SD SportScene

Hanson Hamlin

Milbank RC Christian

Centerville Castlewood

Wav-S. Shore W. Springs

Warner Leola-Fred

High-Harrold Faulkton

Wol-Wess Castlewood

Tiospa Zina Milbank

Clk-W. Lake Hamlin

Britton-Hecla Wav-S. Shore

Hitch-Tulare Warner

Wilmot Leola-Fred

Herr-Selby Faulkton

High-Harrold Ipswich

ORR Castlewood

Sisseton Milbank

Webster Tiospa Zina

Clk-W. Lake GPL

Flo-Henry Hamlin

Langford Wilmot

Northwstern Hitch-Tulare

Langford Wav-S. Shore

Arlington Clk-W. Lake

Leola-Fred Ipswich

Winner Mob-Pollock

SF Lutheran Wau-Summit

Flo-Henry Webster

Dak. Valley Groton

Milbank Madison

Lower Brule Wol-Wess

High-Harrold Warner

Wav-S. Shore Hitch-Tulare

Tiospa Zina Wau-Summit

James Valley Sully Buttes

Wilmot Herr-Selby

Flo-Henry Groton

Herr-Selby Leola-Fred

Britton-Hecla Groton

Milbank Webster

N. Central SBA

Castlewood Est-Hendrcks

Waubay-Sum GPL

Potter Co. Ipswich

Hamlin Clk-W. Lake

Wol-Wess Hitch-Tulare

Britton-Hecla Hamlin

Faulkton Miller

S. Valley Castlewood

Stanley Co. Mob-Pollock

Est-Hndrks Milbank

Waubay-Sum Britton-Hecla

Flo-Henry Langford

Mob-Pollock Groton

Leola-Fred Webster

Flandreau Clk-W. Lake

Vibg-Hurley Hamlin

Langford Faulkton

Faith Mob-Pollock

W. Springs Hitch-Tulare

Hankinson Wav-S. Shore

Potter Co. Faulkton

Redfield Groton

Britton-Hecla Clk-W. Lake

Deubrook Castlewood

Deuel Hamlin

GPL Northwstern

Waubay-Sum Estelline-Hen

Tri-State Langford

Webster Northwstern

Flo-Henry Castlewood

S. Valley Deuel

Redfield Warner

Deubrook GPL

Wilmot Colman-Egan

High-Harrold Hitch-Tulare

Leola-Fred Ellendale

S. Valley Hamlin

Mitch Ch. SBA

Arlington GPL

Wav-S. Shore Warner

Leola-Fred Jones Co.

Pltte-Gddes Miller

Waubay-Sum Northwstern

Langford Britton-Hecla

James Valley Faulkton

Hitch-Tulare SBA

Dawsn-Boyd Castlewood

Vermillion Groton

FIS Wav-S. Shore

Belle Fourche Mob-Pollock

Webster Redfield

Ipswich Miller

Leola-Fred Warner

Wav-S. Shore Estelline-Hen

GPL Webster

CEB Mob-Pollock

Warner Faulkton

James Valley Hitch-Tulare

Deuel Elkton-L.B.

Miller Winner

Arlington Wav-S. Shore

Hamlin Castlewood

Chamberlain Miller

Timber Lake Mob-Pollock

Leola-Fred Platte-Gddes

Hamlin SF Christian

Groton Dak. Valley

Webster West Central

Redfield Tri-Valley

Deuel Canton

Tea Area Clk-W. Lake

Sisseton EPJ

Tiospa Zina Lennox

Milbank Dell Rapids

Clk-W. Lake Redfield

Northwstern Langford

Warner Wau-Summit

Castlewood Iroquois-LP

Faulkton Leola-Fred

Sully Buttes Hitch-Tulare

Milbank Deuel

Herr-Selby Ipswich

Webster Groton

Faulkton Northwstern

Wav-S. Shore Webster

McLaughlin Mob-Pollock

Leola-Fred Britton-Hecla

Redfield Hitch-Tulare

Flo-Henry Arlington

Castlewood Colman-Egan

Castlewood De Smet

Groton Northwstern

GPL Clk-W. Lake

Dell Rapids Milbank

Hamlin Dak. Valley

Clk-W. Lake Hanson

Gregory Ipswich

Castlewood Vibrg-Hrley

S. Border Leola-Fred

N. Central Langford

McLaughlin Miller

Ipswich Faulkton

Warner Britton-Hecla

Flo-Henry Milbank

Webster Sisseton

Northwstern Leola-Fred

Milbank Groton

Hamlin Redfield

James Valley Wol-Wess

Hitch-Tulare High-Harrold

SBA Iroquois-LP

Miller Crow Creek

Hamlin De Smet

Northwstern Warner

DRSM Castlewood

SC-Woon Wol-Wess

SBA High-Harrold

Iroquois-LP Hitch-Tulare

Milbank Wau-Summit

Ipswich N. Central

GPL Wav-S. Shore

Iroquois-LP Wol-Wess

SBA W. Springs

High-Harrold James Valley

Hitch-Tulare SCW

Wilmot Webster

Tri-State Wau-Summit

Clk-W. Lake Deuel

Webster Hamlin

Redfield Milbank

Tiospa Zina Groton

Crow Creek Mob-Pollock

Castlewood GPL

Warner Langford

Ipswich Sully Buttes

Arlington Deuel

Faulkton High-Harrold

Leola-Fred N. Central

Warner Hitch-Tulare

Redfield Miller

Sisseton Wau-Summit

Clk-W. Lake Castlewood

GPL Estelline-Hen

Wilmot Britton-Hecla

Wav-S. Shore Leola-Fred

Castlewood Deuel

Faulkton N. Central

Clk-W. Lake Groton

Hitch-Tulare Faulkton

Herr-Selby Langford

Warner N. Central

Britton-Hecla GPL

Elkton-LB Wau-Summit

Tiospa Zina Hamlin

Miller Mob-Pollock

Waubay-Sum Langford

Ipswich Warner

Webster Deuel

Hitch-Tulare Iroquois-LP

Britton-Hecla Milbank

Northwstern Ipswich

Leola-Fred Wilmot

Langford Redfield

Burke Faulkton

Brdg-Emery Potter Co.

Timber Lake Ipswich

Chamberlain Clk-W. Lake

Castlewood Madison

Deuel Estelline-Hen

Langford Lyman

Pine Ridge Groton

Cordova Hamlin

Langford Lemmon

Lac Qui Parle Milbank

Waubay-Sum Wilmot

Wilmot Ipswich

McIntosh SBA

Tiospa Zina Webster

Deuel Britton-Hecla

Flo-Henry Warner

Milbank Hamlin

Faulkton Wol-Wess

Waubay-Sum Ipswich

Castlewood Flandreau

Flo-Henry Clk-W. Lake

Potter Co. Leola-Fred

Sisseton Redfield

De Smet Deuel

Wilmot Langford

Leola-Fred Wau-Summit

Ipswich Webster

Herr-Selby Mob-Pollock

Hitch-Tulare Langford

Groton West Central

Webster Britton-Hecla

James Valley SBA

Waubay-Sum Wav-S. Shore

GPL Tri-State

Potter Co. Northwstern

Deuel Redfield

Castlewood Arlington

Milbank Clk-W. Lake

Groton Sisseton

Ipswich Langford

N. Central Ipswich

Webster Wau-Summit

Wol-Wess Iroquois-LP

Castlewood Elkton-L.B.

