
Application for Allotment of Hostel (with Samples & PDFs)

I have listed sample templates to help you craft an effective and professional application for allotment of hostel.

Also, I would like to point out that you can also download a PDF containing all the samples at the end of this post.

Application for Hostel Allotment Request

First, find the sample template for application for allotment of hostel below.

Subject: Application for Allotment of Hostel

Respected Sir/Madam,

Living in a hostel will help me focus better on my studies and be part of the campus community. It will also make it easier for me to participate in extracurricular activities and interact with my classmates.

I promise to follow all the rules and regulations of the hostel and contribute positively to the hostel environment. I will study diligently and strive to excel in my academics.

I kindly request you to consider my application for hostel allotment and provide me with a room. I am looking forward to a positive response.

Thank you for your attention.

Yours sincerely, [Your Name]

Application for Allotment of Hostel for Summer Camp

Application for Allotment of Hostel for Summer Camp

To, The Hostel Warden, [Hostel Name], [Hostel Address], [City, State, Pin Code].

I am a student residing in Room [Your Current Room Number] of [Hostel Name]. I am writing this letter to kindly request an upgrade to a better room.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your favorable response.

Yours sincerely,

Application for Allotment of Hostel for Science Fair Participation

Application for Allotment of Hostel for Science Fair Participation

To, The Camp Coordinator, [Camp Name], [Camp Address], [City, State, PIN Code].

I live far away from the camp location and traveling back and forth daily would be very tiring. Staying at the hostel would allow me to fully participate in all camp activities without any worries about commuting. It will also give me the opportunity to make new friends and create lasting memories with my fellow campers.

I promise to follow all hostel rules and regulations, and to be respectful towards my roommates and camp staff. I am looking forward to learning new things, exploring nature, and having fun during the camp.

[Your Name] [Your Contact Number]

Application for Allotment of Hostel during Sports Tournament

Application for Allotment of Hostel during Sports Tournament

To, The Hostel Warden, [Hostel Name], [Hostel Address], [City, State, PIN Code]

Subject: Application for Special Dietary Accommodation

Respected Warden,

I am allergic to [specific food items or ingredients]. Eating these foods can make me sick, and I want to ensure that I have a safe and comfortable stay at the hostel.

I kindly request your support in providing alternative food options that do not contain these allergens. It would be greatly helpful if the hostel kitchen could prepare meals that are safe for me to eat.

I appreciate your understanding and assistance in this matter. Your help in accommodating my dietary needs will make a significant difference in my stay at the hostel.

Thank you for your attention to this request.

Application for Allotment of Hostel for Educational Field Trip

Application for Allotment of Hostel for Educational Field Trip

To, The Hostel Warden, [Hostel Name], [Hostel Address], [City, State, Pin Code]

Subject: Application for Extended Stay in the Hostel During Academic Break

I am writing to request permission to stay in the hostel during the upcoming academic break from [start date] to [end date]. As a resident student of [Your College/University Name], I would like to continue residing in the hostel premises to ensure a safe and conducive environment for my studies.

I assure you that I will adhere to all hostel rules and regulations during this extended stay period. I will maintain cleanliness in my room, follow the schedule, and be considerate towards fellow residents.

I kindly request your approval for this extended stay and assure you of my responsible behavior throughout the break. Your understanding and support in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for considering my request.

Application for Allotment of Hostel for Cultural Exchange Program

Application for Allotment of Hostel for Cultural Exchange Program

To: The Principal, [School Name], [School Address]

Respected Principal,

Since I moved into my current room, I have been experiencing allergic reactions that have been affecting my health and studies. The dust and mold in the room are triggering my allergies, making it hard for me to concentrate on my studies and affecting my overall well-being.

I kindly request your permission to change my hostel room to a cleaner environment that will not aggravate my allergies. This change will greatly help me focus better on my studies and improve my health.

Yours sincerely, [Your Name] [Your Class and Section]

How to Write Application for Allotment of Hostel

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hostel application letter sample

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20+ Hostel Leaving Permanently Application Letter with Examples

  • Letter Templates
  • February 29, 2024
  • Leave Letters , Application Letters

Hostel Leaving Permanently Application Letter : A hostel leaving permanently application letter is a formal letter written by a hostel resident to inform the hostel management that they have decided to leave the hostel permanently . This Hostel Leaving Permanently Application Letter is necessary to inform the management of the president’s decision and to request the refund of the hostel deposit .

The Hostel Leaving Permanently application letter should be written in a professional, polite tone and should clearly state the reason for the departure. It is important to provide a clear date for when the resident will be vacating their room, and to ensure that the room is cleaned, and any damages are reported to the hostel management before they leave.

Also Read – Hostel Application Letter

Hostel Leaving Permanently Application Letter

Hostel Leaving Permanently Application Letter – Ideas

Content in this article

Here are some ideas to consider when writing a hostel leaving permanently application letter:

  • Start the Hostel Leaving Permanently Application Letter with a polite greeting to the hostel manager, and express gratitude for the time spent in the hostel.
  • Clearly state the reason for leaving the hostel permanently, such as finding alternative accommodation that better suits your needs.
  • Request the refund of the hostel deposit, and inquire about any necessary steps or processes that need to be taken to obtain the refund.
  • This Hostel Leaving Permanently Application Letter Provide a clear date for vacating the room, and ensure that the room is cleaned and any damages are reported to the hostel management before leaving.
  • If there were any positive experiences or memories made while living in the hostel, it can be nice to mention them in the letter as a way of expressing gratitude and leaving on a positive note.
  • This Hostel Leaving Permanently Application Letter Be polite and professional throughout the Hostel Leaving Permanently Application Letter, and avoid any negative or confrontational language.
  • End the Hostel Leaving Permanently Application Letter with a polite closing, and express gratitude for the management’s time and assistance in the matter.

Hostel Leaving Permanently Application Letter – Sample format

Below is a sample format for a Hostel Leaving Permanently Application Letter:

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip Code] [Email Address] [Contact Number] [Date]

[Hostel Warden’s Name] [Hostel Name] [Hostel Address] [City, State, Zip Code]

Subject: Request for Permanently Leaving the Hostel

Dear [Hostel Warden’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to formally inform you about my decision to permanently leave the hostel due to [mention the reason – could be completing studies, personal reasons, etc.].

I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at the hostel, and I appreciate the support and facilities provided during my stay. However, circumstances have led me to make this decision, and after careful consideration, I believe it is in my best interest to find alternative accommodation.

I kindly request you to guide me through the formalities and procedures for the hostel leaving process. I am committed to completing any necessary paperwork or clearances required for a smooth transition.

I would like to express my gratitude to the hostel staff for their assistance and cooperation throughout my stay. I have cherished the experiences and memories gained during this time.

Please let me know the steps I need to follow and any specific documentation required to complete the leaving process. I understand that there may be certain notice periods or formalities, and I am prepared to comply with them.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter. I appreciate your prompt attention to this request and look forward to a smooth departure process.

If there are any exit interviews or feedback sessions, I am more than willing to participate to provide my insights and suggestions for the improvement of hostel facilities and services.

I would appreciate it if you could provide me with a written acknowledgment of this letter and the details of the next steps in the leaving process.

Thank you once again for your understanding, and I wish the hostel and its residents continued success.

[Your Name]

Feel free to modify the Hostel Leaving Permanently Application Letter based on your specific situation and the policies of the hostel.

Hostel Leaving Permanently Application Letter – Sample Format

Hostel Leaving Permanently Application Letter – Example

Here’s an example of Hostel Leaving Permanently Application Letter:

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State ZIP Code] [Date]

[Hostel Manager’s Name] [Hostel Name] [Hostel Address] [City, State ZIP Code]

Dear [Hostel Manager’s Name],

I am writing to inform you that I have decided to leave the hostel permanently. I have enjoyed my time here, but I have found alternative accommodation that better suits my needs.

I would like to request the refund of my hostel deposit. Please let me know what steps or processes I need to take to obtain the refund.

I will be vacating my room on [date]. I will ensure that the room is cleaned and any damages are reported to the hostel management before I leave.

I would like to express my gratitude for the time spent in the hostel, and for the positive experiences and memories made during my stay. Thank you for your assistance and understanding in this matter.

Hostel departure letter

Below is a Hostel Departure Letter:

Subject: Notice of Departure from the Hostel

I trust this letter finds you well. I am writing to formally notify you of my decision to depart from the hostel. After careful consideration and for reasons [mention the reason – completing studies, personal circumstances, etc.], I have decided to permanently leave the hostel.

I want to express my gratitude for the support and facilities provided during my stay. I have enjoyed my time at the hostel and appreciate the sense of community it has offered.

As I plan my departure, I am committed to completing any necessary formalities and complying with the hostel leaving procedures. Kindly guide me through the process and inform me of any paperwork or clearance requirements.

I understand that there may be specific notice periods or exit procedures, and I am prepared to adhere to them. I am willing to participate in any exit interviews or feedback sessions to provide insights and suggestions for the improvement of hostel facilities and services.

I would appreciate it if you could provide me with a written acknowledgment of this letter and share the details of the next steps in the departure process.

Thank you for your understanding, cooperation, and the positive experiences I have had at the hostel. I wish the hostel and its residents continued success.

Feel free to customize the letter based on your specific situation and the policies of the hostel.

Hostel Departure Letter

a letter to hostel warden for leaving permanently

Below is a letter to the hostel warden for leaving permanently:

Subject: Notice of Permanent Departure from the Hostel

I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. I am writing to formally notify you of my decision to leave the hostel permanently. After careful consideration, I have concluded that it is in my best interest to find alternative accommodation.

I want to express my sincere gratitude for the support and hospitality I have received during my stay at [Hostel Name]. It has been an enriching experience, and I am grateful for the friendships made and the memories created during my time here.

However, due to [mention the reason for leaving – it could be completing studies, personal circumstances, etc.], I find it necessary to seek accommodation elsewhere. I assure you that this decision was not made lightly and has been well-considered.

I kindly request your guidance on the formalities and procedures for the hostel leaving process. Please advise me on any paperwork or clearances that need to be completed to facilitate a smooth transition.

I am committed to fulfilling any obligations or notice periods required by the hostel. Additionally, I am willing to participate in any exit interviews or feedback sessions to provide insights for the improvement of hostel facilities and services.

Thank you once again for your understanding and assistance in this matter. I appreciate your prompt attention to this request and look forward to your guidance on the departure process.

Please do not hesitate to reach out if you require any further information or clarification from my end.

Feel free to customize the letter to suit your specific circumstances and the policies of your hostel.

A Letter to Hostel Warden for Leaving Permanently

Hostel Leaving Permanently Application Letter – Template

Here’s a template of Hostel Leaving Permanently Application Letter:

I am writing to inform you that I have decided to leave the hostel permanently. I have enjoyed my time here, but I have found alternative accommodation that is better suited to my needs.

I would like to request that my hostel deposit be refunded to me. Please let me know the process for obtaining my refund and any other necessary information regarding my departure.

I will be vacating my room on [insert date]. I will ensure that the room is cleaned and any damages are reported to the hostel management before I leave.

Thank you for your understanding, and please let me know if there is any additional information you require.

Formal letter to hostel warden for leaving

Below is a formal letter to the hostel warden for leaving:

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to formally inform you of my decision to leave the hostel. After careful consideration and deliberation, I have determined that it is in my best interest to seek alternative accommodation.

I would like to express my sincere appreciation for the support and hospitality I have received during my time at [Hostel Name]. The experiences and friendships I have gained will be cherished dearly.

My departure is primarily due to [mention the reason – it could be personal, academic, or professional]. I assure you that this decision has not been made lightly, and I have weighed the factors involved thoroughly.

I kindly request your guidance regarding the procedures for leaving the hostel. Please advise me on any formalities or paperwork that need to be completed to ensure a smooth transition.

I am committed to fulfilling any obligations or notice periods stipulated by the hostel. Additionally, I am open to participating in exit interviews or providing feedback to contribute to the continual improvement of hostel services.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter. I appreciate your prompt attention to my request and look forward to your guidance on the departure process.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you require any further information or clarification.

Feel free to modify the letter as per your specific circumstances and requirements.

Formal Letter to Hostel Warden for Leaving

Hostel exit letter format

Below is a Hostel Exit Letter Format:

Subject: Notice of Hostel Exit

I trust this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to formally notify you of my intention to exit from [Hostel Name]. After careful consideration and for reasons [mention the reason – completing studies, personal circumstances, etc.], I have decided to permanently leave the hostel.

I would like to express my gratitude for the support and hospitality extended to me during my stay at [Hostel Name]. I have had valuable experiences and formed lasting connections.

To ensure a smooth transition, I kindly request your guidance on the formalities and procedures for leaving the hostel. I am prepared to comply with any necessary paperwork, clearances, or notice periods required.

I am willing to participate in exit interviews or provide feedback if it would contribute to the improvement of hostel facilities and services. I appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter.

Please provide me with a written acknowledgment of this letter and details of the next steps in the exit process.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I wish the hostel continued success.

Feel free to adjust the content based on your specific situation and the policies of the hostel.

