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Fractions: Add and Subtract Like Denominators

Our Fractions – Add and Subtract Like Denominators lesson plan teaches students how to add and subtract fractions with like denominators. Students complete practice problems involving fractions with like denominators during this lesson.

Included with this lesson are some adjustments or additions that you can make if you’d like, found in the “Options for Lesson” section of the Classroom Procedure page. One of the optional additions to this lesson is to  use items in the classroom, or take students outdoors, to create word problems for adding and subtracting fractions.


Additional information, what our fractions: add and subtract like denominators lesson plan includes.

Lesson Objectives and Overview: Fractions: Add and Subtract Like Denominators equips students to add and subtract fractions with like denominators. Leverage creativity and collaborative learning as student pairs compose drawings to share with other groups. A class survey provides the opportunity for meaningful application of fractions to the survey results. At the end of the lesson, students will be able to add and subtract fractions with like denominators. This lesson is for students in 4th grade, 5th grade, and 6th grade.

Classroom Procedure

Every lesson plan provides you with a classroom procedure page that outlines a step-by-step guide to follow. You do not have to follow the guide exactly. The guide helps you organize the lesson and details when to hand out worksheets. It also lists information in the blue box that you might find useful. You will find the lesson objectives, state standards, and number of class sessions the lesson should take to complete in this area. In addition, it describes the supplies you will need as well as what and how you need to prepare beforehand.

Options for Lesson

Included with this lesson is an “Options for Lesson” section that lists a number of suggestions for activities to add to the lesson or substitutions for the ones already in the lesson. One optional addition to the lesson activity is to have your students create a word problem for each fraction sentence. During the lesson, you could use hands-on manipulatives to help your students better understand adding and subtracting fractions. You could also use the practice and homework pages for a quiz or short test. Finally, you could use items in the classroom, or take students outdoors, to create word problems for adding and subtracting fractions.

Teacher Notes

The teacher notes page includes a paragraph with additional guidelines and things to think about as you begin to plan your lesson. This page also includes lines that you can use to add your own notes as you’re preparing for this lesson.


What is a fraction.

The Fractions: Add and Subtract Like Denominators lesson plan includes three content pages. If you start to eat a bag of chips but don’t finish it, you’ve eaten a fraction of the chips. Fractions are parts of a whole, and everything can be divided into fractional parts. To visualize this, the lesson shows four circles, three of which are shaded blue. This means that 3/4 of the circles are blue.

Say you have two pizzas in front of you, one cheese and one pepperoni. You may eat three pieces of pepperoni pizza and two pieces of cheese pizza. All in all, you ate 5 pieces of pizza. However, if you want to figure out what fraction of a whole pizza you’ve eaten, you’ll need to add fractions.

The top number of a fraction is the numerator and the bottom number is the denominator. The numerator represents part of the whole, and the denominator represents the whole.

Addition & Subtraction of Like-Denominator Fractions

Adding and subtracting fractions is easy, especially when the fractions have the same denominator. To add fractions with like denominators, you just need to keep the denominator as-is and add the numerators together. For example, 2/5 + 1/5 = 3/5.

Sometimes, you will need to either reduce the fraction or change it to a mixed or whole number. Students should already have this skill and should be able to recognize when they need to reduce or convert their fractions. The lesson includes a few examples as a review.

Like with addition, to subtract fractions with like denominators, you keep the denominator the same. You then subtract the numerators. For example, 4/7 – 2/7 = 2/7.

Again, you might need to reduce or change the fractions when subtracting. The lesson includes a few examples for review.

Solving Fraction Word Problems

When solving word problems with fractions, the most important thing is to read them carefully. Identify the key words that indicate fractions, such as a part of , cut , pieces , and more. Next, identify the key words that tell you which operation or operations you will need to use, addition ( in all, total, sum, etc.) or subtraction ( difference, left over, more than, etc.).

The lesson closes with an example fraction word problem. In this problem, Kate ate 5 pieces of a 12-piece pepperoni pizza and 1 piece of a 12-piece cheese pizza. To figure out how much pizza she ate in total, you need to add fractions. Because the pizzas have 12 pieces, the denominator is 12. 5 and 1 are the numerators because they represent part of the whole. To solve, we add the fractions and then reduce: 5/12 + 1/12 = 6/12 = 1/2. All in all, Kate ate 1/2 of a pizza.


The Fractions: Add and Subtract Like Denominators lesson plan includes three worksheets: an activity worksheet, a practice worksheet, and a homework assignment. You can refer to the guide on the classroom procedure page to determine when to hand out each worksheet.


The activity worksheet asks students to draw pictures showing how to solve each of the given problems, using both groups and wholes. If they need to reduce or change to a mixed or whole number, they will show that with a picture as well.


For the practice worksheet, students will solve each fraction problem by adding or subtracting. They will also reduce each fraction or change them to a mixed or whole number if needed.


The homework assignment asks students to solve four fraction word problems, reducing or changing their answer to a mixer or whole number if needed.

Worksheet Answer Keys

This lesson plan includes answer keys for the activity worksheet, the practice worksheet, and the homework assignment.  If you choose to administer the lesson pages to your students via PDF, you will need to save a new file that omits these pages. Otherwise, you can simply print out the applicable pages and keep these as reference for yourself when grading assignments.


4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade



State Educational Standards

LB.Math.Content.4.NF.B.3, LB.Math.Content.5.NF.A.1, LB.Math.Content.5.NF.A.2

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Fractions Lesson Plan

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Grade 5 - Number and Operations - Fractions

Standard 5.NF.A.2 - Solve addition and subtraction word problems with fractions with like denominators.

Included Skills:

Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions referring to the same whole, including cases of unlike denominators, e.g., by using visual fraction models or equations to represent the problem. Use benchmark fractions and number sense of fractions to estimate mentally and assess the reasonableness of answers. For example, recognize an incorrect result 2/5 + 1/2 = 3/7, by observing that 3/7 < 1/2.

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Addition and Subtraction of Fractions Part 1 – Like Fractions

Do your students do this? What went wrong?

Singapore Math Adding and Subtracting Like Fractions

Addition and Subtraction of Fractions is an important topic, and can be divided into stages:

  • Like fractions,
  • Related fractions,
  • Unrelated fractions,

These are generally introduced in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade respectively.

Singapore Math Addition and Subtraction of Fractions

In part 1 of this series of blog posts, we are going to talk about addition and subtraction of like fractions , how to introduce the topic and common pitfalls such as the above negative example.

Like fractions refers to proper fractions with common denominators, such as

When first introducing addition and subtraction of fractions, it is good to start with unit fractions, where the numerator is 1, with an answer that is less than or equal to 1. Here are some of our observations and recommendations.

No Rules at the Beginning

Many teachers dive straight into teaching the procedural and mechanical aspects of fraction addition and subtraction, e.g. “add the numerator, but not the denominator” etc, and usually present the abstract form in the first lesson, e.g.

1/4 + 1/4 = 2/4

In Singapore Math, Fractions is introduced with the Concrete -> Pictorial -> Abstract  ( C-P-A ) progression.

First start with some familiar objects, such as round pizzas,  chocolate bars  etc. Simple questions such as “you have 1/4 of a pizza and I give you another 2/4 of the same pizza, how much of the pizza do you have?” will start kids thinking about adding fractions in a concrete manner.

Then transfer the examples to pictorial and abstract forms:

Singapore Math Addition and Subtraction of Fractions

Have the kids derive their own “rules” regarding fractions, based on their own observations. Then let them verify their rules using more advanced examples, e.g. 3/5+2/5 = 5/5 =1.

Deducing their own rules from concrete and pictorial manipulation is not only fun for kids, it strengthens their foundation when it comes to abstract representation.

Concept of the same whole

In the above examples, notice that we always draw the fractions as part of the same object or the “ same whole “. This is a very important concept that students need to understand. If fractions are presented pictorially as referring to different wholes, it is easy for the students to get confused. In the opening example, which is a very common mistake, students see 8 equal parts, and therefore, use 8 as the denominator!

Singapore Math Adding and Subtracting Like Fractions

In the US Common Core, this fact is emphasized in 4th grade before formally introducing addition and subtraction of fraction:

Understand addition and subtraction of fractions as joining and separating parts referring to the same whole . – ( CCSS.Math.4.NF.3a )

Decomposing Fraction

Before formally teaching addition and subtraction of fractions, it is good to do the reverse as a preparation and ask the students to decompose a fraction into sums of fractions with the same denominator, in as many ways as they can think of e.g.

5/8 = 1/8 + 1/8 + 1/8 + 1/8 + 1/8 = 2/8 + 3/8 = etc

In addition to preparing the students to mentally see adding and subtracting fractions as joining and separating parts, this exercise also prepares the student for mixed numbers and improper fractions.

Decompose a fraction into a sum of fractions with the same denominator in more than one way, recording each decomposition by an equation. Justify decompositions, e.g., by using a visual fraction model. Examples: 3/8 = 1/8 + 1/8 + 1/8 ; 3/8 = 1/8 + 2/8 ; 2 1/8 = 1 + 1 + 1/8 = 8/8 + 8/8 + 1/8. – ( CCSS.Math.4NF.3b )

The Importance of One

The bar model is good pictorial representation to illustrate adding like fractions.

Singapore Math Addition and Subtraction of Fractions

Don’t forget examples of subtraction involving 1 as well:

Singapore Math Addition and Subtraction of Fractions

These cases of fraction addition and subtraction involving the whole number is very important when we’re dealing with addition and subtraction of mixed numbers and improper fractions later.

Adding and subtracting mixed numbers

After introducing mixed numbers and improper fractions, students are ready to add and subtract fractions involving mixed numbers.

Add and subtract mixed numbers with like denominators, e.g., by replacing each mixed number with an equivalent fraction, and/or by using properties of operations and the relationship between addition and subtraction. – ( CCSS.Math.4NF.3c )

Same whole again

Here it is also important to emphasize the concept of the “same whole” , e.g. in the pictorial representation for 5/8 + 6/8 = 11/8, we have to present the parts on the same whole, and since the sum is greater than 1, the result should occupy more than 1 whole unit.

Singapore Math Adding anSubtracting Like Fractions

Writing everything as improper fractions?

Very often, we see students doing this:

Singapore Math Adding and Subtracting Like Fractions

That is, they write everything as improper fractions, perform rudimentary operations, converting the result back to mixed numbers, and then simplify.

Instead, students can be taught to see “regrouping” as a viable strategy, i.e.

Singapore Math Adding anSubtracting Like Fractions

Kids need to make sense of what they are doing, and applying appropriate strategies for different questions. It is also not uncommon to see students doing this:

Singapore Math Adding anSubtracting Like Fractions

instead of simply,

Singapore Math Adding anSubtracting Like Fractions

Kids visualize what we say and draw

Teacher’s role in interpreting the curriculum.

There is a limit to what curriculum designers can show in static print. Much of the responsibility lies in the teacher, and we need to interpret and translate the curriculum accurately through teaching. We sometimes feel that curriculum and lesson plans should be complemented by video instructions to avoid some of the pitfalls we observed below.

In Math In Focus, the following example is presented in Practice 3 (page 53) of workbook 2B:


The intention of the curriculum designer is to show that the addition is with reference to parts of the same whole (hence shaded parts are different). If the teacher/parent left out the right half of the question (a single whole shape), it is not clear the two shapes refer to the same whole, thus leading to the above confusion.

Confusing labels

Sometimes, we see teachers label their parts like the diagram on the left:

Singapore Math Addition and Subtraction of Fractions

It can be confusing for kids: “Are the parts of different values?” A better way would be to label the parts like the diagram on the right.

Instead of saying 1/4 as “one over four”, we can use “one-fourth” to stress the fact that the entity is a fraction and not the result of an operation of two numbers. Kids visualize what we say, and if we say 1/4 as “one-fourth”, they would be able to visualize 1/4 plus 1/4 as adding two “one-fourth”, therefore the answer is “two-fourths”!

Addition and subtraction of like fractions is the first step in the introduction of the big topic of fraction arithmetic, and is a great chance for teachers and parents to set things right and lay down the right foundation for the future. At the same time, it is an opportunity for students to exercise their deduction and reasoning skills by coming up with the “rules” for adding and subtracting fractions through hands on observations.

This article is part of a series of blog posts on Fractions:

  • >> Read the next post on Fractions:  Addition and Subtraction of Fractions Part 2 – Related Fractions
  • << Read the previous post on Fractions:  Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions
  • Or start from the beginning: Understanding Fractions as Equal Parts

More Fraction Resources

lesson 5 homework practice adding and subtracting like fractions

For more fraction resources, refer to our main fractions page .

