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How to write a 2000-word Essay: What works Best?


Writing a remarkable 2000-word essay is an overwhelming task for students. This type of essay requires an overwhelming amount of knowledge, time to write, and the ability to organize your thoughts concisely. This guide will explain everything you need to complete a 2000-word essay.

How long is a 2000-word essay?

In academic writing, a 2000-word essay is the same as four pages of a single-spaced document or eight pages double-spaced one . Double spacing means there should be blank lines between each line of text that prevent them from blurring together. Your instructor may ask you to double-space the essay to make it easier to read and to allow reviewers to make comments or suggestions about the assignment.

Each page of single-spaced content has 500-550 words, while a double-spaced page has 250-275. If you are using MLA or APA formatting style, the formatting standard for an essay should be (1) double-spaced, (2) Times New Roman font, and (3) one-inch margins all around. If you use Ariel font pages

How Many Paragraphs is a 2000 Words Essay

A 2000-word essay consists of between 7 and 9 paragraphs, each having between 3 and 5 or more full and coherent sentences. Please note that there are no proper rules on how many sentences your paragraph should have since each paragraph discusses different ideas relating to the main topic of your essay.

Some paragraphs could be shorter and others longer. Some paragraphs could be a sentence shorter, and others about half a page long. What matters more is how you structure and complete the paragraphs.

However, you should not concern yourself with the length of your paragraph that you forget what matters most: the content of the paragraphs. Communicate effectively the quality of the message to ensure you answer the topic.

Can I Write 2000 Words in Two Hours?

Writing a 2000-word article in two hours is challenging but not impossible. Typically, a good essay requires in-depth research, a clear structure for the paper, and an organization of your ideas, which requires adequate time.

However, quickly completing an essay depends on your familiarity with the topic and typing speed. Most adults have an average typing speed of 40 words per minute (WPM). However, for experienced typists, the average typing speed is about 76 words per minute. Many college students trying to finish their assignments on time usually type 60-70 words per minute.

If you are having an essay crisis and can’t seem to figure out how to write a 2000-word essay in two hours, use the following tips;

Plan your essay

Take 10 – 15 minutes to organize your thoughts by identifying your essay's main topics and ideas. Focus only on key ideas and avoid unnecessary details to save time. Then, decide how you will organize them in your paper. A great tip is to have a logical order, ensuring a link between all ideas.

Research Efficiently and effectively

All academic papers, especially long-form essays like a 2000-word essay, require in-depth research to gather supporting information for your topic. You need to dedicate a few minutes to gather sources before writing.

Write the Introduction

Use 5-10 minutes to write a compelling introduction, beginning with a hook to grab readers' attention. Then, provide some context about the topic and state your thesis statement.

Write the Body Paragraphs

Allocate 10- 15 minutes to discuss each idea supporting your main topic. If you have 5 ideas, it will take you about 50 minutes to finish writing the body of your essay.

Write Your Conclusion

Use 10-15 minutes to finalize your essay by restating your thesis statement, summarizing the main points, reminding the readers why they should care, and providing recommendations/ suggestions for the main topic.

Revise Your Essay

Use 20 minutes to review your draft to correct any mistakes you made while writing. The final draft should be free of any errors (punctuation, grammar, and spelling) and be plagiarism-free. You must also ensure that all ideas are clearly and concisely written.

Please note that writing a 2000-word essay under time constraints will likely affect the quality of your work; however, following the above tips ensures you finish a well-structured 2000-word essay quickly.

What is the Format for a 2000 Word Essay?

A 2000-word essay is an academic paper with the same format as others. This means it has an introduction, a body paragraph, and a conclusion. Your introduction and conclusion should comprise approximately 25% of the total word count of the essay, while the rest of 75% should be dedicated to the body.


An introduction of a 2000-word essay is 5-10% of the total word count. It should be between 100 – 150 words of concisely written content. If you have no idea what to include in the introduction, the following tips will offer a starting point.

  • Set the scene
  • Introduce the topic or problem under discussion.
  • If needed, provide definitions of complex concepts.
  • An explanation of why the topic or problem matters. (provide the size or the scope of the matter).
  • The purpose of the essay.
  • Introduce the thesis statement, which is the central idea of the essay.
  • Briefly provide the outline you will use to explain the paper's logic.

Your introduction should be a paragraph or two long since a paragraph is made of 100 words.

The Main Body

A body of a 2000-word essay will make up about 75% of the total word count. It should be divided into 5-7 paragraphs, each discussing one central idea that identifies the main topic. These paragraphs should be 150- 250 words, each supported by 2 or more references. Note that the longer the assignments, the more important it is to provide links that refer to earlier points, thus connecting ideas.

When you begin writing the body, your ideas will likely flow randomly from the mind. Since you are writing for readers with different backgrounds and viewpoints, you must organize these ideas to make it easier for them to process and understand. Use the following format to organize the body of your essay;

  • Write a topic sentence that identifies the paragraph topic you will discuss.
  • Supporting information , such as examples, details, and evidence, contributes to the main topic. When you provide evidence, ensure you explain why it is relevant to the topic.
  • A concluding sentence also acts as a transition to the next paragraph. Provide a conclusion that reminds readers of what they have read and shows the topic's significance.

Use the above format to organize the rest of the body paragraphs. Consider writing this plan on paper and pinning it on your desk to remind yourself whenever you write an essay. 

Additionally, consider using the following writing techniques and tools to help finish your essay in under two hours.

Technique 1: The Pomodoro technique

The Pomodoro Technique. This technique involves working continuously for 25 minutes and then taking a 5-minute break. The Pomodoro technique is effective because it allows you to focus while avoiding burnout. Research shows that taking regular breaks can increase well-being and performance.

Technique 2: Write in Batches

Writing in batches is an effective method to finish a 2000-word essay in two hours. It involves dividing your essay into sections and working on them before taking a break.

Use tools such as Grammarly and Hemingway Editor to help edit your work and ensure no errors before submission.

This is the final paragraph of your essay. Like an introduction, a conclusion makes up about 5-10% of a 2000-word essay. This means that a conclusion for a 2000-word essay has approximately 100-150 words.

If you follow the above format, the total word count will 2050.

How Long Will It Take to Write a 2000 Words Essay?

Finishing a 2000-word essay will take 6-8 hours on average. However, if you are just typing the essay without doing any in-depth research, outlining the work, or adding citations and references, it will take about 50 minutes. For a handwritten essay, it takes about 1.7 hours to finish a 2000-word essay.

Please note that some students can finish a 2000-word essay in just under two hours, while others can take at least five days (2 for in-depth research, 2 for writing the essay, and one for revising and editing) to finish. All this will depend on the complexities of the topic. A complex topic will probably require more time for research, especially if getting the sources for the topic is challenging.

The assignment deadline will also influence whether someone can finish the essay quickly or not. Many students often find themselves swamped with assignments, wondering which to prioritize. If you have a 1000-word essay and another for 2200 words, prioritize the latter and focus on finishing the shorter one later.  

If you want to finish your essay quickly, avoid distractions such as social media, TV, friends, etc.

How Many References Are in a 2000 Words Essay

A 2000-word essay should have between 10 and 20 high-quality references. Please take note that these are just suggestions. Logically, there should be a source in every paragraph. Each argument supported by credible evidence must have a reference. Some factors that will determine how many references each of your paragraphs will have include:

The Type of Research

If you are conducting empirical research, you will need more references compared to doing research for a theoretical paper. This is because the latter focuses on synthesizing existing concepts.

Depth of the Research

If your 2000-word essay is about a complex topic, you must do more thorough research to locate all the evidence supporting or refuting your claims. This means your essay will have more references than one that does not need much research.

Assignment’s Requirements

Your instructors will specify the number of references to use in your essay; they might verbally communicate this in class or highlight it on the assignment prompt. Thus, it's essential to always read and understand your prompt before working on the assignment.

If there are no specifications about essay references, check with your instructor how many are appropriate for the type of essay you are writing.

Writing Time by Word Counts

The following table outlines how long it takes to complete an essay, depending on the number of words.

Word Count

Slow Typist (5 wpm)

Average Typist (40 wpm)

Fast Typist (60 wpm)

100 words

20 minutes

2.5 minutes

1.7 minutes

125 words

25 minutes

3.1 minutes

2.1 minutes

250 words

50 minutes

6.3 minutes

4.2 minutes

500 words

100 minutes (1 hour, 40 minutes)

12.5 minutes

8.3 minutes

600 words

120 minutes (2hours)

15.0 minutes

10.0 minutes

750 words

150 minutes (2 hours 30 minutes)

18.8 minutes

12.5 minutes

800 words

160 minutes (2 hours 40 minutes)

20.0 minutes

13.3 minutes

1,000 words

200 minutes (3 hours 20 minutes)

25.0 minutes

16.7 minutes

1,500 words

300 minutes (5 hours)

37.5 minutes

25.0 minutes

2,000 words

400 minutes (6 hours 40 minutes)

50.0 minutes

33.3 minutes

2,500 words

500 minutes (8 hours 20 minutes)

62.5 minutes

41.7 minutes

3,000 words

600 minutes (10 hours)

75.0 minutes

50.0 minutes

3,500 words

700 minutes(11 hours 40 minutes)

87.5 minutes

58.3 minutes

4,000 words

800 minutes (13 hours 20 minutes)

100.0 minutes

66.7 minutes

5,000 words

1,000 minutes (16 hours 40 minutes)

125.0 minutes

83.3 minutes

7,500 words

1,500 minutes (1 day

187.5 minutes

125.0 minutes

10,000 words

33.3 hours (1 day)

250.0 minutes

166.7 minutes

20,000 words

66.7 hours (2.7 days

8.3 hours

333.3 minutes

25,000 words

83.3 hours (3. 4 days)

10.4 hours

416.7 minutes

30,000 words

100.0 hours (4 days)

12.5 hours

8.3 hours

50,000 words

166.7 hours (6.92 days)

20.8 hours

13.9 hours

75,000 words

250.0 hours (10 days 10 hours)

31.3 hours

20.8 hours

100,000 words

333.3 hours (13 days)

41.7 hours

27.8 hours

From the above table, it's clear that a person's typing speed will dictate whether they can finish an assignment quickly or not.