Hostel Exit Letter Format

Hostel withdrawal letter

Here’s a Hostel Withdrawal Letter:

Subject: Request for Hostel Withdrawal

I trust this letter finds you well. I am writing to formally request the withdrawal of my stay at [Hostel Name]. After thoughtful consideration and for personal reasons, I have decided to permanently leave the hostel.

I want to express my gratitude for the support and accommodations provided during my time at [Hostel Name]. The experiences and friendships made will be cherished.

To facilitate a smooth withdrawal, I kindly seek your guidance on the formalities and procedures involved in the hostel withdrawal process. I am prepared to comply with any necessary paperwork, clearances, or notice periods as per the hostel regulations.

If there are exit interviews or feedback sessions to contribute to the improvement of hostel facilities and services, I am more than willing to participate.

I appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter. Please provide me with a written acknowledgment of this letter and details regarding the next steps in the withdrawal process.

Thank you for your attention to this request, and I wish the hostel continued success.

Hostel Withdrawal Letter

Hostel Leaving Permanently Application Letter – Email Format

Here’s an Email format of Hostel Leaving Permanently Application Letter:

Subject: Hostel Leaving Permanently Application

Please let me know if there is anything else I need to do to complete the checkout process.

Request letter for leaving hostel permanently

Here’s a request letter for leaving a hostel permanently:

Subject: Request for Permanent Hostel Departure

I trust this letter finds you well. I am writing to formally request permission for my permanent departure from [Hostel Name]. After careful consideration and for personal reasons, I have decided to leave the hostel permanently.

I would like to express my sincere appreciation for the support and facilities provided during my stay. The experiences gained at [Hostel Name] will be cherished, and I am grateful for the time spent here.

To ensure a smooth transition, I kindly seek your guidance on the formalities and procedures for the permanent departure process. I am committed to completing any necessary paperwork or clearances required.

If there are any exit interviews or feedback sessions to contribute to the improvement of hostel services, I am more than willing to participate.

I understand that there may be specific notice periods or exit procedures, and I am prepared to adhere to them. Your understanding and cooperation in this matter are highly valued.

I kindly request a written acknowledgment of this letter and details regarding the next steps in the departure process.

Feel free to adjust the content based on your specific circumstances and the policies of the hostel.

Request Letter for Leaving Hostel Permanently

Hostel vacating letter

Here’s a hostel vacating letter:

Subject: Hostel Vacating Letter

I trust this letter finds you well. I am writing to officially notify you of my decision to vacate the hostel premises. After careful consideration and for [mention the reason – could be completing studies, personal reasons, etc.], I have decided to permanently leave the hostel.

I want to express my gratitude for the support and accommodations provided during my stay at [Hostel Name]. The experiences and friendships made will be remembered fondly.

To ensure a smooth vacating process, I kindly request your guidance on the formalities and procedures involved. I am prepared to comply with any necessary paperwork, clearances, or notice periods as per the hostel regulations.

I am willing to participate in any exit interviews or feedback sessions that could contribute to the improvement of hostel facilities and services.

I appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter. Please provide me with a written acknowledgment of this letter and details regarding the next steps in the vacating process.

Feel free to modify the letter according to your specific situation and the policies of the hostel.

Hostel Vacating Letter

FAQS About Hostel Leaving Permanently Application Letter with Examples

How do i start a hostel leaving permanently application letter.

Hostel Leaving Permanently Application Letter begin with a polite greeting, express gratitude for the hostel experience, and then clearly state your intention to leave permanently.

What information should be included in the Hostel Leaving Permanently Application Letter?

This Hostel Leaving Permanently Application Letter include your name, address, contact details, the reason for leaving, and a request for guidance on the departure process.

How do I express gratitude in the Hostel Leaving Permanently Application Letter without making it too lengthy?

This Hostel Leaving Permanently Application Letter You can express gratitude concisely by acknowledging the support and facilities provided during your stay and mentioning the positive experiences.

Is it necessary to mention the reason for leaving in the Hostel Leaving Permanently Application Letter?

Hostel Leaving Permanently Application Letter While it’s not mandatory, providing a brief and honest reason for leaving can help the hostel administration understand your decision better.

Should I include an offer to participate in exit interviews or feedback sessions?

Yes, Hostel Leaving Permanently Application Letter offering to participate in exit interviews or feedback sessions shows your willingness to contribute to the improvement of hostel services.

A hostel leaving permanently application letter is an important document that should be written in a polite and professional manner. It should clearly state the reason for the departure, provide a clear date for vacating the room, and request the refund of the hostel deposit. By following these guidelines, the resident can ensure a smooth and respectful departure from the hostel.

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Application for hostel allotment.

Sample of Application for Hostel Allotment , for students who want to apply for residence in school, college or university hostels. Students who are outsiders and do not have any sort of residence in particular city can use this format for residing in the hostel. Format if given below:

Sample Application format for Hostel Allotment

Respected Sir,

With huge respect and estimation, it is stated that I have taken admission in your respective university. I belong from another city and that is very far from the university. It would not be possible for me to afford the transportation of every day and it is quite a lot haste. I have searched accommodation in other hostels near university but none of them contended my parents and myself as well. I want you to allot me a room in your hostel so I can save myself from the headache. I have already filled the hostel allotment form and it is attached with this application. I will be very thankful for you.

Yours Truly,


The Principal, GCU, Lahore.

Subject: Application for Hostel Allotment

Sir, Most respectfully it is stated that I am Sana Shah and I have applied for my BS program in this University. Fortunately, I am on merit in BS. (Hons.) Pharmacy, IPS Department. It is requested that I belong to Quetta and being a border. I will need to be in University Hostel. In this city neither  I have relatives not I am capable of living somewhere on rent.

Sir, I request you to kindly, allot me a hostel room so that I won’t suffer from any transportation or other problems. I assure you that I will show good manners. Attached is the filled form for hostel allotment. It would be a huge favor for me and I shall be thankful to you.

Yours Obediently, Sana Shah.

Request for Hostel Allotment

To, Student Relations Officer, Florida, USA.

Subject: Application for hostel allotment

It is requested that I be allotted a hostel room or a student apartment at the soonest. My admission application was processed after the hostel application date had lapsed. By the time I received a call ascertaining that I have been granted admission in the program of my choice I was left with no options for living arrangements. This past week I have been trying to resolve this issue on my own but to no avail.

I cannot arrive to the university without accommodation and since I have now paid the university tuition dues in full I cannot join during the summer semester either. This university has been my first preference for the perusal of higher education. I do not want something as trivial as boarding and lodging to get into the way of my aims to become a qualified engineer.

Yours Obediently, Harry James 23rd July, 2016.

Sample Application for Residence in Hostel

The Vice Chancellor, University of Aberdeen, California.

Subject: Subject: Application for Hostel Allotment

It is to state that I am Emma John and I have applied in Masters Program in your prestigious institution. Luckily, I have got admission here upon merit. But I want to mention that I am from Sweden. For my studies I have to come to California and the issue is neither I have any relative here nor I know the entire place. I will be totally new for here.

Sir, I want to request you that Kindly, allot me room in University Hostel. I will pay the charges and you will never find me misbehaving. I am hardworking student and I will prove it. Bit assistance of yours is required. Hoping that you will consider my request. I shall be your beholder.

Yours Obediently,

Easy Application format for Hostel Allotment

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Your Email Address]

[Name of the Hostel Warden or Hostel Allotment Authority] [Name of the Hostel] [Hostel Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Hostel Warden’s Name or Allotment Authority’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to formally request hostel accommodation for the upcoming academic year [mention the specific academic year or semester, e.g., “2023-2024” or “Fall Semester 2023”]. I am an enrolled student at [Your University/College Name] and I am eager to secure a place in the [Name of the Hostel] for my stay during the academic year.

I have carefully reviewed the hostel policies and procedures outlined by the university and am aware of the responsibilities associated with being a hostel resident.

Here are some additional details about me for your reference:

  • Full Name: [Your Full Name]
  • University/College Roll Number: [Your Roll Number]
  • Course Name: [Your Course Name]
  • Year of Study: [e.g., First Year, Second Year, etc.]
  • Contact Number: [Your Contact Number]
  • Emergency Contact Person: [Name of Emergency Contact] Emergency Contact Number: [Emergency Contact Number]
  • Any special accommodations or requirements: [If you have any specific needs, such as medical conditions or accessibility requirements, mention them here.]

I kindly request you to consider my application for hostel accommodation. I understand that hostel allotment is subject to availability and follows a fair and transparent process. I am open to any necessary procedures or interviews required for the allotment process.

Please find attached the necessary documents as per the hostel allotment guidelines, including:

  • Copy of my University/College ID card.
  • [Any other required documents as per your institution’s guidelines.]

I am looking forward to being a part of the [Name of the Hostel] community and contributing positively to the hostel environment. If you require any additional information or have any questions regarding my application, please do not hesitate to contact me via email at [Your Email Address] or by phone at [Your Phone Number].

Thank you for considering my application. I appreciate your time and attention to this matter.

[Your Full Name]

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Date]

Subject: Application for Residence in Hostel

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to formally request an accommodation in the [Name of the Hostel] for the upcoming academic year [mention the specific academic year or semester, e.g., “2023-2024” or “Fall Semester 2023”]. I am a student enrolled in [Your University/College Name], and I am eager to secure a place in the hostel to facilitate my academic pursuits. I understand the importance of maintaining a conducive living environment for all residents and will do my part to contribute positively to the hostel community.

Below are some details about me:

  • Student ID/Roll Number: [Your Student ID or Roll Number]
  • Course of Study: [Your Course Name]
  • Current Year of Study: [e.g., First Year, Second Year, etc.]
  • Any special accommodations or requirements: [If you have specific needs or requirements, such as medical conditions or accessibility needs, please mention them here.]

I kindly request you to consider my application for hostel accommodation. I understand that the allotment process is based on availability and follows established procedures. I am prepared to participate in any required interviews or assessments to complete the process.

I have attached the necessary documents as outlined in the hostel application guidelines. These include:

  • [Any additional documents or forms required by your institution.]

I am enthusiastic about becoming a part of the [Name of the Hostel] community and am eager to contribute positively to the hostel experience. Should you require any further information or have any inquiries regarding my application, please feel free to contact me via email at [Your Email Address] or by phone at [Your Phone Number].

[Signature if sending a physical copy]

Sample Application for Residence in Hostel

Application for Hostel Admission

[Your Name] [Your Address] [Your Email Address] [Your Phone Number] [Date]

[Hostel Administrator’s Name] [Hostel Name] [Hostel Address]

Dear [Hostel Administrator’s Name],

I am writing to formally request admission to the [Hostel Name] for the upcoming [Academic Year/ Semester/ Specific Period]. As a student at [Your School/College/University], I am excited about the prospect of residing in [Hostel Name], which I believe will provide a conducive environment for my academic pursuits and personal growth.

I understand that [Hostel Name] offers a secure and supportive living space for students, and I am eager to be a part of this community. Living in the hostel will not only enhance my overall college experience but will also allow me to better engage with the campus activities and immerse myself in the academic environment.

Here are the specific details related to my hostel admission request:

  • Desired Check-In Date: I intend to move in on or around [Proposed Check-In Date].
  • Type of Accommodation: I am interested in the following accommodation type, if available: [Single Room/Shared Room/Other].
  • Duration of Stay: I plan to stay for the [Academic Year, Semester, or Specific Period], as applicable.
  • Any Special Preferences or Requirements: [Mention any special preferences or accommodations you may need, e.g., dietary requirements, medical accommodations, etc.]

I am fully committed to adhering to the rules and regulations of the hostel and will contribute positively to the overall environment and community of [Hostel Name]. I appreciate the importance of community living and will ensure a respectful and harmonious living space for all residents.

Thank you for considering my application for hostel admission. I eagerly anticipate becoming a part of the [Hostel Name] community and look forward to your response. Please feel free to contact me at [Your Phone Number] or [Your Email Address] if you have any questions or need further information.

[Your Name]

Application for hostel Accommodation format

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Your Email Address] [Your Phone Number] [Date]

[Hostel Administrator’s Name] [Hostel Name] [Hostel Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

I am writing to request accommodation at [Hostel Name] for the upcoming [Academic Year/ Semester/ Specific Period]. As a [Year or Program of Study] student at [Your School/College/University], I am excited to continue my education and seek the convenience and support that residing in [Hostel Name] can provide.

I understand that [Hostel Name] offers a secure and conducive environment for students, and I am eager to become a part of this community. I am confident that residing at the hostel will help me focus on my studies and fully engage in campus life.

Here are some key details for my accommodation request:

  • Desired Check-In Date: I plan to move in on or around [Proposed Check-In Date].
  • Accommodation Type: I am interested in the following accommodation type, if available: [Single Room/Shared Room/Other].
  • Duration: My intended duration of stay is for [Specify Academic Year, Semester, or Specific Period].
  • Any Specific Preferences or Special Requirements: [Mention any special preferences, dietary needs, or accommodations you may require.]

I am prepared to adhere to the hostel rules and regulations, and I will make every effort to maintain a respectful and harmonious living environment for all residents. I understand the importance of community living and pledge to contribute positively to the [Hostel Name] community.

I am excited about the opportunity to live in [Hostel Name] and believe it will greatly enhance my overall college experience. If there is any additional information or documentation required, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am also available for an interview or to provide references, if necessary.

