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How to Write a Resume Personal Statement

Rolf Bax

What is a resume personal statement?

A resume personal statement expresses who you are, where you’ve been, and sometimes where you plan to go next right at the top of your resume.

Everyone has different circumstances, so the personal statement helps to orient a potential future boss in terms of what they are about to read in the resume. Think about what you would like to share that matters to you. This space is particularly useful if you are changing industries , coming back in to the employment market or looking for a promotion. Your shop window starts here. The personal statement may be the only thing than an employer reads.

The resume personal statement hooks in a reader, influencing them to read more. So, how do you write a resume personal statement that is both natural and grabs an employer’s attention? Offer them a brief insight into who you are and why you would be a fantastic hire. So what do you write in a personal statement for a job?

This guide will cover:

  • The basic formatting of a personal statement: How to tailor your personal statement to give you a competitive advantage
  • Personal statement examples you should (and shouldn’t) use
  • Practical steps for getting started on your resume personal statement

The personal statement format

The personal statement is a short paragraph that sits right below your contact information at the top of a resume . It sums up your experience, goals and skills with confidence. Think of your resume’s personal statement like an extended tagline for your career. A resume personal statement should include:

  • Between 50 and 200 words in 3 - 4 sentences
  • Your title or function, for example “Junior developer” or “Passionate hospitality manager”
  • An opening hook
  • Soft skills and hard skills
  • Impressive facts and stats
  • Your short and/or long-term goals
  • Job-specific slant for the position you’re applying to

This may seem like a lot to cram into 200 words but perfecting your elevator pitch shows that you have a firm grasp of why your experience, goals, and skills make you the perfect fit for the job. Go all out to make this as fitting for each role as possible. Too often candidates come up with what they see as the perfect introduction to them and forget about how a hiring manager for each specific role might read it. Be flexible with the personal statement. It might not present the very best version of you - it should present the best version of you for this particular role.

This brief introduction is only a short piece of text, it is not disruptive and in many cases even serves as a welcome addition to what is otherwise a dry and impersonal document. It should be clear to you by now how we feel about the personal statement: Include it, especially because it allows you that bit of creativity that may make all the difference. Adopt a conversational tone and consider using the first person for these few lines. Third person (past tense) is standard for resumes, but if you want to go personal, this is where to do it.

How do I start my personal statement? How do you not start a personal statement? Even with a personal statement of 3-4 lines, sometimes the first sentence is the hardest. Even the first few words can have a disproportionate effect on how your personal statement is viewed. Your starting "hook" should make your fit with the role clear and specific. Use an example that is as unique to you as possible - you have to make your future employer sit up and pay attention. The first word of your personal statement should never be "I" - a great resume explores the potential of a common partnership and should not be a uni-directional monologue.

Align your resume’s personal statement with the job description

The hiring manager delicately chose every word in their job description. Gather clues from its tone, which skills they highlight, and any hints that point toward their dream employee. One of the top resume tips from HR managers is to include relevant keywords specific to the job posting itself as well as the actual wording of the job title .

What would this job description look like in 3 - 4 sentences? What keywords, skills, and tone would the job description have?

While still sticking to the facts about who you are and your experiences, your resume personal statement should highlight as many similarities with the job description as possible. When the hiring manager reads the first few sentences in your resume, they feel like you are exactly the person they were describing when they wrote the job description.

Position of the personal statement

Recruiters still prefer to see a candidate's personal details at the top (or running along a column on either side) of the resumes that cross their desk. This allows them to quickly search through the resumes that Applicant Tracking Systems have sorted into their virtual “yes” pile. You do not want your (relatively modern) personal statement to get in the way of this tradition. 

The best place to put your statement is after your personal details (if they are at the top) and before your employment history section. Remember that the length of your resume is important. If you have already been very selective and cannot possibly leave out any more information and if adding your personal statement means your resume spills over onto a third page, you may consider not including your statement for the position in question. This ensures you comply with the unwritten rule that a resume should not be longer than two pages.

What is a good personal statement length? 200 words is the maximum suggested length, but if you go with one powerful sentence that you want the hiring manager to remember for the rest of the interview process, then why not? Less is more, but you have to be confident in your application to go with this option.

Plan to write your resume personal statement last

Instead of getting stuck at the beginning trying to write the perfect statement, skip this section and jump right into your employment history first. Once you’ve added your relevant work experiences , take a look at your keywords, phrases and skills from your past positions.

Your complete work history and the job description for the job you want are the foundations for your personal statement. By writing your resume personal statement last, it should be easier to get started once you have the right inspiration.

It might be the case that you leave a certain number of lines for the personal statement on your resume and write an individual statement for each role. You will often have a public version of your resume that is accessible on job boards (etc), so there should still be an "ideal" personal statement version.

How do I write a resume from scratch? While it is good advice to write the resume personal statement after your have written the resume itself (giving your brain a chance to ponder your true highlights), starting writing a resume is a mammoth task in itself. There are many useful pieces of advice when sitting down to write a resume, but for me, the key is to think about the reflecting the combination of what you are good at, what you enjoy and how those things will contribute to the direction of your career. For sure, be honest about your experience, but there has to be a creative flavour of ensuring that your past adequately reflects where you want to go.

Check out resume personal statement examples

Before you dive into writing, get a sense for different rhythms and layouts by checking these resume personal statement examples. How do you write a good personal statement?

Let's start with the basics. Since every person is unique, all personal statements should be unique too. You should, therefore, resist the urge to (largely) copy someone else's existing statement. This is the only spot on your resume to let your voice be heard, so try to write something that would prompt a friend to exclaim, “That sounds like something you’d say!” while, of course, keeping it professional.

Example. Innovative Executive Assistant with 10+ years of experience with global financial firm assisting a team of three C-Level directors. Expertly coordinate travel, manage large-scale expense reports, and streamline communication and calendars across departments..Seeking an Executive Assistant role with the Resume.io team to expand my office management career and thrive in an environment that requires independent problem-solving skills and focus under short deadlines.

The example above does the following things:

  • States their title in the first sentence
  • Includes specifics such as team size and duties
  • Succinctly sums up major responsibilities and skills
  • Highlights hard skills —experience arranging travel and expense reports—as well as soft skills —grace under pressure, attention to detail and communication.
  • Specifically tailors the final statement with the company and/or job description

Here are a few more resume personal statement examples:

Experienced Digital Marketing Manager with five years of expertise in heading up a global firm. Increased inbound leads by 500% and raised online sales from 100,000 annually to over 2 million in a three-year period. Looking to grow career by applying skills to the Resume.io marketing team.

Straight to the point and accomplishment focused, without the use of “I”. Now let’s look at a less effective example:

I have worked as a Digital Marketing Manager for five years. During this time I have been an important and hard-working member of the team and showed my ability to work under pressure to deliver on company targets. I am looking to bring my skills to a new role in digital marketing.

Generic and ignores accomplishments. Also, too many uses of “I” in a passive voice.

Next is an example of a personal statement that focuses more on career objectives . A career objective can be used as a way to get across your skills and experience, without the personal bit. It’s a good option if you’re an entry-level candidate or college graduate without a lot of experience in the industry you’re applying for. The idea is, because you don’t have the relevant experience to talk about, you pull skills and experience from other areas of your resume so you can show you have what it takes.

Keep your career objective brief — 2-3 sentences max — following the same rules as the personal statement.

Content writer with three years' experience in a large e-commerce company. Delivered content that grew brand social presence to over 700,000 across three channels and improved email open rates by 48%. Looking to further career by joining the Resume.io as an SEO Executive.

See how it uses transferable skills? Combining these with numbers makes them all the more impressive.

And a less effective resume personal statement example:

I am a content writer looking to secure a role as an SEO Executive. While I have no experience in this field and am a dedicated individual and a keen learner. My enjoyment of how search engines work will help me excel in your company.

There’s not enough here to capture attention and it doesn’t sell transferable skills. Whichever type of opening statement you go for, if you have numbers to show, make them count.

Writing your personal profile resume

Always write the first draft of a personal profile resume without editing. Don’t worry about length or word choice in the first pass. Brag about yourself, be proud of your accomplishments , and add in all of your most impressive stats.

Some of the best writing happens without editing too soon, so don’t worry about sounding over the top or egotistical, that’s what editing your personal profile resume is for. If the goal is to get 3 - 4 perfect sentences, it’s likely your first draft will be closer to 6 - 8, maybe even longer. Then consider which parts are closest to helping you get the job and cull the rest. It might seem brutal, but brevity is critical at the top of your personal profile.

Polish your personal statement and experiment

Once you’ve narrowed your focus, use the following questions to help you review your work and edit your statement:

Is my first sentence clear and concise? The opening line should state your position and use strong, enthusiastic language to hook in the reader. It often includes years of experience as well.

Is it direct opposed to passive? A strong sense of self comes through in a personal statement. Instead of sentences that begin with “I believe I am…” or “I enjoy…” be bold. Get right to the point and take ownership of your skills .

Does it include objective information? For this one, try to get inside the hiring manager’s mind. If you were filling this role, what boxes would you need to check off? The second and third sentence often include specific skills, facts or figures to support this need.

Does it read naturally? Even with all these specifics, the statement should still be easy to understand and have a natural rhythm when read aloud. Cut out any jargon that acts as filler or that changes your tone. Formality may vary from company to company, but personal statements should always reflect the type of employee or person you are.

What are three tips for writing a personal statement?

  • Make sure that your personality comes across in the writing.
  • Quantify any accomplishments and include financials where possible.
  • If you are at a moment of career change, don't fail to mention your goals.

Common mistakes in personal statements

When writing your personal statement, beware of platitudes. These are clichéd expressions that have become meaningless from overuse. They induce recruiters to roll their eyes and move on to the next candidate. Think of such terms as “an administrative jack-of-all-trades” or “a cog in the wheel’ and being ready for a “new challenge.”  Definitely avoid this list of human resources’ most hated resume phrases. 

Try to be original in your choice of words and ask a friend or family member to take a critical look at your personal statement when you are done. By the way, you should always have someone proofread your entire resume when you think you are ready to send it.

Some people call their personal statements " resume objectives ." This is something else entirely. A resume objective is required when a candidate needs to project their hopes for their next role that differe from their previous experience a little. This objective can then be used to outline the motivations behind a career change and is also common with early-career professionals. 

Does a personal statement need a title? Some resume templates might call the opening statement a summary and others may exclude a description entirely. Either option is fine as employers are conditioned to expect a few lines at the to of a resume to serve as a headline for your job application.

What do employers expect from your resume opening statement?

Sometimes it is useful to consider job seeking activity from the point of view of the end hiring managers. External recruiters are important people to impress, but it is the employers that will be making the ultimate hiring decision. They will be reading lots of resumes, so what would they want to read in your resume opening statement?

  • They will want the resume opening statement to be written for them. When you are on the hunt for a new member of your professional family, an intensely personal connection is vital from the first lines.
  • They will expect a quantifiable context to your resume opening statement. Impressive words come easily when you really need a job, but backing them up with numbers to demonstrate their scale is less simple.
  • They will expect to be impressed. If you cannot impress a specific employer for a specific role with the first lines of your resume, then the role is almost certainly not for you. Nothing to shout about? Move on.

Key takeaways

Think of your CV personal statement as the first 2 minutes of an interview—whether on the phone or in person. The HR manager asks you to “tell me a little about yourself,” and you have a quick minute to set the tone for the rest of the conversation. Similarly, the CV personal statement should include:

  • A natural, yet professional CV tone that reflects your personality
  • The top reasons your experience makes you a unique fit for this position
  • Why this role aligns with your career plans
  • Facts and data on your CV that back up your earlier points

Crafting a personal statement for each role will cause some serious thought. What is your essential fit for the role that will make a hiring manager sit up and think "wow, I need to have them on my team?" What would you want to read if you were in their shoes. You will definitely have lots to say, but keep it simple and powerful.

One more good CV statement example:

Expert SEO copywriter with a decade of B2C and B2B experience across three industries. Versatile in writing social, website and long-form copy to convey each brand’s unique tone and message. I cultivated 15 new clients in two years and grew readership by over 200%. I am now seeking to expand my editing and content creation expertise in a Marketing Manager position.

Once you’ve mastered writing your CV personal statement, this clear sense of who you are and what you want will prepare you to pitch yourself during interviews.

Communication skills: How to demonstrate them on your resume

How to Write a CV Personal Statement [+4 Real-life Examples]

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Creating an effective CV takes time and close attention to detail. You've already included your jobs and experience , and now you want to allow the recruiter or hiring manager to understand the strategic value you can add.

This is when you need to utilize a personal statement at the top of your CV.

How to Write a CV Personal Statement [+4 Real-life Examples] 

cv personal statement example

What is a Personal Statement? 

A personal statement is a few brief and direct sentences at the top of your CV. The personal statement is also referred to as a career summary or personal mission statement.

This is used to grab the attention of the recruiter or hiring manager and summarizes essential experiences or training that you can bring to this position.

Why do I Need a Personal Statement?

A recruiter or hiring manager is tasked with sorting through an enormous amount of resumes every single day. A personal statement is a way to separate yourself from the other applicants.

This statement summarizes your experience and highlights your unique talents . The CV personal statement is meant to demonstrate why you are the perfect fit for the job. 

Even med students need a medical school personal statement , as it is what differentiates them from all the other students applying. Plus, it allows them to share their personal stories and objectives.

Where do I Start? 

Always begin by reading the job description carefully and thoroughly.

Your personal statement should be tailored to each job description, so it explicitly states the value you’ll bring to the position you are applying. A generic personal statement cannot do that. 

Once you have a solid handle on the job description, you can begin writing. It’s important to keep your personal statement brief, about 50-200 words will do.

Don’t forget that you have your whole cover letter to show some personality and include engaging content.

The personal statement should be a quick summary that highlights why you are the best person for the job. 

You’ll need to decide whether you are writing your personal statement in first- or third-person. This should follow how you've written the rest of your CV.

For example, if you've already written, “I grew and developed a team of 50 salespeople,” in your CV then you will want to keep your personal statement in first-person to match the prevailing style.

No matter what you choose, make sure that you keep it consistent throughout. Do not switch between first- and third-person as that will get confusing to the hiring manager.

Writing a personal statement for your CV in first-person does not mean you need to start every sentence with “I.”

There are ways to craft your personal statement to sound snappy, concise and personal, and here are a few examples to help inspire your personal statement. 

CV Personal Statement Examples

It doesn’t matter what chose as your desired career or how much experienc e you have, use these examples to drive the creation of your own personal statement.

You can take snippets from each or write something completely different. Always remember that your personal statement is a reflection of yourself and should align with your own personal goals and experience.

