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Personal statement

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10 Dental School Personal Statement Examples

Including key tips for a strong dental school personal statement.

Dental School Personal Statement Examples

Before you start crafting your own stellar dental school personal statement, you must review some dental school personal statement examples. Why? These sample essays can help you brainstorm and reflect on what you would like to include in your essay. This blog dives into some dental school personal statement examples from our own past successful students, and then our  dental school advisors  will go over our proven strategies to help you create your own from scratch! As you review these examples keep in mind that these are final works and the result of multiple rounds of reviews by our admissions experts as part of our  application review  programs. Writing fantastic statements for dental school requires patience and multiple rounds of revisions before a perfect statement can be written.

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Dental school personal statement example #1.

In the final moments of a key game in a hockey tournament, I jumped over the boards and onto the ice without putting my mouth guard back in place. It was attached to my helmet, but I had a chance for the puck, and I took it. Moments later, an opponent’s stick caught me in the face, knocking out my front tooth. Play stopped, and my team found my tooth on the ice. I looked to the bleachers. My mom was already on the phone getting initial instructions from our dentist for saving the tooth. Within 15 minutes, we were outside the clinic as my dentist unlocked the door, despite it being a Saturday night. As I was treated within half an hour, my tooth could be saved by stabilizing it as it healed. Until that moment, I thought of my dentist as someone I only saw every six months; I hadn’t seen her as a critical part of my healthcare team.

I realized from this experience that time is a factor in dental care, and thus a career in dentistry. My tooth was saved because I lived in an urban centre and had immediate access to care, not to mention the continuity of care I’ve had since I was a child. My mother is employed and has good dental coverage, but this is not the case for many. Without timely check-ups, both oral and medical issues that could be detected and prevented can become more serious conditions.

With this awareness, I have for the last 6 years volunteered in two ways. In the time since my hockey accident, I’ve worked with my dentist on a safety awareness campaign for young hockey players and their families, teaching about the necessity of mouth guards, as well as how a quick response to such injuries may help in recovery. I’ve also worked alongside dentists for the Smiling Children Foundation in vulnerable neighborhoods, where dental neglect is not uncommon, and continuity of care is rare. Recently, we set up a mobile clinic in a school, where I record personal information and take a medical history for each child. A young boy, 10 years old, complained of constant headaches and pain in his body. Upon examination, the dentist noticed his gums were dark purple in places and bled easily. Our team alerted a community doctor of a potential immune disorder, and the young boy was diagnosed and treated, returning to good health within months. That day, I learned that oral healthcare is holistic healthcare, and that it is a privilege to support those who may not have time, resources, or access to oral healthcare.

I have had this privilege in what began as dental shadowing and is now part-time employment, where I liaise between patients and insurance companies, manage team schedules, and comfort anxious patients. This might be as simple as holding a hand while the dentist performs the procedure. Or, I might hold a baby while the father sees the hygienist. I’ve learned to read an X-ray accurately, prepare the instruments needed for a procedure, and balance the books. I have been mentored by both a medical and business professional, and I have borne witness to our patients’ high and low points. I have worked hard to understand what goes into growing and maintaining a successful dental practice and feel capable to meet the challenge of the multiple roles required in this dynamic vocation.

It bears mentioning why my first-year grades are not what I’d hoped they would be. I joined a good number of co-curricular clubs with the intention of participating in our campus community and developing my professional skills. By midterm, I realized I had oversubscribed myself. Unfortunately, willpower and desire were not enough. My grades suffered as I tried to manage my responsibilities. By attending time management seminars and learning to manage time rather than be managed by time, I was able retrieve my grades. From 2nd year forward, I’ve maintained a 4.0 GPA while moving up the ranks of student organizations and taking an active role in a research project. Resilience is like a muscle that needs time, exercise, and perseverance to build.

From a sports accident, to volunteer work in an underserved community, to employment in a dental office and an academic career that shows both mistakes and recovery, I have thought carefully about what dentistry is. A dentist is part of a larger healthcare team, and a dentist can often treat not only a single patient over decades, but provide intergenerational care to a family. I aspire to dentistry to accompany my patients through life, 6 months at a time, offering compassionate, whole-person healthcare. (4,497 characters, including spaces)

  • Inciting incident: the moment that influenced the student’s outlook on dentistry as a career is highlighted in spades. Seeing the structure here as almost like a story, you’re taking the reader on a journey from point A to point B. For the personal statement, your opening should hook in the reader. This writer does this well.
  • Addresses weaknesses: the student mentions how their first-year grades weren’t what they’d hoped for. They acknowledge their faults and briefly outline the circumstances without making excuses before getting into the most important part: what they did to improve or learn from their mistakes. If you’re in a position to use your personal statement as a way to address gaps or inconsistencies, then you can follow the same rule.
  • Major experiences are detailed: you need to show the admissions committee that dentistry is the right career for you. The best way to do this is to describe clinical experiences, ideally in a dental setting. The student who wrote this sample described their experiences shadowing, being a part-time employee, and volunteering at a foundation. If you have many experiences like these, don’t simply list them off, but select a few to describe in more depth.

Want some tips for writing a dental school personal statement? Check out this video:

"Ready, Set, Bake,” shouted the host of Bake-Off. I was 16 and a contestant of a televised baking show. Our 6th challenge gave us 3 hours to perfectly bake the most decadent and timing consuming dessert: the mille-feuille – layers of puff pastry, filled with whipped cream and custard, and glazed on top. Despite being the only teenager in a field of contestants ranging from 20-70 years of age, I’d made it through several days of cuts for one of the spots on the show. I wish I could say that my dessert was a masterpiece, but as the timer counted down and I plated it, the filling oozed, and the pastry crumbled. I’d made to the Top Six, but the mille-feuille defeated me and I was asked to hang up my apron. As I reflect on this experience, the solo and team challenges, the practice to get on the show, the mastery needed to gain a top spot, I realize that I’m grateful even for the defeat, because I learned valuable lessons that helped me develop key qualities and skills that are in-line with the core competencies necessary for dentistry, my chosen profession. Both dentistry and competitive baking require innovation and excellence, communication and accountability, and the necessity of precision, focus, and a steady hand.

Both of my parents are dentists. While the influence of their careers on my own access to knowledge cannot be underestimated, I have been deeply cognizant of making an autonomous career decision. That decision is my own, but my parents have admittedly opened unique conversations around ethics, technology, and patient care to me. My earliest memories include attending dental conferences with them and being encouraged to explore the Exhibits Floor, where I learned about the newest dental products and treatments and “test drove” the latest innovations in dentistry. I developed an aptitude for predicting which products and technologies were gimmicks and which would effectively support excellence in patient care. This knack has made me something of an informal consultant for my parents and their colleagues, who value my insights on innovation and efficacy of new treatments.

While technology is at the forefront of change, what remains consistent over time is the importance of communication and accountability to provide excellent patient care. I’ve had the privilege to shadow Dr. Ann Lee, an oral surgeon, over the past 3 years. Among many things, she showed me that inherent in communication is accountability. Many of her patients are children and teens having teeth extracted for orthodontic reasons. The son of a family who had been Dr. Lee’s patients for over a decade arrived for a complicated wisdom tooth extraction. Despite familiarity with the family, the doctor painstakingly reviewed the extraction process to prepare them effectively. The procedure went well in the office; however, on the way home, the boy began haemorrhaging. An artery had been compromised during the surgery. I watched as Dr. Lee packed bone wax around the artery to stem the bleeding. What struck me about this experience was the standard of accountability to which the surgeon held herself, as she communicated with the family by phone, made a house call later that evening on her way home, and remained on-call over the weekend to ensure the safety and healing of the child. The family maintained their trust in Dr. Lee because of her open communication and sense of accountability. I also learned just how fragile and technical dental work is, requiring both dexterity and precision.

Volunteering in a dental brigade in Haiti, Mirlande, 6, taught me about vulnerability and trust. Mirlande was scared and reluctant to open her mouth for her first dental exam. I took her aside and, as she watched, I carved a perfect tooth from soap using dental instruments. I carved slowly and precisely, and then presented her with the gift. She put the tooth in her pocket and then allowed me to clean her teeth. I was immediately struck by the vulnerability of not only soft tissue, but of hearts, as she leaned back and opened her mouth in trust. This moment solidified my decision to become a dentist.

Though the earlier comparison between baking and dentistry is merely an analogy, it is one that suggests I have developed key skills and am aware of the core competencies a dentist must hold to best serve their patients professionally and ethically. Dentistry is my vocation, baking a hobby, but both speak to my investment in excellence, precision, and doing for others.  (4,500 characters, including spaces)

A dental school personal statement is your opportunity to show admissions committees who you are as a person and aspiring dental professional, aside from your CV, GPA, Dental Aptitude Test (DAT) score, and other quantitative data. As any personal statement essay, the dental school personal essay should be a narrative account that gives the admissions committee the opportunity to learn more about you than what can be conveyed in a dry document like a CV or transcript. 

