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121 Veterans Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

There are countless veterans who have served our country with honor and bravery, and their stories deserve to be told. If you are looking for inspiration for an essay about veterans, here are 121 topic ideas and examples to help get you started:

  • The impact of war on veterans' mental health
  • The challenges faced by veterans transitioning back to civilian life
  • The role of veterans in shaping American history
  • The importance of honoring and supporting our veterans
  • The experiences of female veterans in the military
  • The sacrifices made by veterans and their families
  • The struggles of homeless veterans
  • The effects of PTSD on veterans' daily lives
  • The bravery of Medal of Honor recipients
  • The diversity of veterans' backgrounds and experiences
  • The role of veterans in creating a sense of national unity
  • The history of Veterans Day and its significance
  • The legacy of famous veterans, such as Audie Murphy or Pat Tillman
  • The impact of war on veterans' physical health
  • The experiences of LGBTQ veterans in the military
  • The challenges faced by disabled veterans
  • The importance of recognizing and supporting veterans' mental health needs
  • The struggles faced by veterans in accessing healthcare and benefits
  • The role of veterans in shaping public policy and advocacy
  • The experiences of veterans of different wars, such as Vietnam or Iraq
  • The impact of war on veterans' families and loved ones
  • The role of veterans in preserving and protecting democracy
  • The experiences of veterans who have served multiple tours of duty
  • The sacrifices made by veterans in the line of duty
  • The challenges faced by veterans in finding employment after leaving the military
  • The experiences of veterans who have been deployed overseas
  • The impact of war on veterans' relationships and social connections
  • The struggles faced by veterans in accessing mental health services
  • The experiences of veterans who have served in combat zones
  • The role of veterans in promoting peace and reconciliation
  • The impact of war on veterans' sense of identity and self-worth
  • The challenges faced by veterans in seeking treatment for PTSD
  • The experiences of veterans who have been wounded in combat
  • The sacrifices made by veterans in protecting our freedoms and rights
  • The role of veterans in educating the public about the realities of war
  • The experiences of veterans who have served in non-combat roles
  • The impact of war on veterans' ability to trust and form relationships
  • The challenges faced by veterans in accessing education and training programs
  • The experiences of veterans who have participated in humanitarian missions
  • The role of veterans in promoting understanding and empathy for others
  • The impact of war on veterans' ability to cope with stress and trauma
  • The struggles faced by veterans in overcoming addiction and substance abuse
  • The experiences of veterans who have served in elite military units
  • The sacrifices made by veterans in upholding the values of honor and duty
  • The role of veterans in mentoring and supporting younger generations
  • The experiences of veterans who have served as peacekeepers and diplomats
  • The challenges faced by veterans in dealing with survivor guilt and moral injury
  • The impact of war on veterans' spiritual beliefs and practices
  • The struggles faced by veterans in adjusting to civilian life after combat
  • The experiences of veterans who have been held as prisoners of war
  • The sacrifices made by veterans in defending our country from external threats
  • The role of veterans in promoting social justice and equality
  • The experiences of veterans who have served in the reserves or National Guard
  • The challenges faced by veterans in maintaining physical fitness and health
  • The impact of war on veterans' ability to communicate and express emotions
  • The struggles faced by veterans in navigating the VA healthcare system
  • The experiences of veterans who have served in intelligence and reconnaissance roles
  • The sacrifices made by veterans in protecting innocent civilians from harm
  • The role of veterans in preserving the memory of fallen comrades
  • The experiences of veterans who have received training in specialized skills and technologies
  • The challenges faced by veterans in dealing with feelings of guilt and shame
  • The impact of war on veterans' ability to form and maintain close relationships
  • The struggles faced by veterans in confronting the legacy of their service
  • The experiences of veterans who have served as advisors and mentors to foreign militaries
  • The sacrifices made by veterans in upholding the values of integrity and honesty
  • The role of veterans in advocating for peace and diplomacy
  • The experiences of veterans who have served as first responders in natural disasters
  • The challenges faced by veterans in coping with physical injuries and disabilities
  • The impact of war on veterans' sense of purpose and meaning in life
  • The struggles faced by veterans in seeking justice and accountability for war crimes
  • The experiences of veterans who have served in intelligence and counterterrorism roles
  • The sacrifices made by veterans in standing up for what is right and just
  • The role of veterans in promoting reconciliation and healing in war-torn societies
  • The experiences of veterans who have served in unconventional warfare and insurgency operations
  • The challenges faced by veterans in confronting the moral complexities of war
  • The impact of war on veterans' ability to forgive themselves and others
  • The struggles faced by veterans in confronting the trauma of combat
  • The experiences of veterans who have served in peacekeeping and stabilization missions
  • The sacrifices made by veterans in defending human rights and dignity
  • The role of veterans in promoting dialogue and understanding between conflicting parties
  • The experiences of veterans who have served in psychological operations and propaganda warfare
  • The challenges faced by veterans in reconciling their military service with their civilian lives
  • The impact of war on veterans' sense of identity and belonging
  • The struggles faced by veterans in finding meaning and purpose after combat
  • The experiences of veterans who have served in unconventional and irregular warfare
  • The sacrifices made by veterans in upholding the values of courage and perseverance
  • The role of veterans in advocating for justice and accountability in war crimes
  • The experiences of veterans who have served in special operations and covert missions
  • The challenges faced by veterans in dealing with feelings of isolation and alienation
  • The impact of war on veterans' ability to trust and form meaningful relationships
  • The struggles faced by veterans in confronting the ethical dilemmas of war
  • The experiences of veterans who have served in humanitarian and peacekeeping missions
  • The role of veterans in promoting reconciliation and healing in post-conflict societies
  • The experiences of veterans who have served in counterinsurgency and stabilization operations
  • The challenges faced by veterans in seeking redemption and forgiveness for past actions
  • The impact of war on veterans' sense of morality and ethics
  • The experiences of veterans who have served in unconventional warfare and counterterrorism operations

These topics and examples are just a starting point for exploring the rich and diverse experiences of veterans. Whether you choose to focus on the challenges they face, the sacrifices they make, or the impact they have on society, there are countless ways to honor and celebrate the contributions of our nation's veterans through the power of the written word.

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The Historical Lens into the Past

The epochs of World War I and II unfurl a vast spectrum of  veterans essay ideas . The narratives are endless, from exploring the trench warfare horrors to the heroism displayed on Normandy’s beaches. Additionally, investigating the evolution of veterans’ affairs during these wars reveals intriguing societal shifts. The accounts of soldiers from varying ranks and regions open up a broad palette of perspectives, shedding light on the monumental global events that shaped history and the lives therein.

The Cold War Chapters in Veterans Essay Ideas

Transitioning into the Cold War, the Korean and Vietnam Wars present a contrasting picture of veterans’ experiences. Comparing the veterans’ reception to their coping mechanisms amidst the harsh war realities unveils profound essays awaiting exploration. The political undercurrents and differing public opinion of these wars offer ample material for discussion and analysis, accentuating the often complex and nuanced nature of  veterans day essay ideas  surrounding these historical events.

Persian Gulf to Present in Modern Warfare

The modern-day warfare veterans from the Persian Gulf, Iraq, and Afghanistan conflicts bring forth a blend of technological advancements and evolving military strategies. Delving into how these aspects impacted the veterans’ roles, mental health, and societal reintegration paves the way for engaging  veterans day essay ideas . A closer look can examine the shift in warfare tactics, the role of international politics, and the human cost involved, providing a broader canvas for understanding the contemporary military landscape.

The Humanitarian Stories of Valor and Sacrifice Veterans Essay Ideas 

Immersing in personal narratives of veterans unveils the human aspect of wars. Capturing their bravery, the camaraderie among comrades, and the bittersweet homecomings in your essays will surely resonate with readers. Moreover, the resilience displayed by veterans as they transition back into civilian life brings forth compelling  veterans essay ideas . Through their stories, the universal themes of perseverance, brotherhood, and the essence of humanity amidst the scourges of war are beautifully highlighted.

Families of Veterans 

The war’s impact extends beyond the battlefield, reaching the veterans’ families. Exploring the challenges and triumphs of military families provides a fresh perspective on  veterans essay ideas . The strong support systems, the emotional toll, and the unsung sacrifices these families make are a testament to the ripple effects of military service. Through exploring these narratives, students can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the far-reaching impacts of war.

Veterans and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder 

Investigating the haunting specter of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) among veterans and how societies have evolved in recognizing and addressing this issue can form the crux of an insightful essay. The continual struggle for proper mental health resources and societal support underscores the need for proactive measures. By exploring the intertwining paths of healing and advocacy, students can formulate well-rounded  veterans essay ideas  that encompass personal and systemic dimensions.

Veterans Essay Ideas that delve into the valorous deeds, sacrifice, and the life beyond the battlefield of our heroic soldiers.

Veterans Essay Ideas and Sociopolitical Lens 

Tracing the historical and current policies impacting veterans reveals the intricacies of their post-war life. Advocating for policy enhancements forms a persuasive essay angle. Understanding the legislative frameworks, the gaps in the system, and the efforts made by various stakeholders for veterans’ welfare presents an enriching avenue for discussion and argumentation within  veterans day essay ideas , offering students a chance to evaluate the existing infrastructures.

Veterans in Politics 

The political arena often sees veterans stepping in to effect change. Evaluating how their military experiences shape their political ideologies and actions offers a compelling  veterans day essay ideas  springboard. Their unique insights, shaped by real-world battlefields, often translate into a distinct stance on various socio-political issues. These nuances, when explored, can lead to compelling essays that unravel the impact of military service on political engagement and leadership.

Veterans and Activities

Veterans transitioning into activists paint a narrative of change and hope. Delving into their advocacy on various societal issues presents a rich vein of essay ideas. Their unique perspective often propels them towards addressing broader societal challenges, reflecting a transition from military service to civic engagement. Analyzing the issues championed by veteran activists presents an engaging exploration into how military experiences can foster a deep-seated desire for societal betterment.

Imaginative Veterans Essay Ideas

Crafting fictional narratives rooted in historical accuracies allows a creative exploration of  veterans essay ideas . Embark on a journey that interweaves factual events with imaginative storytelling. These creative renditions can breathe life into historical events, making the stories of veterans more relatable and engaging for readers. Moreover, it encourages a deeper reflection on the human experiences embedded within the tapestry of war and peace.

Crafting poetic essays that pay homage to veterans creates a riveting narrative. Let the rhythm of your words echo the veterans’ courage and resilience. The essence of heroism, sacrifice, and the emotional spectrum of military service can be beautifully captured through poetic expression. This form of expression can evoke a deeper emotional connection, fostering a nuanced appreciation for the sacrifices made by veterans.

Artistic Interpretations

Employing art and imagery in essays provides a visually engaging narrative, portraying veterans’ experiences and sacrifices in a captivating manner. Visual storytelling through drawings, paintings, or digital media, coupled with well-crafted prose, can create a powerful impact. Through this creative blend,  veterans day essay ideas  can come alive, illuminating the multifaceted experiences of veterans in a visually evocative manner.

Researching Veterans Day Essay Ideas 

Delving into primary sources like interviews, letters, and diaries can breathe life into your essays, providing authentic glimpses into the veterans’ world. These first-hand accounts offer an unfiltered view into the lives of veterans, providing a solid foundation for your essays. Furthermore, they allow for a more personalized exploration of  veterans essay ideas , enriching the narratives with authenticity and emotional depth.

Harnessing books, documentaries, and scholarly articles as secondary sources enriches your essays, grounding them in well-researched facts. These resources provide a structured framework, broadening your understanding and interpretation of various events and individual experiences. With a range of secondary sources, the breadth and depth of  veterans essay ideas  can significantly be enhanced, leading to more insightful and well-rounded essays.

Online Archives

Navigating online archives unveils a treasure trove of information, aiding in crafting well-informed  veterans essay ideas . Online archives provide a wealth of resources, including photographs, letters, and official documents that add a rich layer of context to your essays. These digital repositories allow you to traverse history from your fingertips, offering a wide array of material to make your  veterans essay ideas  more compelling and well-rounded.


The veteran’s essay ideas  for your next academic project presents an enriching endeavor filled with explorations of history, humanity, and heroism. It beckons a deep dive into personal narratives, socio-political aspects, creative expressions, and meticulous research. The plethora of ideas discussed here will equip you with a robust framework, propelling you towards crafting essays that resonate with the readers and pay a heartfelt tribute to the brave veterans.

Your venture into this topic is not just an academic exercise but a tribute to the real-life heroes whose narratives are matched in the annals of history. With another task at Writing Metier , we have a team of expert military and history writers who will help you to achieve the best results in writing military essays. Order an essay on any topic from Writing Metier today.

Free topic suggestions

Laura Orta is an avid author on Writing Metier's blog. Before embarking on her writing career, she practiced media law in one of the local media. Aside from writing, she works as a private tutor to help students with their academic needs. Laura and her husband share their home near the ocean in northern Portugal with two extraordinary boys and a lifetime collection of books.

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Essay Samples on Veterans

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Best topics on Veterans

1. Why Do We Celebrate Veterans Day: Honoring Those Who Serve

2. My Pledge to Our Veterans: Honoring Sacrifice and Service

3. The Issue Of Veteran Homelessness

4. Homelessness In California: Homeless Veterans

5. Johnny Got His Gun by Dalton Trumbo: The Negative Consequences of War

6. The Nature of Trench Warfare and Its Different Forms

7. Taxi Driver Movie Analysis: 1970’s America Through the Eyes of a Broken Vietnam Veteran

8. Account of Courage of the Elderly Veterans

9. The Aftermath and Care for Veterans in The Things They Carried 

10. Repaying the Vietnam War Veterans for Their Bravery

11. Growing Homelessness and PTSD Among the Veteran Population

12. Mistreatment and Negligence of Hmong and American Veterans

13. The Issue of Poverty Among Aging Veterans

14. Vietnam War and Its Impact on Veterans

15. The Vatour A Worldwide Government Scientific Research Institute

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100+ Military Essay Topics


The military, with its history, disciplines, strategies, and controversial issues, has always been a fascinating subject for both scholars and ordinary citizens. It’s no wonder that many students, whether they have military experience or are merely curious about the topic, choose to write essays about it.

