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How to Write an Argumentative Essay | Examples & Tips

Published on July 24, 2020 by Jack Caulfield . Revised on July 23, 2023.

An argumentative essay expresses an extended argument for a particular thesis statement . The author takes a clearly defined stance on their subject and builds up an evidence-based case for it.

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When do you write an argumentative essay, approaches to argumentative essays, introducing your argument, the body: developing your argument, concluding your argument, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about argumentative essays.

You might be assigned an argumentative essay as a writing exercise in high school or in a composition class. The prompt will often ask you to argue for one of two positions, and may include terms like “argue” or “argument.” It will frequently take the form of a question.

The prompt may also be more open-ended in terms of the possible arguments you could make.

Argumentative writing at college level

At university, the vast majority of essays or papers you write will involve some form of argumentation. For example, both rhetorical analysis and literary analysis essays involve making arguments about texts.

In this context, you won’t necessarily be told to write an argumentative essay—but making an evidence-based argument is an essential goal of most academic writing, and this should be your default approach unless you’re told otherwise.

Examples of argumentative essay prompts

At a university level, all the prompts below imply an argumentative essay as the appropriate response.

Your research should lead you to develop a specific position on the topic. The essay then argues for that position and aims to convince the reader by presenting your evidence, evaluation and analysis.

  • Don’t just list all the effects you can think of.
  • Do develop a focused argument about the overall effect and why it matters, backed up by evidence from sources.
  • Don’t just provide a selection of data on the measures’ effectiveness.
  • Do build up your own argument about which kinds of measures have been most or least effective, and why.
  • Don’t just analyze a random selection of doppelgänger characters.
  • Do form an argument about specific texts, comparing and contrasting how they express their thematic concerns through doppelgänger characters.

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An argumentative essay should be objective in its approach; your arguments should rely on logic and evidence, not on exaggeration or appeals to emotion.

There are many possible approaches to argumentative essays, but there are two common models that can help you start outlining your arguments: The Toulmin model and the Rogerian model.

Toulmin arguments

The Toulmin model consists of four steps, which may be repeated as many times as necessary for the argument:

  • Make a claim
  • Provide the grounds (evidence) for the claim
  • Explain the warrant (how the grounds support the claim)
  • Discuss possible rebuttals to the claim, identifying the limits of the argument and showing that you have considered alternative perspectives

The Toulmin model is a common approach in academic essays. You don’t have to use these specific terms (grounds, warrants, rebuttals), but establishing a clear connection between your claims and the evidence supporting them is crucial in an argumentative essay.

Say you’re making an argument about the effectiveness of workplace anti-discrimination measures. You might:

  • Claim that unconscious bias training does not have the desired results, and resources would be better spent on other approaches
  • Cite data to support your claim
  • Explain how the data indicates that the method is ineffective
  • Anticipate objections to your claim based on other data, indicating whether these objections are valid, and if not, why not.

Rogerian arguments

The Rogerian model also consists of four steps you might repeat throughout your essay:

  • Discuss what the opposing position gets right and why people might hold this position
  • Highlight the problems with this position
  • Present your own position , showing how it addresses these problems
  • Suggest a possible compromise —what elements of your position would proponents of the opposing position benefit from adopting?

This model builds up a clear picture of both sides of an argument and seeks a compromise. It is particularly useful when people tend to disagree strongly on the issue discussed, allowing you to approach opposing arguments in good faith.

Say you want to argue that the internet has had a positive impact on education. You might:

  • Acknowledge that students rely too much on websites like Wikipedia
  • Argue that teachers view Wikipedia as more unreliable than it really is
  • Suggest that Wikipedia’s system of citations can actually teach students about referencing
  • Suggest critical engagement with Wikipedia as a possible assignment for teachers who are skeptical of its usefulness.

You don’t necessarily have to pick one of these models—you may even use elements of both in different parts of your essay—but it’s worth considering them if you struggle to structure your arguments.

Regardless of which approach you take, your essay should always be structured using an introduction , a body , and a conclusion .

Like other academic essays, an argumentative essay begins with an introduction . The introduction serves to capture the reader’s interest, provide background information, present your thesis statement , and (in longer essays) to summarize the structure of the body.

Hover over different parts of the example below to see how a typical introduction works.

The spread of the internet has had a world-changing effect, not least on the world of education. The use of the internet in academic contexts is on the rise, and its role in learning is hotly debated. For many teachers who did not grow up with this technology, its effects seem alarming and potentially harmful. This concern, while understandable, is misguided. The negatives of internet use are outweighed by its critical benefits for students and educators—as a uniquely comprehensive and accessible information source; a means of exposure to and engagement with different perspectives; and a highly flexible learning environment.

The body of an argumentative essay is where you develop your arguments in detail. Here you’ll present evidence, analysis, and reasoning to convince the reader that your thesis statement is true.

In the standard five-paragraph format for short essays, the body takes up three of your five paragraphs. In longer essays, it will be more paragraphs, and might be divided into sections with headings.

Each paragraph covers its own topic, introduced with a topic sentence . Each of these topics must contribute to your overall argument; don’t include irrelevant information.

This example paragraph takes a Rogerian approach: It first acknowledges the merits of the opposing position and then highlights problems with that position.

Hover over different parts of the example to see how a body paragraph is constructed.

A common frustration for teachers is students’ use of Wikipedia as a source in their writing. Its prevalence among students is not exaggerated; a survey found that the vast majority of the students surveyed used Wikipedia (Head & Eisenberg, 2010). An article in The Guardian stresses a common objection to its use: “a reliance on Wikipedia can discourage students from engaging with genuine academic writing” (Coomer, 2013). Teachers are clearly not mistaken in viewing Wikipedia usage as ubiquitous among their students; but the claim that it discourages engagement with academic sources requires further investigation. This point is treated as self-evident by many teachers, but Wikipedia itself explicitly encourages students to look into other sources. Its articles often provide references to academic publications and include warning notes where citations are missing; the site’s own guidelines for research make clear that it should be used as a starting point, emphasizing that users should always “read the references and check whether they really do support what the article says” (“Wikipedia:Researching with Wikipedia,” 2020). Indeed, for many students, Wikipedia is their first encounter with the concepts of citation and referencing. The use of Wikipedia therefore has a positive side that merits deeper consideration than it often receives.

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An argumentative essay ends with a conclusion that summarizes and reflects on the arguments made in the body.

No new arguments or evidence appear here, but in longer essays you may discuss the strengths and weaknesses of your argument and suggest topics for future research. In all conclusions, you should stress the relevance and importance of your argument.

Hover over the following example to see the typical elements of a conclusion.

The internet has had a major positive impact on the world of education; occasional pitfalls aside, its value is evident in numerous applications. The future of teaching lies in the possibilities the internet opens up for communication, research, and interactivity. As the popularity of distance learning shows, students value the flexibility and accessibility offered by digital education, and educators should fully embrace these advantages. The internet’s dangers, real and imaginary, have been documented exhaustively by skeptics, but the internet is here to stay; it is time to focus seriously on its potential for good.

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An argumentative essay tends to be a longer essay involving independent research, and aims to make an original argument about a topic. Its thesis statement makes a contentious claim that must be supported in an objective, evidence-based way.

An expository essay also aims to be objective, but it doesn’t have to make an original argument. Rather, it aims to explain something (e.g., a process or idea) in a clear, concise way. Expository essays are often shorter assignments and rely less on research.

At college level, you must properly cite your sources in all essays , research papers , and other academic texts (except exams and in-class exercises).

Add a citation whenever you quote , paraphrase , or summarize information or ideas from a source. You should also give full source details in a bibliography or reference list at the end of your text.

The exact format of your citations depends on which citation style you are instructed to use. The most common styles are APA , MLA , and Chicago .

The majority of the essays written at university are some sort of argumentative essay . Unless otherwise specified, you can assume that the goal of any essay you’re asked to write is argumentative: To convince the reader of your position using evidence and reasoning.

In composition classes you might be given assignments that specifically test your ability to write an argumentative essay. Look out for prompts including instructions like “argue,” “assess,” or “discuss” to see if this is the goal.

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Caulfield, J. (2023, July 23). How to Write an Argumentative Essay | Examples & Tips. Scribbr. Retrieved July 5, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/academic-essay/argumentative-essay/

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Jack Caulfield

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52 Argumentative Essay Ideas that are Actually Interesting

What’s covered:, how to pick a good argumentative essay topic, elements of a strong argumentative essay, argumentative essay idea example topics.

Are you having writer’s block? Coming up with an essay topic can be the hardest part of the process. You have very likely encountered argumentative essay writing in high school and have been asked to write your own. If you’re having trouble finding a topic, we’ve created a list of 52 essay ideas to help jumpstart your brainstorming process! In addition, this post will cover strategies for picking a topic and how to make your argument a strong one. Ultimately, the goal is to convince your reader. 

An argumentative essay tasks the writer with presenting an assertion and bolstering that assertion with proper research. You’ll present the claim’s authenticity. This means that whatever argument you’re making must be empirically true! Writing an argumentative essay without any evidence will leave you stranded without any facts to back up your claim. When choosing your essay topic, begin by thinking about themes that have been researched before. Readers will be more engaged with an argument that is supported by data.

This isn’t to say that your argumentative essay topic has to be as well-known, like “Gravity: Does it Exist?” but it shouldn’t be so obscure that there isn’t ample evidence. Finding a topic with multiple sources confirming its validity will help you support your thesis throughout your essay. If upon review of these articles you begin to doubt their worth due to small sample sizes, biased funding sources, or scientific disintegrity, don’t be afraid to move on to a different topic. Your ultimate goal should be proving to your audience that your argument is true because the data supports it.

The hardest essays to write are the ones that you don’t care about. If you don’t care about your topic, why should someone else? Topics that are more personal to the reader are immediately more thoughtful and meaningful because the author’s passion shines through. If you are free to choose an argumentative essay topic, find a topic where the papers you read and cite are fun to read. It’s much easier to write when the passion is already inside of you!

However, you won’t always have the choice to pick your topic. You may receive an assignment to write an argumentative essay that you feel is boring. There is still value in writing an argumentative essay on a topic that may not be of interest to you. It will push you to study a new topic, and broaden your ability to write on a variety of topics. Getting good at proving a point thoroughly and effectively will help you to both understand different fields more completely and increase your comfort with scientific writing.

Convincing Thesis Statement

It’s important to remember the general essay structure: an introduction paragraph with a thesis statement, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. A strong thesis statement will set your essay up for success. What is it? A succinct, concise, and pithy sentence found in your first paragraph that summarizes your main point. Pour over this statement to ensure that you can set up your reader to understand your essay. You should also restate your thesis throughout your essay to keep your reader focused on your point.

Ample Research

A typical argumentative essay prompt may look like this: “What has been the most important invention of the 21st century? Support your claim with evidence.” This question is open-ended and gives you flexibility. But that also means it requires research to prove your point convincingly. The strongest essays weave scientific quotes and results into your writing. You can use recent articles, primary sources, or news sources. Maybe you even cite your own research. Remember, this process takes time, so be sure you set aside enough time to dive deep into your topic.

Clear Structure

If the reader can’t follow your argument, all your research could be for nothing! Structure is key to persuading your audience. Below are two common argumentative essay structures that you can use to organize your essays.

The Toulmin argument and the Rogerian argument each contain the four sections mentioned above but executes them in different ways. Be sure to familiarize yourself with both essay structures so that your essay is the most effective it can be.

The Toulmin argument has a straightforward presentation. You begin with your assertion, your thesis statement. You then list the evidence that supports your point and why these are valid sources. The bulk of your essay should be explaining how your sources support your claim. You then end your essay by acknowledging and discussing the problems or flaws that readers may find in your presentation. Then, you should list the solutions to these and alternative perspectives and prove your argument is stronger.

The Rogerian argument has a more complex structure. You begin with a discussion of what opposing sides do right and the validity of their arguments. This is effective because it allows you to piece apart your opponent’s argument. The next section contains your position on the questions. In this section, it is important to list problems with your opponent’s argument that your argument fixes. This way, your position feels much stronger. Your essay ends with suggesting a possible compromise between the two sides. A combination of the two sides could be the most effective solution.

  • Is the death penalty effective?
  • Is our election process fair?
  • Is the electoral college outdated?
  • Should we have lower taxes?
  • How many Supreme Court Justices should there be?
  • Should there be different term limits for elected officials?
  • Should the drinking age be lowered?
  • Does religion cause war?
  • Should the country legalize marijuana?
  • Should the country have tighter gun control laws?
  • Should men get paternity leave?
  • Should maternity leave be longer?
  • Should smoking be banned?
  • Should the government have a say in our diet?
  • Should birth control be free?
  • Should we increase access to condoms for teens?
  • Should abortion be legal?
  • Do school uniforms help educational attainment?
  • Are kids better or worse students than they were ten years ago?
  • Should students be allowed to cheat?
  • Is school too long?
  • Does school start too early?
  • Are there benefits to attending a single-sex school?
  • Is summer break still relevant?
  • Is college too expensive?

Art / Culture

  • How can you reform copyright law?
  • What was the best decade for music?
  • Do video games cause students to be more violent?
  • Should content online be more harshly regulated?
  • Should graffiti be considered art or vandalism?
  • Should schools ban books?
  • How important is art education?
  • Should music be taught in school?
  • Are music-sharing services helpful to artists?
  • What is the best way to teach science in a religious school?
  • Should fracking be legal?
  • Should parents be allowed to modify their unborn children?
  • Should vaccinations be required for attending school?
  • Are GMOs helpful or harmful?
  • Are we too dependent on our phones?
  • Should everyone have internet access?
  • Should internet access be free?
  • Should the police force be required to wear body cams?
  • Should social media companies be allowed to collect data from their users?
  • How has the internet impacted human society?
  • Should self-driving cars be allowed on the streets?
  • Should athletes be held to high moral standards?
  • Are professional athletes paid too much?
  • Should the U.S. have more professional sports teams?
  • Should sports be separated by gender?
  • Should college athletes be paid?
  • What are the best ways to increase safety in sports?

Where to Get More Argumentative Essay Topic Ideas

If you need more help brainstorming topics, especially those that are personalized to your interests, you can use CollegeVine’s free AI tutor, Ivy . Ivy can help you come up with original argumentative essay ideas, and she can also help with the rest of your homework, from math to languages.

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5 Best Argumentative Essay Examples: Crafting Strong Arguments

Discover five compelling argumentative essay examples and learn how to structure and write effective argumentative essays.

Writing an argumentative essay is an essential skill that helps you articulate your thoughts, present your arguments logically, and convince your audience of your viewpoint. In this article, we'll dive into the world of argumentative essays, providing you with five compelling argumentative essay examples and a detailed explanation of what makes each one effective. We'll also cover the structure of argumentative essays, offer tips for writing them, and answer some frequently asked questions.

What is an Argumentative Essay?

What is Argumentative Essay Examples

An argumentative essay is a type of writing that presents a clear stance on a specific issue, supported by evidence and reasoning. The goal is to persuade the reader to agree with your perspective. Unlike other types of essays, argumentative essays require thorough research and a balanced approach, considering both sides of the argument before making a case for one.

best essays argumentative

Key Components of an Argumentative Essay


  • Hook: Grab the reader's attention.
  • Background information: Provide context.
  • Thesis statement: State your position clearly.

Body Paragraphs

  • Topic sentence: Introduce the main idea.
  • Evidence: Support your argument with facts, statistics, or quotes.
  • Counterarguments: Address opposing views.
  • Rebuttal: Refute the counterarguments.
  • Restate your thesis.
  • Summarize key points.
  • Call to action: Encourage the reader to take action or think differently.

Argumentative Essay Example 1: The Role of Technology in Education: Boon or Bane?

Argumentative Essay Example 1: The Role of Technology in Education: Boon or Bane?

In today's rapidly evolving world, technology has become an integral part of our lives, influencing almost every sector, including education. The debate over whether technology is a boon or a bane in education is ongoing, with strong arguments on both sides. While technology offers numerous benefits such as enhanced learning experiences, increased accessibility, and personalized education, it also poses challenges like distraction, inequality, and dependency.

Enhanced Learning Experiences

One of the most significant advantages of technology in education is the enhancement of learning experiences. Interactive tools such as smart boards, educational apps, and virtual reality (VR) can make learning more engaging and effective.

  • Stat : According to a study by the Pew Research Center, 92% of teachers believe that the internet has a major impact on their ability to access content, resources, and materials.

Increased Accessibility

Technology has also made education more accessible to a broader audience. Online courses and educational platforms allow students from all over the world to access quality education regardless of their geographical location.

  • Fact : Coursera, one of the leading online education platforms, has over 77 million users worldwide.

Personalized Education

Adaptive learning technologies can tailor educational content to individual students' needs, learning styles, and pace. This personalized approach helps students to grasp subjects more efficiently and keeps them motivated.

Distraction and Reduced Attention Span

Despite the benefits, there are notable disadvantages. One of the main concerns is the potential for distraction. With the proliferation of digital devices, students may find it challenging to focus on their studies.

  • Stat : A study by Common Sense Media found that 50% of teens feel addicted to their mobile devices.

Inequality and Digital Divide

Not all students have equal access to technology and the internet, particularly in low-income or rural areas. This disparity can widen the achievement gap between students who have access to digital resources and those who do not.

In conclusion, the role of technology in education is a double-edged sword. While it offers significant advantages such as enhanced learning experiences, increased accessibility, and personalized education, it also presents challenges like distraction, inequality, and dependency. By implementing strategies that promote balanced and equitable use of technology, we can ensure that it serves as a boon rather than a bane in the educational landscape.

Argumentative Essay Example 2: Should the Death Penalty Be Abolished?

Argumentative Essay Example 2: Should the Death Penalty Be Abolished?

The death penalty, also known as capital punishment, has been a controversial topic for decades. While some argue that it serves as a deterrent to crime and delivers justice for victims, others believe it is inhumane and prone to errors. This essay explores both sides of the argument to determine whether the death penalty should be abolished.

Deterrent to Crime

Proponents of the death penalty argue that it serves as a powerful deterrent to serious crimes. The fear of facing the ultimate punishment may prevent individuals from committing heinous acts.

  • Stat : According to a study by the National Research Council, there is no conclusive evidence that the death penalty deters crime more effectively than long-term imprisonment.

Delivering Justice

Supporters also believe that the death penalty delivers justice for victims and their families. It provides a sense of closure and ensures that the perpetrator cannot commit further crimes.

Inhumane and Cruel

Opponents argue that the death penalty is inhumane and a violation of human rights. The process of execution is often prolonged and painful, causing unnecessary suffering.

  • Fact : Amnesty International reports that at least 483 executions were carried out worldwide in 2020.

Risk of Wrongful Convictions

There is also the risk of wrongful convictions, where innocent people are sentenced to death. The judicial system is not infallible, and mistakes can lead to irreversible consequences.

  • Stat : The Innocence Project has helped to exonerate over 375 wrongly convicted individuals in the United States through DNA testing.

In conclusion, while the death penalty may offer a sense of justice and deterrence, its potential for inhumanity and wrongful convictions cannot be overlooked. Abolishing the death penalty would ensure that the justice system prioritizes human rights and the possibility of rehabilitation over irreversible punishment.

Argumentative Essay Example 3: The Impact of Social Media on Society

Argumentative Essay Example 3: The Impact of Social Media on Society

Social media has revolutionized the way we communicate, share information, and connect with others. While it offers numerous benefits such as staying in touch with friends and family, promoting businesses, and raising awareness about important issues, it also has negative effects like cyberbullying, misinformation, and decreased face-to-face interactions.

Staying Connected

One of the primary benefits of social media is that it allows people to stay connected with friends and family, no matter the distance. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter enable users to share updates, photos, and videos easily.

  • Stat : As of 2021, there are over 4.2 billion active social media users worldwide.

Promoting Businesses

Social media is a powerful tool for businesses to reach a broader audience, engage with customers, and promote their products or services. It provides a cost-effective way to market and grow a brand.

  • Fact : According to Hootsuite, 54% of social browsers use social media to research products.

Cyberbullying and Mental Health

Despite its benefits, social media can also have negative effects. Cyberbullying is a significant issue, with many individuals experiencing harassment and abuse online.

  • Stat : The Cyberbullying Research Center reports that about 34% of students have experienced cyberbullying at some point in their lives.

Spread of Misinformation

Social media platforms can also contribute to the spread of misinformation and fake news. False information can quickly go viral, leading to confusion and mistrust.

  • Fact : A study by MIT found that false news spreads six times faster than the truth on Twitter.

In conclusion, while social media offers numerous benefits such as staying connected, promoting businesses, and raising awareness, it also has negative effects like cyberbullying, misinformation, and decreased face-to-face interactions. By using social media responsibly and promoting digital literacy, we can mitigate these negative impacts and harness the positive potential of these platforms.

Argumentative Essay Example 4: Should Animal Testing Be Banned?

Argumentative Essay Example 4: Should Animal Testing Be Banned?

Animal testing has been a contentious issue for many years. While it has contributed to numerous scientific and medical advancements, it also raises ethical concerns about the treatment of animals. This essay examines both sides of the argument to determine whether animal testing should be banned.

Scientific Advancements

Proponents of animal testing argue that it has led to significant scientific and medical advancements. Many life-saving treatments and vaccines have been developed through research involving animals.

  • Stat : According to the Foundation for Biomedical Research, about 95% of all laboratory animals are rodents, which play a crucial role in medical research.

Ethical Concerns

Opponents argue that animal testing is unethical and inhumane. Animals are subjected to painful procedures and kept in confined spaces, raising serious concerns about their welfare.

  • Fact : PETA reports that over 100 million animals are used in laboratory experiments annually in the United States alone.

Alternatives to Animal Testing

There are also viable alternatives to animal testing that are more humane and potentially more effective. These include in vitro testing, computer modeling, and human-patient simulators.

  • Stat : The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has invested over $1 billion in the development of alternative testing methods since 2013.

Reliability and Relevance

Critics also question the reliability and relevance of animal testing. Animals often react differently to substances than humans, leading to inaccurate results and potentially harmful outcomes.

  • Fact : The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reports that 92% of drugs that pass preclinical tests on animals fail during human trials.

In conclusion, while animal testing has contributed to significant scientific and medical advancements, the ethical concerns and availability of alternative methods suggest that it may be time to move away from this practice. Banning animal testing would promote the development of more humane and potentially more effective research methods.

Argumentative Essay Example 5: Should College Education Be Free?

Argumentative Essay Example 5: Should College Education Be Free?

The rising cost of college education has sparked a heated debate over whether it should be free. Advocates argue that free college education would increase accessibility, reduce inequality, and boost the economy, while opponents believe it would lead to increased taxes, decreased quality of education, and overburdened public systems. This essay explores both perspectives to determine whether college education should be free.

Increased Accessibility and Equality

Proponents of free college education argue that it would make higher education accessible to everyone, regardless of their financial background. This increased accessibility would reduce the inequality gap, allowing more individuals to pursue their dreams and contribute positively to society.

  • Stat : According to the National Center for Education Statistics, about 45% of college students drop out before completing their degree, often due to financial difficulties.

Economic Benefits

Free college education could also provide significant economic benefits. A more educated workforce can lead to higher productivity, innovation, and economic growth. Additionally, graduates with less student debt are more likely to invest in homes, start businesses, and contribute to the economy.

  • Fact : A study by the Economic Policy Institute found that workers with a bachelor's degree earn approximately 56% more than those with only a high school diploma.

Increased Taxes and Government Spending

Opponents argue that free college education would require a substantial increase in taxes and government spending. Funding higher education for all would place a significant financial burden on taxpayers, potentially leading to budget cuts in other essential services.

Potential Decrease in Education Quality

There are also concerns that making college education free could lead to a decrease in the quality of education. With increased enrollment, colleges and universities may struggle to maintain the same level of quality, resources, and support for students.

  • Stat : According to a report by the National Bureau of Economic Research, countries with free college education often face challenges related to overcrowded classrooms and underfunded institutions.

Overburdened Public Systems

Another argument against free college education is that it could overburden public higher education systems. With a surge in enrollment, public colleges and universities may face difficulties in accommodating all students, leading to longer wait times, fewer resources, and compromised educational experiences.

