Subtraction Worksheets

Welcome to the Subtraction Worksheets page at where you will get less of an experience than our other pages! This page includes Subtraction worksheets on topics such as five minute frenzies, one-, two-, three- and multi-digit subtraction and subtracting across zeros.

Subtraction has been around for several years now... well maybe more than a few, so it's probably a good thing for students to learn. People experience subtraction every minute of their lives from banks and the government taking away your money to the cookies in the jar mysteriously disappearing. With a good knowledge of subtraction, you can understand why your bank account reaches zero and do something to prevent it from happening.

Some students do have difficulty with subtraction, so take it easy on them. Help them to learn their addition facts first. Once they know those, they will need a few more strategies to successfully subtract. Teaching with manipulatives like base ten blocks or cereal or insects in the park can help students gain a deeper understanding of subtraction. The subtracting worksheets on this page are meant to support good teaching practices, so only use them for independent learning if students are practising skills they already know.

We use the words, minuend, subtrahend and difference on this page. Please refer to the following, so you know which word means which part of a subtraction question.

Minuend - Subtrahend = Difference

Most Popular Subtraction Worksheets this Week

Subtracting 3-Digit from 3-Digit Numbers With Some Regrouping (49 Questions)

Subtraction Facts Tables

subtraction problem solving worksheet

Five minute subtraction frenzies are timed practice charts that help students develop subtraction fact recall speed. These charts are similar to the addition and multiplication frenzy charts, but due to the nature of how subtraction works, we could not focus solely on the single digit fact families. For example, you might get questions like 18 - 4 = 14. You also have to be aware that you must subtract the row number from the column number to get a positive number (or zero). Other than that, they should be a nice way to practice some mental subtraction. As with most of these pages, please only use them as a timed activity with students who will experience success. If a student does not have the necessary skills to complete a frenzy in under five minutes, you may need to take a different approach to how you deliver this page. For all others, students should be able to complete this page in under five minutes with a 98% or greater accuracy and improve their time as they get more practice.

  • Five Minute Subtraction Frenzies Five Minute Subtraction Frenzy (Minuends 9 to 18; Subtrahends 0 to 9) Five Minute Subtraction Frenzy (Minuends 29 to 38; Subtrahends 10 to 19) Five Minute Subtraction Frenzy (Minuends 41 to 50; Subtrahends 16 to 25)

Most of the subtraction tables in this section are meant to be used as a reference for students learning their subtraction facts. After a while, most students will remember the facts and recall them easily when completing math problems.

  • Subtraction Facts Tables 0 to 11 Subtraction Facts 0 to 11 in Grey Subtraction Facts 0 to 11 in Color Subtraction Facts 0 to 11 with Facts Highlighted Subtraction Facts 0 to 11 in Montessori Colors Subtraction Facts 0 to 11 in Montessori Colors with Facts Highlighted
  • Subtraction Facts Tables 1 to 12 Subtraction Facts Tables in Gray 1 to 12 Subtraction Facts Tables in Color 1 to 12 Subtraction Facts Tables in Montessori Colors 1 to 12 Subtraction Facts 1 to 12 with Facts Highlighted Subtraction Facts 1 to 12 in Montessori Colors with Facts Highlighted
  • Compact Subtraction Facts Tables Compact Subtraction Table (Filled) Compact Subtraction Table (Blank)

Single-Digit Subtraction Facts

subtraction problem solving worksheet

Subtracting single-digit facts is a skill that students generally learn after or while they are learning single-digit addition facts. The subtraction worksheets in this section are meant to be used for practice, testing or with teacher guidance. They will not teach students how to subtract or what the connection is between addition and subtraction; for that, students require a teacher or parent.

Some students might find it easier to start with subtraction facts with minuends (the first number) limited to 9 or lower. This way, they don't need to count across 10 eliminating that extra pesky digit... for now.

  • Subtracting Single-Digit from Single-Digit Numbers 100 Subtraction Questions with Minuends up to 9 64 Subtraction Questions with Minuends up to 9 25 Subtraction Questions with Minuends up to 9

In relation to addition facts, the following worksheets cover the facts from 0 to 9, and the worksheets after that cover the addition facts from 1 to 9. The minuends are the amounts to be subtracted from, so a minuend of 18 means that both the subtrahend (the amount being subtracted) and the difference will be 9. The worksheets marked with an asterisk (*) include all possible questions in a random order on each version of the worksheet.

  • Subtraction Facts from (0 − 0) to (18 − 9) Subtraction Facts from (0 − 0) to (18 − 9) (100* Questions) ✎ Subtraction Facts from (0 − 0) to (18 − 9) (81 Questions) ✎ Subtraction Facts from (0 − 0) to (18 − 9) (64 Questions) ✎ Subtraction Facts from (0 − 0) to (18 − 9) (50 Questions) ✎ Subtraction Facts from (0 − 0) to (18 − 9) (25 Large Print Questions) ✎ Subtraction Facts from (0 − 0) to (18 − 9) (12 Very Large Print Questions) ✎
  • Subtraction Facts from (2 − 1) to (18 − 9) (No Zeros) Subtraction Facts from (2 − 1) to (18 − 9) (100 Questions) ✎ Subtraction Facts from (2 − 1) to (18 − 9) (81* Questions) ✎ Subtraction Facts from (2 − 1) to (18 − 9) (64 Questions) ✎ Subtraction Facts from (2 − 1) to (18 − 9) (50 Questions) ✎ Subtraction Facts from (2 − 1) to (18 − 9) (25 Large Print Questions) ✎ Subtraction Facts from (2 − 1) to (18 − 9) (12 Very Large Print Questions) ✎
  • Subtraction Facts with Minuends from 10 to 18 100 Subtraction Questions with Minuends from 10 to 18 and All Regrouping (100 Questions) 64 Subtraction Questions with Minuends from 10 to 18 and All Regrouping (64 Questions) 25 Subtraction Questions with Minuends from 10 to 18 and All Regrouping (25 Large Print Questions)

Sometimes students just need to reinforce a single number at a time which is where these worksheets come in. There are three sets of worksheets in this section, each with a different number of questions. The last set is the most interesting as there are no questions repeated. Eleven and Twelve have been included as they are essentially subtracting by 10 and 1 or 2 more.

  • Subtracting Individual Focus or Target Facts (50 Questions per Page) Subtracting 0 (50 Questions) ✎ Subtracting 1 (50 Questions) ✎ Subtracting 2 (50 Questions) ✎ Subtracting 3 (50 Questions) ✎ Subtracting 4 (50 Questions) ✎ Subtracting 5 (50 Questions) ✎ Subtracting 6 (50 Questions) ✎ Subtracting 7 (50 Questions) ✎ Subtracting 8 (50 Questions) ✎ Subtracting 9 (50 Questions) ✎ Subtracting 10 (50 Questions) ✎ Subtracting 11 (50 Questions) ✎ Subtracting 12 (50 Questions) ✎
  • Subtracting Individual Focus or Target Facts (25 Questions per Page) Subtracting Zero (0) (25 Large Print Questions) ✎ Subtracting One (1) (25 Large Print Questions) ✎ Subtracting Two (2) (25 Large Print Questions) ✎ Subtracting Three (3) (25 Large Print Questions) ✎ Subtracting Four (4) (25 Large Print Questions) ✎ Subtracting Five (5) (25 Large Print Questions) ✎ Subtracting Six (6) (25 Large Print Questions) ✎ Subtracting Seven (7) (25 Large Print Questions) ✎ Subtracting Eight (8) (25 Large Print Questions) ✎ Subtracting Nine (9) (25 Large Print Questions) ✎
  • Subtracting Individual Focus or Target Facts with Differences of 0 to 99 (100 Unique Questions per Page) Subtracting One (1) with Differences 0 to 99 (100 Unique Questions) ✎ Subtracting Two (2) with Differences 0 to 99 (100 Unique Questions) ✎ Subtracting Three (3) with Differences 0 to 99 (100 Unique Questions) ✎ Subtracting Four (4) with Differences 0 to 99 (100 Unique Questions) ✎ Subtracting Five (5) with Differences 0 to 99 (100 Unique Questions) ✎ Subtracting Six (6) with Differences 0 to 99 (100 Unique Questions) ✎ Subtracting Seven (7) with Differences 0 to 99 (100 Unique Questions) ✎ Subtracting Eight (8) with Differences 0 to 99 (100 Unique Questions) ✎ Subtracting Nine (9) with Differences 0 to 99 (100 Unique Questions) ✎ Subtracting Ten (10) with Differences 0 to 99 (100 Unique Questions) ✎ Subtracting Eleven (11) with Differences 0 to 99 (100 Unique Questions) ✎ Subtracting Twelve (12) with Differences 0 to 99 (100 Unique Questions) ✎
  • Horizontally Arranged Subtraction Facts with Minuends to 18 Horizontal Subtraction Facts with Minuends to 18 (100 Questions) ✎ Horizontal Subtraction Facts with Minuends to 18 (50 Questions) ✎ Horizontal Subtraction Facts with Minuends to 18 (25 Questions; Large Print) ✎
  • Horizontally Arranged Subtracting 1 to 5 from 1 to 10 Horizontal Subtracting 1 to 5 from 1 to 10 (100 Questions) ✎ Horizontal Subtracting 1 to 5 from 1 to 10 (50 Questions) ✎ Horizontal Subtracting 1 to 5 from 1 to 10 (25 Questions; Large Print) ✎
  • Horizontally Arranged Subtracting 1s and 2s from Single-Digit Minuends Horizontal Subtracting Ones from Single-Digit Minuends (25 per page) ✎ Horizontal Subtracting Twos from Single-Digit Minuends (25 per page) ✎
  • Horizontally Arranged Subtracting Individual Focus Facts Horizontal Subtracting 0s (100 per page) ✎ Horizontal Subtracting 1s (100 per page) ✎ Horizontal Subtracting 2s (100 per page) ✎ Horizontal Subtracting 3s (100 per page) ✎ Horizontal Subtracting 4s (100 per page) ✎ Horizontal Subtracting 5s (100 per page) ✎ Horizontal Subtracting 6s (100 per page) ✎ Horizontal Subtracting 7s (100 per page) ✎ Horizontal Subtracting 8s (100 per page) ✎ Horizontal Subtracting 9s (100 per page) ✎
  • Horizontally Arranged Subtracting Pairs of Individual Focus Facts Horizontal Subtracting 0s and 1s (100 per page) ✎ Horizontal Subtracting 2s and 3s (100 per page) ✎ Horizontal Subtracting 4s and 5s (100 per page) ✎ Horizontal Subtracting 6s and 7s (100 per page) ✎ Horizontal Subtracting 8s and 9s (100 per page) ✎
  • Subtracting a Number from Itself Subtracting a Number from Itself (Range 1 to 20)

The make ten subtraction strategy involves "spliting" the subtrahend (amount being subtracted) into two parts. The first part should be the exact amount that will reduce the minuend (the first number) to ten (or multiple of ten as the case may be) and the second part is the leftover amount. The strategy helps students internalize a mental strategy for subtracting across tens. For example, with the question 15 - 9, students first recognize that they need to subtract 5 to get 10, so they split the 9 into 5 and 4. Subtracting 5 from 15 results in 10 and subtracting 4 more results in 6, so 15 - 9 = 6. This strategy can be used any time students need to subtract "over" a multiple of ten and there are many worksheets in this section to practice it. For example, subtracting 84 - 8, students recognize that they must subtract 4 from 84 to get 80 which leaves 4 more to subtract from 80 to get 76.

  • Make Ten Strategy Worksheets with 10 and Multiples of 10 Make 10 Subtraction Strategy Make 20 Subtraction Strategy Make 30 Subtraction Strategy Make 40 Subtraction Strategy Make 50 Subtraction Strategy Make 60 Subtraction Strategy Make 70 Subtraction Strategy Make 80 Subtraction Strategy Make 90 Subtraction Strategy Make Multiples of 10 Subtraction Strategy

Long Subtraction Worksheets

subtraction problem solving worksheet

Try teaching a mental math strategy for subtraction called counting up. Here is how it is done:

Start with the second number (the subtrahend) and count up by tens until you find the closest value to the first number (the minuend). Keep track of how many tens you counted. Add or subtract a single digit number to get the minuend exactly then adjust the tens by that amount. For the question, 84 - 35, start at 35, and count, 45, 55, 65, 75, 85 (five tens) and one down to get 84. Five tens minus one is 49. For the question 65 - 22, start at 22 and count, 32, 42, 52, 62 (four tens) and three up to get 65. Four tens and three is 43. The previous examples used two-digit numbers, but the strategy can swiftly be modified for larger numbers. How far can your students go with it? Here is an example with three-digit numbers:

Let's use the question 927 - 648. First, count up by hundreds to 948 (that's 300). Then count down by tens to 928 (that's -20). Finally count down by ones to 927 (that's one). 300 - 20 - 1 = 279. That's almost easier than adding!