6 thoughts on “Addition and Subtraction of Fractions Part 1 – Like Fractions”

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Add & Subtract Fractions (Like Denominators)


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  • We'll learn how to add and subtract fractions with the SAME denominator.
  • We will also learn how to add and subtract MIXED NUMBERS with the SAME denominators.
  • And we’ll see how this knowledge can help us plan fun trips, reorganize our room, and even figure out how much snow fell in a week!

Discussion Questions



They are not the same-sized units. It is like adding apples and oranges.

He added the denominators. He should only add the numerators.

3 whole pies and [ggfrac]4/6[/ggfrac] of a pie.

Method 1: 1 + 2 = 3, [ggfrac]1/3[/ggfrac] + [ggfrac]1/3[/ggfrac] = [ggfrac]2/3[/ggfrac], 3 + [ggfrac]2/3[/ggfrac] = 3[ggfrac]2/3[/ggfrac] Method 2: 1[ggfrac]1/3[/ggfrac] = [ggfrac]4/3[/ggfrac], 2[ggfrac]1/3[/ggfrac] = [ggfrac]7/3[/ggfrac], [ggfrac]4/3[/ggfrac] + [ggfrac]7/3[/ggfrac] = [ggfrac]11/3[/ggfrac] = 3[ggfrac]2/3[/ggfrac]

It is easier to solve the problem by turning the mixed numbers into improper fractions.

A number that represents a part of a whole.

The number above the line in a fraction, which tells us how many parts we have.

The number under the line in a fraction, which tells us how many parts the whole is split into.

A number made of a whole number and proper fraction.

A fraction where the numerator is less than the denominator.

A fraction whose numerator is greater than its denominator.

Turn an improper fraction into a mixed number.

Reading Material

To add or subtract fractions, they need to have like denominators. Two fractions have like denominators if the number in the denominator is the same for both fractions.

To better understand adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators…



Before we begin adding and subtracting fractions, we need to review some key concepts we learned already: A fraction is a number that represents part of a whole. The number below the line is called the denominator and it tells us how many equal parts the whole is split into. The number above the line is called the numerator and it tells us how many parts we have. Now you try: If [ggfrac]4/6[/ggfrac] represents how many slices of a pie we have left, what do 4 and 6 represent?


Marcos and April each have a pizza with 8 equal slices, and they ate part of their pizzas. Marcos has 5 slices left and April has 3 slices left. How can we represent leftover pizza as fractions? 5 out of 8 slices can be represented as [ggfrac]5/8[/ggfrac], and 3 out of 8 slices can be represented as [ggfrac]3/8[/ggfrac]. If we put both April and Marcos’ slices into an empty pizza box, they make one whole pizza together. This means that [ggfrac]5/8[/ggfrac] + [ggfrac]3/8[/ggfrac] = [ggfrac]8/8[/ggfrac], and [ggfrac]8/8[/ggfrac] is the same as 1 whole. We add the numerators, but we keep the denominator the same. The denominator only tells us how many slices the original pizza is cut into, so that number is still 8. For dessert, they have a cake that is cut into 10 slices, so we can represent each slice as [ggfrac]1/10[/ggfrac]. If they eat 2 slices, that is [ggfrac]2/10[/ggfrac] of the cake. We can represent the whole cake as [ggfrac]10/10[/ggfrac]. To subtract [ggfrac]2/10[/ggfrac], find 10 - 2 = 8. They have [ggfrac]8/10[/ggfrac] of the cake left. Now you try: A pan of lasagna is cut into 12 equal pieces. If you eat 5 pieces, what fraction represents how much lasagna you have left?

Ski Trip

It snowed 3[ggfrac]1/5[/ggfrac] inches yesterday and 5[ggfrac]3/5[/ggfrac] inches today. How much snow fell in all? Add 3[ggfrac]1/5[/ggfrac] + 5[ggfrac]3/5[/ggfrac] to find the total snowfall. First, add the whole numbers on their own. Then add the fractions on their own. Then combine the totals. 3 + 5 = 8 and [ggfrac]1/5[/ggfrac] + [ggfrac]3/5[/ggfrac]= [ggfrac]4/5[/ggfrac]. Together, that's 8[ggfrac]4/5[/ggfrac] inches of snow. Now you try: A recipe calls for 4[ggfrac]1/6[/ggfrac] cups of white flour and 2[ggfrac]3/6[/ggfrac] cups of whole wheat flour. How much flour do you need altogether?

Bobbing for Apples

Bobbing for Apples

April and Marcos are bobbing for apples. It takes April 4[ggfrac]1/6[/ggfrac] seconds, and it takes Marcos 5[ggfrac]5/6[/ggfrac] seconds to get an apple. How much less time did April take than Marcos? We need to subtract 5[ggfrac]5/6[/ggfrac] - 4[ggfrac]1/6[/ggfrac] to find the difference. We can use the same method as for addition. First, subtract the whole numbers and then subtract the fractions. Finally, combine the totals. 5 - 4 = 1 and [ggfrac]5/6[/ggfrac] - [ggfrac]1/6[/ggfrac] = [ggfrac]4/6[/ggfrac]. April took 1[ggfrac]4/6[/ggfrac] seconds less than Marcos. Now you try: Yesterday, 4[ggfrac]1/8[/ggfrac] millimeters of rain fell, and today 6 [ggfrac]7/8[/ggfrac] millimeters of rain fell. How much more rain fell today than yesterday?

Bike Trip

Marcos plans to bike to a store 2[ggfrac]3/5[/ggfrac] miles away, and then to a beach another 3[ggfrac]1/5[/ggfrac] miles away. How many miles will he bike in total, to get to the beach? We already know one method of adding mixed numbers, and now we learn another. We can turn each mixed number into a fraction. 2[ggfrac]3/5[/ggfrac] can be written as 1 + 1+[ggfrac]3/5[/ggfrac]. 1 = [ggfrac]5/5[/ggfrac], so this is the same as [ggfrac]5/5[/ggfrac] + [ggfrac]5/5[/ggfrac] + [ggfrac]3/5[/ggfrac], or [ggfrac]13/5[/ggfrac]. 3[ggfrac]1/5[/ggfrac] can be written as 1 + 1 + 1 + [ggfrac]1/5[/ggfrac], which is the same as [ggfrac]5/5[/ggfrac] + [ggfrac]5/5[/ggfrac] + [ggfrac]5/5[/ggfrac] + [ggfrac]1/5[/ggfrac], or [ggfrac]16/5[/ggfrac]. Now we find the total, [ggfrac]13/5[/ggfrac] + [ggfrac]16/5[/ggfrac] = [ggfrac]29/5[/ggfrac]. The last step is to write [ggfrac]29/5[/ggfrac] as a mixed number by simplifying:[ggfrac]29/5[/ggfrac] is the same as 5[ggfrac]4/5[/ggfrac]. Marcos will bike for 5[ggfrac]4/5[/ggfrac] miles to the beach. Now you try: 3[ggfrac]3/4[/ggfrac] + 2[ggfrac]2/4[/ggfrac] = ?


A cake recipe calls for 4[ggfrac]3/4[/ggfrac] cups of chocolate chips in total, but 1[ggfrac]1/4[/ggfrac] cups should be set aside to put on top of the cake at the end. How many cups of chocolate chips should we add to the batter? To find the answer, we subtract 4[ggfrac]3/4[/ggfrac] - 1[ggfrac]1/4[/ggfrac]. 4[ggfrac]3/4[/ggfrac] is the same as 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + [ggfrac]3/4[/ggfrac], or [ggfrac]4/4[/ggfrac] + [ggfrac]4/4[/ggfrac] + [ggfrac]4/4[/ggfrac] + [ggfrac]4/4[/ggfrac] + [ggfrac]3/4[/ggfrac] = [ggfrac]19/4[/ggfrac]. 1[ggfrac]1/4[/ggfrac] is the same as 1 + [ggfrac]1/4[/ggfrac] or [ggfrac]4/4[/ggfrac] +[ggfrac]1/4[/ggfrac] = [ggfrac]5/4[/ggfrac]. Now we can subtract the improper fractions: [ggfrac]19/4[/ggfrac] - [ggfrac]5/4[/ggfrac] = [ggfrac]14/4[/ggfrac]. Finally, convert [ggfrac]14/4[/ggfrac] into a mixed number: 3[ggfrac]2/4[/ggfrac]. Now you try: You have 6[ggfrac]2/5[/ggfrac] balls of yarn, and you need 4[ggfrac]3/5[/ggfrac] balls of yarn to knit a sweater. How many balls of yarn will you have left over?

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[ggfrac]3/9[/ggfrac] + [ggfrac]4/9[/ggfrac] = ?

5[ggfrac]5/6[/ggfrac] - 3[ggfrac]2/6[/ggfrac] = ?

3[ggfrac]4/5[/ggfrac] + 2[ggfrac]2/5[/ggfrac] = ?


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Adding and Subtracting Like Fractions

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A 60 minute lesson in which students will add and subtract fractions with the same denominator.

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Understand addition and subtraction of fractions as joining and separating parts referring to the same whole.

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Represent and solve addition and subtraction of fractions with equal denominators using objects and pictorial models that build to the number line and properties of operations;

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Curriculum  /  Math  /  5th Grade  /  Unit 4: Addition and Subtraction of Fractions/Decimals  /  Lesson 1

Addition and Subtraction of Fractions/Decimals

Lesson 1 of 17

Criteria for Success

Tips for teachers, anchor tasks.

Problem Set

Target Task

Additional practice.

Recognize and generate equivalent fractions.

Common Core Standards

Core standards.

The core standards covered in this lesson

Number and Operations—Fractions

5.NF.A — Use equivalent fractions as a strategy to add and subtract fractions.

Foundational Standards

The foundational standards covered in this lesson

4.NF.A.1 — Explain why a fraction a/b is equivalent to a fraction (n × a)/(n × b) by using visual fraction models, with attention to how the number and size of the parts differ even though the two fractions themselves are the same size. Use this principle to recognize and generate equivalent fractions.

The essential concepts students need to demonstrate or understand to achieve the lesson objective

  • Understand that equivalent fractions are fractions of the same size or at the same point on a number line. 
  • Generate equivalent fractions using an area model, a number line, or multiplication/division (MP.5).
  • Determine whether two fractions are equivalent using an area model, a number line, or multiplication/division (MP.3).

Suggestions for teachers to help them teach this lesson

  • Lesson 1 is intended to address the cluster heading “use equivalent fractions as a strategy to add and subtract fractions” (5.NF.A) by ensuring that students are able to recognize and generate equivalent fractions. Recognizing and generating equivalent fractions is an expectation in Grade 4 (4.NF.1), so it is up to your discretion about whether this lesson is needed or not. But, since using equivalent fractions to add and subtract is mentioned in the cluster heading, and since this lesson also provides the opportunity for students to refamiliarize themselves with the models used to represent fractions, the area model and the number line, it is recommended to include it.
  • The applet “ Equivalent Fractions ” by NCTM to generate equivalent fractions.
  • “Fraction Blackout”, which can be found 4.NF.1 - About the Math, Learning Targets, and Rigor  by the Howard County Public School System. Note that this game relies on the use of tape diagrams as a model, which you can choose to change into area models and/or number lines. 
  • “Fraction Taboo” or “Fraction Scattergories" from  Games with Fraction Strips and Fraction Cards  on  The Max Ray Blog . 
  • “Double Trouble” from  Games with Fraction Strips and Fraction Cards  on  The Max Ray Blog  to preview finding equivalent fractions with common denominators when given two fractions (which they’ll need for fraction addition with unlike denominators starting in Lesson 4).

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Tasks designed to teach criteria for success of the lesson, and guidance to help draw out student understanding

25-30 minutes

Ms. Kosowsky makes brownies in two pans of the same size. She cuts the pans in the following way:

Pan A Pan B

Ms. Kosowsky gives one brownie from Pan A to Ms. Kohler and gives four brownies from Pan B to herself. Ms. Kohler thinks this isn’t fair since she only got one brownie and Ms. Kosowsky got four. Ms. Kosowsky thinks it’s fair. 

Who do you agree with, Ms. Kosowsky or Ms. Kohler? Why? 

Guiding Questions

a.   What fraction does the point on the number line below represent? 

lesson 5 homework practice adding and subtracting like fractions

b.   What fraction does the point on the number line below represent? 

lesson 5 homework practice adding and subtracting like fractions

c.   Use the number lines to explain why the two fractions represented above are equivalent. 