Thank you for considering my application. I am eager to become a resident of [Hostel Name] and look forward to your positive response. Please feel free to contact me at [Your Phone Number] or [Your Email Address] if you have any questions or require further information.

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Hostel Allotment Application Sample, Template and Ultimate Writing Guide

Dormitory allotment application letter sample.

Hostel Allotment Application Sample, Template and Ultimate Writing Guide

Congratulations! You finally got admitted to a reputed international university. Nothing can stop you from pursuing your dream degree now. Hold on a second! Have you sorted out where you will be residing in that unaccustomed city? Renting a house is never an option due to two major reasons; first, you are merely a student with no regular source of income to pay out the rent. Secondly, you are completely unfamiliar with the new place, so it’s best that you stick around in a group. So renting a house is a complete no-go! 

What then you ask? Well, a simple solution to that one is residing in a hostel. You won’t be required to pay the heavy rent which you would otherwise have to in a separate house. Another great benefit is that it would save you on the food expenditures as hostels accommodate students with meals as well. So the expedient option for you is to sojourn in a hostel until the completion of your degree plan abroad.

What is a hostel or Dormitory?

Many of you may be unfamiliar with the term we used previously, that is, hostel. 

A hostel is a lodging accommodation, mostly provided by educational institutes themselves, where students can rent a shared dorm to dwell in for a specified time period. 

Most hostels provide a bunk bed to each student, with a study table underneath the actual bed at the top. Students also get access to a shared lounge along with a kitchen. The dormitories of a hostel are usually single-sex and have private or shared bathrooms.

Perks of living in a hostel or Dormitory

Residing in a hostel comes with many benefits over a separate rented house. Some of these advantages are:

  • The short term shared lodge
  • Sociable environment
  • Food accommodation
  • Contemporarily equipped

Application for Requesting Hostel Accommodation from a University

With the passage of time, an increasing number of international students from around the world are turning to stay at hostels. The reason for this familiarity with hostels is primarily their restricted budget. 

But how do you book a hostel dormitory? By writing an application to the concerned authorities, of course! And how to write the respective application? By taking a look at this article, of course! This article provides a complete guide on how to write an application to be allotted a hostel dorm for residing until the completion of your degree or for any other specified time period.

Hostel Allotment Application Letter Format

An effective application asking for hostel allotment has some essential components which are mentioned as under:

The date is the first element of the application. The exact date on which the application is being sent should be mentioned herein.

  • Recipient’s address:-

Second in line is the recipient’s details. Its placement in the top left corner of the page, by leaving a line after the date. It contains the particulars as to the designation of the recipient, name of institute, name of the city.

  • Subject line:-

Then comes the subject line. It is a crucial element of the application and is located underneath the recipient’s address by leaving a line formerly. It contains the exact motif of your application in a precise manner, enabling it to be perceived at a quick glance.

  • Salutation:-

Next in line are the opening words of your main body. The salutation part contains the words ‘Respected,’ or ‘Honorable,’ following the words ‘Sir’ or ‘Madam.’

  • Main body:-

The body paragraph is the most essential part of the application. It contains the details as to why you need a hostel and your requirements regarding the dorm. It should comprise one to two paragraphs.

  • Words of gratitude:-

Then come thanks and regards. The lines of thankfulness come after the body paragraph without leaving any line in between.

  • Enclosure:-

Any documents attached with the application should be conscripted herein.

  • Sender’s address:-

The sender’s address is present on the right side of the page by leaving a line after the lines of gratitude. It contains the details of the sender; his name, signature, and registration number.

  • Contact information:-

The contact details of the student are the last element of the application. It is present right next to the margin, on the left, after leaving a line after the sender’s address. It should comprise a registered phone number along with a valid email address.

Hostel Allotment Application Letter Sample

Date: Dec 21, 2023

To, The Principal, (name of university), (name of the city).

From, Candidate’s Name, Candidates, Information.

Subject: Request for allotment of room in university hostel.

Respected Sir/Madam,

This is to inform you that I, (name of student) have recently been admitted for the degree program (name of degree) in your reputed institution. This is also to be mentioned that I have been awarded a merit-based scholarship, and, as a foreigner, will have to join your university all the way from Pakistan. It is stated that I require a hostel for residing as I am completely unaware of the procedures of renting a house in Turkey. Furthermore, residing in your university hostel will be satisfactory in terms of security point of view as well. Being a Muslim, I would prefer to be allotted a girls-only dormitory.

Therefore, it is requested to kindly allot me a dorm in your university hostel so that I won’t have to undergo any issues in joining your institute. I shall be highly grateful for this gesture.

Attached with this application is a photocopy of my filled form of hostel allotment for your reference.

Thanking you in anticipation.

Enclosure: hostel allotment form.

Yours Obediently,

(name of student), (registration number). Contact info: Phone number: xxxx-xxxxxxx, Email address: [email protected] .

Tips on Writing an effectuate Application for Hostel Allotment

Following are some of our expert tips on composing an application for hostel allotment to higher authorities:

Be courteous in your speech. Remember that you are requesting a hostel and the authorities have the right to reject your proposal so don’t give them any chance of having to think about turning your request down.

Avoid spelling mistakes and grammatical errors which may ruin the impression of your application.

  • Submit it beforehand:-

The most important thing is to request the hostel allotment a week or two before joining the university. Pending it to the last minute can prove to be a wrong decision.

Recheck your application before submitting it to minimize any errors and to make any last-minute changes.

Final Verdict on Topic

Now that you have come this far, you must have had all the necessary information regarding an application for hostel allotment. Let us know in the comments section below how helpful you found this article.

With that said, this article has come to its conclusion. That’s a wrap!

Yousaf Saeed

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Hostel Leave Application: A Student's Guide to Approvals

Hostel leave application.

The hostel leave application is a crucial tool for hostel students, allowing them to request time away formally for various reasons. This blog offers a comprehensive guide, complete with samples, to help you navigate the process smoothly and ensure your leave requests are met with approval

On this blog

  • how to write a letter to hostel warden
  • Sample of application for leave in hostel
  • application for leaving hostel permanently
  • Sample of leave application for hostel warden
  • Sample of application for going home from hostel
  • Sample of leave application to hostel warden by parents
  • Sample of application for leaving hostel permanently by parents
  • Sample of hostel leave application for two days
  • Sample of hostel leave application in hindi .

How to write a letter to hostel warden

Writing a letter to your hostel warden involves a transparent, respectful, and formal approach. Whether you're requesting a leave, reporting an issue, or seeking permission for something, it’s essential to communicate effectively. Here's a step-by-step guide:

1. Start with the Date:  Position the date at the top left corner of the page.

2. Include the Address:  Below the date, write the hostel warden ’s name, the hostel's name, and its address. If you’re unsure about the exact address, the hostel's name and the warden's title will suffice.

3. Salutation:  Use a formal greeting like "Dear Hostel Warden" or "Dear Mr./Mrs. [Warden’s Last Name],"

4. State the Purpose of Your Letter:  Begin with a clear statement of why you’re writing the letter. For example, "I am writing to request a leave of absence from the hostel for personal reasons."

5. Provide Details:  Explain the reason for your request or the nature of your issue in more detail. Be concise, but provide enough information for the warden to understand your situation.

  • For leave requests, mention the dates you will be away and, if possible, your plan for managing any responsibilities during this period.
  • For complaints or issues, describe the problem clearly and respectfully and suggest possible solutions if you have any in mind.

6. Closing Statement:  Conclude with a statement expressing your hope for a positive response, your willingness to discuss the matter further, or any other polite closing remark.

7. Sign Off:  Use a formal sign-off like “Sincerely,” followed by your name. If you’re submitting a printed letter, leave space to sign above your typed name.

8. Proofread:  Review your letter for any spelling or grammatical errors.

Sample 1 application for leave in hostel

Subject: Application for Leave from Hostel

Dear Hostel Warden,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am [Your Full Name], residing in room number [Your Room Number] of [Hostel Name]. I'm writing to request your approval for a leave of absence from the hostel from [Start Date] to [End Date].

My requested leave is [specify the reason for your leave, such as attending a family function, medical reasons, personal matters, etc.]. This time away is necessary to address my obligations and ensure that I can continue my studies and hostel residency without any further distractions or concerns.

During my time away from the hostel, I will stay at [Address where you will be during your leave]. I can be reached at [Your Contact Number] or via email at [Your Email Address]. I have also informed my roommate(s) of my planned absence and taken the necessary steps to secure my belongings in our room.

I have managed my academic responsibilities to ensure my absence will not affect my studies. Upon my return, I will adhere to all hostel rules and regulations as before.

I request your understanding and approval of my leave application. I am prepared to provide any additional information or documentation required to process my request.

Thank you very much for considering my application. I look forward to your positive response.

Sample 2: application for leaving hostel permanently 

Subject: Application for Permanent Leave from Hostel

Dear [Hostel Warden's Name/Hostel Administration],

I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits. I am [Your Full Name], currently residing in room [Your Room Number] of [Hostel Name], enrolled in [Your Course/Program] with [University/College Name]. I am writing to formally request approval for my permanent leave from the hostel, effective from [Your Intended Leave Date].

This decision has not been made lightly; it is the result of [briefly mention your reason - could be due to graduating, transferring to another institution, personal reasons, health concerns, etc.]. After careful consideration, this is the best course of action for my personal and academic growth moving forward.

I have ensured that my room is in good condition and ready for inspection. Additionally, I will complete all necessary formalities required by the hostel administration for the leave process. This includes settling any outstanding dues and handing over the keys and any other hostel property in my possession.

I want to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude for the support and facilities provided during my stay at the hostel. It has been a valuable part of my academic journey. I have cherished the camaraderie and environment that [Hostel Name/University/College Name] offers its residents.

Please process my application for permanent leave and provide me with any documents needed to finalize this process. If there is any further information or specific procedures I need to follow, please let me know as soon as possible.

Thank you for your understanding and assistance in this matter. I look forward to your positive response and completing the necessary steps to ensure a smooth transition.

Warm regards,

Sample 3: leave application for hostel warden

Subject: Leave Application for Personal Reasons

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to inform you of my need to take a temporary leave from the hostel due to personal reasons. I am [Your Full Name], currently residing in room number [Your Room Number], and I am enrolled in [Your Course/Program] at [University/College Name].

I respectfully request leave from [Start Date] to [End Date]. During this period, I will be [briefly describe where you will be or what you will be doing, e.g., "returning home to attend to family matters"]. This time away is necessary to address these personal issues and return to my studies with complete focus and dedication.

Please rest assured that I have taken the following steps to ensure my responsibilities are managed during my absence:

  • [Briefly mention any arrangements you've made, such as informing your roommate, securing your belongings, etc.]
  • [If applicable, mention any academic arrangements you've made, such as informing professors or submitting assignments in advance.]

I understand the policies regarding leave from the hostel and assure you that I will adhere to all guidelines for rejoining the hostel on [Return Date]. Should you require any further information or documentation to process my leave request, please do not hesitate to contact me at [Your Contact Information].

I sincerely appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter. Thank you for considering my leave request. I look forward to your positive response and to resuming my hostel residency upon my return.

Sample 4: Application for going home from hostel

Subject: Request for Leave to Go Home

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am requesting permission to leave the hostel temporarily to go home. I, [Your Full Name], a resident of room [Your Room Number], need to return home due to [brief reason, e.g., family reasons, personal matters].

I will leave on [Start Date] and return by [End Date]. I have arranged with my roommate(s) to keep an eye on my belongings and ensure that all my academic responsibilities are current.

I appreciate your understanding and hope for a prompt approval of my request.

I appreciate your consideration.

Sample 5: leave application to hostel warden by parents

Subject: Leave Application for My Child

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to you as the parent of [Student’s Full Name], who is currently residing in room number [Room Number] at [Hostel Name]. We request permission for [Student's Name] to take leave from the hostel and return home briefly.

The reason for this request is [specify reason - could be a family event, health issue, or any other personal matter]. It is essential for [Student’s Name] to be with family during this time. We have planned for [him/her/them] to be away from [Start Date] to [End Date], ensuring that this will not disrupt [his/her/their] academic commitments.

We have discussed this with [Student’s Name], and [he/she/they] will be responsible for catching up on any missed work or assignments. [He/She/They] has also informed [his/her/their] roommates and will take all necessary precautions to secure [his/her/their] belongings before departure.

We assure you that we are committed to [Student's Name]'s safety and well-being during [his/her/their] journey and stay home. We will ensure that [he/she/they] returns to the hostel as scheduled.

Thank you for considering our request. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation. Please let us know if there are any forms we need to complete or if you require any further information.

Sample 6: application for leaving hostel permanently by parents

Subject: Application for Permanent Leave from Hostel for [Student’s Full Name]

I hope this letter finds you well. As the parents of [Student’s Full Name], currently residing in room [Room Number] at [Hostel Name], we are writing to formally request the approval of [his/her/their] permanent leave from the hostel.

After careful consideration and discussions as a family, we have concluded that it is in [Student’s Name]'s best interest to continue [his/her/their] studies from home for the remainder of [his/her/their] course. This decision has been influenced by [briefly mention the reason, e.g., health reasons, family circumstances, change in study mode].