If these examples don’t fit your exact career, feel free to take some pointers and write yours from scratch. 

#1: Personal Statement Example for Recent Graduate CV

“As a recent graduate from university, with an honors degree in communications, I held several internships within leading organizations, including Bertelsmann. These internships enabled me to gain experience in the field and learn how to serve up valuable contributions in a fast-paced, professional environment.”

Explanation: This example should be customized to include the university you’ve graduated from and any relevant internships. A compelling personal statement always highlights relevant skills and experiences.

In this case, a recent graduate does not have extensive experience in the workforce, so soft skills like experiencing success in a fast-paced work environment and becoming a trusted team member become even more critical.

#2: Personal Statement Example for Returning to the Workforce CV

“A highly motivated and experienced office administrator, I am currently looking to resume my professional career after an extended hiatus to raise my family. Proficient in all Microsoft Office programs, I can lead meetings and work with clients to keep your office running smoothly and efficiently. After spending several years volunteering as an administrative worker for a local charity, I am committed to resuming my professional career on a full-time basis.”

Explanation: After time off from a career, it can be hard to break back into the market. This personal statement outlines the reason for the break, the relevant qualifications and what the applicant has been doing in between jobs.

Any volunteer experience becomes highly relevant when there is no concrete professional experience to draw upon, to demonstrate the use of those skills. 

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#3: Personal Statement Example for a Career Change CV

“With over 15 years as a sales manager, I have extensive experience building high-functioning sales teams that consistently achieve budget numbers. In fact, my ability to grow talent led to a 20% increase in annual renewals across the board. Now, after 15 years, I am seeking new challenges to flex my marketing muscles in a fast-paced environment.” 

Explanation: When changing careers , it's essential to highlight skills that are transferable between industries.

In this case, leadership and team-building experience can apply to any industry. Homing in on concrete numbers and percentages increases credibility when applying for a position.

The applicant ends with the reason behind the desired career change. This part is not necessary but may be appealing to some hiring managers who are wondering what the impetus for the career change.

#4: Personal Statement Example for a Experienced Professional CV

“As a friendly, professional and highly trained educator, I am passionate about teaching and have an innate ability to understand student’s needs. Creating a safe and productive environment for optimal learning is my top priority. I’ve worked as a teacher for nearly 10 years in a variety of subjects and my experience and skill set make me the perfect fit for your team.”

Explanation: With more experience comes more skills and a better idea of strengths and weaknesses. Showcasing your passion for the industry is a great way to begin a personal statement, as it shows the hiring manager your dedication to the craft. 

A personal statement can be written in many different ways, but it is ultimately up to you to determine what skills you want to highlight for your chosen position.

You can follow these examples or take learnings from each to contribute towards your personal statement. 

If you understand the job you are applying for and know the unique skill set that you bring to the table, you will have a stellar personal statement for your CV that will get you across the table from the hiring manager in no time.  

Suggested Reading:

  • How to Write a CV (Curriculum Vitae) in 2024 [31+ Examples]
  • 43+ Resume Tips and Tricks to Land Your Next Job
  • 150+ Must-Have Skills for Any Resume  [With Tips + Tricks]
  • How to Answer “Tell Me About Yourself”

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How To Write A Resume Personal Statement (With Examples)

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In This Guide:

The purpose of a resume personal statement, the elements of a good personal statement, the construction of a good personal statement, final words: writing a resume personal statement.

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Quick Answer: A personal statement on a resume summarizes the benefits of hiring you and encourages recruiters to pay attention to your resume. It's the first section of the resume that recruiters see, so it should be brief, easy-to-read, and attention-grabbing. Your statement should include who you are, suitable skills, achievements, your target company, and what you hope to do for your new employer. It should be short and concise, mentioning only the most relevant information for your target roles.

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Landing a job interview requires a memorable resume. Including a good personal statement at the top of your resume is a perfect way to do it.

Essentially, your resume personal statement is a brief paragraph that aims to summarise the benefits of hiring you and encourage employers to pay attention to your resume.

If you are wondering whether you should include it.

And you will see why. In this article, we have all the information you need on how to write an eye-catching personal statement and a couple of useful examples.

Hundreds of resumes go through the hands of a Recruiter in just a day. So, you understand how important it is to grab his or her attention in just seconds. One really effective way is to write a personal statement at the top of a resume.

By including a strong personal statement you would for sure get more attention than one without.

1. State who you are

Begin with a description showing your current position in your profession and field of specialization. You could also include what you like most about your work and any characteristics and skills that would make you the perfect choice for the position.

2. Add measurements to your achievements

After that, you should communicate how suitable for the position you are and what is your value to the organization. This section should highlight accomplishments relevant to the position you are applying for. Show that you could be beneficial for the company.

If you are wondering which accomplishments to mention, select those that directly associate with your position. If the position requires managerial experience, mention previous situations that have placed you in such a role. This way, you could quickly establish yourself as the right candidate for the job.

3. State your career objectives

The third section of your personal statement should state why you are applying for this particular position. You have already communicated your skills and qualifications in the previous sentences, so you write the last one concise and direct.

4. Keep your personal statement short

Your whole personal statement should be short, concise, and easy to read. Keep in mind to use simple sentences telling the recruiter the most important information for you.

After telling you how to structure it, see how it is done.

“An efficient, and reliable administrative professional with 8+ years of experience supporting executives, sales personnel, and managers to improve the internal operations for their businesses.

Proficient in CRM applications and design programs. Diversified skill set covering administrative support, client relations, human resources and recruiting, account management, and project management. Excellent interpersonal, phone, and digital communication skills.”

“As a recent graduate from the University of Townville, with a 2:1 honors degree in marketing, I have undertaken internships at industry-leading agencies such as Beyond Imagination and Noah Freemans. These placements have allowed me to develop sector knowledge and gain hands-on experience, as well as expand transferable skills such as communication, negotiation, and analytical skills. My current goal is to gain a role that allows me to further my knowledge and take on increased responsibility at a market-leading digital marketing agency.”

“I am a highly competent IT professional with a proven track record in networking and managing databases. I have strong technical skills as well as excellent interpersonal skills, enabling me to communicate easily with clients. I am eager to be challenged in order to grow and further improve my skills. My greatest passion in life is using my technical know-how to benefit other people and organizations.”

Resume Personal Statement for Career Changers Example

Experienced Sales Manager

“As a Sales Manager with 7 years of experience, my tenacious and proactive approach resulted in numerous important contract wins. My excellent networking skills have provided my team with vital client leads, and my ability to develop client relationships has resulted in a 16% increase in business renewals for the organization I work for. I currently seek a new challenge which will utilize my meticulous attention to detail and friendly, professional manner.”

Resume Personal Statement for Entry Level Job

Entry Level Business Analyst

“Enthusiastic Business Analyst, skilled in leadership and communication. Seeking to enhance understanding of key metrics for IPSoft. As a business report writer for Valens Securities helped grow employee grasp of key concepts by 42%. My PowerPoint presentation of GBMP’s Policy Deployment plan was turned into a webinar that got 2,300 views.”

Resume personal statement for experienced professional

Experienced Teaching Assistant

“Enthusiastic teaching assistant with 6 years of experience. Seeking to maintain a graduate teaching assistant position at St. Andrews University. Mentored 70+ students for 3 years. Delivered lectures, edited 2 books. Commended by 2 professors for research quality. Graded 1000+ student papers. Skilled in materials development and research.”

And if you are still not sure how to write your personal statement, go through our Resume Examples . They are all approved by top Hiring Managers and have helped thousands get their dream job.

Your personal statement will be totally unique to yourself, but by using the above tips and tricks we gave you, you will be able to create one which shows the Hiring Managers everything they need.

Remember to keep it short and only include the most relevant information for your target roles.

Do you have any other questions about personal statements on a resume? Give us a shout-out in the comments below!

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CV Personal Statement Examples and Tips

CV Personal Statement

Your personal statement is the first thing a recruiter or hiring manager will read when flicking through what will usually be a huge pile of CVs. With so much competition, you need a personal statement that grabs their attention for all the right reasons. But how do you write one? Here’s our guide along with a couple of personal statement examples for inspiration.

What is a personal statement?

A personal statement is a concise paragraph that sits at the top of your CV just below your name and contact details and tells the reader why you would be a fantastic asset for their company. It should include a summary of your most relevant skills and experience and give the recruiter an insight into your ambitions and character.

Your personal statement should explain:

  • Who you are
  • Your suitability for the role and the value you can add
  • Your career goals

Conveying all that information in just a few sentences is certainly not easy, but with research suggesting that recruiters spend an average of just six seconds reviewing each CV before deciding whether the applicant is a good fit, you must get it right.

How to write a winning personal statement for your CV

No one has your specific skills and experience, so your personal statement must be unique. However, there are some universal tips you can follow.

  • Length, formatting and tone of voice

Probably the biggest challenge you’ll face when writing a personal statement for your CV is keeping it between 50 and 150 words, or around four or five lines of text. It should be clean and concise, formatted consistently and written in the same font and point size as the rest of your CV.

Personal statements can be written in the first (“I am a marine biologist”) or third-person (“Marine biologist looking for”), but whatever voice you choose, keep it consistent throughout your CV.

Recruiters read so much hyperbole and waffle that being honest and understated will help you stand out. This is not The Apprentice, so buzzwords, empty promises and meaningless metaphors should be avoided at all costs.

  • Back up your claims

Cliches like ‘hard worker’ or ‘experienced’ are just empty words that recruiters see hundreds of times a day. Instead, establish your credentials with relevant vocational qualifications or professional memberships you have and quantify the level of experience you have. For example, “I am a RICS qualified surveyor with eight years’ experience working for a property development company”.

  • Include statistics from your career

Including specific data or statistics in your personal statement will immediately make it stand out from the hundreds of others recruiters read every day. Metrics of success are far more memorable than simply listing your achievements. For example, “I introduced a new lead qualification tool that increased sales by 15 percent”.

  • Remove pronouns in the third person

The personal statement on your CV is the one place where it’s okay to talk about yourself in the third person. However, using pronouns, for example, “he is a conscientious worker with 12 years of experience...” is a step too far. Instead, drop the pronouns, so that would become “A conscientious worker with 12 years of experience…”

Personal statement examples

Here are a few examples of personal statements to keep you on the right track and hopefully provide a little inspiration.

Written in the first person by a graduate looking for their first professional role.

I am a recent graduate with a first-class degree in economics, specialising in econometrics and international trade. I have commercial experience in the finance sector courtesy of an internship with a UK corporation, where I developed the technical data engineering skills you are looking for. I have a proven ability to meet deadlines and produce consistently high-quality work, as evidenced by my degree, and would relish the chance to develop my skills within your organisation.

Written in the third person by an experienced purchasing manager looking to climb the ladder.

Purchasing manager with 12 years of experience who wants to progress to a more senior role within the aviation industry. Has developed strong and lasting relationships during previous managerial positions in the sector and wants to put this strong network to good use to add value to your business.

Time to get hired

Writing a winning personal statement that you’re happy with and that summarises your skills and experience effectively in just a few lines will take time. However, using these tips and examples as a guide and editing your personal statement for every role is an important piece of the puzzle.

To hear Guardian Jobs reader Elia’s story and how her Personal Career Management programme helped land her ideal job watch the video .


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To book call Personal Career Management on 01753 888 995 or fill in the contact form .

Personal Career Management are Career Management Partners for the Guardian and are a specialist career coaching and outplacement company.

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Best CV Personal Profile Examples


What is a CV personal profile?

A personal profile, also known as a CV summary, is the opening statement of your CV. It is a short introduction which outlines your personal characteristics, telling the prospective employer what kind of a person you are, the attributes and qualities that you possess and the work experience that you have.

personal profile cv examples

How to write a CV profile statement from scratch

When writing your personal profile, ensure it is:

  • Short (no more than 6 lines);
  • Relevant to the job you are applying for, and;
  • Contains some real-world examples .

Be bold, be confident and talk about yourself in a positive way.

Your personal profile is not the place to be humble; it is your chance to be noticed and tell the potential employer exactly who you ‘really’ are and what you can do for them.

Warning: Do not go ‘over the top’ and give the impression that you are either very arrogant or simply too good to be true! Keep it balanced and realistic, bearing in mind the needs of the employer.

Click here if you want to see a bad example of a personal profile.

student CV profile

What information to include on a personal profile

The purpose of your personal profile is to concisely present your skills, qualities, work experience, and your career goals and ambitions. Consequently, you can mention anything from the following categories when constructing your personal profile:

Personal Qualities

  • Self-motivated
  • Having an eye for detail
  • Management skills
  • Communication skills
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Design skills
  • 5 years experience in …
  • Excellent track record of …
  • Extensive background in …
  • Previous work experience in …

An ideal statement should have at least one example for each of these three categories.

How long should my profile statement be?

There are no set rules about the length of a personal profile, however, it is highly recommended to keep it ideally within the 50/80-words boundary (no longer than six lines). The reason for this is because employers, in the first instance, tend to scan CVs rather than extensively read it. Keeping it short and to the point increases the chances that they will actually read it.

Furthermore, as the total length of a CV is only 2 A4 pages long, having a short statement frees us valuable space for other key sections of your CV such as the work experience, education and skills sections .

Winning personal profile CV examples from all job sectors

Business management cv profile.

  • The candidate mentions their key personal skills and qualities that are relevant and important when managing a business.
  • The candidate mentions their relevant work experience in the field, indicating that they are able to work within multiple job sectors.

IT CV profile

  • The candidate correctly highlights their areas of expertise, such as designing websites, networking and managing databases. It is clear from these examples that the individual has a broad understanding of IT and would be able to work on a wide range of IT projects.
  • The candidate reassures the prospective employer that although they are working in a very technical field, they have the ability to work with a wide range of people. Interpersonal and communication skills are key to any job.

Student CV profile

  • The above personal statement is clear and informative, making it clear that the applicant is a student, currently completing their university degree, and are looking to work part-time in the industry.
  • It is always a good idea, as the candidate has done in this example, to clearly mention your availability for work and also the reasons for why you are seeking work. “Making money” is not a good enough reason for an employer to give you a job. The candidate has mentioned that they wish to put into practice what they have learned and make a positive contribution to the employer.

HR CV profile

HR CV profile

  • The candidate highlights that they have previous work experience in Human Resources (HR), making them familiar with the payroll systems and employment law. Additionally, they indicate some personal qualities (such as interpersonal skills and being sensitive to people’s privacies) which would be highly beneficial for the role that they are applying for.

Manager CV profile

  • The candidate not only states that they have three years’ of experience in management but they also mention the positive contribution that they made to that organisation. In this case, it was a significant improvement in the performance of the team that they were managing.

