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177 Human Rights Research Topics: Bright Ideas List 2023

177 Human Rights Research Topics

Do you have a college research project or thesis on human rights and have been wondering how to prepare a good paper? You need a number of things, such as good research, analytical, and writing skills. However, the first step is getting the right topic. This is very challenging for most students, but we are here to help. This post provides a 177 human rights topics list that you can count on for the best grade. We will also tell you how to craft a great university human rights dissertation.

A Brief about Human Rights

Human rights are the basic freedoms and rights that belong to all persons in the globe, starting from birth to death. These rights apply irrespective of where you are, personal beliefs, or the way you decide to live your life. They cannot be taken away but can be restricted in some cases, such as if you break the law.

The basic rights are anchored on shared values, such as dignity, fairness, equality, independence, and respect. They are all protected by law. Because of their wide applications in areas such as the justice system and employment-related topics, you can expect to get many related school assignments and projects on it.

How to Write a Good Human Rights Thesis or Dissertation

Before we can look at the best human rights thesis topics, let’s look at the best process of writing it. This can be divided into six main steps:

  • Identify the study topic in line with your class teacher/professor’s recommendations. You can use our list of basic human rights topics that comes shortly after this guide.
  • Research the topic well to ensure it has ample resources. Then, identify the main points that will be covered during the study. It will be good to think about the entire dissertation right from the start because all parts are interconnected.
  • Develop a thesis statement. This is very important because it will be tested after analyzing the results.
  • Develop a good structure for the thesis. This is the outline that will guide you on what to include at what point. Carefully look at the current recommendation from your school. One of the best outlines you might want to consider include:
Introduction Literature review Methodology Results Analysis and discussion Conclusion Bibliography
  • Prepare the first draft.
  • Write the final draft by redefining the first draft. At this point, it will be a good idea to consider editing services from experts.

Next, we will highlight the main topics that you should consider in human rights. However, we’d like to remind that you can only pay for thesis and not waste your time over a tone of assignments.

Top Human Rights Research Topics

  • How does social discrimination impact people living with HIV/AIDS?
  • Same-sex marriage: Why is it more social compared to religious significance?
  • A review of international reaction to sweatshops in Asian countries.
  • A closer look at the flaws of morals for kids raised in the US compared to those brought up in Japan.
  • A comprehensive review of the employment problem arising from the surge of the immigrant population.
  • Human rights violations in a country of choice: How has it impacted its image?
  • War against terrorism: How is it impacting human rights?
  • Should prisoners retain their voting rights?
  • Should the US cut trade ties with countries that grossly violate human rights?
  • Universal human rights: Are they achievable in the modern world?
  • Is there a point where human rights can be justified in the interest of national security?
  • Use of cameras in public places: Do they violate human rights?
  • Non-governmental organizations’ operations: Are they strong enough to help protect human rights?
  • Promotion of human rights: Should it be the first priority for every government?
  • Capitalistic systems: Do they defend or violate human rights?
  • Comparing the policies for human rights protection of the United States and India.
  • A review of human rights violations during the 2021 US army withdrawal from Afghanistan.
  • Should the US be held accountable for the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945?
  • Human rights in the US and Latin America: A comparison.
  • Compare two historical human rights portraits in the 20 th century.

Argumentative Human Rights Topics

  • Is violation of human rights allowed during times of war?
  • Circumcision of infants: Does it violate their human rights?
  • Should women and men have varying rights?
  • What is the link between human rights and traditions?
  • Capital punishment: Should it be considered a violation of human rights?
  • Right for freedom to education: Should it be made available for all?
  • Social media networking services: Should they guarantee privacy for all the clients.
  • Is the US policy on immigration discriminatory?
  • Interest of states: Should it take precedence over an individual’s human rights?
  • Developed countries have a duty to promote human rights in the developing states.
  • Pet ownership should be considered a universal human right.
  • Childhood concept differs from one culture to another: Should the notion of child labor also vary?
  • What are inappropriate ways of fighting for human rights?
  • Development of a country: Does it depend on the country’s defense of human rights?
  • From a human rights perspective, which is the most important amendment to the US constitution?
  • Comparing Apartheid and Holocaust: Has justice been done for the victims.
  • Human rights in the 21 st century: Is the globe doing enough to address the crisis in the Tigray Region of Ethiopia and Afghanistan?
  • What are the most important lessons on human rights from World War II?
  • Human rights violations in West Bank: Has the globe done enough?

International Human Rights Topics

  • What does the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccines tell us about human rights internationally?
  • A review of cases of human rights in the United States between the 1950 and 2000.
  • Analyze the impacts of discrimination based on color and race.
  • A thematic review of modern human rights movements.
  • Trace the evolution of human rights starting from the ancient times to the age of globalization.
  • What is the relationship between human rights and peace in a country? A case study of the Netherlands.
  • Disability in the UK is under attack: Discuss.
  • Who should people running away from human rights violations turn to?
  • Is it appropriate to deny human rights on the basis of religion and gender?
  • Violation of human rights in North Korea: How is the developed world preparing to tackle it?
  • Violation of human rights in Venezuela: Should the United States get involved?
  • The right to stay silent in a court of law: How is this likely to affect the accused person?
  • What are the best remedies for addressing violations of women’s rights in the Middle East?
  • Will the world ever get to a point where people will live without worrying about human rights violations?
  • What makes it so difficult to introduce gun control in the United States?
  • Who should be held responsible for cases of mass shootings in schools?

Controversial Human Rights Topics

  • What are the similarities and differences between human and civil rights?
  • Evaluate the violation of human rights in Syria in the 21 st century.
  • Police-related human rights violation: How can we prevent it?
  • Should prisoners have a right to vote?
  • Assisted euthanasia is a violation of human rights: Discuss.
  • Should persons who try to take their own lives be charged in a court of law?
  • What is the best way to punish states for violating human rights?
  • Countries arming themselves with nuclear weapons are readying to violate human rights.
  • How effective are laws on domestic violence in the UK?
  • All cases of human abuses in history should be tried and concluded.
  • Is the UN doing enough to protect human rights?
  • Holocaust: Is it possible for the world to heal completely?
  • Do you think that the Rwanda Genocide could have been avoided?
  • It is time to act: How do you think the global community should handle the problem of immigrants trying to cross from Africa into Europe?
  • The hidden danger of not addressing bullying in school.
  • Is disciplining a child a violation of human rights?
  • Are correctional facilities doing enough to correct the behavior of inmates?
  • Is imprisonment enough to punish murder criminals?
  • Making a case for life imprisonment and the death penalty for murder criminals.
  • Is abortion a violation of human rights?

Human Rights Discussion Topics

  • What is your view on the famous revolt of the Cockroach People?
  • Discuss the outcomes of the LGBT movements in the 20 th century.
  • A deeper look into civil rights movements from Malcolm X point of view.
  • Interaction between Japan and China during WWII: How did it impact human rights issues in the two states?
  • Discuss the biggest human rights violations in South Africa after Apartheid.
  • UN Refugee program: How does it help enhance refugees’ welfare across the globe?
  • French Revolution and human rights: A thematic review.
  • Human rights in medieval Europe.
  • Human Rights Act in New Zealand in 1993: What is its significance?
  • Which human rights did women across the globe find hard to access in the 20 th century?
  • Police brutality in Brazil: Are the efforts taken by the government enough?
  • Discuss transgender rights in Europe.
  • A review of transgender human rights issues in the United States.
  • Disability rights in the UK.
  • Comparing disability policies in the US and India.
  • Racial profiling by police.
  • What are the roots of racism in the United States?
  • Review the Trail of Broken Treaties.
  • A deeper look at the Chattel Slavery in the Colonial America.
  • Review the African-American male experience.
  • Reviewing the history of the Bill of Rights in the United States.
  • Analyzing the American Indian Movement: How does it compare with other human rights movements?
  • Human rights in modern cinema: How are whites and people of color-treated?

Interesting Civil Rights Topics

  • Black Power Movement: How did it impact the Black Lives Matter in 2020 and 2021?
  • Are the 20 th Century civil rights movements sustainable?
  • Comparing women rights movements in 2020 and the 20 th century.
  • How did Martin Luther influence the civil rights approaches that came after him?
  • Comparing the scientific Revolution, Reformation and Renaissance movements’ impacts on western thought.
  • Protestant Reformation: Discuss how Catholic Church’s corruption and crusaders of war contributed towards its formation.
  • A closer look at the human rights movements during the Industrial Revolution of between 1760 and 1840.
  • How did the teachings of the American Revolution help the secession movement and Civil War?
  • How did Teddy Roosevelt impact the progressive movement?
  • The impact of communism impacts world history.
  • The location of a civil movement is the most important thing in its success: Discuss.
  • What made people start nationalist movement in Prussia?
  • Discuss the results of anti-nationalist movements in New York.
  • Female and Islam oppression on the globe.
  • Reinventing a revolution: A closer look at the Zapatista Movement.
  • What is the link between music, protest, and justice?
  • Confederate Flag: Is it a symbol of oppression?
  • Review the voting rights of 1965.
  • The West Memphis Three.

Special Human Rights Debate Topics

  • Women rights in the first half and second half 20 th century.
  • Legalization of same sex marriage and its impact on global fights for human rights.
  • Human rights movements in the US and their impact on federal policies.
  • International human rights movements: How has it influenced the UK judicial policies?
  • Responsibility to protect: How is it related to the issue of human rights?
  • Suffrage rights in ancient Greek: A holistic review.
  • Human rights presentation in the philosophy of enlightenment.
  • Human rights violations during the First World War.
  • What are lessons did we learn from Hitler and Holocaust during WWII.
  • These five reasons are the main causes of human rights violations in the 21 st century.
  • The main causes of gender disparity in the US.
  • Comparing the state of human rights in the UK and Qatar.
  • Do you think the bible violates human rights?
  • Environmental racism: What are the main effects?
  • The importance of the judiciary in protecting human rights.
  • Women rights in the Roman Empire.
  • Segregation is a violation of human rights.
  • Discussing critical human rights issues in India.

Unique Human Rights Topics for Research

  • The collapse of the Soviet Union and Rise of Communism in Russia.
  • Comparing the Pan-African movement to the 20 th -century cultural nationalism of Latin America.
  • A review of the Hong Kong Umbrella Movement’s goals and methods.
  • Abolition of death penalty: Why it is a major human rights issue.
  • Popularity of social media and its impact on human rights. A closer review of Arab countries in North Africa.
  • International Calvinism: What was the impact on European Culture?
  • Why do other countries not intervene in North Korea where massive abuses of human rights have been reported?
  • A statistical review of human trafficking in the 20 th century.
  • How can a person as an individual help to promote human rights?
  • Utilitarianism contravenes human rights.
  • Human rights institutions and their efforts in protecting human rights in Africa.
  • Military actions to protect human rights: Does it make sense?
  • Black Lives Matter Movement protests: What does the movement say about human rights today?
  • Does the UK constitution comprehensively cover the issue of human rights?
  • Global manufacturing: How has it impacted the rights of workers?
  • Has the International Labor Organization done enough to protect the plight of workers on the globe?
  • How does poverty impact human rights in developing countries?

PhD Topics in Human Rights

  • A review of the parts of the globe with the worst cases of human rights violation.
  • How does the internet promote human trafficking? A thematic review.
  • A comprehensive review of factors that impact the outcome of different trials in a court of law.
  • Legitimate forms of the death penalty.
  • What factors prevent people from getting justice? A literature review.
  • A comprehensive review of the impacts of legalizing drug use.
  • What factors prevent equal representation of women in top leadership roles in the developing world?
  • What are the major problems faced by LGBT couples? Propose possible solutions.
  • Racial profiling by police: A case study of Mexico.
  • A comparative review of human rights policies of three countries of your choice in Europe.

Other Human Rights Research Paper Topics

  • LGBT relationships: Why are they disallowed in some countries?
  • Comparing the rights of pets to human rights?
  • A review of human rights violations during quarantines caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • A review of the fundamental principle of the EU Commission of Human Rights.
  • Human rights violations in Taiwan.
  • What is the link between ecological problems and human rights problems?
  • Evaluate the most frequently violated human right in your workplace.
  • What is the UK policy on refugees?
  • A closer review of transgender rights in Europe.
  • Discuss physical abuses in marriage in the UK.
  • Evaluate the amendment of laws in France to suit LGBT relationships.
  • Prisoners of war: Do they deserve human rights protection?
  • Discuss the strategies used by the two countries with the best human rights records.
  • Comparing the human rights institutions in Africa to those in Asia.
  • Violation of human rights in Crimea in 2014: Were the remedies enough?

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Educational Research Topics

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CSIS Human Rights Initiative undertakes research and analysis on the critical role that human rights and democratic values play in a comprehensive and sustainable foreign policy.

Photo: Credit: Dmytro Smolienko/Ukrinform/Future Publishing/Getty Images

Photo: Credit: Dmytro Smolienko/Ukrinform/Future Publishing/Getty Images

A Human Rights–Centered Approach to Reconstruction in Ukraine

This report reviews the extent to which human rights and governance concerns have been incorporated into Ukraine reconstruction plans and efforts to date and aims to identify key gaps and issues that merit additional attention going forward.

Report by Scott Busby and Lauren Burke — June 5, 2024

Photo: GREGORIO BORGIA/POOL/AFP via Getty Images

The G7 Should Act with Urgency to Support an International Claims Mechanism to Seize and Transfer Frozen Russian Sovereign Assets to Ukraine

Commentary by Daniel F. Runde and Ilya Timtchenko — June 5, 2024

Photo: Manuel Velasquez/Getty Images

An Uncertain Future: Democratic Backsliding through Executive Aggrandizement under AMLO

Report by Ryan C. Berg and Leonardo Moraveg — May 31, 2024

Photo: Luke Dray/Getty Images

Discrimination in Public Health: How Funders Should Fight Laws Like Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Act

Commentary by Asia Russell and Maria E. Burnett — May 28, 2024

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Podcast Episode by Daniel F. Runde and Ilya Timtchenko — June 6, 2024

“A Human Rights–Centered Approach to Reconstruction in Ukraine”: Audio Brief with Lauren Burke

Podcast Episode by Lauren Burke — June 5, 2024

The Trade Guys

Checking In on UFLPA with John Foote

Podcast Episode by Scott Miller and William Alan Reinsch — June 3, 2024

En Español: En el Ojo de la Tormenta: Las Crisis Agravadas de Ecuador

Podcast Episode by Ryan C. Berg and Rubi Bledsoe — May 30, 2024

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Photo: Ivan Samoilov/Gwara Media/Global Images Ukraine via Getty Images

The State of Governance and Rule of Law in Uganda

Photo: Distortion Media/ Adobe Stock

Launch of the United States Guidance for Online Platforms on Protecting Human Rights Defenders Online

Photo: CSIS

The Impossible State Live Podcast: Diplomacy or Crisis with DPRK in 2024?

Photo: apsandphotos/Adobe Stock

A Human Rights Approach to Ukraine's Rapid Digitalization

Photo: Mamunur Rashid/NurPhoto/Getty Images

Advancing Decent Work and Labor Rights Globally

Photo: LINTAO ZHANG/AFP/Getty Images

Report Launch: China’s Role in Democratic Backsliding in Latin America and the Caribbean

Photo: Gaby Oraa/Bloomberg/Getty Images

Venezuela's Deteriorating Electoral Conditions: A Conversation with María Corina Machado

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This virtual event will discuss the HRI's upcoming report, A Human Rights-Centered Approach to Reconstruction in Ukraine, and highlight some of the human rights concerns that have received less public attention in reconstruction plans to date. 

Event — June 7, 2024

Photo: Ivan Samoilov/Gwara Media/Global Images Ukraine via Getty Images

An audio version of “The G7 Should Act with Urgency to Support an International Claims Mechanism to Seize and Transfer Frozen Russian Sovereign Assets to Ukraine,” a new commentary by CSIS’s Daniel F. Runde and Ilya Timtchenko. This audio was generated with text-to-speech by Eleven Labs. 

Audio Briefs

A short, spoken-word summary from CSIS’s Lauren Burke on her report with Scott Busby, “A Human Rights–Centered Approach to Reconstruction in Ukraine.”

Photo: Credit: Dmytro Smolienko/Ukrinform/Future Publishing/Getty Images

The U.S. administration is looking for novel ways to provide additional funding for Ukraine at no expense to taxpayers. The first logical approach is the use of frozen Russian sovereign assets.

Photo: GREGORIO BORGIA/POOL/AFP via Getty Images

On this week's episode of the Trade Guys, guest John Foote of Kelley Drye & Warren will discuss current issues and future forecasts relating to the enforcement of the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (UFLPA).

CSIS The Trade Guys

CSIS Americas director Ryan C. Berg and Leonardo Moraveg examine indicators of democratic backsliding that took place during the presidency of Andrés Manuel López Obrador and warn against a deteriorating democracy in Mexico. 

Photo: Manuel Velasquez/Getty Images

Una versión en audio de “En el Ojo de la Tormenta: Las Crisis Agravadas de Ecuador,” un nuevo comentario de Ryan C. Berg y Rubi Bledsoe del CSIS. Este audio fue generado con texto a voz por Eleven Labs.

An audio version of “ Discrimination in Public Health: How Funders Should Fight Laws Like Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Act ,” a new commentary by Asia Russell and CSIS’s Maria E. Burnett. This audio was generated with text-to-speech by Eleven Labs. 

Podcast Episode by Asia Russell and Maria E. Burnett — May 28, 2024

All health funders should urgently and radically rethink and reorganize their approach to their work in Uganda to better support LGBTQ+ people.

Photo: Luke Dray/Getty Images

  • Recognizing Problems
  • Accountability
  • Research & Advocacy
  • Policy Decisions
  • Introducing “Human Rights Advocacy and the History of Human Rights Standards”
  • What Is International Human Rights Policy?
  • Your Questions
  • Instructors
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  • A Basic Approach to Human Rights Research

Since the 1960s and the origins of the modern human rights movement, human rights organizations have produced their own research.  In-depth and well-documented reports, replete with testimonial evidence and analysis of government policy and practice , are the stock-in-trade product of human rights organizations. They serve as the basis of lobbying and campaign efforts, and they provide the underpinnings of organizational reputation and credibility.