Explaining Fraction Equivalence with Pictures , accessed on March 23, 2018, 8:50 a.m., is licensed by Illustrative Mathematics under either the  CC BY 4.0  or  CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 . For further information, contact Illustrative Mathematics .

Find two more fractions that are equivalent to each of the following. Use pictures and an equation to explain why the fractions are equivalent.

a.    $$\frac{1}{3}$$

b.    $$\frac{2}{5}$$

c.    $$\frac{4}{6}$$

d.    $$\frac{36}{24}$$

Grade 5 Mathematics > Module 3 > Topic A > Lesson 1 of the New York State Common Core Mathematics Curriculum from EngageNY and Great Minds . © 2015 Great Minds. Licensed by EngageNY of the New York State Education Department under the CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 US  license. Accessed Dec. 2, 2016, 5:15 p.m..

Solve for the missing value.

a.    $${{2\over5}={10\over\square}}$$

b.    $${{5\over4}={\square\over16}}$$

c.    $${{18\over24}={\square\over4}}$$

d.    $${{18\over15}={6\over\square}}$$

Van de Walle, John A.  Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics: Developmentally Appropriate Instruction for Grades 3-5 (Volume II) . Pearson, 2nd edition, 2013.

15-20 minutes

Unlock the answer keys for this lesson's problem set and extra practice problems to save time and support student learning.

Discussion of Problem Set

  • Look at #3. How did you come up with your list of equivalent fractions? 
  • Look at #5. Since the number line was not partitioned into fourths, how did you decide where to plot $$\frac{5}{4}$$ ? How could you use this number line to write a fraction that is equivalent to $$\frac{5}{4}$$ ? 
  • Look at #6. How can you use the model to show $$\frac{1}{3}$$ ?

A task that represents the peak thinking of the lesson - mastery will indicate whether or not objective was achieved

5-10 minutes

Find three fractions that are equivalent to each of the following fractions. Use pictures and an equation to explain why the fractions are equivalent.

a.    $${{5\over8}}$$

b.    $${{6\over4}}$$

Student Response

The Extra Practice Problems can be used as additional practice for homework, during an intervention block, etc. Daily Word Problems and Fluency Activities are aligned to the content of the unit but not necessarily to the lesson objective, therefore feel free to use them anytime during your school day.

Extra Practice Problems

Answer keys for Problem Sets and Extra Practice Problems are available with a Fishtank Plus subscription.

Word Problems and Fluency Activities

Help students strengthen their application and fluency skills with daily word problem practice and content-aligned fluency activities.

Topic A: Addition and Subtraction of Fractions

Add fractions with like denominators.

Subtract fractions with like denominators.

Add fractions with unlike denominators whose sum is less than 1.

5.NF.A.1 5.NF.A.2

Subtract fractions from fractions less than 1 with unlike denominators.

Add fractions with unlike denominators whose sum is less than 2.

Subtract fractions from fractions less than 2 with unlike denominators.

Add fractions with unlike denominators whose sum is greater than 2.

Subtract fractions from fractions greater than 2 with unlike denominators.

Use benchmark fractions and number sense to estimate mentally and assess the reasonableness of answers.

Add and subtract more than two fractions. 

Solve two- and multi-step word problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions.

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Topic B: Addition and Subtraction of Decimals

Add decimals where the total is less than or equal to 2.

Add decimals where the total is greater than 2.

Subtract decimals where the total is less than or equal to 2.

Subtract decimals where the total is greater than 2.

Solve two- and multi-step word problems involving addition and subtraction of decimals.

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lesson 5 homework practice adding and subtracting like fractions

Fractions Worksheets

Welcome to the fractions worksheets page at Math-Drills.com where the cup is half full! This is one of our more popular pages most likely because learning fractions is incredibly important in a person's life and it is a math topic that many approach with trepidation due to its bad rap over the years. Fractions really aren't that difficult to master especially with the support of our wide selection of worksheets.

This page includes Fractions worksheets for understanding fractions including modeling, comparing, ordering, simplifying and converting fractions and operations with fractions. We start you off with the obvious: modeling fractions. It is a great idea if students can actually understand what a fraction is, so please do spend some time with the modeling aspect. Relating modeling to real life helps a great deal too as it is much easier to relate to half a cookie than to half a square. Ask most students what you get if you add half a cookie and another half a cookie, and they'll probably let you know that it makes one delicious snack.

The other fractions worksheets on this page are devoted to helping students understand the concept of fractions. From comparing and ordering to simplifying and converting... by the time students master the material on this page, operations of fractions will be a walk in the park.

Most Popular Fractions Worksheets this Week

Adding and Subtracting Two Mixed Fractions with Similar Denominators, Mixed Fractions Results and Some Simplifying (Fillable)

Fraction Circles

lesson 5 homework practice adding and subtracting like fractions

Fraction circle manipulatives are mainly used for comparing fractions, but they can be used for a variety of other purposes such as representing and identifying fractions, adding and subtracting fractions, and as probability spinners. There are a variety of options depending on your purpose. Fraction circles come in small and large versions, labeled and unlabeled versions and in three different color schemes: black and white, color, and light gray. The color scheme matches the fraction strips and use colors that are meant to show good contrast among themselves. Do note that there is a significant prevalence of color-blindness in the population, so don't rely on all students being able to differentiate the colors.

Suggested activity for comparing fractions: Photocopy the black and white version onto an overhead projection slide and another copy onto a piece of paper. Alternatively, you can use two pieces of paper and hold them up to the light for this activity. Use a pencil to represent the first fraction on the paper copy. Use a non-permanent overhead pen to represent the second fraction. Lay the slide over the paper and compare the two circles. You should easily be able to tell which is greater or lesser or if the two fractions are equal. Re-use both sheets by erasing the pencil and washing off the marker.

Adding fractions with fraction circles will involve two copies on paper. Cut out the fraction circles and segments of one copy and leave the other copy intact. To add 1/3 + 1/2, for example, place a 1/3 segment and a 1/2 segment into a circle and hold it over various fractions on the intact copy to see what 1/2 + 1/3 is equivalent to. 5/6 or 10/12 should work.

  • Small Fraction Circles Small Fraction Circles in Black and White with Labels Small Fraction Circles in Color with Labels Small Fraction Circles in Light Gray with Labels Small Fraction Circles in Black and White Unlabeled Small Fraction Circles in Color Unlabeled Small Fraction Circles in Light Gray Unlabeled
  • Large Fraction Circles Large Fraction Circles in Black and White with Labels Large Fraction Circles in Color with Labels Large Fraction Circles in Light Gray with Labels Large Fraction Circles in Black and White Unlabeled Large Fraction Circles in Color Unlabeled Large Fraction Circles in Light Gray Unlabeled

Fraction Strips

lesson 5 homework practice adding and subtracting like fractions

Fractions strips are often used for comparing fractions. Students are able to see quite easily the relationships and equivalence between fractions with different denominators. It can be quite useful for students to have two copies: one copy cut into strips and the other copy kept intact. They can then use the cut-out strips on the intact page to individually compare fractions. For example, they can use the halves strip to see what other fractions are equivalent to one-half. This can also be accomplished with a straight edge such as a ruler without cutting out any strips. Pairs or groups of strips can also be compared side-by-side if they are cut out. Addition and subtraction (etc.) are also possibilities; for example, adding a one-quarter and one-third can be accomplished by shifting the thirds strip so that it starts at the end of one-quarter then finding a strip that matches the end of the one-third mark (7/12 should do it).

Teachers might consider copying the fraction strips onto overhead projection acetates for whole class or group activities. Acetate versions are also useful as a hands-on manipulative for students in conjunction with an uncut page.

The "Smart" Fraction Strips include strips in a more useful order, eliminate the 7ths and 11ths strips as they don't have any equivalents and include 15ths and 16ths. The colors are consistent with the classic versions, so the two sets can be combined.

  • Classic Fraction Strips with Labels Classic Fraction Strips in Black and White With Labels Classic Fraction Strips in Color With Labels Classic Fraction Strips in Gray With Labels
  • Unlabeled Classic Fraction Strips Classic Fraction Strips in Black and White Unlabeled Classic Fraction Strips in Color Unlabeled Classic Fraction Strips in Gray Unlabeled
  • Smart Fraction Strips with Labels Smart Fraction Strips in Black and White With Labels Smart Fraction Strips in Color With Labels Smart Fraction Strips in Gray With Labels

Modeling fractions

lesson 5 homework practice adding and subtracting like fractions

Fractions can represent parts of a group or parts of a whole. In these worksheets, fractions are modeled as parts of a group. Besides using the worksheets in this section, you can also try some more interesting ways of modeling fractions. Healthy snacks can make great models for fractions. Can you cut a cucumber into thirds? A tomato into quarters? Can you make two-thirds of the grapes red and one-third green?

  • Modeling Fractions with Groups of Shapes Coloring Groups of Shapes to Represent Fractions Identifying Fractions from Colored Groups of Shapes (Only Simplified Fractions up to Eighths) Identifying Fractions from Colored Groups of Shapes (Halves Only) Identifying Fractions from Colored Groups of Shapes (Halves and Thirds) Identifying Fractions from Colored Groups of Shapes (Halves, Thirds and Fourths) Identifying Fractions from Colored Groups of Shapes (Up to Fifths) Identifying Fractions from Colored Groups of Shapes (Up to Sixths) Identifying Fractions from Colored Groups of Shapes (Up to Eighths) Identifying Fractions from Colored Groups of Shapes (OLD Version; Print Too Light)
  • Modeling Fractions with Rectangles Modeling Halves Modeling Thirds Modeling Halves and Thirds Modeling Fourths (Color Version) Modeling Fourths (Grey Version) Coloring Fourths Models Modeling Fifths Coloring Fifths Models Modeling Sixths Coloring Sixths Models
  • Modeling Fractions with Circles Modeling Halves, Thirds and Fourths Coloring Halves, Thirds and Fourths Modeling Halves, Thirds, Fourths, and Fifths Coloring Halves, Thirds, Fourths, and Fifths Modeling Halves to Sixths Coloring Halves to Sixths Modeling Halves to Eighths Coloring Halves to Eighths Modeling Halves to Twelfths Coloring Halves to Twelfths

Ratio and Proportion Worksheets

lesson 5 homework practice adding and subtracting like fractions

The equivalent fractions models worksheets include only the "baking fractions" in the A versions. To see more difficult and varied fractions, please choose the B to J versions after loading the A version. More picture ratios can be found on holiday and seasonal pages. Try searching for picture ratios to find more.

  • Picture Ratios Autumn Trees Part-to-Part Picture Ratios ( Grouped ) Autumn Trees Part-to-Part and Part-to-Whole Picture Ratios ( Grouped )
  • Equivalent Fractions Equivalent Fractions With Blanks ( Multiply Right ) ✎ Equivalent Fractions With Blanks ( Divide Left ) ✎ Equivalent Fractions With Blanks ( Multiply Right or Divide Left ) ✎ Equivalent Fractions With Blanks ( Divide Right ) ✎ Equivalent Fractions With Blanks ( Multiply Left ) ✎ Equivalent Fractions With Blanks ( Multiply Left or Divide Right ) ✎ Equivalent Fractions With Blanks ( Multiply or Divide Right ) ✎ Equivalent Fractions With Blanks ( Multiply or Divide Left ) ✎ Equivalent Fractions With Blanks ( Multiply or Divide in Either Direction ) ✎ Are These Fractions Equivalent? (Multiplier 2 to 5) Are These Fractions Equivalent? (Multiplier 5 to 15) Equivalent Fractions Models Equivalent Fractions Models with the Simplified Fraction First Equivalent Fractions Models with the Simplified Fraction Second
  • Equivalent Ratios Equivalent Ratios with Blanks Only on Right Equivalent Ratios with Blanks Anywhere Equivalent Ratios with x 's

Comparing and Ordering Fractions

lesson 5 homework practice adding and subtracting like fractions

Comparing fractions involves deciding which of two fractions is greater in value or if the two fractions are equal in value. There are generally four methods that can be used for comparing fractions. First is to use common denominators . If both fractions have the same denominator, comparing the fractions simply involves comparing the numerators. Equivalent fractions can be used to convert one or both fractions, so they have common denominators. A second method is to convert both fractions to a decimal and compare the decimal numbers. Visualization is the third method. Using something like fraction strips , two fractions can be compared with a visual tool. The fourth method is to use a cross-multiplication strategy where the numerator of the first fraction is multiplied by the denominator of the second fraction; then the numerator of the second fraction is multiplied by the denominator of the first fraction. The resulting products can be compared to decide which fraction is greater (or if they are equal).