We know the procedures for vacating the hostel and assure you that [Student’s Name] will adhere to all necessary protocols, including clearing [his/her/their] room, returning any hostel property, and settling any outstanding dues. We aim to complete the process efficiently and respectfully by [proposed move-out date].

We kindly request that you process this application as soon as possible and provide us with any additional steps we need to undertake. Your cooperation and understanding in facilitating this transition smoothly would be greatly appreciated.

Please do not hesitate to contact us at [Contact Information] should you require any further information or wish to discuss this matter in more detail.

Thank you for your attention to this request and all the support provided to [Student’s Name] during [his/her/their] time at the hostel.

Sample 7: hostel leave application for two days

Subject: Request for 2-Day Hostel Leave

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to request a two-day leave of absence from the hostel. I, [Your Full Name], currently residing in room number [Your Room Number], need this time off to [briefly state the reason, e.g., attend a family function, personal matters, medical appointment].

I will leave the hostel on [Start Date] and promise to return by [End Date]. During my absence, I have arranged with [Friend’s/Roommate’s Name] to look after my belongings. Rest assured, I have completed all my pending assignments and responsibilities to avoid inconvenience.

I'd like your approval of my leave request. Upon my return, I will adhere to the hostel rules and regulations.

Thank you for considering my request. Please let me know if you need any further information or documentation from me.

Sample 8: hostel leave application in hindi 

प्रिय [हॉस्टल वार्डन/प्रबंधक का नाम],

विषय: छुट्टी के लिए आवेदन पत्र

सादर प्रणाम,

मैं [आपका नाम], [कक्षा और सेक्शन] का छात्र/छात्रा, हॉस्टल के [कमरा संख्या] में निवास करता/करती हूं। मैं आपसे [छुट्टी की तारीख] से [छुट्टी की अंतिम तारीख] तक हॉस्टल से छुट्टी लेने की अनुमति मांगना चाहता/चाहती हूं।

छुट्टी का कारण यह है कि [छुट्टी लेने का कारण विस्तार से बताएं, जैसे कि पारिवारिक समारोह, मेडिकल इश्यू, या कोई अन्य वैध कारण]। मैंने अपने सभी अकादमिक कार्यों और असाइनमेंट्स को पूरा कर लिया है और मेरे अनुपस्थिति में किसी भी अकादमिक कार्यक्रम में कोई व्यवधान नहीं होगा।

मैं आपसे अनुरोध करता/करती हूं कि मेरे इस आवेदन को स्वीकार करते हुए मुझे उपरोक्त तारीखों के लिए छुट्टी प्रदान की जाए। मैं आपका आभारी रहूंगा/रहूंगी।

मैं आपको आश्वासन देता/देती हूं कि मैं छुट्टी समाप्त होने के बाद तत्काल हॉस्टल में वापस आ जाऊंगा/जाऊंगी और अपने अकादमिक और हॉस्टल संबंधित दायित्वों को बिना किसी व्यवधान के निभाऊंगा/निभाऊंगी।

कृपया मेरे इस आवेदन को स्वीकार करने की कृपा करें। मैं आपके सकारात्मक उत्तर की प्रतीक्षा में हूं।

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To write a leave application, you should include the following information: the reason for the leave, the dates of the leave, how you will keep in touch (if applicable), and a plan for catching up on any missed work.

You should submit your leave application as soon as you know that you need to take time off. This will allow your employer to plan accordingly and minimize disruption to the workplace.

This depends on your employer's policies and the specific reason for the leave.

In some cases, an unpaid leave of absence may be granted for personal or family reasons. However, it is best to discuss this with your employer to determine what is possible.

Yes, most employers are required to provide maternity and paternity leave to eligible employees. The specific terms of the leave, including the duration and whether it is paid or unpaid, may vary depending on the employer and the individual's situation.

Yes, employees who are called to active military duty are entitled to take a leave of absence for military service. The specific terms of the leave, including the duration and whether it is paid or unpaid, may vary depending on the employer and the individual's situation.

To request a leave of absence, you should first check with your employer to see what their policies and procedures are for taking time off. In most cases, you will need to submit a written request for leave to your supervisor or HR department. Be sure to include the reason for your leave, the dates you plan to be out, and any other relevant information.

Yes, in most cases you can take a leave of absence for personal reasons. However, the specific reasons for which you are allowed to take time off will vary depending on your employer's policies and the laws in your state. For example, some employers may allow you to take time off for personal reasons such as to care for a sick family member, while others may only permit leaves for medical reasons.

Whether your benefits will continue while you are on leave will depend on the specific policies of your employer and the laws in your state. In some cases, your employer may continue to provide benefits such as health insurance and paid time off during your leave, while in other cases, you may need to pay for these benefits yourself or they may be suspended during your leave.

Whether you will have to pay taxes on your leave pay will depend on the specific type of leave you are taking and the laws in your country.

For example, if you are taking a leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) in the US, the pay you receive during your leave may be tax-free.

However, if you are taking a personal leave of absence without pay, you will not receive any pay and therefore will not have to pay taxes on it.


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Hostel Leave Application | Format and Sample Letters

Are you thinking of going home for the weekend? Do you have to write a leave application? Do not worry. We have got you covered. Learn how to write a hostel leave application by going through the sample leave applications for hostels.

Table of Contents

How to write a hostel leave application, sample application for leave in hostel to go home for the weekend, sample leave application for hostel for sister’s wedding, sample hostel leave application in english, frequently asked questions on hostel leave application.

Writing a hostel leave application can be a time-to-time affair for a hostelite. It should be written in the format of a formal letter and is almost similar to a regular leave application. You need not write the sender’s address as you would mostly hand it over to the hostel warden directly. You can start with the date on which the letter is written, followed by the receiver’s address. State the purpose of your letter in the subject line. Use a proper salutation to start the body of your letter. Explain why you are writing the letter, how many days you would require leave and when you would be back. You can end the letter with your signature and full name in capital letters.

Sample Hostel Leave Applications

Have a look at the different samples of hostel leave applications to have a better idea of how you can write one on your own.

February 2, 2022

St Anne’s Girls Hostel

Raghavendra Mahal Road


Chennai – 600012

Subject: Leave application to go home for the weekend

Dear Ma’am,

I am Seetha Suresh, a final year student of BSc Chemistry with the ID number 18PEL54. I stay in Room no. F2. I am writing this letter to request you to permit me to go home for two days (5/2/2022 – 6/2/2022). I will be back to the hostel on Monday morning (7/2/2022).

Yours sincerely,

Signature of the student


III Year BSc Chemistry

January 25, 2022

Sri Krishna College New Hostel

B K Pudur, Sugunapuram East

Coimbatore – 641008

Subject: Requesting leave for two weeks

I am Ann Jose, and I am a 2nd year student of BSc Computer Science. My roll number is 12BSC04, and I stay in Room No. 12 B. As I had informed earlier, I require leave for two weeks for my sister’s wedding, starting from the 29 th of January to the 13 th of February, 2022.

I request you to kindly do the needful and grant me leave.

Thank you very much.

II Year BSc Computer Science

December 20, 2021

The Indian Public School Boys Hostel

No.10/720, Park Avenue, Arulpuram (P.O.)

Palladam Road,

Tirupur – 641604

Subject: Requesting permission to go home

I am Derrick Wilson, and I am a full-boarder student. I am writing this letter to inform you that I will be going home to Sri Lanka for the Christmas holidays. I will be leaving on the 22 nd of December, 2021 and will return to school only after Pongal (18/01/2022). I have already taken permission from my Class Teacher and Coordinator.

I would be grateful if you sanction the leave and provide me with the permission slip tomorrow (21/12/2021) so that I can submit it to the office.

Thank you in advance.


Room No. 456

Check out Letter Writing to understand the format of formal and informal letters . Also, check out Application for TC by Parents , Letter to Principal for TC, Application for Full Fee Concession in School , Permission Letter and Application for Character Certificate .

How can I write a hostel leave application?

Dear Sir, I am Derrick Wilson, and I am a full-boarder student. I am writing this letter to inform you that I will be going home to Sri Lanka for the Christmas holidays. I will be leaving on the 22nd of December, 2021 and will return to school only after Pongal (18/01/2022). I have already taken permission from my Class Teacher and Coordinator. I would be grateful if you sanction the leave and provide me with the permission slip tomorrow (21/12/2021) so that I can submit it to the office. Thank you in advance.

What is the format of a hostel leave application?

A hostel leave application can be written in the format of a formal letter. It is usually addressed to the hostel warden. Make sure you mention your name, class or course, roll number and room number so that it would be easier for the hostel management to record your absence.

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A formal request for permission to leave a hostel for a predetermined amount of time is known as a hostel leave application, and it is submitted by a resident or student. It is a formal document that contains information on the purpose of the leave, the departure date, the anticipated return date, and any necessary supporting documentation. The application gives the hostel administration the crucial data they need to effectively manage the resources of the hostel and guarantee the residents’ safety and security.

Continue reading to learn more about drafting an application letter for a hostel.

Table of Content

What is a Hostel Leave Application?

What makes a hostel leave application necessary, how should a hostel leave application be written, hostel leave application: format, hostel leave application template, sample applications for hostel leave, application for hostel leave, hostel leave application in english, application for leaving hostel permanently, leave application for hostel warden, leave application to hostel warden by parents, leave application for going home from hostel, application for leaving hostel permanently by parents, leave application for hostel students.

A student or resident residing in a hostel files an official application to the hostel administration asking to be allowed to leave the hostel for a predetermined amount of time. The application should contain the following information: the purpose for the leave, the date of departure, the anticipated return date, and any necessary supporting documentation.

You could have to leave the hostel where you are staying for work or personal reasons. In these situations, you must apply for hostel leave in advance and notify the hostel administration. An official request for a leave of absence, including the cause for the leave, the length of the leave, and the date of return, is made to the hostel authorities through an application. This aids in the authorities’ effective resource management and guarantees the residents’ safety and security within the hostel.

There are actions you must do in order to write the ideal hostel application. Go over the following instructions to grasp the steps.

  • Start off by wishing the hostel administration a courteous greeting.
  • Explain your departure from the hostel.
  • Mention when you plan to go and when you anticipate returning.
  • Give any relevant information, including your contact details and emergency contacts.
  • Please affix any necessary supporting documentation, such as medical records or airline tickets.
  • Add your signature and a kind note to close.

It’s critical to comprehend the letter structure in order to write an application for hotel leave that is flawless. We have given you the letter’s format so that you may comprehend it better. See it to learn more.

(1) Name and address of the person: Put your complete name and address at the top left corner of the application page. In case the hostel administration need to get in touch with you, this helps them identify you.

(2) When was the application written?: In the upper right corner of the page, write the date that you are writing the application. This makes it easier for the hostel administration to ascertain when your application was filed.

(3) Name and address of the hostel: In the following line, provide the hostel’s name and address. This facilitates the identification of the hostel by the authorities.

(4) Salutation to the hostel authorities: Start the application by wishing the hostel officials a pleasant day. As an illustration, “Dear Hostel Warden” or “Respected Sir/Madam.”

(5) Give a brief explanation of your departure from the hostel: Give a succinct and unambiguous explanation of the cause. This will facilitate a better understanding of the situation by the authorities.

(6) The departure date and the anticipated return date: Mention the day you intend to check out of the hostel and the anticipated time you will be back. This will assist the authorities in effectively allocating the hostel’s resources.

(7) Supporting documentation: If necessary, enclose any paperwork to back up your decision to leave the hostel, such as airline tickets or medical certifications. This aids in the authorities’ ability to confirm the legitimacy of your request.

(8) Contact details and emergency contacts: Give the authorities your contact details, such as your phone number and email address, so they can get in touch with you if necessary. In case of an emergency, include emergency contact information as well.

(9) E nd the application with a kind remark and signature, expressing your gratitude to the authorities for their consideration of your request. Put your complete name on the application and date it. This aids in the authorities’ ability to confirm the application’s legitimacy.

[Your Name] [Your Hostel Name] [Your Hostel Address] [City, State Zip Code] [Country] [Date] [Hostel Warden’s Name] [Hostel Warden’s Position] [Hostel Name] [Hostel Address] [City, State Zip Code] [Country] Subject: [Explain the reason for the letter, e.g., “Leave Application for Hostel Warden” or “Application for Leave in Hostel”] Dear [Name of Hostel Warden], I would like to request a leave of absence for my son or daughter [Student’s Name] from [Hostel Name] because of [explain the reason for the leave, e.g., an academic or personal emergency, medical issues, or other circumstances]. Our departure date from the hostel is [Start Date], and our return date is [End Date]. Please find the details of the leave application below: Name of the student: [Student’s Name] Room number: [Room Number] Contact number: [Contact Number] Reason for leave: [Reason for Leave] Duration of leave: [Start Date] to [End Date] Name of roommate: [Roommate’s Name] I promise that when my child returns, he or she will follow all rules and procedures of the hostel. We have plans in place to ensure that his or her possessions are secure while they are away. I appreciate your cooperation and understanding. Kindly notify us if you require any additional details or explanation Sincerely, [Your Name]

You must have a solid understanding of the samples in order to comprehend composing the letter. We have included some samples below for your better understanding; please review them.

