English Compositions

An Essay on My Favourite Colour Red [PDF]

Hello readers, I hope you are doing well, today we came with new essay presentation named essay on red color.

Essay on My Favourite Colour Red feature image

Strong. Power. Anger.

All these remind me of my favourite colour. Red is the colour of the lava when a volcano erupts. It is the colour that is used to show if something is spicy or when something is hot.

Spotting any red clothes makes some bulls behave in a crazy manner. Red is a primary colour that can be mixed with other colours and used to create other colours. Some think that the people who really like the colour red are leaders, loving, get angry fast,  can be shy and they are very strong.

The colour red is used to celebrate in a number of festivals as well. We start our year off with valentine’s day, it is a festival of love and friendship. On Valentine’s day, you can see red-coloured gifts and decorations everywhere.

From red roses to red hearts and red teddy bears to red cards, you have it all. And at the end of our year, we celebrate with Christmas. From Santa Clause’s red and white clothes and the red berries, we find on the mistletoe plant used to decorate to Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer, red can be seen everywhere.

In Spain, the towns are painted red every year during the festival of tomatoes, were ripe and unripe tomatoes are smashed and thrown from person to person to celebrate another year of harvest.

Red as a colour has been used a lot around the world in different cultures and kingdoms by the royal families. Red also shows a feeling of pride. While in general red means loss or the colour of blood, in earlier days it was used for special titles and made from natural resources.

In ancient Egypt and ancient Mexico, people used red paint to decorate themselves before any celebration. In ancient Europe, the Greeks and the Romans celebrated after winning wars by painting the bodies of their army generals red to show that they are brave and courageous.

Coming east, Earlier in China, red was the only colour allowed to be used to colour works of pottery and to paint and decorate the royal palaces and special gates in and around China.

During earlier years in France, red was the colour most used to colours the clothes of the rich and royal families. Hence, the colour red could not be used by other people and other families.

After that, around the year 1900,  red colour was made out of chemicals, after which the colour red stopped being made out of natural substances. Red as colour shows courage, danger, and sacrifice due to its relation to blood. The colour red is used to show feelings such as Anger, madness, rage, love, confusion, and joy.

Meanwhile, In Asia, countries like India, China, and others, say that red means good fortune and luck and are used in their festivals such as lunar new year and Durga puja with the colour red.

Though I have changed a lot growing up, red remains my favourite colour even after all this time. Growing up, I would see red for bad characters as most of my cartoons and comics showed the villains and demons being red in colour. But I do not think the same thing so my love for the colour stays. Among so many colours, no other colour is as useful and strong as red.

 It also means that a person who likes red can be a proud person and they can be rude also.  Though some people think it is not a nice colour, it describes me as a person perfectly.

Having grown up with red cars and red watches to now owning red shoes and red caps. Though every other part of my life may change, I will love réd forever. As a child, I always dreamed about using a red pen that is used by teachers.

Some people say it is a bad colour, some say it is a good colour. But for me, it is my all-time favourite colour.

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Essays About Colors: Top 5 Examples Plus Prompts

Color allows us to see the world in all its natural beauty. If you are writing essays about colors, you can start by reading some essay examples. 

Almost everyone has gotten a glimpse of the wonders of colors, but what are they? To be precise, color is scientifically defined as “ the aspect of things that is caused by differing qualities of light being reflected or emitted by them .” When light shines on objects, it reflects, producing different shades of light and allowing us to see and differentiate colors. 

Colors are powerful tools that can make or break how we view things. They are essential factors in inspiring the solitude of a small forest, the intimidation that a volcano provokes, and the sheer mystery of the deep ocean. They help us know when to “stop” and “go” on the road and which plants and animals are toxic. Most cannot imagine a world without color because of its near-essential role in our lives.

To start writing essays about colors, look at some of our top essay examples below. 


1. An Essay on Color by Melih Mert

2. the wonder of nature’s colors by kelly johnson, 3. the power of color by kerry nash.

  • 4.  World without colour by Ella Gray
  • 5. ​​The Meaning Behind the Many Colors of India’s Holi Festival by Victoria Finlay

1. Favorite Colors

2. colour blindness: what is it and how does it affect people, 3. how does color impact perception, 4. the use of color in culture and religion, 5. art and colors.

“Each color conceals a story. Some virtuous and sensitive eyes see the truth through them, while others see rage, anger, and all the evils dictated by the alter ego. Colors carry such feelings as anger and hope, and symbolize such concepts as sinfulness and innocence. They are abused or sacrificed, and widely preferred or despised.”

