the information presented in the first part of the sentence, the second part holds true or is surprising. The word  but   can be used in a similar fashion, though it doesn’t convey the element of surprise as strongly as  yet .

  • The weather forecast predicted rain, but it turned out to be a sunny day.
  • The path was steep, yet they reached the top without any trouble.

But vs. Although

Although   is used to introduce a subordinate clause and indicates a contrast with the main clause. It provides a more formal tone than   but  and is followed by a subject and verb.

  • The hike was difficult, but the views were worth it.
  • Although the task was daunting, they managed to complete it on time.

But vs. Nevertheless

Nevertheless   is an adverb that can be used similarly to  but   to show contrast or contradiction; it suggests that the statement following it is true despite the conditions mentioned in the previous statement. It tends to carry a more formal tone than  but  and is often used in academic or literary contexts.

  • The evidence was circumstantial, but the jury found him guilty.
  • The road was blocked; nevertheless , they found an alternate route.

Incorporating Synonyms for “But” into Formal Writing

In formal and academic contexts, it’s important for us to diversify our language to enhance clarity and professionalism. Substituting “but” with its formal equivalents can not only enrich our vocabulary but also strengthen the impact of our writing.

Transitioning Between Points

When we aim to transition between points in formal writing, the conjunction “but” often seems too abrupt or informal. To create a smooth and sophisticated flow between contrasting statements, we can use alternatives such as “however,” “nevertheless,” and “yet.” These words should be employed to connect sentences that possess an antithetical relationship, and proper punctuation must accompany them to ensure grammatical accuracy. For instance:

  • However,  should be preceded by a semicolon or used to start a new sentence; for example,  She had the qualifications; however, she lacked experience.
  • Nevertheless,  often stands at the beginning of a sentence to reinforce a preceding point; for example,  The weather was poor. Nevertheless, the event continued as planned.
  • Yet,  can replace “but” within a sentence without altering its meaning; for example,  He is a novice, yet he performs like a professional.

Emphasizing the Contrast

To underscore the contrast between ideas, careful selection of “but” replacements is crucial. Words like “although,” “conversely,” and “on the contrary” serve this purpose effectively, each with their own nuanced use. These terms do more than simply connect thoughts; they add depth to the contrast being highlighted.

  • Although,  introduces a subordinate clause highlighting a contradiction; for example,  Although the task was difficult, it was completed on time.
  • Conversely,  contrasts two separate ideas or facts, often in a new sentence; for example,  The first proposal was readily accepted. Conversely, the second encountered opposition.
  • On the contrary,  directly counters a stated assumption; for example,  It is not a matter of funding; on the contrary, our priorities have shifted.

Highlighting Exceptions

Explaining exceptions in our writing often necessitates a departure from using “but.” Formal synonyms like “except,” “save for,” and “apart from” can elegantly indicate exclusions or deviations from a statement. They can specify the precise nature of exceptions:

  • Except,  is used before stating the exception directly; for example,  All committee members agreed, except the chairperson.
  • Save for,  similar to “except,” it carves out a specific exclusion; for example,  The entire report was accurate, save for some minor errors.
  • Apart from,  denotes a separation from the whole; for example,  The research covers all recent developments, apart from the latest announcement.

Synonyms for But in Different Contexts

Casual conversations.

In everyday speech, we often replace “but” to make our language more varied and relatable. Here are a few alternatives:

  • However: We find that adopting a new pet can be quite the commitment, however  we’re excited about it.
  • Yet: They’re not the most popular choice, yet  they have a loyal following.

Academic Writing

In academic or formal writing, we aim for more precise language. Some formal synonyms for “but” include:

  • Nevertheless: The experiment had limitations, nevertheless  it provided valuable insights.
  • Nonetheless: T he theory is widely accepted, nonetheless  further research is required.

Professional Communication

In a business or professional setting, we use synonyms for “but” that convey a neutral or constructive tone:

  • Still: We appreciate the feedback, still  we need to consider the budget constraints.
  • Although: Our team is small,  although  we’re highly productive .

Literary or Artistic Contexts

Writers and artists often choose synonyms that add depth to their expression:

  • Conversely: The character was flawed,  conversely , this made her relatable.
  • Instead: He chose to walk the path less traveled  instead  of the easier route.

Expressing Contrast

When we want to highlight a contrast, we might use:

  • On the contrary:   I do care about the project,  on the contrary , I believe our approach needs adjustment.
  • Conversely: The data seemed inconclusive, conversely , this led to a breakthrough .

Absolute and Near Synonyms of But

Absolute synonyms for but.

However Used to introduce a statement that contrasts with what has been said previously
Nonetheless Despite what has been said; nevertheless
Yet Despite that; nevertheless
On the contrary Used to intensify a denial of what has just been implied or stated
Still Despite this; nonetheless

Near Synonyms for But

Although Used to introduce a subordinate clause of contrast
Whereas In contrast or comparison with the fact that
Even though Similar to “although”; used for emphasis
On the other hand Used to compare two different facts or two opposite ways of thinking about a situation
Nevertheless Nonetheless; however, used more formally

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some informal alternatives to the word ‘but’?

Informal alternatives to ‘but’ include ‘yet’, ‘though’, and ‘however’. In casual speech, phrases like ‘on the other hand’ and ‘still’ also serve a similar contrasting function.

