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Posted on Aug 24, 2023

Implementing Attractive Bottom Sheets in React Native with `react-native-bottom-sheet`

What is a bottom sheet.

A bottom sheet is a UI design pattern in mobile applications, representing a layer of content that slides up from the bottom of the screen. It serves as a method to provide additional information or actions to the user. Bottom sheets can be used for various purposes, such as menu options, navigation, or detailed information.

Features of React Native Bottom Sheet

react-native-bottom-sheet offers features like:

  • Modal presentation view, Bottom Sheet Modal.
  • Smooth gesture interactions and snapping animations.
  • Seamless keyboard handling for both iOS and Android.
  • Support for scrolling interactions in FlatList, SectionList, ScrollView, and View.
  • Compatibility with Expo.
  • Written in TypeScript.

Installation Guide


For those using Expo:

Basic Usage

Here's a basic example of implementing a bottom sheet:

Using react-native-bottom-sheet , you can easily add attractive bottom sheets to your React Native applications. Leverage the rich features and straightforward implementation of this library to enhance user experience!

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Creating and styling a modal bottom sheet in React Native

react native sheet presentation

The modal bottom sheet is a component that we’ve likely all seen before. It’s an element that slides up from the bottom of a screen to display extra content or longer descriptions within a mobile application. You’ve probably seen it in some of today’s most popular applications, such as Twitter, Instagram, and the Apple AppStore.

Creating And Styling A Modal Bottom Sheet In React Native

The modal bottom sheet pops up whenever an event is triggered by the user. You can see an example of this below in trying to install an app on my phone:

In this tutorial, we will be creating a basic realtor application with a modal bottom sheet feature. We’ll go over how to set up the app layout, fetch data from an API, implement the modal bottom sheet, pass data to it, and style it.

Setting up the app and installing dependencies

Creating our app layout, fetching data from the api.

  • Implementing the modal bottom sheet in our React Native app

Passing data to the modal bottom sheet

Styling the modal bottom sheet.

The basic idea of our app is to display a list of properties available to rent. When a user decides which one they want or to learn more about, they can click on the View Details button and the modal bottom sheet will slide up to display additional information about that property.

We will be using the react-native-bottom-sheet package for the modal bottom sheet implementation. We’ll also use the Bayut API, which you can access by signing up here and can preview the API here , as well as Axios to make requests to the needed API endpoint.

First, we’ll be using Expo to build our React Native app. We will initialize our project by typing the command npx create-expo-app react-native-bottom-sheet in our CLI to get started.

We will also install our needed dependencies:

For the app’s folder structure, we will create utils and components folders. Inside the components folder, we will have the Homes and BottomSheetModalComponent components.

The Homes component will be used to render the list of properties and the BottomSheetModalComponent will be used to display the modal bottom sheet.

In the utils folder, we will create a homesApi file to create the function that fetches data from the API endpoint we mentioned earlier.

Folder Structure Screenshot

In the Homes.js component, we will initialize the component by adding the following to the file:

Then, we’ll import this component into the App.js file like this:

We should have this in our simulator:

Simulator Screen

N.B., Since the modal bottom sheet needs the react-native-reanimated dependency installed before using it, you’ll need to add the following code to your babel.config.js file (or else you’ll get an error):

The file will look like this now:

As previously mentioned, we will be fetching the list of properties from the API. Inside the homesApi file, we will create the function to fetch the data from the API endpoint:

Then, in App.js , we will call this function and make the API call using the useEffect hook.

First, we create a  homes state which will initially be an empty array (before it gets populated by the data from the API). Then, we will use the useEffect hook to fetch the data once the component renders and set the homes state to the data that is returned.

We’ll then wrap our entire app in a SafeAreaView component to the rendered content within the safe area boundaries of the device. FlatList will be used to map over the array of data returned from the API and the Homes component will be rendered.

Also, since the process of fetching the data is asynchronous and will take time to complete, we can initialize a loading state to display a loading text to the user before the data is rendered.

As you will notice above, after mapping over the items in the array that are returned to us from the API, we have an object for each property. We are spreading the object using a spread operator on the Homes component. We can destructure the needed values and use them to build the Homes component.

react native sheet presentation

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react native sheet presentation

Here, we are only using the coverPhoto and title props while building our call to action button to trigger the modal bottom sheet. Now, we should have this in our simulator:

Listing Cover Photos And Titles On Screen

Implementing the modal bottom sheet into our React Native app

To start the modal bottom sheet implementation, we will import BottomSheetModal and BottomSheetModalProvider from the library and wrap the whole app with the BottomSheetModalProvider . Then, we will call the BottomSheetModal component from the library and pass in the following props: snapPoints , index , and ref .

snapPoints are the points for the bottom sheet to snap to, which should be sorted from the bottom to the top. This prop takes in an array of numbers.

index is the initial snap index.

After we pass in the props, we will pass a simple View component inside the BottomSheetModal and see what it looks like.

To make the pop-up modal work when we click View Details, we will pass an onPress prop to the Homes component that’ll take in an openModal function. The onPress prop will then be destructured in the Homes component and passed to the View Details button, so when the button is clicked, the modal bottom sheet slides up.

Now let’s see what we have:

View Details Function Triggering Bottom Sheet

We can see our modal bottom sheet coming up once we trigger the View Details function!

N.B. , for the snap points, you can snap them to your preference. Here, we used 50% so it won’t go past more than half of the screen. If you want it to snap to the very top, you can pass ["50%", "100%"] into the array.

