
Essay on Mathematics In Daily Life

Students are often asked to write an essay on Mathematics In Daily Life in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Mathematics In Daily Life

Counting money.

Every day, we use math when we spend or save money. Whether buying a candy bar or saving for a new toy, we need to know how much things cost. We add up prices and make sure we get the right change back. Without math, it would be hard to use money wisely.

Time Management

Math helps us manage our time. We look at the clock to decide when to wake up, go to school, or watch our favorite show. Schedules are all about numbers. We divide our day into hours and minutes to keep everything on track.

Cooking and Baking

When we cook, we use math to measure ingredients. A recipe might need 2 cups of flour or 1 teaspoon of salt. If we want to make more or less food, we have to adjust the numbers correctly. Math makes sure our food tastes good.

Playing Sports

Playing sports often involves math. We keep score, count points, and calculate distances when we play games like basketball or soccer. Knowing how many points we need to win can make the game more exciting.

Travel and Navigation

250 words essay on mathematics in daily life, math and shopping.

When we go shopping, math is our silent helper. We use it to check if we have enough money to buy things. We also compare prices and figure out discounts. If something costs $50 and there’s a 10% off sale, we need to calculate how much we save. That’s math too!

Cooking with Numbers

Cooking is like a tasty math problem. We measure ingredients, like cups of flour or teaspoons of sugar. If we’re making half a recipe, we need to divide the amounts. And cooking time is all about numbers. If a cake bakes for 30 minutes, we set a timer so we don’t forget.

Our day is full of schedules. We wake up at a certain time, go to school, and have classes that start and end at specific times. Planning our day means we’re using math to understand and manage time.

In sports, scores tell us who’s winning. And angles are everywhere! When kicking a soccer ball or shooting a basketball, the way we angle our foot or hand can make a big difference. That’s math in action.

Travel and Math

When we travel, we use math to plan the trip. We need to know how far we’re going and how long it will take. If we’re driving, we calculate how much gas we’ll need. All this planning involves math.

500 Words Essay on Mathematics In Daily Life

Mathematics: everywhere in our lives.

Math is not just a subject we study in school; it is a vital part of our everyday lives. From the moment we wake up until we go to sleep, math is there, even if we don’t always see it. In this essay, we will explore how math shows up in different parts of our day-to-day activities.

Shopping and Budgeting

Think about when you go to the store with your parents to buy groceries. The prices of items, the total bill, and the change you get back – all involve math. When your family plans how much money to spend on food, clothes, or games, they are using a budget. A budget is a plan for how to spend money, and making one requires adding and subtracting to make sure you don’t spend more than you have.

We use math to manage our time without even thinking about it. When you plan your day, you decide how many hours you will spend on school, homework, playing, and sleeping. If you have two hours to play and you want to play two games, you have to figure out how long you can spend on each game. This is dividing time, which is a math skill.

Sports and Games

If you play sports, you keep track of scores and points, which is math. Understanding how many points you need to win or how your team is doing in a tournament involves adding and subtracting. Even board games and video games often require players to count spaces, collect points, or manage resources.

Building and Creating

If you like to build models or create crafts, you are using math. You measure materials to make sure they fit together. When you draw or design something, you use shapes and symmetry, which are part of geometry, a branch of math.

Math is not just about numbers and equations we learn in school. It is a tool that helps us with everyday tasks. From managing money to playing games and cooking, math is a part of what we do and how we solve problems. Next time you do something routine, take a moment to see how math is helping you. You might be surprised at how often you use it without even realizing it.

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Essay Samples on Mathematics in Everyday Life

Math: the efficient and effective methods to study math.

Math is everywhere; it should be one of the wonders of the world. In a way, Math is a fundamental part of who I am. It’s always been there for me. Yes, a bit strange coming from a high school student. Usually students despise quadratic...

  • Mathematics in Everyday Life

Math Discovery and Mathematical Patterns in Standard of Living

Mathematics is literally defined as the study of numbers, quantities, formulas and patterns but in my own understanding, it is the world of numbers and with that it is how the world works. Mathematics is also the study of things, the relationships between things, and...