Writing Time by Page Counts

Wondering how long it takes to complete a page? The table below will let you know how long it will take to finish an essay based on page counts.

Page Count

Slow (5 wpm)

Average (40 wpm)

Fast (60 wpm)

1 page

100 minutes

12.5 minutes

8.3 minutes

2 pages

200 minutes

25.0 minutes

16.7 minutes

3 pages

300 minutes

37.5 minutes

25.0 minutes

4 pages

400 minutes

50.0 minutes

33.3 minutes

5 pages

500 minutes

62.5 minutes

41.7 minutes

6 pages

600 minutes

75.0 minutes

50.0 minutes

7 pages

700 minutes

87.5 minutes

58.3 minutes

8 pages

800 minutes

100.0 minutes

66.7 minutes

9 pages

900 minutes

112.5 minutes

75.0 minutes

10 pages

1,000 minutes

125.0 minutes

83.3 minutes

25 pages

41.7 hours

312.5 minutes

208.3 minutes

50 pages

83.3 hours

10.4 hours

416.7 minutes

100 pages

166.7 hours

20.8 hours

13.9 hours

250 pages

416.7 hours

52.1 hours

34.7 hours

500 pages

833.3 hours

104.2 hours

69.4 hours

750 pages

1,250.0 hours

156.3 hours

104.2 hours

1,000 pages

1,666.7 hours

208.3 hours

138.9 hours

This rough estimate is based on slow, average, and fast writers.

Tips to Help You Finish a 2000 Words Essay

So, you left your 2000-word essay until the last minute and can't seem to figure out how to finish it on time? No worries. The following tips can help.

Eat a Good Breakfast

A study published in the National Library of Medicine has shown that eating a good breakfast is associated with positive outcomes for learners and professionals. Breakfast gives you energy after fasting overnight for more than 7 hours. Take some brain food fuel, such as yogurts topped with berries, to give you steady energy as you write your essay. This will prevent you from feeling hungry, which could be a distraction.

Pick Your Equipment and Workstation

When you sit down to write, everything must be within reach. So, pick a conducive environment away from distractions and collect all materials like your laptops, pens, notebooks, etc.

Set Time Management Goals

When you have an urgent assignment that is 2000 words long, time management is key to success. Good time management skills will help you finish the task quickly while avoiding distractions. You can break up your tasks into chunks and work on them individually.

Use Online Tools to Speed Up the Research Process

Research can take an awful amount of time, especially for a complex topic. So, speed up the process by using online tools like Google Scholar to find sources for your essay.

Also, check if your instructor has published a list of sources on your module's online platform. Most of them are kind enough to put them online.

Write Your Notes directly on Your Laptop.

Normally, when researching a topic, you will write ideas in a notebook and then use it later when typing on your laptop. However, since you are in a hurry, skip this step and directly type the ideas and their sources on our computer. Once you are done, you can drag and drop paragraphs in the correct order.

An essay that is 2000 words long is a common type of essay you will encounter in school. You must be well prepared by understanding what it takes to complete this type of essay. Whether you are a seasoned writer or a beginner, the above guide will be helpful when writing a 2000-word essay.

If you are struggling with writing a paper or essay that is 2000 or 2200 words long, we can help. EssayManiacs has a team of professional writers who can write such an essay in under a day or between 7 and 8 hours or less. Therefore, if you want help with your assignments , we are online and ready to help. Please place an order, and we will assign your paper to a writer within the next few minutes. In terms of cost, it should cost you around $18-25/page, depending on the urgency. Engage us for a discount.

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2000 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas

Writing a 2000-word essay may seem overwhelming at first, especially if you’ve dealt with smaller tasks before. However, writing such a paper is the next step in your educational process. Two thousand words length is typical for critical writing assignments, movie reports and reviews, book reviews, reports of all kinds, and research papers.

You may face the need to compose a 2000-word task at any moment and in any class. Here are the basics of writing a paper of this length with hot, relevant, and interesting topics you may cover. And if you’re looking for more inspiring samples, check the page with free essays online for students !

  • 🏆 Best Topics for 2024
  • 📝 Research Paper Examples
  • 💡 Report Topic Ideas
  • 👫 Peer Pressure Essay Examples

✏️ How to Write a 2000 Words Essay

  • 📃 Essay on Integrity: Examples
  • 📣 Persuasive Essay Prompts
  • ✅ Argumentative Essay Examples
  • 🌎 Globalization Essay Samples

🏆 Best 2000 Words Paper Topics for 2024

Here are a couple of 2000-word essay topics you may borrow or tweak a bit to present an interesting, well-researched, and thought-provoking paper.

  • The promise and failure of multicultural education.
  • Pros and cons of religious education at schools.
  • Misinformation and lack of access to data about climate change.
  • Can households play a role in air pollution decrease?
  • The contribution of social media to medical care quality.
  • Psychology and physiology of living with allergy.
  • Pros and cons of a vegetarian diet for a child.
  • The medication addiction epidemic in the USA.
  • Alternatives to animal testing.
  • Ethics behind placebo treatment.
  • Pros and cons of child vaccination.
  • The role of standardized testing in public education.
  • Ethical and legal concerns of metal detector setup at schools.
  • Social media and peer communication at schools.
  • Modern technologies for educating blind and deaf children.
  • Alternatives to paper usage for tree protection.
  • The real magnitude of deforestation.
  • The science behind GMO products’ impact on human health.
  • The ethical problem of beauty contests.
  • Long-term impact of violent games on children’s temperament.

📝 2000 Word Research Paper Examples

  • I Have a Dream Speech Analysis The speech has become a symbol of a new era of freedom and symbol of the American civil rights movement.”I Have a Dream” is a representation of the “America Dream” about a free and equal […]
  • Flooding Problem in Philippines Flooding affects every region of the Philippines neighborhood, and several low-lying regions in the Manila City, such as Espino, Taft, Malabo, and Valenzuela, are usually among the worst hit in every series of flooding that […]
  • Greek and Roman Theatre Differences The design was further involved in the seat arrangement that ensured that the actors were clearly heard by the people on the uppermost semicircular bench of the theater.
  • Tesla Globalization: A Strategic Marketing Plan + Expansion Strategy First, it is worth mentioning that, according to the company’s website, the mission of the business is to manufacture and promote a product that would allow for a more sustainable use of the natural environment.
  • Pros and Cons of Hosting the World Cup Considering that grants would be obtained from FIFA to partly support the preparation, the revenue body in the state would benefit from such grant and the developments that will be carried out with the support […]
  • “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” Symbolism In the context of the “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”, the pentangle brings together the influence of “the five virtues, the five wounds of Christ, the five senses, the five joys of Mary the […]
  • PepsiCo Leadership Style: Indra Nooyi Leadership Style Indra Nooyi ensures the long-term sustainable performance of PepsiCo with her leadership approach that is focused on collaboration and is considered to be extremely significant for the whole company.

💡 Topic Ideas for a 2000 Word Report

If you’re tasked to write a 2000 words essay, sample topics in the following list can help you out. They are suitable for lab report-type writing on a variety of subjects.

  • Straw panel manufacturing for eco-friendly housing.
  • Alternative energy source use in your location.
  • New statistical applications in medicine.
  • Exploring plant photosynthesis on the example of kale.
  • Preventing unauthorized access: lab report in cybersecurity.
  • Blood sugar regulation.
  • In-vitro antimicrobial activity of rosemary.
  • Hematological parameters of malaria patients.
  • Microbial analysis of expired bread.
  • Water quality analysis.
  • Impact of local spices and herbs on community health.
  • Correlates of yeast cell absorption speed.
  • Emotional regulation in children.
  • Environmental pollution: local parameters.
  • Dehydration of cyclohexanol .
  • Wind engine use: a case study of local practices.
  • Impact of noise level on the nervous system’s resilience.
  • Quality of detergents.
  • Computer modeling of gait.
  • Caffeine levels in tea and coffee.

