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Soundtrack of Your Life

Published on: Apr 23, 2020 | | 0 comments

soundtrack to your life assignment

  by Miranda Rex, MA, MT-BC

I think almost all music therapists have done the Soundtrack of Your Life exercise, but I’m willing to bet we all do it differently from one another. Here’s how I usually work through this with both my groups and individuals. 

First , I print the following black template and attach it to the inside of large folded piece of construction paper. 

     Soundtrack of Your Life

     Album Title: ____________________________

Track 1: ____________________

Track 2: ____________________

Track 3: ____________________

Track 4: ____________________

Track 5: ____________________

Second , I’ll ask my folks to pick and write in their songs. Typically, I ask everyone to choose one song that represents or is from their past, present, and future, plus 2 songs they really love.

Next , they should title their album. In coming up with a title, I challenge them to choose something besides “My Soundtrack” or “Soundtrack of My Life.” 

Then , I have them create an album cover that accurately portrays what kind of music is inside. Usually, I will have pre-selected songs playing on a Bluetooth speaker while they work so that I am free to walk around and provide assistance or answer any questions. 

I used to only provide the list and ask my folks decorate the back of the paper, but I found that taping the list inside a large piece of construction paper made it more fun and authentic. It also gave them something to keep that’s more than a simple piece of paper. 

Here’s an example of one of my soundtracks:

Miranda's sample album art, drawn with crayons. It has green and blue swirl designs, purple and blue floral designs, and black music notes and polka dots.

Some other ways I have grouped the 5 songs:

  • By where people have lived. For example, I’ve lived in Andrews, Abilene, Denton, Marble Falls, and Denton again. 
  • By grade level. For example, elementary school, middle school, high school, then within those, picking two specific grades that stand out to them. 
  • By sports. For example, I had a kid who grouped theirs by what sport they were playing as they aged, so soccer, basketball, football, track & field, and tennis, then had songs to match those feelings/eras. 
  • By favorite artist/song. For example, who was your favorite artist when you were 6, 10, 13, 15, now, etc. 
  • By mental health journey. For example, what song would represent where you started (pre-treatment), how the experience has been (in treatment), where you are now (can be in treatment or outpatient settings), and where you hope to be (recovery, illness management, etc.). 
  • By life events. For example, a divorce, a marriage, adoption, deaths or births, graduations, etc. 

Just make sure you’re prepared to “go there” for some of these, as they can get heavy and you don’t want to leave your folks holding on by a thread when you leave groups/sessions. 

How do you facilitate this activity?

We’d love to hear from you in the comments, miranda rex, ma, mt-bc.

soundtrack to your life assignment

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KRTV 3 Great Falls

Students compose music with AI in 'Character Strong Project'

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In an innovative blend of technology and creativity, sixth-grade students at Mountain View Elementary School in Great Falls are harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to create music as part of their Character Strong curriculum.

Character Strong involves collaboration, creativity, and in-depth thinking of positive character traits such as respect, kindness, and perseverance.

Each month, students will form groups to use AI tools to compose music that reflects themes of the assigned character trait.

While the AI provides the melodies and background music, it’s up to the students to input their own creative decisions in the final composition.

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“It’s that whole thing of how can we make learning real world? This is how,” said Mrs. Foster, one of the sixth-grade teachers at Mountain View. “It’s (AI) already here so, how do we learn to embrace it?”

Students buzzed with excitement for the project as they worked in their groups. “It's going to be pretty fun. We're doing it every month and yeah,” said student Brecken Egan. “I’m excited to be creative and make the music. Getting to hear it on the intercom and all that, it’s gonna be fun.”

As part of a competition, a winning group will be titled with their final compositions showcased on the school-wide intercom as well as the character strong school assembly.

As educators continue to seek new ways to engage students with meaningful learning, projects like this prepare students for an innovative future ahead as well as deepen their understanding of core values.

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Engagement in campus Jewish life spiked after Oct. 7 but has since dropped down somewhat, Tufts study finds

hate aimed at Hillel

Immediately after Oct. 7, a growing number of Jewish college students felt a connection to their Jewish identity and sought out Jewish events on campus. But the feeling didn’t last for everyone.

