Police Brutality - List of Free Essay Examples And Topic Ideas

Police brutality refers to the excessive or unnecessary use of force by law enforcement officers. Essays on this topic could explore the incidences of police brutality, its causes, and its impact on communities, particularly marginalized groups. Further discussions might extend to the legal frameworks governing law enforcement conduct, the calls for police reform, and the movements advocating for accountability and justice. We have collected a large number of free essay examples about Police Brutality you can find at Papersowl. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

Police Brutality and Racism

The Declaration of Independence was created to protect the inalienable rights that all Americans receive at birth, yet police brutality continues to threaten the rights of African Americans everywhere. Police everywhere need to be given mandatory psychological tests in order to gain awareness of racial bias in law enforcement and allow citizens to slowly gain trust for the officers in law enforcement. No one wants a child to grow up in a world filled with hate. As Martin Luther King […]

The Effects Police Brutality has on Society

Introduction There are many issues that can cause dysfunction in a society. Police brutality has become debatable and a major issue America faces today. Police brutality can be traced back all the way to the early 1870s. Police brutality is the use of excessive force by a police officer. Which can arrange from anything as far as assaults, lethal force, harassment and much more. The use of force has been around for decades as a way of solving conflicts and […]

Is Racism Still a Current Issue in America

Racism is defined as prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior. It is no secret that America has a racist past, with issues like hate crimes, police brutality, and slavery. However, the concern of racism is still apparent in American society today. Completely eliminating racism will be very hard. However, to start the process of eliminating this issue, we need to start by recognizing our own […]

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Police Brutality – most Serious Violations to the Black Community

Police brutality started in the early 70s, due to the lack of equal rights for African Americans. Over the last past several years, it has left citizens wondering if policemen are doing their jobs or just looking for another murder case. Due to all the unnecessary shooting, rough treatment, and beating upon black people three radical black organizers created Black Lives Matter. In the result of this injustice, African American lady, Korryn Gaines, a 23-year old woman, was pulled over […]

Police Brutality – Systemic Misuse of Authority and Abuse of Police Powers

Police brutality is the systematic misuse of authority and abuse of police powers through the unwarranted infliction of bodily or psychological pain to civilians by law enforcers during their official duties. The routine enforcement of law using excessive force against unarmed civilians and the correctional misuse of facilities to manipulate, inflict, injure or subject a civilian to torture amounts to police brutality. Militarily prisons and federal penal correctional facilities through the personnel operating the facilities can practice police brutality through […]

About Black Lives Matter Movement

The fundamental rights and freedoms enshrined in the Constitution are inherent for all. There is no question that all people (blacks, Latinos, Indians, or white) were created free and equal with certain inalienable rights. This is a universally accepted principle. Segregation and racism against minorities in this country have been widely discussed, and prominent figures have taken a stand asking people to join in the fight for equality. This stand addresses the significance of black lives. However, contrasting opinions on […]

Defacement Reflecting on Police Brutality: a Jean Michel-Basquiat Story

Thesis statement: Art tends be a reflection of how an artist is feeling in a certain moment or time and at times it dives into the mind of the artist during the darkest periods of their lives. Artists tend to find inspiration in circumstances or instances that directly affect them on an emotional level. May that be as a result of a death or even a life altering incident that maybe they didn't experience in person but it still hit […]

Police Brutality Culture

The use of excessive force on civilians whether innocent or suspected is deemed as Police brutality. And everyone can attest to the fact that police brutality is ever on the rise. We see it every other day in the news, on the internet and some of us have even witnessed it just around the corners in our neighborhoods. Even if it is plastered all over the media, those officers seem to still remain in the lines of duties. Why? Do […]

Police Abuse of Power

Police brutality refers to systematic misuse of authority and powers through the unwarranted infliction of bodily or psychological pain to civilians by law enforcers during their official duties. The routine enforcement of law using excessive force against unarmed civilians and the correctional misuse of facilities to manipulate, inflict, injure or subject a civilian to torture amounts to police brutality. Militarily prisons and federal penal correctional facilities, through the personnel operating the facilities, can practice police brutality through extreme subjection of […]