Human rights organizations invented the genre of human rights research.  It typically resembles evidence gathered for a legal argument rather than analysis in the tradition of social science. Human rights organizations do not seek to describe general social conditions; rather, the main objective of human rights reporting is to document patterns of human rights violations and expose the perpetrators, institutions and policies that facilitate abuse.

Amnesty International created prototypes for human rights reporting in the 1960s, gathering detailed information on the situation of individual prisoners of conscience and the circumstances of their incarceration.  Prisoners of conscience are people who have been jailed because of their political, religious or other conscientiously-held beliefs or factors of their identity and who have not advocated violence.  Within a year of its founding, AI had documented the “cases” of some 1200 prisoners .  In 1962 it authorized its first in-country research mission (to Ghana), and in 1965 it released its first thematic report (on prison conditions in Portugal, South Africa, and Romania).

International human rights organizations today produce as many as 100 detailed reports per year, in addition to annual reports on the human rights practices of countries and news releases published on a daily basis. Mike McClintock describes  the origins of human rights research methodology and its evolution through the 1980s.  Since that time there have been important developments in this methodology–including technological advances,  forensic analysis , and sensitivity to the handling of personal information–but the basic approach described by McClintock continues to inform research reports issued by Human Rights Watch, Human Rights First, the Fédération International des Droits de l’Homme and numerous other human rights organizations in addition to Amnesty International.  The methodology developed by human rights organizations also provides guidance for human rights monitoring under the aegis of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights .

Human rights reports typically refer to existing legal standards or, where existing standards are lacking, they point to human rights norms and the need for new laws and policy. Increasingly, human rights organizations eschew a “victims” approach in favor of more inclusive involvement of those who have suffered abuse. The Irish section of Amnesty International, for example, has created an “ experts by experience ” group to advance its work on human rights and mental health.

For more information:

Mike McClintock, who has worked in the human rights field for more than 30 years at organizations like Human Rights First, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, describes the core tenants of human rights research methodology in his narrative, The Standard Approach to Human Rights Research .

International Standards and Guidelines (from IGOs and NGOs)

  • United Nations, “ Istanbul Protocol:  Manual on the Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment ,” 1999.
  • Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. Training Manual on Human Rights Monitoring, Professional Training . Series No. 7, 2001. (Note: Provides practical guidance principally for the conduct of human rights monitoring in United Nations field operations.)
  • International Bar Association: Human Rights Institute, Guidelines on International Human Rights Fact-Finding Visits and Reports (“Lund-London Guidelines”), 1 June 2009.  (Note:  The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute in conjunction with the Raoul Wallenberg Institute , launched this set of human rights fact-finding guidelines during a conference at the British Institute of International and Comparative Law, London, on 1 June 2009. The guidelines are the result of several years’ work and wide consultation. They arose out of concern that, despite there being no agreed international standards for human rights fact-finding reporting, such reports are frequently referred to by courts and tribunals as evidence of the facts alleged in them, as well as by governments, NGOs and other interested people. The guidelines aim to fill this gap by setting an agreed international standard of good practice in the conduct of fact-finding visits and in the compilation of reports. More information is available on the website http://www.factfindingguidelines.org .)
  • International Commission of Jurists, Trial Observation Manual-Practitioners’ Guide No. 5 , 2009. (Note: Intended as a practical tool for ICJ trial observers. The manual incorporates insights from similar guides developed by the UN and other NGOs and specifically addresses instances where the independence or impartiality of judges and lawyers is threatened or fair standards are not guaranteed. It includes analysis of international standards on the right to remedy of victims of human rights violations and combating impunity.)
  • International Law Association. “The Belgrade International Rules of Procedure for International Human Rights Fact-Finding Missions,” in  American Journal of International Law 75, No. 1 (1981): 163-165.
  • Human Rights Watch.  “ Our Research Methodology .”


On human rights research and reporting, generally.

  • Franck, Thomas M. and H. Scott Fairley. “Procedural Due Process in Human Rights Fact-Finding by International Agencies.” The American Journal of International Law 74, no. 2 (1980): 308-345.
  • Groome, Dermot. The Handbook of Human Rights Investigation . Human Rights Press, 2000.
  • Larson, Egon. A Flame in Barbed Wire:  The Story of Amnesty International .  New York:  F. Mueller, 1978.  (Note: Includes description of research missions carried out in AI’s early years.)
  • McClintock, Michael.  “Establishing Accountability for State Violence.”  In Human Rights in the Twenty-First Century:  A Global Challenge , edited by Kathleen Mahoney.  Martinus Nijhoff, 1993.
  • McClintock, Michael.  “ Tensions Between Assistance and Protection:  A Human Rights Perspective .”  In Humanitarian Action:  A Transatlantic Agenda for Operations and Research , edited by Larry Minear and Thomas G. Weiss.  Occasional Paper #39, Watson Institute, Brown University, 2000.
  • Orentlicher, Diane F. “Bearing Witness: The Art and Science of Human Rights Fact-Finding.” Harvard Human Rights Journal 3 (1990): 83-135.
  • Weissbrodt, David and James McCarthy. “Fact-finding by International Non-governmental Human Rights Organizations.” Virginia Journal of International Law , 22 (1981).
  • Weissbrodt, David.  “Book Review.  Human Rights Missions: A Study of the Fact-Finding Practice of Non-Governmental Organizations by Hans Thoolen and Berth Verstappen.”   Human Rights Quarterly , Vol. 10, No. 1 (Feb., 1988):  134-137. (Note: Introduces volume by Thoolen and Verstappen and also provides brief literature review on human rights research methodology.)

On specific methodologies

  • Amnesty International, Freedom from Torture, and University of York: Center for Applied Human Rights. “ Active Participation in Human Rights ,” Conference Report, 2011. (Note: See Annex 1 for an overview of conceptual challenges in incorporating rights holder perspectives and priorities in human rights research and reporting.)
  • OSCE.   Preventing and Responding to Hate Crimes:  A Resource Guide for NGOs in the OSCE Region ,”  Includes section on data collection, monitoring and reporting.  2009.
  • Stover, Eric. The Witnesses: War Crimes and the Promise of Justice in the Hague .  University of Pennsylvania Press, 2005. (Note: Addresses the use of victim and survivor testimony.)
  • Weissbrodt, David.  “International Trial Observers.”  Stanford Journal of International Law 18 (1982):  27-121.

Case Studies and Examples

  • Dublin City University, “ Hear My Voice:  The Experience of Discrimination of People with Mental Health Problems in Ireland ,” 2010.  (Commissioned by AI-Ireland, investigation of the experience of discrimination by people with mental health problems, experts by experience.  Illustrates use of “active participation” methodology.)
  • Geiger, MD., H. Jack and Robert M. Cook-Deegan, MD. “The Role of Physicians in Conflicts and Humanitarian Crises: Case Studies from the Field Missions of Physicians for Human Rights, 1988 to 1993.” Journal of the American Medical Association 270, no. 5 (1993): 616-620.
  • “ I Remember Being Shown Some Very Severe Signs of Torture ,” Former staff researchers of Amnesty International reminisce about gathering information in Pinochet’s Chile (blogpost, August 14, 2013).
  • Recognizing Human Rights Problems
  • Enforced Disappearances
  • Invoking Standards of International Humanitarian Law
  • Interdependence and Indivisibility of Economic and Political Rights
  • Establishing Accountability for Human Rights Abuse
  • Government Obligations
  • Armed Insurgent Groups and Other Non-State Actors
  • Individual Criminal Accountability
  • Corporate Accountability
  • Women’s Rights: Due Diligence, Private Actors, and Domestic Violence
  • Methods of Research and Advocacy
  • Forensic Evidence and Human Rights Reporting
  • Research in Conflict Zones and Military Forensics
  • Making international Human Rights Policy Decisions
  • The UN and Human Rights Policy
  • The Human Rights Movement – Advocacy for Policy Change
  • The Future: Frontiers in Human Rights Policy

Human Rights Glossary

Human rights first (hrf).

Human Rights First – A prominent human rights NGO based in New York and Washington. Formerly known as the Lawyers’ Committee for Human Rights.

See more human rights glossary terms…

Human Rights Policy Resources

  • Core Human Rights Treaties and Monitoring Bodies
  • UN Special Procedures
  • UN Treaty Collection
  • Universal Human Rights Instruments

Human Rights: From Practice to Policy

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Human Rights

Data & statistics, legal research, think tank search, organizations, human trafficking, other research guides.

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Getting Started

  • Oxford Handbooks Online (Harvard Login) Review essays that evaluate the current thinking on a field or topic, and make an original argument about the future direction of the debate. Contains several reviews of human rights topics.
  • Oxford Bibliographies Online (Harvard Login) Selective, discipline-focused, online guides to the essential literature in subjects in the humanities and social sciences.
  • Encyclopedia of Human Rights (Harvard Login) Online access to award winning, five-volume encyclopedia offering comprehensive coverage of all aspects of human rights theory, practice, law, and history.
  • Oxford Public International Law (Harvard Login) A comprehensive, single location providing integrated access to international law resources. Includes Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law and Oxford Reports on International Law.
  • Brill Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (Harvard Login) E-books on human rights, humanitarian and international public law.

E-Books, Articles and Other Publications

  • Proquest Social Sciences Premium Collection (Harvard Login) Database collection covering the social sciences including politics, sociology, education and criminal justice. Includes Public Affairs Information Service (PAIS).
  • Index to Legal Periodicals and Books (Harvard Login) Provides citations to articles in law reviews, bar association journals, yearbooks, institutes, and government publications from 1980 to present.

Human Rights Libraries

  • HeinOnline Foreign & International Law Resources (Harvard Login) Access to key publications from the American Society of International Law and human rights yearbooks from around the world. Includes international tribunals and judicial decisions.
  • CIRI Human Rights Data Project Provides data on human rights violations for 202 countries, annually over the period 1981-2011.
  • Freedom in the World Annual flagship publication which surveys and rates 195 countries and 15 related and disputed territories by human rights criteria.
  • Humanitarian Data Exchange An open platform for sharing humanitarian data with data from over 80 organizations including governments, NGOs and UN agencies.
  • Minorities at Risk (MAR) Project Provides information on the status and conflicts of more than 283 politically-active ethnic groups in all countries with a current population of at least 500,000
  • WomenStats Compiles qualitative and quantitative information on over 310 indicators of women's status in 174 countries. Free registration is required.
  • AidData Searchable, open access database of nearly one million past and present aid activities around the world, and data tools to increase understanding of development finance.
  • Financial Tracking Service Managed by the UN Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, this global, real-time database which tracks all reported international humanitarian aid including that for NGOs and the Red Cross / Red Crescent Movement, bilateral aid, in-kind aid, and private donations.

Law Journal Databases

  • HeinOnline Foreign & International Law Resources (Harvard Login) Provides full-text access to publications from the American Society of International Law and human rights yearbooks from around the world, as well as the Hague Permanent Court of International Justice series and other useful materials.

International Law Reference Resources

  • Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (MPEPIL) (Harvard Login) Online reference work for basic information about international human rights cases and issues. Click on Subject to search by key topics in human rights.
  • Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law (Harvard Login) Focus on international law subjects, including legislation and case law. Includes volumes on Limits of Force, Torture and the Geneva Conventions. Published in English or French.


  • Legislationonline.org "Provides direct access to international norms and standards relating to specific human dimension issues, as well as to domestic legislation and other documents of relevance to these issues." Includes full text access for legislation from both Western and Eastern European countries.
  • Proquest Congressional (Harvard Login) Access bills, legislative history, congressional documents of the United States back to 1789 and CRS Reports.

International Courts

  • International Court of Justice (ICJ) The principal judicial organ of the United Nations (UN). The ICJ settles disputes between the States (not individuals).
  • International Criminal Court (ICC) The first permanent, treaty based, international criminal court for perpetrators of the most serious crimes of concern to the international community. The ICC is an independent international organization, and is not part of the United Nations system.
  • International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) The United Nations court of law dealing with war crimes that took place during the conflicts in the Balkans in the 1990’s.
  • ESCR Case Law Database Positive domestic, regional and international legal decisions from around the world regarding economic, social and cultural rights. Case summaries primarily in English and Spanish, with a growing number in French and Arabic.
  • Child Rights International Network (CHRIN) Includes data, reports, and global coverage of child rights cases.
  • Sexual Right Initiative, Law & Policy Database Documents and compares the status of law and policy related to sexual rights issues in different countries around the world

Search using Google conventions (i.e. putting quotation marks around phrases).

Inclusion Policy

Think Tank Search  searches the websites of institutions that generate public policy research, analysis, and activity. These sites are  affiliated with universities, governments, advocacy groups, foundations, and non-governmental organizations .  Inclusion is based upon the relevancy of subject area to HKS coursework and scholarship, the availability of the think tank’s research in full-text on the website, and the think tank’s reputation and influence upon policy making. The list represents a mixture of partisan and non-partisan think tanks.

Other Lists

  • Policy File Index (Harvard Login) Abstracts of and links to domestic and international public policy issue published by think tanks, university research programs, & research organizations.
  • Policy Commons: Global Think Tanks Collection of research from the world’s leading policy experts, think tanks, IGOs and NGOs. At last count it contains over 3 million publications from more than 24,000 organizations.
  • Open Research Reports from JSTOR More than 39,000 research reports from over 140 policy institutes around the world are freely accessible to everyone on JSTOR. The open research reports are discoverable alongside journals, books, and primary sources, and are clearly labeled as their own content type.
  • Find Policy A side project of Transparify, search think tank sites grouped by topic and location.
  • Open Think Tank Directory A global collection of 2700 think tanks and related organisations.

Repository of think tank publications on EU affairs from the Library of the General Secretariat of the Council of the EU.

  • UN Documentation: Human Rights Guide Research Guides on locating UN documents for human rights research. Authored by the UN Library.
  • UN Watch A non-governmental organization based in Geneva, Switzerland, whose mandate is to monitor the performance of the United Nations.

Government & Agencies

  • US Department of State's Human Rights Reports These reports from the U.S. Department of State cover internationally recognized individual, civil, political, and worker rights, as set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  • EU Agency for Fundamental Rights An EU agency with the task of providing independent, evidence-based advice on fundamental rights. This group issues a number of papers and reports on topics relating to human rights issues in the EU.
  • Brill Human Rights Documents (Harvard Login) Database of documents from hundreds of non-governmental human rights organizations. Covers 1980s - present.
  • Amnesty International, Annual Reports Searchable website for human rights information by topic or by country. Includes comprehensive annual reports.
  • Freedom House Includes reports and annual scores of civil and political rights for most countries
  • State of the World's Children Produced by UNICEF, this annual report includes downloadable statistical tables that can be customized.
  • Human Rights Watch, World Report Annual report published by Human Rights Watch. Reports provide information on human rights conditions in more than 90 countries. Includes archive of reports from 1989 to present.
  • Refugees International Advocating for lifesaving assistance and protection for displaced people and promotes solutions to displacement crises. Includes in depth reports on displacement issues in specific countries and regions.
  • Norweigian Refugee Council, Publications Includes, news, reports, evaluations on displaced and vulnerable people in crisis.

UN Agencies

Several UN agencies research, collect and publish information on human trafficking issues. Below are listed the major UN agencies that focus on this issue.

  • UN, Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Human Trafficking Knowledge Portal Disseminates information regarding the implementation of the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and specifically the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children. Includes a case law database on officially documented instances of trafficking and searchable legislation database.
  • Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) The United Nations office with primary responsibility for promoting and protecting Human Rights. The Office's Special Rapportuer on Human Trafficking produces annual reports and other reports and recommendations
  • International Labour Organization Brings together representatives of governments, employers and workers to jointly shape policies and programs relating to labor issues. Reports and data on human trafficking, which includes sex trafficking as a subset by country and geographic region. Use search terms like forced labour in the search box.

US Government Agencies

  • US Department of State, Trafficking in Persons Report Annual report summarizing trafficking issues by Country including data, analysis and policy recommendations. Countries are assigned one of three tiers based on the extent of their governments’ efforts to comply with the “minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking.”

Non-Governmental Organizations

  • Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Includes news stories and reports on human trafficking in East and West European countries.
  • Polaris Project A leading advocacy group for ending human trafficking. The organization advocates for stronger laws against human trafficking organizations and provide services to victims of trafficking.

Harvard Kennedy School

  • Carr Center, Violence Against Women Publications Database Curated by staff at the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy, this database provides access to hundreds of articles, research papers, presentations, news and other resources relevant to the topic of Violence Against Women (VAW).
  • GenderWatch (Harvard Login) Provides abstracts and the full text of some 175 academic and scholarly journals, magazines, newspapers, newsletters, regional publications, books, booklets and pamphlets, conference proceedings, and government, non-governmental organization, and special reports.
  • World Bank, Gender Data Portal Statistics by country and topic. Includes useful links for more data sources.
  • Harvard Law Library, Research Guides Authored by Harvard Law Librarians, select the Human Rights and International Law categories to find a variety of specialized research guides on related topics.
  • Last Updated: Jul 19, 2023 4:59 PM
  • URL: https://guides.library.harvard.edu/hks/human_rights

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Carr Center for Human Rights Policy

The Carr Center for Human Rights Policy serves as the hub of the Harvard Kennedy School’s research, teaching, and training in the human rights domain. The center embraces a dual mission: to educate students and the next generation of leaders from around the world in human rights policy and practice; and to convene and provide policy-relevant knowledge to international organizations, governments, policymakers, and businesses.

About the Carr Center

Since its founding in 1999, the Carr Center has dedicated the last quarter-century to human rights policy.  

Carr at 25

June 10, 2024 Celebrating Pride Month Carr Center for Human Rights Policy

June 03, 2024 Carr Center for Human Rights Policy launches advocate training and research program to combat LGBTQI+ persecution worldwide by Ralph Ranalli

May 30, 2024 We're Hiring: Multimedia Communications Coordinator Carr Center for Human Rights Policy

May 23, 2024 Carr Center Awards Neha Bhatia (MPP ’24) the Carr Center Prize for Human Rights Carr Center for Human Rights Policy

April 10, 2024 Global Anti-Blackness and the Legacy of the Transatlantic Slave Trade Carr Center for Human Rights Policy

April 18, 2024 Fostering Business Respect for Human Rights in AI Governance and Beyond Isabel Ebert

February 27, 2024 Rights, Systematicity, and Misinformation

February 16, 2024 Game Over Albert Fox Cahn, Evan Enzer

Reversing the Global Backlash Against LGBTQI+ Rights

Diego Garcia Blum discusses advocating for the safety and acceptance of LGBTQI+ individuals, as well as the state of anti-LGBTQI+ legislation across the globe.