Hamlin Flandreau

De Smet Clk-W. Lake

SBA Faulkton

Oakes Leola-Fred

Deuel Deubrook

Est-Hndrcks Langford

Northwstern Britton-Hecla

Ipswich Hitch-Tulare

Warner Webster

GPL Northland

Lennox Milbank

Langford Leola-Fred


Hamlin Groton

Castlewood Wau-Summit

GPL Mich. Luth

Stanley Co. Miller

Wess Springs Faulkton

Ipswich High-Harr

Deuel Sioux Valley

Wol-Wess De Smet

Potter Co. Lower Brule

Hitch-Tulare Leola-Fred

Langford Northwstern

Faulkton Ipswich

Est-Hndrks Deuel

SBA Potter Co.

Waubay-Sum Deuel

Ipswich Leola-Fred

Milbank Tiospa Zina

Clk-W. Lake Arlington

Waubay-Sum Leola-Fred

Miller Faulkton

Madison Milbank

Timber Lake Warner

Tiospa Zina Ipswich

Flandreau Hamlin

Langford Estelline-Hen

Mob-Pollock Winner

Leola-Fred Herr-Selby

Tiospa Zina Redfield

Groton Britton-Hecla

SBA N. Central

Webster Milbank

Sisseton Flo-Henry

Ipswich Potter Co.

Sully Buttes Faulkton

Potter Co. Miller

Northwstern Redfield

Wol-Wess Warner

Milbank Wav-S. Shore

Wakpala N. Central

Flo-Henry Faulkton

Milbank Estelline-Hen

Deubrook Deuel

Tri-Valley Milbank

Groton Mob-Pollock

Langford Ipswich

Webster Leola-Fred

Waubay-Sum Howard

Faulkton Langford

Hamlin Deuel

Faulkton Potter Co.

Groton Redfield

Sully Buttes Mob-Pollock

Clk-W. Lake Britton-Hecla

Milbank Ortonville

Sisseton FIS

Warner Redfield

Castlewood Flo-Henry

N. Central Groton

GPL Deubrook

Est-Hndrcks Wau-Summit

Stanley Co. Potter Co.

Miller Platte-Gddes

Todd Co. Mob-Pollock

Jones Co. Leola-Fred

Hitch-Tulare Deubrook

Northwstern Wau-Summit

Sisseton Clk-W. Lake

SBA Hitch-Tulare

Miller Ipswich

Flo-Henry Wau-Summit

Castlewood Hamlin

Deuel Groton

Faulkton SBA

Winner Miller

Faulkton Warner

Waubay-Sum Castlewood

Groton Langford

Northwstern Potter Co.

Hamlin Milbank

GPL Elkton-L.B.

Leola-Fred S. Border

Ipswich High-Harrold

Clk-W. Lake Dak. Valley

Tiospa Zina Madison

Waubay-Sum Warner

Redfield Clk-W. Lake

Chamberlain Mob-Pollock

Potter Co. N. Central

Leola-Fred Faulkton

Sisseton Hamlin

Hitch-Tulare Redfield

Faith Potter Co.

Britton-Hecla Leola-Fred

Northwstern Faulkton

Wol-Wess SBA

Northwstern Groton

Britton-Hecla Deuel

Langford N. Central

Canistota Clk-W. Lake

Ipswich James Valley

Leola-Fred Langford

Britton-Hecla Warner

Tiospa Zina Deuel

Groton Milbank

Leola-Fred Northwstern

Potter Co. Warner

Herr-Selby N. Central

Crow Creek Miller

Potter Co. Herr-Selby

Waubay-Sum Milbank

Britton-Hecla Langford

MVP Redfield

Ellendale Leola-Fred

Warner Northwstern

De Smet Hamlin

Hitch-Tulare Wol-Wess

Flandreau Deuel

Britton-Hecla Wau-Summit

SBA Wol-Wess

Wess Springs Hitch-Tulare

Sully Buttes Redfield

Langford Belle Fourche

Faulkton Wav-S. Shore

Timber Lake Flo-Henry

Northwestern Little Wound

Faulkton Herr-Selby

Waubay-Sum Tri-State

Deuel Clk-W. Lake

Leola-Fred Oakes

Ipswich Wilmot

Belle Fourche Redfield

Langford Warner

Flo-Henry Britton-Hecla

Milbank Redfield

GPL Castlewood

Waubay-Sum Sisseton

Flo-Henry Northwstern

N. Central Leola-Fred

Sully Buttes Ipswich

Deuel Arlington

Castlewood Clk-W. Lake

Miller Redfield

Waubay-Sum Webster

Milbank Britton-Hecla

Sisseton Groton

Leola-Fred Wav-S. Shore

Webster Clk-W. Lake

GPL Wau-Summit

N. Central Faulkton

SF Lutheran Groton

Groton Clk-W. Lake

Faulkton Hitch-Tulare

N. Central Warner

Langford Herr-Selby

Sisseton Castlewood

Warner Ipswich

Langford Wau-Summit

Britton-Hecla Redfield

Sisseton Hankinson

Ipswich Northwstern

Redfield Langford

Potter Co. Mob-Pollock

Clk-W. Lake Milbank

Lakota Tech Mob-Pollock

McIntosh Ipswich

Mitch Ch. Faulkton

Crazy Horse Redfield

Clk-W. Lake W. Springs

Langford SCW

Timber Lake N. Central

Faith Leola-Fred

Wilmot Wau-Summit

Canistota Wau-Summit

Howard Hamlin

Redfield Sisseton

Leola-Fred Potter Co.

Wav-S. Shore Wau-Summit

Wol-Wess Faulkton

S. Border N. Central

Langford Hitch-Tulare

Webster Warner

Sisseton Mob-Pollock

S. Valley Clk-W. Lake

Lyman Potter Co.

Tiospa Zina Britton-Hecla

Groton Hamlin

Flo-Henry Deuel

Milbank Sisseton

Tiospa Zina Clk-W. Lake

Hamlin Sioux Valley

Sully Buttes Potter Co.

Elkton-LB Hamlin

GPL Sioux Valley

Lake Preston Wav-S. Shore

Iroq-Doland Arlington

Hitch-Tulare Northwstern

Wav-S. Shore Langford

Timber Lake Potter Co.

Canton Hamlin

SF Lutheran Iro-Doland

Herr-Selby Wilmot

Flo-Henry Ipswich

Sully Buttes Wav-S. Shore

Wol-Wess Lower Brule

Waubay-Sum Hankinson

High-Harrold Potter Co.

Hamlin Flo-Henry

Redfield Northwstern

Hitch-Tulare Ipswich

Warner Wol-Wess

Mob-Pollock Sisseton

Castlewood Hitch-Tulare

Milbank Tri-Valley

N. Central Northwstern

Sully Buttes Langford

Philip Leola-Fred

Elkton-LB Milbank

Deubrook Hitch-Tulare

Sisseton Webster

Deuel Tiospa Zina

Waubay-Sum Flo-Henry

Groton Faulkton

Britton-Hecla Milbank Area

Langford Groton

Sisseton Britton-Hecla

Webster Wilmot

Clk-W. Lake Tiospa Zina

FIS Sisseton

Redfield Britton-Hecla

Ortonville Milbank

Sully Buttes Warner

Freeman Langford

Tiospa Zina Lower Brule

Sisseton Tri-Valley

Clk-W. Lake Tea Area

Webster Canton

Redfield Madison

Milbank Vermillion

Deuel SF Christian

Groton Lennox

NW Langford

FIS Tiospa Zina

T. Topa Tiospa Zina

Webster Wav-S. Shore

Potter Co. Hanson

Waubay-Sum Ethan

West Central Clk-W. Lake

James Valley Ipswich

Northwestern Leola-Fred

Sisseton Deuel

Northwestern Warner

Herr-Selby Potter Co.