That’s according to a new study by Tufts University researcher Eitan Hersh, who found that levels of Jewish campus engagement spiked after the attacks in fall 2023 but fell down somewhat by the spring — even as growing numbers of Jewish students said they felt their identities were under threat amid a wider backlash to Israel’s actions in Gaza.

The Tufts study is one of the deepest quantitative dives into campus Jewish life to emerge since the Hamas attack on Israel and the start of Israel’s war in Gaza. Titled “A Year of Campus Conflict and Growth: An Over-Time Study of the Impact of the Israel-Hamas War on U.S. College Students,” the report comes at the beginning of a new school year, as universities and Jewish groups across the country are struggling with how to respond to hostile environments for Jewish students.

“I think the Jewish community writ large is right to be very concerned about this issue,” Hersh, who co-authored the report with research assistant Dahlia Lyss, told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency about the environment for Jewish students on campuses after Oct. 7. “The social dynamics on campus are quite bad.”

The survey, funded by the Jim Joseph Foundation , is based on surveys conducted with more than 1,000 Jewish and 1,500 non-Jewish students at nearly 200 campuses with major Jewish presences, as well as focus groups with Jewish students, non-Jewish students and a mix of both. It builds on research about campus antisemitism that the demographer began in 2022 and includes responses from some of the same students over the course of three years.

Surveying the same groups of students immediately after, and then months after, Oct. 7, Hersh found that their feelings of connection to their campus Jewish communities and their attendance at Jewish events both spiked right after the attacks. More than 40% of Jewish respondents felt close to a Jewish community after Oct. 7, versus 26% the year before — but this number fell to 33% by spring 2024. Jewish students who reported attending Jewish events at least on an occasional basis leapt from 54% in 2022 to 75% after the attacks, then fell slightly to 68% in spring 2024.

The report also found that wealthier Jewish students were more likely to support Israel than less wealthy ones; that more Jewishly engaged students were more likely to have negative views of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu; and that Jewish students largely perceived their universities as being biased against Israel, while pro-Palestinian students believed the opposite.

Another recent study, published at Brandeis University, found that around one-third of non-Jewish students hold sets of beliefs hostile to Jews or Israel . Hersh’s study, in the same ballpark, found that one-fifth of non-Jewish students set out to deliberately socially ostracize their pro-Israel peers. (The Brandeis survey also found that almost a quarter of non-Jewish students said they preferred to not be friends with people who support Israel existing as a Jewish state.)

A Jewish student speaks at a press conference outside the U.S. Capitol

Gisele Kahalon, a Jewish senior at Drexel University working with the Orthodox college student outreach group Olami, advocates for changes to the Title VI antisemitism reporting system during a press conference outside the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., March 19, 2024. She is flanked by Republican Rep. Nancy Mace of South Carolina (left), Olami staff and other Jewish college students. (Courtesy of Olami)

In focus groups, some Jewish students described intra-Jewish divisions on campus, between those who back Israel and the smaller but vocal contingent who support Palestinians. 

“At least on my campus, there is a section of pro-Palestinian Jewish people and if you are neutral or pro-Israel, you are on the other side,” one student said. “It has created two different groups of people, and it is really hard to connect to people who are Jewish and also super pro-Palestinian.”

Another offered a snapshot of an increasingly polarized campus dialogue in which the broad category of “Zionist” is frequently demonized. “There are some people who are not willing to believe that I can hold both opinions: that I can both be upset about what’s happening in Gaza and still believe in Israel,” they said. “Some people just assume that all Zionists believe that it is good to be killing people.” 

Such responses point to a deep anxiety among Jews in college, Hersh said.

“The Jewish students are kind of anguished, because they’re like, ‘Why am I not allowed to have a complicated view on this?’” he said. “You just have to fall in line in this campus environment.” 

The declining engagement revealed by the study as the year went on could reflect a return to pre-Oct. 7 norms over time. But Hersh said he thought the “social cost” that many Jewish students feel they pay merely by attending campus Jewish events, in a climate where pro-Palestinian activists have increasingly targeted Hillel and other Jewish groups for their support of Israel , could also play a role.

“There are so many students that are on the fence about how much Jewish life might be part of their campus life,” he said. “And the campus culture has made it so that it’s a very fraught decision to go to just a Jewish program on campus.”