For dental school  ADEA AADSAS  applications, the American Dental Education Association requires an essay of no more than 4,500 characters (including spaces), which must demonstrate your key personal qualities, aspirations, and reasons for pursuing a career in dentistry to the schools to which you are applying. This process isn’t as standardized in Canadian programs, so you’ll need to check the application requirements for the programs and schools to which you are applying to see if a personal statement is required. In doing so, you can also learn whether there are any specific requirements regarding the length of the essay, whether there is a specific prompt to which you must respond in your dental school personal statement, and whether there are any other application requirements.

Want some more personal statement examples? Watch this video:

Writing a Strong Dental School Personal Statement

If you're applying to  dental schools in Canada  or the US, a personal statement, or similar essay, is often required as part of your application package, regardless of whether you're applying through AADSAS or  TMDSAS . It’s important to craft a statement that draws from your experiences, such as your dental school extracurriculars. You can also refer to your dental school application experience examples , or even your dental school letter of recommendation for help. This blog will help you understand the key things you must do (and that you must avoid) in composing your essay, with dental school personal statement examples that demonstrate these strategies, so that you can draft the strongest, most compelling dental school personal statement possible.

1. Tell a story

Ideally, you will craft a story or detail a defining moment that helped you realize why this is the profession you want to pursue. Providing an anecdote or vignette – perhaps an experience you’ve had as a dental patient, an interaction you’ve witnessed as a volunteer or while shadowing a dental care professional, a story about someone you know, etc., – is often a useful way of giving the evaluators a window into your life and motivations.

2. Demonstrate why you’re a “good fit”

Your dental school personal statement should also express why you are a strong candidate and a "good fit" for the school and program, while stirring the interest of your reader. Review our blog,  dental school acceptance rates  to find out which schools are best suited for you. Admissions committees will review hundreds of these personal statements, so draw on the values of the profession and the mission of the institution to highlight your alignment with the vision and goals of this vocation, and do so in a way that is engaging and enjoyable to read. Again, narrative is a great way of doing this – people love stories and are often naturally drawn in by them. Bear this in mind as you begin drafting your essay.

Here are some more tips for writing a dental school personal statement:

3. Be authentic and readable

In your personal statement, you want to present your very best self, emphasizing your genuine passion for the field and your enthusiasm for working in a healthcare profession like dentistry. Don’t try to cram in complicated terminology or jargon, thinking it will make you sound smarter (it won’t – true experts know how to explain their ideas effectively to an audience of non-specialists), and don’t rely on clichés (e.g., “I want to help people” – this is a lovely desire, but it’s over-used and too generic). Use polished prose that represents your genuine voice and reasons for pursuing the profession, and write in a way that will be comprehensible even to those outside this particular specialization. This can take practice. You might go through multiple drafts of your essay before you’re confident in submitting it. If you’re having trouble getting to this point, consider dental school admissions consulting . 

4. Express your desired contributions to the field

Quite simply, you need to explain why you will be a good dentist, in both practical terms and in terms of devoting yourself to patient care. You need to show that you know how to become a dentist in terms of skills and experience; there will be other opportunities to address other aspects of your candidacy through things like the dental school manual dexterity question or the multiple mini interview (MMI) collaboration station . For now, answer the following questions: what does it mean to you to dedicate yourself to the profession and to patients? What experiences have you had with the dental profession so far, and how have these impacted you? What are your priorities as an aspiring dentist? Thinking through these questions, while also pointing to concrete experiences or accomplishments that support your responses, will help the committee see not just who you are now, but who you are working to become as you pursue the goal of becoming a dental professional.

Need help with your dental school application? Learn what our students say about our services:

Things to Avoid in a Dental School Personal Statement

Here are some key “don’ts” in composing your dental school personal statement:

1. Don’t summarize your CV

Your personal statement shouldn’t simply repeat information available elsewhere in your application materials. Referring to experiences discussed in those materials, for the purpose of expanding on them or contextualizing them, is fine. Just ensure that you’re actually doing that work and demonstrating the significance of the experience(s) you describe. For example, if your CV indicates that you’ve done volunteer work at a dental clinic or with an organization, it’s totally fine to discuss this volunteer work in your personal statement; however, that discussion must go beyond what is offered in your other application materials. Your dental school personal statement shouldn't be a dry recitation of events in your CV. It should be a persuasive and engaging work that draws on just a few select experiences that epitomize your interests, priorities, and the work you've done so far in working toward becoming a dentist. For example, instead of giving names, dates, and general facts about your experience as a volunteer, you can tell a story of a particularly meaningful accomplishment or interaction, reflecting on how it helped solidify your desire to pursue this career.

2. Don’t dwell on negative experiences

If you’ve overcome challenges or if there are less-than-ideal aspects of your educational experience so far (such as a term where your GPA took a dip), it’s fine to address these in a personal statement essay. However, it is crucial that you reflect on this from a perspective of growth, resiliency, and capacity for improvement, rather than focusing on the negatives. If your grades took a hit one term because of extenuating circumstances, by all means, take some time to explain this, if you think it will be helpful (and it often is). However, the discussion around the circumstances should be minimal – just a set-up for a more substantial discussion of what you learned, how you grew, etc. – and you shouldn’t use this as an opportunity to make excuses. Rather, briefly describe the event, own up to your mistake or misstep (if applicable), and then spend the most time explaining how you addressed the issue, how you moved past it, and why you will be a better future professional for having gone through it.

Probably the biggest mistake students make is to not take the personal statement seriously enough, waiting until just a few days before it’s due to even begin. You must begin early – a strong personal statement essay can take months and numerous revisions to be the best it can possibly be. You need to put a lot of thought into this document, as it is a very important component of your application. This is your chance – and often your only chance – to address the evaluators on a human level, prior to answering  dental school interview questions , including   MMI questions . So, rather than thinking of this as a chore, think of it as an opportunity to demonstrate your best self to the admissions committee. 

4. Don’t submit your dental school personal statement without getting expert feedback

The personal statement isn’t just about what you’ve done, it’s about who you are – what your values are, what your priorities are, what your reasons for pursuing this profession are, and how all of these things align with the discipline and school you are approaching with your application package. Getting expert feedback from those on the “other side” of such applications, those who have gone through the process successfully or those who have been part of admissions committees, will give you incredibly valuable insights into how to make your own personal experiences stand out and work for you most effectively. At this stage of your professional development, you face a wealth of “unknown-unknowns”; i.e., things that you don’t even know to look for or consider, because it's likely that you simply haven’t been exposed to the field or the process long enough or in an official capacity. This can be a considerable hindrance, so don’t try to take on this task alone. Seek out expert feedback, and do so early enough that you can review, revise, and implement any necessary changes to make your dental school personal statement the best it can possibly be.

8 Dental School Personal Statement Examples

Dental school personal statement example #3, dental school personal statement example #4, dental school personal statement example #5, dental school personal statement example #6, dental school personal statement example #7, dental school personal statement example #8, dental school personal statement example #9, dental school personal statement example #10.

  • Starting too late. Getting your personal statement right requires multiple edits and revisions. If you start working on your statement too late, you risk running out of time for proper revisions and edits, leaving a rushed, sub-par statement. Remember, your personal statement is a direct reflection of who you are as a person, and who you'll become as a dentist. It's not something that can be, nor should be rushed.
  • Showing instead of telling, for example, saying “I'm a great listener” instead of demonstrating that you're a great listener through real examples in your essay.
  • Focusing on too many experiences. In general, it's best to discuss 2-3 experiences in your personal statement. You should be able to discuss each experience in-depth, and reflect on what you learned from a particular experience. Too many experiences crammed in doesn't allow you to really expand on each experience and doesn't provide an in-depth analysis of how this experience was transformative on your path to becoming a dentist.
  • Listing information that's already found in your application materials. Your personal statement is not a list, instead, it should be a story of your journey to dentistry.
  • Jumping around in time. Your personal statement should be in chronological order, beginning with your initial interest in dentistry and evolving to your absolution that dentistry is the right career path for you. Jumping around in time makes for a disjointed essay that will come across as confusing to admissions committee members. In addition, you want to ensure that you utilize strong transitional sentences, as these tie together paragraphs and aid in the overall flow of your essay.
  • Spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. Mistakes and errors in your personal statement are harmful because they tell admissions committees that you're not detail-oriented, you rushed your statement and because of that, you don't really care about it, or their program. Ensure your statement is reviewed multiple times, ideally with a professional's help, to ensure your essay puts your best foot forward and is free from any spelling mistakes and grammatical errors.
  • Boasting. While you can certainly highlight a few key accomplishments in your statement, such as finishing at the top of your class or raising money for a good cause, it's important that you are tactful in how you phrase your accomplishments. You always want to be humble, and think about what an achievement means to you and why. Lastly, it's a good idea to reflect on what you learned from your achievements and how that can translate in your career as a dentist.