Britton-Hecla Tiospa Zina

Timber Lake Faulkton

Northwestern Belle Fourche

Wav-S. Shore Redfield

Groton Deubrook

SC-Woon Hitch-Tulare

Iroq-Doland Leola-Fred

Ortonville Sisseton

Northwestern Ipswich

Tiospa Zina Mob-Pollock

Britton-Hecla Northwestern

Groton Warner

Hitch-Tulare Lake Preston

Northwestern Wav-S. Shore

Hamlin Dell Rapids

Faulkton SCW

Langford Iro-Doland

Wall Ipswich

Potter Co. Wol-Wess

Lower Brule Clk-W. Lake

Hamlin TC Academy

Elkton-LB Redfield

Warner Potter Co.

Webster Ipswich

Potter Co. Northwestern

Deuel Webster

Wilmot Northwestern

McIntosh N. Central

Christian Platte-Ged

Wav-S. Shore Christian

Ab Central RC Central

Sisseton Tiospa Zina

Clk-W. Lake Sioux Valley

GPL Christian

Northwestern Wau-Summit

N. Central Potter Co.

Roncalli Sisseton

Washington Central

Northwestern Hitch-Tulare

Tiospa Zina Sisseton

Christian Groton

Central Mitchell

Roncalli Milbank

Stanley Co. N. Central

Tiospa Zina Clark-Willow

Herreid-Sel High-Harrold

Warner Groton

Arlington Warner

Lemmon Langford

Waubay-Sum Roncalli

Hamlin N. Central

Harrisburg Central

Herreid-Sel Ipswich

Lincoln Central

Herreid-Sel Leola-Fred

Tiospa Zina Milbank Area

Christian Roncalli

Tri-Valley Sisseton

Northwstern Harding Co.

Flo-Henry Hanson

High-Harrold Herr-Selby

Lower Brule Herr-Selby

Potter Co. Sully Buttes

Hitch-Tulare Britton-Hecla

Iroquois-LP Castlewood

SBA Ipswich

Redfield Tiospa Zina

Northwstern Herr-Selby

Faulkton Sully Buttes

Est-Hndrks Castlewood

SBA Sully Buttes

Waubay-Sum Herr-Selby

Ipswich Wav-S. Shore

Lower Brule Sully Buttes

Jones Co. Wol-Wess

High-Harrold Langford

Wilmot Tiospa Zina

Hamlin Howard

Philip Potter Co.

SC-Woon High-Harrold

Warner W. Springs

Castlewood Deubrook

Iroquois-LP SBA

Stanley Co. Sully Buttes

Sisseton SF Christian

Milbank Dak. Valley

Hamlin Lennox

Clk-W. Lake Dell Rapids

Madison Tiospa Zina

Redfield Webster

Potter Co. Redfield

Kim-W. Lake Wol-Wess

De Smet Castlewood

Tri-State Britton-Hecla

Elkton-LB GPL

Leola-Fred Timber Lake

Hamlin Sisseton

High-Harrold Wol-Wess

Lennox Sisseton

Castlewood Pipestone

Sisseton Minneota

Hamlin Crofton

Wol-Wess High-Harrold

Tiospa Zina Langford

Wol-Wess SCW

Miller Sully Buttes

Stbg-Zeeland Leola-Fred

Lower Brule SBA

Langford Wol-Wess

Northwstern Estelline-Hen

SF Christian Hamlin

Milbank Custer

Hitch-Tulare McLaughlin

Stanley Co. Redfield

Ethan Sully Buttes

Philip Sully Buttes

Stanley Co. High-Harrold

Flandreau Castlewood

Warner Deubrook

Iroquois-LP High-Harrold

Howard Faulkton

Wav-S. Shore Wol-Wess

Northwstern Wav-S. Shore

Wol-Wess Sully Buttes

Sisseton Richland

Est-Hndrcks Hamlin

Sully Buttes Herr-Selby

Lyman Sully Buttes

Wilmot Northwstern

De Smet Wol-Wess

Redfield Faulkton

Tri-State GPL

Sully Buttes N. Central

Milbank Wahpeton

Clk-W. Lake Wau-Summit

James Valley Groton

Flandreau Flo-Henry

Clk-W. Lake Flo-Henry

Britton-Hecla Hitch-Tulare

Waubay-Sum Groton

Potter Co. Lyman

James Valley Deubrook

Faulkton Lyman

Flo-Henry Sisseton

Herr-Selby Northwstern

Wav-S. Shore GPL

McLaughlin Sisseton

Sully Buttes Wol-Wess

Potter Co. Pine Ridge 49

Wol-Wess Jones Co.

FIS Langford

Lower Brule Tiospa Zina

Belle Fourche Flo-Henry

Ipswich SBA

Britton-Hecla Tri-State

Northwstern GPL

Herr-Selby Sully Buttes

Northwstern Webster

Wav-S. Shore Clk-W. Lake

Vermillion Hamlin

Madison Deuel

GPL Arlington

Faulkton James Valley

Redfield Potter Co.

Britton-Hecla Sisseton

Wol-Wess Kim-W. Lake

Groton Flo-Henry

Wilmot Estelline-Hen

Wy-Ldgwood Britton-Hecla

Flo-Henry GPL

Deuel Milbank

Mob-Pollock Potter Co.

Lakota Tech Wol-Wess

N. Central Herr-Selby

Wess Springs Wol-Wess

Redfield Hamlin

S. Border Herr-Selby

N. Central GPL

Wol-Wess Vibrg-Hrley

Flo-Henry Parkston

West Lyon Hamlin

Warner Flo-Henry

Hamlin Webster

Potter Co. High-Harrold

Est-Hndrcks GPL

Britton-Hecla Northwstern

Sully Buttes Northwstern

Wol-Wess Estelline-Hen

De Smet Flo-Henry

Hamlin Tiospa Zina

Miller Wol-Wess

Faulkton Redfield

Wav-S. Shore Groton

Burke Warner

Lower Brule Faulkton

Hamlin Mank. West

Ipswich Wau-Summit

Stbg-Zeeland N. Central

Milbank Lennox

Neb. Luth GPL

Waubay-Sum Clk-W. Lake

Faulkton Ws Springs

Leola-Fred SBA

Deuel Flo-Henry

Sisseton GPL

Herr-Selby White River

Belle Fourche Hamlin

Miller Herr-Selby

Webster Flo-Henry

Tiospa Zina Flo-Henry

Sioux Valley Hamlin

Est-Hndrcks Arlington

Groton Deuel

Webster Deubrook

Sully Buttes Hamlin

Lower Brule Langford

FIS Ipswich

Wol-Wess Flo-Henry

Wheaton Warner

Warner Wess. Springs

SBA Leola-Fred

Dak Valley Hamlin

Dell Rapids Tiospa Zina

Tea Area Groton

Deuel Madison

Vermillion Sisseton

Canton Webster

EPJ Redfield

Tri-Valley Clk-W. Lake

Herr-Selby Jones Co.

Herr-Selby Faith

Herr-Selby Lemmon

Ipswich Herr-Selby

Potter Co. SBA

GPL Langford

Faulkton Northwestern

Herr-Selby Napoleon

Clk-W. Lake Wilmot

Herr-Selby Stanley Co.

Webster GPL

Tiospa Zina Warner

Herr-Selby S. Border

Northwestern Potter Co.