Can you list formal equivalents for the word ‘but’ when starting a sentence?

For a formal tone, ‘however’, ‘nevertheless’, and ‘nonetheless’ are appropriate alternatives to ‘but’ at the beginning of a sentence.

What words can be used in place of ‘but’ for academic writing like IELTS?

In academic contexts such as IELTS, consider using ‘although’, ‘whereas’, or ‘contrary to’ for expressing contrast.

How can I say ‘but’ politely in a conversation?

To be polite, one might use ‘however’, ‘though’, or ‘having said that’ in place of ‘but’ to soften the contrast.

What could I use instead of ‘but then’ in a narrative?

In a narrative, ‘yet’ or ‘still’ can effectively replace ‘but then’ to show a turn of events without interrupting the flow of the story.

Are there any substitutes for the conjunctions ‘and’, ‘but’, or ‘so’?

Other than ‘but’, substitutions for ‘and’ include ‘in addition’ and ‘also’, while ‘therefore’ and ‘consequently’ can replace ‘so’ to link sentences or ideas in both speaking and writing.

  • Therefore Synonym
  • Despite Synonym
  • Although Synonym
  • Overall Synonym
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Formal synonyms of 'BUT'

Below are three formal and polite equivalents (synonyms) of ' but ' which you can use in your business or professional pieces of writing.

The word 'but' is used to make a contrast between a situation ('it was raining') and what happened or will happen ('I went for a walk'). The word 'but' and its synonyms below are always used in front of the what happened or will happen (e.g. 'but I went for a walk'). This is different to another word used for making a contrast, 'although', which is always used in front of the situation instead (e.g. 'although it was raining').

To see the formal synonyms of 'although', click here .

Is used in the same way as 'but', but it is generally followed by a comma and is normally used (but not always) at the beginning of a sentence to contrast what was stated/said in the previous sentence.

'We were able to identify a problem with a part in the machine. However , when we replaced it, it didn't resolve the problem the machine has had.'


Used like 'however'. It can used in both the middle of a sentence (to connect the two parts/clauses) and at the beginning of a sentence to contrast what was stated/said in the previous sentence.

'The heating problems have been resolved in the building, nevertheless the heating will not be turned on until tomorrow morning.'


Is used in exactly the same way as 'nevertheless'.

'The heating problems have been resolved in the building, nonetheless the heating will not be turned on until tomorrow morning.'

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But – Synonyms

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In general, the word “but” is a conjunction used to connect and contrast two ideas, sentences, or clauses. It indicates a contrasting relationship between two parts of a sentence, in which the second part contradicts the first. “But” can have a variety of meanings.

Another word for “but” is although or except. However, more synonyms will be listed in this article.

On our overview page for synonyms, you can find the best options of synonyms for a vast variety of words that are used in academic writing .

To the overview page for synonyms


  • 1 “But” – General synonyms
  • 2 “But” – Synonyms used in academic writing

“But” – General synonyms

The following illustrates other words for “but” that may be used in everyday conversation as well as in academic writing.

“But” synonyms in the sense of yet

Synonyms of the word “but” in the sense of yet are:

  • Nevertheless
  • All the same
  • For all that
  • In spite of that
  • Despite that
  • Be that as it may

“But” synonyms in the sense of except

Synonyms of the word “but” in the sense of except are:

  • Except (for)
  • With the exception of
  • Disregarding
  • Not including
  • Passing over

“But” synonyms in the sense of only

Synonyms of the word “but” in the sense of only are:

“But” – Synonyms used in academic writing

In an academic context, the word “but” can be used to connect two conflicting or contrasting ideas or to introduce limitations, exceptions, or qualifications to a statement. “But” should be used in an appropriate context suited for the tone and formality of academic papers. Synonyms for “but” used in academic writing will be shown below.

Are you looking for suitable synonyms for “but” for your academic paper? Have a look at the table below with the top suggestions from our BachelorPrint-Team .

the results of the study show the effect of…
, the results of the study show the effect of…
… further research is needed to test whether…
… , further research is needed to test whether…
the sample size is composed of 50 people, the…
the sample size is composed of 50 people, the…

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16 useful synonyms for but

Hello lovely students! Do you say the word but a lot when you are speaking English? And are you tired of it? Well, you may not be the only one. The word but is one of the most overused words in the English language. Read alternatives to the short, three-letter word below.

But as a conjunction

But as a prepostion

But as an adverb

other term of but in essay

What is but and where did it come from?

The etymology of but , stems from the old English word butan, which dates back to before the 12th century. In Middle English, the word had three three labels: buten, boute and bouten (make sure you do not use these). Soon after, it turned into but.

There are three key ways you can use but ; as a conjunction (the most common use), as a preposition and lastly as an adverb.

Are you ready to get started? Let’s go.

As mentioned before, this is the most common use of but . Here but functions as a contrasting conjunction – that is a conjunction used to connect ideas and arguments that contrast. It has a lot of different synonyms. Each synonym can be used in a slightly different way in a phrase. However, they still have the same meaning.

Look at this table of the synonyms for but, example phrases, and where to put them in a sentence.

however I like Steve more.
I like Steve more.
We can use after the comma of a first clause or at the beginning of a sentence if the first clause  ends in a full stop.
yet she never does.Put in after the comma of the first clause. 
nevertheless I got high marks.