While the majority of your personal statement should be about you - your experiences and how they relate to your decision to pursue dentistry, you can certainly include information relating to another person. For example, you could mention a family member's struggle with a disease, a patient's story, or a conversation with a dentist. As long as you circle back to why this story is significant in your pursuit of dentistry, what you learned from the experience or even how an experience changed your point of view.

Your personal statement must adhere to the ADEA's character count of 4500 characters, including spaces. However, this doesn't mean that you must include this many characters. As long as your essay is below the count, it's most important that you focus on creating a powerful, in-depth essay that proves to the admissions committee why you want to be a dentist and why you would be suitable for a career in this field, then it's perfectly acceptable.

Your personal statement is one of the most important aspects of your entire dental school application. It will serve as your introduction to admissions committees – letting them know who you are a person, who you are as a candidate, and essentially, that you're suitable for a career in dentistry. A poorly crafted personal statement can result in rejection from dental school, so it's essential that your statement is both engaging and memorable to secure you an invitation to interview.

No, remember, this information will be included elsewhere in your application, so it's not suitable to include this in your personal statement.

  • Brainstorm ideas.
  • Create an outline.
  • Focus on body paragraphs first using a maximum of 3 experiences.
  • Ensure you SHOW what you learned (don’t tell) by using examples.
  • Write your conclusion.
  • Write your introduction last.
  • Attention-grabbing introduction: Not just a thesis statement, but something interesting to draw the reader in, like a quote or a story.
  • Transitions: These should lead from one paragraph to the next, creating flow. Use linking words such as however, additionally, also, next, etc.
  • Strong examples: This way you are showing, not telling.
  • Clear and direct language: Your language does not have to be fancy, what's most important is that it's easy to read and follow. For example, “utilize” is one of the most over-used words in academic essays and “use” works just as well.
  • Conclusion: This should summarize your main points, but also leave the reader with a compelling closing sentence that makes them want to find out more about you. For example, include a call back to your opening anecdote and highlight how far you have come.

Dental school personal statement editing, just like medical school personal statement editing , is very important. Begin by writing the BEST first draft you can and then begin your edit. Don’t write something of average quality, half-done, or way over the character limit. Trying to work from these copies will only create confusion and delays. Next, you should read your essay out loud to yourself sentence by sentence to ensure it flows well and to catch any grammatical errors. Each sentence should be contributing to the overall point. If you find yourself repeating your thoughts in multiple forms, think about paring your sentences down. Quality is more important than quantity.

Next, repeat this process 2-3 times. Resist the urge to keep tinkering over and over again. There are multiple strong ways to word sentences and express your thoughts. There are probably even multiple experiences you could highlight and have an equally strong personal statement. However, obsessing over each sentence and word once you have written a strong statement will just lead to changing too many things, delays, you feeling nervous, and sometimes even a weaker essay than you started with!

Yes, you can definitely mention experiences in your personal statement that are non-academic or not related to dentistry. A strong experience to mention should be one that taught you important skills and that influenced your decision to pursue dentistry. Personal experiences can also have a strong influence on which profession you pursue, so you can definitely mention non-academic experiences.

It’s certainly normal to want input from others when we are crafting personal statements. A strong reviewer is one who has experience and expertise with professional school applications and has helped other students before. For example, someone with an advanced degree like a practicing dentist or other professional. Even though you may feel tempted to ask friends and family, you may want to refrain from this, as they are often invested in your success and may find it hard to be objective.

Try to find someone who does not know you so well so they can give objective guidance. The other thing you want to avoid is having “too many chefs in the kitchen.” Too many different people reviewing your statement is only going to pull it in too many different directions, ultimately leading to confusion and even more delays. And again, some students might feel more comfortable using a dental school admissions consulting service for this aspect of their application.

Just like you would address this during an interview, your statement can address areas of concern by following these steps:

  • Take responsibility.
  • Explain mitigating factors.
  • Don't make excuses.
  • Share strategies for what you learned and how you would avoid a situation like this in the future. 
  • Make sure you end on a positive or proactive note.

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Yutika Maharaj

Hi there Do you have any sample personal statements for a foreign trained dentist applying to ADEA PASS and ADEA CAAPID. Thanks

BeMo Academic Consulting

Hi Yutika! Thanks for your comment. As an international applicant, your personal statement should follow the same structure and contain pertinent info about yourself and your application. Use these samples to construct your own, unique narrative!

It is remarkable, very good information

Thanks, Code!

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Your personal statement is a one-page essay (not to exceed 4,500 characters, including spaces, carriages, numbers, letters, etc.) that gives dental schools a clear picture of who you are and, most importantly, why you want to pursue a career in dentistry.

Although there is no set of rules mandating what a strong personal statement should include, here are a few tips to help you successfully craft a winning personal statement:

  • Explain a defining moment that helped steer you toward a career in dentistry. Consider using that moment as the focal point of your essay.
  • Be colorful, positive, imaginative and personal when discussing why you’re a good candidate for dental school. Ask yourself—in a pile of 100 applications, would I enjoy reading my statement? Be sure to convey your passion for dentistry in your statement.
  • Be yourself.  Don’t use jargon, clichés or big phrases that you would not use in daily conversation. Remember, dental schools want to know about the real you.
  • Be original and thoughtful: Discuss how you would contribute to the profession and patient care, all of which will help you stand out from other applicants.
  • Tell your story—make sure the essay is your story, not someone else’s. 
  • Recruit a friend. Ask a friend, relative or faculty advisor to read your essay and provide constructive criticism. Ask them to think about whether the essay is a good representation of your character, and what they know of your ideals and aspirations.
  • Give yourself time to organize your thoughts, write well and edit as necessary. And don’t forget to proofread, proofread, proofread!

Here are a few things to avoid when writing your personal statement:

  • Writing what you think the admissions committee wants to hear.
  • Using a gimmicky style or format.
  • Summarizing your resume or repeating information directly from your transcripts or recommendation letters.
  • Emphasizing the negative.
  • Waiting until the last minute to get started on your statement.

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Some tips for applying to dental school—apply early, ask early, research, proofread your work, be organized and talk to your health professions advisor!

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Writing a personal statement for dental schools

Is what I’m writing too personal or not personal enough? Should I be writing more about teeth?  How do I shorten my personal statement without omitting important details? Am I even answering the prompt!?

Writing a personal statement can be an intimidating step in the application process for dental school. I remember reading dozens of example essays online trying to find the “perfect one” that would inspire me and guide my writing so that I would end up with a personal statement that could sum up my entire personality and life goals in just 4,500 characters. The reality is that trying to display who you are and the experiences that make you who you are in one page can be daunting and challenging. But is not impossible! Passion is something that can be detected through writing, so make sure to write about something that you are passionate about and it will be evident to the reader. A common misconception is that your dental school personal statement should be a list of dental experiences or how much you know about dentistry. Although you should be answering the question “why dentistry," the main objective is to paint a picture of who you are and what led you to pursue this career. So, where do  you start? 

Here are 3 tips on writing a personal statement that will make you stand out:

1. always keep the prompt in mind.

The personal statement prompt for dental admission usually doesn’t change and is posted on the ADEA website as the following:

“Your personal statement is a one-page essay (not to exceed 4,500 characters, including spaces, carriages, numbers, letters, etc.) that gives dental schools a clear picture of who you are and, most importantly, why you want to pursue a career in dentistry.”

Make sure that every sentence- every word- you write serves the purpose of answering the question above. If you find yourself writing about something that you feel doesn’t answer the prompt in one way or another, then it doesn’t belong in your PS. The allotted characters are concise and don’t allow for fluff or fillers. Once you have understood the prompt and the message you want to get across to admissions, then picking your words and what you want to share is made easier. 

2. It is okay to be vulnerable

If there is a life changing moment that you believe ties in to why you are pursuing dentistry, then don’t feel shy to write about it. We all have vulnerable moments, and you might be on the fence on whether to include those moments or not. My advice is to go for it! These moments give the reader a chance to get to know you outside of an academic context. In a pile of 1,000s of essays, you want the reader to connect with you, stories of vulnerability help make that connection.

3. If you talk about an adverse event, make sure to write an ending 

Many applicants do a great job at setting the scene to their stories but forget to write the ending! Let’s say, for example, that I write about the time I worked at a bakery (I wish!) and had many complex orders that needed to be done by the end of the day. I write about how difficult the task was and how impossible it first seemed. Then, I write that I was able to finish everything up and felt good about it. There are many things missing that highlight the significance of why I am writing this story. If you write about a certain experience in a story format, it should answer some of these questions:

  • What have I learned from this experience and how can I implement it to answering the prompt?
  • What skills (leadership) traits did I gain from this experience?
  • In adverse times, what/ who do I find myself turning to? And why?
  • What did I learn about myself through this experience?