Mahi Desanjh Airya Women’s Hostel Navil Sangvi, Pune -019 22 October 2022, Hostel Warden Airya Women’s Hostel Navil Sangvi, Pune -019 Subject: Application for Hostel Leave Dear [Hostel Warden’s Name], I’m writing to [Hostel Name] to ask for a leave of absence because of [explain why you need the leave, such as a personal or family emergency, a medical condition, or an obligation to your studies]. I have [Start Date] until [End Date] free to spend away from the hostel. I’ll make sure to get back to the hostel as quickly as I can. I’ve already arranged for the safekeeping of my possessions and told my flatmate of my leave. I promise to follow the policies and procedures of the hostel when I return because I am aware of them. Sincerely, Mahi Desanjh
Mahi Desai  Arya Women’s Hostel Navi Sangvi, Pune -09  22 October 2022,  Hostel Warden  Arya Women’s Hostel Navi Sangvi, Pune -09  Subject: Hostel Leave Application in English  Dear [Hostel Warden’s Name],  I am writing to request a leave of absence from [Hostel Name] due to [state your reason for leave, such as personal or family emergency, medical reasons, or academic purposes]. I plan to be away from the hostel from [Start Date] to [End Date]. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.  I have informed my roommate about my leave and made arrangements for the safekeeping of my belongings. I assure you that I will abide by the hostel policies and regulations upon my return.  Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.  Sincerely, Mahi Desai
Mahi Desanjh Airya Women’s Hostel Navil Sangvi, Pune -019 22 October 2022, Hostel Warden Airya Women’s Hostel Navil Sangvi, Pune -019 Subject: Application for Leaving Hostel Permanently Dear [Hostel Warden’s Name], I’m writing to let you know that I will be permanently departing [Hostel Name] for [explain why you’re going, including any financial hardships, personal reasons, or more suitable housing possibilities]. My intention is to depart on [Date]. I’ve already returned the room keys and paid off all of my debts to the hostel management. I’ll make sure the room is empty before I go. I am grateful for the services the hostel has offered me while I’ve been here, and I promise to follow all rules and guidelines until I leave. I appreciate your cooperation and understanding. Sincerely, Mahi Desanjh
Mahi Desanjh Airya Women’s Hostel Navil Sangvi, Pune -019 22 October 2022, Hostel Warden Airya Women’s Hostel Navil Sangvi, Pune -019 Subject: Leave Application for Hostel Warden Dear [Hostel Warden’s Name], I’m writing to [Hostel Name] to ask for a leave of absence because of [explain why you need the leave, such as a personal or family emergency, a medical condition, or an obligation to your studies]. I have [Start Date] until [End Date] free to spend away from the hostel. For any inconvenience this may have caused, I apologise. I’ve arranged for the safekeeping of my possessions and told my flatmate of my leave. If you could give me permission to take this leave, it would be greatly appreciated I appreciate all of your time and thought. Sincerely, Mahi Desanjh
Mahi Desanjh Airya Women’s Hostel Navil Sangvi, Pune -019 22 October 2022, Hostel Warden Airya Women’s Hostel Navil Sangvi, Pune -019 Subject: Leave Application to Hostel Warden by Parents Dear [Hostel Warden’s Name], I’m writing to [Hostel Name] to request a leave of absence for my son/daughter [Student’s Name] because [explain the reason for leave, such as an academic or personal emergency, medical issues, or other obligations]. On [Date], I intend to bring my child home from the hostel and bring him/her back on [Date]. I promise that my child will follow the rules and policies of the hostel when they return. I am aware of them. I appreciate all of your time and thought. Sincerely, Mahi Desanjh
Mahi Desanjh Airya Women’s Hostel Navil Sangvi, Pune -019 22 October 2022, Hostel Warden Airya Women’s Hostel Navil Sangvi, Pune -019 Subject: Leave Application for Going Home from Hostel Dear [Hostel Warden’s Name], I’m writing to [Hostel Name] to ask for a leave of absence because I intend to return home for [explain the reason for leave, such as an urgent personal or family matter, a medical condition, or academic obligations]. I’ll be checking out of the hostel on [Date] and coming back on [Date]. I’ve arranged for the safekeeping of my possessions and told my flatmate of my leave. I promise to follow the rules and procedures of the hostel when I get back. I appreciate all of your time and thought. Sincerely, Mahi Desanjh
Mahi Desanjh Airya Women’s Hostel Navil Sangvi, Pune -019 22 October 2022, Hostel Warden Airya Women’s Hostel Navil Sangvi, Pune -019 Subject: Application for Leaving Hostel Permanently by Parents Dear [Hostel Warden’s Name], I’m writing to let you know that [student’s name] will be permanently departing [Hostel Name] because of [explain why they’re going, such as better options for housing, personal reasons, or budgetary restraints]. It is our intention to depart on [Date]. I am grateful for the services the hostel has offered my child while they are here, and I promise that they will follow the rules and policies of the hostel until they leave. I appreciate all of your time and thought. Sincerely, Mahi Desanjh
Mahi Desanjh Airya Women’s Hostel Navil Sangvi, Pune -019 22 October 2022, Hostel Warden Airya Women’s Hostel Navil Sangvi, Pune -019 Subject: Leave Application for Hostel Students Dear [Hostel Warden’s Name], I’m writing to [Hostel Name] to request a leave of absence because of [explain the reason for the leave, such as an urgent personal or family matter, a medical condition, or educational obligations]. I have [Start Date] until [End Date] free to spend away from the hostel. I’ve arranged for the safekeeping of my possessions and told my flatmate of my leave. I promise to follow the rules and procedures of the hostel when I get back. I appreciate all of your time and thought. Sincerely, Mahi Desanjh
Also Read: How to Write an Office Leave Application? Leave Application for Fever For School: Format, Sample

Hostel Leave Application- FAQs

What is an application for hostel leave.

A formal request for a student to take a leave of absence from the hostel for a predetermined amount of time is known as a hostel leave application, and it is submitted by the student or their parents to the hostel warden.

Who should submit an application for a hostel leave?

Depending on the student’s age and the hostel’s regulations, either the student or their parents/guardians may submit an application for a leave of absence.

What details must to included on an application for a hostel leave?

The purpose of the leave, the dates of departure and return, contact information, and any other pertinent information, such the student’s room number and roommate, should all be included in a hostel leave application.

How should a request for a hostel departure be made?

In accordance with the hostel’s regulations, an application for a leave of absence must be sent to the warden in advance by the proper method, such as an online portal, email, or letter. A copy of the application should be saved for future use.

Why is it required to apply for a hostel leave?

To notify the hostel warden of a student’s absence from the hostel and to request permission for the same, a hostel leave application is required. It aids in the administration of the hostel in monitoring the students and guaranteeing their security.

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Application for Leaving Hostel Permanently, or for The Time Being

Sample application letter to request the hostel warden or school principal to leave the hostel permanently with clearance of dues. We provided applications to leave the hostel permanently or temporarily. You can write your own by using our templates.

Application for Leave Hostel and Refund of Security

Dear Hostel Wardon,

I want to notify you That I have completed my studies. And I don’t have to stay in a hostel anymore. Therefore, I request you to return my deposited security. I will be thankful to you.

Sincerely Yours,

Write an Application to the Principal for not Staying in Hostel (Sample 1)

Dear Principal,

I no longer live in the school hostel. I request you to remove the hostel fee from my school fee and return my hostel security. I will be grateful to you.

Write an Application to the Principal for not Staying in Hostel (Sample 2)

This is to inform you that currently, I am not living in school boarding. I request you to please remove my name from boarding and remove all the boarding charges from my fees. I will be thankful to you.

Your Name and Registration Details

Leave Hostel After Completing Studies/Degree/Diploma

I, (Name), have completed my studies ; now I want to move to another place for employment purposes. Therefore, I request you to please clear my hostel and mess dues and refund my security deposit as soon as possible. I hope you will oblige my request.

(Your Name)

Notice Letter For Vacating Company Residence/Hostel with Job Ends

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to notify you that I am leaving company residence /hostel from (Date) because I resigned with a notice. Thank you very much for providing a great living environment. I really appreciate your food and cleanliness services. Please clear my dues, utilities, food bills asap, and issue my clearance letter.

Hostel Leaving Permanently Application Letter to Principal

I (Your Name) writing to inform you that my degree is completed from college, and now I am moving back to my home town/home country/home city permanently.

I request you to please refund my hostel security deposit (amount). My clearance form duly signed by all the concerned is attached. I hope you will oblige my request as soon as possible.

Request Letter to The Warden for Vacating Hostel, and Need Dues Clearance

The Head Accommodations, KVC Hostels

Nagyar, India

Sir, my name is Jayandar Singh, and I have been living at your hostel in Tarag Colony for the past 4 months. I am fully pleased with all of your hostel’s services, and I have never had any issue with any of the staff. The hostel is in the perfect location and has all the necessities and luxuries that one needs. My parents have been living abroad for the last 6 years, but now they are shifting back to India, so basically, I am supposed to shift back to my house. Kindly accept this letter as my notice for leaving the hostel permanently. I am despondent that I will be leaving all of my friends and the kind hostel staff who made my stay here feels like home. I will remember you in prayers and will surely recommend everyone to stay at your hostel if needed. Thank you.

Jayandar Singh

Sample Application for Leaving Hostel, and Dues Clearance

To, The warden, Girls Hostel,

Dear madam,

With due respect, I stated that I am a student, and my family has shifted to Lahore from Islamabad, and now I am planning to move to my house in Lahore. It’s been a great time at your hostel, but now I have to move as my family is also insisting on me. So I shall be really thankful if you clear all my dues and give me written permission to leave.

Yours obediently

Example Application for Leaving Hostel Permanently

To, The Administrator,

Scholars University,

This is to notify you that I have been studying here for the last couple of years, and currently, I’m a student of M.Com final year.

As I belonged to another city so, from the beginning, I availed the hostel facility provided by the institution. However, my family has just recently shifted to the same city, so there is no more requirement of the hostel for me at the moment.

As I have already paid the dues for the full year just a few months back, I would like to request a refund of the remaining amount per the institution’s refund policy.

It was a pleasant stay in the hostel, and your office has been very cooperative and caring throughout.

Yours Sincerely,

Nadeem, Room #00

Request Letter To Leave Boarding Facility Permanently Due To Health Issues & Unhygienic Food

I am writing to inform you that I will leave the school boarding facility next month. It is just because of very unhygienic and tasteless food . I am suffering from food poisoning, and my health is becoming low day by day. My parents want me to change my boarding outside due to this issue. Improve the quality of food; otherwise, no one will be going to stay in your hostel.

Take this thing positive, and improve the quality.

(Your Name & Room #00)

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3 thoughts on “Application for Leaving Hostel Permanently, or for The Time Being”

Application to leave the hostel for matriculation exam and return back when admitted to class 11

here it is: https://semioffice.com/student-applications/application-to-leave-hostel-temporarily/

All this post really helped me to write application to hostel warden before leaving hostel permanently. thanks a lot for post !

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Application to Hostel Warden for Going Home from Hostel

Whenever the hostel students want to visit their home, then they should inform their hostel warden for permission. Only after approval of the warden, students are allowed to take leave. The application to the hostel warden can be written by either the student or parents.

Here are some examples of application formats you can submit to your hostel warden when you want to go home.

How to Write Leave Application to Hostel Warden for Going Home

  • Reason for visiting home : The request must contain the reason for the home visit. Students should be sincere about their reasons because the hostel wardens are responsible for the student’s activities.
  • No of leaves : State the exact number of days you wish to leave the hostel. Specify the start date and end date on the application.
  • Keep it Simple & polite : Keep the application simple and make a polite request to your hostel warden.

Application to Hostel Warden for Going Home

To The Warden, MCR Girls Hostel, Dilsukh Nagar, Hyderabad-500060.

Sub: Request to visit the home for 10 days .

Dear Madam, 

I am Kaveri Padala , staying in room no 107 in the hostel. Because of some family emergencies, I have to go home for 10 days from 10 Sep 2022 to 19 Sep 2022 .

My father will contact you for permission or you can also contact him at his mobile number 9452XXXX60 for confirmation.

I will return to the hotel on the morning of 20 Sep 2022  i.e on Monday. So please allow me to go home.

I shall be thankful to you.

Sincerely, Kaveri Padala, Room no 107, Mobile no. 9454XXXX50.

Sample application to hostel warden to go home from hostel

Application to Hostel Warden by Parents

To The Hostel Warden, Rishita Ladies Hostel,  Visakhapatnam,  Andhra Pradesh.

Sub: Request to send my son/daughter home for 10 days .

Respected Madam,

My name is Ravi Kumar , Sruthi Ponnala’s father who is staying in room number 101 in your hostel. Because of a family function, we want my child to come home and spend 10 days . So please allow my daughter to visit our house between 10 Sep 2022   and 19 Sep 2022.

She will be returning to the hostel on 20 Sep 2022 morning. Please contact me on my mobile at 8525XXXX50 for any further information. 

Thanking you.

Regards, Ravi Kumar.

Application to hostel warden by parents

Permission Letter to Hostel Warden (When Parent’s Heal Condition is Not Good)

To  The Warden, Hostel Name. Hostel Address.