Reflections on Decades of the Racial Justice Movement

Gay McDougall discusses her decades of work on the frontlines of race, gender, and economic exploitation. 

See All Justice Matters Episodes

View and listen to all of the  Justice Matters  podcast episodes in one place.

Justice for Victims: Lessons from Around the World

Phuong Pham and Geoff Dancy discuss evidence-based, victim-centered transitional justice and its implications for peace, democracy, and human rights around the world.

Indigenous Sovereignty and Human Rights in the U.S.

Angela Riley, Chief Justice of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation and Professor at UCLA, discusses what sovereignty means for indigenous tribes in the United States.

A Human Rights-Based Approach to Mental Health

Bevin Croft and Ebony Flint from the Human Services Research Institute discuss mental health and human rights in the wake of new guidance issued in 2023 by the WHO.

Human Rights and Indigenous Rights in New Zealand

Claire Charters discusses the status of Māori representation in New Zealand's government, the right-wing pushback against indigenous rights, and more.

The Human Rights Violations of Abortion Bans

A discussion of the human rights violations caused by the reversal of  Roe v. Wade  and the move to ban abortion in the United States. 

“The Carr Center is building a bridge between ideas on human rights and the practice on the ground—and right now we're at a critical juncture around the world.”

Mathias risse, faculty director.

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Human Rights Law Research Guide


  • Secondary Sources: Treatises & Books
  • Secondary Sources: Journal Articles
  • The Core International Human Rights Instruments
  • Additional International Human Rights Instruments
  • Status of Human Rights Treaties
  • UN Charter Bodies
  • UN Treaty Bodies
  • The Americas
  • National Laws Protecting Human Rights
  • Multi-Institutional & Multi-Jurisdictional Sources
  • Regional Commissions & Tribunals
  • National (Domestic) Courts
  • Human Rights Case Law by Subject
  • Country Monitoring Reports
  • Women's Human Rights Resources
  • IGO and NGO Resources
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  • Preeminent Treatise

Since the UN General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, the body of international human rights instruments has grown significantly.  As a result, researchers often struggle to navigate a bewildering array of international treaties, country-specific monitoring reports, judicial decisions issued by regional tribunals and by national courts, and related documentation.

This guide is designed to help researchers identify relevant secondary sources on human rights law and to quickly and efficiently locate the full texts of primary law materials, including treaties, country reports, and case law.  While resources of general interest to all human rights researchers are highlighted throughout the guide, special attention is paid to resources that specifically address the  human rights of women at the international level .

Key Resources for Human Rights Law Research

  • UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) The OHCHR's website provides access to a wealth of documentation, including the core human rights treaties , links to the treaty bodies that monitor compliance with these treaties, other international human rights instruments , a directory of human rights information by country , and a directory of human rights databases .  
  • Oxford Reports on International Law This subscription database includes more than 4,000 judicial decisions on human rights topics issued by international and regional tribunals and by national courts.  Begin by selecting “human rights” from the Subject menu in the blue navigation bar.  Then search by keyword or use the filters on the left to narrow.  
  • RefWorld Although it focuses on refugee and asylum law, this UN database also includes materials that address other human rights topics.  Search or browse for international legal instruments (treaties), national laws , country reports , and case law from international tribunals and national courts.  For greater precision, use the Advanced Search .  

Research Assistance & Help with Related Topics

If you need assistance with human rights law research, visit the Research Help page of the Georgetown University Law Library's website. Or contact the Law Library's International and Foreign Law Department by phone (202-662-4195) or by email ( [email protected] ).  Georgetown Law Center students may schedule a one-on-one research consultation with a librarian.

For guidance in researching topics related to human rights law, consult the following Georgetown Law Library resources:  CALS Asylum Case Research Guide , the Treaty Research Guide , and the War Crimes Research Guide .

Human Rights Law

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Update History

Updated 08/2019 (chb) Revised 06/2018 (chb) Updated 12/2012(ajs) Revised 10/2009 (mms)

  • Next: Secondary Sources: Treatises & Books >>
  • © Georgetown University Law Library. These guides may be used for educational purposes, as long as proper credit is given. These guides may not be sold. Any comments, suggestions, or requests to republish or adapt a guide should be submitted using the Research Guides Comments form . Proper credit includes the statement: Written by, or adapted from, Georgetown Law Library (current as of .....).
  • Last Updated: Feb 7, 2024 10:45 PM
  • URL: https://guides.ll.georgetown.edu/humanrightslaw

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What are americans’ top foreign policy priorities.

The majority of Americans say preventing terrorism and reducing the flow of illegal drugs into the country are top foreign policy priorities.

How COVID-19 Restrictions Affected Religious Groups Around the World in 2020

Nearly a quarter of countries used force to prevent religious gatherings during the pandemic; other government restrictions and social hostilities related to religion remained fairly stable.


Results presented in this data essay are drawn from nationally representative surveys conducted over the past 20 years in more than 60 countries.

How Global Public Opinion of China Has Shifted in the Xi Era

The Chinese Communist Party is preparing for its 20th National Congress, an event likely to result in an unprecedented third term for President Xi Jinping. Since Xi took office in 2013, opinion of China in the U.S. and other advanced economies has turned more negative. How did it get to be this way?

Negative Views of China Tied to Critical Views of Its Policies on Human Rights

Large majorities in most of the 19 countries surveyed have negative views of China, but relatively few say bilateral relations are bad.

Fast facts about views of China ahead of the 2022 Beijing Olympics

Here are recent findings about Americans’ views of the diplomatic boycott and how people in the U.S. and around the world see China.

More adults approve than disapprove of U.S. diplomatic boycott of Olympics; few have heard much about it

About nine-in-ten U.S. adults (91%) say they have heard little (46%) or nothing at all (45%) about the diplomatic boycott of the Olympics.

Large Majorities Say China Does Not Respect the Personal Freedoms of Its People

Unfavorable views of China also hover near historic highs in most of the 17 advanced economies surveyed.

Most Americans Support Tough Stance Toward China on Human Rights, Economic Issues

Fewer adults have confidence in Joe Biden to handle the U.S.-China relationship than other foreign policy issues.

International Cooperation Welcomed Across 14 Advanced Economies

The United Nations is broadly credited with promoting peace and human rights as younger adults are more supportive of cooperation with other countries.


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Gale provides useful and authoritative resources for human rights studies and education.

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Find information and resources for research and interdisciplinary studies on human rights—the rights to which all people are entitled, regardless of nation, culture, race, gender, age, or social position.

The first formal international agreement on what should constitute human rights appeared in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in 1948. Former U.S. First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt served as the first U.S. delegate to the United Nations (UN). Her advocacy of human rights-based ethics and her key role in drafting the humanitarian guidelines of the UDHR continue to impact human rights protections and social justice movements today.

The UDHR arose as part of the post-conflict international response to atrocities committed during World War II (1939–1945), in which the German Nazi Party killed more than 11 million people, including 6 million Jewish people. The death, humiliation, torture, and other assaults on human dignity incurred during the armed conflict prompted the need for an international body to create guidelines to prevent such violations of human dignity from happening again.

Though different cultures, policymakers, and government officials may disagree on which standards and practices should constitute global human rights, the UDHR and other documentation on human rights issues generally specify that human rights should include, at a minimum, the right to life; freedom from slavery and torture; certain legal rights to equality and justice under the law (without discrimination based on gender, disability, religion, race, ethnicity, or other factors); and freedom to express political, religious, and other ideas without fear of persecution. While the UDHR is not legally binding, and member countries remain divided over how implementing UDHR principles can be accomplished without infringing upon national sovereignty, the language and cross-cultural principles of the UDHR have inspired international human rights laws and treaties and informed research, studies, and action on gender-based rights, disability rights, and other rights championed by numerous social movements for social justice.

National, regional, and international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have started to demand accountability for human rights abuses and monitoring mechanisms that exist around the world, including various national and international tribunals set up to prosecute war crimes and genocide. United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) is a group of advocates within the United Nations committed to promoting and protecting human rights worldwide. Individuals appointed as Special Rapporteurs report on the many mandates of the UNHRC. Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International are two well-known human rights organizations that defend human rights around the world. The International Criminal Court heard cases based on human rights violations, including war crimes.

Human Rights Resources

Gale provides resources that support an interdisciplinary approach to the research requirements for human rights studies with journals, articles, and other materials from our collections of  primary sources   and  eBooks .

Primary Source Archives

Gale Primary Sources  contains full-text archives and collections that provide firsthand content for human rights research, including historical documents, peer-reviewed scholarly journals, periodical articles, news articles, and other publications that examine and analyze human rights studies as well as ephemera and other non-published materials that provide a multidisciplinary approach to both high school and academic research requirements and promote a deeper understanding of the issues.

Slavery and Anti-Slavery: A Transnational Archive

In its entirety,  Slavery and Anti-Slavery: A Transnational Archive  consists of more than 5 million cross-searchable pages sourced from books, pamphlets, maps from many countries, newspaper articles, journals and periodicals, legal documents, court records, monographs, manuscripts, and other publications. An unprecedented collection developed under the guidance of a board of scholars, it offers never-before-available research opportunities and endless teaching possibilities.

Women's Studies Archive

The Women’s Studies Archive offers a look at the social, political, and professional aspects of women’s lives during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. It captures the foundation of women’s movements, struggles, and triumphs, and provides researchers with valuable insights into the social, political, and professional achievements of the women's rights movement and other gender issues. Researchers will find primary sources from diverse archives that trace the path of women’s issues from past to present—pulling primary sources from manuscripts, ephemera, documents, newspapers, periodicals, journals, history collections, women’s literature, and more.

The Making of Modern Law: American Civil Liberties Union Papers, Part II: Southern Regional Office

The Making of Modern Law: American Civil Liberties Union Papers, Part II: Southern Regional Office  is comprised of never-before-digitized materials documenting the ACLU’s legal battle to enforce the Civil Rights Act of 1964 in thirteen Southern states. This collection is an indispensable resource for the researcher to understand the complete history of the civil rights movement as well as its continued impact on current civil rights issues in the United States and ongoing discussions of various topics related to international human rights.

The Making of Modern Law: American Civil Liberties Union Papers, Part I: 1912–1990

The Making of Modern Law: American Civil Liberties Union Papers, Part I: 1912–1990 spans most of the twentieth century. Its subjects include civil rights, civil liberties, race, gender, and issues relating to the U.S. Supreme Court. The relevance of the collection to today’s curriculum and current debates at international, national, and local levels serve many research needs.

Nineteenth Century Collections Online: Religion, Reform, and Society

Nineteenth Century Collections Online: Religion, Reform, and Society  contains full-text, searchable materials from a broad range of sources, including articles, books, and images that examine the comparative influence of faith and skepticism on the shaping of many aspects of society—politics, law, economics, and social justice and radical reform movements. In the nineteenth century, intellectual theories gave rise to new humanist religious projects and faith-based social reform movements. Alongside Comte's positivist "religion of humanity," utopian collectives, and settlement houses, a new fascination with studies into alternative spiritual and mystical practices grew.

human rights research topic

Fight for Racial Justice and the Civil Rights Congress

This collection of literature comprises the Legal Case and Communist Party files of the Civil Rights Congress, documenting theories of social justice, various legal issues, and published documents detailing litigation in which the Civil Rights Congress was involved during its 10-year existence.

Ralph J. Bunche Oral Histories Collection on the Civil Rights Movement

This is a unique resource for the study of the era surrounding the civil rights movement in the United States. Within this resource, researchers will find transcriptions of close to 700 interviews with those who made history through their advocacy, which included the struggles for voting rights, the desegregation of schools, fights against discrimination in housing, exposing racism in hiring, defiance of police brutality, and addressing poverty in African American communities.

Gale eBooks

Gale's eBook collection offers a variety of publications online to support human rights research and studies. Users can add  Gale eBooks  to a customized collection and cross-search to pinpoint relevant content.  Workflow tools  help users easily share, save, and download content.

Political Science

Britannica Digital Learning   |   2016  |    ISBN-13:  9781622755479

This book traces the development of political science from ancient influences such as Plato and Aristotle to the perspectives of modern political shapers, such as Robert A. Dahl. It covers changes to the field in both thought and practice due to the rise and fall of political regimes, armed conflict and world wars, human migration, colonialism, climate change, and social media. The book also includes methodological examinations of international law and international relations, systems of government, constitutions, domestic policy, public opinion, social movements, and administration. The book ends with brief biographies of important people in the field of political science and specifies their various contributions.

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A World Divided: The Global Struggle for Human Rights in the Age of Nation-States

Princeton University Press   |   2019  |    ISBN-13:  9780691185552

This publication provides a global history of human rights in a world of nation-states that grant rights to some while denying them to others based on various aspects of identity. Through vivid histories drawn from every continent, it describes how since the eighteenth century, nationalists have fought to grant human rights to some people while excluding others through forced assimilation, ethnic cleansing, or genocide. From Greek rebels, American settlers, and Brazilian abolitionists in the nineteenth century to anticolonial Africans and Zionists in the twentieth, nationalists have confronted a crucial question: who has the right to have rights?  A World Divided: The Global Struggle for Human Rights in the Age of Nation-States tells their stories and shows that rights are dynamic. Originally intended exclusively for propertied white men, rights were quickly demanded by women, Native American and Indigenous peoples, and enslaved Black people. This title includes details to identify the origins of many of today's crises, from the 65 million refugees and migrants fleeing conflict worldwide to the growth of right-wing nationalism, and argues that only advancing human rights will move us beyond the divide.

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Human Rights

Introduction, human rights resources at nyu, human rights watch - united states rss feed, related research guides, twitter #humanrights feed.

  • Finding Books & E-Books
  • Newspaper & Scholarly Articles
  • Finding Key Documents
  • Data Sources
  • United Nations
  • NGOs, Charities, and Non-Profits
  • Video, Image & Archival Collections

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Welcome to the Human Rights Research Guide! Human rights is a multidisciplinary subject and research in human rights often requires consultation across disciplinary and methodological grounds. This guide focuses on providing useful resources for accessing various types of information (e.g. legal documents, data, scholarly articles) related to human rights research. For help with subject-specific research questions, please consult our other research guides or reach out to one of our subject librarians for a consultation . See the box below for a quick overview of the pages in this guide.

Eleanor Roosevelt holding a copy of the UN Declaration of Human Rights.

Eleanor Roosevelt holding the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 

adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1948. 

Alt text: Eleanor Roosevelt dressed in a dark dress holding a poster size copy of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

This guide is intended to help you conduct research in the interdisciplinary study of human rights. 

On this page, you can find some of the resources available at NYU New York related to human rights. 

As you move through the tabs of this guide you will find resources for locating various types of information:

  • Finding Books & E-Books  for academic books and reference sources on human rights topics.
  • Newspaper & Scholarly Articles  for relevant article databases and news sources.
  • Finding Key Documents  to learn more about the types of international documentation related to human rights and how to find it.
  • Data Sources  for help finding datasets related to human rights issues. 
  • United Nations  for a breakdown of human rights-related agencies in the UN and how to find their resources
  • NGOs, Charities, and Non-Profits  for organizations that maintain publicly available documentation on human rights issues.  
  • Video, Image & Archival Collections for primary source and archival materials (e.g. photos, personal testimonies, video, etc.).

While many of the resources linked in this guide are free and available to the public, some are only available to NYU-users. These resources will be marked with the notice  NYU-only.

  • Center for Human Rights and Global Justice The Center (at NYU School of Law) is a community resource for news, scholarship, and professional and academic opportunities related to human rights.
  • Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Archive Finding Aids Search these archives for collections related to human rights.
  • United Nations and International Documents The United Nations and International Documents Collection at Bobst Library is a full depository for UN documents since 1949.

Here are more  Human Rights Watch feeds  you can follow.

  • International Relations by Aruna Magier Pulipaka Last Updated May 13, 2024 2989 views this year
  • Public Policy & Administration by Carol Choi Last Updated Apr 24, 2024 718 views this year
  • Gender and Sexuality Studies by Jill Conte Last Updated May 28, 2024 3416 views this year

This guide serves as an overview of human rights resources and can be of use to anyone. It was created with the advisement of Laila Hussein Moustafa at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

  • Next: Finding Books & E-Books >>
  • Last Updated: May 23, 2024 2:40 PM
  • URL: https://guides.nyu.edu/humanrights

Shapiro Library

HIS 100 - Perspectives in History

Inequality and human rights.

A sign on a post that reads "every human has rights"

Image by Markus Spiske, retrieved via Unsplash

The concept of inequality and humans rights is an issue that dates far back into the depths of human history. If this is an area of interest to you, please select one of the three historical events on the menu to the left for your course work. Below you can learn more about each topic first by clicking on the title. 

Tulsa Massacre This link opens in a new window

Wounded Knee Occupation This link opens in a new window

Stonewall Rebellion This link opens in a new window

Each of these topics listed above are linked to a Research Starter, which is a  tertiary source . Tertiary sources are great to get background information on a topic, but these are not meant to be cited in your assignment. Once you click on the topic of your choice from the menu, you will find a number of primary and secondary sources to use in your assignment. Read through each source to learn more about your chosen historical event. 

  • << Previous: Developing a Research Question
  • Next: Tulsa Massacre >>

Human Rights Law Research Paper Topics

Academic Writing Service

This page presents a comprehensive guide on human rights law research paper topics tailored for law students assigned with research paper tasks. The page aims to provide comprehensive guidance and resources to students studying law and assigned with research paper tasks in the field of human rights law. It presents a diverse range of research paper topics related to human rights law, covering ten distinct categories, each containing ten topics for exploration. Furthermore, the page includes an in-depth article on human rights law, tips on selecting compelling human rights law research paper topics, and guidelines for writing a successful research paper. The page also highlights the custom writing services offered by iResearchNet, tailored to meet students’ academic needs and requirements in the domain of human rights law.