The multi-digit or long subtraction worksheets in the first part of this section are classic long subtraction worksheets with randomly generated numbers. Regrouping should be necessary about half of the time. Versions with ALL regrouping and NO regrouping follow. If you would like to see numbers with thousands separators, look a little further down and choose the appropriate version for your location.

  • Subtracting up to 3-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping Subtracting 2-Digit from 2-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping ✎ Subtracting 2-Digit from 3-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping ✎ Subtracting 3-Digit from 3-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping ✎ 3-Digit Expanded Form Subtraction Subtracting 3-Digit from 4-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping ✎
  • Subtracting up to 3-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping (Large Print) Subtracting 1-Digit from 2-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping ( Large Print ) ✎ Subtracting 2-Digit from 2-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping ( Large Print ) ✎ Subtracting 1-Digit from 3-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping ( Large Print ) ✎ Subtracting 2-Digit from 3-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping ( Large Print ) ✎ Subtracting 3-Digit from 3-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping ( Large Print ) ✎ Subtracting 1- to 3-Digit from 1- to 3-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping ( Large Print ) ✎ Subtracting 3-Digit from 4-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping ( Large Print ) ✎
  • Subtracting 4- to 9-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping Subtracting 4-Digit from 4-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping ✎ Subtracting 4-Digit from 5-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping ✎ Subtracting 5-Digit from 5-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping ✎ Subtracting 5-Digit from 6-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping ✎ Subtracting 6-Digit from 6-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping ✎ Subtracting 6-Digit from 7-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping ✎ Subtracting 7-Digit from 7-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping ✎ Subtracting 7-Digit from 8-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping ✎ Subtracting 8-Digit from 8-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping ✎ Subtracting 8-Digit from 9-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping ✎ Subtracting 9-Digit from 9-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping ✎
  • Subtracting 4- to 6-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping (Large Print) Subtracting 4-Digit from 4-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping ( Large Print ) ✎ Subtracting 4-Digit from 5-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping ( Large Print ) ✎ Subtracting 5-Digit from 5-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping ( Large Print ) ✎ Subtracting 5-Digit from 6-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping ( Large Print ) ✎ Subtracting 6-Digit from 6-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping ( Large Print ) ✎

For students who need a little extra help with lining things up, these long subtraction worksheets have the digits spaced farther apart on a grid. The answer keys also show the carrying values to help diagnose where things went wrong (but hopefully they won't).

  • Long Subtraction Worksheets with Grid Support 2-Digit Minus 2-Digit Subtraction With Grid Support 3-Digit Minus 2-Digit Subtraction With Grid Support 3-Digit Minus 3-Digit Subtraction With Grid Support 4-Digit Minus 3-Digit Subtraction With Grid Support 4-Digit Minus 4-Digit Subtraction With Grid Support 5-Digit Minus 4-Digit Subtraction With Grid Support 5-Digit Minus 5-Digit Subtraction With Grid Support 6-Digit Minus 5-Digit Subtraction With Grid Support 6-Digit Minus 6-Digit Subtraction With Grid Support 2- to 4-Digit Minus 2- to 4-Digit Subtraction With Grid Support 3- to 6-Digit Minus 3- to 6-Digit Subtraction With Grid Support

The next long subtraction worksheets include questions that require regrouping at every step. They can be frustrating and difficult for students who are not familiar with the concept of subtraction. Try showing them with base ten blocks how regrouping works.

  • Subtracting up to 3-Digit Numbers with All Regrouping Subtracting 1-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping ✎ Subtracting 2-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping ✎ Subtracting 3-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping ✎
  • Subtracting up to 3-Digit Numbers with All Regrouping (Large Print) Subtracting 1-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping ( Large Print ) ✎ Subtracting 2-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping ( Large Print ) ✎ Subtracting 3-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping ( Large Print ) ✎
  • Subtracting 4- to 8-Digit Numbers with All Regrouping Subtracting 4-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping ✎ Subtracting 5-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping ✎ Subtracting 6-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping ✎ Subtracting 7-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping ✎ Subtracting 8-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping ✎
  • Subtracting 4- to 6-Digit Numbers with All Regrouping (Large Print) Subtracting 4-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping ( Large Print ) ✎ Subtracting 5-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping ( Large Print ) ✎ Subtracting 6-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping ( Large Print ) ✎

Some students require a little extra help when learning to subtract large numbers. These subtraction worksheets include questions where the regrouping step has been eliminated. This might help students learn a subtraction algorithm before learning about regrouping.

  • Subtracting up to 3-Digit Numbers with No Regrouping Subtracting 2-Digit from 2-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping ✎ Subtracting 2-Digit from 3-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping ✎ Subtracting 3-Digit from 3-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping ✎ Subtracting 2-Digit from 4-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping ✎ Subtracting 3-Digit from 4-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping ✎
  • Subtracting up to 3-Digit Numbers with No Regrouping (Large Print) Subtracting 2-Digit from 2-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping ( Large Print ) ✎ Subtracting 2-Digit from 3-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping ( Large Print ) ✎ Subtracting 3-Digit from 3-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping ( Large Print ) ✎ Subtracting 2-Digit from 4-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping ( Large Print ) ✎ Subtracting 3-Digit from 4-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping ( Large Print ) ✎
  • Subtracting 4- to 9-Digit Numbers with No Regrouping Subtracting 4-Digit from 4-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping ✎ Subtracting 5-Digit from 5-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping ✎ Subtracting 6-Digit from 6-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping ✎ Subtracting 7-Digit from 7-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping ✎ Subtracting 8-Digit from 8-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping ✎ Subtracting 9-Digit from 9-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping ✎
  • Subtracting 4- to 6-Digit Numbers with No Regrouping (Large Print) Subtracting 4-Digit from 4-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping ( Large Print ) ✎ Subtracting 5-Digit from 5-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping ( Large Print ) ✎ Subtracting 6-Digit from 6-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping ( Large Print ) ✎

Why horizontal subtraction worksheets? Students can show their understanding of place value and number sense if they do not already have the numbers lined up. Vertical subtraction is often learned based on a student's understanding of single-digit subtraction, but looking at the whole number is lost in the algorithm.

  • Horizontally Arranged 2-Digit Minus 1-Digit Questions 2-digit Minus 1-Digit Horizontal Subtraction (100 Questions) ✎ 2-digit Minus 1-Digit Horizontal Subtraction (50 Questions) ✎ 2-digit Minus 1-Digit Horizontal Subtraction (25 Questions; Large Print) ✎
  • Horizontally Arranged 2-Digit Minus 2-Digit Questions 2-digit Minus 2-Digit Horizontal Subtraction (100 Questions) ✎ 2-digit Minus 2-Digit Horizontal Subtraction (50 Questions) ✎ 2-digit Minus 2-Digit Horizontal Subtraction (25 Questions; Large Print) ✎
  • Horizontally Arranged 3-Digit Minus 1-Digit Questions 3-digit Minus 1-Digit Horizontal Subtraction (100 Questions) ✎ 3-digit Minus 1-Digit Horizontal Subtraction (50 Questions) ✎ 3-digit Minus 1-Digit Horizontal Subtraction (25 Questions; Large Print) ✎
  • Horizontally Arranged 3-Digit Minus 2-Digit Questions 3-digit Minus 2-Digit Horizontal Subtraction (50 Questions) ✎ 3-digit Minus 2-Digit Horizontal Subtraction (25 Questions; Large Print) ✎ 3-Digit Minus 2-Digit Horizontal Subtraction ( All Regrouping ; 100 Questions)
  • Horizontally Arranged 3-Digit Minus 3-Digit Questions 3-Digit Minus 3-Digit Horizontal Subtraction (50 Questions) ✎ 3-Digit Minus 3-Digit Horizontal Subtraction (25 Questions; Large Print) ✎
  • Horizontally Arranged Various-Digit Minus Various-Digit Questions Various-Digit Minus Various-Digit Horizontal Subtraction (50 Questions) ✎ Various-Digit Minus Various-Digit Horizontal Subtraction (25 Questions; Large Print) ✎

Many students in English-speaking countries are used to seeing numbers with comma-separated thousands.

  • Long Subtraction Worksheets with Comma Separated Thousands Subtracting 2-Digit from 4-Digit Numbers (Comma Separated) ✎ Subtracting 3-Digit from 4-Digit Numbers (Comma Separated) ✎ Subtracting 4-Digit from 4-Digit Numbers (Comma Separated) ✎ Subtracting 2-Digit from 5-Digit Numbers (Comma Separated) ✎ Subtracting 3-Digit from 5-Digit Numbers (Comma Separated) ✎ Subtracting 4-Digit from 5-Digit Numbers (Comma Separated) ✎ Subtracting 5-Digit from 5-Digit Numbers (Comma Separated) ✎ Mixture of Multi-Digit Subtraction from 2 to 4 digits (Comma Separated) ✎ Mixture of Multi-Digit Subtraction from 2 to 5 digits (Comma Separated) ✎
  • Long Subtraction Worksheets with Comma Separated Thousands and All Regrouping Subtracting 4-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping (Comma Separated) ✎ Subtracting 5-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping (Comma Separated) ✎ Subtracting 6-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping (Comma Separated) ✎ Subtracting 7-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping (Comma Separated) ✎ Subtracting 8-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping (Comma Separated) ✎
  • Long Subtraction Worksheets with Comma Separated Thousands and No Regrouping Subtracting 5-Digit from 5-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping (Comma Separated) ✎ Subtracting 6-Digit from 6-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping (Comma Separated) ✎ Subtracting 7-Digit from 7-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping (Comma Separated) ✎ Subtracting 8-Digit from 8-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping (Comma Separated) ✎ Subtracting 9-Digit from 9-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping (Comma Separated) ✎

Space-separated thousands are becoming more widely used, including in the United States. Canadian students have used both comma separated and space separated thousands for many years.

  • Long Subtraction Worksheets with Space Separated Thousands Subtracting 2-Digit from 4-Digit Numbers (Space Separated) ✎ Subtracting 3-Digit from 4-Digit Numbers (Space Separated) ✎ Subtracting 4-Digit from 4-Digit Numbers (Space Separated) ✎ Subtracting 2-Digit from 5-Digit Numbers (Space Separated) ✎ Subtracting 3-Digit from 5-Digit Numbers (Space Separated) ✎ Subtracting 4-Digit from 5-Digit Numbers (Space Separated) ✎ Subtracting 5-Digit from 5-Digit Numbers (Space Separated) ✎ Mixture of Multi-Digit Subtraction from 2 to 4 digits (Space Separated) ✎ Mixture of Multi-Digit Subtraction from 2 to 5 digits (Space Separated) ✎
  • Long Subtraction Worksheets with Space Separated Thousands and All Regrouping Subtracting 4-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping (Space Separated) ✎ Subtracting 5-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping (Space Separated) ✎ Subtracting 6-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping (Space Separated) ✎ Subtracting 7-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping (Space Separated) ✎ Subtracting 8-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping (Space Separated) ✎
  • Long Subtraction Worksheets with Space Separated Thousands and No Regrouping Subtracting 5-Digit from 5-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping (Space Separated) ✎ Subtracting 6-Digit from 6-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping (Space Separated) ✎ Subtracting 7-Digit from 7-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping (Space Separated) ✎ Subtracting 8-Digit from 8-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping (Space Separated) ✎ Subtracting 9-Digit from 9-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping (Space Separated) ✎

Even though period separated thousands are not common in the English-speaking world, we provide these for our friends in other countries who may find them useful.

