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The Ultimate List of Markdown Presentation Tools

The Ultimate List of Markdown Presentation Tools

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Creating presentations in Markdown is a bit time-consuming. However, there are a couple of excellent tools out there that are explicitly used for creating presentations with Markdown.

Marp, Slippr, and Cafe-Pitch are the most used tools for Markdown Presentations. All three are GitHub Projects.

We have compiled a complete listicle of numerous tools to help you better understand Markdown Presentation Tools.

Top 23 Markdown Presentation Tools

The 23 top-notch tools for creating slide decks with Markdown are:


Marp is a creative tool for preparing beautiful slide decks or presentations. Also known as the Markdown representation ecosystem, Marp has been one of the most reliable and used tools for generating presentations with Markdown. It is intimidating at first but believe it or not, within a few days, you can get a good grasp of this tool.

If you know how to write documents in Markdown, you can use this tool without any hassle. Because with Marp, you only need to focus on writing your text document in Markdown.

Slippr is an electron-based app that’s used to create Markdown presentations. With Slippr, you can easily create attractive presentations within a few seconds. To install this tool, you can head over to yarnpkg.com. You can also directly run Slippr using.

yarn run start

There are numerous functions available in Slippr to help you customize the most beautiful slides. You can adjust the functions according to your desires on all three pages, the editing, slides, and the timer page.

CafePitch is another electron built tool for creating presentations with Markdown. You can install and run CafePitch via

npm install -g cafe-pitch.

It is a GitHub project, and it might be a bit daunting for you to understand its usage. However, you can get a better understanding of setting up and testing the tool here .

Reveal.js is one of the most innovative and simplest open-source tools out there to create Markdown presentations. This HTML presentation framework allows anyone to design visually appealing and eye-catchy presentations within a few minutes.

Reveal.js has many excellent features such as nested slides, auto-animate, syntax-highlighted code, pdf export, etc. With Reveal.js, you can perform all functions in your presentation that you can do on the web, as it’s an open-source HTML presentation framework.

Using MDX would be much easier for you if you know how to write code in Markdown Documents. MDX is a simple format through which you can write your documents in Markdown.

It has many features that can make your presentation look more than just a piece of text. MDX lets people import visual components such as charts and other designs. These can be embedded with the content in Markdown.

Another presentation tool, Remark, is made for people who know HTML and writing documents in Markdown. The remark tool has some of the best specialties available such as markdown formatting, supporting multiple languages, syntax highlighting, and presentation templates. Working with Remark is incredibly easy. View the setup and running guide here to know how you can get started with this impeccable tool .

Spectacle is a ReactJS based app designed for the ease of markdown presentation developers. You can write your presentations in JSX, Markdown, or MDX with Spectacle. It’s totally up to the user to pick their favorite one and prepare a beautiful presentation. Spectacle provides customized backgrounds, animated colors, slide fragments, and many other specialties to help you form a unique slide deck.

Deck is an open-source GitHub project that’s specifically designed to tailor the needs of users. With Deck, you can try out multiple designs while building up your presentations.

This Markdown-driven content presentation system is easy to use and is available for everyone.

Being a user, you can also make significant contributions to this tool, aiming for its betterment.

Slides are also one of the top-rated markdown presentation tools that are used globally. With slides you can create professional yet beautiful presentations for your needs. Slides provide access to several unique and modern features that can make your presentation look more attractive and inspiring for the audience.

To make your presentations visually appealing and exquisite, you can even collaborate with other designers and developers with the help of slides.

The eleventh tool in our guide is HackMD. You can collaborate on personal, professional, and team documentation in real-time with the HackMD. It is a perfect tool for creating presentations in Markdown as it allows us to put ineffective ideas together and share them with others.

You will get access to some functions in HackMD that you can use for entirely free while developing your presentations in Markdown.

Presenta is one of the best tools for creating presentations with Markdown that lets people make the quickest slides than they could with any other tool. It provides access to several official plugins, tutorials, community guidelines, and built-in features to help the users understand the tool quickly. To better understand how to present work, you can head over to their website and learn from their video tutorials.

With Deckset (MacOs app), you can create presentations in Markdown within the least possible time. If you want to share your ideas with your team members and prepare text documents for your projects, this tool will be a perfect pick for you as it will convert your simple text documents into visually attractive designs.

To convert your boring text documents into attractive presentations or slides, Deckset will help you out.

Quiver is a notebook tool that is specifically designed for programmers to write their codes in Markdown. This tool can be used for several purposes, such as writing project scripts, preparing project guidelines or summaries. If you want to create presentations in Markdown that can appeal to the audience and engage them through a conversational style, then Quiver can help you with this.

Generating attractive slides presentations and slideshows is now even easier with the Pandoc tool. It is a unique tool that produces presentations not only in Markdown but in HTML and JavaScript too. So if you want to display your technical coding text documents in a beautiful style to attract the audience’s attention, then Pandoc should be your priority as it will help you.

You can even break your slideshows into multiple sections with the help of headers and bullet points.

Fusuma is another tool that is designed to help you create slides easily and quickly in Markdown. Very few tools provide the opportunity to create slides for presentations in Markdown, and Fusuma is one of those.

You can also enjoy other features such as exporting your presentations as PDF or deploying GitHub pages and creating slides in real-time. It has the quickest setup, and you can view the process here.

Present is a terminal-based presentation tool that lets users write in Markdown and create attractive presentations. You can add colorful backgrounds, visuals, and charts to convert your simple text document into a beautiful slide. This is a GitHub project, and you can see the installation and user’s guidelines here .

Backslide is the 19th tool on our list. Its core features include automatic templates and live preview server self-contained HTML export solution, automated PDF conversion, and multiple presentations support.

Many people use Backslide to create their presentations, make slides, export them, and convert them into PDF.

Patat is not a very common tool that most people use but a small tool that allows users to create presentations using Markdown. This tool does not have a lot of unique features that can make it stand out from others. But some of the most highlighted features are intelligent slide splitting, multiple fragments, lifetime support, and auto-advancing the configurable delays.

Markdown slides are also a unique project specifically designed for users who want to write their text documents in Markdown. Markdown slides enable users to write their text in a unique and beautiful presentation style with several animations, visual and mathematical calculations. This tool also lets people convert their presentations into PDFs.

S9 is a perfect and free alternative to PowerPoint and keynote. You can write your text in Markdown and format them with the help of available features to make your text look visually compelling and attractive to the audience. This S9 project provides several out-of-the-box themes and built-in support to help users get the most of this tool.

If you want to generate HTML presentations using Markdown quickly and easily, then Cleaver is one of the top-notch options that you should go with to make things easier. With this tool, you can produce splendid slides for presentations to show your simple text.

Not only this, but Cleaver also provides several other options that can make your designs look more professional and excellent.


Markdown is a writing format used by many technical writers to write down their technical documentation. On average, people belonging to technical fields usually love Markdown, but those from different areas hate it.

It is a unique style of formatting content in an editor without requiring a person to know programming languages such as JavaScript, CSS, Ruby, etc. Many tools help people write their text using Markdown and convert their texts into tempting slides.

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How to share a pdf as a link.

The Ultimate List of Markdown Presentation Tools

4 Markdown-powered slide generators

Business presentation

Vector Open Stock. CC BY-SA 3.0.

Imagine you've been tapped to give a presentation. As you're preparing your talk, you think, "I should whip up a few slides."

Maybe you prefer the simplicity of plain text , or maybe you think software like LibreOffice Writer is overkill for what you need to do. Or perhaps you just want to embrace your inner geek.

It's easy to turn files formatted with Markdown into attractive presentation slides. Here are four tools that can do help you do the job.

One of the more flexible applications on this list, Landslide is a command-line application that takes files formatted with Markdown, reStructuredText , or Textile and converts them into an HTML file based on Google’s HTML5 slides template .

