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Classification Essay: A Quick Guide with Examples

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A classification essay is a type of academic essay that categorizes a topic into distinct groups based on shared characteristics or criteria. The writer's purpose is to create a clear organization of information. Classification should be logical, making it easier for readers to remember the information being presented.

Let us guess: your professor asked you to write a classification essay. But they didn't explain how to even write one, did they? They often drop students like that as a part of self-learning. That's exactly why you're here! Writing a classification essay requires research. And making sure you've got enough information, you must double check what you've already gathered. Besides, classifying may sound simple, but it takes discipline and logical thinking. Putting thoughts into words and all that… What a task! But we heard a little rumor that those who continue reading would master classification papers. It's time for you to see if this rumor is true!  

What Is a Classification Essay: Definition

Classification essay doesn’t want to hide its essence, considering its name. But the primary goal of this type of article is to classify. Now, what you want to rank is up to you or your professor. Your main goal is to select topics and later put them into categories. The primary purpose of this type of essay is to show your skills in categorisation and generalization. We can take food as a good and tasty example. For instance, apples and oranges belong to the fruit category, while cucumbers will definitely be vegetables. As for avocado, you have to do the research and classify this type of food. Nevertheless, you’ll definitely need to write one of those essays during your college. So to master academic and classification writing, keep reading!  

How to Write a Classification Essay

We will start by teaching you how to write a classification essay. In this case, preparation is our little saving grace. So before you begin the actual writing, typing, or scribbling, it’s a good idea to think about the overall essence of your article. For starters, here are several valuable tips worth remembering:

  • Select a type of organization (you can use tables, documents, or anything that will help you in organizing your work).
  • Choose your categories for classification.
  • Make sure that each category is distinct and clear.
  • Include different examples for visualization.

These several steps will be handy for writing a thesis and starting your introduction. Buy essay papers online once you want good results with as little time spent as possible.

Developing an Effective Classification Essay Thesis Statement

Like with other articles, the classification essay thesis is one of the most vital parts of your work. A good thing worth keeping in mind is that your thesis is the last statement of your introduction. It also determines whether your audience will continue reading your article. Here are several things you should follow to write a good thesis:

  • Summarize your work.
  • Identify your main topic, objective, or goal of your essay.
  • Above all, make readers understand what point you’re making and what your paper is gonna be about.
  • Mention the categories you have chosen.

If you can nail our list given above, congratulations, you’ve got yourself an outstanding thesis.

Classification Essay Outline

Creating a classification essay outline is one of the easiest ways to approach an excellent classification paper. It’s true that it requires a lot of research and remembering. You will not only have to write about a single subject but group topics into categories. In order to do it correctly and understandably for the reader, it’s best if you use an outline. First and foremost, your essay should follow a traditional five paragraph essay format structure. It should have a minimum of three paragraphs. But typically, professors prefer around five. So your introduction must initially include an introduction, several body paragraphs depending on the length of your article, and a conclusion. In your body paragraphs outline, it’s a good idea to describe the groups you will include in your article. So your first paragraph will group fruits according to their color, while the second one can use nutrition for a classification. This will help you to remember your points before writing.  

How to Start a Classification Essay: Introduction

Classification essay introduction is very similar to any other introduction you have probably written. You should never forget that you are writing for an audience. Doesn’t really matter if your reader is your professor or some person online. The rules of good writing apply to any kind of paper. The first thing worth doing is introducing your overall concept. There is no need to give all the information at once. Just start with something more general and narrow it down later to a thesis we’ve talked about. Make sure that you also include the relevant information. Using our previous metaphor, if you’re talking about fruits, maybe mentioning vegetables will not be a good idea. Besides, staying on one topic will help you to write more clearly. And that’s our final requirement for your introduction.  

Body Paragraphs of a Classification Essay

Classification essay's main body commonly has around 1-3 paragraphs. But don't forget to ask your professor about the length. The important thing to remember is that you are classifying items in your work. In order to achieve precise and successful organization, your body paragraphs must be concise. Each body paragraph should focus on a certain group. You're not making mashed potatoes. So stacking all of your ideas in one section would create a mess. Keep it simple in terms of structure:  

  • Paragraph 1 — fruits organized by their color
  • Paragraph 2 — fruits arranged by expert location
  • Paragraph 3 — fruits ordered by size or shape

A simple and understandable organization will make your writing sharp. And your readers will definitely say thank you!

Classification Essay Conclusion

A classification essay conclusion is, just like always, crème de la crème of any article. At this point, your reader knows everything you were telling them. They know all your data, issues, and ideas. Thus, quickly summarizing what they’ve read in your body paragraphs will help a lot. But the last thing to do is organize your conclusion while leaving an impression. Now, their impressions can be different. However, your readers must think about your work for at least some time. So your conclusion must end with something intriguing like the possible future of your topic or piece of mind for the readers. Just don’t include any new information, and you’ll do fantastically!  

Classification Essay Writing: Useful Tips

Even with our help, classification essay writing is challenging. So we prepared for you several good tips that will help you improve and ease your academic life. Check them out:  

  • Define the purpose of the article before you start writing.
  • Avoid popular and often used topics.
  • Write down a number of topics before picking one. (We have a list of classification essay topics at your disposal.)
  • Choose a subject that will be personally interesting for you.
  • Remember that you are also writing for someone else who might not know everything about your topic.
  • Edit and proofread your work.
  • Take a break from writing once in a while and come back with a fresh mind and new look.
  • Don’t try writing about everything simultaneously. Instead, focus on one category and lead with it.

With these steps, we can definitely say that you’re ready.

Classification Essay Examples

How could we leave you without classification essay samples? You’re right; we couldn’t. Check out this example. Keep in mind that our examples always have characteristics that we talked about. So you can read the sample and return back for this article or do some revision. It will help you a lot. What are you waiting for? You can find the example right here. Or simply buy essay for college to avoid any hard work this evening. 


Classification Essay: Bottom Line

Who knew that  writing a classification essay  wasn’t that hard? We did, and now you know that, too. You have everything it takes to create an excellent paper. You know that:  

  • Your thesis is the most essential part of the essay.
  • The introduction must contain general information on the subject.
  • Body paragraphs must be carefully organized.
  • A conclusion should leave an impression without including new information.


But if you’re still looking for proficient help, our academic writing services got you covered. Our writers do excellent research before writing a paper and deliver high-quality results. We are also proud of our timely delivery of the papers.

FAQ about Classification Essays

1. what is the purpose of a classification essay.

The purpose of a classification essay is to organize and classify. In the beginning, you have several unique items. They indeed have some things in common. So your job is to identify in what categories they fit best. After doing the research and careful learning, you must put everything you have gathered into words. But still, keep in mind that the second purpose is to make your essay and classification clear to the reader.

2. How long is a classification essay?

There’s no right or wrong answer when it comes to classification essay length. Everything will depend on the guidelines. Usually, such articles are 3 to 5 paragraphs long. Their minimum is always an introduction, one body paragraph, and conclusion. However, professors definitely enjoy 5 paragraphs as a standard length. But you always need to remember that the essay should be long enough to provide necessary information for the reader. Or it must be short enough not to drag it out.

3. What is the difference between a division and classification essay?

Division and classification essays are only slightly different. The items you choose for classification essays must belong to strict and certain categories. They cannot overlap or belong to two different groups. On the other hand, division essays allow the subjects to move from one group to another. They might be divided into different groups or categories and thus overlap.

4. What are different types of classification?

There are several types of classification. Depending on the particular topic, you can choose a specific type that fits the best. Here’s what you can choose from:

  • Spatial classification (location, place and so on).
  • Chronological (you must take time and dates into consideration).
  • Classification by attributes (qualitative).
  • Classification by size (quantitative with numbers and statistics).


Daniel Howard is an Essay Writing guru. He helps students create essays that will strike a chord with the readers.


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How to Write a Classification Essay?

17 July, 2020

8 minutes read

Author:  Elizabeth Brown

Classification essay is comparable to painting creation - an artist works on a specific structure that holds the picture’s elements together and glues different layers to create a powerful visual effect. The same principle applies to a writing piece, in which the central role is devoted to getting things in order. In this article, we’ll discuss the main features and components of a great classification essay and share some tips and tricks on how to take your piece of writing to the next level.

Classification Essay

Classification essay definition

We bet the first thing you want to know concerning the topic is what is a classification essay? This is the task which you’ll most likely deal with at some point in your student life. The essence of this assignment is related to categorization and generalization. Remember these two words because they form the true meaning of classification essay. Also, division and classification are those elements of this essay type which highly correlate and have equal importance for essay creation. Therefore, the main task here is to organize or sort things into categories.

Classification Essay Writing

How to write a classification essay 

Careful attention to planning marks the indication of quality in terms of classification essay. At this point, the main task is to learn how to structure the paper. The length of an article may vary, but the most frequently used “five paragraphs” method is typically applied for classification writing. What does this structure suggest? It has to do with a logical division of your essay into blocks and categories, every one of which should clarify a particular issue.

The first and one of the essential paragraphs is the introductory one. It’s an opening which illuminates the matter you’re going to discuss and the subject you’ll categorize. Besides, you can outline the purpose of your classification essay to readers to bring more clarity into the discussion. Answer the question of why you are categorizing the chosen items and what criteria you use for each of them. Then, you’ll need to close the introduction paragraph with a thesis. It will briefly sum up the objective of your classification and division essay, and identify the categories which you’ll be using for a paper.

The second part is the essay body. Here, a couple of paragraphs are applicable, preferably 3 and more. The most critical nuance you should remember while composing a body is that each paragraph will deal with a separate category. The best way to organize the central part of your division essay is to explain the criteria for each category and desirably, discuss strengths and weaknesses. More importantly, you should include examples that’ll back up your statements with a piece of evidence. Notably, there should be an equal amount of examples for every category to spread the evidence evenly. If your paragraphs in the main body are lengthy, you can also divide them into shorter ones to create a smooth transition between the blocks of text and improve readability.

The final paragraph of your classification essay is a conclusion. The closing statements will sum up the different categories highlighted in the body. Also, it’s advisable to restate each category and advise readers on the subject matter. However, if you choose to recommend this or that topic over the others, don’t forget to state the reason for your stance. This way, readers will take into account your well-grounded explanation, which is deprived of subjectivity, and make relevant conclusions for themselves.

Classification Essay Structure

Apart from the basic understanding of classification essay structure , you should also get prepared for the writing process. For many, implementing theory on practice is even more challenging than the stage of composing an essay. Nonetheless, with enough patience and endurance, this process is really not so bad after all. So, what steps do you need to make in order to prepare well for classification paper writing?

