How To Write A Resume Essay

Writing a resume essay is a tricky thing to do. It can be  difficult for even experienced writers  to create an interesting, persuasive piece that appeals to employers. That is why it is so common to use templates or generic resumes with tweaks here and there.  

However, this may not work in every situation! If your career has some major changes coming up (or maybe you just don’t like what you are writing at the moment), then it is worth looking into other types of resumes.

If yours need revamping, there are many ways to go about doing it. The best way depends on your personal style, what messages you want to send, and how you feel about yourself as a person.

Create a good outline for your resume essay


Now that you have done some research, gathered some samples, and organized all of your materials, it is time to start writing!

When writing a resume essay, there are several components that must be established first. These include an introduction, body, and a conclusion.

The introduction should tell who you are and what you want to achieve with your career.  This is followed by the body, which is typically where you describe past experiences. The body can also be used to emphasize why you are qualified for a position and how well you performed during previous jobs. Your conclusion reiterates your goal and describes how you will contribute to the employer’s company as a member of the staff.

With this structure in place, now you can begin writing about yourself and your achievements. Stay focused and try to use examples that relate to the job opening they represent.

Use an eye-catching title


Now that you have addressed the overall structure of your resume essay, it is time to think about what to include in your resume. While some employers may not read beyond the first few lines of your application, they will probably spend several minutes reading through your career highlights and achievements.

As such, it is important to make sure that these things can be seen easily by potential employers. The trick is to pick a strong theme or focus each body paragraph on, then use this focused content as supporting examples.

Your goal should be to create a powerful overall message which inspires action. If possible, refer back to the initial body paragraph or bullet point to reinforce this. Make sure to organize your thoughts and writing process to flow naturally without too much interruption.

General rules apply when proofreading and editing your work, so be careful to stick to them! Avoid using short forms or slang words. Use appropriate grammar and vocabulary to convey messages clearly.

Begin writing


Now that you have done some research, gathered your thoughts, and picked your career goal or career field, it is time to start writing!

Your resume should be a concise document that leaves no room for interpretation. It should grab their attention within the first few lines and show off your skills and achievements clearly.

Do not underestimate how much content matters in a successful resume, so make sure to keep that tip in mind as you write. Make sure to include enough details about yourself and your career goals.

Make sure to proofread your essay several times to ensure that there are no mistakes.

Ideas about what to write on the main body


Now that you have addressed how to begin, you will want to know what to include in the body of your essay. You should devote at least two paragraphs to this step!

In the first paragraph, you can discuss why you are qualified for a position. It is important to emphasize your strengths, but also note any weaknesses or areas where you feel you do not possess enough knowledge.

You may also mention some experiences or achievements that are related to the job posting. For example, if the advertisement asked whether you had supervised employees before, then you could talk about a project as an intern or assistant manager.

Your second paragraph should be dedicated to discussing how well you fit into the organization’s culture. This includes things such as whether you would be able to handle their current projects, and if there are any opportunities available to you.

If possible, add testimonials and references from past employers or colleagues. These proofs help bolster your confidence and message, while also supporting your case.


Even if you use templates, it is not the same as writing yourself! Your career will depend on how well you represent yourself, so make sure yours says good things about you.

Include examples of achievements that show who you are as a person. Tell stories that emphasize your strengths. Include testimonials and proof of success.

Remember, this essay does not have to be longer than one page, but it should be full of information. Take your time and edit out anything that you do not feel fits.

Good luck with all of your applications! May God bless you richly.

resume essay sample

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resume essay sample

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resume essay sample

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How to Write a Résumé – Practical Guide with Example Résumé

Hillary Nyakundi

Writing a résumé can be a little intimidating. And the pressure to make it really good and fill in each detail can be tiresome and scary. This is especially true if you're doing it for the first time, because you might not know what to add in or what to leave out.

Before we get into more detail, let me share my experience. I have applied for lots of job that all required a professional résumé. But in the beginning, I had no idea how to write one.

So I would head over to the browser and search for online résumé builders. A list of a bunch of websites offering the services would show, but since am only human I would always choose the ones labeled FREE. I mean, who does not like free services – 'cause I do.

Just as Luther Vandross said: "The best things in life are free."

Then I'd craft my résumé on the site and it was always a good experience with amazing templates – until I reached the downloading point. Then they always asked for cash despite advertising that it would be free.

But don't worry – writing a good professional résumé does not have to be this difficult. Actually it should be easy and fun, because you are putting down your achievements down on paper.

The best way to make résumé writing smooth is to get some guidance on what you should include and what you should leave out. So that's what we will talk about in this article.