All you need to do is write up your slides with Markdown, crack open a terminal window, and run the command landslide followed by the name of the file. Landslide will spit out presentation.html , which you can open in any web browser. Simple, isn’t it?

Don't let that simplicity fool you. Landslide offers more than a few useful features, such as the ability to add notes and create configuration files for your slides. Why would you want to do that? According to Landslide's developer, it helps with aggregating and reusing source directories across presentations.


Viewing presenter notes in a Landslide presentation

Marp is a work in progress, but it shows promise. Short for "Markdown Presentation Writer," Marp is an Electron app in which you craft slides using a simple two-pane editor: Write in Markdown in the left pane and you get a preview in the right pane.

Marp supports GitHub Flavored Markdown . If you need a quick tutorial on using GitHub Flavored Markdown to write slides, check out the sample presentation . It's a bit more flexible than baseline Markdown.

While Marp comes with only two very basic themes, you can add background images to your slides, resize them, and include math. On the down side, it currently lets you export your slides only as PDF files. To be honest, I wonder why HTML export wasn’t a feature from day one.


Editing some simple slides in Marp

You probably know pandoc as a magic wand for converting between various markup languages. What you might not know is that pandoc can take a file formatted with Markdown and create attractive HTML slides that work with the Slidy , Slideous , DZSlides , S5 , and Reveal.js presentation frameworks. If you prefer LaTeX , you can also output PDF slides using the Beamer package .

You'll need to use specific formatting for your slides, but you can add some variables to control how they behave. You can also change the look and feel of your slides, add pauses between slides, and include speaker notes.

Of course, you must have the supporting files for your preferred presentation framework installed on your computer. Pandoc spits out only the raw slide file.


Viewing slides created with Pandoc and DZSlides

Hacker Slides

Hacker Slides is an application for Sandstorm and Sandstorm Oasis that mates Markdown and the Reveal.js slide framework. The slides are simple, but they can be visually striking.

Craft your slide deck in a two-pane editor in your browser—type in Markdown on the left and see it rendered on the right. When you're ready to present, you can do it from within Sandstorm or get a link that you can share with others to present remotely.

What’s that—you say that you don’t use Sandstorm or Sandstorm Oasis? No worries.There's a version of Hacker Slides that you can run on your desktop or server.


Editing slides in Hacker Slides

Two honorable mentions

If you use Jupyter Notebooks (see community moderator Don Watkins' article ) to publish data or instructional texts, then Jupyter2slides is for you. It works with Reveal.js to convert a notebook into a nice set of HTML slides.

If you prefer your applications hosted, test-drive GitPitch . It works with GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket. Just push the source files for your slides to a repository on one of those services, point GitPitch to that repository, and your slides are ready to view at the GitPitch site.

Do you have a favorite Markdown-powered slide generator? Share it by leaving a comment.

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Posted on Oct 25, 2021

The Ultimate List of Markdown Presentation Tools

We have compiled a list of 23 top-notch tools to help you create slide decks with Markdown.

Marp - Marp is a creative tool for preparing beautiful slide decks or presentations. Also known as the Markdown representation ecosystem, Marp has been one of the most reliable and used tools for generating presentations with Markdown.

Slippr - Slippr is an electron-based app that’s used to create Markdown presentations. There are numerous functions available in Slippr to help you customize the most beautiful slides.

CafePitch - It is a GitHub project, and it might be a bit difficult for you to understand its usage. However, you can get a better understanding of setting up and testing the tool here.

Reveal.js - Reveal.js is one of the most innovative and simplest open-source tools out there to create Markdown presentations.

MDX Deck - MDX lets people import visual components such as charts and other designs. These can be embedded with the content in Markdown.

Remark - The remark tool has some of the best specialties available such as markdown formatting and supporting multiple languages.

Spectacle - Spectacle is a ReactJS based app. Spectacle provides customized backgrounds, animated colors, slide fragments, and many other specialties.

Deck - With Deck, you can try out multiple designs while building up your presentations.

Slides - To make your presentations visually appealing and exquisite, you can collaborate with other designers and developers with the help of slides.

Swipe - Swipe lets people prepare any presentation, be it personal or professional.

HackMD - It is a perfect tool for creating presentations in Markdown as it allows users to put ineffective ideas together and share them with others.

Presenta - Presenta provides access to several official plugins, tutorials, community guidelines, and built-in features to help the users understand the tool quickly.

Deckset - To convert your boring text documents into attractive presentations or slides, Deckset will help you out.

Quiver - Quiver is a notebook tool that is specifically designed for programmers to write their codes in Markdown.

Slideas - It provides you with both fantastic features and a quick turnaround for the presentation preparation.

Pandoc - It is a unique tool that produces presentations not only in Markdown but in HTML and JavaScript too.

Fusuma - Fusuma is another tool that is designed to help you create slides easily and quickly in Markdown.

Present - This is a GitHub project, and you can see the installation and user’s guidelines here.

Backslide - You can use Backslide to create your presentations, make slides, export them, and convert them into PDF.

Patat - This tool does not have a lot of unique features that can make it stand out from others. However, it's still a good tool to work with.

Markdown-slides - Markdown slides enable users to write their text in a unique and beautiful presentation style with several animations.

S9 - With S9, you can write your text in Markdown and format them with the help of available features.

Cleaver - If you want to generate HTML presentations using Markdown quickly and easily, then Cleaver is one of the top-notch options that you should go with.

If you'd like to know more about these tools, you can read our complete blog post here: https://tiiny.host/blog/the-ultimate-list-of-markdown-presentation-tools/

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presentation in markdown

Getting Started

An overview of Markdown, how it works, and what you can do with it.

What is Markdown?

Markdown is a lightweight markup language that you can use to add formatting elements to plaintext text documents. Created by John Gruber in 2004, Markdown is now one of the world’s most popular markup languages.

Using Markdown is different than using a WYSIWYG editor. In an application like Microsoft Word, you click buttons to format words and phrases, and the changes are visible immediately. Markdown isn’t like that. When you create a Markdown-formatted file, you add Markdown syntax to the text to indicate which words and phrases should look different.

For example, to denote a heading, you add a number sign before it (e.g., # Heading One ). Or to make a phrase bold, you add two asterisks before and after it (e.g., **this text is bold** ). It may take a while to get used to seeing Markdown syntax in your text, especially if you’re accustomed to WYSIWYG applications. The screenshot below shows a Markdown file displayed in the Visual Studio Code text editor .

Markdown file in the Visual Studio Code text editor

You can add Markdown formatting elements to a plaintext file using a text editor application. Or you can use one of the many Markdown applications for macOS, Windows, Linux, iOS, and Android operating systems. There are also several web-based applications specifically designed for writing in Markdown.

Depending on the application you use, you may not be able to preview the formatted document in real time. But that’s okay. According to Gruber , Markdown syntax is designed to be readable and unobtrusive, so the text in Markdown files can be read even if it isn’t rendered.

The overriding design goal for Markdown’s formatting syntax is to make it as readable as possible. The idea is that a Markdown-formatted document should be publishable as-is, as plain text, without looking like it’s been marked up with tags or formatting instructions.

Why Use Markdown?

You might be wondering why people use Markdown instead of a WYSIWYG editor. Why write with Markdown when you can press buttons in an interface to format your text? As it turns out, there are several reasons why people use Markdown instead of WYSIWYG editors.

Markdown can be used for everything. People use it to create websites , documents , notes , books , presentations , email messages , and technical documentation .

Markdown is portable. Files containing Markdown-formatted text can be opened using virtually any application. If you decide you don’t like the Markdown application you’re currently using, you can import your Markdown files into another Markdown application. That’s in stark contrast to word processing applications like Microsoft Word that lock your content into a proprietary file format.

Markdown is platform independent. You can create Markdown-formatted text on any device running any operating system.