First things first, planning is everything when it comes to the assignment that implies classification. Without a clear and coherent plan, there’s no way you can write a good paper. Therefore, make sure that you have a robust scheme before writing your essay. For this, proceed with the following planning steps:

  • Generate Ideas. Evidently, your essay won’t write itself. If your professor has not assigned you a specific topic, it’s time to do some brainstorming. Remember – you need to choose a group of people, things, or ideas that can be easily divided into categories and then compared.
  • Choose Your Classification Method. Aim at one principle for classification for each category you describe. For example, if you write about people, you can categorize them by age, gender, appearance, or other factors. This will help you better structure your essay and make it look more organized in the eyes of readers.
  • Create a Thesis Statement. As previously mentioned, the thesis statement is the element which closes the introduction of your classification essay. It should include such information as the subject matter, the categories, and the criteria used to classify each category. Besides, you can note down the purpose of your division into these categories.

Preparation for Classification Essay

Classification essay outline

The outline is a general description or plan that schematically displays the main points of your essay. The main point of an outline is to help you see the structure of your essay and use it as a useful guide for writing. Usually, a typical outline describes the essence of each point in one sentence. Also, bullet points are not uncommon, so you can use them to arrange a plan the way you feel is the most appropriate.

Classification essay topics

There is a plethora of themes and subjects for division classification essays to choose from, but most of them are hard to think of straight away. That’s why we’ve collected the list of the top used classification topics for you to facilitate the process of generating ideas or searching for ones elsewhere.

  • The most popular devices students use nowadays
  • Colors and their meaning in the paintings of Frida Kahlo
  • The evolution of rock-music types
  • Standard methods students use to prepare for exams
  • Public speakers that have moved the world  
  • Unique factors to determine a successful relationship  
  • How to improve child-parent relationships
  • Main motives to start a political career
  • Learning techniques for college students
  • Types of TV comedy shows
  • Traveling destinations
  • The main types of mobile applications
  • Communication possibilities online
  • Strategies for making decisions in business
  • Leadership and leader types
  • Conflicts at the job and ways to cope with them
  • The motivation for doing sports
  • Methods to reduce stress

No matter which theme you choose for your classification essay and what techniques you implement to make them elaborated, remember always to keep the structure in mind. The first step to writing this type of assignment is not just sitting and jotting down detached ideas, but planning out clear statements which can later be transmitted on paper. Hopefully, our advice will help you on the way to writing an excellent classification essay which your professor will mark with an A+ grade.

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10.4 Classification

Learning objectives.

  • Determine the purpose and structure of the classification essay.
  • Understand how to write a classification essay.

The Purpose of Classification in Writing

The purpose of classification is to break down broad subjects into smaller, more manageable, more specific parts. We classify things in our daily lives all the time, often without even thinking about it. Cell phones, for example, have now become part of a broad category. They can be classified as feature phones, media phones, and smartphones.

Smaller categories, and the way in which these categories are created, help us make sense of the world. Keep both of these elements in mind when writing a classification essay.

Choose topics that you know well when writing classification essays. The more you know about a topic, the more you can break it into smaller, more interesting parts. Adding interest and insight will enhance your classification essays.

On a separate sheet of paper, break the following categories into smaller classifications.

  • The United States
  • Colleges and universities

The Structure of a Classification Essay

The classification essay opens with an introductory paragraph that introduces the broader topic. The thesis should then explain how that topic is divided into subgroups and why. Take the following introductory paragraph, for example:

When people think of New York, they often think of only New York City. But New York is actually a diverse state with a full range of activities to do, sights to see, and cultures to explore. In order to better understand the diversity of New York state, it is helpful to break it into these five separate regions: Long Island, New York City, Western New York, Central New York, and Northern New York.

The underlined thesis explains not only the category and subcategory but also the rationale for breaking it into those categories. Through this classification essay, the writer hopes to show his or her readers a different way of considering the state.

Each body paragraph of a classification essay is dedicated to fully illustrating each of the subcategories. In the previous example, then, each region of New York would have its own paragraph.

The conclusion should bring all the categories and subcategories back together again to show the reader the big picture. In the previous example, the conclusion might explain how the various sights and activities of each region of New York add to its diversity and complexity.

To avoid settling for an overly simplistic classification, make sure you break down any given topic at least three different ways. This will help you think outside the box and perhaps even learn something entirely new about a subject.

Using your classifications from Note 10.43 “Exercise 1” , write a brief paragraph explaining why you chose to organize each main category in the way that you did.

Writing a Classification Essay

Start with an engaging opening that will adequately introduce the general topic that you will be dividing into smaller subcategories. Your thesis should come at the end of your introduction. It should include the topic, your subtopics, and the reason you are choosing to break down the topic in the way that you are. Use the following classification thesis equation:

topic + subtopics + rationale for the subtopics = thesis.

The organizing strategy of a classification essay is dictated by the initial topic and the subsequent subtopics. Each body paragraph is dedicated to fully illustrating each of the subtopics. In a way, coming up with a strong topic pays double rewards in a classification essay. Not only do you have a good topic, but you also have a solid organizational structure within which to write.

Be sure you use strong details and explanations for each subcategory paragraph that help explain and support your thesis. Also, be sure to give examples to illustrate your points. Finally, write a conclusion that links all the subgroups together again. The conclusion should successfully wrap up your essay by connecting it to your topic initially discussed in the introduction. See Chapter 15 “Readings: Examples of Essays” to read a sample classification essay.

Building on Note 10.43 “Exercise 1” and Note 10.46 “Exercise 2” , write a five-paragraph classification essay about one of the four original topics. In your thesis, make sure to include the topic, subtopics, and rationale for your breakdown. And make sure that your essay is organized into paragraphs that each describes a subtopic.

Key Takeaways

  • The purpose of classification is to break a subject into smaller, more manageable, more specific parts.
  • Smaller subcategories help us make sense of the world, and the way in which these subcategories are created also helps us make sense of the world.
  • A classification essay is organized by its subcategories.

Writing for Success Copyright © 2015 by University of Minnesota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.


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When confronted with a complicated subject, we are often overwhelmed with information. A classification essay is designed to take a complex topic and break it down into more manageable and understandable categories, digestible pieces that a reader can easily break down.

This method of organization can be seen in how we structure and categorize our everyday lives. Take the Jefferson Learning Commons, as an example. The library houses thousands of books, which would be hard to browse if they were thrown haphazardly on shelves. Instead, all the fiction is organized alphabetically by author on the first floor, while the second floor houses all the non-fiction organized by subject. This allows a student to find the book they are looking for without searching every shelf.

Topics: When choosing a topic make sure the topic is complex enough to be divided into categories, while not being so broad that the reader is overwhelmed with categories.

Categories: Since a classification essay breaks a topic or subject into categories, it is important for each category to be distinct from one another. Categories that overlap will be nebulous and difficult for a reader to understand. Topics can be broken down many ways. If one way isn’t working, try brainstorming a new way to divide the topic.

Good Topic: Transportation


  • Taxi (Uber or Lyft)
  • Personal Automobile

Each category is distinct from one another, with a single defining feature.

Bad Topic: Video game genres

  • Roleplay (RPG)
  • Japanese RPG (JRPG)

The differences of some categories are very murky. A RPG is defined by things like character creation and level progression. However, these two elements are found in many soulslike games. This makes the topic of video game genres difficult to breakdown into easily definable categories.

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  • Ph.D., Rhetoric and English, University of Georgia
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  • B.A., English, State University of New York

In rhetoric and composition , classification is a method of paragraph or essay development in which a writer arranges people, objects, or ideas with shared characteristics into classes or groups. A classification essay often includes examples and other supporting details that are organized according to types, kinds, segments, categories, or parts of a whole.

Observations on Classification

"The primary support in classification consists of the categories that serve the purpose of the classification...The categories in classification are the 'piles' into which the writer sorts a topic (the items to be classified). These categories will become the topic sentences for the body paragraphs of the essay...The supporting details in classification are examples or explanations of what is in each category. The examples in classification are the various items that fall within each category. These are important because readers may not be familiar with your categories." —From "Real Essays With Readings" by Susan Anker

Using Classification in an Introductory Paragraph

"Americans can be divided into three groups—smokers, nonsmokers and that expanding pack of us who have quit. Those who have never smoked don't know what they're missing, but former smokers, ex-smokers, reformed smokers can never forget. We are veterans of a personal war, linked by that watershed experience of ceasing to smoke and by the temptation to have just one more cigarette. For almost all of us ex-smokers, smoking continues to play an important role in our lives. And now that it is being restricted in restaurants around the country and will be banned in almost all indoor public places in New York State starting next month, it is vital that everyone understand the different emotional states cessation of smoking can cause. I have observed four of them; and in the interest of science I have classified them as those of the zealot, the evangelist, the elect and the serene. Each day, each category gains new recruits." —From "Confessions of an Ex-Smoker" by Franklin Zimring

Using Classification to Establish Place

"Each of Jamaica's four great gardens, although established along similar principles, has acquired its own distinctive aura. Hope Gardens, in the heart of Kingston, evokes postcard pictures from the 1950s of public parks, gracious and vaguely suburban and filled with familiar favorites—lantana and marigolds—as well as exotics. Bath has retained its Old World character; it is the easiest to conjure as it must have looked in Bligh's time . Cinchona of the clouds is otherworldly. And Castleton, the garden established to replace Bath, fleetingly evokes that golden age of Jamaican tourism, when visitors arrived in their own yachts—the era of Ian Fleming and Noel Coward, before commercial air travel unloaded ordinary mortals all over the island." —From "Captain Bligh's Cursed Breadfruit" by Caroline Alexander

Using Classification to Establish Character: Example 1

"Local TV interviewers come in two varieties. One is a bulimic blond person with a deviated septum and a severe cognitive disorder who went into broadcasting because he or she was too emotionally disturbed for telephone sales work. The other variety is suave, sagacious, grossly overqualified for the job, and too depressed to talk to you. Good local TV people are always depressed because their field is so crowded." —From "Book Tour" by P.J. O'Rourke

Using Classification to Establish Character: Example 2

"The English-speaking world may be divided into (1) those who neither know nor care what a split infinitive is; (2) those who do not know, but care very much; (3) those who know and condemn; (4) those who know and approve; (5) those who know and distinguish." —From "A Dictionary of Modern Usage" by H.W. Fowler and Ernest Gowers

Famous Classification Paragraphs and Essays for Study

  • "Conversation" by Samuel Johnson
  • "Here is New York" by E.B. White
  • "Give Her a Pattern" by D.H. Lawrence
  • "The Man Who Interrupts" by Bill Nye
  • "Of Studies" by Francis Bacon
  • "On Various Kinds of Thinking" by James Harvey Robinson
  • "The Pleasure of Quarreling" by H.G. Wells
  • "Shaking Hands" by Edward Everett
  • Anker, Susan. "Real Essays With Readings," Third Edition. Bedford/St. Martin's. 2009
  • Zimring, Franklin. "Confessions of an Ex-Smoker." Newsweek . April 20, 1987
  • Alexander, Caroline. "Captain Bligh's Cursed Breadfruit." The Smithsonian . September 2009
  • O'Rourke, P.J. "Book Tour," in "Age and Guile, Beat Youth, Innocence, and a Bad Haircut." Atlantic Monthly Press. 1995
  • Fowler, H.W.; Gowers, Ernest. " A Dictionary of Modern English Usage ," Second Edition. Oxford University Press. 1965
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5.4 Classification

Learning objectives.