Institutional Racism and Police Brutality in Education System

In today society there are several police brutality against black people, and in some institutional systems black people still experience racism from people who thinks they are superior. Racism is an issue which emerged from history till now and it has become a major problem in our society. This has affected some families to live their dreams and influences other people mindset towards each other. Institutional Racism is expressed in social and political institution which is governed by the behavioral […]

Police Brutality against Black Communities

Throughout the years, the issue of police brutality against black communities has been a major problem affecting many countries in the United States. Unjustified killings have taken place in the black community, which has clearly led to a national outcry for justice and equality. The issue has become particularly notable in recent years thanks to the numerous murders of young black people that have been committed by police officers. Research shows that young black men were nine times more likely […]

Does the Civil Rights Movement have an Effect on the Way Minorities are Treated by Authorities?

Abstract The civil rights movement was a mass popular movement to secure for African Americans equal access to and opportunities for the basic privileges and rights of U.S. citizenship. While the roots of this movement go back to the 19th century, its highlighted movements were in the 1950s and 1960s. African American men and women, along with white American’s and other minority citizens, organized and led the movement at national and local levels nationwide. The civil rights movement centered on […]

Police Brutality against Latinos in the U.S.

This research focused on the history of police brutality against Latinos in the U.S. and thedifferent types of police brutality. It starts off with an overview of what police brutality is and providing examples of police brutality in the different states. The examples intend to provide the reader with knowledge of how police brutality affects the Latino community and some other minority groups. Additionally, it talks about injunctions and the system of points (used in Boston), which allow police officers […]

Police Brutality – Aggressive Overuse of Power

Every 7 hours in the United States an individual life is taken by a police officer. Police brutality is defined as an aggressive overuse of power given to them as a status of a police officer. A 395 pound 6'2-foot man named Eric Garner was held in an illegal chokehold by officer Justin D'Amico. Eric Garner was selling illegal cigarettes on a street in Staten Island, New York. As police approach him four of the officers wrestled him to the […]

Police Brutality – Misconduct and Shootings

Abstract In the United States, Police brutality has been a source of concern for many years. Police officers have been known to use excessive and unnecessary force on innocent and unarmed civilians. There have been numerous instances of police officers killing civilians when such force was unwarranted. It is important to look at how police brutality affects the community as well as fellow police officers. There are a number of measures that should be taken to stop this menace. The […]

Police Brutality Towards African Americans

Dear Governor Brown, In this letter I wanted to discuss an epidemic that has occured in America these past few years, which would be police brutality towards African Americans. Police brutality dates as far back as the 1960's but recently there have been many cases towards black people where they do not pose a threat but are still beaten or even killed. Statistics show that police killed 1,147 people in 2017 and 25% of those killed were black people even […]

An American Lie the American Dream

“In recent years, thousands of Americans have died at the hands of law enforcement, a reality made even more shameful when we consider how many of these victims were young, poor, mentally ill, Black or unarmed” (Hill 1).  Minorities have struggled for years to be accepted into a society that excludes them. In “Nobody” by Marc Lamont Hill, he compares the injustices occurring today to those that happened years ago. African Americans are constantly suffering from racial discrimination and denial […]

Stop Police Brutality against Minority’s

Police abuse remains one of the most serious human rights violations in the United States. Over the past decades, police have acted out in ways that have made people wonder, are our officer really doing their jobs?. Unjustified shootings have contributed to the ever present problem of police brutality in America. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Jim Crow laws were state and local laws that enforced racial segregation in the Southern United States mandated racial segregation in […]

Police Brutality: Hispanics, Asian, and African American

Almost everyone can be involved in police brutality including Hispanics, Asian, and African American. But, black people are most likely to be shot by police than their white peers. However, according to Vox news says, An analysis of the available FBI data by Dara Lind for Vox found that US police kill black people at disproportionate rates: Black people accounted for 31 percent of police killing victims in 2012. In other words, that black people are accusing as a threat […]