Table of Contents

What is a Military Essay?

A military essay is a piece of writing that delves into topics related to the armed forces, defense strategies, historical battles, military ethics, the role of the military in national and international politics, and more. These essays can be analytical, argumentative, historical, or even personal, reflecting on one’s own experiences in the military. The objective of such an essay is to shed light on specific issues or to present a balanced argument about a controversial military topic.

A Quick Guide on How to Choose a Military Essay Topic

Selecting the right topic is crucial for any essay, and when it comes to military subjects, the stakes are even higher. Here’s a quick guide:

  • Interest is Key: Choose a topic that genuinely interests you. Your enthusiasm will reflect in your writing.
  • Relevance Matters: Ensure that the topic is relevant to the current socio-political climate or has historical significance.
  • Research is Crucial: Before settling on a topic, do preliminary research to ensure there’s enough material available.
  • Seek Diversity: Don’t just stick to the mainstream topics. Explore lesser-known events, strategies, or personal narratives.

Military Essay Topics to Consider:

Historical analysis.

  • The impact of World War II on modern military strategies.
  • The evolution of naval warfare: From wooden ships to nuclear submarines.
  • How the Cold War shaped military alliances and strategies.

Ethics and Morality

  • The moral implications of using drones in warfare.
  • Child soldiers: Understanding the tragedy and solutions.
  • The balance between national security and personal freedom in times of war.

Modern Warfare and Strategies

  • Cybersecurity and the new age of digital warfare.
  • The role of artificial intelligence in modern military tactics.
  • Understanding the military-industrial complex in the 21st century.

Role in Society

  • Women in the military: Breaking barriers and challenges faced.
  • How veterans reintegrate into civilian life and the challenges they encounter.
  • The impact of compulsory military service on societal structures.

International Relations and Politics

  • The role of NATO in today’s geopolitical landscape.
  • The military strategies of emerging superpowers.
  • Evaluating the pros and cons of military interventions.

Equipment and Technology

  • The evolution and impact of stealth technology in aerial warfare.
  • The role of satellites in modern military intelligence.
  • Nuclear deterrence: More of a threat or a necessity?

Training and Discipline

  • Analyzing the rigorous training regimens of elite military units.
  • The importance of psychological preparation in military training.
  • The role of discipline in shaping a soldier’s life and career.

Personal Narratives

  • Personal experiences of soldiers in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
  • The role of chaplains in providing spiritual support in warfare.
  • A day in the life of an army medic: Challenges and rewards.

Historical Perspectives

  • The transformation of military strategies from ancient to modern times.
  • The tactics and impact of guerrilla warfare throughout history.
  • Military lessons from the Vietnam War.
  • The influence of the Napoleonic Wars on contemporary warfare.
  • The Crusades: A military and religious expedition.

Current Affairs and Modern Challenges

  • The implications of North Korea’s military ambitions.
  • The changing face of terrorism and its impact on global military strategies.
  • The role of the U.S. military in global peacekeeping.
  • China’s military expansion in the South China Sea.
  • The future of warfare: Bio-weapons and other unconventional threats.

Technology and Innovation

  • The challenges and benefits of integrating robotics into the battlefield.
  • The evolution of military communication systems.
  • The potential and ethics of genetically modified soldiers.
  • How military tech influences civilian technology.
  • The impact of space exploration on military aspirations.

Ethics, Morals, and Laws of War

  • Torture in war: An in-depth ethical analysis.
  • The use of chemical weapons: History and repercussions.
  • The Geneva Conventions and their modern relevance.
  • The thin line between soldiers and war criminals.
  • Are there ever justifiable reasons for breaking the rules of war?

Societal Impacts and Military Influence

  • The economic consequences of maintaining a large standing army.
  • Propaganda and its role in military recruitment.
  • How the military influences fashion and popular culture.
  • The psychological impact of war on soldiers and civilians.
  • Veterans and PTSD: The silent battle after war.

Training, Leadership, and Military Culture

  • The physical and mental challenges of Navy SEAL training.
  • The influence of ancient Spartan culture on modern military training.
  • Leadership lessons from military generals.
  • The concept of honor and valor in the military.
  • The importance of camaraderie and brotherhood in military units.

Military Intelligence and Espionage

  • The history and evolution of military codes and code breaking.
  • Espionage during the Cold War: The silent heroes and villains.
  • How technology is changing the face of military intelligence.
  • Counterintelligence: Protecting secrets in a digital age.
  • The challenges and successes of the CIA and MI6.

Gender, Diversity, and Inclusion

  • The history of women’s roles in the military.
  • Addressing LGBTQ+ rights within the armed forces.
  • Challenges faced by minority groups in the military.
  • The benefits of a diverse and inclusive military force.
  • Gender roles and stereotypes in the military.

Military in Literature and Media

  • The portrayal of war in classic literature.
  • War movies: How Hollywood shapes our view of conflict.
  • The role of war correspondents and their influence on public opinion.
  • Military-themed video games: Edutainment or glorification of violence?
  • The accuracy of military portrayals in popular TV shows.

International Policies and Alliances

  • The history and future of NATO in global politics.
  • Military neutrality: The case of Switzerland.
  • The pros and cons of global disarmament treaties.
  • The challenges of peacekeeping missions: A UN perspective.
  • The role of the military in post-colonial African states.

Military Medical Practices

  • Battlefield medicine: Evolution and advancements.
  • The ethical dilemmas of triage in wartime.
  • The development and importance of military nursing.
  • Psychological support systems for soldiers in combat zones.
  • Combatting epidemics in military camps: Historical and modern perspectives.

Strategic Defense and Military Installations

  • The architecture and design of historical fortresses.
  • The importance of military bases in foreign territories.
  • Underground bunkers and their strategic significance.
  • The role and evolution of aircraft carriers in naval warfare.
  • Missile defense systems: Balancing offense and defense.

Military Traditions and Rituals

  • The history and significance of military parades.
  • Taps and the Last Post: Understanding military funerals.
  • The tradition of military tattoos and their meanings.
  • Rites of passage in different military cultures.
  • Military awards and decorations: More than just medals.

Reserve and Paramilitary Forces

  • The role of National Guard units in domestic emergencies.
  • Comparing regular armies with reserve forces: Training, roles, and challenges.
  • The significance and operations of the Coast Guard.
  • Paramilitary forces and their impact on national security.
  • Militias and their influence on geopolitical stability.

Military in Environmental Contexts

  • Desert warfare: Challenges and strategies.
  • The intricacies of jungle warfare and its historical significance.
  • Arctic and mountain warfare: Overcoming nature’s harshest challenges.
  • The environmental impact of military activities.
  • Adapting military strategies for urban vs. rural combat scenarios.

Boost Your Military Essay with WriteOnDeadline!

Having difficulty bringing your military essay to life? At writeondeadline.com , we have a team of expert writers who can craft a compelling essay for you. Whether it’s thorough research, captivating storytelling, or an in-depth analysis you need, our professionals have got you covered. Dive deep into the discipline of defense with our top-notch writing services.

Useful References:

  • U.S. Military History – An in-depth resource on the history of the U.S. Army.
  • International Review of the Red Cross – A journal covering humanitarian law, policy, and action.
  • RAND Corporation – Provides research and analysis on defense and security topics.
  • Military Times – Offers up-to-date news and analysis on military issues.

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good essay titles for veterans

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How To Write Papers About Veterans

Academic writing

Essay paper writing

good essay titles for veterans

Nowadays, there are many important topics that need to be discussed. The world is full of events, and some of them change our lives in the most unpredictable and terrifying way. War is the most terrible expression of human nature. All attempts are useless when it comes to explaining how people managed to conquer the oceans, mountains, and space but still haven’t evolved enough to understand how senseless the war is.

Nevertheless, there were always people who fought for peace. Veterans have changed and defined the world we live in. Undoubtedly, they need to be respected and remembered, and that is why essays about veterans are written in schools and universities. In this article, we will describe how to compose essays about veterans and emphasize the importance of remembering the atrocities of wars.

Best veterans essay topics

There are various veterans essays on bravery and sacrifices, and while you might choose a similar topic, there is a wide variety of options that you might want to check before you do. Here is our top pick of war and veterans day essay ideas:

  • Essay about homeless veterans and HUD-VASH
  • Act of bravery essay
  • Essay on homeless veterans and PTSD
  • Veterans day essays
  • Essay on courage and bravery
  • What does veterans day mean to me essay  
  • Honor definition essay
  • Honoring veterans essay
  • What is a veteran essay
  • Essay about war veterans
  • Essay about making sacrifices
  • Essay about appreciating vets
  • Everyday heroes essay
  • Life of a soldier essay
  • Navy core values essay 
  • What it means to be a veteran and what Veterans Day means to me essay
  • What they fought for essay

what does veterans day mean to me essay

Good argumentative essay topics about veterans

Argumentative essay is one of the most frequently assigned tasks in schools and universities. Besides, it is also among the most interesting ones. That is why we decided to present some interesting argumentative essay topics about veterans:

  • Why do we celebrate Veterans Day essay
  • Why are veterans important essay
  • What makes someone a hero essay
  • Why is it important to remember war deeds?
  • Is US government doing enough for the war heroes?
  • Why many veterans end up homeless?
  • Should screening for PTSD and mental disorders be mandatory for veterans?

Tips for Writing Essays About War

When writing veterans day papers and about war in general, it is important to remember a few simple tips:

  • Mind the style . The essay writing style should be semi-formal or formal. Do not use slang and word abbreviations, for example, instead of can’t write cannot, instead of wanna - want to, etc.
  • Stay polite. As you might have to talk about politics, religion, death, and other controversial topics, it is important to stay objective. Do not use hate speech and fact-check any information that you plan on including.
  • Use abbreviations carefully. There are a lot of abbreviations used in the military sphere. Before using an abbreviated version, be sure to write down a full one for readers to understand you better.
  • Leave some time for proofreading your paper . Manage your time in such a way that at the end of the day, you will have some time to reread your essay and correct the mistakes and typos.
  • Read some veterans day essays examples. These essays may inspire you to write your own or give you a better understanding of how to do it. Search for samples on a few specific topics, such as veterans and PTSD or memorial day essay examples to see the variety of arguments that can be presented in the paper. However, never plagiarize any of these texts because you will receive a 0 on your assignment.

Veterans day essays

Veterans research paper topics

  • Research paper on veterans’ rights
  • Homeless veterans research paper
  • The post-traumatic stress disorder in the soldiers of the Iraq war
  • Programs for veterans in the US
  • Veterans employability in the United States
  • Women veterans and PTSD
  • Affordable housing for veterans in the US
  • Long-term psychological effects of wars on veterans
  • High rate of suicide among Vietnam veterans
  • Study of mental problems of veterans in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder scholarly articles

Writing Research Papers on Veterans

  • Choose the topic of interest . This advice seems obvious, but it is really important to stick to it. If you conduct research on a topic that you really like, you will be more likely to create a decent paper and finish it faster.
  • Use only credible sources. Evaluate the credibility of the materials you find, especially online. Remember that Wiki-type websites, blogs, and forums are not the most reliable sources of information. Stick to scholarly sources such as books and journal articles instead.
  • Check your sources. War is difficult subject, and it is easy to manipulate the audience and distort facts to evoke certain emotions in readers when talking about it. Check the background of authors and read their texts carefully to make sure they are trying to be unbiased.
  • Do not be afraid to ask for help. Your professor and, most likely, some of your friends, will be able to help you on different stages of the assignment completion. If you are not sure your topic is suitable, run it by your professor before you start working on the paper. When you finish writing, ask your friends to read your text to see if it makes sense.

Interesting Facts for Veterans Day Papers

Story of Chris Kyle

  • In February 2013, in the district of Erat, Texas, more than 30 thousand people came to say goodbye to the national hero of America, military sniper Chris Kyle. He took part in the military operation in Iraq and became the most effective shooter in the history of the US Army. He had more than 150 confirmed murders on his account.
  • A reward of $20,000 was offered for Kyle’s head in Iraq. However, he died four years after the demobilization. The sniper was shot by another veteran of Afghanistan, whom Kyle tried help with PTSD.
  • Kyle became a national hero. A movie about his life was released at the end of 2014, grossed $ 280 million, and was nominated for six awards in the American Film Academy.
  • Nowadays, there are more than 1.5 million American veterans. About 20% of them were shell-shocked, 50% were injured by bomb explosions, and 73% suffered PTSD.

Job search and rehabilitation

  • For several years, the US managed to build an effective system for the rehabilitation of veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan. At the same time, the state essentially refused public donations.
  • The US economy is not able to provide jobs for all those who returned from the war. And according to the US Department of Defense, 57% of people who have gone through military operations cannot normally continue to serve. It’s not just about physical injuries - most of them are not ready for a new war psychologically. However, it is also hard for them to get back to the “normal” life.


  • According to the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development of the United States, as of January 2016, there were more than 13,000 veterans who were forced to live regularly on the streets. About 40 thousand at the same time noted that they had to spend at least one night on the street because of the lack of overnight accommodation.
  • On August 1, 2016, the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, the US Veterans Affairs Department, and the Interdepartmental Council for Homeless Affairs noted that this indicator decreased by 47% since 2010. Representatives of the White House also stressed that from January 2015 to January 2020, the number of homeless veterans decreased by 17%.
  • American soldiers replenish the ranks of the homeless. The commercials of the American army promise life full of adventures, career growth, and even American citizenship. It sounds tempting, but recruiters don’t always tell the whole truth about what awaits new soldiers on the battlefield and what they can expect after military service.