By adding dimension and reflection to your stories, the reader will have a better understanding of who you are and how you react to difficult situations. Remember, this point circles back to tip #1: always keep the prompt in mind. By showing growth through your experiences, you demonstrate the resilience that you have that is needed to get through dental school!

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Hoda is a dental student at Harvard School of Dental Medicine. She previously earned a BS in Biological Sciences with minors in Chemistry and Psychology at the University of Illinois in Chicago, graduating summa cum laude.

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Personal Statement Example

  • Thread starter aqz
  • Start date Apr 27, 2015

DATBooster | The Ultimate DAT Resource

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  • Apr 27, 2015


I don't think it's a good idea to post a copy of your PS on a public forum.  


He is already in dental school dude.  

Frychicken said: I don't think it's a good idea to post a copy of your PS on a public forum. Click to expand...

That was beautiful!  



  • Apr 30, 2015

I cried. Also thank you for doing this. I am in the process of writing my personal statement as well right now and I cannot for the life of me think of what to write. UGH.  

doc toothache

doc toothache

When there are only 30 that have the same and a dozen with higher DAT scores, one can write a recipe for hot chilli as a ps and adcoms would not skip a heart beat.  



  • Jun 2, 2015
doc toothache said: When there are only 30 that have the same and a dozen with higher DAT scores, one can write a recipe for hot chilli as a ps and adcoms would not skip a heart beat. Click to expand...
FeralisExtremum said: Is this a viable strategy? I know some very good hot chili recipes. Click to expand...
  • Jun 29, 2015



  • Feb 9, 2016

GREAT personal statement!  



aqz said: As far as originality goes, that would surely spice things up. Click to expand...



I enjoyed reading your personal statement. The beginning was captivating and the ending was reassuring.  


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The time has come for you to complete the essay portion of the application. This is your opportunity to shine in a way that is less driven by data and more driven by your personal experiences and your unique perspective.

Not sure what to include in your Personal Statement?

4 Things to Remember About Essays

  • Timing - The application can time out on you, especially when completing this lengthy portion. Avoid losing your essays or other data by saving frequently!
  • Spacing - Watch your spacing! Remember that the character count includes spaces.
  • Abbreviations - Spell out all words. Do not use shorthand or abbreviations.
  • Formatting - Avoid formatting issues by typing your essay directly into the TMDSAS application, rather than copying and pasting your essay from word processor programs. Copying formatted text into the application may result in issues that cannot be edited once your application has been submitted.

Dental Applicant Personal Statement  

The personal essay asks you to explain your motivation to seek a career in dentistry. You are asked to discuss your philosophy of the dental profession and indicate your goals relevant to the profession.

The essay is limited to 5000 characters, including spaces.

Medical Applicant Personal Statement  

The personal essay asks you to explain your motivation to seek a career in medicine. You are asked to include the value of your experiences that prepare you to be a physician.

Podiatry Applicant Personal Statement 

The personal essay asks you to explain your motivation to seek a career in podiatry. You are asked to include the value of your experiences that prepare you to be a physician.

Veterinary Applicant Personal Statement 

The personal essay asks you to describe opportunities and challenges (veterinary-related and non-veterinary-related) you have experienced and how these have helped to prepare you to enter the veterinary profession.

Check out this episode of the TMDSAS Podcast!
In , two of our admissions deans discuss how they review essays, and they offer advice on how to prepare your responses to the prompts.

Personal Characteristics 

Required of all applicants - new prompt for ey 2025.

A key aspect of holistic review includes the consideration of applicants' attributes within the context of their experiences and academic metrics. 

Describe any personal qualities, characteristics, and/or lived experiences that could enrich the educational experience of others. (5000 Characters)

Optional Essay 

There is one optional essay available for all applicants. This essay is an opportunity to provide the admissions committee(s) with a broader picture of who you are as an applicant. The essay is optional; however, you are strongly encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity.

Optional Essay:

Briefly discuss any unique circumstances or life experiences that are relevant to your application, which have not previously been presented. Optional Essay is limited to 2500 characters, including spaces.

This is not an area to continue your other essays or reiterate what you have previously stated; this area is provided for you to address any issues that have not previously been covered.

  • Additional Essays

DO/PhD & MD/PhD Program Essays

  • Explain your motivation to seek a MD/PhD or DO/PhD dual Discuss your research interests and career goals as an applicant to a dual degree program.
  • Describe your significant research Include the name and title of your research mentor as well as your contributions to the project. List any publications that have resulted from your work.

Each essay is limited to 5000 characters, including spaces.

DDS/PhD Program Essays

  • Explain your motivation to seek a DDS/PhD dual
  • Describe your significant research experiences, research interests and career goals as appropriate for an applicant to the DDS/PhD dual degree program.

Table of Contents

  • Dental - Personal Statement
  • Medical - Personal Statement
  • Podiatry - Personal Statement
  • Veterinary - Personal Statement
  • Personal Characteristics
  • Optional Essay

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Writing a good Personal Statement

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Writing your personal statement could be the hardest portion of your AADSAS Dental School Application. Here are some tips to help you write yours!

Five tips for writing your Personal Statement!

1) start writing early.

I personally went through 30+ drafts when I wrote my personal statement. Although you may not go through this many revisions, it is still a good idea to start early so you could finish your personal statement before June! Keep in mind, you’re going to need time to send your personal statement to your advisors and make their suggested updates. People aren’t always the best at getting back to you in a timely manner as well. SO, don’t make the same mistakes I made and start writing early. 

2) Show. Dont Tell.

This is probably the best advice I could give in this entire blog post. Admissions officers aren’t looking for a summary of your resume or your application. For that matter, you want to be reflective in your personal statement. What that means is that you’re giving an in depth explanation of what you learned during your extracurricular activities. I’ve included some examples below that show what a personal statement paragraph should look like. 

I didn’t find dentistry because I had a parent that was a dentist nor an environment that cultivated an interest in healthcare. Anchorage, Alaska was a place where the pace of life moved very slowly and every free moment was spent doing outdoor activities like hiking or snowboarding. But when my mother’s oral health took a turn for the worse, I began accompanying her to all her dental procedures. It was a confusing time for both of us, as she knew very little English and I was just a seven-year-old boy struggling to translate why she would have to extract her upper central incisors. Although my first exposure to the dental field started from an unfortunate event, our trips to the dental office instilled a motivation for me to search for a deeper understanding of her condition.

3) Choose Who edits your P.S. Carefully

I made the mistake of asking my Lenscrafters manager to edit my personal statement during my first application cycle. While he was very qualified to give pointers for a pre-optometry student, he gave me some odd advice on how to “focus the lens of the personal statement as if the reader was looking through the eyes of a dental patient.” The result of this personal statement was something very abstract and artistic rather than concise and reflective. Moral of the story is, choose who you want to edit your personal statement wisely and keep the amount of people you get feedback from to a minimum. 

4) Jump into the meat of what you’re trying to say.

You only have 4500 characters (with spaces) to reflect fully on why you believe dentistry is the only career that is right for you. If you waste valuable characters on setting up the environment and gradually phasing the reader into the “AHA!” moment of your personal statement, you will quickly lose the interest of your reader. Starting off strong will allow you to give a bold statement and back that up with proof from what activities you chose to highlight. 

5) Be Authentic!

This definitely goes without saying but don’t try to use an abstract story of when you chipped your front tooth while riding a bike. I’ve heard from admissions faculty that this is not only cliche but a sure way to get your application set aside. Admissions officers read through thousands of personal statements and could see through when students aren’t being completely honest. Be the best version of yourself that shows schools that you’re a student with some awesome experiences that will aide you in becoming an amazing dentist. Not some child that fell off a bike. 

Final Advice

With all of this said, I want to leave you with one final piece of advice:

After you have finished your personal statement, read through it as if it is a letter to your future patient. Ask yourself. Would you want YOU as a dentist? 


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How to Write a Compelling Personal Statement for the Harvard School of Dental Medicine Application

Learn how to craft a winning personal statement for your Harvard School of Dental Medicine application.

Posted May 19, 2023

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Dental School Office Hours

Starting wednesday, july 17.

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Table of Contents

When applying to dental school, one of the most important parts of your application is the personal statement. This essay gives you the opportunity to showcase why you would be a great fit for the Harvard School of Dental Medicine. In this article, we'll discuss how to write a compelling personal statement that will capture the attention of the admissions committee and help you stand out from other applicants.