Different Forms of Police Brutality

According to The Law Dictionary, police brutality is defined as the use of excessive and/ or unnecessary force by police when dealing with civilians. The brutality can come in several forms; ranging from nerve gas, guns, false arrests, racial profiling, and sexual abuse. Many black men and women fall victims to officers. Police killed 1,147 people in 2017. Black people were 25% of those killed despite being only 13% of the population (Daniliana 1). Since 1992, there has been an […]

Police Brutality – Prevalent Problem in American Society

America has on average one of the highest rates of police violence compared to other developed countries. While it is hard to determine the precise reason to why that is, many argue that it is directly related to racism that has, and still exists today. Until recent times, people of Caucasian decent have held much of the power in the United States government. Meaning that policies were made with white favoritism in mind. This is known as systemic racism. One […]

The Efforts of the Black Lives Matter Movement

Social Change: Police Brutality and The Efforts of the Black Lives Matter Movement CRM 328 Spring 2018 Rodney Morvan Introduction America is known as the land of opportunity and freedom, where equality prevails all across the country, and the justice system is said to protect each and every one of us equally and fairly. However, in 2012, neighborhood watch leader George Zimmerman, while on patrol, shot and killed 17-year-old African-American Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman was subsequently taken to trial and, surprisingly, […]

Police Brutality in America

The rate has increased over the past years. They call America now a slaughter house; killings leading to uproars in the cities and mass shootings. Police brutality does not only happen to African American, but people of all ethnicities. Police officers were once called the peacekeepers of our community, but now we as people are scared to even leave our home. This is a problem beginning to grow more and more each day. The biggest issue right now is that […]

Police Brutality against Women

Police brutality is one of several forms of police misconduct, which involves undue violence by police officers. It seems to happen in several countries, but very often in the United States against African-Americans. Studies show that the US police kill more in days than other countries do in years. (The Guardian, 2018). Generally, when individuals discuss police violence against African-Americans; recurring names such as Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, and Eric Garner continuously appear in broadcast media. It is very rare […]

Police Brutality and its Contributors

In the past two years, the United States has seen an extreme increase in the police use of deadly force. This deadly increase is speculated to have many contributing factors, some contributing factors are, internalized racism, knowing that if they do something they will not be punished, and the blue wall of silence. These are just a few of the many contributors to police brutality. People may believe that this is the way that we must live, and that nothing […]

Police Brutality and Racial Profiling

If you were stopped by police officers and all they saw was your race, imagine how that would have felt. Sadly, this happens in the real world to people of color daily. Racial profiling is a controversial and illegal form of discrimination, where people are targeted for suspicion based on their race or ethnicity rather than on evidence-based suspicious behavior. Racial profiling is a common practice used by law enforcement agencies in the United States. It is based on the […]

Black Lives Matter against Violence and Racism

Black Lives Matter is a movement that is originated by African-Americans. Black Lives Matter is against violence and racism towards black people. Police brutality is one of several forms of police misconduct which involves violence by police. Police brutality is also a part of why Black Lives Matter exist, because it is going on in many countries. While although illegal, it can be used under the color of law. Black Lives Matter was developed to protect black people from the […]

Police Brutality against Black People

The source of racial disparity that pervades the United States criminal justice system, and for African Americans in particular, lies within the bounds of racial discrimination. In order for this treatment to be stopped, members of society must make efforts to alter a mindset that draws it roots from a dark history of slavery and manipulation. Plan Addressing Diawara’s view that society views whiteness as the norm by objectifying races and creating economic and public policies, Barak Obama’s 2008 Father […]