We are going to go through the steps of writing a professional résumé so that by the time we are done, you will want to show off your newly crafted résumé to the world. You'll also be ready to apply for that dream job you have always wanted.

Let's get started

What is a résumé?


Your résumé will likely be the first document potential employers request and review when considering hiring you, followed by a cover letter.

Before we get any further, just a quick reminder that a résumé is different from a curriculum vitae (CV) .

Types of Resumes

Most professionals résumé writers argue that there are three different types of résumés: Functional, Chronological and Combination

Functional résumé - This type of résumé focuses on what you've done, and the experience you have gained from multiple projects.

Chronological résumé - This is the most commonly used type of résumé, which focuses more on your work history. In this résumé, you list jobs in reverse chronological order, beginning with your most recent job back to the oldest.

Combination résumé - Just as the name suggests, this is a combination of both the functional and chronological résumé types.

How to write your résumé

Your résumé should not be the same as anyone else's, because we all have different skills and experiences. But your résumé should still have the following sections and information in common regardless of what template you choose to use:

Header Section

This section is where you should include:

  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Social links (social media and personal website/portfolio/GitHub)
  • A headline that tells who you are as a candidate


Profession Summary Section

This is a brief paragraph at the beginning of the résumé that describes who you are, what you do, and why you are perfect for the job.

This section is not all about what you want, but what your potential employer can expect from you. It can make or break your chances with your recruiters.


Work Experience Section

This is the most important part of your résumé where you get to detail your work history.

This section should include the companies where you've worked, your employment periods, roles and titles you've held, and also the accomplishments you achieved. You'll definitely want to make this section stand out.

First you will need to list your experience from the most recent (top) to the oldest (at the bottom). If you are currently working at a certain company include the "[start month and year - current]"

Under this section, I highly recommend using bullets to list your role/duties from your past and current companies. I think 3-5 bullet points is ideal here.

Use action verbs to describe your tasks and accomplishments, and also remember to write in the past tense.

When listing your duties, include a measurable accomplishment with each role. This will give the recruiter confidence in your abilities.


Skills Section

This section has become more and more important to recruiters as they look for candidates with a specialized background.

When listing down skills you have, make sure to include both hard skills and soft skills.

By hard skills, I mean skills related to your field of study, the ones you have gained through work and study. Soft skills are more personal and related to your character, like being team-player, having integrity, excelling at teamwork, having the ability to focus, and so on.

You will want to balance both types of skills and not to rely on one type alone. Also remember to use keywords here, as companies use Application Tracking Systems (ATS) to scan through your résumé for ideal candidates.

Taleo is a common ATS that recruiters use, and for the top résumé keywords check out this resource


Education Section

Many jobs require a certain level of education. So if you have a degree or have completed a bootcamp or other certificate, it is important to include it on your résumé.

If you have just graduated, then your education section should go above your work experience. You should also include relevant course work and other voluntary work or projects you've done that support your application.


But you might be wondering – what if you don't have formal higher education? What should you include in this case?

Instead of listing a degree, you can highlight the different ways that you have learned and grown in that field. For example, high school education, bootcamps you've participated in, projects you've completed/worked on, and even internships. List them here if you lack a formal degree.

Awards, Certifications, and Accolades Section

You can include this section in your work experience section as achievements if you want. But I think highlighting it in its own section is better.

This section will increase your credibility, assuming you have things to list in it. Some certifications you can include are things like:

  • Marketing certifications
  • Education, coding bootcamp, and freeCodeCamp certifications
  • Online course certificates
  • Awards or grants you've received


Résumé Formating Tips


Now that you are done with the first step of building your résumé, you should make sure it's formatted properly.

Double check to make sure you haven't missed anything. A well-polished résumé will make it easy for recruiters to go through it and get the information they need.

✔ Be honest ✔ Use easy to read fonts ✔ Use simple words and action verbs ✔ Include unpaid internships to showcase your skills ✔ Limit your résumé to two pages max (one page if you're early in your career ✔ Write the résumé to suit the position you are applying for ✔ Proofread you résumé ✔ finish crafting and then start editing it

How not to write your résumé

✔ Don't include reasons for leaving your previous job ✔ Don't include references - instead say that references will be provided if requested ✔ Avoid using too many bullet points ✔ Don't save your résumé as a PDF unless asked to ✔ Don't use an inappropriate email address ✔ Avoid including unnecessary information like your age, weight, and so on. ✔ Avoid including your picture in your résumé - just let the recruiter focus on your skills.