Hitch-Tulare James Valley

Linton-HMB Herr-Selby

Ipswich Northwestern

Dupree Redfield

Little Wound Langford

Northwestern SCW

Platte-Gddes Groton

S-Zeeland Leola-Fred

Hitch-Tulare Northwestern

Ipswich Dupree

Northwestern Kadoka

Milbank Flo-Henry

Warner Colman-Egan

Redfield Wol-Wess

Northwestern Estelline-Hen

Warner Northwestern

SF Christian Clk-W. Lake

Timber Lake Herr-Selby

Clk-W. Lake S. Valley

Langford Oakes

Northwestern Britton-Hecla

WHN Sisseton

Spearfish Central

Redfield Roncalli

Christian White River

Central Washington

Mitchell Central

Christian Wau-Summit

Sisseton Roncalli

Warner Wav-S. Shore

Britton-Hecla Christian

Lower Brule Ipswich

N. Central High-Harrold

Langford GP Lutheran

SBA Potter County

Langford Flo-Henry

Warner Howard

Ipswich Christian

Groton Tiospa Zina

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Presentation College hires new athletic director

  • April 14, 2021

presentation college athletic director

Presentation College has hired Daniel Garrett as the new athletic director at the school.

Garrett had served as associate athletic director at California State University, Los Angeles since 2015. Prior to that, Garrett was the assistant athletic director at Heritage Hall High School and the associate athletic director at Langston University.

For more on this story please click on the following link:

presentation college athletic director

Smittys racks up more runs and wins against Post 320

presentation college athletic director

Gallery: Aberdeen Smittys sweep past Rapid City Post 320 Thursday

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Annual south dakota clay target tournament this weekend.

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Braun runner-up, Golden Eagles third at AA golf

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Roehrich, Colson capture Class B state golf titles

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Track and Field

Lrc athletes win four championships at state meet.

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Boys Basketball

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Athletes take advantage of weather, new facility at Warner meet

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From records to rehabs, Heinz up to the challenge

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presentation college athletic director

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Presentation College seeking new athletic director, softball coach

There have been a few recent shakeups in the athletic department at Presentation College.

Daniel Garrett, who joined the program in 2021 as the athletic director, has resigned from the school to pursue other opportunities, according to Presentation's Director of Marketing and Public Affairs Andrew Hansen.

Mari Jordan, who was the school's softball coach, has also resigned to pursue a master's degree, according to Hansen.

Presentation is actively searching for someone to replace Jordan, who took over the program in 2017. Last season, the Saints had a 12-30 record, getting eliminated from the North Star Athletic Association Softball Tournament with losses to Valley City State University and Waldorf University.

Robert Papazian, who was both the sports information director and assistant athletic director for a year, also submitted his resignation to pursue other opportunities, according to the college.

"We wish all three of them the best and we've begun the process of finding their replacements and are just excited for the upcoming school year, but particularly the upcoming athletic season," Hansen said.

Earlier this year, Presentation announced that Trevor Flemmer, an alumnus, will take over the Presentation men's basketball program after Stan Holt departed after one season.

The school also announced that Samuel Winning will take over the soccer program, which was previously led by Terry Kampa. Last season, the Saints went 2-12.

Hansen said that the football, volleyball, men's soccer and women's soccer teams will report for practice in August.

The football team will open its season in Aberdeen against Mount Marty on Aug. 25, while the volleyball team will open its season against Mount Marty on Aug. 23 at the Strode Center. The men's soccer team will travel to Rapid City to take on South Dakota School of Mines and Technology on Aug. 17. The women's soccer team opens its season with an exhibition against Northern State on Aug. 16.

This article originally appeared on Aberdeen News: Presentation seeking a new athletic director, softball coach

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20 Athletic Director Interview Questions and Answers to Help You Prepare

Common Athletic Director interview questions, how to answer them, and sample answers from a certified career coach.

presentation college athletic director

Landing an interview for an athletic director role is a major accomplishment. But before you can take the reins, you have to make sure you nail that all-important job interview.

From questions about your leadership style to inquiries about your experience with budgeting and fundraising, interviews for athletic directors are rarely easy. To help you prepare, we’ve rounded up some of the most common questions hiring managers ask when they’re interviewing candidates for this role—along with advice on how to answer them.

  • What strategies do you use to ensure that the athletic department is in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations?
  • Describe your experience developing and managing a budget for an athletic program.
  • How do you handle difficult conversations with coaches, athletes, or parents?
  • Explain how you would go about recruiting new coaches and staff members for the athletic department.
  • What strategies do you use to promote sportsmanship among athletes and fans?
  • Are you familiar with Title IX and its implications for college athletics?
  • How do you approach fundraising for the athletic department?
  • Describe your experience working with alumni and other external stakeholders of the athletic program.
  • What are some of the most important metrics you focus on when evaluating the performance of an athletic team?
  • How do you ensure that the athletic department is following best practices for safety and injury prevention?
  • What strategies do you use to motivate athletes and help them reach their full potential?
  • Describe your experience with developing and implementing policies and procedures for the athletic department.
  • How do you handle conflicts between coaches, players, and parents?
  • What steps do you take to ensure that the athletic department is compliant with NCAA rules and regulations?
  • How do you evaluate the effectiveness of marketing campaigns for the athletic department?
  • What strategies do you use to build relationships with local businesses and sponsors?
  • Describe your experience with creating and managing budgets for large-scale events such as tournaments or championships.
  • How do you ensure that the athletic department is providing equal opportunities for both male and female athletes?
  • What strategies do you use to stay informed about industry trends and developments in order to make informed decisions as an Athletic Director?
  • Tell me about a time when you had to lead a team through a period of significant change.

1. What strategies do you use to ensure that the athletic department is in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations?

Athletic directors are responsible for ensuring that the athletic department of a school or organization is in compliance with local, state, and federal laws and regulations. This question allows the interviewer to assess your understanding of the legal responsibilities of the position and to gauge your ability to handle any potential legal issues that may arise.

How to Answer:

Start by mentioning any experience you have with legal compliance, such as taking courses or workshops on the topic. Then, discuss your strategies for staying up-to-date on changing laws and regulations, such as regularly reviewing new legislation or attending conferences. Finally, explain how you ensure that all athletic department personnel are aware of applicable laws and regulations and are following them. Be sure to mention any systems or processes you have in place to help with this, such as training sessions or regular audits.

Example: “I understand the importance of staying up-to-date on all applicable laws and regulations in order to ensure that our athletic department is compliant. I have taken courses and attended workshops on legal compliance, so I am familiar with the relevant topics. Additionally, I regularly review new legislation and attend conferences to stay informed about any changes. To make sure everyone in the athletic department is aware of the laws and regulations, I hold regular training sessions and perform periodic audits to check for compliance.”

2. Describe your experience developing and managing a budget for an athletic program.

For any athletic director, budgeting is an essential part of the job. It’s important to understand how to manage and allocate resources to ensure the program’s success. This question is designed to understand what kind of experience you have in this area and how you have managed budgets in the past. Knowing how to develop and manage a budget is essential for any athletic director, so this question helps recruiters assess your qualifications.

You should provide concrete examples of how you have managed budgets in the past. Talk about any successes or challenges you’ve had with budgeting, and explain how you overcame those challenges. If you haven’t had direct experience with budgeting, talk about other experiences that demonstrate your ability to manage resources effectively. You can also discuss how you would approach developing a budget for an athletic program if you were in this role.

Example: “I have managed the budget for my last two athletic programs. One of the most difficult conversations I had to have was when we needed to cut back on spending in order to remain within budget. I was able to effectively communicate with all stakeholders, explaining why this was necessary and how it would benefit the program in the long run. I also used active listening techniques, such as repeating key points back to ensure everyone understood the situation, and asked questions to clarify any misunderstandings. In the end, everyone was able to come to an agreement that worked for all parties involved.”