👫 2000 Words Peer Pressure Essay Examples

  • The Influence of Peer Groups on Youth Crime The impact of youth crime on the community is profound, and so is the influence of criminal behavior on the lives of adolescents.
  • Friends’ Influence and Peer Pressure in Adolescents The list of physical and emotional transformations happening to the young people during adolescence is universal; the processes are the same for all teenagers.
  • Online Peer Support Groups for Depression and Anxiety Disorder The main objective of peer support groups is connecting people with the same life experiences and challenges to share and support each other in healing and recovery.
  • A Peer Intervention Program to Reduce Smoking Rates Among LGBTQ Therefore, the presumed results of the project are its introduction into the health care system, which will promote a healthy lifestyle and diminish the level of smoking among LGBTQ people in the SESLHD.
  • Bullying and Peer Abuse Especially at work, targets fear coming to work and this will have an adverse result in the efficiency of the staff in the hospital.
  • Peer Assessment and Productivity of Low Achieving Students To be more exact, the fact that low achieving students need graphic data in order to understand the mechanics of the learning process better and, thus, engage into the meta-cognition process was discovered with the […]

Overall, a 2000-word essay doesn’t differ from other essay types. It should also have an introductory part, a particular number of body paragraphs, and a concluding section with major insights you’ve derived from research. Since this essay type can be 7-8 pages long, it makes sense to divide the content into sections and cover each of them in several paragraphs.

The picture displays the elements of 2000-word essay structure.

2000-Word Essay Structure

The structure of your 2000-word essay will largely depend on the professor’s prompt. If the tutor requires a more structured paper, you can divide the content into several sections and dwell on every aspect in a couple of paragraphs each. It is not typical for 2000-word essays to have a separate literature review – you may have one in a report or research paper, but essays usually favor a more integrated presentation of literature in the body of the paper. Thus, overall, the essay should have an introduction with a thesis statement, body paragraphs, and a conclusion with main findings and inferences. As the intro and conclusion take 10% of the word count each, you should expect the body of the paper to have around 1500-1600 words, which translates into 10-15 body paragraphs.

Consider using the outline generator if a 2000-word essay structure is challenging for you.

2000-Word Essay Introduction

The essay’s introduction usually takes 10% of the paper’s length, but short essays may have even 20% taken by the introductory section. When we’re talking about a 2000-word essay, 7-10% will be totally fine to cover the broad context, background, and thesis statement of the paper after introducing the essay’s main subject. This way, you should allocate 150-200 words to the introduction of this essay.

Try the thesis statement tool if you’re stuck making a thesis statement. And check our research introduction maker and hook sentence generator if you want to prepare your introduction in no time.

2000-Word Essay Conclusion

Similar to the introduction, a 2000-word essay’s conclusion may also take 150-200 words, which equals 7-10% of the essay’s length. It should summarize the key points you have discussed and derive the main takeaways from every argument or body section you’ve had in the essay.

Check our closing sentence generator to formulate a closing paragraph for your essay.

How Many References Should I Use in a 2000 Word Paper?

It depends on the specific task your supervisor has set and the academic level at which you’re studying. A rule of thumb is to have 8-12 references for every 1,000 words of text. Thus, your 2000-word essay should have around 20 unique sources to comply with the professor’s requirements and academic standards.

📃 Examples of 2000-word Essay on Integrity

  • Media Law and Ethics: Integrity in Media Broadcasting The concept of integrity makes one earn the respect of the society, while the opposite draws insolence and ridicule from the members of the community.
  • Corruption and Integrity in Modern World The difference in the levels of corruption in these countries is a result of different parameters and at the same time, the effects are diverse.
  • Corruption and Corporate and Personal Integrity Bribery, embezzlement of funds and illegitimate procurement always impose extra and unjustified costs to the cost of acquiring public services and damages the credibility of those institutions that are involved in the vice.
  • Academic Integrity: Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty Some of the most significant issues he highlights include the following: The quality of information on the web varies significantly While internet search may help to narrow down on a topic, it may erode the […]

📣 2000 Words Persuasive Essay Prompts

Here are a couple of prompts that can help you craft a 2000 words example essay for a high grade. Feel free to use them or tweak the prompts so that they match your individual task.

Time Management Essay 2000 Words

Discuss the concept of time management and analyze its significance for people’s education, employment, and attainment of life goals. Give examples of the positive impact of good time management on people’s quality of life across domains. Focus on one or several time management techniques, explain their basis and principles, and give instructions for adopting better time management habits.

Essay about Social Networking 2000 Words

Discuss the existing social networks and their history of emergence and mass adoption. Analyze research findings about the pros and cons of reliance on social media and evaluate the arguments of opponents and proponents. Talk about the negative impact of social media on academic achievement and the potential implications of blocking social media use at schools. Consider several cases of teachers’ social media image scandals, such as inappropriate behavior and dressing in social media posts.

2000 Word Essay on Accountability in the Army

Examine the concept of accountability as such and apply it to a narrower field – army service. Talk about the variety of officers’ accountability obligations during army service, covering their duty to treat army property, documents, and funds with due care. Examine various shades of meaning of army officers’ accountability – in civil service and on the battlefield (e.g., joint action and decision-making). Evaluate the importance of accountability in the army and discuss the organs and entities keeping those duties under control.

A Dangerous Experience Essay 2000 Words

Discuss the importance of challenging oneself and leaving the comfort zone for the sake of personal development and growth from the viewpoint of viewing these experiences as dangerous. Give a personal example of leaving the comfort zone and feeling fear and danger in the face of the unknown. Examine the psychological motivations of people agreeing to withstand danger for the sake of moving forward and the justifications of those who avoid danger and never move ahead.

✅ Argumentative Essay 2000 Words Examples

  • Music Effects on the Brain However, listening to music has the ability to inspire the hormones and raise the levels of these elements to equilibrium, making the brain to work optimally.
  • Sustainable Tourism and Market Economy According to Billington, Carter and Husain Whole Place Development refers to the dynamic process of creating public as well as private spaces by utilizing the input of the stakeholders who are the community to develop […]
  • Efficiency and Effectiveness Pursuit of Management Relevance of efficiency and effectiveness to enhance the performance of organisations The assumption of maximising profits through focusing on mechanisms that enhance efficiency and effectiveness of organisations as the main goal of an organisation rather […]
  • Educational Applications of Nursing Informatics The application of informatics implies the incorporation of information technology in the process of direct healthcare provision, establishment of efficient administrative systems, management and education delivery as well as supporting nursing research.
  • Addressing the Income Inequality in the People’s Republic of China It is obvious that the mentioned issues are among the most relevant reasons for II; eliminating them should lead to the improvement of II situation in the world.
  • The Primary Causes of Terrorist Political Violence In a clash between the religious beliefs and those of the state or a foreign power, the religious beliefs are likely to triumph and garner the support of the majority.
  • The Effects of Television on the Way People Understand Themselves This is because, despite the fact that the advocates of political correctness encourage citizens to believe that the specifics of one’s racial affiliation are not being reflective of his or her tendency to commit crimes, […]
  • Employment Relations in Modern Australian Workplaces Nevertheless, continued involvement of the state in employment relations led to changes in the employment relations that saw employers exploit their employees.
  • Counselling Theory of Freudian Psychoanalysis Even though that from a Christian point of view, there is indeed a number of discursive controversies to the theory of psychoanalysis, there can be little doubt as to the fact that it was specifically […]

🌎 Globalization Essay: 2000 Words Samples

  • Anti-Globalization Movement’s Goals and Power The movement works with the destruction of the legal status of “legal entities,” the disappearance of commercial fundamentalism liberated, and the necessary actions of economic privatization by the World Bank, the Foundation International Monetary Fund, […]
  • Impact of Globalization and Neoliberalism on Crime and Criminal Justice Globalization entails the conception of principles, perpetuated by both governments and organizations that have altered the way nations perceive the obligation for a criminal justice system and the ability of the governments to control crime […]
  • Globalization as Growth Driver for Society and Economy From the start, Levitt argues that the globalization of markets is a phenomenon like never seen before, where the international market becomes one whole and there is a demand for modern, popular, standardized products which […]
  • Globalization: Concept, Advantages and Disadvantages The lecture provokes the interest to the evaluation of the consequences of globalization. The accumulation of the first experience has started with watching the different documentary and feature movies about the global and cultural integration […]
  • The Economic Aspects of Globalization This trend is active in the most developed countries such as the United States of America and even in the developing countries in Africa and Asia.
  • Strategic Marketing Plan for Globalization Move The company’s strong position in the domestic market and the availability of resources to enter the Chinese market allow for the decisive transition of the company to international marketing.
  • Globalization and Inequity in Global Maternal Mortality Globalization has led to the transition of existing threats to collective and individual health to a new qualitative level and to the emergence of new threats.
  • Tendencies That Were Caused by Globalization Krishnamurthy’s article was published in 2004, and it contributed to drawing the public’s attention to the question of outsourcing in contexts of the information exchange and economic growth. In 2006, Michael Palm responded to the […]
  • The Era of Globalization in Canada: Employment Standards The purpose of the act was to set minimum standards legislation in order to create regulatory framework for wages, hours of work, overtime, and vacations with pay, for the majority of workers in the province.
  • Healthcare System: Future Prospects in the Era of Globalization Nevertheless, there is another concern that we should worry about; and that is the worsening of health services or hindering in the flourishing of health services in the future.

📌 2000 Word Essay: Answers to the Most Pressing Questions

📌 how many pages is 2000 words double spaced.