Veterans day speech ideas

  • Why we need to remember wars and veterans
  • Society without wars is a utopic idea
  • My father (or any other relative) is a war hero
  • Why veterans are our asset
  • ‘In valor there is hope’
  • While we were sleeping peaceably in our beds…
  • Why Veterans Day is so special to me
  • We can do more for the veterans

When is Veterans Day Celebrated?

On November 11, the United States celebrates Veterans Day. This date was the day of the end of the First World War for the States, after the signing of the Compiegne Armistice in 1918. The United States took an active part in the military and political actions of this war on the side of the Entente. In total, the First World War lasted more than 4 years, with 38 countries involved. The number of deaths, according to official records, exceeds 10 million people.

Veterans’ Lives in Different Countries of the World

Have you ever thought how veterans of the Second World War live in different countries?

  • Wehrmacht veterans are provided with comfortable and high-level social protection. Depending on the rank and merit, they receive a decent pension.
  • It is interesting that veterans of other countries who were seized during war and are still living in Germany have the right for a pension as well as social security benefits. Veterans of war can count on a free two-time hospitalization a year, and if it comes to the prisoners of war, the number of hospitalizations is unlimited.
  • The size of the pension for veterans of the Second World War in the UK directly depends on the military rank and severity of injuries. Monthly payments fluctuate between 2000 and 9000 euros.
  • American participants in the Second World War are honored twice a year by the US authorities. Fallen soldiers are remembered on Memorial Day, celebrated on the last Monday in May, and veterans are honored on November 11 at Veterans’ Day.
  • American veterans get an extra $1200 to their pension, which, on average, is $1500. Second World War soldiers in the United States are supervised by the Ministry of Veterans Affairs, which manages 175 hospitals, hundreds of nursing homes, and thousands of district clinics. If the illness or disability of a veteran is a consequence of military service, the state covers all costs for their treatment.
  • The number of veterans of the Second World War in France is about 800 thousand people: 500 thousand of them are former military men, 200 thousand are members of the Resistance, and 100 thousand were deported to Germany. 

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How to use your Veteran experience in college application essays

Professional writing at desk.

Veterans have a unique set of circumstances to draw upon when putting together their application essays. A Veteran is likely to have been many places, in many situations, and seen many things that the average high school senior simply can't imagine and for which he or she has no frame of reference.

Here are a couple of tips for how best to use your military experience in your application essay—and (perhaps more importantly) some thoughts on what  not  to do.

DO mention your leadership ability

Leadership potential might be the number one character trait that schools are looking for in applicants. Proof that you've taken on serious responsibility and have a high level of maturity is a good indication for those in admissions that you will take your education seriously and will go on to do great work post-graduation (and then make millions and donate back to the school, of course). As a Veteran, it is likely you have led a command of some kind—make sure this is touched on in your essay piece.

DO NOT tell this boring story: I went to teach them… but it turned out to be  they  who taught  ME

There's a particular essay that all adjudicators and admissions committees dread. It goes like this… I was employed to teach people/children in a remote village/urban center/small rural area. I went into it thinking I would be educating them, but in the end it was  I  who learned from  them.

Admissions officers hate this essay. Why? Because it doesn't really say anything about you as a person, and the story is not as original as you might think. Careful of this theme… it's deadly.

DO talk about challenges you faced

It's very likely you have dealt with questions and situations that most people have not. Illustrate how you used quick thinking and skills to overcome problems, and how you became more mature because of these decisions.

DO NOT get too dark. Leave out deep personal tragedy

Of course it's good to talk meaningfully about your experience, but this can go too far. Abuse, depression and death are striking subjects and therefore you might think they are good fodder for an essay. After all, the idea is to provoke a response, to make sure you are memorable. Unfortunately, an essay that focuses on these topics does not serve you well. Similarly, psychological trauma that may have been suffered during military service is not great for your essay, not because it's not important to your character, but because it tends to take the reader out of the narrative and usually doesn't connect very effectively to why you'll be a good candidate for college. So often essays that focus on dark subjects go down a trajectory that leads away from your achievements, which is what these pieces  should  highlight. Never stray from a path that keeps you talking about why you are an IDEAL  candidate.

DO tell your specific story

It's important to tell your story—not just one of general military life. Your narrative may seem relatively commonplace to you because it was spent in the company of people who were participating in similar activities, but the details of your service are unique and interesting to admissions officers.

DO NOT feel like it is out of place

Some people with military background feel awkward about telling their story, feeling it is exploitative. Not only is it sensible to use your military life in your essay, it's likely if you went into the service right out of high school, you don't have much else to discuss.

DO highlight technical skills you learned

In your years in the military, you likely were given highly technical jobs and responsibilities that will look very impressive to laypeople. Make sure to talk about these positions and give some details as to how these might help you in a future career post-graduation.

DO NOT forget to seek help

If you need advice or just someone to go over your application with you, talk to an education services officer. And make sure you visit the military education center and explore the VA website. There you'll find insight on how best to utilize the  Post-9/11 G.I. Bill  (also known as Chapter 33 benefits), the  Yellow Ribbon G.I. Education Enhancement Program  and  other programs designed to help Veterans finance their education .

Full understanding of these programs might be a good element to include in your essay, but more importantly, be sure to take full advantage of these programs.

And finally, DO get college credit and discuss that on your essay!

Submit a DD-214 form to make sure that your full military experience is included with your applications. Some of your experience might help you gain college credit and that might be a selling point to universities to which you apply.

Follow these tips, and you're sure to have a stellar application. And you can feel confident in the fact that there are many institutions that are eagerly awaiting to accept young men and women who have served our country.

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good essay titles for veterans

Veterans Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

  • Essay Topics

good essay titles for veterans

Veterans Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Veterans and How Family Relationships Are Affected
  • The Effects of PTSD on Families of Veterans
  • Ethical Problems of the Disabled Veterans in the Workplace
  • Homeless Veterans in the United States
  • The Problem of Homeless Veterans in US
  • Reintegration of Women Combat Veterans
  • Veterans Health Administration System Development Lifecycle
  • Veteran Health Administration: Electronic Systems
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Veterans
  • Cultural Immersion of Homeless Veterans
  • The Challenges of Women Veterans of Nevada
  • Homeless Veterans Causes and Effects
  • The Level of Unemployment Among Veterans
  • Memorial Day in the US: Veterans Benefits
  • Veterans Health Administration in Northern California
  • Service Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business Contracting
  • Health IT at the US Department of Veterans Affairs
  • Mental Health Care Services for Veterans
  • Veteran Affairs Negotiations and Game Theory
  • The Vietnam War and Its Effects on the Veterans
  • Health Programs for Veterans and Their Effectiveness

Good Essay Topics on Veterans

  • Preventing Suicide in the Military and Veterans
  • Veteran Health Administration Program
  • Integrative Restoration Therapy for Combat Veterans
  • Elderly Veterans’ Needs, Services, and Policy
  • Veteran Service Representatives for US Military
  • Psychological Trauma Care in Military Veterans
  • Veteran’s Biopsychosocial-Spiritual Assessment
  • Veterans With Disabilities: Integration and Employment
  • Social Work in the Military with Homeless Veterans
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Missouri Veterans
  • Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Improvements Act of 2010
  • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Veteran Community
  • Veterans Health Administration Integrative Care Model
  • Housing and Urban Development: Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing Program
  • Ethics: Disabled Veterans Affirmative Action Program
  • The Gulf War Veteran Case: The Question of Pressing Charges
  • Problems of Veterans in the Works of E. Hemingway and T. Nordenberg
  • How the Veteran’s Affairs System Is Failing Veterans
  • Veterans: Health, Education and Employment


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Home — Essay Samples — Government & Politics — Veterans — My Pledge to Our Veterans: Honoring Sacrifice and Commitment


My Pledge to Our Veterans: Honoring Sacrifice and Commitment

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Words: 717 |

Published: Sep 7, 2023

Words: 717 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

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1. recognition and gratitude, 2. supporting their transition, 3. advocating for policies and initiatives, 4. educating others, 5. encouraging civic engagement, conclusion: a pledge of gratitude and action.

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166 Military Essay Topics

Looking for some military topics for discussion? You’re in the right place! We’ve gathered here a list of hot military persuasive essay topics to boost your creativity! Our unique army persuasive essay topics will inspire your presentation or research paper.

🏆 Hot Military Topics for Discussion

✍️ military essay topics for college, 👍 good military research topics & essay examples, 💡 simple military essay topics, 🎓 most interesting army persuasive essay topics, ❓ military research questions.