3. How do you handle difficult conversations with coaches, athletes, or parents?

This question is designed to test the candidate’s ability to handle difficult conversations, which is an important part of the job. Athletic Directors must be able to effectively communicate with a variety of stakeholders and resolve any issues that may arise. This question is a great way to gauge the candidate’s ability to handle difficult conversations while maintaining a professional demeanor.

To answer this question, you should provide an example of a difficult conversation that you have had in the past and how you handled it. Be sure to emphasize your ability to remain professional while still addressing any issues that may arise. You can also discuss any strategies or techniques you use when having difficult conversations, such as active listening, staying calm, and asking questions to clarify misunderstandings.

Example: “I have had to handle many difficult conversations with coaches, athletes and parents throughout my career as an Athletic Director. I always strive to remain professional while still addressing any issues that may arise. I use active listening techniques such as giving the person speaking my full attention, asking questions for clarification, and repeating back what was said in order to ensure both parties understand each other. Additionally, I try to stay calm and not be reactive – this helps to de-escalate the situation and create a more productive dialogue. Ultimately, it is important to remember that everyone involved wants the best outcome for the team or individual athlete, so I focus on finding common ground and working together towards a resolution.”

4. Explain how you would go about recruiting new coaches and staff members for the athletic department.

This question will help the interviewer understand your leadership style. Recruiting and hiring new staff members requires a lot of effort and attention to detail. Knowing how you would go about the process will give them an idea of how you might approach other tasks, such as developing team strategies, overseeing events, and motivating staff. It will also show them your understanding of the recruiting process and how you would use it to ensure the department is staffed with the most qualified individuals.

Start by discussing the steps you would take to ensure that the department is staffed with qualified individuals. You can talk about how you would research potential candidates, create job postings, and reach out to universities or other organizations for referrals. Additionally, you should explain your approach to interviewing and evaluating candidates. Make sure to emphasize any experience you have in recruiting and hiring staff members as well as any strategies you have used to successfully fill positions. Finally, discuss how you would manage relationships with new hires once they join the team.

Example: “I believe the key to successful recruitment is thorough research and preparation. I would start by researching potential candidates and creating job postings that clearly state the qualifications and responsibilities of the position. Then, I would reach out to universities or other organizations for referrals and review applications from interested individuals. When conducting interviews, I like to ask questions that assess a candidate’s skills, experience, and motivation as well as their ability to work in a team environment. Once I have identified qualified candidates, I will evaluate them against each other and make an informed decision on which one is best suited for the role. Finally, once the hire has been made, I will establish a relationship with the new staff member to ensure they are comfortable in their new role and understand what is expected of them.”

5. What strategies do you use to promote sportsmanship among athletes and fans?

Athletic directors are responsible for promoting the values of their school or organization, and sportsmanship is a key part of that. Interviewers want to know that you understand the importance of teaching athletes and fans how to act with respect, integrity, and fairness, and that you’re able to create and implement a plan to promote these values.

Talk about the strategies you’ve used in the past or would use in a new role. Examples of strategies could include setting expectations for both athletes and fans, providing education on sportsmanship topics such as respect for opponents and officials, creating incentives for good behavior, implementing disciplinary measures for bad behavior, and recognizing those who exhibit positive behaviors. Explain how you have or would implement these strategies to ensure that everyone involved understands what is expected of them.

Example: “I believe that promoting sportsmanship is an essential part of being an Athletic Director. In my current role, I have created a set of expectations for athletes and fans alike, which I make sure everyone understands before the start of each season. Additionally, I provide educational resources on topics such as respect for opponents and officials, and I recognize those who exhibit positive behaviors. To ensure accountability, I also implement disciplinary measures when needed. My goal is to create an environment where everyone involved respects each other and plays by the rules.”

6. Are you familiar with Title IX and its implications for college athletics?

Athletic Directors are responsible for overseeing a wide variety of operations within the athletic department, including compliance. Title IX ensures equal opportunity for athletes of all genders and is a cornerstone of the modern college athletic landscape. Interviewers will want to ensure that you are familiar with Title IX and its implications for college athletics, so they can be sure that you are qualified to handle the job.

You should be prepared to answer this question by providing a thorough explanation of Title IX and its implications for college athletics. Be sure to discuss the history of Title IX, its impact on college sports, and how it affects your role as an Athletic Director. Additionally, you can provide examples of how you have implemented Title IX policies at other colleges or universities. Finally, emphasize your commitment to ensuring equal opportunity in college athletics and your knowledge of Title IX regulations.

Example: “I am very familiar with Title IX and its implications for college athletics. I have implemented Title IX policies at other institutions, and understand the importance of providing equal opportunities for athletes of all genders. I believe that Title IX is an essential part of creating a fair and equitable playing field for all athletes. As an Athletic Director, I will strive to ensure compliance with Title IX regulations, as well as foster an environment of inclusivity and respect among athletes.”

7. How do you approach fundraising for the athletic department?

Athletic departments rely heavily on fundraising to stay afloat. An athletic director needs to be able to come up with creative ways to generate funds, and they need to understand the ins and outs of budgeting and tracking donations. By asking this question, the interviewer can get an idea of how organized and creative the candidate is when it comes to fundraising.

Start by talking about the fundraising strategies you’ve implemented in the past. This could include things like event planning, grant writing, and corporate sponsorships. Talk about how you were able to successfully secure donations from a variety of sources. Be sure to mention any creative ideas you had for raising funds that resulted in success. You should also discuss your experience with budgeting and tracking donations, as well as how you ensure all donations are properly accounted for.

Example: “I have a lot of experience with fundraising for athletic departments. In my current role as an Athletic Director, I’ve implemented several successful strategies to raise funds for our department. This includes event planning, grant writing, and corporate sponsorships. I’ve also had success in securing donations from private individuals, which has been critical to building the financial resources we need to support our team. Additionally, I am highly organized when it comes to budgeting and tracking donations, ensuring that all contributions are properly accounted for. Finally, I am always looking for creative ways to generate additional funds, such as hosting special events or running crowdfunding campaigns.”

8. Describe your experience working with alumni and other external stakeholders of the athletic program.

Working as an athletic director requires a lot of external stakeholder relations, from alumni to vendors to sponsors to media outlets. It’s important to show the interviewer that you understand the importance of networking and maintaining relationships with these external entities, as well as the ability to manage them. The interviewer will want to know that you have the skills to maintain and grow these relationships, as well as the understanding of how they affect the success of the athletic program.

Talk about your experience in building relationships with alumni, vendors, sponsors, and media outlets. Provide examples of how you have successfully managed these external stakeholders, such as organizing events or meetings to bring them together, developing strategies to increase engagement, or leveraging their resources to help the program succeed. Also talk about any networking opportunities you’ve taken advantage of to build relationships with key people in the industry. Show that you understand the importance of relationship management for the success of an athletic program.

Example: “I have extensive experience working with external stakeholders of the athletic program. I’ve organized and attended events with alumni, vendors, sponsors, and media outlets to strengthen our relationships and increase engagement. I’ve also taken advantage of networking opportunities to build relationships with key people in the industry, which has helped to bring more resources and recognition to our program. I’m confident in my ability to manage and maintain relationships with external stakeholders, and I understand their importance to the success of our athletic program.”

9. What are some of the most important metrics you focus on when evaluating the performance of an athletic team?

An athletic director is responsible for the overall success of a sports program, both on and off the field. An interviewer wants to know that you understand the importance of metrics in assessing a team’s progress and success, and that you can identify the key areas where performance should be monitored. This can include both qualitative and quantitative metrics, such as wins/losses, team morale, alumni engagement, and fundraising efforts.