  • Determine the purpose and structure of the classification essay.
  • Understand how to write a classification essay.

The Purpose of Classification in Writing

The purpose of classification  is to break down broad subjects into smaller, more manageable, more specific parts. We classify things in our daily lives all the time, often without even thinking about it. Cell phones, for example, have now become part of a broad category. They can be classified as feature phones, media phones, and smartphones.

Smaller categories, and the way in which these categories are created, help us make sense of the world. Keep both of these elements in mind when writing a classification essay.

Choose topics that you know well when writing classification essays. The more you know about a topic, the more you can break it into smaller, more interesting parts. Adding interest and insight will enhance your classification essays.

On a separate sheet of paper, break the following categories into smaller classifications.

  • The United States
  • Colleges and universities

The Structure of a Classification Essay

The classification essay opens with an introductory paragraph that introduces the broader topic. The thesis should then explain how that topic is divided into subgroups and why. Take the following introductory paragraph, for example:

When people think of New York, they often think of only New York City. But New York is actually a diverse state with a full range of activities to do, sights to see, and cultures to explore. In order to better understand the diversity of New York state, it is helpful to break it into these five separate regions: Long Island, New York City, Western New York, Central New York, and Northern New York.

The underlined thesis explains not only the category and subcategory but also the rationale for breaking it into those categories. Through this classification essay, the writer hopes to show his or her readers a different way of considering the state.

Each body paragraph of a classification essay is dedicated to fully illustrating each of the subcategories. In the previous example, then, each region of New York would have its own paragraph.

The conclusion should bring all the categories and subcategories back together again to show the reader the big picture. In the previous example, the conclusion might explain how the various sights and activities of each region of New York add to its diversity and complexity.

To avoid settling for an overly simplistic classification, make sure you break down any given topic at least three different ways. This will help you think outside the box and perhaps even learn something entirely new about a subject.

Using your classifications from Exercise 1 , write a brief paragraph explaining why you chose to organize each main category in the way that you did.

Writing a Classification Essay

Start with an engaging opening that will adequately introduce the general topic that you will be dividing into smaller subcategories. Your thesis should come at the end of your introduction. It should include the topic, your subtopics, and the reason you are choosing to break down the topic in the way that you are. Use the following classification thesis equation:

topic + subtopics + rationale for the subtopics = thesis.

The organizing strategy of a classification essay is dictated by the initial topic and the subsequent subtopics. Each body paragraph is dedicated to fully illustrating each of the subtopics. In a way, coming up with a strong topic pays double rewards in a classification essay. Not only do you have a good topic, but you also have a solid organizational structure within which to write.

Be sure you use strong details and explanations for each subcategory paragraph that help explain and support your thesis. Also, be sure to give examples to illustrate your points. Finally, write a conclusion that links all the subgroups together again. The conclusion should successfully wrap up your essay by connecting it to your topic initially discussed in the introduction. See Appendix B: Examples of Essays  to read a sample classification essay.

Building on Exercise 1 and Exercise 2 , write a five-paragraph classification essay about one of the four original topics. In your thesis, make sure to include the topic, subtopics, and rationale for your breakdown. And make sure that your essay is organized into paragraphs that each describes a subtopic.

Key Takeaways

  • The purpose of classification is to break a subject into smaller, more manageable, more specific parts.
  • Smaller subcategories help us make sense of the world, and the way in which these subcategories are created also helps us make sense of the world.
  • A classification essay is organized by its subcategories.

Putting the Pieces Together Copyright © 2020 by Andrew Stracuzzi and André Cormier is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Classification Essay

Caleb S.

A Beginner’s Guide to Classification Essay + Examples, Topics, & Tips

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Classification Essay

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Classification Essay Outline - A Step By Step Guide

A List of 270+ Classification Essay Topics for Your Next Assignment

Have you ever tried organizing your wardrobe, and separating clothes by color or style to make your mornings smoother? Well, imagine doing the same with your thoughts and ideas.

This is what a classification essay does. It offers a way to understand a topic or idea by categorizing and classifying it.

This type of essay is assigned to evaluate students’ critical thinking skills and their ability to define and categorize things on a specific basis. 

In this guide, we will learn how to write a classification essay step by step. Plus, you will also get to read some good essay examples and interesting topics to write about. 

Let’s read on!

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  • 1. What is a Classification Essay?
  • 2. How to Write a Classification Essay?
  • 3. Classification Essay Examples 
  • 4. Classification Essay Topics
  • 5. Tips for Writing an Effective Classification Essay

What is a Classification Essay?

A classification essay can be defined as an essay that aims to arrange its subjects in categories based on their characteristics. In other words, it's about grouping things together that share common traits.

For example, imagine you're at a library, and each book is a unique idea. The classification essay is your way of creating distinct shelves and arranging those books in an orderly fashion. It is a mixture of expository and analytical essays, as it seeks to establish, discuss, and analyze a subject’s properties and characteristics. 

Moreover, it is also related to definition essays. Things are defined by their characteristics and categories to which they belong, and so the boundaries between a classification and definition essays are often blurred.

How to Write a Classification Essay?

Here are the steps you need to follow to write an excellent classification essay.

Following are the steps that should be taken to start an impressive classification essay:

Step 1: Choose a Topic

The first crucial step is selecting a topic that provides an opportunity for useful classification. Whether it's types of movies, learning styles, or modes of transportation, your topic sets the stage for a well-organized exploration.

Here's how to navigate this crucial first step:

  • Breadth and Relevance: Select for a topic that is broad enough to offer multiple categories but specific enough to maintain focus. For instance, instead of "sports," consider "types of outdoor recreational activities."
  • Consider Your Audience: Think about who will be reading your essay. Tailor your topic to their interests and knowledge level. A topic that resonates with your audience ensures that your classifications have a meaningful impact.
  • Room for Exploration: Look for a topic with room for exploration. A good classification essay not only categorizes but also highlights nuances within each category. This adds depth to your writing and keeps your readers engaged.

Step 2: Conduct Research 

Now that you've chosen a compelling topic, it's time to delve into the world of research. Gather information to ensure you have a comprehensive understanding of the categories you plan to explore. With good research, you will have solid foundations for your classifications.

Here's how to gather the necessary information to enrich your classification essay:

  • Consult Reliable Sources: Start by consulting reputable sources such as books, academic journals, and credible websites. The information you gather should be accurate and up-to-date.
  • Diversify Your Sources: Get a well-rounded understanding by exploring a variety of sources. The more perspectives you study, the more comprehensive your classifications will be.
  • Take Detailed Notes: As you conduct your research, take detailed notes on relevant information, examples, and any noteworthy details. This will help in outlining and drafting your essay later.
  • Stay Organized: Keep your research organized. A systematic approach will save you time when you start outlining your essay.

Step 3: Brainstorm Ideas About Your Subject

To start writing a classification essay, it is important to first decide on a clear and specific criteria for classification. With credible information in hand, let your creativity flow. 

Jot down all the possible categories related to your chosen topic. This brainstorming phase is about exploring various angles and finding the most meaningful ways to categorize your subject matter.

This essay’s purpose is to define and discriminate between subjects, so make sure that the categories are well-defined and clear. 

Step 4: Develop a Thesis Statement

A thesis statement establishes the writer’s stance on the topic and their central argument. It is important to draft a strong thesis statement for an effective and persuasive classification essay. 

Once you’ve researched and established your categories, it's time to distill your focus into a concise thesis statement. Here’s what to keep in mind:

  • Your thesis should clearly state the main categories you will explore in your essay. Avoid vague or overly broad statements. The reader should have a precise understanding of what to expect.
  • The thesis statement is the central idea around which your entire essay revolves. It should convey the main point or purpose of your classification. 
  • It should also provide a roadmap, indicating the organization of your upcoming arguments.

Step 5: Draft an Outline

Now that you have a well-crafted thesis statement, it's time to organize your thoughts and create a roadmap for your classification essay. A classification essay outline should include these points:

Step 6: Write Your First Draft

Once you have the necessary information and an organized plan, it is time to start writing your classification essay. To draft an effective and flawless essay, follow the writing steps given below:

  • Write an Essay Introduction

The introduction is the first part of the essay. In this part, you need to catch the reader’s attention and introduce them to your topic. To make your introduction appealing,

  • Start with a catchy hook statement. A hook statement is the opening line of the introductory paragraph that attempts to draw the reader’s attention. 
  • Provide sufficient background and context for your topic.
  • Close your introduction with a strong thesis statement that highlights your central point. 
  • Draft the Body Paragraphs

The body section will contain three or more paragraphs depending on your arguments. The body paragraphs follow and justify the thesis statement made earlier in the introduction. Here’s how to write your body paragraphs:

  • Start each body paragraph with a topic sentence that presents the main point of that paragraph.
  • Provide examples, arguments, and relevant information in each paragraph to establish your argument. 
  • Provide a detailed analysis of your subject to justify your categorizations.
  • Connect body paragraphs to each other through transition words and phrases. This is important for maintaining a logical flow.
  • Write a Strong Conclusion

The conclusion is the last paragraph, where you put together all the arguments made in the body paragraphs. Follow these tips to write a good conclusion:

  • Summarize the main categories without introducing new information.
  • Reiterate the significance of your classifications and their impact on understanding the topic.
  • End with a memorable closing statement that leaves a lasting impression.

Step 7: Revise, Edit, & Improve Your Draft

Congratulations on completing your first draft! However, your work is not done just yet. Your first draft could be full of mistakes and weaknesses, so you need to elevate it through the revision, editing, and improvement process. Here’s what you should do to ensure that your final draft is perfect:

  • Review the Overall Structure: Ensure that your introduction sets the stage effectively, each body paragraph is coherent, and the conclusion ties everything together without introducing new information.
  • Check for Clarity and Consistency: See that your language is clear and your ideas are presented logically. Check for consistency in tone and style throughout.
  • Refine Thesis Statement: Revisit your thesis statement. Does it accurately reflect the content of your essay? Make adjustments if needed to ensure it aligns with the final draft.
  • Trim Unnecessary Details: Trim any redundant or unnecessary details. Keep your writing concise and focused on the defining characteristics of each category.
  • Proofread for Errors: Thoroughly proofread your essay for grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors. A polished essay enhances your credibility as a writer.
  • Get Feedback: Consider seeking feedback from peers, professors, or writing professionals. Fresh perspectives can identify areas for improvement that you might have overlooked.
  • Final Polish: Give your essay a final polish. Ensure that it aligns with your original vision and effectively communicates your ideas.

Classification Essay Examples 

Before starting the writing process, it is better to look at some of the classification essay examples. This way, you will get a better understanding of how these essays are written. 

Here are some classification essay examples to help you get started.

Classification Essay Sample

Division and Classification Essay Example

Exemplification and Classification Essay Example

Types of Friends Classification Essay

Classification Essay on Relationships

Classification Essay Topics

Choosing the right topic is the cornerstone of creating a captivating classification essay. Here's a short but diverse list of classification essay ideas to spark your imagination.