The writing test was difficult. I got high marks
The same rule as applies here.
even so  the client liked it.Put after the full stop of the first clause. 
all the same , no one said anything bad.Put after the full stop of the first clause.
notwithstanding I kept calm. Put after the full stop of the first clause.
except Put after the comma of the first clause.

Exceptions to using but as a conjunction

Of course there are exceptions to this. It is English after all! Let’s take a closer look.

1) Even so and all the same

In spoken English, we tend to use these phrases with the word we are trying to avoid: but.

The formula looks like this: first clause + but + even so/all the same + rest of second clause. 

Why do we do it? We insert ‘but’ here for further exaggeration of contrast. Take a look at the example sentences.

I felt like an exception, but all the same , no one said anything bad.

The statement made in the speech was contrary to everything previously talked about, but even so, the client liked it.

These two sentences make complete sense and have the same significance as the sentences above where all the same and even so are separated from the first clause by a full stop.

2) Notwithstanding

Notwithstanding is rarely used in spoken English anymore and is quite an old term. If you’re looking to improve your writing skills, however, this is a great conjunction to use.

Usually except is used after the comma concluding the first clause. Nevertheless, we can change this by simply adding the word for before an object pronoun. 

The formula is this: except for + me/him/her/them/you/us, + second clause.

Except for me, everyone spoke American English.

Please note, when using this structure, ‘except for me’ is synonymous with apart from.

Apart from me, everyone spoke American English.

Take 5: look through this table again and the exceptions to really grasp the meaning. A good way to do this is to copy the table. 

But as a preposition 

But i sn’t only used as a conjunction. It is also used as a preposition. You’ll be pleased to know, however, that the rules on positioning but as a preposition in a sentence are a lot easier than if you use it as a conjunction. 

There are two ways you can do this. 

1) First clause, + synonym for but + rest of second clause.

2) Synonym for but + rest of first clause + second clause.

This rule applies to all of them and there are no exceptions. 

bar teaching staff.

teaching staff, The university library is closed to all after 10pm.
save for Lucas, who had to accept he was out of the writing competition.

for Lucas, who had to accept he was out of the writing competition, everyone had to write.
other than Peter who was short.

with the exception of Dave. 

Dave, everyone was playing a game.
excluding Hannah. 

Hannah, they were an alternative bunch of people.

Last, but definitely not least, we have our section on but as an adverb. 

Similar to  but as a preposition, the sentence structure for this is very easy to remember. It goes something like this: subject + verb to be + synonym for but + rest of clause. 

only  a baby and far too young to understand these things.
just  a raccoon in the bins.
merely joking.
simply there to help you.

You may be wondering, why do we not use but instead? It is a lot more simple to learn.

The reason is that if we put but into one of these sentences, it makes us sound like we are speaking very old English, say from the 18th century. Take the example used in the simply row.

The fact is simply there to help you.

If we changed this to but, it would become; The fact is but  there to help you.

Now, I don’t know about you, but this doesn’t sound correct, even though it is. It is because the English language is evolving and putting but as an adverb is becoming rarer. Also, as we said before, it does sound old. We don’t all speak like we are in a Jane Austen novel, you know!

Take 5: go over these tables with someone you know. Get them to test you on a section (conjunction, preposition, or adverb). They should ask you for the synonyms, an example and the position. A good way to remember this is by using the term S.E.P (synonym, example, position). 

What did you think?

We hope you learnt a lot about one of the most commonly used words in English and that you can now think of other words for but . If you can think of any more examples, please put them in the comments below.

Is that everything?

Absolutely not! For more engaging, English content check out my YouTube channel English with Lucy.

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other term of but in essay

Alternatives to BUT! Use better words in English ✅

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Lesson overview.

BUT is a common English word, so today, I want you to learn 12 alternatives to BUT, so that you can expand your vocabulary and use more words in English!

A speaking practice community that helps women around the world to meet, make friends and practise English together!

It’s time to increase your vocabulary and sound more intelligent with these 12 alternatives to BUT & BUT NOT:

  • That said …
  • Nevertheless …
  • Conversely …
  • On the other hand …
  • Excluding …
  • Except for …
  • Apart from …

Video Transcript Section 1 Hey there I’m Emma from mmmEnglish and in today’s lesson, we’re gonna look at this small but very important word and we’re gonna learn twelve better ways to say but. Well, maybe not better but definitely different and definitely more interesting.

But is an incredibly useful word and we use it a lot in English. But if you want to bring your English up to the next level and you want to expand your vocabulary, learning some alternative words and some expressions to use instead of but is an excellent way to do it.

So are you ready to stop saying but?

Let’s dive in.

Let me start by saying that there is absolutely nothing wrong with using but. English speakers use but all the time but by adding some variety to your vocabulary and expanding the range of English words that you use regularly will help you to sound less repetitive, less robotic when you’re speaking. Plus it’s fun to try new things.

Hey ladies! Do you want to practise English in real conversations with really lovely speaking partners?

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In this lesson, I’m gonna start with the most casual words and phrases that you can use instead of but. But as we go further through the lesson they’re going to get a little more formal and perhaps there’ll be some new ones that you’re not super familiar with.