Jewish students’ views of Israel itself remained relatively unchanged after the attacks, as roughly the same proportions of respondents said they believed there should continue to be a Jewish state in the region and that they felt some connection to Israel.

Hersh said he was intrigued by the survey’s findings that Jewish students’ support for Israel correlated with their socioeconomic background. While Jews were more likely than not to support Israel regardless of status, more affluent respondents were the most likely to support Israel (more than 70% do), while less affluent Jews were the most likely to oppose its existence (more than 20%). The findings held even when accounting for the likelihood of “upper-class” Jews to grow up in strong Jewish communities.

“One thing I would like to do through this report is bring more attention to socioeconomic class as a thing to be thinking about,” he said. “I actually don’t think Jewish organizations think about it as much as they maybe should, because it’s a big division, and it’s particularly a big division among students who don’t have robust Jewish backgrounds.”

In views voiced by many pro-Palestinian campus activists, and articulated by the Tufts focus groups, the Israel debate is often perceived as being between largely Jewish “Zionists” who back everything Israel does, and anti-Zionists who don’t support the state at all.

But Hersh’s study offers an alternative: that the most Jewishly involved students on campus are also the harshest critics of Israel’s leadership.

Jewish assessments of Netanyahu generally got worse the more Jewishly involved the student was, with more than 50% of students from “high” Jewish backgrounds saying they had a “poor” opinion of Netanyahu. (Only a very small number of Jewish students overall felt he was doing an “excellent” job.) Jewish students in focus groups also mentioned their opposition to Netanyahu more frequently than non-Jewish ones.

When asked, in their focus groups, what preferred solution they would like to see in the Middle East, many students — both self-proclaimed Zionists and anti-Zionists — offered up some version of a two-state solution.

“I think that there should be a compromise where Palestine can be free but Israel can also have its own nation,” one non-Jewish student said.

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C++ Gaming Productivity Update for Visual Studio 2022 version 17.11

David Li


In Visual Studio 2022 version 17.11, you will find brand new productivity enhancements for your game development workflows. From faster conditional breakpoints to a swath of Unreal Engine enhancements, we have added various productivity boosters based on your feedback. Once again, thank you for sharing Developer Community feedback and answering our surveys. Your valuable feedback continues to drive the direction of the Visual Studio gaming team.

General C++ Game Development

Supercharge your intellisense performance.

We have received feedback from AAA developers about IntelliSense performance. While we have improved performance over the past releases , we understand that these performance improvements may be less impactful for large C++ projects.

Here are some helpful tips to further boost the power for Visual Studio’s IntelliSense for developers with powerful hardware:

Enable 64-bit IntelliSense is activated.

Faster Conditional Breakpoints

In version 17.11, you will see a significant improvement in performance for conditional break points. Our initial assessment found that execution time is almost four times as fast, reducing execution time from 80 seconds to 21 seconds over 80,000 iterations.

Build Insights Quality of Life Improvements

We have added several quality-of-life enhancements to Build Insights. Starting in version 17.11, you can now group your results by project, view the relative path and file name in place of the full path, and see a better grouping of results in the Included Files view.

path and file name in place of the full path

Unreal Engine Integration

Adding unreal engine classes, modules, and plugins.

In Visual Studio 2022 version 17.11, you can now add Unreal Engine class templates, modules, and plugins. These new productivity features are available for both vcxproj and uproject .

To get started, right-click on your project in Solution Explorer and select  Add > Unreal Engine Item .

right-click on your project in Solution Explorer and select Add - Unreal Engine Item

In the revamped Add New Item  dialog, you can select several new choices.

Add New Item dialog, you can select several new choices.

Unreal Engine Classes

Based on your feedback, we have added additional Unreal Engine class templates. You can now find the common class templates in Visual Studio’s Add New Item dialog just as you would find in the Unreal Engine Editor. The new dialog provides a list of common Unreal Engine class templates that you can add to your project. You can also now add your class to a module of your choice.

You can now find the common class templates in Visual Studio’s Add New Item dialog just as you would find in the Unreal Engine Editor.

Unreal Engine Module

You can now also add an Empty Unreal Engine Module using the Add New Item dialog.

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated

Unreal Engine Plugin

Lastly, you can now add an Unreal Engine Plugin to your project through the Add New Item dialog.

