Mass Effect - How To Complete The UNC: Hostile Takeover Assignment


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In the first Mass Effect game, Commander Shepard's main goal is to stop Saren and his army of Geth. However, this is an RPG, so there are plenty of side quests, too. In these optional missions, Shepard can lend assistance to various people in the galaxy.

RELATED: Mass Effect: Best Assignments For Learning Lore About The Universe

One of the more morally questionable people the hero can help is named Helena Blake. She is part of an organization that is involved in plenty of criminal activity. However, she's not the worse part of it, as she works alongside two people crueler than her. In the Hostile Takeover assignment, she wants you to get rid of them. Here's everything you need to know to complete the quest.

Talk To Helena Blake

This quest becomes available after Shepard becomes a Spectre , and there are two ways to trigger it. You can either decrypt a C-Sec computer or speak to Helena Blake .

Either way, you will need to meet with Blake eventually to start the assignment. She is in the Citadel's Presidium area. More specifically, she's in the financial district, near the Emporium.

In the conversation with her, she requests that you take down her two business associates that are getting involved in slavery and drug peddling. You can ask for more information using the investigate tab. After that, you can either accept or reject the job.

Naturally, you'll want to accept it, but even if you reject her mission, she still gives you the information you need in case you change your mind.

Visit The Base On Klensal

It doesn't matter which of Helena's associates you go after first.

For one of the crime bosses, you must head to the Dis System in the Hades Gamma cluster. Once there, look for a planet named Klensal.

After you land on the planet, make your way to a location called Syndicate Hideout.

The place doesn't provide a warm welcome, as there are several troops outside , including two snipers. If you remain in the Mako, it's easy to wipe them all out.

After dealing with them, you can head down into the mine. Go through the first few doors and make sure your allies get through, too, as they sometimes get stuck.

Eventually, you reach the main room where all the enemies are waiting. The first set of boxes makes for good cover, and you can shoot through the middle of them.

However, watch out for the close-range enemies that charge you. Make sure to take them out as quickly as possible to avoid becoming a victim of their shotguns. You also need to keep an eye out for snipers, who will try to pick you off.

When you've cleared out most of them, head to the back of the room , as that's probably where the crime boss will be hiding. Once you've killed him, you can loot the base and leave.

Visit The Base On Mavigon

The second crime boss is holed up within the Han system of the Gemini Sigma cluster . The planet they're hanging out on is called Mavigon.

Once there, head to the Syndicate Hideout icon on the map . It takes a bit of effort to reach it, as it's atop a steep mountain. You have to use the Mako's boost ability to get up there.

This base has better protection than the last one, as it has three large turrets to defend itself. Take them out and head inside.

Unfortunately - but unsurprisingly - things don't get easier when you enter the hideout. The place contains many goons with the Krogans being the most problematic . There are some snipers that may cause you issues, too.

Thankfully, the building has a lot of cover. So, after taking down the Krogan, it may be best to hunker down and pick the rest off from a distance.

When you kill them all, loot the place and leave.

Find And Deal With Helena Blake

Now that the two crime bosses are dealt with, you need to meet up with Helena Blake again . She's not at the same place as before, though, as she's now at her own base . It is located in the Fortuna system of the Horse Head Nebula . The planet you're looking for is called Amaranthine.

After you touch down on the surface, go to the Engineering Outpost . There are no defenses at the base, as Blake wants your meeting to be peaceful. To that end, when you head inside, there is no shooting. Instead, Helena is there to speak with you.

She thanks you for wiping out her associates and allowing her to take over.

Your first response doesn't really matter, as regardless of what you say, she'll claim that her group won't get involved in serious crimes anymore. But your second dialog choice dictates the ending of the quest. Here are your choices and consequences:

Whatever route you take, the mission comes to an end.

