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Essay on My Hobby in English for Students

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Essay on My Hobby: Everyone has some kind of liking for certain things in life. Hobby is something that people enjoy doing for fun during their free time. Everyone must have a hobby to spend time on something productive and to improve one’s physical and mental abilities. My hobby is a very good topic for the class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 students.

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Short and Long Essay on My Hobby

We have provided below short and long essay on My Hobby in English for your information and knowledge. These My Hobby essays have been written in simple yet effective language to make them easily memorable and presentable when required.

After going through the essays you will know what my hobbies are and also different hobbies like – benefits of book reading; benefits of bicycling as a hobby and steps taken before taking up bicycling as a hobby; benefit of horse riding as a hobby; benefits of swimming as a hobby and the precautions to be taken etc.

These My Hobby essay will prove extremely helpful in your school/college assignments and several competitions like essay writing, debate and speech-giving etc.

My Hobby Essay 100 Words

Different people have different hobbies based on their taste and preferences. Some like swimming, some dancing and some prefer to read a book in isolation. One thing I like to do is to walk in the woods in silence and calm. I could say that it is a hobby of mine.

I like to walk as close to the nature as possible. It just feels so good that my heart always crave for a walk through the forest, park or any landscape that has been untouched from human interference. Walking fills my lungs with clean, fresh air and gives me a new lease of life.

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My Hobby Essay 150 Words

My favourite hobby is cooking. I love to cook on holidays. I like to try out new and unique cuisines from different places around the world. It improves my knowledge not only about the vegetation and food habits of the people in that particular area, but it also let me know the type of vegetation there.

I usually prefer to cook fresh vegetables with sauces and other ingredients, which are healthy, easy to prepare and looks good to serve. More often than not I also like to prepare different kind of desserts from various parts around the world.

Some of the notable dishes that I have prepared are Mexican corn Tortillas, avocado and salsa; white bean peasant soup that belongs to Italy. All you have to do is gather the information from the internet, there is a lot of information available there and gather all the necessary ingredients and prepare a fresh and delicious dish.

My Hobby Essay 200 Words

Hobby is something that we like to do whenever we are free. Sometimes, it is also an activity that our heart craves for from time to time. My hobby is reading. Don’t get me wrong! I am not talking about subject books, but the books of other genre like fiction, thriller and action etc. One of my favourite genres when it comes to book reading is jungle adventure. I could read a book, for hours in a line, which has been written on adventures in forest and involves animals too. It could be based on anything from a hunting expedition to tracking down a man eater tiger or a rogue elephant.

I have read almost all the books written by acclaimed hunter, adventure and conservationist Jim Corbett, who had spend decades on northern part of India, tracking and hunting man eaters, who have been a menace. I have read some of them even twice and I never get bored of it.

It is something I would like to do on holidays. There is nothing better than reading a good book sitting comfortably on a chair with the sun shining on your face.

My Hobby Essay 250 Words

A hobby is something that you love to get involve with, in your pass time or in leisure. It is the first thing that comes to your mind when you get bored. I also have a hobby that I like to get involved in whenever I have time – drawing.

Since childhood, I have developed an interest for drawing and love to make sketches, filling a white sheet of paper with life and colors. I don’t know what prompted me towards drawing; nevertheless it is my favourite pastime and my favourite hobby.

Drawing has many mental benefits apart from improving your drawing skills with every new sketch you make. It improves your imagination as your mind constantly juggles through the thoughts of making new figures and filling it with colors.

To draw a sketch in detail you need to be focused and keep your mind concentrated, eliminating any kind of external distraction. The attention to detail that you put in the drawing will require all your imagination and concentration. The ability to concentrate while doing a particular job stays with you always in other works as well.

Drawing is good for the development of the brain and hand-eye coordination. You will constantly think new thins to draw and immediately start giving it shape on paper, working your eyes, brain and hand in synchronization. Drawing is a wonderful hobby which could be fun and in my opinion everyone should take up drawing as a pass time activity if not a full time hobby.

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My Hobby Essay 300 Words

My hobby is the activity that I can’t live without and need to regularly get involved in it. My hobby is cycling and it just pleases me immensely to ride a bicycle in some open terrain which is less travelled by other travelers.

Cycling – My Hobby

Riding a bicycle is a great hobby because it keeps you healthy and is a form of exercise. It’s a hobby that doesn’t take up too much of your time, and you can do it anywhere and at any time. I’ve had my bike for one year now.

Steps to Begin as a Cyclist

Step 1 – Find the Right Bike

This is the most important step for bicycle enthusiasts and the same challenging also. You have to find the right bike that suits your physical requirements and the budget as well.

Step 2 – Get Suitable Accessories

Once you have purchased a bicycle, the next step is to fit it with accessories proportionate to your body and your requirements.

Step 3 – Eat Healthy

Once you are all set to paddle your way through a challenging terrain, the first thing you should be doing is to gain energy as much as you can, by eating nutritional and healthy food.