Sales/retail CV profile

  • Just by looking at the profile statement of this individual, we can conclude that this person has thorough experience of sales and is able to handle the various aspects of the selling process. Additionally, their promotion indicates that they are a high achiever.

Teaching CV profile

  • In just a few lines, the candidate demonstrates a great deal of compassion, empathy and care for young people and their futures. This level of care and concern, along with an enduring passion for teaching, are the key ingredients of being successful in any teaching careers.
  • The candidate indicating that they are able to work with young children from all backgrounds and walks of life. This is important, especially when living in today’s multicultural and diverse societies.

Engineering CV profile

  • The candidate correctly highlights their previous work experience and areas of expertise. This makes them look like a very competent and accomplished chemical engineer, increasing the chances of being invited for an interview.

Designer CV profile

  • This is an effective statement because the candidate highlights their valuable 1st class degree in Graphic Design and previous work experience in the design industry. Additionally, the candidate makes mention of their personal qualities, such as having the ability to think outside the box, to further indicate their suitability for the job.

Hospitality CV profile

  • The above is an excellent example of how profile statement should be constructed; it contains references to their previous work experience in the same industry, personal qualities that are relevant to the job (e.g. having a passion for food and socialising with people) and their job achievements (e.g. winning an award). Any employer reading this statement will have to think twice before they put it in the rejection pile!

Admin CV profile

Admin CV Profile

  • The candidate mentions their previous work experience project management and providing administrative support to businesses.
  • This admin personal statement clearly demonstrates that the individual is aware of all the challenges that administrators face; working in a busy working environment, handling multiple projects simultaneously, prioritising tasks and achieving the highest standard of work.

Customer service CV profile

  • The candidate indicates that they are able to resolve customer enquiries and complaints face-to-face, over the phone or via email. This ability enables them to work in a variety of different job settings, i.e. a call centre, on the shop floor or at a desk.
  • Their statement contains a tangible example of accomplishment (i.e. successfully resolving 150 customer enquiries or complaints).

Media CV profile

  • The candidate has included many examples of their previous work experience and competencies in the field. Any employer interested in hiring an experienced camera operator will most certainly be impressed and continue reading the remainder of their CV.

Healthcare CV profile

  • The candidate highlights that they are able to work with a variety of different people, something which is essential as physiotherapists will be working with people from all backgrounds and ages.
  • The statement includes personal qualities that are important to have as a physiotherapist, such as being caring and friendly. Although some careers advisors do not recommend generic words such as ‘caring’ and ‘friendly’, it is nevertheless recommended to include them if they truly reflect your personality and if the rest of the personal statement contains specific information which is not generic in nature.

Writer CV profile

  • This profile is short and punchy, increasing the chances that it will be read in full by the prospective employers
  • The candidate highlights their career achievements by stating that their works have been accepted and published by leading newspapers and magazines – a testimony to the high quality of their work.

Science CV profile

  • This statement is short and to the point; highlighting all the important information such as the candidates work experience, expertise and some personal qualities and characteristics.

Do I need to include a personal statement on my CV? No, it is entirely optional to include a personal profile on your CV. However, it is generally recommended to include one, particularly as it serves as a little “About me” section at the top of your CV. Every written document has an introduction, why shouldn’t a CV?

Can I use the first person tense in my statement? Yes, the first and third person tenses are both fine to use – but not both. Decide on the one tense and stick to it.

Where should I include the profile statement on my CV There is no fixed place in which you should put your personal profile. Some candidates place it at the bottom of their CVs. Ideally, you should position it at the top of your CV.

What is the most important thing to include on a personal profile? Real-world examples and tangible performance indicators, for example; increased sales by x percent, managed x number of people, won such-and-such awards, improved productivity by x percent, etc. These types of information are highly valuable, as opposed to saying that you are the “best salesperson in the country” and not backing it up with any evidence!

Need help with other sections of your CV?

While you’re still here – don’t forget to check out our amazing How to write a CV guide for more practical tips on writing your perfect CV or this useful resource.

Working on your CV? Awesome!

  • 7 CV myths exposed
  • Best Achievements to Put on a CV (Examples + 2024 Guide)
  • 40 Best Key Words to Use on Your CV (Examples + 2024 Guide)
  • Should you put your nationality on your CV? (2024 Guide)

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CV profile examples

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If you want to land job interviews, you need an impressive CV profile.

Sitting at the top of your CV, it’s the first thing  recruiters will see – so it needs to pack a punch.

A weak CV profile will be ignored and result in your CV being skipped over – but a strong CV profile will ensure that employers notice your CV ; meaning more interviews for you.

So, I’ve put 25 winning CV profile examples below, plus templates you can copy and paste into your own CV.

CV profile example

CV profile example

CV templates 

Accounts & finance CV profile

Finance CV profile

Commercially astute CPA certified Accountant , with over 15 years’ experience of providing comprehensive high quality commercial finance and accounting support services to businesses across SE Asia, the Middle East and Australia within Global Travel Retail, Management Consultancy, Commodities, Mining, Energy, Financial Services and Telecommunications.

Utilising my expertise in finance and operational management, I have been pivotal to ensuring businesses under my control are equipped with the tools necessary to meet aggressive sales and growth plans. I am expert at financial analysis, forecasting, excel modelling, pricing strategies, identifying new market opportunities, and implementing internal controls to ensure adherence to compliance whilst minimising business risk.

  • Commercial Finance
  • Business Strategies
  • Operational Excellence
  • Transformation Programs
  • Scenario Analysis
  • Forecasting
  • Risk Management
  • Business Development
  • Contract Negotiation
  • Senior Stakeholder Management

Quick tip:  To get a head start on creating your own interview-winning CV, use one of our professional  CV templates .

Administrator CV profile

Administrator CV profile

Confident and highly organised administrative professional with experience in busy office and reception environments, rapidly assimilating and learning processes applicable to in-house operations, consistently impressing employers which has resulted in fast-track advancement to more senior positions.

Meticulous in my approach to data collation and presentation. Experienced in setting up and maintaining records, incorporating critical information, and running high quality reports and analyses in the requisite style and format.

  • Office Protocols & Procedures
  • Report Writing
  • Report Editing
  • Account Creation
  • Account Updates
  • Information Management Systems
  • Customer Relations
  • Time Management
  • Team Leadership
  • Microsoft Office

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Customer service CV profile

Customer Service CV profile

Diligent and enthusiastic client service specialist with 15+ years’ experience in customer-facing support roles within retail , telecommunications, and motor industries.

Exhibits a warm and welcoming demeanour, capable of understanding client needs to recommend suitable products and solutions. Shares a genuine enthusiasm for technology, making it easy to highlight the advantages of innovative products to customers and guide them in using them, resulting in high sales figures.

  • Comprehensive Audio Knowledge
  • Complaints Handling
  • Conflict Resolution
  • End User Training
  • Ticketing Systems
  • CRM Systems
  • Quality Assurance
  • Fluent in German & English

Check out our customer service CV example  , waiter/waitress CV example , best CV templates , CV UK format examples ,  care assistant CV  or Support worker CV

    Top tips for writing a CV profile

  • Your CV profile is the first thing a recruiter or hiring manager will see when opening your CV, so it’s worth investing a lot of time and effort into it
  • Give reader’s a high level overview of your skills and experience, and encourage them to read the rest of your CV
  • Keep it short (5-8 lines) to ensure you get your message across quickly to time-strapped employers
  • Avoid clichés such as “ Works well in a team ” or “ always goes the extra mile ” and focus on tangible industry specific content
  • Give readers a reason to be interested in hiring you by describing the benefits you can bring to their company e.g. Will you boost their sales? Cut their spending? Take care of their customers?

Digital marketing CV personal profile

Digital Marketing CV profile

Accomplished E-commerce & Digital Marketing specialist with a proven track record in delivering consistent profit growth for business websites through high quality traffic and sales conversion.

With a focus on maximising client profitability through broad ranging digital marketing strategies and on-site optimisation, I have proven expertise in boosting commerce sales through a broad range of on-page and-off page methods. With extensive digital industry knowledge, I can engage diverse teams of specialists to deliver projects from across the e-commerce spectrum from running SO and content campaigns, through to PPC management and conversion optimisation.

  • Content Marketing
  • SEO Optimisation
  • PPC Campaign Management
  • Conversion Rate Optimisation
  • Web Development
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Metrics & Analytics

Events manager CV profile

Events Manager CV profile

An accomplished, highly experienced, and Prince2 qualified Events Manager with a proven record of success in the administration, logistical planning, and smooth delivery of diverse events.

Adept in assessing and understanding the unique needs of each event and ensuring that the requirements of all stakeholders are effectively aligned and fulfilled. A calm and pragmatic negotiator capable of adapting to last minute change and who excels in leading projects from initial concept to completion, including creating the background operational processes which are critical to the success of large-scale high-profile events.

  • Event Planning & Execution
  • Adhering Budget Restrictions
  • Live Televised Events
  • Optimising ROI
  • Operational Process Optimisation
  • Media Management & Accreditation
  • Resource & Logistical Planning
  • Talent Management
  • Corporate Partnering
  • Collaboration & Negotiation

Check out my video guide on how to write a CV profile:

Quick tip: A poorly written CV will fail to impress recruiters and employers. Use our quick-and-easy CV Builder to create a winning CV in minutes with professional templates and pre-written content for every industry.

Executive assistant CV profile

Executive Assistant CV profile

An exceptionally professional and accomplished executive assistant , with an impressive range of secretarial and office management skills applied across diverse sectors, including medical/health, legal and educational establishments.

Possessing the necessary secretarial, EA and clerical skills to not only hit the ground running, but initiate improvements to streamline operations within the office. Acting as first point of contact in person, by email and on the telephone, I employ my naturally friendly and helpful persona, engendering trust and going the extra mile to assist all colleagues and customers whom I support.

  • Expert Secretarial Skills
  • Digital Audio Typing
  • Copy Typing
  • Reception/ Meet & Greet
  • Diary Management
  • Switch Board Operation
  • Transcribing Notes
  • Confidentiality & Discretion
  • Creating Records

Graduate CV profile (no experience)

Graduate CV Profile

A diligent and highly intelligent bi-lingual student currently enrolled on an LLB English and German Law Degree, already attaining high grades and embracing extra-curricular university activities and societies in support of course subject areas and personal interests.

Eager to absorb as much knowledge and insight as possible in the pursuance of my goals, I am seeking a reputable commercial law firm that offers open days, where I may shadow experienced legal experts to learn about the day-to-day operations and protocols within a professional practice.

  • Complaints Resolution
  • Negotiation Skills
  • Debating Skills
  • Diplomacy, Tact & Discretion
  • Fluent in English & German
  • Conversational French
  • Shadowing Legal Cases

HR CV Profile

HR CV Profile

Bi-lingual triple masters qualified HR professional with over 2 years’ experience of providing exemplary HR operational support to businesses across FMCG, IT and retail for some of the world’s most recognised brands.

Utilising my in-depth knowledge of HR, Management, Health & Safety and Employment Law , I have been an exceptionally strong performer within HR Operational support. I have proven my ability to provide expert employee life cycle services across multiple departments, detailed guidance to managers and employees, to introduce administrative process improvements that have increased the accuracy and speed of reporting and industry research crucial to HR change initiatives and talent development.

  • HR Administration
  • Employment Law
  • Employment Contracts
  • Recruitment & Interviewing
  • Payment Processing
  • MI Reporting
  • Compensation & Benefits
  • Disciplinary Procedures

IT manager CV profile

IT Manager CV profile

Experienced IT Manager with 13 years of experience of managing the IT infrastructure within an educational establishment including server, desktop and network support.

Significant expertise in managing Windows Servers (MCSE-certified), Exchange, Dell Ranger. Hyper-V and VMware, as well as experience with managing technical projects through the full project life-cycle. Possesses a proven track-record of successfully implementing strategic solutions to meet changing business needs. Has the ability to build key relationships and communicate well with stakeholders.

  • Windows Server Administration
  • Network and Firewall Management
  • Desktop Support
  • Google Education
  • Project Management
  • Requirements Analysis
  • Incident Management
  • Change Management
  • Troubleshooting

Managing director CV profile

Managing Director CV profile

Entrepreneurial director proven in his ability to enhance the operational efficiency, customer experience and ultimately profitability of businesses spanning the last 22 years. Has enjoyed supreme success during employment, for his start-up prestige car dealership and latterly for a cycle business which he sold having increased margin and doubled turnover during the last 7 years.

I am experienced in all aspects of the sales life cycle through the development of engaging integrated marketing campaigns, creating events, increasing e-Commerce sales, enhancing the value proposition with new services/products, and driving teams in the pursuit of customer excellence. I am currently completing my CMI Level 7 in Professional consulting to bolster my already proven ability as a successful business improvement specialist and I am positive I can procure transformational results for any business, irrelevant of industry.

  • Operations Management
  • Sales Forecasting
  • Value Propositions
  • Staff Development
  • Customer Experience
  • Event Management
  • Financial Control

Marketing CV profile

Marketing CV profile

Entrepreneurial marketing expert with a proven track record in running multimillion pound marketing campaigns and increasing market share for leading companies.

With over 25 years’ experience devising and delivering complex marketing strategies for large national brands as well as my own privately-owned business ventures; I have the knowledge and skills to grow customers bases rapidly and deliver significant growth results. My expertise spans all channels of marketing including online, print, social media and more which gives me a holistic approach and ensures I explore all avenues in the pursuit of attracting target market to any organisation.

  • National B2C Marketing Strategies
  • SEO On & Off Page
  • Social Media Campaigns
  • CIM Qualified
  • Budget Management
  • Print Campaigns
  • Campaign Management

Nurse CV profile

Nurse CV profile

A qualified and highly accomplished Registered Nurse with 30+ years’ experience within community nursing, residential homes, and hospital environments, providing a comprehensive range of medical functions and palliative/ acute case attendance, solely responsible for correct administration of drugs and treatments.

With a passion for not only planning and providing treatment programmes but for taking a holistic view of patient wellbeing, I astutely observe and assess needs, contacting the best organisations to address identified issues from my network of professional contacts.

  • Community, Residential & Hospitals
  • Knowledge of Diverse Illnesses
  • IV/Cannula Insertion
  • Pressure Ulcers & Applying Dressing
  • Chemotherapy
  • End of Life Care Specialist
  • Creating Treatment Plans
  • Healthcare Legislations
  • Observing, Assessing & Recording
  • Liaison with Professional Network

Procurement CV profile

Procurement CV profile

Hugely experienced purchasing, stock control, and logistics specialist with an exemplary career spanning the last 20 years for a national tile supplier and latterly an international lighting and design company.