  • Long Subtraction Worksheets with Period Separated Thousands Subtracting 2-Digit from 4-Digit Numbers (Period Separated) ✎ Subtracting 3-Digit from 4-Digit Numbers (Period Separated) ✎ Subtracting 4-Digit from 4-Digit Numbers (Period Separated) ✎ Subtracting 2-Digit from 5-Digit Numbers (Period Separated) ✎ Subtracting 3-Digit from 5-Digit Numbers (Period Separated) ✎ Subtracting 4-Digit from 5-Digit Numbers (Period Separated) ✎ Subtracting 5-Digit from 5-Digit Numbers (Period Separated) ✎ Mixture of Multi-Digit Subtraction from 2 to 4 digits (Period Separated) ✎ Mixture of Multi-Digit Subtraction from 2 to 5 digits (Period Separated) ✎
  • Long Subtraction Worksheets with Period Separated Thousands and All Regrouping Subtracting 4-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping (Period Separated) ✎ Subtracting 5-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping (Period Separated) ✎ Subtracting 6-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping (Period Separated) ✎ Subtracting 7-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping (Period Separated) ✎ Subtracting 8-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping (Period Separated) ✎
  • Long Subtraction Worksheets with Period Separated Thousands and No Regrouping Subtracting 5-Digit from 5-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping (Period Separated) ✎ Subtracting 6-Digit from 6-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping (Period Separated) ✎ Subtracting 7-Digit from 7-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping (Period Separated) ✎ Subtracting 8-Digit from 8-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping (Period Separated) ✎ Subtracting 9-Digit from 9-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping (Period Separated) ✎

Various Other Long Subtraction Worksheets

subtraction problem solving worksheet

Generally, a student would not regroup to determine the complements of 10, 100, 1000, etc. One strategy that could be used is as follows: working from left to right, a student would take each digit in the subtrahend and figure out its nines complement. If the digit was 3, for example, the nines complement of 3 is 6. For the last digit (ones), the student would use the tens complement. For example, a typical question is 1000 - 456. The nines complement of 4 is 5, the nines complement of 5 is 4 and the tens complement of 6 is 4. Putting it all together, the student would get 5 4 4 or 544 = 1000 - 456.

  • Calculating Complements of Powers of Ten (Subtracting Across Zeros) Complements of 10 Complements of 100 Complements of 1000 Complements of 10000 Complements of 100 and 1000 Complements of 1000 and 10000 Complements of 100, 1000 and 10000

A similar strategy is employed with the next worksheets except students must adapt to calculating the largest place value number.

  • Calculating Complements of Multiples of Powers of Ten (Subtracting Across Zeros) Subtracting from multiples of 10 Subtracting from multiples of 100 Subtracting from multiples of 1000 Subtracting from multiples of 10000 Subtracting from a mixture of multiples of 100 and 1000 Subtracting from a mixture of multiples of 1000 and 10000 Subtracting from a mixture of multiples of 100, 1000 and 10000

These worksheets are meant to give students practice dealing with 0's in the middles of subtraction questions. Whether using pencil and paper or mental arithmetic, it is always a good idea to make sure students know what to do when they encounter zeros.

  • Subtracting Across Zeros in the Middle (Ones Always Need Regrouping) 3-Digit Subtraction across zeros in the middle ( Ones always need regrouping ) 4-Digit Subtraction across zeros in the middle ( Ones always need regrouping ) 5-Digit Subtraction across zeros in the middle ( Ones always need regrouping )
  • Subtracting Across Zeros in the Middle (Ones Sometimes Need Regrouping) 3-Digit Subtraction across zeros in the middle ( Ones sometimes need regrouping ) 4-Digit Subtraction across zeros in the middle ( Ones sometimes need regrouping ) 5-Digit Subtraction across zeros in the middle ( Ones sometimes need regrouping )

Subtracting numbers in number systems other than decimal numbers including binary, quaternary, octal, duodecimal and hexadecimal numbers.

  • Subtracting in Other Base Number Systems Subtracting Binary Numbers (Base 2) Subtracting Ternary Numbers (Base 3) Subtracting Quaternary Numbers (Base 4) Subtracting Quinary Numbers (Base 5) Subtracting Senary Numbers (Base 6) Subtracting Octal Numbers (Base 8) Subtracting Duodecimal Numbers (Base 12) Subtracting Hexadecimal Numbers (Base 16) Subtracting Vigesimal Numbers (Base 20) Subtracting Hexatrigesimal Numbers (Base 36) Subtracting Various Numbers (Various Bases)

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Subtraction Word Problem Worksheets

The extensive set of subtraction word problems featured here will require the learner to find the difference between minuends and subtrahends, which includes problems with regrouping and without regrouping. This large collection of printable word problem worksheets, ideal for children in kindergarten through grade 4 features scenarios that involve single-digit subtraction, two-digit subtraction, three-digit subtraction, and subtraction of large numbers up to six digits. Give yourself a head-start with our free subtraction worksheets!

Word Problems for Beginners: 0 to 10

Word Problems for Beginners: 0 to 10

Find the difference between the numbers that ranges from 0 to 10 in the set of kindergarten worksheets featured here. Use the answer key to verify your responses.

  • Download the set

Subtraction within 20

Subtraction within 20

Ascend from a beginner to a proficient in performing subtraction up to 20 as you explore this bunch of well-researched word problems and work out the difference within 20.

Two-digit Subtraction: No Regrouping (No Borrowing)

Two-digit Subtraction: No Regrouping (No Borrowing)

The series of worksheets for grade 1 and grade 2 presented here involve two-digit subtraction word problems that do not require regrouping. Find the differences between the two-digit subtrahends and minuends featured here.

Two-digit Subtraction: Regrouping (Borrowing)

Two-digit Subtraction: Regrouping (Borrowing)

The two-digit subtraction word problems presented in the 2nd grade worksheets here require regrouping (borrowing). Determine the difference between the two-digit numbers by following the place value columns correctly.

Theme based Subtraction Problems

Theme based Subtraction Problems

The colorful theme-based worksheet pdfs for kids in 1st grade through 3rd grade are based on three engaging real-life themes - Beach, Italian Ice and Birthday Party.

Three-digit and Two-digit Subtraction

Three-digit and Two-digit Subtraction

The set of subtraction word problem pdfs featured here will require grade 3 student to find the difference between three-digit minuends and two-digit subtrahends. Use the answer keys to verify your responses.

Three-digit Subtraction Word Problems

Three-digit Subtraction Word Problems

Each printable worksheet contains five word problems finding difference between three-digit numbers. Some problems may require regrouping.

Four-digit Subtraction Word Problems

Four-digit Subtraction Word Problems

This section contains subtraction word problems on finding the difference between four-digit numbers. Both borrowing and no borrowing problems are included. Some problems may involve subtraction across zero.

Advanced: Large Number Subtraction

Advanced: Large Number Subtraction

The word problems featured in the 4th grade pdf worksheets here include large numbers with minuends and subtrahends up to six digits. Determine the difference between the large numbers by following the place value columns correctly.

Related Worksheets

» Addition Word Problems

» Subtraction within 10

» 2-Digit Subtraction

» Word Problems

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Subtraction Word Problems 3rd Grade up to 4-digit numbers

Welcome to our Subtraction Word Problems 3rd Grade page. Here is our selection of free subtraction word problem worksheets, which will help your child practice solving a range of problems using numbers up to 4-digits.

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  • 4 Digit Subtraction Word Problems
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  • Subtraction Word Problems up to 1000 Online Quiz

Subtraction Word Problems 3rd Grade

Subtraction problems 3-digit and 4-digit numbers.

Each sheet consists of a range of 5 or 6 subtraction word problems.

There is a space on each sheet for working out using an appropriate method.

We have split the 3-digit subtraction worksheets up into word problems with and without regrouping.

Using these sheets will help your child to:

  • subtract numbers with 3-digit and 4-digit numbers;
  • solve subtraction word problems with and without regrouping.
  • select the appropriate information needed to solve a subtraction problem.
  • learn the language used in subtraction - difference, how many left, how many more, how many fewer, etc.

3-digit Subtraction Word Problems

There are two versions of each of the 3-digit subtraction sheets.

The first version (version A) contains problems where no regrouping is needed.

The second version (version B) contains similar problems but regrouping is needed to solve most of them.

Sheets 1A, 1B, 2A and 2B involve straightforward word problems with one number to subtract from another.

Sheets 3A and 3B are trickier sheets which involve selecting the correct information to use for the subtraction from a table.

  • 3-Digit Subtraction Word Problems 1A (no regrouping)
  • PDF version
  • 3-Digit Subtraction Word Problems 1B
  • 3-Digit Subtraction Word Problems 2A (no regrouping)
  • 3-Digit Subtraction Word Problems 2B
  • 3-Digit Subtraction Word Problems 3A (no regrouping)
  • 3-Digit Subtraction Word Problems 3B

4-Digit Subtraction Word Problems

These problems are similar to those above but involve 4-digit numbers up to 10,000.

Sheets 1 and 2 involve straightforward word problems with one number to subtract from another.

Sheet 3 is trickier and involves selecting the correct information to use from a table.

  • 4-Digit Subtraction Word Problems Sheet 1
  • 4-Digit Subtraction Word Problems Sheet 2
  • 4-Digit Subtraction Word Problems Sheet 3

Looking for some easier worksheets?

Take a look at our Subtraction word problems for first graders.

On this page, your child will learn to work out basic subtraction word problems with numbers to 20.

These sheets involve solving a range of subtraction word problems up to 100.

  • Subtraction Word Problems 2nd grade

More Recommended Math Worksheets

Take a look at some more of our worksheets similar to these.

More 3rd Grade Subtraction Worksheets

Here you will find some more of our 3rd Grade Subtraction Worksheets.

  • Third Grade Subtraction Worksheets to 100
  • 4 Digit Subtraction Worksheets

More 3rd Grade Math Word Problems

Here are a range of problems solving sheets for 3rd graders. Some of the sheets contain 'real-life' problems related to animal facts.

Using the sheets will help your child to:

  • apply their addition, subtraction, and multiplication skills;
  • apply their knowledge of rounding and place value;
  • solve a range of 'real life' problems.

These sheets involve solving one or two more challenging longer problems.

  • 3rd Grade Math Problems

These sheets involve solving many 'real-life' problems involving data.

  • Math Word Problems for kids 3rd Grade
  • Addition Word Problems 3rd Grade (3- and 4-digits)
  • 3rd Grade Addition and Subtraction Word Problems (3- and 4-digits)
  • Multiplication Word Problem Worksheets 3rd Grade
  • Division Worksheets Grade 3 Word Problems

Subtraction Word Problems to 1000 Online Quiz

Our quizzes have been created using Google Forms.

At the end of the quiz, you will get the chance to see your results by clicking 'See Score'.

This will take you to a new webpage where your results will be shown. You can print a copy of your results from this page, either as a pdf or as a paper copy.

For incorrect responses, we have added some helpful learning points to explain which answer was correct and why.

We do not collect any personal data from our quizzes, except in the 'First Name' and 'Group/Class' fields which are both optional and only used for teachers to identify students within their educational setting.

We also collect the results from the quizzes which we use to help us to develop our resources and give us insight into future resources to create.

For more information on the information we collect, please take a look at our Privacy Policy

We would be grateful for any feedback on our quizzes, please let us know using our Contact Us link, or use the Facebook Comments form at the bottom of the page.

This quick quiz tests your knowledge and skill at solving subtraction word problems within 1000.

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Subtraction Worksheets

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Dynamically Created Subtraction Worksheets

Here is a graphic preview for all of the subtraction worksheets. You can select different variables to customize these subtraction worksheets for your needs. The subtraction worksheets are randomly created and will never repeat so you have an endless supply of quality subtraction worksheets to use in the classroom or at home. Our subtraction worksheets are free to download, easy to use, and very flexible.

These subtraction worksheets are a great resource for children in Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, and 5th Grade.

Click here for a Detailed Description of all the Subtraction Worksheets .

Quick Link for All Subtraction Worksheets

Click the image to be taken to that subtraction worksheet., subtraction, facts table.

Subtraction Facts Table Subtraction Worksheets

Single Digit

Single Digit Subtraction Subtraction Worksheets

Zero to Twenty

Zero to Twenty Subtraction Subtraction Worksheets


Within a number.