Now that the modal bottom sheet works, we will render the BottomSheetModalComponent we initially created and find a way to pass the API data into this component. When the modal bottom sheet slides in, this will allow us to see additional information about each property.

To do that, we will create a new state called houseDataModal and set the initial value to null . Since we have the item object in the Homes component where we are mapping over the homes data array, we can pass the item to the openModal function and setHouseDataModal to the item passed to the openModal function.

Then, in the BottomSheetModalComponent , we can spread the item object like this:

Lastly, we can destructure all the values we need from the returned API data and render them in the modal bottom sheet:

Now, we can style our bottom sheet to suit our preference as follows:

Great! We’ve applied the styles to our modal bottom sheet so they can be displayed in a more presentable way. We can see our title, property image, icons, and other details properly arranged.

We can take a look at what we have in our modal bottom sheet when we click on the View Details button:

Final Ui Screen

There we have it — we have successfully implemented a modal bottom sheet in a React Native application. We fetch the data from an API to render a list of properties and display this modal bottom sheet when the View Details button is triggered.

Our modal bottom sheet is ready! In this tutorial, we learned how we can use the @gorhom/bottom-sheet library to create a modal bottom sheet in our React Native applications.

We also learned how to share data between the rendered component and the modal bottom sheet for specific use cases, i.e., where we need to display more data to the user when the modal bottom sheet pops up.

If you’d like, you can integrate and modify this example in your own React Native project. You can find the full code in my repository here .

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2 Replies to "Creating and styling a modal bottom sheet in React Native"

Hello Taofiq, great content. However, with regard to passing data to the bottom sheet modal, you kind of passed the props statically which will make it impossible to use the same bottom sheet modal component for another purpose. Personally, to make the bottom sheet modal reusable, I will pass the data as children.

Hey David, Do you mean the ‘BottomSheetModal’ or the BottomSheetModalComponent’? And also, can you help with the sample of the statically passed data? Because if you were to reuse this BottomSheet Component in another place, you will have to pass the new data you want to render when the modal opens to the BottomSheetModalComponent

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The Modal component is a basic way to present content above an enclosing view.

View Props ​

Inherits View Props .

Deprecated. Use the animationType prop instead.

animationType ​

The animationType prop controls how the modal animates.

Possible values:

  • slide slides in from the bottom,
  • fade fades into view,
  • none appears without an animation.
enum( , , )

hardwareAccelerated Android ​

The hardwareAccelerated prop controls whether to force hardware acceleration for the underlying window.


onDismiss iOS ​

The onDismiss prop allows passing a function that will be called once the modal has been dismissed.


onOrientationChange iOS ​

The onOrientationChange callback is called when the orientation changes while the modal is being displayed. The orientation provided is only 'portrait' or 'landscape'. This callback is also called on initial render, regardless of the current orientation.

onRequestClose ​

The onRequestClose callback is called when the user taps the hardware back button on Android or the menu button on Apple TV. Because of this required prop, be aware that BackHandler events will not be emitted as long as the modal is open. On iOS, this callback is called when a Modal is being dismissed using a drag gesture when presentationStyle is pageSheet or formSheet


The onShow prop allows passing a function that will be called once the modal has been shown.

presentationStyle iOS ​

The presentationStyle prop controls how the modal appears (generally on larger devices such as iPad or plus-sized iPhones). See for details.

  • fullScreen covers the screen completely
  • pageSheet covers portrait-width view centered (only on larger devices)
  • formSheet covers narrow-width view centered (only on larger devices)
  • overFullScreen covers the screen completely, but allows transparency
enum( , , , ) if if

statusBarTranslucent Android ​

The statusBarTranslucent prop determines whether your modal should go under the system statusbar.

supportedOrientations iOS ​

The supportedOrientations prop allows the modal to be rotated to any of the specified orientations. On iOS, the modal is still restricted by what's specified in your app's Info.plist's UISupportedInterfaceOrientations field.

When using presentationStyle of pageSheet or formSheet , this property will be ignored by iOS.
array of enums( , , , , )

transparent ​

The transparent prop determines whether your modal will fill the entire view. Setting this to true will render the modal over a transparent background.

The visible prop determines whether your modal is visible.

  • animationType
  • hardwareAccelerated Android
  • onDismiss iOS
  • onOrientationChange iOS
  • onRequestClose
  • presentationStyle iOS
  • statusBarTranslucent Android
  • supportedOrientations iOS
  • transparent

How to Present a React Native Bottom Sheet

Table of contents.

  • Installing the Bottom Sheet library
  • Creating a Simple Bottom Sheet with React Native
  • Controlling the React Native Bottom Sheet
  • Handling Text Input within the Bottom Sheet
  • Creating a Shared Bottom Sheet Component
  • Bottom Sheet as Modal

© 2024 All rights reserved.

  • v4 (Reanimated v2)
  • v2 (Reanimated v1)

Bottom Sheet Modal inherits all Bottom Sheet props except for animateOnMount & containerHeight and also it introduces its own props:

Configuration ​

Modal name to help identify the modal for later on.

string NO

stackBehavior ​

Available only on v3, for now.

Defines the stack behavior when modal mounts.

  • push it will mount the modal on top of current modal.
  • replace it will minimize the current modal then mount the modal.
'push' | 'replace''replace'NO

enableDismissOnClose ​

Dismiss the modal when it is closed, this will unmount the modal.