In conclusion, while free college education could increase accessibility, reduce inequality, and provide economic benefits, it also poses challenges such as increased taxes, potential decreases in education quality, and overburdened public systems. A balanced approach that includes targeted financial aid, scholarships, and affordable tuition options may be a more viable solution to addressing the rising costs of college education.

FAQs about Argumentative Essays

Q1: What is the purpose of an argumentative essay? A: The purpose of an argumentative essay is to present a clear stance on a specific issue, supported by evidence and reasoning, to persuade the reader to agree with the author's perspective.

Q2: How is an argumentative essay different from a persuasive essay? A: While both aim to convince the reader, an argumentative essay relies on evidence and logical reasoning, whereas a persuasive essay may use emotional appeals and personal opinions.

Q3: What are some common topics for argumentative essays? A: Common topics include social issues (e.g., gun control, abortion), ethical debates (e.g., animal testing, death penalty), and policy discussions (e.g., free college education, healthcare reform).

Q4: How can I choose a good topic for my argumentative essay? A: Choose a topic that you are passionate about, has clear opposing views, and can be supported with credible evidence and research.

Q5: What is the best way to structure an argumentative essay? A: An effective structure includes an introduction with a clear thesis statement, body paragraphs with evidence and counterarguments, and a conclusion that restates the thesis and summarizes key points.

Tips for Writing a Strong Argumentative Essay

  • Do thorough research : Gather credible sources and evidence to support your arguments.
  • Use clear and concise language : Make your points easy to understand and follow.
  • Address counterarguments : Acknowledge opposing views and refute them with evidence.
  • Stay organized : Use a logical structure and flow to guide your reader through your essay.
  • Edit and revise : Proofread your essay to ensure clarity, coherence, and correctness.

Argumentative essays are a vital tool for developing critical thinking and persuasive communication skills. By exploring both sides of an issue and supporting your stance with evidence, you can create compelling arguments that engage and convince your audience. Whether you're writing about technology in education, the death penalty, social media, animal testing, or free college education, understanding the structure and components of an argumentative essay will help you craft strong, effective essays.

Argumentative Essay Examples to Inspire You (+ Free Formula)

Argumentative Essay Examples to Inspire You (+ Free Formula)

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Meredith Sell

Have you ever been asked to explain your opinion on a controversial issue? 

  • Maybe your family got into a discussion about chemical pesticides
  • Someone at work argues against investing resources into your project
  • Your partner thinks intermittent fasting is the best way to lose weight and you disagree

Proving your point in an argumentative essay can be challenging, unless you are using a proven formula.

Argumentative essay formula & example

In the image below, you can see a recommended structure for argumentative essays. It starts with the topic sentence, which establishes the main idea of the essay. Next, this hypothesis is developed in the development stage. Then, the rebuttal, or the refutal of the main counter argument or arguments. Then, again, development of the rebuttal. This is followed by an example, and ends with a summary. This is a very basic structure, but it gives you a bird-eye-view of how a proper argumentative essay can be built.

Structure of an argumentative essay

Writing an argumentative essay (for a class, a news outlet, or just for fun) can help you improve your understanding of an issue and sharpen your thinking on the matter. Using researched facts and data, you can explain why you or others think the way you do, even while other reasonable people disagree.

best essays argumentative

What Is an Argumentative Essay?

An argumentative essay is an explanatory essay that takes a side.

Instead of appealing to emotion and personal experience to change the reader’s mind, an argumentative essay uses logic and well-researched factual information to explain why the thesis in question is the most reasonable opinion on the matter.  

Over several paragraphs or pages, the author systematically walks through:

  • The opposition (and supporting evidence)
  • The chosen thesis (and its supporting evidence)

At the end, the author leaves the decision up to the reader, trusting that the case they’ve made will do the work of changing the reader’s mind. Even if the reader’s opinion doesn’t change, they come away from the essay with a greater understanding of the perspective presented — and perhaps a better understanding of their original opinion.

All of that might make it seem like writing an argumentative essay is way harder than an emotionally-driven persuasive essay — but if you’re like me and much more comfortable spouting facts and figures than making impassioned pleas, you may find that an argumentative essay is easier to write. 

Plus, the process of researching an argumentative essay means you can check your assumptions and develop an opinion that’s more based in reality than what you originally thought. I know for sure that my opinions need to be fact checked — don’t yours?

So how exactly do we write the argumentative essay?

How do you start an argumentative essay

First, gain a clear understanding of what exactly an argumentative essay is. To formulate a proper topic sentence, you have to be clear on your topic, and to explore it through research.

Students have difficulty starting an essay because the whole task seems intimidating, and they are afraid of spending too much time on the topic sentence. Experienced writers, however, know that there is no set time to spend on figuring out your topic. It's a real exploration that is based to a large extent on intuition.

6 Steps to Write an Argumentative Essay (Persuasion Formula)

Use this checklist to tackle your essay one step at a time:

best essays argumentative

1. Research an issue with an arguable question

To start, you need to identify an issue that well-informed people have varying opinions on. Here, it’s helpful to think of one core topic and how it intersects with another (or several other) issues. That intersection is where hot takes and reasonable (or unreasonable) opinions abound. 

I find it helpful to stage the issue as a question.

For example: 

Is it better to legislate the minimum size of chicken enclosures or to outlaw the sale of eggs from chickens who don’t have enough space?
Should snow removal policies focus more on effectively keeping roads clear for traffic or the environmental impacts of snow removal methods?

Once you have your arguable question ready, start researching the basic facts and specific opinions and arguments on the issue. Do your best to stay focused on gathering information that is directly relevant to your topic. Depending on what your essay is for, you may reference academic studies, government reports, or newspaper articles.

‍ Research your opposition and the facts that support their viewpoint as much as you research your own position . You’ll need to address your opposition in your essay, so you’ll want to know their argument from the inside out.

2. Choose a side based on your research

You likely started with an inclination toward one side or the other, but your research should ultimately shape your perspective. So once you’ve completed the research, nail down your opinion and start articulating the what and why of your take. 

What: I think it’s better to outlaw selling eggs from chickens whose enclosures are too small.
Why: Because if you regulate the enclosure size directly, egg producers outside of the government’s jurisdiction could ship eggs into your territory and put nearby egg producers out of business by offering better prices because they don’t have the added cost of larger enclosures.

This is an early form of your thesis and the basic logic of your argument. You’ll want to iterate on this a few times and develop a one-sentence statement that sums up the thesis of your essay.

Thesis: Outlawing the sale of eggs from chickens with cramped living spaces is better for business than regulating the size of chicken enclosures.

Now that you’ve articulated your thesis , spell out the counterargument(s) as well. Putting your opposition’s take into words will help you throughout the rest of the essay-writing process. (You can start by choosing the counter argument option with Wordtune Spices .)

best essays argumentative

Counter argument:

best essays argumentative

There may be one main counterargument to articulate, or several. Write them all out and start thinking about how you’ll use evidence to address each of them or show why your argument is still the best option.

3. Organize the evidence — for your side and the opposition

You did all of that research for a reason. Now’s the time to use it. 

Hopefully, you kept detailed notes in a document, complete with links and titles of all your source material. Go through your research document and copy the evidence for your argument and your opposition’s into another document.

List the main points of your argument. Then, below each point, paste the evidence that backs them up.

If you’re writing about chicken enclosures, maybe you found evidence that shows the spread of disease among birds kept in close quarters is worse than among birds who have more space. Or maybe you found information that says eggs from free-range chickens are more flavorful or nutritious. Put that information next to the appropriate part of your argument. 

Repeat the process with your opposition’s argument: What information did you find that supports your opposition? Paste it beside your opposition’s argument.

You could also put information here that refutes your opposition, but organize it in a way that clearly tells you — at a glance — that the information disproves their point.

Counterargument: Outlawing the sale of eggs from chickens with too small enclosures will negatively affect prices and sales.
BUT: Sicknesses like avian flu spread more easily through small enclosures and could cause a shortage that would drive up egg prices naturally, so ensuring larger enclosures is still a better policy for consumers over the long term.

As you organize your research and see the evidence all together, start thinking through the best way to order your points.  

Will it be better to present your argument all at once or to break it up with opposition claims you can quickly refute? Would some points set up other points well? Does a more complicated point require that the reader understands a simpler point first?

Play around and rearrange your notes to see how your essay might flow one way or another.

4. Freewrite or outline to think through your argument

Is your brain buzzing yet? At this point in the process, it can be helpful to take out a notebook or open a fresh document and dump whatever you’re thinking on the page.

Where should your essay start? What ground-level information do you need to provide your readers before you can dive into the issue?

Use your organized evidence document from step 3 to think through your argument from beginning to end, and determine the structure of your essay.

There are three typical structures for argumentative essays:

  • Make your argument and tackle opposition claims one by one, as they come up in relation to the points of your argument - In this approach, the whole essay — from beginning to end — focuses on your argument, but as you make each point, you address the relevant opposition claims individually. This approach works well if your opposition’s views can be quickly explained and refuted and if they directly relate to specific points in your argument.
  • Make the bulk of your argument, and then address the opposition all at once in a paragraph (or a few) - This approach puts the opposition in its own section, separate from your main argument. After you’ve made your case, with ample evidence to convince your readers, you write about the opposition, explaining their viewpoint and supporting evidence — and showing readers why the opposition’s argument is unconvincing. Once you’ve addressed the opposition, you write a conclusion that sums up why your argument is the better one.
  • Open your essay by talking about the opposition and where it falls short. Build your entire argument to show how it is superior to that opposition - With this structure, you’re showing your readers “a better way” to address the issue. After opening your piece by showing how your opposition’s approaches fail, you launch into your argument, providing readers with ample evidence that backs you up.

As you think through your argument and examine your evidence document, consider which structure will serve your argument best. Sketch out an outline to give yourself a map to follow in the writing process. You could also rearrange your evidence document again to match your outline, so it will be easy to find what you need when you start writing.

5. Write your first draft

You have an outline and an organized document with all your points and evidence lined up and ready. Now you just have to write your essay.

In your first draft, focus on getting your ideas on the page. Your wording may not be perfect (whose is?), but you know what you’re trying to say — so even if you’re overly wordy and taking too much space to say what you need to say, put those words on the page.

Follow your outline, and draw from that evidence document to flesh out each point of your argument. Explain what the evidence means for your argument and your opposition. Connect the dots for your readers so they can follow you, point by point, and understand what you’re trying to say.

As you write, be sure to include:

1. Any background information your reader needs in order to understand the issue in question.

2. Evidence for both your argument and the counterargument(s). This shows that you’ve done your homework and builds trust with your reader, while also setting you up to make a more convincing argument. (If you find gaps in your research while you’re writing, Wordtune can help.

best essays argumentative

3. A conclusion that sums up your overall argument and evidence — and leaves the reader with an understanding of the issue and its significance. This sort of conclusion brings your essay to a strong ending that doesn’t waste readers’ time, but actually adds value to your case.

6. Revise (with Wordtune)

The hard work is done: you have a first draft. Now, let’s fine tune your writing.

I like to step away from what I’ve written for a day (or at least a night of sleep) before attempting to revise. It helps me approach clunky phrases and rough transitions with fresh eyes. If you don’t have that luxury, just get away from your computer for a few minutes — use the bathroom, do some jumping jacks, eat an apple — and then come back and read through your piece.

As you revise, make sure you …

  • Get the facts right. An argument with false evidence falls apart pretty quickly, so check your facts to make yours rock solid.
  • Don’t misrepresent the opposition or their evidence. If someone who holds the opposing view reads your essay, they should affirm how you explain their side — even if they disagree with your rebuttal.
  • Present a case that builds over the course of your essay, makes sense, and ends on a strong note. One point should naturally lead to the next. Your readers shouldn’t feel like you’re constantly changing subjects. You’re making a variety of points, but your argument should feel like a cohesive whole.
  • Paraphrase sources and cite them appropriately. Did you skip citations when writing your first draft? No worries — you can add them now. And check that you don’t overly rely on quotations. (Need help paraphrasing? Wordtune can help. Simply highlight the sentence or phrase you want to adjust and sort through Wordtune’s suggestions.)
  • Tighten up overly wordy explanations and sharpen any convoluted ideas. Wordtune makes a great sidekick for this too 😉

best essays argumentative

Words to start an argumentative essay

The best way to introduce a convincing argument is to provide a strong thesis statement . These are the words I usually use to start an argumentative essay:

  • It is indisputable that the world today is facing a multitude of issues
  • With the rise of ____, the potential to make a positive difference has never been more accessible
  • It is essential that we take action now and tackle these issues head-on
  • it is critical to understand the underlying causes of the problems standing before us
  • Opponents of this idea claim
  • Those who are against these ideas may say
  • Some people may disagree with this idea
  • Some people may say that ____, however

When refuting an opposing concept, use:

  • These researchers have a point in thinking
  • To a certain extent they are right
  • After seeing this evidence, there is no way one can agree with this idea
  • This argument is irrelevant to the topic

Are you convinced by your own argument yet? Ready to brave the next get-together where everyone’s talking like they know something about intermittent fasting , chicken enclosures , or snow removal policies? 

Now if someone asks you to explain your evidence-based but controversial opinion, you can hand them your essay and ask them to report back after they’ve read it.

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How to Write a Good Argumentative Essay: Easy Step-by-Step Guide

Written by MasterClass

Last updated: Sep 9, 2021 • 5 min read

When you’re writing a persuasive essay, you need more than just an opinion to make your voice heard. Even the strongest stance won’t be compelling if it’s not structured properly and reinforced with solid reasoning and evidence. Learn what elements every argumentative essay should include and how to structure it depending on your audience in this easy step-by-step guide.

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160 Good Argumentative Essay Topics for Students in 2024

April 3, 2024

The skill of writing an excellent argumentative essay is a crucial one for every high school or college student to master. In sum, argumentative essays teach students how to organize their thoughts logically and present them in a convincing way. This skill is helpful not only for those pursuing degrees in law , international relations , or public policy , but for any student who wishes to develop their critical thinking faculties. In this article, we’ll cover what makes a good argument essay and offer several argumentative essay topics for high school and college students. Let’s begin!

What is an Argumentative Essay?

An argumentative essay is an essay that uses research to present a reasoned argument on a particular subject . As with the persuasive essay , the purpose of an argumentative essay is to sway the reader to the writer’s position. However, a strong persuasive essay makes its point through diligent research and emotion while a strong argumentative essay should be based solely on facts, not feelings.

Moreover, each fact should be supported by clear evidence from credible sources . Furthermore, a good argumentative essay will have an easy-to-follow structure. When organizing your argumentative essay, use this format as a guide:

  • Introduction
  • Supporting body paragraphs
  • Paragraph(s) addressing common counterarguments

Argumentative Essay Format

In the introduction , the writer presents their position and thesis statement —a sentence that summarizes the paper’s main points. The body paragraphs then draw upon supporting evidence to back up this initial statement, with each paragraph focusing on its own point. The length of your paper will determine the amount of examples you need. In general, you’ll likely need at least two to three. Additionally, your examples should be as detailed as possible, citing specific research, case studies, statistics, or anecdotes.

In the counterargument paragraph , the writer acknowledges and refutes opposing viewpoints. Finally, in the conclusion , the writer restates the main argument made in the thesis statement and summarizes the points of the essay. Additionally, the conclusion may offer a final proposal to persuade the reader of the essay’s position.

How to Write an Effective Argumentative Essay, Step by Step

  • Choose your topic. Use the list below to help you pick a topic. Ideally, a good argumentative essay topic will be meaningful to you—writing is always stronger when you are interested in the subject matter. In addition, the topic should be complex with plenty of “pro” and “con” arguments. Avoid choosing a topic that is either widely accepted as fact or too narrow. For example, “Is the earth round?” would not be a solid choice.
  • Research. Use the library, the web, and any other resources to gather information about your argumentative essay topic. Research widely but smartly. As you go, take organized notes, marking the source of every quote and where it may fit in the scheme of your larger essay. Moreover, remember to look for (and research) possible counterarguments.
  • Outline . Using the argument essay format above, create an outline for your essay. Then, brainstorm a thesis statement covering your argument’s main points, and begin to put your examples in order, focusing on logical flow. It’s often best to place your strongest example last.
  • Write . Draw on your research and outline to create a first draft. Remember, your first draft doesn’t need to be perfect. (As Voltaire says, “Perfect is the enemy of good.”) Accordingly, just focus on getting the words down on paper.
  • Does my thesis statement need to be adjusted?
  • Which examples feel strongest? Weakest?
  • Do the transitions flow smoothly?
  • Do I have a strong opening paragraph?
  • Does the conclusion reinforce my argument?

Tips for Revising an Argument Essay

Evaluating your own work can be difficult, so you might consider the following strategies:

  • Read your work aloud to yourself.
  • Record yourself reading your paper, and listen to the recording.
  • Reverse outline your paper. Firstly, next to each paragraph, write a short summary of that paragraph’s main points/idea. Then, read through your reverse outline. Does it have a logical flow? If not, where should you adjust?
  • Print out your paper and cut it into paragraphs. What happens when you rearrange the paragraphs?

Good Argumentative Essay Topics for Middle School, High School, and College Students

Family argumentative essay topics.

  • Should the government provide financial incentives for families to have children to address the declining birth rate?
  • Should we require parents to provide their children with a certain level of nutrition and physical activity to prevent childhood obesity?
  • Should parents implement limits on how much time their children spend playing video games?
  • Should cell phones be banned from family/holiday gatherings?
  • Should we hold parents legally responsible for their children’s actions?
  • Should children have the right to sue their parents for neglect?
  • Should parents have the right to choose their child’s religion?
  • Are spanking and other forms of physical punishment an effective method of discipline?
  • Should courts allow children to choose where they live in cases of divorce?
  • Should parents have the right to monitor teens’ activity on social media?
  • Should parents control their child’s medical treatment, even if it goes against the child’s wishes?
  • Should parents be allowed to post pictures of their children on social media without their consent?
  • Should fathers have a legal say in whether their partners do or do not receive an abortion?
  • Can television have positive developmental benefits on children?
  • Should the driving age be raised to prevent teen car accidents?
  • Should adult children be legally required to care for their aging parents?

Education Argument Essay Topics

  • Should schools ban the use of technology like ChatGPT?
  • Are zoos unethical, or necessary for conservation and education?
  • To what degree should we hold parents responsible in the event of a school shooting?
  • Should schools offer students a set number of mental health days?
  • Should school science curriculums offer a course on combating climate change?
  • Should public libraries be allowed to ban certain books? If so, what types?
  • What role, if any, should prayer play in public schools?
  • Should schools push to abolish homework?
  • Are gifted and talented programs in schools more harmful than beneficial due to their exclusionary nature?
  • Should universities do away with Greek life?
  • Should schools remove artwork, such as murals, that some perceive as offensive?
  • Should the government grant parents the right to choose alternative education options for their children and use taxpayer funds to support these options?
  • Is homeschooling better than traditional schooling for children’s academic and social development?
  • Should we require schools to teach sex education to reduce teen pregnancy rates?
  • Should we require schools to provide sex education that includes information about both homosexual and heterosexual relationships?
  • Should colleges use affirmative action and other race-conscious policies to address diversity on campus?
  • Should public schools remove the line “under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance?
  • Should college admissions officers be allowed to look at students’ social media accounts?
  • Should schools abolish their dress codes, many of which unfairly target girls, LGBTQ students, and students of color?
  • Should schools be required to stock free period products in bathrooms?
  • Should legacy students receive preferential treatment during the college admissions process?
  • Are school “voluntourism” trips ethical?

Government Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Should the U.S. decriminalize prostitution?
  • Should the U.S. issue migration visas to all eligible applicants?
  • Should the federal government cancel all student loan debt?
  • Should we lower the minimum voting age? If so, to what?
  • Should the federal government abolish all laws penalizing drug production and use?
  • Should the U.S. use its military power to deter a Chinese invasion of Taiwan?
  • Should the U.S. supply Ukraine with further military intelligence and supplies?
  • Should the North and South of the U.S. split up into two regions?
  • Should Americans hold up nationalism as a critical value?
  • Should we permit Supreme Court justices to hold their positions indefinitely?
  • Should Supreme Court justices be democratically elected?
  • Is the Electoral College still a productive approach to electing the U.S. president?
  • Should the U.S. implement a national firearm registry?
  • Is it ethical for countries like China and Israel to mandate compulsory military service for all citizens?
  • Should the U.S. government implement a ranked-choice voting system?
  • Should institutions that benefited from slavery be required to provide reparations?
  • Based on the 1619 project, should history classes change how they teach about the founding of the U.S.?
  • Should term limits be imposed on Senators and Representatives? If so, how long?
  • Should women be allowed into special forces units?
  • Should the federal government implement stronger, universal firearm licensing laws?
  • Do public sex offender registries help prevent future sex crimes?
  • Should the government be allowed to regulate family size?
  • Should all adults legally be considered mandated reporters?
  • Should the government fund public universities to make higher education more accessible to low-income students?
  • Should the government fund universal preschool to improve children’s readiness for kindergarten?

Health/Bioethics Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Should the U.S. government offer its own healthcare plan?
  • In the case of highly infectious pandemics, should we focus on individual freedoms or public safety when implementing policies to control the spread?
  • Should we legally require parents to vaccinate their children to protect public health?
  • Is it ethical for parents to use genetic engineering to create “designer babies” with specific physical and intellectual traits?
  • Should the government fund research on embryonic stem cells for medical treatments?
  • Should the government legalize assisted suicide for terminally ill patients?
  • Should organ donation be mandatory?
  • Is cloning animals ethical?
  • Should cancer screenings start earlier? If so, what age?
  • Is surrogacy ethical?
  • Should birth control require a prescription?
  • Should minors have access to emergency contraception?
  • Should hospitals be for-profit or nonprofit institutions?

Good Argumentative Essay Topics — Continued

Social media argumentative essay topics.

  • Should the federal government increase its efforts to minimize the negative impact of social media?
  • Do social media and smartphones strengthen one’s relationships?
  • Should antitrust regulators take action to limit the size of big tech companies?
  • Should social media platforms ban political advertisements?
  • Should the federal government hold social media companies accountable for instances of hate speech discovered on their platforms?
  • Do apps such as TikTok and Instagram ultimately worsen the mental well-being of teenagers?
  • Should governments oversee how social media platforms manage their users’ data?
  • Should social media platforms like Facebook enforce a minimum age requirement for users?
  • Should social media companies be held responsible for cases of cyberbullying?
  • Should the United States ban TikTok?
  • Is social media harmful to children?
  • Should employers screen applicants’ social media accounts during the hiring process?

Religion Argument Essay Topics

  • Should religious institutions be tax-exempt?
  • Should religious symbols such as the hijab or crucifix be allowed in public spaces?
  • Should religious freedoms be protected, even when they conflict with secular laws?
  • Should the government regulate religious practices?
  • Should we allow churches to engage in political activities?
  • Religion: a force for good or evil in the world?
  • Should the government provide funding for religious schools?
  • Is it ethical for healthcare providers to deny abortions based on religious beliefs?
  • Should religious organizations be allowed to discriminate in their hiring practices?
  • Should we allow people to opt out of medical treatments based on their religious beliefs?
  • Should the U.S. government hold religious organizations accountable for cases of sexual abuse within their community?
  • Should religious beliefs be exempt from anti-discrimination laws?
  • Should religious individuals be allowed to refuse services to others based on their beliefs or lifestyles? (As in this famous case .)
  • Should the US ban religion-based federal holidays?
  • Should public schools be allowed to teach children about religious holidays?

Science Argument Essay Topics

  • Would the world be safer if we eliminated nuclear weapons?
  • Should scientists bring back extinct animals? If so, which ones?
  • Should we hold companies fiscally responsible for their carbon footprint?
  • Should we ban pesticides in favor of organic farming methods?
  • Should the federal government ban all fossil fuels, despite the potential economic impact on specific industries and communities?
  • What renewable energy source should the U.S. invest more money in?
  • Should the FDA outlaw GMOs?
  • Should we worry about artificial intelligence surpassing human intelligence?
  • Should the alternative medicine industry be more stringently regulated?
  • Is colonizing Mars a viable option?
  • Is the animal testing worth the potential to save human lives?