NEXT: Mass Effect: UNC: Major Kyle Assignment Walkthrough

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  • 1.1.1 Shepard's Background
  • 1.1.2 Squad Member Assignments
  • 1.2.1 General
  • 1.2.2 Second Visit
  • 1.2.3 Detainee Visit
  • 1.3.1 Feros
  • 1.3.2 Noveria
  • 1.3.3 Virmire
  • 1.4.1 Galaxy Collection Assignments
  • 1.4.2 Uncharted Space Assignments
  • 1.4.3 Morality-dependent Assignments
  • 1.5.1 Bring Down the Sky
  • 1.5.2 Pinnacle Station
  • 2.1 Normandy
  • 2.3 Citadel
  • 2.6 Tuchanka
  • 2.7.1 Project Firewalker
  • 2.7.2 Project Overlord
  • 2.7.3 Arrival

Assignments are the side missions of Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 . These have little to no bearing to the overarching narrative, but completing them may further understanding of the series' underlying workings.

There is a large variety of assignments to complete; this page is a list of them. Click on a specific assignment in the list to read its detailed walkthrough. For a list of missions broken up by cluster and system, see the Mass Effect System Guide .

Some assignments are listed more than once; this is intentional and is intended to make them simpler to find by listing them in all relevant contexts as they appear in the Journal .

For an alphabetical list of assignments, see Category:Assignments ; for locations, see Category:Assignment Locations .

Mass Effect [ ]

Please Note: The assignment names as given here are intended to match those in the game; sometimes the game itself is inconsistent, in which case all of the variations are listed here ( e.g. Asari Diplomacy , Missing Person ).

Character-Specific Assignments [ ]

Shepard's background [ ].

These assignments relate to Shepard's pre-service history.

  • Citadel: Old, Unhappy, Far-Off Things (only available if Shepard has the Spacer background)
  • Citadel: Old Friends (only available if Shepard has the Earthborn background)
  • Citadel: I Remember Me (only available if Shepard has the Colonist background)

Squad Member Assignments [ ]

These assignments relate to the histories of your fellow crewmates.

  • Garrus: Find Dr. Saleon → Garrus: Dr. Saleon is Dead
  • Tali and the Geth → Tali's pilgrimage
  • Wrex: Family Armor

Citadel Assignments [ ]

General [ ].

These assignments are available during your first and all future visits to the Citadel.

  • Citadel: Asari Consort
  • Citadel: Doctor Michel → Citadel: Doctor Michel is Safe
  • Citadel: Homecoming
  • Citadel: Jahleed's Fears → Citadel: Jahleed's Secret → Citadel: Jahleed and Chorban | Citadel: Jahleed Returns Materials | Citadel: Jahleed Arrested | Citadel: Jahleed Set Free
  • Citadel: Presidium Prophet
  • Citadel: Reporter's Request
  • Citadel: Rita's Sister → Citadel: Rita's Sister and Chellick → Citadel: Rita's Sister is Safe
  • Citadel: Scan the Keepers
  • Citadel: Schells the Gambler → Citadel: Schells' Scanner Given Away | Citadel: Schells has his Data
  • Citadel: Signal Tracking
  • Citadel: The Fan
  • Citadel: Xeltan's Complaint → Citadel: Xeltan Convinced
  • Missing Person → UNC: Privateers

Second Visit [ ]

These assignments are available after completing one of the major missions (Noveria, Feros or rescuing Liara).

  • Citadel: Family Matter
  • Citadel: Planting a Bug
  • Citadel: Snap Inspection
  • Citadel: The Fourth Estate

Detainee Visit [ ]

These assignments are only available during your detention at the Citadel.

  • Citadel: Our Own Worst Enemy
  • Citadel: Negotiator's Request

Charted Planet Assignments [ ]

These assignments are specific to their relative planet.

  • Feros: Data Recovery
  • Feros: Geth in the Tunnels
  • Feros: Power Cells
  • Feros: Varren Meat
  • Feros: Water Restoration

Noveria [ ]

  • Noveria: Espionage
  • Noveria: Smuggling

Virmire [ ]

  • Virmire: Assisting Kirrahe's Team → Virmire: Kirrahe's team | Virmire: Captain Kirrahe is Dead
  • Virmire: Wrex and the Genophage → Virmire: Wrex is Convinced

Galaxy-Wide Assignments [ ]

These assignments span the entirety of Citadel-controlled space. Assignments prefixed with the UNC indicator represent assignments that take place on uncharted planets.