Callbacks ​

Ondismiss ​.

Callback when the modal dismissed (unmounted).


Components ​

Containercomponent ​.

Component to be placed as a bottom sheet container, this is to place the bottom sheet at the very top layer of your application when using FullWindowOverlay from React Native Screens . read more

  • stackBehavior
  • enableDismissOnClose
  • containerComponent

Opening a modal

A modal displays content that temporarily blocks interactions with the main view.

A modal is like a popup — it usually has a different transition animation, and is intended to focus on one particular interaction or piece of content.

Creating a stack with modal screens ​

Here, we are creating 2 groups of screens using the RootStack.Group component. The first group is for our regular screens, and the second group is for our modal screens. For the modal group, we have specified presentation: 'modal' in screenOptions . This will apply this option to all the screens inside the group. This option will change the animation for the screens to animate from bottom-to-top rather than right to left. The presentation option for stack navigator can be either card (default) or modal . The modal behavior slides the screen in from the bottom and allows the user to swipe down from the top to dismiss it on iOS.

Instead of specifying this option for a group, it's also possible to specify it for a single screen using the options prop on RootStack.Screen .

  • To change the type of transition on a stack navigator you can use the presentation option.
  • When presentation is set to modal , the screens behave like a modal, i.e. they have a bottom to top transition and may show part of the previous screen in the background.
  • Setting presentation: 'modal' on a group makes all the screens in the group modals, so to use non-modal transitions on other screens, we add another group with the default configuration.

Best practices ​

Since modals are intended to be on top of other content, there are a couple of things to keep in mind when using modals:

  • Avoid nesting them inside other navigators like tab or drawer. Modal screens should be defined as part of the root stack.
  • Modal screens should be the last in the stack - avoid pushing regular screens on top of modals.
  • The first screen in a stack appears as a regular screen even if configured as a modal, since there is no screen before it to show behind. So always make sure that modal screens are pushed on top of a regular screen or another modal screen.
  • Creating a stack with modal screens
  • Best practices

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Learn how to use modals in Expo Router.

Modals are a common user interface pattern in mobile apps. They are used to present content on top of the existing screen and is used for different purposes, such as displaying confirmation alerts or standalone forms. You can create modals in your app using the following methods:

  • Use Expo Router's special file-based syntax to create a modal screen within the app's navigation system.

Each approach has its specific use case. Understanding when to use each method is important for creating a positive user experience.

React Native's Modal component

  • Standalone interactions, such as self-contained tasks that don't need to be part of the navigation system.
  • Temporary alerts or confirmation dialogs that are ideal for quick interactions.

Modal screen using Expo Router

Below is an example of how a modal screen works on different platforms:

Modal presentation and dismiss behavior

A modal loses its previous context when it is the current screen in the navigator and is presented as a standalone screen. Its presentation and dismissal behavior are different on each platform:

  • On Android, the modal slides on top of the current screen. To dismiss it, use the back button to navigate back to the previous screen.
  • On iOS, the modal slides from the bottom of the current screen. To dismiss it, swipe it down from the top.

Change status bar appearance on iOS

Additional information, presentation options.

The new screen will be pushed onto a stack. The default animation on Android will vary depending on the OS version and theme. On iOS, it will slide from the side.
The new screen will be presented modally, allowing for a nested stack to be rendered inside the screen.
The new screen will be presented modally, with the previous screen remaining visible. This allows the content below to still be seen if the screen has a translucent background.
On Android, fallbacks to . On iOS, uses modal style.
On Android, fallbacks to . On iOS, uses modal style.
On Android, fallbacks to . On iOS, uses modal style.
On Android, fallbacks to . On iOS, uses modal style.

Sheets on the Go with React Native

React Native is a mobile app framework. It builds iOS and Android apps that use JavaScript for describing layouts and events.

SheetJS is a JavaScript library for reading and writing data from spreadsheets.

This demo uses React Native and SheetJS to process and generate spreadsheets. We'll explore how to load SheetJS in a React Native app in a few ways:

  • "Fetching Remote Data" uses the built-in fetch to download and parse remote workbook files.
  • "Local Files" uses native libraries to read and write files on the device.

The "Local Files" example creates an app that looks like the screenshots below:

Before testing this demo, follow the official React Native CLI Guide! 1

Follow the instructions for iOS (requires macOS) and for Android. They will cover installation and system configuration. You should be able to build and run a sample app in the Android and the iOS (if applicable) simulators.

Integration Details ​

The SheetJS NodeJS Module can be imported from any component or script in the app.

Internal State ​

For simplicity, this demo uses an "Array of Arrays" 2 as the internal state.

SpreadsheetArray of Arrays

["Name", "Index"],
["Bill Clinton", 42],
["GeorgeW Bush", 43],
["Barack Obama", 44],
["Donald Trump", 45],
["Joseph Biden", 46]

Each array within the structure corresponds to one row.

This demo also keeps track of the column widths as a single array of numbers. The widths are used by the display component.

Complete State

The complete state is initialized with the following snippet:

Updating State ​

Starting from a SheetJS worksheet object, sheet_to_json 3 with the header option can generate an array of arrays:

Calculating Column Widths

Column widths can be calculated by walking each column and calculating the max data width. Using the array of arrays:

Exporting State ​

aoa_to_sheet 4 builds a SheetJS worksheet object from the array of arrays:

Displaying Data ​

The demos uses react-native-table-component to display the first worksheet.