How many pages is 2000 words of academic text? According to the guidelines of all the key citation styles, one page should contain approximately 250 words (12-point Times New Roman, double-spaced). If you follow these guidelines, your 2000-word essay will be 8 pages. If you make it single-spaced, it will take 4 pages.

📌 How Much Is 2000 Words in Paragraphs?

How much is 2000 words in paragraphs? A typical academic paragraph contains 100 to 150 words. So, a 2000-word essay will consist of 14-17 paragraphs.

📌 How Many Sentences Is 2000 Words?

How many sentences is a 2000-word essay? A typical sentence in academic writing consists of 15-20 words. So, 2000 words are not less than 100-103 sentences.

📌 How to Outline a 2000-Word Essay?

An academic paper of 2000 words is not always an essay. A text of this length is more likely to be a research paper, term paper, or extended essay. An outline for such an assignment is more complicated than that for a standard essay. In addition to the usual parts (introduction, body, and conclusion), you’ll probably need to include other elements like an abstract and methodology. The details will depend on the exact requirements.

📌 How Long Does It Take to Write 2000 Words?

How long does it take to write a 2000-word essay? It will take you 40-80 minutes to type 2000 words on your keyboard (the total time will depend on your typing speed). Writing an academic paper will take more time because you’ll have to research, make an outline, write, format, and edit your text. It would be best if you planned to spend a little over 6 and a half hours for a 2000-word paper.

📌 How Many Body Paragraphs Are in a 2000 Word Essay?

A typical 2000 words essay consists of 17 to 19 paragraphs. Each of the paragraphs should contain 75-150 words.

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IvyPanda. (2023, November 13). 2000 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas.

"2000 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas." IvyPanda , 13 Nov. 2023,

IvyPanda . (2023) '2000 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas'. 13 November.

IvyPanda . 2023. "2000 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas." November 13, 2023.

1. IvyPanda . "2000 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas." November 13, 2023.


IvyPanda . "2000 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas." November 13, 2023.

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How to Write a Paper in a Night

Last Updated: January 5, 2024 Approved

This article was co-authored by Christopher Taylor, PhD . Christopher Taylor is an Adjunct Assistant Professor of English at Austin Community College in Texas. He received his PhD in English Literature and Medieval Studies from the University of Texas at Austin in 2014. wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. In this case, 83% of readers who voted found the article helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 238,582 times.

While you may never plan for it, writing a paper in one night is a stressful experience. Not only do you need to produce a certain amount of words, but to get a decent grade you need to create an argument and address the prompt. Fortunately, by preparing yourself and efficiently planning, writing, and editing your paper, you may be able to create a good paper in a single night.

Maximizing Your Time Through Preparation

Step 1 Create a schedule for the night.

  • Set aside some time for planning your paper – perhaps 25%.
  • Set aside the bulk of your time for writing it – maybe 50%.
  • Put aside about 25% of your time for proofreading and editing your paper.

Step 2 Read the directions.

  • Most paper assignments will revolve around a single question that you’ll need to respond to – your prompt. Spend as much time as you can making sure you completely understand the prompt.
  • Read the details of the assignment. For example, your instructor might have specified that you need to include a certain number of sources, meet a word limit, type in Times New Roman, and double space your paper. Make sure you follow these directions.

Step 3 Spend an hour getting informed.

  • If your prompt is limited to one text, focus only on that text. However, you may need to conduct some research, especially if you need to incorporate support into your paper. In this case, do a quick search on academic databases, such as JSTOR, EBSCO, and Google Scholar. Quickly skim the results to improve your understanding of the text and find good quotes to cite in your paper. Be careful when choosing your keywords!
  • Read topic sentences, and then allow your eyes to skim toward specific examples in whatever you are reading. Use a highlighter to help you move through the text quickly.
  • If you’re allowed to rely on and cite outside information, look for Sparknotes, Shmoop, CliffNotes, book reviews, online articles, and other sources that can briefly explain the subject matter. [3] X Research source

Step 4 Formulate your thesis....

  • Your thesis is typically one sentence that takes a clear stance on a specific argument. For example, if the paper prompt poses a question about the cause of the decline of the Roman Empire, a good thesis would state a specific cause, such as the Empire’s reliance on non-citizens in its army.
  • Once you have a good thesis, write it out and keep it in front of you at all times. Your thesis is essentially your mission of the evening – prove it or fail.

Step 5 Brainstorm.

  • If you need, take a minute to look up specific ideas or facts you may think of while brainstorming.
  • If it helps, organize your ideas in a graphic manner. Link ideas and facts together with lines, or as if they are branches or leaves on a tree. [5] X Research source

Step 6 Outline your argument.

Writing a Quality Paper

Step 1 Write your introduction.

  • It's a good idea to write all of your topic sentences for your support paragraphs before you write your paper. This helps you understand where each paragraph should begin and end, which will make writing your paper easier.
  • You should have a minimum of three support paragraphs.
  • Every paragraph should have a mini-thesis/argument that supports the larger argument of your paper. This could be the same as your topic sentence.

Step 3 Finish your conclusion.

  • Write a sentence or two addressing the subject of your paper.
  • Restate the thesis. Instead of rewriting your thesis, reformulate it: "The Roman Empire's overextended military was unable to defend its vast borders in Europe and Asia Minor."
  • Make a final appeal to the reader to believe what you’ve said. You may want to remind the reader of some of your most compelling evidence.

Step 4 Cite your sources.

  • Use whatever citation method/standard your instructor requires. This could be MLA, APA, or Chicago, depending on the course.

Step 5 Rest before your final proof.

  • If it is really late, you might want to just get a few hours of sleep and wake up very early to proof and edit your paper.
  • If it is somewhat late, like around midnight, you may want to take a walk, watch a TV program, and get a cup of coffee before resuming work on your paper.
  • If you’re really determined to get your paper done as soon as possible, take a half hour break and grab a cup of coffee and do some light exercise to get your juices flowing.

Step 6 Edit for clarity.

  • Do just one quick run-through to edit for clarity. For a standard 1,500-word paper, this might take 30 minutes.
  • Your statements should be self-explanatory and make sense.
  • Topic sentences should concisely describe the subject of the support paragraph.
  • Your thesis statement should be apparent throughout the paper.
  • A clear paper should flow and proceed in a logical manner. Pay special attention to missing transitions and lack of logical flow.

Step 7 Proofread.

  • While proofreading might be your final step, it is perhaps the most important one – do not neglect it.

Avoiding Distractions and Pitfalls

Step 1 Find an isolated location.

  • Quiet areas of your campus library. Don’t hang around the coffee shop or computers where people access social media.
  • A coffee shop far from campus – where you won’t run into friends.
  • Your bedroom or home office. Make sure to unplug your TV and let your roommates know you’re working.

Step 2 Use caffeine to stay awake if you aren't sensitive to it.

  • Be careful drinking products like Eight Hour Energy.
  • Don’t combine caffeinated products with prescription drugs.
  • If you’re not into caffeine, consider hydrating yourself and exercising a little before and while you write. In addition to drinking lots of water, you could try adding lemon to your water, eating an apple, or increasing your protein intake. [11] X Research source

Step 3 Take breaks.

  • Take a break when it seems appropriate. If you’re on a roll writing and making a lot of progress, put your break off until you run out of steam.

Step 4 Do not plagiarize.

  • Many high schools and colleges require that papers be run through a program to check for plagiarism. These programs can detect similarities to any text that's appeared online or in a published book. Additionally, the program will check your work against other papers turned in by students, both currently and in years past. Plagiarism isn't work the risk, as you'll likely get caught.

Step 5 Avoid procrastination in the future.

  • Use a day planner to plan all of your course work. Write down due dates and other important information.
  • Start your work at least two weeks ahead of time. Start researching when the paper is assigned, then begin outlining once your research is complete. [14] X Trustworthy Source University of North Carolina Writing Center UNC's on-campus and online instructional service that provides assistance to students, faculty, and others during the writing process Go to source

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write a 2000 word essay in one night

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A Comprehensive Guide on Writing a 2000 Word Essay for Students

As a student, you’ll frequently get tasks to write essays on a wide range of topics in various subjects. These essays are a crucial component of academic life, regardless whether they are for a class assignment or a scholarship application. Writing a 2000-word essay can be intimidating, particularly if you’re unfamiliar with the format and structure.

Fear not! In this article, we provide a comprehensive guide for students that will walk you through the steps of crafting a 2000-word essay. We’ll cover everything from selecting a topic to organizing your essay neatly. Also, you can find some advice on how to make your essay stand out among papers of other students. So, it’s time to grab your pen and paper to take notes, and get started.

What is a 2000-Word Essay? Let’s Find Out

A 2000-word essay is an academic writing task that requires a student to create a comprehensive essay on a certain subject. By assigning this task, professors and instructors usually aim to evaluate a student’s knowledge and comprehension of a particular topic. It necessitates the writer to conduct research, critically assess the information, and present it in a coherent and logical manner.

How Long Is a 2000 Word Essay?

Before we study the specifics of writing, let’s answer a common question: how many pages is a 2000-word essay? The volume of writing often depends on various factors, including font size, spacing, and margins. 2000-word essay length is typically around 5-6 pages typed with 12-point font, double spacing, and 1-inch margins. However, keep in mind that the length may differ based on the instructions provided by your professor.