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated

Unreal Engine Toolbar

To further streamline our integration with Unreal Engine, we have added the Unreal Engine toolbar in Visual Studio 2022 version 17.11. The toolbar contains new productivity features and shortcuts to existing integration.

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated

  • The start and stop button will control the Unreal Engine integration server, used for the Unreal Engine Test Adapter. The server runs as a background process that automatically updates your test information. If you have the Unreal Engine Test Adapter option active, the server will automatically start upon opening your UE project.
  • The Rescan Blueprints button will refresh your Unreal Engine Blueprint references.
  • The Unreal Engine Log button is a shortcut to open the Unreal Engine Log window, in case you close it accidentally.
  • The Configure Tools for Unreal Engine button is a shortcut to launch the Unreal Engine Integration Configuration  window. The configuration page gives you an overview of the Unreal Engine Integration status and gives you help if certain integrations were not configured properly.

Blueprints Update

We received feedback asking to improve the process of setting up Blueprint references in Unreal Projects. Starting in Visual Studio v17.10, you will no longer need the Unreal Engine Plugin “Visual Studio Integration Tool” to view Blueprint references. Blueprint references will automatically show up if you have the “Visual Studio Tools for Unreal Engine” component installed.

Send us your feedback

We hope you enjoy this update to Visual Studio, and we look forward to hearing what you think. You can share feedback with us via  Developer Community , by reporting issues via  report a problem  and  share your suggestions  for new features or improvements to existing ones.

Stay connected with the Visual Studio team by following us on  Twitter ,  YouTube ,  LinkedIn , and on  Microsoft Learn .

Thank you for using Visual Studio and  happy coding!

I am a video game developer focused PM on the Visual C++ Team. Talk to me about video games!

Blog The Education Hub


GCSE results day 2024: Everything you need to know including the number grading system

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Thousands of students across the country will soon be finding out their GCSE results and thinking about the next steps in their education.   

Here we explain everything you need to know about the big day, from when results day is, to the current 9-1 grading scale, to what your options are if your results aren’t what you’re expecting.  

When is GCSE results day 2024?  

GCSE results day will be taking place on Thursday the 22 August.     

The results will be made available to schools on Wednesday and available to pick up from your school by 8am on Thursday morning.  

Schools will issue their own instructions on how and when to collect your results.   

When did we change to a number grading scale?  

The shift to the numerical grading system was introduced in England in 2017 firstly in English language, English literature, and maths.  

By 2020 all subjects were shifted to number grades. This means anyone with GCSE results from 2017-2020 will have a combination of both letters and numbers.  

The numerical grading system was to signal more challenging GCSEs and to better differentiate between students’ abilities - particularly at higher grades between the A *-C grades. There only used to be 4 grades between A* and C, now with the numerical grading scale there are 6.  

What do the number grades mean?  

The grades are ranked from 1, the lowest, to 9, the highest.  

The grades don’t exactly translate, but the two grading scales meet at three points as illustrated below.  

The image is a comparison chart from the UK Department for Education, showing the new GCSE grades (9 to 1) alongside the old grades (A* to G). Grade 9 aligns with A*, grades 8 and 7 with A, and so on, down to U, which remains unchanged. The "Results 2024" logo is in the bottom-right corner, with colourful stripes at the top and bottom.

The bottom of grade 7 is aligned with the bottom of grade A, while the bottom of grade 4 is aligned to the bottom of grade C.    

Meanwhile, the bottom of grade 1 is aligned to the bottom of grade G.  

What to do if your results weren’t what you were expecting?  

If your results weren’t what you were expecting, firstly don’t panic. You have options.  

First things first, speak to your school or college – they could be flexible on entry requirements if you’ve just missed your grades.   

They’ll also be able to give you the best tailored advice on whether re-sitting while studying for your next qualifications is a possibility.   

If you’re really unhappy with your results you can enter to resit all GCSE subjects in summer 2025. You can also take autumn exams in GCSE English language and maths.  

Speak to your sixth form or college to decide when it’s the best time for you to resit a GCSE exam.  

Look for other courses with different grade requirements     

Entry requirements vary depending on the college and course. Ask your school for advice, and call your college or another one in your area to see if there’s a space on a course you’re interested in.    