History of Police Brutality

America’s history allows spectators to realize that police brutality is not a modern-day problem, however it is a rising issue. As a nation built up of diverse groups, it is not a surprise that this country has an interminable past of acts of brutality, especially when it comes to individuals who have been incarcerated which is a huge portion of America’s population. A rising amount of police officers are now unlawfully abusing their power, and many prisoners are not willing […]

US Police Brutality and African Americans

Police brutality is a major issue in the United States, with its target against African Americans being a longstanding problem. The history of police brutality closely relates to racism and discrimination in America. Many factors, such as institutional racism, poverty, education, and even the drug war, contribute to this issue. With these factors combined, there is an increased risk of violence from law enforcement officials toward African Americans. According to Schwartz and Jahn (2020), African Americans are three times more […]

How To Write an Essay About Police Brutality

Introduction to the issue of police brutality.

When approaching the sensitive and complex topic of police brutality for an essay, it is crucial to start with a clear definition and understanding of what police brutality encompasses. This term generally refers to the use of excessive force by law enforcement officers, often tied to a broader discussion of systemic issues within policing institutions. In your introduction, provide context for the essay by highlighting the significance of this issue, its impact on communities, and its relevance in the current social and political climate. This opening segment sets the stage for a deep and thoughtful exploration of the various dimensions of police brutality, including its causes, effects, and the ongoing debates surrounding it.

Analyzing the Causes and Manifestations

The body of your essay should delve into a detailed analysis of police brutality. This includes examining the root causes, such as systemic racism, lack of adequate training, and issues within the criminal justice system. Discuss different manifestations of police brutality, from physical violence to psychological tactics, and consider how these actions affect not only individuals but also communities and public trust in law enforcement. Utilize specific examples, case studies, or statistical data to support your points, ensuring that your argument is grounded in factual information. This section should be structured to provide a comprehensive and balanced exploration of the topic.

Addressing Solutions and Reforms

In this part of your essay, focus on the potential solutions and reforms aimed at reducing instances of police brutality. Discuss various proposals such as increased accountability measures, police training reforms, community policing strategies, and systemic changes in law enforcement agencies. Analyze the effectiveness of these solutions, drawing on examples from different jurisdictions where reforms have been attempted or implemented. Consider the challenges and barriers to implementing these changes, including political, institutional, and social factors. This segment should highlight the complexity of solving the issue of police brutality and the need for multifaceted approaches.

Concluding Thoughts on Police Brutality

Conclude your essay by summarizing the main points discussed, and reflect on the broader implications of police brutality on society and the justice system. This is an opportunity to reiterate the importance of addressing this issue and to encourage ongoing dialogue and action. Offer a perspective on the future of policing and community relations, considering the current trends and movements. A strong conclusion will not only wrap up the essay effectively but also leave the reader with a deeper understanding of the complexities of police brutality and the necessity for continued attention and effort in combating it.

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87 Police Brutality Topics and Essay Examples

🏆 best police brutality topics for essays, 📌 most interesting police brutality essay topics, 👍 good research topics about police brutality, ❓ research questions about police brutality.