The demos use components similar to the example below:

data.slice(1) in the Rows component returns data starting from the second row. This neatly skips the first header row.

Fetching Remote Data ​

React Native versions starting from 0.72.0 5 support binary data in fetch .

This snippet downloads and parses :

Fetch Demo ​

This demo was tested in the following environments:

Real Devices

iOS 15.1iPhone 12 Pro Max 2024-03-13
Android 29NVIDIA Shield 2024-03-13
OSDeviceRNDev PlatformDate
Android 34Pixel 3a 2024-03-13
iOS 17.4iPhone 15 Pro Max 2024-03-13
Android 34Pixel 3a 2024-06-20
iOS 17.5iPhone SE (3rd gen) 2024-06-20
Android 34Pixel 3a 2024-03-05
Android 34Pixel 3a 2024-04-29
  • Install React Native dependencies

On the Steam Deck, JDK17 was installed using pacman :

The Android Studio tarball was downloaded and extracted. After extracting:

In Android Studio, select "SDK Manager" and switch to the "SDK Tools" tab. Check "Show Package Details" and install "Android SDK Command-line Tools (latest)".

When this demo was last tested, the following environment variables were used:

  • Create project:
  • Install shared dependencies:
  • Download App.tsx and replace:

Android Testing

Install or switch to Java 17 6

  • Start the Android emulator:

On Linux, the command may silently stall. It is strongly recommended to launch the interactive CLI tool:

Once the dev server is ready, the terminal will display a few options. Press a to run on Android.

If the initial launch fails with an error referencing the emulator, manually start the emulator from Android Studio and try again.

Gradle errors typically stem from a Java version mismatch:

This error can be resolved by installing and switching to the requested version.

When this demo was last tested on Linux, the process failed to launch the emulator:

warn Please launch an emulator manually or connect a device. Otherwise app may fail to launch.

This is a known bug in React Native!

If an emulator is installed, run the following command:

Under Android , there will be one error:

Android ✖ Adb - No devices and/or emulators connected. Please create emulator with Android Studio or connect Android device.

Press f and a list of available emulators will be shown. Select the emulator (typically the last line) and press Enter.

✔ Select the device / emulator you want to use › Emulator Pixel_3a_API_34_extension_level_7_x86_64 (disconnected)

The text in green is the name of the virtual device ( Pixel_3a_API_34_extension_level_7_x86_64 in this example). Run the following command to manually start the emulator:

(replace Pixel_3a_API_34_extension_level_7_x86_64 with the name of the virtual device)

To confirm React Native detects the emulator, run the following command again:

  • When opened, the app should look like the "Before" screenshot below. After tapping "Import data from a spreadsheet", verify that the app shows new data:

iOS Testing

iOS testing can only be performed on Apple hardware running macOS!

Xcode and iOS simulators are not available on Windows or Linux.

  • Refresh iOS project by running pod install from the ios subfolder:
  • Start the iOS emulator:

Android Device Testing

  • Connect an Android device using a USB cable.

If the device asks to allow USB debugging, tap "Allow".

Close any Android / iOS emulators.

  • Build APK and run on device:

iOS Device Testing

  • Connect an iOS device using a USB cable.

If the device asks to trust the computer, tap "Trust" and enter the passcode.

Enable developer code signing certificates 7 .

These instructions were verified against Xcode 15.3.

A) Open the included iOS workspace in Xcode:

B) Select "SheetJSRNFetch" in the Project Navigator:

Select the project

C) Select "Signing & Capabilities" in the main view.

D) Select "All" in the lower bar and ensure a Team is selected in the dropdown:

Xcode Signing and Capabilities

Install ios-deploy through Homebrew:

  • Run on device:

In some tests, the app failed to run on the device due to "Untrusted Developer":

These instructions were verified against iOS 15.1.

A) Open the Settings app and select "General" > "VPN & Device Management".

iOS Management

B) Select the Apple Development certificate under "Developer App".

iOS Certificate Info

In the new screen, the name "SheetJSRNFetch" will be displayed in the Apps list.

C) Tap "Trust ..." and tap "Trust" in the popup.

iOS Trust Popup

D) Close the Settings app on the device.

E) Close the Metro window on the computer.

F) Run npx react-native run-ios again.

In some tests, the build failed with the following error:

This was due to an error in the react-native package. The script node_modules/react-native/scripts/ must be edited.

Near the top of the script, there will be a set statement:

The -e argument must be removed:

In some test runs, the error mentioned a development team:

Code signing must be enabled in the project!

By default, React Native generates applications that exclusively target iPhone. On a physical iPad, a pixellated iPhone app will be run.

The "targeted device families" setting must be changed to support iPad:

A) Open the Xcode workspace:

B) Select the project in the left sidebar:

C) Select the "SheetJSRNFetch" target in the sidebar.


D) Select the "Build Settings" tab in the main area.

E) In the search bar below "Build Settings", type "tar"

F) In the "Targeted Device Families" row, change the value to "iPhone, iPad".

In some test runs, the build failed with a Provisioning message:

This was resolved by manually selecting the target device:

C) In the top bar, next to the project name, there will be a gray device icon. Click on the icon and select the real device from the list.

Local Files ​

React Native does not provide a native file picker or a method for reading and writing data from documents on the devices. A third-party library must be used.

Since React Native internals change between releases, libraries may only work with specific versions of React Native. Project documentation should be consulted before picking a library.