Sub: Request for __ days permission to go home

Dear Madam/Sir,

I am [student name] , from room no……… and I ask you to grant me… days off to visit my house because my mom’s health is not good.

I must take care of her in this situation, so let me go home for… days starting from [start date] to [end date] . I will be back at the hostel on [expected return date] .

Please contact my father for any further information at his mobile number 7451XXXX50 .

I hope you grant me permission.

Sincerely, Your name. Room no ….., Mobile no.

Application to Hostel Warden to Attend Sister Marriage

To The Warden, Hostel Name, Hostel Address.

Sub: Permission for sister’s wedding.

My name is [student name] staying in room no.… My sister’s wedding date is the 5th of this month . I need to go home to attend the wedding. I, therefore, ask that you grant me five days’ permission from 11 Sep 2022 to 15 Sep 2022 to attend this wedding.

I’m giving you my father’s mobile number 9154XXX50 for your confirmation.

Therefore, please approve my request. I will be grateful for that.

Regards, Student name, Room no. …, Mobile number.

Hostel Leave Application for Summer Vacation

My name is Satish Konuru and I recently completed intermediate first-year final exams. So I want to visit my hometown for summer vacation. I would therefore ask you to give me 10 days’ permission from 15 Sep 2022 to 25 Sep 2022 . If I miss it, I will lose my chance to go home because the NEET exam classes will begin after two weeks.

I will immediately come back to the hotel on the morning of September 26, 2022.

Therefore please consider my request.

Sincerely, Student name, Room no. …, Mobile number.

Hostel  Leave application for Health Issue

Sub: Application to go home for 10 days due to health problem.

Respected Sir/Madam,

My name is Ravi Sahu , staying in room number 201 . For two days I’ve had a terrible stomach ache. Even when I met the doctor here, my stomach pain didn’t go away. My parents want me to come to my hometown for treatment.

So I request permission to go home for one week, from 15 Sep 2022 to 21 Sep 2022 . I will return on 22 Sep 2022 in the morning.

Please accept my request.

Hostel Leave Application for 2 Days

Sub: Request for 2 days’ permission to go home.

My name is Lavanya Behra ,  staying in room number 301 . Due to some personal reasons, I want to go home for two days i.e on 10 Sep 2022 & 11 Sep 2022 . My parents are also asking me to come. So please allow me to go to my home. I will return to the hostel on Monday morning.

Please contact my parents at 9145XXXX50 for confirmation.

I hope you approve my request.

Hostel leave application for 2 days

Permanent Leave Application for Hostel

Sub: Application for vacating hostel.

Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is Kishore Yadav , I have been staying in the hostel for the last two years. Currently staying in room 302 . I want to vacate the hostel as I have finished my education.

I am always indebted to your services. I will be vacating the hostel on 05 September 2022 .

I have already paid the whole hostel fee. Let me know if there remains a balance.

Once again, thank you very much.

1. How to write a hostel leave application?

My name is Soumya Behra , in room 201 . Due to some family reasons, I have to go to my home this month, i. e. From 02 Sep 22 to 05 Sep 22. So please give me your permission. My parents will call you to confirm as well.

2 . What is the best format for a hostel leave application?

You can use any simple formal letter format. But make sure you are putting all the rqiure information like your name, room number, no of days, etc.

3. Who should write a hostel leave application parent or student?

If you are leaving the hostel for a shorter duration like 1-2 days, then the letter by the student will be enough. If the leave is for long days, the parents must confirm the leave by letter or by phone to the hostel warden. But each hostel has its own rules.

4. Can the hostel warden deny my request to go home?

Yes, they have the right. Without any confirmation from your parents and principal, they do not let students leave the hostel.


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Hostel Leave Application with Format and Samples

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Table of Contents

Hostel Leave Application

Hostel life, often a crucial part of a student’s journey, comes with its own set of rules and responsibilities. While it offers a unique environment for learning and personal growth, there are times when students need to step out of the hostel temporarily. A hostel leave application is your key to a smooth absence from your hostel. Whether it’s a brief leave of a few days, a permanent situation, or specific circumstances like health issues or family emergencies.

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How to Write a Hostel Leave Application

Writing a hostel leave application is a straightforward process, but it requires attention to detail and clarity to ensure it is well-received and promptly approved. Here’s a step-by-step guide.

  • Heading: Begin with the heading “Hostel Leave Application.”
  • Date: On the left-hand side below the heading, write the date when you are composing the application.
  • To (Recipient’s Name): Address the application to the appropriate authority, whether it’s the Hostel Warden or School Principal . Use the relevant recipient’s name in this section. For example: “ To the Hostel Warden .”
  • Subject Line: Include a subject line to convey the purpose clearly. For example: “ Request for Leave from Hostel .”
  • Salutation: Begin with a respectful salutation such as “Dear Sir/Madam” or “Respected [Recipient’s Name].”
  • Introduction: In the opening paragraph, mention your name, room number, and course or grade. Example: “I am [Your Name], residing in Room [Your Room Number], pursuing [Your Course/Grade].”
  • Reason for Leave: Clearly state the reason for your leave. Be concise and specific. “I am writing to request leave from the hostel due to [State the Reason: health issues, a family emergency, a personal matter, etc.].”
  • Leave Duration: Specify the exact dates for your leave, including the start and end date. Example: “I would like to request leave from [Start Date] to [End Date].”
  • Contact Information: Provide your contact details in case the authorities need to reach you during your leave. Include your phone number and email address.
  • Any Additional Information: If there are any additional details you need to convey, such as medical certificates or any arrangements you’ve made for your absence, include them in a brief, clear manner.
  • Closi ng: Express gratitude for considering your request. Use closing phrases like “Thank you for your understanding and approval in advance.”
  • Signature: Sign the application by hand if it’s a physical copy. If it’s an email or digital submission, type your name.

Application for Leaving Hostel Permanently

Hostel Leave Application Format

Writing a hostel leave application in the correct format is essential to ensure that your request is clear and professional. Below is a structured format for your hostel leave application:

(Your Name) (Your Hostel Room Number) (Your Contact Information – Phone Number and Email, if applicable) (Today’s Date)

To (Recipient’s Name – Hostel Warden/Principal) (Hostel Name) (School/College Name)

Subject: Request for Hostel Leave Application

Dear (Recipient’s Name),

I, (Your Name), a resident of Room [Your Room Number] in [Hostel Name], am writing to formally request a leave of absence from the hostel. I am currently pursuing [Your Course/Grade] at [School/College Name].

The purpose of my leave is due to (State the Reason for Leave: health issues, a family emergency, or personal matters) that require my immediate attention. Therefore, I kindly request your approval for leave from [Start Date] to [End Date].

During my absence, I can be reached at (Provide Contact Details – Phone Number and Email), should there be any need for communication.

(If applicable, mention any additional details or arrangements you have made for your absence, such as submitting a medical certificate or notifying your roommate.)

I would like to express my gratitude for your understanding and approval of my leave request. I understand the importance of adhering to the hostel’s rules and regulations, and I assure you that I will abide by all necessary procedures during my absence.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your positive response.

(Your Signature)

Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Hostel Leave Application

Writing a hostel leave application is a formal process that requires careful attention to detail. Avoiding common mistakes ensures that your application is clear, respectful, and more likely to be approved. Below are some key mistakes to steer clear of:

  • Vague Reasons: Avoid providing unclear or vague reasons for your leave. Instead, clearly state the specific cause, such as “health issues,” “family emergency,” or “personal matters,” to ensure transparency.
  • Incomplete Contact Information: Avoid omitting essential contact details. Provide your phone number and email address for effective communication during your absence.
  • Ignoring Formal Structure: Avoid disregarding the formal structure of a leave application. Stick to the format, including the heading, recipient’s name, subject line, and a polite salutation, as outlined in the “ Hostel Leave Application Format ” section.
  • Lack of Specific Dates: Avoid not specifying the exact dates of your leave. Clearly mention both the start and end dates to avoid confusion.
  • Grammatical Errors: Avoid submitting an application with grammatical or spelling errors. Proofread your application carefully before submitting it.
  • Neglecting Additional Details: Avoid neglecting any additional details or documents required for your leave, such as a medical certificate. Mention them clearly if applicable.
  • Impersonal Tone: Avoid writing in an overly formal or impersonal tone. Be respectful but maintain a polite and friendly tone throughout your application.
  • Failure to Sign (if physical copy): Avoid forgetting to sign the application if you’re submitting a physical copy. A signature adds a personal touch to your request.
  • Not Adhering to Hostel Rules: Avoid failing to acknowledge and adhere to the rules and regulations of the hostel. Express your commitment to following these guidelines during your leave.
  • Last-Minute Submission: Avoid waiting until the last minute to submit your application . Submit it well in advance to allow for proper processing.
  • Not Following Up: Avoid assuming that your application will be automatically approved. If you don’t receive a response within a reasonable timeframe, consider following up politely.

Different Types of Hostel Leave Application Samples

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Hostel Leave Application in English

(Your Name) (Your Hostel Room Number) (Today’s Date)

Subject: Request for Hostel Leave in English

I, (Your Name), a resident of Room (Your Room Number) in (Hostel Name), am writing to formally request a leave of absence from the hostel. I am currently pursuing (Your Course/Grade) at (School/College Name).

The purpose of my leave is due to (State the Reason for Leave: health issues, a family emergency, or personal matters) that require my immediate attention. Therefore, I kindly request your approval for leave from (Start Date) to (End Date).

Application for Leaving Hostel Permanently

Subject: Request for Leaving Hostel Permanently

I, (Your Name), a resident of Room (Your Room Number) in (Hostel Name), am writing to formally request permission to leave the hostel permanently. I am currently pursuing (Your Course/Grade) at (School/College Name).

After careful consideration and due to (State the Reason for Leaving Permanently, e.g., change of residence, completion of studies, or personal circumstances), I have decided to discontinue my stay in the hostel.

I understand the importance of adhering to the necessary procedures for permanent departure. I kindly request your guidance and assistance in this matter.

Please let me know the steps and formalities involved in the permanent departure process, including any check-out procedures, clearances, or formal documentation required. I am committed to completing all necessary procedures promptly and in accordance with the hostel’s rules and regulations.

I would like to express my gratitude for your understanding and assistance in this matter. Your guidance in ensuring a smooth transition from the hostel will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your response and further instructions regarding the process of leaving the hostel permanently.

Hostel Leave Application for 2 Days

Subject: Request for 2-Day Hostel Leave

I, (Your Name), a resident of Room (Your Room Number) in (Hostel Name), am writing to formally request a brief leave of absence from the hostel. I am currently pursuing (Your Course/Grade) at (School/College Name).

The purpose of my leave is to address a (State the Reason for Leave: personal matter, family event, or any specific reason) that requires my presence outside the hostel. Therefore, I kindly request your approval for a 2-day leave, commencing from (Start Date) and concluding on (End Date).

I assure you that I will adhere to all necessary procedures and responsibilities before and after my leave, ensuring a smooth process in line with the hostel’s rules and regulations.

I would like to express my gratitude for your understanding and approval of my 2-day leave request. I understand the importance of complying with the hostel’s guidelines and policies and will ensure that all necessary arrangements are made.

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Leave Application to Hostel Warden

To Hostel Warden’s Name (Hostel Name) (School/College Name)

Subject: Leave Application to Hostel Warden

Dear Hostel Warden’s Name,

I understand the importance of adhering to the hostel’s rules and regulations and the role of the hostel warden in maintaining discipline. I assure you that I will abide by all necessary procedures during my absence.

I would like to express my gratitude for your understanding and approval of my leave request. Your consideration of my circumstances is greatly appreciated.

Also Check: How to Write Application

Application for Leaving Hostel

Subject: Application for Leaving Hostel

Application to Warden for Going Home

Subject: Request for Leave and Permission to Go Home

I, (Your Name), a resident of Room (Your Room Number) in (Hostel Name), am writing to formally request permission to leave the hostel temporarily and return home. I am currently pursuing (Your Course/Grade) at (School/College Name).

The reason for my request is (State the Reason for Leave: health issues, a family emergency, or personal matters), which requires my immediate attention at home. Therefore, I kindly request your approval for leave from (Start Date) to (End Date) to facilitate my visit home.

Leave Application for Hostel Warden

Subject: Leave Application for Hostel Warden

Also Check: Leave Application for Exam

Application to Warden for Leaving Hostel

Subject: Request for Leaving Hostel

I would like to express my gratitude for your understanding and approval of my leave request. Your guidance in ensuring a smooth transition from the hostel will be greatly appreciated.

Application for Leaving Hostel for a Few Days

Subject: Request for Temporary Leave from Hostel

I, (Your Name), a resident of Room (Your Room Number) in (Hostel Name), am writing to formally request permission for temporary leave from the hostel. I am currently pursuing (Your Course/Grade) at (School/College Name).

The purpose of my leave is due to (State the Reason for Leave: health issues, personal matters, or other specific reasons) that require my brief absence from the hostel. Therefore, I kindly request your approval for leave from (Start Date) to (End Date).

During my temporary absence, I can be reached at (Provide Contact Details – Phone Number and Email), should there be any need for communication.