Now that we've covered what you need to do to write a professional résumé, you'll probably want to actually make one.

If you're still finding it difficult to format your résumé yourself, don't worry – you're not alone.

There are easy ways to make your résumé look good. You can check out the sites below, but keep in mind that you will have to pay:

Résumé Builder Sites

The sites listed below offer different formats of writing résumés with templates to use. If you check them out they offer guidance on how to write résumés easily.

I would not suggest copying everything you see there, but you can follow their template guidelines and try to create your own résumé to match those templates.

Feel free to check out and try different templates and designs as you decide which one to work with for your résumé:

  • Zetty Résumé Builder
  • Résumé Genius
  • RésuméBuilder
  • Résumé Baking

If you really want to improve your chances of getting a certain job, make sure you write your résumé so that it's tailored to each individual job application.

If you have a well-written résumé that matches the job requirements and includes relevant keywords from the job description, it'll help you stand out to recruiters.

This article was quite long, so if you have read this far, thank you!

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Technical Writer ✍️ & Open-Source Enthusiast ❤ || Empowering Developers to Learn & Grow || Committed to Making a Meaningful Contribution to the Tech Community and Beyond.

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How to Write a Simple, Effective Resume (+20 Examples)

Doug Bonderud

Published: October 04, 2023

A great resume can help get you noticed by prospective employers. But what makes a resume “great”? How do you catch recruiters’ attention, encourage them to read your resume, and ultimately call you for an interview?

people review simple resume examples

Two words: Simple and effective.

→ Download Now: 12 Resume Templates [Free Download]

In this piece, we’ll offer a step-by-step guide to writing a simple, effective resume . Then, we’ll showcase 20 examples of what this looks like in practice. Ready to level up your resume-writing technique? Let’s get started.

Table of Contents

How to Write a Simple Resume

20 simple resume examples.

While resume specifics vary depending on the type of job you’re looking for and the experience required, there are seven steps that apply in any circumstance to help your resume stand out.

1. Pick a format.

Before you start writing, pick a format that suits both your personal style and works for the position being offered.

For example, if you’re applying for a graphic design position, it may be worth including images on your resume that help highlight your skills.

If the job you’re after is a highly technical engineering role, meanwhile, you may want something more straightforward.

Regardless of the format you choose, the goal is simplicity. Don’t clutter the resume with extraneous information or conflicting colors. Instead, let your experience and interest speak for themselves.

2. Start with your contact information.

No surprise here — prospective employers need to know how they can contact you. Despite the necessity of this contact data, however, it’s not uncommon to see it missed on resumes or left until the bottom of the page.

Best bet? Put your details — including name, phone number, and email address — at the top of the page as a header.

3. Include an overview.

Next is an overview of your professional profile. This may include details about your current position along with any titles or degrees you hold.

Depending on the role, you may also want to include links to digital portfolios or work you’ve published online.

4. List your education and experience.

Education and experience are up next.

This should be a simple list of your educational history, including any degrees or certificates you’ve earned and when you earned them, followed by a list of your previous work experience.

Bullet points work well here: Each bullet point represents a different job and includes details such as job title, responsibilities, and how long you were employed.

5. Speak to your skills.

Now it’s time to talk about your skills as they relate to the job being offered.

Wherever possible, use keywords from the job advertisement itself. This is because many companies now use automated resume analysis and tracking systems that may prioritize these keywords.

6. Highlight any relevant certifications.

Make sure to mention any relevant qualifications or certifications.

For example, if you’re applying with an IT security firm, you could highlight certifications such as CompTIA Security+ or Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) qualification.

7. Add any relevant details.

Finally, add any other details that are relevant to the job, such as volunteer experience in a related field or any professional accolades for your work.

Simple, effective resumes offer the best chance of getting noticed, but there’s no one-size-fits-all template when it comes to design.

Here are 20 simple resume examples .

1. Modern Initials (Word)

resume essay sample

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Sample Resumes


Frequently, graduate school or scholarship applications provide an option or requirement for you to submit a resume to complement your other written material. The two sample resumes provided in the link below offer good examples of what graduate schools and scholarship committees look for in a resume (or “curriculum vitae,” which is typically a lengthier resume with an academic and research focus).

Overview of Short Sample Resume

The writer of the short sample resume in the pdf below wisely excludes the usual “Objective” section (needless for a graduate application) and focuses instead on his education. Note how he briefly discusses his thesis research and lists his key courses—information he hopes will be of special interest to the selection committee. With little meaningful work experience in the field, the writer simply summarizes his experience briefly and lists activities, some of which relate to his field of study. Standing alone, this resume will not help the student rise above other applicants, some of whom are bound to have paid work experience in the field. However, it will be helpful to the application, particularly when joined with the student’s corresponding personal statement.