  • Types of Social Media Users
  • Genres of Music
  • Learning Styles
  • Forms of Government
  • Types of Movie Endings
  • Modes of Transportation
  • Gaming Genres
  • Personality Types in a Workplace
  • Human Responses to Stress
  • Various Kinds of Study Habits

Need more ideas? Head to our classification essay topics blog and get a list of interesting ideas to choose from!

Tips for Writing an Effective Classification Essay

Mastering the art of classification essays requires more than just following a set of steps. Consider these tips to enhance the quality and impact of your classification essays:

  • Choose a Niche Topic: Opt for a topic that allows for meaningful categorization. A focused and specific subject ensures a more in-depth exploration of categories.
  • Provide Clear Criteria: Clearly define the criteria used to categorize items. Whether it's characteristics, functions, or behaviors, explicit criteria add depth and clarity to your classifications.
  • Ensure Balanced Categories: Strive for balance in the depth and coverage of each category. Avoid spending disproportionate time on one category, as it can disrupt the overall equilibrium of your essay.
  • Use Consistent Characteristics: Maintain consistency in the characteristics you use to define each category. This ensures a coherent and logical progression throughout your essay.
  • Think About Your Audience: Consider your audience's interests and knowledge level. Tailor your classifications to resonate with your readers, making the essay more engaging and relevant to them.
  • Include Vivid Examples: Illustrate each category with vivid and relevant examples. Concrete examples provide a clearer understanding and make your classifications more compelling.
  • Stay Objective: Maintain objectivity in your classifications. Avoid biases and ensure that your categories are based on observable and verifiable characteristics.
  • Read Widely: Expose yourself to a variety of classification essays. Knowing other points of views can provide inspiration, insights, and a deeper understanding of effective categorization.

In conclusion,

A classification essay is a unique and interesting kind of writing with a few special requirements. Having read its definition and writing steps above, you now know what they are: It requires you to categorize your subject based on its features and argue for its validity. 

Following the steps and tips above will allow you to craft an A-worthy classification essay. The key to success comes down to pre-writing preparation and meticulous editing and revisions. Start early, plan your essay, figure out the categories, write, and rewrite until you’re satisfied.

Still need expert help? No worries! We fully understand your writing challenges. 

At, you can get assistance from professional writers for any type of essay, regardless of your topic. Our experienced and expert writers write amazing essays for you according to your needs and requirements.

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What is a classification essay?

what does classification essay mean

There are two main parts in the definition of the classification essay, the ‘classification’ and the ‘essay’. Classification implies the process of grouping together things or people according to shared similarities. An example of a simple classification is to group cars according to their colors or body sizes. Such categories are useful in letting you identify the relationships between objects of people. In this way you can organize and compare the information. In classification, it is not necessary that the categories exist in the real world. They can exist in the mind of the writer. For instance, it is possible to classify different college students according to their study habits, or the way they study. You could also classify different students according to their age, religion or GPA.

The second part of defining a classification essay is the ‘essay’ element. Here, an essay implies a brief literary composition on a specific subject or theme, often written in prose, and can be speculative, interpretive or analytic. Different types of essay exist, and with each type comes different requirements in terms of content and format. Nonetheless, regardless of the essay type, all forms of academic writing must be coherent, and must adhere to the rules of grammar and syntax. In addition to these requirements, a classification essay takes a group of people or objects and breaks it down in the following ways:

Here, the writer breaks down the topic into several component parts that comprise the whole topic. For instance, the three important parts of an automobile are the axis, the engine, and the body. The rest of the essay then analyzes these parts in a coherent and concise manner.


In terms of characteristics, the classification essay outlines the features of the object or subject. For instance, when considering android phones, it helps to consider the various features that characterize such devices. Classification could also be used to define an object according to the features. For instance, a concept like a good teacher can be defined by splitting it into the various characteristics (like creative, understanding, competent), and then describe each attribute or give examples.

Alternatively, a classification essay could break down the topic into the various types of the object or subject. Staying with the example of cars, the essay could look at the various types of cars, including sedans, sports cars, and minivans. Irrespective of your chosen approach, there are some general guidelines to consider when writing a classification essay.

So how can you go about writing sound classification essay? Here are some useful tips to make your categories as clear and concise as possible. Choose only one criterion or principle to organize everything into one category. In addition, develop categories that permit the inclusion of everything or everyone you are classifying.

The next important consideration when looking to write a quality classification essay is the selection of the topic. Please note that the topic choice influences the relevance of your paper as well as the depth of your analysis. Choose a topic that would be interesting to your audience. As you formulate the topic, be original, creative and have fun.

Picking an informative, yet manageable topic can be one of the most challenging elements of essay writing. Your topic should be one that is interesting to you as well as your readers. In other words, you are likely to express yourself more clearly and with more insight if you are genuinely intrigued by the topic. In addition, choose your topic based on the course material that you have understood.

During the actual writing, much of your work will go towards supporting and explaining your thesis and individual perspective, meaning that you need to understand and be comfortable with talking about the material that will support your essay. In addition, you need to pick a topic that is not only challenging but also thought provoking. Most importantly, choose a topic that is specific enough to allow you to form an opinion, but also general enough to allow you to locate enough information and write a substantial essay.

At this level, avoid topics that are already obvious to your audience. For instance, do not write an essay the three branches of government. Instead, try to be original in your topic selection, and have a basis for the categories. For instance, you may have noticed the wide range in the quality of nursing care, and would like to write a paper categorizing nurses according to their roles in the healthcare team. Clearly label your categorizations.

In terms of the structure, here are some tips:

First, pick your main points carefully

The core of writing a  high-quality classification essay is the way you choose the main points. It is these main points that will influence your classification. An important tip here is to make sure that all your points are given equal importance and weight. Giving more weight to some points over others sends the wrong message that the others are of less significance. Secondly, it helps to make sure that the points do not overlap. For instance, when writing an essay on popular music, it is easy for the category of folk and rock to overlap with a category of male vocalist. Most importantly, make sure that you do not omit any part of your subject.

White a clear and succinct introduction

The introduction is the place where you get to describe the essay topic using broad opening statements. As you progress into the introduction, you will need to get more specific on the importance of the paper. In other words, the introduction gives you the chance to prepare your readers for what is contained in the rest of the paper. At the end of the introduction, there must be a tentative thesis statement.

Write a carefully crafted thesis that clearly states your purpose

The thesis statement is perhaps the most important aspect of any quality essay. A thesis statement helps your essay by controlling the subject matter, while stating something that is important to the audience. In other words, the thesis statement is the one statement that not only summarizes the main points in the essay, but also states why the paper is important and worth the reader’s time. If your essay lacks a well-crafted and strong thesis statement, then the paper will be lacking in focus and inadequate. To summarize, a good thesis statement ought to:

  • Identify a specific purpose and a particular way of realizing that purpose
  • Assert something regarding the essay
  • Be identifiable, and should be clear and concise
  • Come at the end of the introductory paragraph

Here is an example of a simple thesis statement. “Our chess team comprises several categories of players.” Notice how this statement outlines the purpose of the essay and summarizes what the reader can expect from the rest of the paper.

In the body paragraphs, explain every category

Make sure that each point is addressed in a separate paragraph. Every category that you have listed in the thesis statement ought to be discussed in its own body paragraph. In general, classification essays can be as short or long as necessary. The length of your paper will be determined by, among other things the categories in your paper and the paper instructions. Each category should be supported with several examples that offer evidence. In an ideal sense, each category ought to be supported by a similar number of examples. The goal here is to explain each of the categories, explaining how each example provided fits into the category.

Conclude by offering a summary of all the key points in the paper, and restating the purpose of the essay

Your conclusion is your chance to have the final word on the issues discussed. In the same way that the introduction gives you the chance to make a good first impression, it is also important to make a good final impression. The goal of the classification essay conclusion is to restate the main points in your paper. In other words, it is the paragraph that reminds the audience of the strengths of your argument by reiterating the most significant evidence of the argument. However, it helps to ensure that the conclusion is not a mere repetition of some aspects of the paper, as this dilute the arguments made in the paper. Instead, write a conclusion that succinctly and persuasively restates your thesis. Remember not to introduce new information in the conclusion.

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Writing A Classification Paper


Classification is sorting things into groups or categories on a single basis of division. A classification paper says something meaningful about how a whole relates to parts, or parts relate to a whole. Like skimming, scanning, paraphrasing, and summarizing, classification requires the ability to group related words, ideas, and characteristics.

Prewriting and purpose It is a rare writer, student or otherwise, who can sit down and draft a classification essay without prewriting. A classification paper requires that you create categories, so prewriting for a classification paper involves grouping things in different ways in order to discover what categories make the most sense for the purpose you intend.

An important part of creating useful categories is seeing the different ways that things can be grouped. For example, a list of United States presidents may be grouped in any number of ways, depending on your purpose. They might be classified by political party, age on taking office, or previous occupations, but you could just as well, depending on your purpose, classify them by the pets they keep or how they keep physically fit. If your purpose was to analyze presidential administrations, you would group information focusing on the presidents' more public actions–say, cabinet appointments and judicial nominations. On the other hand, if you intended to write about the private lives of presidents, you might select information about personal relationships or hobbies.

Make sure the categories you create have a single basis of classification and that the group fits the categories you propose. You may not, for example, write about twentieth century presidents on the basis of the kinds of pets they kept if some of those presidents did not keep pets. The group does not fit the category. If you intend to talk about all the presidents, you must reinvent the categories so that all the presidents fit into it. In the example below, the group is "all U.S. presidents" and the two categories are "those who kept pets and those who did not":

Some U.S. presidents have indulged their love of pets, keeping menageries of animals around the White House, and others have preferred the White House pet-free.

Alternatively, in the following example, the group is "twentieth century U.S. presidential pet-keepers" and the three categories are "dog lovers, cat lovers, and exotic fish enthusiasts."

Among the twentieth century presidents who kept pets, presidential pet-keepers can be classified as dog-lovers, cat-lovers, or exotic fish enthusiasts (for who can really love a fish?).

Developing a thesis Once you have decided on your group, purpose, and categories, develop a thesis statement that does the following three things:

names what group of people or things you intend to classify describes the basis of the classification labels the categories you have developed

Here is a thesis statement for a classification paper written for a Health and Human Fitness class that includes all three of the above elements, underlined:

Our last five U.S. presidents have practiced physical fitness regimens that varied from the very formal to the informal . They have been either regular private gym-goers, disciplined public joggers, or casual active sports enthusiasts.

Ordering categories Order is the way you arrange ideas to show how they relate to one another. For example, it is common to arrange facts and discussion points from most- to least-important or from least- to most-important, or from oldest to most recent or longest to shortest. The example thesis statement above is ordered from most- to least-formal physical fitness activities. There is no one right way; use an ordering system that seems best to suit your purpose and the type of information you are working with.