Step 4 – Set a Target Don’t push it too hard initially and keep your target low for few days and increase it in steps gradually. In the first week you can keep the target of bicycling as 5 miles or even lower.

Step 5 – Regular Maintenance

The most important part of bicycling is to keep your bike regularly maintained and serviced. You should check for oiling, greasing and other requirements to keep it smooth and safe.

Also Check: Paragraph on My Hobby

Benefits of Bicycling

Bicycling has many health benefits. Some of the most significant of them are given below-

  • Considerably safe and causes less injury as compared to motorcycles.
  • An excellent muscle exercise as you pedal.
  • No prior physical skills required and so it is easy to pursue.
  • Stress buster and a good off-road activity.
  • It is an environment friendly and economical mode of transport.

Bicycling is an excellent hobby and is beneficial for your physical health. It also improves your stamina and makes to stress free and happy. Though, the hobby requires some care of the bicycle and certain mandatory safety precautions.

My Hobby Essay 350 Words

Different people have different kinds of hobbies. Some of the hobbies are cheap while some require a decent amount of money and other resources. I too have hobby which is neither easy to follow nor is cheap; nevertheless, it is my favourite hobby and I love doing it whenever I get time. My hobby is horse riding.

Horse Riding – My Hobby

Riding horses is the hobby I enjoy the most. It’s not only a sport but also a way to connect with nature and experience a sense of freedom.

Benefits of Horse Riding

Horse riding is a little different from other hobbies, could be a little costlier but it also has several physical and mental health benefits.

To begin with, the hobby of horse riding will take you off the road, and you will be spending more time in the greener postures and open spaces on the out skirts of the city.

The hobby will get you more close to the nature and provide a mesmerizing experience of looking at the clear blue sky from the back of a horse.

While riding a horse on the outskirts of the city you breathe clean and pure air, which is beneficial for your lungs, body and mind.

Apart from the physical benefits, horse riding also transforms you in a kind of animal lover. You will feel a bond with the exceptionally majestic animal, horse. However you will also get a sense of responsibility towards the animal and learn to care for it and feed it. You will learn a lot of interesting facts about horses and their behaviour.

You will also learn how to interact with the horse, command it and keep it under control.

Suggestions for Aspiring Horse Riders

Horse riding isn’t an easy hobby and it tests the limit of your physical as well as mental strength. If you are serious about choosing horse riding as a hobby, my advice to you is that you start from understanding the behaviour of horses and how they respond to various commands. A well skilled trainer will be able to effectively teach you that. Even if you are lucky to find a part time job in your locality or town, just go for it. This way you will become familiar with the horses and get a chance to ride on them.

Horse riding is a wonderful experience and very beneficial for physical as well as mental health. However, it has its own challenges and you should also be compassionate about the animal and feel a sense of responsibility towards it.

My Hobby Essay 400 Words

Everyone has a hobby; someone would like to read books while others would like to watch movies, play games, walk etc. I also have a hobby, though it may sound a little strange to some. My hobby is swimming. It is cheap hobby requiring no financial commitments and could be simply undertaken in swimming pools, rivers or ponds.

Swimming – My Hobby

Swimming is an enjoyable activity that anyone can take part in. You can begin a swimming hobby by locating a pool and jumping in. Personally, I find swimming to be a fantastic pastime. It keeps you moving without getting extremely sweaty.

Health Benefits of Swimming

Swimming is extremely beneficial for your physical health as it involves the movement of each and every body part and muscle. You swim against the resistance offered by the water making your body more resilient and improving its endurance.

It is very good for your heart and keeps it healthy and free from ailments. Swimming is also like a stress buster that relieves your stress and makes you happy and healthy, of course. As you continuously struggle to stay afloat on water, moving all of your limbs; it improves your muscle strength making them more resilient and strong.

The deep breadths you take while swimming continuously improves the health of your lungs. Swimming also helps regulate your weight and prevents obesity and the complications arising from it. Swimming in a way tones your complete body and rejuvenates it.

There are several other benefits of swimming including that it improves body coordination and balance, making the body more flexible.

Safety Rules for Swimming

Though swimming is an interesting sport, it is very important that certain safety rules and regulations must be followed while swimming. Some of the safety measures to be undertaken while swimming are as given below-

  • Whenever possible try to swim with someone, so that just in case if you need help, you can get it.
  • It is better to swim in water bodies those have lifeguards, to deal with any emergency situation.
  • If you are feeling tired or exhausted already, it is wise to drop the idea of swimming.
  • If the water seems unfriendly or dirty, avoid swimming in it.
  • Stay out of water in case of storm, rain or lightening.
  • Swim at a safe distance from other swimmers, boats, rafts etc.
  • Swimming close to the boat ramps must also be avoided at all cost.

Swimming is the best exercise for your body and mind and opens up all your muscles and sharpens your reflexes. Nevertheless it is mandatory that all the necessary safety precautions must be followed while swimming.