Understanding the Importance of a Personal Statement in Your Dental School Application

First, let's talk about why the personal statement is so important. Your academic record and test scores will certainly be considered by the admissions committee, but they also want to learn more about who you are as a person and why you're interested in dentistry. The personal statement gives you the chance to explain your motivations, highlight your unique experiences and skills, and make a case for why you're the right fit for this prestigious program.

Secondly, the personal statement is an opportunity for you to showcase your writing skills. As a future dentist, you will need to communicate effectively with patients, colleagues, and other healthcare professionals. Your personal statement is a chance to demonstrate your ability to write clearly, concisely, and persuasively.

Finally, the personal statement can help you stand out from other applicants. Admissions committees receive hundreds or even thousands of applications each year, and many of them will have similar academic backgrounds and test scores. A well-crafted personal statement can help you differentiate yourself and make a memorable impression on the committee.

Researching the Harvard School of Dental Medicine to Tailor Your Personal Statement

Before you start writing your personal statement, take some time to research the Harvard School of Dental Medicine. What are the school's values and mission? What makes their program unique? What kind of students do they look for? By understanding these things, you can tailor your personal statement to align with the school's priorities and show why you would be a good fit.

One unique aspect of the Harvard School of Dental Medicine is their commitment to community service. The school encourages students to participate in outreach programs and volunteer work, both locally and globally. This emphasis on giving back to the community aligns with the school's mission to improve oral health and overall health for all individuals. When writing your personal statement, consider highlighting any experiences you have had in community service or volunteer work, and how those experiences have prepared you to contribute to the Harvard School of Dental Medicine's mission.

Choosing the Right Tone and Style for Your Personal Statement

When it comes to the tone and style of your personal statement, there's no one-size-fits-all approach. Some applicants may opt for a more formal and academic tone, while others may choose to be more personal and anecdotal. Whatever you choose, make sure it feels authentic to you and that it showcases your strengths and personality.

If you're applying to a highly competitive program, it may be tempting to try to impress the admissions committee with complex vocabulary and sophisticated sentence structures. However, it's important to remember that clarity and coherence are key. Your personal statement should be easy to read and understand, so avoid using jargon or overly technical language unless it's absolutely necessary.

Another important factor to consider is the audience for your personal statement. Who will be reading it, and what are they looking for? If you're applying to a program in the humanities, for example, you may want to emphasize your creativity and critical thinking skills. On the other hand, if you're applying to a program in the sciences, you may want to highlight your research experience and analytical abilities.

Identifying Your Unique Experiences and Skills to Showcase in Your Personal Statement

Your personal statement should highlight what sets you apart from other applicants. What unique experiences have you had that have influenced your decision to pursue dentistry? What skills do you possess that would make you a great dentist? By focusing on these unique aspects of yourself, you'll be better able to differentiate yourself from other applicants and make a strong case for why the admissions committee should choose you.

One way to identify your unique experiences and skills is to reflect on your past experiences and how they have shaped your interest in dentistry. For example, if you have volunteered at a dental clinic or shadowed a dentist, you can discuss how these experiences have influenced your decision to pursue dentistry. Additionally, if you have any research or academic experience related to dentistry, you can highlight these experiences to demonstrate your knowledge and passion for the field.

Another way to showcase your unique skills is to discuss any leadership or teamwork experiences you have had. Dentistry requires strong communication and collaboration skills, so highlighting experiences where you have worked effectively in a team or taken on a leadership role can demonstrate your ability to succeed in the field. Additionally, if you have any language skills or cultural experiences that could be valuable in a diverse dental practice, be sure to mention these as well.

Crafting a Captivating Introduction to Hook the Reader's Attention

The introduction to your personal statement is crucial. You want to hook the reader's attention and make them want to keep reading. Consider starting with a compelling anecdote or a thought-provoking question. Alternatively, you could begin with a statement that sums up your motivation for pursuing dentistry. Whatever you choose, make sure it's attention-grabbing and sets the tone for the rest of your essay.

Highlighting Your Academic Achievements and Extracurricular Activities in Your Personal Statement

While your personal statement shouldn't just be a rehash of your resume, it is important to highlight your academic achievements and extracurricular activities. This gives the admissions committee a clearer picture of your interests and passions, as well as your dedication to academic excellence.

Describing Your Passion for Dentistry and Why You Want to Attend Harvard School of Dental Medicine

Your personal statement should make it clear why you're passionate about dentistry and why you specifically want to attend the Harvard School of Dental Medicine. This could include describing your experiences working in a dental clinic, your desire to help underserved communities, or your fascination with the art and science of dentistry. Whatever your motivations are, make them clear and compelling.

Demonstrating Your Commitment to Serving Others Through Dentistry

One of the core values of the Harvard School of Dental Medicine is a commitment to serving others. Your personal statement should demonstrate your own commitment to this value. This might include discussing volunteer work you've done, community service projects you've been a part of, or your vision for how you want to use your dental training to make a positive impact on the world.

Avoiding Common Mistakes and Pitfalls When Writing a Personal Statement

There are several common mistakes and pitfalls that applicants can fall into when writing their personal statement. These include relying too heavily on cliches, being too self-promoting, or failing to demonstrate a clear understanding of the school's priorities and mission. Make sure you avoid these pitfalls by carefully reviewing your essay and getting feedback from trusted advisors.

Tips for Editing and Proofreading Your Personal Statement for Maximum Impact

Editing and proofreading are crucial parts of the writing process. Once you've written your personal statement, make sure you give yourself enough time to review it carefully. Look for any typos or grammatical errors, and make sure your essay flows logically from beginning to end. Consider asking a friend or mentor to look it over and give you feedback as well.

Using Examples of Successful Personal Statements as Inspiration for Yours

If you're struggling to get started on your personal statement, consider reading examples of successful personal statements from past applicants. This can give you an idea of what kind of tone and style works well, as well as what kind of content the admissions committee tends to respond to favorably.

Seeking Feedback from Trusted Advisors and Mentors on Your Personal Statement

Your personal statement is a reflection of you, but that doesn't mean you have to go it alone. Consider seeking feedback from trusted advisors and mentors, such as professors, dental professionals, or career counselors. They can offer valuable perspective on your writing and help you identify areas where you could improve.

Preparing Yourself Mentally and Emotionally for the Dental School Application Process

The dental school application process can be daunting, but it's important to remember that you're not alone. Make sure you take care of your physical and mental health during this time, and seek out support from friends and family if you need it. Remember that rejection is a natural part of the process, and that a rejection from one school doesn't define your worth or potential as a dentist.

Leveraging Additional Resources and Support to Strengthen Your Application Beyond the Personal Statement

Your personal statement is just one part of your dental school application. To strengthen your application, consider leveraging additional resources and support, such as test prep services, resume builders, and mock interview sessions. By investing in yourself and your application, you'll be better prepared to succeed.

In conclusion, your personal statement is an opportunity to showcase your strengths and make a case for why you would be a great fit for the Harvard School of Dental Medicine. By following these tips and putting in the time and effort to craft a compelling essay, you'll be well on your way to achieving your dental school dreams.

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Our Services

Personal statement platinum ($597).

  • Phone & e-mail access to your personal statement specialist
  • Initial voice call includes:
  • Brainstorming ideas and formulating an outline
  • Personal statement review outlining what can be improved, fixed and highlight of any red flags
  • Unlimited* rounds of critique and editing
  • Sentence structure optimization
  • Final round of editing and polishing

The personal statement is a very crucial aspect of your application as it not only gives insight into the type of person you are, but the type of dental student you will be. The personal statement is usually one of the first pieces of information the dental school admissions committee reviews and therefore, it is extremely vital that you present yourself in the best light.

The personal statement service is a personalized, comprehensive package. This service includes unlimited* rounds of critique and editing. We review your personal statement one sentence at a time, top to bottom. We’ll give you advice, suggest revisions of certain ideas or sentences, and point out any red flags. You will also have 1-on-1 access to our in-house expert via appointments should you need additional guidance. Whether you just need an expert’s eyes to review your statement, or are just starting out with a rough draft, this service will ensure you will remain memorable in the eyes of the admissions committee.

Please note: We do not write your personal statement for you. We help you with idea generation, outline and/or revision of an already written personal statement.

Personal Statement Gold ($374)

  • 2 rounds of critique, revisions and editing

The personal statement gold package is an excellent choice for those who want an expert to review and edit their paper. This service includes two rounds of critique, revisions and editing. We review your personal statement one sentence at a time, top to bottom. You will receive advice, suggest revisions of certain ideas or sentences, and point out any red flags. Whether you just need an expert’s eyes to review your statement, or are just starting out with a rough draft, this service will ensure you will remain memorable in the eyes of the admissions committee.

Please note: We do not write your personal statement for you. We help you with idea generation, outline and/or revision of an already written personal statement or help you get started.