For example, suppose you are writing about the last five U.S. presidents for a psychology class. If you wish to show that these presidents' public decisions spring directly from negative issues in their personal relationships, you might order your information from most private to more public actions to clearly establish this connection. Or, if you wish to give the reader the impression that he is moving into increasingly intimate knowledge of personal presidential foibles, you may choose the reverse, ordering your information from public to private.

Signal words Signal phrases, or transitions, typically used for classification papers include the following:

this type of... several kinds of... in this category... can be divided into... classified according to... is categorized by...

These phrases signal to the reader your intention to divide and sort things. They also contribute to the unity of the paper.

Classification requires that you invent (or discover) abstract categories, impose them on a concrete whole, and derive something new-a tall order that you can, nevertheless, manage if you resist the temptation to skip the brainstorming steps. Remember that clinical dissection is never an aim in itself; the point of classification is to reveal and communicate something meaningful.

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Classification Essay

Caleb S.

Classification Essay - Outline, Topics & Writing Tips

Published on: Jan 2, 2022

Last updated on: Jan 31, 2024

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Most high school and college students are often assigned to write a classification essay at some point in their academic life. Teachers assign this task to evaluate the student’s skills to categorize things. It can be a daunting task, but with the help of basic techniques, you can make the writing process easier.

Here are a few tips and guidelines that you can use to structure your classification essays properly. You have to plan your essay and figure out the categories beforehand to complete this assignment easily.

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Classification Essay Definition

A classification essay is a formal piece of writing used to evaluate your categorizing and generalization skills. It mainly aims to arrange various subjects and objects with similar characteristics.

For this, a writer needs to categorize and classify things into different groups and mention examples that fit into each. Similarly, you are also required to follow a single categorizing approach throughout the content. However, it is up to you to decide on criteria for classification to explain the reasoning and logic.

The entire process of classification essay writing is not very different from any other type of essay. Like other academic papers, the principles of essay writing remain the same, but it requires extensive research and analysis.

How to Start a Classification Essay?

Here are some important steps that you should follow to start a classification essay.

Most professors assign you a specific topic to write your classification essay. If you are not assigned, brainstorm different ideas and come up with an engaging topic. Decide on a group of things that can be logically divided into groups. Also, come up with something that has definitive categories for comparison.

After choosing a topic, decide on classification criteria. Think about all the possible categories in which the topic can split up. Some topic ideas have several options; thus, you will have to determine the exact angle to approach the essay’s theme. Furthermore, make sure that none of the categories is overlapping.

A  thesis statement  is the main argument of the writer on the topic. It is the stance that supports your entire essay, including the main body. Therefore, it is important to draft a strong statement. Also, use examples and evidence to make your essay effective and persuasive.

The next step is to conduct thorough research to gather interesting information for the audience. However, make sure to collect data from credible and authentic sources. It will further strengthen the content of your essay by making it more convincing and logical.

After collecting relevant information, you are now required to structure and organize it properly. Thus, write down the main ideas and present a logical connection between them. Eliminate unnecessary ideas if there are any.

Check out the following template outline that you can use for your division and classification essay.

  • Introductory paragraph - (A hook statement and thesis)
  • Body paragraph 1/Category number 1
  • Body paragraph 2/Category number 2
  • Body paragraph 3/Category number 3

How to Write a Classification Essay?

After planning out the basic structure, start the writing process. Follow the below-given steps to write a perfect classification essay.

The introduction is the first and the most important section of the classification essay. Here, you have to identify the subject and mention the objects to be categorized.

State an interesting hook statement to make your introduction appealing. Such as strong opening line will grab the reader’s attention towards the essay. After this, provide the purpose of the essay and explain the reason for categorizing the items.

Lastly, write a strong thesis statement to highlight the subject matter in the discussion. Develop this statement early during the writing process as it will help the writer stay in the right direction.

The body section of the classification essay comprises three or more paragraphs depending on the categories. All the paragraph provides relevant information, examples, and evidence to justify the thesis statement. Also, start each paragraph with a topic sentence.

The right approach is to discuss the most important category in the last paragraph. Use classification essay transition words to ensure that the data flows logically from one paragraph to another.

The following are some common transition phrases. Apply them each time you arrange things into groups and provide examples related to each class.

  • The 1st kind, the 2nd kind, the 3rd kind
  • The 1st group, the 2nd group, the 3rd group
  • The 1st category, the 2nd category, the 3rd category

It is the last section of a classification essay where you put together all the categories mentioned in the main body. Here, a writer will summarize all the central arguments and restate the thesis statement.

Also, mention the various types and approaches that you have examined in your classification essay. Recommend the particular one over the others, depending on the subject matter. However, make sure to emphasize why you have come to that conclusion.

The first draft of your classification essay is full of mistakes, but you can fix it up by editing and revising. For this, read your essay twice or thrice and ensure that it includes all the important points highlighted in the outline.

Eliminate all the language, punctuation, and spelling mistakes to give it a professional look. Similarly, get rid of all the unnecessary and overly complex words and phrases before the final submission.

Classification Essay Examples

Have a look at the following classification essay examples to understand writing a good one in no time.

Classification Essay Sample

Classification Essay Example About Students

Classification Essay About Food

Classification Essay Topics

Not all ideas can be good topics. Here we have mentioned some of the best topics for a classification essay, divided into several categories. It will help you choose a unique one for your essay.

  • Olympic games
  • Different genres of modern music
  • Rare species of animals
  • Types of dogs
  • Ways to treat obesity
  • Types of human relationships
  • Common phobias
  • Psychological disorders
  • Movies about memory loss
  • Meals that may lead to diabetes

Tips for Writing a Classification Essay

Keep in mind the expert tips given below while writing a good classification essay. It will make your essay stand out and draw the reader’s attention.

  • It is better to avoid choosing complex topics because extremely narrow or broad topics are hard to deal with.
  • Conduct extensive research to gather factual data for the essay.
  • Make sure to define and describe all the categories.
  • Provide authentic evidence and examples for each classified group. Make sure it offers a typical representation of the class.
  • Use credible sources of information.
  • Draft a perfect outline to organize the data properly.
  • Use a comparison and contrast technique to point out various similarities and differences between each category.
  • Proofread and revise your essay to make it perfect.

These are a few guidelines that will help you write an A-worthy classification essay. Planning out the assignment early and figuring out the categories is the key to success.

However, if you are still unsure about your research or writing skills, get quality help from our classification essay writing service now!

Our classification essay writers will help you submit a comprehensive piece of paper that will get you the grade you deserve. 

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Caleb S. (Literature, Marketing)

Caleb S. has extensive experience in writing and holds a Masters from Oxford University. He takes great satisfaction in helping students exceed their academic goals. Caleb always puts the needs of his clients first and is dedicated to providing quality service.

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To classify means to divide something into groups or categories. The classification is normally made according to one or more criteria. It is often necessary in academic English to classify something you are writing about in order to make comparisons and draw conclusions. This could be done in one or two sentences, a paragraph, or even a whole essay. This page gives information about how to classify , language for classification , and essay structure (if the classification is used for a whole essay).

How to classify

When classifying something, it is important to understand what criterion (or criteria , if there is more than one) that you are using to divide the thing into different groups. There may be more than one way to classify, and you will need to choose the criteria which make most sense for what you are writing about. For example, if you were to classify students in a university class, they could be divided according to any of the following criteria:

  • nationality
  • favourite colour

Classifying according to gender would divide the students into 'male' and 'female'. Dividing according to age is more complex, as you may need to specify age ranges, for example 'between 18 and 21', 'between 22 and 25', etc.

Language for classifying

The language used for classifying depends on whether you are describing the criterion or the result of applying the criterion. Compare the following examples.

  • The students in the class can be classified according to gender. [ criterion ]
  • The students in the class can be classified into male and female. [ result ]

The phrase 'according to' shows that you are talking about the criterion, while the word 'into' shows you are talking about the result. The following are further examples of language for classification using a criterion.

  • The students in the class may be classified on the basis of gender. [ criterion ]
  • The students in the class can be classified depending on gender. [ criterion ]

The following are further examples of language for classification showing the result.

  • Economics consists of two kinds: micro-economics and macro-economics. [ result ]
  • Economics consists of micro-economics and macro-economics. [ result ]
  • Economics comprises micro-economics and macro-economics. [ result ]

It may be necessary to classify when there is no name for the criterion you are using. For example, you may wish to divide a group into Asian and non-Asian students, but there is no category 'Asian-ness' which you can use as your criterion. In this case, you can use the construction 'according to whether... or not' to define the criterion. The language for stating the result is the same. See the following examples:

  • The students in the class can be classified according to whether they are Asian or not . [ criterion ]
  • The students in the class can be classified into Asian and non-Asian. [ result ]

Finally, it may be necessary to sub-divide, that is, to divide something which has already been divided. In this case, use 'sub-divided' for the second classification, and 'further sub-divided' for the next. See this example:

  • The students in the class can be classified according to gender. They can be sub-divided according to whether they are Asian or not . They can be further sub-divided according to age, into those who are below 25 years of age and those who are above 25.

According to this classification, we will end up with eight groups: Asian males under 25, Asian males over 25, non-Asian males under 25, etc. This is summarised in the following diagram.


There are two main ways to structure a classification essay. The first way, shown in the diagram below (left), is when a single criterion (or single way of categorising) is used, resulting in distinct categories. The purpose of this type of structure is to show understanding of the categories, or justify the method of classification, by giving the categories and describing their characteristics. Sometimes the categories may be sub-divided into sub-categories, which may be listed or described. For the single-criterion classification essay, the criterion (if there is one) should be given in the general background of the introduction, and the thesis statement should list the categories which will be described in the main body. Each body paragraph will usually describe one category in detail.

The second way, shown in the diagram below (right), is when multiple criteria are used to classify the topic in different ways. The purpose of this type of classification is to show understanding of how the topic can be categorised, or justify the criteria for classification, by giving the criteria and showing examples of groupings using these criteria. For the multiple-criteria classification essay, the thesis statement should list the criteria which are described in the main body. Each body paragraph will usually describe the criteria and the groups it leads to. Depending on the level of detail, the examples might be broken down into separate paragraphs.

The two types of structure are shown in the diagram below.

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Author: Sheldon Smith    ‖    Last modified: 31 October 2019.

Sheldon Smith is the founder and editor of He has been teaching English for Academic Purposes since 2004. Find out more about him in the about section and connect with him on Twitter , Facebook and LinkedIn .

Compare & contrast essays examine the similarities of two or more objects, and the differences.

Cause & effect essays consider the reasons (or causes) for something, then discuss the results (or effects).

Discussion essays require you to examine both sides of a situation and to conclude by saying which side you favour.

Problem-solution essays are a sub-type of SPSE essays (Situation, Problem, Solution, Evaluation).

Transition signals are useful in achieving good cohesion and coherence in your writing.

Reporting verbs are used to link your in-text citations to the information cited.

Common Essay Structures / Patterns of Development

Classification and division.

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Classification and Division asks you to break something down into its component parts, offering an insight or analysis into the thing you’re breaking down.  You actually use classification and division thinking a lot, perhaps without realizing it (e.g., different personality types of the people you know, different types of cars, different types of activities for your children, etc.).