Overview of Lengthy Sample Resume (Curriculum Vitae)

With curriculum vitae tailored to graduate school or scholarships, the category headings can be determined both by the writer’s strengths and by the selectors’ needs. Thus, the sample three-page curriculum vitae in the pdf below focuses on languages, international experience, and leadership positions. Note how the writer effectively uses subcategories to underscore a diversity of experience, ranging from political involvement to research. She describes volunteer positions as thoroughly as one would describe a job. Also, she uses various formatting strategies, including ample white space, selective indentation, and boldface of parallel headings to allow for easy visual scanning of her credentials. Clearly, this student has a lot of offer in her chosen field of political science.

Purdue Online Writing Lab Purdue OWL® College of Liberal Arts

Sample Résumés

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This section offers information on three common résumé styles: skills, chronological, and functional. Each section also contains a sample résumé of the particular style the section discusses.

The Interactive Résumé resource contains a sample résumé on which you can click each section to learn more about the different sections of the résumé and how to write each section of the résumé.

Sample Résumés:

Skills Résumé

Chronological Résumé

Functional Résumé

Interactive Résumé

  • Resume and Essays

In This Section

  • Degree Program Prerequisites
  • Application Fee
  • Letters of Recommendation
  • Academic Transcripts
  • Standardized Test Scores
  • Reapplying to HKS

All of our master’s degree programs require that you submit your résumé and at least four essays, which vary by program.

A résumé is required of all applicants. This document should highlight the following information: employment, including titles and dates (months and years) for each position, job responsibilities, reason for any gaps in employment history; academic degrees, achievements, and honors; volunteer, public service, and political work; recent leadership experiences; extracurricular activities (months and years) and interests.   


The Harvard Kennedy School motto, echoing the President for whom the School is named, is “Ask what you can do.” Please share with the Admissions Committee your plans to create positive change through your public leadership and service. (500 word limit)  

The MPP curriculum is designed to broaden students’ perspective and sharpen skills necessary for a successful career in public service through a rigorous set of courses that draw on the social sciences but are adapted for action. Please describe how the MPP curriculum at HKS would leverage your distinctive abilities and/or fill gaps in your skill set as you equip yourself to achieve your career goals. (500 word limit) 

Personal History Essay  

Harvard Kennedy School believes that academic excellence and personal growth rely on engaging with varied perspectives, embracing our unique differences, and relishing healthy debate. Please share how you would contribute to the vibrant and diverse learning environment that is HKS. (250 word limit) 

adversity Essay 

Describe a time when you faced adversity or a significant challenge to achieving your goals, and how navigating through this shaped your educational or career trajectory. (250 word limit) 

Perspectives Essay 

Describe a time when interactions with others and/or an experience caused you to change your mind or expanded your point of view. (250 word limit)  

Optional Statement 

If you have any concerns about your prior academic, professional, or personal background that you would like to share with the Admissions Committee, please provide an explanation. (250 word limit) 


International development essay.

Discuss your decision to choose international development as your professional career. Also, explain how developing your analytic skills relates to your career in development. (750 word limit) 

Leadership Experience Essay

Describe an event or experience in which you exercised a significant decision-making, management, or leadership role. (750 word limit) 

Public Policy Essay

Describe a public policy or public management problem related to international development and analyze a range of solutions. (750 word limit) 

Personal History Essay

Harvard Kennedy School believes that academic excellence and personal growth rely on engaging with varied perspectives, embracing our unique differences, and relishing healthy debate. Please share how you would contribute to the vibrant and diverse learning environment that is HKS. (250 word limit)


Two-year mpa essay.

There are many pathways one can pursue in order to make a difference in the world. Why is the MPA Program at HKS an appropriate pathway to achieving your goals? (500 word limit) 


Career goals essay.

Submit a statement that discusses your career goals, as well as the factors that led you to select the Mid-Career MPA program as a means of furthering your personal and professional goals. Be as specific as possible in describing how your expected course of study will enable you to build on your prior professional experience and achieve those goals. (500 word limit)  

Professional Contribution Essay

The Harvard Kennedy School motto, echoing the President for whom the School is named, is “Ask what you can do.” Please share with the Admissions Committee how you have created positive change thus far in your most substantial professional leadership and/or public service role. (500 word limit)   


An essay response in addition to the program essay prompts is required for those submitting a separate admission application to a joint or combined partner program. If an applicant is applying to both a joint degree program partner school (HBS or HLS) and a combined degree partner school, the text of the essay prompt is the same. 