Secondary Application ($267 per school)

  • Phone & e-mail access to your application specialist
  • First round of critique
  • Second round of critique and editing

With the competition ever increasing for dental schools across the country, every aspect of the application becomes ever more crucial to the outcome. The secondary application holds an immense weight in admission decisions because it is tailored to each particular school. Answering the questions thoughtfully will greatly increase your chances for securing an interview spot.

The secondary application service is personalized to your needs. Whether you would like us to review just a few questions or go over all of your secondaries, we are here to help. Our in-house experts are very knowledgeable about the type of answers dental schools want to see. Each school looks for different characteristics and while one school may find your answer to be satisfactory, another may not.

Our expert will read the answers to the secondary application, critique it, and recommend any changes that may need to be made. After the initial round of review, your revised secondary application will go through another set of critique and editing. Lastly, your answers will get one last lookover and a final polish will take place before your secondary application is ready for submission.

Please note: We do not write secondaries for you. We help you with idea generation, outline and/or revision of already written answers.

Personal Statement Express Overview ($167)

  • Email access to your personal statement expert
  • Fast turnaround time (48 hours)
  • Perfect for those seeking quick expert advice

Are you nearly done with your personal statement and simply want someone with experience to give you some feedback? The Personal Statement Express Overview does just this. Our application expert will carefully review each paragraph and provide some general thoughts, comments and suggestions. Following the review, you will also be given a personal statement rating out of 10 to give you an idea of where you stand.

Please note: This is not the personal statement review package. This is a single review service. We do not write your personal statement for you. We help you with idea generation and outline of an already written personal statement.

Experience Review (10 experiences for $247)

  • Removal of red flags
  • First round of critique and editing

Applying to dental school is difficult, and with expectations of applicants increasing every year, each component becomes that much more crucial to ensure a solid complete application is submitted. The experiences section of your application is another important section where interview offers can be determined from.

Our expert will carefully review each experience on your application and identify any changes that may need to be made. This package includes an initial round of critique and direction guidance, followed by a second round of critique with editing. Lastly, another review of your experiences will ensure you are putting your best foot forward this application cycle.

Please note: We do not write your experiences for you. We help you with idea generation, outline and/or revision of already written answers.

Application Critique ($647)

  • Email and phone access to your admissions expert
  • Review of all essay prompts on the AADSAS application*:
  • Disadvantaged Consideration Essay
  • Description of Childhood Residency
  • Educational Interruption Essay
  • Reapplicant Essay
  • Manual Dexterity Essay
  • Personal Statement
  • Experiences (up to 10)
  • School Secondary Questions/Essays (up to 10 essay prompts)
  • Identification of red flags and areas of weakness
  • Customized critique and suggestions for improvement
  • Application rating out of 10

There are so many angles to the application that it’s easy to overlook the details, dismiss important aspects of the application or make mistakes. The Complete Application Critique will offer you peace of mind knowing that you’re presenting a solid application.

We will carefully review all of your responses and leave no stone unturned. Following our review, we will provide you with feedback, suggestions for improvement and our overall thoughts on your application. From there we will set up a 1 hour phone call where we can discuss your next course of action.

Please note: This service does not offer any editing or revisions; it is not a substitute for each of the other services we offer (Personal Statement Review, Experience Review, School Secondary Essay, etc.)

Interview Coaching Package ($297)

  • Phone & e-mail access to your interview specialist
  • 30 minute interview protocol overview
  • 2 hours of 1-on-1 mock interview video sessions with critique
  • Multiple mini interview, traditional, panel & group interview covered
  • School-focused interview option
  • Common questions with sample responses practice sheet provided
  • Assistance with formulating answers
  • Additional interview hours can be scheduled at an hourly rate

The last hurdle to overcome prior to an acceptance is the dental school interview. The interview holds immense weight on determining your admissions outcome. Are you ready for the challenge?

The Interview Coaching Package is put together to remove any doubt at your interview. Your specialist will review interview protocols, provide you with a common question sheet and answer any questions you may have. From there, you have 2 hours of 1-on-1 interview time available to schedule. During your interview sessions, you can choose to tailor your interview sessions towards school-specific interview formats or practice all of them. We offer critiques and make suggestions on how you can improve your responses. We cover all interview formats including MMI, traditional, panel and group interviews. Should you want additional interview practice, an hourly rate will be provided.

School Selection ($197)

  • 30 minute video/phone session with our in-house expert to determine which schools are the best fit for you and compile a school list that makes sense

There are 66 dental schools within the United States and another 10 in Canada. Each dental school program looks for certain characteristics in their applicants. Do you know which schools are a good fit for you?

The school selection service includes a 1-on-1 video sit-down for 30 minutes to determine which schools are a good fit for you and which aren’t. Our in-house expert will customize a dental school list based on your needs with the information you provide us. Our admissions expert will explain the pros and cons of each school you’re applying to and have a customized school list put together just for you.

General Consulting ($87 / $147)

  • 30 minute / 60 minute phone call with an admissions consultant who will answer your questions regarding studying for the DAT, application process, dental school or anything else dental school related.

Our general consulting service is designed to give you direction, clear answers and provide you with an encompassing answer. We can discuss the pros and cons of attending certain dental schools, help you with your study plan, outline the application process, create an application plan or whatever else comes to your mind. Get expert answers fast and make an informed decision.

Complete Application Package ($1997) - Save 7% when you bundle together!

  • Personal Statement Platinum
  • School Secondary Service x3
  • Experience Review
  • School Selection
  • Interview Coaching

The complete application bundle is designed to include everything you need to build a successful application and maximize your chances of receiving a dental school acceptance. Be confident in your application when you hit that submit button!

Dental School Interview Course ($267)

  • Step-by-step strategies for thinking about and responding to dental school interview questions
  • How to score in the top-percentile of applicants by delivering a well-rounded response
  • How to communicate effectively and clearly
  • How to maximize your time
  • How to deliver nuanced responses that showcase you’re well equipped to enter the profession
  • How to stand out from the huge number of other qualified applicants who are applying

Start watching over 2 hours of lessons for free at Roadmap Prep.

Meet the Experts

Alex Takshyn

Dr. Alexander Takshyn graduated from York University magna cum laude with a specialized honors in Kinesiology. He was accepted into numerous highly competitive dental school programs as an international applicant and went on to pursue his DMD degree with scholarship at the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine. He then matched to his #1 oral and maxillofacial surgery program at Nova Southeastern University, a very intense and busy surgical service which covers three level 1 trauma centers including Broward Health Medical Center and Memorial Regional Hospital, alongside a level 1 trauma pediatric facility - Joe Di Maggio Children's Hospital.

Dr. Takshyn joined DAT Bootcamp as part of the marketing and social media team back in 2018. As his enthusiasm to empower future pre-dental students grew, he published the complete guide on “How to Get Into Dental School,” referenced by hundreds of students to this day. He proceeded to lead numerous webinars on the dental school application process with thousands of hours of view time. Following his passion, he went on to lead the admissions services at and helped hundreds of applicants achieve their dreams of attending dental school.

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Allie Wilk graduated magna cum laude from the University of Michigan, where she studied Biology, Health, and Society. Having had tremendous success going through the admissions process herself, she understands how overwhelming applying to dental school can feel. Allie is passionate about helping applicants navigate the admissions process and working with pre-dental students to make their applications more competitive.

Allie is currently pursuing her DMD at the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine with a scholarship. Outside of Penn’s classrooms and clinics, she is a mentor for a local high school student in West Philadelphia. In her free time, Allie enjoys exploring the city, trying new restaurants, and relaxing with a good book.

dental school personal statement reddit

Gabby Ciancimino graduated from the University of Florida with a B.S. in Microbiology and Cell Science and minors in both Health Disparities in Society and Women’s Studies. She conducted research that focused on developing empirically-based tools and interventions to promote patient-centered culturally sensitive health care. She is pursuing her DMD from the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine and has been selected to be a recipient of the NHSC Scholarship.

Gabby has had countless experiences reviewing dental school applications for students and has worked closely with admissions directors for several dental schools across the nation. As a first-generation college student, she knows the importance of mentorship and empowerment in pursuing one’s dreams. She loves encouraging others to reach deep and find their passions to fuel their writing. Her positive attitude and creative thinking will allow others to be confident in not only their application experience but their own potential. Her hobbies include playing sports, watching true crime tv, going to the beach, and listening to music.

Julie Berenblum

Julie Berenblum graduated from Yale University with a B.A. in the History of Science, Medicine, and Public Health and then earned her DMD from the University of Pennsylvania. She matched at her top choice general dentistry residency program at the Manhattan VA, where she will be working as a resident for the upcoming year.