In college writing, in addition to grouping and classifying, you’re also asked to make a point about the groupings that offers an analytical insight (e.g., Of all the sixteen personality types that Myers-Briggs identify, the ___ type is the best to hire in a ___ type of job, for a number of reasons.)  Your point – your main idea, angle, assertion – should be complex enough for you to develop creatively.  Division and classification thought is a way of organizing and dealing with complex and/or abundant information in order to provide additional understanding.

Essays using a classification and division pattern have topic sentences and units of support for each group or class.  The topic sentences themselves should have angles that relate back to the main angle in the thesis.

View the following video for a clear definition and multiple basic examples of the concepts of division and classification. (Note that you will be expected to apply the concepts of division and classification to more complex concepts for college essays.)

View the following video for a further explanation of classification and division pattern in essay writing.

Here’s a graphic organizer for the Classification and Division pattern.

Hierarchical diagram; Top = Thesis, makes a point about types or categories of something; middle = Topic sentences (point about first type, point about second type); bottom = Supporting paragraphs (details about first type, details about second type)

Classification and Division in Action:

Make sure to read sample Classification and Division essays in the Sample Essays section of this text.

  • Classification and Division. Authored by : Susan Oaks. Provided by : Empire State College, SUNY OER Services. Project : College Writing. License : CC BY-NC: Attribution-NonCommercial
  • image of fruit divided and organized into boxes. Authored by : shnomoe. Provided by : Pixabay. Located at : . License : CC0: No Rights Reserved
  • video Division and Classification. Authored by : Clay Rooks. Provided by : City College. Located at : . License : Other . License Terms : Standard YouTube License
  • video Classification Essay or Paragraph. Authored by : Shaun Macleod. Provided by : Smrt English. Located at : . License : Other . License Terms : Standard YouTube License

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Cramming for an exam isn’t the best way to learn – but if you have to do it, here’s how

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Senior Teaching Fellow in Education, University of Strathclyde

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Around the country, school and university students are hitting the books in preparation for exams. If you are in this position, you may find yourself trying to memorise information that you first learned a long time ago and have completely forgotten – or that you didn’t actually learn effectively in the first place.

Unfortunately, cramming is a very inefficient way to properly learn. But sometimes it’s necessary to pass an exam. And you can incorporate what we know about how learning works into your revision to make it more effective.

Read more: Exams: seven tips for coping with revision stress

A great deal of research evidence on how memory works over time shows that we forget new information very quickly at first, after which the process of forgetting slows down.

In practice, this means that very compressed study schedules lead to a catastrophic amount of forgetting.

A better option is to space out learning a particular topic more gradually and over a longer period. This is called the “spacing effect” and it leads to skills and knowledge being retained better, and for longer.

Research has found that we remember information better when we leave a gap of time between first studying something and revisiting it, rather than doing so straight away. This even works for short timescales – a delay of a few seconds when trying to learn a small piece of information, such as a pair of words, for instance. And it also works when the delay between study sessions is much longer .

In the classroom , spacing out practice could mean reviewing and practising material the next day, or delaying homework by a couple of weeks, rather than revisiting it as soon as possible. As a rule, psychologists have suggested that the best time to re-study material is when it is on the verge of being forgotten – not before, but also not after.

But this isn’t how things are learned across the school year. When students get to exam time, they have forgotten much of what was previously studied.

Better cramming

When it comes to actually learning – being able to remember information over the long term and apply it to new situations – cramming doesn’t work. We can hardly call it “learning” if information is forgotten a month later. But if you need to pass an exam, cramming can lead to a boost in temporary performance. What’s more, you can incorporate the spacing effect into your cramming to make it more efficient.

It’s better to space practising knowledge of a particular topic out over weeks, so if you have that long before a key exam, plan your revision schedule so you cover topics more than once. Rather than allocating one block of two hours for a particular topic, study it for one hour this week and then for another hour in a week or so’s time.

Empty exam hall

If you don’t have that much time, it’s still worth incorporating smaller gaps between practice sessions. If your exam is tomorrow, practice key topics in the morning today and then again in the evening.

Learning is also more effective if you actively retrieve information from your memory, rather than re-reading or underlining your notes. A good way to do this, incorporating the spacing effect, is to take practice tests. Revise a topic from your notes or textbook, take a half-hour break, and then take a practice test without help from your books.

An even simpler technique is a “brain dump” . After studying and taking a break, write down everything you can remember about the topic on a blank sheet of paper without checking your notes.

Change the way we teach

A shift in teaching practices may be needed to avoid students having to cram material they only half-remember before exams.

But my research suggests that teachers tend to agree with the idea that consolidation of a topic should happen as soon as possible, rather than spacing out practice in ways that would actually be more effective.

Teachers are overburdened and make heroic efforts with the time they have. But incorporating the spacing effect into teaching needn’t require radical changes to how teachers operate. Often, it’s as simple as doing the same thing on a different schedule .

Research has shown the most effective way to combine practice testing and the spacing effect is to engage in practice testing in the initial class, followed by at least three practice opportunities at widely spaced intervals. This is quite possible within the typical pattern of the school year.

For example, after the initial class, further practice could come via a homework task after a few days’ delay, then some kind of test or mock exam after a further gap of time. The revision period before exams would then be the third opportunity for consolidation.

Building effective self-testing and delayed practice into education would spell less stress and less ineffective cramming. Exam time would be for consolidation, rather than re-learning things that have been forgotten. The outcome would be better long-term retention of important knowledge and skills. As a bonus, school students would also gain a better insight into how to study effectively.

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What Is a Capstone Project vs. Thesis

what does classification essay mean

As students near the end of their academic journey, they encounter a crucial project called the capstone – a culmination of all they've learned. But what exactly is a capstone project? 

This article aims to demystify capstone projects, explaining what they are, why they matter, and what you can expect when you embark on this final academic endeavor.

Capstone Project Meaning

A capstone project is a comprehensive, culminating academic endeavor undertaken by students typically in their final year of study. 

It synthesizes their learning experiences, requiring students to apply the knowledge, skills, and competencies gained throughout their academic journey. A capstone project aims to address a real-world problem or explore a topic of interest in depth. 

As interdisciplinary papers, capstone projects encourage critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity. They allow students to showcase their mastery of their field of study and demonstrate their readiness for future academic or professional pursuits.

Now that we’ve defined what is a capstone project, let’s discuss its importance in the academic landscape. In case you have short-form compositions to handle, simply say, ‘ do my essay for me ,’ and our writers will take care of your workload.

Why Is a Capstone Project Important

A capstone project is crucial because it allows students to combine everything they've learned in school and apply it to real-life situations or big problems. 

It's like the ultimate test of what they know and can do. By working on these projects, students get hands-on experience, learn to think critically and figure out how to solve tough problems. 

Plus, it's a chance to show off their skills and prove they're ready for whatever comes next, whether that's starting a career or going on to more schooling.

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What Is the Purpose of a Capstone Project

Here are three key purposes of a capstone project:

What Is the Purpose of a Capstone Project

Integration of Knowledge and Skills

Capstones often require students to draw upon the knowledge and skills they have acquired throughout their academic program. The importance of capstone project lies in helping students synthesize what they have learned and apply it to a real-world problem or project. 

This integration helps students demonstrate their proficiency and readiness for graduation or entry into their chosen profession.

Culmination of Learning

Capstone projects culminate a student's academic journey, allowing them to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios. 

tackling a significant project or problem, students demonstrate their understanding of concepts and their ability to translate them into practical solutions, reinforcing their learning journey.

Professional Development

Capstone projects allow students to develop skills relevant to their future careers. These projects can also be tangible examples of their capabilities to potential employers or graduate programs.

Whether it's conducting research, presenting findings, or collaborating with peers, students gain valuable experience that enhances their professional readiness. 

Types of Capstone Projects

Capstones vary widely depending on the academic discipline, institution, and specific program requirements. Here are some common types:

What Is the Difference Between a Thesis and a Capstone Project

Here's a breakdown of the key differences between a thesis and a capstone project:

How to Write a Capstone Project

Let's dive into the specifics with actionable and meaningful steps for writing a capstone project:

1. Select a Pertinent Topic

Identify a topic that aligns with your academic interests, program requirements, and real-world relevance. Consider issues or challenges within your field that merit further exploration or solution. 

Conduct thorough research to ensure the topic is both feasible and significant. Here are some brilliant capstone ideas for your inspiration.

2. Define Clear Objectives

Clearly articulate the objectives of your capstone project. What specific outcomes do you aim to achieve? 

Whether it's solving a problem, answering a research question, or developing a product, ensure your objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

3. Conduct Comprehensive Research

Dive deep into existing literature, theories, and empirical evidence related to your chosen topic. Identify gaps, controversies, or areas for further investigation. 

Synthesize relevant findings and insights to inform the development of your project and provide a solid foundation for your analysis or implementation.

4. Develop a Structured Plan

What is a capstone project in college without a rigid structure? Outline a comprehensive plan for your capstone project, including key milestones, tasks, and deadlines. 

Break down the project into manageable phases, such as literature review, data collection, analysis, and presentation. Establish clear criteria for success and regularly monitor progress to stay on track.

5. Implement Methodological Rigor

If your project involves research, ensure methodological rigor by selecting appropriate research methods, tools, and techniques. 

Develop a detailed research design or project plan that addresses key methodological considerations, such as sampling, data collection, analysis, and validity. Adhere to ethical guidelines and best practices throughout the research process.

6. Analyze and Interpret Findings

Analyze your data or findings using appropriate analytical techniques and tools. Interpret the results in relation to your research questions or objectives, highlighting key patterns, trends, or insights. 

Critically evaluate the significance and implications of your findings within the broader context of your field or industry.

7. Communicate Effectively

Present your capstone project clearly, concisely, and compellingly. Whether it's a written report, presentation, or multimedia deliverable, tailor your communication style to your target audience. Clearly articulate your research questions, methodology, findings, and conclusions. 

Use visuals, examples, and real-world applications to enhance understanding and engagement. Be prepared to defend your project and answer questions from peers, faculty, or stakeholders.

In wrapping up, what is a capstone project? It’s like the grand finale of your academic journey, where all the knowledge and skills you've acquired come together in one big project. 

It's not just about passing a test or getting a grade – it's about proving you've got what it takes to make a real difference in the world. So, if you ever need capstone project help , our writers will gladly lend you a hand in no time.

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What Is a Capstone Project in College?

How to do a capstone project, how long does a capstone project take to complete.

Annie Lambert

Annie Lambert

specializes in creating authoritative content on marketing, business, and finance, with a versatile ability to handle any essay type and dissertations. With a Master’s degree in Business Administration and a passion for social issues, her writing not only educates but also inspires action. On EssayPro blog, Annie delivers detailed guides and thought-provoking discussions on pressing economic and social topics. When not writing, she’s a guest speaker at various business seminars.

what does classification essay mean

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

  • T. (2023, June 16). What Is a Capstone Project? National University.
  • Lukins, S. (2024, May 12). What is a capstone project? And why is it important? Top Universities.
  • Capstone Project vs. Thesis: What’s the Difference? (2021, December 9). UAGC.