  • The Role of Soft Skills in Military Operations
  • Interpersonal Communication in the Military
  • Information Technology Implications for Military
  • Training and Development in Military Units
  • Discipline Implementation in Military Environment
  • Topographic Symbols in Military Maps
  • A Stress Management Program for the Military
  • Military Diversity: US Army The article focuses on the need and benefits of ensuring cultural and racial diversity, as well as gender balance in the US military.
  • Military Tactics of Alexander the Great This research paper will provide the strategies used by Alexander, resulting in an enhanced military organization and innovative weapons in the modern world.
  • Military Mindset: Leadership, Discipline, Resilience, and Teamwork This literature review will focus on the four themes identified in the context of the military mindset, which are leadership, discipline, resilience, and teamwork.
  • When Is the Use of Military Force Justified? Current justification of the use of military force is quite reasonable, but it is still far too loose for being used only in the instances that cannot be addressed with the help of diplomacy.
  • Diversity in the Military The purpose of this article is to explore the concept of human diversity and its usefulness in a military context.
  • Strategic Thinking and Military Lessons Strategic thinking enables a person to reach levels that one could have otherwise not reached if they were to work in a conventional manner.
  • Human Resource Competencies in the Military HR managers in the military are responsible for policy implementations, training, determining performance requirements, and keeping morale levels.
  • Leadership Deficiency in the Military Destructive leadership strategy contributes to the concept of adequate leadership deficiency in the US military today and presents a major problem for soldiers and officers.
  • Napoleon’s Achievements and Military Campaigns Napoleon was one of the greatest men in the history of humanity. Being a brilliant commander, he managed to win a number of significant battles and create new efficient strategies.
  • The Military Profession’s Culture and Ethics This paper analyzes the military profession, its culture, and ethics which are vital factors for the military human resource specialist.
  • Alexander the Great as a Military General Whereas some sources claim that Alexander’s military tactics borrowed heavily from those of his father, Philip II of Macedonia, there are critics who believe that they did not.
  • Customs and Courtesies in the Military: Survey Feedback Use of survey feedback as a means of improving safety culture and consciousness in the U. S. army has increased staff awareness of safety and risks while on and off-duty.
  • Military Drones: Innovation Project Unmanned aerial vehicles have revolutionized modern-day wars and the approach that is used to collect data, especially in locations deemed unsafe for military personnel.
  • The Massive Military’s Layoff of the Obama Administration This paper discusses the massive layoff within the military during the Obama administration using the four-frame model.
  • Justification for the Use of Military Force Military intervention was a feasible alternative for averting external aggression in the past, and it is still the most viable option for fighting global terrorism.
  • Military Policy that Should Be Changed The military is a secret organization that does not disclose its activities to the public, mainly because of the strict rules and regulations. Some of how things are conducted ought to be changed.
  • An Effective Leadership Style in Military Units This paper proposes a research study intended to gather more information regarding different types of leadership in military units.
  • Army Leadership and Military Profession Leadership is a term that refers to the process of motivating and directing people to achieve common goals. It can also be defined as the ability of an influence.
  • Secondary Traumatization of PTSD Among Children in Military Families Military officers and veterans work in highly stressful environments, hence, experiencing different levels of PTSD depending on the armed nature of a given conflict.
  • Analysis of LGBT Integration in Military The study examines integrating LGBT people into the army and identified the main points that influenced the formation of acceptance of gays, lesbians, and transsexuals.
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Military Militants experience a significant number of traumatic events that subject them to PTSD. The culture of the military plays a significant role in promoting veteran mental wellness.
  • Power, Influence, and Communications Within a Military Setting There are five primary types of power that can be exercised to gain influence over others, they include coercive, reward, legitimate, expert, and referent power.
  • Mental Health Stigma for Military Man and Civilians This source will contribute to my research regarding comparing the mental disorder stigma among civilians and military veterans.
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  • Positive Psychology for Military Leadership Leadership in the military is a complex task given the adverse working environment of officers especially during and after deployment.
  • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Military Veterans Both in the military and civilian life, people encounter traumatic occurrences that challenge their perception of the world or themselves.
  • Fire Support Planning in Military Fire support planning is an efficient practice aimed at improved cooperation and coordination between all fire teams.
  • Stress in the Military A study conducted by the Careercast.com in 2013 indicated that the military working environment was characterized by numerous stressors.
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  • Military Sexual Trauma: PTSD in Female Veterans The following paper suggests a literature review on the subject of post traumatic stress disorder associated with military sexual trauma in female veterans.
  • Internet-of-Things in the Military and Its Feasibility This paper provides an analysis of the Internet of Military Things functions and a description of its feasibility in the future and its associated costs.
  • The Foundation of Army Leadership and Military Training One of the aims of military leadership is to prepare soldiers for the defensive mission. Army leaders provide direction and set goals for the subordinates to achieve successfully.
  • Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell: Gays in the Us Military Homosexuals in the military have always had to hide their sexual orientation to prevent discrimination, incrimination, or even discharge from service.
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  • Technology Influences That Affect the Military This work is aimed at identifying significant factors that influence the activities of the military and modern national security standards.
  • The Canadian Armed Forces: Impact of Military History Understanding Canada’s military history and the divergent local and international relations contributes to appreciating the core values of service in the Canadian Armed Forces.
  • Foundation of Army Leadership: Military Culture and Its Impact on Mental Health The pillars of military leadership are character, presence, and intellect. The character may be described as an individual’s distinct mental and moral attributes.
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  • Closing the Gap Between Military Service and Civilian Career A gulf between Military Service and Civilian careers prevents veterans from successfully integrating into society after military service.
  • Ancient History: The Key Military Periods In the ancient history, the key military periods are connected with the Trojan, Messenian, and Greco-Persian wars, the campaigns of Alexander the Great, and the Hellenistic wars.
  • Military Spending and the US Foreign Policy Military spending has become an issue of debate in recent years as a section of the United States population believes it may be affecting other sectors.
  • Analysis of The British Military Aircraft Incident The incident occurred on July 22, 1966, at RAF Lyneham Air Force Base (Chippenham, UK) while maintaining a Lightning F53 supersonic interceptor aircraft.
  • The Issue of Military Aviation Crashes Military aviation is one of the most complex elements of the military system. The paper discusses the issue of aviation crashes and recommendations for its addressing.
  • Military Violence: Negative Impact on Society This paper focuses on military violence and its negative impact on society. Gun violence is a critically relevant topic that affects all segments of the population of the US.
  • Military Aviation Safety and Human Factor The current report examines the connection between military aviation safety and the human factor, exploring the most pressing concerns within the topic.
  • The Rise of Sexual Assault in the US Military The paper explores why the numbers of Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault cases continue to rise throughout the Army, despite all the training that takes place.
  • Tahtib: Egyptian Sports and Military Game Both competing audiences benefit from the beauty and constancy of tahtib skills and rhythm, which have evolved over their long history.
  • The Issue of Rising Levels of Opioid Addiction in the Military The proposed research will seek to establish the correlation between veterans’ injuries and opioid addictions among this population.
  • Maintaining and Not Losing Equipment in the Military Understanding the importance of maintaining and not losing equipment in the military depends on three aspects – availability, quality, and personal needs.
  • Expenditures for Pensions, Social Welfare, and Military It is no mystery that the U.S. military budget is the biggest in the world with a significant margin, even despite the absence of imminent global threats.
  • US Military Interventions Between 1918 and 1962 This paper provides a review of U.S. military interventions between 1918 and 1962, discussing the effectiveness and pros and cons of military operations.
  • Human Resources in Military Sphere The army is responsible for the country’s security and includes many representatives in various positions – from generals to ordinary soldiers.
  • Alexander the Great: The World’s Greatest Military General Alexander III of Macedon, known worldwide as Alexander the Great, is frequently regarded as one of the world’s greatest military generals of all time.
  • The Collective Unity Against Military Might The colonists managed to be victorious against a greater and stronger army of the British empire due to superior leadership, consolidation of alliances, and military strategies.
  • When the U.S. Military Strikes While the state of war between the parties can be questioned on the international level, the US authorities are clear in their reasoning and intentions.
  • World War II: Maskirovka Military Deception and Denials Operations This paper investigates the impact of maskirovka military deception and denials operations, a component of information warfare. The case study is set during World War II.
  • Warfare Theories, Military Technology and Pacifism Warfare generally denotes the intentional and consistent military action among independent nations or states until the defeat of the opponent.
  • Hurricane Katrina: Military and Civilian Response One of the three most dramatic catastrophes of the millennium, hurricane Katrina highlighted weak points of government and military forces.
  • Omar Nelson Bradley in American Military History Omar Nelson Bradley is one of the most influential military people in the history of the United States. He was assigned by the President to several military positions.
  • Media Coverage of Transgender Policy in Military This paper aims to provide an annotated bibliography for the ten articles related to the topic of media coverage of transgender policy in the military.
  • History of the US Military The US military is presently seen not just as the most impressive and exceptional outfitted power on the planet yet one with a multifaceted administrative role also.
  • “Yankee Blitzkrieg”: Historical Assessment of the Former Military “Yankee Blitzkrieg” is a book describing the largest mounted expedition led by James H. Wilson; it is characterized by consistency, clarity, and innovative narrative tactics.
  • Transition from Military Service to Entrepreneurship Identifying the positive and negative traits acquired during military service is an essential aspect of studying the success of veterans in entrepreneurship.
  • Kolcaba’s Comfort Theory in Regard to Military Veterans With PTSD To sum up, if the experiment proves reliable and valid, the application for those who have PTSD may be improved or facilitated for everyday use.
  • Combat to Corporate: Migrating from Military Leadership to Business Military leadership and civilian business leadership rely on overlapping sets of leadership skills and personal traits.
  • Cognitive Behavior Theory for Military Veteran Cognitive behavior theory is based on the idea that an individual is able to alter their behavior by interfering with their thought patterns.
  • Sexual Harassment in the U.S. Military: Addressing the Issue This essay will address sexual assaults in the U.S. military, examine possible causes, and acknowledge possible solutions.
  • Military Leadership: Combat Bunker to the Corporate Boardroom The research on the topic of leadership management is substantial, filled with primary and secondary sources covering the various aspects of theoretical and practical discussions.
  • Military Leadership Traits Migration into Business Recently, society has been observing military people’s tendency to transition into entrepreneurs, and this phenomenon becomes increasingly popular annually.
  • Combat to Corporate: Military Traits in Business The investigation aims to determine what military traits are most likely to be incorporated into a business sphere and how they can benefit it.
  • Reason for the Roman Military’s Success This essay will argue that the main reason for the Roman military success was not only strong discipline and hard training but also a careful selection of recruit.
  • The Counterterrorism Tasks by the Military and Government The US government works with other governments to fight against terrorism. Efforts are made to discourage and anticipate attacks by apprehending the individuals.
  • Shooting at Military Recruiting Center: Identification, Description, Historical Background The attack occurred at Chattanooga, when a 24-year old Kuwaiti gunman stormed a military recruiting station and opened fire to trainees.
  • Belize’s Military Capability Belize’s military potential is limited to border protection with minimal assault capabilities. The major factor disrupting stable affairs is its dispute with Guatemala.
  • Political Science: Human Security & Revolution-in-Military-Affairs The major susceptibilities and challenges include protracted violence and political conflicts, diseases, epidemics, natural calamities, economic crises and ethnic violence.
  • The History of Women in the United States Military The increase of the part of women in the military of USA is not steady but concurs with the periods of wars when they could prove the irreplaceability of their skills.
  • The President’s and Congress’s Powers Regarding Using Military Forces The powers of the US President consist of the powers admitted by Article II of the US Constitution, powers accepted by Acts of Congress, and, besides, there is soft power.
  • Correlation Between Military Leaders and Cultural Diversity The article discusses the need for modern military personnel to be trained as leaders, free from cultural bias in their views and actions.
  • Military Conflict and Involvement Consequences Humanity entered the era of humanism, characterized by the great attention to human rights, the man in the whole, and by the constant wars and military conflicts.
  • Mental Health Conditions Among Military Veterans The research will analyze whether the incidence of symptoms and their link to individuals’ experiences relate to their military service
  • American-Japanese Military and Race Conflicts in the Book “War Without Mercy: Race and Power in the Pacific War” The issues of prejudice, tunnel vision and inability to see the situation from all sides are described in the present book.
  • Involuntary Discharged Military Personnel Transitioning into Civilian Workforce Most of the findings of many researchers have focused on veterans and former employees who exited the profession voluntarily.
  • The Children Use in Military Activities The issue of children serving as soldiers in military conflicts is sensitive indeed. The increasing use of children in military conflicts has grown and threatens the social fibre.
  • Religious Studies and Theology: Paganism in the Military Paganism has spread far and wide in society. From academia to the military, the practice of paganism is being accepted and accommodated just like other religions.
  • Military Leadership Characteristics in U.S.A The army of the United States has professional military ethics, which states that a military leader should be loyal to his or her nation and unit.
  • Military Service: The Obligation of the American Citizens Joining the military is associated with various benefits. It is a good opportunity for one to realize their patriotism in addition to educational standards.
  • Critical Decisions Making: Get Out of the Military This analysis will help me get the best out of the decision by avoiding the various biases to come to a better decision.
  • EU Requirement of Common Foreign and Military Policy This paper discusses the need for a common foreign and military policy for the EU. The European Union is at the forefront in asserting itself to play a role in world affairs.
  • Gays in the Military: Current Situation and Problems While much effort is being put in to allow the marriage of persons of the same sex, this has not affected the military, since homosexuals are barred from taking up in the military.
  • Homeland Security: The Role of the US Military Increased military involvement in homeland security better prepares the country for multiple disasters as it expands its capacity.
  • American Public Attitudes to Overseas Military Deployment This essay will discuss the role of the increased media coverage in the shaping of the attitudes of Americans towards military activity abroad.
  • Hiring Prior Military for a Job An increasing number of the citizen-soldier population gives the Government few reasons to provide such people with guarantees of their employment.
  • Military Forces in the Twenty-First Century This essay aims to show that in the twenty-first century the military forces will be directed more toward peace and security maintenance issues around the world.
  • US Military Overseas Commitments North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is a military alliance which was formed by the signing of the North Atlantic Treaty in the year 1949.
  • To Have or Not to Have a Military Draft To have or not to have a military draft is a debate that has sparked many views nationwide. America has not had a military draft since 1973.
  • Immediate Troop-Withdrawal Plan: Withdrawal of the American Military Forces From Iraq There was increased debate on whether to withdraw the American Military forces from Iraq since they were the once who were behind the war that was in Iraq that lasted for a period of five years.
  • Military Transition to Civilian Life As the target audience for this study, first-generation Latinos are involved, who have completed military service and moved on to civilian life.
  • Transforming Military Logistic Systems in the Department of Defense Technology has indeed helped resolve some of the world’s greatest challenges. For this reason, it is viable to argue that tech can be used to solve challenges faced within supply chain management.
  • Transitioning from Military to Civilian Life People who have participated in a war, killed someone, or became injured due to others’ actions take much time to recover.
  • Social Adaptation of Former Military Members Social adaptation to civilian life of former members of the military is a unique and significant area of inquiry.
  • When Military Force Is Justified The use of military force should be the last option after all other dispute resolution mechanisms have failed. This paper discusses cases where military force is justified.
  • Unity of Command in Military Operation Anaconda The major purpose of the unity of command is to arrange the effective operation of various forces under the authority of a single commander.
  • Sexual Harassment and Assault in the Military The marines are extremely negatively disposed towards the presence of female soldiers in their combat formations.
  • United States Military Veteran Suicides and Causes Researchers have not agreed on the exact causes of suicide cases in the US military. Initially, it was assumed that deployment was a risk factor for this behavior.
  • Military Commissions and Terrorism Prevention The measures aimed at reducing the spread of international terrorism should align with international laws. The legal authority of military commissions should be discussed.
  • Military Social Worker’s Qualities and Skills This essay describes personal and leadership qualities that need to have in the perfect candidate for being a military social worker.
  • The Level of Military Service Organization in the US The paper analysis the idea to optimize the core activities of military HR professionals to the level that is demonstrated by the representatives from the Department of Defense (DOD).
  • Military Human Resource Professionals: Activities Optimization Civilian and military managers are the members of the team that is responsible for appropriate and effective services offered to people who are engaged in military life.
  • American Military Management Systems Assessment Adequate assessment of sources of potential threats can increase national safety with regard to numerous messages that are used by terrorists.
  • Asian International Politics and Military Conflicts The Cold War mentality of Japan was that of strengthening ties with Western powers to contain other Asian emerging powers.
  • Management Styles in the Military Field Organizations want to outperform their competitors and choose management styles that fit their organizational and market realities.
  • Military Organization: Leveraging Human Capital The discussion outlines various approaches that can be used in the targeted military organization to leverage human capital.
  • The King Fahd Military Medical Complex: Patient Improvement This report discusses decrease length of stay and improve patient workflow at the King Fahd Military Medical Complex’s accident and emergency department.
  • Military Veterans’ Mental Health Needs The topic of the study concerns the mental health needs of veterans who suffer different types of disorders as the result of their military service.
  • WWI and Interwar Military Innovations WWI triggered the development of an array of interwar military innovations. Today specialization is common in contemporary military forces.
  • American Military Approaches in the East This work discusses questions related to the Korean War, US military approaches in Vietnam, Vietnamization, the Arab-Israeli war, and the American way of war.
  • Military Treatment, Success, and Diverse Groups This paper highlights the correlation between the integration of the micro and macro-sociological theories and the successful treatment of diverse groups.
  • Military Personnel and Psychological Risks Researchers have discovered that the sense of loneliness is one of the risk factors that potentially cause various mental disorders among active-duty soldiers.
  • Military on the US Southern Border Even serving at the southern border, the military will not be able to serve all issues associated with the case of Mexico.
  • Bereaved Military Children: Group Intervention Bereavement is one of the most stressful events, and it is closely linked to anxiety, depression, fear, aggressiveness, and regression.
  • The Great Depression and Military Spending The Great Depression had a devastating impact on the US economy. But military spending could be consider the main tool of it ended and promoting the growth of the industrial sector.
  • Military Spending by the Government of the United States The US federal government allocates excess resources to its military, and some money could assist in other areas of the economy.
  • Stealth Aircraft Support in the United States Military This paper will argue that maintaining an edge on military technology and the air force is crucial for the US by giving reasons why it is important for the US military to have stealth aircrafts.
  • Automated vs. Military Pitot Static Tester The report proposes that the Military Pitot Static Model is much better than the 6300 model. However, diligence should be observed depending on the aircraft that is being tested.
  • Military Bases on Okinawa: Impact on Economy The American military based on the territory of Japan, Okinawa in particular, has a certain impact on the country’s economic and political relations.
  • Military Medical Assets Usage In case of an emergency, not only the ability of the military services to locate and utilize the required sources, but also the capability of the military people to cooperate.
  • Political Issues: The United States Military The military has one of the most advanced technologies in the world, as soldiers have to face the harshest conditions in their service and general life.
  • What Is a Military System of Government?
  • What Is the Name of a Military Force Made up of Civilians?
  • Does the US Military Have the Death Penalty?
  • Who Was the First Military Governor of Florida?
  • What Military Technologies Did the Industrial Revolution Provide to Europeans?
  • Is Military Government Undemocratic?
  • Did President Truman Improperly Interfere in Military Operations in Korea?
  • Is Egypt a Military Dictatorship?
  • Does the Military Generate Any Revenue for a Country?
  • What Military Need Led to the Production of Liberty Ships?
  • Why Do Southern States Have So Many Military Bases?
  • What Historical Discipline Does Military Science Cover?
  • What Is a Pincer Movement in Military Strategy?
  • How Were African Nations Affected by Military Rule and Dictatorship?
  • How Is the US Military Restricted by the Third Amendment?
  • Why Do We Need to Study Military History?
  • How Is the Social Problem of the Military’s Transition to Civilian Life Solved?
  • Were Soldiers Called Military in the Middle Ages?
  • Did the Byzantine Empire Have a Strong Military?
  • Who Created the Military Phonetic Alphabet?
  • Are Military Police Sworn Officers?
  • What Military Technology Was Used in the Battle of Ypres?
  • Is Cognitive Dissonance Used in the Military?
  • Are Members of the Military Government Employees?
  • What Is the Purpose of the Military Annual Percentage Rate?
  • What Is the Significance of Military Tribunals in Today’s Environment?
  • What Is the Largest Military Cemetery in the United States?
  • How Many Five Star Generals Are in Us Military History?
  • How Did Bushido Contribute to Japanese Military Aggression?