Problem Solving: Use of Math in Our Everyday Life

What I say about math is that I really don’t like it, but at the end of the day through high school math I have learned how to solve problems and not give up when I don’t fully understand something. I dislike math, but I do need it. The reason why I dislike math is that...

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Doubt as a Key to Mathematical Knowledge

In my arabic culture, doubt, especially when directed at supperiors, is considered extremely disrespectful. In contrast the proverb, “Doubt is the key to knowledge” indicates that doubt should be looked at in a positive light and specifically as a way of knowing. However doubt is...

The Application of Persistence and Perseverance in Mathematics

All children can benefit from studying and developing strong skills in mathematics. Primarily, learning mathematics improves problem-solving skills, and working through problems can teach persistence and perseverance. Mathematics is essential in daily life for such activities as counting, cooking, managing money, and building things. Beyond...

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The Essence of Mathematics and Its Significance Towards the Behavior of Nature

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The Main Drivers of My Fascination of Mathematics

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The Use Of Probability Theorem In Everyday Life

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Mathematics Is Not Scary, It’s Beautiful

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Beauty Is The Creation Of Mathematics

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The Beautiful Nature Of Mathematics

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Best topics on Mathematics in Everyday Life

1. Math: The Efficient and Effective Methods to Study Math

2. Math Discovery and Mathematical Patterns in Standard of Living

3. Problem Solving: Use of Math in Our Everyday Life

4. Doubt as a Key to Mathematical Knowledge

5. The Application of Persistence and Perseverance in Mathematics

6. The Essence of Mathematics and Its Significance Towards the Behavior of Nature

7. The Power of Mathematics: Unveiling its Influence on Nature and Phenomena

8. The Meaning of Application of Principles in Real Life

9. The Relationship Between Mandala and Mathematic Studies

10. Discovering the Effectiveness of College Algebra

11. A Report On The Fibonacci Sequence

12. The Main Drivers of My Fascination of Mathematics

13. The Use Of Probability Theorem In Everyday Life

14. Mathematics Is Not Scary, It’s Beautiful

15. Beauty Is The Creation Of Mathematics

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Mathematics in Everyday Life Essays

1. introduction to the importance of mathematics in everyday life.

Mathematics plays a pivotal role in our everyday lives, shaping our understanding of the world and impacting various aspects of our daily routines. In this section, we will delve into the fundamental importance of mathematics in our everyday lives, exploring its definition and scope, as well as its relevance in various fields. The introduction will provide a comprehensive overview of mathematics, highlighting its significance in problem-solving, critical thinking, and decision-making. We will explore the broad scope of mathematics, encompassing areas such as arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and calculus, and their applications in diverse contexts. Furthermore, we will examine the relevance of mathematics in various fields, including science, technology, engineering, economics, and even arts and humanities. By elucidating the practical applications of mathematics in these fields, we aim to demonstrate its pervasive influence on our daily experiences. Throughout this section, we will underscore the essential role of mathematics in shaping our understanding of the world and its profound impact on our everyday lives. By illuminating the multifaceted nature of mathematics, we seek to provide a compelling rationale for its significance in our daily existence.

1.1. Definition and Scope of Mathematics

Mathematics is a formal area of study that deals with the principles of quantity, structure, space, and change. It encompasses a wide range of topics, including arithmetic, algebra, geometry, calculus, and statistics. The scope of mathematics extends beyond pure theory, as it plays a crucial role in various practical applications, such as engineering, economics, natural sciences, and technology. Its relevance in everyday life is evident in activities such as budgeting, cooking, time management, and decision-making. Moreover, mathematics provides a framework for problem-solving and critical thinking, making it an essential tool for navigating the complexities of modern society. In this section, we will explore the fundamental definition and scope of mathematics, shedding light on its diverse applications and significance in our daily lives.