The following table lists tested file plugins. "OS" lists tested platforms ("A" for Android and "I" for iOS).

File system PluginFile Picker PluginOS

App Configuration ​

Due to privacy concerns, apps must request file access. There are special APIs for accessing data and are subject to change in future platform versions.

iOS applications typically require two special settings in Info.plist :

UIFileSharingEnabled 8 allows users to use files written by the app. A special folder will appear in the "Files" app.

LSSupportsOpeningDocumentsInPlace 9 allows the app to open files without creating a local copy.

Both settings must be set to true :

Once the options are set, generated files are visible to users and can be shared with other apps including "Mail", "Messages", and "Numbers".

Permissions and APIs have evolved over time. For broadest compatibility, the following permissions must be enabled in AndroidManifest.xml :

READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE and WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE allow apps to access files outside of the app scope. These are required for scoped storage access.

android:requestLegacyExternalStorage="true" enabled legacy behavior in some older releases.

The manifest is saved to android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml :

Depending on the Android API level, there are three strategies for writing files:

In "legacy" mode (supported in API levels up to 29), files can be written to the user Downloads or Documents folder directly.

Using the MediaStore API, files should be copied to a visible location.

Using the "Storage Access Framework", the user grants access to a folder and the app uses SAF APIs to create files and write data.

RN File Picker ​

The "File Picker" library handles two platform-specific steps:

Show a view that allows users to select a file from their device

Copy the selected file to a location that can be read by the application

The following libraries have been tested:

react-native-document-picker ​

react-native-document-picker provides a pickSingle method for users to select one file.

The file plugins generally require the copyTo: "cachesDirectory" option:

expo-document-picker ​

expo-document-picker is a picker that works with other modules in the Expo ecosystem.

The getDocumentAsync method allows users to select a file. The Expo file plugin requires the copyToCacheDirectory option:

RN File Plugins ​

React-native-blob-util ​.

react-native-blob-util is the continuation of other libraries that date back to 2016.

The ascii type returns an array of numbers corresponding to the raw bytes. A Uint8Array from the data is compatible with the buffer type.

Reading Data

On iOS, the URI from react-native-document-picker must be massaged:

Writing Data

Sharing Files in Android

copyToMediaStore uses the MediaStore API to share files.

The file must be written to the device before using the MediaStore API!

react-native-file-access ​

react-native-file-access is a filesystem API that uses modern iOS and Android development patterns.

The base64 encoding returns strings compatible with the base64 type:

cpExternal uses the MediaStore API to share files.

expo-file-system ​

expo-file-system is a filesystem API that works with other modules in the Expo ecosystem.

Some Expo APIs return URI that cannot be read with expo-file-system . This will manifest as an error:

Unsupported scheme for location '...'

The expo-document-picker snippet makes a local copy.

The EncodingType.Base64 encoding is compatible with base64 type.

Calling FileSystem.readAsStringAsync with FileSystem.EncodingType.Base64 encoding returns a promise resolving to a string compatible with base64 type:

The FileSystem.EncodingType.Base64 encoding accepts Base64 strings:

StorageAccessFramework uses the "Storage Access Framework" to share files.

SAF API methods must be used to request permissions, make files and write data:

iOS 15.5iPhone 13 Pro Max 2024-03-31
Android 29NVIDIA Shield 2024-03-31
OSDeviceRNDev PlatformDate
Android 34Pixel 3a 2024-03-31
iOS 17.4iPhone 15 Pro Max 2024-03-31
Android 34Pixel 3a 2024-03-31
Android 34Pixel 3a 2024-03-31

There are many moving parts and pitfalls with React Native apps. It is strongly recommended to follow the official React Native tutorials for iOS and Android before approaching this demo. 10 Details including Android Virtual Device configuration are not covered here.

This example tries to separate the library-specific functions.

Project Setup

On macOS, if prompted to install CocoaPods , press y .

  • Download index.js and replace:

The app should look like the following screenshot:

React Native Android App

When this demo was last tested on Windows, the build failed with an error:

Java 17 must be installed 11 and the JAVA_HOME environment variable must point to the Java 17 location.

Stop the dev server and close the React Native Metro NodeJS window.

File Integration

  • Pick a filesystem library for integration:

Install react-native-blob-util dependency:

Add the highlighted lines to index.js :

Install react-native-file-access dependency:

Install expo-file-system and expo-document-picker dependencies:

In the most recent test, the installation asked a few questions.

If prompted to change iOS deployment target, choose Yes.

If prompted to install Expo CLI integration, choose No.

  • Restart the Android development process:

The following app will be shown:

When this demo was last tested on macOS, the process failed to launch the emulator:

✔ Select the device / emulator you want to use › Emulator Pixel_3a_API_34 (disconnected)

The text in green is the name of the virtual device ( Pixel_3a_API_34 in this example). Run the following command to manually start the emulator:

(replace Pixel_3a_API_34 with the name of the virtual device)

Download and open the Downloads folder.

Click and drag pres.numbers from the Downloads folder into the simulator.

Click "Import data" and look for pres.numbers .

If the file is not displayed, click the ≡ icon and click "Downloads".

pick file Android

  • Select pres.numbers .

The screen should refresh with new contents:

read file Android

  • Click "Export data".

expo-file-system on Android will prompt to grant access to a folder.

Tap the ≡ icon and tap the "Documents" folder with the download icon.


In the "Allow access" pop, tap "ALLOW".