I’m going to use this little scale down here to help explain how formal or how informal something is. The scale’s out of five with one being the most informal and five being the most formal.

Though Nevertheless

Though, for example, is really quite casual but nevertheless is really quite formal.

We can use though and although instead of but to show contrast.

  • I wanted an ice cream but I didn’t have any money.
  • I wanted an ice cream though I didn’t have any money.

Both though  and although are more flexible than but because they can go in the middle of the sentence like we see here or at the beginning of our sentence like this.

  • Although I didn’t have any money, I wanted an ice cream.

Though can even go right at the very end.

  • I wanted an ice cream, I didn’t have any money though.

In spoken English though is more common than although.

Although is slightly more formal.

Actually I want to talk specifically about though especially when it comes at the end of the sentence because it is so common in spoken English.

You’ve probably heard it before and maybe you’ve wondered what on earth it meant or maybe you thought it was one of those things that native speakers say even though it’s not proper grammar.

It is though! It is proper grammar.

Having though at the end of a sentence like this indicates a contrast or an opposing idea in exactly the same way as we use but.

You thought it wasn’t proper grammar but it is or: It is though.

Here’s a good one! We can use the phrase that said when we speak and we use it to add an opinion that contrasts something that has just been said.

  • I like working from home. That said, I miss socialising in the office.

We can use the adverb however in the same way but however is slightly more formal and we can use it in both written English and spoken English.  That said is mainly used in spoken English.

  • I like working from home however I miss socialising in the office.

However’s position in the sentence is a little bit more flexible. We can put it at the beginning of our sentence between the subject and a verb or at the end of a sentence as well.

On the one hand / On the other hand

I wonder if you know this one.

On the one hand and on the other hand is a two-part phrase and it shows the difference between points of view or different facts.

  • On the one hand, I’d like to earn more money.
  • On the other hand, I don’t want to work 40 hours a week.

You may hear just the second part of this expression used particularly in spoken English, it’s really common for native speakers just to drop the first part and then say on the other hand, as they mentioned the alternative fact, the different fact.

You’ll also commonly hear and or but added as well. It just helps the sentence to flow better and to sound a little bit more natural.

  • I’d like to earn more money but on the other hand , I don’t want to work a 40-hour week.

Now things are starting to get a little more formal.

Yet is another alternative to but. It’s a linking word just like but. We use it in exactly the same way.

  • A corkscrew is a simple yet effective tool.

Just like but, yet can link two sentences, two clauses or two words of the same grammatical type together. So two adjectives, two nouns or two sentences as long as they’re the same type. And that’s why you’ll always find but and yet in the middle of a sentence.

  • The cafe was busy  yet calm.

Yet is definitely more formal than but, we use it to draw attention to something, an interesting fact or maybe an observation and because it’s a little less common than but, it’s gonna help you to sound a little more formal while you’re speaking or you’re writing.

Conversely. Is that new for you? Conversely means in an opposite way. We can use it to introduce a statement that is the opposite of what we’ve just said.

  • In 2020 parts of Australia experienced terrible bushfires. Conversely, those same areas are now experiencing flooding.

Conversely can be quite formal and so it’s often used in written English, not usually spoken.


Nevertheless is a much more formal way of saying but. Can you say it with me? Nevertheless.

It’s used in writing and especially in academic English. It would probably sound a little bit strange if you just slipped that into an everyday conversation with someone, your neighbour for example.

Nevertheless is an adverb so we can place it in a few different parts of our English sentences. It can come at the beginning of a clause.

  • We had a tiny chance of winning that match. Nevertheless, the loss was still disappointing.

Or we can put it at the end of a sentence.

  • We had a tiny chance of winning that match. The loss was disappointing nevertheless.

Sometimes we use  but not to exclude something or not include it.

  • The library is open daily but not Sundays.

So the library is open every day excluding Sunday.

So when this is the case, we can replace but not with a number of different expressions and we’re going to focus on those now.

Except for Apart from

Except for and apart from are definitely less formal and they’re quite neutral as well. You can use them in both formal and informal situations.

  • I’ve just finished all the presentation slides except for the last two.

Bar, on the other hand, is the most formal. You would probably use it at a work setting, you know in a professional context or perhaps informal or academic writing.

Have you heard of this word before? Have you heard it used in this way?

  • I finished all the presentation slides bar the last two.

So that’s it! Twelve alternatives to  but. But is so common in English and it means that learning some of these alternatives will really help you to step up your conversation skills.

And if that sounds like something you want to do make sure you check out this lesson next . Hit subscribe, give this video a like.

Thank you for being here. I’ll see you in the next lesson!

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But Synonyms

  • on-the-other-hand
  • in-contrast
  • nevertheless
  • on-the-contrary
  • but as you see
  • exclusively
  • no other than
  • disregarding
  • not including
  • not taking into account
  • leaving out of consideration
  • with the exception of
  • not-to-mention
  • passing-over
  • setting-aside
  • nonetheless
  • omitting (to mention)

Words Related to But

Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.

But Sentence Examples

She objected at first, but finally submitted.

It was going to be nice having nothing to do but enjoy their little family for the next two weeks.

But he was anxious to learn.