Julie has been working as an admissions consultant since 2020 and loves helping dental school applicants on all aspects of their applicants. Julie has always had a passion for educating other like-minded students. At Yale, she ran the Community Health Educators organization in addition to tutoring students of all ages across all academic disciplines. Outside of dentistry, Julie enjoys exercising, baking, and spending time with her labradoodles, Lily and Sandy.

dental school personal statement reddit

Alejandro Salcedo graduated cum laude from Loyola University Maryland with a B.S. in Biology and a minor in French. He is currently pursuing his degree at the Columbia University College of Dental Medicine.

Alejandro spent most of his educational years tutoring science and language courses and working on several research projects. His experience working with students, along with his expertise in understanding what it takes to become a highly sought after and competitive applicant is what attracted him to join the Bootcamp Admissions team. He is eager to guide pre-dental students to the dental schools of their dreams. In his free time, he enjoys cooking, learning new languages, traveling, and listening to music.

Nina Iradi

Nina Iradi graduated summa cum laude from the University of Pittsburgh with a B.A. in Sociology, and minors in both Chemistry and Philosophy. She is now pursuing her DMD at the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine.

Throughout her undergraduate education, Nina worked as a Teaching Assistant, was involved in multiple types of research, and volunteered at a local food bank that served only college students. At Penn, she is co-founding a club for students that chose to take a nontraditional path to enter dental school. Through her own experience and assisting other pre-dental students with their application process, Nina knows how important it is to be true to yourself when applying to dental schools. She is excited to help even more students reach their goals! In her free time, Nina enjoys going to concerts, relaxing at the beach, and spending time with her friends and family.

Matthew Tiberino

Matthew Tiberino earned a B.S. in Physiology and Neurobiology and an Honors Citation from the Gemstone Research Program in the Honors College at the University of Maryland, College Park. He is currently pursuing his D.D.S. as part of the Columbia University College of Dental Medicine.

At UMD, Matthew’s four-year interdisciplinary team research program to find a novel, localized treatment for colorectal cancer opened his eyes to using the beautiful simplicity of the scientific method to expand his understanding of the world and learn of ways to pursue a better future. Thinking introspectively about his studies, research, work, volunteering, shadowing, and leadership roles prepared Matthew exceptionally well for the challenges of applying to dental school. He received acceptances to every school that he interviewed at, which included top-tier programs with numerous scholarship opportunities.

Since beginning at Columbia, Matthew has become involved with the Class Council, Endo Club, Anatomy Donor Memorial Planning Committee, Orientation Committee, and District 2 ASDA leadership with upcoming plans to pursue research at the NIDCR. He is ready to help you perfect your application so that you too can become the dentist you have always dreamed of becoming at the dental school of your dreams. In his free time, Matthew enjoys exploring the city, cooking, baking, and trying new food!

Emma Wilkinson

Emma Wilkinson graduated summa cum laude from Virginia Tech in 2020 with a B.S. in Biochemistry and minor in Business Leadership. She graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with her Master’s in Higher Education in 2023, and DMD degree in 2024 as a dual degree student. During her time at Penn, Emma was nationally involved in the American Student Dental Association, served in the Vulnerable Populations Honors Clinic providing comprehensive care to refugee patients, and conducted research focusing on women in dental academics. She is attending General Practice Residency at the Washington D.C. VA Medical Center following graduation.

Emma has a passion for mentoring pre-dental students and has assisted over 200 DAT Bootcamp clients with various aspects of their application. With aspirations to work in either dental school admissions or student affairs, Emma understands the importance of this occasion for pre-dental students and is excited to help them reach their full potential. Outside of dentistry she enjoys running, spending time with her cat Sherb, and trying new snacks from Trader Joe’s.

Andrew Chen

Andrew Chen graduated from UC Berkeley with honors in Molecular & Cellular Biology and a minor in Toxicology. In undergrad, he was deeply involved in research, completing both a fellowship and honors thesis in gene therapy. During his gap year, he worked as a dental assistant for a periodontist and teaching assistant at a boarding school in Princeton, NJ. Additionally, Andrew joined Bootcamp in 2020 as a Student Hero and has thoroughly enjoyed his experience helping students. Andrew is currently pursuing his D.D.S. at the University of California, San Francisco.

Andrew has extensive experience mentoring and privately tutoring students for over 7 years. Andrew was also an Applications Consultant for a college advising company and helped review hundreds of personal statements for students. Since dental school, Andrew has conducted multiple interviews for pre-dental students as an Office of Admissions & Outreach Ambassador, has been deeply involved through leadership in his local ADEA chapter, and continues to pursue his interests in oral and maxillofacial surgery. In his free time, Andrew enjoys bouldering, long-distance running, and going to concerts.

John Button

John Button graduated Magna Cum Laude from Tufts University with a B.S. in biochemistry and French literature. He is currently pursuing his DMD and Master of Science in Oral and Population Health (MOPH) degrees at the University of Pennsylvania.

John is an internationally known advocate for oral health and the little-known oro-facial disease noma. He sits on the advisory committee of the International Noma Network, a forum for noma researchers and advocates, where he serves as a French translator and oral health ambassador. John’s research spans oral and population health the world over and he has published and lectured widely on oral health advocacy. In addition to his work on noma, he also researches oral and maxillofacial surgery complications at the VA Hospital in Philadelphia, PA.

John has always liked working with students, writing, and public speaking. During his time at Tufts, he was a TA for advanced biochemistry, advanced organic chemistry, as well as both general biology and chemistry. His undergraduate research focused on chemistry education and interviewing, and he most enjoys working with students to prepare their essays and interview skills—helping them put their best foot forward during the application process. Outside of school and research, John is very active having run both an Olympic triathlon and, most recently, the Philadelphia Marathon.

Jessica Hui

Jessica Hui graduated summa cum laude from Stony Brook University with a B.A. in Biology and a minor in Writing and Rhetoric. She will be pursuing her DDS at Columbia University where she also hopes to earn a Masters in Science and Dental Education.

Throughout her undergrad, Jessica grew her interest in writing into a passion. She served as a teaching assistant for multiple writing courses, contributed to several school blogs, and authored her own poems and short stories. With extensive experiences as a writer, Jessica is excited to help pre-dental students write personal statements and put together applications that they are proud of. In her free time, Jessica enjoys kayaking at Hudson River Park, expanding her tote bag collection, and practicing portrait photography.

Student Reviews

Satisfaction rating

The personal statement express was a lifesaver!!! I wasn't even going to apply this application cycle; however, with a last minute change of plans, I found myself scrambling to get everything finished. I had just written my personal statement, and was about to submit my application, and I was able to get feedback just a few hours after I sent it. The advice was very thorough and helpful! I actually talked with a dental school admissions committee on the phone to receive application feedback, and they said I had one of the best personal statements they had ever seen. Thank you DAT Bootcamp!!! - Julia R.

I used the Personal Statement Express Overview that is offered by DAT Bootcamp because I was finished with writing my personal statement, but I couldn’t find the “perfect” final draft. I wanted an honest opinion from someone who didn’t know me. Using this service was a wonderful experience! My assigned expert contacted me through email and thoroughly reviewed my personal statement within a day. The review included an overview of each paragraph with comments on the content, ways to improve the structure of the paper and grammatical corrections. In addition, my expert rated my paper out of 10 and wrote a summary of how the paper was put together and his thoughts on enhancement. The courteous feedback and timeliness of service was exactly what I needed to feel confident in my personal statement. It helped me to take what I wrote and make it into a strong, well-structured personal statement that I loved. - Elisa N.

My experience with DAT Bootcamp admission was great. There was a great communication which allowed making the phone call appointment very easy. The phone call itself was very helpful for me. Before making the phone call, I was very unsure of where I stood regarding which schools I have a chance in being admitted but made it very clear for me. He carefully answered all the questions I had and even allowed me to ask questions after the session. Now I feel confident regarding what school I will be applying to. - Emily P.

My personal experience with DAT Bootcamp service has been outstanding. was very responsive and helpful throughout the process of completing my personal statement. I would highly recommend this service to anyone wanting to craft an immaculate personal statement. - Chris J. is excellent. Always helpful, always available to answer questions. helped me a lot in writing my personal statement in a way I could never think. Additionally, helped me find the schools that would fit with my academic grades. I will always be grateful for [Team Bootcamp’s] help. - Roger M.

Alex was amazing! He helped me so much - he helped me come up with ideas for my personal statement, draft it and edited it numerous times, paragraph by paragraph. His service was always fast and efficient, and he always answered emails, texts and calls in a timely manner. Thank you so much for everything! - Sarah A.

I loved my experience. gave me a call and we talked about the personal statement and we had a mini game plan on how to proceed, and quickly started a google doc so we could both see my results. would revise almost everyday and warn me if something didn’t sound good. I loved [Team Bootcamp’s] honest opinions and I ended up with a killer PS that we both liked. It got me into 9 top dental schools with scholarships at most of them! - Monique M.