An alert will display the location to the file:

write file Android

  • Pull the file from the simulator and verify the contents:

PowerShell mangles binary data in the redirect.

On Windows, the following commands must be run in the Command Prompt:

Scroll down to "Android Device Testing" for device tests.

  • Start the iOS development process:

In the simulator, click the Home icon to return to the home screen.

Click on the "Files" icon to open the app.

save file iOS

Make sure "On My iPhone" is highlighted and select "Save".

Click the Home icon again then select the SheetJSRN app.

Click "Import data" and select pres :

pick file iOS

Once selected, the screen should refresh with new contents:

read file iOS

  • Find the file and verify the contents are correct:

Once testing is complete, stop the simulator and the development process.

  • Add the highlighted lines to android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml :

There will be two new uses-permission tags within the parent manifest tag. The attribute android:requestLegacyExternalStorage="true" must be added to the application tag.

  • Close any Android / iOS simulators.

Download on the device.

Switch back to the "SheetJSRN" app.

Tap "Import data" and tap pres.numbers .

If the file is not displayed, tap the ≡ icon and tap "Downloads".

The table will refresh with data from the file.

  • Tap "Export Data".

Tap "OK" in the exportFile popup.

  • Switch to the Files app and navigate to the Downloads folder.

When testing expo-file-system , select "Documents".

There will be a new file sheetjsw.xlsx .

Close and reopen the "SheetJSRN" app. The data will reset.

Tap "Import data" and tap sheetjsw.xlsx .

The table will refresh with the data from the exported file.

Enable file sharing and make the documents folder visible in the iOS app. Add the following lines to ios/SheetJSRN/Info.plist :

(The root element of the document is plist and it contains one dict child)

Enable developer code signing certificates. More details are covered in the "iOS Device Testing" part of the Fetch Demo (step 15).

If the build fails, some troubleshooting notes are included in the "iOS Device Testing" part of the Fetch Demo (step 17).

Tap "Import data" and tap pres from the Recents list.

Tap "Export Data" and tap "OK" in the exportFile popup.

Install the "Numbers" app from the iOS App Store.

Open the "Files" app. Repeatedly tap the < button in the top-left corner to return to the "Browse" view.

Tap "On My iPhone" or "On My iPad". Tap "SheetJSRN" in the list.

The sheetjsw entry in this folder is the generated file.

Hold down the sheetjsw item until the menu appears. Select "Share".

In the sharing menu, below a list of contacts, there will be a row of app icons. Swipe left until the "Numbers" app icon appears and tap the app icon.

The Numbers app will load the spreadsheet, confirming that the file is valid.

Footnotes ​

Follow the "React Native CLI Quickstart" and select the appropriate "Development OS". ↩

See "Array of Arrays" in the API reference ↩

See "Array Output" in "Utility Functions" ↩

See "Array of Arrays Input" in "Utility Functions" ↩

React-Native commit 5b597b5 added the final piece required for fetch support. It is available in official releases starting from 0.72.0 . ↩

When the demo was last tested, the Temurin distribution of Java 17 was installed through the macOS Brew package manager by running brew install temurin17 . Direct downloads are available at ↩

See "Running On Device" in the React Native documentation ↩

See UIFileSharingEnabled in the Apple Developer Documentation. ↩

See LSSupportsOpeningDocumentsInPlace in the Apple Developer Documentation. ↩

Follow the "React Native CLI Quickstart" for Android (and iOS, if applicable) ↩

See the JDK Archive for Java 17 JDK download links. ↩

  • Internal State
  • Displaying Data
  • App Configuration
  • RN File Picker
  • RN File Plugins

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IOS Modal Presentation Style. #1226


arunabhverma commented Dec 12, 2022 • edited Loading

If it is possible with the current version of this library then please guide me on how to can I implement it.

Because this is a native ios style to show a full-screen modal. And this library provides us with all things like the bottom sheet and modal if there is a way to implement ios modal presentation it will be the cherry on the cake.

I'll prefer to use reanimated for this type of animation.

  • 👍 1 reaction


github-actions bot commented Dec 12, 2022

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nrwinner commented Dec 21, 2022

Why not just use a regular Modal from React Native here? you can set the prop to "pageSheet" to get the look you're after.

  • 👍 2 reactions

github-actions bot commented Jan 21, 2023

This issue is stale because it has been open 30 days with no activity. Remove stale label or comment or this will be closed in 5 days.

github-actions bot commented Jan 26, 2023

This issue was closed because it has been stalled for 5 days with no activity.

arunabhverma commented Feb 1, 2023 • edited Loading

you can set the prop to "pageSheet" to get the look you're after.

This is a good idea but if we go for this we are not able to use the swipe down to close in android.

We have to build another component for this.

nrwinner commented Feb 1, 2023

Hmm, in that case I'd recommend checking out the native modals in or . This repo is specifically for bottom sheets and most likely will not implement iOS modals directly.

  • ❤️ 1 reaction

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react native sheet presentation


Check out the installation section of our docs for the detailed installation instructions.


Check out our dedicated documentation page for info about this library, it's features, API reference and more:

Migrating from v0.7.0

The new version of ActionSheet introduces some breaking changes . Please read through the migration guide and take the necessary steps.

The source code for the example (showcase) app is under the example/ directory. If you want to play with the ActionSheet but don't feel like trying it on a real app, you can run the example snack .