Applicants should note that only MPP and MPA/ID applicants are eligible to apply to the HBS and HLS joint programs. 

If an applicant is applying to varied joint/concurrent professional programs (e.g. law and business) the prompt will only be displayed once and it is up to the applicant to determine how best to respond. For those applying to different programs, for example law and business, it is wise to address both types of programs, but it would not be necessary to address each individual school.  

Joint or concurrent degree program essay  

Harvard Kennedy School’s mission is to improve public policy and leadership across the United States and around the world, so people can lead safer, freer, and more prosperous lives. How will a joint/concurrent degree enhance your pursuit of this mission? (400 word limit)

Your "About Me" Resume Section: 10 Examples to Make a Strong Impression

Kayte Grady

3 key takeaways

  • What an About Me resume section is
  • Best practices for writing your About Me section
  • How to write an About Me summary with the Teal AI Resume Builder

How do you convey everything you've accomplished and have to offer in a way that draws attention and leaves potential employers wanting more information?

With an About Me resume section.

A well-written section at the top of your resume that summarizes your most impressive achievements (sometimes called a professional summary, personal statement, short professional bio, resume objective, or an about me) is your opportunity to make a solid first impression.

So where do you start? And how do you make sure your About Me section captures your unique value proposition in a way that separates you from other applicants?

What is an About Me resume section? 

Your About Me resume section, or short professional bio , is a paragraph (typically just a few sentences long) near the top of your resume that introduces recruiters or hiring managers to who you are as a professional. 

As a concise summary of your professional journey, this section offers a high-level overview of your entire resume and includes skills, experience, and achievements—driving potential employers to dig in deeper because they have a glimpse of who you are and the incredible things you're capable of.

Why do you need an About Me resume section?

Your About Me resume section grabs the attention of hiring managers and recruiters. And it's necessary because it … 

Differentiates you from other applicants

In today's crowded job market, you have just a few opportunities to stand out from other job seekers before you land an interview. Crafting a short paragraph about yourself at the top of your resume allows you to highlight the most impressive achievements, impact, key skills, and milestones of your career—making you a unique and valuable candidate.

Offers a concise summary of your professional experience

How many years of experience do you have? Where have you had the most influence? How does what you know how to do translate into what potential employers are looking for?

A concise and well-crafted About Me summary on a resume allows recruiters and hiring managers to quickly pull your top qualifications and understand your experience—making it easier for them to assess your fit for the role. 

Don't know what skills to highlight? You can quickly and easily pull this information from your exhaustive Career History within the Teal platform and craft a strong summary with the help of AI technology and ChatGPT.

resume essay sample

Considers that a hiring manager has limited time

With modern hiring processes and tools like job boards, LinkedIn Easy Apply, and website submissions, recruiters and hiring managers are often inundated with hundreds of applications. Unfortunately, they don't always have much time to dedicate to reviewing every detail of each resume—at least in the beginning.

A highlight reel of your professional experience allows them to swiftly identify you as a qualified candidate whose skills align with the job requirements and move you to the next stage of the hiring process. 

Offers additional context

Maybe you're just starting out and creating a resume with no work experience . Or perhaps you have extensive experience in one field, but you're changing careers entirely. Whatever the case may be, a summary of your transferable skills and any other relevant experience is crucial for offering context and elaborating on how what you can do will help you succeed in a new role.

Want to write your About Me resume section now? Try Teal's Resume Summary Generator to get started!

How to write an About Me for a resume with Teal

If you're looking for a fast way to craft your About Me section, Teal can help.

With the Teal AI Resume Builder , you have two fantastic options for creating your About Me. You can draft your summary or just click the "Generate with AI" button. 

Pro Tip: After selecting the summary that showcases you as the best candidate, save it. Then, finish any remaining sections, choose from the best resume templates , and customize what you want (color, margins, font, etc.) That's it! 

5 things to include in your About Me section 

Now that you know what an About Me section is and why you need one, let's explore what to put in the About Me section of a resume to highlight your best professional accomplishments and make you a standout candidate.

1. Professional title

Your professional title, also known as your resume title , offers a glimpse into your area of expertise and your level of responsibility. Whether you're an "HR Manager," "Graphic Designer," or "Project Manager," clearly mention your job title to give a snapshot of your core competency.