  • Comparing Proper Fractions Comparing Proper Fractions to Sixths ✎ Comparing Proper Fractions to Ninths (No Sevenths) ✎ Comparing Proper Fractions to Ninths ✎ Comparing Proper Fractions to Twelfths (No Sevenths; No Elevenths) ✎ Comparing Proper Fractions to Twelfths ✎

The worksheets in this section also include improper fractions. This might make the task of comparing even easier for some questions that involve both a proper and an improper fraction. If students recognize one fraction is greater than one and the other fraction is less than one, the greater fraction will be obvious.

  • Comparing Proper and Improper Fractions Comparing Proper and Improper Fractions to Sixths ✎ Comparing Proper and Improper Fractions to Ninths (No Sevenths) ✎ Comparing Proper and Improper Fractions to Ninths ✎ Comparing Proper and Improper Fractions to Twelfths (No Sevenths; No Elevenths) ✎ Comparing Proper and Improper Fractions to Twelfths ✎ Comparing Improper Fractions to Sixths ✎ Comparing Improper Fractions to Ninths (No Sevenths) ✎ Comparing Improper Fractions to Ninths ✎ Comparing Improper Fractions to Twelfths (No Sevenths; No Elevenths) ✎ Comparing Improper Fractions to Twelfths ✎

This section additionally includes mixed fractions. When comparing mixed and improper fractions, it is useful to convert one of the fractions to the other's form either in writing or mentally. Converting to a mixed fraction is probably the better route since the first step is to compare the whole number portions, and if one is greater than the other, the proper fraction portion can be ignored. If the whole number portions are equal, the proper fractions must be compared to see which number is greater.

  • Comparing Proper, Improper and Mixed Fractions Comparing Proper, Improper and Mixed Fractions to Sixths ✎ Comparing Proper, Improper and Mixed Fractions to Ninths (No Sevenths) ✎ Comparing Proper, Improper and Mixed Fractions to Ninths ✎ Comparing Proper, Improper and Mixed Fractions to Twelfths (No Sevenths; No Elevenths) ✎ Comparing Proper, Improper and Mixed Fractions to Twelfths ✎
  • Comparing Improper and Mixed Fractions Comparing Improper and Mixed Fractions to Sixths ✎ Comparing Improper and Mixed Fractions to Ninths (No Sevenths) ✎ Comparing Improper and Mixed Fractions to Ninths ✎ Comparing Improper and Mixed Fractions to Twelfths (No Sevenths; No Elevenths) ✎ Comparing Improper and Mixed Fractions to Twelfths ✎
  • Comparing Mixed Fractions Comparing Mixed Fractions to Sixths ✎ Comparing Mixed Fractions to Ninths (No Sevenths) ✎ Comparing Mixed Fractions to Ninths ✎ Comparing Mixed Fractions to Twelfths (No Sevenths; No Elevenths) ✎ Comparing Mixed Fractions to Twelfths ✎

Many of the same strategies that work for comparing fractions also work for ordering fractions. Using manipulatives such as fraction strips, using number lines, or finding decimal equivalents will all have your student(s) putting fractions in the correct order in no time. We've probably said this before, but make sure that you emphasize that when comparing or ordering fractions, students understand that the whole needs to be the same. Comparing half the population of Canada with a third of the population of the United States won't cut it. Try using some visuals to reinforce this important concept. Even though we've included number lines below, feel free to use your own strategies.

  • Ordering Fractions with Easy Denominators on a Number Line Ordering Fractions with Easy Denominators to 10 on a Number Line Ordering Fractions with Easy Denominators to 24 on a Number Line Ordering Fractions with Easy Denominators to 60 on a Number Line Ordering Fractions with Easy Denominators to 100 on a Number Line
  • Ordering Fractions with Easy Denominators on a Number Line (Including Negative Fractions) Ordering Fractions with Easy Denominators to 10 + Negatives on a Number Line Ordering Fractions with Easy Denominators to 24 + Negatives on a Number Line Ordering Fractions with Easy Denominators to 60 + Negatives on a Number Line Ordering Fractions with Easy Denominators to 100 + Negatives on a Number Line
  • Ordering Fractions with All Denominators on a Number Line Ordering Fractions with All Denominators to 10 on a Number Line Ordering Fractions with All Denominators to 24 on a Number Line Ordering Fractions with All Denominators to 60 on a Number Line Ordering Fractions with All Denominators to 100 on a Number Line
  • Ordering Fractions with All Denominators on a Number Line (Including Negative Fractions) Ordering Fractions with All Denominators to 10 + Negatives on a Number Line Ordering Fractions with All Denominators to 24 + Negatives on a Number Line Ordering Fractions with All Denominators to 60 + Negatives on a Number Line Ordering Fractions with All Denominators to 100 + Negatives on a Number Line

The ordering fractions worksheets in this section do not include a number line, to allow for students to use various sorting strategies.

  • Ordering Positive Fractions Ordering Positive Fractions with Like Denominators Ordering Positive Fractions with Like Numerators Ordering Positive Fractions with Like Numerators or Denominators Ordering Positive Fractions with Proper Fractions Only Ordering Positive Fractions with Improper Fractions Ordering Positive Fractions with Mixed Fractions Ordering Positive Fractions with Improper and Mixed Fractions
  • Ordering Positive and Negative Fractions Ordering Positive and Negative Fractions with Like Denominators Ordering Positive and Negative Fractions with Like Numerators Ordering Positive and Negative Fractions with Like Numerators or Denominators Ordering Positive and Negative Fractions with Proper Fractions Only Ordering Positive and Negative Fractions with Improper Fractions Ordering Positive and Negative Fractions with Mixed Fractions Ordering Positive and Negative Fractions with Improper and Mixed Fractions

Simplifying & Converting Fractions Worksheets

lesson 5 homework practice adding and subtracting like fractions

Rounding fractions helps students to understand fractions a little better and can be applied to estimating answers to fractions questions. For example, if one had to estimate 1 4/7 × 6, they could probably say the answer was about 9 since 1 4/7 is about 1 1/2 and 1 1/2 × 6 is 9.

  • Rounding Fractions with Helper Lines Rounding Fractions to the Nearest Whole with Helper Lines Rounding Mixed Numbers to the Nearest Whole with Helper Lines Rounding Fractions to the Nearest Half with Helper Lines Rounding Mixed Numbers to the Nearest Half with Helper Lines
  • Rounding Fractions Rounding Fractions to the Nearest Whole Rounding Mixed Numbers to the Nearest Whole Rounding Fractions to the Nearest Half Rounding Mixed Numbers to the Nearest Half

Learning how to simplify fractions makes a student's life much easier later on when learning operations with fractions. It also helps them to learn that different-looking fractions can be equivalent. One way of demonstrating this is to divide out two equivalent fractions. For example 3/2 and 6/4 both result in a quotient of 1.5 when divided. By practicing simplifying fractions, students will hopefully recognize unsimplified fractions when they start adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing with fractions.

  • Simplifying Fractions Simplify Fractions (easier) Simplify Fractions (harder) Simplify Improper Fractions (easier) Simplify Improper Fractions (harder)
  • Converting Between Improper and Mixed Fractions Converting Mixed Fractions to Improper Fractions Converting Improper Fractions to Mixed Fractions Converting Between (both ways) Mixed and Improper Fractions
  • Converting Between Fractions and Decimals Converting Fractions to Terminating Decimals Converting Fractions to Terminating and Repeating Decimals Converting Terminating Decimals to Fractions Converting Terminating and Repeating Decimals to Fractions Converting Fractions to Hundredths
  • Converting Between Fractions, Decimals, Percents and Ratios with Terminating Decimals Only Converting Fractions to Decimals, Percents and Part-to- Part Ratios ( Terminating Decimals Only) Converting Fractions to Decimals, Percents and Part-to- Whole Ratios ( Terminating Decimals Only) Converting Decimals to Fractions, Percents and Part-to- Part Ratios ( Terminating Decimals Only) Converting Decimals to Fractions, Percents and Part-to- Whole Ratios ( Terminating Decimals Only) Converting Percents to Fractions, Decimals and Part-to- Part Ratios ( Terminating Decimals Only) Converting Percents to Fractions, Decimals and Part-to- Whole Ratios ( Terminating Decimals Only) Converting Part-to-Part Ratios to Fractions, Decimals and Percents ( Terminating Decimals Only) Converting Part-to-Whole Ratios to Fractions, Decimals and Percents ( Terminating Decimals Only) Converting Various Fractions, Decimals, Percents and Part-to- Part Ratios ( Terminating Decimals Only) Converting Various Fractions, Decimals, Percents and Part-to- Whole Ratios ( Terminating Decimals Only)
  • Converting Between Fractions, Decimals, Percents and Ratios with Terminating and Repeating Decimals Converting Fractions to Decimals, Percents and Part-to- Part Ratios Converting Fractions to Decimals, Percents and Part-to- Whole Ratios Converting Decimals to Fractions, Percents and Part-to- Part Ratios Converting Decimals to Fractions, Percents and Part-to- Whole Ratios Converting Percents to Fractions, Decimals and Part-to- Part Ratios Converting Percents to Fractions, Decimals and Part-to- Whole Ratios Converting Part-to-Part Ratios to Fractions, Decimals and Percents Converting Part-to-Whole Ratios to Fractions, Decimals and Percents Converting Various Fractions, Decimals, Percents and Part-to- Part Ratios Converting Various Fractions, Decimals, Percents and Part-to- Whole Ratios Converting Various Fractions, Decimals, Percents and Part-to- Part Ratios with 7ths and 11ths Converting Various Fractions, Decimals, Percents and Part-to- Whole Ratios with 7ths and 11ths

Multiplying Fractions

lesson 5 homework practice adding and subtracting like fractions

Multiplying fractions is usually less confusing operationally than any other operation and can be less confusing conceptually if approached in the right way. The algorithm for multiplying is simply multiply the numerators then multiply the denominators. The magic word in understanding the multiplication of fractions is, "of." For example what is two-thirds OF six? What is a third OF a half? When you use the word, "of," it gets much easier to visualize fractions multiplication. Example: cut a loaf of bread in half, then cut the half into thirds. One third OF a half loaf of bread is the same as 1/3 x 1/2 and tastes delicious with butter.

  • Multiplying Two Proper Fraction Multiplying Two Proper Fractions with No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying Two Proper Fractions with All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ ✎ Multiplying Two Proper Fractions with Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying Two Proper Fractions with No Simplifying (Printable Only) Multiplying Two Proper Fractions with All Simplifying (Printable Only) Multiplying Two Proper Fractions with Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • Multiplying Proper and Improper Fractions Multiplying Proper and Improper Fractions with No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying Proper and Improper Fractions with All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying Proper and Improper Fractions with Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying Proper and Improper Fractions with No Simplifying (Printable Only) Multiplying Proper and Improper Fractions with All Simplifying (Printable Only) Multiplying Proper and Improper Fractions with Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • Multiplying Two Improper Fractions Multiplying Two Improper Fractions with No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying Two Improper Fractions with All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying Two Improper Fractions with Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying Two Improper Fractions with No Simplifying (Printable Only) Multiplying Two Improper Fractions with All Simplifying (Printable Only) Multiplying Two Improper Fractions with Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • Multiplying Proper and Mixed Fractions Multiplying Proper and Mixed Fractions with No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying Proper and Mixed Fractions with All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying Proper and Mixed Fractions with Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying Proper and Mixed Fractions with No Simplifying (Printable Only) Multiplying Proper and Mixed Fractions with All Simplifying (Printable Only) Multiplying Proper and Mixed Fractions with Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • Multiplying Two Mixed Fractions Multiplying Two Mixed Fractions with No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying Two Mixed Fractions with All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying Two Mixed Fractions with Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying Two Mixed Fractions with No Simplifying (Printable Only) Multiplying Two Mixed Fractions with All Simplifying (Printable Only) Multiplying Two Mixed Fractions with Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • Multiplying Whole Numbers and Proper Fractions Multiplying Whole Numbers and Proper Fractions with No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying Whole Numbers and Proper Fractions with All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying Whole Numbers and Proper Fractions with Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying Whole Numbers and Proper Fractions with No Simplifying (Printable Only) Multiplying Whole Numbers and Proper Fractions with All Simplifying (Printable Only) Multiplying Whole Numbers and Proper Fractions with Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • Multiplying Whole Numbers and Improper Fractions Multiplying Whole Numbers and Improper Fractions with No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying Whole Numbers and Improper Fractions with All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying Whole Numbers and Improper Fractions with Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying Whole Numbers and Improper Fractions with No Simplifying (Printable Only) Multiplying Whole Numbers and Improper Fractions with All Simplifying (Printable Only) Multiplying Whole Numbers and Improper Fractions with Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • Multiplying Whole Numbers and Mixed Fractions Multiplying Whole Numbers and Mixed Fractions with No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying Whole Numbers and Mixed Fractions with All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying Whole Numbers and Mixed Fractions with Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying Whole Numbers and Mixed Fractions with No Simplifying (Printable Only) Multiplying Whole Numbers and Mixed Fractions with All Simplifying (Printable Only) Multiplying Whole Numbers and Mixed Fractions with Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • Multiplying Proper, Improper and Mixed Fractions Multiplying Proper, Improper and Mixed Fractions with No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying Proper, Improper and Mixed Fractions with All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying Proper, Improper and Mixed Fractions with Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying Proper, Improper and Mixed Fractions with No Simplifying (Printable Only) Multiplying Proper, Improper and Mixed Fractions with All Simplifying (Printable Only) Multiplying Proper, Improper and Mixed Fractions with Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • Multiplying 3 Fractions Multiplying 3 Proper Fractions (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying 3 Proper and Improper Fractions (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying Proper and Improper Fractions and Whole Numbers (3 factors) (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying Fractions and Mixed Fractions (3 factors) (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying 3 Mixed Fractions (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎

Dividing Fractions

lesson 5 homework practice adding and subtracting like fractions

Conceptually, dividing fractions is probably the most difficult of all the operations, but we're going to help you out. The algorithm for dividing fractions is just like multiplying fractions, but you find the inverse of the second fraction or you cross-multiply. This gets you the right answer which is extremely important especially if you're building a bridge. We told you how to conceptualize fraction multiplication, but how does it work with division? Easy! You just need to learn the magic phrase: "How many ____'s are there in ______? For example, in the question 6 ÷ 1/2, you would ask, "How many halves are there in 6?" It becomes a little more difficult when both numbers are fractions, but it isn't a giant leap to figure it out. 1/2 ÷ 1/4 is a fairly easy example, especially if you think in terms of U.S. or Canadian coins. How many quarters are there in a half dollar?

  • Dividing Two Proper Fractions Dividing Two Proper Fractions with No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Dividing Two Proper Fractions with All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Dividing Two Proper Fractions with Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Dividing Two Proper Fractions with No Simplifying (Printable Only) Dividing Two Proper Fractions with All Simplifying (Printable Only) Dividing Two Proper Fractions with Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • Dividing Proper and Improper Fractions Dividing Proper and Improper Fractions with No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Dividing Proper and Improper Fractions with All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Dividing Proper and Improper Fractions with Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Dividing Proper and Improper Fractions with No Simplifying (Printable Only) Dividing Proper and Improper Fractions with All Simplifying (Printable Only) Dividing Proper and Improper Fractions with Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • Dividing Two Improper Fractions Dividing Two Improper Fractions with No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Dividing Two Improper Fractions with All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Dividing Two Improper Fractions with Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Dividing Two Improper Fractions with No Simplifying (Printable Only) Dividing Two Improper Fractions with All Simplifying (Printable Only) Dividing Two Improper Fractions with Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • Dividing Proper and Mixed Fractions Dividing Proper and Mixed Fractions with No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Dividing Proper and Mixed Fractions with All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Dividing Proper and Mixed Fractions with Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Dividing Proper and Mixed Fractions with No Simplifying (Printable Only) Dividing Proper and Mixed Fractions with All Simplifying (Printable Only) Dividing Proper and Mixed Fractions with Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • Dividing Two Mixed Fractions Dividing Two Mixed Fractions with No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Dividing Two Mixed Fractions with All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Dividing Two Mixed Fractions with Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Dividing Two Mixed Fractions with No Simplifying (Printable Only) Dividing Two Mixed Fractions with All Simplifying (Printable Only) Dividing Two Mixed Fractions with Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • Dividing Whole Numbers and Proper Fractions Dividing Whole Numbers and Proper Fractions with No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Dividing Whole Numbers and Proper Fractions with All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Dividing Whole Numbers and Proper Fractions with Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Dividing Whole Numbers and Proper Fractions with No Simplifying (Printable Only) Dividing Whole Numbers and Proper Fractions with All Simplifying (Printable Only) Dividing Whole Numbers and Proper Fractions with Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • Dividing Whole Numbers and Improper Fractions Dividing Whole Numbers and Improper Fractions with No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Dividing Whole Numbers and Improper Fractions with All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Dividing Whole Numbers and Improper Fractions with Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Dividing Whole Numbers and Improper Fractions with No Simplifying (Printable Only) Dividing Whole Numbers and Improper Fractions with All Simplifying (Printable Only) Dividing Whole Numbers and Improper Fractions with Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • Dividing Whole Numbers and Mixed Fractions Dividing Whole Numbers and Mixed Fractions with No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Dividing Whole Numbers and Mixed Fractions with All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Dividing Whole Numbers and Mixed Fractions with Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Dividing Whole Numbers and Mixed Fractions with No Simplifying (Printable Only) Dividing Whole Numbers and Mixed Fractions with All Simplifying (Printable Only) Dividing Whole Numbers and Mixed Fractions with Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • Dividing Proper, Improper and Mixed Fractions Dividing Proper, Improper and Mixed Fractions with No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Dividing Proper, Improper and Mixed Fractions with All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Dividing Proper, Improper and Mixed Fractions with Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Dividing Proper, Improper and Mixed Fractions with No Simplifying (Printable Only) Dividing Proper, Improper and Mixed Fractions with All Simplifying (Printable Only) Dividing Proper, Improper and Mixed Fractions with Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • Dividing 3 Fractions Dividing 3 Fractions Dividing 3 Fractions (Some Whole Numbers) Dividing 3 Fractions (Some Mixed) Dividing 3 Mixed Fractions

Multiplying and Dividing Fractions

lesson 5 homework practice adding and subtracting like fractions

This section includes worksheets with both multiplication and division mixed on each worksheet. Students will have to pay attention to the signs.

  • Multiplying and Dividing Two Proper Fractions Multiplying and Dividing Two Proper Fractions with No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Two Proper Fractions with All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Two Proper Fractions with Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Two Proper Fractions with No Simplifying (Printable Only) Multiplying and Dividing Two Proper Fractions with All Simplifying (Printable Only) Multiplying and Dividing Two Proper Fractions with Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • Multiplying and Dividing Proper and Improper Fractions Multiplying and Dividing Proper and Improper Fractions with No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Proper and Improper Fractions with All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Proper and Improper Fractions with Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Proper and Improper Fractions with No Simplifying (Printable Only) Multiplying and Dividing Proper and Improper Fractions with All Simplifying (Printable Only) Multiplying and Dividing Proper and Improper Fractions with Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • Multiplying and Dividing Two Improper Fractions Multiplying and Dividing Two Improper Fractions with No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Two Improper Fractions with All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Two Improper Fractions (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Two Improper Fractions with No Simplifying (Printable Only) Multiplying and Dividing Two Improper Fractions with All Simplifying (Printable Only) Multiplying and Dividing Two Improper Fractions (Printable Only)
  • Multiplying and Dividing Proper and Mixed Fractions Multiplying and Dividing Proper and Mixed Fractions with No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Proper and Mixed Fractions with All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Proper and Mixed Fractions with Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Proper and Mixed Fractions with No Simplifying (Printable Only) Multiplying and Dividing Proper and Mixed Fractions with All Simplifying (Printable Only) Multiplying and Dividing Proper and Mixed Fractions with Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • Multiplying and Dividing Two Mixed Fractions Multiplying and Dividing Two Mixed Fractions with No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Two Mixed Fractions with All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Two Mixed Fractions with Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Two Mixed Fractions with No Simplifying (Printable Only) Multiplying and Dividing Two Mixed Fractions with All Simplifying (Printable Only) Multiplying and Dividing Two Mixed Fractions with Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • Multiplying and Dividing Whole Numbers and Proper Fractions Fractions Multiplying and Dividing Whole Numbers and Proper Fractions with No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Whole Numbers and Proper Fractions with All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Whole Numbers and Proper Fractions with Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Whole Numbers and Proper Fractions with No Simplifying (Printable Only) Multiplying and Dividing Whole Numbers and Proper Fractions with All Simplifying (Printable Only) Multiplying and Dividing Whole Numbers and Proper Fractions with Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • Multiplying and Dividing Whole Numbers and Improper Fractions Multiplying and Dividing Whole Numbers and Improper Fractions with No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Whole Numbers and Improper Fractions with All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Whole Numbers and Improper Fractions with Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Whole Numbers and Improper Fractions with No Simplifying (Printable Only) Multiplying and Dividing Whole Numbers and Improper Fractions with All Simplifying (Printable Only) Multiplying and Dividing Whole Numbers and Improper Fractions with Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • Multiplying and Dividing Whole Numbers and Mixed Fractions Multiplying and Dividing Whole Numbers and Mixed Fractions with No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Whole Numbers and Mixed Fractions with All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Whole Numbers and Mixed Fractions with Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Whole Numbers and Mixed Fractions with No Simplifying (Printable Only) Multiplying and Dividing Whole Numbers and Mixed Fractions with All Simplifying (Printable Only) Multiplying and Dividing Whole Numbers and Mixed Fractions with Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • Multiplying and Dividing Proper, Improper and Mixed Fractions Multiplying and Dividing Proper, Improper and Mixed Fractions with No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Proper, Improper and Mixed Fractions with All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Proper, Improper and Mixed Fractions with Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Proper, Improper and Mixed Fractions with No Simplifying (Printable Only) Multiplying and Dividing Proper, Improper and Mixed Fractions with All Simplifying (Printable Only) Multiplying and Dividing Proper, Improper and Mixed Fractions with Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • Multiplying and Dividing 3 Fractions Multiplying/Dividing Fractions (three factors) Multiplying/Dividing Mixed Fractions (3 factors)

Adding Fractions

lesson 5 homework practice adding and subtracting like fractions

Adding fractions requires the annoying common denominator. Make it easy on your students by first teaching the concepts of equivalent fractions and least common multiples. Once students are familiar with those two concepts, the idea of finding fractions with common denominators for adding becomes that much easier. Spending time on modeling fractions will also help students to understand fractions addition. Relating fractions to familiar examples will certainly help. For example, if you add a 1/2 banana and a 1/2 banana, you get a whole banana. What happens if you add a 1/2 banana and 3/4 of another banana?