Markdown is future proof. Even if the application you’re using stops working at some point in the future, you’ll still be able to read your Markdown-formatted text using a text editing application. This is an important consideration when it comes to books, university theses, and other milestone documents that need to be preserved indefinitely.

Markdown is everywhere. Websites like Reddit and GitHub support Markdown, and lots of desktop and web-based applications support it.

Kicking the Tires

The best way to get started with Markdown is to use it. That’s easier than ever before thanks to a variety of free tools.

You don’t even need to download anything. There are several online Markdown editors that you can use to try writing in Markdown. Dillinger is one of the best online Markdown editors. Just open the site and start typing in the left pane. A preview of the rendered document appears in the right pane.

Dillinger Markdown editor

You’ll probably want to keep the Dillinger website open as you read through this guide. That way you can try the syntax as you learn about it. After you’ve become familiar with Markdown, you may want to use a Markdown application that can be installed on your desktop computer or mobile device.

How Does it Work?

Dillinger makes writing in Markdown easy because it hides the stuff happening behind the scenes, but it’s worth exploring how the process works in general.

When you write in Markdown, the text is stored in a plaintext file that has an .md or .markdown extension. But then what? How is your Markdown-formatted file converted into HTML or a print-ready document?

The short answer is that you need a Markdown application capable of processing the Markdown file. There are lots of applications available — everything from simple scripts to desktop applications that look like Microsoft Word. Despite their visual differences, all of the applications do the same thing. Like Dillinger, they all convert Markdown-formatted text to HTML so it can be displayed in web browsers.

Markdown applications use something called a Markdown processor (also commonly referred to as a “parser” or an “implementation”) to take the Markdown-formatted text and output it to HTML format. At that point, your document can be viewed in a web browser or combined with a style sheet and printed. You can see a visual representation of this process below.

The Markdown Process

To summarize, this is a four-part process:

  • Create a Markdown file using a text editor or a dedicated Markdown application. The file should have an .md or .markdown extension.
  • Open the Markdown file in a Markdown application.
  • Use the Markdown application to convert the Markdown file to an HTML document.
  • View the HTML file in a web browser or use the Markdown application to convert it to another file format, like PDF.

From your perspective, the process will vary somewhat depending on the application you use. For example, Dillinger essentially combines steps 1-3 into a single, seamless interface — all you have to do is type in the left pane and the rendered output magically appears in the right pane. But if you use other tools, like a text editor with a static website generator, you’ll find that the process is much more visible.

What’s Markdown Good For?

Markdown is a fast and easy way to take notes, create content for a website, and produce print-ready documents.

It doesn’t take long to learn the Markdown syntax, and once you know how to use it, you can write using Markdown just about everywhere. Most people use Markdown to create content for the web, but Markdown is good for formatting everything from email messages to grocery lists.

Here are some examples of what you can do with Markdown.

Markdown was designed for the web, so it should come as no surprise that there are plenty of applications specifically designed for creating website content.

If you’re looking for the simplest possible way to create a website with Markdown files, check out blot.im . After you sign up for Blot, it creates a Dropbox folder on your computer. Just drag and drop your Markdown files into the folder and — poof! — they’re on your website. It couldn’t be easier.

If you’re familiar with HTML, CSS, and version control, check out Jekyll , a popular static site generator that takes Markdown files and builds an HTML website. One advantage to this approach is that GitHub Pages provides free hosting for Jekyll-generated websites. If Jekyll isn’t your cup of tea, just pick one of the many other static site generators available .

If you’d like to use a content management system (CMS) to power your website, take a look at Ghost . It’s a free and open-source blogging platform with a nice Markdown editor. If you’re a WordPress user, you’ll be happy to know there’s Markdown support for websites hosted on WordPress.com. Self-hosted WordPress sites can use the Jetpack plugin .

Markdown doesn’t have all the bells and whistles of word processors like Microsoft Word, but it’s good enough for creating basic documents like assignments and letters. You can use a Markdown document authoring application to create and export Markdown-formatted documents to PDF or HTML file format. The PDF part is key, because once you have a PDF document, you can do anything with it — print it, email it, or upload it to a website.

Here are some Markdown document authoring applications I recommend:

  • Mac: MacDown , iA Writer , or Marked 2
  • iOS / Android: iA Writer
  • Windows: ghostwriter or Markdown Monster
  • Linux: ReText or ghostwriter
  • Web: Dillinger or StackEdit

In nearly every way, Markdown is the ideal syntax for taking notes. Sadly, Evernote and OneNote , two of the most popular note applications, don’t currently support Markdown. The good news is that several other note applications do support Markdown:

  • Obsidian is a popular Markdown note-taking application loaded with features.
  • Simplenote is a free, barebones note-taking application available for every platform.
  • Notable is a note-taking application that runs on a variety of platforms.
  • Bear is an Evernote-like application available for Mac and iOS devices. It doesn’t exclusively use Markdown by default, but you can enable Markdown compatibility mode.
  • Joplin is a note taking application that respects your privacy. It’s available for every platform.
  • Boostnote bills itself as an “open source note-taking app designed for programmers.”

If you can’t part with Evernote, check out Marxico , a subscription-based Markdown editor for Evernote, or use Markdown Here with the Evernote website.

Looking to self-publish a novel? Try Leanpub , a service that takes your Markdown-formatted files and turns them into an electronic book. Leanpub outputs your book in PDF, EPUB, and MOBI file format. If you’d like to create paperback copies of your book, you can upload the PDF file to another service such as Kindle Direct Publishing . To learn more about writing and self-publishing a book using Markdown, read this blog post .


Believe it or not, you can generate presentations from Markdown-formatted files. Creating presentations in Markdown takes a little getting used to, but once you get the hang of it, it’s a lot faster and easier than using an application like PowerPoint or Keynote. Remark ( GitHub project ) is a popular browser-based Markdown slideshow tool, as are Cleaver ( GitHub project ) and Marp ( GitHub project ). If you use a Mac and would prefer to use an application, check out Deckset or Hyperdeck .

If you send a lot of email and you’re tired of the formatting controls available on most email provider websites, you’ll be happy to learn there’s an easy way to write email messages using Markdown. Markdown Here is a free and open-source browser extension that converts Markdown-formatted text into HTML that’s ready to send.


Collaboration and team messaging applications are a popular way of communicating with coworkers and friends at work and home. These applications don’t utilize all of Markdown’s features, but the features they do provide are fairly useful. For example, the ability to bold and italicize text without using the WYSIWYG interface is pretty handy. Slack , Discord , Wiki.js , and Mattermost are all good collaboration applications.


Markdown is a natural fit for technical documentation. Companies like GitHub are increasingly switching to Markdown for their documentation — check out their blog post about how they migrated their Markdown-formatted documentation to Jekyll . If you write documentation for a product or service, take a look at these handy tools:

  • Read the Docs can generate a documentation website from your open source Markdown files. Just connect your GitHub repository to their service and push — Read the Docs does the rest. They also have a service for commercial entities .
  • MkDocs is a fast and simple static site generator that’s geared towards building project documentation. Documentation source files are written in Markdown and configured with a single YAML configuration file. MkDocs has several built in themes , including a port of the Read the Docs documentation theme for use with MkDocs. One of the newest themes is MkDocs Material .
  • Docusaurus is a static site generator designed exclusively for creating documentation websites. It supports translations, search, and versioning.
  • VuePress is a static site generator powered by Vue and optimized for writing technical documentation.
  • Jekyll was mentioned earlier in the section on websites, but it’s also a good option for generating a documentation website from Markdown files. If you go this route, be sure to check out the Jekyll documentation theme .

Flavors of Markdown

One of the most confusing aspects of using Markdown is that practically every Markdown application implements a slightly different version of Markdown. These variants of Markdown are commonly referred to as flavors . It’s your job to master whatever flavor of Markdown your application has implemented.