1.2. Relevance of Mathematics in Various Fields

Mathematics plays a crucial role in various fields, contributing to advancements in science, technology, finance, and many other areas. In the field of science, mathematics provides the language and tools necessary to model and understand natural phenomena, making it an essential component of disciplines such as physics, chemistry, and biology. Moreover, mathematics is fundamental in technology, enabling the development of computer systems, algorithms, and digital tools that drive innovation and progress in the modern world. In finance, mathematical concepts and techniques are used to analyze investments, manage risks, and make informed decisions, ultimately impacting the global economy. Additionally, mathematics is integral to engineering, architecture, and transportation, shaping the design and construction of buildings, bridges, and infrastructure. Its relevance also extends to fields like medicine, where mathematical models are used in medical imaging, drug development, and epidemiology. Overall, mathematics influences various fields by providing the framework and methods for problem-solving, analysis, and decision-making, making it a cornerstone of everyday life.

2. Mathematical Concepts Applied in Everyday Situations

Mathematics plays a crucial role in our everyday lives, often without us even realizing it. In this section, we will explore how mathematical concepts are applied in various everyday situations, showcasing their practical relevance and significance. Firstly, we will delve into the role of arithmetic operations in daily tasks. From grocery shopping and budgeting to time management and meal planning, arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are utilized in numerous practical scenarios. Understanding these fundamental mathematical concepts allows individuals to make informed decisions and effectively manage their resources. Additionally, we will examine the application of geometry in architecture and design. Whether it's the construction of buildings, the layout of interiors, or the development of engineering blueprints, geometry plays a pivotal role in the creation and execution of architectural and design projects. By incorporating mathematical principles such as shape, size, and spatial relationships, architects and designers are able to actualize their visions and create functional, aesthetically pleasing spaces. Overall, this section will highlight the indispensable nature of mathematical concepts in everyday life, showcasing their versatility and pervasive influence across various domains.

2.1. Arithmetic Operations in Daily Tasks

Arithmetic operations play a crucial role in our daily tasks, whether we realize it or not. From calculating grocery expenses to splitting bills with friends, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are integral to our everyday lives. For instance, when grocery shopping, we use addition to calculate the total cost of items, subtraction to determine discounts or sale prices, and division to split the bill with others. Similarly, in managing personal finances, arithmetic operations are essential for budgeting, tracking expenses, and calculating savings. These operations are also vital in professions such as retail, where employees use them to process transactions and generate invoices. Moreover, arithmetic operations are not limited to simple calculations. In fields like cooking and baking, precise measurements and conversions are crucial for achieving the desired results. Recipes often require multiplication or division to adjust ingredient quantities based on the number of servings, and accurate addition and subtraction to measure out ingredients. Additionally, in carpentry and DIY projects, arithmetic operations are essential for accurate measurements, calculating material quantities, and determining angles. Overall, arithmetic operations are ubiquitous in our daily tasks, demonstrating the practical application of mathematical concepts in our lives. Through understanding and utilizing these operations, individuals can effectively navigate various scenarios and make informed decisions, highlighting the fundamental role of mathematics in everyday life.

2.2. Geometry in Architecture and Design

Geometry plays a crucial role in architecture and design, providing the fundamental framework for creating aesthetically pleasing and structurally sound buildings and structures. Architects and designers use geometric principles to design floor plans, elevations, and 3D models, as well as to determine dimensions, proportions, and angles. In architecture, geometric concepts such as symmetry, balance, and proportion are essential for achieving visual harmony and coherence in building design. The use of geometric shapes and forms, such as circles, squares, and triangles, allows architects to create dynamic and innovative spaces that cater to both functionality and visual appeal. Similarly, in interior and industrial design, geometry guides the arrangement of furniture, fixtures, and spatial layouts. By incorporating geometric patterns, textures, and designs, designers can enhance the visual interest and functionality of interior spaces, as well as create products that are efficient, ergonomic, and visually engaging. Moreover, geometric principles also play a critical role in structural engineering, where the application of geometric concepts helps engineers calculate load-bearing capacities, stress distribution, and material efficiencies in building and construction projects. In summary, geometry serves as the cornerstone of architectural and design practice, informing the way we conceptualize, plan, and realize the spaces and structures that shape our everyday lives.