Subtracting Within a Number Subtraction Worksheets

with Dot Figures

Subtracting with Dot Figures Subtraction Worksheets

with Dots to 20

Subtracting with Dots to 20 Subtraction Worksheets

Two Digit Numbers

Subtracting Two Digit Numbers Subtraction Worksheets

Multi Digit

Single or Multi Digit Subtraction Worksheets

2, 3, or 4 Digits

2, 3, or 4 Digits Subtraction Subtraction Worksheets

4, 5, or 6 Digit

4, 5, or 6 Digit Subtraction Subtraction Worksheets

2 Digit No Regroup

2 Digit No Regroup Subtraction Subtraction Worksheets

2, 3, or 4 Digit

2, 3, or 4 Digit No Regroup Subtraction Worksheets

Horizontal Format

No Regroup Horizontal Format Subtraction Worksheets

Across Zero

Subtraction Across Zero Subtraction Worksheets

1, 3, or 5 Minute

Subtraction drills.

1, 3, or 5 Minute Subtraction Drills Subtraction Worksheets

Feet & Inches

Subtracting Feet & Inches Subtraction Worksheets

Subtraction Facts

Subtraction Facts One to Ten Subtraction Worksheets

Detailed Description for All Subtraction Worksheets

Subtraction Facts Table Worksheets These subtraction facts table are colorful and a great resource for teaching kids their subtraction facts. A complete set of printable subtraction facts for 1 to 12.

Single Digit Subtraction Worksheets Vertical Format | 2 Numbers These single digit subtraction worksheets are configured for 2 numbers in a vertical problem format. The range of numbers used for each worksheet may be individually varied to generate different sets of subtraction worksheets. You may select up to 30 problems for these worksheets.

Zero to Twenty Subtraction Worksheets Vertical Format | 2 Numbers These subtraction worksheets are configured for 2 numbers in a vertical problem format where you may select numbers from zero to twenty to generate different sets of subtraction problems. You may select up to 30 problems for these worksheets.

Zero to 99 Subtraction Worksheets Vertical Format | 2 Numbers These subtraction worksheets are configured for 2 numbers in a vertical problem format where you may select numbers from zero to 99 to generate different sets of subtraction problems. You may select up to 30 problems for these worksheets.

Subtracting Within a Number Worksheets Vertical Format | 2 Numbers These subtraction worksheets will produce vertical format subtraction problems within a selected number. You may select the maximum number and the number of problems to produce, or you may select the non repeating Kindergarten, 1st, or 2nd Grade set of unique problems. These special problem set will produce worksheets that will directly test the Common Core State Standards.

Subtracting with Dots Subtraction Worksheets Vertical Format | 2 Numbers These subtraction worksheets will produce 12 vertical subtraction problems with dots to the right of each number for the children to subtract. The range of numbers used may be individually varied to generate different sets of subtraction problems.

Subtracting Dot Figures to Ten Subtraction Worksheets Vertical or Horizontal Format | 2 Numbers These subtraction worksheets will produce 12 vertical or horizontal subtraction problems using dot figures to represent the numbers. You may select the numbers for the subtraction worksheets to be used from 0 to 10.

Subtracting Dot Figures to Twenty Subtraction Worksheets Horizontal Format | 2 Numbers These subtraction worksheets will produce 10 horizontal subtraction problems using dot figures to represent the numbers to twenty. The equations may be display under the dot figures if you select that option. You may select the numbers for the subtraction problems to be used from 0 to 20.

Subtracting Two Digit Numbers Ending in a Fixed Number Worksheets Horizontal Format These subtraction worksheets produces great worksheets that subtract two digit numbers that end in a fixed number. The numbers may be selected to be positive, negative or mixed numbers. You may select up to 30 subtraction problems per worksheet.

Single or Multiple Digit Subtraction Worksheets Horizontal Format These subtraction worksheets may be configured for either single or multiple digit horizontal subtraction problems. The numbers used in the subtraction worksheets may be selected to be either positive, negative or mixed numbers. You may select up to 30 subtraction problems for these worksheets.

2, 3, or 4 Digits Subtraction Worksheets Vertical Format These subtraction worksheet may be configured for 2, 3, or 4 digits. You may select some regrouping, no regrouping, all regrouping, or subtraction across zero. You may select between 12 and 30 subtraction problems for these worksheets.

4, 5, or 6 Digits Subtraction Worksheets Vertical Format These subtraction worksheet may be configured for 4, 5, or 6 digits. You may select some regrouping, no regrouping, all regrouping, or subtraction across zero. You may select between 12 and 20 subtraction problems for these worksheets.

One & Two Digit No Regrouping Subtraction Worksheets Vertical Format These subtraction worksheets are great for problems that do not require regrouping. The subtraction worksheets may be configured with either 2 digits minus 1 or 2 digit problems. The no regrouping option may be switched off on these subtraction worksheets if some regrouping is desired. The problem format is vertical and you may select up to 30 subtraction problems for these worksheets.

2, 3, and 4 Digit No Regrouping Subtraction Worksheets Vertical Format These subtraction worksheets are great for problems that do not require regrouping. The subtraction worksheets may be configured with up to 4 digits and 2 addends. The no regrouping option may be switched off on these subtraction worksheets if some regrouping is desired. The problem format is vertical and you may select up to 30 subtraction problems for these worksheets.

One & Two Digit No Regrouping Subtraction Worksheets Horizontal Format These subtraction worksheets are great for problems that do not require regrouping. The subtraction worksheets may be configured with either 2 digits minus 1 or 2 digit problems. The no regrouping option may be switched off on these subtraction worksheets if some regrouping is desired. The problem format is horizontal and you may select up to 30 subtraction problems for these worksheets.

Subtraction Across Zero Subtraction Worksheets Multiple Digits | Vertical Format These subtraction worksheets are great for practicing subtraction across zero. The subtraction worksheets may be configured for 3 or 4 digits. You may select up to 30 subtraction problems for these worksheets.

Decimal Numbers Subtraction Worksheets Vertical Format These subtraction worksheets may be configured for 1, 2, and 3 Digits on the right of the decimal and up to 4 digits on the left of the decimal subtraction problems. You may select up to 25 subtraction problems for these worksheets.

Subtracting Money Subtraction Worksheets Vertical Format These subtraction money worksheets may be configured for up to 4 digits in each subtraction problem. The currency symbol may be selected from Dollar, Pound, Euro, and Yen. You may select up to 25 subtraction problems for these worksheets.

1, 3, or 5 Minute Subtraction Drill Worksheets Vertical Format A timed drill subtraction worksheets contain all of the single digit subtraction problems on one page. A student who has memorized all of the single digit subtraction problems should be able to work out these subtraction worksheets correctly in the allowed time.

Advanced Subtraction Drills Worksheets Vertical Format This worksheet will generate advanced subtraction drills as selected by the user. The user may select from 256 different subtraction problems from a tables ranging from 0 to 15. The user may also select a 1 minute drill of 20, a 3 minute drill of 60 problems, a 5 minute drill of 100 problems, or a custom drill with ranges from 20 to 100 problems and times of 1 to 5 minutes.

Missing Number Subtraction Worksheets Horizontal Format These subtraction worksheets are good for introducing algebra concepts. You may select various types of characters to replace the missing numbers on these subtraction worksheets. The formats of the subtraction worksheets are horizontal and the numbers range from 0 to 99. You may select up to 30 subtraction problems for these worksheets.

Missing Digits Subtraction Worksheets Vertical Format These multiple digit subtraction worksheets are configured for a vertical problem format. The missing digits on the subtraction worksheets are randomly selected to challenge the children. The number of digits on these subtraction worksheets may be varied between 2 and 4. You may select up to 30 subtraction problems for these worksheets.

Irregular Units Subtraction Worksheets These subtraction worksheets are great for teaching children to subtract irregular units of measurement. These subtraction worksheets may be selected to include Feet & Inches, Pounds & Ounces, Hours & Minutes, and Minutes & Seconds. These subtraction worksheets will produce 15 subtraction problems per worksheet.

Subtracting Feet & Inches Worksheets These subtraction worksheets are great for practicing subtracting two measurements of feet with fractional inches. These subtraction worksheets will use 1/2's, 1/4's, 1/8's. 1/16's and there is an option to select 1/32's and 1/64's.

Subtracting with Doubles Worksheets These subtraction worksheets are great for practicing subtracting with doubles or near doubles.

Subtraction Facts One to Ten Worksheets Vertical Format | 2 Numbers These subtraction worksheets will produce subtraction facts where the answers are between one and ten. You may select up to 30 subtraction problems per worksheet.

Visual Subtraction Worksheets Subtraction Worksheets These subtraction worksheets produce visual subtraction problems with geometric shapes representing subtraction.

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Printable Subtraction Word Problem Worksheets

example interactive worksheet

Subtraction Word Problems Worksheets

Subtraction word problems worksheets help students to acquire skills of reading and interpreting subtraction word problems. To solve a word problem, students need to read and interpret the information carefully and solve it correctly. Though students get familiar with the concept of subtraction at a very early age, they need to learn to read word problems and to decode them. These worksheets offer a systematic approach for making reading word problems understandable to children. It comprises the basic and advanced structured questions required to understand this operation and word problems based on its application.

Benefits of Subtraction Word Problems Worksheets

By simplifying different word problems based on subtraction included in these worksheets, a child can master the skill of reading and interpreting subtraction word problems. The questions in these worksheets cover word problems based on real-life scenarios to help kids learn subtraction applications.

Read More:- Topic-wise Math Worksheets

Download Subtraction Word Problems Worksheet PDFs

These worksheets are a perfect combination of enjoyable math learning that provides an easy understanding of all concepts. These are free to use PDFs also available for download.

Subtraction Word Problems Worksheet - 1

Subtraction Word Problems Worksheet - 2

Subtraction Word Problems Worksheet - 3

Subtraction Word Problems Worksheet - 4

☛ Check Grade wise Subtraction Worksheets

  • Subtraction Worksheets for Kindergarten
  • 1st Grade Subtraction Worksheets
  • Subtraction Worksheets for Grade 2
  • Grade 3 Subtraction Worksheets
  • Subtraction Worksheets for Grade 4
  • 5th Grade Subtraction Worksheets

Worksheets For Teachers

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Home > Math Worksheets > Word Problems > Subtraction Word Problems

When we are presented with a story-based math problem it often difficult to identify which mathematical operations we will need to use to solve the problem. There are several keywords that are used often in word problems that require subtraction. Common keywords and phrases that indicate the use of the subtraction operation are: decrease, less than, take away, remains. Of course, the keywords minus, difference, and subtract also imply this. The most common question that will indicate that you need to subtract is: How many more or less? This can also be written towards either direction, the key is that we want to find out how much each value differs by.

In these worksheets, your students will solve word problems involving subtraction. Problems involve money and other real word scenarios. Students will write simple subtraction equations to solve word problems. Students will cross out pictures to solve simple subtraction problems. There are eighteen worksheets in this set. This set of worksheets contains lessons, step-by-step solutions to sample problems, and both simple and more complex problems. It also includes ample worksheets for students to practice independently. Students may require extra paper on which to do their calculations. Most worksheets contain between eight and ten problems. When finished with this set of worksheets, students will be able to solve word problems that involve subtraction. These worksheets explain how to solve word problems involving subtraction. Sample problems are solved and practice problems are provided.

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Subtraction word problems worksheets, click the buttons to print each worksheet and answer key., subtraction word problems lesson.

There are 18 people at the playground. 5 leave. How many are left?

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Lesson and Practice

There are 36 shops in a mall. If 14 of them are closed, find the number of shops that are open?


The Paulson family had 25 peanuts, but 7 got used in a recipe. How many peanuts do they have now?

Bob has 24 candles. If 12 of them are burned, find the number of candles that are left with Bob?

Ron and Jim worked together at a toy shop. They sold 56 toys together. If Ron sold 9 toys, how many toys did Jim sell?

A building is 22 m high and another building is 15m high. What is the difference between their heights?

Word Problems with Subtraction Lesson

Rebecca has 10 beads. 6 beads are red and the rest are blue. How many blue beads does she have?

Paul has 2 books in his bag. His bag has a capacity of 8 books. How many books are needed to fill the bag to its full?

Gary has 5 teddy bears. She gives away 2 of them to her best friend. How many teddy bears does she have now?