Galaxy Collection Assignments [ ]

These assignments involve traveling across Citadel space and finding numerous hidden collectibles.

  • UNC: Prothean Data Discs → UNC: Collection Complete
  • UNC: Turian Insignias → UNC: Collection Complete
  • UNC: Valuable Minerals → UNC: Survey is Complete
  • UNC: Locate Signs of Battle → UNC: Entire Collection is Found
  • UNC: Asari Writings → UNC: Collection Complete

Uncharted Space Assignments [ ]

Morality-dependent assignments [ ].

  • UNC: Besieged Base
  • UNC: The Negotiation

Downloadable Content [ ]

Bring down the sky [ ].

  • X57: Bring Down the Sky
  • X57: Avoid the Blasting Caps
  • X57: Missing Engineers

Pinnacle Station [ ]

  • Pinnacle Station: Combat Missions
  • Pinnacle Station: Convoy
  • Pinnacle Station: Vidinos

Note: Pinnacle Station content is not available in Legendary Edition.

Mass Effect 2 [ ]

Note: The assignment names as listed here are intended to match those in the game; sometimes the game itself is inconsistent, in which case all of the variations are listed here ( e.g. Citadel: Found Forged ID , Citadel: False Positives ).

Normandy [ ]

  • Normandy: FBA Couplings
  • Normandy: Serrice Ice Brandy
  • Normandy: Special Ingredients
  • Omega: Archangel: Datapad Recovered
  • Omega: Batarian Bartender
  • Omega: Packages for Ish
  • Omega: Struggling Quarian
  • Omega: The Patriarch
  • Omega: The Professor: Missing Assistant

Citadel [ ]

  • Citadel: Crime in Progress
  • Citadel: False Positives
  • Citadel: Found Forged ID → Citadel: False Positives
  • Citadel: Krogan Sushi
  • Illium: A Troublemaker  →  Illium: Conrad Verner
  • Illium: Blue Rose of Illium
  • Illium: Conrad Verner
  • Illium: Gianna Parasini
  • Illium: Indentured Service
  • Illium: Medical Scans
  • Illium: The Assassin: Salarian Family Data
  • Illium: The Justicar: Smuggling Evidence
  • Illium: The Justicar: Stolen Goods Found
  • Illium: The Prodigal: Lost Locket Found

Tuchanka [ ]

  • Tuchanka: Combustion Manifold
  • Tuchanka: Killing Pyjaks
  • Tuchanka: Old Blood: Missing Scout

Downloadable content [ ]

  • Normandy Crash Site

Project Firewalker [ ]

  • Project Firewalker: Geth Activity (Labelled Project Firewalker: Geth Incursion on the Galaxy Map )
  • Project Firewalker: Prothean Site (Labelled Project Firewalker: Prothean Ruin on the Galaxy Map )
  • Project Firewalker: Rosalie Lost
  • Project Firewalker: Survey Sites Located (Labelled Project Firewalker: Artifact Collection on the Galaxy Map )
  • Project Firewalker: Volcano Station (Labelled Project Firewalker: Recover Research Data on the Galaxy Map )

Project Overlord [ ]

  • Overlord (Labelled Investigate Project Overlord on the Galaxy Map )
  • Overlord: Atlas Station
  • Overlord: Prometheus Station
  • Overlord: Vulcan Station

Arrival [ ]

  • Arrival (Labelled Rescue Dr. Kenson on the Galaxy Map )
  • Mass Effect
  • 3 Romance (Mass Effect: Andromeda)

Mass Effect Assignments: how to start every side quest & assignment

While you’ll be doing a lot of running and gunning across the Galaxy, Mass Effect is still a traditional RPG in many ways. That naturally means a whole bunch of side quests - or Assignments,  as they’re known officially in the game.

As with the various character classes, abilities and class specializations in Mass Effect 1, the assignments featured are pretty typical RPG tropes - various quests that offer up rewards like XP, items, gear, paragon or renegade alignment points, and of course new and unique storylines. Completing the majority of the game nets you the ‘Completionist’ trophy/achievement - so if you’re going for that, you’ll need to tidy up the majority of the assignments.