To answer this question, you should explain the metrics that you focus on when evaluating a team’s performance. You can provide examples of specific metrics such as wins/losses, team morale, alumni engagement, and fundraising efforts. Additionally, you should demonstrate your understanding of how these metrics are related to each other and how they can be used to measure success. Be sure to emphasize the importance of using data in order to make informed decisions about a team’s progress.

Example: “When evaluating the performance of an athletic team, I focus on a variety of both qualitative and quantitative metrics. These include wins/losses, team morale, alumni engagement, and fundraising efforts. I understand how these metrics are interconnected and how they can be used to measure success. I also believe that data should be used to make informed decisions about a team’s progress, and I strive to ensure that I am using the most up-to-date and accurate metrics to assess the performance of an athletic team.”

10. How do you ensure that the athletic department is following best practices for safety and injury prevention?

This question is important because the safety of athletes is a priority for any athletic director. It is important to have an understanding of the protocols and policies in place to ensure the safety of athletes and coaches, as well as the ability to implement them. The interviewer wants to know that you are aware of the safety measures and have a plan in place to ensure they are followed.

Start by talking about the safety protocols that you have implemented in your current or past positions. Talk about how you ensure that coaches and athletes are following best practices for safety, such as conducting regular drills and training sessions on proper technique and safety procedures. You can also discuss any policies that you have put in place to ensure that everyone is aware of the safety regulations and procedures. Finally, talk about how you stay up-to-date with new developments in safety and injury prevention so that you can ensure that the athletic department is always following best practices.

Example: “I have a solid understanding of the safety protocols and policies necessary for a safe and successful athletic program. I ensure that coaches and athletes are following best practices for safety by conducting regular drills and training sessions on proper technique and safety procedures. I also have policies in place to ensure that everyone is aware of the safety regulations and procedures. Additionally, I make sure to stay up-to-date with new developments in safety and injury prevention so that our athletic department is always following best practices. I believe this is essential for any successful athletic program.”

11. What strategies do you use to motivate athletes and help them reach their full potential?

Motivation is an important part of an athletic director’s job. They need to be able to recognize the potential of each athlete and help them reach their goals. This question is designed to help the interviewer understand how you would approach motivating athletes and what strategies you would use to ensure they reach their full potential.

To answer this question, you should focus on the strategies and techniques that have been successful for you in the past. You may want to talk about how you provide individualized attention to athletes, recognizing their strengths and weaknesses and tailoring your approach accordingly. Additionally, emphasize how you create a positive environment where athletes can thrive and reach their goals. Finally, discuss how you use rewards and incentives to motivate them, such as team dinners or special recognition for top performers.

Example: “As an athletic director, I understand the importance of motivation and recognize the potential in each athlete. To help them reach their full potential, I strive to create an environment where athletes feel supported and encouraged to do their best. I provide individualized attention to each athlete, recognizing their strengths and weaknesses and tailoring my approach accordingly. Additionally, I use rewards and incentives to motivate them, such as team dinners or special recognition for top performers. I believe this approach helps create a positive and productive environment where athletes can thrive and reach their goals.”

12. Describe your experience with developing and implementing policies and procedures for the athletic department.

An Athletic Director is responsible for the overall operations and management of the athletic department. They must be able to create and implement policies and procedures that ensure the department runs smoothly and efficiently. Interviewers want to know that you have the experience and knowledge to do this and will ask you to provide examples of how you’ve done this in the past.

To answer this question, you should provide a few examples of how you have developed and implemented policies and procedures in your previous roles. Talk about the steps you took to ensure that all stakeholders were involved in the process, such as faculty members, coaches, and students. Also discuss any challenges you faced when implementing these policies and how you overcame them. Finally, explain what impact these policies had on the overall success of the athletic department.

Example: “I have extensive experience developing and implementing policies and procedures for the athletic department. In my previous role as Athletic Director at XYZ University, I worked with faculty, coaches, and students to develop policies that ensured the safety and wellbeing of all athletes. I also implemented new procedures for tracking and reporting injuries, as well as ensuring that all athletes were up-to-date on their physicals. As a result, we were able to reduce the number of injuries and increase the overall success of the athletic department.”

13. How do you handle conflicts between coaches, players, and parents?

Athletic directors are responsible for managing a variety of people in a team setting. It’s important to have a good understanding of how you handle conflicts between coaches, players, and parents as this can be a difficult situation to manage. The interviewer wants to know that you can handle difficult conversations and that you can mediate between different parties.

The best way to answer this question is to provide a real example of how you have handled a similar situation in the past. Talk about what steps you took to address the conflict, and how you worked with all parties involved to come to a resolution. You should also emphasize your ability to remain neutral and impartial while still advocating for the best interests of all involved.

Example: “I was recently faced with a difficult situation involving a conflict between a coach and a parent. I made sure to remain neutral and impartial while listening to both sides of the story. I then proposed a solution that addressed the parent’s concerns while still allowing the coach to maintain their authority. I also set up a follow-up meeting with both parties to ensure that the resolution was satisfactory for everyone involved. Ultimately, my goal was to ensure that the conflict was resolved in a way that respected the rights of all involved and that maintained a healthy team dynamic.”

14. What steps do you take to ensure that the athletic department is compliant with NCAA rules and regulations?

Athletic directors are responsible for the overall management of their school’s athletic programs and must be able to demonstrate their knowledge of NCAA rules and regulations. This question helps assess an applicant’s understanding of the rules and regulations and their ability to ensure compliance within the athletic department.

To answer this question, you should start by explaining the steps you take to ensure compliance. This may include attending NCAA workshops and seminars on a regular basis, staying up-to-date with any changes in NCAA regulations, reviewing all policies and procedures regularly, monitoring student-athletes’ eligibility status, and setting up systems for tracking compliance within the athletic department. You should also mention any experience you have working with an institution’s compliance office or other relevant experience that demonstrates your knowledge of NCAA rules and regulations.

Example: “I take a proactive approach to ensuring that my athletic department is compliant with NCAA rules and regulations. I regularly attend workshops and seminars hosted by the NCAA to stay up-to-date with any changes in the regulations. I also review all policies and procedures related to NCAA compliance on a regular basis, and I monitor student-athletes’ eligibility status to ensure they are meeting the requirements. Additionally, I have set up systems for tracking compliance within the athletic department to ensure that all coaches and staff are following the rules. In my previous position, I worked closely with the school’s compliance office to ensure that all of our programs were in compliance with NCAA regulations, and I am confident that I can bring that same level of expertise to your school.”

15. How do you evaluate the effectiveness of marketing campaigns for the athletic department?

Athletic directors are expected to be able to effectively manage the marketing and outreach for their school’s athletic department. This question is an opportunity for the interview to assess how well you understand the metrics and strategies behind successful marketing campaigns. They want to know if you can effectively measure the success of a campaign and make adjustments to ensure better performance in the future.

The best way to answer this question is to provide specific examples of how you have evaluated the effectiveness of marketing campaigns in the past. Talk about what metrics you use to measure success, such as website traffic, social media engagement, or ticket sales. Explain how you analyze these metrics and adjust your strategies accordingly. Lastly, discuss any successes or failures from previous campaigns and what you learned from them.

Example: “In my current role as athletic director at XYZ University, I evaluate the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns using a variety of metrics including website traffic, social media engagement, and ticket sales. I look at each metric individually to see how it is performing, and then I compare the performance of each metric over time to identify trends and changes. I also use data from past campaigns to inform the strategies I use for future campaigns. As an example, for our most recent basketball season, I analyzed the data from our previous two seasons to identify areas where we could improve our marketing strategy. We ended up making some changes to our approach which resulted in a 20% increase in ticket sales compared to the previous year.”