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StudyCorgi. (2021, September 9). 166 Military Essay Topics. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/military-essay-topics/

"166 Military Essay Topics." StudyCorgi , 9 Sept. 2021, studycorgi.com/ideas/military-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . (2021) '166 Military Essay Topics'. 9 September.

1. StudyCorgi . "166 Military Essay Topics." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/military-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi . "166 Military Essay Topics." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/military-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . 2021. "166 Military Essay Topics." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/military-essay-topics/.

These essay examples and topics on Military were carefully selected by the StudyCorgi editorial team. They meet our highest standards in terms of grammar, punctuation, style, and fact accuracy. Please ensure you properly reference the materials if you’re using them to write your assignment.

This essay topic collection was updated on January 8, 2024 .

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good essay titles for veterans

The conflict is still part of the lives of more than six million Vietnam veterans still alive today, according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, while the period may feel like distant history to school-age readers who may not even have a grandparent who recalls details from that era.

Yet sensitive authors can approach the subject in ways that examine the conflict and its aftermath with information appropriate to their audiences. Middle grade readers may have a particular fascination with battles, weaponry, tanks, and other agents of destruction, and here there are excellent choices that detail troop movements and attack tactics, with the context of political philosophies and power struggles woven in. A picture book may touch on a parent’s harrowing memory, wrapped in the safety of the child’s present-day life. The healing influence of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial has the potential to open discussion without overwhelming readers who are not ready for specific details. Additionally, the honest yet hopeful stories of the immigrant “boat people” can be found in fiction and nonfiction for readers of all ages.

good essay titles for veterans

Middle Grade

good essay titles for veterans

Maggie Knapp is a librarian at Trinity Valley School in Fort Worth, TX.

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Three essays on veteran health policy.

good essay titles for veterans

  • Description

Three Essays on Veteran Health Policy: Access, Cost, and Quality of Care

Oh, Dongjin (author) Berry, Frances Stokes (professor co-directing dissertation) Lee, Keon-Hyung (professor co-directing dissertation) Weissert, William G. (university representative) Fay, Daniel F. (committee member) Florida State University (degree granting institution) College of Social Sciences and Public Policy (degree granting college) Reubin O’ D. Askew School of Public Administration and Policy (degree granting department)

text doctoral thesis

It is a solemn obligation to provide high quality healthcare to veterans who sacrificed themselves to protect their country and democratic values. Although the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) has conducted numerous highly regarded research on veteran health policy, there is still a great amount of work to be done to provide high quality care to veterans at affordable cost. This dissertation strives to better understand veteran health policy and to provide constructive suggestions for the Veterans Health Administration. The first essay explores the expected effects of the repeal of the individual health insurance mandate on veterans’ access to private and VA insurance by analyzing 52,692 non-elderly veterans in Florida and California from 2008 to 2017. The findings suggest that the repeal will lead to a considerable increase in the number of uninsured veterans and veterans who are unemployed, poor, and suffering disabilities are more likely to sign up for the VA insurance than better off veterans. The second essay evaluates technical efficiency scores of the VA hospitals and investigated the effect of the Veterans Choice Act of 2014 on the VA hospitals’ technical efficiency. The findings show that overall technical efficiency of the VA hospitals decreased after the implementation of the Act which authorized veterans’ use of non-VA hospitals. The magnitude of the decrease was in proportion to the number of veterans using non-VA hospitals under the Act. This suggests that the VHA should evaluate whether current capacity of the VA hospitals is appropriate and try to reduce wasted input resources. The third essay examines how technical efficiency, along with other factors, influences quality of care in VA hospitals. The findings show that high technical efficiency, a low nurse turnover rate, and a low preventable hospitalization rate lead to a decrease of both mortality and readmission. Conversely a high percentage of veterans using the Veterans Choice Programs (VCPs) leads to an increase in the mortality. These findings suggest that the VHA should improve coordination within the VA healthcare system, reduce nurse turnover, construct an integrated patient information exchange system between VA and non-VA hospitals, and increase veterans’ access to primary care. This dissertation is meaningful to existing literature on health policy in that it is the first dissertation that examined veteran health policy from perspectives of access, cost and quality. In addition, this dissertation suggests several substantial recommendations for practitioners in the VA and the VHA.

Health services administration Public health Public policy

access, cost, health policy, quality of care, VA hospital, veteran

September 17, 2020.

A Dissertation submitted to the Askew School of Public Administration and Policy in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

Includes bibliographical references.

Frances S. Berry, Professor Co-Directing Dissertation; Keon-Hyung Lee, Professor Co-Directing Dissertation; William Weissert, University Representative; Daniel Fay, Committee Member.

Florida State University


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Veterans Day Essay and Winning Essays Ideas for Contest

August 25, 2018 by event11

Veterans Day Essay and Winning Essays Ideas for Contest

Veterans Day Essay is the best way regarding paying the warmest gratitude to Army veteran. Essays about veterans are easy to write. Everyone can write the creative essay after acquiring knowledge about an event. Essays relating to Veterans Day are very famous in elementary schools. The armistice was early name when this day came into existence in 1919. These Army veteran essays inspire the coming generation about the sacrifices and bloodshed for America.

Veterans Day Essay 1 Why Veterans are Special It is not easy to devote yourself to something else. Everybody is conscious of himself. A young man loves his jolly life while a family man just thinks about the future of his children. A businessman cares about his investment, profit, and loss. Nobody can force other to devote his life to others future. It is all about the determination and unconditional love. A person who dedicates himself for the country at a risk of risk of life and selfless service offering for the land is called Soldier. Throughout the whole life of a soldier, he faces nerve wrecking conditions, deaths of his fellows, severe injuries and threats to lose his life. He experiences the dust of different soils and lands for sake of his sacred land. There are different defense departments in the U.S military. They contain Navy, Army and Air Force. The soldiers give their services to all departments according to his interest and passion for serving. During Great Wars and Vietnam War American soldiers proved that nobody is above of us in save the respect and dignity of sacred land. Millions have face martyr and millions were injured and lead to death. Their deaths have proved the importance of ground. American Veterans are special because during World War I & II they volunteered to serve their country. They volunteered even they know the dangers and circumstances through which they will pass. Veterans stories have proved that the love and passion for a country were so high that newly married men were eager to serve the country. Veterans are the most respectable in the country due to their selfless and courage full services and sacrifices for the U.S land.

Veterans Day Essay 2

Why I am Proud of My veteran In the chaos of World War I, the Germans were dominating the world. The Nazis were putting their Hitler’s thoughts into reality. On both sides, the race of becoming powerful was causing the massacre on victimized poor people. The generals and high authorities of both sides were greedy for dominating on each other. The cruel and complex scientific searches were in action to increase the human power in battle. The alliances of America were trying to coup the initial German sabotaging. America was helping them indirectly with warheads and Money. But America takes a stand against Germans and his alliances when the German navy submarines sank the merchant ships of America in the restricted sea territory. Woodrow Wilson asked Congress to put a war on Germany. At that time Germany has the largest Army of 3.7 Million. The union of British contains 0.7 million in an army. There was great need of men ahead. Lorne Tudhope is Canadian boy and paratrooper in WWII in an age of 18. He told that 16,000 paratroopers jumped in the close combat and they were being shot from the down as an easy target and most of the paratrooper was young and some of them were the only child of the parents. I am proud of my veterans because of their willpower and dignity. They served us and many of them sacrifice their lives. I am proud of my veterans because of their unconditional and selfless service for the future of the country and nation. I am proud of my veterans because they never let the respect and images of a country down. I pay gratitude to veterans for their passion and enthusiasm to serve the country. Veterans are the real heroes and assets of America.

See Also: Veterans day Quotes and Sayings

Veterans Day Essay Sample

Value of U.S Flag If you own a Flag to show the world where you belong than be grateful. Possession of flag leads towards a great and inspirational feeling. Flags are the best aspect to define love as a country. Flag gives you power and courage to respect someone. There is no any country in the world which has no flag. Conflicted areas in the world have no right to have the flag. During days of prosperity and touching the limits of skies, flags remind us of someone who has given their time, life and bear the burden of lifting this flag from those who tried to disrespect the flag. Flag and freedom are inevitable for each other. Freedom has to earn while Flag is its Reward. To earn freedom sacrifices are compulsory. Someone has to sacrifice his comforts and has to provide unconditional and dedicated service to the country. They have well aware of hardships, difficulties, risks, and consequences of serving the country. But they rose to sustain the dignity and unity of America. These men sacrificed their lives and watered the roots of this sacred land with their blessed blood. Other who succeeds and returned back are symbols of devotion and determination.

See Also: Veterans Day Facts

Veterans Day essay contest

Veterans day essays contest is very interesting motion in the middle, elementary and high schools. These school kids write the essays and submit to the related organization. After sorting and grading, they announce the winners every year. Every organization provides the Specific Topic and Number of Words for the essay. The competitor has to follow the rules to qualify the essay contest. Search these websites to take part in the contest: Click here

Veterans Day essay to Pics

Veterans Day essays are the first thing to hang in classrooms and coaching hall for kids. Posters and pics of a veteran essay are printable and fixed on wood board to show in Veterans parade.

veterans day essay for middle

See Also: Veterans day Stories by Veterans

veterans day essay contest sample pic

Veterans Day Essay Middle School

This Veterans Day essay is written by a girl whose grandfather is a veteran. He served in the Air Force. Thank you very much for saving us. I thank God to have a brave grandfather with me. You flown in the sky, you faced hard times, your friend sacrificed for the land. You always told me the stories of two brothers who faced death n front of each other but they were smiling as they sacrificed for us and this nation. You told me the stories when you were young and you want to be a businessman but during WWII you picked by Army and trained as a fighter pilot and you were thinking that this is not true. I laughed the first time when you told me this. It is more like a thank you note for a veteran from his grandchildren.

veterans day essay contest

See Also: Veterans Day Coloring Pages

veterans day free essay

236 Brilliant Homelessness Essay Topics & Free Paper Examples

Homelessness is a compound problem that consists of many different aspects and causes, and you want to discuss as many as possible in your essay on homelessness. Check our article to get homelessness essay topics and thesis ideas, research questions, and inspiration from free paper examples!

🌎 How to Write a Homelessness Essay

🏆 best homelessness topics & essay examples, 👍 good homeless essay topics, ⭐ simple & easy homelessness essay titles, 💡 interesting topics to write about homelessness, ✍️ homelessness essay topics for college, 📑 memorable research topics about homelessness, ❓ research questions about homelessness.

Some people encounter obstacles in their lives and end up on the streets while they try to find a new job and improve their livelihood. Others become homeless veterans, resigning to a life without a proper dwelling.

There are also rare people who choose a homeless lifestyle of their own volition due to personal beliefs. Such individuals may be better off than the rest, but they still warrant an inspection. Depending on the category you want to discuss, you will have to select an appropriate homelessness essay thesis.

You should discuss homelessness as a systemic issue that happens to a group of people. You may use individual cases as illustrations for some of your points, but anecdotal evidence is not sufficient for strong statements.

Statistics and scholarly articles are preferable sources, though you may use journalistic pieces to support a theoretical framework. If you do so, make sure that the articles maintain an objective tone and try to remain impartial instead of appealing to feelings.

Poor journalism is possibly even less trustworthy than the unsupervised websites your instructions may have warned you to avoid. Their use would damage the credibility of your essay and, therefore, its impact.

As can be seen from the above, the reasons why people may become homeless are an excellent topic for discussion. You can link the people who are temporarily homeless to the region’s economic performance or similar factors.

Additional research would be necessary to do so, including economic analyses and interviews with homeless people. Nevertheless, the discussion will show your insight and originality in linking different ideas to explain phenomena.

It will also demonstrate your knowledge of various economic and political topics and further your understanding of social factors. You can also use a discussion of the reasons why people may lose their homes as a homelessness essay hook to shift to their current situation.

On its own, homelessness may be viewed in a manner similar to that of unemployment, with some degree of it being unavoidable and necessary to power the real estate industry. However, when people remain without a residence for an extended period, their state becomes an issue and should be explored.