Bob, Joe, and Sam had 7 pillows, but 3 got lost under the bed. How many pillows do they have now?

Invitations were sent to 8 relatives for a family get-together. Only 6 relatives came. How many relatives did not come?

John had 3 pairs of sunglasses, but 1 disappeared during a class field trip. How many pairs of sunglasses does he have now?

Visual Subtraction Lesson

This worksheet explains how to cross out pictures to solve simple subtraction problems. A sample problem is solved.

There are 7 apples on the tree. Marry takes 2. How many are left on the tree? Write the answer in the box.

There are 10 books on a bookshelf. If there are 5 students and each student needs one, how many books will left?

Jackson has 8 tomatoes. 2 of them are rotten. How many are not rotten?

Tim has 6 hammers. 4 are lost. How many does he still have?

Robin has 6 fans at home. 2 are not working. How many are working?

Subtraction Worksheets

  • Kindergarten

 - subtraction-relative-to-addition worksheet

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Printable Subtraction Word Problems Worksheets

Struggling to make subtraction fun for your child? Our printable subtraction word problems worksheets are designed to make learning subtraction engaging and effective. These worksheets cover a wide range of skills including subtraction within 5, 10, 20, 100, and 1000, as well as 2-digit and 3-digit subtractio ... Read more n, decimal subtraction, and subtraction with regrouping. Help your child master subtraction and improve their problem-solving abilities. Start now for free!

subtraction problem solving worksheet


  • Lesson Plans
  • Math (6,368)
  • Number Sense (935)
  • Number Recognition (20)
  • Number Recognition Within 5 (5)
  • Number Recognition Within 10 (5)
  • Number Recognition Within 20 (10)
  • Number Tracing (450)
  • Number Tracing Within 5 (130)
  • Number Tracing Within 10 (120)
  • Number Tracing Within 20 (200)
  • Number Sequence (27)
  • Counting (132)
  • Counting Objects Within 5 (58)
  • Counting Objects Within 10 (63)
  • Counting Objects Within 20 (11)
  • Compare Numbers (100)
  • Compare Objects (10)
  • Compare Numbers Using Place Value (24)
  • Compare 3-Digit Numbers (19)
  • Order Numbers (22)
  • Order 3-Digit Numbers (10)
  • Skip Counting (43)
  • Skip Count By 2 (12)
  • Skip Count By 5 (11)
  • Skip Count By 10 (11)
  • Skip Count By 100 (11)
  • Even And Odd Numbers (24)
  • Place Value (65)
  • Teen Numbers (11)
  • Round Numbers (31)
  • Round Numbers To The Nearest 10 (10)
  • Round Numbers To The Nearest 100 (10)
  • Addition (862)
  • Add With Pictures (142)
  • Addition Properties (31)
  • Commutative Property Of Addition (10)
  • Addition Strategies (185)
  • Compose And Decompose Numbers (72)
  • Number Bonds (10)
  • Count All To Add (12)
  • Add Using A Number Line (12)
  • Count On To Add (12)
  • Add With 10 (22)
  • Doubles And Near Doubles Addition Strategy (16)
  • Make 10 Strategy (14)
  • Add Using Multiples Of 10 (18)
  • Add Three Whole Numbers (53)
  • 2-Digit Addition (79)
  • 2-Digit Addition Without Regrouping (37)
  • 2-Digit Addition With Regrouping (10)
  • 3-Digit Addition (105)
  • 3-Digit Addition Without Regrouping (34)
  • 3-Digit Addition With Regrouping (42)
  • 4-Digit Addition (30)
  • 4-Digit Addition Without Regrouping (12)
  • 4-Digit Addition With Regrouping (12)
  • Large Numbers Addition (53)
  • 5-Digit Addition (24)
  • 6-Digit Addition (25)
  • Subtraction (747)
  • Subtract With Pictures (75)
  • Subtraction Strategies (89)
  • Subtract Using A Number Line (14)
  • Subtract From 10 Strategy (10)
  • Subtract Using Multiples Of 10 (17)
  • 2-Digit Subtraction (144)
  • 2-Digit Subtraction Without Regrouping (77)
  • 2-Digit Subtraction With Regrouping (22)
  • 3-Digit Subtraction (116)
  • 3-Digit Subtraction Without Regrouping (52)
  • 3-Digit Subtraction With Regrouping (25)
  • 4-Digit Subtraction (52)
  • 4-Digit Subtraction Without Regrouping (24)
  • 4-Digit Subtraction With Regrouping (24)
  • Large Numbers Subtraction (106)
  • 5-Digit Subtraction (49)
  • 6-Digit Subtraction (49)
  • Multiplication (611)
  • Multiplication Strategies (99)
  • Multiplication With Equal Groups (25)
  • Multiplication With Arrays (24)
  • Multiplication Sentences (54)
  • Repeated Addition To Multiply (15)
  • Times Tables (177)
  • Multiplication By 2 (15)
  • Multiplication By 3 (16)
  • Multiplication By 4 (15)
  • Multiplication By 5 (18)
  • Multiplication By 6 (15)
  • Multiplication By 7 (14)
  • Multiplication By 8 (15)
  • Multiplication By 9 (14)
  • Multiplication By 10 (15)
  • Multiplication By 11 (17)
  • Multiplication By 12 (17)
  • Multiplication Properties (148)
  • Commutative Property Of Multiplication (10)
  • Distributive Property Of Multiplication (71)
  • Multiply By Multiples Of 10 (52)
  • Estimate Products (18)
  • Multi-Digit Multiplication (152)
  • Multiply 2-Digit By 1-Digit Numbers (33)
  • Multiply 2-Digit By 2-Digit Numbers (47)
  • Multiply 3-Digit By 1-Digit Numbers (13)
  • Multiply 3-Digit By 2-Digit Numbers (26)
  • Multiply 4-Digit By 1-Digit Numbers (11)
  • Division (323)
  • Divide On A Number Line (10)
  • Division Facts (98)
  • Division By 2 (10)
  • Division By 3 (10)
  • Division By 4 (10)
  • Division By 5 (10)
  • Division By 6 (10)
  • Division By 7 (10)
  • Division By 8 (10)
  • Division By 9 (10)
  • Division By 10 (14)
  • Estimate Quotients (15)
  • Long Division (89)
  • Divide 2-Digit By 1-Digit Numbers (13)
  • Divide 3-Digit By 1-Digit Numbers (16)
  • Divide 4-Digit By 1-Digit Numbers (14)
  • Fractions (449)
  • Fractions Using Models (51)
  • Fractions On A Number Line (16)
  • Compare Fractions (42)
  • Compare Fractions Using Models (10)
  • Compare Fractions Using A Number Line (10)
  • Order Fractions (20)
  • Order Fractions Using Models (10)
  • Equivalent Fractions (45)
  • Equivalent Fractions Using Models (19)
  • Equivalent Fractions Using A Number Line (10)
  • Improper Fractions As Mixed Numbers (12)
  • Fractions Operations (257)
  • Add Fractions (36)
  • Add Fractions Using Models (16)
  • Add Like Fractions (11)
  • Add Unlike Fractions (12)
  • Estimate Fraction Sums (4)
  • Subtract Fractions (34)
  • Subtract Fractions Using Models (15)
  • Subtract Like Fractions (11)
  • Subtract Unlike Fractions (11)
  • Add Mixed Numbers (41)
  • Add Mixed Numbers Using Models (12)
  • Add A Mixed Number To A Fraction (14)
  • Subtract Mixed Numbers (42)
  • Subtract Mixed Numbers Using Models (11)
  • Subtract A Fraction From A Mixed Number (14)
  • Multiply Fractions (43)
  • Multiply Fractions Using Models (8)
  • Multiply Fractions By Whole Numbers (24)
  • Multiply Mixed Numbers (32)
  • Multiply Mixed Numbers By Whole Numbers (10)
  • Multiply Mixed Numbers By Fractions (10)
  • Divide Fractions (12)
  • Scaling Fractions (10)
  • Decimals (1,707)
  • Read And Write Decimals (73)
  • Decimals Using Models (14)
  • Decimals On A Number Line (12)
  • Decimal Place Value (45)
  • Word Form Of Decimals (10)
  • Compare Decimals (31)
  • Compare Decimals Using Models (10)
  • Compare Decimals Using A Number Line (11)
  • Order Decimals (12)
  • Round Decimals (40)
  • Round Decimals To The Nearest Whole (18)
  • Round Decimals To The Nearest Tenths (10)
  • Round Decimals To The Nearest Hundredths (10)
  • Decimal Operations (1,547)
  • Add Decimals (376)
  • Subtract Decimals (382)
  • Multiply Decimals (250)
  • Multiply Decimals By Powers Of 10 (27)
  • Multiply Decimals By Whole Numbers (75)
  • Divide Decimals (156)
  • Divide Decimals By Powers Of 10 (18)
  • Divide Decimals By Whole Numbers (47)
  • Divide Whole Numbers By Decimals (45)
  • Geometry (165)
  • Positional Words (10)
  • Angles (17)
  • Shapes (98)
  • 2D Shapes (75)
  • Attributes Of 2D Shapes (22)
  • Polygons (11)
  • Triangles (11)
  • Quadrilaterals (13)
  • 3D Shapes (20)
  • 3D Shapes In Real Life (10)
  • Partition Into Equal Parts (16)
  • Partition In Halves, Thirds, And Fourths (12)
  • Coordinate Plane (20)
  • Read Points On The Coordinate Plane (10)
  • Plot Points On The Coordinate Plane (10)
  • Data Handling (39)
  • Sorting Objects (11)
  • Measurement (123)
  • Length (37)
  • Measure Lengths Using The Ruler (22)
  • Estimate Lengths (4)
  • Comparing Lengths (12)
  • Height (10)
  • Comparing Heights (10)
  • Weight (11)
  • Comparing Weights (10)
  • Capacity (10)
  • Conversion Of Measurement Units (12)
  • Perimeter (16)
  • Volume (13)
  • Am And Pm (19)
  • Time In Hours (20)
  • Time In Half Hours (16)
  • Time In Quarter Hours (14)
  • Time To The Nearest 5 Minutes (16)
  • Time To The Nearest Minute (11)
  • Digital Clock (19)
  • Elapsed Time (2)
  • Identify Coins (24)
  • Counting Money (26)
  • Compare Money (13)
  • Add And Subtract Money (14)
  • Multiply And Divide Money (12)
  • Algebra (109)
  • Number Patterns (20)
  • Expressions And Equations (35)
  • Evaluate Exponents (11)
  • Order Of Operations (13)
  • Factors And Multiples (44)
  • Prime And Composite Numbers (10)
  • Word Problems (676)
  • Addition Word Problems (149)
  • Addition Word Problems Within 20 (63)
  • 2-Digit Addition Word Problems (28)
  • 3-Digit Addition Word Problems (18)
  • Decimal Addition Word Problems (25)
  • Subtraction Word Problems (106)
  • Subtraction Word Problems Within 20 (43)
  • 2-Digit Subtraction Word Problems (12)
  • Decimal Subtraction Word Problems (25)
  • Multiplication Word Problems (115)
  • Decimal Multiplication Word Problems (28)
  • Division Word Problems (74)
  • Decimal Division Word Problems (11)
  • Multi-Step Word Problems (81)
  • Fraction Word Problems (38)
  • ELA (6,320)
  • Reading (3,569)
  • Phonics (3,080)
  • Bossy R (19)
  • Words With Ar (9)
  • Words With Er (5)
  • Words With Ir (5)
  • Words With Or (4)
  • Words With Ur (5)
  • Diphthongs (28)
  • Words With Oi (14)
  • Words With Ou (13)
  • Words With Ow (11)
  • Words With Oy (11)
  • Consonant Blends (120)
  • Ending Blends (51)
  • Beginning Blends (70)
  • L Blend Words (30)
  • R Blend Words (27)
  • Alphabet (745)
  • Letter Recognition (745)
  • Letter A (14)
  • Letter B (18)
  • Letter C (13)
  • Letter D (19)
  • Letter E (13)
  • Letter F (14)
  • Letter G (19)
  • Letter H (15)
  • Letter I (17)
  • Letter J (17)
  • Letter K (13)
  • Letter L (13)
  • Letter M (14)
  • Letter N (16)
  • Letter O (13)
  • Letter P (20)
  • Letter Q (18)
  • Letter R (13)
  • Letter S (13)
  • Letter T (14)
  • Letter U (13)
  • Letter V (13)
  • Letter W (13)
  • Letter X (13)
  • Letter Y (13)
  • Letter Z (13)
  • Lowercase Letters (109)
  • Uppercase Letters (129)
  • Matching Lowercase And Uppercase Letters (150)
  • Alphabetical Order (11)
  • Letter Sounds (341)
  • Beginning Sounds (162)
  • Ending Sounds (18)
  • Vowels (296)
  • Long Vowel Sounds (80)
  • Long Vowel A Sound (19)
  • Long Vowel E Sound (16)
  • Long Vowel I Sound (17)
  • Long Vowel O Sound (15)
  • Long Vowel U Sound (22)
  • Silent E (32)
  • Short Vowel Sounds (175)
  • Short Vowel A Sound (49)
  • Short Vowel E Sound (27)
  • Short Vowel I Sound (42)
  • Short Vowel O Sound (26)
  • Short Vowel U Sound (30)
  • Vowel Teams (47)
  • Words With Ai And Ay (5)
  • Words With Ea And Ee (8)
  • Words With Ie And Y (5)
  • Words With Oa And Ow (6)
  • Words With Oo (8)
  • Words With Ue And Ui (8)
  • Blending (379)
  • Ccvc Words (43)
  • Ccvcc Words (36)
  • Cvc Words (189)
  • Cvcc Words (119)
  • Consonant Digraphs (35)
  • Digraph Ch (12)
  • Digraph Ck (3)
  • Digraph Ng (3)
  • Digraph Ph (7)
  • Digraph Sh (13)
  • Digraph Th (13)
  • Digraph Wh (13)
  • Double Consonants (44)
  • Rhyming Words (128)
  • Trigraphs (16)
  • Trigraph Dge (9)
  • Trigraph Igh (9)
  • Trigraph Tch (9)
  • Three Letter Blends (34)
  • Sight Words (990)
  • Syllables (15)
  • Hard And Soft Sounds Of C And G (5)
  • Segmenting Phonemes (5)
  • Adding Deleting And Substituting Phonemes (12)
  • Silent Letter Words (6)
  • Reading Comprehension (462)
  • Cause And Effect (26)
  • Inference (30)
  • Identify The Main Idea And Key Details (36)
  • Prediction (26)
  • Sequencing (33)
  • Story Elements (28)
  • Authors Purpose (23)
  • Compare And Contrast (32)
  • Ask And Answer Questions (27)
  • Central Message (13)
  • Point Of View (19)
  • Sensory Words (5)
  • Character Traits (22)
  • Text Structure (15)
  • Fact Or Opinion (6)
  • Reality And Fantasy (8)
  • Using Illustrations (38)
  • Using Text Features (25)
  • Context Clues (24)
  • Communication Skills (29)
  • Listening Skills (5)
  • Speaking Skills (13)
  • Writing (2,324)
  • Handwriting (2,121)
  • Letter Tracing (278)
  • Letter Tracing A (12)
  • Letter Tracing B (13)
  • Letter Tracing C (12)
  • Letter Tracing D (13)
  • Letter Tracing E (12)
  • Letter Tracing F (14)
  • Letter Tracing G (12)
  • Letter Tracing H (13)
  • Letter Tracing I (12)
  • Letter Tracing J (12)
  • Letter Tracing K (12)
  • Letter Tracing L (12)
  • Letter Tracing M (13)
  • Letter Tracing N (12)
  • Letter Tracing O (12)
  • Letter Tracing P (12)
  • Letter Tracing Q (12)
  • Letter Tracing R (12)
  • Letter Tracing S (12)
  • Letter Tracing T (12)
  • Letter Tracing U (12)
  • Letter Tracing V (12)
  • Letter Tracing W (12)
  • Letter Tracing X (12)
  • Letter Tracing Y (12)
  • Letter Tracing Z (12)
  • Word Tracing (673)
  • Sentence Tracing (254)
  • Cursive Writing (915)
  • Cursive Alphabet (407)
  • Cursive Letter A (20)
  • Cursive Letter B (20)
  • Cursive Letter C (20)
  • Cursive Letter D (20)
  • Cursive Letter E (20)
  • Cursive Letter F (20)
  • Cursive Letter G (20)
  • Cursive Letter H (20)
  • Cursive Letter I (20)
  • Cursive Letter J (20)
  • Cursive Letter K (20)
  • Cursive Letter L (20)
  • Cursive Letter M (20)
  • Cursive Letter N (20)
  • Cursive Letter O (20)
  • Cursive Letter P (20)
  • Cursive Letter Q (20)
  • Cursive Letter R (20)
  • Cursive Letter S (20)
  • Cursive Letter T (20)
  • Cursive Letter U (20)
  • Cursive Letter V (20)
  • Cursive Letter W (20)
  • Cursive Letter X (20)
  • Cursive Letter Y (20)
  • Cursive Letter Z (20)
  • Cursive Words (276)
  • Cursive Sentences (258)
  • Creative Writing (166)
  • Opinion Writing (17)
  • Descriptive Writing (63)
  • Narrative Writing (15)
  • Writing Paragraphs (109)
  • Writing Sentences (32)
  • Grammar (588)
  • Adverbs (41)
  • Adjectives (67)
  • Nouns (133)
  • Singular And Plural Nouns (33)
  • Irregular Plural Nouns (16)
  • Common And Proper Nouns (13)
  • Collective Nouns (17)
  • Pronouns (46)
  • Parts Of Speech (22)
  • Conjunctions (29)
  • Prepositions (25)
  • Punctuation (50)
  • Types Of Sentences (19)
  • Sentence Structure (31)
  • Verbs (137)
  • Tenses (86)
  • Irregular Verbs (14)
  • Determiners (2)
  • Article A An The (5)
  • Spelling (40)
  • Common Misspellings (10)
  • Unscramble (19)
  • Vocabulary (605)
  • Contractions (13)
  • Affixes (30)
  • Suffixes And Prefixes (21)
  • Inflectional Endings (4)
  • Commonly Confused Words (24)
  • Homophones (24)
  • Compound Words (12)
  • Figures Of Speech (34)
  • Alliteration (8)
  • Synonyms And Antonyms (30)
  • Word Puzzles (273)
  • Word Search (234)
  • Anagrams (13)
  • Shades Of Meaning (9)
  • Sorting Words Into Categories (25)
  • Flashcards (45)
  • Vocabulary Flashcards (1)
  • Phonics Flashcards (42)
  • Grammar Flashcards (2)