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What These Stories About Samuel Alito’s “Provocative” Flags Are Really About

No, john roberts is not going to do anything about this one either..

It’s easy to be furious at Samuel Alito, who has recently racked up yet another petty personal grievance display over, of all things, flags. Last week saw the earthquake report that his wife flew a flag upside down—signaling either that the country is in danger or that the election was stolen—in the days after the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol. This week,   the New York Times further reports that Alito was flying an “Appeal to Heaven” flag at his New Jersey beach house this past summer. That flag is not merely another Jan. 6 signifier but is also rooted in John Locke’s “appeal to heaven,” meaning “a responsibility to rebel, even use violence, to overthrow unjust rule.”

In some ways, this is another very ridiculous, very 2024 story about the lengths to which ostensible adults will go toward owning the libs, and one justice’s fantastically bad judgment and cluelessness about the appearance of impropriety. But this is not even about Samuel Alito. Neither, actually, was the bombshell report about his alleged leak of the outcome of the Hobby Lobby decision in 2014 to wealthy religious Supreme Court lobbyists about Samuel Alito. To expend energy railing against this one petty, petty little man is to inveigh against the symptom as opposed to the problem.

It is just as easy to be enraged at Clarence Thomas and his myriad and corrosive ethics violations. His wife has texted with Mark Meadows over what she believed to be a stolen 2020 election, tried to encourage state legislators to support a slate of dummy electors, attended part of the “Stop the Steal” rally on Jan. 6, and testified before the Jan. 6 committee that she still believed that that election had been stolen. And Thomas has declined to recuse himself from the three Jan. 6 cases heard at the high court this year. But again, this is not about Ginni or Clarence Thomas. Expending energy hopelessly trying to shame Clarence Thomas or Samuel Alito is an act of incalculable futility.

It is not even, I fear, about Chief Justice John Roberts, who might have, in a different time and under different circumstances, been the type of history-minded leader who would have dealt with this shameless and flagrant squandering of the court’s reputation as a serious body. After all, Roberts once told Jeffrey Rosen in the Atlantic, “The Court is also ripe for a similar refocus on functioning as an institution, because if it doesn’t it’s going to lose its credibility and legitimacy as an institution.” But that chief justice left the chat at least a decade ago. In failing to act, over and over, he has been a powerful actor.

In Legitimacy Roberts’ stead we have been left with yet another defensive , thin-skinned thunderer about judicial independence and a longtime coddler of insurrectionists and grifters. Which is why calling on Roberts to take a page from Chief Justice Earl Warren’s playbook and use his moral authority to do something about Alito and Thomas—as Warren once did about Abe Fortas—is almost as futile as calling for him to put real teeth into an ethics code or conduct a meaningful investigation of the Dobbs leak. Roberts, respectfully, has long ago made the decision that he is simply one coequal vote among nine. He neither wants nor possesses the authority to rein in the MAGA justices. He may vote as though he cares about court legitimacy, but he chief justices like the harassed mother of a kid throwing a tantrum at Safeway—all shrugs and eye rolls. We can and should demand that Roberts account for what he knew and when he knew it, but Roberts will not solve the problem he has allowed to fester and grow.

So if the real problem here is not Sam Alito, or Clarence Thomas, or John Roberts, why have we wasted years of ink and umbrage and energy trying to change their behavior? Alito and Thomas will not be recusing themselves from either Fisher or the Trump immunity case. The chief justice will not be urging them to do so. No lawyer arguing in front of the court will, as Sherrilyn Ifill has been urging , demand a recusal or an investigation of justices with blatant conflicts of interest hearing these Jan. 6 cases because, as Noah Bookbinder of CREW recently told us on the Amicus podcast, to ask the very people you want to cast votes for you to find themselves conflicted is rank insanity. “The system of leaving it up to litigants to challenge justices as potentially conflicted doesn’t make any sense,” Bookbinder said. “Of course that’s not going to work. And leaving justices to make that determination doesn’t make any sense. You need to have some kind of outside body who can evaluate those kinds of questions.”

Who, who, who might that outside body be? Tapping my chin—you tap yours.

Bookbinder’s answer points beautifully to the real problem: We have a judicial enterprise that rules over us with absolutely no one ruling over it. Nobody should be all that surprised that Sen. Dick Durbin has announced that the Senate Judiciary Committee will not launch a probe into Alito’s recent conduct. The Senate has also been trying to unearth the financing for Thomas’ quarter-million-dollar, salt-of-the-earth RV, amid other ethics violations, and Leonard Leo has declined to comply with subpoenas related to it. Yes, the Senate should be acting to resolve this problem, but that seems to have largely stalled at “Ask them to recuse.”

So, just to review, this isn’t really a Sam Alito problem, or a Clarence Thomas problem, or a John Roberts problem—but it also isn’t even a Senate-Dems-who-can’t-muster-the-energy-to-close-the-deal problem.

No, I have come to conclude that this is an us problem. Because rather than hurling ourselves headlong into the “Alito Must Recuse” brick wall of “yeah, no,” we need to dedicate the upcoming election cycle, and the attendant election news cycle, to a discussion of the courts. Not just Alito or Thomas, who happen to go to work every day at the court, and not just Dobbs and gun control, which happen to have come out of the very same court, but the connection between those two tales: what it means to have a Supreme Court that is functionally immune from political pressure, from internal norms of behavior, from judicial ethics and disclosure constraints, and from congressional oversight, and why that is deeply dangerous. More so, why justices who were placed on the court to behave as well-compensated partisan politicians would do so in public as well as on paper. Until we do that, Alito will continue to fly around the world, giving speeches about his triumph in Dobbs and Thomas will keep taking gifts and failing to disclose them. That won’t be the end of the Supreme Court story; it will be just the start of it.

My friend Jennifer Rubin unspooled a call for Democrats to run in November on the promise of abortion rights and court and filibuster reform. That too will be a start. But Donald Trump is already training us to accept the argument that presidents need to be able to order the assassination of their rivals, and Alito is training us to tolerate the notion that if we don’t grant presidents immunity for such acts, they won’t agree to peacefully leave office. In the span of a week, Alito has also trained us to accept that justices can fly whatever inciting and ideological symbols they like, even if the guys who work in the SCOTUS mailroom can’t, because justices are also the recipients of blanket immunity. The problem with these arguments about offering immunity to bad actors is that you can metabolize the helplessness almost as rapidly as you metabolize the idea of immunity itself. It’s not merely the idea that law is for suckers that we have normalized in this precarious moment—it’s the tragic collective conclusion that there is nothing to be done about the fact that the light is really flashing red right now.

An imperial court is the problem, not Martha-Ann Alito’s childish tantrums and not whatever her husband will tell Fox News tomorrow about how the haters made him fly a Christian nationalist flag as the court took on the mifepristone case. Please don’t let the rapid riptides of the news cycle or the sense that God wants us all to live under the fist of an imperial court forever and ever, amen, distract from the fact that term limits, court expansion, an inspector general, and filibuster reform, all of this is possible, and none of it is happening in the wake of the Alito flag revelations, just as none of it was happening when Ginni Thomas showed up at an insurrection rally. The court is hearing cases on the docket while some justices are living life off the docket that prove one thing only: that institutional immunity is not so much taken as silently and invisibly conferred. If we have learned anything at all in the recent past, it’s that it’s also contagious.

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13.2: Basic Structure of the Classification Essay

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The Thesis Statement

The thesis statement in a classification essay often identifies the classified groups. Further, it should make an assertion about the relevance or importance of the groups. Students will need to develop clear and concise thesis statements that identify the point and purpose of the essay while breaking the subjects down into logically developed paragraphs. Thesis statements should always be written in third person. There are two kinds of thesis statements: a basic thesis statement and a listing thesis statement.

Basic Thesis Statement

Although the animals of the Earth have distinct environments, how they move through their varying environments is based not on the habitat, but on the method of propulsion.

The basic thesis statement identifies the topic and makes an assertion about the topic, stating the position of the writer.

Listing or Mapping Thesis Statement

Animals move through their environments in one of three ways: by feet, wings, or fins.

The mapping thesis statement identifies the topic (animals), makes an assertion about the topic (move through their environments in one of three ways) and lists the categories (feet, wings, and fins).


The introduction is the hook. It grabs the reader’s attention and provides engagement in the topic. As with many rhetorical strategies, topics can be introduced by telling a story that is related to the topic, asking a question that the thesis answers, asking a rhetorical question that has no answer but introduces the reader to the subject matter. Usually, the final sentence of the introduction is the thesis statement.

Body Paragraphs

Each category in the classification needs its own paragraph. In addition, if the categories are mentioned in a mapping thesis statement, follow the order established in the thesis statement. In developing each category, explain the specifics that make the category, provide examples of things that fall into the category, and evidence of those distinctions.

Conclusions address key points in the essay and tie the introduction to the conclusion.

Your conclusion should not just restate the thesis; it should comment on the significance of the thesis. What does your reader know now after reading your essay that wasn't known before?

For more explanation regarding introductions, conclusions and thesis statements, refer to Chapter 6 .

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Guest Essay

Do You Want a ‘Unified Reich’ Mind-Set in the White House?

A photo of Donald Trump raising his fist in the air. His arm is obscuring his face from the side.

By David Austin Walsh

Dr. Walsh is a postdoctoral associate at the Yale program for the study of antisemitism and the author of “Taking America Back: The Conservative Movement and the Far Right.”

It is hard to be shocked by Donald Trump anymore. The former president’s trial over hush money paid to a porn star has made history, and his performance in court has been so farcical that Mr. Trump was threatened with jail time for contempt of court. He has called his political enemies “vermin” and said that immigrants are “poisoning the blood” of America. Mr. Trump’s transgressions against American political norms are by now almost a cliché.

Yet when Mr. Trump posted on Monday a video on his Truth Social account that featured mock headlines about his re-election in 2024, including one that predicted that “what’s next for America” was the “creation of a unified reich,” it was a shock of a different order, a suggestion that our country was on a glide path toward Nazi Germany in a second Trump term.

Mr. Trump’s penchant for flirting with authoritarianism and fascism is well known — he praised the neo-Nazi marchers in Charlottesville, Va., in 2017, has dined with the white supremacist Nick Fuentes and, of course, instigated the Jan. 6 riot. But the “unified reich” video shows a different kind of danger in another Trump presidency.

The Associated Press reported that the references in the video “appear to be a reference to the formation of the modern Pan-German nation, unifying smaller states into a single reich, or empire, in 1871.” A Trump campaign representative claimed that the video was posted by a campaign staff member while the candidate was in court. That underscores the bigger problem in the Republican Party today, one that goes far beyond Mr. Trump: a generation of young Republican staff members appears to be developing terminal white nationalist brain. And they will staff the next Republican administration.