Tips for Writing Hostel Leave Application

  • Address the Right Authority: Ensure you address the leave application to the appropriate authority, such as the hostel warden or principal.
  • Use a Formal Format: Follow a formal letter format, including your contact details, the date, the recipient’s name and designation, and a subject line.
  • Be Concise: Keep your application concise and to the point. Avoid unnecessary details or lengthy explanations.
  • State the Reason Clearly: Clearly mention the reason for your leave, whether it’s due to health issues, a family emergency, academic requirements, or personal matters.
  • Specify Dates: Include the start and end dates of your leave to provide a clear timeline for your absence.
  • Provide Contact Information: Include your contact details in case the authorities need to reach you during your absence.
  • Follow Hostel Rules: Assure the recipient that you will adhere to all necessary procedures and responsibilities before and after your leave.
  • Express Gratitude: Be polite and express gratitude for considering your request.
  • Proofread: Before submitting your application, proofread it for errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
  • Keep It Simple: Write in a clear and straightforward manner, avoiding unnecessary jargon or complexity.

Frequently Asked Questions on Hostel Leave Application

How do i write an application for leave hostel.

To write an application for leave from the hostel, address it to the hostel warden or relevant authority. Mention your reason for leaving, the dates, and your contact details. Keep it polite and straightforward.

What is the best reason to leave a hostel?

The best reasons to leave a hostel include personal emergencies, health issues, family matters, or academic requirements. Ensure your reason is genuine and important.

How to write an application for hostel seat in college?

To request a hostel seat in college, write a formal application to the college administration. Include your personal details, course information, and reasons for needing a hostel seat.

How to write an application letter for hostel?

When writing an application letter for a hostel, address it to the hostel warden or management. Clearly state your purpose, provide necessary information, and be polite in your request.

How do I write a hostel leave application?

Compose a hostel leave application by addressing it to the hostel warden. Mention your reason for leaving, specify the dates, and include your contact details. Keep it concise and respectful.

How do I leave my application for 2 days in hostel?

To request a 2-day leave from the hostel, write an application to the warden. Explain the reason, specify the dates, and provide your contact information. Be clear and concise.

How do you ask for 2 days leave?

Politely ask for a 2-day leave by writing an application to the relevant authority. State your reason, the dates you'll be absent, and your contact details for communication.

How do I apply to leave hostel for one day?

To apply for a one-day leave from the hostel, write a brief application to the hostel warden. Clearly explain the reason, date of departure and return, and provide your contact information.

How to write a letter to the principal for seeking admission in school hostel?

Write a formal letter to the school principal requesting admission to the school hostel. Include your personal details, course information, and reasons for needing hostel accommodation.

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Hostel Leave Application

Are you a student living in a hostel far from your family? Then you must have encountered instances where you would like to go home for a different number of reasons and are unsure how to notify the warden. In this case, a hostel leave application comes to your rescue. We will look at how to write a hostel leave application along with a few sample letters. Let us learn more about this type of letter in the article below.

Hostel Leave Application

A hostelite may have to write a hostel leave application from time to time. For a lot of situations, a person may be required to depart his hostel dorm. As noticed, the most common of them are either upon completion of the degree or a change to any other housing accommodation or to visit home for personal reasons, etc. To do so, write a hostel leave application to the warden and submit it for approval and payment of any outstanding dues.

Format for a Hostel Leave Application

A hostel leave application is a formal letter written by addressing the warden. Hence, it does not need to start with a sender’s address. Following is a basic format of a hostel leave application:

Hostel Name

Hostel Address

Subject: Requesting Leave for __________ (Enter leave reason/no. of days leave required)

I ___________ (Name of the student), have been staying at _________ (Hostel name) hostel in _______ (Hostel Room) room for last ________ (Duration). I am writing this letter in order to request you to sanction the leave for ________ (Number of days). The reason for the same is ________

I request that you grant me leave for the specified number of days beginning __/__/____ (Date) and ending __/__/____ (Date). I guarantee that I will return on __/__/____ (Date). It is to request that you please approve the same as soon as possible.

Thanking you.

Student Name

Contact Number

Sample Hostel Leave Applications

Sample 1 – hostel leave application to visit home for the weekend.

Young Boys Hostel

MG Station Road

23 rd February 2022

Subject: Requesting Leave to go Home for the Weekend

Dear Sir/Ma’am,

My name is Suresh Patil, and I live in room 12 of Hostel B. With all my due respect, I am writing this letter to inform you that as there is a long weekend coming up, I would like to visit my home in Pune. I’ll return to the hostel on Tuesday (2/3/2022).

I would be grateful if you would grant me permission to go home for the upcoming weekend.

Thanking you

Yours sincerely,

Suresh Patil

Mobile: 947XXXXXX

Sample 2 – Hostel Leave Application to Attend Family Wedding

Aster Home Girls Hostel

5 th July 2022

Subject: Requesting Leave for a Week

You understood where I came from and why I was here, and I told you everything you needed to know about me and my background. This month is my sister’s wedding, and I would love to go. The wedding will take place in Jaipur.

You can imagine the gathering and the associated events, and as the sole son and brother, my attendance could not be avoided at any cost. Please indicate my leaves from July 8th to July 15th. I will be eternally grateful to you for this kind gesture.

Yours faithfully

Karan Sharma

Mobile: 972XXXXXX

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Sample 3 – Hostel Leave Application Due to Course Completion

XYZ College Hostel

R.D Porbandar Road

10 th April 2022

Subject: Request for leaving the hostel permanently

My name is Nisha Sharma, and I’ve been a resident of your XYZ College Hostel for the past three years. The hostel has served as my second home, providing me with all of the required conveniences and comforts. I’m writing to advise you that I will no longer be staying at the hostel. I have finished my Bachelor’s degree and am about to return home to begin a new chapter in my life.

Please accept this letter as my final notice of departure from the hostel. I’m sad to say goodbye to all of my friends and the great hostel staff who have made my stay here feel like home. If there are any dues pending, you can contact me.

Yours sincerely

Nisha Sharma

Mobile: 9763XXXXXX

Sample 4 – Hostel Leave Application to meet Parents

IES Boys Hostel

Palladium Road

16 th August 2022

Subject: Requesting Permission to go Home

My name is David Hanks, and I am a full-time student staying in Room 34 in the A wing hostel. I am writing to advise you that I will be returning to Kerala. The reason for this is because my parents will be visiting from abroad after two years and I will have to be present there to attend them. As a result, I will be unavailable for one week. I’ll be going on August 20th, 2022.

I would appreciate it if you could approve the leave and send me the permission slip tomorrow. I will be eternally thankful to you for your generosity.

David Hanks

Mobile: 9562XXXXX

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How should a hostel leave application be formatted?

Answer. A formal letter format might be used to write a hostel leave application. It is normally addressed to the warden of the hostel. Hence, it does not need to start with a sender’s address. Make sure to include your name, class or course, roll number, and room number so that the hostel administration can easily track your absence. Stating the reason why you want to leave the hostel is very important.

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Hostel Outing Permission Letter – 5+ Sample

Hostel Outing Permission Letter: Today in this post, it is very important this post in how to write Hostel Outing Permission Letter – a Sample Letter to Hostel Warden Seeking Permission for Outing . 5 + different and samples let’s start.

Table of Contents

Application For Outing From Hostel To Market

To, The Warden, [Hostel Name], [Hostel Address]

Date: / / __ (Date)

Subject: Application for Outing to Market

I am [Your Name], a student of class [Your Class] and phase [Your Section], residing in a room-wide variety [Your Room Number] of [Hostel Name] for the past [Duration]. I am writing this letter to ask for your permission to move on a brief day out to the marketplace.

The cause of this time out is to buy essential items for private use and educational necessities. I guarantee you that I will adhere to all of the hostel policies and rules for the duration of my absence. I plan to go away on / / _ (date) and go back by / /_ (date).

I respectfully request that you enable me to go on an outing on the above-mentioned days, and I will be grateful for your kind assistance.

Yours sincerely, [Your Signature], [Your Name], [Your Contact Number]

Application For Outing From Hostel To Market

Permission Letter From Parents To Hostel Warden Outing Letter For Hostel

Subject: Permission Letter for Outing

Dear Sir/Madam,

I, [Parent’s Name] , a resident of room variety [Student’s Room Numbe r ] in [Hostel Name], am writing to request your permission for my baby to move on a trip.

The motive of this outing is [mention purpose], and I am confident that my toddler will adhere to all of the hostel rules and regulations at some stage in their absence. The ride is deliberate from // _ (Start date) to //_ (end date).

I kindly request your acclaim for this time out and appreciate your understanding.

Application For Outing From Hostel To Hospital

Subject : Application for Outing to Hospital

I am [Your Name], a scholar of class [Your Class] and phase [Your Section], dwelling in room wide variety [Your Room Number] of [Hostel Name]. I am writing to are searching for your permission for an pressing day trip to the health center.

The motive of this time out is [mention purpose] for clinical motives. I plan to leave on / / __ (date) and go back as quickly as the scientific situation is resolved. I assure you of my responsible conduct and will offer any essential documentation upon return.

I kindly request your expertise and acclaim for this pressing trip.

Hostel Outing Permission Letter Sample

I, [Parent’s Name] , parent of [Student’s Name], a resident of room variety [Student’s Room Number] in [Hostel Name] , am writing to request your permission for my baby to move on an day out.

The reason of this trip is [mention purpose], and I am assured that my infant will adhere to all the hostel rules and policies at some point of the absence. The experience is planned from / / _ (date) to / /_ (date).

I kindly request your approval for this day out and appreciate your know-how.

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Sample Letter to Hostel Warden Seeking Permission for Outing

To, The Warden, [Hostel Name], [ Hostel Address]

Subject : Request to Go Home

I am [Your Name], a student of sophistication [Your Class] and phase [Your Section], living in room range [Your Room Number] of [Hostel Name]. I am writing to request your permission to head home for [mention reason, e.G., a family event].

The length of my stay at domestic may be from / / _ (date) to / /_ (date). I guarantee you of my timely go back and adherence to all hostel regulations and policies.

I kindly request your acclaim for this short go to domestic and admire your attention.

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Home » Application » Application Letter for Extension of Hostel Accommodation – Sample Letter for Hostel Accommodation Extension

Application Letter for Extension of Hostel Accommodation – Sample Letter for Hostel Accommodation Extension

hostel application letter sample

Table of Contents:

  • Sample Letter

Live Editing Assistance

How to use live assistant, additional template options, download options, share via email, share via whatsapp, copy to clipboard, print letter, sample letter for hostel accommodation extension.

(Sender’s details) ____________ ____________ ____________

Date: __/__/____ (Date)

(Receiver’s details) ____________ ____________ ____________

Subject: Extension of hostel accommodation

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am a student of your esteemed university. I am writing this letter to request you to allow my stay at the hostel for _____ (no. of days) more days that is from __/__/____ (Date) to __/__/____ (Date).

The reason behind the extension of my hostel accommodation is that my _______ (train/flight/any other) is delayed by _____ (no. of days) days. Due to excessive bookings and ____________ (mention reason). I don’t have any other place to stay at such notice. This hostel is a safe place that is why I am seeking your permission to stay here for extra _____ (no. of days) days.

I am hoping that you would consider the urgency of my situation and understand it. Please contact me on ____________ for any updates or information.

I look forward to getting a positive reply from you soon.

Thanking you in advance.

Yours sincerely, _____________

Live Preview

The Live Assistant feature is represented by a real-time preview functionality. Here’s how to use it:

  • Start Typing: Enter your letter content in the "Letter Input" textarea.
  • Live Preview: As you type, the content of your letter will be displayed in the "Live Preview" section below the textarea. This feature converts newline characters in the textarea into <br> tags in HTML for better readability.

The letter writing editor allows you to start with predefined templates for drafting your letters:

  • Choose a Template: Click one of the template buttons ("Start with Sample Template 1", "Start with Sample Template 2", or "Start with Sample Template 3").
  • Auto-Fill Textarea: The chosen template's content will automatically fill the textarea, which you can then modify or use as is.

Click the "Download Letter" button after composing your letter. This triggers a download of a file containing the content of your letter.

Click the "Share via Email" button after composing your letter. Your default email client will open a new message window with the subject "Sharing My Draft Letter" and the content of your letter in the body.

Click the "Share via WhatsApp" button after you've composed your letter. Your default browser will open a new tab prompting you to send the letter as a message to a contact on WhatsApp.

If you want to copy the text of your letter to the clipboard:

  • Copy to Clipboard: Click the "Copy to Clipboard" button after composing your letter.
  • Paste Anywhere: You can then paste the copied text anywhere you need, such as into another application or document.

For printing the letter directly from the browser:

  • Print Letter: Click the "Print Letter" button after composing your letter.
  • Print Preview: A new browser window will open showing your letter formatted for printing.
  • Print: Use the print dialog in the browser to complete printing.
  • Answer: Begin with a polite request stating the desired extension period and reason for the extension. Provide contact information for further communication.
  • Answer: Yes, providing a valid reason helps justify the need for the extension and increases the likelihood of approval.
  • Answer: Follow up politely after a reasonable period. You can send a courteous email or make an inquiry through appropriate channels.
  • Answer: While you can request an extension for various reasons, it's essential to provide a valid and urgent reason to increase the chances of approval.
  • Answer: Yes, expressing gratitude at the end of the letter demonstrates appreciation for the recipient's consideration and may positively influence their decision.