Sports Argument Essay Topics

  • Should colleges compensate student-athletes?
  • How should sports teams and leagues address the gender pay gap?
  • Should youth sports teams do away with scorekeeping?
  • Should we ban aggressive contact sports like boxing and MMA?
  • Should professional sports associations mandate that athletes stand during the national anthem?
  • Should high schools require their student-athletes to maintain a certain GPA?
  • Should transgender athletes compete in sports according to their gender identity?
  • Should schools ban football due to the inherent danger it poses to players?
  • Should performance-enhancing drugs be allowed in sports?
  • Do participation trophies foster entitlement and unrealistic expectations?
  • Should sports teams be divided by gender?
  • Should professional athletes be allowed to compete in the Olympics?
  • Should women be allowed on NFL teams?

Technology Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Should sites like DALL-E compensate the artists whose work it was trained on?
  • Should the federal government make human exploration of space a more significant priority?
  • Is it ethical for the government to use surveillance technology to monitor citizens?
  • Should websites require proof of age from their users? If so, what age?
  • Should we consider A.I.-generated images and text pieces of art?
  • Does the use of facial recognition technology violate individuals’ privacy?
  • Is online learning as effective as in-person learning?
  • Does computing harm the environment?
  • Should buying, sharing, and selling collected personal data be illegal?
  • Are electric cars really better for the environment?
  • Should car companies be held responsible for self-driving car accidents?
  • Should private jets be banned?
  • Do violent video games contribute to real-life violence?

Business Argument Essay Topics

  • Should the U.S. government phase out the use of paper money in favor of a fully digital currency system?
  • Should the federal government abolish its patent and copyright laws?
  • Should we replace the Federal Reserve with free-market institutions?
  • Is free-market ideology responsible for the U.S. economy’s poor performance over the past decade?
  • Will cryptocurrencies overtake natural resources like gold and silver?
  • Is capitalism the best economic system? What system would be better?
  • Should the U.S. government enact a universal basic income?
  • Should we require companies to provide paid parental leave to their employees?
  • Should the government raise the minimum wage? If so, to what?
  • Should antitrust regulators break up large companies to promote competition?
  • Is it ethical for companies to prioritize profits over social responsibility?
  • Should gig-economy workers like Uber and Lyft drivers be considered employees or independent contractors?
  • Should the federal government regulate the gig economy to ensure fair treatment of workers?
  • Should the government require companies to disclose the environmental impact of their products?
  • Should companies be allowed to fire employees based on political views or activities?
  • Should tipping practices be phased out?
  • Should employees who choose not to have children be given the same amount of paid leave as parents?
  • Should MLMs (multi-level marketing companies) be illegal?
  • Should employers be allowed to factor tattoos and personal appearance into hiring decisions?

In Conclusion – Argument Essay Topics

Using the tips above, you can effectively structure and pen a compelling argumentative essay that will wow your instructor and classmates. Remember to craft a thesis statement that offers readers a roadmap through your essay, draw on your sources wisely to back up any claims, and read through your paper several times before it’s due to catch any last-minute proofreading errors. With time, diligence, and patience, your essay will be the most outstanding assignment you’ve ever turned in…until the next one rolls around.

Looking for more fresh and engaging topics for use in the classroom? You might consider checking out the following:

  • 125 Good Debate Topics for High School Students
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  • Guide to the IB Extended Essay
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  • AP Lit Reading List
  • How to Write the AP Lang Synthesis Essay
  • 49 Most Interesting Biology Research Topics
  • High School Success

Lauren Green

With a Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing from Columbia University and an MFA in Fiction from the Michener Center for Writers at the University of Texas at Austin, Lauren has been a professional writer for over a decade. She is the author of the chapbook  A Great Dark House  (Poetry Society of America, 2023) and a forthcoming novel (Viking/Penguin).

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50 Argumentative Essay Topics

Illustration by Catherine Song. ThoughtCo. 

  • M.Ed., Education Administration, University of Georgia
  • B.A., History, Armstrong State University

An argumentative essay requires you to decide on a topic and argue for or against it. You'll need to back up your viewpoint with well-researched facts and information as well. One of the hardest parts is deciding which topic to write about, but there are plenty of ideas available to get you started. Then you need to take a position, do some research, and present your viewpoint convincingly.

Choosing a Great Argumentative Essay Topic

Students often find that most of their work on these essays is done before they even start writing. This means that it's best if you have a general interest in your subject. Otherwise, you might get bored or frustrated while trying to gather information. You don't need to know everything, though; part of what makes this experience rewarding is learning something new.

It's best if you have a general interest in your subject, but the argument you choose doesn't have to be one that you agree with.

The subject you choose may not necessarily be one you are in full agreement with, either. You may even be asked to write a paper from the opposing point of view. Researching a different viewpoint helps students broaden their perspectives. 

Ideas for Argument Essays

Sometimes, the best ideas are sparked by looking at many different options. Explore this list of possible topics and see if a few pique your interest. Write those down as you come across them, then think about each for a few minutes.

Which would you enjoy researching? Do you have a firm position on a particular subject? Is there a point you would like to make sure you get across? Did the topic give you something new to think about? Can you see why someone else may feel differently?

List of 50 Possible Argumentative Essay Topics

A number of these topics are rather controversial—that's the point. In an argumentative essay , opinions matter, and controversy is based on opinions. Just make sure your opinions are backed up by facts in the essay.   If these topics are a little too controversial or you don't find the right one for you, try browsing through persuasive essay and speech topics  as well.

  • Is global climate change  caused by humans?
  • Is the death penalty effective?
  • Is the U.S. election process fair?
  • Is torture ever acceptable?
  • Should men get paternity leave from work?
  • Are school uniforms beneficial?
  • Does the U.S. have a fair tax system?
  • Do curfews keep teens out of trouble?
  • Is cheating out of control?
  • Are we too dependent on computers?
  • Should animals be used for research?
  • Should cigarette smoking be banned?
  • Are cell phones dangerous?
  • Are law enforcement cameras an invasion of privacy?
  • Do we have a throwaway society ?
  • Is child behavior better or worse than it was years ago?
  • Should companies market to children?
  • Should the government have a say in our diets?
  • Does access to condoms prevent teen pregnancy?
  • Should members of Congress have term limits?
  • Are actors and professional athletes paid too much?
  • Are CEOs paid too much?
  • Should athletes be held to high moral standards?
  • Do violent video games cause behavior problems?
  • Should creationism be taught in public schools?
  • Are beauty pageants exploitative ?
  • Should English be the official language of the United States?
  • Should the racing industry be forced to use biofuels?
  • Should the alcohol-drinking age be increased or decreased?
  • Should everyone be required to recycle?
  • Is it okay for prisoners to vote (as they are in some states)?
  • Should same-sex marriage be legalized in more countries?
  • Are there benefits to attending a single-sex school ?
  • Does boredom lead to trouble?
  • Should schools be in session year-round ?
  • Does religion cause war?
  • Should the government provide health care?
  • Should abortion be illegal?
  • Should more companies expand their reproductive health benefits for employees?
  • Is homework harmful or helpful?
  • Is the cost of college too high?
  • Is college admission too competitive?
  • Should euthanasia be illegal?
  • Should the federal government legalize marijuana use nationally ?
  • Should rich people be required to pay more taxes?
  • Should schools require foreign language or physical education?
  • Is affirmative action fair?
  • Is public prayer okay in schools?
  • Are schools and teachers responsible for low test scores?
  • Is greater gun control a good idea?

How to Craft a Persuasive Argument

After you've decided on your essay topic, gather evidence to make your argument as strong as possible. Your research could even help shape the position your essay ultimately takes. As you craft your essay, remember to utilize persuasive writing techniques , such as invoking emotional language or citing facts from authoritative figures. 

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40 Best Essays of All Time (Including Links & Writing Tips)

I had little money (buying forty collections of essays was out of the question) so I’ve found them online instead. I’ve hacked through piles of them, and finally, I’ve found the great ones. Now I want to share the whole list with you (with the addition of my notes about writing). Each item on the list has a direct link to the essay, so please click away and indulge yourself. Also, next to each essay, there’s an image of the book that contains the original work.

About this essay list:

40 best essays of all time (with links and writing tips), 1. david sedaris – laugh, kookaburra.

A great family drama takes place against the backdrop of the Australian wilderness. And the Kookaburra laughs… This is one of the top essays of the lot. It’s a great mixture of family reminiscences, travel writing, and advice on what’s most important in life. You’ll also learn an awful lot about the curious culture of the Aussies.

Writing tips from the essay:

2. charles d’ambrosio – documents, 3. e. b. white – once more to the lake, 4. zadie smith – fail better, 5. virginia woolf – death of the moth, 6. meghan daum – my misspent youth, 7. roger ebert – go gentle into that good night, 8. george orwell – shooting an elephant, 9. george orwell – a hanging, 10. christopher hitchens – assassins of the mind, 11. christopher hitchens – the new commandments, 12. phillip lopate – against joie de vivre, 13. philip larkin – the pleasure principle, 14. sigmund freud – thoughts for the times on war and death, 15. zadie smith – some notes on attunement.

“You are privy to a great becoming, but you recognize nothing” – Francis Dolarhyde. This one is about the elusiveness of change occurring within you. For Zadie, it was hard to attune to the vibes of Joni Mitchell – especially her Blue album. But eventually, she grew up to appreciate her genius, and all the other things changed as well. This top essay is all about the relationship between humans, and art. We shouldn’t like art because we’re supposed to. We should like it because it has an instantaneous, emotional effect on us. Although, according to Stansfield (Gary Oldman) in Léon, liking Beethoven is rather mandatory.

16. Annie Dillard – Total Eclipse

17. édouard levé – when i look at a strawberry, i think of a tongue, 18. gloria e. anzaldúa – how to tame a wild tongue, 19. kurt vonnegut – dispatch from a man without a country, 20. mary ruefle – on fear.

Most psychologists and gurus agree that fear is the greatest enemy of success or any creative activity. It’s programmed into our minds to keep us away from imaginary harm. Mary Ruefle takes on this basic human emotion with flair. She explores fear from so many angles (especially in the world of poetry-writing) that at the end of this personal essay, you will look at it, dissect it, untangle it, and hopefully be able to say “f**k you” the next time your brain is trying to stop you.

21. Susan Sontag – Against Interpretation

22. nora ephron – a few words about breasts, 23. carl sagan – does truth matter – science, pseudoscience, and civilization, 24. paul graham – how to do what you love, 25. john jeremiah sullivan – mister lytle, 26. joan didion – on self respect, 27. susan sontag – notes on camp, 28. ralph waldo emerson – self-reliance, 29. david foster wallace – consider the lobster, 30. david foster wallace – the nature of the fun.

The famous novelist and author of the most powerful commencement speech ever done is going to tell you about the joys and sorrows of writing a work of fiction. It’s like taking care of a mutant child that constantly oozes smelly liquids. But you love that child and you want others to love it too. It’s a very humorous account of what it means to be an author. If you ever plan to write a novel, you should read that one. And the story about the Chinese farmer is just priceless.

31. Margaret Atwood – Attitude

32. jo ann beard – the fourth state of matter, 33. terence mckenna – tryptamine hallucinogens and consciousness, 34. eudora welty – the little store, 35. john mcphee – the search for marvin gardens.

The Search for Marvin Gardens contains many layers of meaning. It’s a story about a Monopoly championship, but also, it’s the author’s search for the lost streets visible on the board of the famous board game. It also presents a historical perspective on the rise and fall of civilizations, and on Atlantic City, which once was a lively place, and then, slowly declined, the streets filled with dirt and broken windows.

36. Maxine Hong Kingston – No Name Woman

37. joan didion – on keeping a notebook, 38. joan didion – goodbye to all that, 39. george orwell – reflections on gandhi, 40. george orwell – politics and the english language, other essays you may find interesting, oliver sacks – on libraries, noam chomsky – the responsibility of intellectuals, sam harris – the riddle of the gun.

Sam Harris, now a famous philosopher and neuroscientist, takes on the problem of gun control in the United States. His thoughts are clear of prejudice. After reading this, you’ll appreciate the value of logical discourse overheated, irrational debate that more often than not has real implications on policy.

Tim Ferriss – Some Practical Thoughts on Suicide

Edward said – reflections on exile, richard feynman – it’s as simple as one, two, three…, rabindranath tagore – the religion of the forest, richard dawkins – letter to his 10-year-old daughter.

Every father should be able to articulate his philosophy of life to his children. With this letter that’s similar to what you find in the Paris Review essays , the famed atheist and defender of reason, Richard Dawkins, does exactly that. It’s beautifully written and stresses the importance of looking at evidence when we’re trying to make sense of the world.

Albert Camus – The Minotaur (or, The Stop In Oran)

Koty neelis – 21 incredible life lessons from anthony bourdain, lucius annaeus seneca – on the shortness of life, bertrand russell – in praise of idleness, james baldwin – stranger in the village.

It’s an essay on the author’s experiences as an African-American in a Swiss village, exploring race, identity, and alienation while highlighting the complexities of racial dynamics and the quest for belonging.

Bonus – More writing tips from two great books

The sense of style – by steven pinker, on writing well – by william zinsser, now immerse yourself in the world of essays, rafal reyzer.

Hey there, welcome to my blog! I'm a full-time entrepreneur building two companies, a digital marketer, and a content creator with 10+ years of experience. I started RafalReyzer.com to provide you with great tools and strategies you can use to become a proficient digital marketer and achieve freedom through online creativity. My site is a one-stop shop for digital marketers, and content enthusiasts who want to be independent, earn more money, and create beautiful things. Explore my journey here , and don't miss out on my AI Marketing Mastery online course.

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  • Writing Tips

50 Argumentative Essay Topics for Students

50 Argumentative Essay Topics for Students

4-minute read

  • 11th June 2022

The goal of an argumentative essay is to persuade the reader to understand and support your position on an issue by presenting your reasoning along with supporting evidence. It’s important to find the right balance between giving your opinions and presenting established research.

These essays discuss issues around a range of topics, including science, technology, politics, and healthcare. Whether you’re a teacher looking for essay topics for your students or a student tasked with developing an idea of your own, we’ve compiled a list of 50 argumentative essay topics to help you get started!

●  Does texting hinder interpersonal communication skills?

●  Should there be laws against using devices while driving?

●  Do violent video games teach or encourage people to behave violently?

●  Should social media sites be allowed to collect users’ data?

●  Should parents limit how long their children spend in front of screens?

●  Is AI helping or hurting society?

●  Should cyber-bullying carry legal consequences?

●  Should Supreme Court justices be elected?

●  Is war always a political decision?

●  Should people join a political party?

●  Is capitalism ethical?

●  Is the electoral college an effective system?

●  Should prisoners be allowed to vote?

●  Should the death penalty be legal?

●  Are governments around the world doing enough to combat global warming?

●  Is healthcare a fundamental human right?

●  Should vaccinations be mandated for children?

●  Are there any circumstances under which physician-assisted suicides should be legal?

●  Should parents be able to choose specific genetic modifications of their future children?

●  Should abortion be legal?

●  Is it ethical to perform medical experiments on animals?

●  Should patients who lead unhealthy lifestyles be denied organ transplants?

●  Should doctors be able to provide medical care to children against their parents’ wishes?

Mental Healthcare

●  What causes the stigma around mental health?

●  Discuss the link between insufficient access to mental health services and the high suicide rates among veterans.

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●  Should cannabis be used as a treatment for patients with mental disorders?

●  Is there a link between social media use and mental disorders?

●  Discuss the effect of physical activity on mental health.

●  Should sports be segregated by gender?

●  Should male and female athletes be given the same pay and opportunities?

●  Are professional athletes overpaid?

●  Should college athletes be paid?

●  Should sports betting be legal?

●  Should online access to art such as music be free?

●  Should graffiti be considered art or vandalism?

●  Are there any circumstances under which books should be banned?

●  Should schools be required to offer art courses?

●  Is art necessary to society?

●  Should schools require uniforms?

●  Should reciting the Pledge of Allegiance be required in schools?

●  Do standardized tests effectively measure intelligence?

●  Should high school students take a gap year before pursuing higher education?

●  Should higher education be free?

●  Is there too much pressure on high school students to attend college?

●  Are children better off in two-parent households?

●  Should LGBTQ+ partners be allowed to adopt?

●  Should single people be able to adopt children as easily as couples?

●  Is it okay for parents to physically discipline their children?

●  Does helicopter parenting help or hurt children?

●  Should parents monitor their children’s Internet use?

Proofreading & Editing

An argument could also be made for the importance of proofreading your essay ! The reader can focus more on your message when your writing is clear, concise, and error-free, and they won’t question whether you’re knowledgeable on the issues you’re presenting. Once you have a draft ready, you can submit a free trial document to start working with our expert editors!

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Home — Essay Types — Argumentative Essay

Argumentative Essay Examples

When it comes to crafting compelling argumentative essays, the choice of your topic plays a pivotal role. Argumentative essay topics are the cornerstone of your paper's success. They provide the foundation upon which you'll build your persuasive arguments. To ensure your essay engages your audience effectively, consider the following aspects:

  • Relevance: Choose topics that are relevant to your field of study or the subject matter at hand. The more closely your topic aligns with your course content, the easier it will be to present a well-informed argument.
  • Interest: Opt for topics that genuinely interest you. Your enthusiasm will shine through in your writing, making it more engaging for your readers.
  • Controversy: Look for topics that have a debatable aspect. Controversial subjects often lead to more compelling arguments, as they offer multiple perspectives to explore.

Examples of Best Topics for Argumentative Essays

  • Is the cost of college too high?
  • Is homeschooling on par with traditional schooling?
  • Can online education be as effective as in-person learning?
  • Debate Clubs: Boosting Critical Thinking & Academic Success
  • Examining the Impact of Online Learning on Educational Equity
  • Are school uniforms beneficial?
  • Is a gap year beneficial for students before starting college?

Health & Nutrition

  • Argumentative Analysis of the Fast Food Industry
  • Can vegetarian diets be healthy for all stages of life?
  • Should smoking be banned in public places?

Science & Technology

  • Should governments regulate social media platforms?
  • Is climate change the biggest threat facing humanity?
  • Is space exploration worth the investment?
  • Technology in Education: Enhancing vs. Hindering Learning
  • Should genetically modified foods be sold with a warning label?
  • Impact of Technological Dependence on Human Cognitive Abilities

Examples of Good Topics for Argumentative Essays

Social issues.

  • Do video games contribute to youth violence?
  • Is a universal basic income a viable solution to poverty?
  • Cyberbullying's Impact on Mental Health: Role of Technology
  • Reevaluating Animal Testing Ethics: An Argumentative Review
  • Is the death penalty an effective deterrent to serious crimes?
  • Should countries have a one-car-per-family policy to control emissions?
  • Are professional athletes overpaid?
  • The Impact of Immigration on National Security: A Critical Analysis
  • Should voting be compulsory for all eligible citizens?
  • Are security cameras an invasion of privacy?


  • Should animal testing be banned?
  • The Ethics of Climate Change
  • The Ethics of Global Warming
  • Should recycling be mandatory?
  • Government and Corporate Responsibility in Combating Climate Change

Selecting the right argumentative essay topic is a critical step in the essay-writing process. By choosing relevant, interesting, and controversial topics for argument essays, you can enhance your essay's visibility and impact. Moreover, maintaining a balanced approach to argumentation will ensure your essay is both persuasive and comprehensive. For further guidance, consider referring to argumentative essay examples to refine your writing skills and gain valuable insights.

Argumentative essays, widely recognized as a prevalent form of essay writing in academic settings, meld persuasive arguments with fact-based research to create a potent means of swaying an individual’s viewpoint. If an argumentative essay poses a challenge for you or if you’re eager to deepen your understanding of them, exploring argumentative essay examples can provide significant assistance and insights.

What Is an Argumentative Essay

An argumentative essay is a form of writing that presents a central argument or claim about a specific topic and supports it with evidence, logic, and reasoning. Unlike other types of essays that might focus on narrating a story, describing a process, or exploring concepts in a balanced manner, an argumentative essay takes a clear stance on an issue and aims to persuade the reader to see the topic from the writer’s perspective.

Argumentative essays, widely recognized as a prevalent form of essay writing in academic settings, meld persuasive arguments with fact-based research to create a potent means of swaying an individual’s viewpoint. If an argumentative essay poses a challenge for you or if you’re eager to deepen your understanding of them, exploring argumentative essay examples , such as “Smoking Should Be Banned” argumentative essay can provide significant assistance and insights.

The aim of an argumentative essay is not only to present arguments and evidence in favor of the author’s viewpoint but also to consider and refute opposing viewpoints, providing a balanced and well-reasoned debate. Students and writers may find free argumentative essay examples to be useful guides for structuring and crafting their own essays, offering insights into effective argumentation and persuasive techniques.

A crucial element in an argumentative essay is acknowledging opposing viewpoints. This shows that the writer has considered alternative perspectives, enhancing the essay’s credibility. Addressing counterarguments and refuting them with logic and evidence demonstrates the strength of the original argument.

In essence, an argumentative essay is a powerful tool for expressing opinions, influencing perspectives, and engaging in intellectual debates. Through careful research, strategic argumentation, and persuasive writing, students can master the art of argumentative essay writing, effectively conveying their viewpoints on complex issues.

How to Start an Argumentative Essay

Starting an argumentative essay, especially for beginners, can be a nuanced task. The process involves crafting a concise and compelling introduction to present and persuade your viewpoint, followed by body paragraphs that both support your thesis and discuss your argument’s strengths and weaknesses. Concluding formally, summarizing key points, and referring to relevant examples enhance understanding and effectiveness in presenting the argument. This process, while straightforward, might pose challenges for new writers.

To enhance understanding and effectiveness in articulating your position, incorporating argumentative essay examples at strategic points within your essay can serve as a valuable tool. These examples not only demonstrate how to effectively structure and present arguments but also offer insights into engaging with counterarguments and employing persuasive techniques. For beginners, observing how these elements are woven into successful essays can illuminate the path from a simple statement of opinion to a compelling argumentative essay. This holistic approach, from introduction through to conclusion, enriched with carefully selected examples, ensures that the essay resonates with readers and leaves a lasting impact.

The pre-writing process entails developing a strategic outline that guides the writer in crafting their essay. Here are the steps to devise a plan for your argumentative essay:

  • Discover your topic. When you are told to start with an argumentative essay, you should take your time to explore argumentative essay topics first. Selecting a potent topic is fundamental to crafting a compelling argumentative essay. It all comes down to narrowing things down. Even when you have to talk about your argumentation dealing with medical marijuana or the importance of social media for college students, you must explore what’s currently trending and what evidence must be provided. A suitable subject should be both of interest and prevalent in your society, aiming to persuasively engage readers. 
  • Research and Argument Strategy. Involves thoroughly investigating a topic to collect supporting data and deciding on a logical approach for presenting your argument, while also identifying and preparing to refute opposing viewpoints. This step ensures your argumentative essay is both robust and persuasive.
  • Outline Creation. The outlined structure for an argumentative essay traditionally follows a five-paragraph format, encompassing an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. This table categorizes and succinctly describes the primary components of each essay section, offering a straightforward reference for organizing an argumentative essay.
  • Writing and Revision. Begin writing, ensuring consistency and coherence in your argumentation. Review, revise, and refine your content for logical flow and persuasiveness.
  • Proofreading, Editing, and Feedback. Perform thorough proofreading for any grammatical or spelling errors and ensure clarity and precision in your writing. Seek feedback from peers or mentors and make any final necessary refinements to your essay.

By following these steps and examining argumentative essay examples, beginners can develop the skills needed to create compelling and persuasive essays.

Example of Argumentative Essay Structure

Exploring the structure of an argumentative essay is crucial for any writer looking to persuade their audience effectively. This essay type hinges on a clear, logical progression of ideas, supporting evidence, and a compelling thesis statement that ties everything together. By dissecting an example of argumentative essay, we can uncover the foundational elements that make these essays persuasive and impactful. Each part of the essay, from the introduction to the conclusion, plays a pivotal role in presenting the argument coherently and persuasively. Through examining a well-structured example, writers can gain insights into how to effectively organize their thoughts, present their arguments, and engage their readers. This exploration will not only illuminate the essential components of an argumentative essay but also demonstrate how these elements interconnect to present a convincing argument.