16. What strategies do you use to build relationships with local businesses and sponsors?

Sponsors and corporate partners are a key part of any athletic program, so it’s important that you know how to build and maintain relationships with them. You’ll need to show that you have the ability to be a persuasive communicator and negotiator, as well as a creative problem-solver when it comes to fundraising and sponsorship opportunities.

To answer this question, you’ll want to provide specific examples of strategies that you have used in the past. Talk about how you seek out potential sponsors and corporate partners by researching companies, attending networking events, and building relationships with local business owners. You should also mention any creative ideas or initiatives you have implemented such as creating a sponsorship package tailored to each company’s needs or offering perks for their employees. Finally, emphasize your ability to build strong relationships through regular communication and follow-up.

Example: “I have a strong track record of building relationships with local businesses and sponsors to benefit my athletic programs. I make sure to research potential sponsors and corporate partners to ensure that they are a good fit for our program and have the resources to make a meaningful contribution. I also attend local networking events to introduce myself and our program to potential partners. I also create sponsorship packages tailored to each company’s needs, offering perks such as tickets to games, free advertising, and special recognition. To maintain strong relationships, I make sure to follow up regularly with sponsors and corporate partners to ensure that their needs are being met and that our relationship is mutually beneficial.”

17. Describe your experience with creating and managing budgets for large-scale events such as tournaments or championships.

Athletic directors are responsible for managing the budget for their sports programs, and this includes everything from personnel costs to travel and equipment expenses. Interviewers will want to know if you have experience in managing large-scale events and developing budgets for them. They’ll also want to know if you have any strategies for ensuring that the budget is properly managed and that the event runs smoothly.

For this answer, you’ll want to provide examples of events that you have managed in the past and how you created a budget for them. Talk about any strategies you used to ensure that the event was within budget and ran smoothly. You should also mention any successes or challenges you faced while managing the budget. Finally, if you have experience working with sponsorships or donations, be sure to mention that as well.

Example: “In my previous role as the athletic director for ABC University, I was responsible for the budgeting and management of large-scale events such as the university’s athletic tournaments and championships. I was in charge of overseeing the budget for personnel, travel, and equipment expenses, and I developed strategies to ensure that the event stayed within budget. I also had success in securing sponsorships and donations to help offset some of the costs. I’m confident that my experience and skills will be an asset to your team and I’m excited to apply them to the upcoming tournament.”

18. How do you ensure that the athletic department is providing equal opportunities for both male and female athletes?

It’s important for athletic directors to be able to demonstrate a commitment to gender equity and equal opportunity in their department. The interviewer wants to know that you understand the importance of providing equal access to resources, coaching, and other opportunities to both male and female athletes and that you have a plan in place to ensure that this happens.

Start by talking about the importance of providing equal opportunities for both male and female athletes. Then, discuss some of the specific steps you have taken or would take to ensure that your department is in compliance with Title IX regulations and other relevant laws. Examples could include hiring a diverse staff, providing adequate funding for all sports teams, offering gender-neutral policies and practices, and creating an environment free from discrimination and harassment. Finally, make sure to emphasize any successes you’ve had in promoting gender equity in the past.

Example: “I understand that providing equal opportunities for both male and female athletes is of the utmost importance. I’ve taken several steps to ensure that all athletes in my department have access to the same resources and opportunities. For example, I make sure to hire a diverse staff of coaches and administrators, provide adequate funding for all sports teams, and offer gender-neutral policies and practices. I also work to create an environment free from discrimination and harassment. In my previous role as athletic director, I was able to successfully promote gender equity and ensure that all athletes had the same access to resources and opportunities. I am confident that I can do the same in this role.”

19. What strategies do you use to stay informed about industry trends and developments in order to make informed decisions as an Athletic Director?

Athletic Directors have to stay ahead of the curve in order to make the best decisions for their school or organization. They must have a strong understanding of the current trends and developments in their field in order to make the best decisions for their team and ensure the team’s success. This question gives the interviewer a chance to gauge your knowledge and ability to stay current with industry trends.

To answer this question, you should talk about the strategies you use to stay informed. You can mention reading industry publications and blogs, attending conferences and seminars, networking with other Athletic Directors, and following influencers in the field on social media. Additionally, you should emphasize your ability to quickly adapt and adjust to new trends and developments as they arise.

Example: “I stay informed about industry trends and developments by reading relevant industry publications and blogs, attending conferences and seminars, and networking with other Athletic Directors. I’m also always looking for new ways to stay informed, so I recently started following influencers in the field on social media. I’m committed to staying up to date on the latest developments and trends in the industry so that I can make informed decisions and ensure the success of my team. I’m always looking for ways to quickly adapt and adjust to new trends and developments as they arise.”

20. Tell me about a time when you had to lead a team through a period of significant change.

Athletic directors are responsible for leading teams through both good times and bad. This means they need to be able to handle change, both in terms of the team’s performance and the environment surrounding the team. They need to be able to create a sense of stability and security during these times of transition, while also motivating their team to push through the challenges and come out on top. This question allows the interviewer to assess how well you can lead a team through change.

The best way to answer this question is to provide a specific example from your past experience. Talk about the changes that were happening, and how you went about leading your team through them. Be sure to highlight any successes and lessons learned along the way. You should also explain what strategies you used to motivate your team and keep morale high during this period of transition.

Example: “I was recently the athletic director at XYZ High School during a period of significant budget cuts. This meant that I had to lead the team through a period of reduced resources and staffing. To help the team stay on track, I developed a comprehensive plan to ensure that the team was still able to reach its goals. I also worked hard to create a sense of community and support among the team members, encouraging them to come together in the face of adversity. Despite the difficult circumstances, the team was able to come out on top and exceed expectations. It was a difficult time, but it taught me a lot about how to motivate and lead a team through change.”

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UW Oshkosh Today

Uw oshkosh names linnea kangas new sports information director.

by News Bureau | Jul 27, 2022 | Athletics , Briefs

presentation college athletic director

Linnea Kangas

Linnea Kangas was named the new sports information director at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, Athletic Director Darryl Sims announced this week following a national search.

“It was clear to me after meeting with Linnea she was a standout candidate and would fit well in our department and take our athletics communication to the next level,” Sims said. “I am happy to welcome Linnea to the Titan family.”

Previously, Kangas served as the sports information director at Wartburg College. She was responsible for spearheading the overall communication efforts for all 23 sports. She also coordinated media relations when they hosted the NCAA Regional Volleyball Tournament and provided coverage for 10 teams who made appearances in the NCAA tournament.

Prior to Wartburg, Kangas worked at Presentation College. Some of her accomplishments included redesigning the Presentation College athletic department website and overseeing the streaming efforts for live events.

Kangas received a bachelor’s degree in public relations in 2017 and a master’s degree in mass communication in 2019, both from Northern Iowa. During her time at UNI, Kangas served as a student-assistant sports information director and oversaw women’s soccer, swim and dive, and tennis. She also completed internships with the PGA and a minor league basketball team.

Kangas said that she is excited to be joining a program with such a long tradition of athletic and academic excellence.

“I’m thrilled to be joining the Titan family,” she said. “I want to thank Director of Intercollegiate Athletics Darryl Sims, Assistant Athletic Director Abby Gildernick, and the search committee for their time during this process. I am excited to continue telling the stories of the outstanding student-athletes, coaches, and staff that make up UW Oshkosh as athletic communications moves into a new age.”