  • Police Deviance For the sake of this paper, the scope of this paper will only examine the code of conduct in reference to the relationship between the police force and the society.
  • Police Brutality: Graham vs. Connor, 490 U.S. 386 In this essay, a summary of the Graham and Connor case and the decision of the court will be introduced. In case this suggestion is correct, Connor appears as a police officer who failed to […]
  • Police Brutality: Causes and Solutions If the criminal is armed and firing at the police, the use of force is acceptable. However, when the actions of the police are disproportionate to the committed crimes, the necessity of such measures is […]
  • Impact of Police Brutality on the Society in the United States The issue of racism is one that has led to police brutality that has been witnessed in the American society for a long time.
  • Excessive Force and Deviance, Police Brutality The events highlighting racial injustice could positively influence our society, maintaining an appropriate level of awareness regarding the issues encountered by African-Americans and prompting a change in police behaviors.
  • History of Police Brutality: The Murder of George Floyd Police officers strive to maintain order and ensure adherence to the laws of the state. The standards observed the right to democracy and addressed the need for representation.
  • Body-Worn Cameras Against Police Brutality in New York There is often a legal foundation to such a privileged position; the laws control the oppressed class and mitigate threats to the power of the ruling class.
  • Police Brutality: Social Issue This paper explores the issue of police brutality and seeks to shed light on the perceptions of the public, especially the black minority.
  • Social Psychology: Police Brutality The first group of solutions to the problem of police brutality includes technical measures, such as the use of body cameras and dashboard cameras. Finally, another potential solution to police brutality is the diversification of […]
  • Technology Influences on Police Brutality Modern platforms such as Facebook and Twitter can be used to inform and educate more people about the nature of police brutality.
  • Police Brutality: Dissoi Logoi Argumentation Under the influence of societal views, the majority of the representatives of the general public tend to perceive police officers as a safeguarding force that gathers individuals who perform their duties to ensure that the […]
  • Police Brutality in the USA This paper aims to discuss the types of police brutality, the particularities of psychological harm inflicted by the police, and its consequences for the population affected by these forms of violence.
  • Public Administration Issue: Police Brutality The trend is ongoing and is not expected to end any time soon because of the social structure and the culture that does not value the contributions of minorities and people of color.
  • Police Misconduct Actually, prosecutors are always reluctant to try these victims in the court of law for the following reasons; police officers, in most cases, are protected by the prosecutors.
  • Police Misconduct: What Can Be Done? Police officers are the individuals charged with the task of maintaining law and order and ensuring the security of the population.
  • Excessive Force by the Police On the other hand, the media reported on the severity of misconduct by police officers and cited the Blue code of silence as the key setback against the fight against police torture.
  • Police in Law Enforcement Misconduct This creates a rift between the community and the police leading to further misconduct in the process of enforcing the law.
  • The Incidents Involving Police Brutality
  • The Infringement of Natural Human Rights Because of Police Brutality in the United States
  • Police Brutality and Its Effects on the United States
  • The Flaws of Police Officers and the Issue of Police Brutality on an Individual
  • The Suffering and Fight of African-Americans Against Police Brutality
  • The Image Serving as a Reminder of Police Brutality
  • The Negative Effects of Police Brutality
  • The Changing Patterns of Racism and Police Brutality in the United States
  • Police Brutality and the Death of Freddie Gray
  • The Issue of Police Brutality and Injustice in the Story of Kalief Browder
  • The Relation Between Police Brutality and Race in the United States of America
  • Police Brutality and Racism Against African Americans
  • The High Prevalence of Police Brutality Towards African America
  • The US Government Faces Different Challenges with Police Brutality
  • The Truth About Police Brutality Against Minorities
  • The Importance of Body Cameras for Solving the Problem of Police Brutality
  • Protesting Protest Against Police Brutality
  • The Solutions to the Issue of Police Brutality in the United States
  • Racism: Police Brutality and Racial Profiling
  • Prejudice, Police Brutality, Racism: The Three Things We Are Trying to Get Rid Off
  • Problems Caused by Police Brutality
  • Police Misconduct and Police Brutality
  • The Issue of Police Brutality Against People of Color in the United States
  • The Issue of Police Brutality Against the Colored People in the United States
  • The Effects of Violence on Police Brutality
  • The Deaths Caused by Hurricane Katrina and Police Brutality in America
  • Social Media Activism, Centered on Police Brutality
  • The Effects of Police Brutality on the Relationship
  • The Long Problem of Police Brutality in the United States
  • The Police Brutality Against Minorities
  • Race, Police Brutality, Crime, Education and Poverty
  • The Issue of Police Brutality in the United States and the Solutions to Curb Police Misconduct
  • The Influence of the Media and Social Class in Police Brutality
  • The Dangers of Racial Profiling and Police Brutality
  • The Effects of Police Brutality on Minority Communities
  • The Effects of Police Brutality and Racism English
  • The Drug Trade as the Cause of Police Brutality in Brazil
  • Police Brutality and Their Power Caught on Video by Bystanders
  • How to Deal with the Problem of Police Brutality in the United States?
  • What is the Relations Police Brutality and Its Contributors?
  • How Repressive Laws and Police Brutality Against Mexican Americans Stigmatized the Race as a Whole?
  • How Race and Ethnicity Affects Police Brutality Term?
  • Police Brutality Ends Here?
  • What Does the Media Cover up the Police Brutality?
  • How Does Police Brutality on Children Affect How Society?
  • Does Police Brutality Distort the Way People View Law Enforcement?
  • How Can We Help Prevent Police Brutality?
  • How to Stop Police Brutality Against Minority’s?
  • Has Been Police Brutality Alive for Too Many Years?
  • Has Police Brutality Increased Throughout the United?
  • What Is Wrong with Police?
  • How Police Corruption Remains a Tainted Reminder of Police Brutality in the US?
  • Does Police Brutality Affect the Mental Health of Black Youth?
  • Why Isn’t Outrage over Police Brutality Enough?
  • Are the Police Taking Advantage of People by Using Police Brutality?
  • Has Been Police Brutality Around for Decades?
  • Should There Be Direct Laws Against Police Brutality?
  • Can You Trust the Law?
  • What Is the Police Brutality Effect on African American Males?
  • When the Police Duty to Protect Fails Police Brutality?
  • Religious Profiling and Police Brutality: How They Affect Operations?
  • What Are the Effects of Police Brutality?
  • Police Brutality: What’s Really Going on?
  • What is the New York City Police Brutality?
  • How Does the Body Camera Increase Police Brutality?
  • The Causes of Police Brutality in America: Is It Due to Police Behavior?
  • When Excessive Force Becomes Police Brutality Sociology?
  • What is the Link Between Police Brutality and the Law Enforcement Officers?
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IvyPanda. (2023, November 30). 87 Police Brutality Topics and Essay Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/police-brutality-essay-examples/