Utilising my end-to-end experience of the supply chain , I have been pivotal to operational enhancements in stock control and purchase that have maximised ROI. I have implemented procedures to reduce variance, upskilled staff on handling to minimise loss, and liaised cross-functionally to maintain sufficient levels of goods to meet consumer demands while balancing business needs to minimise warehouse holding costs. The hallmark of my work is developing and sustaining relationships with suppliers, distributors, and internal staff to ensure the day-to-day operations of any business under my supervision operate at maximum capability.

  • Purchasing & Procurement
  • Inventory Management
  • Variance Analysis
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Sales/ Operational Planning
  • Quality Control
  • Warehouse Management
  • Stock Takes/Auditing

Project manager CV profile

Project Manager CV profile

A results-driven project manager with 3 years of experience in successfully leading cross-functional teams to deliver complex projects on time and within budget. Exceptional in strategic planning, risk management, and problem-solving, I thrive in dynamic environments. Proficient in project management tools and methodologies, I ensure streamlined workflows and clear communication. My dedication to quality, combined with strong leadership and adaptability, enables me to drive project success while fostering collaborative, high-performing teams.

  • Project Planning and Scheduling
  • Budgeting and Cost Control
  • Scope Definition and Management
  • Resource Allocation
  • Stakeholder Communication
  • Quality Assurance and Control
  • Agile/Scrum Methodologies
  • Data Analysis and Reporting

Sales CV profile

Sales CV profile

A dynamic and results-oriented sales professional with a proven track record of exceeding targets. With 2 years in the sales industry, I specialise in building strong client relationships and identifying opportunities for revenue growth. Proficient in consultative selling, I understand customer needs and offer tailored solutions. Skilled in negotiation, objection handling, and closing deals, I consistently deliver outstanding sales performance. My passion for achieving targets and my dedication to providing exceptional customer experiences define my approach to sales.

  • Prospecting and Lead Generation
  • Objection Handling
  • Consultative Selling
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Sales Process Management
  • Sales Analytics
  • Market Research
  • Contract Negotiation and Management
  • B2B or B2C Sales Strategies

Supply chain CV profile

Supply Chain CV profile

A results-driven supply chain professional with 8 years of experience in optimising logistics, procurement, and inventory management processes. Proficient in streamlining supply chain operations, reducing costs, and improving efficiency. Skilled in demand forecasting, vendor relations, and strategic sourcing to ensure uninterrupted product flow. Adept at implementing lean principles and utilising data analytics for informed decision-making. My commitment to continuous improvement, combined with strong problem-solving abilities, enables me to drive supply chain excellence and meet organisational objectives.

  • Lean Six Sigma
  • Analytics Tools: Excel, Tableau
  • Cross-functional Collaboration
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • International Trade and Customs
  • Kaizen, TQM
  • Procurement and Purchasing
  • Demand Forecasting
  • Supplier Relationship Management

Teacher CV profile

Teacher CV profile

A dedicated and passionate teacher with 3 years of experience at Secondary School level. Committed to fostering a positive and inclusive learning environment, I inspire and empower students to achieve their full potential. Proficient in curriculum development, lesson planning, and classroom management, I tailor educational strategies to individual needs. Skilled in utilising technology for interactive and engaging lessons. With a strong emphasis on communication and collaboration, I aim to instil a lifelong love of learning in my students while maintaining high academic standards.

  • Curriculum Development
  • Lesson Planning
  • Classroom Management
  • Differentiated Instruction
  • SEND Strategies
  • Behaviour Management
  • Individualised Education Plans
  • Data Analysis for Student Progress
  • Assessment for Learning
  • Classroom Adaptation

Teaching assistant CV profile

Teaching Assistant CV profile

A dedicated and compassionate teaching assistant with 5 years of experience providing invaluable support in diverse classroom settings. Committed to promoting a positive and inclusive learning environment, I work collaboratively with educators to meet the unique needs of each student. Proficient in implementing instructional plans, managing classroom logistics, and offering one-on-one assistance to students. Skilled in adapting to various learning styles and needs, I foster academic and personal growth while maintaining a safe and nurturing atmosphere. My passion for education and unwavering dedication to student success drives my work as a teaching assistant.

  • Behaviour Intervention Strategies
  • Literacy and Numeracy Support
  • Inclusive Teaching Practices
  • Sensory Integration Techniques
  • Team Collaboration with Teachers
  • Small Group Instruction
  • Special Education Support
  • Lesson Support
  • Assisting with Curriculum
  • Adaptation for Diverse Learners

Chef CV profile

Chef CV profile

A seasoned and innovative chef with a passion for creating exquisite culinary experiences. With 4 years of expertise in diverse cuisines, I excel in crafting and executing menus that delight palates. Proficient in kitchen management, food preparation, and presentation, I prioritise quality ingredients and culinary artistry. Skilled in leading kitchen teams to maintain high standards of food production. Committed to innovation, I continually explore new flavours and techniques to elevate the dining experience. My dedication to quality, consistency, and creativity defines my culinary journey.

  • Food Safety and Sanitation
  • Menu Planning
  • Ingredient Selection and Sourcing
  • Recipe Development
  • Flavour Profiling
  • Plating and Presentation
  • Food Cost Management
  • Kitchen Management
  • Culinary Creativity and Innovation

Business analyst CV profile

Business Analyst CV profile

A results-oriented business analyst with experience in leveraging data-driven insights to drive strategic business decisions. Proficient in analysing complex data sets, identifying trends, and developing actionable recommendations. Skilled in requirement gathering , process improvement, and stakeholder communication to enhance operational efficiency. Adept at translating business needs into technical solutions and collaborating across cross-functional teams. My commitment to delivering data-driven solutions and fostering innovation aligns seamlessly with organisational goals, making me a valuable asset in driving business growth and efficiency.

  • SWOT Analysis
  • SQL and Database Querying
  • Business Process Modelling
  • Data Analysis and Interpretation
  • Statistical Analysis & Data Mining
  • Cost-Benefit Analysis
  • Data Visualisation
  • Business Intelligence Tools
  • UML and Flowcharting

Support worker CV profile

Support Worker CV profile

Dedicated and compassionate support worker with 7+ years’ expertise in nurturing teenagers and the elderly. Proficient in delivering top-tier care, fostering individual growth, and tailoring healthcare plans to unique needs. Adept at cultivating strong client bonds through collaborative efforts and liaising with community and local authority teams. Committed to upholding integrity, adhering to policies, and prioritising clients’ well-being for effective support delivery.

  • Assessment and Care Planning
  • Household Management
  • Client Advocacy
  • Safeguarding
  • Health Monitoring
  • Mobility Assistance
  • Crisis Intervention
  • Record Keeping and Documentation

Estate agent CV profile

Estate Agent CV profile

A seasoned estate agent with experience in the real estate market. Dedicated to helping clients navigate the property buying and selling process with ease. Proficient in market analysis, property valuation, and contract negotiation, I offer expert guidance to secure optimal deals. Skilled in property marketing and showcasing, I leverage technology and creative strategies to attract buyers and sellers. Committed to providing exceptional customer service, I build trust-based relationships while ensuring a seamless and satisfying real estate experience for my clients.

  • Real Estate Market Knowledge
  • Property Valuation
  • Market Analysis
  • Property Marketing
  • Client Acquisition
  • MLS Proficiency
  • CRM Software
  • Negotiation and Persuasion
  • Property Inspection

Graphic designer CV profile

Graphic Designer CV profile

A creative and detail-orientated graphic designer with a passion for visual storytelling. With 5 years of experience in translating ideas into captivating designs, I excel in bringing brands to life through innovative concepts. Proficient in Adobe Creative Suite and skilled in creating logos, branding materials, print and digital collateral. Adept at collaborating with clients to understand their vision and deliver compelling visual solutions. I thrive on challenges, adhere to deadlines, and continuously seek to elevate the aesthetic appeal of every project.

  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • Branding and Logo Design
  • Web and Digital Design
  • Colour Theory
  • Digital Technology (HTML, CSS, JS
  • Typography and Font Management
  • Website Graphics
  • 2D & 3D Modelling

Student CV profile

Student CV Profile

Motivated young professional with an exemplary academic record and passion to progress within the financial industry.

Having achieved excellent grades at GCSE level maths, English and science, along with an active involvement in several clubs and societies, I am keen to pursue a career in the finance industry. I have a proven aptitude for mathematics and have several notable achievements in both my studies and extra-curricular activities which would make me an excellent asset to any finance team or department. My part time roles and volunteer work have also provided me with a range of workplace skills such as relationship building, communication and team work.

  • 8 A-C GCSE Grades
  • Charity Events Volunteer
  • Mathematical Aptitude
  • Maths Club Lead Tutor
  • Customer Facing Experience
  • Best Science Student Award 2015

Architect CV profile

Architect CV profile

An innovative and detail-oriented architect with years of experience shaping visionary designs into reality. Specialising in creating functional and aesthetically pleasing spaces, I bring passion and expertise to every project. Proficient in architectural software and CAD, I excel in drafting, rendering, and project management. Adept at collaborating with clients, contractors, and interdisciplinary teams, I ensure the seamless execution of projects. My commitment to sustainable design principles and a deep appreciation for both form and function consistently result in outstanding architectural solutions that exceed expectations.

  • 3D Modelling and Rendering
  • Structural Analysis
  • Drafting and Blueprint Creation
  • Building Codes and Regulations
  • Architectural Design
  • Site and Landscape Design
  • CAD Standards and Management
  • Conceptual Design Development
  • Project Scheduling and Planning

How to write a CV profile

Crafting an engaging CV profile (sometimes called a personal statement ) is the key to catching the attention of recruiters and hiring managers.

Here’s how you can create a captivating CV profile that showcases your strengths and stands out from the crowd.

Tailor to Your Target Jobs

One of the most effective ways to grab a recruiter’s attention is by tailoring your CV profile to the specific job you are applying for.

This means doing a bit of homework on the company and understanding what they are looking for in a candidate.

Look at the job description and highlight the key skills and experiences they value, then ensure these elements are prominently featured in your profile.

For instance, if the job requires project management skills , make sure to mention your relevant experience and achievements in that area. This tailored approach will show recruiters that that you are a good fit for their needs.

Tailoring CV profile

Provide a brief overview only

Your CV profile should give a succinct yet comprehensive overview of your skills and experience, but it needs to be short and sharp ; think of it as your professional elevator pitch.

Summarise your core competencies and significant achievements that align with the job requirements in a few sentences that can be quickly read by busy recruiters, and save the detail for the rest of your CV.

Providing a clear snapshot of your abilities helps recruiters quickly understand what you bring to the table, making it easier for them to see your potential as a candidate.

Sell Yourself

Your CV profile is your chance to sell yourself to potential employers. It’s important to convey not just what you’ve done, but how well you’ve done it.

Use strong, confident language to describe your accomplishments and make sure to quantify your successes where possible.

For example, instead of saying “ experienced in sales, ” say “ an accomplished salesman who increased sales by 20% within six months. ”

This not only shows your capability but also demonstrates your value in concrete terms. Don’t be shy about highlighting your achievements – this is your opportunity to shine.

Show the Impact You Make for Employers

Employers are interested in candidates who can make a real impact. Use your CV profile to showcase the positive outcomes of your work.

Did you streamline a process that saved your company time and money? Did you lead a team to achieve record-breaking results?

Including specific examples of how you’ve made a difference in your previous roles can make a strong impression. Highlighting your impact shows that you’re not just doing your job, but excelling at it and bringing added value to your employers.

Avoid Generic Cliches

While it’s important to highlight your strengths, steer clear of generic cliches that don’t add value to your CV profile. Phrases like “ hardworking,” “team player ,” and “ results-oriented ” are overused, meaningless and can make your profile blend in with countless others.

Instead, focus on specific achievements and unique skills that set you apart. If you have a knack for solving complex problems, mention a particular challenge you overcame. If you have a unique skill set, such as bilingual communication or advanced technical expertise, make sure it’s prominently featured. By avoiding cliches and providing concrete examples, you can create a more compelling and memorable CV profile.

In summary, a well-crafted CV profile that is tailored to your target job, provides a clear overview of your skills and experience, confidently sells your abilities, showcases your impact, and avoids generic cliches can significantly enhance your chances of catching a recruiter’s eye and landing your desired job.

See also: Resume summary examples Australia

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CV Personal Statement:  Examples and Actionable Tips

Elena Prokopets

Fact: recruiters spend only 6 seconds reviewing each CV. So poorly organized CVs inevitably get discarded. 

Having an effective CV layout is the first step to attracting their attention. And the second step is topping that CV with a compelling personal statement (also known as a personal profile, personal summary, or executive summary).

What is a Personal Statement in a CV? 

A personal statement for a CV is a short and compelling paragraph that summarizes why you’re the most qualified person for the offered role. It tells the reader who you are and what valuable qualifications you will be bringing to their company.

NB : Opening statement, personal profile, personal summary, or executive summary are the other common names for a personal statement. 

Many believe that the work experience section is the most important element of a CV. Yet, it is your personal statement that can end up making or breaking the success of your job application. 

Because it provides the reader with a quick answer to one question they have on their mind: Are you qualified for the job or not? 

Remember: You’ll be directly competing with numerous other applicants with similar skills and work experiences. A compelling CV statement sets you apart by giving the reader a condensed snapshot of who you are as a person. 

Do I Need To Include a Personal Statement On My CV?

The short answer is YES! A personal statement entices the reader to read your entire CV by giving them a preview of your most valuable skills. It also helps you differentiate from other candidates by explaining your background, motivation, and personal character traits concisely. 

In essence, a personal statement helps you express why you are the right choice for the job in one condensed paragraph.

Where Should a Personal Statement Go in a CV?

A personal statement goes into the header area of your CV. Include it right under your name and contact details as a separate, highlighted area. A good personal statement is about 3-4 sentences long and occupies not more than 1/4th of the page. 

Alternatively, you can design a two-column CV and allocate the upper sidebar area for your personal statement. As a recent survey found, 77% of recruiters prefer two-column CVs to single-column ones.

Sample personal statement placement on a CV template

personal statement in resume

What Do You Write in a CV Personal Statement?

A compelling personal statement summarizes your professional and educational background; highlights the main skills and accomplishments. It can also express your career objectives and/or interest in the particular industry or subject if you’re a current student or recent graduate.  

Personal Statement Examples for CV 

To give you an idea of how to write your statement, let’s look at some examples.

Remember: You need to write a unique personal statement for your CV. Simply copying and using these examples may not be the best move because the sample CV statements won’t reflect your unique experiences and personality. 