In your homelessness essay topics, you should discuss the reasons why homeless people may be unable to obtain a permanent home. Physical factors such as the inability to obtain a job or the high prices of housing are excellent examples.

Mental issues such as depression and other conditions also warrant discussion. You will be able to obtain a more complete overview of the issue by inspecting its various components.

Here are some additional tips for your essay:

  • The phenomenon of homelessness as it occurs on a societal level has been researched thoroughly. You may voice original ideas, but make sure that they are supported with strong evidence.
  • Try to differentiate between various categories of homeless people. Homogenizing them without considering their differences and attitudes may lead you to make mistaken assessments.
  • Try to consult historical data to identify periods when homelessness rose or fell and associate them with other events. You may discover effective or ineffective policy, economic growth and crises, or other ideas you can use.

Come to IvyPanda for homelessness essay titles and other helpful paper samples!

  • On How to Eradicate Homelessness The truth of the matter is that majority of the homeless are people with dreams, ambitions and desire to succeed. According to the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty, paucity has been the key […]
  • Homelessness in the US: Causes and Solutions Due to the income disparity, insufficient accommodations, and racial inequality, the homelessness crisis in the US has been exacerbated. To recommend the most appropriate and effective policies, the causes should be analyzed in detail.
  • Mumbai Great Problem: Homelessness Problem in Cities From the discussion of the categories of the homeless, it is clear that it can prove to be difficult to define what homelessness truly is.
  • Homelessness as a Global Social Issue In the US, homelessness is on the increase because of economic melt- down and foreclosures. Moreover, differences in perception of homelessness by liberal and conservative on homeless have increased homelessness in the US.
  • Health Care for the Homeless According to Gent, people tend to dehumanize the people they see on the streets and respond to them as they would to objects, attempting to view them neutrally and seeing their need for help as […]
  • Homelessness and its Solutions This problem is caused by either inability to afford the costs of proper medication or as a result of the congestion within the concentration camps of the homeless.
  • The Causes and Impacts of Homelessness Liberalists argue that homelessness results from the general nature and the poor economic structures and the manner in which finances and resources are distributed in the society.
  • Tell Them Who I am, the lives of Homeless Women by Elliot Liebow The writer though reports that it is not the interest of women to be homeless since they have the capacity to work and provide themselves with whatever they want.
  • Homelessness in Vancouver, Canada: Discussing its Causes & Effects The second cause, which is characteristic of the city of Vancouver, is the increase in the number of poor people. Another cause of homelessness in Vancouver, which is diametrically related to low assistance levels, is […]
  • Giving Money to the Homeless: Is It Important? The question of whether a person should give money to a homeless person or not is a complicated one and cannot have the right answer.
  • Homelessness in the US The existing policies do not address the problem of homelessness in the US. The constitution was adjusted in 1949 to cater for the needs of the poor in society.
  • Homelessness and Housing in Oneida County and City of Utica This research aims to assess the well-being of the community of Oneida County and the City of Utica, using the data on homelessness rates and housing prices.
  • Cultural Immersion Project for Homeless Group My practice was relatively positive and in line with the expectations and previously received information about the cultural group, as clients voluntarily underwent training and sought to reduce the level of aggression.
  • The Impact of Homelessness in California: Economic and Other Reasons The crisis intensified after the recession of 2008 when prices soared up, and now hundreds of thousands of people live in their tents or vehicles in LA, San Francisco, and other cities.
  • Helping the Homeless in the Community The main task during the two hours is preparing cutlery and to serving the food to the homeless people. We particularly have to focus on the living conditions of the homeless people to highlight the […]
  • Mental Illness and Homelessness in the United States Hence, there is a need to establish elaborate policies for addressing the problem of mental illness among homeless people in all regions in the US.
  • Homelessness as a Social Issue Research further indicates that the group is at a high risk of suffering from addiction in an effort to contain stress and ignominy associated with homelessness.
  • Why Is Being Homeless Not a Bad Idea? Another benefit of living on the streets is a chance to be withdrawn from the misery of modern life and technological advancements.
  • Organization’s Mission to End Homelessness The rate of homelessness has been steadily increasing over the last decade in the U.S.due to foreclosures and unprecedented recessionary cycles.
  • Homelessness: Its Causes, Effects, and Prevention In this article, the professors collaborate in addressing the issue of homelessness and its impact on public health. In this article, the authors focus on the effects of homelessness on economies and public health.
  • Health Problems Among Homeless People To sum up, it should be noted that homeless people, one of the most vulnerable groups in society, suffer from numerous health problems.
  • Overpopulation and Homelessness in the Modern World According to the United Nations, more than half of the population resides in urban areas, making the problem of homelessness visible: cities cannot keep up with the high demand for housing, resulting in people living […]
  • Homeless Veterans in the United States The lack of jobs leads to idleness which is the major cause of the veterans’ addiction to drug abuse. The alarming increase in the number of the homeless veterans is due to continuing war in […]
  • The Issue of Homelessness in New York City The enormous drop in the number of single-room dwelling units in New York City during the rise of contemporary homelessness was the most crucial single shift in the city’s housing stock.
  • Homelessness in Northern California The residents of Northern California faced frustration and anxiety, raising health and safety fears and causing multiple debates about poverty and discrimination in one of the wealthiest states of the country.
  • Community Service Experience: Homeless Shelter The shelter also organizes outreach and humanitarian work during the day to ensure that homeless people in the community know about the shelter and the services it provides.
  • Social Work and Homelessness Research Methodology A randomized controlled trial will be conducted to answer the following research question: what is the effectiveness of the Housing First program to street homelessness based on the experiences of both human service professionals and […]
  • Homelessness in Australia: Geography of Unhealthy Housing The two primary domains that govern the social welfare needs of this population group are income support and housing assistance; however, there can be limitations in these policies that impact the well-being of homeless Australians.
  • The Rights of the Homeless and the Contradictions of the Law Thus, there is a direct contradiction in this and similar municipal laws to the provision of the Constitution, as the Court of Appeals affirmed.
  • Safe Golf in Sacramento: Solving the Homelessness Problem There are many problems and misunderstandings related to the problem of homelessness in Sacramento, but the Haggin Oaks Golf Complex is probably the most damaged organization in this context.
  • Homelessness Solutions for the Haggin Oaks Golf Complex The point is that there is a homeless encampment behind the organization on Roseville Road, and the behavior and lifestyles of its resident deter golfers and potential guests of the complex from playing at the […]
  • Homelessness in the Veteran Community Such social conditions may consist of bureaucracy, the lack of government investments, class distribution, the lack of ethical considerations within the scope of the legislation, and many others which can deprive the mentioned population of […]
  • Nature and Importance of a Center for Homeless People The organizations offer community members an opportunity to give back to the community, and they will always be appreciated due to the fact that needy and homeless individuals will exist endlessly in the world.
  • Understanding the Causes of Homelessness Poverty, in this case, was defined as the inability of a person to afford essential commodities such as food, shelter, and clothing. In this case, although alcoholism and drug use contributed to homelessness, the precedent […]
  • Homeless People and Their Key Challenges Therefore, I continue to view homeless people as those deserving of equal compassion and sympathy as those having a home. Since I view homeless people as fellow human beings first, I continue to promote the […]
  • Homeless as At-Risk Population Based on the statistics from the National Alliance to End Homelessness, about 580466 people were “experiencing homelessness on our streets and in shelters in America” as of 2020.
  • Poverty and Homelessness as a Global Social Problem What makes the task of defining poverty particularly difficult is the discrepancy in the distribution of social capital and, therefore, the resulting differences in the understanding of what constitutes poverty, particularly, where the line should […]
  • Poverty and Homelessness in American Society It is connected with social segregation, stigmatization, and the inability of the person to improve their conditions of life. The problem of affordable housing and poverty among older adults is another problem that leads to […]
  • Homeless Populations in the United States For example, power is the ability to affect and manage external resources related to human behaviors and decisions that contribute to social movements and community change.
  • Providing Medical Care to Homeless People During the COVID-19 Pandemic The first barrier affecting the provision of medical care to the homeless is social. The first possible socio-economic support for changes may be the opening of a department in each hospital to work with the […]
  • The Homelessness Issue in Canada The amount of Canadians who are homeless on any nightly basis in Canada is believed to be at least 35,000 people.even though the average duration of stay in emergency housing is about 50 days, more […]
  • Drug Abuse Among Homeless Young Adults in New Jersey The reason why young adults in New Jersey get involved in drugs and alcohol after becoming homeless is to manage their situations in an attempt to attain the tentative pleasure of life despite their problems. […]
  • Promoting Wellbeing in Homeless People: Group Fitness Intervention The authors of this article conducted the study to give insight into the importance of considering homeless people in the society they belong. The importance of the study was to encourage people to have inclusivity […]
  • Homelessness in the US: Effectiveness of Intervention The issue of properly maintaining a home was addressed as the client learned how to adapt to a home by himself.
  • Issue of Youth Homelessness in Canada The third and fourth factors, the lack of education and unemployment, are interconnected, resulting in inconsistent and low income and the inability to afford proper housing.
  • Homeless People and COVID-19: Maricopa Country Moved Homeless People In other words, it is necessary to increase the level of social assistance to the homeless, increasing the availability of housing and social benefits.
  • Homelessness as a Major Healthcare Issue As such, relocating the money to provide shelter and improve housing for homeless people would ensure a positive result of spending the budget to care for the homeless.
  • Vancouver Homeless Problem and Solutions It does not address the main source of the problem the financial struggles of homeless people and their inability to pay the rent.
  • The National Intensive Case Management Program for Homeless Veterans: Critique The program is assessed using the four principles of community psychology, which include problems addressed, values reflected in the program approach and methods, conceptual foundation of the program, and action and research tools.
  • “Homelessness, Housing Insecurity and Social Exclusion” in Asian Regions The article Homelessness, housing insecurity and social exclusion in China, Hong Kong, and Japan, written by Kennett and Mizuuchi, examines the issue of homelessness in Asian regions, emphasizing housing insecurity in Hong Kong.
  • Homelessness in Canada: Reflective Analysis This analysis is intended to be an academic reflection and to cover issues related to the clarification of the topic, personal experiences, and the connection of the problem to global citizenship.
  • “Homelessness Monologue”: A Fictional Story He is also white, and his appearance is disheveled: the face appears dirty and tired and has bruises; the clothes are torn, and the shoes can barely protect the feet. The partition in the middle […]
  • Homelessness in Los Angeles County, California Hence, the purpose of this research is to explore the background of the homelessness issue in Los Angeles County, California, and provide a specific health education program for the identified vulnerable population.
  • Poverty and Homelessness as Social Problem The qualifications will include a recommendation from the community to ensure that the person is open to help and willing to be involved in the neighborhood of Non-Return.
  • Single, Low-Income, or Homeless Mothers’ Health and Parenting Problems To promote their wellbeing, health professionals may support homeless mothers in practices such as the use of strengths-anchored nursing, supporting ideas of good parenting, overcoming stigma, and discovering and eliminating the unsurmountable hindrances encountered within […]
  • Le Guin’s “The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas” and Homelessness in the U.S. This paper aims to briefly summarize the plot and the themes of this short story and relate it to the current problem of homelessness in the United States.
  • Community Meeting on Homelessness in the US The purpose of the public deliberations was to help the City Council make more informed decisions about how homeless encampments should be serviced and managed in the future. Power and influence are some of the […]
  • The Issue of Homeless Veterans I learned a lot in the framework of the issue of homeless veterans. Among the primary problems, there is the absence of programs for the rapid adaptation of servicemen to a peaceful life.
  • Navigating the System For Families Experiencing Homelessness As a social phenomenon, it is caused by a complex of social, economic, civil, and cultural conflicts, as a result of which a part of the population is deprived of living conditions, which are recognized […]
  • Homelessness: Improving Health Outcomes However, in the 1880s, the public perceptions of homelessness improved following the development of literature that appreciated their courage and willingness to deviate from monotony and oppression associated with industrial work.
  • The Problem of Homelessness in Society Societies begin to realize that the growth of homelessness is partly their fault, and it is also their responsibility not to let this issue get worse.
  • The Problem of Homeless Youths With HIV-AIDS Studies carried out in the city of New York in 2008 showed that 21 percent of homeless youth males and 24 percent of homeless female youths had “more than 100 lifetime partners”. 5 percent of […]
  • The Problem of Homeless People in St. Petersburg The problem under consideration concerns the number of homeless people living on the streets of the second-largest city in Russia. The intended results of the project’s activities are to increase the awareness of the residents […]
  • Regulating Society: Criminalising Homelessness Intolerance of homelessness and homeless people by cities, law enforcement agencies, and the public accounts for such violent crimes against homeless people.
  • Vulnerable Population: Homelessness In such a way, they will be more prepared to come up with quality personalized approaches to health care for this vulnerable population’s representatives.
  • Addressing Substance Abuse in Skid Row: Intervention and Prevention There is a need to fill the data gap regarding the issues of magnitude, location, period, severity, and changeability of the SUD in the Skid Row community.
  • Shelter and Public Welfare Resources for the Homeless One of the issues the campaign is currently facing is the lack of information about the problem, the current government programs, their strengths and weaknesses, and the input that general citizens can make for the […]
  • Chronic Homelessness: Definition and Addressing the Issue The problem was first reported in the 1850s though it became a national problem in the 1870s shortly after the Civil War.
  • Housing Interventions for Homelessness The interventions studied were TH and RRH with ES serving as a reference point or control, and the time length is manifested in the analysis, which assesses the general likelihood of a household returning to […]
  • Homelessness: Social and Economic Problems It is these and other factors that contribute to homelessness, a condition that is seldom a choice for people who must live outside the comfort and security of a home environment.
  • Homeless Shelter Health Care Services The search for articles was based primarily on the issues they addressed: they all concern the issue of health care for homeless people and try to single out the most optimal models of it.
  • About the California Homeless The population of concerns is homeless youth under age 18 who seek shelter in the community of San Diego, California.
  • Homelessness and Education in the USA Every child, homeless or not, has the right to a public school education that is equal to the standards of achievement that are available for all youths and children.
  • Understanding of the Homeless Population The state of focus is Georgia and the County of Fulton. 2 percent of homeless individuals had severe cases of mental illnesses Nearly 34.
  • Decision-Making in Business: Help Our Homeless Offspring The decision remains with the financial controller of the donor-corporation who is tasked with advising its organisation on whether to grant the funding.
  • Homeless Persons as Vulnerable Population in the US The nature of homelessness and its link to the resources available, the status of health and related risks can be of great significant to nurses.
  • Aggregate Homeless in Fulton County, Georgia The individuals who are homeless constituted 52% of the total homeless people in Fulton. The decrease in the numbers of the homeless was by 21 people.
  • Mental Health & Incidences of Homelessness in Australia In Australia, as is the case in other countries across the world, it is generally assumed that most homeless individuals are faced with mental health challenges and that mental illness is a principal cause of […]
  • Homeless Women and Healthcare: Access to Health Care, Medication, and Health Facilities Farmer suggested that the utter disregard to the plight of the marginalized who are most vulnerable in all aspects of social benefits is the “pathologies of power” that are symptoms and signs of structural inequality.
  • Homeless Families Analysis One of the highlights of the existing studies is the idea of a “hunger-obesity paradox” determined by the body mass indicator of homeless adults and the rest of the people.
  • A Need for an Effective Homelessness Policy in Florida 3 million disparity in the number of units available for rent and the number of households exacerbated the problem of homelessness in the country.
  • The Problem of Homelessness in Australia: Social, Political, and Political Dynamics The involvement and collaboration of all key partners and stakeholders will make it possible for the country to overcome this problem.
  • Kids and Youth Homelessness: Facts and Statistics in the United States There have been numerous government interventions in the form of policies since the times of the Great Depression, but the number of homeless children and teenagers has only increased.
  • Self-Efficacy and Smoking Urges in Homeless Individuals Pinsker et al.point out that the levels of self-efficacy and the severity of smoking urges change significantly during the smoking cessation treatment.
  • Debunking the Myths on Homelessness: Misconceptions About the Social Status and Mental Health The point of concern is that the housing market, particularly in the United States, does not have enough low-cost living space that is affordable to the economical marginals and people with low income.
  • Political Issue of Homelessness: Finding Solutions Despite the undoubted successes of the Trump administration in the economic sphere – it appeared possible to significantly reduce unemployment and overcome the mortgage crisis – the number of homeless people is constantly growing.
