It has been proven that the chicken came before the egg (John Smith 21).
It has been proven that the chicken came before the egg (Smith, 21-33).
Rule 4: When there is no author If the work is listed and alphabetized in your source list by its title (no author), then you should refer to it in the parenthetical reference by its title as well. The title may be shortened to just the first word (not including articles like "The" and "A"), and should be quoted or underlined if it is quoted or underlined in your source list. For example:
Experts believe that the chicken came before the egg ( 21). |
Experts believe that the chicken came before the egg (Smith, 2006). |
Rule 5: Page numbers and other numbering systems Sources sometimes use alternate numbering systems like sections (sec.), chapters (ch.), books (bk.), parts (pt.), verses, lines, acts, or scenes. Content within online sources can often only be referenced by paragraph number. If an alternate numbering system is used, include that information instead of page numbers. Note that a comma is used after the author (or title) in this case.
Experts believe that the chicken came before the egg (Smith, pars. 3-4). |
Occasionally, you may find that page numbers are available in addition to these other numbering systems. In this case, it is helpful to include both; provide the page number first, followed by a semicolon, and then the other identifying information. An example follows:
One novel reports a different theory (Smith 55; pt. 1, sec. 3, ch. 1). |
An exception to this rule is that when you are citing a classic verse play or poem, it is standard to omit page numbers even if they are given, and instead cite by division (act, scene, canto, book, part) and line. Divisions and the line number(s) are separated with periods, as in the following examples:
In his classic play, Smith jokes about the egg ( 1.4.55-56). |
Rule 6: When to cite the volume number If you are referring to a multi-volume work like an encyclopedia AND you used more than one volume of that work in your paper, then your parenthetical reference should include the volume number you used, as in the following example where we are referring to pages 5-6 of the third volume:
Experts believe that the chicken came before the egg ("Egg" 3:5-6). |
Rule 7: Referring to an entire work If you are referring to an entire work (like an opera or an entire novel) and not a specific section of the work, state the author and/or title within the sentence, and do not add any further information in parentheses. For example:
Smith's opera "Chicken and Egg" is a light-hearted comedy. |
An exception to the rule above is that if you are citing an entire volume of a multi-volume work, you should include the volume number (either within the sentence, or in parentheses as shown below). Note that we use the abbreviation vol. when page numbers are not provided, unlike the example for Rule 5.
Volume 2 of Smith's book solves the chicken and egg mystery. |
Rule 8: Quoting or paraphrasing a quotation If what you quote or paraphrase in your paper is itself a quotation in the source, add the phrase "qtd. in" to the parenthetical reference as shown here:
"I have proven that the chicken came before the egg" (qtd. in J. Smith 21). |
There are several citation styles out there. SIS uses MLA 9; however, speak with your supervisor or librarian if you'd like to choose a different one. Whichever you choose, BE CONSISTENT with citions and works cited page.
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I'm writing my EE in my Language B subject. I had a question regarding if the quotes are included in my EE word count or not. Do anybody know about that?
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4 of the 34 marks for the Extended Essay are for Criterion D: Presentation. The IB does not provide a checklist to remind you to include page numbers, captions and correct citations. Instead Criterion D asks:
The first bullet point is arguably the most difficult and is inextricably related to Criterion C: Critical thinking. However, there is no reason why you should lose marks for the second two bullet points on layout. Here is a checklist that you can use to determine if your essay is ready to submit:
Have you checked your word count (under 4000 words, after you have excluded words which are not counted towards the word count)?
Have you numbered tables and figures/illustrations, i.e. Fig.1, Table 1?
Does each table, figure or illustration have a caption or label?
For tables, illustrations and figures that are not based on your own work, have you included citations or full references?
Are tables, illustrations and figures mentioned in the text, using a numbered reference?
Do all in-text citations refer to a source in the bibliography or works cited section?
Is your list of works cited / references / bibliography in alphabetical order?
In your bibliography / works cited, are your sources formatted according to the requirements of your style guide (APA, Chicago, MLA)?
Are your pages numbered?
Does your table of contents include section headings and page numbers?
Are quotations clearly indicated by quotation marks or indented blocks?
Are appendices titled, referenced in the text and listed in the table of context?
Have you used a readable, conventional font? Have you double spaced your lines and used standard margins?
Does your title page include both your title and research question ? (Note: do not include your name, candidate number or school name or number on the title pages)
Do your introduction and conclusion answer the research question ? Does the answer to your research question follow logically from your arguments, evidence and findings?
Does the structure of your essay lend itself well to your topic, question and research?
How well does your essay structure lend itself to your argument? See the subject-specific interpretations of the assessment criteria in the EE Guide on the Programme Resource Centre under MyIB. There you can find advice on how to use headings and structures that are appropriate for your subject.
Firstly, the absolute upper limit for an extended essay is 4,000 words. This is a strict threshold. According to general IB criteria, essays exceeding this count risk being penalized, affecting your overall score. This cap is in place to encourage precision and conciseness in your argumentation and analysis.
The title page should include only the following information: ... word count . The upper limit is 4,000 words for all extended essays. Please note: Examiners are instructed not to read or assess any material in excess of the word limit. This means that essays containing more than 4,000 words will be compromised across all assessment criteria.