3. Problem-Solving Skills Developed through Mathematical Thinking

The development of problem-solving skills through mathematical thinking is a critical aspect of the role of mathematics in everyday life. By engaging with mathematical problems, individuals learn to think critically and reason logically. This involves identifying and analyzing the underlying issues, formulating potential solutions, and evaluating their effectiveness. Whether it's calculating the best route for a daily commute or budgeting for expenses, the problem-solving skills honed through mathematical thinking are invaluable in navigating the complexities of daily life. Moreover, these skills extend beyond the realm of mathematics, contributing to enhanced decision-making and problem-solving abilities in various professional and personal contexts. Ultimately, the cultivation of critical thinking and logical reasoning through mathematical thinking equips individuals with the tools to approach challenges methodically and make informed choices. As such, it underscores the indispensability of mathematics in developing practical problem-solving skills that extend far beyond the confines of the classroom.

3.1. Critical Thinking and Logical Reasoning

In the context of everyday life, critical thinking and logical reasoning skills play a significant role in decision-making, problem-solving, and overall cognitive development. Mathematics provides a foundational framework for the development of these essential skills. Through the process of solving mathematical problems, individuals are required to analyze information, identify patterns, and apply logical reasoning to arrive at solutions. This process not only enhances their mathematical abilities but also cultivates their capacity for critical thinking and logical reasoning in various real-life situations. Critical thinking involves the ability to evaluate information, identify underlying assumptions, and make informed judgments. In mathematics, individuals are constantly challenged to critically analyze problems, dissect complex concepts, and develop logical arguments to support their solutions. This analytical approach extends beyond the realm of mathematics and becomes applicable to everyday decision-making processes, such as financial planning, risk assessment, and problem-solving in various personal and professional contexts. Similarly, logical reasoning, which is intrinsic to the study of mathematics, trains individuals to apply deductive and inductive reasoning in a systematic manner. This skill enables individuals to structure their thoughts, identify relationships between different elements, and draw valid conclusions, thereby enhancing their overall cognitive abilities. Overall, the role of mathematics in everyday life extends beyond numerical calculations and problem-solving. It serves as a catalyst for the development of critical thinking and logical reasoning skills, which are fundamental for navigating the complexities of the modern world. By honing these skills through mathematical thinking, individuals are better equipped to approach challenges, make sound decisions, and engage in rational discourse, ultimately contributing to their personal and professional growth.

4. Financial Literacy and Numerical Skills

Financial literacy and numerical skills play a crucial role in managing personal finances and making informed financial decisions. Budgeting, in particular, is a fundamental aspect of financial literacy that involves identifying sources of income, tracking expenses, and setting financial goals. It requires numerical skills to calculate and allocate funds for various expenses such as bills, groceries, and savings. Understanding mathematical concepts such as percentages, ratios, and averages is essential for creating an effective budget that aligns with an individual's financial priorities. Moreover, financial literacy goes beyond budgeting to encompass a broad range of numerical skills relevant to everyday life. This includes understanding interest rates, managing debt, interpreting financial statements, and making investment decisions. These skills are essential for individuals to navigate complex financial systems and make sound financial choices. Without a solid understanding of mathematics, individuals may struggle to comprehend the implications of financial products and services, leaving them vulnerable to making uninformed decisions that can have long-term consequences on their financial well-being. Therefore, promoting financial literacy and numerical skills is essential for empowering individuals to take control of their finances and build a secure financial future.

4.1. Budgeting and Personal Finance

Budgeting and personal finance play a crucial role in our everyday lives, and mathematical skills are essential for managing our finances effectively. From tracking expenses to creating a budget and making financial decisions, mathematics is the backbone of these tasks. Understanding percentages, ratios, and basic arithmetic is important for calculating income, expenses, and savings. Moreover, mathematical concepts such as compounding interest, amortization, and risk assessment are fundamental for making informed decisions about investments and loans. When it comes to budgeting, mathematical skills are necessary for creating a realistic budget based on income and expenses. This includes calculating monthly bills, setting aside money for savings and investments, and managing debt. Additionally, mathematical knowledge is vital for evaluating different financial options and determining the most cost-effective and beneficial choices. Whether it's comparing interest rates on loans, analyzing investment returns, or calculating the long-term impact of financial decisions, mathematics provides the tools for making sound financial choices. In conclusion, budgeting and personal finance rely heavily on mathematical skills. Without a solid understanding of mathematical concepts, individuals may struggle to effectively manage their finances and make informed decisions. Therefore, developing financial literacy and numerical skills is crucial for navigating the complexities of personal finance and ensuring long-term financial stability.