Documentation for v0.7.0 & older

You can find the docs in v0.7.0 branch

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  • bottom-animated
  • react-native
  • actionsheet
  • action-sheet
  • bottom-sheet
  • bottom-drawer
  • raw-bottom-sheet
  • bottom-app-bar
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Introduction to React Native

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Expo provides a CLI tool as the primary interface for developers to start writing code for a project.

“Expo Go” is a development client for Android and iOS that can load the JS part of the project. This allows you to preview your app in development.

Uses of React Native

React Native is an open-source framework for building Android and iOS applications. You can use JavaScript to access your app platform’s APIs as well as to describe the UI using React components.

Native Components

Native components are platform-backed components. These components are invoked with JavaScript using React components. At runtime, React Native creates the corresponding Android and iOS views.

React Native and Expo

In React Native, the provided framework requires a basic knowledge of Xcode and Android Studio to build apps. Expo is a framework of tools and services for React Native that focuses on letting you build apps without Xcode and Android Studio.

JS and UI Threads

The JS thread executes the bundled JavaScript code, which then sends actions or requests to the UI thread .

Core vs. Native Components

Each core component is implemented using its respective native component counterpart. Because native components are platform-specific, they could look different when rendered on different platforms.

Entry Point

All functionality of the React Native app must be included in a single React component, exported as default from the entry point file.

You can import different packages to gain access to different native APIs or functionality.

The Expo SDK is a collection of packages that allows access to some of the most-used APIs for all apps.

“Expo Snack” is a web-based playground that allows you to write and run React Native apps in the browser.

Benefits and Drawbacks

Expo and React Native are ideal tools when you need (i) to run an app on multiple platforms, (ii) direct access to native functionality, and/or (iii) only have basic web development and native platform understanding.

Expo and React Native aren’t ideal tools when you need (i) absolute performance, (ii) cutting edge features which are just released by the platform, and/or (iii) complex and big applications.

Native Code

“Native code” are instructions for how to operate the React Native framework on each platform, such as iOS and Android.

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Is there a way to have a screen with snap points(presentation: "modal") in react native navigation?

I want to have a scrollable (with snap points) react native navigation stack screen(presentation: "modal") in my app. I don't want anything like "react-native-modal" library or official Modal from react native library. I want an actual screen with modal behaviour and I can achieve that with presentation: "modal" property but I want it to have snap points. Perfect example would be the iOS fitness app. So this is the screen when you initially press upload button. As you can see it takes maybe 40% - 50% height of the screen

If you scroll down height expands and it acts as ordinary screen with presentation: "modal"

And lastly if you scroll back up it springs back to its original position and it acts as a modal(no gap at the top of the screen as in second image) That is the behaviour I am looking for. If it is possible I would like to get similar behaviour on android as well.

I tried to implement that behaviour with "react-native-modal" and official Modal from "react-native" components but I want to have it as a separate screen. I also want it to feel "native like" and with these stuff it doesn't feel that way.

  • react-native
  • react-native-navigation
  • react-native-modal

mmorosavljevic's user avatar

You may try this library react-native-simple-bottom-sheet

Asmeeta Rathod's user avatar

  • Thanks for the answer, for now I am already using bottom sheet but that is going to be my last option since that still doesn't have the behaviour Im looking for. –  mmorosavljevic Commented Nov 21, 2022 at 13:08
  • You can use sliderMinHeight and sliderMaxHeight prop. –  Asmeeta Rathod Commented Nov 21, 2022 at 13:19
  • I know but it still doesn't act as a screen and it also doesn't feel native like regular screen with presentation: "modal" does. I need seperate screen because I want to forward some props to it and then afterwards render some stuff after the screen is opened. As far as I know with any kind of modal components that is not possible. I would like the exact same behaviour as in pictures I posted. –  mmorosavljevic Commented Nov 21, 2022 at 17:03
  • You can make custom component and pass the props from the outside, You can try this library link It has snapPoints also. –  Asmeeta Rathod Commented Nov 22, 2022 at 4:44
  • I know I am doing that currently, but that is not the behaviour I am looking for. It is still not separate screen, it does not feel native and doesn't matter that it is custom component it still renders at the same time as when the parent component does. –  mmorosavljevic Commented Nov 22, 2022 at 8:27

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react native sheet presentation


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  6. React Native Bottom Sheet Tutorial with Profile Screen

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  1. Custom Bottom Sheet using React Native Pan Responder

  2. React Native Lottie & Custom Bottom Sheet #reactnative #javascript #react #lottie #reanimated #code

  3. Opening a Modal (Sheet) in Play

  4. React Native Just Made A Long Overdue Change

  5. Creating a BottomSheet Backdrop in React Native

  6. React-Native tutorial #11 Style


  1. GitHub

    Modal presentation view, Bottom Sheet Modal. Smooth gesture interactions & snapping animations. Seamless keyboard handling. Support React Native Web 🔥; Support pull to refresh for scrollables. Support FlatList, SectionList, ScrollView & View scrolling interactions. Support React Navigation integration. Compatible with Reanimated v1-3 ...

  2. @gorhom/bottom-sheet

    A performant interactive bottom sheet with fully configurable options 🚀. Latest version: 4.6.4, last published: a month ago. Start using @gorhom/bottom-sheet in your project by running `npm i @gorhom/bottom-sheet`. There are 146 other projects in the npm registry using @gorhom/bottom-sheet.

  3. React Native Bottom Sheet

    React Native Bottom Sheet. A performant interactive bottom sheet with fully configurable options 🚀. Features Modal presentation view, Bottom Sheet Modal. Smooth gesture interactions & snapping animations. Seamless keyboard handling for iOS & Android. Support pull to refresh for scrollables.