This essay gives readers a brief overview of color, starting with a basic definition. Next, Mert discusses human responses to colors, the meaning of colors in different cultures, and the use of colors in different religions, governments, and organizations. To an extent, different colors evoke different emotions and qualities and can be used to control people’s perceptions. 

“Mother Nature’s palette is one of the most magical because it is perfectly suited to every circumstance. It is beautifully ever-changing, with the seasons, time of day, and geographic region. A bright yellow flower signals insects to come pollinate, while a bright red flower attracts hummingbirds. A blue sky tells us no need for an umbrella, while green grass tempts us to remove our shoes and enjoy the cool softness. The mysterious power of color affects every aspect of this bio-diverse world.”

Johnson opens a children’s outdoor activity tutorial with this essay, in which she discusses how colors contribute to nature’s beauty. Color affects our mood, so it is no surprise that nature’s bright, satisfying color palette is perfect for kids to enjoy. She also briefly explains the importance of introducing children to color- it sparks creativity and increases their awareness. 

“In conclusion, color is life and as matter of fact, it is everything. It determines the mood anyone could have within those inner rooms. Therefore, it is imperative that while trying to set up either of your living room, bedroom, kitchen or dining room, the right color combinations are used. These will not only make those rooms attractive, but also determine the level of productivity that could occur there.”

In Nash’s essay, she elaborates on the importance of color choice, particularly in interior design. Specific colors make a room feel more spacious, relaxing, and luxurious, and different colors work well for different rooms. Nash suggests some color combinations and their supposed effects on humans and reminds us that color choices can “make or break” a house. 

4.   World without colour by Ella Gray

“We’d lose all sight for which was which, basically normal organisms wouldn’t be able to tell the difference from one thing to another resulting in chaos. Emotionally and Mentally: Our world would seem depressing and very dark and disturbing. Some would enjoy this, while others would not because a world without colors means a world with no life. We basically need colors to help us get through the day and without them
life would be sad.”

Gray speculates on what the world would be like if we could not see colors- we would not be able to distinguish objects from one another as well. She also gives several examples of the beauty of color, including in landscapes, animals, cosmetics, and clothing. Her essay reveals how we take our ability to see color for granted, as we do not realize how depressing a world without color would be. 

5. ​​ The Meaning Behind the Many Colors of India’s Holi Festival by Victoria Finlay

“You might say something similar about how colors work in India. On the surface, they provide pleasure as well as useful signals of tradition and ritual. But if we’re attentive, colors in India also remind us of that which is easy to forget: the evasive nature of matter, and of our own special relationship with light, whatever that light may be.”

In her essay, Finlay reflects on the Indian festival of Holi and its prominent use of color. She describes the beauty she encounters as she watches the festival and explains the religious context of the festival. She explains the different colors used, such as yellow, blue, and indigo, and their meanings in Indian culture. Colors are significant in Indian culture and remind us of light, whether actual light or the “light” of the divine entities the Indians honor. 

Writing Prompts On Essays about Colors

Essays about Colors: Favorite colors

Plain and simple, you can write your essay about your favorite color. Explain why it is your favorite, what it means to you, and how you feel when you see it- perhaps you associate it with specific memories or people. Your essay should include personal anecdotes based on your own opinion. 

Color blindness is a phenomenon in which people have difficulty telling the difference between specific colors. Do some research on the topic and discuss the impacts that color blindness has on people. If you are color blind, reflect on how you see color, but if you are not, you must base your essay on the online experiences of color blind people. 

From room interiors to clothing to animals, color can make a striking difference in the way we perceive things. Think of examples in which something’s color impacts your impressions of it, and explain how other colors or combinations may change your perception. You can give either one example or multiple, but be sure to explain it in sufficient detail. 

For your essay, write about a cultural or religious tradition involving color. It can be an art form, festival, ritual, or anything else you can find, including Holi, the festival discussed in Finlay’s essay. Write about the cultural significance of colors in this tradition; you can also include a brief reflection on the tradition and colors. 

Similarly, you can write about the impact color has on a work of art. Choose a painting, photograph, film, or anything else, and analyze the color choices. Write about the role color plays in work- explain its effect on the viewers and how it could make them feel. 

For help with this topic, read our guide explaining “what is persuasive writing ?”

Tip: If writing an essay sounds like a lot of work, simplify it. Write a simple 5 paragraph essay instead.

Meaning of the Color Red Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment


Color is a mark that gives the expression of anything that is seen by our physical eyes. In the ancient times, color was used to pass a message to the public since this was the only way people could express their identity due to lack of some factors like education. Color means a lot many people. Some colors are used to pass across messages to the public hence making it one of the most important marks in life.