Subtraction Word Problems within 20 Worksheets

Subtract within 5: Summer Word Problems - Worksheet

Subtract within 5: Summer Word Problems Worksheet

A fun, summer-themed worksheet designed to enhance students' subtraction skills with problems up to 5.

Subtract within 5: Christmas Word Problems - Worksheet

Subtract within 5: Christmas Word Problems Worksheet

Engaging Christmas-themed worksheet for students to master subtraction within 5 through word problems.

Subtract within 5: Halloween Word Problems - Worksheet

Subtract within 5: Halloween Word Problems Worksheet

Spooky themed worksheet to master subtraction within 5 through fun Halloween word problems!

Subtract within 5: Shopping Word Problems - Worksheet

Subtract within 5: Shopping Word Problems Worksheet

Engaging subtraction worksheet with a shopping theme, helping students solve problems within 5.

2-Digit Subtraction Word Problems Worksheets

Subtract within 100: Halloween Word Problems - Worksheet

Subtract within 100: Halloween Word Problems Worksheet

Engage in spooky fun with this Halloween-themed worksheet focused on subtraction within 100!

Identify the Equation for the Given Problem Worksheet

Identify the Equation for the Given Problem Worksheet

Assess your math skills by identifying the equation for the given problem in this worksheet.

Subtract within 100: Summer Word Problems - Worksheet

Subtract within 100: Summer Word Problems Worksheet

A summer-themed worksheet aimed at enhancing students' subtraction skills within 100 through solving word problems.

Subtract within 100: Christmas Word Problems - Worksheet

Subtract within 100: Christmas Word Problems Worksheet

Engage with this festive worksheet and enhance subtraction skills within 100 this Christmas!

Decimal Subtraction Word Problems Worksheets

Subtract Decimal Numbers with 1 Decimal Place: Christmas Word Problems - Worksheet

Subtract Decimal Numbers with 1 Decimal Place: Christmas Word Problems Worksheet

Fun Christmas-themed worksheet for solving subtraction problems with 1-decimal place numbers.

Subtract Decimal Numbers with 1 Decimal Place: Halloween Word Problems - Worksheet

Subtract Decimal Numbers with 1 Decimal Place: Halloween Word Problems Worksheet

Halloween-themed worksheet on subtracting decimal numbers with 1 decimal place through word problems.

Subtract Decimal Numbers with 1 Decimal Place: Summer Word Problems - Worksheet

Subtract Decimal Numbers with 1 Decimal Place: Summer Word Problems Worksheet

Summer-themed worksheet focused on solving word problems involving subtraction of 1-decimal place numbers.

Subtract Decimal Numbers with 1 Decimal Place: Shopping Word Problems - Worksheet

Subtract Decimal Numbers with 1 Decimal Place: Shopping Word Problems Worksheet

Practice subtraction with this shopping-themed worksheet on decimal numbers with 1 decimal place.

All Subtraction Word Problems Worksheets

Subtract within 1000: Summer Word Problems - Worksheet

Subtract within 1000: Summer Word Problems Worksheet

Engage with this summer-themed worksheet to master subtraction within 1,000 through word problems.

Subtract within 1000: Halloween Word Problems - Worksheet

Subtract within 1000: Halloween Word Problems Worksheet

Improve your subtraction skills within 1,000 with this fun, Halloween-themed word problem worksheet.

Subtract within 1000: Christmas Word Problems - Worksheet

Subtract within 1000: Christmas Word Problems Worksheet

Engage in holiday fun with this worksheet, solving Christmas-themed subtraction problems within 1,000.

Subtract within 1000: Shopping Word Problems - Worksheet

Subtract within 1000: Shopping Word Problems Worksheet

Engaging worksheet featuring shopping-themed word problems to practice subtraction within 1,000.

Subtract within 5: Travel Word Problems - Worksheet

Subtract within 5: Travel Word Problems Worksheet

Travel-themed worksheet to enhance students' subtraction skills within 5 through word problems.

Subtract within 100: Shopping Word Problems - Worksheet

Subtract within 100: Shopping Word Problems Worksheet

Engage in fun shopping-themed subtraction problems within 100 in this interactive worksheet.

Subtract within 1000: Travel Word Problems - Worksheet

Subtract within 1000: Travel Word Problems Worksheet

Embark on a numerical journey with this worksheet, solving travel-themed subtraction problems within 1,000.

Subtract Decimal Numbers with 1 Decimal Place: Travel Word Problems - Worksheet

Subtract Decimal Numbers with 1 Decimal Place: Travel Word Problems Worksheet

Explore a travel-themed worksheet and master subtracting decimal numbers with 1 decimal place.

Subtract within 5: Sports Word Problems - Worksheet

Subtract within 5: Sports Word Problems Worksheet

Sports-themed worksheet designed to engage students in solving subtraction problems within 5.

Subtract within 100: Travel Word Problems - Worksheet

Subtract within 100: Travel Word Problems Worksheet

Engage in this travel-themed worksheet, solving subtraction word problems within 100.

Subtract within 1000: Cooking Word Problems - Worksheet

Subtract within 1000: Cooking Word Problems Worksheet

Whip up your subtraction skills with this cooking-themed worksheet on problems within 1,000.

Subtract Decimal Numbers with 1 Decimal Place: Cooking Word Problems - Worksheet

Subtract Decimal Numbers with 1 Decimal Place: Cooking Word Problems Worksheet

Cook up some math skills with this worksheet on subtracting decimals in a cooking theme!

Subtract within 5: Cooking Word Problems - Worksheet

Subtract within 5: Cooking Word Problems Worksheet

Whip up your subtraction skills with this cooking-themed worksheet, subtracting within 5!

Subtract within 100: Cooking Word Problems - Worksheet

Subtract within 100: Cooking Word Problems Worksheet

Engaging worksheet with a cooking theme to practice subtraction problems within 100.