2. Years of experience

A straightforward "years of experience" is often a job requirement. How long you've been in a role or job position can be essential in establishing your level of expertise, while offering hiring managers a sense of career growth and demonstrating your familiarity with the industry or field. (And whether you're a C-suite leader or an entry-level candidate, specifying your years of previous experience helps set the right expectations from the first interaction.)

3. Relevant skills

By showcasing relevant skills on your resume that align with the job requirements, you capture attention and effectively convey your ability to do the job you're applying for.

Your specific skills are a powerful indicator of whether or not you're right for the position. They also set you apart from other candidates and increase your chances of being considered for an interview. So what hard and soft skills might your future employer be looking for?

Soft skill examples

  • Project management skills
  • Time management skills
  • Cross-functional collaboration
  • Customer engagement
  • Team leadership
  • Detail oriented

Hard skill examples

  • Digital marketing
  • Google Analytics
  • AI model deployment
  • Competitive analysis market research
  • SEO copywriting

Pro Tip: Showcase your skills in a standalone section. With the free AI Resume Builder you can build a customized Skills section with as many tools, soft skills, and technical skills as needed. Create skill categories to organize specific skill sets in ways that are most relevant to the position you're applying for.

Teal resume builder skills section example

4. Your most impressive, quantifiable metrics

Numbers are powerful.

Include one or two quantifiable metrics in your About Me summary that showcase your achievements and contributions whenever possible.

For example, instead of saying that you increased sales, mention that you boosted sales by 25% within six months. These metrics provide concrete evidence of your abilities and make your resume accomplishment examples more impressive.

If you aren't sure how to craft metrics-based statements, try the Achievement Assistant with the Teal AI Resume Builder . Choose from the drop-down options and use them as a guide to craft impactful statements that grab attention.

resume essay sample

5. Outstanding awards and achievements

Your about me is ideal for showcasing achievements and awards on a resume . These distinctions are powerful indicators of exceptional performance.

Whether you've received prestigious honors, peer recognition awards, industry certifications, or commendations, including them further validates your expertise—demonstrating your commitment to your job and providing tangible evidence of your ability to deliver outstanding results.

If you have more than one, a dedicated Awards section with all of your relevant awards and scholarships is also an excellent way to showcase these achievements.

resume essay sample

4 things to avoid in your About Me section

While there are a few elements you should always include in a professional summary or an About Me section, there are also some pitfalls to avoid. So what are a few things to steer clear of?

1. Detailed personal information

While your About Me section is a personal statement around who you are as a professional , avoid giving too much personal detail that may distract from the primary objective.

Remember, this isn't your autobiography. (Although your entire story might be great, this just isn't the place for it!) Avoid including personal details like marital status, hobbies, or political affiliations. Stick to relevant professional information that showcases your qualifications.

2. All of your future career goals

Do your best to focus on current or past experiences, skills, and accomplishments rather than your future career goals. Save details like an overall career objective for interview discussions, where you can align them with questions specific to the role and company you're applying to.

3. Repeating everything from your resume

A short summary of your professional background and qualifications shouldn't duplicate all the information in your resume.

The top of your resume has limited space. Instead, choose the most impactful and relevant details to grab the attention of a hiring manager or recruiter. Remember, the goal is to entice them to read the rest of your resume, not reiterate its contents.

4. That you want the job

Stating you want the job or to work for the company may seem obvious. Of course, you're excited and want the role; you applied! But bringing it to the attention of a hiring manager or recruiter adds no real value to your About Me or professional summary.

Instead, express your enthusiasm about the position during the interview process by illustrating your thorough research and understanding of the company, culture, and role.

@teal_hq Where do you stand on the professional summary debate? Some recruiters find those brief career highlights helpful—and others say skip it and save the space on your resume. While professional summaries aren’t a make-or-break, they can be an opportunity to speak about your career in aggregate. Here’s how to use ChatGPT to write a professional summary for your resume in under 60 seconds. Just be sure to edit and adjust as needed before submitting. #chatgpt #chatgpt3 #resume #resumetips #careertok #jobsearch ♬ Say So (Instrumental Version) [Originally Performed by Doja Cat] - Elliot Van Coup

Best practices for writing an About Me section

Ready to optimize your About Me resume section? Let's explore some resume tips and best practices for crafting a compelling summary that grabs attention and showcases you in the best light—quickly.

Keep it brief 

When creating an About Me resume section that's easily scannable, brevity is crucial. 

Keep your paragraph concise and to the point. In just a few sentences, focus on the most relevant information recruiters and hiring managers need to know. Aim for around three to five sentences that effectively capture your years of experience and notable achievements while highlighting key qualifications that align with the job description of the role you're applying for.