According to me, color plays a great role in displaying my personality. Wearing a fabric that has my favorite color makes me feel complete. Anytime I fail to display my favorite color, I always feel incomplete. Color in general is the outlook of something that conveys a message to the viewers. A particular color can be used to carry across a certain message or have a specific meaning. An example is the red color, which for a long time has been used to symbolize different occurrences in life.

One particular thing that the red color red is associated with is demonstrating emotions. It is for this reason that you find red color used in places like restaurants as it is perceived to motivate and add appetite to people. Red color is also associated with showing affection. People associate red color with love hence the reason why many roses are red. It is also associated with war and therefore you find red color used to simplify the blood shed during times of war. Since human blood is in this color, we can confidently say that red depicts procreation.

In many cultures, red color is really recognized by some people as they believe that red is power. For this reason, they grant their celebrities and VIPs anything red as a symbol of honor. This color also stands for hazard and emergency and therefore you find it used by drivers for stop lights. These red lights bring about awareness and observant to the drivers incase of any danger.

In other cultures, red is used to stand for joy, donate transparency, and merriment. Red color brings about joy and prosperity in various countries like China. The Chinese people therefore put the color in some places to depict good luck. Red is frequently the color for the brides in the East as well as a color for mourners in South Africa.

A red flag was also used by the Russia when overthrowing the Tsar. Because of this, red became associated with socialism. Many countries use color red in their flags as it signifies the blood of the people. According to Christianity, red stands for the blood that was shed by Jesus on the cross in order to receive the peace and salvation they enjoy today.

Colors have great significance in the lives of many people. A particular color can be associated with certain things in different parts of the world. One color that has been outstanding is the color red. From love to royalty, the color red is significant to almost each one of us. Although this color has different meanings to different people, one thing that stands out is that the color is used to depict good things in life. Due to this, it has become one of the most popular colors in history.

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IvyPanda. (2018, July 14). Meaning of the Color Red Essay. https://ivypanda.com/essays/meaning-of-the-color-red/

"Meaning of the Color Red Essay." IvyPanda , 14 July 2018, ivypanda.com/essays/meaning-of-the-color-red/.

IvyPanda . (2018) 'Meaning of the Color Red Essay'. 14 July.

IvyPanda . 2018. "Meaning of the Color Red Essay." July 14, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/meaning-of-the-color-red/.

1. IvyPanda . "Meaning of the Color Red Essay." July 14, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/meaning-of-the-color-red/.


IvyPanda . "Meaning of the Color Red Essay." July 14, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/meaning-of-the-color-red/.


What Your Favorite Color Says About You: A Deep Dive into Personality Insights

What Your Favorite Color Says About You

Have you ever paused to consider why you’re drawn to a certain color? Is it merely a matter of preference, or could there be more to it? Color psychology suggests that our favorite colors can indeed reveal aspects about our personality and influence our moods and emotions. It’s a fascinating topic that I’m eager to delve into.

When you choose your clothes in the morning, select the color of your new car, or even when painting the walls of your home, are these choices random, or do they reflect something deeper about who you truly are? According to color psychologists, these seemingly mundane decisions might say more about us than we think.

In this article, I’ll explore what your favorite color could potentially indicate about your personality. From fiery red lovers to those who prefer cool blue hues, every shade on the spectrum has an intriguing story to tell! So sit back and let’s dive into a world painted with colors as vibrant as our personalities themselves.

Understanding Color Psychology

Digging deep into the world of color psychology, it’s fascinating to see how colors can influence our feelings, behaviors and decision-making processes. It’s not just a coincidence that you feel calm in a blue room or hungry when you see red food packaging. There’s science behind these reactions.

Color psychology is the study of hues as a determinant of human behavior. While perceived color meanings can vary between cultures and individuals, there are some generally accepted associations that have been validated through research. For instance:

  • Red is often associated with energy, passion and danger.
  • Blue tends to evoke feelings of calmness or serenity.
  • Green typically symbolizes nature and tranquility.

Here’s a simple breakdown for some common colors:

Color Association
Red Energy, Passion, Danger
Blue Calmness, Serenity
Green Nature, Tranquility

The effect colors have on us goes beyond personal preferences. Businesses use color psychology in branding and marketing to influence consumer behavior – think McDonald’s iconic red-and-yellow logo designed to stimulate appetite and create a sense of urgency.

But let’s remember: while color psychology provides useful guidelines, its effects are highly individualistic and subjective. What may uplift one person could possibly depress another because our personal experiences also play a significant role in our perceptions of color.

So next time you’re picking out paint swatches for your home or deciding what outfit to wear for an important meeting – remember that your choice might say more about you than you realize!