An essay that attempts to evade the word limit by including important material in footnotes or endnotes will be compromised across the assessment criteria. Please note that footnotes and endnotes are added to the word count as they are encountered. Extended Essay Guide, International Baccalaureate Organization, p. 86, 2016.
Word count. The upper limit is 4,000 words for all extended essays. Please note: Examiners are instructed not to read or assess any material in excess of the word limit. This means that essays containing more than 4,000 words will be compromised across all assessment criteria.
From the guide : The length of the extended essay. The upper limit is 4,000 words for all extended essays. This upper limit includes the introduction, the body, the conclusion and any quotations, but does not include: • the abstract. • acknowledgments. • the contents page. • maps, charts, diagrams, annotated illustrations and tables.
Here's how, in my experience, you can distribute your word count effectively across the various parts of the Extended Essay: Introduction (10-15% of total words). Typically, this would range from 400 to 600 words. This section introduces your research question and provides the necessary background information.
All essays must follow this format: Labelled "Table of Contents" in 12-point, readable font (Arial is recommended) Headings and page numbers for required components of the essay include: Introduction. Body of the essay: Headings and subheadings within the body of the essay may be included. Conclusion.
Formal presentation of the extended essay The extended essay should be written in a clear, correct and formal academic style, appropriate to the subject from which the topic is drawn. The use of word processors is encouraged. The length of the extended essay The upper limit is 4,000 words for all extended essays.
The Extended Essay (EE) is an independent, self-directed academic research, presented in the form of a 4,000-word paper. One component of the International Baccalaureate® (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) core, the extended essay is mandatory for all students. The final work is given a grade from E to A, and makes up part of each student's
The extended essay is an independent, self-directed piece of research, finishing with a 4,000-word paper. One component of the International Baccalaureate® (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) core, the extended essay is mandatory for all students. Read about the extended essay in greater detail. You can also read about how the IB sets deadlines for ...
Word count. You essay must have at most 4000 words. While there is no set penalty for exceeding this, examiners will stop reading at 4000 words, so may not, for example, read your conclusions and your mar is likely to suffer siginficantly. The following table summarises what is and is not included in the word count: (IB EE Guide 2020, Presentation)
The ideal word count varies slightly depending on each subject area's research question and methodology. For instance, the maximum word count of biology extended essays is 4,000, while the restriction for history extended essays is 3,500. Going above the specified word count for an Extended Essay can have major repercussions, such as grade ...
taken from Extended Essay Guidelines booklet we got given: the upper limit is 4000 words. This upper limit includes: > the main part of the EE > any quotations this upper limit does not include: > any acknowledgements > the contents page > the references (for example footnotes, endnotes) > any maps, charts, diagrams, annotated illustrations and tables > the bibliography > the appendix > the ...
The extended essay should be written in a clear, correct and formal academic style, appropriate to the subject from which the topic is drawn. ... Teachers and students are asked not to include punctuation in the word count for assessed work. The word count should only take into account the number of characters typed. (IBO Feb 2023)
The extended essay is an independent, self-directed piece of research, finishing with a 4,000-word paper. ... Word count includes everything in the main body of the text (including headings, tables, citations, quotes, lists, etc). ... appendices and footnotes2 are NOT included in the word count unless it is clearly stated in the coursework ...
The upper limit is 4,000 words for all extended essays. This upper limit includes the introduction, the body, the conclusion and any quotations, but does not include: the abstract acknowledgments the contents page maps, charts, diagrams, annotated illustrations and tables equations, formulas and calculations
Generally, the word count would not include the title page, if you have one. Words used in tables or graphs, including the legends, would not normnally be included. If you use abstracts as part of the body of your material, then they would be included. Citations, on the other hand, would not. If the math equations constitute any portion of your ...
The length of the extended essay. The upper limit is 4,000 words for all extended essays. This upper limit includes the introduction, the body, the conclusion and any quotations, but does not include: • the abstract. • acknowledgments. • the contents page. • maps, charts, diagrams, annotated illustrations and tables.
Generally speaking, the word count will include the following: All titles or headings that form part of the actual text. All words that form the essay (the main body of text). All words forming the titles for figures, tables and boxes, are included but this does not include boxes or tables or figures themselves.
Rule 1: Placement. The parentheses are usually placed at the end of a sentence, between the last word and the period. If you are quoting material directly, the parentheses should go between the closing quotation mark and the period: "The chicken came before the egg" (Smith 21). Rule 2: Sentence vs. parentheses.
This is from the IB extended essay guide: The upper limit is 4,000 words for all extended essays. This upper limit includes the introduction, the body, the conclusion and any quotations, but does not include: • the abstract • acknowledgments • the contents page • maps, charts, diagrams, annotated illustrations and tables
4 of the 34 marks for the Extended Essay are for Criterion D: Presentation. The IB does not provide a checklist to remind you to include page numbers, captions and correct citations. Instead Criterion D asks: ... Have you checked your word count (under 4000 words, after you have excluded words which are not counted towards the word count)? ...