He said no more, but expressed his resignation to cruel fate by a gesture.

It is a beautiful day, but yesterday it was cold.

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Synonyms of essay

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Thesaurus Definition of essay

 (Entry 1 of 2)

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • dissertation
  • composition
  • prolegomenon
  • undertaking
  • trial and error
  • experimentation

Thesaurus Definition of essay  (Entry 2 of 2)

  • have a go at
  • try one's hand (at)

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

Synonym Chooser

How does the verb essay differ from other similar words?

Some common synonyms of essay are attempt , endeavor , strive , and try . While all these words mean "to make an effort to accomplish an end," essay implies difficulty but also suggests tentative trying or experimenting.

When might attempt be a better fit than essay ?

While the synonyms attempt and essay are close in meaning, attempt stresses the initiation or beginning of an effort.

Where would endeavor be a reasonable alternative to essay ?

Although the words endeavor and essay have much in common, endeavor heightens the implications of exertion and difficulty.

When is strive a more appropriate choice than essay ?

While in some cases nearly identical to essay , strive implies great exertion against great difficulty and specifically suggests persistent effort.

How do try and attempt relate to one another, in the sense of essay ?

Try is often close to attempt but may stress effort or experiment made in the hope of testing or proving something.

Examples of essay in a Sentence

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'essay.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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You'll know the difference if you give it the old college essay

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“Essay.” Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus , Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/essay. Accessed 24 Aug. 2024.

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Nglish: Translation of essay for Spanish Speakers

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Vocabulary Tips: Alternatives to ‘But’ for Academic Writing

  • 3-minute read
  • 19th February 2017

You’ll use some terms frequently in your written work . ‘But’ is one of these words: the twenty-second most common word in English, in fact!

Consequently, you shouldn’t worry too much about repetition of ‘but’ in your writing . But if you find yourself using it in every other sentence, you might want to try a few alternatives. How about the following?

Other Conjunctions

‘But’ is a conjunction (i.e. a linking word) used to introduce a contrast.

For example, we might use it in a sentence expressing contrasting opinions about Queen guitarist Brian May:

I like Brian May, but I find his hair ridiculous.

One option to reduce repetition of ‘but’ in writing is to use the word ‘yet’:

I like Brian May, yet I find his hair ridiculous.

‘Yet’ can often replace ‘but’ in a sentence without changing anything else, as both are coordinating conjunctions that can introduce a contrast.

Alternatively, you could use one of these subordinating conjunctions :

  • Although (e.g. I like Brian May, although I find his hair ridiculous .)
  • Though (e.g. I like Brian May, though I find his hair ridiculous. )
  • Even though (e.g. I like Brian May, even though I find his hair ridiculous. )

As subordinating conjunctions, these terms can also be used at the start of a sentence. This isn’t the case with ‘but’, though:

Though I like Brian May, I find his hair ridiculous. – Correct

But   I like Brian May, I find his hair ridiculous. – Incorrect

Other subordinating conjunctions used to introduce a contrast include ‘despite’ and ‘whereas’. If using ‘despite’ in place of ‘but’, you may need to rephrase the sentence slightly. For instance:

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Despite liking Brian May, I find his hair ridiculous.

I like Brian May’s guitar solos, whereas I find his hair ridiculous.

So. Much. Hair. (Photo: kentarotakizawa/flickr)

How to Use ‘However’

One common replacement for ‘but’ in academic writing is ‘however’. But we use this adverb to show that a sentence contrasts with something said previously. As such, rather than connecting two parts of a sentence, it should only be used after a semicolon or in a new sentence:

I like Brian May’s guitar solos. However , I find his hair ridiculous.

I like Brian May’s guitar solos; however , I find his hair ridiculous.

‘However’ can be used mid-sentence, separated by commas. Even then, though, you should separate the sentence in which it appears from the one with which it is being contrasted. For instance:

I like Brian May’s guitar solos. I do, however , find his hair ridiculous.

Here, again, the ‘however’ sentence contrasts with the preceding one.

Other Adverbial Alternatives to ‘But’

Other contrasting adverbs and adverbial phrases can be used in similar ways to ‘however’ above. Alternatives include:

  • Conversely ( I like Brian May’s guitar solos. Conversely , I find his hair ridiculous. )
  • Nevertheless ( I like Brian May; nevertheless , I find his hair ridiculous. )
  • In contrast ( I like Brian May’s guitar solos. In contrast , I find his hair ridiculous. )

One popular phrase for introducing a contrast is ‘on the other hand’. In formal writing, though, this should always follow from ‘on the one hand’:

On the one hand , I like Brian May’s music, so I do admire him. On the other hand , his hairstyle is terrifying, so I do worry about him .

And if you’re not sure which terms to use as alternatives to ‘but’ in your writing, having a document proofread by the experts can help.

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Earlier this month, the NFL sent out an email blast communicating to NFL.com users an update to the Terms of Service .

Said the email: “We have made important updates to our Terms of Service that govern your use of the websites, mobile applications, and other online and mobile services operated by NFL Enterprises LLC. The updates include changes to ‘Section 16. Limitation of Liability’ and the terms governing how disputes are handled, which are set forth in ‘Section 18. Choice of Law, Class Action Waiver, Small Claims, and Arbitration’ and “Section 19. Mandatory Pre-dispute Resolution Process.”