The conventional format of five paragraphs is frequently adopted for argumentative essays, though it’s not obligatory. Such essays usually adopt either the Toulmin or Rogerian strategies for structuring arguments.

  • Predominantly utilized, the Toulmin strategy initiates with an introductory section, proceeds to present a thesis or claim, and furnishes data and proof to buttress that assertion. This approach further incorporates refutations to opposing viewpoints.
  • Conversely, the Rogerian strateg y presents a balanced examination of conflicting perspectives on an issue, methodically evaluating the merits and demerits of each before arriving at a reasoned conclusion.
I. Introduction Hook, Background, Thesis Statement Introduce your topic by offering your readers the freedom to decide on what their thoughts are. State the main argument and don’t be biased in this section.
II. Body Paragraphs Argument Presentation, Rebuttal, Additional Evidence Introduce and support the main argument, refute counterarguments, and provide additional supporting evidence. Provide analytical information and offer some data that will help structure your argumentation.
III. Conclusion Restate Thesis, Summarize, Closing Remarks Restate your thesis and offer a summary of your key ideas and thoughts.
IV. Works Cited List and format all cited sources alphabetically, adhering to the citation style.

By consolidating the process into these five fundamental steps, you can create a solid framework to effectively guide your argumentative essay writing. Viewing free examples of argumentative essays might provide practical insights into applying these steps effectively.

For instance, examining an example of an argumentative essay on a contentious issue like “The Impact of Social Media on Society” can showcase how to balance persuasive argumentation with factual evidence, demonstrating the art of convincing the reader through a well-structured argument. Such examples serve not only as a template for formatting and style but also offer strategic insights into the nuanced process of engaging and persuading an audience, illustrating the power of a well-crafted argument. Through diligent practice and studying examples, students can enhance their ability to communicate complex ideas persuasively and coherently.

Introduction Example

“In the digital age, social media platforms have become central to our daily lives. However, while they connect us across the globe, they also raise significant privacy concerns. This essay argues that social media companies should be held to higher standards of data protection to safeguard user privacy.”

Why this introduction works: It immediately presents a relevant and controversial topic, hooks the reader with the issue of privacy, and clearly states the thesis that advocates for stricter data protection measures.

How it could be improved: To enhance it, the introduction could include a brief mention of opposing viewpoints or more specific examples of privacy breaches to further ground the argument.

Body Paragraph Example

“One of the primary concerns with social media is the way personal information is collected and used without explicit consent. For instance, a study by the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse found that 80% of social media sites sell user data to third parties. This practice not only breaches individual privacy but also exposes users to targeted advertising and potential fraud.”

Why this body paragraph works: It focuses on a single, clear point supporting the thesis, uses concrete evidence (a study) to back up the claim, and explains the significance of the evidence.

How it could be improved: This paragraph could be strengthened by addressing a counterargument, such as the economic benefits of targeted advertising for businesses and users, and then rebutting it to reinforce the original argument.

Conclusion Example

“In conclusion, the unchecked collection and use of personal data by social media companies pose a significant threat to user privacy. This essay has demonstrated the need for stricter data protection regulations to ensure that individuals retain control over their personal information. As digital citizens, it is imperative that we demand transparency and accountability from these platforms.”

Why this conclusion works: It effectively summarizes the essay’s main points, restates the thesis in light of the arguments made, and ends with a powerful call to action that encourages reader engagement.

How it could be improved: The conclusion could offer a broader perspective, suggesting ways in which individuals can protect their privacy or how these issues reflect larger societal concerns about digital rights and freedoms.

Example of Argumentative Essay Thesis Statement

A thesis statement in an argumentative essay serves as the essay’s backbone , articulating the central argument or claim that the entire essay will support and defend. It’s a roadmap for the reader, indicating what to expect in the essay and presenting the writer’s stance on the issue. A well-crafted thesis statement should be clear, concise, and debatable, offering a specific perspective that can be argued against.

Example Thesis Statement

Why This Works:

  • Clarity and Precision: The thesis clearly states the writer’s position that, despite some positive aspects, social media has significant negative impacts.
  • Debatable: This statement invites counterarguments, as some may argue that the benefits of social media outweigh the negatives or that regulation could infringe on free speech.
  • Scope for Argumentation: It outlines specific areas (privacy, mental health, democratic discourse) that the essay will explore, providing a clear direction for the argument.

How It Could Be Improved:

While the example thesis is strong, it could further specify the nature of the “comprehensive regulation” proposed, making the essay’s direction even clearer to the reader. For instance, specifying types of regulation or areas of focus (e.g., data protection, age restrictions) would offer a more precise roadmap for the argument.

Tips for Writing a Good Argumentative Essay

Writing a good argumentative essay requires careful planning, organization, and persuasive writing skills. Here are the top three tips to help you craft an effective argumentative essay:

#1: Choose a Clear and Controversial Topic

Select a topic that you are passionate about and that has two or more opposing sides. A strong argumentative essay presents a clear and debatable thesis statement. Avoid topics that are overly broad or have already been settled conclusively.

#2: Develop a Strong Thesis Statement

Your thesis statement is the core of your argumentative essay. It should clearly state your position on the topic and provide a concise preview of the main points you will use to support your argument. Make sure your thesis is specific, arguable, and focused.

#3: Provide Strong Evidence and Logical Reasoning

   – To persuade your readers, you need to provide compelling evidence and sound reasoning to support your thesis. Use a variety of reputable sources such as academic articles, books, statistics, and expert opinions. Cite your sources properly and use them to back up your claims.

   – Organize your essay logically with a clear introduction, body paragraphs that each focus on a single supporting point, and a conclusion that summarizes your main arguments and reiterates your thesis.

   – Address counterarguments and rebut them effectively. Anticipating and responding to opposing viewpoints demonstrates that you have considered all perspectives on the issue and strengthens your argument.

#4: Bonus Tip

Revise and Edit Carefully: after completing your essay, take the time to revise and edit it. Check for clarity, coherence, grammar, and spelling errors. Ensure that your essay flows smoothly and that your arguments are well-structured. Consider seeking feedback from peers or instructors to get different perspectives on your essay’s strengths and weaknesses.

By following these tips and presenting a well-reasoned argument supported by credible evidence, you’ll be well on your way to writing a compelling argumentative essay.

Before delving into argumentative essay samples , take a moment to familiarize yourself with the infographic summarizing tips for essay writing.

Writing Tips for Argumentative Essay

Good Argumentative Essay Examples

Crafting compelling argumentative essays is an essential aspect of academic pursuits. To excel in this endeavor, gaining insights from good argumentative essay examples becomes imperative. Evaluating the quality of such examples is crucial to discern their usefulness. Key factors to consider include adherence to a specific essay model, the presence of a well-structured introductory paragraph, organized body sections, and a formal, impactful conclusion. 

These examples serve as invaluable guides, aiding students in mastering the art of persuasive writing and enhancing their academic performance. Explore these examples to elevate your essay-writing prowess and excel in the realm of argumentative discourse.

Argument Essay Examples for College

When crafting college-level essays, it’s advisable to employ straightforward language, steering clear of unnecessary complexity. The key lies in presenting a compelling argument essay that combines simplicity with robust evidence to bolster your claims. To enhance your writing skills, take a moment to explore argument essay examples thoughtfully. Pay attention not only to their formatting but also to the vocabulary employed. You can check these in the “Should College Be Free” argumentative essay example or read these argument essay examples can serve as invaluable resources, offering insights into effective persuasive techniques. By studying them, you can sharpen your own writing prowess and create essays that resonate convincingly with your audience.

Best Argumentative Essay Samples for High School

Explore the best argumentative essay examples tailored for high school students. These exemplary essays serve as invaluable resources, showcasing effective persuasive techniques and providing inspiration for your own writing endeavors. Elevate your argumentative essay skills and excel in high school academics with these illuminating examples.

Free Argumentative Essay Examples for Middle School

As a middle school student, delving into the world of argumentative essays may seem daunting. You might be pondering how to construct a compelling argument and provide adequate support for your viewpoint. To demystify the process and empower you with valuable insights, we’ve curated a collection of argument essay examples. These free argumentative essay examples serve as practical guides, illuminating the path to crafting effective essays. By examining these examples, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the art of persuasive writing, making the task of creating your argumentative essay a more manageable and successful endeavor.

5-Paragraph Argumentative Essay Examples Free

Explore our curated collection of 5-paragraph argumentative essay examples. These exemplars provide a clear and structured framework for crafting compelling arguments. Each example guides you through the introductory paragraph, three body paragraphs presenting evidence and counterarguments, and a conclusive summary. Whether you’re a student or an aspiring writer, these examples offer valuable insights into building persuasive essays with a well-defined structure. Dive into these samples to sharpen your argumentative writing skills and master the art of persuasion.

7th Grade Argumentative Essay Examples

These samples are tailored to the needs and understanding of 7th graders, providing them with clear and relatable examples of persuasive writing. These examples serve as valuable resources to help you grasp the fundamentals of constructing compelling arguments and honing your persuasive writing skills. Explore these 7th-grade argumentative essay examples to embark on your journey toward effective argumentation and critical thinking.

Short Argumentative Essay Samples

When it comes to argumentative essays, there’s no fixed word count limitation. The primary objective is to persuade and effectively convey the writer’s insights to the intended audience. An argumentative essay can be concise or extensive, yet its validity hinges on the strength of its argument. Here, we present a brief example of argumentative essay sample to illustrate how even a short composition can powerfully convey ideas and viewpoints. Whether you opt for brevity or depth, the essence of a compelling argument remains constant, making your case convincing.

Argumentative Essay Writing Checklist

  • ✔️ Study your topic first. If you want to come up with a reliable argumentation, you should know all the cons and pros of your subject.
  • ✔️ Narrow your topic down to provide a clear argumentation that would not be too vague.
  • ✔️ Create a hook sentence in your introduction that will help make sense of your subject. It should be something that will inspire your readers and make them interested in your problem’s scope.
  • ✔️ Create a strong thesis statement.
  • ✔️ Research your statistics and data that will help act as evidence. If you can provide more information based on interviews, surveys, statistics, or first-hand research, you will be able to support your arguments with the help of the primary sources.
  • ✔️ Check your quotes to avoid plagiarism as you create an accurate reference list.

Make sure that you check your grading rubric twice and study at least one free example of argumentative essay. It will help you compare the provided rules to your argumentative task as you begin to write.

Summary: Example Argumentative Essay

Argumentative essays are a prevalent form of academic writing that combines persuasive arguments with research-based evidence to sway readers’ viewpoints. These essays seek to convince readers to adopt a particular perspective on a controversial issue by presenting a clear thesis, supporting it with evidence, and refuting opposing arguments. They are valuable tools for honing persuasive writing skills and critical thinking.

Our collection of argumentative essay examples covers various educational levels, from college to middle school, and different essay structures, including 5-paragraph and short essays. These samples provide practical insights into constructing compelling arguments, organizing essays effectively, and using evidence to support claims. They serve as valuable resources for students and writers looking to improve their argumentative essay writing skills. 

The Controversy Surrounding Offshore Oil Drilling

Offshore oil drilling has been a contentious issue for decades, with proponents arguing for its economic benefits and opponents raising concerns about environmental risks. In this essay, we will explore both sides of the argument, examining the advantages and disadvantages of offshore oil drilling and…

Offshore Oil Drilling Ban: Protecting the Environment and Economy

Offshore oil drilling has long been a controversial topic, with proponents arguing that it is necessary for economic growth and energy security, while opponents raise concerns about environmental risks and the potential for catastrophic oil spills. The debate over whether to ban offshore oil drilling…

Amigo Brothers: An Argumentative Sample

Amigo Brothers is a short story written by Piri Thomas that revolves around two best friends, Antonio and Felix, who are both passionate about boxing. The story culminates in a boxing match between the two friends to determine who is the better boxer. The question…

The NFL: Balancing Entertainment and Ethical Considerations

Introduction The National Football League (NFL) stands as a monumental entity within the realm of American sports, captivating millions of fans with its high-octane games and charismatic players. However, along with its immense popularity comes a litany of controversies that challenge the ethical framework within…

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The Minimum Wage Debate: Balancing Economic Growth and Social Equity

Introduction The debate over the minimum wage is one of the most enduring and contentious in economic policy. Proponents argue that raising the minimum wage is essential for reducing poverty and ensuring a fairer distribution of income, while opponents contend that it could lead to…

Video Game Addiction: A Growing Threat to Health and Society

Video games have permeated modern culture, evolving from simple entertainment into complex virtual worlds that captivate millions. While the merits of video games, such as cognitive benefits and social interaction, are often celebrated, an emerging concern is their potential for addiction. Video game addiction, characterized…

The Role Of Hate Speech In Social Media

Introduction In the digital age, social media platforms have revolutionized the way people communicate, share ideas, and engage with global communities. However, the proliferation of these platforms has also given rise to a significant challenge: hate speech. Hate speech on social media not only perpetuates…

The Pitfalls of Fad Diets: Advocating for Balanced Nutrition

Diets have long been a subject of intense debate, especially in contemporary society where health consciousness is at an all-time high. The abundance of diet plans, from ketogenic to vegan and everything in between, presents individuals with a plethora of choices. However, the efficacy and…

The Multifaceted Benefits of Responsible Video Gaming

Introduction Video games have become a ubiquitous aspect of contemporary culture, influencing millions worldwide. The debate surrounding their impact—whether beneficial or detrimental—continues to polarize opinions. This essay aims to present a nuanced argument, asserting that video games, when engaged with responsibly, can offer substantial cognitive,…

The Imperative of Education: A Critical Examination

Education has long been heralded as the cornerstone of societal advancement. From ancient civilizations to modern-day societies, the role of education in shaping the minds and futures of individuals cannot be overstated. It serves as a critical tool for personal development and societal improvement, fostering…

What is an argumentative essay type?

An argumentative essay is a type of essay that aims to persuade the reader to accept a particular point of view. It presents evidence and arguments to support the writer's claim and to refute opposing views.

How do you start an argumentative essay?

The most important part of starting a successful argumentative essay is coming up with a good topic, thesis sentence statement, and a list of sources that will support your argumentation. These three elements are essential because they represent the core of your argumentative writing. Check our free argumentative essay examples to see how the argumentation in the thesis is supported by the evidence and citations. Do not ignore the introduction part with the sentences that set the topic for your essay. They must be present to let the readers know why your argumentative part takes place.

What are things to avoid when writing an argumentative essay?

The trick is to avoid choosing argumentative essay titles that remain between two opinions. Once you have a good argument, it must take a side, yet never sound too opinionated. If you say something, provide evidence. Seek for argumentative essay topics that can influence your readers but avoid controversial ideas. Composing your thesis statement, start with a list of sources.

What are the different types of argumentative essays?

There are three main types of argumentative essays: Toulmin argument (focuses on the relationship between claims, evidence, and warrants), Rogerian argument (aims to find common ground with the reader and to build consensus; acknowledges opposing views and tries to show that the writer's position is compatible with them) and Classical argument (follows a three-part structure: introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion).

What are the 5 parts of an argumentative essay?

Since there are different meanings to the five parts used in examples of argumentative essays, it must be said that the structure part must include "Introduction - Thesis - Main Body Part - Counter-Arguments Paragraph - Conclusion". In terms of five elements of a good argument, it must include Pathos, Target Audience, Speaker's Voice, Ethos, Message, and Logos. Following this structure, you will be able to get rid of all the unnecessary parts and avoid including your thoughts where they are not meant to be. You can see our argumentative samples as the reference of structure.

Can I use first-person pronouns in an argumentative essay?

The standards of academic writing do not recommend using the first person since an argumentative essay belongs to research writing where the focus is on the argument you make, not your personality. It is not a reflection essay as well. The target audience knows that you are the author. Still, you present argumentation based on research done by the others as the evidence, therefore, consider this fact. See our free argumentative essays to see how the grammar structures help to avoid “I” or “in my opinion” parts by using general descriptive patterns when referencing certain ideas.

What words or phrases create effective transitions in an argumentative essay?

Effective transitions in an argumentative essay can be achieved using words and phrases like "however," "contrary to popular belief," and "as confirmed by." These help in guiding the reader through your argument smoothly. To see how they work in practice, reviewing argumentative essay examples can be quite useful.

The most popular topics for Argumentative Essay

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130 New Prompts for Argumentative Writing

Questions on everything from mental health and sports to video games and dating. Which ones inspire you to take a stand?

best essays argumentative

By The Learning Network

Note: We have an updated version of this list, with 300 new argumentative writing prompts .

What issues do you care most about? What topics do you find yourself discussing passionately, whether online, at the dinner table, in the classroom or with your friends?

In Unit 5 of our free yearlong writing curriculum and related Student Editorial Contest , we invite students to research and write about the issues that matter to them, whether that’s Shakespeare , health care , standardized testing or being messy .

But with so many possibilities, where does one even begin? Try our student writing prompts.

In 2017, we compiled a list of 401 argumentative writing prompts , all drawn from our daily Student Opinion column . Now, we’re rounding up 130 more we’ve published since then ( available here as a PDF ). Each prompt links to a free Times article as well as additional subquestions that can help you think more deeply about it.

You might use this list to inspire your own writing and to find links to reliable resources about the issues that intrigue you. But even if you’re not participating in our contest, you can use these prompts to practice the kind of low-stakes writing that can help you hone your argumentation skills.

So scroll through the list below with questions on everything from sports and mental health to dating and video games and see which ones inspire you to take a stand.

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Debate Topics

Need to write an argumentative essay? Preparing for an upcoming debate? ProCon.org has over 100 topics complete with pro and con arguments, quotes and statistics from experts, historical information, and other pertinent research.

Abortion – Should abortion be legal?

Alternative Energy – Can alternative energy effectively replace fossil fuels?

American Socialism – Should the U.S. become socialist?

Animal Dissection – Should K-12 students dissect animals in science classrooms?

Animal Testing – Should animals be used for scientific or commercial testing?

Artificial Intelligence – Is artificial intelligence good for society?

Banned Books – Should parents or other adults be able to ban books from schools and libraries?

Binge-Watching – Is binge-watching good for you?

Bottled Water Ban – Should bottled water be banned?

Cancel Culture – Is cancel culture (or callout culture) good for society?

CBD for Pets – Is CBD good for pets?

Cell Phone Radiation – Is cell phone radiation safe?

Cheerleading – Is cheerleading a sport?

Churches & Taxes – Should churches (including mosques, synagogues, etc.) remain tax-exempt?

College Education – Is a college education worth it?

Congressional Term Limits  – Should term limits be imposed on U.S. Senators and Representatives?

Constitutional Carry of Handguns – Should permitless, “constitutional carry” of guns be legal?

Corporal Punishment – Should corporal punishment be used in K-12 schools?

Corporate Tax Rate – Should the federal corporate income tax rate be raised?

Cuba Embargo – Should the United States maintain its embargo against Cuba?

DACA & Dreamers – Are DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) and the DREAM Act good for America?

Daylight Saving Time – Should the United States keep daylight saving time?

DC AND Puerto Rico Statehood – Should Washington, DC, and Puerto Rico be granted U.S. statehood?

Death Penalty – Should the death penalty be legal?

Defund the Police – Should police departments be defunded, if not abolished?

Dress Codes – Should dress codes be implemented and enforced?

Drinking Age – Should the drinking age be lowered from 21 to a younger age?

Drone Strikes – Should the United States continue its use of drone strikes abroad?

Drug Use in Sports – Should performance-enhancing drugs be accepted in sports?

Election Day National Holiday – Should the election day be made a national holiday?

Electoral College – Should the United States use the electoral college in presidential elections?

Employer Vaccine Mandates – Should employers be able to mandate vaccinations?

Felon Voting – Should people who have completed felony sentences be allowed to vote?

Fighting in Hockey – Should fighting be allowed in hockey?

Filibuster – Should the U.S. Senate keep the filibuster?

Fracking – Should the United States continue fracking

Free College – Should public college be tuition-free?

Fur Clothing Bans – Should fur clothing be banned?

GMOS – Should genetically modified organisms (GMOs) be grown?

Gold Standard – Should the United States return to a gold standard?

Golf – Is golf a sport and are golfers athletes?

Gun Control – Should more gun control laws be enacted?

Historic Statue Removal – Should historic statues be taken down?

Homework – Is homework beneficial?

Illegal Immigration – Should the U.S. government provide a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants?

Internet – Is the internet “making us stupid?”

Kneeling during the National Anthem – Is kneeling during the national anthem an appropriate form of protest?

Mandatory National Service – Should the United States have mandatory national service?

Medical Aid in Dying (MAID) – Should medical aid in dying be legal?

Medical Marijuana – Should medical marijuana be legal?

Milk – Should humans consume dairy milk?

Minimum Wage – Should the federal minimum wage be increased?

Net Neutrality – Should the U.S. have net neutrality laws?

Obesity – Is obesity a disease?

Olympics – Are the Olympic games an overall benefit for their host countries and cities?

OTC Birth Control Pills – Should birth control pills be available over-the-counter (OTC)?

Penny – Should the penny stay in circulation?

Pit Bull Bans – Should breed-specific legislation (“pit bull bans”) be enacted?

Pokémon – Is Pokémon Go good for our society?

Police Body Cameras – Should police officers wear body cameras?

Prescription Drug Costs – Should the U.S. federal government regulate prescription drug prices?

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Private Prisons – Should prisons be privatized?

Recreational Marijuana – Should recreational marijuana be legal?

Reparations for Slavery – Should the federal government pay reparations to the descendants of slaves?

Right to Healthcare – Should all Americans have the right (be entitled) to health care?

Sanctuary Cities – Should sanctuary cities receive federal funding?

Santa Claus – Is there really a Santa Claus?

Saturday Halloween – Should Halloween be moved permanently to Saturday?

School Uniforms – Should students have to wear school uniforms?

Social Media & Digital Addiction – Does social media spur digital addiction and other social ills?

Social Security Privatization – Should social security be privatized?

Space Colonization – Should humans colonize space?

Standardized Tests – Do standardized tests improve education in America?

Student Loan Debt – Should student loan debt be eliminated via forgiveness or bankruptcy?

TikTok Bans – Should TikTok be banned?

Uber & Lyft – Are ride-sharing companies a benefit to society?

Universal Basic Income (UBI) – Should the United States implement a universal basic income?

U.S. Supreme Court Packing – Should packing the U.S. Supreme Court ever be considered?

Vaccines for Kids – Should states be allowed to mandate vaccines for school attendance??

Vaping E-Cigarettes – Is vaping e-cigarettes safe?

Vegetarianism – Should people become vegetarian?

Video Games & Violence – Do violent video games contribute to youth violence?

Voting Age – Should the voting age be lowered to 16?

Voting Machines – Are electronic voting machines the best method for voting?

Zoos – Should zoos exist?

Archived Topics

Please note that ProCon no longer updates these debates.

ACLU – Is the ACLU good for America?

Big Three Bailout – Should the big three car manufacturers be bailed out by the U.S. government?

Born Gay – Is sexual orientation determined at birth?

Climate Change – Is human activity primarily responsible for global climate change?

College Football Playoffs – Should college football replace the Bowl Championship Series (BCS) with a playoff system?

Dakota Access Pipeline – Should the Dakota Access Pipeline be completed?

D.A.R.E. – Is the D.A.R.E. program good for America’s kids (K-12)?

Gay Marriage – Should gay marriage be legal?

Congressional Insider Trading – Should insider trading by Congress be allowed?

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict – What are the solutions to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?

Obamacare – Is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) good for America?

Paying College Athletes – Should colleges and universities pay college athletes?

President Bill Clinton – Was Bill Clinton a good president?

President Ronald Reagan – Was Ronald Reagan a good president?

Presidential Election, 2008 – Which candidate would make the best U.S. president?

Presidential Election, 2012 – Which candidate should be U.S. president in 2012?