Good CV Personal Statement Examples

Employers want to see experts. Therefore, your personal statement must speak directly to your most marketable skills. 

You should never come off sounding desperate or diminish your worth (even if you have been recently laid off ). Use a confident tone with first-person implied and strong verbs to describe your core competencies and other benefits you can bring to the workplace. 

General Jobseeker Personal Statement Example

Highly motivated, fully trained engineer with 15 years of experience in the telecoms industry. Worked with XYZ Telecoms Ltd, Cool Mobile Carrier, and Acme Telco as a field engineer and project team leader. Successfully managed large commercial telecom infrastructure installations. Currently unemployed due to the relocation of the company. Open to new opportunities in NOC. 

Personal Statement CV Example For an Administration Position 

Adaptable and resourceful facilities manager with experience in supporting enterprise-sized organizations in real estate, pharmaceuticals, and manufacturing industries. Strong organizational skillset: Six Sigma, standardized method of procedure (MOP) policies implementation. Was responsible for facilities operations on 2.4 million square feet in a 20-building chemical manufacturing campus, serviced by a 20+ people team of building engineers, electricians, HVAC technicians, and cleaners.

Accountant Personal Statement CV Examples

Below are two samples for a senior and a junior accountant. 

Chartered Accountant 

ACCA-certified accountant for mid-market and enterprise-sized companies. Conducted due diligence and tax audits for FTSE 500 companies. Commenced for a 100% accuracy track record in financial reporting, as well as fast turnaround on complex analytical reviews. Provide on-demand advisory on trust setup, company incorporation, and tax deferrals. 

Account Assistant 

Detail-oriented, certified accounting assistant with experience in payroll administration. Familiar with Gusto, Xero, and Intuit software. Effectively process payroll, benefits, taxes, and social contributions for over 1500 employees per month. Possess a strong foundation in employee classification,  tax reporting, and financial management. 

CV Personal Statement Examples for Students

Whether you’re applying for an internship or looking for a part-time job , a compelling personal is a must-have for a student CV. 

Since your work experience history may be a bit “thin”, you need to persuade the employer via other means — your transferable skills, academic interests, and personal traits. A personal CV allows you to spotlight all of these. 

Remember that you are bringing your energy, dedication, enthusiasm, and willingness to learn to the table. As you will not have any employment history, you need to make sure to get your personality and your soft skills over in your statement.

CV Statement for a Student Looking for a Full-Time Summer Job 

Junior copywriter, enrolled in a BA Writing Program at the University of Manchester (graduation date: fall 2025). Alumni of the 2022 Copywriting Bootcamp program from Matters Agency. Well-versed in target audience analysis, brand positioning, and editorial campaign planning. Writing clips for eCommerce and SaaS brands are available in my portfolio.  

CV Statement for an Internship 

Second-year mechanical engineering student at the University of Leeds, seeking to apply theoretical knowledge in safety system design. Proficient in AutoCAD and completed a series of blueprints for fire and water safety systems as part of my coursework. Fast learner, self-starter, and team player, I’m excited to contribute my technical expertise to a dynamic engineering team.

CV Statement for a Student Looking for a Part-Time Job 

Junior front-end developer (React, Angular JS), seeking a part-time programming position in the Great London area. Current availability is 10-15 hours per week, preferably with hybrid work arrangements. Solid understanding of design systems and UX/UI best practices. Past work experience in finance and eCommerce sectors. 

CV Personal Statement Examples for 16-Year-Olds

Joining the workforce straight after high school makes sense if you want to take a gap year or pursue trade education later on. The wrinkle, however, is that most employers may be wary of your age and lack of experience.

The goal of a personal statement is to dispel those doubts by showing that you’re a serious, mature, and hard-working candidate, eager to learn and hone your craft. 

Personal Statement for a Barista Position 

Genuine coffee lover and frequent guest at Maddie’s Cafe, I would love to join the barista team. As a former head of the prom planning committee, I understand the importance of good teamwork, efficient planning, and following instructions. My main objectives are to learn more about beverage prep and deliver exceptional experiences to customers. 

CV Personal Statement Examples For A Graduate

Your personal statement should focus on your main educational attainments and experiences. If you are applying before you have had your degree results, it is fine to give a projected grade. You can also mention any specific modules you have studied that are relevant to the job on offer and how much you enjoyed working on them.

Remember: Your goal is to explain why you’re interested in this role and what you could bring to the table. 

Graduate Personal Statement Example

Business administration graduate with a 1:1 honors degree from XYZ University. Interested in an entry-level merchandising position within your Commercial Sales Department to expand my knowledge in retail merchandising, procurement, and inventory management. Looking to apply my analytical and data modeling skills for merchandising strategy optimization. 

Personal Statement for High School Graduate 

Energetic and enthusiastic high school graduate (June 2023) with top A-levels grades in English, Maths, and French. Seeking an entry-level role in sales, where I can make use of and develop my language skills. My long-term career goal is to further my language qualifications and position myself as a European sales manager living and working overseas for a global company.

Personal Statement Examples for CV With No Experience

Lack of experience in a particular role or industry should never discourage you from applying. Although you may not tick all the criteria boxes, you still have transferable skills and unique work experiences to showcase.

Moreover, ongoing talent shortages are prompting employees to reconsider their hiring criteria, plus invest more in new hire training and upskilling. Four in five companies now struggle to fill in open vacancies, which is the highest number in the past 17 years. 

So take your chances and apply even if you don’t have sufficient work experience. 

Personal Statement Example with No Relevant Work Experience 

Former front-desk hotel employee, looking for an opportunity to leverage strong service orientation and organizational skills in new roles (Customer Success or Customer Support). Familiarity with appointment booking software, digital chat apps, and CRM software. With my strong commitment to personal growth and my adaptable nature, I believe I could be a valuable asset to customer-centric teams.  

Personal Statement Example with No Industry Experience 

Self-starter with a BA degree in Communication and experience in corporate event management seeking a transition to music festival management. Experienced in organizing off-site events for 100+ people (including location scouting and travel coordination). I thrive in fast-paced environments and am eager to build a strong network of new partners. 

Discover even more personal statements from our collection of CV examples . 

CV Personal Statement For A Career Change

Career change is a big decision, but it can lead to a more fulfilling professional life. Besides, you’re not completely starting anew. Many of the hard and soft skills are quite universal. There is any number of different jobs that need the same set of skills that you have developed, so always try to lead with these and use real-life examples of your experience.

Career Change Personal Statement Example:

Working for the past 10 years as a regional sales manager has allowed me to develop keen skills in building strong working relationships and lucrative networks. Communication skills I developed during my time at my current employer enabled me to win vital contract wins that increased sales revenue by 20% over three years. I am now ready to take on a new challenge and want to work in the charity sector so that I can use my skills to give something back for the direct benefit of others.

How To Write A Strong Personal Statement for a CV 

An effective personal statement summarizes your skills and experience in a relevant way i.e., it indicates how you can be of help to the employer. 

In short, a compelling CV personal statement: 

  • Lists your most marketable skills and qualifications 
  • Highlights your industry knowledge and work experiences 
  • Mirrors some of the key phrases, used in the job description 

And here’s how to write a personal statement that makes a mark.

1. Review the Job Description Once Again 

As you go through the role description, pay attention to the words, used by the employer, to describe the candidate’s requirements, duties, and personality. Keep those in the back of your head. 

These are the keywords you’d want to use all around your CV — in the personal statement, work experience, education, and skills areas. 

2. Do a Mental Tally of Your Skills 

Try to remember the times in your previous work roles when you accomplished notable objectives, went above and beyond expectations , or otherwise did better than your peers.  

Note down everything that springs to mind including your years of experience in a similar role, challenges you took on and the positive results achieved, new projects you kick-started – anything that has close relevance to this new position.

3. Make a Draft Personal Statement 

Write down a sample personal statement. Don’t worry about the length – just put as many details as you’d like on paper. Once you’re done, revisit the job description. See how your personal statement compares to the description. Does it paint a picture of someone who would fit the role? 

4. Edit for Clarity and Briefity 

A good CV personal statement shouldn’t be longer than 3-4 sentences. Take a critical look at your draft version and condense it to the bare essentials: 2-3 main skills, a major accomplishment, and a note on your motivation and/or personal traits. 

Other things that don’t belong in your personal statement are:

  • Explanation of employment gaps or present unemployment status 
  • Information about hobbies or personal interest 
  • Any mention of references or recommendations 
  • Irrelevant skills or work experiences 

Want to stand out even more? Add a persuasive opening statement that highlights your strengths as a candidate. 

A compelling personal statement can be the key between your CV making the ‘yes’ pile or the reject bin. Take some time to get your statement right and always write a new one for each job you apply for by mirroring the employer’s language. 

Finally, to give your CV a polishing touch, try out one of our fancy, but free CV templates , coming in multiple styles: professional, modern, simple, and creative!

Elena Prokopets

Elena runs content operations at Freesumes since 2017. She works closely with copywriters, designers, and invited career experts to ensure that all content meets our highest editorial standards. Up to date, she wrote over 200 career-related pieces around resume writing, career advice... more

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Craft a winning personal statement for your CV to stand out

8 min read · Updated on April 18, 2024

Charlotte Grainger

Let the personal statement on your CV speak volumes about you

You probably have a fairly good idea of how to write a CV . Your employment history , education , and qualifications are relatively easy to pull together as you just need to look at dates, your previous job specs, and what you've achieved over the years.

The personal statement is often the trickiest component of a CV to write. Thankfully, we've got this comprehensive guide to help you write a winning one.

What is a personal statement for a CV?

Your personal statement is a short paragraph that sits at the top of your CV, just below your name and contact details. Diving into three key aspects, this section offers the recruiter or hiring manager a powerful overview of you as a professional:

1.    Who you are

2.    Your suitability for the role and the value you can add

3.    Your career goals 

Why include a personal statement on your CV?

It is estimated that recruiters spend an average of less than 8 seconds reviewing a CV before deciding whether the applicant is a good fit. 

As the personal statement is the first section they will read, it must be powerful and tailored to the job you're applying for to successfully showcase your suitability. If it's not, you're unlikely to convince the recruiter you're the talent they need for the job.

5 tips on writing your personal statement

Before we look at some personal statement examples, let's take a look at the basics. Here are some expert-backed tips for writing a good personal statement on your CV.

1. Keep it short and on point

Keep your personal statement clean and concise. It's typically around four sentences long, or about 50 to 200 words. If you're overshooting that word count, see which nonessential parts can be omitted.

2. Get the layout right from the start

Make sure that your layout is consistent with the rest of your CV's formatting . That means maintaining the same font size , font type, and text justification. Recruiters will notice these minor details, and so it's smart to get ahead of the game here. 

3. Use a heading (if there's space!)

You can add a “personal statement” heading in the same way that you'd title the subsequent sections of your CV. However, if you're tight on space, you can cut the heading as recruiters will know what this paragraph is nonetheless.

4. Choose the right perspective

The first person is acceptable for a statement (“I am an IT professional looking for a job in…”) as is the third person (“An IT professional looking for a job in…”). Choose the point of view that's most comfortable to write in, but, as always, keep it consistent with the rest of your CV.

5. Cut back on unnecessary words

If you're writing in the third person, remove all pronouns. Otherwise, it sounds existentially awkward, rather than objective. For example, “She is a retail professional seeking a management role…” would become “A retail professional seeking a management role…”

How to write a personal statement for a CV

We've looked at the purpose of a personal statement, what it should include, and how it should look on the page. Now let's zoom in on exactly how to write a winning statement.

When writing, keep in mind that the personal statement on your CV is your elevator pitch; it's the equivalent of the “Tell me about yourself” or “Why should I hire you?” question in an interview. Below, we break down what you need to include in your personal statement.

Part 1: Who you are

Your opening statement needs to tell the prospective employer where you stand in your career. 

This introduction could include your current role, years of experience, and what you like the most about your career or professional field. It gives the recruiter a hint of the qualities that make you valuable to the vacancy.

Your first sentence may read like so:

As a successful digital marketing professional with five years specialising in e-commerce, I have recently worked with several global brands in the sector to improve their marketing strategy and boost their reach.

Part 2: Your suitability and value

The next part of your statement should line up with the requirements in the job description and prove your relevant and impressive qualifications.

It's always best to address here the essential job specifications to articulate from the beginning that you're the right person for the job. For example, if the role requires management experience or a certain degree and you have these, say so.

Your middle sentences may look like this:

I have experience in optimising quality digital products via my most recent role and am therefore in tune with the latest developments across the online landscape. As a result, I have devised winning branding strategies for e-commerce businesses that are robust, customer-centric and set for aggressive growth.

Part 3: Your career goals

The last part of your personal statement should be short and snappy as it's reaffirming why you are applying for this vacancy.

It might read something like so:

I am currently looking for a senior branding or marketing management role within the e-commerce sector where I can maintain my strong track record and deliver similar results.

Complete CV personal profile examples

In addition to the samples above, here are a couple of complete personal statement examples to give you an idea of what yours should look like.

For a graduate, written in the third person:

A recent graduate with a first-class BSc degree in Mathematics, specialising in analytics and statistics. Holds commercial experience within the finance sector, thanks to an internship with a corporate UK business, and has resultantly developed technical skills in data science and data engineering. Has a proven ability to meet deadlines, prioritise, problem solve, and maintain high standards having balanced a part-time job alongside studies over the last three years. Now looking to secure a place on a graduate programme that will provide exposure to data science and career progression opportunities.

Addressing a recent redundancy, written in the first person:

I am a skilled and successful Product Engineer within the automotive industry, with an HND in mechanical engineering and seven years of experience in the sector. Having worked in a number of labs handling vehicle-based testing and mentoring development technicians, I am confident in managing teams in a hands-on environment and running new development projects from briefing to sign off. Currently looking for a role that complements my skill set and experience. Available immediately.

Writing your personal statement: common mistakes to avoid  

There are some common profile errors that you should avoid. Steer clear of these popular pitfalls to keep your personal statement as powerful as possible.

Buzzword overload

Are you an extremely self-motivated, ambitious professional with extensive experience and passion for a certain industry? We thought so.

Buzzwords are great, and you'll find them in abundance in job adverts. But it's best to sprinkle just a few through your personal statement as they don't particularly provide evidence of your skill or ability. It's much stronger to show the employer how you're self-motivated and ambitious with an example.

Using a generic personal statement

You might think that your personal statement can work for every application. For the most part, it will, because, in theory, the jobs you're applying for will be similar and match your skill set.

However, you must tweak and tailor your statement (and your entire CV) so that it targets the skills each vacancy requires. Otherwise, it won't be as impactful.