We wrote something about it . We also asked the league why the change was made. The specific questions were this: (1) “Can I get a comment/explanation/anything on the reasons for the TOS update and the timing of its release via email to users?"; and (2) “Basically, what is the purpose of it, and why now?”

Here’s the response: “The league has made periodic updates to the terms. The changes bring them in line with those of the other major sports leagues which have made similar changes to their terms. You mentioned the class action waiver provision and a relation to the Sunday Ticket case. The class action waiver had been in the terms since 2016 or 2017.”

Because the new Terms of Service don’t reveal the actual revisions to the old Terms of Service, it’s impossible to know how the section that includes the class action waiver. But the section including the class action waiver has definitely changed, per the plain terms of the email.

It’s unclear whether the new Terms of Service would apply to NFL.com users who purchase Sunday Ticket through YouTube. Nothing stops the league from trying.

The new Terms of Service more clearly apply to products sold directly by the league to NFL.com users, such as NFL+. Which could potentially create an antitrust issue for the league.

If, for example, a fan wants to watch recorded versions of past games from only one team but the fan must buy access to all past games of all teams, that could be an issue.

Regardless, the league has changed the Terms of Service. And the NFL basically says it’s just keeping up with other leagues.

The timing remains curious, to say the least. It happened after, not before, the NFL absorbed a $4.7 billion antitrust verdict in the Sunday Ticket case. And even though the presiding judge threw out the verdict because he decided the expert testimony on financial damages wasn’t good enough (after he decided it was), the league has lingering exposure under the out-of-market package. The Terms of Service might be aimed at trying to plug potential holes that could lead to more lawsuits.

Whether a judge gives any credence to the laundry list of fine-print provisions that no one will ever read remains to be seen. Still, it’s there for a reason.

Disney, for example, recently argued that a wrongful-death lawsuit brought by the estate of a woman who died after eating at a Disney World restaurant should be sent to arbitration because she had agreed to the Disney+ Terms of Service. Although Disney has backpedaled after the tactic generated bad publicity, it’s an example of why and how such terms are foisted upon consumers.

Big companies want to avoid juries at all costs. And so they do what they can to stack the deck against anyone who might ever sue them in court. Regardless of whether the NFL will try to use the new Terms of Service in response to future Sunday Ticket antitrust cases, the changes were made for a reason. And the NFL’s decision to send an email to all NFL.com users alerting them of the changes is just another box to check on the way to laying the foundation to unleashing courtroom checkmate on any customer who dares to file suit.

So, yeah, Football is Family. Also, Terms and Conditions apply.

Cambridge Dictionary

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Meaning of other in English

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other determiner ( ADDITIONAL )

  • Circulars and other junk mail go straight in the bin .
  • The site links to about 24 other sites offering clip art .
  • This drug can be safely used in combination with other medicines .
  • The country has vast oil reserves and rich deposits of other minerals .
  • Mr Savino has been charged with three murders as well as a whole slew of other crimes .
  • additionally

other determiner ( OPPOSITE )

  • I saw him at the other end of the street .
  • I saw him on the other side of the room .
  • We rowed across to the other bank .
  • If I saw him, I'd cross to the other side of the street .
  • He's at the other end of the political spectrum from me.
  • across country idiom
  • catty-corner
  • give onto something
  • kitty-corner

other determiner ( DIFFERENT )

  • All her life she had a childlike trust in other people .
  • There's no harm in applying for other jobs , but if I were you, I wouldn't advertise the fact at work .
  • The professor was a real Jekyll and Hyde - sometimes kind and charming , and at other times rude and obnoxious .
  • The president urged other countries to lift the trade restrictions .
  • Children need to be taught to have respect for other people's property .
  • alternative
  • disjunctive
  • disparately
  • make a distinction between something
  • make the difference idiom
  • unrecognizably
  • unreflective
  • unrepresentative
  • unrepresentativeness
  • unstandardized

You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:

  • I lived on my own for a while but I missed the companionship of others.
  • Perhaps some systems of government are more corruptible than others.
  • This is one possible solution to the problem . However, there are others.
  • Some words are more difficult to spell than others.
  • Some college courses have stiffer entry requirements than others.
  • At the top of the hill I switched off the engine and we just coasted down the other side .
  • Trouble broke out in the match when one of the players called a member of the other team a cheat .
  • When you run , each foot leaves the ground before the other comes down.
  • This cable should have a plug at one end and a socket at the other.
  • Roughly half (of) the class are Spanish and the others are a mixture of nationalities .
  • (and) all the rest idiom
  • be left phrase
  • time capsule
  • to the dregs
  • unallocated
  • against the current
  • anomalously
  • anti-conventional
  • depart from something
  • differ between something
  • differ from something
  • non-complementary
  • non-conventional
  • non-identity
  • non-representative

other | American Dictionary

Other pronoun ( part of a set ), other adjective [not gradable] ( more ), other adjective [not gradable] ( different ), other adjective [not gradable] ( part of a set ), other | business english, translations of other.