  • The Issue of Homeless People in Los Angeles A reliable organization that provides statistics on the problem and aims to overcome it is the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority, or LAHSA. The latter makes it difficult to find a well-paid job and get […]
  • Christian Ethics: Homelessness in Atlanta According to it, it is a norm for all people to have an appropriate home where they can be safe. There is no legislation that can make others provide a vulnerable population with home, but […]
  • Urban Planning Optimization and Homelessness Therefore, the urban planning should be revised regarding those private providers’ interests: the risk of failure for future city development would strongly increase in the areas of possible economic concern.
  • Optimizing Urban Planning to Address Homelessness Researchers use sensitivity analysis to assess the contribution of single preference parameters to the uncertainty of the ranking of alternatives. In the same manner, authorities can create a database consisting of all the shelters for […]
  • Homelessness in the Context of Middle-Range Theories The purpose of this paper is to discuss the selected vulnerable group and its current health and social issues and then to analyze the application of several middle-range theories to the mentioned issues.
  • Media’s Role in Framing Homelessness Apart from this whatever the weakness or merits of the commission’s plan are, there also exists a great and a huge gap between the policy’s level and the ways for an ordinary citizens in order […]
  • The Hidden Homelessness in the City of Los Angeles Private organizations as well as volunteer groups have come to the rescue of homeless Skid Row’s residents, offering them shelter and other necessities.
  • The Problem of Homeless People Is a Social The subject of homelessness allows me to understand that stable employment and control of financial accounts are the main things in the life of every person.
  • Health Implications of Homelessness: Experiences and Emotional Feelings This study considers the aspect of health implications in homelessness through the essay written by a noted writer, Lars Eighner, through his various essay, significant among them being called ‘On dumpster diving.’ In this article […]
  • The Homelessness Problem in the US: Issue Review A report dubbed “The changing character of homelessness in the United States” identifies a new breed of homeless in the US. According to them this was a contributing factor to the rising level of the […]
  • The Problem of Homelessness in Metropolitan Areas In this sense, the authors identify four types of causes, which might appear one after another in a cycle: the underlying causes; the direct causes or catalysts which result in the loss of a home […]
  • Homeless Students Problem in USA This essay discusses the causes and consequences of homelessness in the nation and a solution to decrease the problems faced by the homeless youngsters.
  • The Problem of Homelessness: Media View It understands the role of the media in problem construction and the definition of the weight the matter carries to the public.
  • Homelessness as a Cause of Concern Around the World Shortage and high cost of housing and the increasing cost of health care are becoming the main reasons for homelessness amongst people in most parts of the developed world. In the absence of houses to […]
  • Volunteer Group Event for Homeless Children Such children will be the pillars of the future generation and hence it becomes a duty for each of us to contribute in making the lives of deprived children better.
  • The Problem of Homelessness It should be pointed out that status of homeless people in the society varies from one country to another: in the United States, Western Europe or Australia, they have better opportunities of deriving support of […]
  • Homeless Youths and Health Care Needs From such a perspective therefore, it is the intention of this research study to explore the issue of the challenges that are faced by the homeless youths in Cardiff, in the United Kingdom, as regards […]
  • The Problem of Homelessness in the US That is why every government tries to provide the strategies for homelessness to help people to deal with the problem, but not all of them are successful.
  • Problem of Homeless People in New York New York City, the city that never sleeps, and one of the most populous places on the earth, has been facing the huge task of providing homes to its citizens.
  • The Homeless in Our Community The estimated half a million children that, at any one time, is homeless in America and their mothers represent the “fastest growing segment of the homeless population”.
  • New York’s Homeless Children and Foster Care System Foster homes have to also face the challenge of developing the mentalities of the children are their clients, and care should be provided on that basis.
  • Amicus Curiae: Defending the Rights of the Homeless Laws by the government that the poor should not be homeless and that those who are homeless should not be permitted to sit or roam around the sidewalks of the US cities are not fair.
  • Evaluating the Self-Esteem of the Homeless The mission statement of the program indicates the central role played by the agency to the welfare of the society.”The Doe Fund’s mission is to develop and implement cost-effective, holistic programs that meet the needs […]
  • Homelessness: A Huge Social Problem in Canada Lastly, homelessness was chosen as a topic of research because there is very little information about the issue especially in relation to health.
  • Homeless Problem in the US In contrast to independent media, the task of mainstream media is to impress the audience and impress them by ‘current news’ and reports.
  • Mental Healthcare Quality and Homelessness Levels According to the World Health Organization, “Health is a state of complete mental, physical and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”.
  • Medical Care for Homeless Drug Users Homeless injection-drug abusers are a medically vulnerable group predisposed to high morbidity and limited access to high-quality care compared to non-drug users.
  • Homelessness Studies and Their Ethical Dimensions It is clear that the individuals were not made aware of the consequences of these experiments. Such research can be made ethical if researchers devote more attention to people’s health during and after the trials’ […]
  • Transitional Living Program Design for Homeless Adolescents The Homeless Trust organizes and directs the Miami-Dade County Homeless Plan, which is a central document of the county that regulates the government policy that addresses the issues of the homeless.
  • The Issue of Homelessness in Modern World The problem is viewed from various perspectives by different authors, and many conclusions are valuable in terms of drawing attention to the issue.
  • Human Services and Needs Assessment of Homeless In the case study by Giffords, Alonso, and Bell, the purpose of gathering needs information is to assess and record the level of individual adolescents’ skills. A needs assessment is crucial for identifying the goals […]
  • The US Government and Homes for Homeless People The situation with homeless people differs from one state to another, but common features of the issue and the ways the local authorities choose to deal with homelessness are similar.
  • Social Work in the Military With Homeless Veterans The purpose of this statement is to immediately provide the patient with emotional support and encouragement while establishing initial rapport at the same time.
  • “Death of a Homeless Man” by Scott Russell Sanders The author stresses that the aim of the story is not simply to inform about the fact or some statistics concerning poverty or alcoholism in the USA.
  • Violating Norms: A Day in the Life of a Homeless Person He said it in a concerned manner that when my friend told him what I was up to, he laughed at the humor of it.
  • Social Work and Homelessness in the United States The new study will analyze how different programs such as the Housing First have managed to minimize the impacts of homelessness.
  • Affordable Housing Policy for American Homeless I have recently heard a politician saying that the government should offer more affordable housing to low-income housing. You may be right to some degree, but the task of government is to help those citizens […]
  • The Real Needs of Homeless Youth in the United States Another threat for the homeless youth is sex trafficking the occurrence of which was documented in all the states of the USA.
  • Anti-Homelessness Program’s Cost Benefit Analysis For the first program, the major benefit is the reduction of homelessness among adolescents and young adults as one of the most serious current social problems.
  • Social Justice Group Work for Homeless Young Mothers The group discussed in the article was started for the purpose of assisting residents address the problem of homelessness especially in aspects of parenting and during pregnancy periods.
  • The Needs of Students Experiencing Homelessness Thus, counselors will have a possibility to identify common patterns in the target learners’ behaviors and design the interventions that will help manage the emotional and psychological concerns of homeless students. It is crucial that […]
  • A Look at Homelessness in Chicago When speaking about this problem in the context of the American city of Chicago, Illinois, it is worth noting that here, the level of homelessness is quite high.
  • Crowdfunding Project to Help Homeless People To assess the marketability of the proposed project, it is important to answer the question, “Why is the project important?” Providing free haircuts and showers to homeless people proved to be a beneficial activity.
  • Homelessness Among Students in the United States The number of homeless students is increasing due to rising costs of living and the lack of programs aimed at assisting this vulnerable population.
  • Aboriginal Homelessness in Vancouver One of the examples of institutionalized discrimination is the existence of the Indian Act, first established to define the “Indian Status” and control the identity of Indigenous people.
  • Homelessness in the US as a Solvable Problem The problem is believed to be caused by a wide range of social issues that have affected the country for the past centuries.
  • American Homelessness, Its Causes and Solutions The United States of America has a fair share of the homeless. In the absence of poverty, the population would afford decent housing and avoid residing on the streets.
  • Los Angeles: Housing, Homelessness, Drugs, Crimes For example, it is evident that Los Angeles has a number of gangs and groups living in the neighborhood. In this regard, agents recorded a significant decrease in the sale of houses in Los Angeles.
  • Homelessness in “Light in August” and “Wise Blood” The concept of home is commonly regarded in relation to the process of formation of individual identity, and, in almost every culture, the definition of a home serves as an indicator of a person’s wholeness […]
  • The Self-Care Habits and Patterns in Homeless Individuals This paper focuses on the collection and analysis of data in the study by Rew that targeted the self-care behaviors of homeless youth.
  • Mentally Ill Homeless People: Stereotypes Therefore, it is interesting from the research point of view to analyze the stereotypes about the homeless with chronic mental conditions.
  • Homelessness and School Readiness Evaluation Rog expected to define and underline the necessities of homeless families and their mechanisms of coping with the situation, review the correlation between homelessness in families, child and domestic abuse, and incidents of rape, and […]
  • Mayor Schell’s Homeless Policy Reengineering The paper will also highlight the steps taken by Mayor Schell to redesign the program in order to fit the fresh goals.
  • Issue of Homelessness in America Currently the numbers of homeless families have significantly increased compared with the number in 1980s and earlier. However, the numbers of homeless individuals and families have considerably augmented by over thirty percent in the last […]
  • The Homeless Population Reducing The number of homeless Americans is increasing and these people, in the vast majority of cases, are also suffering from numerous diseases including HIV/AIDS, drug and alcohol abuse, various mental disorders and so on.
  • Homeless Veterans Causes and Effects The inability of the Department of Veterans Affairs to fast track compensation and funding for disabled veterans is linked to homelessness among many veterans.
  • Christian Duty to Care for Homeless People While Catholic Social Teachings call for the people in the society to promote equality, the poor people in the society are seen as a nuisance to the financially liberated members of the society.
  • Catholic Dealing With Poverty and Homelessness The idea of “common good” will support many people in the world. The practice will support many people in the world.
  • Homelessness in Phoenix Arizona State People have different views regarding the help rendered to the homeless people, and indeed, there are those who feel that Arizona State should pay no attention to the homeless people.
  • Public Administration: Homeless in Phoenix Various models have been adopted to eradicate the problem, but the general formula to control the issue has been through the exclusion of the homeless from the main city as lepers into the territorial confinement […]
  • Minority Population at Risk: Homelessness For example, in improving the conditions of the homeless, employers should review the employment requirements and level of competencies in order to absorb the unemployed homeless.
  • Homelessness in Canadian Society As a result, the demand for housing has surpassed the supply because of changes in government policies and efforts to address the issue of homelessness.
  • Counting Homeless People in Seattle This research paper explores the possibilities of solving the problem of homeless and street families through counting them and presenting the best alternatives and suggestions on how this exercise should be done.
  • Cultural Immersion of Homeless Veterans Veterans value their country and therefore the Department of Veterans Affairs should make an effort to ensure that the lives of all veterans are improved.
  • Policy Analysis: Homelessness This paper identifies some of the solutions to the problem and analyzes the viability of each solution. It is only through evaluation that policy makers can account for each cent spent in the project.
  • An Action Plan for Settling Homeless People in Seattle The problem of homelessness in Seattle is worsened by the lack of affordable housing units for the poor citizens in the city.
  • Homelessness Problem in the Kenora District With regard to the focus group, it is necessary to highlight the reasons for the increased number of homeless individuals, analyze the consequences of the problem for social welfare of the town, and provide new […]
  • Crimes, Homelessness, Mental Disorders However, several problems in the Australian society have become a serious cause for concern, specifically because these problems have a direct impact on the future of the young people and consequently the future of Australia.
  • Approaching Homelessness in America It is estimated that the majority of those who are homeless live in central cities and they constitute 71% of all the people who are homeless in America.
  • Disparities in health outcomes in homeless people In this paper explores some of the social, cultural, and political factors that propel disparities in health among the homeless, and policy frameworks that can serve to redress these disparities.
  • Public Policy: Homelessness The major stakeholder in the issue of homelessness is the government. It is laughable for citizens of the great nation to stay in the cold.
  • Ending Chronic Homelessness in the United Kingdom This planning team, working in collaboration with the agency, used a strategic procedure in reviewing current achievements and in developing suggestions for the scope and tactics to be the outline of the 2013 activities, the […]
  • Herts Young Homeless Group Marketing Strategy The organization was established in 1988 in a bid to address the issue of homelessness among the youth of Hertfordshire. Volunteers and members of the community will be encouraged to market the organization to their […]
  • Poverty, Homelessness and Discrimination in Australia: The Case of the Aboriginal He described the various aspects of the ownership of the means of production in the form of factories, machines and technology and emerging system of relations of production as an important determinants of classes.
  • The Problem of Homeless People in Modern World
  • More Homeless than Athletes in 2010 by Paulsen
  • The Canadian Government should Offer Additional Support for Homeless People
  • Public Administration in America: Grants to Help Homeless
  • The Concept of Community Development to the Homeless Youths in Australia
  • Homelessness as the Social Phenomenon
  • Volunteering for Horizon House: Homeless Neighbours’ Motivation to Find Jobs
  • Homelessness and Schizophrenia
  • The Effects of Homelessness in Ohio
  • The Problem of Homeless Veterans in US
  • Homelessness in the United States
  • Homeless Rights in US
  • Climate Shift Could Leave Some Marine Species Homeless
  • Homelessness as the Scourge of the Modern Society: The Causes, the Outcomes and the Means to Eliminate It
  • Combating Homelessness With Affordable Housing
  • Culture and Individual Development of Homelessness
  • The Impact of the American Economic System on Homelessness
  • Homelessness, Mental Illness, and Social Intervention
  • The Federal Strategic Plan For Prevent and End Homelessness
  • Homelessness and Other Issues Caused by the Mergers and Advancement of Companies in the United States
  • Overview Homelessness and the Lawson Panhandling in America
  • Family Homelessness and Its Effects on Children
  • The Link Between Mental Illness and Homelessness
  • Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the Lifetime Prevalence of Homelessness in the United States
  • Analysis Homelessness Postmodernist and Feminist Perspective
  • Homelessness and Substance Abuse
  • Analysis Homelessness and the Effect It Has on Social Health
  • Homelessness and Domestic Violence Awareness
  • Child Abuse and Neglect, Homelessness, and Marital Problems
  • Homelessness Among Formerly Incarcerated African American Men: Contributors and Consequences
  • Overview City Life, Homelessness, Race, and Sociology
  • Homelessness: Rates, Causes, Conflicts and Solutions
  • General Information Abouthomelessness Among Those With Mental Illness
  • Dealing With the Problem of Homelessness in the United States
  • Features the Homelessness Among Youth in Canada
  • Helping People With a Chronic Homelessness Problem
  • Analysis Homelessness Amongst Marginalized LGBTQ Youth
  • Homelessness, Property Rights and Institutional Logics
  • Domestic Violence and Homelessness Among Women
  • Why Has Homelessness Gained Worldwide Attention?
  • Homelessness Is an Epidemic That Affects Everyone?
  • What Are the Ways To Prevent Youth Homelessness?
  • How Is Homelessness in Connecticut Fought With Supportive Housing?
  • What Are the Consequences of Homelessness for Women?
  • How Does Social Inequality Contribute to Homelessness in the United States?
  • Can Symbolic Interactionism Help With Homelessness?
  • How Aware of Homelessness and Domestic Violence in European Countries?
  • What Are the Main Causes and Consequences of Homelessness?
  • How Can People Help Solve the Problem of Homelessness?
  • What Are the Social Justice Challenges for the Homeless?
  • How Does New York Fight Homelessness?
  • What Are the Problems and Consequences of Homelessness in New York?
  • How Does Homelessness Affect Society?
  • What Causes Homelessness Across America?
  • How Can You Avoid Homelessness Using Rent Control?
  • Why Is Domestic Violence Seen as a Cause of Homelessness Among Women?
  • Does Public Housing Reduce Homelessness?
  • What Are the Social Issues of the Size of Homelessness in Savannah, Georgia?
  • How Does Homelessness Affect Children?
  • What Are the Problems of Homelessness in America and Their Future Solutions?
  • Homelessness and Why You Should Think Twice Before Aiding the Homeless?
  • Why Are There So Many Homeless American Veterans?
  • What Is Canada’s Homelessness Policy?
  • How Do Denver Area Fight Homelessness?
  • What Is the Relationship of Homelessness, Mental Health, and Substance Abuse?
  • What Are the Reasons for Youth Homelessness?
  • How Do You Fight Homelessness With Shelters?
  • What Are the Problems and Consequences of Homelessness?
  • How To Help Homelessness With Permanent Assisted Housing?
  • Social Development Essay Topics
  • Social Justice Essay Ideas
  • Social Responsibility Topics
  • Social Work Essay Titles
  • Macroeconomics Topics
  • Segregation Research Topics
  • Urbanization Ideas
  • Illegal Immigration Topics
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2024, February 29). 236 Brilliant Homelessness Essay Topics & Free Paper Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/homelessness-essay-examples/