What Your Favorite Color Reveals About Your Personality

Ever wondered why you’re drawn to certain colors more than others? Well, it’s not just a random preference. Psychologists believe that our favorite colors can actually provide insight into our personalities – let’s dive in!

If blue is your go-to color, you’re likely a calm and reliable individual. People who favor blue are often seen as trustworthy and stable, valuing harmony in their relationships. They appreciate balance and find comfort in consistency.

Now let’s talk about red lovers out there. If red gets your heart racing, you’re probably an energetic person with a zest for life! People who love red are usually passionate, ambitious and aren’t afraid to chase their dreams.

Adore the color green? It may mean you crave safety and security in your life. Green lovers tend to be nurturing individuals who value strong ties with family and friends.

  • Blue : Calm, Reliable
  • Red : Energetic, Passionate
  • Green : Nurturing, Safety-seeking

It’s fascinating how much a simple color preference can say about us. However, remember that this isn’t an exact science – everyone is unique after all! So while these insights might resonate with some folks more than others – they’re fun to consider nonetheless.

Whether we realize it or not – our favorite hues do play a part in revealing our inner selves. So next time someone asks what your favorite color is — know that you might be sharing a bit more than just your palette preference!

The Influence of Blue: The Tranquil Color

Imagine closing your eyes and picturing a serene, tranquil ocean. What color do you see? Chances are, it’s blue. That’s no coincidence. Dive into the world of this calming hue with me.

Blue is more than just a shade—it’s an emotion, a state of mind. It’s associated with feelings of calmness and peace. Research suggests that being surrounded by blue can actually lower our heart rates and blood pressure. Scientists have even found that people tend to associate images of clear skies and clean water—both naturally blue—with feelings of tranquility.

If blue is your favorite color, you might find yourself drawn to these peaceful situations. You appreciate stability in life, valuing trust and loyalty above all else. People who prefer blue often strive for inner peace and truth, seeking out ways to express themselves creatively.

While many people think of blue as being cold or distant—that’s not always the case! Consider the variety within this vibrant color family: from soft baby blues to bold cobalt hues, each has its own personality.

  • Baby Blue: This lighter shade often indicates sensitivity and introspection.
  • Royal Blue: A preference for this deeper tone suggests confidence and power.
  • Teal Blue: Combining the calmness of blue with the balance of green, those who favor teal may be naturally resilient.

Of course, like any other color preference, loving blue doesn’t fit everyone into one box—it merely offers insight into possible traits or tendencies. After all, as individuals we’re as unique as shades on a painter’s palette!

So next time when you’re donning that favorite navy sweater or painting your room sky-blue remember—your choice says more about you than mere aesthetics; it could be mirroring your inner serenity!

The Power of Red: The Passionate Hue

Let’s dive into the world of red, shall we? When I think about this color, it stirs up feelings of power and passion. It’s a hue that demands attention and carries a certain vigor with it. In many cultures, red symbolizes love, courage, and even anger. But what does your preference for red say about you?

If you’re a fan of red, you might just be the life of any party. You’ve got an energy that can light up a room and an undeniable zest for life. Research shows that people who prefer red are often outgoing and assertive. They’re not afraid to go after what they want!

I’ve found some fascinating data backing this up:

Outgoing 75%
Assertive 68%

That said, there’s more to being a lover of red than being extroverted and bold. Other studies have suggested that those drawn to this color tend to be both ambitious and competitive.

  • Ambitious: Red lovers are typically driven individuals with clear goals in mind.
  • Competitive: With their fiery spirit, these individuals enjoy healthy competition.

It’s also worth noting that if your favorite color is red, it could suggest that you’re someone who values personal freedom – the ability to express yourself without hesitation or fear.

But remember – while your favorite color can offer some insights into your personality traits , it doesn’t define who you are entirely. After all, we’re complex beings with unique experiences shaping our individual personalities!

Embracing Green: The Nature Lover’s Choice

Have you ever wondered why your heart skips a beat at the sight of lush greenery? It’s because the color green has a calming, renewing effect on us. This soothing shade is often associated with nature lovers who have an innate desire to be outdoors and connect deeply with the environment.

Let me share a fascinating fact; according to color psychology, people who favor green are usually stable and balanced. They’re known for their patience, persistence, and love of learning. I bet you didn’t expect that your favorite color could reveal so much about you!

Green enthusiasts often carry strong ethical values and show high regard for their community’s well-being. Their idealistic mindset makes them advocates for causes related to environmental conservation and sustainability.