It’s the best resource. I have to say a huge thank you to for all of his support. made the process of applying to dental school so much better and much more professional for me. I greatly appreciate the DAT Bootcamp team for their help. You guys are the BEST. - Ali T.

I am thrilled with the experience that I had with DAT Bootcamp. It not only helped me with the actual DAT tremendously, but was super helpful and prompt at answering and guiding me through the entire application process. I’m extremely happy and grateful for all the help from you guys. Without you guys I wouldn’t have been accepted into my dream school. - Jason L.

Getting that acceptance letter from my #1 school made this service worth every penny. I had written a pretty good personal mission statement on my own, but Alex helped me to dig a little deeper, refine my format, and create a narrative that flowed smoothly. With his help I was able to write an excellent personal mission statement that truly communicated who I am and why I want to be a dentist. I'm honestly so happy I chose to use this service. - Natiri S.

I really liked the admission services from DAT bootcamp. was quick to respond and even would help me proofread and give me updates about the progress. My essay turned better because of the help that I got! - Surya P.

This bootcamp service helped my application stand out. It helped me land multiple interviews at competitive schools. I would recommend to a friend! - Shah P.

DAT Bootcamp Admission Services helped me a lot, especially with my experience review. I had a hard time explaining what I did in each of my experiences, but with [Team Bootcamp’s] help I was able to write concisely and to the point. The communication was fast and my whole experiences were edited in less than a few days. - Sahba M.

The feedback I got on the draft I submitted was very constructive and clear. The turnaround time was also fantastic. The process definitely helped me write a PS that was well organized and compelling. - Lewan M.

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  1. Learn from Great Dental School Personal Statement Examples

    dental school personal statement reddit

  2. Dental School Personal Statement Examples 2024

    dental school personal statement reddit

  3. Dental School personal statement : predental

    dental school personal statement reddit

  4. Personal Statement To Get Into Dental School

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  5. A Career In Dentistry Personal Statement Free Essay Example

    dental school personal statement reddit

  6. Dental School Personal Statement Example

    dental school personal statement reddit


  1. The Personal Statement That Got Me Into Dental School!

  2. 5 Tips for Writing a Dental School Personal Statement (+ reading my PS)

  3. How to Write a Unique Dental School Personal Statement That Stands Out

  4. How Dental School Admissions Are Changing Forever

  5. How I got into DENTAL SCHOOL!!!

  6. Top 4 mistakes writing a dental school personal statement


  1. 3 Common Mistakes on Your Personal Statement : r/DentalSchool

    A reddit community for dental students (students studying to become dentists BDS, DDS, DMD, etc) to share the latest news, articles, ideas, and anything else pertaining to the field of dentistry. ... The personal statement (PS) is a rite of passage and an important application requirement for all dental school applicants. It is an opportunity ...

  2. How to write a good personal statement? : r/DentalSchool

    A reddit community for dental students (students studying to become dentists BDS, DDS, DMD, etc) to share the latest news, articles, ideas, and anything else pertaining to the field of dentistry. ... While writing my personal statement, everything I write sounds hollow and fake, like a politician throwing uplifting and insightful words to hype ...

  3. What makes a good personal statement? : r/DentalSchool

    In my opinion, it should demonstrate a personality. You can feel free to wax philosophical. A good personal statement has the potential to be a splash of color on an otherwise black-and-white application. 1. Award. I really need help with my personal statement. I showed my draft to my boss and he said it wasn't what dental schools were looking for.

  4. where can i find good examples of accepted personal statements ...

    aVeryExpensiveDuck. •. I used my pre-dent group at my school. They had dentists and some students who were accepted for the next year that I was able to go over mine with. I would say try that first if that's an opportunity. I can send you mine if you like too, I got interviewed at most schools I applied to and accepted into every school I ...

  5. Any tips for writing a personal statement? : r/DentalSchool

    A reddit community for dental students (students studying to become dentists BDS, DDS, DMD, etc) to share the latest news, articles, ideas, and anything else pertaining to the field of dentistry. ... a free tool to help you compare dental schools! 10. ... Help with writing a Personal Statement because I'm completely lost comments. r/visualnovels.

  6. thinking about personal statement : r/DentalSchool

    thinking about personal statement. Undergrad. hi everyone!! rising sophomore student in undergrad here. it'll be a while until i have to formulate my responses, but i've already been thinking about the personal statement. ever since i was set on dental school, this component is probably one of the ones i'm a little "oof" about because ...

  7. Personal statement : r/DentalSchool

    Personal statement. hey everyone! I'm applying this june for dental schools and I have everything ready for my application but the personal statement. I have written one but I would like someone to read it that isn't my family or friends since they all say everything sounds good lmfao. if anyone would be willing to read it and give me tips ...

  8. Personal statement : r/predental

    The #1 social media platform for MCAT advice. The MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) is offered by the AAMC and is a required exam for admission to medical schools in the USA and Canada. /r/MCAT is a place for MCAT practice, questions, discussion, advice, social networking, news, study tips and more.

  9. Dental School Personal Statement: The Ultimate Guide (Examples Included

    Part 2: How to write a dental school personal statement. According to the ADEA, "Your personal statement is a one-page essay (not to exceed 4,500 characters, including spaces, carriages, numbers, letters, etc.) that gives dental schools a clear picture of who you are and, most importantly, why you want to pursue a career in dentistry.". That doesn't quite convey the real goal of your ...

  10. Dental School Personal Statements Explained (With Examples)

    Example of dental school personal statement for pediatric dentistry. The following example might be submitted with an application for a program in pediatric dentistry: I knew I wanted to be a dentist after my first root canal. When I was 13 and nearing the end of seventh grade, I started to notice an ache in my tooth that persisted throughout ...

  11. Do's and Dont's for PERSONAL STATEMENT

    Do's and Dont's for PERSONAL STATEMENT. Kobebucsfan. Mar 15, 2011. This forum made possible through the generous support of SDN members, donors, and sponsors. Thank you. 10+ Year Member. Joined. Apr 20, 2010. Messages.

  12. 10 Dental School Personal Statement Examples

    Here are some more tips for writing a dental school personal statement: 3. Be authentic and readable. In your personal statement, you want to present your very best self, emphasizing your genuine passion for the field and your enthusiasm for working in a healthcare profession like dentistry. Don't try to cram in complicated terminology or ...

  13. Personal statement

    Personal statement. Your personal statement is a one-page essay (not to exceed 4,500 characters, including spaces, carriages, numbers, letters, etc.) that gives dental schools a clear picture of who you are and, most importantly, why you want to pursue a career in dentistry. Although there is no set of rules mandating what a strong personal ...

  14. PDF A Guide to Writing the Dental School Personal Statement

    By reading this article, you'll receive valuable knowledge regarding the personal statement from interviews conducted with dental school admissions, dental students, and dentists. You'll also learn more about writing strategies for the personal statement, how to stand out, red flags, and what admissions committees are looking for. Methods.

  15. CC

    1. Always keep the prompt in mind. The personal statement prompt for dental admission usually doesn't change and is posted on the ADEA website as the following: "Your personal statement is a one-page essay (not to exceed 4,500 characters, including spaces, carriages, numbers, letters, etc.) that gives dental schools a clear picture of who ...

  16. Personal Statement Example

    Eyes on the ball, I rapidly shuffled over to the right as the energy stored in my calf muscles channeled into my arms. In a split second, I whipped my racquet through the air, smacking the ball right on the sweet spot. The ball soared over the net to the other side, landing only to briefly graze the baseline.

  17. Essays

    Dental Applicant Personal Statement. The personal essay asks you to explain your motivation to seek a career in dentistry. You are asked to discuss your philosophy of the dental profession and indicate your goals relevant to the profession. The essay is limited to 5000 characters, including spaces.

  18. Writing a good Personal Statement

    1) Start writing early. I personally went through 30+ drafts when I wrote my personal statement. Although you may not go through this many revisions, it is still a good idea to start early so you could finish your personal statement before June! Keep in mind, you're going to need time to send your personal statement to your advisors and make ...

  19. How to Write a Compelling Personal Statement for the Harvard School of

    Understanding the Importance of a Personal Statement in Your Dental School Application. First, let's talk about why the personal statement is so important. Your academic record and test scores will certainly be considered by the admissions committee, but they also want to learn more about who you are as a person and why you're interested in ...

  20. How to Get Into Dental School: The Ultimate Guide

    Quality study habits will carry through your preparation for dental school and stick with you once you've been accepted into a program. 2. Develop a plan and timeline for covering DAT topics and taking the DAT. Most students take the DAT between the summer after their sophomore year and the summer after junior year.

  21. Application Services

    The personal statement is usually one of the first pieces of information the dental school admissions committee reviews and therefore, it is extremely vital that you present yourself in the best light. The personal statement service is a personalized, comprehensive package. This service includes unlimited* rounds of critique and editing.