100 Human Rights Law Research Paper Topics

In the realm of human rights law, the depth and breadth of research topics are vast, reflecting the complexities of the field and its dynamic nature. This comprehensive list of human rights law research paper topics spans ten categories, each presenting ten engaging and thought-provoking subjects for exploration. From international perspectives to domestic applications, these topics cover various dimensions of human rights law, shedding light on critical issues, ongoing challenges, and evolving debates. Whether students are interested in human rights advocacy, humanitarian law, discrimination, or constitutional protections, this list aims to inspire and equip them with the right tools to embark on their research journey.

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  • Freedom of Expression and Hate Speech Laws: Striking a Balance
  • The Right to Privacy in the Digital Age: Challenges and Protections
  • Religious Freedom and the Clash of Beliefs in Pluralistic Societies
  • LGBTQ+ Rights and the Pursuit of Equality: Legal Progress and Challenges
  • Racial Profiling and Discrimination: Addressing Systemic Biases
  • Women’s Rights and Gender Equality: Empowerment and Legal Reforms
  • The Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Inclusion and Accessibility
  • Juvenile Justice and Youth Rights: Restorative Approaches
  • The Right to Education: Ensuring Access and Quality
  • Combating Human Trafficking: Legal Frameworks and Anti-Trafficking Efforts
  • Universal Human Rights Declarations and International Enforcement
  • The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in Promoting Human Rights
  • The United Nations Human Rights Council: Achievements and Limitations
  • International Criminal Court and the Pursuit of Accountability for Atrocities
  • The Impact of Customary International Law on Human Rights Norms
  • Regional Human Rights Systems: Advancing Rights Protection in Specific Areas
  • The Intersection of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law
  • Diplomacy and Human Rights: Balancing National Interests and Global Responsibilities
  • Economic Sanctions and Human Rights: Assessing Their Effectiveness and Consequences
  • The Responsibility to Protect: Sovereignty and Humanitarian Interventions
  • Income Inequality and Human Rights: Addressing Economic Disparities
  • Access to Healthcare as a Human Right: Equity and Universal Coverage
  • Housing Rights and Homelessness: Legal Strategies for Housing Security
  • Environmental Justice and Human Rights: Protecting Vulnerable Communities
  • Indigenous Rights and Land Restitution: Recognizing Past Injustices
  • The Impact of Armed Conflicts on Human Rights and Refugee Crisis
  • Discrimination and Marginalization of Minority Groups: Legal Responses
  • Labor Rights and Worker Protections: Fair Employment Practices
  • Human Rights and Access to Justice: Overcoming Barriers to Legal Remedies
  • Rights of Migrants and Refugees: Challenges in Migration Policies
  • Capital Punishment and Human Rights: Abolition and Alternatives
  • The Right to a Fair Trial: Legal Safeguards and Due Process
  • Prison Conditions and Human Rights: Rehabilitation vs. Punishment
  • Police Accountability and Use of Force: Balancing Public Safety and Rights
  • Juvenile Justice Reform: Rethinking Punishment for Young Offenders
  • Human Rights Implications of Cybercrime and Cybersecurity Measures
  • Counterterrorism Laws and Civil Liberties: Balancing Security and Rights
  • The Rights of Victims and Witness Protection in Criminal Proceedings
  • Criminalization of Drug Use and Human Rights: Health Approaches vs. Punitive Measures
  • Human Rights and the Right to Legal Representation: Ensuring Access to Counsel
  • Reproductive Rights and Women’s Health: Legal Battles and Access to Care
  • Mental Health Law and Human Rights: Balancing Autonomy and Protection
  • Access to Medicines and Patent Rights: Global Health Equity
  • Medical Ethics and Human Rights: Informed Consent and Research Ethics
  • LGBTQ+ Health Rights and Healthcare Disparities: Advocacy and Legal Reforms
  • Disability Rights and Healthcare Accessibility: Accommodations and Inclusion
  • The Right to Die with Dignity: Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia Laws
  • Human Rights Implications of COVID-19 Pandemic Response: Balancing Public Health and Liberties
  • Substance Use and Harm Reduction: Public Health Approaches and Legal Barriers
  • Health Rights of Refugees and Displaced Persons: Challenges in Providing Care
  • Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflicts: Legal Frameworks and Challenges
  • The Right to Seek Asylum: International Refugee Law and Responsibilities
  • War Crimes and International Justice: The Role of International Criminal Tribunals
  • Human Rights Implications of Autonomous Weapons and Military Technologies
  • The Role of Humanitarian Organizations in Conflict Zones: Safety and Access
  • The Responsibility to Protect: Preventing Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity
  • Human Rights and Internally Displaced Persons: Legal Recognition and Protections
  • The Impact of Armed Conflicts on Children’s Rights: Child Soldiers and Protection Measures
  • Gender-Based Violence in Armed Conflicts: Legal Responses and Accountability
  • Humanitarian Interventions and the Sovereignty Debate: Balancing Global Responsibility and Non-Interference
  • The Right to a Healthy Environment: Environmental Protections and Human Rights
  • Climate Change and Human Rights: Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies
  • Indigenous Rights and Environmental Conservation: Balancing Preservation and Development
  • Environmental Justice and Communities of Color: Overcoming Environmental Racism
  • The Impact of Extractive Industries on Human Rights and Environmental Preservation
  • Biodiversity Conservation and Indigenous Peoples’ Rights: Conflict and Collaboration
  • The Right to Water and Sanitation: Access and Equity in Water Management
  • Land Rights and Environmental Protection: Balancing Development and Conservation
  • Environmental Impact Assessments and Human Rights: Ensuring Accountability and Participation
  • The Role of the International Court of Justice in Protecting Human Rights
  • The United Nations Human Rights Council and its Effectiveness in Promoting Rights
  • Human Rights in Regional Organizations: The European Court of Human Rights
  • The Role of International NGOs in Monitoring and Advocating for Human Rights
  • International Human Rights Mechanisms and State Compliance: Challenges and Achievements
  • The Role of Human Rights in International Trade Agreements and Economic Cooperation
  • Human Rights in Armed Conflict: The Geneva Conventions and Customary International Law
  • International Criminal Law and Prosecution of Human Rights Violations
  • The Role of the United Nations in Protecting Children’s Rights
  • Human Rights and Peacekeeping Operations: Balancing Security and Rights
  • Digital Privacy and Human Rights: Challenges in the Age of Big Data
  • The Right to Freedom of Expression in the Digital Era: Censorship and Online Speech
  • Human Rights Implications of Artificial Intelligence and Automation
  • Surveillance and Human Rights: Balancing Security and Privacy
  • The Right to Internet Access as a Human Right: Universal Connectivity and Digital Equity
  • Online Harassment and Cyberbullying: Legal Protections and Remedies
  • Data Protection and Human Rights: Ensuring Personal Information Security
  • Intellectual Property Rights and Access to Knowledge: Copyright and Cultural Rights
  • The Right to Information and Government Transparency: Open Data and Accountability
  • The Use of Drones in Armed Conflicts: Ethical and Legal Implications
  • The Role of Human Rights Activism in Advancing Social Change
  • The Intersectionality of Human Rights: Addressing Multiple Forms of Discrimination
  • Indigenous Rights Movements and Land Justice: Advocacy and Legal Strategies
  • The LGBTQ+ Rights Movement: Progress and Challenges in the Fight for Equality
  • Women’s Rights Movements and Legal Reforms: Empowerment and Gender Equality
  • Disability Rights Advocacy and the Fight for Inclusion and Accessibility
  • Youth-Led Movements for Climate Justice and Environmental Rights
  • The Black Lives Matter Movement and Police Accountability: Demanding Justice and Reform
  • Human Rights and Migrant Rights Movements: Standing for Justice and Dignity
  • Human Rights and Corporate Accountability: Advocating for Corporate Social Responsibility

The field of human rights law presents a dynamic landscape with a plethora of research paper topics that delve into critical social, political, and ethical issues. The ten categories presented here offer students a panoramic view of the diverse and interrelated areas within human rights law. As they embark on their research endeavors, students have the opportunity to explore the complexities and implications of human rights from various perspectives, both nationally and globally. The ever-evolving nature of human rights law ensures that this field will continue to inspire and challenge scholars, advocates, and policymakers in their pursuit of justice, equality, and human dignity. Whether it is advocating for marginalized communities, addressing humanitarian crises, or examining the intersection of technology and human rights, these topics will empower students to contribute meaningfully to the discourse and advancement of human rights principles worldwide. The journey of human rights research is both transformative and empowering, offering the potential to effect positive change in the lives of millions.

Human Rights Law: Exploring the Range of Topics

Human rights law is a dynamic and critical field that addresses the fundamental rights and freedoms inherent to all human beings. Rooted in the belief in the inherent dignity and worth of every individual, human rights law seeks to protect and promote these rights, ensuring that all people can live in equality, freedom, and peace. As a multidimensional area of study, human rights law offers a wide range of research paper topics that delve into the complexities of international and domestic legal frameworks, the intersections between human rights and other fields of law, and the evolving challenges in safeguarding human rights in an ever-changing world.

  • The Universality and Cultural Relativism of Human Rights : The concept of human rights raises intriguing questions about the universality of rights versus the cultural relativism of values. Research papers in this category may explore the tensions between universal human rights norms and cultural practices, analyzing how cultural contexts can impact the interpretation and implementation of human rights.
  • Human Rights and Armed Conflicts : Armed conflicts present severe challenges to human rights, with civilian populations often suffering the most. Human rights law research paper topics in this area may focus on the protection of human rights during armed conflicts, including issues of war crimes, humanitarian law, and the role of international institutions in ensuring accountability for human rights violations.
  • Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights : Economic, social, and cultural rights are essential components of human rights law, emphasizing access to education, healthcare, housing, and social security. Research papers may analyze the legal frameworks and challenges in implementing these rights, especially in the context of poverty, inequality, and socio-economic development.
  • Human Rights and Refugees : The plight of refugees and asylum seekers is a pressing human rights issue worldwide. Research topics in this area may examine the legal protections and challenges faced by refugees, the role of international organizations in supporting displaced populations, and the impacts of immigration policies on human rights.
  • Human Rights and Discrimination : Discrimination on various grounds, such as race, gender, religion, and disability, continues to be a significant human rights concern. Research papers may explore legal frameworks and strategies to combat discrimination, including the role of affirmative action, equality laws, and anti-discrimination policies.
  • Freedom of Expression and Media Rights : Freedom of expression is a cornerstone of human rights law, and the media plays a crucial role in fostering democracy and accountability. Research topics in this category may delve into issues of media freedom, censorship, and the balance between free speech and hate speech.
  • Human Rights and Technology : Advancements in technology bring both opportunities and challenges to human rights protection. Research papers in this area may examine issues such as digital privacy, surveillance, artificial intelligence, and the right to access information in the digital age.
  • Human Rights and Health : Health is intricately linked to human rights, as access to healthcare is a fundamental right. Research topics may explore the right to health and the challenges in ensuring equitable access to healthcare services, especially in vulnerable populations.
  • Gender and Human Rights : Gender equality is a central theme in human rights law, and research papers in this category may focus on women’s rights, LGBTQ+ rights, and the intersections between gender and other human rights issues.
  • Human Rights and Business : The impact of business practices on human rights has become a significant area of concern. Research topics may explore corporate social responsibility, business and human rights initiatives, and the role of businesses in upholding human rights standards.

The realm of human rights law is vast and multifaceted, covering a wide array of topics and issues that demand critical examination and research. From armed conflicts to economic disparities, from refugees’ rights to media freedom, and from technology to health, the field of human rights law offers a rich landscape for exploration and advocacy. As students and scholars delve into these research paper topics, they engage in crucial discussions on human rights protection, social justice, and the promotion of dignity and equality for all. By striving for a deeper understanding of human rights and their complexities, we contribute to creating a more just, compassionate, and rights-respecting world. At iResearchNet, we are committed to supporting students in their academic pursuits by providing expert assistance and custom research paper writing services that adhere to the highest standards of quality and excellence. Together, let us explore the frontiers of human rights law and work towards a future where human rights are upheld and protected for every individual, without exception.

How to Choose a Human Rights Law Topic

Choosing a compelling and relevant research paper topic is a crucial step in the academic journey of students studying human rights law. As a multifaceted and evolving field, human rights law offers a vast array of topics to explore, each with its unique challenges and opportunities. However, the abundance of choices can also be overwhelming, leaving students unsure of where to begin. In this section, we will provide valuable insights and practical tips on how to select the most suitable and engaging human rights law research paper topics.

  • Identify Your Interests and Passions : The first step in choosing a research paper topic is to reflect on your personal interests and passions within the field of human rights law. What particular human rights issues resonate with you the most? Are you drawn to topics related to gender equality, access to healthcare, refugees’ rights, or freedom of expression? Identifying your interests will not only make the research process more enjoyable but also enable you to invest the necessary time and effort into producing a compelling and meaningful paper.
  • Conduct Preliminary Research : Before finalizing a research paper topic, it is essential to conduct preliminary research to gain a broader understanding of the current state of knowledge in the chosen area. Review academic journals, books, policy papers, and reports related to your potential topics. This preliminary research will not only help you refine your topic but also identify any gaps in the existing literature that you could address in your research.
  • Consider the Scope and Feasibility : While it may be tempting to choose a broad and ambitious topic, it is essential to consider the scope and feasibility of your research. A topic that is too broad may lack focus, while a topic that is too narrow may limit your ability to find sufficient research material. Strike a balance between a topic that is comprehensive enough to explore in-depth and one that is manageable within the scope of your research project.
  • Examine Current Debates and Controversies : Human rights law is often marked by ongoing debates and controversies surrounding certain issues. Exploring topics that are currently subject to heated discussions allows you to contribute to these debates and engage with cutting-edge research. Consider topics related to emerging challenges in human rights protection, the implications of new technologies on human rights, or the impact of global events on human rights law.
  • Consult with Professors and Peers : Seek guidance and feedback from your professors, advisors, and peers during the topic selection process. Discussing your ideas with knowledgeable individuals can provide valuable insights and help you refine your research focus. They can also suggest additional resources and research directions that you may not have considered.
  • Choose a Researchable and Original Topic : Select a research paper topic that is not only interesting but also researchable and original. Ensure that there is a sufficient amount of credible sources and data available for your chosen topic. Additionally, strive to bring a unique perspective or approach to your research to contribute new insights to the field of human rights law.
  • Stay Updated on Current Events : Human rights issues are dynamic and influenced by current events and global developments. Keep yourself updated on recent news, legal developments, and policy changes related to human rights. Monitoring current events will help you identify timely and relevant research paper topics that address real-world challenges.
  • Consider the Impact and Real-World Relevance : Choose a research paper topic that has practical significance and real-world relevance. Human rights law is not merely an academic exercise; it has a direct impact on the lives of individuals and communities worldwide. Consider topics that have the potential to contribute to positive change, promote human rights awareness, or address pressing human rights challenges.
  • Be Open to Flexibility and Adaptation : As you delve deeper into your research, be open to adapting and refining your research paper topic based on new insights and findings. Sometimes, the direction of your research may evolve, and being flexible in your approach allows you to produce a more nuanced and comprehensive paper.
  • Seek Inspiration from iResearchNet : At iResearchNet, we understand the significance of choosing the right research paper topic. Our team of expert writers and researchers is well-versed in various areas of human rights law and can provide valuable insights and inspiration to help you select the perfect topic for your research paper. With our assistance, you can embark on a journey of exploration and discovery, delving into the complexities and nuances of human rights law while making a meaningful contribution to the field.

Selecting a research paper topic in human rights law requires careful consideration and thoughtful reflection. By identifying your interests, conducting preliminary research, and staying updated on current events, you can choose a topic that is not only academically stimulating but also relevant and impactful. At iResearchNet, we are committed to supporting students in their academic pursuits by offering expert guidance and custom research paper writing services. Together, let us embark on a journey of academic excellence and advocacy, working towards a world where human rights are upheld and protected for all.

How to Write a Human Rights Law Research Paper

Writing a research paper in the field of human rights law requires careful planning, thorough research, and a clear understanding of the subject matter. As you embark on this academic endeavor, you will encounter various challenges and opportunities to delve deep into the complexities of human rights issues. In this section, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to write a compelling and impactful human rights law research paper.

  • Understand the Research Question : The first step in writing a research paper is to understand and define your research question. Your research question should be clear, focused, and specific, addressing a particular aspect of human rights law. It should guide your research and provide a framework for your paper.
  • Conduct In-Depth Research : Human rights law is a multidisciplinary field that draws on legal principles, international treaties, ethical considerations, and socio-political aspects. To write an authoritative research paper, conduct in-depth research from a variety of credible sources, including academic journals, legal databases, government publications, and reputable websites. Take notes and organize your findings to support your arguments effectively.
  • Create an Outline : Organize your research and ideas by creating a well-structured outline for your research paper. An outline helps you maintain a logical flow of information, ensuring that your paper is cohesive and coherent. Divide your paper into sections and subsections, each addressing a specific aspect of your research question.
  • Develop a Strong Thesis Statement : Craft a clear and concise thesis statement that summarizes the main argument of your research paper. Your thesis statement should convey the purpose of your paper and guide readers on what to expect throughout the document.
  • Introduction : Begin your research paper with an engaging introduction that provides background information on the human rights issue you are addressing. Introduce the significance of the topic, explain its relevance in the context of human rights law, and present your thesis statement.
  • Literature Review : Incorporate a literature review section in your research paper to discuss the existing body of knowledge on the topic. Analyze and critically evaluate relevant studies, theories, and legal cases related to your research question. Identify any gaps or inconsistencies in the literature that your research aims to address.
  • Methodology : If your research paper involves empirical research or data analysis, outline your methodology in this section. Describe the research design, data collection methods, and data analysis techniques you used to obtain results. Explain how your chosen methodology aligns with your research question and contributes to the overall understanding of the human rights issue.
  • Analysis and Findings : Present your research findings and analyze the data in the context of your research question. Use evidence and examples from your research to support your arguments. Analyze the implications of your findings on the human rights issue and its potential impact on policies, laws, or practices.
  • Discussion : In the discussion section, interpret your research findings and relate them to the existing body of knowledge. Address any limitations or challenges encountered during your research and suggest avenues for further exploration.
  • Conclusion : Summarize the key points of your research paper in the conclusion section. Restate your thesis statement and highlight the main findings of your study. Discuss the implications of your research on human rights law and suggest potential areas for future research.
  • Citations and Referencing : Properly cite all the sources used in your research paper following the required citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago). Accurate referencing is essential to give credit to the original authors and avoid plagiarism.
  • Proofreading and Editing : Before submitting your research paper, thoroughly proofread and edit it to eliminate any grammatical errors, typos, or inconsistencies. Ensure that your paper adheres to the formatting and style guidelines provided by your instructor or academic institution.