Presidential Election, 2016 – The candidates and where they stand on the issues

Presidential Election, 2020 – 2020 Presidential Election Site

Prostitution – Should prostitution be legal?

School Vouchers – Should states have school voucher programs?

Tablets v. Textbooks -Should tablets replace textbooks in K-12 schools?

Teacher Tenure – Should teachers get tenure?

Under God in the Pledge – Should the words “under god” be in the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance?

U.S. Drone Shot down by Iran – Was the U.S. drone shot down by Iran over international waters?

U.S.-Iraq War – Should the U.S. have attacked Iraq?

WTC Muslim Center – Is it appropriate to build a muslim community center (aka the ”ground zero mosque”) near the World Trade Center site?

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Natalie Leppard Managing Editor [email protected]

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40 Strong Persuasive Writing Examples (Essays, Speeches, Ads, and More)

Learn from the experts.

The American Crisis historical article, as an instance of persuasive essay examples

The more we read, the better writers we become. Teaching students to write strong persuasive essays should always start with reading some top-notch models. This round-up of persuasive writing examples includes famous speeches, influential ad campaigns, contemporary reviews of famous books, and more. Use them to inspire your students to write their own essays. (Need persuasive essay topics? Check out our list of interesting persuasive essay ideas here! )

  • Persuasive Essays
  • Persuasive Speeches
  • Advertising Campaigns

Persuasive Essay Writing Examples

First paragraph of Thomas Paine's The American Crisis

From the earliest days of print, authors have used persuasive essays to try to sway others to their own point of view. Check out these top persuasive essay writing examples.

Professions for Women by Virginia Woolf

Sample lines: “Outwardly, what is simpler than to write books? Outwardly, what obstacles are there for a woman rather than for a man? Inwardly, I think, the case is very different; she has still many ghosts to fight, many prejudices to overcome. Indeed it will be a long time still, I think, before a woman can sit down to write a book without finding a phantom to be slain, a rock to be dashed against. And if this is so in literature, the freest of all professions for women, how is it in the new professions which you are now for the first time entering?”

The Crisis by Thomas Paine

Sample lines: “These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value.”

Politics and the English Language by George Orwell

Sample lines: “As I have tried to show, modern writing at its worst does not consist in picking out words for the sake of their meaning and inventing images in order to make the meaning clearer. It consists in gumming together long strips of words which have already been set in order by someone else, and making the results presentable by sheer humbug.”

Letter From a Birmingham Jail by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Sample lines: “We know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed. Frankly, I have yet to engage in a direct action campaign that was ‘well timed’ in the view of those who have not suffered unduly from the disease of segregation. For years now I have heard the word ‘Wait!’ It rings in the ear of every Negro with piercing familiarity. This ‘Wait’ has almost always meant ‘Never.’ We must come to see, with one of our distinguished jurists, that ‘justice too long delayed is justice denied.'”

Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau

Sample lines: “Even voting for the right is doing nothing for it. It is only expressing to men feebly your desire that it should prevail. A wise man will not leave the right to the mercy of chance, nor wish it to prevail through the power of the majority. There is but little virtue in the action of masses of men.”

Go Gentle Into That Good Night by Roger Ebert

Sample lines: “‘Kindness’ covers all of my political beliefs. No need to spell them out. I believe that if, at the end of it all, according to our abilities, we have done something to make others a little happier, and something to make ourselves a little happier, that is about the best we can do. To make others less happy is a crime.”

The Way to Wealth by Benjamin Franklin

Sample lines: “Methinks I hear some of you say, must a man afford himself no leisure? I will tell thee, my friend, what Poor Richard says, employ thy time well if thou meanest to gain leisure; and, since thou art not sure of a minute, throw not away an hour. Leisure is time for doing something useful; this leisure the diligent man will obtain, but the lazy man never; so that, as Poor Richard says, a life of leisure and a life of laziness are two things.”

The Crack-Up by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Sample lines: “Of course all life is a process of breaking down, but the blows that do the dramatic side of the work—the big sudden blows that come, or seem to come, from outside—the ones you remember and blame things on and, in moments of weakness, tell your friends about, don’t show their effect all at once.”

Open Letter to the Kansas School Board by Bobby Henderson

Sample lines: “I am writing you with much concern after having read of your hearing to decide whether the alternative theory of Intelligent Design should be taught along with the theory of Evolution. … Let us remember that there are multiple theories of Intelligent Design. I and many others around the world are of the strong belief that the universe was created by a Flying Spaghetti Monster. … We feel strongly that the overwhelming scientific evidence pointing towards evolutionary processes is nothing but a coincidence, put in place by Him. It is for this reason that I’m writing you today, to formally request that this alternative theory be taught in your schools, along with the other two theories.”

Open Letter to the United Nations by Niels Bohr

Sample lines: “Humanity will, therefore, be confronted with dangers of unprecedented character unless, in due time, measures can be taken to forestall a disastrous competition in such formidable armaments and to establish an international control of the manufacture and use of the powerful materials.”

Persuasive Speech Writing Examples

Many persuasive speeches are political in nature, often addressing subjects like human rights. Here are some of history’s most well-known persuasive writing examples in the form of speeches.

I Have a Dream by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Sample lines: “And so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.”

Woodrow Wilson’s War Message to Congress, 1917

Sample lines: “There are, it may be, many months of fiery trial and sacrifice ahead of us. It is a fearful thing to lead this great peaceful people into war, into the most terrible and disastrous of all wars, civilization itself seeming to be in the balance. But the right is more precious than peace, and we shall fight for the things which we have always carried nearest our hearts—for democracy, for the right of those who submit to authority to have a voice in their own governments, for the rights and liberties of small nations, for a universal dominion of right by such a concert of free peoples as shall bring peace and safety to all nations and make the world itself at last free.”

Chief Seattle’s 1854 Oration

Sample lines: “I here and now make this condition that we will not be denied the privilege without molestation of visiting at any time the tombs of our ancestors, friends, and children. Every part of this soil is sacred in the estimation of my people. Every hillside, every valley, every plain and grove, has been hallowed by some sad or happy event in days long vanished. Even the rocks, which seem to be dumb and dead as they swelter in the sun along the silent shore, thrill with memories of stirring events connected with the lives of my people, and the very dust upon which you now stand responds more lovingly to their footsteps than yours, because it is rich with the blood of our ancestors, and our bare feet are conscious of the sympathetic touch.”

Women’s Rights Are Human Rights, Hillary Rodham Clinton

Sample lines: “What we are learning around the world is that if women are healthy and educated, their families will flourish. If women are free from violence, their families will flourish. If women have a chance to work and earn as full and equal partners in society, their families will flourish. And when families flourish, communities and nations do as well. … If there is one message that echoes forth from this conference, let it be that human rights are women’s rights and women’s rights are human rights once and for all.”

I Am Prepared to Die, Nelson Mandela

Sample lines: “Above all, My Lord, we want equal political rights, because without them our disabilities will be permanent. I know this sounds revolutionary to the whites in this country, because the majority of voters will be Africans. This makes the white man fear democracy. But this fear cannot be allowed to stand in the way of the only solution which will guarantee racial harmony and freedom for all. It is not true that the enfranchisement of all will result in racial domination. Political division, based on color, is entirely artificial and, when it disappears, so will the domination of one color group by another. … This then is what the ANC is fighting. Our struggle is a truly national one. It is a struggle of the African people, inspired by our own suffering and our own experience. It is a struggle for the right to live.”

The Struggle for Human Rights by Eleanor Roosevelt

Sample lines: “It is my belief, and I am sure it is also yours, that the struggle for democracy and freedom is a critical struggle, for their preservation is essential to the great objective of the United Nations to maintain international peace and security. Among free men the end cannot justify the means. We know the patterns of totalitarianism—the single political party, the control of schools, press, radio, the arts, the sciences, and the church to support autocratic authority; these are the age-old patterns against which men have struggled for 3,000 years. These are the signs of reaction, retreat, and retrogression. The United Nations must hold fast to the heritage of freedom won by the struggle of its people; it must help us to pass it on to generations to come.”

Freedom From Fear by Aung San Suu Kyi

Sample lines: “Saints, it has been said, are the sinners who go on trying. So free men are the oppressed who go on trying and who in the process make themselves fit to bear the responsibilities and to uphold the disciplines which will maintain a free society. Among the basic freedoms to which men aspire that their lives might be full and uncramped, freedom from fear stands out as both a means and an end. A people who would build a nation in which strong, democratic institutions are firmly established as a guarantee against state-induced power must first learn to liberate their own minds from apathy and fear.”

Harvey Milk’s “The Hope” Speech

Sample lines: “Some people are satisfied. And some people are not. You see there is a major difference—and it remains a vital difference—between a friend and a gay person, a friend in office and a gay person in office. Gay people have been slandered nationwide. We’ve been tarred and we’ve been brushed with the picture of pornography. In Dade County, we were accused of child molestation. It is not enough anymore just to have friends represent us, no matter how good that friend may be.”

The Union and the Strike, Cesar Chavez

Sample lines: “We are showing our unity in our strike. Our strike is stopping the work in the fields; our strike is stopping ships that would carry grapes; our strike is stopping the trucks that would carry the grapes. Our strike will stop every way the grower makes money until we have a union contract that guarantees us a fair share of the money he makes from our work! We are a union and we are strong and we are striking to force the growers to respect our strength!”

Nobel Lecture by Malala Yousafzai

Sample lines: “The world can no longer accept that basic education is enough. Why do leaders accept that for children in developing countries, only basic literacy is sufficient, when their own children do homework in algebra, mathematics, science, and physics? Leaders must seize this opportunity to guarantee a free, quality, primary and secondary education for every child. Some will say this is impractical, or too expensive, or too hard. Or maybe even impossible. But it is time the world thinks bigger.”   

Persuasive Writing Examples in Advertising Campaigns

Ads are prime persuasive writing examples. You can flip open any magazine or watch TV for an hour or two to see sample after sample of persuasive language. Here are some of the most popular ad campaigns of all time, with links to articles explaining why they were so successful.

Nike: Just Do It


The iconic swoosh with the simple tagline has persuaded millions to buy their kicks from Nike and Nike alone. Teamed with pro sports-star endorsements, this campaign is one for the ages. Blinkist offers an opinion on what made it work.

Dove: Real Beauty

Beauty brand Dove changed the game by choosing “real” women to tell their stories instead of models. They used relatable images and language to make connections, and inspired other brands to try the same concept. Learn why Global Brands considers this one a true success story.

Wendy’s: Where’s the Beef?

Today’s kids are too young to remember the cranky old woman demanding to know where the beef was on her fast-food hamburger. But in the 1980s, it was a catchphrase that sold millions of Wendy’s burgers. Learn from Better Marketing how this ad campaign even found its way into the 1984 presidential debate.

De Beers: A Diamond Is Forever

Diamond engagement ring on black velvet. Text reads "How do you make two months' salary last forever? The Diamond Engagement Ring."

A diamond engagement ring has become a standard these days, but the tradition isn’t as old as you might think. In fact, it was De Beers jewelry company’s 1948 campaign that created the modern engagement ring trend. The Drum has the whole story of this sparkling campaign.

Volkswagen: Think Small

Americans have always loved big cars. So in the 1960s, when Volkswagen wanted to introduce their small cars to a bigger market, they had a problem. The clever “Think Small” campaign gave buyers clever reasons to consider these models, like “If you run out of gas, it’s easy to push.” Learn how advertisers interested American buyers in little cars at Visual Rhetoric.

American Express: Don’t Leave Home Without It

AmEx was once better known for traveler’s checks than credit cards, and the original slogan was “Don’t leave home without them.” A simple word change convinced travelers that American Express was the credit card they needed when they headed out on adventures. Discover more about this persuasive campaign from Medium.

Skittles: Taste the Rainbow

Bag of Skittles candy against a blue background. Text reads

These candy ads are weird and intriguing and probably not for everyone. But they definitely get you thinking, and that often leads to buying. Learn more about why these wacky ads are successful from The Drum.

Maybelline: Maybe She’s Born With It

Smart wordplay made this ad campaign slogan an instant hit. The ads teased, “Maybe she’s born with it. Maybe it’s Maybelline.” (So many literary devices all in one phrase!) Fashionista has more on this beauty campaign.

Coca-Cola: Share a Coke

Seeing their own name on a bottle made teens more likely to want to buy a Coke. What can that teach us about persuasive writing in general? It’s an interesting question to consider. Learn more about the “Share a Coke” campaign from Digital Vidya.

Always: #LikeaGirl

Always ad showing a young girl holding a softball. Text reads

Talk about the power of words! This Always campaign turned the derogatory phrase “like a girl” on its head, and the world embraced it. Storytelling is an important part of persuasive writing, and these ads really do it well. Medium has more on this stereotype-bashing campaign.   

Editorial Persuasive Writing Examples

Original newspaper editorial

Newspaper editors or publishers use editorials to share their personal opinions. Noted politicians, experts, or pundits may also offer their opinions on behalf of the editors or publishers. Here are a couple of older well-known editorials, along with a selection from current newspapers.

Yes, Virginia, There Is a Santa Claus (1897)

Sample lines: “Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy. Alas! How dreary would be the world if there were no Santa Claus. It would be as dreary as if there were no Virginias.”

What’s the Matter With Kansas? (1896)

Sample lines: “Oh, this IS a state to be proud of! We are a people who can hold up our heads! What we need is not more money, but less capital, fewer white shirts and brains, fewer men with business judgment, and more of those fellows who boast that they are ‘just ordinary clodhoppers, but they know more in a minute about finance than John Sherman,’ we need more men … who hate prosperity, and who think, because a man believes in national honor, he is a tool of Wall Street.”

America Can Have Democracy or Political Violence. Not Both. (The New York Times)

Sample lines: “The nation is not powerless to stop a slide toward deadly chaos. If institutions and individuals do more to make it unacceptable in American public life, organized violence in the service of political objectives can still be pushed to the fringes. When a faction of one of the country’s two main political parties embraces extremism, that makes thwarting it both more difficult and more necessary. A well-functioning democracy demands it.”

The Booster Isn’t Perfect, But Still Can Help Against COVID (The Washington Post)

Sample lines: “The booster shots are still free, readily available and work better than the previous boosters even as the virus evolves. Much still needs to be done to build better vaccines that protect longer and against more variants, including those that might emerge in the future. But it is worth grabbing the booster that exists today, the jab being a small price for any measure that can help keep COVID at bay.”

If We Want Wildlife To Thrive in L.A., We Have To Share Our Neighborhoods With Them (Los Angeles Times)

Sample lines: “If there are no corridors for wildlife movement and if excessive excavation of dirt to build bigger, taller houses erodes the slope of a hillside, then we are slowly destroying wildlife habitat. For those people fretting about what this will do to their property values—isn’t open space, trees, and wildlife an amenity in these communities?”   

Persuasive Review Writing Examples

Image of first published New York Times Book Review

Book or movie reviews are more great persuasive writing examples. Look for those written by professionals for the strongest arguments and writing styles. Here are reviews of some popular books and movies by well-known critics to use as samples.

The Great Gatsby (The Chicago Tribune, 1925)

Sample lines: “What ails it, fundamentally, is the plain fact that it is simply a story—that Fitzgerald seems to be far more interested in maintaining its suspense than in getting under the skins of its people. It is not that they are false: It is that they are taken too much for granted. Only Gatsby himself genuinely lives and breathes. The rest are mere marionettes—often astonishingly lifelike, but nevertheless not quite alive.”

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (The Washington Post, 1999)

Sample lines: “Obviously, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone should make any modern 11-year-old a very happy reader. The novel moves quickly, packs in everything from a boa constrictor that winks to a melancholy Zen-spouting centaur to an owl postal system, and ends with a scary surprise. Yet it is, essentially, a light-hearted thriller, interrupted by occasional seriousness (the implications of Harry’s miserable childhood, a moral about the power of love).”

Twilight (The Telegraph, 2009)

Sample lines: “No secret, of course, at whom this book is aimed, and no doubt, either, that it has hit its mark. The four Twilight novels are not so much enjoyed, as devoured, by legions of young female fans worldwide. That’s not to say boys can’t enjoy these books; it’s just that the pages of heart-searching dialogue between Edward and Bella may prove too long on chat and too short on action for the average male reader.”

To Kill a Mockingbird (Time, 1960)

Sample lines: “Author Lee, 34, an Alabaman, has written her first novel with all of the tactile brilliance and none of the preciosity generally supposed to be standard swamp-warfare issue for Southern writers. The novel is an account of an awakening to good and evil, and a faint catechistic flavor may have been inevitable. But it is faint indeed; novelist Lee’s prose has an edge that cuts through cant, and she teaches the reader an astonishing number of useful truths about little girls and about Southern life.”

The Diary of Anne Frank (The New York Times, 1952)

Sample lines: “And this quality brings it home to any family in the world today. Just as the Franks lived in momentary fear of the Gestapo’s knock on their hidden door, so every family today lives in fear of the knock of war. Anne’s diary is a great affirmative answer to the life-question of today, for she shows how ordinary people, within this ordeal, consistently hold to the greater human values.”   

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Plus, the big list of essay topics for high school (120+ ideas) ..

Find strong persuasive writing examples to use for inspiration, including essays, speeches, advertisements, reviews, and more.

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best essays argumentative

How to Write a Discursive Essay: Awesome Guide and Template

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The term "discursive" comes from the Latin word "discursus," meaning to move around or traverse. A discursive essay reflects this by exploring multiple viewpoints and offering a thorough discussion on a specific topic.

In this article, our term paper writing service will define what a discursive essay is, distinguish it from an argumentative essay, provide practical tips on how to write one effectively, and examine essay examples to illustrate its structure and approach.

What Is a Discursive Essay

A discursive essay is a type of essay where you discuss a topic from various viewpoints. The goal is to provide a balanced analysis by exploring different perspectives. Your essay should present arguments on the topic, showing both sides to give a comprehensive view.

Features of discursive essays typically include:

  • Thesis Statement: Clearly states your position or argument on the topic.
  • Discussion of Perspectives: Examines different viewpoints or aspects of the issue.
  • Evidence and Examples: Supports arguments with relevant evidence and examples.
  • Counterarguments: Addresses opposing viewpoints to strengthen your position.
  • Logical Organization: Structured to present arguments coherently and persuasively.

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How to Write a Discursive Essay

Writing a discursive essay involves examining a topic from different angles and presenting balanced viewpoints. Whether you're tackling a controversial issue or analyzing a complex subject, following these steps will help you craft a well-structured discursive essay.

discursive essay aspects

1. Understand the Topic

Before you start writing, make sure you grasp the topic thoroughly. Identify key terms and concepts to clarify what you need to discuss. Consider the different aspects and perspectives related to the topic that you will explore in your essay.

2. Research and Gather Evidence

Research is crucial for a discursive essay. Gather information from reliable sources such as books, academic journals, and reputable websites. Collect evidence that supports various viewpoints on the topic. Note down quotes, statistics, and examples that you can use to strengthen your arguments.

3. Plan Your Structure

Organize your essay effectively to ensure clarity and coherence. Start with an introduction that states your thesis or main argument. Outline the main points or perspectives you will discuss in the body paragraphs. Each paragraph should focus on a different aspect or viewpoint, supported by evidence. Consider including a paragraph that addresses counterarguments to strengthen your position.

4. Write the Introduction

Begin your essay with a compelling introduction that grabs the reader's attention. Start with a hook or an intriguing fact related to the topic. Clearly state your thesis statement, which outlines your position on the issue and previews the main points you will discuss. The introduction sets the tone for your essay and provides a roadmap for what follows.

5. Develop the Body Paragraphs

The body of your essay should present a balanced discussion of the topic. Each paragraph should focus on a different perspective or argument. Start each paragraph with a clear topic sentence that introduces the main idea. Support your points with evidence, examples, and quotes from your research. Ensure smooth transitions between paragraphs to maintain the flow of your argument.

6. Conclude Effectively

Wrap up your essay with a strong conclusion that summarizes the main points and reinforces your thesis statement. Avoid introducing new information in the conclusion. Instead, reflect on the significance of your arguments and how they contribute to the broader understanding of the topic. End with a thought-provoking statement or a call to action, encouraging readers to consider the complexities of the issue.

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Discursive Guide Checklist

Aspect 📝 Checklist ✅
Understanding the Topic Have I thoroughly understood the topic and its key terms?
Have I identified the different perspectives or viewpoints related to the topic?
Research and Evidence Have I conducted comprehensive research using reliable sources?
Have I gathered sufficient evidence, including quotes, statistics, and to support each perspective?
Structuring the Essay Have I planned a clear and logical structure for my essay?
Does my introduction include a strong thesis statement that outlines my position?
Introduction Does my introduction effectively grab the reader's attention?
Have I clearly stated my thesis statement that previews the main arguments?
Body Paragraphs Do my body paragraphs each focus on a different perspective or argument?
Have I provided evidence and examples to support each argument?
Counterarguments Have I addressed potential counterarguments to strengthen my position?
Have I acknowledged and responded to opposing viewpoints where necessary?
Conclusion Does my conclusion effectively summarize the main points discussed?
Have I reinforced my thesis statement and the significance of my arguments?
Clarity and Coherence Are my ideas presented in a clear and coherent manner?
Do my paragraphs flow logically from one to the next?
Language and Style Have I used clear and concise language throughout the essay?
Is my writing style appropriate for the academic context, avoiding overly casual language?
Editing and Proofreading Have I proofread my essay for grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors?
Have I checked the overall structure and flow of my essay for coherence?

Discursive Essay Examples

Here, let’s take a look at our samples and see how different topics are discussed from different viewpoints in real discursive essays.

If you found these examples helpful, you can order custom essay now and receive one on any topic you choose.

Discursive Essay Topics

Here are a range of topics that encourage exploration of different perspectives and critical analysis. Choose a topic that interests you and allows for a balanced analysis of arguments and evidence.

  • Should governments impose higher taxes on sugary drinks to combat obesity?
  • Is homeschooling beneficial for children's education?
  • Should the use of drones for military purposes be restricted?
  • Should the legal drinking age be lowered or raised?
  • Is online education as effective as traditional classroom learning?
  • Should parents be held legally responsible for their children's actions?
  • Is artificial intelligence a threat to human employment?
  • Are video games a positive or negative influence on young people?
  • Should the voting age be lowered to 16?
  • Should schools teach mindfulness and meditation techniques?
  • Is cultural diversity in the workplace beneficial for companies?
  • Should prisoners have the right to vote?
  • Is social media addiction a real problem?
  • Should plastic packaging be replaced with eco-friendly alternatives?
  • Is it ethical to clone animals for agricultural purposes?
  • Should the government provide subsidies for electric vehicles?
  • Is privacy more important than national security?
  • Should school uniforms be mandatory?
  • Is renewable energy the future of our planet?
  • Should parents have access to their children's social media accounts?

By the way, we also have a great collection of narrative essay topics to inspire your creativity.

What is the Difference Between a Discursive and Argumentative Essay

Discursive essays and argumentative essays share similarities but have distinct differences in their approach and purpose. While both essay types involve critical thinking and analysis, the main difference lies in the writer's approach to the topic and the overall goal of the essay—whether it aims to explore and discuss multiple perspectives (discursive) or to argue for a specific viewpoint (argumentative). Here’s a more detailed look at how they differ:

Key Differences 📌 Discursive Essay 📝 Argumentative Essay 🗣️
Purpose 🎯 Provides a balanced discussion on a topic Persuades the reader to agree with a specific viewpoint.
Approach 🔍 Examines multiple perspectives without taking a definitive stance Takes a clear position and argues for or against it throughout the essay.
Thesis Statement 📜 Often states a general overview or acknowledges different viewpoints. States a strong and specific thesis that outlines the writer's position clearly.
Argumentation 💬 Presents arguments from various angles to provide a comprehensive view. Presents arguments that support the writer's position and refute opposing views.

Types of Discursive Essay

Before writing a discursive essay, keep in mind that they can be categorized into different types based on their specific purposes and structures. Here are some common types of discursive essays:

purpose of discursive essay

Opinion Essays:

  • Purpose: Expressing and supporting personal opinions on a given topic.
  • Structure: The essay presents the writer's viewpoint and provides supporting evidence, examples, and arguments. It may also address counterarguments to strengthen the overall discussion.