Including too much waffle

As you begin to plan and write the personal statement for your CV, you'll most likely find that you have a lot more to say than you originally thought. Be careful not to overwrite as you may be left with a statement that's clogged with too many adjectives and is clunky to read.

As a rule of thumb, highlight your best bits in your personal statement and save the details for your cover letter .

FAQs about your personal statement 

Now that we've shown you some examples of a personal statement on a CV, there's just one last thing to cover. Here are some frequently asked questions on the topic:

How long should a personal statement be?

When you're writing a personal statement for a CV, your word count should be between 50 and 200 words. Be sure not to waste any space with unnecessary waffle here. 

Does a personal statement have other names?

Yes! The personal statement on your CV may also be called a personal profile, a CV summary, or a professional summary. 

Does a CV (really) need a personal statement?

Yes, most CVs require a personal statement at the top of the page. Use our guide to help you write a summary that grabs the hiring manager's attention for the right reasons. 

Stand out with a winning personal statement

Writing a captivating personal statement on your CV is a quick way to hook potential employers. Make sure that your summary showcases what makes you unique and adds value to your application. 

Still unsure about your personal statement? Get in touch with one of our career experts by requesting a free CV critique today! 

Recommended reading: 

Professional email salutations that work (with examples)

Written communication: definition and examples

How long should a cover letter be and what should it include?

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Writing a personal statement for your CV

CV personal statements are like the sales pitch of your CV, but not everyone thinks they're useful. Discover if they're really necessary, how to write a CV personal profile and templates for inspiration

What is a CV personal statement?

A CV personal statement is a concise paragraph or summary, which details what you can bring to a job or company. It's also known as an opening statement, personal profile, personal summary or executive summary.

Sitting at the top of your CV, it's your opportunity to sell yourself to employers and to highlight the relevant skills and experience you possess.

While effectively and succinctly convincing recruiters that you're a good fit for the role, a personal statement gives you the chance to show off your strengths and share your career goals.

'The focus of your CV statement should be to target your offer to employers - why should they hire you and how are you different to other graduates? Therefore, making your personal statement as unique as possible is crucial to ensure you stand out from the crowd,' explains Alex Proctor, careers consultant at the University of Bradford.

Do I need a personal summary on my CV?

Traditionally, almost all CV types include a personal statement but there is some debate about whether you actually need to include one.

Some recruiters and careers advisers believe that personal profiles are one of the most important parts of a CV, as they provide an easily accessible overview of a candidate's ability, while others feel that personal statements are a waste of valuable space and time.

The latter belief is often the case with graduate CVs, as some employers feel that those just stepping onto the career ladder don't necessarily have enough knowledge or experience to warrant a personal statement. Because of this, a graduate's personal profile runs the risk of being bland and generic and stating things that should be a given, such as, 'I'm hardworking and organised,' which is why some recruiters believe that they are best suited to more senior CVs.

So while your CV doesn't need a personal statement, employers spend only seconds looking at application documents. With this in mind, a CV personal statement gives you an invaluable opportunity to make your application stand out as quickly as possible.

Alex believes 'that a CV personal statement is a good idea, because employers often have so many CVs to read through and the personal statement, if clear and concise, can elevate your chances of getting through to the next stage of the recruitment process.'

If you'd like to include a personal statement on your CV it might be best, as a graduate, to focus on your educational background and the career path you'd like to embrace. If you have relevant experiences use these to make your personal statement unique. 'If you haven’t got much work experience, focus on what experience you can extract from your degree,' advises Alex. 'If you have taken part in various projects demonstrate what your role was. Alternatively, if you have written a dissertation, showcase your topic and what skills you have developed from this experience. Employers will value your individuality even if you haven't had masses of practical work experience.'

If you're struggling to give it context and get it right, make an appointment with your university's careers or employability service and ask an adviser to help you hone your writing. 

What should I include in my CV personal profile?

In terms of length, a CV personal profile should be no longer than 150 words. 'It should be short, impactful and aligned effectively with the CV content,' explains David Ainscough, careers consultant team lead and deputy director at the University of Cambridge.

'A personal CV profile should include details of your educational background, evidence of work experience, as well as your career aspirations. You ideally need to ensure you are telling the reader what you can offer skill-wise and don't be afraid to also share any accomplishments,' adds Alex.  

If you're struggling with what to write, break your personal statement down into three parts. Focus on:

  • who you are
  • what you can offer
  • your career aims.

Start by introducing yourself. For example, 'A recent graduate with a 2:1 in English literature from the Hillview University' or a 'Highly-skilled physiotherapist with five years’ experience…'

Next, detail what you can offer the company. Ask yourself why you're suited to the role and cover any relevant skills or experience. If you lack practical work experience instead draw attention to your academic achievements, such as contributing to university publications, which developed written communication, attention to detail and teamworking skills. Or how you applied skills learned on your physical therapy degree during your time as a physio assistant for university sport teams.

Conclude your personal statement by highlighting your career goals. For example, 'I am looking to start my career in the exciting world of publishing and to develop the skills learned through my university studies and internships.'

It's up to you how you present this information; there is no hard and fast rule. However, personal statements are generally displayed as a single paragraph, without a title or subheading. You'll need to keep it consistent with the rest of your CV formatting, meaning that the font size and type will need to be the same throughout your document.

Also, consider the voice and tense you'd like to use. Personal statements can be written in either the first or third person, but you'll need to maintain this voice throughout - don't switch between the two.

Take a look at  how to write a CV .

How do I make my CV personal statement stand out to employers?

  • 'Remember that first impressions count so make sure you're giving the recruiter a comfortable reading experience. Layout and clarity are crucial,' says David.
  • Tailor your CV personal statement (and CV in general) to each application.
  • Be honest. Untruths are easy to uncover and lying on your CV is a criminal offence.
  • Provide evidence of skills and experience but remember to keep it brief. For example, 'experienced event manager, who led a team to organise a charity ball for 150 people, raising £5,000 - a 20% increase on previous years.'
  • Use the job description to help form your CV personal profile.
  • Stick to the word limit.
  • Check for spelling and grammar mistakes. The personal summary sits at the top of your CV so any errors will be immediately apparent.
  • 'Keep it fresh. It needs to be reviewed in each application you make so consider something new to say each time,' adds David.
  • Read it aloud once you've finished writing to make sure it flows.
  • Copy and paste from your  cover letter or from online CV personal statement examples. Your personal summary needs to be unique and personal to you.
  • Include unnecessary personal information such as your age, marital status etc.
  • Use clichés, slang or jargon.
  • Use bland, empty statements like 'I work well independently and as part of a team'. This tells employers absolutely nothing about what you’re capable of.
  • Overuse buzzwords.
  • Include quotes from previous employers.
  • Ramble. Recruiters don't have time to read through waffle, so get to the point.

Think about the connotations of the words you use - 'currently studying' implies things might change, 'trying' implies failure, 'might' or 'maybe' sounds like you're not sure. The words you use have power so choose them carefully. You want to sound confident, positive and enthusiastic.

Find out more about the  top 7 CV mistakes .

CV personal statement examples

To help you get started take a look at the following CV personal profile examples.

As a recent graduate from the University of Townville, with a 2:1 honours degree in marketing, I have undertaken internships at industry-leading agencies such as Beyond Imagination and Noah Freemans. These placements have allowed me to develop sector knowledge and gain hands on experience, as well as expand transferable skills such as commercial awareness, communication and negotiation and analytical skills. My career aim is to gain a role which allows me to further my expertise and take on increased responsibility at a market-leading digital marketing agency.

I am a highly motivated 2:1 forensic science graduate from Groveshire University, looking to secure a graduate position that enables me to use and develop my analytical, attention to detail and communication skills. I have gained relevant experience in both scientific and hospital laboratories, which allowed me to build on my problem solving, concentration and team working skills. My career goal is to assume a role that enables me to analyse and interpret forensic data and to eventually move into crime scene investigation.

Remember; avoid copying and pasting ready-made examples. Instead use them as a guide to craft your own, tailored CV personal statement. Take a look at our  example CVs .

Find out more

  • Learn more about  applying for jobs .
  • Get more advice on CVs and cover letters .

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  • • Identified and mitigated risks promptly, leading to successful project deliveries with an 85% on-time completion rate.
  • • Managed an external stakeholder communication strategy, improving feedback loops and product alignment by 30%.
  • • Led a team of developers in the successful delivery of multiple healthcare software projects, aligning deliverables with strategic objectives.
  • • Organized and facilitated sprint reviews and retrospectives, resulting in a 35% improvement in team collaboration and morale.
  • • Monitored sprint progress and remove impediments to ensure the team remained on track, resulting in a 95% sprint goal achievement rate.
  • • Developed a comprehensive release plan that streamlined product deployment processes, reducing release cycle time by 20%.
  • • Collaborated with the product owner to prioritize the backlog effectively, ensuring the delivery of high-value features to end-users.
  • • Coordinated with cross-functional teams to gather project requirements and ensure alignment with business objectives.
  • • Assisted in the management of the product backlog, effectively prioritizing features to meet user needs.
  • • Supported multiple agile projects, facilitating communication between stakeholders and development teams.
  • • Helped to establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure project success, resulting in data-driven improvement strategies.

Product Owners act like the glue that holds a development team together. They bridge the communication gap between stakeholders and developers, making sure everyone is aligned. Without them, projects can drift off course or miss the mark entirely.

Your role as a Product Owner demands strong leadership and excellent communication skills. Employers look for individuals who can prioritize tasks, manage backlogs, and make swift decisions. When crafting your Product Owner resume, make sure it highlights your ability to drive projects from conception to completion while meeting all stakeholder expectations.

Business Product Owner Resume Example

Business Product Owner Resume Example Resume Example

Business Product Owners play a critical role in a company by defining product vision and strategy while prioritizing customer needs. On your resume, make sure to highlight experiences in backlog management, stakeholder communication, and roadmap development. Show that you are proficient with tools like JIRA, Confluence, and SQL, and have a solid understanding of Agile methodologies. Soft skills like strong communication, empathy, and team leadership are just as important in this role. Always remember to tailor your resume to emphasize outcomes and impact rather than just listing job duties.

Assistant Product Owner Resume Example

Assistant Product Owner Resume Example Resume Example

The Assistant Product Owner often takes on tasks like backlog grooming, coordinating with the development team, and gathering user feedback to ensure the product meets customer needs. Your resume should highlight responsibilities such as conducting market research, developing detailed user stories, and planning sprints. Make sure to mention hard skills like proficiency in JIRA, understanding of Agile methodologies, and experience with wireframing tools. Don't forget to emphasize people skills like effective communication, collaboration, and problem-solving capabilities. Always bear in mind that Product Owner resumes should reflect a balance of technical knowledge and the ability to lead teams effectively.

Executive Product Owner Resume Example

Executive Product Owner Resume Example Resume Example

Executive Product Owners oversee the strategic direction and delivery of a product within a company. On their resumes, you should list responsibilities like defining the product roadmap, prioritizing features, and collaborating with cross-functional teams, among others. Highlight your technical skills in areas such as Agile methodologies, data analysis, and product management tools like JIRA or Trello. Don’t forget to add your people skills, including leadership, empathy, and excellent communication abilities. Remember, a solid Product Owner resume should reflect your ability to drive product success and add value to your organization.

Digital Product Owner Resume Example

Digital Product Owner Resume Example Resume Example

Digital Product Owners play a pivotal role in steering a company's product vision and strategy. On your resume, emphasize achievements like launching successful products, enhancing user experiences, and collaborating across different teams. Make sure your technical proficiency in frameworks like Agile, Scrum, and software such as Jira or Confluence is clear. Highlight your knack for communication, leadership, and problem-solving to show how you can manage people and projects effectively. Always remember, your resume should tell a compelling story about your ability to drive product success and adapt to changing markets.

Agile Product Owner Resume Example

Agile Product Owner Resume Example Resume Example

Agile Product Owners oversee the vision and progression of product development, ensuring each stage aligns with the company's goals and customer needs. For a resume, include duties like backlog management, stakeholder collaboration, and defining product roadmaps. Highlight your technical skills, especially if you've worked with JIRA, SQL, or agile methodologies. Soft skills like communication, leadership, and problem-solving also play a huge role in your effectiveness. Above all, focus your resume on real, impactful achievements that showcase your direct contributions to previous projects.

Lead Product Owner Resume Example

Lead Product Owner Resume Example Resume Example

Lead Product Owners guide the development of software products, ensuring they meet customer needs and align with business goals. When crafting your resume, make sure to include responsibility for defining product vision, prioritizing features, and collaborating with cross-functional teams. Highlight your expertise with tools like Jira, proficiency in Agile methodologies, and experience with data analysis. People skills such as effective communication, negotiation, and team leadership are equally important to showcase. A key thing to remember is to focus on the impact and outcomes your actions have had, rather than just listing duties.

Senior Product Owner Resume Example

Senior Product Owner Resume Example Resume Example

Senior Product Owners are the pivotal figures who translate company visions into tangible products, ensuring cohesive teamwork and alignment with business goals. In your resume, include clear sections for your experience, skillset, past projects, and key responsibilities such as roadmap planning and stakeholder management. Highlight your expertise with technical tools like JIRA, Agile methodologies, and data analytics platforms. Mention how your communication, leadership abilities, and problem-solving skills have successfully driven team collaborations. Remember, your resume should illustrate your ability to bridge the gap between development teams and business objectives seamlessly.

Principal Product Owner Resume Example

Principal Product Owner Resume Example Resume Example

Principal Product Owners are the backbone of product development in a company, leading the charge to define the vision and roadmap for product lines. Make sure your resume showcases experience in managing backlogs, engaging with stakeholders, and driving the product lifecycle from conception to execution. Highlight your expertise in Agile methodologies, software development frameworks, and data analytics tools like JIRA, Confluence, and Tableau. Don't forget to mention strong communication skills, leadership traits, and your knack for conflict resolution and team collaboration. Always remember, your resume should clearly reflect your ability to align product goals with business objectives.

Product Owner Specialist Resume Example

Product Owner Specialist Resume Example Resume Example

A Product Owner Specialist in your company drives the vision and strategy for product development, ensuring alignment with business goals and customer needs. Your resume should spotlight key responsibilities such as backlog management, stakeholder communication, and user story creation. It's crucial to highlight your expertise in hard skills like Agile methodologies, JIRA, and data analysis. Complement these with soft skills like strong communication, leadership, and the ability to inspire cross-functional teams. Remember to showcase how your unique contribution has supported the overall success and growth of your products.