One advantage of the branching, multi-game narrative of Mass Effect is that several of these side quests and assignments can also feature choices that have consequences in Mass Effect 2 and 3 - if you do the quest.

On this page, we’ll list every side quest assignment in Mass Effect, plus where to start them and any other key information completionists will need to know - broken up by each of Mass Effect’s core locations:

  • Citadel Assignments, part 1

Normandy Squadmate Assignments

  • Citadel Assignments, part 2
  • Story Planet Assignments on Feros, Noveria & Virmire
  • Citadel Assignments, part 3
  • DLC Assignments
  • Collectible assignments

Uncharted World Assignments


Citadel Assignments Part 1

These assignments are available from your very first visit to the Citadel very early in the game, though some assignments unlock gradually as more of the Citadel becomes available to you. 

  • Citadel: Asari Consort: visit the Consort’s Chambers on the Presidium and speak to Nelyna and then Sha’ira.
  • Citadel: Doctor Michel: head to the Lower Wards Med Clinic again any time after taking down Fist in Chora’s Den as part of the main story. 
  • This quest evolves into a ‘second part’ called ‘Citadel: Doctor Michel is Safe’
  • Citadel: Homecoming: once Tali has joined your party, speak to Samesh Bhatia near the embassy area commons area, not far from where there’s an Avina terminal.
  • This quest leads to several follow-up quests as the storyline twists and turns, including Citadel: Jahleed's Secret ,   Citadel: Jahleed and Chorban , followed by one of a number of finales such as Citadel: Jahleed Returns Materials , Citadel: Jahleed Arrested , Citadel: Jahleed Set Free . 
  • Citadel: Presidium Prophet: after the council reject your claims about Eden Prime and the Citadel: Expose Saren main quest begins, find a C-Sec Officer and Hanar on the Presidium in the wide open area near the Citadel Tower. 
  • Citadel: Reporter's Request: as soon as you can access the Upper Wards (once you’re working to expose Saren), find Emily Wong near the stairway to Flux. Alternatively, picking up the OSD in Fist’s office in Chora’s Den also retroactively gives you the quest. 
  • This quest evolves into Citadel: Rita's Sister and Chellick and Citadel: Rita's Sister is Safe as you progress it.
  • Citadel: Scan the Keepers: this assignment is dropped into your lap; after meeting the council, a Salarian is right in your path, fiddling with a keeper. A squadmate will even point them out. Chat to the Salarian, Chorban, to start the quest. If you’ve already started the Citadel: Jahleed’s Fears quest before this one, Chorban will move to the Lower Markets, where you can still get the quest from him. We’ve got a guide to the Keeper Locations to get you through this quest.
  • Depending on choices you make, this assignment will change into either Citadel: Schells' Scanner Given Away or Citadel: Schells has his Data .
  • Citadel: Signal Tracking: visit Flux Casino on the Lower Wards and examine a ‘Suspicious Gambling Machine’ in the upstairs corner to start this quest. We’ve got a guide on the signal tracking locations if you need help.
  • Citadel: The Fan: you’ll find Conrad Verner standing in the Markets area of the Upper Wards. There are three stages to this assignment; you’ll need to visit Verner when you first gain access to the wards, then again after becoming a Spectre, and one last time after completing any of the three main story worlds.
  • As it progresses, this quest changes name to Citadel: Xeltan Convinced .
  • Missing Person / UNC: Privateers: get this assignment by speaking to Garoth in the Citadel Tower after your second meeting with the council. Alternatively, it can be received by hacking a computer terminal on Noveria. It will also automatically trigger if you find and scan the MSV Majesty in the Horse Head Nebula.

Once you’re back on the Normandy after your first Citadel Visit, you’ll have the chance to talk to your squadmates during down time aboard the ship. If you keep talking to them, three of your alien squad members will have requests for you.

What squadmates have to say changes each time you complete a main story mission; you may have to complete one or two story missions before they give you their request and the associated assignment .