Subtract within 1000: Winter Word Problems - Worksheet

Subtract within 1000: Winter Word Problems Worksheet

A fun winter-themed worksheet for students to practice subtraction within 1,000 through word problems!

Subtract Decimal Numbers with 1 Decimal Place: Winter Word Problems - Worksheet

Subtract Decimal Numbers with 1 Decimal Place: Winter Word Problems Worksheet

This worksheet provides winter-themed word problems for students to practice subtracting numbers with 1 decimal place.

Subtract within 5: Winter Word Problems - Worksheet

Subtract within 5: Winter Word Problems Worksheet

Engaging winter-themed worksheet to practice subtraction within 5 through word problems.

Subtract within 100: Winter Word Problems - Worksheet

Subtract within 100: Winter Word Problems Worksheet

This worksheet provides winter-themed word problems for students to practice subtraction within 100.

Subtract within 1000: Easter Word Problems - Worksheet

Subtract within 1000: Easter Word Problems Worksheet

Engage in this Easter-themed worksheet, designed to boost subtraction skills up to 1,000 through word problems.

Subtract Decimal Numbers with 1 Decimal Place: Thanksgiving Word Problems - Worksheet

Subtract Decimal Numbers with 1 Decimal Place: Thanksgiving Word Problems Worksheet

Thanksgiving-themed worksheet to practice subtraction with 1-decimal place numbers through word problems.

Subtract within 5: Easter Word Problems - Worksheet

Subtract within 5: Easter Word Problems Worksheet

Engage in this Easter-themed worksheet, subtracting numbers within 5 through fun word problems.

Subtract within 100: Easter Word Problems - Worksheet

Subtract within 100: Easter Word Problems Worksheet

Engaging Easter-themed worksheet designed to improve subtraction skills within 100 through word problems.

Subtract within 1000: Thanksgiving Word Problems - Worksheet

Subtract within 1000: Thanksgiving Word Problems Worksheet

Thanksgiving-themed worksheet challenging students to solve subtraction problems within 1,000.

Word Problems on Subtracting Decimals Worksheet

Word Problems on Subtracting Decimals Worksheet

Solidify your math skills by practicing word problems on subtracting decimals.

Subtract within 5: Thanksgiving Word Problems - Worksheet

Subtract within 5: Thanksgiving Word Problems Worksheet

Engaging worksheet for students to solve Thanksgiving-themed subtraction problems within 5.

Subtract within 100: Thanksgiving Word Problems - Worksheet

Subtract within 100: Thanksgiving Word Problems Worksheet

Thanksgiving-themed worksheet featuring word problems for practicing subtraction within 100.

Interpret the Word Problems on 3-Digit Subtraction

Interpret the Word Problems on 3-Digit Subtraction

Master solving intricate word problems on 3-digit subtraction with this engaging worksheet!

Subtract Decimal Numbers with 2 Decimal Place: Summer Word Problems - Worksheet

Subtract Decimal Numbers with 2 Decimal Place: Summer Word Problems Worksheet

Engaging summer-themed worksheet for practicing subtraction with two-decimal place numbers.

Select the Correct Subtraction Expression Worksheet

Select the Correct Subtraction Expression Worksheet

Solidify your math skills by selecting the correct subtraction expression.

Complete the Problem - Worksheet

Complete the Problem Worksheet

Enhance subtraction skills with this worksheet on comparing word problems in Mathematics.

Analyze the Word Problems on 3-Digit Subtraction

Analyze the Word Problems on 3-Digit Subtraction

Hone your subtraction skills in dissecting and solving challenging word problems.

Subtract Decimal Numbers with upto 2 Decimal Place: Summer Word Problems - Worksheet

Subtract Decimal Numbers with upto 2 Decimal Place: Summer Word Problems Worksheet

Summer-themed worksheet for students to practice subtracting decimals up to 2 places through word problems.

Subtract within 10: Summer Word Problems - Worksheet

Subtract within 10: Summer Word Problems Worksheet

A worksheet for students to practice subtraction within 10 using summer-themed word problems.

Subtract to Find How Many Fewer - Worksheet

Subtract to Find How Many Fewer Worksheet

Enhance subtraction skills with this worksheet on subtraction to compare word problems.

Subtraction Word Problems - Shopping

Subtraction Word Problems - Shopping

Master practical subtraction skills through fun scenarios based on real-life shopping experiences!

Subtract Decimal Numbers with 2 Decimal Place: Halloween Word Problems - Worksheet

Subtract Decimal Numbers with 2 Decimal Place: Halloween Word Problems Worksheet

Halloween-themed worksheet for solving word problems involving subtracting 2-decimal place numbers.

Your one stop solution for all grade learning needs.

Worksheet on Subtraction Word Problems

The activity provided in the third grade math worksheet on subtraction word problems is very important for the kids. Students need to read the questions carefully and then translate the information to solve the subtraction problem and find the answers of each word problems. The sheet provides large collection of word problems using subtraction for the kids to practice and test their knowledge.

1. There are 45 houses in a street. 21 houses have been painted white. How many houses have not been painted?

2.  A basket hold 55 oranges. The shopkeeper has 65 oranges. How many oranges can not be put in the basket?

3.  Out of 8797 children of town, 6989 go to school. How many children do not go to school?

4.  Ron has 1846 marbles in his collection; he gave 547 marbles to his sister. How many marbles are left with him then?

5.  I had $5000 with me. Out of it $3585 was spent. Now how much money do I have?

6.  Shelly bought a bed sheet for $1699. She gave the shopkeeper $2000. What amount will be returned by the shopkeeper?

7.  There were 473 students in class V of a school. Out of them 461 passed and were promoted to the next class. How many students did not get promoted?

8. Shelly went to buy 568 cookies. She got only 233 cookies in the bakery. How many more cookies she has to buy?

9. Mike has to learn 353 words meaning. He finished learning 120 words. How many more words he has to learn?

10. There were 746 books in the library. Out of which 242 books are lost. How many books are left in the library?

11. Adriana has 346 apples in the garden. She gave a few apples to her friend. 135 apples were left with her. How many apples did she give to her friend?

12. Jane took 356 minutes to complete homework in English and Mathematics. She took 204 minutes to complete English. How much time she took to complete Mathematics?

13.  There are 4500 books in a library. They are either written in English or French. If 2894 books are in English Language, then how many books are in French language?

14.  Mike had $4876 in his savings bank account. He withdrew $1873. How much money does he have now in his savings bank account?

15.  Tom has $7800 in his bank. He withdrew $2340 on Monday and $2670 on Tuesday. What amount is still left in his bank account?

16.  By how much is 3756 less than 5433?

17.  During a Vaccination program in the village, out of 13567 children 13026 were vaccinated. How many children are still to be vaccinated?

18. By how much is 4897 less than 6123?

19. Derek needs to cover a distance of 1456 km to reach his home town and if he covers 1152 km by train and rest by bus. How much distance does he cover by bus?

20. By how much is 698 less than 553?

21. Nathalie has to write an essay of 6500 words in 3 hours. If she is able to write 4895 words in 2 hours, how many words does she needs to write more in 1 hour to complete her essay?

22. By how much is 3162 less than 2526?

23. 948 children participated in the fest, out of which 573 were boys. How many girls participated in the fest?

24. 790 students appeared for the Olympiad examination. 248 students took Math Olympiad exam and rest took science Olympiad exam. How many students took Science Olympiad?

25. Sandy scored 785 points in a game on Saturday. He lost 213 points on Sunday. How many points were left with him?

26. Brad could solve 483 questions out of 500. How many questions were left unsolved?

27. Rosy made 452 dark chocolates and 183 vanilla chocolates. Which flavor is less and how many more chocolates are required to make both chocolates equal?

28. There are 1348 girls in a school. If the total number of students in the school is 2900, then what is the number of boys in the school?

29. Sara earns $6955 monthly as her salary. She saves $1565 monthly. What is her monthly expenditure?

30. Jerry wants to complete reading 1762 pages of a book in 5 days. If she is able to read 1143 pages in 3 days, then how many pages are still left to be read?

31. The cost of a television is $ 7069 and that of a cycle is $2359. By how much does the television cost more than the cycle?

32. Vanilla wants to buy a trouser for $975 and a shirt for $1699. If she has $2000, will she be able to buy both the shirt and trouser? If not, how much more amount does she need?

33. A cement merchant had 8436 bags of cement in his godown. He sold 3565 bags of cement. Now how many bags are left in the godown?

34. By how much is smallest 5-digit number greater than largest 4-digit number.

35. A grain merchant had 9736 kilograms of wheat in his stock. He sold 6859 kilograms of wheat. How much wheat has he in his stock now?

36. My father wants to buy a washing machine that costs $8580. But he has only $7560. How much more money does he need?

37. Sam made a journey of 8473 km. Out of this, he covered 4253 km by train and the rest by car. How many km did he cover by car?

38. The difference between two numbers is 1307. If the larger number is 9577, find the smaller one.

Answers for worksheet on subtraction word problems are given below to check the exact answers of the above questions using subtraction.

1. 24 houses

2.  10 oranges

3. 1808 children

7. 12 students

12. 102 minutes

25.  572

26.  17

27.  Vanilla; 269

28. 1552 boys

30.  619

31.  $4710

32.  $674 more needed

33.  4871 bags

Worksheet on Subtraction Word Problems

34.  1

35.  2877 kg

36.  $1020

37.  4220 km.

38.  8270

3rd Grade Math Worksheets

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Subtraction Worksheets

Whether you're teaching basic single-digit or advanced multi-digit subtraction, we have a wide selection of printable worksheets and resources for you to choose from. Most worksheets are Common Core aligned, and some are even available in both English and Spanish.

Subtraction Worksheets

Basic Subtraction

These worksheets and activities contain very basic subtraction facts. Each problem has a minuend, subtrahend, and difference that is 10 or less. (examples: 5-3=2 and 6-5=1) Approx Level: Kindergarten and 1st Grades

Here you'll find dozens of printable math activities for teaching single-digit subtraction. The collection includes some free subtraction worksheets, math games, mystery pictures, task cards, and learning center activities. This set has minuends up to 20 and differences to 10. (examples: 11-6=5 and 18-9=9) Approx. Level: 1st and 2nd grades

Multi-Digit Subtraction

Download and print task cards, games, and worksheets for teaching 2-digit addition. These very basic problems do not require students to regroup, rename, or borrow. Enjoy some subtraction worksheet for free or signup today to use thousands of useful printables! Approximately 1st and 2nd grades.

These subtraction problems require students to borrow or regroup. This page has worksheets, scoot games, magic digit activities, and graph paper math.

Printable drill worksheets, a scoot game, a magic digits game, task cards, graph paper math, and word problems.

These activities can be used when teaching students to subtract 4-digit numbers. Includes several PDFs for subtracting across zero.

These printable activities can be used to teach and review subtraction with 5-digit numbers. Worksheets include task cards, a puzzle picture, a subtraction crossword, and more

Use these resources to practice subtracting money and making change. Includes task cards, graph paper math, and worksheets.

Use models, hundreds charts, and mental math to subtract 10 and multiples of 10 from 2-digit numbers. (examples: 56-10=46 and 68-40=28)

Make Your Own Subtraction Worksheets

Everyone can create your own basic subtraction worksheets for free with this generator tool. The sheets you create with this tool can be used for timed tests or extra practice.

Create your own subtraction worksheets with 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6-digit numbers. You can select vertical or horizontal problems.

Fraction and Decimal Subtraction

This page has a series of worksheets for addition and subtraction of fractions and mixed numbers.

Learn to add and subtract decimals with tenths, hundredths, and thousandths place values.

Addition and Subtraction Mixed

These worksheets have a mixture of addition and subtraction facts on them.

Face families are groups of numbers that work together to form addition and subtraction facts.

This page of integer worksheets includes a few worksheets on subtracting positive and negative numbers.

These multi-step word problems require students to use multiple operations.

You'll find many mystery picture worksheets with basic addition and subtraction on this page.

Practice adding and subtracting on number lines.

On these math word problems, students will use a variety of skills, including add, subtract, tell time, count money, and geometry.

Become a Member - Thousands of printable math worksheets for teachers, home schooling or general study!

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These worksheets include simple word problems for subtraction with smaller quantities. Watch for words like difference and remaining.