"236 Brilliant Homelessness Essay Topics & Free Paper Examples." IvyPanda , 29 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/homelessness-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '236 Brilliant Homelessness Essay Topics & Free Paper Examples'. 29 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "236 Brilliant Homelessness Essay Topics & Free Paper Examples." February 29, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/homelessness-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda . "236 Brilliant Homelessness Essay Topics & Free Paper Examples." February 29, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/homelessness-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda . "236 Brilliant Homelessness Essay Topics & Free Paper Examples." February 29, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/homelessness-essay-examples/.

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  1. 96 Veterans Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    Opioid Use and Addiction in Afghanistan and Iraq Veterans. My chosen topic integrates the welfare of veterans of recent wars, such as conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, the prescription of opioids for trauma, general mental well-being, and adaptation to civilian and even academic life. Opioid Use in Veteran Students.

  2. 148 Veterans Essay Ideas + Military Essay Topics

    Looking for the best veterans essay ideas? Check out 💡 this page! StudyCorgi has plenty of unique titles 🎖️ for veterans and military essay topics available for free. ... 👍 Good Research Topics about Veterans & Essay Examples. 🎓 Most Interesting Veterans Research Titles.

  3. 121 Veterans Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    There are countless veterans who have served our country with honor and bravery, and their stories deserve to be told. If you are looking for inspiration for an essay about veterans, here are 121 topic ideas and examples to help get you started: The impact of war on veterans' mental health. The challenges faced by veterans transitioning back to ...

  4. 339 Military Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    US Military Spending. In this study, we shall evaluate the impact of spending on the military as measured against other sectors of the economy of the U.S. Artificial Intelligence in the Military. The current paper will provide research on the virtues, shortcomings, and perspectives of the use of AI in the military.

  5. ≡Essays on Veterans. Free Examples of Research Paper Topics, Titles

    The Importance of The Duty of Honoring Veterans. 1 page / 510 words. The Importance of Honoring Veterans Honoring veterans is a crucial duty that society must uphold to show gratitude and respect for the sacrifices made by these brave men and women. This essay will explore the importance of honoring veterans, tracing its history and debates ...

  6. 100 Best Military Essay Topics [2024 Updated]

    Some of the military topics to help you compose a great essay are as stated below: The process of joining the military. The anti-hazing policy. Benefits of strategic thinking to a military officer. Impacts of outsourcing and privatization in the armed forces. The procedure involved in the prevention of fratricide in modern age warfare.

  7. Veterans Essay Ideas

    Families of Veterans The war's impact extends beyond the battlefield, reaching the veterans' families. Exploring the challenges and triumphs of military families provides a fresh perspective on veterans essay ideas.The strong support systems, the emotional toll, and the unsung sacrifices these families make are a testament to the ripple effects of military service.

  8. Veterans Essays: Samples & Topics

    The Aftermath and Care for Veterans in The Things They Carried 10. Repaying the Vietnam War Veterans for Their Bravery. 11. Growing Homelessness and PTSD Among the Veteran Population. 12. Mistreatment and Negligence of Hmong and American Veterans. 13. The Issue of Poverty Among Aging Veterans. 14. Vietnam War and Its Impact on Veterans. 15.

  9. The Essay

    Make it experiential and descriptive. Make it a good read, but also make sure to adhere to the word count. Use it all up if you need to, but don't go over. In one of the most effective essays I've ever read, a veteran recounted how during his high school years, his siblings and he had been abandoned by their parents in their home.

  10. 100+ Awesome Military Essay Topics and Ideas

    Military Essay Topics to Consider: Historical Analysis. Ethics and Morality. Modern Warfare and Strategies. Role in Society. International Relations and Politics. Equipment and Technology. Training and Discipline. Personal Narratives.

  11. ≡Essays on Veterans Day. Free Examples of Research Paper Topics, Titles

    The Importance of Honoring Veterans. Introduction Veterans Day, observed on November 11th in the United States, is a day dedicated to honoring and expressing gratitude to the nation's veterans for their service and sacrifice. This essay explores the importance of honoring veterans and the significance of Veterans Day in fostering...

  12. Essays About Veterans : Undoubtedly Useful Writing Guide

    When writing veterans day papers and about war in general, it is important to remember a few simple tips: Mind the style. The essay writing style should be semi-formal or formal. Do not use slang and word abbreviations, for example, instead of can't write cannot, instead of wanna - want to, etc. Stay polite.

  13. How to use your Veteran experience in college application essays

    Submit a DD-214 form to make sure that your full military experience is included with your applications. Some of your experience might help you gain college credit and that might be a selling ...

  14. Veterans Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    Good Essay Topics on Veterans. Preventing Suicide in the Military and Veterans. Veteran Health Administration Program. Integrative Restoration Therapy for Combat Veterans. Elderly Veterans' Needs, Services, and Policy. Veteran Service Representatives for US Military. Psychological Trauma Care in Military Veterans.

  15. My Pledge to Our Veterans: Honoring Sacrifice and Commitment

    As a grateful citizen, I recognize the sacrifices made by our veterans to secure our freedom and uphold the values we hold dear. Their dedication, courage, and selflessness deserve our utmost respect and appreciation.This essay outlines the ideas that form my pledge to our veterans, emphasizing the importance of honoring their service, supporting their transition to civilian life, and ...

  16. 166 Military Topics for Discussion & Army Persuasive Essay ...

    These essay examples and topics on Military were carefully selected by the StudyCorgi editorial team. They meet our highest standards in terms of grammar, punctuation, style, and fact accuracy. Please ensure you properly reference the materials if you're using them to write your assignment. This essay topic collection was updated on January 8 ...

  17. Veterans Essays: Examples, Topics, & Outlines

    Veterans & etirees; Is Government Keeping its Promise This study aimed at exploring the experiences and perceptions of Veterans belonging to Lousiana and Mississippi about three variables; the accessibility of organization; the accessibility of benefits and availability and adequacy of the facilities being provided by government through VA. The respondents were also asked to suggest whether ...

  18. 25 Titles and Resources To Explore the Vietnam War

    Tr $164. ISBN 9781440840463. Gr 9 Up -The two volumes ("During the War," "After the War") include 37 essays, each 15 to 25 pages, exploring how the Vietnam War influenced and is reflected in popular culture. The diverse topics include Playboy magazine, music, comic book heroes, and Chicano movies.

  19. 112 PTSD Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    Samuel, an 8-year-old black male, lives in an adopted white family consisting of the father, incarcerated for domestic violence charges, the mother, the primary caretaker and the only home provider, and the older sibling. We will write. a custom essay specifically for you by our professional experts. 809 writers online.

  20. Three Essays on Veteran Health Policy

    Full Title . Three Essays on Veteran Health Policy: Access, Cost, and Quality of Care. Names . Oh, Dongjin (author) Berry, Frances Stokes (professor co-directing dissertation) Lee, Keon-Hyung (professor co-directing dissertation) Weissert, William G. (university representative) ...

  21. Veterans Day Essay and Winning Essays Ideas for Contest

    Essays relating to Veterans Day are very famous in elementary schools. The armistice was early name when this day came into existence in 1919. These Army veteran essays inspire the coming generation about the sacrifices and bloodshed for America. Veterans Day Essay 1. Why Veterans are Special.

  22. 236 Brilliant Homelessness Essay Topics & Free Paper Examples

    Looking for good homeless essay ideas? Grab our list of 236 interesting homelessness topics, research questions, and essay examples! ... Others become homeless veterans, resigning to a life without a proper dwelling. ... Come to IvyPanda for homelessness essay titles and other helpful paper samples!

  23. Essay Title Generator (Free & No Login Required)

    The Essay Title Generator is an AI-based tool that creates original and thought-provoking essay titles. By analyzing your input keywords or themes, it generates a range of titles suitable for various academic disciplines and writing styles. This tool is a helpful resource for students and writers looking to create titles that accurately reflect ...