  • Garrus: Find Dr. Saleon: keep talking to Garrus and he’ll gradually reveal information about this C-Sec case gone wrong, which eventually gives you a location to head to.
  • Tali and the Geth / Tali’s Pilgrimage: Tali will tell you about her pilgrimage, but this assignment only pops when you clear a Geth Base on Solcrum as part of UNC: Geth Incursions. There’s a terminal you can interact with in that planet’s Geth Stronghold, and you can then gift that data to Tali aboard Normandy.
  • Wrex: Family Armor: keep talking to Wrex and talking about his past; he will ask you to retrieve his family armor, which was stolen. Alternatively, you can find the assignment goal on Tuntau in the Phoenix System of Argos Rho; finding the armor first gives you the quest, then you can turn it in by talking to Wrex. We recommend, for various reasons, that you do this quest before heading to Virmire .


Citadel Assignments Part 2

These assignments will be available the next time you visit the Citadel after completing any one of the three ‘core’ story planet missions of Therum, Noveria, or Feros .

Three of the quests that unlock this point are a branch based on your pre-service history character background - each background gets one exclusive side quest. The other three are available to all.

  • Citadel: I Remember Me: only available if your Shepard has the Colonist background. You’ll automatically get a call about this quest after arriving on the Citadel and using the elevator from the docking bay.
  • Citadel: Old Friends: only available if your Shepard has the Earthborn background. Find Finch in Chora’s Den.
  • Citadel: Old, Unhappy, Far-Off Things: only available if your Shepard has the Spacer background. Talk to Zabaleta in the Wards Access corridor area.
  • Citadel: Family Matter: near the Presidium financial district and Barla Von’s office, there's two people audibly arguing. Insert yourself into their conversation.
  • Citadel: Planting a Bug: you must have completed Citadel: Reporter’s Request for Emily Wong. If you have, find Wong in the Citadel Tower to get this continuation.
  • Citadel: Snap Inspection: this will automatically occur as you step off the Normandy when it first arrives back at the Citadel. 
  • Citadel: The Fourth Estate: the reporter Khalisah Al-Jilani can be found at the bottom of the elevator from the docking bay; talk to her to take on this verbally-charged assignment.

Story Planet Assignments: Feros, Noveria, & Virmire

Mass Effect’s handful of story-critical planets also have a few assignments of their own - though it’s only a few for each planet, and Therum actually has no side quests at all, being a much more straightforward affair. Here’s the quests you can expect on each planet:

Noveria Assignments:

  • Noveria: Espionage: as you explore the port in Noveria, you’ll be approached by an Asari named Mallene Calis, giving you this side quest. If you agree to help her, the quest continues. If you refuse, it is marked as completed.
  • Noveria: Smuggling: there’s a Hanar Merchant named Opold on Noveria, in the port area. Chat to it and it’ll ask for your help smuggling an item.

Feros Assignments:

  • Feros: Data Recovery: when you’re in the Mako heading from Zhu’s Hope to the ExoGeni facility, you can stop and head into ruins - speak to the scientists hiding within. 
  • Feros: Geth in the Tunnels: after speaking to Fai Dan as part of the main story and then dealing with some Geth, speak to him again. You can also get the quest by heading into the tunnels and blowing up the transmitter.
  • Feros: Power Cells: once you’ve met Fai Dan in Zhu’s Hope, talk to May O’Connell, who hangs out near the area entrance.
  • Feros: Varren Meat: once you’ve free reign to look around Zhu’s Hope, talk to Davin Reynolds.
  • Feros: Water Restoration: find and talk to Macha Doyle inside the Zhu’s Hope colony.

Virmire Assignments:

  • Virmire: Assisting Kirrahe's Team & Virmire: Wrex and the Genophage : both unmissable quests that will pop part-way into the Virmire mission - with the Wrex mission only happening if you recruited him. We’ve got a full guide to the choices on Virmire that helps explain the decisions you’re making here.

Citadel Assignments Part 3

While you can go back and forth to the Citadel as much as you like, these assignments will be made available when the story takes you back to the Citadel and for a brief period you can’t leave there. 