This is a problem that other Republican candidates have faced as well. Last July the Ron DeSantis campaign fired a speechwriter and former National Review contributor, Nate Hochman, for promoting a pro-DeSantis video featuring Nazi imagery ; and scores of Republican aides on Capitol Hill have been outed by reporters as “groypers” — a term used to describe fans of Mr. Fuentes.

Not every young Republican campaign staff member is a fascist. But the far right is a significant part of the Republican Party’s political coalition. Mr. Trump sailed through the G.O.P. primaries and has probably secured the nomination. The presence of so many extremist elements in positions of power and influence is the price to be paid in the party’s bargain with MAGAism: Representatives Marjorie Taylor Greene and Paul Gosar addressed a white nationalist conference in 2022, and an investigative report from 2020 found that at least 12 Trump administrative aides had ties to neo-Nazi and anti-immigrant hate groups.

The contemporary American right might not be a monolith, but it functions like a “ popular front ,” which traditionally refers to the broad coalition between leftists and liberals in the 1930s unifying against a common fascist enemy. But similar dynamics existed on the right throughout the 20th century and continue.

This is not a new dynamic in conservative politics. The popular-front approach was the staple organizing principle of the American right during the 20th century. In fact, the right-wing popular front gave birth to modern conservatism, unifying a disparate group of right wingers, including luminaries like Senator Joseph McCarthy, Gen. Douglas MacArthur and William F. Buckley Jr. and more obscure — and more radical — figures like the magazine owner Russell Maguire, the classics professor Revilo Oliver and the American Nazi Party chief George Lincoln Rockwell. What bound this motley coalition together was shared opposition to communism, socialism and New Deal liberalism.

Extremists and fascist sympathizers could be found even in the commanding heights of the movement — and other conservatives knew it. Mr. Maguire, a Connecticut businessman and arms manufacturer, purchased The American Mercury magazine in 1952 and turned it into one of the most influential conservative journals of its day, inveighing against the threat of international communism, creeping liberalism and collectivism. It was perhaps the most widely read conservative magazine of its era, with a circulation of over 100,000 at its peak in the mid-1950s (by contrast, Mr. Buckley’s National Review struggled to reach 20,000 readers by the end of the decade).

But Mr. Maguire was also an outspoken antisemite who helped distribute books claiming that a Jewish plot threatened to subvert America. The editor of The American Mercury, William Bradford Huie, defended his professional relationship with the publisher because Mr. Maguire’s money was helping to get the conservative message out. “If suddenly I heard Adolf Hitler was alive in South America and wanted to give a million dollars to The American Mercury,” he told a reporter, “I would go down and get it.”

Still, there were political limits to openly embracing the swastika only a few years after World War II, which suggests that appeals to a “unified reich” will backfire on the Trump campaign. Both Mr. Maguire and Mr. Buckley had employed Mr. Rockwell at their magazines in the late 1950s. Mr. Rockwell, who according to his autobiography had embraced Nazism as early as 1951, approached Mr. Maguire in the late 1950s to finance a “slow, secret Nazi buildup” throughout the country. To Mr. Rockwell’s dismay, Mr. Maguire — a millionaire — offered him only $1,000. The political costs of organizing under the swastika were too high.

After Mr. Rockwell began making public appearances as a Nazi, he quickly became one of the most hated men in the country. Ironically, many of his political stances — opposition to the civil rights movement, support for segregation and intense antipathy to communism — were relatively popular in America in the 1960s, but explicitly tying those politics to Nazi imagery was a dead end. Whatever behind-the-scenes political influence Mr. Rockwell amassed working for The American Mercury or National Review was extinguished when he embraced the swastika.

Times have changed. While the far right has not been the decisive political force that put Mr. Trump in office, he has benefited from its support in some states — and has never paid a clear political price for boosting extremists. Despite his extensive record of political extremism, Mr. Trump still won over 74 million votes in 2020 and has maintained a consistent polling edge over President Biden in 2024.

Contemporary far-right activists like Mr. Fuentes clearly see Mr. Trump’s campaign as another opportunity to build power and influence. And unlike in decades past — where the far right was an important part of the right-wing popular front but did not exert hegemonic control — MAGAism is today the dominant strain in conservative politics.

If elected, Mr. Trump has promised to not govern as a dictator “except for Day 1” of his administration and to “root out the communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical-left thugs.” These are not empty words; the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 proposals are a road map to use executive authority to purge the federal government and replace current civil servants with conservative loyalists.

The likeliest candidates for those positions are campaign staff members and other activists. Given that it now seems to be almost commonplace for Republican staff members to have ties to white nationalists and neo-Nazis and that the Texas G.O.P. recently voted against barring them from associating with antisemitic individuals or groups, we should be very concerned about the potential role of far-right aides in a second Trump administration.

A unified reich in America may still be just a fantasy, but those fantasists could soon be in positions of real power.

David Austin Walsh is a postdoctoral associate at the Yale program for the study of antisemitism and the author of “ Taking America Back : The Conservative Movement and the Far Right.”

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  1. How to Write a Classification Essay: Guide & Examples

    A classification essay is a type of academic essay that categorizes a topic into distinct groups based on shared characteristics or criteria. The writer's purpose is to create a clear organization of information. Classification should be logical, making it easier for readers to remember the information being presented.

  2. Classification Essay: Topics, Outline and Writing Tips

    Classification essay outline. The outline is a general description or plan that schematically displays the main points of your essay. The main point of an outline is to help you see the structure of your essay and use it as a useful guide for writing. Usually, a typical outline describes the essence of each point in one sentence.

  3. 10.4 Classification

    Building on Note 10.43 "Exercise 1" and Note 10.46 "Exercise 2", write a five-paragraph classification essay about one of the four original topics. In your thesis, make sure to include the topic, subtopics, and rationale for your breakdown. And make sure that your essay is organized into paragraphs that each describes a subtopic.

  4. How to Develop and Organize a Classification Essay

    Updated on July 03, 2019. Classification is a method of developing an essay by arranging people, objects, or ideas with shared characteristics into particular classes or groups. After you have settled on a topic for a classification essay * and explored it through various prewriting strategies, you should be ready to attempt a first draft.

  5. 4.6: Classification Essays

    Use the following classification equation to craft your thesis statement: topic+ subtopics + rationale for the subtopics = thesis. The organizing strategy of a classification essay is dictated by the initial topic and the subsequent subtopics. Each body paragraph is dedicated to fully illustrating each of the subtopics.

  6. Classification Essay

    Topics: When choosing a topic make sure the topic is complex enough to be divided into categories, while not being so broad that the reader is overwhelmed with categories. Categories: Since a classification essay breaks a topic or subject into categories, it is important for each category to be distinct from one another. Categories that overlap will be nebulous and difficult for a reader to ...

  7. 11.1: The Purpose of Classification in Writing

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  8. 4.5: Classification

    Through this classification essay, the writer hopes to show the readers a different way of considering the state of New York. Each body paragraph of a classification essay is dedicated to fully illustrating each of the subcategories. In the previous example, then, each region of New York would have its own paragraph.

  9. PDF Classification Essay

    What is a Classification Essay? A classification essay is writing that organizes, or sorts, things into categories. Three Steps to Effective Classification: 1. Sort things into useful categories. 2. Make sure all the categories follow a single organizing principle. 3. Give examples that fit into each category. Finding Categories: This is a key ...

  10. Classification: Definition With Examples

    In rhetoric and composition, classification is a method of paragraph or essay development in which a writer arranges people, objects, or ideas with shared characteristics into classes or groups. A classification essay often includes examples and other supporting details that are organized according to types, kinds, segments, categories, or ...

  11. 5.4 Classification

    It should include the topic, your subtopics, and the reason you are choosing to break down the topic in the way that you are. Use the following classification thesis equation: topic + subtopics + rationale for the subtopics = thesis. The organizing strategy of a classification essay is dictated by the initial topic and the subsequent subtopics.

  12. How To Write A Classification Essay in 7 Steps + Examples

    Step 3: Brainstorm Ideas About Your Subject. To start writing a classification essay, it is important to first decide on a clear and specific criteria for classification. With credible information in hand, let your creativity flow. Jot down all the possible categories related to your chosen topic.

  13. Classification & Division Essay

    Classification-Division Definition. Classification-division text structure is an organizational structure in which writers sort items or ideas into categories according to commonalities. It allows ...

  14. What is a classification essay?

    This article explores the definition and structure of a classification essay. There are two main parts in the definition of the classification essay, the 'classification' and the 'essay'. Classification implies the process of grouping together things or people according to shared similarities. An example of a simple classification is to group ...

  15. Classification Essay Guide: 30 Topics & Examples

    Keep to the number of words. If instructions specify a certain amount of characters (letters, numbers et al.) be cautious to observe the count. Precision is always rewarded. Do not use words that question your confidence regarding classifications, namely 'maybe, probably,' 'I guess,' etc.

  16. Writing A Classification Paper

    Classification is sorting things into groups or categories on a single basis of division. A classification paper says something meaningful about how a whole relates to parts, or parts relate to a whole. Like skimming, scanning, paraphrasing, and summarizing, classification requires the ability to group related words, ideas, and characteristics.

  17. How to Write a Classification Essay

    Classification Essay Definition. A classification essay is a formal piece of writing used to evaluate your categorizing and generalization skills. It mainly aims to arrange various subjects and objects with similar characteristics. For this, a writer needs to categorize and classify things into different groups and mention examples that fit ...

  18. Classification Essays

    To classify means to divide something into groups or categories. The classification is normally made according to one or more criteria. It is often necessary in academic English to classify something you are writing about in order to make comparisons and draw conclusions. This could be done in one or two sentences, a paragraph, or even a whole ...

  19. 11.2: The Structure of a Classification Essay

    The thesis explains not only the category and subcategory but also the rationale for breaking it into those categories. Through this classification essay, the writer hopes to show his or her readers a different way of considering the state. Each body paragraph of a classification essay is dedicated to fully illustrating each of the subcategories.

  20. Classification and Division Essay ⇒ Writing Guide and Tips

    In classification essays, each body paragraph usually starts with the introduction of one of the categories of your classification. For division essays, it would be one of the parts of the whole. Each category should be accompanied by its characteristics and traits backed up by solid examples. 7. Write the conclusion.

  21. Classification and Division

    Essays using a classification and division pattern have topic sentences and units of support for each group or class. The topic sentences themselves should have angles that relate back to the main angle in the thesis. View the following video for a clear definition and multiple basic examples of the concepts of division and classification.

  22. Classification & Division Essay

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  28. 13.2: Basic Structure of the Classification Essay

    Students will need to develop clear and concise thesis statements that identify the point and purpose of the essay while breaking the subjects down into logically developed paragraphs. Thesis statements should always be written in third person. There are two kinds of thesis statements: a basic thesis statement and a listing thesis statement.

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  30. Do You Want a 'Unified Reich' Mind-Set in the White House?

    Dr. Walsh is a postdoctoral associate at the Yale program for the study of antisemitism and the author of "Taking America Back: The Conservative Movement and the Far Right." It is hard to be ...