Writing a human rights law research paper is a rewarding and intellectually stimulating experience. By understanding your research question, conducting in-depth research, and organizing your paper effectively, you can produce a compelling and impactful piece of academic work. Remember to stay focused on your thesis statement and support your arguments with credible evidence. At iResearchNet, we understand the challenges of writing a research paper and are here to support you with expert guidance and custom research paper writing services. Together, let us contribute to the advancement of human rights knowledge and advocate for a more just and equitable world.

iResearchNet’s Custom Research Paper Writing Services

At iResearchNet, we understand the significance of human rights law and its impact on shaping a just and equitable society. We recognize that students pursuing law studies often face various academic challenges, including the task of writing comprehensive and well-researched research papers on complex human rights issues. To support students in their academic journey and contribute to the advancement of human rights knowledge, we offer custom human rights law research paper writing services. Our team of expert degree-holding writers is dedicated to providing top-quality, customized solutions tailored to meet your specific research needs. With our comprehensive services, you can embark on a seamless and rewarding research paper writing experience.

  • Expert Degree-Holding Writers : At iResearchNet, we have a team of expert writers with advanced degrees in law and human rights-related fields. Our writers possess extensive knowledge of human rights principles, international treaties, and legal frameworks, enabling them to craft well-informed and insightful research papers.
  • Custom Written Works : We understand that each research paper is unique, and therefore, we offer fully custom-written papers designed to meet your specific requirements. Our writers conduct in-depth research on your chosen topic and tailor the paper to align with your research question and academic guidelines.
  • In-Depth Research : Our writers are adept at conducting comprehensive and in-depth research from a variety of credible sources, ensuring that your research paper is well-supported with evidence and examples.
  • Custom Formatting : We are well-versed in different citation styles, including APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, and Harvard. Our writers meticulously follow the required formatting guidelines to ensure that your research paper adheres to the highest academic standards.
  • Top Quality : We prioritize quality and excellence in every research paper we deliver. Our team of skilled editors reviews each paper to ensure it is free from errors and adheres to academic standards.
  • Customized Solutions : We recognize that human rights law encompasses a wide range of topics and issues. Our custom writing services allow you to choose your preferred research topic and specify any particular requirements you have for the paper.
  • Flexible Pricing : We offer flexible pricing options to accommodate students’ varying budgetary constraints. Our pricing is competitive, and we provide transparent cost estimates upfront.
  • Short Deadlines : We understand the pressures of tight deadlines and offer expedited services to cater to urgent research paper writing needs. Our writers are capable of delivering high-quality papers within short timeframes, even as little as 3 hours.
  • Timely Delivery : Punctuality is one of our core values. We are committed to delivering your research paper within the agreed-upon deadline, allowing you ample time for review and submission.
  • 24/7 Support : Our customer support team is available 24/7 to address any inquiries, concerns, or updates regarding your research paper. Feel free to reach out to us at any time for prompt assistance.
  • Absolute Privacy : At iResearchNet, we prioritize your privacy and confidentiality. All your personal information and research paper details are handled with the utmost confidentiality and stored securely.
  • Easy Order Tracking : Stay updated on the progress of your research paper with our easy-to-use order tracking system. You can monitor the status of your paper and communicate directly with your assigned writer.
  • Money Back Guarantee : We are committed to customer satisfaction. If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with the final research paper, we offer a money-back guarantee to ensure your peace of mind.

With iResearchNet’s custom human rights law research paper writing services, you can unlock the full potential of your academic journey. Our team of expert writers is here to support you in exploring the complexities of human rights law and contributing to the advancement of this critical field. Whether you need assistance in choosing a research topic, conducting in-depth research, or crafting a well-structured paper, we are here to assist you every step of the way. Empower your human rights law research with iResearchNet and make a meaningful impact on the world.

Empower Your Human Rights Law Research with iResearchNet

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey into the realm of human rights law research? iResearchNet is your trusted partner in this noble pursuit. Our commitment to excellence, dedication to academic integrity, and passion for advancing human rights knowledge make us the perfect choice for all your research paper needs.

Empower your human rights law research and make a meaningful impact on the world with iResearchNet. Our custom research paper writing services are designed to support you in your academic journey and contribute to the advancement of human rights knowledge. Take the first step towards a brighter future and place your order today!


human rights research topic

240 Human Rights Essay Topics & Examples

Whether you’re interested in exploring enduring issues, social justice, or democracy, see the ideas below. Along with human rights topics for essays and other papers, our experts have prepared writing tips for you.

  • ✅ Tips for Writing Essays on Human Rights

🏆 Best Human Rights Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

🥇 most interesting human rights topics for essays, 🎓 simple & easy human rights essay topics, 💡 great human rights research topics, 🔎 interesting topics to write about human rights, ❓ essay questions on human rights.

If you’re starting a discussion on human rights, essay examples on the subject can really help you with argumentation. And if you’re assigned to come up with a research paper or speech on it, a good idea is a must for an excellent grade. Good thing you’ve found this list of human rights essay topics!

✅ 9 Tips for Writing Essays on Human Rights

The recognition of people’s rights through proper laws preserves human dignity. This broadness means that human rights essay topics range in scope drastically, requiring you to bring together different kinds of ideas in a single paper.

Thus, you may need to keep in mind particular tips, from structural advice to correct terminology, to write an excellent human rights essay.

Do your research before you start working on your outline. Searching for book and journal titles beforehand will not only help you understand your topic better but also help you structure your thoughts, affecting your structure for the better.

Compiling a bibliography early will also save you from the mess, which comes from ordering and standardizing your sources as you go.

After you have your reference page ready, draft a human rights essay outline.

Make it as detailed or as simple as you need, because what is essential is that you divide your topics evenly between your paragraphs or subheadings.

Doing so will ensure that you have a comprehensive essay that helps advance academic knowledge on a particular subject, rather than an overpowered paper aimed at a single problem.

Write your thesis statement as your final prewriting step. Excellent thesis examples should state the theme explicitly and leave your reader with an accurate understanding of what you are trying to achieve in your paper.

Skipping or ignoring this phase may leave your work disoriented and without a definite purpose.

Keep in mind your chosen human rights essay questions when writing. Going off theme will never get you good marks with your instructor.

If you are writing from a cultural relativism point of view, then do you have the word-count to argue about moral relativism? Do not forget that everything you write should advance your central thesis and never undermine it!

Get a good grasp on the relevant terminology. Confusing human nature with the human condition is never a good start to a paper that aspires to shed light on one subject or the other.

You can start writing down the terms that you find useful or intriguing during your research phase to help you gain a better understanding of their meaning.

Understand the correct time and place to qualify or refute certain statements. Arguing against the children’s right to basic needs may never be appropriate in an academic setting. Acknowledge the arguable cases, and subvert these to your benefit, as an essayist.

Interest your audience with essay hooks and exciting facts. Academia is not a dull place, and your readers may find themselves more willing to engage with your work if they find it enjoyable, rather than dry and formalistic. Doing so will also demonstrate your good grasp on the subject!

Remain respectful of your chosen case, and remember that you are writing about a subject that experiences hundreds of daily violations.

Recognizing the dangerous nature of your paper will not only help you separate beneficial facts from superficial ones but may also allow you to hone your academic integrity.

Read sample essays online to gain a better understanding of what essay mechanics will work and which you can leave unused. This extra reading may also give you good human rights essay ideas to begin writing your paper!

However, remember that plagiarism is a punishable offense, unlike the simple act of becoming inspired by others’ work. Want to see some samples? Head over to IvyPanda and jump-start your paper!