Now let’s talk about productive spaces. Ever noticed how many offices have plants or green elements around? That’s because research shows that shades of green can enhance creativity and promote fresh ideas!

Here are some key attributes commonly associated with people who love the color green:

  • Strong connection with nature
  • Stable and balanced personality
  • High level of patience
  • Persistent in their pursuits
  • Passionate about learning

So next time you find yourself drawn towards anything green, remember it reflects your deep-rooted love for nature coupled with a balanced outlook towards life!

Yellow Enthusiast: The Optimistic Soul

If yellow’s your go-to hue, you’re likely an optimistic soul. It’s no secret that color psychologists often link the color yellow with characteristics like joy, energy, and cheerfulness. You’re probably the type of person who sees the glass as half full rather than half empty. After all, it makes sense – yellow is the color of sunshine, a universal symbol for positivity and warmth.

Now let’s dive into some specifics about what being a ‘yellow enthusiast’ truly means. Often seen as forward-thinking and intellectual individuals, yellow lovers are known to possess an adventurous spirit. They relish in exploring new ideas and concepts which can be seen in their innovative approach towards life; always seeking for fresh angles or solutions.

Being a ‘Yellow Enthusiast’ isn’t just about having an outgoing personality though. Research suggests that folks who favor this bright hue also tend to have an expressive and communicative nature. They’re usually good conversationalists who are comfortable expressing their thoughts openly.

Interestingly enough, there’s more to this enthusiasm for yellow than meets the eye! Here’s some quick facts:

  • Fact 1: According to Pantone Color Institute, those who prefer yellow are generally motivated by self-fulfillment and values.
  • Fact 2: Studies have found that people surrounded by yellow often report feeling happier overall.

No matter how you slice it, being drawn to yellow reveals a lot about your personality traits – from your upbeat outlook on life to your intellectual curiosity. But remember – colors can only say so much about us since we’re complex beings with diverse tastes and preferences!

Black and White Preferences: A Study in Contrast

Let’s dive into the world of black and white color preferences. It’s fascinating to see how these two colors, as starkly different as they are, can reveal so much about an individual’s personality traits.

If you find yourself drawn to the color black, it might indicate that you’re someone who values power and control. This doesn’t mean you’re a control freak; rather, it indicates that you appreciate having a sense of command over your life circumstances. Individuals favoring black often embody characteristics like independence, strong-will, and decisiveness. They also tend to be ambitious and purpose-driven.

On the other end of the spectrum is white. If white is your go-to hue, it could suggest that you value simplicity and perfection above all else. You’re likely someone who loves peace, avoids conflict whenever possible and maintains a neat appearance or environment around yourself. People who prefer white generally seek harmony in their lives – they strive for balance rather than extremes.

Here are some interesting data points on individuals’ preferences for black versus white:

Color Percentage Preference
Black 15%
White 5%

But remember this isn’t cut-and-dried science; our personalities are complex mixtures molded by countless factors beyond just our favorite colors! As I delve more into the subject matter in future sections of this article series on “what your favorite color says about you”, expect more insights into how even seemingly mundane choices can offer intriguing glimpses into our inner selves!

Conclusion: Embracing the Colors of You

We’ve embarked on a vibrant journey, exploring what your favorite color says about you. It’s become clear that colors play an integral part in our lives, impacting our moods, behaviors and even personality traits.

Maybe you’re drawn to blue because you value tranquility and stability. Perhaps green is your go-to because it reflects your love for nature and growth. Or it might be that red resonates with you due to its association with energy and passion.

The fascinating thing about this study is not just what we’ve learned about individual colors but also how unique each person’s color preference can be.

  • Red lovers may be passionate and driven
  • Blue fans often lean towards calmness and reliability
  • Green enthusiasts usually appreciate growth and harmony
  • Yellow followers are typically optimistic and cheerful

But remember – this doesn’t mean we should box ourselves into these categories exclusively!

Life isn’t made up of single hues but rather a diverse palette of colors. Our personalities are complex, composed not just from one shade but many different ones combined together.

So whether you’re a lover of purples, pinks or any other hue under the sun, embrace that! Revel in the fact that your favorite color is a piece of the puzzle that makes up who you truly are.

In closing, let’s continue to explore our colorful world with curiosity. After all, it’s these nuances in taste and personality that make us human — diverse yet connected through shared experiences.

Embrace the colors of you!

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Talk about your favourite colour, talk about your favourite colour..

  • what colour it is
  • how this colour is different than other colours
  • how you feel about using this colour
  • Describe the colour you like the most. 
  • Describe your favourite colour.