  • Citadel: Our Own Worst Enemy: once Captain Anderson asks you to meet him in Flux but before you do go to join him, talk to Charles Saracino, who is leading a group of protestors. 
  • Citadel: Negotiator's Request: once Captain Anderson asks you to meet him in Flux, you’ll be able to talk to Mr. Keeler near the entrance to Flux to get this assignment.

DLC Assignments: Bring Down the Sky & Pinnacle Station

The DLC for Mass Effect adds two new locations with associated story missions - Asteroid X57 and Pinnacle Station. Note that Pinnacle Station is only available in the original releases of the game, not the Legendary Edition remaster . Bring Down The Sky is available in both.

Bring Down the Sky / Asteroid X57 Assignments:

  • X57: Bring Down the Sky: simply land on the asteroid; this is the main story mission.
  • X57: Avoid the Blasting Caps: will be introduced to you over comms when you turn off the first fusion torch.
  • X57: Missing Engineers: either find one of the engineers out on the Asteroid or speak to Simon Atwell later in the main quest.

Pinnacle Station Assignments: 

  • Pinnacle Station: Combat Missions: visit Pinnacle Station. Talk to Admiral Ahern, then Ochren. 
  • Pinnacle Station: Convoy: clear Admiral Ahren’s special scenario to get this quest.
  • Pinnacle Station: Vidinos: beat the high score of a challenge to start this quest.

Galactic Collectible Assignments

Each of these five assignments relate to various resources that can be found on the uncharted worlds you can land the Mako on through the galaxy as presented in Mass Effect. Each of these quests automatically begins the first time that you pick up one of these resources on any uncharted world.

Keep in mind that in most of these cases, there are more of these resources to be found than required to finish each quest. Aside from some cash and XP, there is no bonus to finding ‘extra’ resources.

  • UNC: Prothean Data Discs
  • UNC: Turian Insignias
  • UNC: Valuable Minerals
  • UNC: Locate Signs of Battle
  • UNC: Asari Writings


These assignments make up the bulk of the side quests in the game - relatively random encounters you can have out in space while exploring the galaxy.

Most of these quests can be acquired in multiple ways - either through stumbling on the quest location while exploring a planet, through hacking computers and terminals, through overheard news reports and banter, or even through distress signals. Many of these quests have multiple names depending on how you first acquire them - so we bundle each quest together with its multiple monikers below.

  • UNC: Asari Diplomacy / Mercenaries: after completing one story planet, talk to Nassana Dantius in the lounge area of the Citadel’s Presidium embassies area. Alternatively, the quest automatically begins if you assault a merc base on Sharjila in the Macedon system.
  • UNC: Colony of the Dead / Investigate Samples: hack a terminal in the ExoGeni building on Feros - or go to Chasca in the Matano system and enter one of the planet’s research stations.
  • UNC: Dead Scientists / Doctor at Risk: find a clue on a terminal on Noveria, or get it automatically when you first enter the Newton system.
  • UNC: Derelict Freighter: any time after finishing the story mission on Feros, find this ship drifting in the Caspian System of the Maroon Sea Cluster, hidden in an asteroid belt. 
  • UNC: Distress Call / Unusual Readings: hack the computer in Udina’s office on the Citadel, or go to Metgos in the Argos Rho cluster’s Hydra system.
  • UNC: Espionage Probe / Investigate Shipments: simply take the Normandy to the Voyager Cluster’s Amazon system.
  • UNC: ExoGeni Facility / Investigate Facility: obtain the quest by unearthing a transmission while on Feros, or get the assignment by landing on Nodacrux in the Maroon Sea cluster.
  • UNC: Geth Incursions / Geth Activities: acquired by hacking a Geth terminal on Feros or terminal on Virmire, but it’s more easily obtained by visiting the Armstrong Nebula, where it’ll be given to you on arrival.
  • UNC: Hostage: you’ll get a message from Admiral Hackett the first time you enter the Farinata System of the Hades Gamma cluster.
  • UNC: Hostile Takeover / A Person of Interest: either talk to Helena Blake in the Citadel Presidium Financial District after becoming a Spectre, or decrypt a terminal in C-Sec Academy.
  • UNC: Major Kyle / Strange Transmission: unlocked by hacking various terminals on Feros, the Citadel, or Noveria. Alternatively, navigate to the Century system of the Hawking Eta cluster to get it automatically.
  • UNC: Missing Marines / UNC: Cerberus / UNC: Hades' Dogs: after becoming a Spectre, speak to Admiral Kahoku in the Citadel Tower to get the Missing Marines assignment. Alternatively, take Normandy to Edolus in the Artemis Tau cluster to get the assignment that way. Once Missing Marines is completed, UNC: Cerberus triggers when you next use the galaxy map, and that quest leads directly to UNC: Hades’ Dogs. 
  • UNC: Listening Post Alpha / UNC: Listening Post Theta / UNC: Depot Sigma-23: after completing Noveria, go to the Styx Theta cluster. Enter the Erebus system to pick up a distress signal.
  • UNC: Lost Freighter: locate the missing ship in the Gemini Sigma cluster’s Ming System. 
  • UNC: Lost Module: simply enter the Hercules system in the Attican Beta cluster to be given the assignment. 
  • UNC: Missing Survey Team: commonly overheard in Citadel elevators. Alternatively, just go to the planet Trebin in the Hades Gamma cluster’s Antaeus system.
  • UNC: Privateers / Missing Person: talk to Garoth on the Citadel Tower after becoming a Spectre. Alternatively, find and scan the MSV Majesty in the  Horse Head Nebula. It’s near the planet Xawin.
  • UNC: Rogue VI: once you reach a certain level, Admiral Hackett will call you to give you this assignment the next time you travel to a new system. This assignment is how you unlock Shepard’s specialization class .