  • Three Generations of Human Rights Development The current legal recognition of human rights attainment originated from various declarations and the most pronounced included the Magna Carta declaration in the thirteenth century that curtailed the royal powers, the American declaration of independence […]
  • How Nike Sweatshops in Asia Violate Human Rights Factors that facilitated the emergence and development of Nike sweatshops included the availability of cheap labor, lower costs of production, lower wages, the restriction on the labor movements by the local authorities, and the poor […]
  • Basic Human Rights Violation The Human Rights Watch was formed in the year 1978 following the creation of the Helsinki Watch. The issue of terrorism has posed the greatest challenge in the operations of the Human Rights Watch.
  • The Origin of the Human Rights Concept This point out to the fact that there were rights in the document that are common to different parts of the world and that they were not only obtained from the western nations’ practices of […]
  • Torture and Human Rights Violation The researcher notes that the government never provided a clear explanation of the events and their position on the possibility of resorting to torture.
  • Human Rights and the United Nations Charter The most significant resemblance of the New Laws of The Indies and Human Rights Law of the United Nations is the obligation to consider human rights as the primary basis for establishing the local regulations.
  • Current Human Rights Issues Social rights go hand in hand with human rights since most of them are defined in declarations and treaties of human rights.
  • Effects of War on Humanity in Terms of Human Rights The effects not only affect the coalition governments in war, but also members of the attacked countries for instance, Iraq people recorded the greatest number of fatalities and casualties during the Iraq war.
  • Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies for Human Rights Established in 1919 as the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, the organization has been very instrumental in championing the improvement of human rights and the reduction of human suffering.
  • McDonald’s: Human Rights and Environmental Sustainability Core values of the company One of the core values of the company is the respect for the fundamental rights of human beings.
  • Immigrants and Human Rights In order to solve the problem of violation of the human rights of the immigrants, some recommended policies include: The detention of immigrants should be reviewed on a regular basis, and if a person is […]
  • Social Media: A Force for Political and Human Rights Changes Worldwide In this essay, I will discuss the effectiveness of traditional media and social media, and how social media has a better participation in changing the world in terms of politics and human rights.
  • The Case of Malala: Is Education a Basic Human Right? Additionally, understanding the social and cultural dimensions of gender inequality in education allows one to determine the policy issues that cause the problem and thus establish a mechanism for preventing its reoccurrence in the future.
  • The European Human Rights System Despite the efforts of the European human rights system to establish a common system of legislation to guide the implementation of the human rights in all the member states, the specific laws of the states […]
  • How Corruption Violates Fundamental Human Rights of Citizens This essay seeks to establish how corruption leads to breach of fundamental human rights of citizens and determine which rights in particular are mostly risky due to corruption.
  • Human Rights Violations in Today’s World This paper addresses questions regarding human rights, including the United Nations’ involvement in enforcing those rights violations and the role of non-governmental organizations in addressing the issue.
  • Is FGM a Human Rights Issue in the Development of Humanism and Equality? Among the problems faced by developed states that receive migrants from third-world countries, the protection of women’s and girls’ rights in the field of reproductive health stands out.
  • Human Rights in Naturalistic and Political Conceptions Conferring to one venerable explanation, the Naturalistic Conception of Human rights, human rights are the privileges and rights that we enjoy by the mere fact that we are humans.
  • Gender and Human Rights The concept of a Human of Rights introduced by Foucault in 1950s, and also referred to as humanity is traditionally defined as a “floating signifier” and is related directly to the idea of human rights.
  • Human Rights and Social Transformation Skeptics challenges the origin, contribution of globalization to the advancement of human rights, tension posed on security due to strict adherence to codes of human rights, human rights contribution to universality evaluated in relation to […]
  • Impact of Human Rights on Society Democratic space is an indication of tolerance and consideration of the people on the part of the government, since it shows that the voice of the people has a preference over any single person.
  • Human Rights in Serial ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ Freedom of choice comprises one of the constituents of a wider debate going to the society under the umbrella of human rights.
  • Prisoners’ Human Rights Denial Human rights watch is required to create a standardized list of rights and guarantees that should affect both domestic and international institutions in order to ensure the application of basic human rights, such as the […]
  • The Evolution of Human Rights: France vs. America The Age of Enlightenment made human rights one of the major concerns of the world community, which led to the American and French Revolutions the turning points in the struggle for justice.
  • “Women’s Rights Are Human Rights” by Hillary Clinton Hillary Clinton’s speech about women’s rights effectively convinces her audience that women rights are an indispensable part of human rights through the use of logical argument, repetition, historical facts, and emotional stories.
  • United States and UAE Human Rights Comparison The nation’s denial of freedom of expression and religion, as well as its discrimination against women and the punishment of same-sex intercourse with the death penalty, are among the most prominent issues.
  • Culture and Religion in Human Rights Universality Fagan asserts that a commitment to the universal legitimacy of human rights is not consistent with the dedication to the principle of respecting cultural diversity.
  • Child Labor Issue According to the Human Rights The International Labor Organization defines child labor as “work that deprives children of their childhood, their potential, and their dignity, and that is harmful to physical and mental development”1 Being a United Nations agency, ILO […]
  • Human Rights in 21st Century: China Although there have been cases of human rights violations in China, recent events and efforts depict the country as working towards promoting individual rights.
  • International Human Rights Law The civil and political rights preceded the origins of the economic, social, and cultural rights, and thus they are deemed as second-generation rights.
  • The Challenge of Human Rights and Cultural Diversity It is however true that the existence of universal human rights is compromised by cultural relativism. In addition, it is wrong to assume that cultural relativism would interfere with the efficacy of these universal human […]
  • Compare Two Movies Related With Human Rights In the Name of the Father is a movie that portrays an innocent arrest of Gerry Colon and subsequent torture for him to confess the terrorist’s crimes he did not commit and enduring long legal […]
  • Saddam Hussein Human Rights Abuse This paper focuses on the activities that took place under the authority of Saddam Hussein which led to the abuse of human rights.
  • Human Rights, Education and Awareness But the progress is underway, and while there is still much to be done in terms of securing even the basic human rights, the strategies and the general principles of achieving equality can be outlined.
  • The Role of Non-state Actors in the Implementation and Monitoring of Human Rights Various human rights international and local organizations have come up with strategies that aid in the implementation of human rights laws and monitoring and evaluation of the standards.
  • Human Rights History and Approaches Further development of the concept of human rights was reflected in the European Middle Ages, the eras of renaissance and enlightenment, and the idea of empowering all people, based on the concept of “natural law”.
  • The Universality of Human Rights In contrast to the other institutions that suggest a single form of the notion existing in the given society, the area of human rights allows to switch the shapes of the very notion of human […]
  • Human Rights in the Movie Escape From Sobibor As a result of the escape, the Nazi Authorities were made to shutdown the camp and planted trees The Second World War was a period during which a lot of violations of the human rights […]
  • Thomas Jefferson as a Defender of Human Rights In conclusion, Thomas Jefferson was a steadfast defender of human rights, but most importantly, he fought for the rights of black people.
  • Strategic Planning: Human Rights Watch The company’s competitive position represents the largest coverage of countries in various areas: monitoring military conflicts, protecting access to medicine, addressing and the rights of vulnerable segments of the population.
  • Human Rights and Justice Sector: Article Review The central problem is the complex of new African American control institutions made up of the carceral system and the ruins of the dark ghetto.
  • The Native Human Rights: Intergenerational Trauma Following are some strategies for addressing Indian citizens’ unique status, ways in which the fundamental right of Indians adheres, the practice of civil rights, the right to ownership of water, the right to be allowed […]
  • Human Rights Reforms in the Arab World In modern history, the theme of human rights reformations in the Arab World has been influenced by the French and America Revolutions.
  • Freedom of Speech as a Basic Human Right Restricting or penalizing freedom of expression is thus a negative issue because it confines the population of truth, as well as rationality, questioning, and the ability of people to think independently and express their thoughts.
  • Violation of Human Rights: Tuskegee Syphilis Study The authors of the study and the authorities tried to justify human rights violations by saying that they were analyzing the effects of fully developing syphilis on Black males.
  • Human Rights Violation in US Sports Despite the advancement in human rights in the most significant part of society, sports in various parts of the globe continue to cultivate actions of human rights violation.
  • Cultural Heritage and Human Rights in France For example, the imagination of the inhabitants of this region manifested itself vividly in many ways during the development and construction of the famous Notre Dame Cathedral.
  • Retirement Options: Putting Human Rights to Work The employers consider terminating the old employees for their personal safety and the company’s economic stability. Therefore, public awareness stimulates action against discrimination and allows the employees to support the older people at work.
  • Environmental, Social, and Governance Relating to Human Rights It is impossible to ignore the fact that the ESG trend can significantly affect the sphere of human rights in the energy sector.
  • Biomedical Research Ethics and Human Rights This paper aims to discuss the impact of the history of research ethics on modern approaches and the protection of the rights of human subjects.
  • The Absolute Human Right Not to Be Tortured The case against the prohibition of absoluteness contrary to torment and associated types of cruelty in universal law queries the ethical and legal conventions that form the foundation of the event of terrorism.
  • Human Rights Issues: Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans Hurricane Katrina is considered one of the worst calamities in the history of the United States. The law of the United States gives the government the responsibility to protect the lives of its citizens.
  • Rhetoric and Reality of Human Rights Protection For example, the prohibition of homosexuality in many countries of Africa and the Middle East, the restriction of China and Russia’s citizen’s freedoms, and the dictatorship of Africa and Latin America.
  • Why Do Good? Human Rights Violations in Afghanistan To be more specific, this is because the main essence of Bentham’s philosophical standpoint is that only those actions which bring happiness and pleasure to others are morally right.
  • Understanding Human Rights in Australia Needless to say, the key objective of this Act has been to improve the standards of legislation processes in the region.
  • Understanding of Human Rights This provides us with a clue, as to what should account for the line of legal reasoning, regarding the illegality of the ‘burqa ban’, on the part of French Muslims in the European Court of […]
  • Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Protest as a Violation of Human Rights Standing Rock claims that the pipeline would damage the sacred sites of their ancestors and is potentially harmful to the local environment and the economic situation of the tribe.
  • Bridging the Line Between a Human Right and a Worker’s Choice Workers’ rights, in that sense, constitute one of the most important aspects of the human rights issue because many workers are willing to face peril if the market is able to pay a sufficient price.
  • The UN Declaration of Human Rights & The UN Millennium Project Human rights are “international norms that help to protect all people everywhere from severe political, legal, and social abuses”.
  • Social Media and Human Rights Memorandum Considering a recent scandal with Facebook’s failure to protect people’s data in the Cambridge Analytica breach, it is feasible to dwell on the topic of human rights protection within the Internet.
  • Definition of Human Rights Human rights are freedoms established by custom or international agreement that impose standards of conduct on all nations.
  • Labor and Monopoly. Human Rights Simultaneously, the laborers do not enjoy any control on design and production over the work, thus, the staff are uncomfortable with their work. However, in the case of flight attendants, the profession is different in […]
  • Reaction Paper about Treaty Bodies of Human Rights 2020 Therefore, it is important to evaluate the prospects of budget issues due to COVID-19, communication challenges due to reduced human contacts and pandemic concerns affecting human right defense as well as the general secretary’s rejection […]
  • Human Rights in Islam and West Instead, it would stick to drafting standards and stay out of the actual developments and problems of the Stalinist Soviet Union, the United Kingdom and its colonies, and the segregationist United States and other powers […]
  • African Human Rights Protection Many human rights activists have come forward to champion the rights of the minorities and in some instances agitate for democratic governance.
  • Joseph Kony’s Violations of Human Rights Even so, conflicts in the 21st century are unique in that the warring parties are obliged to follow some rules of engagement and to respect human rights.
  • Human Rights: Violated Historical and Ethical Principles The people in most of the research did not have a choice. The people in the experiments did not have the right to beneficence.
  • Public International Law of Human Rights The present paper examines three important decisions issued by the International Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights in the field of state responsibility, human rights, and rights and duties of international […]
  • US & UK Human Rights While Countering Terrorism The threat of terror and the further legal reactions of the nations to the problem were considered as challenging, and it is necessary to examine differences and similarities associated with the promotion of human rights […]
  • Dignity: Is It a Basic Human Right and How to Protect of Self-Worth and Self-Determination? The problem has raised the issue of assisted suicide to end a life of suffering and the role of such a patient in deciding when and how they will die rather than waiting for the […]
  • International Human Rights Opinion and Removing a Constitutionally Elected Government in Fiji It is believed that the gross overreaction of the military in the internal affairs of the Methodist church in Fiji has paved the way for international focus to be centered in this island, especially in […]
  • Human Rights Act 1998 in British Legal System The safeguard of British liberty is in the good sense of the people and in the system of representative and responsible government which has been evolved”.[The Business of Judging] Such an approach isolated British constitutional […]
  • Human Rights in Russia: A 2020 Report Concentrating on the Last Changes Overall, expert opinion on the outcomes of human rights in Russia in the future shows a lack of certainty the country’s record of infringements is going to improve. It is imperative to support the promotion […]
  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Daily Briefs UN experts and ambassadors of foreign countries, including the US and the EU, responded to this violation, calling not to use weapons and allow the people to express their will.
  • Will the Development of Artificial Intelligence Endanger Global Human Rights? The contradiction between the advantages of AI and the limitation of human rights manifests in the field of personal privacy to a larger extent.
  • St. Johns Agency and Human Rights: Universal Policies to Support Human Rights The right to health as an inclusive right is one of the elements which states that the right is not only associated with access to health care facilities and services. The company incorporates various aspects […]
  • History II, Early Human Rights Debates: The Truth About Pirates and the Social Justification The reading by Mark Roth describes the hidden historical truth behind pirates and their deceptive view by the modern society. This historical document depicts one of the earliest accounts of the mistreatment of Native Americans […]
  • Universal Human Rights on The Case of MV Tampa On the other hand, the country was enforcing its own right to protect the citizens from the perceived danger a justified precaution in light of numerous cases of illegal immigration and terrorist attacks.
  • Human Rights Violations by Police: Accountable in Discharging Their Duties Corey in his study and reflection on two mass exonerations, that is, the Rampart and Tulia exonerations, identified police misconduct, and in particular perjury as the primary cause for wrongful convictions.
  • Human Rights Obligations of Multinational Corporations The argument of whether it is valid to impose obligations on violation of human rights on MNCs calls to reason the minimum caliber MNCs should maintain in their obligations towards human rights.
  • Human Rights Issues in Australia: Bullying Among School-Going Age and Young People The focus of the topic of the day is on bullying. It is used to prevent or avoid the occurrence of a bullying experience.
  • Tortures as the Form of Human Rights Abuse The law of the country must allow persons tortured in any form to be permitted to make an official complaint and investigation to be started on the credibility of the person.
  • Human Rights and Global Democracy by Michael Goodhart Considering that the current human rights bodies focus mostly on rights of individuals, there is needs for translating the rights in a global context.
  • Shirin Ebadi’s Perspective on Women’s Human Rights Activism and Islam It is worth noting that Shirin Ebadi’s self-identity as an Iranian woman and a Muslim empowers her experience and perspective in women’s rights activism.
  • Cultural Values vs. the UN Declaration of Human Rights With the rise in diversity and the focus on the cross-cultural dialogue, the importance of acknowledging cultural values has risen.
  • United States Role in Support of Universal Human Rights The first thing is to put an end to extrajudicial killings and detentions which will be in a bid to end intrusion to the freedom and the right to truth and justice.
  • Universal Jurisdiction for Human Rights One of the most prominent roles in this process was played by the implementation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the UN, by the development of the national and intercultural awareness of various […]
  • Human Rights: Humanitarian Intervention Some of these are the right to liberty, the right to life, the right of the freedom to think and express oneself, and finally the right to receive equal handling as regards issues relating to […]
  • A “Human Rights” Approach to Imprisonment In Europe human rights in prisons are overseen by the Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.
  • Social Factors in the US History: Respect for Human Rights, Racial Equality, and Religious Freedom The very first years of the existence of the country were marked by the initiatives of people to provide as much freedom in all aspects of social life as possible.
  • South Africa: Human Rights in the Constitution The Bill of Rights serves as the foundation upon which the democratic character of the Republic of South Africa is built.
  • Human Rights in the Disaster Capitalism Context By the word human rights, it is generally meant to be the protection of individual rights against the encroachment by the state and it also means the basic rights and freedom of individuals.
  • Human Rights: Development, Commission, Listening, Monitoring The final draft of the Declaration was handed to the Commission being held in Geneva, therefore, the draft declaration that was sent to all UN member states for commentary is known as the Geneva draft.
  • Human Rights in China, Tibet and Dafur In spite of the progress, achieved in the process of regulating the situation, and the ongoing process of peaceful settlement, the atmosphere of intensity is preserved in the country, and scale military attacks on innocent […]
  • The Universal Declaration of Human Rights The Universal Declaration of Human Rights should be analyzed within the context of the political, cultural, and religious situation, emerging in the middle of the twentieth century.
  • Vehicle Impoundment “HOON” Laws Are an Infringement of People’s Human Rights The other dimension presents the argument that the laws are meant for the well being of the pepole articulating that the legislation is in fact designed for the protection of the civil rights of the […]
  • Global Human Rights: The European Court of Human Rights The European Convention on Human Rights, or officially called Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms became one of the most significant documents accepted by the Council of Europe.
  • Human Rights and International Business The article deals with the crisis in Burma and the role of India and China in this crisis. Even though it might appear that the major theme of discussion is international politics, from the first […]
  • Human Rights Violation in Kosovo The paper has discussed the massive violation of Human Rights in Kosovo, The International Community’s reaction and actions to the Kosovo crisis, and i have given my suggestions to the community on regard to Kosovo […]
  • How Has Globalization Impacted on Issues of Human Rights? William Adler closely examines the disrupted lives of the three women who occupy an assembly-line job as the job and its company moves from New Jersey to rural Mississippi and to Matamoros, Mexico, across the […]
  • Protecting America: Security and Human Rights 2007) After the 9/11 bombings of the World Trade Center, the US government under President Bush executed and implemented a series of actions that catapulted the country to a period of war.
  • Basic Technology and Human Rights If some people are able to enjoy the facilities being introduced as a result of technological improvisations, and it reaches to a chosen few, with no chance in sight of reaching out to large number […]
  • Refugee Women and Their Human Rights According to the researches have been made by UNHCR, 1998, found that 80% of the refugees immigrating to the United States and other countries of second asylum are women or children.
  • Human Systems. Technology as a Human Right Since most of the world bodies continue to use the basic technology to communicate with the world e.g.about health and safety, access to these amodern’ basic technology should be regarded as a human right and […]
  • Human Rights: Fredin v. Sweden Legal Case In this situation, the court considered a case that affected the protection of nature and the human right to own property and sentenced in favor of the state.
  • Human Rights and Security in Post-Soviet Russia The collapse of the Soviet Union marked the end of the Cold War and the polarization of the world. On the one hand, the collapse of the Soviet Union led to the rapid acceleration of […]
  • Global and Regional Human Rights Institutions Overall, the topic of human rights and their protection through economic sanctions and other strategies requires additional attention from the states and international institutions.
  • Prisoners’ Basic Human Rights and Their Violation In the report, McKelvie et al.highlight the important contradictions behind the blanket ban, namely the lack of understanding behind the purpose of the prison, the influence of the media and the public press, as well […]
  • Human Rights of Migrants by Francois Crepeau The report by Francois Crepeau addresses the deaths of migrants in the central Mediterranean Sea and evaluates the European Union border control analysis, migration policy, and the application of values and human rights in the […]
  • The U.S. and the UAE Human Rights Comparison A detailed analysis of the two nations can reveal significant and noteworthy differences between the overall attitudes of the U.S.and UAE.
  • Monsanto: Profits, Laws, and Human Rights Although the majority of multinational giants have affirmed their conviction in upholding the letter of the law and professional ethics, in practice, a good portion of them has issues with either the ethical or the […]
  • Malala Yousafzai – Pakistani Human Rights Activist The world learned about the girl after a gunman burst into a school bus and shot the girl in the head, thereby avenging her criticism of the Taliban and neglecting the prohibition to attend school.
  • Human Rights and Laws on the International Level Zewei provides a characterization of the Tributary System and the concept of the Celestial Order of China, the impact of international law on China’s Confucianism worldview, and the process of integration of international law into […]
  • Human Rights and Dignity: Non-Western Conceptions It has been accepted that human rights are the notion which was developed in the West, however, some scientists tried to contradict this idea presenting the arguments that many nations battled for human rights many […]
  • Human Rights Issues During the Holiday Season Should we stick to the habitual “Merry Christmas” and stay loyal to the traditions of the majority or embrace a more neutral “Happy Holidays” and show respect to the cultural diversity?
  • R. Lemkin and E. Roosevelt as Human Rights Activists He devoted all his time and energy to trying to persuade the new delegates of the United Nations of the importance of the fight against genocide.
  • Universal Human Rights in Theory and Practice It is essential to highlight the contributions of Ghonim because he was one of the first to leverage the use of social media.
  • Human Rights Poster Design and Analysis First, I realised that placing the title or theme of the poster at a strategic point goes a long way to draw the attention of the target audience.
  • Human Rights of Poor in Developing Countries Their interactions with those in authority and the decision makers in the society have been marred with many obstacles and denied the rights to freedom of speech and expression that is being enjoyed by the […]
  • Communication as a Human Right and Its Violations According to the international laws, every person has a range of rights which should be met in the society completely, and the right to communicate is one of the most significant ways for a person […]
  • Human Rights and Relations in Education and Career The information is located on the left and above and is easy to navigate. This is useful to the employees as it makes them aware of the key needs to the job and the benefits.
  • China’s Land Grabs and Human Rights Violation What interested you about the article and how is the content of the article related to aspects of global citizenship? Upon reading the news article from Amnesty International’s website about Chinese officials’ land grabbing […]
  • The Human Rights and Its Basic Principles There is a perspective that the initiation of the given process can be justified by the need to protect citizens and the state.
  • Chile’s Human Rights Violations in 1973-90 After the death of the president, the military took office and a state of civil unrest engulfed the country. Human rights violations experienced in Chile have been highlighted and the actions are taken to address […]
  • Islamic Culture, Its History and Human Rights The Christian and Jewish cultures gradually reshaped the Arabian Peninsula; people of Arabia became more accustomed to the concept of Abrahamic religion, while paganism was on the decline. Various forms of arts flourished in the […]
  • Theocratic Government’s Census and Human Rights The primary idea of the paper is to disclose moral opacities of the issue, conduct stakeholder impact analysis, and speculate on the collision of values of the theocratic governments and people.
  • History of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Things did not look too bright at the time: the condition of Japan after Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings; the divided Koreas; the beginning of the cold war between the Soviet Union and the U.
  • Equality, Diversity and Human Rights in Healthcare Equity can be achieved in a health system that acknowledges the diversity of the population respecting the expectations and needs of the patients, the staff and the services as a whole.
  • Syrian Crisis and Human Rights Instruments However, the increase in the number of migrants triggers a range of concerns for the states that they choose as the target location.
  • Consequentialism and Human Rights Ethics is a moral code that governs the behavior or conduct of an activity.”Ethics is thus said to be the science of conduct”.
  • Ethical Reasoning Theories and Human Rights Utilitarianism involves the assessment of the consequences of any action taken by the business since it involves a common good for the majority.
  • Human Rights and Resistance of South Asia To get an in-depth understanding of the question and discuss it appropriately, we will refer to the status of women in South Asia where women’s rights are still discriminated in the light of social and […]
  • Domestic Legal Traditions vs. Human Rights: A Global Perspective It is the obligation of every state to adhere to the human rights standard. One of the greatest similarities is that most of the countries have almost the same laws.
  • The Issues of Human Rights The scope of this review starts from the history of Labour Human Rights and examines how various authors have presented their case studies regarding the effectiveness or lack of it of the policies that govern […]
  • International Justice for Human Rights Violation In order to understand the status of these amendments, it is important to appreciate the relevance of the definition given in reference to acts and the crime of aggression.
  • Human Rights and Climate Change Policy-Making Advocates of the inclusion of human rights feel that there is an important link between climate impacts and human rights and as such, integrating the two would promote the formulation of the best policies. Specifically, […]
  • Just War in Human Rights Perspective When a war is about to begin, people, who start the war, have to understand the role of human rights in the process of making decisions and clearly identify the peculiarities of the just war.
  • The Human Right to Privacy: Microsoft and the NSA Microsoft had started to collaborate with the NSA to help it to offer services to its customers, but as they progressed, the NSA began to access all the programs of the Microsoft that made private […]
  • Economics and Human Rights: Intersecting Theories Theories allied to the two disciplines play a critical role in explaining development because human rights theories give economists an opportunity to employ legal and political concepts in the process of drafting policies aimed at […]
  • Human Rights Abuses and Death Penalty in the UAE There are many explanations of why a number of Arab people remain to be vulnerable to abuses and violations of human rights. Besides, many people are still challenged by the inability to participate in the […]
  • Human Rights and Legal Framework in Poor Countries In this article, Benton traces the origin of international order to the 17th century. Moreover, Benton claims that the two approaches have been utilized to explain effect of imperial administration on trends in international law.
  • Women’s Fight for Equal Human Rights According to the readings assigned, the term feminist could be used to refer to people who fought for the rights of women.
  • Immigrants’ Human Rights in America: The Issue of Immigration as Old as the Country In order to make the constitution a living document, America should introduce effective measures in ensuring that the rights of all immigrants are fully recognized, secured and protected.
  • The Human Right to Water: History, Meaning and Controversy The utilitarianism theory of ethics relates to the welfare rights and the libertarianism theory of ethics relates to the liberty rights.
  • The Evolution of Human Rights in Canada In addition, the movements aided the treaties to champion for the acquisition of rights of associations and political developments among the indigenous communities living in Canada.
  • Human Rights and Their Role in Public Opinion Making The quest for human rights create a mental picture that draws the audience’s assumed knowledge of the need to end the restrictions of human beings in their endeavor to reach out to greatness in life.
  • Human Rights and Intervention in Public Opinion Making According to Bloomer, human rights demonstrate the public ideas that are used in the media and politics to ensure that they reflect the true meaning of the intended actions.
  • Gender Studies: Queer Politics and Human Rights As earlier stated, the idea of queer politics came about to confront injustice and to ensure that the rights of the minority groups in the society are respected.
  • Human Rights Issues in the Bahrain Members of the Sunni minority are the rulers of the monarchy; the present king is Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, and he has held the office since 1999.
  • Conflict Over Human Rights The following discussion is a description concerning the conflicts between Iran and the United States in the promotion of human rights some violations of human rights by Iran, such as abuse of the captives.
  • Human Rights in Relation to Catholic Theology The church declared the acts of slavery as infamy and conjured to discourage slavery since it was dishonored God and destroyed the lived of many people.
  • The Ontario Human Rights Commission Application forms for job seekers and the process of interviewing applicants are usually subjected to all the mentioned elements of prejudice and discrimination.
  • Torture and Human Rights However, the full state of affairs in Abu Ghraib prison came to the knowledge of the public when a report by the military into the first pictures leaked to an online magazine.
  • Why Migration Cannot Be a Basic Human Right but Always Been a Part of Human Culture The United Nations has acknowledged the individual right of movement with Article 13-2 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights stating, “Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return […]
  • Human Rights Violations in Chile In order to confront past abuses and human rights violations, both civilian collaborators and the past military officers who took part in the violations have been taken through the prosecution process owing to the torture […]
  • Faith, Justice, War – and Human Rights in the Realm of the Present-Day World Quran: The Most Ancient and Sacred Islamic Book as the Basis for the Laws on Human Rights Considering the Issue from a Different Perspective: The Fifteen Postulates Security of life and property: bi-al haqq and […]
  • Ethical Relativism in Human Rights To support this point of view, the nature of human society, the standardization of human rights and the progress of human rights will be analyzed.
  • Human Rights and NGOs In the world today, there are numerous international human rights treaties which stipulate the obligations of states, and the rights of the citizens in these states and beyond2.
  • Human Rights Issues in Guantanamo Bay It is expressed in the article that although the detainees are international criminals, the move by the US to detain them at the Guantanamo Bay is an abuse of international laws on the human rights.
  • The Human Rights Violation in the Republic of Korea The human rights situation under President Kim Jong-Un in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has remained dire due to the government’s unwillingness to yield to the recommendations by the United Nations Human Rights Council’s […]
  • The Politics of International Human Rights Law
  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  • Turkey, Media and Human Rights
  • Paul Farmer about the Human Rights
  • “Feminism, Peace, Human Rights and Human Security” by Charlotte Bunch
  • Impacts of the ‘War on Terror’ on Human Rights
  • The Objectives of Women in the International Community
  • Human Rights Violations in Turkey
  • Human Rights of People With Intellectual Disabilities
  • The Effect of Terrorism on Human Rights: The Clash Between the Human Rights Advocates and Victims of Terrorism
  • Human Rights Interventions
  • Fighting for Human Rights: Somalia Humanitarian Crisis
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IvyPanda. (2024, February 29). 240 Human Rights Essay Topics & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/human-rights-essay-examples/

"240 Human Rights Essay Topics & Examples." IvyPanda , 29 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/human-rights-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '240 Human Rights Essay Topics & Examples'. 29 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "240 Human Rights Essay Topics & Examples." February 29, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/human-rights-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda . "240 Human Rights Essay Topics & Examples." February 29, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/human-rights-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda . "240 Human Rights Essay Topics & Examples." February 29, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/human-rights-essay-examples/.