"87 Police Brutality Topics and Essay Examples." IvyPanda , 30 Nov. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/police-brutality-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2023) '87 Police Brutality Topics and Essay Examples'. 30 November.

IvyPanda . 2023. "87 Police Brutality Topics and Essay Examples." November 30, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/police-brutality-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda . "87 Police Brutality Topics and Essay Examples." November 30, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/police-brutality-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda . "87 Police Brutality Topics and Essay Examples." November 30, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/police-brutality-essay-examples/.

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Police Brutality Essay Examples

Essays on police brutality address a critical and pressing issue within societies around the world. These essays aim to shed light on instances where law enforcement officers abuse their power, using excessive force and causing harm to individuals they are meant to protect. Writing an essays on this topic serves several significant purposes, and studying examples of such essays is crucial for fostering awareness and driving change. One of the primary goals of essays on police brutality is to raise awareness about the existence and prevalence of this issue. Through in-depth analysis and presentation of cases, these essays bring attention to instances where police misconduct has led to violence, injuries, or even fatalities. Awareness is the first step toward acknowledging the problem and advocating for reform. Accountability and Justice in Police Brutality Topics Essays about police brutality can play a role in holding law enforcement agencies accountable for their actions. By examining specific cases and the outcomes of investigations, these essays contribute to the call for justice. They encourage transparency in investigations, court proceedings, and the establishment of consequences for officers found guilty of misconduct. Studying examples of essays on police brutality can inspire readers to become advocates for reform within law enforcement systems. Essays often highlight systemic issues that contribute to police misconduct, such as lack of training, inadequate oversight, and biased practices. Readers can be motivated to push for changes that address these root causes. Essays on police brutality serve as a means to shine a light on a deeply important issue and ignite conversations that lead to change. By studying examples of these essays, individuals can gain insights into the experiences of affected communities, the need for reform, and the potential for creating a safer and more inclusive society.