Consider an apprenticeship    

Apprenticeships combine a practical training job with study too. They’re open to you if you’re 16 or over, living in England, and not in full time education.  

As an apprentice you’ll be a paid employee, have the opportunity to work alongside experienced staff, gain job-specific skills, and get time set aside for training and study related to your role.   

You can find out more about how to apply here .  

Talk to a National Careers Service (NCS) adviser    

The National Career Service is a free resource that can help you with your career planning. Give them a call to discuss potential routes into higher education, further education, or the workplace.   

Whatever your results, if you want to find out more about all your education and training options, as well as get practical advice about your exam results, visit the  National Careers Service page  and Skills for Careers to explore your study and work choices.   

You may also be interested in:

  • Results day 2024: What's next after picking up your A level, T level and VTQ results?
  • When is results day 2024? GCSEs, A levels, T Levels and VTQs

Tags: GCSE grade equivalent , gcse number grades , GCSE results , gcse results day 2024 , gsce grades old and new , new gcse grades

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The Soundtrack of Your Life

Music has become an integral part of human existence.   It motivates us, calms us, inspires us, at times irritates us, and basically becomes the backdrop against which we live our lives.   Songs can bring vivid memories of persons, places, and events from our own past and serve to document our thoughts, feelings, and emotions at a given time or place.

Part II Assignment:   You have at least eight events chosen and songs picked out to accompany each event.   Just as music producers do, try to create a progression in the sequence of your chosen songs.   For example, your songs might be listed in the chronological order of the events they document, or they might be mixed together so that all of the slow songs are not back-to-back.   DO NOT just list them randomly.   Put some thought into the order of your songs and the complete package you are presenting.

Song Title                                                         Artist or Group

Track 1 ______________________________________        ________________________

Track 2 ______________________________________        ________________________

Track 3 ______________________________________        ________________________

Track 4 ______________________________________        ________________________

Track 5 ______________________________________        ________________________

Track 6 ______________________________________        ________________________

Track 7 ______________________________________        ________________________

Track 8 ______________________________________        ________________________

(extra)   ______________________________________         ________________________

Part III Assignment: Now that you have created the imaginary soundtrack to your life, write a reflective letter (addressed to “Dear Listener,”) that explains why you chose the particular songs that you did.   For each song you will need to reflect on the experiences, persons, places, etc. that inspired this selection.   Obviously you will also need to explain who you are as a person and then offer some type of reflection upon the imaginary album as a whole.   Again, for the purposes of this assignment, be sure that this letter is school appropriate.   Use the outline below to help you construct this letter.   You need to cover each topic listed in the appropriate number of paragraphs; however the questions listed are only there to help you begin thinking about the topic.   You do not need to answer each and every question or any of the questions as long as you have sufficiently explained the topic of each section.   Remember, in reflective writing longer is usually better!

Topic #1—Explanation of yourself (One paragraph)

            This paragraph is basically a brief autobiography:

·          Who are you?

·          Where are you from?

·          Where are you now?   Etc. etc.

Topic #2—Explanation of this soundtrack (One paragraph)

            This paragraph outlines your rationale or purpose in creating this soundtrack:

·          What is this album you have created?

·          Why are you completing it? (because it is an assignment is NOT an answer!)

·          What do you hope to get out of this project?

·          What do you see yourself doing with this later in life?

·          What goals did you have for creating it?

Topic #3—Explanation of each song on the soundtrack (One paragraph per song)

This section is made up of many smaller paragraphs.   Song by song be sure to explain:

·          What is the name of the song and the artist?

·          Why is each song important to you?

·          How does each song connect to your life?

·          What does each song reveal about the kind of person you are and what you think is important in you life?

Topic #4—Final remarks and reflection on the soundtrack as a whole (One paragraph)

This paragraph is your conclusion in which you should thank your reader for taking the time to listen to your soundtrack and offer any final reflections upon this project as a whole.

Part IV Assignment: Now that the writing portion of this assignment is complete (deep breath), it is time to present a very small section of your soundtrack to the class.   This presentation requires that you read one of your eight tracks to the class.   Also, make and explain a visual aide by creating a CD cover, concert poster or flyer, or other idea that somehow represents your soundtrack.