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What Is Your Favorite Color? IELTS Speaking (20 Answers)

Let’s take a look at a common IELTS Speaking part-one question, “What is your favorite color?”

Follow This Simple Step-By-Step System to Achieve a Band 7 Score! (I am an affiliate of this excellent course. If you sign up, I’ll receive a commission)

What You Can Say

Focus on fluency.

You won’t get a very high score in part one, so save your advanced vocabulary and grammar for parts two and three.

So help them out by giving clear answers which are just 10 or 20 seconds long.

Use the Three-Step YES Method

Example answers.

1. I love the color red because it’s such a warm and passionate color, like the color of fire, or like a beautiful sunset.  

4. My favorite color is definitely blue, because blue is kind of a peaceful, calming color, like the color of clean, clear water in a river.  

7. If I had to choose one color as my favorite, I’d choose green because green is the color of nature and life.  

10. I think black is my favorite color because it’s a very powerful and elegant color, which reminds me of mysteries and nighttime adventures with my friends.  

13. To be honest, I really like white. I like to own quite simple and minimalist things. Many things in my home are the color white, like the walls and most of the furniture.

16. I love yellow, which is the color of sunshine. Yellow is a really energetic color, and it fills me with hope and happiness.  

19. I like brown, especially really dark brown, which is almost black, like the color of oak. My favorite eye color is also dark brown. I think it’s a color you can trust.  

Now, It’s Your Turn

Try to answer smoothly and quickly, without hesitation.

Think about how you could improve the answer, and then answer again!

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Essay Hell

My favorite color is red, well, maybe

by j9robinson | Jul 28, 2008

my favorite color is red essay

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What Your Favorite Color Means

Color can have a significant impact on the way you think, feel, and act. This article explores what your favorite color says about you, and what having this favorite color might mean. Your favorite color can reveal a lot about your personality. 

Your favorite color, be it yellow, light blue, or green, can reveal your strong desire for a stable and simple life or your vivid imagination and artistic aptitude. The important role color preferences often play in our lives is the basis of color psychology. Below, we’re going to discuss color psychology, its importance, and what your choice may say about you.

The psychology of your favorite color

Color psychology is a study based on the various ways that colors can influence our behavior. It is a relatively new field that is backed by a growing body of scientific research. Color psychology has wide-ranging applications, including in health, advertising, urban design, and a myriad of other arenas. 

In everyday life, hues may seem interesting, but not necessarily important. However, research shows that colors can have a significant effect on our perceptions, feelings, and behaviors.

In reviewing research in the area of color psychology, Andrew Elliot, a professor of psychology at the University of Rochester, points to "considerable promise in research on colors and psychological functioning." Like many others, however, he cautions that while it is an intriguing concept, the study of the relationship between colors and psychology is still in the developmental stages. It may be hard to prove how your favorite color affects you and your personality, but this doesn’t mean there isn’t a link or that you should turn a blind eye to it. 

One important aspect of color psychology is that any analysis of color is going to depend on the context in which it is presented. For example, in many Western cultures, brides wear white as a sign of innocence and purity; but in some Eastern cultures, white is associated with death and mourning. Brides in those regions would more likely select outfits in a brilliant red, revealing their color preference.

Marketers often use colors to help influence behavior in consumers. Businesses have routinely based their choice of brand colors on how they want to be perceived as a company. They tend to rely on studies that look at how our preference for and response to a particular color can be used as a way to produce varying responses in humans. For example, fast-food restaurants often use red-and-yellow schemes because they’re thought to induce hunger.

In marketing, green is typically used with natural, clean products, making people who love green feel connected to fresh air and inner peace. Similarly, blue can represent water, purity, and cleanliness, while black is often associated with darkness, edginess, and an element of mystery. These colors may reflect multiple points of one's personality, including negative traits, emotional safety, or problem-solving abilities.

In general, we tend to associate shades of blue, green, and purple with being cool and inviting. These shades can convey a sense of professionalism and help those viewing them feel more confident in the efficacy of an organization. On the other hand, shades of warmer colors like red, orange, and yellow suggest creativity and creative expression and are often associated with high energy and strong emotions, such as love and anger. Yellow is one of the most commonly used colors in marketing, as it feels warm, happy, and energetic.

What’s your favorite color?

Some people have a preference for warm colors, others for cool colors. Many people decide which color they like best at an early age, which can impact color personality.

Different colors can evoke specific emotions and prompt strong reactions. Because of this, the colors you surround yourself with may send a signal to others about your personality, what you value, and how you behave. 