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My Hobby Essay 500 Words

Everyone has a hobby which he/she wants to involve in, whenever the time permits. It makes one physically active and builds mental stamina. I too have a hobby and that is to play cricket during holidays or whenever I get time.

My Hobby – Cricket

Cricket is a hobby I’m truly passionate about. I’ve been playing it since I was a kid, and I’ve always loved the excitement and fun it brings. Cricket is a sport I find challenging and rewarding, and it makes me feel satisfied and happy.

Advantages of Playing Cricket

There are several health benefits of playing cricket; moreover it is also good for building up of mental strength and happiness.

Playing cricket improves your physical stamina, makes your reflexes sharp, and improves your agility and overall physical fitness. Playing it regularly isn’t only beneficial for your body as well as for the mind, besides it also instills confidence, ability to coordinate and work as a team, leadership quality etc.

Cricket is a team sport in which you play together with your team and either lose or win. For this you have to be in constant vigil, watching the position and movement of other team players and making strategies with them. This in turn improves your personality by installing leadership quality.

Below are the list of related essay available at IL

Getting Selected for Cricket in India

The Indian cricket team selects its players through the BCCI’s zonal selection policy. In this policy, there is one selector for each of the five zones, and the BCCI appoints one member as the chairman of the selection committee.

The Traditional Way

If you are a normal player hopeful of getting selected in India Cricket Team one day, then the traditional procedure for you is to begin from playing in your school or club level cricket team. Not only that, you must also make a mark by playing in local tournaments and get noticed. If you play good enough, you will be selected for the under 13 cricket team of your district. Remember this all has to happen during your early teens.

After getting selected in District under 13 team, you need to maintain your form and get selected for under 13 state team from then on moving up to under 16 and then under 19. The Indian under 19 cricket team is selected out of the state under 19 teams that play against each other.

There are many factors that come into play here including your luck, skills and competitors.

The Non-Traditional Way

If for some reason you cannot get into the cricket teams by the traditional ways as described above, there is still hope, but I must remind you that the nontraditional way is very difficult and no one, not that I can remember, had been selected this way.

You begin with enrolling in a good cricketing club in your city or town and practice for unusually longer hours. In fact, practice is what you must be doing 24/7, and money also should not be a problem for you. All you should be caring about is your fitness and game.

Thereby, by performing well in club cricket, you should get noticed by the upper-division teams. If you are lucky enough you will be asked by the team to join them. From there on it all depends on you and by performing extraordinarily you can play for state team or the Indian Premier League (IPL).

Cricket is one of the most popular sports of the world and offers an extraordinary career option. However, the key to become a successful cricketer is to practice hard and also to start early in life. If your are passionate about cricket and in your early teens the chances of your getting selected in the under 19 India Cricket Team one day are brighter.

Essay on My Hobby FAQs

What is a hobby.

Everyone has some kind of liking for certain things in life. Hobby is something that people enjoy doing for fun during their free time.

What is my hobby essay in english?

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  • My Hobby Essay

Interesting My Hobby Essay for Kids

Presenting My Hobby Essay in English for kids will help them understand how to write an essay on this topic. Students can refer to My Hobby essay for kids as a sample while drafting my hobby essay at school or any social events competition.

Given below is my hobby essay on cricket which students can refer to while drafting an essay on this topic. They can pick ideas from this sample as to what are the important points to include in their essay. You can also download these few lines about My Hobby essay in a colourful PDF format so that your kid can refer it anytime, anywhere.

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My hobby essay on cricket.

My Hobby Essay on Cricket for Kids

“A hobby is referred to as a person’s favourite pastime for which he/she is passionate about. Hobbies play a significant role in our lives as this occupies our minds and enriches us with the opportunity to spend time productively. Developing a hobby makes our lives enjoyable and worthwhile.

Hobbies are meant for recreational purposes and it can either be physical or a variety of other activities based on the personal preferences of a particular person. Some people enjoy reading novels, dancing, cooking, singing, drawing or painting, playing outdoor games like cricket, badminton, volleyball, etc.

Playing cricket is my hobby and it helps me in staying fit and healthy. It engages my mind, body and soul to be proactive and vigilant in my day-to-day tasks. Once I have completed my homework after school, I spend time playing cricket with my friends.

Sachin Tendulkar is my favourite cricketer and I wish to follow in his footsteps to become like him someday. I really enjoy playing cricket as it provides relaxation and is perfect for both my physical and mental health.”

My hobby essay for kids is one of the most common topics of essay writing at school. Kids often enjoy writing about my hobby essay in English as they get an opportunity to express their favourite pastime activity. They can simply put their thoughts in words and convey their feelings as to what excites them about their respective hobbies. BYJU’S offers a plethora of such interesting English essays for kids . 

We hope the above sample about my hobby essay for kids proves useful to youngsters when they are asked to write my hobby essay 100 words. For more such interesting study resources , you can check and explore our Kids Learning section for more details and give your child the joy of learning new things.

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