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  1. PDF Soundtrack of My Life

    Soundtrack of My LifeA soundtrack is an album of music from a movie, television show, vid. o game, or audiobook. Your task is to create a soundtrack of your own life as a young person living in the United State. t century.WORK STEPSStep 1: Choose at least ten parts of your life to inclu. e in your soundtrack. Circle them in the organization c.

  2. PDF The Soundtrack of Your Life.Activity

    The Soundtrack of Your Life.Activity. Music has become an integral part of human existence. It motivates us, calms us, inspires us, at times irritates us, and basically becomes the backdrop against which we live our lives. Songs can bring vivid memories of persons, places, and events from our own past and serve to document our thoughts ...

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  4. PDF Soundtrack_of_Your_Life

    Homework: Prepare for your short presentation. Determine what part of your soundtrack you will share (no more than 1-2 minutes). Be prepared to explain why it is meaningful. ** As we listen to the soundtracks, please remember that this is a personal assignment to share yourself, better understand your peers, and remember each other positively. Let's be kind! **

  5. PDF Create the soundtrackof your life

    You've taken the first steps to build the soundtrack of your life. A list of songs is also called a 'playlist', which is where our charity Playlist for Life gets its name.

  6. The Soundtrack of My Life

    If your life were a movie, what would the soundtrack be? Would the music itself be important? Or would the lyrics be important? Perhaps both? Your job is to create a soundtrack for your own life. In other words, if Hollywood wanted to make a movie about your life, what songs would you tell them to use as background?

  7. Assignment: Soundtrack of My Life, Provided by Sarah Scheidel

    This document provides instructions and outlines for an assignment where students will create an imaginary soundtrack of their life. They will choose 5 significant life events and pair each with a song. For each song, they will explain how the lyrics, style, and tone capture the essence of the event. Students will then write a reflective letter addressed to the listener, explaining their song ...

  8. PDF Create the soundtrack of your life

    The 'soundtrack of your life' is a personal collection of songs that gives you that flashback feeling whenever you hear them. Start building the soundtrack of your life by collecting your musical memories using the prompts below. You can start with any prompt you like.

  9. Soundtrack of My Life Project

    The document provides instructions for a "Soundtrack of My Life" project where students will create a digital book using the Book Creator app. The book will include an album cover, biography page, YouTube playlist link, and 6 pages explaining songs that represent important life moments and their significance. Examples are provided for the bio, list of life moments, song explanations, and album ...

  10. Soundtrack Of Your Life Project by GossettMusicLessons

    Soundtrack Of Your Life project is a great activity for students to explore and find songs that have important value in their life. Students pick five songs and explain their history behind the song and how it has influenced their life.

  11. PDF Soundtrack to Your Life

    Soundtrack to Your Life Summary: Visual rhetoric assignment ("Soundtrack of Your Life"): This assignment requires students develop proficiency in rhetorical analysis and argument by developing a writing piece that examines a visual text. The aim of your argument is to support a thesis—using the tools of persuasion—concerning how your chosen

  12. Soundtrack of Your Life Assignment

    The document provides instructions for creating a 4-song soundtrack to describe different times in one's day or life, as if it were a movie. The soundtrack includes a wake-up song, a song for when something goes wrong, a montage song for getting things done, and a happy ending song. An optional bonus track asks for a calming song to help sleep. For each song, the name, artist, and YouTube link ...


    Referring to your "imaginary soundtrack" of the events in your life, look through your psychology notes to find at least 8 different psychology concepts that correspond with the

  14. PDF Soundtrack of Your Life Project

    Soundtrack of Your Life Project. Name: Soundtrack of Your Life Project. Due: Friday, N. vember 17th Block: ________Music motivates us, calms us, ins. ires us, at times irritates us. You might think of it as the backdrop. ainst which we live our lives. Songs can bring vivid memories of people, places, and events from our own past and serve to ...

  15. LitTunes Lesson Plans / Soundtrack of Your Life

    The Soundtrack of Your Life assignment sheet includes blanks for songs and artists and an explanation of each required paragraph. It may also be necessary for students to consult their Compact Disc (CD) liner notes or Internet sites for lyrics. The Green Book by Jeff Green is a great optional resource which provides a thematic categorization of over 20,000 song titles. Setup:

  16. PDF Soundtrack of My Life Assignment

    Include necessary background information to make your reader aware of the purpose of your assignment, or the direction or essay is going to go. Since this assignment is called "Soundtrack of My Life", you will want to reflect on your life, either some past events or moods you have, depending on what you have chosen to focus on.