Here are some meanings connected to colors:

Purple is a popular one for many. This hue's association with luxury goes far back in history as purple was often used to symbolize prosperity or royalty. If you favor purple, you may be ambitious, with a solid sense of self-worth and individuality. It may come as a surprise that a pretty color like purple is the rarest favorite color on a global scale. Though extremely popular with children, and in the US, this color is one of the least popular around the world. 

If your favorite is orange, you may be a social person with a vibrant personality, as this shade can represent energy, warmth, and enthusiasm. Orange is typically seen as a happy color, often associated with sunshine and the spring season. If your preference is orange, you may blend the characteristics associated with the colors red and yellow. 

Blue/light blue

As the most popular favorite color, blue symbolizes peace and tranquility. This may be why blue is commonly used as a popular color for wall paint in bedrooms. If your preference is the color blue, you could be perceived as a calm, trustworthy, loyal, reliable person and a great friend. Blue is thought to promote unity and safety. In some cases, blue may be connected to symbolism for people who love the ocean or the sky.

Often associated with finance and money, green can also represent nature, signal good luck, fertility, and rebirth, as well as embody physical fulfillment. If you prefer green, others may view you as loyal, composed, and independent, with a strong connection to personal well-being and a balanced lifestyle. The green color is sometimes connected to trees, forests, nature, and other green symbolism, as well.

If you love yellow, you may be an energetic and happy person. In personality color, yellow is associated with optimism, intelligence, and creativity. It can signal a fun-loving personality and a warm spirit who is generous to their friends. 

Brown is a natural color that represents earthy and organic materials. If your favorite is brown, you may be drawn to nature or enjoy a simpler way of living. An attraction to the color brown may also imply that you enjoy certainty in life and have little patience for negative thoughts.

How can you use color psychology to your advantage?

You will likely use the  colors that appeal to you most  in a wide variety of ways. Surrounding yourself with more colors that positively affect you can help you feel more comfortable and confident in life. It is suggested, however, that to achieve balance, you make a conscious effort to incorporate other color, even small samples of colors and different shades you are not so fond of in the color scheme of your life.

Exploring your psyche in online therapy

If you wish to learn more about yourself and what your preferences for certain colors suggest about your good natured character, consider getting matched with a qualified therapist online through  BetterHelp . BetterHelp works with thousands of mental health professionals—including psychologists—so you’ll have a good chance of matching with someone who can help you explore psychology-related topics that are relevant to your life, such as understanding other colors and their impact. Online therapy is also an affordable option—BetterHelp subscriptions start at $65 to $100 per week (based on factors such as your location, referral source, preferences, therapist availability and any applicable discounts or promotions that might apply), and you can cancel anytime.

If you wish to learn more about yourself and what your preferences for colors suggest about your character, consider speaking with certified therapists at BetterHelp . Speaking with a licensed therapist can help you uncover truths about yourself, and can help you deepen your understanding about your personality, colors meaning, and the intersection of the two. They will do their best to help you understand why your preferred color is what it is, and if that shade meaning fits your personality.  

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Essay on Favourite Colour

Students are often asked to write an essay on Favourite Colour in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look

100 Words Essay on Favourite Colour


Everyone has a favourite colour, a hue that resonates with their personality. My favourite colour is blue.

Blue is the colour of the sky and the sea. It symbolises peace, tranquility, and calmness.

Blue in Daily Life

Seeing blue objects, like my blue notebook, brings me joy. It also helps in focusing my mind.

In conclusion, blue is my favourite colour because it is calming and helps me focus. It’s a colour that brings happiness to my life.

250 Words Essay on Favourite Colour

Symbolism of blue.

Blue is synonymous with serenity and stability. It is often associated with depth and stability, symbolizing trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, and intelligence. It is a colour that has a calming and relaxing effect on our psyche, providing peace and reducing anxiety.

The Psychological Impact

The colour blue has a profound psychological impact. It slows human metabolism and produces a calming effect, making it beneficial for the mind and body. It is a colour that encourages intellectual thought, communication, and introspection, fostering deep concentration and tranquillity.

Blue in Culture and Nature

Culturally, blue has different meanings across the globe, but it is universally accepted as the colour of harmony and peace. In nature, blue is abundant, enveloping the earth in the form of sky and water, symbolizing vastness, depth, and exploration.

Personal Affinity

My affinity for blue stems from its calming and inspiring nature. It reminds me of the infinite sky and the mysterious depths of the ocean. It’s a colour that encourages me to think, explore, and express myself, fostering creativity and intellectual growth.

In conclusion, the colour blue, with its soothing and stimulating properties, is a colour that inspires and calms. It is a colour of depth, stability, and intellectualism, making it my favourite. It is a reminder of the beautiful complexities of our world, encouraging exploration and contemplation.