To wrap your head around the concept of Markdown flavors, it might help to think of them as language dialects. People in New York City speak English just like the people in London, but there are substantial differences between the dialects used in both cities. The same is true for people using different Markdown applications. Using Dillinger to write with Markdown is a vastly different experience than using Ulysses .

Practically speaking, this means you never know exactly what a company means when they say they support “Markdown.” Are they talking about only the basic syntax elements , or all of the basic and extended syntax elements combined, or some arbitrary combination of syntax elements? You won’t know until you read the documentation or start using the application.

If you’re just starting out, the best advice I can give you is to pick a Markdown application with good Markdown support. That’ll go a long way towards maintaining the portability of your Markdown files. You might want to store and use your Markdown files in other applications, and to do that you need to start with an application that provides good support. You can use the tool directory to find an application that fits the bill.

Additional Resources

There are lots of resources you can use to learn Markdown. Here are some other introductory resources:

  • John Gruber’s Markdown documentation . The original guide written by the creator of Markdown.
  • Markdown Tutorial . An open source website that allows you to try Markdown in your web browser.
  • Awesome Markdown . A list of Markdown tools and learning resources.
  • Typesetting Markdown . A multi-part series that describes an ecosystem for typesetting Markdown documents using pandoc and ConTeXt .

Markdown Guide book cover

Take your Markdown skills to the next level.

Learn Markdown in 60 pages. Designed for both novices and experts, The Markdown Guide book is a comprehensive reference that has everything you need to get started and master Markdown syntax.

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R Markdown: The Definitive Guide

Chapter 4 presentations.

For documents, the basic units are often sections. For presentations, the basic units are slides. A section in the Markdown source document often indicates a new slide in the presentation formats. In this chapter, we introduce the built-in presentation formats in the rmarkdown package.

How To Make A PowerPoint Presentation Using R Markdown

presentation in markdown

PowerPoint is the most recognized presentation-making software, but it isn’t for everyone. Some may find it packed with unnecessary features, and to some extent that's true. Microsoft updates it regularly and invents things you never even knew you needed. If you’re a programmer at heart, you likely value simplicity. That’s where this article comes in. We’ll ditch PowerPoint and make presentations in a way you didn’t know was possible. After reading, you’ll know how to make an entire editable PowerPoint presentation using only R Markdown. <blockquote><strong>Interested in a real-world use case? <a href="https://appsilon.com/gxp-compliance-in-pharma-made-easier-good-documentation-practices-with-r-markdown-and-officedown/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Here’s how we applied R Markdown in Pharma</a>.</strong></blockquote> Table of contents: <ul><li><a href="#getting-started">Getting Started</a></li><li><a href="#basics">What Can You Do With Markdown?</a></li><li><a href="#advanced">Images, Tables, and Custom Layout</a></li><li><a href="#style">How to Style Your R Markdown Presentation</a></li><li><a href="#conclusion">Conclusion</a></li></ul> <hr /> <h2 id="getting-started">R Markdown PowerPoint Presentation - Getting Started</h2> We assume you have R and RStudio installed. Once in RStudio, go to <em>File</em> - <em>New File</em> - <em>R Markdown</em>. A window like the one below should appear: <img class="size-full wp-image-12097" src="https://webflow-prod-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/6525256482c9e9a06c7a9d3c%2F65b01ee7832c47d67312b3e1_creating-new-r-markdown-powerpoint-presentaiton.webp" alt="Image 1 - Creating a new R Markdown PowerPoint Presentation" width="2564" height="1758" /> Image 1 - Creating a new R Markdown PowerPoint Presentation Give your presentation a title and optionally specify the author. Also, make sure to select <em>PowerPoint</em> as the default output format. R will ask you to install a couple of dependencies if this is your first time working with R Markdown. After clicking on OK you’ll see a default R Markdown PowerPoint presentation code: <img class="size-full wp-image-12099" src="https://webflow-prod-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/6525256482c9e9a06c7a9d3c%2F65b01ee892a26c843b62e764_Default-presentation-template.webp" alt="Image 2 - Default presentation template" width="2564" height="1758" /> Image 2 - Default presentation template That’s great, but how can you “compile” it? Well, easily! Click on the <strong>Knit dropdown</strong> and choose the <em>Knit to PowerPoint</em> option: <img class="size-full wp-image-12107" src="https://webflow-prod-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/6525256482c9e9a06c7a9d3c%2F65b01eea48b83fcd2e55b400_How-to-run-R-Markdown-PowerPoint-presentation.webp" alt="Image 3 - How to run R Markdown PowerPoint presentation" width="2564" height="1758" /> Image 3 - How to run R Markdown PowerPoint presentation That’s it! A PowerPoint presentation will be knitted and opened after a couple of seconds. Here’s what it looks like: <img class="size-full wp-image-12105" src="https://webflow-prod-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/6525256482c9e9a06c7a9d3c%2F65b01eea2a228de4b21e9ac2_First-rendered-presentation.gif" alt="Image 4 - First rendered presentation" width="1314" height="898" /> Image 4 - First rendered presentation It’s a strong start but definitely needs work. I'll show you how to spice it up in the sections below. First, we’ll explore what can you actually do with Markdown. <h2 id="basics">What Can You Do With Markdown?</h2> Markdown is a free-to-use markup language used to format plain text. It’s popular among developers and technical writers because it provides you with everything you need and nothing else. We’ll now explore what can you do with R Markdown, and how you can do it. You’ll learn how to: <ul><li><strong>Style the text</strong> - Use italics, bold, strikeout, subscript, superscript, small caps, and verbatim.</li><li><strong>Lists</strong> - Ordered and unordered.</li><li><strong>Links</strong> - Embed URLs to external websites.</li><li><strong>Quotes</strong> - Special indentation for your text.</li><li><strong>Equations</strong> - Does LaTeX ring a bell? You can use it in Markdown.</li></ul> We’ll also cover more advanced Markdown functionality, but these are enough for one section. Use the following code to declare two slides with all mentioned Markdown functionalities: <script src="https://gist.github.com/darioappsilon/b2da95cfb87db52c2a49ba4ea3bb150a.js"></script> Your R Markdown file should look like this: <img class="size-full wp-image-12103" src="https://webflow-prod-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/6525256482c9e9a06c7a9d3c%2F65b01eeb6bb6e6a6629bfa2b_Exploring-Markdown-options.webp" alt="Image 5 - Exploring Markdown options" width="2564" height="1758" /> Image 5 - Exploring Markdown options And once again, use <em>Knit to PowerPoint</em> option to export the PPTX: <img class="size-full wp-image-12109" src="https://webflow-prod-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/6525256482c9e9a06c7a9d3c%2F65b01eec9506383404c4ec25_Rendered-markdown-presentation.gif" alt="Image 6 - Rendered markdown presentation" width="1314" height="898" /> Image 6 - Rendered markdown presentation The R Markdown PowerPoint presentation still looks rough around the edges, but we’ll address the visuals soon. Before we do that, let’s go over a couple of “advanced” Markdown elements, and how to get the most out of them. <blockquote><strong>Want to include your Bar Plots in your presentation? Follow these <a href="https://appsilon.com/data-visualization-best-practices-bar-plots/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Data Visualization Best Practices</a>.</strong></blockquote> <h2 id="advanced">Adding Images, Tables, and Custom Layouts to an R Markdown PowerPoint Presentation</h2> A presentation without images and tables is, well, boring. Also, most presentations make use of multiple layouts. For example, there are scenarios where a two-column layout is preferred. You’ll learn how to use it in this section. The code snippet below implements the following: <ul><li><strong>1st Slide</strong> - Loads a dog image from <a href="https://unsplash.com/photos/UinXDJCcqeY" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Unsplash</a> and adds a caption to it.</li><li><strong>2nd Slide</strong> - Shows a table representing a subset from the <a href="https://gist.github.com/netj/8836201" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Iris dataset</a>.</li><li><strong>3rd Slide</strong> - Implements a two-column layout.</li></ul> <script src="https://gist.github.com/darioappsilon/37a7b72b33753d95fa4553f0c968dd98.js"></script> This time, you won’t see any rendered output in the R Markdown file: <img class="size-full wp-image-12095" src="https://webflow-prod-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/6525256482c9e9a06c7a9d3c%2F65b01eed00b05468d71b8f4e_Adding-images-tables-and-custom-layouts.webp" alt="Image 7 - Adding images, tables, and custom layouts" width="2564" height="1758" /> Image 7 - Adding images, tables, and custom layouts Here’s what the final PPTX looks like: <img class="size-full wp-image-12111" src="https://webflow-prod-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/6525256482c9e9a06c7a9d3c%2F65b01eefe6755ca41b304f53_Rendered-Powerpoint-presentation.gif" alt="Image 8 - Rendered Powerpoint presentation" width="1314" height="898" /> Image 8 - Rendered Powerpoint presentation You now know the basics of R Markdown - just enough to place any type of content into your R Markdown PowerPoint presentations. But how can you make the slideshow visually appealing? That’s what we’ll explore next. <h2 id="style">How to Style Your R Markdown PowerPoint Presentation</h2> The default PPTX layout is, well, default, and doesn’t look attractive at all. To change it, you’ll first have to create a blank PowerPoint presentation and open the Slide Master (<em>View - Slide Master</em>). Once inside, tweak it as you normally would when styling a PPTX file. <blockquote><strong>Excel is good, but not great. Check out our <a href="https://appsilon.com/excel-is-obsolete-here-are-the-top-2-alternatives-from-r-and-python/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">top alternatives from R and Python</a>. </strong></blockquote> We’ll only change the theme, just to keep things simple: <img class="size-full wp-image-12101" src="https://webflow-prod-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/6525256482c9e9a06c7a9d3c%2F65b01ef20a2ba062e1ba27da_Editing-the-slide-master.webp" alt="Image 9 - Editing the slide master" width="3100" height="2024" /> Image 9 - Editing the slide master You’re free to take your time here and add custom graphics, fonts, and other visual elements. Once done, <strong>save the PPTX file right where your .Rmd file is</strong>: <img class="size-full wp-image-12115" src="https://webflow-prod-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/6525256482c9e9a06c7a9d3c%2F65b01ef40fc7bbb4c493e2d2_Saving-PowerPoint-template.webp" alt="Image 10 - Saving PowerPoint template" width="3424" height="2024" /> Image 10 - Saving PowerPoint template You can save it elsewhere, but it’s a good practice to keep the PowerPoint template and R Markdown file in the same directory. To use the template, you’ll only have to modify the header of the R Markdown file: <script src="https://gist.github.com/darioappsilon/f1b601dd3efaf3faa2e21ea06cf9c475.js"></script> That’s why we saved the PPTX template in the same directory. There’s no need to think about the path. Everything else in the Rmd file remains the same. Knit the PowerPoint presentation to verify the template was used: <img class="size-full wp-image-12113" src="https://webflow-prod-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/6525256482c9e9a06c7a9d3c%2F65b01ef4385c8d506b9c0ed3_Rendered-presentation-with-a-custom-template.gif" alt="Image 11 - Rendered presentation with a custom template" width="1314" height="898" /> Image 11 - Rendered presentation with a custom template And would you look at that - a custom PowerPoint template was successfully applied to our R Markdown PowerPoint presentation. We won’t dive into more advanced use cases today, as this alone is enough to cover what most programmers and tech users need. But if you'd like to learn about more advanced uses, let us know. <h2 id="conclusion">Conclusion</h2> PowerPoint isn’t for everyone, just like MS Word. If you know Markdown, you can write and edit text documents much faster than in a traditional word processor. What makes things even better is its shareability, as most online writing platforms understand Markdown. R Markdown is by no means a replacement for dedicated office suites, so keep that in mind. It might be a decent alternative if you need to automate slide production, simply don’t want to use PowerPoint, or if you don’t need all the functionalities it offers. To further drive the point home, we recommend the following homework tasks: <ul><li>Try to embed a YouTube video or a GIF. Is there any difference from regular images?</li><li>Add presenter notes to one or more slides.</li><li>Try to add animations between slides. Is it possible?</li></ul> Feel free to share results with us on Twitter – <a href="https://twitter.com/appsilon" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">@appsilon</a>. We’d love to see what you come up with. <blockquote><strong>R isn’t limited to Markdown only. <a href="https://appsilon.com/best-r-shiny-books-and-courses/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Here are the top free resources if you want to learn R Shiny</a>.</strong></blockquote>