Finally, there are two assignments that are exclusive to different moralities. They only trigger if you've amassed a certain amount of Paragon or Renegade points, and are themed around what each morality axis is good at:

  • UNC: Besieged Base:  Admiral Hackett will contact you when you use the Galaxy Map once you qualify, which will require at least 80% of Paragon points.
  • UNC: The Negotiation:  Admiral Hackett will contact you when you use the Galaxy Map once you qualify, which will require at least 80% Renegade points.

Finished with ME1? We've got the same guide for the ME2 side quests if you enjoyed this - just click on through!

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What does UNC stand for?

Mass effect, xbox 360 pc playstation 3, mass effect (xbox 360).

  • Example: UNC: Lost Module. What is it an acronym or abbreviation for? mohawkboy230 - 14 years ago - report
  • Ahhhhh. I always thought it had something to do with the Alliance. mohawkboy230 - 14 years ago - report

Accepted Answer

  • UNCharted world. Mr_Collins ( Expert ) - 14 years ago - report 2   10

Top Voted Answer

  • It is called United Navy Command, which is the commanding headquaters of the Systems Alliance.It is interesting that players don't get the full idea of this abbreviation until they starting playing Mass Effect 3, but we can know in Mass Effect 1 from the military rank names that the Alliance consist mainly of navy forces, and in reality in most countries it is the navy force that deals with space programs and missions mainly, not air force. You will get a better idea of this abbreviation through implyings from those dialogues mentioning like "United North America" blahblahblah and the Navy reinstatement letter from Hackett and other things in Mass Effect 3. shilei971 - 3 years ago - report 13   3

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  1. UNC: Turian Insignias

    unc assignments mass effect

  2. UNC: Colony of the Dead

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  3. UNC: Prothean Data Discs

    unc assignments mass effect

  4. UNC: Lost Module

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  6. UNC: Hostage

    unc assignments mass effect


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  2. Mass Effect 3 Citadel DLC: Meeting Samantha

  3. Mass effect legendary edition Virmire & Ilos, battle of Citadel

  4. Mass effect legendary edition Feros & UNC assignments

  5. Mass Effect UNC ExoGeni Facility

  6. Mass Effect


  1. UNC: Side Quests

    UNC side quests are the ones which come to your terminal on the Normandy itself. Unlike the other side quests, which take place in locations you're

  2. UNC: Geth Incursions

    Walkthrough for the UNC Assignment, UNC: Geth Incursions in Mass Effect Legendary Edition. Where to find the Outposts and begin Tali and the Geth. | Gam...