Problem-Solution Essays:

  • Purpose: Identifying a specific problem and proposing effective solutions.
  • Structure: The essay introduces the problem, discusses its causes and effects, and presents possible solutions. It often concludes with a recommendation or call to action.

Compare and Contrast Essays:

  • Purpose: Analyzing similarities and differences between two or more perspectives, ideas, or approaches.
  • Structure: The essay outlines the key points of each perspective, highlighting similarities and differences. A balanced analysis is provided to give the reader a comprehensive understanding.

Cause and Effect Essays:

  • Purpose: Exploring the causes and effects of a particular phenomenon or issue.
  • Structure: The essay identifies the primary causes and examines their effects or vice versa. It may delve into the chain of events and their implications.

Argumentative Essays:

  • Purpose: Presenting a strong argument in favor of a specific viewpoint.
  • Structure: The essay establishes a clear thesis statement, provides evidence and reasoning to support the argument, and addresses opposing views. It aims to persuade the reader to adopt the writer's perspective.

Pro-Con Essays:

  • Purpose: Evaluating the pros and cons of a given issue.
  • Structure: The essay presents the positive aspects (pros) and negative aspects (cons) of the topic. It aims to provide a balanced assessment and may conclude with a recommendation or a summary of the most compelling points.

Exploratory Essays:

  • Purpose: Investigating and discussing a topic without necessarily advocating for a specific position.
  • Structure: The essay explores various aspects of the topic, presenting different perspectives and allowing the reader to form their own conclusions. It often reflects a process of inquiry and discovery.

These types of discursive essays offer different approaches to presenting information, and the choice of type depends on the specific goals of the essay and the preferences of the writer.

Discursive Essay Format

Writing a discursive essay needs careful planning to make sure it’s clear and flows well while presenting different viewpoints on a topic. Here’s how to structure your discursive essay:


  • Start with an interesting opening sentence to catch the reader's attention. Give some background information on the topic to show why it’s important.
  • Clearly state your main argument or position on the topic, and mention that you’ll be discussing different viewpoints.

"Should genetically modified foods be more strictly regulated for consumer safety? This question sparks debates among scientists, policymakers, and consumers alike. This essay explores the different perspectives on genetically modified organisms (GMOs) to give a complete view of the issues."

Body Paragraphs

  • Begin each paragraph with a sentence that introduces a key point or perspective about GMOs.
  • Present arguments, evidence, and examples to support each perspective. Consider the benefits, risks, and ethical issues around GMOs.
  • Address possible objections or opposing viewpoints to show a balanced analysis.

"Supporters of GMOs argue that genetically engineered crops can help solve global food shortages by increasing crop yields and resistance to pests. For example, studies have shown that GMOs like insect-resistant corn have reduced the need for chemical pesticides, which benefits both farmers and the environment."


  • Recognize the counterarguments or concerns raised by opponents of GMOs.
  • Provide reasoned responses or rebuttals to these counterarguments, acknowledging the complexity of the issue.

"However, critics of GMOs worry about potential long-term health effects and environmental impacts. They argue that there isn’t enough research to ensure the safety of eating genetically modified foods over long periods."

  • Summarize the main points discussed in the essay about GMOs.
  • Reinforce your thesis statement while considering the different arguments presented.
  • Finish with a thought-provoking statement or suggest what should be considered for future research or policy decisions related to GMOs.

"In conclusion, the debate over genetically modified foods highlights the need to balance scientific innovation with public health and environmental concerns. While GMOs offer potential benefits for global food security, ongoing research and transparent regulation are essential to address uncertainties and ensure consumer safety."

Formatting Tips

  • Use clear and straightforward language throughout the essay.
  • Ensure smooth transitions between paragraphs to maintain the flow of ideas.
  • Use headings and subheadings if they help organize different perspectives.
  • Properly cite sources when referencing research findings, quotes, or statistics.

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Yays and Nays of Writing Discourse Essays

In learning how to write a discursive essay, certain do's and don'ts serve as guiding principles throughout the writing process. By adhering to these guidelines, writers can navigate the complexities of presenting arguments, counterarguments, and nuanced analyses, ensuring the essay resonates with clarity and persuasiveness.

Yays 👍 Nays 👎
Conduct thorough research to ensure a well-informed discussion. Don’t express personal opinions in the body of the essay. Save personal commentary for the conclusion.
Explore various arguments and viewpoints on the issue. Don't introduce new information or arguments in the conclusion. This section should summarize and reflect on existing content.
Maintain a balanced and neutral tone. Present arguments objectively without personal bias. Don’t use overly emotional or subjective language. Maintain a professional and objective tone.
Structure your essay with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Use paragraphs to organize your ideas. Ensure your arguments are supported by credible evidence. Don’t rely on personal opinions without sufficient research.
Include clear topic sentences at the beginning of each paragraph to guide the reader through your arguments. Don’t have an ambiguous or unclear thesis statement. Clearly state the purpose of your essay in the introduction.
Use credible evidence from reputable sources to support your arguments. Don’t ignore counterarguments. Address opposing viewpoints to strengthen your overall argument.
Ensure a smooth flow between paragraphs and ideas with transitional words and phrases. Don’t use overly complex language if it doesn’t add to the clarity of your arguments. Aim for clarity and simplicity.
Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of different arguments and viewpoints. Don’t present ideas in a disorganized manner. Ensure a logical flow between paragraphs and ideas.
Recap key points in the conclusion, summarizing the main arguments and perspectives discussed. Don’t excessively repeat the same points. Present a variety of arguments and perspectives to keep the essay engaging.
Correct any grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors by proofreading your essay. Don’t ignore the guidelines provided for your assignment. Follow any specific instructions or requirements given by your instructor or institution.

Wrapping Up

Throughout this guide, you have acquired valuable insights into the art of crafting compelling arguments and presenting diverse perspectives. By delving into the nuances of topic selection, structuring, and incorporating evidence, you could hone your critical thinking skills and sharpen your ability to engage in informed discourse. 

This guide serves as a roadmap, offering not just a set of rules but a toolkit to empower students in their academic journey. As you embark on future writing endeavors, armed with the knowledge gained here, you can confidently navigate the challenges of constructing well-reasoned, balanced discursive essays that contribute meaningfully to academic discourse and foster a deeper understanding of complex issues. If you want to continue your academic learning journey right now, we suggest that you read about the IEEE format next.

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What is a Discursive Example?

What is the difference between a discursive and argumentative essay, what are the 2 types of discursive writing.

Daniel Parker

Daniel Parker

is a seasoned educational writer focusing on scholarship guidance, research papers, and various forms of academic essays including reflective and narrative essays. His expertise also extends to detailed case studies. A scholar with a background in English Literature and Education, Daniel’s work on EssayPro blog aims to support students in achieving academic excellence and securing scholarships. His hobbies include reading classic literature and participating in academic forums.

best essays argumentative

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

  • Updated old sections including definition, outline, writing guide.
  • Added new topics, examples, checklist, FAQs.
  • Discursive writing - Discursive Writing - Higher English Revision. (n.d.). BBC Bitesize. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/zpdwwmn/revision/1  
  • Prepare for Exam Success: C1 Advanced self-access learning Writing Part 1 -the discursive essay Lesson summary. (n.d.). Retrieved June 28, 2024, from https://www.cambridgeenglish.org/Images/583526-c1-advanced-self-access-learning-writing-part-1-discursive-essay.pdf  
  • Tomeu. (n.d.). Advanced C1.1: How to write a DISCURSIVE ESSAY. Advanced C1.1. Retrieved June 28, 2024, from https://englishadvanced2.blogspot.com/2013/10/speakout-advanced-p-25-examples-of.html  

How to Write a 5 Paragraph Essay

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College essays that worked and how yours can too.

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CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS - JULY 08: A view of Harvard Yard on the campus of Harvard University on ... [+] July 08, 2020 in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology have sued the Trump administration for its decision to strip international college students of their visas if all of their courses are held online. (Photo by Maddie Meyer/Getty Images)

The college essay is a pivotal piece of the college application showcasing your individuality and differentiated outlook to admissions officers. What makes an essay truly shine? Let’s dive into the words behind three standout essays highlighted by university websites and a school newspaper's brand studio so you can get into the right mindset for crafting your own narrative.

Embracing Differences: Finding Strength In Uniqueness

Essay Excerpt: ‘Bra Shopping ’ (Harvard)

Featured by the Harvard Crimson Brand Studio , Orlee's essay recounts a student's humorous and insightful experience of bra shopping with her grandmother, weaving in her unique family dynamics and challenges at her prestigious school.

What Works:

  • Humor and Honesty: The student's humor makes the essay enjoyable to read, while her honesty about her challenges adds depth.
  • Self-Awareness: She demonstrates a strong sense of self-awareness, embracing her uniqueness rather than trying to fit in.
  • Resilience: Her narrative highlights resilience and the ability to find strength in differences.

For Your Essay : To write an essay that embraces your uniqueness, start by identifying a quirky or challenging experience that reflects who a key insight into your experience. Think about how this experience has shaped your perspective and character. Use humor and honesty to bring your story to life, and focus on how you have embraced your differences to become stronger and more resilient.

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Best 5% interest savings accounts of 2024, finding connections: humor and self-reflection.

Essay: ‘Brood X Cicadas ’ (Hamilton College)

As an example on Hamilton's admissions website, Nicholas writes about the cicadas swarming his hometown every 17 years and draws a parallel between their emergence and his own transition to college life. He uses humor and self-reflection to create a relatable and engaging narrative.

  • Humor: Nicholas uses humor to make his essay entertaining and memorable. His witty comparisons between himself and cicadas add a unique twist.
  • Self-Reflection: By comparing his life to the cicadas’, he reflects on his own growth and readiness for change.
  • Relatability: His narrative about facing new experiences and challenges resonates with readers who have undergone similar transitions.

For Your Essay: To infuse humor and self-reflection into your essay, start by identifying an ordinary experience or object and think about how it relates to your life. Write down funny or insightful observations about this connection. Use humor to make your essay more engaging, but ensure it still conveys meaningful self-reflection. This balance can make your essay both entertaining and profound.

Persistence and Multicultural Identity: Life Lessons From Tortilla Making

Essay: ‘ Facing The Hot Griddle ’ (Johns Hopkins University)

In this essay published by Hopkins Insider, Rocio uses the process of making tortillas to explore her multicultural identity and the challenges she has faced. Her story beautifully weaves together her Guatemalan heritage and her experiences growing up in the United States.

  • Metaphor and Symbolism: The process of making tortillas becomes a powerful metaphor for the student’s journey and struggles. The symbolism of the masa harina and water mixing parallels her blending of cultural identities.
  • Personal Growth: The essay highlights her perseverance and adaptability, qualities that are crucial for success in college.
  • Cultural Insight: She provides a rich, personal insight into her multicultural background, making her story unique and compelling.

For Your Essay: To write an essay that explores your identity through a metaphor, start by thinking about an activity or tradition that holds significant meaning for you. Consider how this activity relates to your life experiences and personal growth. Use detailed descriptions to bring the activity to life and draw connections between the process and your own journey. Reflect on the lessons you've learned and how they've shaped your identity.

A winning college essay isn’t simply about parading your best accomplishment or dramatizing your challenges. It’s not a contest for which student is the most original or entertaining. Rather, the essay is a chance for you to showcase your authenticity, passion, resilience, social awareness, and intellectual vitality . By sharing genuine stories and insights, you can create an essay that resonates with admissions committees and highlights your unique qualities.

For you to have the best possible essay, mindset is key. Here’s how to get into the zone:

  • Reflect Deeply: Spend time thinking about your experiences, challenges, and passions. Journaling can help you uncover deep insights.
  • Discuss and Share: Talking about your stories with friends, family, or mentors can provide new perspectives and emotional clarity.
  • Immerse Yourself: Engage in activities that you are passionate about to reignite the feelings and memories associated with them.
  • Draft Freely: Don’t worry about perfection on the first try. Write freely and honestly, then refine your narrative.

The secret to a standout college essay lies in its authenticity, depth, and emotional resonance. By learning from these successful examples and getting into the right mindset, you can craft an essay that not only stands out but also provides a meaningful insight into who you are. Remember, your essay is your story—make it a piece of writing that you will always be proud of.

Dr. Aviva Legatt

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Ranking NFL teams' under-25 talent: Texans, Lions lead list

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A big part of determining which NFL teams are set up for future success is looking at how much young talent is on each roster. It's important for a couple of reasons. Young players are still developing and could become even better, more productive players as they hit their peak years. They also come on cheap rookie contracts that help teams stay under the salary cap and give them room to sign older veteran free agents.

This year, the team with the most valuable young core might be obvious: the Texans. C.J. Stroud has already shown he can succeed in the NFL but still has a few years left on his rookie contract. And he shares a locker room with last year's Defensive Rookie of the Year , a promising young pass rusher who may only get better in Will Anderson Jr .

It's important to note that you don't need to have youth to be a current Super Bowl contender. But young talent establishes how much success a team is likely to have over the longer term. So here is our ranking of every NFL team by its talent under 25 years old for this season. All ages are as of Sept. 1, 2024. (We didn't do this exercise last year, so we went back and retroactively projected what the 2023 ranking would have been based on the same formula.)

Jump to a team: ARI | ATL | BAL | BUF | CAR | CHI | CIN CLE | DAL | DEN | DET | GB | HOU | IND JAX | KC | LV | LAC | LAR | MIA | MIN NE | NO | NYG | NYJ | PHI | PIT | SF SEA | TB | TEN | WSH

best essays argumentative


As is our standard, we have created these rankings based on a combination of factors:

best essays argumentative

1. Houston Texans

2023 ranking: 1

Blue-chip players: QB C.J. Stroud , Edge Will Anderson Jr ., CB Derek Stingley Jr .

Notable graduated players: S Jalen Pitre , WR Nico Collins

The Texans are easily No. 1 on this list. In the initial player values that I used to put together our list, the Texans have the top two players in under-25 value. Stroud is by far the No. 1 young asset in the NFL after he threw for 4,108 yards and 23 touchdowns and had the second-highest passing DYAR ever for a rookie (after Dak Prescott in 2016). Anderson is second after ranking third with a 25.8% pass rush win rate and collecting seven sacks and a Defensive Rookie of the Year award to match the Offensive Rookie of the Year award won by Stroud. Both players will turn 23 in the early part of the upcoming season.

But wait, there's more! Stingley is still only 23 and is becoming one of the top cornerbacks in the NFL. He ranked 14th in coverage DVOA last season and snagged five interceptions. Second-round rookie Kamari Lassiter will likely start at cornerback opposite Stingley and is just 21. Wide receiver Tank Dell -- who is 24 -- had a surprisingly strong rookie season, totaling 709 yards and seven touchdowns before breaking his fibula . Dell ranked ninth among wideouts in the ESPN receiver tracking metrics .

Two of the starting offensive linemen, left guard Kenyon Green and center Juice Scruggs , are 23 and 24, respectively. Linebacker Christian Harris , who started 12 games a year ago, is just 23. And we haven't even touched some of the depth players here, such as 23-year-old linebacker Henry To'oTo'o , 21-year-old rookie tackle Blake Fisher and wide receiver John Metchie III , a second-round pick from 2022 who will soon turn 24 after sitting out his rookie year due to a leukemia diagnosis and then playing sparingly in his second season.

The Texans would have been No. 1 on this list a year ago -- even before we knew what Stroud, Anderson and Dell could be as pros. Now they lap the field.

Country music artist Parker McCollum, Pat McAfee and A.J. Hawk break down what excites them about C.J. Stroud.

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2. Detroit Lions

2023 ranking: 3

Blue-chip players: OT Penei Sewell , Edge Aidan Hutchinson , TE Sam LaPorta , WR Amon-Ra St. Brown , RB Jahmyr Gibbs

Notable graduated players: None

As you can tell by their placement on this list, the Lions aced the top of the past few drafts. We can certainly have some interesting arguments about positional value with the picks that Detroit made, but it's hard to argue with the results. Sewell was a first-team All-Pro last season and is 23 years old. LaPorta is also 23 and set an NFL record for catches by a rookie tight end (86). Gibbs and Brian Branch are just 22, while first-round rookie Terrion Arnold is likely to be an NFL starter at 21.

The Lions also have several quality players who are 24 this season, led by one of the league's top wide receivers in St. Brown. After catching a career-high 119 receptions for 1,515 yards, St. Brown signed a huge contract to keep him in Detroit. Hutchinson led the NFL in pressures and is also 24. So are linebacker Jack Campbell and edge rusher Josh Paschal . And don't forget about 23-year-old wideout Jameson Williams , a former first-round pick whom the Lions are counting on to develop and finally reach his potential this season.

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3. Baltimore Ravens

2023 ranking: 30

Blue-chip players: S Kyle Hamilton , WR Zay Flowers , C Tyler Linderbaum

Notable graduated players: LB Patrick Queen (left in free agency)

First-team All-Pro Hamilton leads the Ravens' young talent as one of the most valuable defensive players in the NFL. He ranked first in success rate and fifth in coverage DVOA among safeties last season and is just 23 years old. Linderbaum made his first Pro Bowl last season after his second NFL season. He posted the fifth-best pass block win rate (96.4%) and is 24. The Ravens' receiving corp is also youthful. Flowers, who led the team with 858 receiving yards, is 23; Rashod Bateman , who had 367 yards, is 24 years old.

Rookies Nate Wiggins (cornerback, Round 1) and Roger Rosengarten (right tackle, Round 2) will be starters. Tight end Isaiah Likely has started off strong with 784 receiving yards in his first two seasons and is 24. The Ravens will get even more value from young talent if certain young players can step into major roles this season. Coach John Harbaugh is high on 24-year-old edge rusher David Ojabo , who is finally healthy after battling ankle and knee injuries last season. Trenton Simpson will move into the starting lineup at linebacker next to Roquan Smith and is 23. And running back Keaton Mitchell had one of the best run DVOA ratings ever in limited time last season. He's 22 and should return from a torn ACL at midseason.

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4. Atlanta Falcons

2023 ranking: 8

Blue-chip players: QB Michael Penix Jr. , RB Bijan Robinson , WR Drake London , TE Kyle Pitts

Notable graduated players: CB A.J. Terrell

We hear a lot about the Falcons' skill position talent, and those players are still very young. Robinson, London and Pitts all came into the league at age 21; Robinson is just 22 now, and London and Pitts are 23. Robinson played a key role for the Falcons as a rookie. He had 976 rushing yards on 214 carries and 487 receiving yards on 58 receptions. London has 1,771 receiving yards in two seasons, and Pitts has 2,049 receiving yards in three NFL seasons.

No. 8 overall pick Penix is old for a rookie quarterback (he turned 24 in May), and he may not play for a year or two. But as far as this ranking is concerned, the Falcons still have a top-10 quarterback prospect under 25.

The Falcons also have youth at left guard with Matthew Bergeron (24) and at defensive end with Zach Harrison (23). Second-round rookie defensive tackle Ruke Orhorhoro is 22, as is second-year starting cornerback Clark Phillips III .

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5. Chicago Bears

2023 ranking: 12

Blue-chip players: QB Caleb Williams , OT Darnell Wright , WR Rome Odunze

Notable graduated players: OT Braxton Jones , S Jaquan Brisker , QB Justin Fields ( traded )

Obviously, the Bears will finish high in a countdown of under-25 talent because they had this year's No. 1 overall draft selection (Williams) and the No. 9 overall pick (Odunze). They also get a lot of value from last year's first-round pick, 23-year-old Wright, who had an 89.5% pass block win rate in 2023.

Below the blue chips are several 24-year-old standouts who will graduate from this list in a year. We start with a couple of important cornerbacks. Tyrique Stevenson improved dramatically in the second half of his rookie year, registering with four interceptions and 86 tackles. Nickelback Kyler Gordon had seven starts and good charting metrics in 2023. We should see more from defensive tackle Zacch Pickens this year, and linebacker Jack Sanborn and backup quarterback Tyson Bagent are also 24.

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6. Arizona Cardinals

2023 ranking: 28

Blue-chip players: OT Paris Johnson Jr. , WR Marvin Harrison Jr ., WR Michael Wilson

Notable graduated players: EDGE Zaven Collins

The Cardinals rise substantially up this list because their 2023 draft picks had strong rookie seasons. That starts with the 23-year-old Johnson, who will move from right tackle to left tackle this season. Edge rusher BJ Ojulari is 22 and had four sacks and 40 tackles a season ago. Wilson, who is 24, was tied for 24th in ESPN's receiver tracking metrics in 2023 and contributed with 565 yards on 38 receptions.

To that trio, you can add two 22-year-old first-round rookies: Harrison and defensive end Darius Robinson . We also credit Arizona for a second-round pick this year (cornerback Max Melton ) and four third-round picks. The Cardinals also have 24-year-old tight end Trey McBride , who had 825 receiving yards last season, and several young cornerbacks, including Garrett Williams (23), Kei'Trel Clark (23) and Starling Thomas V (24).

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7. Jacksonville Jaguars

2023 ranking: 5

Blue-chip players: QB Trevor Lawrence , OT Anton Harrison , EDGE Travon Walker

Notable graduated players: LB Devin Lloyd , RB Travis Etienne Jr.

One question in compiling this ranking was how much to penalize Jacksonville because its top young asset -- Lawrence -- no longer comes cheap. His new $275 million deal matters, because one of the benefits of youth is those rookie contracts. But Lawrence still has room to grow and develop as a quarterback, and the Jaguars have other young talent beside him.

That starts with the No. 1 overall pick from the 2022 draft, Walker, who will be 23 this season. Right tackle Harrison is only 22 and started every game in his rookie season, ranking fourth at his position in pressure rate allowed. Cornerback Tyson Campbell and safety Andre Cisco lead the youth movement in the secondary. We also give the Jaguars credit for this year's draft picks, including wide receiver Brian Thomas Jr . (who will start as a rookie) and defensive tackle Maason Smith .

Pat McAfee breaks down Trevor Lawrence's journey to his new extension with the Jaguars and the implications moving forward.

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8. Los Angeles Rams

2023 ranking: 32

Blue-chip players: WR Puka Nacua , C/G Steve Avila , EDGE Byron Young

The Rams would have ranked dead last in 2023 for under-25 talent. Then they got outstanding contributions from lower-round rookies in 2023; our expectations are way up when it comes to the future values of Nacua and Young. Both players are still just 23, and Nacua in particular now looks like one of the top 10 young players in the NFL, setting rookie records in receptions (105) and receiving yards (1,486). Last year's second-round pick, Avila, who will move from guard to center this season, had an 89.2% pass block win rate and allowed only two sacks in 1,094 snaps. The Rams also got a surprising second-year breakout from running back Kyren Williams . He ran for 1,144 yards on 228 carries.

Then there are this year's draft picks. The Rams finally took a player in the first round in 23-year-old edge rusher Jared Verse , and they got a second-round defensive end to play next to him (24-year-old Braden Fiske ). Other Rams starters under 25 include nose tackle Bobby Brown III and linebacker Ernest Jones IV .

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9. Green Bay Packers

2023 ranking: 17

Blue-chip players: WR Jayden Reed

Notable graduated players: QB Jordan Love , WR Christian Watson , OT Zach Tom

The Packers have an absurd number of players under 25 who came out with a small amount of value. Similar to our ranking of the 2023 rookie classes in January, the Packers are high because of quantity more than quality ... though all that quantity means there's potential for a lot of quality.

The 24-year-old Reed, who led the Packers with 793 receiving yards and eight receiving touchdowns last season, is the only young Packers player who qualified as a "blue chip." However, most of the rest of the Packers' receiving corps has under-25 value. Wide receiver Romeo Doubs had the second-most receiving yards for Green Bay last season (674), and Malik Heath contributed with 125 yards and one touchdown. Wideout Dontayvion Wicks and tight ends Luke Musgrave and Tucker Kraft are all 23-year-olds who played a big role for the Packers last season.