Black Lives Matter - We Shouldn't Be Afraid of the Police

When it comes to the black community, it leads a more delicate conversation - that's why I chose black lives matter as my argumentative essay topic. The way the police abused them should be conducive to the black community. Police officers have no right to...

Breaking the Cycle of Police Brutality: Solutions for a Safer Society

Imagine yourself as an African American individual your walking down the street to your friends house. A police officer pulls up to the side of you and stops you, they begin pestering you with questions, they then tell you your under arrest. You begin to...

Police Brutality Research on Nigeria Case

Within Phe police brutality research paper we will analyse the given topic and discuss it via different perspectives like: the definition, causes, real cases and main issues. So what is police brutality? Police Brutality is the use of excessive andor unnecessary force by police when...

Finding Answers Whether not All Cops Are Really Bad

The issue of police conduct and police brutality has been a highly debated topic in recent years, especially in the United States. While it is true that there have been cases of police officers acting inappropriately, it is also important to remember that not all...

The Issues of Police Brutality and Wrongful Sentencing in the Us Criminal Justice System

What is the Criminal Justice system? “The Criminal Justice system is a set of agencies established by the government to control crime and impose penalties on those who violate the laws”. The Criminal Justice system has been facing a significant amount of issues as a...

Police Brutality in Movies

Straight Outta Compton is a movie that came out in 2015. It was directed by Felix Gary Grey. The hegemony in this movie shown was police harassment/brutality. This movie is about young rappers trying to become big in the rap industry while a rough period...

Discussion on Whether Police Officers Have a Racial Motive Within the Black Community

On seeing your own precious child die wrongfully in the hands of four racially motivated police officers, Loretta Prater started to feel fear and distrust against police officers. In “Excessive Use of Force: One Mothers Struggle against Police Brutality and Misconduct, ” Prater explained that...

Dallas Police Officer Could Face Stiffer Charge for Killing Unarmed Neighbor

According to the CNN’s article that I’ve read, Amber Guyger — a Dallas Police Department’s officer — has committed a manslaughter while she was off-duty, returning back from her shift late. “How everyday racial profiling hurts everyone,” says Amber Guyger, who was already involved in...

The Urgent Issue of Police Brutality in the United States

The Rule of Law’s principle of due process states that “laws must be administered impartially”; there must be procedures in place to ensure fair treatment between all people (Fox). The current debate surrounding police brutality violates the principle of due process through its inconsistency between...

Criminal Justice in Police Brutality

When you think of a case involving police brutality you don’t usually think of a police officer getting off scot-free. But in the Case of Escondido v Emmons, we see the police officer is not charged for his crimes, but the actions of officers were...

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About Police Brutality

Police brutality is the excessive and unwarranted use of force by law enforcement against an individual or a group.

Police brutality is the modern form of violence by the state against civilians. The origin of modern policing can be traced back to the 18th century France. By the 19th and early 20th centuries, many nations had established modern police departments. Early records suggest that labor strikes were the first large-scale incidents of police brutality in the United States, including events like the Great Railroad Strike of 1877, the Pullman Strike of 1894, the Lawrence Textile Strike of 1912, the Ludlow Massacre of 1914, the Great Steel Strike of 1919, and the Hanapepe Massacre of 1924. The term "police brutality" was first used in Britain in the mid-19th century, by The Puppet-Show magazine(a short-lived rival to Punch).

The causes and issues contributing to the incidence of police misconduct are numerous and complex, and in many instances, probably not entirely understood. Some of the problems we see that contribute to a culture of police misconduct include improper training and a lack of accountability. The main are Inadequate Institutionalized Training, Lack of Accountability and Prosecution,Overall Stress of the Job

The highest number of police killings is in Brazil, amounting to 6,160. 55% of Americans said they are not confident that police are trained adequately to avoid excessive use of force. From 2013 to 2020, police killed more than 9,000 civilians in the US, at an average of nearly 1,100 per year. 28% of those killed by police in 2020 were black Americans despite making up only 13% of the population.

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