  4. How to Present a React Native Bottom Sheet

    In this tutorial, we explore how to seamlessly integrate a bottom sheet into your React Native app using the great bottom sheet package by Gorhom. I walk you...

  5. Implementing Attractive Bottom Sheets in React Native with `react

    Features of React Native Bottom Sheet react-native-bottom-sheet offers features like: Modal presentation view, Bottom Sheet Modal. Smooth gesture interactions and snapping animations. Seamless keyboard handling for both iOS and Android. Support for scrolling interactions in FlatList, SectionList, ScrollView, and View. Compatibility with Expo.

  6. Creating and styling a modal bottom sheet in React Native

    Since the modal bottom sheet needs the react-native-reanimated dependency installed before using it, you'll need to add the following code to your babel.config.js file (or else you'll get an error): plugins: ["react-native-reanimated/plugin"], The file will look like this now: module.exports = function (api) {.

  7. Modal

    The onRequestClose callback is called when the user taps the hardware back button on Android or the menu button on Apple TV. Because of this required prop, be aware that BackHandler events will not be emitted as long as the modal is open. On iOS, this callback is called when a Modal is being dismissed using a drag gesture when presentationStyle ...

  8. React Native Bottom Sheet Modal

    React Native Bottom Sheet Modal. Bottom Sheet Modal is wrapper/decorator on top of the Bottom Sheet, it provides all of its functionalities with extra modal presentation functionalities. With the release of the library, support for stack sheet modals were something planned ahead to provide the a native feel & and experience to users. The ...

  9. How to Present a React Native Bottom Sheet

    Learn how to use the Gorhom Bottom Sheet library to create a bottom sheet in React Native apps. Courses Tutorials Projects. Ctrl K, ⌘ K. How to Present a React Native Bottom Sheet Last update: 2023-10-10. Type. Tutorial. Membership.

  10. React Native Bottom Sheet Props

    containerComponent. Component to be placed as a bottom sheet container, this is to place the bottom sheet at the very top layer of your application when using FullWindowOverlay from React Native Screens. read more. Bottom Sheet modal configurable props.

  11. react-modal-sheet

    The y value is an internal MotionValue that represents the distance to the top most position of the sheet when it is fully open. So for example the y value is zero when the sheet is completely open.. Similarly to the snapTo method the y value can be accessed via a ref.. The y value can be useful for certain situtation eg. when you want to combine snap points with scrollable sheet content and ...

  12. Opening a modal

    Creating a stack with modal screens. onPress={() => navigation.navigate('MyModal')} title="Open Modal". Here, we are creating 2 groups of screens using the RootStack.Group component. The first group is for our regular screens, and the second group is for our modal screens. For the modal group, we have specified presentation: 'modal' in ...

  13. Create a modal

    React Native provides a <Modal> component that presents content above the rest of your app. In general, modals are used to draw a user's attention toward critical information or guide them to take action. For example, in the second chapter, we used alert() to display a placeholder when a button is pressed. That's how a modal component displays an overlay.

  14. How to display a bottom sheet from React navigation BottomTabNavigator?

    My solution How to display a bottom sheet from React navigation BottomTabNavigator? I want to display a reanimated-bottom-sheet when I click the tabBarIcon (maybe such as button adding in picture) ... {CreateNew} options={{ animationEnabled: true, presentation: 'transparentModal', }} /> </MainStack.Group> ... React Native: Add BottomTab ...

  15. Modals

    For most use cases, you can use the Modal component and customize it according to your app's user interface requirements. For details on how to use the Modal component and its props, see the React Native documentation.. Modal screen using Expo Router. A modal screen is a file created inside the app directory and is used as a route within the existing stack.

  16. Sheets on the Go with React Native

    Sheets on the Go with React Native. React Native is a mobile app framework. It builds iOS and Android apps that use JavaScript for describing layouts and events. SheetJS is a JavaScript library for reading and writing data from spreadsheets. This demo uses React Native and SheetJS to process and generate spreadsheets.

  17. IOS Modal Presentation Style. · Issue #1226 · gorhom/react-native

    Because this is a native ios style to show a full-screen modal. And this library provides us with all things like the bottom sheet and modal if there is a way to implement ios modal presentation it will be the cherry on the cake. Possible implementation. I'll prefer to use reanimated for this type of animation. Code sample

  18. react-native-actions-sheet

    A Cross Platform(Android & iOS) ActionSheet with a robust and flexible api, native performance and zero dependency code for react native. Create anything you want inside ActionSheet.. Latest version: 0.9.7, last published: a month ago. Start using react-native-actions-sheet in your project by running `npm i react-native-actions-sheet`. There are 50 other projects in the npm registry using ...

  19. Learn React Native: Introduction to React Native Cheatsheet

    Benefits and Drawbacks. Expo and React Native are ideal tools when you need (i) to run an app on multiple platforms, (ii) direct access to native functionality, and/or (iii) only have basic web development and native platform understanding. Expo and React Native aren't ideal tools when you need (i) absolute performance, (ii) cutting edge ...

  20. expo

    I don't want anything like "react-native-modal" library or official Modal from react native library. I want an actual screen with modal behaviour and I can achieve that with presentation: "modal" property but I want it to have snap points. Perfect example would be the iOS fitness app. So this is the screen when you initially press upload button.