  17. Soundtrack Of Your Life

    Soundtrack Of Your Life. Music is an integral part of our human existence. It motivates us, calms us, inspires us, and at times irritates us. It serves as the backdrop against which we live our lives. Songs can bring vivid memories of persons, places, and events from our own past and serve to document our thoughts, feelings, and emotions at a ...

  18. Soundtrack Of Your Life Worksheets & Teaching Resources

    Browse soundtrack of your life resources on Teachers Pay Teachers, a marketplace trusted by millions of teachers for original educational resources.

  19. Soundtrack of Your Life

    I think almost all music therapists have done the Soundtrack of Your Life exercise, but I'm willing to bet we all do it differently from one another. Here's how I usually work through this with both my groups and individuals.

  20. PDF Microsoft Word

    The Soundtrack of Your Life: Personal Narrative Writing Music has become an integral part of human existence. It motivates us, calms us, inspires us, at times irritates us, and basically becomes the backdrop against which we live our lives. Songs can bring vivid memories of persons, places, and events from our own past and serve to document our thoughts, feelings, and emotions at a given time ...

  21. Soundtrack of Your Life

    Materials: The Soundtrack of Your Life assignment sheet includes blanks for songs and artists and an explanation of each required paragraph. It may also be necessary for students to consult their Compact Disc (CD) liner notes or Internet sites for lyrics. The Green Book by Jeff Green is a great optional resource which provides a thematic categorization of over 20,000 song titles.

  22. Andrea Brillantes

    425K likes, 1,198 comments - blythe on August 30, 2024: "135 days and 2,610 hours of portraying Sky Love Cruz and Luna Amore Cruz... — Senior High - High Street — First of all, I want to say thank you to Sir Deo. This project wouldn't have been possible without you. Thank you for believing that a project like this is needed for our generation, and for the trust you placed in me as Sky ...

  23. Students compose music with AI in 'Character Strong Project'

    6th graders at Mountain View Elelmentary hone in on their creativity by creating music with AI as part of their Character Strong project.

  24. Engagement in campus Jewish life spiked after Oct. 7 but has since

    The survey, funded by the Jim Joseph Foundation, is based on surveys conducted with more than 1,000 Jewish and 1,500 non-Jewish students at nearly 200 campuses with major Jewish presences, as well ...

  25. Interactive Map: Russia's Invasion of Ukraine

    This interactive map complements the static control-of-terrain maps that ISW daily produces with high-fidelity.

  26. Soundtrack of Your Life Rubric

    This rubric outlines the requirements for a "Soundtrack of Your Life" project. It must include: 1) a brief autobiography, 2) an explanation of the purpose and goals in creating the soundtrack, 3) a paragraph for each song explaining how it relates to the creator's life, and 4) final remarks reflecting on the project. Points will be awarded based on meeting the criteria for each of the four ...

  27. C++ Gaming Productivity Update for Visual Studio 2022 version 17.11

    Build Insights Quality of Life Improvements. We have added several quality-of-life enhancements to Build Insights. Starting in version 17.11, you can now group your results by project, view the relative path and file name in place of the full path, and see a better grouping of results in the Included Files view. Unreal Engine Integration

  28. Your guide to fall classical concerts in St. Louis in 2024

    *Refers to the latest 2 years of stltoday.com stories. Cancel anytime. St. Louis Symphony Orchestra conductor laureate Leonard Slatkin Benjamin Torbert, Special to the Post-Dispatch This autumn ...

  29. GCSE results day 2024: Everything you need to know including the number

    Thousands of students across the country will soon be finding out their GCSE results and thinking about the next steps in their education.. Here we explain everything you need to know about the big day, from when results day is, to the current 9-1 grading scale, to what your options are if your results aren't what you're expecting.

  30. Soundtrack of Your Life Project

    Part III Assignment: Now that you have created the imaginary soundtrack to your life, write a reflective letter (addressed to "Dear Listener,") that explains why you chose the particular songs that you did. For each song you will need to reflect on the experiences, persons, places, etc. that inspired this selection. Obviously you will also need to explain who you are as a person and then ...