Don’t Underestimate the Value of 2000-Word Essay Outline

An outline is often undervalued and omitted. However, it is important part of the writing process as it serves as a roadmap to guide you through each step. While it is similar to other outlines, below we provide one as a 2000-word essay template:

I. Introduction

  • Background information
  • Thesis statement

II. Body Paragraph 1

  • Topic sentence
  • Supporting evidence

III. Body Paragraph 2

Iv. body paragraph 3, v. conclusion.

  • Summary of main points
  • Restate thesis statement
  • Final thoughts

While you may wonder how many paragraphs in a 2000 word essay, we suggest that there should be at least 5. Yet, be sure to modify the outline and number of paragraphs to suit the topic and assignment’s requirements.

2000 Word Essay Structure

To create a well-organized paper, you must know how to structure a 2000-word essay. Yet, the basic structure is the same as in other essay types and includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Let’s review each section:


The introduction should briefly introduce the topic and include a thesis statement. It should grab the reader’s attention and establish the tone for the remainder of the essay. To make readers interested in reading the rest of your paper, you can include a hook and some capturing background information as well as give some insight as to the purpose of your essay.

Body Paragraphs

The body paragraphs should expand on the topic and offer supporting evidence for the points in thesis statement. Each paragraph should start with a topic sentence that relates to the main argument. Mind that usage of examples, statistics, and quotes to support your points will help you make your essay stronger and more appealing. Remember to use transitions between paragraphs to ensure a smooth flow of ideas.

The conclusion should recap the main points and restate the thesis statement. Depending on the purpose of your essay, you can either offer recommendations or suggest further research on the topic. However, refrain from introducing any new ideas in the conclusion.

2000 Word Essay Topics

The first important step in the writing process is selecting a topic that appeal to you. Below we suggest some topics that you can elaborate on in a 2000-word essay:

  • The impact of social media on mental health
  • The pros and cons of online education
  • The consequences of climate change on the environment
  • The function of technology in contemporary society
  • The significance of art in education
  • The history and development of human rights
  • The ethical issues surrounding genetic engineering
  • The effects of globalization on local cultures
  • The influence of advertising on consumer behavior
  • The future of renewable energy sources
  • Strategies for reducing your carbon footprint
  • The effect of technology on human communication
  • The history of ancient civilizations
  • The importance of financial literacy in today’s world

Ensure that you select a topic that interests you and aligns with the specific requirements of your assignment.

How to Write a 2000 Word Essay in One Day

Oftentimes, students ask their senior mates the question “how long does a 2000 word essay take?”. While there is no definite answer to that as this depends highly on writing skills and proficiency of a student, we suggest few points to consider before you start:

  • Start early: Begin as soon as possible to give yourself enough time to work on the essay. Avoid procrastination, as it can lead to last-minute stress and frustration.
  • Choose a familiar and appealing topic: If you choose a topic, you’re familiar with, you can save time on research and focus on writing.
  • Develop an outline: An outline helps you organize your thoughts and ensures you don’t miss any essential points. You can use the outline template we provided earlier in this article.
  • Take breaks: If you plan your time accordingly and take breaks, you will be able to stay focused and prevent burnout. Consider taking short breaks every hour or two to get rest and refresh your mind and thoughts.
  • Utilize online resources: Use online resources such as Google Scholar, Wikipedia, and online libraries to research your topic quickly.
  • Break the writing into sections: Divide your essay into sections and write them separately. This approach can help you manage your time and ensure you finish the essay on time.
  • Edit and proofread: After finishing the essay, take some time to proofread and edit it. Recheck for possible grammar and spelling mistakes and typos. Utilize online tools, like Grammarly and Hemingway Editor, to check your writing.
  • Use clear and concise language: It’s crucial to use clear and concise language when writing your essay. You should use simple language instead of complicated vocabulary to make your essay easy to read and understand.
  • Use evidence to support your argument: Make sure to use evidence to support your main argument. For this, find relevant examples, statistics, and quotes from credible sources.

Follow formatting guidelines: Lastly, it’s essential to follow the formatting guidelines required by your professor. Make sure you use correct citation style and format your paper accordingly.

Get 2000 Word Essay Help When You Need It

Students often find writing a 2000-word essay challenging. But if you approach this task right, it can be a fulfilling experience. If you follow the steps described in this guide, you should get on well crafting an essay that will earn you a high grade. Just put some effort and dedicate sufficient time to the process, and you’ll be able to write a great essay. So, what are you still waiting for? Brainstorm ideas, do a thorough research of materials, and follow the steps outlined in this article. Yet, if you still think you can’t handle the task, turn to our writing service and get 2000-word essay help from our professionals.

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write a 2000 word essay in one night

How to Write a 2000-Word Essay and How Many Pages Is It?

How to Write a 2000-Word Essay and How Many Pages Is It?

You can easily compose a 2000-word essay with the help of ChatGPT or any other AI text generator. It will be well-written and resemble human writing; your professor might even believe you wrote it. However, using your academic writing skills is a better option if you want to create an essay that stands out.

Our expert team wants to demonstrate that essay writing can be enjoyable and exciting; just take the correct steps and use our tips! In this article, we’ll explain how to write an outstanding 2000-word essay in one day.

  • 📝 2000 Word Essay
  • ✅ 2000 Word Essay – Step by Step
  • 📚 Essay Example
  • ✍️ Writing Prompts
  • 🔎 More Essay Topics
  • 🔗 References

📝 What Does a 2000 Word Essay Look Like?

If you’re familiar with the structure and formatting requirements, writing a 2000-word essay should be easy. In the following section, we’ll outline the different parts of a 2000-word academic paper and explain how to approach each section.

The picture shows the structure of a 2000-word essay.

2000 Word Essay Structure

A 2000-word essay is an extended form of an academic paper with no significant differences in structure and formatting. It consists of 3 main parts:

🚩 200 words, 1-2 paragraphs
▶️ Main body 1600 words, 10-15 paragraphs
🏁 Conclusion 200 words, 1-2 paragraphs

Let’s look at each section of a 2000-word essay separately.


An introduction is the first paragraph or two of a 2000-word essay. It aims to grab the reader’s attention and introduce the topic. A good introduction includes the following elements:

  • A hook . Usually, a hook is the first sentence of a paragraph that grabs readers’ attention by telling a story, discussing an interesting quote, or providing statistics or facts.
  • Background information . Here, you must provide context and necessary information so readers know what to expect from the essay. For example, include key definitions, a summary of relevant theories, or a brief description of a debate you’re addressing.
  • A thesis statement . A thesis statement is the most essential part of an introduction. It narrows down the topic and sums up the main arguments.

An essay longer than 1000 words is recommended to have headings and subheadings. Headings help readers to navigate the essay easily, and writers to structure the paper. They should be as simple and contain the main idea expressed in the section.

Subheadings are essential in the body section, as it consists of multiple paragraphs with different key ideas. The body paragraphs prove the thesis and connect the introduction to the conclusion. Each body paragraph needs to include the following elements:

  • The topic sentence . The topic sentence is the statement that contains the main idea of the body paragraph.
  • The evidence . Evidence supports your topic sentence. Examples of evidence include quotations, facts, statistics, or personal experiences.
  • The analysis . This part of the paragraph explains the evidence. You need to ensure that the evidence is connected back to the paragraph’s main idea or topic sentence.
  • The transition . Transition is the final sentence of a paragraph that helps you connect the ideas and move smoothly to the other part.

A conclusion is the last section of your paper; for a 2000-word essay, you might need two or three paragraphs. A conclusion usually does one of the two—or both at the same time:

  • Paraphrases the thesis statement and summarize the arguments . Since the conclusion is the last part of your paper, it’s important to remind readers of the point you’ve made before. Even though you repeat what has already been said, try using different words and sentence structures not to repeat the thesis exactly but, instead, to restate it.
  • Explains the significance of the arguments . Sometimes, after restating the thesis, you may need to emphasize the importance of your studies or, in other words, answer the “so what” question and show the readers why your arguments matter .

2000 Word Essay Length

The picture shows the 2000 word essay length.

Writing a 2000-word essay might feel overwhelming, especially if it’s your first time. Let’s start with the basics and see how many pages and paragraphs the paper takes.

2000 Words to Pages

  • A double-spaced 2000-word essay is 7+ pages (275 words on each page).
  • A single-spaced 2000-words essay is of 3,5 pages (550 words per page).
  • A handwritten paper with 2000 words is around eight pages long.

In general, the number of pages depends on the font, font size, line spacing, paragraph spacing, margins, and the number of headings.

2000 Words: Paragraph Count

  • A regular 2000-word essay consists of around 10-20 paragraphs, with one paragraph being 100-200 words long.
  • The introduction and conclusion take 5-10% of the paper or 1-2 paragraphs each.
  • The main body constitutes 80-90% of the paper or around 1600-1800 words.

To structure your essay, consider how many words you need for each part separately.

✅ How to Write a 2000-Word Essay

Writing an essay may seem challenging if you’re unsure how to start. Here’s a step-by-step guide to writing a 2000-words essay on any task.

Step 1: Pick a Topic

Sometimes, you may have your topic assigned by a professor. If you’re given a topic, make sure it’s specific enough. Often a given topic needs to be narrowed down so you can focus on a particular aspect and present thorough research in your paper.