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15 men brought to military enlistment office after mass brawl in Moscow Oblast

Local security forces brought 15 men to a military enlistment office after a mass brawl at a warehouse of the Russian Wildberries company in Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast on Feb. 8, Russian Telegram channel Shot reported .

29 people were also taken to police stations. Among the arrested were citizens of Kyrgyzstan.

A mass brawl involving over 100 employees and security personnel broke out at the Wildberries warehouse in Elektrostal on Dec. 8.

Read also: Moscow recruits ‘construction brigades’ from Russian students, Ukraine says

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PC selects new Athletic Director

Presentation College announced today the appointment of new Athletic Director Greg Heier, the former athletic director at Doane College, in Crete Neb., since 2006, following a national search. There is no date for Heier’s official start but he will be starting his new position at PC as soon as possible.

"I am grateful that I will be joining Presentation College as athletic director,” said Heier. “The vision and dynamic leadership of Dr. Huber, the passion and talent of a dedicated and energetic coaching staff, the deep commitment of everyone at the college to providing an education of distinction to Presentation students, and the vibrancy of the Aberdeen community all made this a dream opportunity for me."

Presentation College President Dr. Margaret A. Huber said Heier’s experience in both private education and NAIA athletics were some of the reasons for his selection.

“We are very excited about the future of Saints athletics under Greg’s direction,” said Dr. Huber. “Greg’s experience and determination will surely help PC athletics grow and reach the next level of collegiate athletics.”

Heier, who comes to Presentation College as a two-time Great Plains Athletic Conference Athletic Director of the Year, holds a Juris Doctor with Highest Distinction from the University of Nebraska College of Law, and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Political Science from Doane College. Heier will direct the overall administrative and operational activities of intercollegiate athletics for Presentation College’s 10 athletic teams.

"Saints athletics has a bright future and the transition to the NAIA and the corresponding opportunity to offer athletic scholarships, a coaching staff that is second to none, a supportive administration, a first class academic experience, and all the amenities of the city of Aberdeen make the potential for Saints athletics limitless,” said Heier. “I look forward to investing all my energies into Presentation College and the Aberdeen community as we aggressively pursue an outstanding experience for our student athletes."

Before his time as the athletic director at Doane College, Heier served as the Human Resources Director at Doane from 1998 to 2006.


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Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

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Coordinates of elektrostal in degrees and decimal minutes, utm coordinates of elektrostal, geographic coordinate systems.

WGS 84 coordinate reference system is the latest revision of the World Geodetic System, which is used in mapping and navigation, including GPS satellite navigation system (the Global Positioning System).

Geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) define a position on the Earth’s surface. Coordinates are angular units. The canonical form of latitude and longitude representation uses degrees (°), minutes (′), and seconds (″). GPS systems widely use coordinates in degrees and decimal minutes, or in decimal degrees.

Latitude varies from −90° to 90°. The latitude of the Equator is 0°; the latitude of the South Pole is −90°; the latitude of the North Pole is 90°. Positive latitude values correspond to the geographic locations north of the Equator (abbrev. N). Negative latitude values correspond to the geographic locations south of the Equator (abbrev. S).

Longitude is counted from the prime meridian ( IERS Reference Meridian for WGS 84) and varies from −180° to 180°. Positive longitude values correspond to the geographic locations east of the prime meridian (abbrev. E). Negative longitude values correspond to the geographic locations west of the prime meridian (abbrev. W).

UTM or Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system divides the Earth’s surface into 60 longitudinal zones. The coordinates of a location within each zone are defined as a planar coordinate pair related to the intersection of the equator and the zone’s central meridian, and measured in meters.

Elevation above sea level is a measure of a geographic location’s height. We are using the global digital elevation model GTOPO30 .

Elektrostal , Moscow Oblast, Russia

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SEC athletic director expects NCAA to allow sponsor logos on fields to help pay for athlete revenue sharing

Florida athletic director scott stricklin says the ncaa is set to relax rules around corporate sponsors.


Destin, Fla. -- With expenses going up following the agreed upon $2.8 billion House v. NCAA lawsuit settlement, it's only natural for schools to look for new revenue opportunities to meet the rising costs.

One potential source that could be available soon is field/court naming rights and sponsored jersey patches, according to one Southeastern Conference athletic director. 

"I believe the NCAA is going to allow us to put a sponsored logo on the field during the regular season," Florida athletic director Scott Stricklin said. "That's an obvious revenue stream we have not had in the past. Pro sports are putting patches on jerseys. That doesn't seem like something that's crazy for us to consider."

The NCAA heavily restricts the use of commercial logos on fields, but a June 6 NCAA committee meeting "could change some of those restrictions,"  USA Today reports . 

Stricklin also pointed to fantasy sports as a huge driver of interest for professional sports. He believes college sports should consider fantasy sports licensed with player names in which players and schools each receive a cut. 

Athletic departments are grappling with an expected $22 million annual revenue share cost -- likely to go into effect in August 2025 -- as part of the House settlement terms. In the NBA, a sponsored jersey patch alone can be worth tens of millions annually.

Alabama athletic director Greg Byrne said Wednesday at the SEC's annual spring meetings that schools will "have to be open-minded" about new revenue possibilities but didn't foresee sponsored jersey patches coming to the football program's iconic crimson jerseys anytime soon. 

"We're pretty traditional," Byrne said. "It's cool that Alabama doesn't change their jerseys. We're unique in that way now. You never say never but we're fairly conservative when it comes to how we do anything like that."

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  6. Blake Spindler

    2007 - 2010. I am currently the Interim Athletic Director & Head Athletic Trainer at Presentation College, an NAIA institution, in Aberdeen, SD. I have over 10 years of experience as an athletic ...

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  9. Jeremy Sievers

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  10. Aimee Burmester

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    Mike West. Titles: Athletic Director. Email: View Profile. For information or questions, please contact our Athletic Department at [email protected] or call 408-264-1664.

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  13. Athletics

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  17. UW Oshkosh names Linnea Kangas new sports information director

    Linnea Kangas was named the new sports information director at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, Athletic Director Darryl Sims announced this week following a national search. ... Some of her accomplishments included redesigning the Presentation College athletic department website and overseeing the streaming efforts for live events.

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  19. 15 men brought to military enlistment office after mass brawl ...

    Local security forces brought 15 men to a military enlistment office after a mass brawl at a warehouse of the Russian Wildberries company in Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast on Feb. 8, Russian Telegram ...

  20. PC selects new Athletic Director

    Presentation College announced today the appointment of new Athletic Director Greg Heier, the former athletic director at Doane College, in Crete Neb., since 2006, following a national search.

  21. Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Elektrostal Geography. Geographic Information regarding City of Elektrostal. Elektrostal Geographical coordinates. Latitude: 55.8, Longitude: 38.45. 55° 48′ 0″ North, 38° 27′ 0″ East. Elektrostal Area. 4,951 hectares. 49.51 km² (19.12 sq mi) Elektrostal Altitude.

  22. Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia in WGS 84 coordinate system which is a standard in cartography, geodesy, and navigation, including Global Positioning System (GPS). Latitude of Elektrostal, longitude of Elektrostal, elevation above sea level of Elektrostal.

  23. SEC athletic director expects NCAA to allow sponsor logos on fields to

    Destin, Fla. -- With expenses going up following the agreed upon $2.8 billion House v. NCAA lawsuit settlement, it's only natural for schools to look for new revenue opportunities to meet the ...

  24. Landscape Architects & Designers in Elektrostal'

    Just answer a few questions to get matched with a local Landscape Architect & Landscape Designer. Or browse through the list of trusted Landscape Architects & Landscape Designers