  3. Mass Effect: UNC: Major Kyle Assignment Walkthrough

    This is a walkthrough for the UNC: Major Kyle assignment in Mass Effect. The guide details both the peaceful and violent ways to complete the quest.

  4. UNC: Dead Scientists

    Walkthrough for the UNC Assignment, UNC: Dead Scientists in Mass Effect Legendary Edition. Where to find Toombs and get a peaceful outcome. | Gamer Guid...

  5. UNC: Valuable Materials

    Walkthrough for the UNC Collection Assignment, UNC: Valuable Materials in Mass Effect Legendary Edition. Where to find all planets using Survey or the M...

  6. How To Deal With Helena Blake In Mass Effect

    This is a complete walkthrough of the UNC: Hostile Takeover Assignment in Mass Effect.

  7. UNC: Colony of the Dead

    On approach to one of the colony structures southwest from the Mako drop zone your squadmates wonder where everyone is and express their unease. The assignment name then changes to UNC: Colony of the Dead . If you didn't decrypt the server node on Feros you can still gain this assignment simply by deploying to Chasca and reaching any of the ...

  8. Assignments

    Assignments are the side missions of Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2. These have little to no bearing to the overarching narrative, but completing them may further understanding of the series' underlying workings. There is a large variety of assignments to complete; this page is a list of them. Click on a specific assignment in the list to read its detailed walkthrough. For a list of missions ...

  9. ME1 guide: Best mission order for story purposes and what ...

    I will be going over every single assignment in the game with the exception of the collection assignments. UNC Asari Writings is the only one that has an effect on a later game. I will mention if an assignment either is effected by your background or has an impact on ME2 or ME3.

  10. What UNC assignments are worth doing in ME1? : r/masseffect

    As far as I'm aware, the only collectible assignment worth doing is Matriarch's writings. Otherwise I would recommend to do all of them, also make sure to visit Conrad Verner after each main story mission and visit each merchant to get their armoury licenses. 1. Reply.

  11. When do you complete UNC/Citadel assignments? ME1 mission order.

    Bring down the sky. Return to citadel and finish the 2nd half of side quests (excluding ones that require you to leave the Citadel) Do some more UNC assignments (specifically the ones that reward morality points) Feros and it's assignments. Some UNC assignments and the ones that you were given on the Citadel that require you to leave.

  12. Mass Effect Assignments: how to start every side quest & assignment

    On this page, we'll list every side quest assignment in Mass Effect, plus where to start them and any other key information completionists will need to know - broken up by each of Mass Effect ...

  13. When should I do the UNC assignments in Mass Effect 1?

    You can do the first three story missions (Liara, Feros, and Noveria) just to mix things up, but if you want to do all the side missions and UNC missions, I'd do them before the Virmire mission. You should find everything as you do the side missions, make sure you take a couple of trips back to the Citadel too.

  14. UNC: Derelict Freighter

    Walkthrough for the UNC Assignment, UNC: Derelict Freighter in Mass Effect Legendary Edition. Where to begin the Assignment on the MSV Cornucopia. | Gam...

  15. What does UNC stand for?

    Top Voted Answer. It is called United Navy Command, which is the commanding headquaters of the Systems Alliance.It is interesting that players don't get the full idea of this abbreviation until they starting playing Mass Effect 3, but we can know in Mass Effect 1 from the military rank names that the Alliance consist mainly of navy forces, and ...

  16. What's special about UNC side assignments? : r/masseffect

    UNC means uncharted. That means they're on uncharted worlds (and IIRC spacecraft as well). Some are mentioned in the next games but none have major consequences. 6. Award. [deleted] • 3 yr. ago. Easy XP and while none of them are all that amazing story wise, some offer some neat dialogue with NPCs. It's also a lot of Mako driving on some ...

  17. The UNC assignments seem like a total drag, considering ...

    The UNC assignments definitely get repetitive, especially once you realize all the indoor locations are the same 3 recycled maps with slightly different furniture layouts. I would still recommend doing a few of them: they all give you xp, many of them let you make choices that earn you more paragon/renegade points, and without the extra padding the game is very short. Some of them are also ...