If you haven’t been assigned a specific topic , choose one that interests or is relevant to you. Picking a subject that sparks your curiosity is essential because it will motivate you throughout the writing process.

Step 2: Prepare an Outline

To write a well-structured essay, you should organize your ideas first. Consider what you already know and what areas of the topic you need to research more. Don’t try to keep everything in your head. Instead, write your thoughts and ideas down, or create a mind map. It’ll help you see connections between ideas and arguments more clearly.

Step 3: Develop Your Thesis Statement

The next step is to create a thesis statement. A thesis statement should summarize the main point of your essay. Remember that a good thesis statement should contain your stance on the topic. Later, in the main body of your essay, you’ll need to support your thesis with relevant arguments.

Step 4: Write the Body

The essay’s body explains, argues, or describes the topic and supports the thesis statement. Each body paragraph follows a similar structure. It starts with a topic sentence that expresses the main idea and is followed by evidence and examples to support your position .

Step 5: Complete the Introduction

You can complete your introduction when your essay’s thesis statement and body are ready. Remember that the introduction needs to grab readers’ attention. You can use a thought-provoking question, shocking fact, statistics, or quotation for a hook. It’s also essential to provide readers with the context or background information on the topic so that they know what to expect from your paper.

Step 6: Write the Conclusion

The conclusion summarizes the main ideas and paraphrases the thesis statement. Don’t add any new information to the final part of your essay. You may mention the significance of your studies and explain why your arguments matter. However, the primary purpose of a conclusion is, to sum up the paper and remind readers of the main points.

The picture shows how to write a 2000-words essay.

📚 2000 Word Essay Example

Let’s have a look at one of our 2000-word essay samples. It’s called “The United Kingdom Employment Rights Act” and perfectly illustrates the abovementioned essay structure.   

Essay structure Explanation
In the introduction, the author provides background information on the topic. They mention the ongoing debate around the Employment Rights Act, which tells readers it’s an argumentative essay. The author introduces a concise thesis statement: “It is important to establish whether a contract is a contract of service or a contract for service.”
The main body consists of several sections, each having a subheading. It helps see the central idea of each body paragraph. Every paragraph opens up with a topic sentence, which is then followed by supporting arguments. The author uses , examples, and statistical data that work as evidence and explain the author’s standing on the issue.
In the conclusion of an essay, the author paraphrases the thesis statement and summarizes the main arguments from the body paragraphs.

✍️ 2000 Words Essay: Writing Prompts

Need help coming up with fresh ideas for a 2000-word essay? Check out our essay samples on the most burning topics for inspiration!

  • 2000 Words Essay on Global Warming Climate change is a commonly chosen topic for essays as it discusses various issues, such as wildfires, floods, hurricanes, prolonged droughts, and other weather-related events. You can discuss how climate change and global warming affect people’s life and the natural environment in different parts of the words.
  • Artificial Intelligence Essay: 2000 Words There’s an ongoing debate regarding Artificial Intelligence and its future. In the essay, you can talk about how new technological developments affect people’s everyday life and professional environment, considering both positive and negative changes. You can also mention the rising concern surrounding AI’s ethical impact and contribute to the discussion.
  • 2000 Words Essay about Globalization An essay on globalization can cover various topics related to the increasing interconnectedness of the world’s economies, cultures, and societies. It may explore the causes and effects of globalization. The essay can also discuss the role of multinational corporations, governments, and international organizations in shaping the global economy and the challenges posed by globalization, such as political instability, inequality, and cultural homogenization.
  • 2000 Words Essay on Organizational Behavior An essay on organizational behavior can explore topics like individual and group dynamics, leadership styles, communication patterns, and workplace culture. It can discuss how these factors influence employee behavior, motivation, and performance and how they affect the organization’s overall effectiveness and success. The paper may also delve into the various theories and models of organizational behavior and their practical applications in the business world.
  • 2000 Word Essay on Accountability in the Army One more interesting topic to explore in your essay is military leadership and accountability. In the army, people learn to be accountable to their superiors and fellow officers for their actions. In your paper, you can explore how accountability in the military can be achieved and how it can help you become a good leader.
  • Time Management Essay: 2000 Words In your essay about time management, you can explore factors that negatively impact effective time utilization, including procrastination, lack of sleep, and stress. You can also give some tips on how to use time more wisely or describe popular time-management techniques. By addressing these topics, the essay can offer valuable insights into the importance of effective time management for personal and professional success.

🔎 Topics for a 2000 Word Essay

  • Modernism in literature.
  • Describe your experience as a foreign exchange student.
  • Your idea of a high-value individual.
  • What are your life goals?
  • The relationship between health and mental well-being.
  • Describe how music affects your mood.
  • How do you cultivate teamwork and cooperation?
  • High school vs. college.
  • Should smoking in public be banned?
  • Tattoos and their perception in various cultures.
  • Why is abortion a problem in modern society?
  • How does domestic violence affect the behavior of a kid?
  • The changing attitude towards gender roles in society. Does it solve most problems or cause them?
  • Does your diet affect your productivity?
  • Should vaccines be mandatory?
  • Music Artists and Advertising Deals.
  • Human Resource Management: Benefits and Key Issues.
  • Touch of Hitchcock: Psycho and Vertigo.
  • Americanization Is Not a Synonym for Globalization.
  • Organizational Culture – Types and Importance.
  • Human Factors and Risk Management in Aviation.
  • The Theme of Transitioning into Adulthood in “Spirited Away” by Hayao Miyazaki and “Spring Awakening” by Frank Wedekind.
  • The Main Themes in the Novel “Passing” by Nella Larsen.
  • Organizational Behaviour in Teams and Groups.
  • Diversity in the Workplace: Bridging the Gap.
  • Virtue Ethics – The Environmental Documentary.
  • Fad Diet, Their Threats, and Public Education Plan.
  • Airport Security and the Reduction of Skills in Security Staff.
  • Biotechnology: Methodology in Basic Genetics.
  • Psychological Criticism in Allende’s “The House of Spirits.”
  • Self-Care in Elderly as a Nursing Concern.
  • The Evidence Forms of Law.
  • Nursing History: Today and Beyond.
  • Mayan Civilization: Political Collapse Theories.
  • The Role of Disney Propaganda During the Cold War.
  • Globalization’s Impact on Banks in Canada.
  • Effects of Music Therapy on the Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia.
  • Path-Goal Approach to Leadership.
  • Depressed Women and Art Therapy.
  • Modern Technology and Engineering: The Prospects for the Development.
  • Health Psychology and Stress: Correlations.
  • Managing Organizational Changes.
  • Hospitality Environmental Management Plan.
  • The American Civil Liberties Union and the Legislative Branch.
  • Sugar Processing: Term Definition.
  • How Reality Television Influences Teenagers.
  • Adidas Corporation’s Organizational Justice.
  • Islamic Architecture in Its Historical Context.
  • Wind Energy as an Alternative Source.
  • Innovation as a Contemporary Issue in Business.

❓ 2000 Words Essay Example: FAQ

How long is a 2000-word essay.

A 2000-word essay consists of 10-20 paragraphs, depending on the font, font size, and margins. The introduction and conclusion each take around 1-2 paragraphs, while the body paragraphs should include 80-90% of the total word count.

How Many Pages Is a 2000 Word Essay?

The number of pages depends on the font, font size, the number of headings, and other parameters:

  • Double-spaced : slightly more than 7 pages (275 words each).
  • Single-spaced : take around 3,5 pages (550 words each).

How Many Sources for a 2000 Word Essay?

According to the general rule, you need one source for each page of an essay. That means that for a 2000 words essay, you need to use at least eight sources. However, the number of articles also depends on the topic’s complexity. It’s also important to check your assignment’s requirements because the exact number of sources might be stated there.

How Long Does It Take to Write a 2000-Word Essay?

Many factors influence how long it’ll take you to finish the paper. Mostly it depends on your writing skills. If you’re used to academic writing, you may complete an essay within 2 hours. However, if the topic is complex, you may need at least 7 hours to do the research, create an outline, and write and proofread your essay.

How Much Is a 2000-Word Essay?

Most academic essays allow 10% deviation. That means a 2000-words paper can be 1800-2200 words in total. However, it’s better to make your essay as close to 2000 words as possible. You can also reference the assignment guidelines or consult your professor regarding the word limit.

🖇️ References

  • Paragraphs-The Writing Center • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill  
  • Developing A Thesis | Harvard University  
  • How to Write a Topic Sentence (With Examples and Tips) |  
  • Make Your Essay Flow Using Transitions | ThoughtCo  
  • How Do I Write an Intro, Conclusion, & Body Paragraph? | U-M LSA Sweetland Center for Writing  
  • Writing The Main Body of Your Essay | Surrey-Content  
  • How to Write an Analytical Essay in 6 Steps | Grammarly  
  • MLA Formatting and Style Guide – Purdue OWL – Purdue University  
  • Basic Essay Structure | University of Portsmouth  
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How to Write a 1000-Word Essay in One Night and Not Lose Your Calm

Adela B.

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It’s Sunday night, and you just realized that you haven’t even started writing your 1000-word essay that is due on Monday. How are you going to write it in one night, you wonder.

What follows is panic as you rack your brain, wondering where and how to begin.