Human Rights Careers

5 Tips for Writing Your Human Rights Research Paper

If you are a human rights student, you will often be asked by your professors to do research on a certain human rights issue and write a research paper. Research papers are considered to be academic writings based on your original research, interpretation and commentary of other research findings. They are done in order to demonstrate your academic knowledge of a certain human rights issue and your acquisition of different research methodologies.

Also read: 10 Tips for conducting human rights research

Research papers on human rights can focus on any type of human right or a broad overview of human rights. For example, you can focus your research paper on the right to labor or do a research on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which includes 30 human rights.  This article offers five tips for writing your human rights research paper with an aim to assist you to keep good organization and focus.

Step 1: Choose a Human Rights Topic

When writing a research paper the first thing you have to do is to choose a topic . So where can you get inspiration? A common tactic is to skim through thesis directories to discover topics or issues that spark your interest. Another option you can try, is to visit your favorite online magazine and look at the articles through a human rights lens. The fashion brand, where you buy your clothes, do they care about human rights? What are the human rights implications of the latest developments in artificial intelligence? What happens when you apply a human rights perspective to the netflix series you saw last week? Human rights are everywhere, and so are the topics for your research paper.

Step 2: Conduct Research

Once you have selected your topic, the next step is to conduct research. This can take various forms. Most students start with skim reading through the available literature. When you are searching an online library, make sure you also use synonyms and similar keywords in your search. It might be possible that your topic is well researched already but that most researchers choose a different term than the one you had in mind to describe the issue.

Look for articles and books that were written by human rights experts that deal with your chosen topic. Articles and books usually contain an empirical research that was already conducted within the field you are writing about. Once you find articles and books about your topic, check out the reference list or bibliography. The sources listed there can be a great tool for you to identify more suitable literature.

A great source for conducting research is the Internet, where you can find scholarly articles , books , journals, blog posts, encyclopedias and case directories . However, make sure you distinguish between invalid sources (i.e. Wikipedia, forums, etc.) and valid sources (i.e. scholarly article published by a university research center). Usually, your professor will outline and define what type of sources are acceptable to use in a research paper (i.e. scholarly articles, books, online journals, media articles etc.).

However, the most important is that information you find is trustworthy and based on facts. Academic publications often go through a rigorous quality assurance process and are thus considered more trustworthy than a message anyone can post on social media without much accountability. Your research paper should be based on at least five reliable sources.

Research traditions also vary in different universities and locations. At universities in Germany and Austria it is more common to reference twenty to fifty sources, even for a short research paper while in the UK less sources and more original writing is often state of the art. Make sure you discuss expectations with your professors especially if you are studying abroad and may be used to a different university system.

Citing well known authors and academics will make your research more reliable and your arguments well supported. It is a common best practice to summarize the key arguments of two or more authors and then, based on the research that has already been done, develop your own thoughts and conclusions around the topic. Once you have collected enough information on your topic, you can begin creating the outline of your research paper and developing your main argument.

Step 3 : Create an Outline

One of the most important steps in writing a research paper is creating a proper outline which will, later on, serve you as a guide and keep you on track. However, prior to creating an outline you should develop your research question and thesis statement which serve as a main idea and central point of your research paper. The arguments in your research paper should revolve around answering your research question ( Is murder a violation of the right to life? ) and testing your thesis statement ( Murder is not considered a violation of the right to life, but killings are considered a violation of the right to life ). The majority of your research paper will be based on arguments to verify or falsify your thesis statement based on facts and reliable sources.  

Once you defined your research question and thesis statement, you should be able to create an outline of your research paper which will help you organize your arguments. Creating an outline usually means organizing your thoughts into a linear structure with headings and subheadings presenting the main points of your argument.

Usually, a research paper, no matter what topic concerns, has the following structure:

  • Title page (This includes the title, the author’s name, date, the university name and name of your professor)
  • Abstract (This is a brief summary of your research paper with only main points outlined)
  • Introduction (Introduction should contain your research question, thesis statement and brief background information on the topic with the main arguments presented)
  • The main body (This part contains several sections in which you are going to summarize, analyze and present your literature findings and your arguments answering your research question and testing your thesis statement. In this part you are also going to explain how you have conducted your research and what research methodologies you used)
  • Conclusion (In conclusion you should shortly summarize your main arguments and explain the significance of your research. In this part, you should outline whether or not your research question has been answered and if your thesis statement has been confirmed)
  • Reference and Literature (In this section you will list all references and literature that you have used in your research paper)
  • Appendix (This section is necessary only if you have any additional information to support your argument such as charts, tables or figures)

Step 4: Write the paper

Once you finished outlining your paper it is time to begin writing. When starting this process it can be helpful to skip the introduction and start with the main body text. Usually, introduction and conclusion are written last because only then you will have a clear picture of your research paper and will be able to summarize it more concretely without skipping the important points. During the writing process you will develop new ideas and thoughts and the paper might move in a different direction that you originally planned. That’s normal but you need to update all aspects of the paper accordingly to ensure everything is consistent.

While writing, organize your arguments into paragraphs in order to get a clear and concise line of arguments. During the writing stage you will consult the literature and information you collected during the phase of conducting a research. However, it is really important to pay attention to how you summarize your literature in order to avoid plagiarism. This means using someone else’s exact words and copying them into your own research paper. Plagiarism is absolutely unacceptable in any academic discipline and considered as a form of theft.

A common way to avoid plagiarism is to paraphrase a certain argument or a fact in your own words and add a footnote to the original source. If you want to use word to word quotes you must mark them with quotation marks. In addition, always make sure to cite at the end from which source the fact or information derived or came from.

When writing, you should always keep in mind that the main purpose behind writing a research paper is to present arguments supported by the evidence from research.

Step 5: Edit, Revise and Celebrate

After you finished writing your research paper it is important to edit and revise it. At this stage, put your paper away for some time to gain distance to your own writing before you come back and revise it. After a few days, you will be able to notice mistakes more clearly and see whether or not you have presented clear and concise arguments. During the edit phase you should check for typos and spelling mistakes and if language you have used is clear and concise. Also, you will be able to notice if there was repetition in some parts of the paper and repetitive words or phrases that could be replaced with synonyms to improve the style of your paper. Once you have handed in your paper, don’t forget to celebrate! One step closer to your human rights masters .

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About the author, ada hasanagic.

Ada Hasanagić is a human rights professional currently working as a researcher at the Delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Previously, Ada graduated with honors from the Sarajevo School of Science and Technology and the University of Buckingham in the fields of Political Science and International Relations. Also, she earned a master’s degree in Democracy and Human Rights from the University of Sarajevo and University of Bologna.

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LL.M thesis topics

On this page you can find an overview of all our LL.M thesis topics or Master theses in English.

Do you want to write your LL.M thesis on a human rights topic? Choose one of these topics and contact the relevant supervisor. Do you want to write a Master thesis in English? First consult the Plato list.

All subjects in the domain of human rights or transitional justice in which the student applies a socio-legal perspective ann integrates a substantial empirical component (qualitative and/or quantitative) to examine the law “in practice”.

Across Europe and around the world, issues of memory and old monuments are being revisited. The shift of historical narratives resulted in the loss of social consensus about the past and interpretation of history. Since monuments are among the most visible expressions of history they have appeared in the middle of contestation and heated debates. […]

This research deals with the impact of prosecution of “minor offences” on people living in poverty in Europe. Through case studies (criminalization of beggars, SyRI case in the Netherlands etc. ), it explores whether minor offences – which are usually punished by outstanding fines with minimum procedural rights – are compatible with the ECHR (more […]

The sovereign debt crisis could have a direct impact on human rights, especially when they are framed within a programme of austerity, and tension between the ‘market justice’ and ‘social justice’ occurs. The aim of the thesis is to study the different human rights legal discourses surrounding the latest cases of sovereign debt restructurings.

Lately, the ‘Facebook Oversight Board’ and other private mechanisms of human rights accountability have been established. The Oversight Board of Facebook was created to review the lawfulness of certain ‘emblematic’ content moderation decisions taken by the social media platform. The Board comprises 20 representatives of civil society, including academics, human rights experts, and journalists. It […]

Regional human rights courts can organize so-called fact-finding missions when confronted with human rights violations. Both the Inter-American and African Court of Human Rights may, if necessary, organize such missions when confronted with cases involving gross and/or large-scale violations of human rights, while the European Court of Human Rights seems to have become rather  reticent […]

Human rights defenders around the world are being killed, especially in Latin-American countries. How is the Inter-American human rights system responding to this cruel reality?

During the past years worldwide human rights defenders are being targeted for doing their job. Such attacks may be of a physical, but also of a psychological nature, and they may target the human rights defenders themselves and/or their families. This study aims to evaluatie what kinds of legal mechanisms exist under international law, i.e. […]

Particular focus on Myanmar/Sri Lanka or Cambodia. Language requirement ENG.

Focus on the Mediterranean or boat pushbacks in Southeast Asia. Language requirement Eng.

Study of the marginalisation of certain regions in the TJ process, looking into the importance of socio-economic rights in ICL. Language requirement ENG.

In 2010 Marie-Benedicte Dembour published an article entitled ‘What are Human Rights? Four Schools of Thought’ in Human Rights Quarterly. Her model posits that we do not all conceive of human rights in the same way, but that there are four main conceptions of human rights. She proposes that those who hold a ‘natural’ view […]

The summer of 2015 saw Europe hit by a refugee crisis – or some commentators say – more accurately a crisis in refugee protection. Marie-Benedicte Dembour asserts in an article forthcoming in Questions of International Law that, due to the relative weakness of its past jurisprudence concerning migrants’ rights, the European Court of Human Rights […]

Judges have to act in an impartial manner while deciding cases. The research will examine the breadth of the right to freedom of expression of judges from a cross-cutting international and regional human rights perspective, with possibly a case study.

Suggested by and with cosupervision from PICUM, the Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants. How does the package, comprised of the Council’s Facilitation Directive and the Framework Decision, impact undocumented children and families’ ability to secure adequate housing? This research would (i) look at the EU and national legal framework criminalising landlords renting to […]

For many centuries, citizenship has been regarded as the highest degree of affiliation between an individual and a ‘self-governing’ political community’. However, in the last years, the development of programs around the globe are seeking to attract flows of foreign capital by different incentives, including granting legal membership with society in exchange for diverse types […]

During the past decades social rights have become more prominently part of legal studies. However, most studies deal with substantial violations of social rights. This study takes a procedural turn by looking at the instrument of interim measures awarded by international monitoring bodies, thereby focussing on the different UN Treaty Bodies and regional human rights […]

In present-day society indigenous peoples are one of the most vulnerable groups. This study assesses to what extent such groups can rely on interim measures before international human rights monitoring bodies, both at the UN and regional level and to what extent such measures effectively protect their rights.

Worldwide, but especially in the America’s, women human rights defenders are being targeted. Such attacks may be of a physical, but also of a psychological nature, and they may target the human rights defenders themselves and/or their families. This study aims to evaluatie what legal mechanisms are available in the ambit of the Inter-American Human […]

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‘Universal jurisdiction’ is a principle of international law based on the recognition that certain crimes are so horrific that they affect the international community as a whole. Universal jurisdiction is therefore a key component in the fight against impunity. This thesis will analyze specific recent cases (for example, concerning Syria) where the principle of universal […]

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This thesis will explore the interaction of the United States with the Inter-American System. In particular, it will analyse the Inter-American approach regarding migrants who are minors.

The research should focus on a legal analysis of Strasburg case law on history, when the Court was asked to rule on the so-called ‘historical situations’ (to bring justice to those accused of war crimes, to protect the rights of mass atrocities victims and their relatives, to deal with Holocaust and genocide deniers, to punish […]

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Human rights resources: human rights topics.

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Human Rights Topics

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This section lists selected resources and organizations that work on selected topics on human rights: women, migrants, civil rights, children, the disabled, and the prevention of torture and genocide.

The Rights of Women

Amnesty International: Women's Rights .  Portal for Women's Rights Issues from AI.

Contemporary Women's Issues .  Access to global information on women in over 190 countries from journals, newsletters, reports, pamphlets,  and guides covering gender-related issues.

GenderWatch .  International journals, magazines, newsletters, regional publications, special reports, and conference proceedings devoted to women's and gender issues.

Global Database on Violence Against Women .  Includes laws, policies, programs, institutional mechanisms, research, data, and country pages

Human Rights Watch - Rights of Women . Portal for Women's Rights Issues from HRW.

United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women.   UN body of  i ndependent experts that monitors implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW).

UN Women .  United Nations Agency devoted specifically to Women's Issues, including Human Rights.

Women's Human Rights Resources Database . Lists articles, documents and links  related to international women's rights law and Canadian women's rights law. 

Women's Studies International . Acces to women's studies, women's issues, and gender-focused books, book chapters, journal and magazine articles, dissertations, and reports from throughout the world.

Genocide and Torture

Bush Administration Torture Archives Documents highlighting abuse and torture of detainees in facilities such as Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib Prison.

Encyclopedia of genocide and crimes against humanity . Presents information on  acts that fall within the definitions developed for crimes under international law: war crimes, genocide, and crimes against humanity.

Genocide Watch . Coordinating organization for the International Campaign to End Genocide (ICEG), an international coalition of organizations dedicated to educating the public and policy makers about the causes, processes, and warning signs of genocide.

Prevent Genocide International . An education and action network dedicated to stopping genocide.

United Nations Office of the Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide.   Acts as a catalyst to raise awareness of the causes and dynamics of genocide, to alert relevant actors where there is a risk of genocide, and to advocate and mobilize for appropriate action.

Rights of the Disabled

ACLU Disability Rights . Section on ACLU web site dedicated to the rights of the disabled.

Disability Rights International .  Promotes the human rights and full participation of children & adults with disabilities worldwide.

Encyclopedia of Disability . Collects over one thousand entries that provide insight into international views, experiences, and expertise on the topic of disability

Human Rights Watch: Disability . HRW section on disability.

United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs: Disability . 

Civil Rights

Black Studies Center (BSC) . Cross-searchable gateway to Black Studies including scholarly essays, recent periodicals, historical newspaper articles, reference books, and more.

Civil Rights in the United States . Excellent guide from the University of Minnesota Law School.

Ethnic News Watch . Index of over 200 ethnic, minority, and native press publications, including news, culture, and history topics. Searchable in English and Spanish.

Civil Rights Digital Library.    Includes a digital video archive of historical news films of the Civil Rights Movement, a civil rights portal providing a  virtual library by connecting related digital collections, as well as stories, articles, and lesson plans.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Research and Education Institute .  Papers of Martin Luther King, from Stanford University.

Southern Poverty Law Center . Advances justice for vulnerable members of society through advocacy, litigation, and education. Provides information on hate crimes throughout the United States

Television News of the Civil Rights Era .  "An archive containing film footage from the nightly news from two local television stations in Virginia. Included are clips of Martin Luther King, John F. Kennedy, Richard M. Nixon, the governors of the Commonwealth of Virginia.”

United Nations and Minority Rights .  UNHCR section devoted to Minority rights.

The Rights of the Child

Child Rights Information Network (CRIN)   Dedicated to changing how societies and governments view children and to making the enforcement of current human rights more inclusive of children.

European Commission: Rights of the Child .  European Union site with resources on the EU's work on the rights of the child.

State of the World's Children . UNICEF’s flagship publication that closely examines key issues affecting children. 

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) . Section on the Rights of the Child on the UNICEF web site.

United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child . Body of 18 Independent experts that monitors implementation of the UN  Convention on the Rights of the Child  by its State parties.  

Refugees and Migrants

Amnesty International - Migrants and Refugees . News and stories about AI's work with refugees.

Human Rights Watch - Migration . HRW topical section for Migration.

Migrant Rights International . NGO and federation of migrants’ and migrants’ rights organizations, trade unions and faith-based groups promoting and defending the human rights of migrants.

Migrant Rights.Org . Advocates to bring about a change in attitudes towards migrant workers with a focus on the Middle East.

United Nations Committee on Migrant Workers . Body of independent experts monitoring the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families by State parties.

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees . The United Nations Refugee agency - immense web site with facts, information, reports, and resources about global refugee issues including their search engine,  refworld .

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  • Last Updated: Mar 26, 2024 5:06 PM
  • URL: https://guides.lib.berkeley.edu/subject-guide/69-Human-Rights-Resources

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human rights research topic

Human Rights and Democracy

The protection of fundamental human rights was a foundation stone in the establishment of the United States over 200 years ago. Since then, a central goal of U.S. foreign policy has been the promotion of respect for human rights, as embodied in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Supporting democracy not only promotes such fundamental American values as religious freedom and worker rights, but also helps create a more secure, stable, and prosperous global arena in which the United States can advance its national interests. In addition, democracy is the one national interest that helps to secure all the others. Democratically governed nations are more likely to secure the peace, deter aggression, expand open markets, promote economic development, protect American citizens, combat international terrorism and crime, uphold human and worker rights, avoid humanitarian crises and refugee flows, improve the global environment, and protect human health.

The United States uses a wide range of tools to advance a freedom agenda, including bilateral diplomacy, multilateral engagement, foreign assistance, reporting and public outreach, and economic sanctions. The Department of State works with democratic partners, international and regional organizations, nongovernmental organizations, and engaged citizens to support those seeking freedom.