Associate Product Owner Resume Example

Associate Product Owner Resume Example Resume Example

An Associate Product Owner is responsible for bridging the gap between the product's vision and its actual development, ensuring everything aligns with company goals. Your resume should include key points like managing backlogs, collaborating with teams, and defining product requirements to demonstrate your effectiveness in the role. You must highlight hard skills such as proficiency in agile methodologies, experience with JIRA, and data analysis to show technical competence. Don’t forget the importance of soft skills like communication, teamwork, and problem-solving, as they are crucial for leading and interacting with diverse teams. Remember, your Product Owner resume must clearly reflect your ability to translate strategic goals into actionable tasks.

IT Product Owner Resume Example

IT Product Owner Resume Example Resume Example

An IT Product Owner in a company is responsible for maximizing the value of products developed by the team and ensuring that they meet customer needs. You should include strong experience in backlog management, stakeholder engagement, and defining product features on their resumes, along with a focus on proven project management skills. Highlighting technical knowledge in areas like Agile methodologies, knowledge of software development practices, and familiarity with tools such as JIRA or Confluence is key. Don't forget to list people skills such as effective communication, leadership abilities, and strong problem-solving competencies, which are critical in this role. Remember to make clear how your decisions and contributions had a positive impact on project outcomes and team performance in your CV.

Mobile Product Owner Resume Example

Mobile Product Owner Resume Example Resume Example

In a company, the Mobile Product Owner plays a significant role in steering the development and success of mobile applications. Your resume should clearly list your achievements, responsibilities like backlog management, stakeholder collaboration, and release planning. Don't forget to highlight your expertise in mobile-specific technologies such as iOS, Android, and various development tools. Emphasize people skills like communication, teamwork, and leadership, which are vital for this role. Always remember, your Product Owner resume should tell a compelling story about your impact and achievements.

eCommerce Product Owner Resume Example

eCommerce Product Owner Resume Example Resume Example

Product Owners for eCommerce in a company drive the vision and direction for their digital products. You should show on your resume that you manage product backlogs, coordinate with cross-functional teams, and define product strategies, among other duties. Highlight hard skills like proficiency in Agile methodologies, data analysis, and familiarity with eCommerce platforms like Shopify or Magento. Include soft skills such as effective communication, critical thinking, and leadership abilities to showcase your well-rounded capabilities. Remember, showcasing your ability to balance customer needs with business goals can make your resume stand out.

Junior Product Owner Resume Example

Junior Product Owner Resume Example Resume Example

Junior Product Owners in a company help manage and streamline the development process of a product. Your resume should include responsibilities like creating user stories, prioritizing backlog, and collaborating with development teams. Highlighting hard skills such as familiarity with Agile methodologies, proficiency with tools like JIRA, and basic knowledge of coding can make you stand out. Adding soft skills like effective communication, problem-solving, and the ability to work under pressure will portray you as a well-rounded candidate. Always remember that your resume for this role should clearly showcase how you've contributed to a project’s success and your teamwork skills.

Technical Product Owner Resume Example

Technical Product Owner Resume Example Resume Example

A Technical Product Owner (TPO) takes charge of transforming business goals into technical solutions, acting as a crucial link between the technical team and business stakeholders. Your resume should highlight responsibilities like defining product roadmaps, managing backlogs, prioritizing features, collaborating with cross-functional teams, and tracking project progress. Don't forget to underline your proficiency in Agile methodologies, JIRA, Scrum, data analysis, and cloud technologies. Make sure you showcase soft skills like communication, leadership, problem-solving, and the capacity to adapt quickly to changing environments. Above all, remember that your Product Owner resume should clearly demonstrate your knack for driving product success and delivering value to your stakeholders.

Product Owner Consultant Resume Example

Product Owner Consultant Resume Example Resume Example

Product Owner Consultants are responsible for defining product vision, developing detailed requirements, and prioritizing tasks to ensure deliverables meet market needs. On your resume, include your experience with product lifecycle management, backlog grooming, stakeholder engagement, and agile methodologies. Hard skills to highlight should include proficiency in tools like Jira, Trello, and Confluence, as well as knowledge in user experience design and data analysis. Don't forget to add essential soft skills like communication, leadership, and the ability to manage cross-functional teams effectively. One big thing to keep in mind while crafting your resume is to clearly showcase the value and impact you've brought to previous projects or products.

Software Product Owner Resume Example

Software Product Owner Resume Example Resume Example

A Software Product Owner in your company is responsible for defining the vision and roadmap of the product, ensuring it aligns with business goals and customer needs. Your resume should list responsibilities such as managing the product backlog, prioritizing features, and facilitating communication between stakeholders and development teams. Highlight vital hard skills like familiarity with Agile methodologies, proficiency in project management tools like Jira, and a solid understanding of software development lifecycle. Don't forget to showcase your problem-solving abilities, strong communication skills, and the knack for motivating and guiding teams effectively. Always remember, clearly demonstrating your impact on successful product launches can set your resume apart.

Product Owner Manager Resume Example

Product Owner Manager Resume Example Resume Example

Product Owners are the team's linchpin responsible for defining features and creating a vision for the product. In your resume, including accomplishments like backlog management, user story creation, and stakeholder communication will help. You need to highlight hard skills such as proficiency with Agile methodologies, Jira, and data analysis. Make sure to also emphasize your people skills like leadership, conflict resolution, and effective communication. Remember to show how your experience directly connects to business outcomes and how you drove value.

Looking for more specific tips? Check all related jobs’ resume guides here:

  • Junior Product Owner resume
  • Senior Product Owner resume
  • Associate Product Owner resume
  • Lead Product Owner resume
  • Digital Product Owner resume
  • Technical Product Owner resume
  • Agile Product Owner resume
  • Software Product Owner resume
  • IT Product Owner resume
  • Product Owner Manager resume
  • Business Product Owner resume
  • eCommerce Product Owner resume
  • Mobile Product Owner resume
  • Assistant Product Owner resume
  • Executive Product Owner resume
  • Principal Product Owner resume
  • Product Owner Consultant resume
  • Product Owner Specialist resume

The most important tips for Product Owner resumes:

highlight your accomplishments: Instead of listing tasks, focus on your achievements. Show how you led successful product launches or improved customer satisfaction metrics. Use specific numbers to make your impact clear to recruiters.

showcase relevant skills: Highlight skills that contribute to a winning product strategy. Prioritize skills like user research, agile methodologies, and stakeholder management. Tailor these to resonate with the job description you're eyeing.

embrace a clean format: A clean, easy-to-read format improves readability. Use bullet points, clear headings, and ample white space to keep your resume organized. Avoid clutter by keeping unnecessary details out of your resume.

keep it concise: Recruiters appreciate brevity, so stick to one or two pages. Elaborate only on experience that is directly related to the job. This way, you respect their time and spotlight your most relevant qualifications.

highlight cross-functional collaboration: Product Owners work with various teams to get things done. Give examples of times when you've collaborated well with development, marketing, or sales. These stories show you’re a team player.

use data to back your claims: Quantify your accomplishments whenever possible. Metrics like percentage increases in user engagement or revenue growth make your contributions stand out. Data adds credibility to your claims.

Must-Have Sections on a Product Owner Resume:

Crafting an effective resume as a Product Owner involves focusing on specific sections that showcase your skills, experience, and achievements.

  • summary: Start with a brief summary that encapsulates your career achievements and your value proposition. This section should provide a quick snapshot of your experience and key skills. It captures the attention of hiring managers and sets the tone for the rest of the resume.
  • work experience: Detail your professional history in reverse chronological order. Include your job title, company name, duration of employment, and bullet points listing your responsibilities and accomplishments. This shows your capability to deliver results in previous roles.
  • skills: List out hard and soft skills relevant to being a Product Owner. This can include tools like JIRA, Agile methodologies, and leadership abilities. Specific skills highlight your qualifications and help match you to job requirements.
  • education: Provide information on your academic background, listing degrees obtained, institutions attended, and dates. Include any relevant certifications like PMP or Scrum Master credentials. This section validates your formal training and expertise.
  • projects: Mention notable projects you've worked on, including your role, objectives, and outcomes. This section demonstrates your hands-on experience and ability to manage and deliver projects. Projects give tangible proof of your capabilities.
  • certifications: List any relevant certifications you've earned such as Certified Scrum Product Owner or PMI-ACP. Mentioning certifications can attract employers looking for specialized knowledge. It also shows your commitment to professional development.

Including additional sections can further strengthen your resume, adding depth and highlighting more about your background.

  • volunteer experience: List volunteer roles where you've offered your skills. This can show a well-rounded personality and transferable skills. Volunteer work can also highlight your willingness to contribute to community and leadership potential.
  • languages: Specify any additional languages you speak and your proficiency level. Being multilingual can set you apart and be particularly beneficial in global or diverse teams. This can open up more opportunities in multicultural workplaces.
  • awards and honors: Mention any accolades, awards, or recognitions you've received in your career. This section can boost your credibility and make you stand out among other candidates. Awards showcase external validation of your talents.

How to Write Your Product Owner Resume Experience Section

A Product Owner resume can be your gateway to a booming career, allowing you to showcase your ability to lead teams and deliver customer-centric products. It is crucial to highlight your hands-on experience in agile methodologies, cross-functional collaboration, and roadmap planning. Articulating the impact of your past roles will create a compelling narrative. Below are practical tips to refine the work experience section of your resume, giving you an edge over other candidates.

  • Highlight your years of experience in agile product management; this sets the stage for your capabilities. Specifically mention any agile frameworks you've worked with, like Scrum or Kanban. Emphasize your role as a bridge between stakeholders and development teams, ensuring product alignment with customer needs.
  • Focus on your involvement in backlog management, as it's a critical aspect of the Product Owner role. Mention how you prioritize tasks based on business value and customer feedback. Provide examples of how your backlog management led to improved project outcomes.
  • Describe your experience in writing user stories and acceptance criteria. Highlight any specific techniques you use to ensure clarity and actionable detail. Share how your user stories have enabled teams to develop features that meet user needs effectively.
  • Itemize specific achievements related to product launches or releases. Offer metrics or data that highlight the success of these launches. Talk about the strategies you employed to meet launch timelines and customer expectations.
  • Discuss your role in stakeholder management, including communication strategies. Explain how your relationship-building skills have facilitated project success. Share examples that show your ability to align stakeholder expectations with project deliverables.
  • Mention any tools or software you are proficient in, such as JIRA or Trello. Explain how you utilize these tools to track progress and manage tasks. Provide details about your role in implementing or optimizing these tools for better workflow management.
  • Emphasize your capacity for cross-functional collaboration. Give examples of how you’ve worked with various departments like marketing, sales, and customer support to deliver a unified product vision. Describe the impact this cross-functional teamwork had on the product's success.
  • Showcase your problem-solving skills by describing specific challenges you’ve overcome. Detail the approaches you used to tackle these issues, from identifying root causes to implementing solutions. Highlight how these actions positively influenced project outcomes.
  • Indicate your involvement in user research and customer feedback collection. Explain the methods you use to gather insights, such as surveys or focus groups. Demonstrate how this feedback has directly impacted product decisions and improvements.
  • If you have mentored or managed junior team members, include this information. Share insights into your management style and methods for skill development. Reflect on the growth and success of your mentees or team members as a testament to your leadership abilities.

Next, we will show examples of how to quantify your experience, focus on the most common responsibilities HR managers search for, and discuss how to tailor your resume to the job description effectively. If you're aiming for an entry-level or intern position, we'll also explore ways to balance your lack of experience.

Examples of How To Quantify Your Experience

  • Increased user engagement by 35% through the implementation of a new feature prioritization strategy that aligned with customer feedback and market trends.
  • Reduced time to market by 25% by instituting an efficient sprint planning process and optimizing team workflow, resulting in faster delivery of high-quality products.
  • Boosted customer satisfaction scores by 20% by incorporating user feedback into product development cycles and improving feature usability across the platform.
  • Drove a 15% increase in monthly active users by launching targeted marketing campaigns and introducing new features that addressed key user pain points.
  • Reduced product development costs by 30% by implementing more efficient resource allocation methods and cutting non-essential features from the project scope.
  • Increased team productivity by 40% by introducing Agile methodologies and continuous integration practices that streamlined the development process.
  • Achieved an ROI of 50% by successfully managing the product lifecycle from inception to launch, ensuring key milestones were met on time and within budget.
  • Enhanced product quality by 30% by leading cross-functional teams through rigorous testing and quality assurance processes before final release.
  • Generated a 25% boost in revenue by identifying and capitalizing on new market opportunities, leading to the development of innovative product features.
  • Improved stakeholder satisfaction by 30% through transparent communication and regular updates on project status, ensuring all requirements were met and expectations exceeded.
  • Achieved a 20% decrease in churn rate by launching user retention initiatives based on thorough data analysis and customer journey mapping.
  • Secured funding for product expansion by demonstrating a 35% increase in user adoption and a solid roadmap for future growth to investors and stakeholders.
  • Decreased support tickets by 50% by refining user documentation and enhancing product tutorials, leading to better user self-sufficiency.
  • Led a team that delivered a 60% increase in feature utilization by closely monitoring user behavior and iterating on product features to better meet user needs.
  • Achieved a 15% reduction in development cycles by implementing lean development practices and improving team collaboration through effective sprint retrospectives.

Job Description Bullet Points on Product Owner Resumes:

  • Define and communicate the product vision, roadmaps, and growth opportunities in a collaborative environment, ensuring alignment with company goals and customer requirements.
  • Work closely with stakeholders, including customers, marketing, sales, and development teams, to gather and prioritize requirements, ensuring delivery of high-value products.
  • Create, maintain, and prioritize the product backlog, ensuring it remains well-organized, up-to-date, and aligned with the overall product strategy and business objectives.
  • Write clear and detailed user stories with acceptance criteria and collaborate with development teams to refine them, ensuring a mutual understanding of requirements and goals.
  • Ensure that the development team understands the requested features and is well-prepared to implement them by providing timely and effective communication, clarification, and support.
  • Participate in agile ceremonies, such as sprint planning, daily stand-ups, sprint reviews, and retrospectives, to provide feedback and ensure alignment throughout the development process.
  • Analyze and interpret data from various sources, including user feedback, market trends, and analytics, to inform decision-making and guide product development.
  • Prioritize features, enhancements, and bug fixes based on business value, customer needs, and technical feasibility, balancing short-term gains with long-term vision.
  • Collaborate with UX/UI designers to ensure that user experience considerations are incorporated into product design and development, leading to intuitive and user-friendly interfaces.
  • Monitor and measure product performance using key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics, identifying areas for improvement and driving corrective actions.
  • Facilitate effective communication between cross-functional teams, ensuring that everyone is aligned and informed about product goals, progress, and upcoming changes.
  • Provide regular updates to senior management and other stakeholders on product development progress, risks, and opportunities, ensuring transparency and accountability.
  • Assist in the creation and delivery of product training materials, documentation, and support resources to ensure successful product adoption and usage by customers and internal teams.
  • Stay informed and up-to-date with industry trends, competitor products, and emerging technologies, bringing innovative ideas and solutions to the product development process.
  • Manage and coordinate beta testing and pilot programs, gathering feedback from early users to validate assumptions, uncover issues, and refine the product before wider release.