  • Adding Two Proper Fractions with Equal Denominators and Proper Fraction Results Adding Two Proper Fractions with Equal Denominators, Proper Fractions Results, and No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Adding Two Proper Fractions with Equal Denominators, Proper Fractions Results, and All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Adding Two Proper Fractions with Equal Denominators, Proper Fractions Results, and Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Adding Two Proper Fractions with Equal Denominators, Proper Fractions Result, and No Simplifying (Printable Only) Adding Two Proper Fractions with Equal Denominators, Proper Fractions Result, and All Simplifying (Printable Only) Adding Two Proper Fractions with Equal Denominators, Proper Fractions Result, and Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • Adding Two Proper Fractions with Equal Denominators and Mixed Fraction Results Adding Two Proper Fractions with Equal Denominators, Mixed Fractions Results, and No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Adding Two Proper Fractions with Equal Denominators, Mixed Fractions Results, and All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Adding Two Proper Fractions with Equal Denominators, Mixed Fractions Results, and Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Adding Two Proper Fractions with Equal Denominators, Mixed Fractions Result, and No Simplifying (Printable Only) Adding Two Proper Fractions with Equal Denominators, Mixed Fractions Result, and All Simplifying (Printable Only) Adding Two Proper Fractions with Equal Denominators, Mixed Fractions Result, and Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • Adding Two Proper Fractions with Similar Denominators and Proper Fraction Results Adding Two Proper Fractions with Similar Denominators, Proper Fractions Results, and No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Adding Two Proper Fractions with Similar Denominators, Proper Fractions Results, and No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Adding Two Proper Fractions with Similar Denominators, Proper Fractions Results, and Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Adding Two Proper Fractions with Similar Denominators, Proper Fractions Result, and No Simplifying (Printable Only) Adding Two Proper Fractions with Similar Denominators, Proper Fractions Result, and All Simplifying (Printable Only) Adding Two Proper Fractions with Similar Denominators, Proper Fractions Result, and Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • Adding Two Proper Fractions with Similar Denominators and Mixed Fraction Results Adding Two Proper Fractions with Similar Denominators, Mixed Fractions Results, and No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Adding Two Proper Fractions with Similar Denominators, Mixed Fractions Results, and All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Adding Two Proper Fractions with Similar Denominators, Mixed Fractions Results, and Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Adding Two Proper Fractions with Similar Denominators, Mixed Fractions Result, and No Simplifying (Printable Only) Adding Two Proper Fractions with Similar Denominators, Mixed Fractions Result, and All Simplifying (Printable Only) Adding Two Proper Fractions with Similar Denominators, Mixed Fractions Result, and Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • Adding Two Proper Fractions with Unlike Denominators and Proper Fraction Results Adding Two Proper Fractions with Unlike Denominators, Proper Fractions Results, and No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Adding Two Proper Fractions with Unlike Denominators, Proper Fractions Results, and All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Adding Two Proper Fractions with Unlike Denominators, Proper Fractions Results, and Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Adding Two Proper Fractions with Unlike Denominators, Proper Fractions Result, and No Simplifying (Printable Only) Adding Two Proper Fractions with Unlike Denominators, Proper Fractions Result, and All Simplifying (Printable Only) Adding Two Proper Fractions with Unlike Denominators, Proper Fractions Result, and Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • Adding Two Proper Fractions with Unlike Denominators and Mixed Fraction Results Adding Two Proper Fractions with Unlike Denominators, Mixed Fractions Results, and No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Adding Two Proper Fractions with Unlike Denominators, Mixed Fractions Results, and All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Adding Two Proper Fractions with Unlike Denominators, Mixed Fractions Results, and Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Adding Two Proper Fractions with Unlike Denominators, Mixed Fractions Result, and No Simplifying (Printable Only) Adding Two Proper Fractions with Unlike Denominators, Mixed Fractions Result, and All Simplifying (Printable Only) Adding Two Proper Fractions with Unlike Denominators, Mixed Fractions Result, and Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • Adding Proper and Improper Fractions with Equal Denominators Adding Proper and Improper Fractions with Equal Denominators and No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Adding Proper and Improper Fractions with Equal Denominators and All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Adding Proper and Improper Fractions with Equal Denominators and Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Adding Proper and Improper Fractions with Equal Denominators and No Simplifying (Printable Only) Adding Proper and Improper Fractions with Equal Denominators and All Simplifying (Printable Only) Adding Proper and Improper Fractions with Equal Denominators and Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • Adding Proper and Improper Fractions with Similar Denominators Adding Proper and Improper Fractions with Similar Denominators and No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Adding Proper and Improper Fractions with Similar Denominators and All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Adding Proper and Improper Fractions with Similar Denominators and Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Adding Proper and Improper Fractions with Similar Denominators and No Simplifying (Printable Only) Adding Proper and Improper Fractions with Similar Denominators and All Simplifying (Printable Only) Adding Proper and Improper Fractions with Similar Denominators and Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • Adding Proper and Improper Fractions with Unlike Denominators Adding Proper and Improper Fractions with Unlike Denominators and No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Adding Proper and Improper Fractions with Unlike Denominators and All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Adding Proper and Improper Fractions with Unlike Denominators and Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Adding Proper and Improper Fractions with Unlike Denominators and No Simplifying (Printable Only) Adding Proper and Improper Fractions with Unlike Denominators and All Simplifying (Printable Only) Adding Proper and Improper Fractions with Unlike Denominators and Some Simplifying (Printable Only)

A common strategy to use when adding mixed fractions is to convert the mixed fractions to improper fractions, complete the addition, then switch back. Another strategy which requires a little less brainpower is to look at the whole numbers and fractions separately. Add the whole numbers first. Add the fractions second. If the resulting fraction is improper, then it needs to be converted to a mixed number. The whole number portion can be added to the original whole number portion.

  • Adding Two Mixed Fractions with Equal Denominators Adding Two Mixed Fractions with Equal Denominators and No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Adding Two Mixed Fractions with Equal Denominators and All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Adding Two Mixed Fractions with Equal Denominators and Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Adding Two Mixed Fractions with Equal Denominators and No Simplifying (Printable Only) Adding Two Mixed Fractions with Equal Denominators and All Simplifying (Printable Only) Adding Two Mixed Fractions with Equal Denominators and Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • Adding Two Mixed Fractions with Similar Denominators Adding Two Mixed Fractions with Similar Denominators and No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Adding Two Mixed Fractions with Similar Denominators and All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Adding Two Mixed Fractions with Similar Denominators and Some Simplifying Adding Two Mixed Fractions with Similar Denominators and No Simplifying (Printable Only) Adding Two Mixed Fractions with Similar Denominators and All Simplifying (Printable Only) Adding Two Mixed Fractions with Similar Denominators and Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • Adding Two Mixed Fractions with Unlike Denominators Adding Two Mixed Fractions with Unlike Denominators and No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Adding Two Mixed Fractions with Unlike Denominators and All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Adding Two Mixed Fractions with Unlike Denominators and Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Adding Two Mixed Fractions with Unlike Denominators and No Simplifying (Printable Only) Adding Two Mixed Fractions with Unlike Denominators and All Simplifying (Printable Only) Adding Two Mixed Fractions with Unlike Denominators and Some Simplifying (Printable Only)

Subtracting Fractions

lesson 5 homework practice adding and subtracting like fractions

There isn't a lot of difference between adding and subtracting fractions. Both require a common denominator which requires some prerequisite knowledge. The only difference is the second and subsequent numerators are subtracted from the first one. There is a danger that you might end up with a negative number when subtracting fractions, so students might need to learn what it means in that case. When it comes to any concept in fractions, it is always a good idea to relate it to a familiar or easy-to-understand situation. For example, 7/8 - 3/4 = 1/8 could be given meaning in the context of a race. The first runner was 7/8 around the track when the second runner was 3/4 around the track. How far ahead was the first runner? (1/8 of the track).

  • Subtracting Two Proper Fractions with Equal Denominators and Proper Fraction Results Subtracting Two Proper Fractions with Equal Denominators, Proper Fractions Results, and No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Subtracting Two Proper Fractions with Equal Denominators, Proper Fractions Results, and All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Subtracting Two Proper Fractions with Equal Denominators, Proper Fractions Results, and Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Subtracting Two Proper Fractions with Equal Denominators, Proper Fractions Results, and No Simplifying (Printable Only) Subtracting Two Proper Fractions with Equal Denominators, Proper Fractions Results, and All Simplifying (Printable Only) Subtracting Two Proper Fractions with Equal Denominators, Proper Fractions Results, and Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • Subtracting Two Proper Fractions with Similar Denominators and Proper Fraction Results Subtracting Two Proper Fractions with Similar Denominators, Proper Fractions Results, and No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Subtracting Two Proper Fractions with Similar Denominators, Proper Fractions Results, and All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Subtracting Two Proper Fractions with Similar Denominators, Proper Fractions Results, and Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Subtracting Two Proper Fractions with Similar Denominators, Proper Fractions Results, and No Simplifying (Printable Only) Subtracting Two Proper Fractions with Similar Denominators, Proper Fractions Results, and All Simplifying (Printable Only) Subtracting Two Proper Fractions with Similar Denominators, Proper Fractions Results, and Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • Subtracting Two Proper Fractions with Unlike Denominators and Proper Fraction Results Subtracting Two Proper Fractions with Unlike Denominators, Proper Fractions Results, and No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Subtracting Two Proper Fractions with Unlike Denominators, Proper Fractions Results, and All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Subtracting Two Proper Fractions with Unlike Denominators, Proper Fractions Results, and Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Subtracting Two Proper Fractions with Unlike Denominators, Proper Fractions Results, and No Simplifying (Printable Only) Subtracting Two Proper Fractions with Unlike Denominators, Proper Fractions Results, and All Simplifying (Printable Only) Subtracting Two Proper Fractions with Unlike Denominators, Proper Fractions Results, and Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • Subtracting Proper and Improper Fractions with Equal Denominators and Proper Fraction Results Subtracting Proper and Improper Fractions with Equal Denominators, Proper Fractions Results, and No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Subtracting Proper and Improper Fractions with Equal Denominators, Proper Fractions Results, and All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Subtracting Proper and Improper Fractions with Equal Denominators, Proper Fractions Results, and Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Subtracting Proper and Improper Fractions with Equal Denominators, Proper Fractions Results, and No Simplifying (Printable Only) Subtracting Proper and Improper Fractions with Equal Denominators, Proper Fractions Results, and All Simplifying (Printable Only) Subtracting Proper and Improper Fractions with Equal Denominators, Proper Fractions Results, and Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • Subtracting Proper and Improper Fractions with Similar Denominators and Proper Fraction Results Subtracting Proper and Improper Fractions with Similar Denominators, Proper Fractions Results, and No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Subtracting Proper and Improper Fractions with Similar Denominators, Proper Fractions Results, and All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Subtracting Proper and Improper Fractions with Similar Denominators, Proper Fractions Results, and Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Subtracting Proper and Improper Fractions with Similar Denominators, Proper Fractions Results, and No Simplifying (Printable Only) Subtracting Proper and Improper Fractions with Similar Denominators, Proper Fractions Results, and All Simplifying (Printable Only) Subtracting Proper and Improper Fractions with Similar Denominators, Proper Fractions Results, and Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • Subtracting Proper and Improper Fractions with Unlike Denominators and Proper Fraction Results Subtracting Proper and Improper Fractions with Unlike Denominators, Proper Fractions Results, and No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Subtracting Proper and Improper Fractions with Unlike Denominators, Proper Fractions Results, and All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Subtracting Proper and Improper Fractions with Unlike Denominators, Proper Fractions Results, and Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Subtracting Proper and Improper Fractions with Unlike Denominators, Proper Fractions Results, and No Simplifying (Printable Only) Subtracting Proper and Improper Fractions with Unlike Denominators, Proper Fractions Results, and All Simplifying (Printable Only) Subtracting Proper and Improper Fractions with Unlike Denominators, Proper Fractions Results, and Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • Subtracting Proper and Improper Fractions with Equal Denominators and Mixed Fraction Results Subtracting Proper and Improper Fractions with Equal Denominators, Mixed Fractions Results, and No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Subtracting Proper and Improper Fractions with Equal Denominators, Mixed Fractions Results, and All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Subtracting Proper and Improper Fractions with Equal Denominators, Mixed Fractions Results, and Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Subtracting Proper and Improper Fractions with Equal Denominators, Mixed Fractions Results, and No Simplifying (Printable Only) Subtracting Proper and Improper Fractions with Equal Denominators, Mixed Fractions Results, and All Simplifying (Printable Only) Subtracting Proper and Improper Fractions with Equal Denominators, Mixed Fractions Results, and Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • Subtracting Proper and Improper Fractions with Similar Denominators and Mixed Fraction Results Subtracting Proper and Improper Fractions with Similar Denominators, Mixed Fractions Results, and No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Subtracting Proper and Improper Fractions with Similar Denominators, Mixed Fractions Results, and All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Subtracting Proper and Improper Fractions with Similar Denominators, Mixed Fractions Results, and Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Subtracting Proper and Improper Fractions with Similar Denominators, Mixed Fractions Results, and No Simplifying (Printable Only) Subtracting Proper and Improper Fractions with Similar Denominators, Mixed Fractions Results, and All Simplifying (Printable Only) Subtracting Proper and Improper Fractions with Similar Denominators, Mixed Fractions Results, and Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • Subtracting Proper and Improper Fractions with Unlike Denominators and Mixed Fraction Results Subtracting Proper and Improper Fractions with Unlike Denominators, Mixed Fractions Results, and No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Subtracting Proper and Improper Fractions with Unlike Denominators, Mixed Fractions Results, and All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Subtracting Proper and Improper Fractions with Unlike Denominators, Mixed Fractions Results, and Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Subtracting Proper and Improper Fractions with Unlike Denominators, Mixed Fractions Results, and No Simplifying (Printable Only) Subtracting Proper and Improper Fractions with Unlike Denominators, Mixed Fractions Results, and All Simplifying (Printable Only) Subtracting Proper and Improper Fractions with Unlike Denominators, Mixed Fractions Results, and Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • Subtracting Mixed Fractions with Equal Denominators Subtracting Mixed Fractions with Equal Denominators, and No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Subtracting Mixed Fractions with Equal Denominators, and All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Subtracting Mixed Fractions with Equal Denominators, and Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Subtracting Mixed Fractions with Equal Denominators, and No Simplifying (Printable Only) Subtracting Mixed Fractions with Equal Denominators, and All Simplifying (Printable Only) Subtracting Mixed Fractions with Equal Denominators, and Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • Subtracting Mixed Fractions with Similar Denominators Subtracting Mixed Fractions with Similar Denominators, and No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Subtracting Mixed Fractions with Similar Denominators, and All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Subtracting Mixed Fractions with Similar Denominators, and Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Subtracting Mixed Fractions with Similar Denominators, and No Simplifying (Printable Only) Subtracting Mixed Fractions with Similar Denominators, and All Simplifying (Printable Only) Subtracting Mixed Fractions with Similar Denominators, and Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • Subtracting Mixed Fractions with Unlike Denominators Subtracting Mixed Fractions with Unlike Denominators, and No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Subtracting Mixed Fractions with Unlike Denominators, and All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Subtracting Mixed Fractions with Unlike Denominators, and Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Subtracting Mixed Fractions with Unlike Denominators, and No Simplifying (Printable Only) Subtracting Mixed Fractions with Unlike Denominators, and All Simplifying (Printable Only) Subtracting Mixed Fractions with Unlike Denominators, and Some Simplifying (Printable Only)

Adding and Subtracting Fractions

lesson 5 homework practice adding and subtracting like fractions

Mixing up the signs on operations with fractions worksheets makes students pay more attention to what they are doing and allows for a good test of their skills in more than one operation.