5. Conclusion: The Ongoing Impact of Mathematics in Modern Society

In conclusion, the impact of mathematics on modern society is profound and widespread. From the design and development of technology to the analysis of data in various fields, mathematics plays a crucial role in shaping the world we live in. Its influence can be seen in every aspect of our daily lives, from the way we communicate and travel to the way we make financial decisions. Furthermore, the ongoing advancements in technology and the increasing reliance on data-driven decision-making are only serving to further amplify the significance of mathematics in modern society. With the rise of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and big data, the need for individuals with strong mathematical skills is greater than ever. As we move forward, it is clear that the role of mathematics in everyday life will only continue to grow. It is essential for individuals to understand the fundamentals of mathematics and its applications in order to thrive in the modern world. In closing, the ongoing impact of mathematics in modern society is undeniable, and it is crucial for individuals to recognize and appreciate its significance.

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Northern Illinois University Math Matters

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Math Matters in Everyday Life

math in everyday life essay

Dear Parents,

Math is very useful in everyday life. Math can help us do many things that are important in our everyday lives. Here are some daily tasks for which math is important:

  • Managing money $$$
  • Balancing the checkbook
  • Shopping for the best price
  • Preparing food
  • Figuring out distance, time and cost for travel
  • Understanding loans for cars, trucks, homes, schooling or other purposes
  • Understanding sports (being a player and team statistics)
  • Playing music
  • Home decorating
  • Gardening and landscaping

Parents can help teens connect math they learn in school and their everyday lives. As a parent, you could talk to your teen about how you use math in your daily life. You could also ask family members and friends how they use math in their daily lives. Please talk to your teens about these math connections to real world. Share with your child the examples of everyday math applications, which are listed below. When your teens hear how math can be used every day, they will be more likely to view math as important and valuable. They may also become more interested in mathematics. Remember that you as a parent can greatly influence how your child thinks about mathematics.

The testimonials included on this website give brief examples of how people use math in their daily lives. Please watch these. You can share information from these videos with your teen.

Examples of Math Connections to Daily life

Managing money.

Your teen will learn skills in algebra class that will help them with money. One important skill they will learn is how to calculate interest and compound interest. Your teen can use this skill to manage their money now and when they grow up. This skill also will help them pick the best bank account. It will also help them decide which credit card is best to have. People who take out loans need to understand interest. It will also help them figure out the best ways to save and invest money.

Recreational Sports

Geometry and trigonometry can help your teens who want to improve their skill in sports. It can help them find the best way to hit a ball, make a basket or run around the track. Basic knowledge of math also helps keep track of sports scores.

Home Decorating and Remodeling

Calculating areas is an important skill. It will be useful for your teen in remodeling future homes and apartments. It will help your teen find how much paint they need to buy when repainting a room. It is also an important skill for anyone who wants to install new tiles in a bathroom or a kitchen. Knowing how to calculate perimeters can help your child when deciding how much lumber to buy for floor or ceiling trim.

People use math knowledge when cooking. For example, it is very common to use a half or double of a recipe. In this case, people use proportions and ratios to make correct calculations for each ingredient. If a recipe calls for 2/3 of a cup of flour, the cook has to calculate how much is half or double of 2/3 of a cup. Then the cook has to represent the amount using standard measures used in baking, such as ¼ cup, 1/3 cup, ½ cup or 1 cup.

Your teen will use math when buying different items. When buying a new computer, your child will need to figure out which store offers the best price or best financing. Math is useful in finding the best deal for food items. For example, your teen will need to decide which pack of soda to buy when given a choice of 20 oz., 2-liter, 12 pack, or 24-pack. Stores often have sales that give a percentage off an original price. It is helpful for people to know how to figure out the savings. This math skill is very useful because it helps us calculate discounts so we can buy an item for the best price offered.