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How to make a powerpoint presentation using r markdown.

Posted on February 13, 2022 by Dario Radečić in R bloggers | 0 Comments

[social4i size="small" align="align-left"] --> [This article was first published on r – Appsilon | Enterprise R Shiny Dashboards , and kindly contributed to R-bloggers ]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here ) Want to share your content on R-bloggers? click here if you have a blog, or here if you don't.

Making PowerPoint Presentations with R Markdown banner

PowerPoint is the most recognized presentation-making software, but it isn’t for everyone. Some may find it packed with unnecessary features, and to some extent that’s true. Microsoft updates it regularly and invents things you never even knew you needed.

If you’re a programmer at heart, you likely value simplicity. That’s where this article comes in. We’ll ditch PowerPoint and make presentations in a way you didn’t know was possible. After reading, you’ll know how to make an entire editable PowerPoint presentation using only R Markdown.

Interested in a real-world use case? Here’s how we applied R Markdown in Pharma .

Table of contents:

  • Getting Started

What Can You Do With Markdown?

  • Images, Tables, and Custom Layout
  • How to Style Your R Markdown Presentation

R Markdown PowerPoint Presentation – Getting Started

We assume you have R and RStudio installed. Once in RStudio, go to File – New File – R Markdown . A window like the one below should appear:

Image 1 - Creating a new R Markdown PowerPoint Presentation

Image 1 – Creating a new R Markdown PowerPoint Presentation

Give your presentation a title and optionally specify the author. Also, make sure to select PowerPoint as the default output format. R will ask you to install a couple of dependencies if this is your first time working with R Markdown. After clicking on OK you’ll see a default R Markdown PowerPoint presentation code:

Image 2 - Default presentation template

Image 2 – Default presentation template

That’s great, but how can you “compile” it? Well, easily! Click on the Knit dropdown and choose the Knit to PowerPoint option:

Image 3 - How to run R Markdown PowerPoint presentation

Image 3 – How to run R Markdown PowerPoint presentation

That’s it! A PowerPoint presentation will be knitted and opened after a couple of seconds. Here’s what it looks like:

Image 4 – First rendered presentation

It’s a strong start but definitely needs work. I’ll show you how to spice it up in the sections below. First, we’ll explore what can you actually do with Markdown.

Markdown is a free-to-use markup language used to format plain text. It’s popular among developers and technical writers because it provides you with everything you need and nothing else. We’ll now explore what can you do with R Markdown, and how you can do it. You’ll learn how to:

  • Style the text – Use italics, bold, strikeout, subscript, superscript, small caps, and verbatim.
  • Lists – Ordered and unordered.
  • Links – Embed URLs to external websites.
  • Quotes – Special indentation for your text.
  • Equations – Does LaTeX ring a bell? You can use it in Markdown.

We’ll also cover more advanced Markdown functionality, but these are enough for one section. Use the following code to declare two slides with all mentioned Markdown functionalities:

Your R Markdown file should look like this:

Image 5 - Exploring Markdown options

Image 5 – Exploring Markdown options

And once again, use Knit to PowerPoint option to export the PPTX:

Image 6 – Rendered markdown presentation

The R Markdown PowerPoint presentation still looks rough around the edges, but we’ll address the visuals soon. Before we do that, let’s go over a couple of “advanced” Markdown elements, and how to get the most out of them.