Easy Subtraction Word Problems

Word Problems Worksheet Easy Subtraction Worksheet

Subtraction Word Problems 1

Word Problems Worksheet Subtraction Worksheet 1

Subtraction Word Problems 2

Word Problems Worksheet Subtraction Worksheet 2

Subtraction Word Problems 3

Word Problems Worksheet Subtraction Worksheet 3

Subtraction Word Problems 4

Word Problems Worksheet Subtraction Worksheet 4

Worksheets for Subtraction Word Problems

Once you've mastered addition story problems, these subtraction worksheets are a great followup for first, second or third grade math students. Like the addition worksheets on the prior page, these problems start out very easy so that students can focus on learning how to turn the langauge of a story problem into a math question they can readily solve.

The worksheets are grouped into four variations with different problems on each page. As you go through the sets of worksheets the math will involve larger numbers, although the basic addition word problem skills will remain the same.

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Subtraction Worksheets

Worksheets » Subtraction

No Negative Answers (subtrahend no larger than minuend)

Worksheet   Number Range   Online
  1 to 5  
  1 to 8  
  1 to 10  
  2 to 25  
  2 to 25  
  5 to 60  
  5 to 60  
  10 to 150  
  10 to 1,000  
  100 to 20,000  

Some Negative Answers (subtrahend can be larger than minuend)

Worksheet   Number Range   Online
  2 to 25  
  5 to 60  
  10 to 150  
  10 to 1,000  
  100 to 20,000  

Addition and Subtraction with Regrouping 2nd Grade Worksheets and Word Problems

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Boost math skills with these addition with regrouping and subtraction with regrouping worksheets. Perfect for 2nd grade, these math worksheets include word problems for comprehensive learning

Are you looking for extra 2nd grade addition and subtraction strategies worksheets to help your math students? Specifically, worksheets that cover word problems, addition strategies, subtraction strategies, and missing addends?

This 2nd grade addition and subtraction worksheet pack is a no-prep math resource to use when teaching the Operations and Algebraic Thinking domain! With worksheets for topics such as counting on, missing addends, word problems, and more!

This item aligns with the Common Core standards for the Operations and Algebraic Thinking domain, but you don't have to be in a Common Core classroom to use this pack!

Addition and Subtraction Topics Covered:

  • Word Problems to 20
  • Word Problems to 100 (with and without regrouping)
  • 2-Step Word Problems
  • Addition and Subtraction Strategies
  • Addition and Subtraction Fluency
  • Even or Odd Numbers

There is also a link to the worksheets that have been digitally converted in Google Slides within the PDF.

This item is included in a money-saving printables bundle.

  • Click here for the printables bundle.

You can save even more money when buying this item in a 2nd grade common core bundle, which includes the printables bundle, plus short answer, centers, and interactive notebook templates.

  • Click here for the MEGA bundle.

This purchase is for one single classroom only.

If you're interested in sharing with other classrooms, make sure to buy the extra licenses for a discount through the TeachersPayTeachers tool. If you are interested in a site license, please contact me for a quote at [email protected].

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Reading & Math for K-5

  • Kindergarten
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  • Order of operations
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  • Factoring & prime factors
  • Proportions
  • Shape & geometry
  • Data & graphing
  • Word problems
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  • Sentences & passages
  • Context clues
  • Cause & effect
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  • Fact vs. fiction
  • Fact vs. opinion
  • Main idea & details
  • Story elements
  • Conclusions & inferences
  • Sounds & phonics
  • Words & vocabulary
  • Reading comprehension
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  • Numbers & counting
  • Simple math
  • Social skills
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  • Dolch sight words
  • Fry sight words
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  • Cursive alphabet
  • Cursive letters
  • Cursive letter joins
  • Cursive words
  • Cursive sentences
  • Cursive passages
  • Grammar & Writing


  • Word Problems
  • Subtract 1-3 digits

Addition & Subtraction Workbook for Grades 2-3

Download & Print Only $7.90

Subtraction word problems (1-3 digits)

Word problem worksheets: subtracting numbers below 1,000.

These word problems involve the subtraction of 1-3 digit numbers. The calculations are relatively simple, however we include irrelevant data to encourage students to read carefully.

subtraction problem solving worksheet

These worksheets are available to members only.

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Explore all of our math word problem worksheets , from kindergarten through grade 5.

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  3. Subtraction Word Problem For Kindergarten

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  4. Multi-digit subtraction worksheets

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  5. problem solving involving subtraction for grade 1

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  1. Universal Mathematics Book |Chapter-4

  2. Kindergarten Science

  3. Subtraction Vocabulary

  4. How to Process Emotions

  5. Subtraction Answers

  6. Solving Subtraction Problems with Objects


  1. Subtraction Worksheets

    Welcome to the Subtraction Worksheets page at where you will get less of an experience than our other pages! This page includes Subtraction worksheets on topics such as five minute frenzies, one-, two-, three- and multi-digit subtraction and subtracting across zeros.. Subtraction has been around for several years now... well maybe more than a few, so it's probably a good thing ...

  2. Subtraction Word Problem Worksheets

    The word problems featured in the 4th grade pdf worksheets here include large numbers with minuends and subtrahends up to six digits. Determine the difference between the large numbers by following the place value columns correctly. Download the set. Explore these subtraction word problem worksheets that deal with real-life situations.

  3. Subtraction worksheets for K-5

    Kindergarten subtraction worksheets. Subtracting numbers within 10 by counting objects; Counting down and subtraction; Subtraction equations in pictures; Add or subtracts 1s and 2s; Subtract within 5; Subtract single digit numbers (up to 10, 20) Subtract vertically; Simple subtraction word problems; Grade 1 subtraction worksheets. Subtraction ...

  4. Subtraction Worksheets

    Here you will find a range of 4th Grade Column Subtraction sheets which are designed to help your child master their column Subtraction. The following sheets will help your child to: subtract with numbers up to 100,000 in columns. 5 Digit Subtraction Worksheets. 5th Grade Subtraction Worksheets up to Billions.

  5. 1st Grade Subtraction Word Problems

    Here you will find a range of math word problems aimed at first grade level. Each problem sheet is based on an interesting theme such as parties or the seaside. Using these first grade math worksheets will help your child to: Add and subtract with numbers to 12; order numbers to 100; solve a range of math problems.

  6. Subtraction Word Problems 3rd Grade

    We have split the 3-digit subtraction worksheets up into word problems with and without regrouping. Using these sheets will help your child to: subtract numbers with 3-digit and 4-digit numbers; solve subtraction word problems with and without regrouping. select the appropriate information needed to solve a subtraction problem.

  7. Subtraction Word Problems for 3rd Grade

    These grade 3 word problems use simple (horizontal) subtraction. The student should read the problem, write a subtraction equation from it and then answer the problem. Students should understand the meaning of subtraction and have studied their subtraction math facts prior to attempting these worksheets. Worksheet #1 Worksheet #2 Worksheet #3 ...

  8. Dynamically Created Subtraction Worksheets

    These subtraction worksheets will produce 15 subtraction problems per worksheet. Subtracting Feet & Inches Worksheets These subtraction worksheets are great for practicing subtracting two measurements of feet with fractional inches. These subtraction worksheets will use 1/2's, 1/4's, 1/8's. 1/16's and there is an option to select 1/32's and 1/ ...

  9. Subtraction Worksheets & Free Printables

    Kids help Timmy the Turtle practice two-digit subtraction in this 2nd grade math worksheet. Speedy Rounding and Subtracting 9. Worksheet. As your second grader practices working with rounded numbers, he will improve not only his subtraction, but his overall math skills as well. Critter Subtraction Fun #15.

  10. Subtraction Word Problems

    HOW TO SOLVE SUBTRACTION WORD PROBLEMS: There are different ways to solve subtraction word problems. Here are two: Read the problem, and rewrite it with math symbols (i.e. create an addition or subtraction sentence.) Then find the missing quantity. Read the problem and draw a picture to represent the problem (using characters). KINDERGARTEN ...

  11. Printable Subtraction Word Problem Worksheets

    Two-Step Addition & Subtraction Word Problems Check-In. Interactive Worksheet. This exercise will assess students' abilities to solve two-step addition and subtraction word problems with mixed operations. Click the checkbox for the options to print and add to Assignments and Collections. Making Change at the Toy Store.

  12. PDF Subtraction word problems worksheet

    Grade 3 Math Word Problems Worksheet Winter is almost here, and most animals are migrating to warmer countries. 1. There are 67 bird families living near the mountain. If 32 bird ... grade 3, math, subtraction, word problems, worksheet Created Date: 7/11/2021 11:44:28 PM ...

  13. Subtraction Word Problems Worksheets

    Download Subtraction Word Problems Worksheet PDFs. These worksheets are a perfect combination of enjoyable math learning that provides an easy understanding of all concepts. These are free to use PDFs also available for download. Subtraction Word Problems Worksheet - 1. Download PDF.

  14. Subtraction Word Problems Worksheets

    Most worksheets contain between eight and ten problems. When finished with this set of worksheets, students will be able to solve word problems that involve subtraction. These worksheets explain how to solve word problems involving subtraction. Sample problems are solved and practice problems are provided.

  15. Subtraction Worksheets

    1oa4 × Description: "This worksheet is designed to boost kids' math skills by enhancing their understanding of subtraction relative to addition. Through 20 challenging problems, learners will develop the ability to convert addition statements to subtraction statements accurately. Its adaptability allows it to be customized to each child's needs, converted into flashcards for portable learning ...

  16. Subtraction Worksheets

    Subtraction Worksheets. These subtraction worksheets include timed math fact tests, multiple digit problems, subtraction with and without regrouping and much more. If you're looking for an incremental path from subtraction facts through basic multiple digit subtraction problems all the way to problems that are super-focused on subtraction regrouping, you've found everything you need!

  17. Printable Subtraction Word Problems Worksheets

    Our printable subtraction word problems worksheets are designed to make learning subtraction engaging and effective. These worksheets cover a wide range of skills including subtraction within 5, 10, 20, 100, and 1000, as well as 2-digit and 3-digit subtractio... Read more n, decimal subtraction, and subtraction with regrouping.

  18. Worksheet on Subtraction Word Problems

    Answers for worksheet on subtraction word problems are given below to check the exact answers of the above questions using subtraction. Answers: 1. 24 houses. 2. 10 oranges. 3. 1808 children. 4. 1299. 5. $1415.

  19. Subtraction Worksheets

    The collection includes some free subtraction worksheets, math games, mystery pictures, task cards, and learning center activities. This set has minuends up to 20 and differences to 10. (examples: 11-6=5 and 18-9=9) ... These subtraction problems require students to borrow or regroup. This page has worksheets, scoot games, magic digit ...

  20. Word Problems: Subtraction Word Problems

    The worksheets are grouped into four variations with different problems on each page. As you go through the sets of worksheets the math will involve larger numbers, although the basic addition word problem skills will remain the same. Basic word problems for subtraction in ready to print PDFs! These are perfect for first grade or second grade ...

  21. Subtraction Worksheets

    Subtraction Worksheets. No Negative Answers (subtrahend no larger than minuend) Some Negative Answers (subtrahend can be larger than minuend) Math explained in easy language, plus puzzles, games, quizzes, videos and worksheets. For K-12 kids, teachers and parents.

  22. Multi-digit subtraction worksheets

    K5 Learning offers free worksheets, flashcards and inexpensive workbooks for kids in kindergarten to grade 5. Become a member to access additional content and skip ads. These subtraction worksheets range from simple subtraction of 2-digit numbers without regrouping to subtraction of large numbers in columns with multiple regroupings.

  23. Addition and Subtraction with Regrouping 2nd Grade Worksheets and ...

    Use addition and subtraction within 100 to solve one- and two-step word problems involving situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing, with unknowns in all positions, e.g., by using drawings and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem.

  24. Basic Math

    Problem 6) The beaker of a sample of petroleum in a laboratory was weighed before and after the contents were evaporated. Before the process, the beaker weighed 1.138 kg. After the process, the beaker weighed 0.55 kg.

  25. Grade 2 Subtraction Word Problem Worksheets (1-3 digits)

    The calculations are relatively simple, however we include irrelevant data to encourage students to read carefully. Worksheet #1 Worksheet #2 Worksheet #3 Worksheet #4. Worksheet #5 Worksheet #6. Similar: Word problems with addition of numbers below 1,000 Mixed addition and subtraction word problems (two digits)