Read more about what specific bureaus are doing to support this policy issue:

Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (DRL): DRL leads U.S. efforts to promote democracy, to protect human rights and international religious freedom, and to advance labor rights globally. Read more about DRL

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Advancing social justice, promoting decent work ILO is a specialized agency of the United Nations

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Topic portal

Forced labour is a severe violation of human rights affecting 28 million of men, women and children in all countries and all economic sectors. It is rooted in poverty, discrimination and lack of social protection, and it disrupts fair competition between businesses. The issue has been at the heart of the ILO mandate to promote Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, leaving no one behind.

Woman  holding corn stalks

What is forced labour?

a man with grey hair & dark skin

Data and research

Woman wearing a worksite safety helmet

Our impact, their voices

a man

Forced Labour Observatory

Facts and figures

men, women and children are in forced labour

of forced labour happens in the private economy

236 billion US$

generated in illegal profits every year

countries ratified the ILO Forced Labour Protocol

International Labour Standards on Forced Labour

  • Convention No. 29 (C29)
  • Convention No. 105 (C105)
  • Protocol No. 29 (P29)
  • Recommendation 203 (R203)

The Forced Labour Convention (No. 29), adopted in 1930, contains the definition of forced labour and provides that it should be punished as a crime. This is one of the most ratified ILO standards. 

  • Text of the Convention
  • Ratifications
  • Countries that have not ratified yet

The Abolition of Forced Labour Convention (No. 105), adopted in 1957,  deals with state-imposed forms of forced labour. This is one of the most ratified ILO standards. 

The Protocol to the Forced Labour Convention, (P029), adopted in 2014, requires ratifying countries to take effective measures to prevent forced labour, protect victims and ensure their access to justice. 

The Protocol complements the Convention No. 29, therefore only countries that have ratified this Convention can ratify the Protocol. 

  • Text of the Protocol

The Forced Labour Recommendation (No. 203), adopted in 2014, provides further guidance on how to implement the Protocol.

It is a non-binding document that does not require ratification. 

  • Text of the Recommendation

What can the ILO offer and how?

  • Eradicating Forced Labour: Partnering strategically with ILO
  • Good practices in addressing Forced Labour (forthcoming)
  • Developing National Action Plans on Forced Labour

FRI logo no text

The Fair Recruitment Initiative

Global Business Network on Forced Labour logo cropped

The ILO Global Business Network on Forced Labour

8.7 Accelerator Lab logo

8.7 Accelerator Lab

News and articles

Delegates from Uganda, Malawi and Kenya pose for a picture together

Uganda, Malawi, and Kenya sign communique to combat child labour in tea supply chain

Participants to the event pose for a picture with the project banner in a garden

Forging a future through knowledge sharing: Innovative Solutions to reduce child labour and forced labour in Africa


Survey on tenant growers in Malawi’s tobacco industry

Nigeria Forced Labour Survey 2022

8.7 Accelerator Lab: Theory of change for the agriculture sector

Ship to Shore Rights South East Asia - Indonesia

Child labour and forced labour

Multi Partner Fund

Want to know more about Forced Labour? You can contact us at [email protected] and follow us on social media: 

American Psychological Association Logo

American Psychological Association

transgender woman looking out the window

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Psychological science points to an increased risk of suicide and poor mental health amid a record number of bills aimed at restricting the rights of the LGBTQ+ population

APA policy supporting transgender, gender diverse, nonbinary individuals

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Woman cries while holding husband and child.

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collage of people in varied workplaces, including an office, a warehouse, a factory, and at home

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45 CFR 164.501, 164.508, 164.512(i) (See also 45 CFR 164.514(e), 164.528, 164.532)  ( Download a copy in PDF ) Background

The HIPAA Privacy Rule establishes the conditions under which protected health information may be used or disclosed by covered entities for research purposes. Research is defined in the Privacy Rule as, “a systematic investigation, including research development, testing, and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge.” See 45 CFR 164.501.  A covered entity may always use or disclose for research purposes health information which has been de-identified (in accordance with 45 CFR 164.502(d), and 164.514(a)-(c) of the Rule) without regard to the provisions below.

The Privacy Rule also defines the means by which individuals will be informed of uses and disclosures of their medical information for research purposes, and their rights to access information about them held by covered entities. Where research is concerned, the Privacy Rule protects the privacy of individually identifiable health information, while at the same time ensuring that researchers continue to have access to medical information necessary to conduct vital research. Currently, most research involving human subjects operates under the Common Rule (45 CFR Part 46, Subpart A) and/or the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) human subject protection regulations (21 CFR Parts 50 and 56), which have some provisions that are similar to, but separate from, the Privacy Rule’s provisions for research. These human subject protection regulations, which apply to most Federally-funded and to some privately funded research, include protections to help ensure the privacy of subjects and the confidentiality of information. The Privacy Rule builds upon these existing Federal protections. More importantly, the Privacy Rule creates equal standards of privacy protection for research governed by the existing Federal human subject regulations and research that is not. 

How the Rule Works  In the course of conducting research, researchers may obtain, create, use, and/or disclose individually identifiable health information. Under the Privacy Rule, covered entities are permitted to use and disclose protected health information for research with individual authorization, or without individual authorization under limited circumstances set forth in the Privacy Rule. Research Use/Disclosure Without Authorization. To use or disclose protected health information without authorization by the research participant, a covered entity must obtain one of the following: 

  • Identification of the IRB or Privacy Board and the date on which the alteration or waiver of authorization was approved; 
  • A statement that the IRB or Privacy Board has determined that the alteration or waiver of authorization, in whole or in part, satisfies the three criteria in the Rule; 
  • A brief description of the protected health information for which use or access has been determined to be necessary by the IRB or Privacy Board;
  • A statement that the alteration or waiver of authorization has been reviewed and approved under either normal or expedited review procedures; and 
  • The signature of the chair or other member, as designated by the chair, of the IRB or the Privacy Board, as applicable. 

The following three criteria must be satisfied for an IRB or Privacy Board to approve a waiver of authorization under the Privacy Rule: 

  • an adequate plan to protect the identifiers from improper use and disclosure; 
  • an adequate plan to destroy the identifiers at the earliest opportunity consistent with conduct of the research, unless there is a health or research justification for retaining the identifiers or such retention is otherwise required by law; and 
  • adequate written assurances that the protected health information will not be reused or disclosed to any other person or entity, except as required by law, for authorized oversight of the research project, or for other research for which the use or disclosure of protected health information would be permitted by this subpart; 
  • The research could not practicably be conducted without the waiver or alteration; and 
  • The research could not practicably be conducted without access to and use of the protected health information. 
  • Preparatory to Research . Representations from the researcher, either in writing or orally, that the use or disclosure of the protected health information is solely to prepare a research protocol or for similar purposes preparatory to research, that the researcher will not remove any protected health information from the covered entity, and representation that protected health information for which access is sought is necessary for the research purpose. See 45 CFR 164.512(i)(1)(ii). This provision might be used, for example, to design a research study or to assess the feasibility of conducting a study.  The Privacy Rule does not prohibit a covered entity’s granting remote access to PHI to a researcher for activities that qualify as reviews preparatory to research, provided reasonable and appropriate safeguards are in place, as described in OCR’s guidance, Remote Access to PHI for Activities Preparatory to Research .
  • Research on Protected Health Information of Decedents . Representations from the researcher, either in writing or orally, that the use or disclosure being sought is solely for research on the protected health information of decedents, that the protected health information being sought is necessary for the research, and, at the request of the covered entity, documentation of the death of the individuals about whom information is being sought. See 45 CFR 164.512(i)(1)(iii). 
  • Establish the permitted uses and disclosures of the limited data set by the recipient, consistent with the purposes of the research, and which may not include any use or disclosure that would violate the Rule if done by the covered entity; 
  • Limit who can use or receive the data; and 
  • Not to use or disclose the information other than as permitted by the data use agreement or as otherwise required by law; 
  • Use appropriate safeguards to prevent the use or disclosure of the information other than as provided for in the data use agreement; 
  • Report to the covered entity any use or disclosure of the information not provided for by the data use agreement of which the recipient becomes aware; 
  • Ensure that any agents, including a subcontractor, to whom the recipient provides the limited data set agrees to the same restrictions and conditions that apply to the recipient with respect to the limited data set; and
  • Not to identify the information or contact the individual. 
  • Unlike other authorizations, an authorization for a research purpose may state that the authorization does not expire, that there is no expiration date or event, or that the authorization continues until the “end of the research study”.
  • An authorization for the use or disclosure of protected health information for a research study may be combined with a consent to participate in the research, or with any other legal permission related to the research study.
  • An authorization for the use or disclosure of protected health information for a research study may be combined with an authorization for a different research activity, provided that, if research-related treatment is conditioned on the provision of one of the authorizations, such as in the context of a clinical trial, then the compound authorization must clearly differentiate between the conditioned and unconditioned components and provide the individual with an opportunity to opt in to the unconditioned research activity.
  • An authorization may be obtained from an individual for uses and disclosures of protected health information for future research purposes, so long as the authorization adequately describes the future research such that it would be reasonable for the individual to expect that his or her protected health information could be used or disclosed for the future research purposes.
  • New Guidance on HIPAA and individual authorization of uses and disclosures of protected health information for research.   This guidance explains certain requirements for an authorization to use or disclose PHI for future research.  The guidance also clarifies aspects of the individual’s right to revoke an authorization for research uses and disclosures of PHI.
  • Research disclosures made pursuant to an individual’s authorization; 
  • Disclosures of the limited data set to researchers with a data use agreement under 45 CFR 164.514(e). 

In addition, for disclosures of protected health information for research purposes without the individual’s authorization pursuant to 45 CFR164.512(i), and that involve at least 50 records, the Privacy Rule allows for a simplified accounting of such disclosures by covered entities. Under this simplified accounting provision, covered entities may provide individuals with a list of all protocols for which the patient’s protected health information may have been disclosed under 45 CFR 164.512(i), as well as the researcher’s name and contact information. Other requirements related to this simplified accounting provision are found in 45 CFR 164.528(b)(4). 

Transition Provisions. Under the Privacy Rule, a covered entity may use and disclose protected health information that was created or received for research, either before or after the applicable compliance date, if the covered entity obtained any one of the following prior to the compliance date

  • An authorization or other express legal permission from an individual to use or disclose protected health information for the research; 
  • The informed consent of the individual to participate in the research; 
  • A waiver of authorization approved by either an IRB or a privacy board (in accordance with 45 CFR  164.512(i)(1)(i)); or
  • A waiver of informed consent by an IRB in accordance with the Common Rule or an exception under FDA’s human subject protection regulations at 21 CFR 50.24. However, if a waiver of informed consent was obtained prior to the compliance date, but informed consent is subsequently sought after the compliance date, the covered entity must obtain the individual’s authorization as required at 45 CFR 164.508. For example, if there was a temporary waiver of informed consent for emergency research under the FDA’s human subject protection regulations, and informed consent was later sought after the compliance date, individual authorization would be required before the covered entity could use or disclose protected health information for the research after the waiver of informed consent was no longer valid. The Privacy Rule allows covered entities to rely on such express legal permission, informed consent, or waiver of authorization of informed consent, which they create or receive before the applicable compliance date, to use and disclose protected health information for specific research studies, as well as for future unspecified research that may be included in such permission.

OCR HIPAA Privacy December 3, 2002 Revised December 18, 2017

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  • HIPAA Privacy Rule Booklet for Research
  • Clinical Research Fact Sheet
  • Institutional Review Boards Fact Sheet
  • HIPAA Authorization Fact Sheet and Sample Language
  • Health Services Research Fact Sheet
  • Information for Patients
  • Research Repositories and Databases Fact Sheet
  • View our Frequently Asked Questions

Generative AI is here: How tools like ChatGPT could change your business

In the spirit of this article’s topic, we asked ChatGPT—a generative AI language model that can create original content in response to a user prompt—how it would set the context. Our prompt to the system:

Write the opening paragraph for an article about how transformative generative AI will be for business, in the style of McKinsey & Company.

ChatGPT’s response:

The rise of generative AI has the potential to be a major game-changer for businesses. This technology, which allows for the creation of original content by learning from existing data, has the power to revolutionize industries and transform the way companies operate. By enabling the automation of many tasks that were previously done by humans, generative AI has the potential to increase efficiency and productivity, reduce costs, and open up new opportunities for growth. As such, businesses that are able to effectively leverage the technology are likely to gain a significant competitive advantage.

Not perfect but overwhelmingly impressive.

For us and many executives we’ve spoken to recently, entering one prompt into ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, was all it took to see the power of generative AI. In the first five days of its release, more than a million users logged into the platform to experience it for themselves. OpenAI’s servers can barely keep up with demand, regularly flashing a message that users need to return later when server capacity frees up.

Products like ChatGPT and GitHub Copilot, as well as the underlying AI models that power such systems (Stable Diffusion, DALL·E 2, GPT-3, to name a few), are taking technology into realms once thought to be reserved for humans. With generative AI, computers can now arguably exhibit creativity. They can produce original content in response to queries, drawing from data they’ve ingested and interactions with users. They can develop blogs, sketch package designs, write computer code , or even theorize on the reason for a production error.

This latest class of generative AI systems has emerged from foundation models—large-scale, deep learning models trained on massive, broad, unstructured data sets (such as text and images) that cover many topics. Developers can adapt the models for a wide range of use cases, with little fine-tuning required for each task. For example, GPT-3.5, the foundation model underlying ChatGPT, has also been used to translate text, and scientists used an earlier version of GPT to create novel protein sequences. In this way, the power of these capabilities is accessible to all, including developers who lack specialized machine learning skills and, in some cases, people with no technical background. Using foundation models can also reduce the time for developing new AI applications to a level rarely possible before.

Generative AI promises to make 2023 one of the most exciting years yet for AI. But as with every new technology, business leaders must proceed with eyes wide open, because the technology today presents many ethical and practical challenges.

Moving illustration of wavy blue lines that was produced using computer code

What CEOs need to know about generative AI

Pushing further into human realms.

More than a decade ago, we wrote an article in which we sorted economic activity into three buckets—production, transactions, and interactions—and examined the extent to which technology had made inroads into each. Machines and factory technologies transformed production by augmenting and automating human labor during the Industrial Revolution more than 100 years ago, and AI has further amped up efficiencies on the manufacturing floor. Transactions have undergone many technological iterations over approximately the same time frame, including most recently digitization and, frequently, automation.

Until recently, interaction labor, such as customer service, has experienced the least mature technological interventions. Generative AI is set to change that by undertaking interaction labor in a way that approximates human behavior closely and, in some cases, imperceptibly. That’s not to say these tools are intended to work without human input and intervention. In many cases, they are most powerful in combination with humans, augmenting their capabilities and enabling them to get work done faster and better.

Generative AI is also pushing technology into a realm thought to be unique to the human mind: creativity. The technology leverages its inputs (the data it has ingested and a user prompt) and experiences (interactions with users that help it “learn” new information and what’s correct/incorrect) to generate entirely new content. While dinner table debates will rage for the foreseeable future on whether this truly equates to creativity, most would likely agree that these tools stand to unleash more creativity into the world by prompting humans with starter ideas.

Business uses abound

These models are in the early days of scaling, but we’ve started seeing the first batch of applications across functions, including the following (exhibit):

  • Marketing and sales —crafting personalized marketing, social media, and technical sales content (including text, images, and video); creating assistants aligned to specific businesses, such as retail
  • Operations —generating task lists for efficient execution of a given activity
  • IT/engineering —writing, documenting, and reviewing code
  • Risk and legal —answering complex questions, pulling from vast amounts of legal documentation, and drafting and reviewing annual reports
  • R&D —accelerating drug discovery through better understanding of diseases and discovery of chemical structures

Excitement is warranted, but caution is required

The awe-inspiring results of generative AI might make it seem like a ready-set-go technology, but that’s not the case. Its nascency requires executives to proceed with an abundance of caution. Technologists are still working out the kinks, and plenty of practical and ethical issues remain open. Here are just a few:

  • Like humans, generative AI can be wrong. ChatGPT, for example, sometimes “hallucinates,” meaning it confidently generates entirely inaccurate information in response to a user question and has no built-in mechanism to signal this to the user or challenge the result. For example, we have observed instances when the tool was asked to create a short bio and it generated several incorrect facts for the person, such as listing the wrong educational institution.
  • Filters are not yet effective enough to catch inappropriate content. Users of an image-generating application that can create avatars from a person’s photo received avatar options from the system that portrayed them nude, even though they had input appropriate photos of themselves.
  • Systemic biases still need to be addressed. These systems draw from massive amounts of data that might include unwanted biases .
  • Individual company norms and values aren’t reflected. Companies will need to adapt the technology to incorporate their culture and values, an exercise that requires technical expertise and computing power beyond what some companies may have ready access to.
  • Intellectual-property questions are up for debate. When a generative AI model brings forward a new product design or idea based on a user prompt, who can lay claim to it? What happens when it plagiarizes a source based on its training data?

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Initial steps for executives.

In companies considering generative AI, executives will want to quickly identify the parts of their business where the technology could have the most immediate impact and implement a mechanism to monitor it, given that it is expected to evolve quickly. A no-regrets move is to assemble a cross-functional team, including data science practitioners, legal experts, and functional business leaders, to think through basic questions, such as these:

  • Where might the technology aid or disrupt our industry and/or our business’s value chain?
  • What are our policies and posture? For example, are we watchfully waiting to see how the technology evolves, investing in pilots, or looking to build a new business? Should the posture vary across areas of the business?
  • Given the limitations of the models, what are our criteria for selecting use cases to target?
  • How do we pursue building an effective ecosystem of partners, communities, and platforms?
  • What legal and community standards should these models adhere to so we can maintain trust with our stakeholders?

Meanwhile, it’s essential to encourage thoughtful innovation across the organization, standing up guardrails along with sandboxed environments for experimentation, many of which are readily available via the cloud, with more likely on the horizon.

The innovations that generative AI could ignite for businesses of all sizes and levels of technological proficiency are truly exciting. However, executives will want to remain acutely aware of the risks that exist at this early stage of the technology’s development.

Michael Chui is a partner at the McKinsey Global Institute and a partner in McKinsey’s Bay Area office, where Roger Roberts is a partner and Lareina Yee is a senior partner.

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