Want to include your Bar Plots in your presentation? Follow these Data Visualization Best Practices .

Adding Images, Tables, and Custom Layouts to an R Markdown PowerPoint Presentation

A presentation without images and tables is, well, boring. Also, most presentations make use of multiple layouts. For example, there are scenarios where a two-column layout is preferred. You’ll learn how to use it in this section.

The code snippet below implements the following:

  • 1st Slide  – Loads a dog image from Unsplash and adds a caption to it.
  • 2nd Slide  – Shows a table representing a subset from the Iris dataset .
  • 3rd Slide  – Implements a two-column layout.

This time, you won’t see any rendered output in the R Markdown file:

Image 7 - Adding images, tables, and custom layouts

Image 7 – Adding images, tables, and custom layouts

Here’s what the final PPTX looks like:

Image 8 – Rendered Powerpoint presentation

You now know the basics of R Markdown – just enough to place any type of content into your R Markdown PowerPoint presentations. But how can you make the slideshow visually appealing? That’s what we’ll explore next.

How to Style Your R Markdown PowerPoint Presentation

The default PPTX layout is, well, default, and doesn’t look attractive at all. To change it, you’ll first have to create a blank PowerPoint presentation and open the Slide Master ( View – Slide Master ). Once inside, tweak it as you normally would when styling a PPTX file.

Excel is good, but not great. Check out our top alternatives from R and Python . 

We’ll only change the theme, just to keep things simple:

Image 9 - Editing the slide master

Image 9 – Editing the slide master

You’re free to take your time here, add custom graphics, fonts, and other visual elements. Once done, save the PPTX file right where your .Rmd file is :

Image 10 - Saving PowerPoint template

Image 10 – Saving PowerPoint template

You can save it elsewhere, but it’s a good practice to keep the PowerPoint template and R Markdown file in the same directory.

To use the template, you’ll only have to modify the header of the R Markdown file:

That’s why we saved the PPTX template in the same directory. There’s no need to think about the path. Everything else in the Rmd file remains the same.

Knit the PowerPoint presentation to verify the template was used:

Image 11 – Rendered presentation with a custom template

And would you look at that – a custom PowerPoint template was successfully applied to our R Markdown PowerPoint presentation. We won’t dive into more advanced use cases today, as this alone is enough to cover what most programmers and tech users need. But if you’d like to learn about more advanced uses, let us know.

PowerPoint isn’t for everyone, just like MS Word. If you know Markdown, you can write and edit text documents much faster than in a traditional word processor. What makes things even better is its shareability, as most online writing platforms understand Markdown.

R Markdown is by no means a replacement for dedicated office suites, so keep that in mind. It might be a decent alternative if you need to automate slide production, simply don’t want to use PowerPoint, or if you don’t need all the functionalities it offers.

To further drive the point home, we recommend the following homework tasks:

  • Try to embed a YouTube video or a GIF. Is there any difference from regular images?
  • Add presenter notes to one or more slides.
  • Try to add animations between slides. Is it possible?

Feel free to share results with us on Twitter – @appsilon . We’d love to see what you come up with.

R isn’t limited to Markdown only. Here are the top free resources if you want to learn R Shiny .

Article How To Make A PowerPoint Presentation Using R Markdown comes from Appsilon | Enterprise R Shiny Dashboards .

To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on their blog: r – Appsilon | Enterprise R Shiny Dashboards . R-bloggers.com offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutorials about learning R and many other topics. Click here if you're looking to post or find an R/data-science job . Want to share your content on R-bloggers? click here if you have a blog, or here if you don't.

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Slide Presentations

R Markdown renders to four presentation formats:

  • beamer_presentation - PDF presentations with beamer
  • ioslides_presentation - HTML presentations with ioslides
  • slidy_presentation - HTML presentations with slidy
  • powerpoint_presentation - PowerPoint presentation
  • revealjs::revealjs_presentation - HTML presentations with reveal.js

Each format will intuitively divide your content into slides, with a new slide beginning at each first or second level header.

Insert a horizontal rule ( *** ) into your document to create a manual slide break. Create incremental bullets with >- , as in the .Rmd file below, which is available here on RStudio Cloud.

presentation in markdown

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Electron apps

Marp: Markdown presentation ecosystem.

muryoimpl/slippr: markdown presentation app by Electron

joe-re/cafe-pitch Markdown-driven presentation tool built on Electron.

Slide deck frameworks supporting Markdown source

hakimel/reveal.js: The HTML Presentation Framework

jxnblk/mdx-deck: React MDX-based presentation decks

gnab/remark: A simple, in-browser, markdown-driven slideshow tool.

FormidableLabs/spectacle: ReactJS based Presentation Library

deckjs/deck: Deck is a markdown driven content presentation system

Hosted services

Slides.com: Online UI for creating RevealJS decks (no markdown support yet, but maybe someday )

Platon.io: Simple markdown presentations, right in the browser, using remarkjs

Swipe: Create Interactive Online Presentations On Any Device

HackMD: The best way to share knowledge in markdown

Presenta: Make slides fast!

Slidium: Beautiful and Easy Markdown Presentation - Neomobili

Deckset: Presentations from Markdown in No Time

Quiver: Developer notebook, with a presentation mode

Slideas: Slideas is the easiest way to create a beautiful Markdown Presentation, with all the features you need.

Obsidian: Obsidian is a powerful knowledge base that works on top of a local folder of plain text Markdown files.

CLI markdown ⇒ slides conversion tools

Fusuma: A tool to create slides easily for you

present: A terminal-based presentation tool with colors and effects.

backslide: CLI tool for making HTML presentations with Remark.js using Markdown

patat: (Presentations Atop The ANSI Terminal) is a small tool that allows you to show presentations using only an ANSI terminal. It does not require ncurses

markdown-slides: Using markdown, write simple but beautiful presentations with math, animations and media, which can be visualized in a web browser even without an internet connection, or exported to PDF.

S9: Write Your Slides in Plain Text w/ Markdown Formatting Conventions - Free Web Alternative to PowerPoint and Keynote

Cleaver: 30-second Slideshows for Hackers


cogumbreiro commented Oct 14, 2020


Sorry, something went wrong.


thrgamon commented Nov 8, 2020

Obsidian also does this, which is rad: https://obsidian.md/


sabitm commented Dec 11, 2020

here's my favorite presenta


epogrebnyak commented Dec 27, 2020



geraldb commented Dec 27, 2020 • edited Loading

Slideshow (S9) is another one (disclaimer: from my humble self), see http://slideshow-s9.github.io/ . If I dare to say it's the only one that lets you use / chose template packs (e.g. s6, bespoke.js, shower.js, impress.js, reveal.js, and so on), see http://slideshow-templates.github.io/ and you can design your own template packs (they are actually just GitHub Pages / Jekyll / Liquid templates) and, thus, work by definition "out-of-the-box" on GitHub with GitHub Pages, for example. Free and open source (public domain, actually).


dadoomer commented Jan 10, 2021

Markdown-slides is yet another one (sorry for the self-promotion).

Output to PDF or HTML.

Beautiful output, because it just inserts your stuff into Reveal.js.

Does not need Internet connection.


PhilipMottershead commented Feb 7, 2021

GitPitch is shutting down

"GitPitch is shutting down on March 1, 2021. The trial software is no longer available for download."


fego commented May 12, 2021

Found this one today : https://sli.dev/


danielvelara commented Jun 10, 2021

Markdown Preview Enhanced it's a VSCode extension with a lot of Markdown features, and it comes with a Presentation mode https://shd101wyy.github.io/markdown-preview-enhanced/#/presentation


juanbrujo commented Jun 12, 2021

I've been using Cleaver for years https://github.com/jdan/cleaver


michalradacz commented Jun 22, 2021

Hmmm, Slideas dies? No web, no activity ...


debMan commented Jul 26, 2021

For CLI: https://github.com/maaslalani/slides


acacha commented Oct 22, 2021

Awesome just what I'm looking for!


norman-abramovitz commented Dec 23, 2021

There is a template to make reveal.js work work with mkdocs as well.



alenwesker commented Feb 18, 2022

I've tried some of the above, recommend adding https://github.com/ksky521/nodeppt to the list. It's currently my favorite markdown-to-ppt tool. It supports so many features that at least the {.build.moveIn} and the speaker mode are vital to a slide show.