Write in the first-person voice 

Rather than writing in the second person (using "you" and "your" language) or third person (an objective narrator), the first-person voice adds a personal touch. It allows you to connect with the hiring manager on a more one-to-one level—creating a sense of authenticity and transparency.

Include keywords from the job description

Want to express that you genuinely understand the role you're applying for? Include keywords for resume from the job description. Language from the description often resonates more with potential employers because they're the ones who wrote the job ad in the first place.

So how can you do that?

Take the time to carefully read the job description and identify the skills and qualifications the employer is looking for. For example, do they need someone who has five years of experience? Do they mention research skills? How about strong interpersonal skills? Are they looking for experience in social media marketing?

Once you've found the right skills, incorporate a few of those as keywords or phrases into your About Me section. (But as a note, don't just cram them into one section in your resume. You can incorporate keywords as achievements or resume bullet points and in your skills section.) 

If you're not sure where to start, Teal has you covered.

Compare your resume to a specific job description

Use Teal's Resume Matching to compare your current resume to the specific details of the job that you want to apply for. You'll get a Match Score that breaks down which hard skills, soft skills, and keywords are important for you to incorporate into your resume.

Then, you can use these insights to help you tailor your About Me section to the role.

A screenshot of resume matching for your About Me resume section

Additionally, you can also use Teal's free Job Application Tracker to highlight which skills and language are emphasized in each of the job positions you save. This can help enhance your process as you start preparing your resume for different positions.

Use strong action verbs 

Using strong resume action verbs throughout your document adds strength and a feeling of movement to any section in your resume.

Begin sentences with verbs that convey you're proactive and results-driven. For example, instead of saying, "I was responsible for managing a team," try, "Led and motivated a team of 10 professionals, resulting in a 20% increase in productivity."

10 Resume About Me section examples

If you feel like crafting an engaging and effective About Me section for your resume is overwhelming, below are a few examples of how to start a resume to get you on the right track!

Resume examples for no work experience

High school student.

As an ambitious and motivated high school senior, I'm eager to kickstart my marketing career as the Gourmet Goddess Social Media Intern. I demonstrate exceptional creativity, communication, and organizational skills that I've developed through active participation in team sports and student government. In 2023 I was awarded "Outstanding Academic Achievement" for maintaining a consistent 4.0 GPA, showcasing a commitment to academic excellence and extracurricular pursuits. I'm also passionate about leveraging social media platforms to promote events and connect with diverse audiences.

College student

As a highly motivated college student with a strong passion for computer science, I have a background in combining technical knowledge with exceptional interpersonal skills. I'm adept at troubleshooting hardware and software issues to deliver optimal solutions. I'm also actively involved in Greek life as the Social Chair for my fraternity, organizing successful events and fostering a sense of community. I demonstrate dedication to making a positive impact through my volunteer work at the Humane Society, contributing time and skills to support local animals. In addition, I'm majoring in Computer Science, with coursework emphasizing programming languages, algorithms, and data structures.


Junior data analyst.

As a highly driven Data Analyst with a track record of improving data quality and accessibility, I've developed and implemented a data cleaning and preprocessing framework that improved data analytics quality for Metadata by 30%. In addition, I spearheaded the design and implementation of a data lake infrastructure resulting in a 40% reduction in data storage costs and a 25% increase in data accessibility. I also built and maintained a data security program that ensured compliance with industry regulations and protected sensitive information for 1000+ clients.

Entry-Level Content Writer

As an organized and passionate entry-level Content Writer with excellent communication skills and a proven ability to manage software development projects, I'm seeking to use my Agile experience to help drive successful content delivery at Teal HQ while continuing to build upon an already strong understanding of software product writing and successful business relationships.

Account Executive

As a highly accomplished Account Executive with 6 years of experience driving revenue growth, increasing customer satisfaction, and developing successful sales strategies, I have a proven track record in negotiating contracts, managing key accounts, and implementing CRM systems. My work has resulted in $1.2 million in revenue in one year and a 40% increase in client satisfaction. I'm skilled in analyzing customer data, transparent and honest communication, identifying trends, and preventing customer churn.

Digital Marketing Manager

With 4 years of experience in digital marketing, I have a proven record of leading successful campaigns and implementing effective marketing strategies. I've led the end-to-end execution of paid advertising campaigns, resulting in a 20% increase in new sign-ups and a 15% increase in sign-up conversion rates. I've also led the implementation of a new marketing automation system, resulting in a 15% reduction in marketing costs and a 20% increase in ROI at Finsta. I'm experienced in collaborating with cross-functional teams to deliver on-time and on-budget projects and marketing initiatives.