On the offensive line, 24-year-old Rasheed Walker went from 2022 seventh-round pick to starting left tackle, and first-round rookie Jordan Morgan will probably move inside to play right guard. On defense, we've got linebacker Quay Walker (24), edge rusher Lukas Van Ness (23) and two second-round rookies in safety Javon Bullard (21) and linebacker Edgerrin Cooper (22).

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10. Seattle Seahawks

2023 ranking: 7

Blue-chip players: CB Devon Witherspoon , OT Charles Cross

Notable graduated players: OT Abraham Lucas , CB Riq Woolen , EDGE Boye Mafe

Witherspoon was a Defensive Rookie of the Year candidate a season ago after posting three sacks, 79 tackles and one interception at 23 years old. That's also the age of two starting offensive linemen: left tackle Cross and right guard Anthony Bradford .

Wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba , 22, is waiting for his breakout after catching 63 passes for 628 yards as a rookie. Running backs Kenneth Walker III and Zach Charbonnet are both 23. The Seahawks also get credit for this year's first-round pick, defensive tackle Byron Murphy II , who will turn 22 on the opening Sunday of the season. And the Seahawks have value in backup quarterback Sam Howell , who is still just 23. Howell joins the Seahawks after a two-year stint in Washington during which he threw for 4,115 yards, 22 touchdowns and 22 interceptions.

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11. New York Jets

2023 ranking: 4

Blue-chip players: CB Sauce Gardner , WR Garrett Wilson

Notable graduated players: EDGE Jermaine Johnson , S Tony Adams , OL Alijah Vera-Tucker

The Jets will likely fall significantly down this list next year because so much of their under-25 value comes from Gardner and Wilson, the 2022 defensive and offensive Rookies of the Year, respectively. Both players will turn 25 during training camp in 2025. Gardner has 132 tackles, one forced fumble and two interceptions in his first two seasons. Wilson has 2,145 receiving yards and seven touchdowns in his two seasons.

Beyond those two, the Jets get youthful value from starting center Joe Tippmann and running back Breece Hall . First-round offensive tackle Olu Fashanu likely won't start as a rookie, but he doesn't turn 22 until December.

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12. Indianapolis Colts

2023 ranking: 22

Blue-chip players: QB Anthony Richardson , EDGE Laiatu Latu

Notable graduated players: EDGE Kwity Paye

The Colts are another team with a valuable young quarterback in Richardson. He's returning after suffering a season-ending shoulder injury . Before his injury, Richardson showed promise by throwing for 577 yards on 50 passes in four games. Many of his wide receivers are also very young: Rookie Adonai Mitchell is 21 and will compete for a starting spot with the 24-year-old Alec Pierce , while slot receiver Josh Downs is 23.

On defense, we start with first-round rookie edge rusher Latu, who is 23. Starting cornerbacks JuJu Brents and Jaylon Jones are 24 and 22, respectively. Nick Cross , 22, may be starting next to them at safety; in two NFL seasons, Cross has recorded 56 tackles, one interception and one fumble recovery.

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13. New York Giants

2023 ranking: 6

Blue-chip players: EDGE Kayvon Thibodeaux , CB Deonte Banks , WR Malik Nabers

Notable graduated players: OT Andrew Thomas , C John Michael Schmitz Jr.

Let's start with the good: Thibodeaux, who had 11.5 sacks last season, doesn't turn 24 until December. Cornerback Banks, last year's first-round pick, allowed just 6.6 yards per pass in his rookie season and is also 23. So is Banks' partner, 2022 third-round pick Cor'Dale Flott. And Micah McFadden has developed into a starting linebacker at age 24.

On offense, receiver Wan'Dale Robinson , 23, stepped up with 525 receiving yards and one touchdown last season, and tight end Daniel Bellinger (also 23) averaged 10.2 yards per catch. And we also have this year's top draft picks who both will likely start: wide receiver Nabers (21) and safety Tyler Nubin (23).

However, the Giants dropped from last year's ranking because some of their recent high draft picks were disappointing in 2023. Evan Neal ranked dead last among qualifying right tackles in pressure rate allowed. And edge rusher Azeez Ojulari had just 2.5 sacks. But both players still have growth potential, with Neal at age 23 and Ojulari at 24.

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14. Kansas City Chiefs

2023 ranking: 9

Blue-chip players: CB Trent McDuffie , EDGE George Karlaftis

Notable graduated players: RB Isiah Pacheco , C Creed Humphrey , G Trey Smith

You might expect a two-time Super Bowl champion to be lower down here, but the Chiefs have done a good job of building a young talent base with later draft picks -- along with Miami's picks acquired via the Tyreek Hill trade . They've invested in a lot of draft capital, particularly in their secondary and wide receiver corps.

The star of the secondary is All-Pro nickelback McDuffie, who turns 24 right after the start of this season. McDuffie had five forced fumbles and three sacks in his second NFL season. Starting safety Bryan Cook is 24. So is Chamarri Conner , who might be a third safety or a nickelback, and Joshua Williams , who could be a starting outside cornerback. Linebacker Nick Bolton , the anchor of the defense, is 24, and top edge rusher Karlaftis is 23.

On offense, 24-year-old Rashee Rice has solidified himself as the No. 1 receiver. He caught 79 passes for 938 yards in 2023. First-round wideout Xavier Worthy is 21. And while the great Chiefs interior linemen have aged off this list, this year's starting left tackle will be under 24: either Wanya Morris (23) or Kingsley Suamataia (21).

Michele Steele explains why acclimating Xavier Worthy and Marquise Brown to the offense will be extremely important for the Chiefs.

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15. Los Angeles Chargers

2023 ranking: 11

Blue-chip players: EDGE Tuli Tuipulotu , G Zion Johnson , OT Joe Alt , WR Quentin Johnston

Notable graduated players: OT Rashawn Slater

The Chargers may be surprisingly low when you see that they have four "blue-chip" players, but both Johnson and Johnston narrowly qualified. The Chargers have a good amount of young talent, but they're missing that one no-doubt young star.

But again, there's a lot here, especially on offense. The offensive line features Johnson (24) at left guard, Jamaree Salyer (24) at right guard and rookie first-round pick Alt (21) at right tackle. The Chargers' top three wide receivers are also all under 25. Johnston (22) struggled in his rookie season -- he had 431 yards and was tied for 92nd in the ESPN receiver tracking metrics -- but he still has first-round traits, so we can't give up on him yet. Fellow outside receiver Joshua Palmer doesn't turn 25 until late September, while rookie slot receiver Ladd McConkey , 22, is looking to play a big role in 2024.

On defense, edge rusher Tuipulotu, a second-round pick last year, turns 22 in September, while top cornerback Asante Samuel Jr . is 24.

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16. Buffalo Bills

2023 ranking: 29

Blue-chip players: TE Dalton Kincaid , G O'Cyrus Torrence , EDGE Gregory Rousseau

Notable graduated players: LB Terrel Bernard

The Bills are Super Bowl contenders with a lot of young talent on their roster, but they won't be anywhere near this high when we do this ranking again next year. All three of the Bills' blue-chip players are 24 and will come off this list, as will running back James Cook and wide receiver Khalil Shakir .

As for talent at age 23 and younger, that's led by rookie second-round wide receiver Keon Coleman (21). Starting cornerback Christian Benford is just 23 and coming off a solid season (54 tackles, two interceptions and two forced fumbles). Kaiir Elam (23), the Bills' 2022 first-round pick, has disappointed and sits on the depth chart behind Benford.

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17. Cincinnati Bengals

2023 ranking: 14

Blue-chip players: WR Ja'Marr Chase

The Bengals' young talent is led by the 24-year-old Chase, one of the best wide receivers in the league, though he'll need to get paid some big money soon with a contract extension.

Most of Cincinnati's top youngsters are on the defensive side of the ball, particularly in the secondary. Cam Taylor-Britt (24) and DJ Turner (23) are the two outside starting cornerbacks; Taylor-Britt was slightly better than average and Turner was slightly worse than average in coverage DVOA last season. Free safety Dax Hill , who made a lot of plays but had just seven missed tackles in 2023, turns 24 in late September.

The Bengals also have this year's draft picks, including first-round offensive tackle Amarius Mims (21) and second-round defensive tackle Kris Jenkins Jr. (22). And don't forget last year's first-round pick, 22-year-old Myles Murphy , on the edge. He collected three sacks in his debut season.

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18. Washington Commanders

2023 ranking: 15

Blue-chip players: QB Jayden Daniels

Notable graduated players: RB Brian Robinson Jr. , G Samuel Cosmi , LB Jamin Davis

Washington is boosted significantly by this year's draft, and that starts with the No. 2 overall pick and 2023 Heisman Trophy winner Daniels (23) at quarterback. The Commanders also had three second-round picks this year. Defensive tackle Jer'Zhan Newton and tight end Ben Sinnott are both 22, while nickelback Mike Sainristil is 23.

As for players who were in Washington last year, wide receiver Jahan Dotson is 24, although his reputation is better than his performance in the ESPN receiver tracking metrics, where he finished near the bottom of the league. Another young player who struggled in advanced metrics is cornerback Emmanuel Forbes Jr. Last year's first-round pick was one of the worst cornerbacks in the league, with only 38 tackles and one interception. However, he's just 23, and many top corners take two or three years to develop.

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19. Carolina Panthers

2023 ranking: 10

Blue-chip players: QB Bryce Young , OT Ikem Ekwonu

So what do we do with young players who have terrible rookie seasons? There's still youth and potential here, but obviously things need to get better than they were in 2023. Young had one of the worst rookie quarterback seasons ever, throwing for 2,877 yards with 10 interceptions and a 33.4 QBR. Jonathan Mingo , 23, had the worst rookie wide receiver season ever by my DYAR metric.

Things aren't much better for the veterans. Second-year left tackle Ekwonu was selected sixth overall in 2022 but was near the bottom of the league in pass block win rate (82.2%) a season ago. And 24-year-old cornerback Jaycee Horn plays well when healthy but can't stay on the field. The young talent in Carolina also includes this year's draft picks, such as 23-year-old wide receiver Xavier Legette and running back Jonathon Brooks , who turns 21 in mid-July.

Kirk Herbstreit tells Pat McAfee why Panthers head coach Dave Canales is a great hire and fit for quarterback Bryce Young.

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20. Pittsburgh Steelers

2023 ranking: 25

Blue-chip players: OT Broderick Jones , WR George Pickens

Notable graduated players: OT Dan Moore Jr.

The Steelers graduated a starting offensive tackle, Moore, from this list, but he probably won't have a starting job this season anyway after posting an 87.5% PBWR and 73.8% RBWR. Instead, younger and higher-drafted talents will man the tackle spots, with Jones and first-round pick Troy Fautanu at age 23.

Center Zach Frazier is also 23 and will start as a rookie. At wide receiver, 23-year-old Pickens takes over as the unchallenged No. 1 receiver in Pittsburgh after having 1,140 receiving yards in 2023. Also age 23: rookie slot receiver Roman Wilson , nose tackle Keeanu Benton and second tight end Darnell Washington . The one exception when it comes to talent under 25 is No. 1 cornerback Joey Porter Jr ., who turns 24 in late July.

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21. Dallas Cowboys

2023 ranking: 2

Blue-chip players: OL Tyler Smith

Notable graduated players: EDGE Micah Parsons , WR CeeDee Lamb , CB DaRon Bland , TE Jake Ferguson

Dallas falls from the top of this ranking after its stars graduated out of our under-25 requirement. Young talent in Dallas now starts on the offensive line with 23-year-olds Smith at left guard, first-round pick Tyler Guyton at left tackle and third-round pick Cooper Beebe , who could win the center job over Brock Hoffman .

On defense, Damone Clark has matured into a starting linebacker and just turned 24. However, he could lose his job this year to 2023 third-round pick DeMarvion Overshown , also 24. Nose tackle Mazi Smith is 23, the same age as rookie edge rusher Marshawn Kneeland .

And yes, we also gave the Cowboys credit for backup quarterback Trey Lance . The third overall pick from 2021 came into the league very young and is just 24.

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22. Tennessee Titans

2023 ranking: 21

Blue-chip players: G Peter Skoronski , OT JC Latham

Notable graduated players: QB Will Levis , LB Jack Gibbens

This seems like another team with a promising young quarterback, but they rank down here because Levis will already be 25 when the season begins. Instead, this is the third straight team where the young talent is mostly along the offensive line. The Titans have used their last two first-round picks on the left side of the line, with 21-year-old rookie tackle Latham and 23-year-old second-year guard Skoronski. They also might be starting 24-year-old Nicholas Petit-Frere at right tackle, and backup tackle Jaelyn Duncan (also 24) started five games a season ago.

Other top young talent: nickelback Roger McCreary (24), tight end Chigoziem Okonkwo (24) and second-round rookie defensive tackle T'Vondre Sweat (23). Wide receiver Treylon Burks is also still around; the 2022 first-rounder seems to have worn out his welcome in Tennessee but is still just 24 years old and could get a fresh start with another team.

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23. San Francisco 49ers

2023 ranking: 27

Blue-chip players: QB Brock Purdy

Notable graduated players: S Talanoa Hufanga

How much credit do we want to give the 49ers for Purdy? Based on his stats, Purdy might be the most valuable young asset in the game other than Stroud and Anderson for the Texans. In two seasons, he has thrown for 5,654 yards and 44 touchdowns with 15 interceptions. (After this season, Purdy will age out of this ranking.)

Other than Purdy and 24-year-old safety Ji'Ayir Brown , not a lot of the young 49ers talent has developed. Spencer Burford (24) was near the bottom of the league in pass block win rate (86.1%) a season ago and is not penciled in as a starter this year. Edge rusher Drake Jackson (23) hasn't started a game in two years, although he does have a reasonable total of six sacks in 23 career games.

Instead, most of the 49ers' top young standouts are this year's rookies. Wide receiver Ricky Pearsall is older for a rookie, turning 24 during the first week of the season. Second-round cornerback Renardo Green is 23, and third-round guard Dominick Puni is 24.

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24. Minnesota Vikings

2023 ranking: 18

Blue-chip players: WR Jordan Addison , QB J.J. McCarthy

Notable graduated players: WR Justin Jefferson , OT Christian Darrisaw , G Ed Ingram

The 22-year-old Addison had a great rookie year with 911 receiving yards and 10 touchdowns. McCarthy, the franchise quarterback in waiting , will likely play during his rookie year. So will edge rusher Dallas Turner , also chosen in the first round.

The only other player who qualifies for this list and started more than one game for last year's Vikings is linebacker Ivan Pace Jr. He was a surprise undrafted star with 2.5 sacks, one interception and 102 tackles.

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25. New England Patriots

2023 ranking: 20

Blue-chip players: QB Drake Maye , CB Christian Gonzalez

The Patriots don't have as much young talent as you would expect from a rebuilding team, but there are some strong young assets here. The top one is Maye, the quarterback of the future and this year's No. 3 overall pick. He will be throwing to a receiving corps that includes second-round pick Ja'Lynn Polk (22), fourth-round pick Javon Baker (22), slot receiver DeMario Douglas (23) and potential deep threat Tyquan Thornton (24).

The other top name to know is a 2023 first-round pick: 22-year-old cornerback Gonzalez. He got to play only four games as a rookie because of a torn labrum but was impressive in that first month. He had one interception, one sack and 17 tackles before his injury.

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26. Denver Broncos

2023 ranking: 16

Blue-chip players: CB Pat Surtain II , QB Bo Nix

Notable graduated players: WR Jerry Jeudy (traded)

The Broncos are in a similar position as the Patriots except their top guys are a little older. They are also led by a young quarterback (Nix) and a young cornerback (Surtain), though Surtain is more established than New England's Gonzalez. However, Nix and Surtain are also 24 and will not qualify for this list a year from now. Most of the other young players who qualify for the Broncos are also 24.

Joining Nix on the Denver offense are wide receiver Marvin Mims Jr. (22), running back Javonte Williams (24) and tight end Greg Dulcich (24). There aren't any other young starters on the defense other than Surtain, but there are some interesting bench players with potential, including edge rusher Nik Bonitto (24), cornerback Riley Moss (24) and cornerback Ja'Quan McMillian (24).

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27. Tampa Bay Buccaneers

2023 ranking: 19

Blue-chip players: DE Calijah Kancey

Notable graduated players: OT Tristan Wirfs , OT Luke Goedeke , EDGE Joe Tryon-Shoyinka , RB Rachaad White

You probably don't know much about Bucs defensive end Kancey, but you should. Typically, 5-tech defensive ends don't put up a lot of stats, but the rookie had four sacks with 21 pressures in 2023. He also made his average run tackle after a gain of less than a yard last season. The 23-year-old Kancey plays opposite another young defensive end, 24-year-old Logan Hall . Hall's stats were less impressive (0.5 sacks and 11 pressures, with an average run tackle at 2.7 yards).

The rest of Tampa's young talent is made up mostly of this year's draft picks. First-round center Graham Barton and second-round edge rusher Chris Braswell are 22. Tampa Bay's third receiver will either be second-year Trey Palmer (23) or this year's third-round pick, Jalen McMillan (22).

There would be a lot more counted here if we were doing an under-26 list instead of an under-25 list. The Buccaneers had a lot of players turn 25 over the past year. The list of notable graduated players above could also include guard Cody Mauch , edge rusher Yaya Diaby and tight end Cade Otton .

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28. Cleveland Browns

2023 ranking: 31

Blue-chip players: None

Notable graduated players: OT Jedrick Wills Jr.

No Browns players qualified as "blue chips," but there's a lot of youth that helped the Browns rank as one of the NFL's top defenses last season. Cornerback Greg Newsome II is 24 and ranked 12th in coverage DVOA in 2023. Another cornerback, Martin Emerson Jr ., is 23 and ranked 10th. Star linebacker Jeremiah Owusu-Koramoah (24) had 3.5 sacks last season. The defense will also add second-round defensive tackle Mike Hall Jr. (21).

The top young asset on offense may be a player who won't play much this year. Dawand Jones started nine games at tackle and is 23, but a healthy Jack Conklin will put Jones back on the bench. There are also several 24-year-olds on offense: wide receivers Elijah Moore and Cedric Tillman , backup running back Jerome Ford and backup quarterback Dorian Thompson-Robinson .

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29. Philadelphia Eagles

2023 ranking: 13

Blue-chip players: DT Jalen Carter

Notable graduated players: WR DeVonta Smith , G Landon Dickerson , G/C Cam Jurgens , S Reed Blankenship

The Eagles' young standouts are almost entirely on defense, starting with two linemen: Carter (23) and Jordan Davis (24). Carter faded over the second half of last season but still finished second in the Defensive Rookie of the Year voting. Davis hasn't quite lived up to his potential as the 13th overall pick in 2022 yet, but he's strong against the run.

Safety Sydney Brown started six games as a rookie and may become a starter again once he returns from a torn ACL. The Eagles' cornerbacks include two rookies: Quinyon Mitchell is a bit older at 23, but Cooper DeJean is 21. Behind them are a couple of 23-year-olds from last year's draft class, Kelee Ringo and Eli Ricks . The linebackers include Nolan Smith Jr . (23) on the edge and Nakobe Dean (23) in the middle.

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30. New Orleans Saints

2023 ranking; 23

Blue-chip players: WR Chris Olave

Notable graduated players: G Cesar Ruiz , CB Alontae Taylor , CB Paulson Adebo , LB Pete Werner

Oh, the Saints. Their salary cap shenanigans always leave them as one of the oldest teams in the league. Last year, they led the NFL in snap-weighted age . They were the oldest on offense, No. 2 on defense and No. 6 on special teams.

So the New Orleans list of under-25 talent includes just three players who started games in 2023. The best here is 24-year-old star receiver Olave, who has put up two straight 1,000-yard seasons since he entered the NFL. A.T. Perry , who will be the Saints' third receiver this season, is also 24. So is free safety Jordan Howden , and that does it for guys who started games.

Last year's first-round pick, Bryan Bresee (22), is still a valuable player despite not getting starts. The Saints also have this year's draft picks, led by first-round offensive tackle Taliese Fuaga (22) and second-round cornerback Kool-Aid McKinstry (21).

best essays argumentative

31. Las Vegas Raiders

2023 ranking: 26

Notable graduated players: G Dylan Parham , QB Aidan O'Connell

The Raiders' top two young guys may be tight ends: 21-year-old first-round pick Brock Bowers and 23-year-old Michael Mayer . The offensive line also features some young talent, with 24-year-old Thayer Munford Jr. at right tackle and 21-year-old second-round rookie Jackson Powers-Johnson possibly starting at left guard. Running back Zamir White doesn't turn 25 until mid-September, barely making this list. With Josh Jacobs departing for Green Bay in the offseason, White will assume the starting role in 2024.

Defensive lineman Tyree Wilson , the No. 7 overall pick in the 2023 draft, is 24 and may play on the edge, the interior or both. He's coming off a disappointing rookie season in which he had only 3.5 sacks and one forced fumble.

best essays argumentative

32. Miami Dolphins

2023 ranking: 24

Notable graduated players: WR Jaylen Waddle , OT Austin Jackson , EDGE Jaelan Phillips , CB Kader Kohou

It's hard to know how much credit to give Miami for 22-year-old running back De'Von Achane . He had an incredible rookie season, with 7.8 yards per carry and 11 combined touchdowns. But that's over just 11 games and 130 touches. He's a great player but also a great part-time player.

The other main youngster with NFL experience is 24-year-old safety Jevon Holland . In three NFL seasons, Holland has posted four sacks and five interceptions. Otherwise, the top talents here are rookies: first-round edge rusher Chop Robinson (21) and second-round offensive tackle Patrick Paul (22). There's also cornerback Cam Smith (23), last year's second-round pick who hasn't earned a starting job yet.


3 Reasons Why Doug Pederson Shouldn't Call Plays For the Jaguars in 2024

John shipley | 5 hours ago.

Jacksonville Jaguars head coach Doug Pederson talks with offensive coordinator Press Taylor on the field ahead of the start of Wednesday morning's training camp session. The Jacksonville Jaguars held their third day of training camp Wednesday, July 27, 2022, at the Episcopal School of Jacksonville Knight Campus practice fields on Atlantic Blvd

  • Jacksonville Jaguars

With less than 10 weeks to go until opening Sunday for the NFL, the Jacksonville Jaguars still have to figure out one of the most important questions in football.

Who is calling the plays?

The topic has been written about countless times this offseason, whether in this space or others. The answer, though, likely won't be revealed until we inch closer to Week 1.

The two options are obvious: head coach Doug Pederson or offensive coordinator Press Taylor. Which way Pederson might lean in deciding the important role is significantly less obvious, with Pederson, Taylor and all other Jaguars' brass, staff, and players keeping mum and being non-committal on the topic.

Previously, we made the case for why the Jaguars' offense should be led by head coach Doug Pederson. Now, we make a counterargument and look at three reasons why Pederson should not call plays in 2024.

There are reasons the 2023 offense performed worse than the 2022 offense

When comparing the Jaguars' offense in 2022 and 2023, it is hard not to take the 2022 unit in an argument of which was the most successful. The Jaguars set a tone for the entire Doug Pederson era in 2022, with the passing game standing out amongst the league's best over the final stretch of the season.

But while the Jaguars' performance over the final month-and-a-half of the 2022 season and their playoff comeback vs. the Los Angeles Chargers left a lasting impression, the 2022 offense did have some clunkers just like the 2023 offense.

In terms of total dropback EPA earned in all 34 regular season games in the Pederson era, six of the top 10 such games belong to the 2022 Jaguars. All six of these are in the top seven, showing the Jaguars' passing game was ultimately more successful in terms of the ceiling in 2022 than 2023. But in terms of the bottom-10 games, the same six-to-four ration remains but this time, two of the worst five games belong to the 2022 Jaguars. The 2022 offense was better, but it had down points just like the 2023 unit.

So, what were the major differences? Only two starters changed, with the Jaguars swapping out Marvin Jones for Calvin Ridley and right tackle Jawaan Taylor for Anton Taylor. The only real coaching changes on offense were replacing Jim Bob Cooter as passing game coordinator with Nick Holz and replacing wide receivers coach Chris Jackson with Chad Hall.