Recommend everybody try that.


gilcot commented Mar 6, 2022 • edited Loading

Other intersting tools to note:

  • https://github.com/googleworkspace/md2googleslides
  • https://github.com/astefanutti/decktape
  • https://github.com/maaslalani/slides
  • https://pkg.go.dev/golang.org/x/tools/present
  • https://gitpitch.github.io/gitpitch/#/
  • https://github.com/ionelmc/python-darkslide
  • https://github.com/anthonywritescode/markdown-to-presentation


kzhk75 commented Mar 8, 2022

  • https://github.com/slidevjs/slidev


N0K0 commented Mar 16, 2022


ollej commented Oct 19, 2022

May I recommend the tool Rusty Slider, available as a native application for Windows/Mac/Linux as well as on the web. https://ollej.github.io/rusty-slider/


anonymouscoolguy commented Oct 28, 2022

I have been working on a little side project: https://mdslides.app/

It is built using Reveal.js and Ace , and is a simple markdown presentation tool right in the browser.


EmaSuriano commented Nov 8, 2022

Shout out to this one! Very nice DX, good documentation and fully customizable 👏


easyjobber commented Nov 12, 2022 • edited Loading

Thanks for this presentation and you are truly an inspiration 👏 https://gist.github.com/easyjobber


haakonstorm commented Dec 8, 2022

Slideas unfortunately appear defunct now. :/


rukshn commented Jul 22, 2023

Platon does not seem to be working anymore


kitschpatrol commented Aug 5, 2023

iA Presenter has an opinionated take on the markdown → slides workflow.

It recently hit 1.0. Note that it's Mac only, commercial, and apparently not (yet) scriptable from the CLI.


soaple commented Oct 7, 2023

MarkSlides is a tool that allows you to create slides using Markdown. It is created based on Marp, so any Marp syntax can be rendered to the slide. In addition, it also supports Generating Slides using AI like ChatGPT.

스크린샷 2023-10-03 오후 10 24 56

makp commented May 26, 2024

lookatme seems to be an interesting terminal-based markdown presentation tool.


ak-git commented Jun 24, 2024


rhult commented Jul 19, 2024

Native macOS app: https://showdown.tinybird.se


jerryjappinen commented Aug 11, 2024

Created this for the live notebook platform Observable: https://observablehq.com/@jerryjappinen/slides

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Presentations in markdown using deckset.

Over the past couple of years, Markdown has become an important part of my computing landscape. I’ve transitioned almost all of my text-based content creation, including this blog, over to Markdown. I’d also been looking for ways that I might be able to extend my use of Markdown into creating presentations as well, but hadn’t—until recently—found a tool that fit into my workflow. Then I started using Deckset .

The idea behind Deckset is not unique; there are other projects out there that do the same sort of thing. ( Remarkjs is one example that I’ve also used; more on that in a moment.) You create your presentation in Markdown, using headings, bulleted lists, numbered lists, etc. Markdown is just plain text, so you can use any plain text editing tool you like for this part. Deckset itself is OS X-specific, but the content remains platform- and application-independent (use any text editing tool on any platform you like).

Because Markdown isn’t natively suited to creating presentations, Deckset—along with all the other solutions I tried—have to add some “extensions” to Markdown. For example, in Deckset’s case:

  • You’ll use three hyphens ( --- ) to denote the start of a new slide.
  • You can use a [fit] option to have text (or an image) expand to fill available space.
  • Standard Markdown syntax for images is extended with options to align the image left, center, or right.

As I mentioned, every tool I tried that provides this same sort of functionality (creating a slideshow from Markdown content) had to add Markdown extensions to handle slideshow-specific tasks. Compared to some of the other tools I tried, Deckset does a good job of minimizing these extensions and keeping the content fairly close to regular Markdown.

However, minimizing these Markdown extensions comes with a price, and that price is flexibility. Some of the other, similar tools that offer more complex Markdown extensions can offer greater flexibility in text placement, text sizing, and image manipulation through these custom extensions.

At the same time, greater flexibility comes with a price as well. Those other tools typically require a greater understanding of Cascading Style Sheets and/or HTML, and the content source starts to look less like Markdown and more like some type of fairly complex programming language. Remarkjs (whose source is available on GitHub ) is another great tool that I used for a short while, and it offered great flexibility. However, the content source also ended up looking very complex.

This isn’t a knock against either Deckset or Remarkjs; rather, just be aware of the trade-offs inherent in each solution. In the end, I selected Deckset over Remarkjs because I wanted to end up with Markdown content sources that were as close as reasonably possible to regular Markdown. In return, I had to give up some of the flexibility that Remarkjs offered. (If you’re looking for a cross-platform tool, though, Remarkjs is a great solution.)

One of the other reasons I selected Deckset from among the various tools that I tried was PDF export. I publish presentations on SpeakerDeck and Slideshare after they’ve been given, and having the ability to easily export to high-quality PDF was a big plus. (It’s certainly possible to export to PDF with the other solutions, but with Deckset it’s super easy.)

Of course, Deckset comes with standard functionality like presenter display, speaker notes, etc.

If I had to pick one problem with Deckset, it’s the lack of ability to customize (or supply) your own themes. The application ships with 6 (or 7?) prebuilt themes, and each theme has different color variations. However, you can’t edit the prebuilt themes, and you can’t add your own themes. I’d love to see Unsigned Integer (the company behind Deckset) add the ability for the community to build themes for Deckset that can be shared within the Deckset community.

Aside from that one complaint, I’ve been pretty happy with Deckset. If you’re an OS X user and are looking for a good Markdown-based presentation solution, I’d definitely recommend giving Deckset a try.

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Can I style individual cells in a markdown table?

Monday, August 19, 2024

Short version

Markdown tables do not support styling individual cells directly.

Header 1Header 2
Cell 1Cell 2
Cell 3Cell 4

Long version


While Markdown is excellent for creating simple structured content, it lacks advanced styling options, particularly for tables. One common question is whether you can style individual cells in a Markdown table, such as changing background colors, text colors, or applying other CSS styles.

1. Markdown Table Limitations

Markdown itself does not grant access to CSS or allow inline styling. The Markdown specifications are intentionally simplistic, focusing on content rather than presentation. Thus, you can create tables using basic Markdown syntax, but you cannot apply individual cell styles.

2. Example of a Markdown Table

Here is a basic example of a Markdown table:

This will be rendered as:

3. Alternative Solutions

If cell styling is essential for your needs, you can consider these alternatives:

  • HTML Tables: You can use HTML <table> , <tr> , <td> tags within your Markdown file for more control and styling. CSS can be applied to these tags if your Markdown processor supports it.
  • Markdown Extensions: Some flavors of Markdown, like GitHub Flavored Markdown or Markdown used in Jupyter Notebooks, may allow for basic enhancements, but they still have limitations compared to full HTML/CSS.

Example using HTML:

This renders as:

Styled CellNormal Cell

In conclusion, standard Markdown does not support the styling of individual table cells. For those needing styled tables, consider using HTML tables or check for specific Markdown renderers that may provide enhanced features.

Author's Note: This overview should clarify Markdown's styling limitations. For more advanced formatting, refer to your specific Markdown processor’s documentation.

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PyMuPDF4LLM is aimed to make it easier to extract PDF content in the format you need for LLM & RAG environments. It supports Markdown extraction as well as LlamaIndex document output .