How to Tailor Your Product Owner Resume To the Job Description:

  • Identify the specific skills and responsibilities they seek in the job description, then match your work experience precisely to those points. This ensures your resume is relevant, increasing your chances significantly. Highlight any overlapping experiences with those roles.
  • Show off your achievements using numbers, like by how much you increased efficiency or client satisfaction. Quantifiable results provide a clear picture of your successes. This approach speaks volumes to hiring managers.
  • Avoid using generic language and tailor each bullet point under your experience section to the job listing. Focus on using keywords found directly in their description. It's like a spotlight for your resume.
  • Focus on specific projects that are relevant to the job description you’re targeting. Highlight your involvement and specific contributions that align with their needs. This showcases your direct experience in relevant tasks.
  • Include relevant software or methodologies you’ve used if they match those in the job posting. Being specific about your tools and practices tells them you are ready from day one. It displays your readiness and adaptability.
  • Make sure the language in your resume matches the tone of the job description. If they want a team player, emphasize your collaboration skills. This helps create a cohesive picture that appeals to potential employers.

How to Write Your Resume Summary/Objective Section

Crafting a compelling resume summary for a Product Owner role can set the stage for presenting your professional narrative. This section offers a snapshot of your experience, skills, and achievements, leading to your value in the job market. It should encapsulate your key accomplishments succinctly, providing a strong first impression for hiring managers. Remember, this is your chance to hook the reader and encourage them to delve deeper into your qualifications.

On the other hand, a resume objective focuses on your career goals and how they align with the company's needs. While a summary highlights your professional history and key achievements, an objective is more forward-looking and highlights your aspirations. For a Product Owner position, a resume summary is often more effective, especially when you possess relevant experience. It allows you to demonstrate your impact and past successes, giving potential employers a clear picture of what you bring to the table.

Practical tips for your resume’s summary:

  • Highlight your most significant achievements in product management to capture attention immediately. Focus on metrics and examples that showcase your ability to drive product success. Employers are keen to see evidence of your impact.
  • Include keywords from the job description to ensure your resume passes through applicant tracking systems. This can include specific skills, tools, or methodologies mentioned in the job post. Tailoring your resume this way makes it more relevant to the role.
  • Emphasize your leadership and team collaboration skills to demonstrate your capability to manage cross-functional teams. Examples of successful projects where you played a key role can be highly impactful. Leadership experience is crucial for a Product Owner.
  • Showcase your ability to communicate effectively with both technical and non-technical stakeholders. Highlight experiences where you translated complex concepts into actionable strategies. Communication skills are essential for aligning team efforts and stakeholder expectations.
  • Mention any certifications or advanced training that underscores your expertise in agile practices or product ownership. These qualifications can set you apart from other candidates. Credentials validate your skills and commitment to professional growth.
  • Keep the summary concise—aim for three to five sentences that convey the breadth and depth of your experience. Avoid overwhelming the reader with too much detail. A focused summary maintains the reader's interest and directs them to relevant sections of your resume.

Now, let’s move on to some specific examples of effective resume summaries for a Product Owner role.

Resume’s personal statement examples:

  • Experienced Product Owner with over 7 years of expertise in agile methodologies and cross-functional team leadership. Adept at steering product development from ideation to launch, improving user engagement, and driving revenue growth.
  • Dynamic and results-oriented Product Owner, skilled in identifying market opportunities and translating them into robust product strategies. Track record of successful product roll-outs and lifecycle management. Proficient in stakeholder management and bridging the gap between technical and non-technical teams.
  • Detail-oriented Product Owner with a strong background in software development and UX/UI design. Proven success in delivering high-quality, user-centric products in fast-paced environments. Excellent communicator, capable of aligning team efforts with corporate objectives.
  • Goal-driven Product Owner with a focus on maximizing value through continuous improvement and innovation. Experienced in leveraging data analytics to inform decision-making and enhance product offerings. Collaborative leader with a knack for inspiring and motivating teams.
  • Entry-level Product Owner eager to apply academic knowledge of agile methodologies and project management in a real-world setting. Equipped with strong research and analytical skills, and a passion for developing user-focused solutions. Seeking to contribute to a forward-thinking team.
  • Objective: To obtain an internship position as a Product Owner, where I can utilize my understanding of product lifecycle management and strong problem-solving skills to support the development of innovative solutions. Committed to learning and growing within a dynamic, agile environment.

Top Resume Skills for Product Owner

Being a Product Owner demands a unique set of skills, abilities, and qualities to lead teams effectively. You need to excel in communication to bridge gaps between stakeholders and developers. A keen eye for detail helps in prioritizing backlogs and defining clear product goals. Success also hinges on your ability to make quick decisions based on accurate data analysis.

Practical tips for your resume’s skills section

  • Highlight your experience with Agile methodologies effectively emphasizing your role in the Scrum process and iterations. Mention any specific frameworks you’ve used such as Scrum or Kanban to show relevance. This not only showcases your experience but also your comfort with adaptive planning and incremental delivery.
  • Include examples of your problem-solving skills focusing on how you’ve addressed specific challenges in product development. Providing concrete examples of issues you’ve resolved adds credibility and demonstrates your analytical thinking. You should relate these examples to measurable outcomes to show your impact.
  • Emphasize your stakeholder management skills making it clear that you can negotiate and align various interests. Tailor this to illustrate how you've managed multiple stakeholders with differing priorities. Demonstrate your ability to communicate effectively to ensure mesh between client needs and development capabilities.
  • Detail your proficiency with product management tools like Jira, Trello, or Asana since these are essential in most Product Owner roles. Explain how you’ve utilized these tools for backlog management and sprint planning. Your familiarity with these tools showcases your ability to organize and manage workflows effectively.
  • Showcase your decision-making skills highlighting scenarios where quick, informed decisions were necessary. Indicate how these decisions resulted in positive outcomes for the product and team. Mention any frameworks or methodologies that guide your decision-making process such as data-driven insights or risk analysis models.
  • Illustrate your ability to communicate complex ideas in simple terms whether for team members or stakeholders. It’s crucial that you can bridge the technical and business aspects of a project. Highlight any experience you have in presenting ideas or product plans, making it evident that clarity in communication is your strong suit.

Now, let's take a look at specific skills valuable for a Product Owner's resume.

Top Hard Skills for Product Owner Resumes

  • Agile Methodologies
  • Product Management
  • Backlog Management
  • User Story Creation
  • Roadmapping
  • MVP Development
  • A/B Testing
  • Data Analysis
  • Market Research
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Wireframing

Top Soft Skills for Product Owner Resumes

  • Communication
  • Problem Solving
  • Adaptability
  • Time Management
  • Collaboration
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Decision Making
  • Critical Thinking
  • Attention to Detail
  • Accountability
  • Negotiation
  • Stakeholder Management

Include a Product Owner Cover Letter for a Stand-Out Application

Include a Product Owner Cover Letter for a Stand-Out Application Resume Example

Cover Letter Writing Tips for Product Owner Applicants

Crafting an effective cover letter is essential for securing a Product Owner role. It acts as your first impression, boosting your chances to stand out. This document bridges the gap between your resume and the job description. Knowing its role in job applications can give you an edge in a competitive market.

  • Show your passion for the role and company by speaking directly to why you're interested in the particular position. Mention the company’s mission or product that excites you. This sets a positive tone right from the start.
  • Address the hiring manager by name to personalize your application. Research online or call the company if necessary. This small effort can make a big difference.
  • Highlight your most relevant experiences with examples. Detailed anecdotes show your abilities better than vague assertions. Keep it concise but impactful.
  • Include specific metrics to demonstrate your success. Mention key achievements using numbers or percentages. This provides tangible proof of your capabilities.
  • Show understanding of the product development cycle with relevant keywords. Use industry-specific terms to reflect your expertise. This demonstrates you know the language of the field.
  • Align your skills with the job requirements mentioned in the listing. Point out at least three key skills they seek where you excel. This helps create a strong case for your fit.
  • Describe your leadership experiences in past roles. Showcase examples where you led projects or teams successfully. Highlighting leadership builds confidence in your potential as a Product Owner.
  • Convey your problem-solving abilities by discussing complex challenges you've overcome. Focus on your approach and the results. This underlines your capability to handle issues.
  • Maintain a positive tone throughout the cover letter. Optimism adds an attractive energy to your narrative. Avoid complaining about past experiences or unmet expectations.
  • Keep it structured and clear with equal responsibility and enthusiasm. A logical flow makes it easier to follow. Ending on a confident note leaves the reader impressed and anticipating more.

Now, you might wonder how to sync your cover letter seamlessly with your resume. Here's how to coordinate them effectively:

Frequently Asked Questions

Should my product owner resume be one page or longer.

For most candidates, keeping your Product Owner resume to one page is ideal, especially if you have less than 10 years of experience. A one-page resume forces you to focus on the most relevant skills, achievements, and experiences that match the job description. This practice ensures your resume remains concise and easy for hiring managers to scan quickly. It's all about delivering a clear and direct message about your capability to carry out the Product Owner role efficiently.

What is the best format for a Product Owner resume?

The reverse-chronological format is often the best choice for a Product Owner resume. This format starts with your most recent experience and works backward, making it easy for potential employers to track your career progression and understand your work history in context. This structure allows you to showcase your most relevant and recent job roles and achievements prominently, which is particularly useful in demonstrating your continuous growth and adaptability in the field.

What should I highlight on my Product Owner resume to stand out?

To stand out as a Product Owner, you should focus on highlighting your experience with managing product backlogs, defining product vision, and working closely with cross-functional teams. Emphasize your achievements in delivering successful products and any metrics that show your impact, such as increases in user engagement or revenue. Additionally, showcasing your skills in stakeholder communication and project management tools can help demonstrate your readiness for the role.

What are some action verbs I should use on my Product Owner resume?

Using impactful action verbs can greatly enhance your resume. Words like 'directed,' 'initiated,' 'executed,' 'facilitated,' and 'optimized' can effectively convey your role in successfully bringing products to life. These verbs illustrate your active involvement and leadership in various projects and initiatives, painting a vivid picture of your capabilities to potential employers. Swap generic verbs for these compelling alternatives to make your accomplishments stand out.

For more inspiration, why not check out our free resource of job-focused resume examples?

Call Center resume example

Call Center

Picture this: a team of individuals ready to assist you at any hour, their voices radiating calm and efficiency. These are the unsung heroes of customer service, the frontline warriors we call Call Center agents. Your satisfaction, their ultimate goal, stands as a testament to their tireless efforts. Being a Call Center agent isn't just about answering the phone; it's about connecting with people. Empathy and quick thinking are the superpowers they wield daily, ensuring your concerns are understood and addressed efficiently. When crafting a Call Center resume, it’s these very skills and the variety of tasks you've excelled at that become your biggest selling points.

Right of Way Agent resume example

Right of Way Agent

In 2024, when creating a resume for a Right of Way Agent position, there are a few key points to keep in mind: Length: Aim to keep your resume concise and focused, ideally within one to two pages. Recruiters receive numerous resumes, so ensuring yours is easy to read and digest is essential. Design: Utilize a clean and professional design that reflects your attention to detail. Avoid flashy graphics or excessive colors that may distract from the content. Format: Use a standard resume format, such as reverse chronological, that highlights your most recent and relevant experience first. This helps grab the attention of hiring managers who are seeking specific qualifications. When crafting a resume for a Right of Way Agent role, consider including the following sections: Contact Information: Include your full name, phone number, email address, and LinkedIn profile URL. Professional Summary: Write a concise paragraph summarizing your qualifications and key skills, specifically highlighting your expertise in right of way procedures and negotiation. Work Experience: Detail your relevant work experience, using the Context-Action-Result framework to effectively communicate your achievements and abilities (examples provided below). Education: Include any relevant degrees, certifications, or training programs you have completed. Skills: Mention key technical and soft skills that are essential for a Right of Way Agent position, such as negotiation, research, and real estate appraisal. Professional Affiliations: If applicable, include any memberships in relevant organizations or industry associations. Optional Sections: Consider adding sections like Licenses & Certifications, Projects, or Volunteer Experience if they enhance your candidacy. When highlighting your experience as a Right of Way Agent, it's crucial to use the Context-Action-Result framework to effectively communicate your accomplishments and the impact you had in previous roles. Here are a few examples of bullet points that demonstrate this framework: Context: Conducted thorough research on property ownership and rights to determine easements and right of way. Action: Negotiated fair compensations with landowners for property access rights, ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. Result: Successfully secured necessary rights of way, enabling the completion of multiple infrastructure projects ahead of schedule and within budget. Context: Assisted in the preparation of right of way documents, including title reports and appraisals. Action: Collaborated with legal teams and surveyed properties to ensure accuracy and completeness of documentation. Result: Facilitated a seamless acquisition process, minimizing potential delays and legal disputes. Context: Managed stakeholder relationships and communicated project progress to landowners and government agencies. Action: Addressed concerns and resolved conflicts to ensure smooth project execution and minimize disruptions. Result: Fostered positive relationships, resulting in increased cooperation and successful completion of projects. When creating a resume for a Right of Way Agent position, remember the following: Keep your resume concise, ideally within one to two pages. Utilize a clean and professional design. Use a standard resume format, such as reverse chronological. Include sections like Contact Information, Professional Summary, Work Experience, Education, and Skills. Highlight your experience using the Context-Action-Result framework. Emphasize key achievements and quantifiable results. Consider optional sections to enhance your candidacy. By following these guidelines and tailoring your resume to the specific requirements of a Right of Way Agent position, you can increase your chances of standing out among other candidates and landing your dream job.

Graphic Designer resume example

Graphic Designer

Graphic designers are the visual architects of ideas. They translate concepts into images that tell a story, influence decisions, and evoke emotions. Your brand’s visual identity lives and breathes through the skillful work of these creators. As a graphic designer, your skill set should extend beyond just knowing the tools. You need a keen eye for detail, a sense of aesthetics, and the ability to convey a message effectively. When applying for a job, design portfolios and past projects will be heavily valued. But don’t forget, your Graphic Designer resume should embody creativity and precision. It’s not just a list; it’s a showcase of your design prowess.


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