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noun as in written discourse

Strongest matches

  • dissertation

Strong matches

  • composition
  • disquisition
  • explication

noun as in try, attempt

  • undertaking

Weak matches

  • one's all
  • one's level best

verb as in try, attempt

  • have a crack
  • have a shot
  • make a run at
  • put to the test
  • take a stab at
  • take a whack at

Example Sentences

As several of my colleagues commented, the result is good enough that it could pass for an essay written by a first-year undergraduate, and even get a pretty decent grade.

GPT-3 also raises concerns about the future of essay writing in the education system.

This little essay helps focus on self-knowledge in what you’re best at, and how you should prioritize your time.

As Steven Feldstein argues in the opening essay, technonationalism plays a part in the strengthening of other autocracies too.

He’s written a collection of essays on civil engineering life titled Bridginess, and to this day he and Lauren go on “bridge dates,” where they enjoy a meal and admire the view of a nearby span.

I think a certain kind of compelling essay has a piece of that.

The current attack on the Jews,” he wrote in a 1937 essay, “targets not just this people of 15 million but mankind as such.

The impulse to interpret seems to me what makes personal essay writing compelling.

To be honest, I think a lot of good essay writing comes out of that.

Someone recently sent me an old Joan Didion essay on self-respect that appeared in Vogue.

There is more of the uplifted forefinger and the reiterated point than I should have allowed myself in an essay.

Consequently he was able to turn in a clear essay upon the subject, which, upon examination, the king found to be free from error.

It is no part of the present essay to attempt to detail the particulars of a code of social legislation.

But angels and ministers of grace defend us from ministers of religion who essay art criticism!

It is fit that the imagination, which is free to go through all things, should essay such excursions.

Related Words

Words related to essay are not direct synonyms, but are associated with the word essay . Browse related words to learn more about word associations.

verb as in point or direct at a goal

  • concentrate
  • contemplate
  • set one's sights on

noun as in piece of writing

  • think piece

verb as in try, make effort

  • do level best
  • exert oneself
  • give a fling
  • give a whirl
  • give best shot
  • give it a go
  • give it a try
  • give old college try
  • go the limit
  • have a go at
  • shoot the works
  • take best shot
  • try one's hand at

Viewing 5 / 74 related words

From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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IMF Working Papers

Taming public debt in europe: outlook, challenges, and policy response.


Saioa Armendariz ; Ezequiel Cabezon ; Larry Q Cui ; Silvia Domit ; Alina Iancu ; Giacomo Magistretti ; Rohan Srinivas ; Yu Ching Wong

Publication Date:

August 23, 2024

Electronic Access:

Free Download . Use the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to view this PDF file

Disclaimer: IMF Working Papers describe research in progress by the author(s) and are published to elicit comments and to encourage debate. The views expressed in IMF Working Papers are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of the IMF, its Executive Board, or IMF management.

Public debt ratios in Europe increased significantly in response to the pandemic and energy shocks and have remained higher than before the pandemic in most countries. Going forward, the projected public debt trajectories are broadly flat overall in advanced Europe but have a rising profile in emerging Europe. Government financing needs are still elevated, and the unwinding of quantitative easing by major central banks adds to financing pressures. Moreover, there are important medium- to long-term spending pressures from defense, climate transition, and aging, which are not fully reflected in the projected baseline trajectories. Against this backdrop, the risk that debts will not stabilize in the medium term has increased. Debt stabilization will hinge critically on achieving ambitious fiscal consolidation and sustained growth. Facing these elevated risks, policymakers need to implement carefully-calibrated fiscal adjustments that ensure debt sustainability while supporting growth. They could target debt stabilization over a longer, 10-year, horizon—while adhering to credible fiscal rules such as the reformed EU Economic Governance Framework—but with a high probability to reassure markets that debts will indeed be tamed.

Working Paper No. 2024/181

Fiscal consolidation Fiscal policy Fiscal stance Public debt



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  2. Other Words for BUT: Helpful List of 21 Synonyms for But with ESL

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  1. Vocabulary Tips: Alternatives to "But" for Academic Writing

    One option to reduce repetition of "but" in writing is to use the word "yet:". I like Brian May, yet I find his hair ridiculous. "Yet" can often replace "but" in a sentence without changing anything else, as both are coordinating conjunctions that can introduce a contrast. Alternatively, you could use one of these subordinating ...

  2. Other Words To Use Instead Of "But"

    "But" is a useful word for communicating criticism or bad news. But ... there are plenty of other words that can be used, too. Learn some of them here!

  3. 80+ Alternatives for "But": A Word List for Writers

    Meet me at my place in ten minutes.". " But —". "Ten minutes.". The line went dead. Notes: Everyone but Darlene becomes everyone except Darlene. The second sentence is reworded to remove but. To preserve a feeling of reality, Louis's internal monologue isn't altered.

  4. Alternatives to the Word 'But' for Academic Writing

    I still, however, want to go back. It was terrible; however, I still want to go back. Other adverbials that can be used to replace 'but' include: Nonetheless (e.g. 'I ran fast; nonetheless, the horse won the race.') Nevertheless (e.g. 'It seemed like a mad idea. Nevertheless, it worked.') Despite this (e.g.

  5. How to Say "But" Differently: Formal and Informal Ways

    Here are several formal alternatives to the word "but" that you can employ: 1. However. The word "however" is a sophisticated substitute for "but" that is commonly used in formal writing. It presents a contrast or alternative point of view in a more nuanced and balanced manner. For example:

  6. What is another word for but

    all the same. be that as it may. but still. despite that. even so. for all that. in spite of that. nonetheless. howbeit.