Senior it manager.

As a highly skilled Senior IT Manager with 7 years of experience, I successfully lead teams in strategizing, deploying, and maintaining complex IT initiatives. At Asana, I spearheaded the successful implementation of a new network architecture that increased system performance by 36%, cutting energy consumption costs by 22%. I also managed finances for the IT Department, yielding 10% savings on the overall expenditure, and introduced an online collaboration platform that improved employee productivity by 10x.

Senior AWS DevOps Engineer

As a highly skilled AWS DevOps Engineer with 8 years of experience designing and implementing automated solutions for managing and deploying applications on AWS, I have a proven track record in reducing deployment time by up to 75%. As a Senior AWS DevOps Engineer, I increased system reliability by 40% and improved team productivity by 3x. I have exceptional skills in technical leadership, strategic planning, and fostering a collaborative work environment, with a strong commitment to delivering innovative solutions and driving business growth.

Career-change resume examples

Transitioning out of education.

As a highly motivated Special Education Teacher and Administrator with over 15 years of experience developing, implementing, and managing programs and services for students with diverse learning needs, I'm seeking to transition into a career as a Customer Success Manager in EdTech. I bring skills in collaboration, data analysis, and legal compliance. I'm experienced in cross-functional collaboration and have strong knowledge of effective administrative strategies. In 2023, I was the sole recipient of the Principal's Leadership and Coaching Excellence Award. I'm also well known for coaching and feedback that drives positive results and builds relationships.

Transitioning out of human resources

As an experienced HR Manager with over 5 years in the industry, I have a proven track record of implementing and ensuring adherence to policies, procedures, and regulatory requirements. I'm seeking a transition into a role as a Compliance Manager, leveraging my comprehensive understanding of compliance frameworks and demonstrating my ability to promote a culture of compliance within organizations. I have exceptional interpersonal skills and a proven ability to collaborate with teams across organizations to achieve business goals. In 2022, Nectar recognized me for implementing streamlined HR processes resulting in a 20% reduction in employee churn. I was also awarded the "Human Resources Excellence Award" for outstanding commitment to ethical practices.

Want to view more job-specific resume examples with an impactful professional summary? Check out our comprehensive selection of resume examples across a variety of jobs by seniority level, industry, specialty, and more.

Create an About Me resume section today

The top of your resume is your chance to make a great first impression, and introduce yourself to the team . It's your opportunity to grab attention and showcase all of the incredible professional qualities and skills you bring to the table.

Teal is a seamless way to create a summary that aligns with the rest of your resume. With Teal's expert guidance and AI integration, you can confidently create a standout resume that resonates with hiring managers.

Start using the Teal AI Resume Builder today and craft a captivating About Me section that captures your unique value and sets you apart from the competition—paving the way for career success.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long should the "about me" section be on a resume, can i include personal interests in my "about me" resume section, should my "about me" section on a resume be written in first or third person.

resume essay sample

Kayte Grady

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4 Resume Mistakes to Avoid When You Don’t Have Much Experience

  • Irina Cozma

resume essay sample

A good resume can set you apart and help you land that interview.

Understanding the common mistakes job candidates make on resumes, and how to overcome them, can set you apart from your competitors. The first mistake is including irrelevant work experience. Instead, only add roles that are relevant to the position you’re applying for. The second is customizing your resume. While it’s in your benefit to adjust your resume to better match the job description, over-tuning your resume for every application can be a waste of time — and end up slowing down your search. This is especially true if you’re focused on securing a particular position that has a standard job title like “marketing coordinator” or “sales associate.” The third is overdesigning your resume. Recruiters only spend a few seconds scanning it, so keep the format simple and straightforward. The fourth is coming off as a novice. For example, don’t use an ancient email address — update it to something that sounds more professional, and give your resume a specific name so it’s easier to identify.

Resumes. Love them or hate them, you will probably need one when you apply for a job. The resume has a specific tactical role to play in your search — to get you the interview. You need to make sure it checks a few boxes to do that work because, even if you take advantage of your network, sooner or later, you will need to share your resume with the hiring manager.

  • Irina Cozma , Ph.D., is a career and executive coach who supports professionals to have better career adventures. She coached hundreds of Fortune 500 executives from global organizations like Salesforce, Hitachi, and Abbott. Irina also coaches startups and the Physicians MBA at the University of Tennessee. Download her free career guide to help you prepare for your next career adventure.

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