Note. Partial content of this web page is adapted from Making Connections: Helping Your Teen With the Choices Ahead brochure (Harackiewicz, Hyde & Hulleman, n.d.) and Making Connections: Helping Your Teen Find Value in School brochure (Hulleman, Harackiewicz & Hyde, 2007). Please refer to the links to the brochures under the useful links for parents tab if you would like access to the full brochures.

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The Importance of Mathematics in Everyday Life

How it works

Math, as we know it, is a discipline that everyone needs in our day-to-day lives. Without it, the world would be a dangerous place to live. Would it even be feasible to implement most of the presently achieved inventions and discoveries? The answer would simply be no! Math has played a significant role in shaping the world into its current state of progress (Benacerraf, P. 1991.) As fascinating as it sounds, it has proven to be challenging for some individuals, yet this largely depends on the individual (Benacerraf, P.

To begin with, I would like to profoundly state how I have been positively influenced towards developing an interest in Math. Numbers have always created a conducive environment for me since I started learning. When I embarked on my primary education, the first thing that fascinated me was learning how to count. It was intriguing knowing that I could count like any other adult who taught me how to do so. Not to mention, my first math exam was a great success. Being the best in my math class made me fall deeply in love with math. I could not get it off my mind. Whenever it comes to this discipline, I have always had a strong sense of belonging. This is largely because I have always found it to be unique in comparison to most subjects, and I have always performed well from the very time I was introduced to it. Having always been quite confident, I know in my heart that I only need to enhance my quick thinking skills.

Secondly, as I pursue my major in Telecommunications Engineering, it’s crucial to note the units I will undertake in Math, such as Analytical Geometry and Calculus (Puttaswamy, T. K. 2012.) These two units will play an essential role in ensuring I complete my major and progressively move towards success. Analytical Geometry is vital to gain a deeper understanding, especially in Trigonometry, as it will influence the sine and cosine types of waves studied in the major. Moreover, calculus will greatly assist me in understanding how to solve equations given different types of expressions (Stillwell, J. 2010.) In my career, Math will be incredibly valuable as it will ensure precision during lengthy mathematical computations and operations. Furthermore, it will be used to approach various problems from different perspectives without limiting oneself to a specific method. Apart from my studies and career, Math also plays an indispensable role in my daily life, including carrying out simple calculations accurately, future financial planning, and basic counting that can be applied at home.

Last but not least, I made use of a net that provided terrific help when dealing with my mathematical skills. The website, known as EdReady, has proven to be quite beneficial and a potential solution to anyone’s mathematical problems. The website presented several study topics in a well-explained form, and the brilliance was thoroughly illustrated through examples with detailed guidance. As a result, even the least knowledgeable student would be able to gain some understanding. In addition to this, study questions were provided for further practice even when offline. This turned out to be quite useful since it taught me how to understand when to think out of the box or follow a straightforward approach based on the demands of a question. As this was one of my weaknesses, I was finally able to put an end to this unnerving fear, and now I can breathe easily with a clear mind. Not to mention, the website was quite easy to navigate from the very start, guiding one to register for an account and understanding how to tackle the lessons.

In conclusion, I confidently state that Math is a crucial discipline in everyone’s life. It enables us to have a flexible thought process for solving problems as there can be several different approaches in mathematics to tackle a single problem. It also sharpens one’s analytical acumen to avoid unnecessary mistakes and aim for accuracy. Honestly, Mathematics could be the best thing that has ever happened to anyone. Taking one step at a time, it does not take forever to achieve success in Math. Without this discipline, the world would definitely be deprived of many benefits and wouldn’t be as pleasant a place to live.


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"The Importance of Mathematics in Everyday Life," PapersOwl.com , 17-Dec-2022. [Online]. Available: https://papersowl.com/examples/the-importance-of-mathematics-in-everyday-life/. [Accessed: 23-Jun-2024]

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