Ultimately, injuries came down as the final factor. Quarterback Trevor Lawrence was injured for the final six weeks, while the Jaguars also missed Christian Kirk for the final five games of the season. Wide receiver Zay Jones was injured most of the year, with the Jaguars never truly having their core pass-catching trio together at full health. There was also a revolving door at left tackle and left guard, with the Jaguars having four different players take snaps at left tackle during the season.

Injuries happen in football, but the Jaguars were mostly healthy in these spots in 2022. Most importantly, a toe injury for Lawrence in 2022 was the only thing that impacted him, while he racked up four different injuries in 2023 and missed the first start of his career. The Jaguars did lose their Week 1 left tackle and left guard to injuries, but Walker Little and Tyler Shatley solidified each spot instead of going in and out of the lineup like the 2023 unit.

Is it a smart bet to assume the Jaguars' offense, now with different faces at wide receiver and center, will rebound in 2024? The answer likely depends on the health of the unit. Health proved to be the biggest impact in 2023, and it will again this season.

Pederson was hired to be the one to make these decisions

Jaguars owner Shad Khan said it best when talking about the play-calling situation; Doug Pederson is empowered. Khan would never be the owner to force his head coach's hand, allowing Pederson to show he can do the job Khan hired him to do in 2022. And in many ways, this seems like the right path to go down. If the Jaguars' owner feels like he has to make decisions for his coach, than what is the coach really doing? That doesn't seem to be the case of the 2024 Jaguars.

In short, Pederson was hired to make these decisions. And if Pederson decides offensive coordinator Press Taylor should call plays, then that should be that. Pederson was hired to develop Trevor Lawrence and take the Jaguars' offense to new heights, not to listen to others about what is best for the offense.

Pederson could elect to call plays himself as well, which is a choice that should be respected just as much as the alternative. Whatever Pederson decides, it is important knowing it is his decision. He was hired to know what is best for the Jaguars' offense. I

Could Pederson be a better coach while overseeing the whole team?

There is a legitimate question of whether a head coach is better when he is calling plays against when he is able to oversee the entire team. Pederson did both in 2022 when him and Taylor took turns calling the plays, but 2023 allowed Pederson to take a step back and focus on all three units. And while Pederson never said much on why the decision was made, he was asked about it during an appearance on The Pat McAfee Show last year.

"Obviously it is not an easy decision to come to, it takes a lot of soul-searching and thought that has to go into that because I do enjoy calling plays. And it keeps you involved in the game," Pederson said,

"But I just felt like that my best as far as a leader, as far as the head coach being able to control the football game and manage the game and do different things, spend time on defense, spend time special teams, managing all of that has been a lot better for me. I see the game differently. I see the game more clear, proably, than when you are kind of focused and locked in to calling plays all the time. And listen, Press and I have been together foe seven years, all the way back to our days, you know, in Philadelphia when he was a quality control coach for me. So I got a lot of trust in him and how he puts gameplans together."

The Jaguars' 8-3 start in 2023 was the best early stretch of any Jaguars team in decades, so perhaps Pederson was on to something. Whether he was a better coach due to the set up is something only he knows, so there should be some faith in his decision regardless of what it is.

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John Shipley


John Shipley has been covering the Jacksonville Jaguars as a beat reporter and publisher of Jaguar Report since 2019. Previously, he covered UCF's undefeated season as a beat reporter for NSM.Today, covered high school prep sports in Central Florida, and covered local sports and news for the Palatka Daily News. Follow John Shipley on Twitter at @_john_shipley.

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LSAT Update – July 3, 2024

Welcome to the LSAT Update, your source for the latest news you can use about the LSAT!

Khan Academy Resources Now in LawHub™

Khan Academy and LSAC are committed to providing students with the tools, resources, and guidance they need to prepare for the LSAT. With that commitment in mind, and with the continued growth and development of LawHub, Khan Academy and LSAC jointly announced on November 1, 2023, students would be best served if the tools, resources, and guidance they need to prepare for the LSAT were in one centralized place, and that place should be LawHub.

Thus began a transition of resources, the first wave of which included drill sets, videos, and articles that were made available for free in LawHub’s library in March 2024. The second wave of resources include answers and rationales for the four free Official LSAT PrepTests® available in the LawHub library. We’re pleased to announce that rationales for two of the four free LSAT PrepTests are now available in the LawHub library with the other two sets of rationales to be posted in the coming weeks.

Strategy Booster

August 2024 LSAT registrants can now begin to register for Strategy Booster , a set of free, optional asynchronous resources available open to anyone who registers for the LSAT during the 2024-2025 testing cycle, beginning with the August 2024 administration. Test registrants will receive an email invitation to access the resources approximately six weeks prior to their scheduled test date.

Participants will explore the experiences of recent LSAT test takers, including strategies that worked for them and are backed by the latest research on learning and performance. They will also learn how to optimize LawHub’s free LSAT prep resources , identify where to focus their study time, and prepare more effectively for the LSAT. As part of Strategy Booster, participants will have an opportunity to share their stories and experiences to help future test takers.

Strategy Booster will be available to all LSAT test takers six weeks prior to the start of the administration for which they register.

LSAT Argumentative Writing

Beginning July 30, 2024, LSAT Argumentative Writing will replace the LSAT Writing prompt that has been part of the LSAT since 1982.

This new approach to the writing assessment aims to assess a test taker’s ability to construct a cogent argument based on a variety of evidentiary sources. Test takers will be presented with a debatable issue, along with three or four perspectives that provide additional context for the issue. These perspectives, each of which is conveyed in a few sentences, are representative of a system of beliefs or values. Together, the perspectives illustrate competing ideologies and arguments around a particular issue. The test taker will then draft an argumentative essay in which they take a position on the issue, while addressing some of the arguments and ideas presented by the other perspectives.

As a result of this transition, after July 30, test takers with a completed writing sample will no longer have access to a PDF copy of their essay through their LSAC JD Account. This is true both for LSAT Writing samples completed prior to July 30 and for LSAT Argumentative Writing samples completed on or after that date. If you expect to have a completed writing sample on file before July 30, and want to download a copy for your records, we urge you to do so prior to this date.

Essays completed both before and after July 30 will continue to be part of your LSAC record, just as they are now, and will still be submitted to law schools as part of your application.

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Sat / act prep online guides and tips, 113 perfect persuasive essay topics for any assignment.

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Do you need to write a persuasive essay but aren’t sure what topic to focus on? Were you thrilled when your teacher said you could write about whatever you wanted but are now overwhelmed by the possibilities? We’re here to help!

Read on for a list of 113 top-notch persuasive essay topics, organized into ten categories. To help get you started, we also discuss what a persuasive essay is, how to choose a great topic, and what tips to keep in mind as you write your persuasive essay.

What Is a Persuasive Essay?

In a persuasive essay, you attempt to convince readers to agree with your point of view on an argument. For example, an essay analyzing changes in Italian art during the Renaissance wouldn’t be a persuasive essay, because there’s no argument, but an essay where you argue that Italian art reached its peak during the Renaissance would be a persuasive essay because you’re trying to get your audience to agree with your viewpoint.

Persuasive and argumentative essays both try to convince readers to agree with the author, but the two essay types have key differences. Argumentative essays show a more balanced view of the issue and discuss both sides. Persuasive essays focus more heavily on the side the author agrees with. They also often include more of the author’s opinion than argumentative essays, which tend to use only facts and data to support their argument.

All persuasive essays have the following:

  • Introduction: Introduces the topic, explains why it’s important, and ends with the thesis.
  • Thesis: A sentence that sums up what the essay be discussing and what your stance on the issue is.
  • Reasons you believe your side of the argument: Why do you support the side you do? Typically each main point will have its own body paragraph.
  • Evidence supporting your argument: Facts or examples to back up your main points. Even though your opinion is allowed in persuasive essays more than most other essays, having concrete examples will make a stronger argument than relying on your opinion alone.
  • Conclusion: Restatement of thesis, summary of main points, and a recap of why the issue is important.

What Makes a Good Persuasive Essay Topic?

Theoretically, you could write a persuasive essay about any subject under the sun, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you should. Certain topics are easier to write a strong persuasive essay on, and below are tips to follow when deciding what you should write about.

It’s a Topic You Care About

Obviously, it’s possible to write an essay about a topic you find completely boring. You’ve probably done it! However, if possible, it’s always better to choose a topic that you care about and are interested in. When this is the case, you’ll find doing the research more enjoyable, writing the essay easier, and your writing will likely be better because you’ll be more passionate about and informed on the topic.

You Have Enough Evidence to Support Your Argument

Just being passionate about a subject isn’t enough to make it a good persuasive essay topic, though. You need to make sure your argument is complex enough to have at least two potential sides to root for, and you need to be able to back up your side with evidence and examples. Even though persuasive essays allow your opinion to feature more than many other essays, you still need concrete evidence to back up your claims, or you’ll end up with a weak essay.

For example, you may passionately believe that mint chocolate chip ice cream is the best ice cream flavor (I agree!), but could you really write an entire essay on this? What would be your reasons for believing mint chocolate chip is the best (besides the fact that it’s delicious)? How would you support your belief? Have enough studies been done on preferred ice cream flavors to support an entire essay? When choosing a persuasive essay idea, you want to find the right balance between something you care about (so you can write well on it) and something the rest of the world cares about (so you can reference evidence to strengthen your position).

It’s a Manageable Topic

Bigger isn’t always better, especially with essay topics. While it may seem like a great idea to choose a huge, complex topic to write about, you’ll likely struggle to sift through all the information and different sides of the issue and winnow them down to one streamlined essay. For example, choosing to write an essay about how WWII impacted American life more than WWI wouldn’t be a great idea because you’d need to analyze all the impacts of both the wars in numerous areas of American life. It’d be a huge undertaking. A better idea would be to choose one impact on American life the wars had (such as changes in female employment) and focus on that. Doing so will make researching and writing your persuasive essay much more feasible.


List of 113 Good Persuasive Essay Topics

Below are over 100 persuasive essay ideas, organized into ten categories. When you find an idea that piques your interest, you’ll choose one side of it to argue for in your essay. For example, if you choose the topic, “should fracking be legal?” you’d decide whether you believe fracking should be legal or illegal, then you’d write an essay arguing all the reasons why your audience should agree with you.


  • Should students be required to learn an instrument in school?
  • Did the end of Game of Thrones fit with the rest of the series?
  • Can music be an effective way to treat mental illness?
  • With e-readers so popular, have libraries become obsolete?
  • Are the Harry Potter books more popular than they deserve to be?
  • Should music with offensive language come with a warning label?
  • What’s the best way for museums to get more people to visit?
  • Should students be able to substitute an art or music class for a PE class in school?
  • Are the Kardashians good or bad role models for young people?
  • Should people in higher income brackets pay more taxes?
  • Should all high school students be required to take a class on financial literacy?
  • Is it possible to achieve the American dream, or is it only a myth?
  • Is it better to spend a summer as an unpaid intern at a prestigious company or as a paid worker at a local store/restaurant?
  • Should the United States impose more or fewer tariffs?
  • Should college graduates have their student loans forgiven?
  • Should restaurants eliminate tipping and raise staff wages instead?
  • Should students learn cursive writing in school?
  • Which is more important: PE class or music class?
  • Is it better to have year-round school with shorter breaks throughout the year?
  • Should class rank be abolished in schools?
  • Should students be taught sex education in school?
  • Should students be able to attend public universities for free?
  • What’s the most effective way to change the behavior of school bullies?
  • Are the SAT and ACT accurate ways to measure intelligence?
  • Should students be able to learn sign language instead of a foreign language?
  • Do the benefits of Greek life at colleges outweigh the negatives?
  • Does doing homework actually help students learn more?
  • Why do students in many other countries score higher than American students on math exams?
  • Should parents/teachers be able to ban certain books from schools?
  • What’s the best way to reduce cheating in school?
  • Should colleges take a student’s race into account when making admissions decisions?
  • Should there be limits to free speech?
  • Should students be required to perform community service to graduate high school?
  • Should convicted felons who have completed their sentence be allowed to vote?
  • Should gun ownership be more tightly regulated?
  • Should recycling be made mandatory?
  • Should employers be required to offer paid leave to new parents?
  • Are there any circumstances where torture should be allowed?
  • Should children under the age of 18 be able to get plastic surgery for cosmetic reasons?
  • Should white supremacy groups be allowed to hold rallies in public places?
  • Does making abortion illegal make women more or less safe?
  • Does foreign aid actually help developing countries?
  • Are there times a person’s freedom of speech should be curtailed?
  • Should people over a certain age not be allowed to adopt children?


  • Should the minimum voting age be raised/lowered/kept the same?
  • Should Puerto Rico be granted statehood?
  • Should the United States build a border wall with Mexico?
  • Who should be the next person printed on American banknotes?
  • Should the United States’ military budget be reduced?
  • Did China’s one child policy have overall positive or negative impacts on the country?
  • Should DREAMers be granted US citizenship?
  • Is national security more important than individual privacy?
  • What responsibility does the government have to help homeless people?
  • Should the electoral college be abolished?
  • Should the US increase or decrease the number of refugees it allows in each year?
  • Should privately-run prisons be abolished?
  • Who was the most/least effective US president?
  • Will Brexit end up helping or harming the UK?


  • What’s the best way to reduce the spread of Ebola?
  • Is the Keto diet a safe and effective way to lose weight?
  • Should the FDA regulate vitamins and supplements more strictly?
  • Should public schools require all students who attend to be vaccinated?
  • Is eating genetically modified food safe?
  • What’s the best way to make health insurance more affordable?
  • What’s the best way to lower the teen pregnancy rate?
  • Should recreational marijuana be legalized nationwide?
  • Should birth control pills be available without a prescription?
  • Should pregnant women be forbidden from buying cigarettes and alcohol?
  • Why has anxiety increased in adolescents?
  • Are low-carb or low-fat diets more effective for weight loss?
  • What caused the destruction of the USS Maine?
  • Was King Arthur a mythical legend or actual Dark Ages king?
  • Was the US justified in dropping atomic bombs during WWII?
  • What was the primary cause of the Rwandan genocide?
  • What happened to the settlers of the Roanoke colony?
  • Was disagreement over slavery the primary cause of the US Civil War?
  • What has caused the numerous disappearances in the Bermuda triangle?
  • Should nuclear power be banned?
  • Is scientific testing on animals necessary?
  • Do zoos help or harm animals?
  • Should scientists be allowed to clone humans?
  • Should animals in circuses be banned?
  • Should fracking be legal?
  • Should people be allowed to keep exotic animals as pets?
  • What’s the best way to reduce illegal poaching in Africa?
  • What is the best way to reduce the impact of global warming?
  • Should euthanasia be legalized?
  • Is there legitimate evidence of extraterrestrial life?
  • Should people be banned from owning aggressive dog breeds?
  • Should the United States devote more money towards space exploration?
  • Should the government subsidize renewable forms of energy?
  • Is solar energy worth the cost?
  • Should stem cells be used in medicine?
  • Is it right for the US to leave the Paris Climate Agreement?
  • Should athletes who fail a drug test receive a lifetime ban from the sport?
  • Should college athletes receive a salary?
  • Should the NFL do more to prevent concussions in players?
  • Do PE classes help students stay in shape?
  • Should horse racing be banned?
  • Should cheerleading be considered a sport?
  • Should children younger than 18 be allowed to play tackle football?
  • Are the costs of hosting an Olympic Games worth it?
  • Can online schools be as effective as traditional schools?
  • Do violent video games encourage players to be violent in real life?
  • Should facial recognition technology be banned?
  • Does excessive social media use lead to depression/anxiety?
  • Has the rise of translation technology made knowing multiple languages obsolete?
  • Was Steve Jobs a visionary or just a great marketer?
  • Should social media be banned for children younger than a certain age?
  • Which 21st-century invention has had the largest impact on society?
  • Are ride-sharing companies like Uber and Lyft good or bad for society?
  • Should Facebook have done more to protect the privacy of its users?
  • Will technology end up increasing or decreasing inequality worldwide?


Tips for Writing a Strong Persuasive Essay

After you’ve chosen the perfect topic for your persuasive essay, your work isn’t over. Follow the three tips below to create a top-notch essay.

Do Your Research

Your argument will fall apart if you don’t fully understand the issue you’re discussing or you overlook an important piece of it. Readers won’t be convinced by someone who doesn’t know the subject, and you likely won’t persuade any of them to begin supporting your viewpoint. Before you begin writing a single word of your essay, research your topic thoroughly. Study different sources, learn about the different sides of the argument, ask anyone who’s an expert on the topic what their opinion is, etc. You might be tempted to start writing right away, but by doing your research, you’ll make the writing process much easier when the time comes.

Make Your Thesis Perfect

Your thesis is the most important sentence in your persuasive essay. Just by reading that single sentence, your audience should know exactly what topic you’ll be discussing and where you stand on the issue. You want your thesis to be crystal clear and to accurately set up the rest of your essay. Asking classmates or your teacher to look it over before you begin writing the rest of your essay can be a big help if you’re not entirely confident in your thesis.

Consider the Other Side

You’ll spend most of your essay focusing on your side of the argument since that’s what you want readers to come away believing. However, don’t think that means you can ignore other sides of the issue. In your essay, be sure to discuss the other side’s argument, as well as why you believe this view is weak or untrue. Researching all the different viewpoints and including them in your essay will increase the quality of your writing by making your essay more complete and nuanced.

Summary: Persuasive Essay Ideas

Good persuasive essay topics can be difficult to come up with, but in this guide we’ve created a list of 113 excellent essay topics for you to browse. The best persuasive essay ideas will be those that you are interested in, have enough evidence to support your argument, and aren’t too complicated to be summarized in an essay.

After you’ve chosen your essay topic, keep these three tips in mind when you begin writing:

  • Do your research
  • Make your thesis perfect
  • Consider the other side

What's Next?

Need ideas for a research paper topic as well? Our guide to research paper topics has over 100 topics in ten categories so you can be sure to find the perfect topic for you.

Thinking about taking an AP English class? Read our guide on AP English classes to learn whether you should take AP English Language or AP English Literature (or both!)

Deciding between the SAT or ACT? Find out for sure which you will do the best on . Also read a detailed comparison between the two tests .

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Christine graduated from Michigan State University with degrees in Environmental Biology and Geography and received her Master's from Duke University. In high school she scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT and was named a National Merit Finalist. She has taught English and biology in several countries.

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    In an academic argument, you'll have a lot more constraints you have to consider, and you'll focus much more on logic and reasoning than emotions. Figure 1. When writing an argumentative essay, students must be able to separate emotion based arguments from logic based arguments in order to appeal to an academic audience.

  11. 160 Good Argumentative Essay Topics for Students in 2024

    April 3, 2024. The skill of writing an excellent argumentative essay is a crucial one for every high school or college student to master. In sum, argumentative essays teach students how to organize their thoughts logically and present them in a convincing way. This skill is helpful not only for those pursuing degrees in law, international ...

  12. 50 Compelling Argumentative Essay Topics

    50 Argumentative Essay Topics. Illustration by Catherine Song. ThoughtCo. An argumentative essay requires you to decide on a topic and argue for or against it. You'll need to back up your viewpoint with well-researched facts and information as well. One of the hardest parts is deciding which topic to write about, but there are plenty of ideas ...

  13. 40 Best Essays of All Time (Including Links & Writing Tips)

    1. David Sedaris - Laugh, Kookaburra. A great family drama takes place against the backdrop of the Australian wilderness. And the Kookaburra laughs…. This is one of the top essays of the lot. It's a great mixture of family reminiscences, travel writing, and advice on what's most important in life.

  14. 125 Strong Argumentative Essay Topics For Your Next Paper

    The format of an argumentative essay typically consists of three basic elements: An introductory paragraph, stating topic and thesis. Supporting paragraphs, presenting arguments and unique facts. The final paragraph, restating supporting evidence and thesis. The length and complexity of the essay will vary depending on the level of the student ...

  15. 50 Argumentative Essay Topics for Students

    These essays discuss issues around a range of topics, including science, technology, politics, and healthcare. Whether you're a teacher looking for essay topics for your students or a student tasked with developing an idea of your own, we've compiled a list of 50 argumentative essay topics to help you get started!

  16. 120+ Strong Argumentative Essay Topics

    Choosing between argumentative essay topics can be hard; especially when you don't know where to start looking. Luckily, you can find over 120 topic ideas here, including our top 10 hot topics.

  17. Argumentative Essay Examples. Best Topics, Titles GradesFixer

    Best Argumentative Essay Samples for High School. Explore the best argumentative essay examples tailored for high school students. These exemplary essays serve as invaluable resources, showcasing effective persuasive techniques and providing inspiration for your own writing endeavors. Elevate your argumentative essay skills and excel in high ...

  18. 130 New Prompts for Argumentative Writing

    Try our student writing prompts. In 2017, we compiled a list of 401 argumentative writing prompts, all drawn from our daily Student Opinion column. Now, we're rounding up 130 more we've ...

  19. 100+ Topics for Argumentative Essays and Debates

    Need to write an argumentative essay? Preparing for an upcoming debate? ProCon.org has over 100 topics complete with pro and con arguments, quotes and statistics from experts, historical information, and other pertinent research. ... 2008 - Which candidate would make the best U.S. president? Presidential Election, 2012 - Which candidate ...

  20. 40 Persuasive Writing Examples (Essays, Speeches, and More)

    Teaching students to write strong persuasive essays should always start with reading some top-notch models. This round-up of persuasive writing examples includes famous speeches, influential ad campaigns, contemporary reviews of famous books, and more. ... that is about the best we can do. To make others less happy is a crime."

  21. 50 Great Argumentative Essay Topics for Any Assignment

    Check out our helpful list of argumentative essay topics, plus tips on picking the best one for you. ... Check out our helpful list of argumentative essay topics, plus tips on picking the best one for you. Call Direct: 1 (866) 811-5546 Sign In Start Free Trial. SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips ...

  22. How to Write a Discursive Essay with Impact and Authority

    Argumentative Essays: Purpose: Presenting a strong argument in favor of a specific viewpoint. Structure: The essay establishes a clear thesis statement, provides evidence and reasoning to support the argument, and addresses opposing views. It aims to persuade the reader to adopt the writer's perspective. Pro-Con Essays:

  23. College Essays That Worked And How Yours Can Too

    Humor and Honesty: The student's humor makes the essay enjoyable to read, while her honesty about her challenges adds depth. Self-Awareness: She demonstrates a strong sense of self-awareness ...

  24. Democrats fear replacement scenarios as much as keeping Biden

    The president's argument that he was the Democrat best able to beat Trump, several said, has now been turned on its head and they are left feeling he's the option least able to beat Trump.

  25. Ranking NFL teams' under-25 talent: Texans, Lions lead list

    Ranking all 32 NFL teams by under-25 talent: Which teams have the best -- and worst -- young cores? Houston Texans. 3d Aaron Schatz. Canada advance to Copa semis to face Argentina. 5h Reuters.

  26. 3 Reasons Why Doug Pederson Shouldn't Call Plays For the Jacksonville

    After making the argument for why Doug Pederson should call plays for the Jaguars in 2024, here are a few reasons why we think he should let his staff handle it.

  27. LSAT Update

    LSAT Argumentative Writing. Beginning July 30, 2024, LSAT Argumentative Writing will replace the LSAT Writing prompt that has been part of the LSAT since 1982. This new approach to the writing assessment aims to assess a test taker's ability to construct a cogent argument based on a variety of evidentiary sources.

  28. Opinion: The presidential immunity ruling is good for Trump

    The precedent-setting Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity helps not just Donald Trump, but all future US presidents, writes Timothy C. Parlatore.

  29. Top Romantasy Books Fuel Sales Boom as Sex, Dragons Drive $610M Market

    Dragons, faeries and happily-ever-after love stories are having a moment. Sales of romantasy novels—a genre that blends fantasy's epic quests and mystical characters with romance's swooning ...

  30. 113 Perfect Persuasive Essay Topics for Any Assignment

    List of 113 Good Persuasive Essay Topics. Below are over 100 persuasive essay ideas, organized into ten categories. When you find an idea that piques your interest, you'll choose one side of it to argue for in your essay. For example, if you choose the topic, "should fracking be legal?" you'd decide whether you believe fracking should ...