  • Adding and Subtracting Proper and Improper Fractions Adding and Subtracting Proper and Improper Fractions with Equal Denominators and Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Adding and Subtracting Proper and Improper Fractions with Similar Denominators and Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Adding and Subtracting Proper and Improper Fractions with Unlike Denominators and Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Adding and Subtracting Proper and Improper Fractions with Equal Denominators and Some Simplifying (Printable Only) Adding and Subtracting Proper and Improper Fractions with Similar Denominators and Some Simplifying (Printable Only) Adding and Subtracting Proper and Improper Fractions with Unlike Denominators and Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • Adding and Subtracting Mixed Fractions Adding and Subtracting Mixed Fractions with Equal Denominators and Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Adding and Subtracting Mixed Fractions with Similar Denominators and Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Adding and Subtracting Mixed Fractions with Unlike Denominators and Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Adding and Subtracting Mixed Fractions with Equal Denominators and Some Simplifying (Printable Only) Adding and Subtracting Mixed Fractions with Similar Denominators and Some Simplifying (Printable Only) Adding and Subtracting Mixed Fractions with Unlike Denominators and Some Simplifying (Printable Only) Adding/Subtracting Three Fractions/Mixed Fractions

All Operations Fractions Worksheets

lesson 5 homework practice adding and subtracting like fractions

  • All Operations with Two Proper Fractions with Equal Denominators and Proper Fraction Results All Operations with Two Proper Fractions with Equal Denominators, Proper Fractions Results and No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ All Operations with Two Proper Fractions with Equal Denominators, Proper Fractions Results and All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ All Operations with Two Proper Fractions with Equal Denominators, Proper Fractions Results and Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ All Operations with Two Proper Fractions with Equal Denominators, Proper Fractions Results and No Simplifying (Printable Only) All Operations with Two Proper Fractions with Equal Denominators, Proper Fractions Results and All Simplifying (Printable Only) All Operations with Two Proper Fractions with Equal Denominators, Proper Fractions Results and Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • All Operations with Two Proper Fractions with Similar Denominators and Proper Fraction Results All Operations with Two Proper Fractions with Similar Denominators, Proper Fractions Results and No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ All Operations with Two Proper Fractions with Similar Denominators, Proper Fractions Results and All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ All Operations with Two Proper Fractions with Similar Denominators, Proper Fractions Results and Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ All Operations with Two Proper Fractions with Similar Denominators, Proper Fractions Results and No Simplifying (Printable Only) All Operations with Two Proper Fractions with Similar Denominators, Proper Fractions Results and All Simplifying (Printable Only) All Operations with Two Proper Fractions with Similar Denominators, Proper Fractions Results and Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • All Operations with Two Proper Fractions with Unlike Denominators and Proper Fraction Results All Operations with Two Proper Fractions with Unlike Denominators, Proper Fractions Results and No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ All Operations with Two Proper Fractions with Unlike Denominators, Proper Fractions Results and All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ All Operations with Two Proper Fractions with Unlike Denominators, Proper Fractions Results and Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ All Operations with Two Proper Fractions with Unlike Denominators, Proper Fractions Results and No Simplifying (Printable Only) All Operations with Two Proper Fractions with Unlike Denominators, Proper Fractions Results and All Simplifying (Printable Only) All Operations with Two Proper Fractions with Unlike Denominators, Mixed Fractions Results and Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • All Operations with Proper and Improper Fractions with Equal Denominators All Operations with Proper and Improper Fractions with Equal Denominators and No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ All Operations with Proper and Improper Fractions with Equal Denominators and All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ All Operations with Proper and Improper Fractions with Equal Denominators and Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ All Operations with Proper and Improper Fractions with Equal Denominators and No Simplifying (Printable Only) All Operations with Proper and Improper Fractions with Equal Denominators and All Simplifying (Printable Only) All Operations with Proper and Improper Fractions with Equal Denominators and Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • All Operations with Proper and Improper Fractions with Similar Denominators All Operations with Proper and Improper Fractions with Similar Denominators and No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ All Operations with Proper and Improper Fractions with Similar Denominators and All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ All Operations with Proper and Improper Fractions with Similar Denominators and Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ All Operations with Proper and Improper Fractions with Similar Denominators and No Simplifying (Printable Only) All Operations with Proper and Improper Fractions with Similar Denominators and All Simplifying (Printable Only) All Operations with Proper and Improper Fractions with Similar Denominators and Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • All Operations with Proper and Improper Fractions with Unlike Denominators All Operations with Proper and Improper Fractions with Unlike Denominators and No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ All Operations with Proper and Improper Fractions with Unlike Denominators and All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ All Operations with Proper and Improper Fractions with Unlike Denominators and Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ All Operations with Proper and Improper Fractions with Unlike Denominators and No Simplifying (Printable Only) All Operations with Proper and Improper Fractions with Unlike Denominators and All Simplifying (Printable Only) All Operations with Proper and Improper Fractions with Unlike Denominators and Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • All Operations with Two Mixed Fractions with Equal Denominators All Operations with Two Mixed Fractions with Equal Denominators and No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ All Operations with Two Mixed Fractions with Equal Denominators and All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ All Operations with Two Mixed Fractions with Equal Denominators and Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ All Operations with Two Mixed Fractions with Equal Denominators and No Simplifying (Printable Only) All Operations with Two Mixed Fractions with Equal Denominators and All Simplifying (Printable Only) All Operations with Two Mixed Fractions with Equal Denominators and Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • All Operations with Two Mixed Fractions with Similar Denominators All Operations with Two Mixed Fractions with Similar Denominators and No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ All Operations with Two Mixed Fractions with Similar Denominators and All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ All Operations with Two Mixed Fractions with Similar Denominators and Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ All Operations with Two Mixed Fractions with Similar Denominators and No Simplifying (Printable Only) All Operations with Two Mixed Fractions with Similar Denominators and All Simplifying (Printable Only) All Operations with Two Mixed Fractions with Similar Denominators and Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • All Operations with Two Mixed Fractions with Unlike Denominators All Operations with Two Mixed Fractions with Unlike Denominators and No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ All Operations with Two Mixed Fractions with Unlike Denominators and All Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ All Operations with Two Mixed Fractions with Unlike Denominators and Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ All Operations with Two Mixed Fractions with Unlike Denominators and No Simplifying (Printable Only) All Operations with Two Mixed Fractions with Unlike Denominators and All Simplifying (Printable Only) All Operations with Two Mixed Fractions with Unlike Denominators and Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • All Operations with 3 Fractions All Operations with Three Fractions Including Some Improper Fractions All Operations with Three Fractions Including Some Negative and Some Improper Fractions

Operations with Negative Fractions Worksheets

lesson 5 homework practice adding and subtracting like fractions

Although some of these worksheets are single operations, it should be helpful to have all of these in the same location. There are some special considerations when completing operations with negative fractions. It is usually very helpful to change any mixed numbers to an improper fraction before proceeding. It is important to pay attention to the signs and know the rules for multiplying positives and negatives (++ = +, +- = -, -+ = - and -- = +).

  • Adding with Negative Fractions Adding Negative Proper Fractions with Unlike Denominators Up to Sixths, Proper Fractions Results and Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Adding Negative Proper Fractions with Unlike Denominators Up to Twelfths, Proper Fractions Results and Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Adding Negative Mixed Fractions with Unlike Denominators Up to Sixths, Proper Fractions Results and No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Adding Negative Mixed Fractions with Unlike Denominators Up to Twelfths, Proper Fractions Results and No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Adding Negative Proper Fractions with Denominators Up to Sixths, Proper Fraction Results and Some Simplifying (Printable Only) Adding Negative Proper Fractions with Denominators Up to Twelfths, Proper Fraction Results and Some Simplifying (Printable Only) Adding Negative Mixed Fractions with Denominators Up to Sixths and Some Simplifying (Printable Only) Adding Negative Mixed Fractions with Denominators Up to Twelfths and Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • Subtracting with Negative Fractions Subtracting Negative Proper Fractions with Unlike Denominators Up to Sixths, Proper Fractions Results and Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Subtracting Negative Proper Fractions with Unlike Denominators Up to Twelfths, Proper Fractions Results and Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Subtracting Negative Mixed Fractions with Unlike Denominators Up to Sixths, Mixed Fractions Results and No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Subtracting Negative Mixed Fractions with Unlike Denominators Up to Twelfths, Mixed Fractions Results and No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Subtracting Negative Proper Fractions with Denominators Up to Sixths, Proper Fraction Results and Some Simplifying (Printable Only) Subtracting Negative Proper Fractions with Denominators Up to Twelfths, Proper Fraction Results and Some Simplifying (Printable Only) Subtracting Negative Mixed Fractions with Denominators Up to Sixths and Some Simplifying (Printable Only) Subtracting Negative Mixed Fractions with Denominators Up to Twelfths and Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • Multiplying with Negative Fractions Multiplying Negative Proper Fractions with Denominators Up to Sixths, Proper Fractions Results and Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying Negative Proper Fractions with Denominators Up to Twelfths, Proper Fractions Results and Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying Negative Mixed Fractions with Denominators Up to Sixths, Proper Fractions Results and Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying Negative Mixed Fractions with Denominators Up to Twelfths, Proper Fractions Results and Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Multiplying Negative Proper Fractions with Denominators Up to Sixths, Proper Fraction Results and Some Simplifying (Printable Only) Multiplying Negative Proper Fractions with Denominators Up to Twelfths, Proper Fraction Results and Some Simplifying (Printable Only) Multiplying Negative Mixed Fractions with Denominators Up to Sixths and Some Simplifying (Printable Only) Multiplying Negative Mixed Fractions with Denominators Up to Twelfths and Some Simplifying (Printable Only)
  • Dividing with Negative Fractions Dividing Negative Proper Fractions with Denominators Up to Sixths, Mixed Fractions Results and Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Dividing Negative Proper Fractions with Denominators Up to Twelfths, Mixed Fractions Results and Some Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Dividing Negative Mixed Fractions with Denominators Up to Twelfths, Mixed Fractions Results and No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Dividing Negative Mixed Fractions with Denominators Up to Twelfths, Mixed Fractions Results and No Simplifying (Fillable, Savable, Printable) ✎ Dividing Negative Proper Fractions with Denominators Up to Sixths, Proper Fraction Results and Some Simplifying (Printable Only) Dividing Negative Proper Fractions with Denominators Up to Twelfths, Proper Fraction Results and Some Simplifying (Printable Only) Dividing Negative Mixed Fractions with Denominators Up to Sixths and Some Simplifying (Printable Only) Dividing Negative Mixed Fractions with Denominators Up to Twelfths and Some Simplifying (Printable Only)

Order of Operations with Fractions Worksheets

lesson 5 homework practice adding and subtracting like fractions

The order of operations worksheets in this section actually reside on the Order of Operations page, but they are included here for your convenience.