Writing is an art. Every word you write mirrors your thoughts and ideas on paper.

Similarly, how you express these words is a way of expressing yourself. While essay writing is not rocket science, it certainly isn’t something you should take lightly as well.

The good news is there is hope, and you can write a 1,000-word essay in one night. In this article, you will learn how.

Writing a 1,000-word Essay in One Night: 4 Preparation Hacks

Preparation is key, especially when you’re expected to write an essay at the last moment. Let’s take a look at four tips to help you prepare for the long night.

#1. Plan your time

Time management is a high priority when you have only a few hours to write your essay. Thus, use your maximum efficiency and your fullest potential to complete the essay on time.

If you plan to just sit down and start writing, you may not be able to track your progress on each interval and see which section of the essay you spent the most time on.

Hence, you should base your essay portions on specific time intervals. For example, break your time into 45 mins and plan to complete each task of the paper in that time frame.

Keep one hour spare in the end to revise, edit, add visuals, recheck arguments, proofread, or even just to read it a couple of times to check the flow of the essay.

#2. Read the prompt carefully

It is critical to read the essay prompt carefully and not miss a single detail present in it, as there might be multiple important pieces of information that are required to be adhered to for completing the essay.

Guidelines like the number of sources to use, how to format the essay according to the professor’s requirement, writing in a particular tone and style, the target audience, or even just understanding the essay topic diligently are fundamental to follow to be able to craft a quality essay without any errors.

The worst thing that can happen after writing and completing your assignment is to learn that you deciphered the prompt incorrectly, or got confused with the type of expectations your professor had for this essay assignment, and now have nothing to submit.

So, read the prompt carefully.

Here’s a useful video by Nicolas Weiss on reading essay prompts

#3. Use reliable sources for notes

As you start framing your essay, remember to refer to credible and reliable sources for your note-taking process.

Citing down your references in a bibliography is a must-needed step in your essay writing and forgetting to complete this step will bring down your grades drastically.

Having credible references and sources makes your essay seem completely thorough and well-researched, as well as gives your content more authority and authenticity.

#4. Create a rough outline of the structure

Before you begin to write your essay, build a rough outline of the important points you need to take note of, the short forms that will be used in the content, and the basic structure of your essay.

It’s important to also note down how you will introduce your essay , your thesis statement, all the points that have to be added in each paragraph, and the evidence that supports these claims.

A well-written outline gives the essay a structured flow, organized points, and no extra fluff, and makes it easier for the readers, or in this case, your professors, to read and understand your essay easily.

Additionally, the outline also helps the writer to not forget important points and arguments that were to be made in the essay.

Here’s How You Can Write a 1,000-word Essay in One Night

Now that we know that preparing before executing is highly primal when, you have to write your essay in one night. Let’s see how we can write a 1000-word essay in one night and do a good job at it.

Write in an appropriate environment

Usually, people don't think too much about the space in which they sit to work . But this is a very important step for writers to take care of to execute flawless and organized pieces of writing.

To write quality articles, blogs , essays, etc., choose an appropriate, peaceful, and distraction-free environment.

Create a mood around you where you are motivated to work so that you can hear your thoughts and express them in words, as well as come up with ideas that can be written down in the best way.

A library or a study nook at your home is the best place to concentrate thoroughly on writing assignments. Switch off your phone, log out of your social media, grab a cup of your favorite beverage, focus on your approach, and write away.

Create an effective plan

It is very important to have a plan to succeed in a task without any complications or errors. Having an effective and smart plan will make any challenging, confusing, or complex task more organized , thorough, and easy to execute.

So, before you begin your essay, think of the following topics, and plan out your entire process of writing the essay:

  • The word limit or essay length ;
  • Creating the thesis statement;
  • Major topics and points to be covered in the essay;
  • A basic outline of the essay’s structure;
  • Examples, references, evidence to cite;
  • Images, GIFS, infographics, or videos to embed (if needed);
  • Suggestions and recommendations.

Once you plan out your essay by having the answers to all these questions, it becomes much easier to frame the entire essay in a short time.

Do thorough research for your essay

Writing a 1000-word essay for your assignment without doing any full-fledged research on your topic, will just nudge you into failure.

Researching to write content that is fresh, informative, and credible is the only way that your professor will deem your essay as a quality piece of writing. Furthermore, you need data and references to back all your arguments and claims.

For example, when you research a topic, you come across multiple sites and reliable sources where you can take out necessary information and data to frame your essay.

As you go further, when you start writing down your points and details that make the content of your paper, you might need to go back to your references sometime or other for help or confirmation.

Place realistic and attainable goals

Don't think about trying to finish your essay in 30 minutes. It is going to end up being poorly executed, with no flow or organized arguments.

Additionally, you would probably have an essay riddled with silly spelling mistakes and grammatical errors that could have been avoided if you took advantage of the entire time you have on your hands to work on drafting a perfect, well-researched, top-quality essay.

Aim for realistic and achievable targets that can be accomplished by you. Sort of a specific time frame to complete the task you’ve assigned yourself for each of these intervals. Take a short break after finishing major portions of your essay, to avoid being stressed or overburdened.

Never forget to edit and proofread

Never leave proofreading your essay as a last resort. It shouldn’t be something that you will only do if you have enough time and energy after working on the entire essay.

Proofreading is a must because when you revise and re-read your essay, you will end up finding mistakes or slip-ups that you could have made while writing in a hurry.

These slip-ups would eventually bring down the entire purpose of writing the essay and decrease your chances of getting a good grade. That is why, resolving these issues after proofreading is critical, to laying out a perfect and flawless essay assignment.

Ideally, you should plan out your essay in such a way that there is enough time, in the end, to revise and edit, wherever necessary.

In conclusion, it is best not to panic and rush the process since writing your essay assignment in one night with a composed head will help immensely in thinking straight and completing a great paper.

Furthermore, use these practical tips and tricks to get the best results out of our guide to write a 1000-word essay in one night and not lose your calm.

If you’re unable to concentrate and need urgent essay writing service , we’re glad to assist. Writers Per Hour’s team of urgent essay writers knows what it takes to write essays quickly without compromising on quality.

So, before you lose your calm, write to us and let our professional essay writers write your 1,000-word essay in one night and help you get the grades you desire.

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Writing a 2000-Word Essay and How Long It Is: Essay Examples

write a 2000 word essay in one night

A 2000-word Essay

Everybody knows that writing an essay is a great way to improve your English. But have you ever wondered how long an essay should be? What is the best length for writing a 2000-word paper?

And how can one break down my essay into 1500 words, 1250 words, and so on? Read on to find out these answers.

write a 2000 word essay in one night

What is a 2000-word Essay?

writing essay

A 2000-word essay is a term used to describe an essay that is 2000 words long. While the length of an essay may vary, it is generally agreed that a 2000-word essay is too long for most students (and teachers) to read in its entirety.

A 2000-word essay is often referred to as a “full-length” essay. This means that the paper should have at least 2,000 actual words.

While this does not necessarily mean that you will be graded on length since many other factors go into grading, it is important to use this benchmark as a guide when writing an essay.

 Structure of a 2000-word Essay

The structure of a 2000-word essay is simple. It consists of three parts:

  • Introduction: The introduction should be a brief overview of your topic. You can use it to ensure that the reader understands exactly what you will discuss in the rest of the paper. It is also good to put your point across at the beginning so that it will be remembered when you get to the end.
  • Body paragraphs: Each body paragraph will have at least one idea and one or more supporting ideas. These ideas should connect in paragraphs , which should not be too long because it will be difficult for the reader to follow your argument.
  • Conclusion: Your conclusion should sum up all that has been said in your paper and give its main points clearly and briefly so that the reader can understand them easily after reading everything above it.

 How to Write a 2000-word Essay

 The 2000-word essay is the most common length for college essays. It’s a manageable size that allows students time to develop their ideas, establish the connections between them, and ensure they have included everything they need.

research sources

Here are some tips that can help you get started:

Research your topic thoroughly. Make sure you have done enough research on your topic before writing your essay so that you can write clearly and concisely.

You don’t want to waste time on research only to realize that you don’t have enough information to write an effective essay.

Also, choose a topic that interests you, not what will impress your professor or teacher. While it’s important for teachers to see how much thought students put into their papers, it’s more important for students to show their creativity and individuality in writing their papers.

Another step is to start writing the first draft. Start with an introduction and use this as a basis for all other parts of your paper (including topic sentences ). You can write as many drafts as needed until you feel confident about what you will say and how you will say it.

Finally, another step is editing and proofreading your work before the submission deadline. This will ensure that there are no spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, or vague ideas left behind by any of these steps.

How long is a 2000-page Essay?

an essay page

 How long in terms of:

A 2000-word essay is usually about 20 pages in length.

The 2000-word essay will be around 150 to 200 paragraphs long.

If you’re writing a term paper, check with your professor about how many pages of your final paper are needed for your specific assignment.

 A 2000-word essay requires approximately 200 sentences.

 Examples of 2000-word Essay Topics

The following are some 2000-word essay topics that you can use as inspiration.