  7. What can I use instead of "but" and "however"?

    There are many synonyms to but.For the meaning you are pointing out in your question, some of them would be still, nevertheless, nonetheless, though, although, and yet.You can find these and the ones for the other meanings in any site with synonyms lookup function, such as Thesaurus ("but" synonyms).. However, it should be noted that it can be counterproductive to sprinkle your story with ...

  8. 110+ Synonyms for "But" with Examples

    To underscore the contrast between ideas, careful selection of "but" replacements is crucial. Words like "although," "conversely," and "on the contrary" serve this purpose effectively, each with their own nuanced use. These terms do more than simply connect thoughts; they add depth to the contrast being highlighted.

  9. But synonyms

    compensation. conversely. adv. natheless. adv. #. obsolete. Another way to say But? Synonyms for But (other words and phrases for But).

  10. Formal synonyms of 'BUT'

    The word 'but' and its synonyms below are always used in front of the what happened or will happen (e.g. 'but I went for a walk'). This is different to another word used for making a contrast, 'although', which is always used in front of the situation instead (e.g. 'although it was raining'). To see the formal synonyms of 'although', click here.

  11. But Synonyms

    In general, the word "but" is a conjunction used to connect and contrast two ideas, sentences, or clauses. It indicates a contrasting relationship between two parts of a sentence, in which the second part contradicts the first. "But" can have a variety of meanings. Another word for "but" is although or except.

  12. 29 Synonyms & Antonyms for BUT

    Find 29 different ways to say BUT, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com.

  13. 16 useful synonyms for but

    Synonym: Example: Position: however: I like Sarah; however, I like Steve more. I like Sarah. However, I like Steve more. We can use however after the comma of a first clause or at the beginning of a sentence if the first clause ends in a full stop.: yet: Every week she says she will hand in her notice, yet she never does. Put in after the comma of the first clause.

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    Synonyms for BUT: except, excepting, besides, beside, other than, except for, excluding, saving, bar, outside

  15. Alternatives to BUT! Use better words in English

    Now things are starting to get a little more formal. Yet is another alternative to but. It's a linking word just like but. We use it in exactly the same way. A corkscrew is a simple yet effective tool. Just like but, yet can link two sentences, two clauses or two words of the same grammatical type together.

  16. BUT Synonyms

    Synonyms for BUT in English: yet, however, though, although, nevertheless, even so, all the same, for all that, in spite of that, despite that, …

  17. 10 Phrases To Use Instead Of "In Conclusion"

    Concluding your paper or presentation can feel redundant if you always say "in conclusion." These alternatives will help you end your project with style.

  18. Synonyms of BUT

    Submit new words and phrases to the dictionary. Benefit from an increased character limit in our Translator tool. Receive our weekly newsletter with the latest news, exclusive content, and offers. Be the first to enjoy new tools and features. It is easy and completely free! REGISTER Maybe later

  19. But Synonyms: 57 Synonyms and Antonyms for But

    Synonyms for BUT: however, though, yet, on-the-other-hand, in-contrast, nevertheless, still, on-the-contrary, but-then, but as you see, only, merely, simply, solely, just, only-just, alone, barely, entirely. Dictionary ... Words Related to But Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they ...

  20. ESSAY Synonyms: 76 Similar and Opposite Words

    Synonyms for ESSAY: article, paper, dissertation, theme, thesis, composition, treatise, editorial; Antonyms of ESSAY: quit, drop, give up

  21. But Also synonyms

    Synonyms for But also. 145 other terms for but also - words and phrases with similar meaning. not only that. apart from. apart from it. as if that is not enough. as if that weren't enough. as if this is not enough. in addition to it.

  22. Vocabulary Tips: Alternatives to 'But' for Academic Writing

    Other Conjunctions 'But' is a conjunction (i.e. a linking word) used to introduce a contrast.. For example, we might use it in a sentence expressing contrasting opinions about Queen guitarist Brian May: I like Brian May, but I find his hair ridiculous. One option to reduce repetition of 'but' in writing is to use the word 'yet':

  23. NFL explains new Terms of Service by pointing to other sports leagues

    The changes bring them in line with those of the other major sports leagues which have made similar changes to their terms. You mentioned the class action waiver provision and a relation to the Sunday Ticket case. The class action waiver had been in the terms since 2016 or 2017."

  24. OTHER

    OTHER definition: 1. as well as the thing or person already mentioned: 2. used at the end of a list to show that…. Learn more.

  25. 80 Synonyms & Antonyms for ESSAY

    Find 80 different ways to say ESSAY, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com.

  26. Harris says second Trump term would have serious consequences

    Vice President Kamala Harris warned against another presidency with former President Donald Trump. She says that while Trump is an "unserious man," the consequences of putting him back in ...

  27. IMF Working Papers

    Public debt ratios in Europe increased significantly in response to the pandemic and energy shocks and have remained higher than before the pandemic in most countries. Going forward, the projected public debt trajectories are broadly flat overall in advanced Europe but have a rising profile in emerging Europe. Government financing needs are still elevated, and the unwinding of quantitative ...