You can extend the supported file types to also include Office document formats (DOC/DOCX, XLS/XLSX, PPT/PPTX, HWP/HWPX) by using PyMuPDF Pro with PyMuPDF4LLM .

Support for multi-column pages Support for image and vector graphics extraction (and inclusion of references in the MD text) Support for page chunking output. Direct support for output as LlamaIndex Documents .

Functionality #

This package converts the pages of a file to text in Markdown format using PyMuPDF .

Standard text and tables are detected, brought in the right reading sequence and then together converted to GitHub -compatible Markdown text.

Header lines are identified via the font size and appropriately prefixed with one or more # tags.

Bold, italic, mono-spaced text and code blocks are detected and formatted accordingly. Similar applies to ordered and unordered lists.

By default, all document pages are processed. If desired, a subset of pages can be specified by providing a list of 0 -based page numbers.

Installation #

Install the package via pip with:

Extracting a file as Markdown #

To retrieve your document content in Markdown simply install the package and then use a couple of lines of Python code to get results.

Then in your Python script do:

Instead of the filename string as above, one can also provide a PyMuPDF Document . A second parameter may be a list of 0 -based page numbers, e.g. [0,1] would just select the first and second pages of the document.

If you want to store your Markdown file, e.g. store as a UTF8-encoded file, then do:

Extracting a file as a LlamaIndex document #

PyMuPDF4LLM supports direct conversion to a LLamaIndex document. A document is first converted into Markdown format and then a LlamaIndex document is returned as follows:

Using with PyMuPDF Pro #

For Office document support, PyMuPDF4LLM works seamlessly with PyMuPDF Pro . Assuming you have PyMuPDF Pro installed you will be able to work with Office documents as expected:

As you can see PyMuPDF Pro functionality will be available within the PyMuPDF4LLM context!

See the PyMuPDF4LLM API .

Further Resources #

Sample code #.

Command line RAG Chatbot with PyMuPDF

Example of a Browser Application using Langchain and PyMuPDF

RAG/LLM and PDF: Enhanced Text Extraction

Creating a RAG Chatbot with ChatGPT and PyMuPDF

Building a RAG Chatbot GUI with the ChatGPT API and PyMuPDF

RAG/LLM and PDF: Conversion to Markdown Text with PyMuPDF

This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or implied. This software is distributed under license and may not be copied, modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms of that license. Refer to licensing information at artifex.com or contact Artifex Software Inc., 39 Mesa Street, Suite 108A, San Francisco CA 94129, United States for further information.

This documentation covers all versions up to 1.24.9.

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Kaggle is not rendering bullet point in R Markdown

So I am trying to finish up this case study for the google data analytics but, the bullet point in my R Markdown script wont render. I tried adding new lines before and after each bullet but it didnt help.

Here is a snippet of my script

In RStudio the R Markdown script renders as I expect but in kaggle I get this

enter image description here

You can see my entire script here:


pete martinez's user avatar

I am a total noob at R and kaggle!

I had the setting configured as an R script, but I wanted an R Notebook! I set the editor type to R Notebook and everything is now working as expected.

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Need a 2-in-1 laptop for back to school? This Dell is $200 off

Dell Inspiron 14 2-in-1 7420 front angled view with keyboard folded under and showing display.

To help make sure your child will have an excellent school year, you should think about getting them a new laptop — and better make it a 2-in-1. You can find many of these versatile devices in student laptop deals and back to school laptop deals , and here’s an offer that should catch your attention — the Dell Inspiron 14 2-in-1 laptop at $200 off from Dell, which reduces its price to $550 from its original price of $750. If you want to make sure that you pocket the savings, and that you get it delivered before school starts, we highly recommend completing your purchase of it immediately.

Why you should buy the Dell Inspiron 14 2-in-1 laptop

The specifications of the Dell Inspiron 14 2-in-1 laptop make it capable of handling all kinds of schoolwork, such as doing online research, creating reports, and building presentations. It’s equipped with the Intel Core 5 120U processor, integrated Intel Graphics, and 8GB of RAM — it’s not the fastest device out there, but it should be more than enough for students. The 2-in-1 laptop ships with Windows 11 Home , which should be a familiar operating system for most people, and a 512GB SSD that will provide ample storage space for all of the files that are needed for the school year.

Enhancing the value of the Dell Inspiron 14 2-in-1 laptop is its ability to transform from laptop mode to tablet mode through the 360-degree hinges that connect its body to its 14-inch display with Full HD+ resolution. Whether it makes more sense to use the keyboard or the touchscreen, you can easily switch between the forms of the Dell Inspiron 14 2-in-1 laptop.

The Dell Inspiron 14 2-in-1 laptop is on sale from Dell with a $200 discount that makes it more affordable at only $550, from a sticker price of $750. Among all of the 2-in-1 laptop deals that are available right now, this is one of the top offers for students, but you’re going to have to hurry in pushing forward with your transaction for it because its price may be back to normal as soon as tomorrow. Finish your purchase of the Dell Inspiron 14 2-in-1 laptop quickly, as it would be a shame to miss out on the savings.

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Aaron Mamiit

Student laptop deals are everywhere we look right now, and that’s because most retailers are in full back-to-school sales mode. Whether you’re looking for a low-cost laptop with zero frills, or a souped-up Alienware setup for weekend gaming, there’s no shortage of options on the market. Sometimes though, we stumble across an exceptional markdown that elevates one sale above all others. And today, the honor belongs to Lenovo:

For a limited time, the company is selling the Lenovo ThinkBook 16 for only $624. That’s a whopping $895 discount, which is why Lenovo has declared this a doorbuster sale. 

The Apple Mac Studio rarely appears with a discount at any retailer, so if you've been planning to purchase this powerful desktop computer, don't miss this chance at a $200 discount on the M2 Max model from B&H Photo Video's Apple deals. From its original price of $1,999, it's down to $1,799. It's still not cheap, but you may as well enjoy the savings because you may not be able to get them anywhere else. Proceed with your purchase immediately, as discounts on Apple devices usually don't last long.

Why you should buy the Apple Mac Studio M2 Max The Apple Mac Studio, which comes with either of two processors -- the M2 Max or the M2 Ultra -- fills the gap between the more affordable Apple Mac Mini and the Apple Mac Pro. The Apple Mac Studio M2 Max with a 12-core CPU, a 30-core GPU, and 32GB of RAM will be more than enough to complete the projects of most creative professionals, and with a 512GB SSD, you'll have sufficient storage space for all of your files. The desktop computer is relatively small and looks like a block of aluminum, so while it will provide you with all of the power that you need, it won't take up a lot of space on your desk.

The Acer Chromebook Spin 714 combines the best of Chromebook deals and 2-in-1 laptop deals in a powerful device that will help boost the productivity of students. It's an excellent choice if you're looking to equip your child for the new school year, especially since it's on sale from Best Buy with a $150 discount that brings its price down to $550 from its original price of $700. There's no telling when the offer expires or until how long stocks will last though, so if you want to take advantage of this bargain, you need to complete your purchase right now.

Why you should buy the Acer Chromebook Spin 714 The Acer Chromebook Spin 714 is powered by Google's Chrome OS, which is what gives Chromebooks their name. It's essentially a reworked version of the Google Chrome browser that functions as an operating system, which heavily depends on web-based apps. This results is low overhead, enabling quick startups and snappy performance even with low-end hardware. However, that's not the case with the Acer Chromebook Spin 714, as it's powered by the 13th-generation Intel Core i5 processor, Intel Iris Xe Graphics, and 8GB of RAM. The Chromebook also comes with a 256GB SSD for ample storage space for all of the files that will be accumulated over the school year.


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  24. Kaggle is not rendering bullet point in R Markdown

    So I am trying to finish up this case study for the google data analytics but, the bullet point in my R Markdown script wont render. I tried adding new lines before and after each bullet but it didnt help.

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