1.  The Impact of Technology on Society

2.   The Importance of Education in Modern Society

3.   The Future of Marriage and Family Life

4.    How People Can Help the Environment

5.    What is the Best Way to Live?

6.    How Much Should You Learn In College?

7.    Is Religion Important in Today’s World?

Example 2000-Word Essay Template and Outline

1. Introduction: Aims, background, and approach to the topic.

2. Background: Briefly describe the topic in terms of its history, cultural significance, and key players/issues. Describe your research findings.

3. Approach: How did you gather your information for this report? What sources did you use? Give details of how you compiled your material into a coherent whole.

4. Methodology: Discuss how you gathered data for this report – how did you interview people? Take note of specific sources used in each section (or where appropriate). 

Use a bullet point or numbered list format for each section heading, explaining any abbreviations or acronyms (where applicable).

Indicate at least one method used to prove your point (i.e., primary data collection methods, etc.). Summarise any other important research methods used on the topic (if applicable).

5. Findings: State the main findings of your research; include relevant quotes from interviews or observations made during fieldwork and/or analysis, if applicable (a minimum

Frequently Asked Questions

Are 2000 words considered an essay.

The short answer is that 2000 words are considered an essay. The long answer is that there are some exceptions to this rule.

For example, if you’re writing a technical report about a topic in your field, it might be okay for you to submit less than 2000 words. If you’re submitting a paper to an academic journal or publication, it’s probably more acceptable for you to write less than 2000 words.

How long is a 2000-word paragraph?

The length of a 2000-word paragraph depends on the length of the article. If you want to write an article of a specific length, you need to know how many words are needed to make one sentence.

For example, if you want to write an article under 1000 words, you need to divide your text into 400 or 500 sentences so that each sentence will have exactly 500 characters or words.

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James Lotta

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is it possible to bs a research paper in one day?

2500-5000 words. If I can... tips please c:

UPDATE: I finished the paper at 11PM and started it at 11AM. I had no breaks except for when I had to eat and go to the washroom. Writing the actual paper was easy but doing massive research and meeting the word count was hell. My head was hurting like crazy after it lol.

The real question is, did I learn my lesson? Probably not but at least now I know how to cram a research essay in one day~ Thanks for the help guys.

This discussion is now closed.

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How To Write 2000 Word Essay In One Night

how to write 2000 word essay in one night

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Band 8+: You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task: The graph below shows the production levels of the main kinds of fuel in the UK between 1981 and 2000. Summarize the formation by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words. You should write at least 150 words.

Image for topic: You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task: The graph below shows the production levels of the main kinds of fuel in the UK between 1981 and 2000. Summarize the formation by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words. You should write at least 150 words.

The line graph compares the production levels of the three primary kinds of fuel in England from 1981 to 2000.

In general, while petroleum and natural gas witnessed a significant increase in their production levels, only the figure for coal declined. Additionally, petroleum maintained its top position during the examined period.

In 1981, petroleum was the leading fuel, registering roughly 90 energy units, which was closely followed by the figure for coal, with about 80 energy units. There was a marked disparity between coal and natural gas, with the production level of the former being double that of the latter. Subsequently, petroleum peaked at 1984, with approximately 140 energy units, after which it dropped to just over 100 energy units in 1991. By contrast, coal reached its lowest position in 1984, registering around 40 energy units, before rising again and plateaued at nearly 60 energy units in 1991. During this period, a levelling out was observed in the figure for natural gas.

Afterwards, petroleum and natural gas experienced a considerable growth, ending the period with about 140 and 100 energy units, respectively. However, a gradual decline was witnessed in the figure for coal, falling to around 40 energy units in 2000, making it the least produced among the three kinds of fuel.

Check Your Answer On This Topic?

Generate a band-9 sample answer, overall band score, task response, coherence & cohesion, lexical resource, grammatical range & accuracy, answers on the same topic:, you should spend about 20 minutes on this task. you should spend about 20 minutes on this task: the graph below shows the production levels of the main kinds of fuel in the uk between 1981 and 2000. summarize the formation by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. write at least 150 words. you should write at least 150 words..

The graph illustrates the production levels of petroleum, coal, and natural gas in the UK from 1981 to 2000. Overall, the highest production level was recorded by petroleum during this period; however, natural gas also showed a consistent increase in production. In contrast, coal production exhibited a declining trend. In 1981, natural gas production was […]

The graph illustrates the production level of petroleum, coal and natural gas in the UK from 1981 to 2000. Overall, the biggest production level was reached by petroleum in that period of time, however, natural gas also had a steady increase in production. On the other hand, coal production showed a down trend. In 1981, […]

The given line graph illustrate the production Levels of fuel by petroleum, natural gas and coal from 1981 to 2000 in UK. It is clearly seen that petroleum overall produce more number of energy units. The petroleum was at 80 units in the starting of 1981, Which reach to 140 around 1985 but seems to […]

The Given Line Graph illustrate the production Levels of fuel by petroleun , Natural Gas and Coal From 1981 to 2000 in UK. It is clearly Seen that Petroleum Overall produce more number of energy Units . The Petroleum was at 80units in the starting of 1981 Which reach to 140 around 1985 but seems […]

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    A 2000-word essay is an academic writing task that requires a student to create a comprehensive essay on a certain subject. By assigning this task, professors and instructors usually aim to evaluate a student's knowledge and comprehension of a particular topic. It necessitates the writer to conduct research, critically assess the information ...

  8. How to Write a 2000-Word Essay and How Many Pages Is It?

    2000 Words: Paragraph Count. A regular 2000-word essay consists of around 10-20 paragraphs, with one paragraph being 100-200 words long. The introduction and conclusion take 5-10% of the paper or 1-2 paragraphs each. The main body constitutes 80-90% of the paper or around 1600-1800 words.

  9. How to Write a 1000-Word Essay in One Night

    For example, break your time into 45 mins and plan to complete each task of the paper in that time frame. Keep one hour spare in the end to revise, edit, add visuals, recheck arguments, proofread, or even just to read it a couple of times to check the flow of the essay. #2. Read the prompt carefully.

  10. Writing a 2000-Word Essay and How Long It Is: Essay Examples

    A 2000-word essay is often referred to as a "full-length" essay. This means that the paper should have at least 2,000 actual words. While this does not necessarily mean that you will be graded on length since many other factors go into grading, it is important to use this benchmark as a guide when writing an essay. Structure of a 2000-word ...

  11. is it possible to bs a research paper in one day? : r/college

    It's possible to actually DO a research paper in a day. I researched and wrote a 10 page (~2500 word) paper for an Anthropology course in 24 hours. The key is to be very thorough and meticulous on your research. Get each small bit on note cards and use them to create the paper. From there, just connect them and you'll have a paper.

  12. 2,000 word essay in a day?

    Yep. 2,000 words isn't actually that much although it does seem daunting and to be honest a module in a week isn't that hard. You just aren't going to have as much free time as you normally do though. Just think, I've written 49 words just from this post. Reply 16.

  13. How To Write 2000 Word Essay In One Night

    How to write a 2000 word essay in one night year. Leave a reply. 10 page essay quiz 3 objective 251 solution help me write my narrative essay responses 100 word essay on integrity studymode 50000. 100 college essay quizlet uk 100 words essay on library in hindi naidunia i don know how to write my college essay being a twin, One page english ...

  14. How To Write A 2000 Word Essay In One Night

    How To Write A 2000 Word Essay In One Night. 4.7 (3244 reviews) Writing Rewriting Editing. Writing. 100% Success rate. 1555 Lakeside Drive, Oakland. Extra spacious rarely available courtyard facing unit at the Lakeside…. Bedrooms. 2.

  15. Can You Write A 2000 Word Essay In One Night

    We hire a huge amount of professional essay writers to make sure that our essay service can deal with any subject, regardless of complexity. Place your order by filling in the form on our site, or contact our customer support agent requesting someone write my essay, and you'll get a quote. Hire a Writer. Total orders: 7367.

  16. How To Write A 2000 Word Essay In One Night

    PenMyPaper: a student-friendly essay writing website. We, at PenMyPaper, are resolute in delivering you professional assistance to write any kind of academic work. Be it marketing, business, or healthcare sector, we can prepare every kind of draft efficiently, meeting all the points of the question brief.

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    When working with EssayService you can be sure that our professional writers will adhere to your requirements and overcome your expectations. Pay your hard-earned money only for educational writers. Your order is writtenBefore any paper is delivered to you, it first go through our strict checking process in order to ensure top quality. ID 5683.

  18. How To Do A 2000 Word Essay In One Night

    Finished Papers. If you can't write your essay, then the best solution is to hire an essay helper. Since you need a 100% original paper to hand in without a hitch, then a copy-pasted stuff from the internet won't cut it. To get a top score and avoid trouble, it's necessary to submit a fully authentic essay.

  19. Band 8: You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. You should

    You should spend about 20 minutes on this task: The graph below shows the production levels of the main kinds of fuel in the UK between 1981 and 2000. Summarize the formation by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words. You should write at least 150 words.

  20. How To Write A 2000 Word Essay In One Night

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  21. Write 2000 Word Essay In One Night

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  22. How To Write A 2000 Word Essay In One Night

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  23. Writing A 2000 Word Essay In One Night

    You as a client can be sure that you will be working with the best paper writer in the game no matter your subject or the difficulty of the task as all our writers go through testing and have their degrees checked. Only 3% of all applicants are accepted to work with us and even these 3% have a training program and a two-month trial period ahead.