  • Order of Operations with Fractions 2-Step Order of Operations with Fractions 3-Step Order of Operations with Fractions 4-Step Order of Operations with Fractions 5-Step Order of Operations with Fractions 6-Step Order of Operations with Fractions
  • Order of Operations with Fractions (No Exponents) 2-Step Order of Operations with Fractions (No Exponents) 3-Step Order of Operations with Fractions (No Exponents) 4-Step Order of Operations with Fractions (No Exponents) 5-Step Order of Operations with Fractions (No Exponents) 6-Step Order of Operations with Fractions (No Exponents)
  • Order of Operations with Positive and Negative Fractions 2-Step Order of Operations with Positive & Negative Fractions 3-Step Order of Operations with Positive & Negative Fractions 4-Step Order of Operations with Positive & Negative Fractions 5-Step Order of Operations with Positive & Negative Fractions 6-Step Order of Operations with Positive & Negative Fractions

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Math Fractions Activities for Children in 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th Grades, Games, Quizzes, Worksheets

Adding and Subtracting Fractions with Like Denominators Lesson Plan

Lesson Title :Adding and Subtracting Fractions with Like Denominators

Lesson Objective : Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators by solving problems and explaining their thinking.

Materials :

  • Fraction strips
  • Fraction circles
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Fraction worksheet
  • Fraction manipulative (optional)

Introduction (5 minutes) : Begin the lesson by reviewing what a fraction is and the parts of a fraction (numerator and denominator). Explain to students that today they will be learning about adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators.

Direct Instruction (10 minutes): Using the whiteboard, demonstrate how to add and subtract fractions with like denominators. For example, show students how to add 2/4 + 1/4 and how to subtract 3/4 – 1/4. Use different visual aids such as fraction strip and circles to make the concept clear.

Guided Practice (10 minutes): Have students work in pairs to solve problems on the whiteboard. Provide them with a set of problems that have like denominators. As they work, circulate the room to provide support and guidance as needed.

Independent Practice (20 minutes): Provide students with a worksheet that includes a variety of problems that require them to add and subtract fractions with like denominators. Encourage them to use fraction manipulative to help them visualize the problem. Have them work independently and check their answers with a partner.

Closure (5 minutes): Ask students to share their answers and have them explain their thinking. Review any misconceptions and provide additional support as needed.

Assessment : The worksheet completed during independent practice will be collected and used to assess student understanding of adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators.

Note : It’s important to point out that the concept of adding and subtracting with like denominators should be taught after students have a good understanding of the concept of fractions and equivalent fractions. It’s also important to use different visual aids and manipulatives to help students understand and visualize the concept. It’s also important to give ample practice problems with different denominators to help them master the concept.

Fractions 4 kids is a free site, offering loads of materials for kids, teachers and parents. This website breaks down the notion of fractions by offering diverse methods of teaching. There are fraction worksheets, online interactive tests and games of different varieties. Check out the menu for a better user experience.

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lesson 5 homework practice adding and subtracting like fractions

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Adding & Subtracting Fractions Worksheet Y5 - Day 1

Adding & Subtracting Fractions Worksheet Y5 - Day 1

Subject: Mathematics

Age range: 7-11

Resource type: Worksheet/Activity

MrG2246's Shop

Last updated

26 August 2024

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lesson 5 homework practice adding and subtracting like fractions

This activity is aimed at a Year 5 class, who are studying adding and subtracting fractions. It is differentiated for the HA, MA and LA children. All worksheets are aimed at the mastery approach, with fluency and reasoning questions. I have used these with a Year 5 class.

This is worksheet day 1 of 2 as I spread adding and subtracting over a few days.

Day 2 worksheets available here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-13107562

Answers are included.

Learning Obejctive: To be able can add and subtract fractions.

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A bundle is a package of resources grouped together to teach a particular topic, or a series of lessons, in one place.

Year 5 Fractions Bundle

These are a collection of my Fractions resources. I have used all of these resources with a Year 5 class. The resources could also be used in KS2 as revision activities, for example in Y6. They follow the mastery approach and follow fluency, reasoning and problem solving. Resources cover: * Adding & Subtracting * Comparing Fractions * Equivalent Fractions * Improper Fractions & Mixed Numbers * Homework sheets * Multiplying fractions by a whole number Some of the sheets include answers and differentiation for HA, MA and LA pupils. This bundle is a great bargain over purchasing the resources individually.

Adding and Subtracting Fractions Worksheets

2 days of Adding and Subtracting Worksheets for a Year 5 class. Differentiated 3 ways and answers included. Children complete fluency questions with bar modelling, reasoning (e.g. missing numbers) and then worded problems. Extension task included for Day 1. Used with a Year 5 class when teaching fractions.

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    lesson 5 homework practice adding and subtracting like fractions

  5. Adding And Subtracting Like Fractions Worksheet

    lesson 5 homework practice adding and subtracting like fractions

  6. Adding and Subtracting Fractions Worksheet

    lesson 5 homework practice adding and subtracting like fractions


  1. Adding Fractions with Unlike Denominators

  2. Add and Subtract Fractions with Like Denominators to Solve Word Problems

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  4. Eureka math grade 5 module 3 lesson 2 homework

  5. Add Fractions with Like Denominators (Easy)

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  1. Add & Subtract Fractions Worksheets for Grade 5

    5th grade adding and subtracting fractions worksheets, including adding like fractions, adding mixed numbers, completing whole numbers, adding unlike fractions and mixed numbers, and subtracting like and unlike fractions and mixed numbers. No login required.

  2. Adding fractions with like denominators worksheets

    Fractions with the same denominators. Our grade 5 math worksheets on adding fractions which have the same denominator. All fractions are proper fractions (value less than 1). Worksheet #1 Worksheet #2 Worksheet #3 Worksheet #4 Worksheet #5 Worksheet #6. 5 More.

  3. Lesson 5

    Core Standards. 5.NF.A.1 — Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators (including mixed numbers) by replacing given fractions with equivalent fractions in such a way as to produce an equivalent sum or difference of fractions with like denominators. For example, 2/3 + 5/4 = 8/12 + 15/12 = 23/12. (In general, a/b + c/d = (ad + bc)/bd.)

  4. Add and subtract fractions with like denominators

    Follow us. Improve your math knowledge with free questions in "Add and subtract fractions with like denominators" and thousands of other math skills.

  5. PDF Grade 5 Fractions Worksheet

    Adding mixed numbers to fractions (like denominators) Grade 5 Fractions Worksheet Find the sum. 1. 12 18 8 3 18 + = 2. 13 15 4 8 ... Grade 5 Fractions Worksheet - Adding mixed numbers to fractions (like denominators) math practice printable elementary school

  6. PDF Fractions- Add and Subtract w/Mixed Numbers

    The students will be able to add and subtract fractions with unlike denomi-nators, including mixed numbers. Common Core State Standards: CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.5.NF.A.1 Class Sessions (45 minutes): At least 2 class sessions. Teaching Materials/Worksheets: Fractions- Add and Subtract w/Mixed Numbers content pages (3), Activity page, Practice page ...

  7. Fractions: Add and Subtract Like Denominators, Free PDF

    Adding and subtracting fractions is easy, especially when the fractions have the same denominator. To add fractions with like denominators, you just need to keep the denominator as-is and add the numerators together. For example, 2/5 + 1/5 = 3/5. Sometimes, you will need to either reduce the fraction or change it to a mixed or whole number.

  8. Add, Subtract Fractions with Like Denominators

    Grade 5 - Number and Operations - Fractions. Standard 5.NF.A.2 - Solve addition and subtraction word problems with fractions with like denominators.. Included Skills: Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions referring to the same whole, including cases of unlike denominators, e.g., by using visual fraction models or equations to represent the problem.

  9. Addition and Subtraction of Like Fractions

    Like fractions refers to proper fractions with common denominators, such as. 1/4 + 1/4. When first introducing addition and subtraction of fractions, it is good to start with unit fractions, where the numerator is 1, with an answer that is less than or equal to 1. Here are some of our observations and recommendations.

  10. Adding & Subtracting Fractions • Activity Builder by Desmos Classroom

    Use a visual tool for adding and subtracting fractions with: 1) like denominators (screens 2-9) 2) unlike denominators (screens 10-13)

  11. Add & Subtract Fractions (Like Denominators)

    We need to subtract 5 to find the difference. We can use the same method as for addition. First, subtract the whole numbers and then subtract the fractions. Finally, combine the totals. 5 - 4 = 1 and millimeters of rain fell.

  12. Chapter 5, Lesson 5: Adding and Subtracting Like Fractions

    Standardized Test Practice Vocabulary Review Lesson Resources ... Personal Tutor Self-Check Quizzes. Hotmath Homework Help Math Review Math Tools Multilingual Glossary Online Calculators Study to Go. Mathematics. Home > Chapter 5 > Lesson 5. Pre-Algebra. Chapter 5, Lesson 5: Adding and Subtracting Like Fractions. Extra Examples; Personal Tutor ...

  13. Adding and Subtracting Like Fractions

    Grade 4. Standards for Mathematical Practice. Number & Operations - Fractions. Build fractions from unit fractions. CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.4.NF.B.3. Math 4.3 (E) Represent and solve addition and subtraction of fractions with equal denominators using objects and pictorial models that build to the number line and properties of operations; TEKS Math.

  14. Adding and Subtracting Fractions Lesson Guide

    Use any or all parts of this lesson guide on Adding and Subtracting Fractions to inspire interest, stimulate thinking, and illuminate teacher moves. This lesson guide follows the 5E model of instruction and includes 3 Act Tasks. The lesson guide includes worksheets that pair with our step-by-step calculators, call-outs for key learning points, and in-class activities that challenge students to ...

  15. Adding & Subtracting Fractions

    First, write the mixed number as an improper fraction: 3 1 10 = 31 10. Then, add the numerators: 31 + 3 = 34. Next, write the new numerator over the denominator: 34 10. Finally, put the sum in its ...

  16. Chapter 3, Lesson 5: Adding and Subtracting Like Fractions

    Standardized Test Practice Vocabulary Review Lesson Resources Extra Examples Personal Tutor Self-Check Quizzes. Common Core State Standards Supplement, SE Hotmath Homework Help Multilingual eGlossary Math Review Math Tools Study to Go Online Calculators. Mathematics. Home > Chapter 3 > Lesson 5. Pre-Algebra. Chapter 3, Lesson 5: Adding and ...

  17. Khan Academy

    Khanmigo is now free for all US educators! Plan lessons, develop exit tickets, and so much more with our AI teaching assistant.

  18. Lesson 1

    Lesson 1 is intended to address the cluster heading "use equivalent fractions as a strategy to add and subtract fractions" (5.NF.A) by ensuring that students are able to recognize and generate equivalent fractions. Recognizing and generating equivalent fractions is an expectation in Grade 4 (4.NF.1), so it is up to your discretion about ...

  19. Fractions Worksheets

    Cut out the fraction circles and segments of one copy and leave the other copy intact. To add 1/3 + 1/2, for example, place a 1/3 segment and a 1/2 segment into a circle and hold it over various fractions on the intact copy to see what 1/2 + 1/3 is equivalent to. 5/6 or 10/12 should work. Small Fraction Circles.

  20. PDF Weekly Focus: Fractions Weekly Skill: Addition, Subtraction

    Lesson 5: Fractions—Addition 5and Subtraction D. Legault, Minnesota Literacy Council, 2014 5 Mathematical Reasoning Worksheet 5.1 Adding Fractions Answers Note: Answer 1 can be reduce to 26 5/6, and Answer 2 to 17 ½ Math www.CommonCoreSheets.com Name: Ans wers Answer Key 1-6 83 67 50 33 17 0 1) The table below shows the wei ght of several bags.

  21. Adding and Subtracting Fractions with Like Denominators Lesson Plan

    Lesson Objective: Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators by solving problems and explaining their thinking. Introduction (5 minutes): Begin the lesson by reviewing what a fraction is and the parts of a fraction (numerator and denominator). Explain to students that today they ...

  22. PDF LESSON Practice B Adding and Subtracting with Unlike Denominators

    5-6 Call to Arms LESSON Fractions are pieces of a whole. When you add or subtract fractions with unlike denominators, you are usually adding or ... Practice A 5-7 Adding and Subtracting with Unlike Denominators LESSON Write the least common denominator for each pair of fractions. 1.! 1 2!, ! 2 4! 2.! 1 8!, ! 2 3! 3.! 1 6!, ! 1 4! 4.! 1

  23. Adding & Subtracting Fractions Worksheet Y5

    Adding and Subtracting Fractions Worksheets. 2 days of Adding and Subtracting Worksheets for a Year 5 class. Differentiated 3 ways and answers included. Children complete fluency questions with bar modelling, reasoning (e.g. missing numbers) and then worded problems. Extension task included for Day 1. Used with a Year 5 class when teaching ...

  24. PDF NAME DATE PERIOD Lesson 3 Skills Practice

    Lesson 3 Skills Practice Add and Subtract Like Fractions Add or subtract. Write in simplest form. 1. ... 5-1 −1 4 - −1 6-1 ...