Incoming Search Terms:

  • extension of hostel accommodation letter format
  • sample application for extension of hostel accommodation

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  • Cover Letter

How to Write an Application Letter—Examples & Guide

Embarking on the job-hunting journey? A great letter of application can be your golden ticket to stand out in the competitive job market. Learn how to write one with our guide.

Mariusz Wawrzyniak

Here we go again… Another job posting, another letter. This time it’s a letter of application.

But don’t worry. You’ve probably written dozens of application letter already, you just don’t know it yet. After you read this article, you’ll never sigh at the sight of another letter of application.

This guide will show you:

  • An application letter sample for any position that’s better than most others out there.
  • Step-by-step guide on how to write an application letter for a job.
  • Tips on setting the proper letter of application format.

Save hours of work and get a cover letter like this. Pick a template, fill it in. Quick and easy. Choose from 20+ cover letter templates and download your cover letter now.

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letter of application example

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Want to learn more about job application documents? Read our other cover letter guides:

  • Cover Letter for a Career Change
  • Cover Letter for Non-Profits
  • Cover Letter for Retail Jobs
  • Cover Letter Guide for IT Positions
  • Entry-Level Cover Letter Example
  • General Cover Letter Guide
  • Internship Cover Letter
  • Marketing Cover Letter Guide
  • Recent Graduate Cover Letter Sample
  • What Does a Cover Letter Look Like?

What Is a Letter of Application?

A letter of application is intended to introduce yourself and explain why you're interested in the position. Also known as a cover letter, it is sent with your resume when applying for a job. An application letter allows you to showcase your qualifications and skills alongside your enthusiasm.

Now let’s look at what a professional letter of application looks like:

Letter of Application Example

Vinícius Cunha Pinto

UX Researcher

2496 Bassell Avenue

Little Rock, AR 72201


viní[email protected]


Sherwood, 1/10/2021

Mr. Antonio Strife

Hewlett-Packard Company

232 Pumice Dr

Sherwood, AR 72120

Dear Mr. Strife

I am excited to apply for the UX researcher position at Hewlett-Packard. As a UX researcher with over six years of experience in the field, I am confident that my expertise and passion for user-centered design make me an excellent candidate for this role. In my previous position at AG Group, I increased user engagement with our app by 45%.

Another one of my biggest accomplishments was leading a research project identifying several usability issues in our company's mobile app. I worked with the design team to create solutions to these issues, resulting in a 30% increase in user satisfaction. I was also responsible for conceptualizing, designing, and developing marketing pages for our company’s website and directly contributed to over 60% increase in revenue. Furthermore, I am skilled in conducting user interviews, usability tests, surveys, and data analysis and proficient in various research tools, such as Optimal Workshop, UserTesting.com, and Qualtrics.

I am particularly drawn to Hewlett-Packard because of its reputation for innovation and commitment to pushing the boundaries of technology. Your company's dedication to delivering cutting-edge solutions aligns perfectly with my passion for staying at the forefront of UX research and design. I am eager to bring my skills and insights to a dynamic organization like Hewlett-Packard, where I can contribute to pioneering advancements in user experiences. The collaborative and forward-thinking culture at Hewlett-Packard resonates with my professional values, and I am enthusiastic about the prospect of contributing to your team's success.

Working for Hewlett-Packard would be a wonderful opportunity for me. I would love to join your team and contribute to creating exceptional user experiences for your customers. Can we schedule a meeting, so I can tell you more about the UX solutions I can bring to your company?

P.S.— I’d also love to tell you about how I worked with the development team to implement design changes that reduced user errors by 75%.

Using this example, let’s now go through the entire process of writing a letter of application.

How to Write a Letter of Application

Follow the instructions below to create a professional yet simple job application letter:

1. Use the Right Format of an Application Letter for a Job

Before your job application reaches the recruiter, it’ll most likely need to go through an automated ATS scan . And to ensure everything is read correctly, your application letter requires clear and clean formatting.

To format your letter of application correctly, follow these guidelines:

  • Use the same font you chose for your resume .
  • Left-align all content.
  • Keep your application letter length to only one page.
  • Just like with your resume margins , set them to 1-inch on your job application letter as well.
  • Leave ample white space by using double-spacing between paragraphs and setting line spacing to 1.15.

Also, save your letter of application for a job in a PDF format unless instructed otherwise. This will keep your formatting and the general layout of the document intact.

Expert Hint : You may think that sending just your resume is enough. But in truth, that’s a very wrong way to think. Letters of application are essential in the job market, so don’t risk losing to other candidates just because you didn’t write one.

2. Address Your Letter of Application Properly

Addressing an application letter is simple. Firstly, include your contact information in the header of the application letter : 

  • Full address
  • Telephone number
  • LinkedIn profile (optional)
  • Current date

Then, put your hiring manager’s and their company’s info underneath it. Use:

  • Recruiter’s full name
  • Recruiter’s job title
  • Company’s name
  • Company’s address

And lastly, greet your hiring manager by using an honorific (Mr. Ms.) and their full name. Take a look at the example below to visualize:

Letter of Application Example—Address

Mr. James Stipe

There is one challenge waiting for you in this first part. Finding out the name of your recruiter. If the company put it out in the job ad, you’re golden. If it didn’t, there are a couple of ways to try and discover it on your own. You can check the company’s website or LinkedIn profile for starters. If you still drew a blank, reach out to an employee of the company and ask them. LinkedIn makes it super easy.

If everything fails, you’ll have to resort to a generalized salutation. “Dear Hiring Manager” is a great solution.

Double your impact with a matching resume and cover letter combo. Use our cover letter generator and make your application documents pop out.


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Want to try a different look? There's 21 more. A single click will give your document a total makeover. Pick a cover letter template here .

3. Open Up With an Enticing First Paragraph

Next up, you need to capture the recruiter’s attention. So put your best foot forward in the first paragraph.

This is how the letter of application should start :

  • Show you’re enthusiastic about applying for the position.
  • Present your most impressive professional work achievement .
  • Identify the company and the position you’re applying for by name.

Here’s what it looks like:

Sample Application Letter for a Job—First Paragraph

I am writing to apply for the UX Researcher/Developer position advertised on your website. I have over 6 years of experience and am skilled in various UX research methods. Furthermore, I have a proven track of increasing user engagement.

In theory, both of these examples present the same candidate. But the difference in said presentation makes the second sample bite the dust.

Candidate #2 doesn’t check any of the aforementioned boxes, and it shows. He has no enthusiasm, no measurable achievement to catch the eye, and he doesn’t even mention the company by name, meaning he probably sent the same letter of application to hundreds of other jobs.

But not everyone can show a work achievement straight away. If you’re applying for your first job, focus on the two other aspects of your application letter’s first paragraph. Like so:

Example of an Application Letter with No Experience—First Paragraph

As a recent graduate in Human-Computer Interaction, I am excited to apply for the Junior UX Researcher position at Hewlett-Packard. I have been following your company's work for some time now, and I am impressed with your commitment to improving the user experience through extensive research and testing. As a passionate and detail-oriented researcher, I am confident that my skills and knowledge will make me an excellent fit for your team.

And that’s a great way to introduce yourself when writing a letter of application with no experience .

Expert Hint: Job application letters build a connection with the employer by introducing yourself in a good light. One very effective tactic is to research the company’s mission and values and refer to them in your letter of application.

4. Prove Your Expertise in the Main Body

Now that you’ve hooked the recruiter, it’s time to reel them in. Metaphorically, of course.

There are a lot of different things you can include in a letter of application . But all of them must share a certain similarity. They have to be relevant to the position you’re applying for. And that’s especially true in the main body section of the job application letter. Why? Because here, you’ll list some enticing work achievements and work skills you possess.

You can see this in the following example:

How to Write an Application Letter—Main Body Section Example

I have experience working in UX research and am confident in learning and adapting quickly to new technologies and methodologies. I can use many tools, including MS Excel. Outside my many UX accomplishments, I have also worked as a sales representative, furthering my vast skills portfolio.

See what lack of relevance and quantified achievements do to a letter of application? The second candidate could best fit the position, but he will not get picked with that paragraph.

On the other hand, in the first example, relevance guides our candidate. He doesn’t bother talking about their previous job in a different field. Instead, he presents UX skills and accomplishment statements and, most of all, quantifies them for maximum impact.

Also, it’s a letter of application . So tell the recruiter why you want to apply to this specific company. Show a cultural fit, mention your values, and talk about what you can bring to the company.

But then again… How does someone without experience tackle the second paragraph of a job application letter? They should show their drive towards the specific position and the steps they have already undertaken towards their goal. Just like that:

Sample Letter of Application for a Job With No Experience—Main Body

During my studies, I worked on several UX research projects, including conducting usability testing, creating personas, and analyzing user feedback. In addition, I have completed a certification in UX Research and Design, where I learned how to conduct user interviews, design research studies, and analyze data. I am proficient in various research methodologies and tools such as surveys, A/B testing, heat maps, and user flow analysis.

And despite the lack of measured achievements, this candidate is dedicated to becoming a UX specialist. No employer is going to have any doubts about whether he will be a driven employee at their company.

Expert Hint: As tempting as it may be, never copy your resume into the letter of application. Of course, you can show one or two of the same things but focus more on presenting other achievements and skills.

5. Finish Your Application Letter With a Clear CTA

Do you know the saying, “It’s not important how you start, it’s important how you finish?” Well, in letters of application, that’s not really a good saying, as you do need a strong start, but a strong finish is just as crucial.

So don’t screw up by including a non-ending “looking forward to hearing from you” or “thank you for considering my application.” Way too many candidates finish their letters of job application this way, and it just doesn’t work.

It’s uninspiring and boring.

Instead, do it like this: 

Ending a Job Application Letter—Sample

If you have time, we could maybe schedule a meeting or something? I want to know more about the benefits your company offers

See? The first one sounds way better than one of those overused cliché lines. At the same time, example number 2 makes the candidate look like an entitled worker with no drive.

Pay special attention to the call to action. You should always nudge the recruiter into scheduling an interview with you. It may sound silly, but it’s an effective tactic. Additionally, when signing off, write “Sincerely” before your name. It’s the best way to close off a letter of application formally.

And as you’ve probably noticed, the candidate added a postscript. What’s the deal with that? It’s a completely optional thing, so don’t stress over it. If you want to add a P.S., remember to do so with a completely unique achievement you have not presented in your resume or application letter. If you don’t have anything jaw-dropping, you’re better off not adding a postscript to the end of your letter of job application .

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Here’s a summary of what’s important when writing a letter of application for a job:

  • Format your application letter correctly to make it easily readable.
  • Refer to the hiring manager and the company by name . Personalization earns you a lot of points in the recruiting process.
  • Put information relevant to the position throughout all sections of the application letter.
  • Always refer to the keywords found in the job ad and the company’s values.
  • Finish off with a call to action , and add a postscript if you have more to show.

Did you enjoy reading about how to write a letter of application? Do you have any questions about job application letters? Or maybe additional tips to make one stand out even more? Leave a comment. We’ll be happy to engage in a conversation!

Mariusz Wawrzyniak

Mariusz is a career expert with a background in quality control & economics. With work experience in FinTech and a passion for self-development, Mariusz brings a unique perspective to his role. He’s dedicated to providing the most effective advice on resume and cover letter writing techniques to help his readers secure the jobs of their dreams.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely. Customizing your cover letter for each job application is crucial as it allows you to specifically address the company's needs and how your skills align with the role. This demonstrates your genuine interest in the position and enhances your chances of catching the employer's attention. Refer to our varied cover letter examples to understand how to tailor your message for different job applications effectively.

A well-crafted cover letter should include: An introduction : Mention the job you’re applying for and a brief personal introduction. Body paragraphs : Explain your qualifications, experiences, and why you’re a good fit for the role. A closing statement : Conclude with a call to action, such as requesting an interview. Each of our cover letter samples incorporates these elements, ensuring you reference a correctly structured example.

To create an impactful cover letter, follow these steps: 1. Research the company and role to tailor your letter. 2. Start with a strong introduction that captures attention. 3. In the body, detail your relevant experience and skills. 4. Conclude with a strong closing statement and call to action. 5. Proofread for any errors. Our cover letter examples follow this structure to help you build an effective letter for any job application.

Tailoring your cover letter involves connecting your experiences and skills directly with the job's requirements. Refer to the job description, using similar language and highlighting how your background makes you a perfect fit. This customization shows the employer that you’ve researched the company and understand the role's needs. Use our cover letter samples as a blueprint for how to align your letter with specific job criteria.

Your cover letter should typically be no longer than one page. Aim to concisely cover all relevant points within three to four paragraphs. This ensures your letter is impactful without being overwhelming. Following the length and format of our cover letter examples can guide you in creating a concise yet comprehensive letter tailored to your application.

A great cover letter is personalized, concise, and clear. It showcases your relevant experiences, aligns with the company’s goals, and addresses the specific needs of the job. It should complement your resume, highlight your unique value, and conclude with a proactive next step. Strive for a tone that’s professional yet approachable, reflecting your genuine interest in the role and company.


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