500 Words Essay on Favourite Colour

The psychology of favourite colours, the science behind favourite colours.

Colours are more than mere aesthetic choices; they are deeply rooted in our psychology and emotions. According to the science of colour psychology, different hues can evoke different emotional responses. For example, red is often associated with passion and intensity, while blue signifies tranquility and reliability.

When we express a preference for a particular colour, we are unconsciously revealing a part of our inner psychological landscape. Our favourite colours often mirror our desired states or reflect the characteristics we value or wish to embody.

Individual Differences in Colour Preference

Colour preference and personality.

There is a substantial body of research suggesting a correlation between colour preference and personality traits. For instance, those who prefer blue are often found to be calm, stable, and reliable, while those who prefer red are typically outgoing, energetic, and ambitious.

However, it’s crucial to remember that these are generalisations and may not hold true for everyone. The relationship between colour preference and personality is complex and influenced by a multitude of factors, including mood, age, and cultural background.

Colour Preferences and Decision Making

Understanding our colour preferences can help us make more informed decisions. By recognising the emotional responses certain colours evoke in us, we can better understand our reactions and choices.

In summary, our favourite colours serve as windows into our psyche, revealing our desires, aspirations, and even our fears. They influence our decisions, shape our perceptions, and subtly guide our daily lives. A deeper understanding of our colour preferences can lead to greater self-awareness and improved decision-making abilities.

While it is fascinating to explore the psychology behind our favourite colours, it’s essential to remember that individual experiences and cultural contexts play a significant role in shaping our colour preferences. Therefore, it is not a one-size-fits-all approach, and the beauty of colour preference lies in its individuality and diversity.

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my favorite color is red essay

Color Meanings

Color Symbolism

What Your Favorite Color Says About You and Your Personality

Rainbow colored silhouettes of children showing different emotions

Though many regard color as nothing more than objects that produce different sensations on the eye, hues have a psychological effect on us as well. They can impact our mood, influence our behavior, and shift our understandings.

With that said, a person’s favorite color says a lot about their personality . Whether you fancy blue tones or red shades, the colors you prefer tell a fascinating tale about your character.

Favorite Colors and Their Many Meanings

Here’s some insight into the wondrous world of color meanings and their connection to personalities.

Woman on blue background

People who gravitate toward the color blue are charming, friendly, and emotional.

From its global appeal to its classic look, blue is beloved by many. If you’re keen on this hue, you’re likely more in tune with the universe. People who like the color blue are generally more spiritual, which connects them with deeper, more powerful presences. Moreover, these individuals possess artistic aptitude. They’re highly imaginative and are fond of creative expression. Above all else, people who gravitate toward the color blue are charming, friendly, and emotional.

Woman on red background

Lovers of red are overall positive, loving people.

If your favorite color is red, there’s no denying that you’re an incredibly passionate person. You have a fiery demeanor and will stop at nothing to fulfill your goals. Your determination is both inspiring and intimidating. Unfortunately, these same individuals are also perceived as hot-headed. Red is an inherently angry color, which is why those who love it are notorious for having a short fuse. Even still, lovers of red are overall positive, loving people.

Woman on pink background

Those who have a favorite color of pink are rather sensitive.

Often associated with innocence, those who like pink don’t concern themselves with violence or chaos. They’d rather turn a blind eye to the toxicity of the world. What’s more, pink enthusiasts have a strong desire to feel loved and secure. Otherwise, they’re liable to lose their sense of self. Most often described as delicate beings, those who have a favorite color of pink are rather sensitive. While pink lovers do wear their hearts on their sleeves, that only highlights their gentle, compassionate spirit.

Woman on green background

People who love green are loyal and supportive.

If you’re drawn to the color green, emotions likely rule your world. You’re not afraid of being vulnerable, but you do a good job of reining in negative thoughts. Best of all, people who love green are loyal and supportive, which is why they make great friends. If someone in your life has an obsession with the color green, keep them close.

Woman on orange background

Those who adore a bright orange color are seen as warm and inviting.

Orange is a spunky, lively hue. Those who adore a bright orange color are seen as warm and inviting. If you find yourself picking orange over other shades, you probably have a penchant for adventure. You don’t shy away from challenges but rather welcome them. In the same breath, you can also be irresponsible. Some people have grown intolerant of your fickleness, but that doesn’t stop you from living life to the fullest.

Woman on yellow background

Those who admire yellow are upbeat, good-natured, and a breath of fresh air.

The color yellow oozes with attraction and delight. If you have a soft spot for this vivid hue, you’re undoubtedly a light in this world. You may also be a perfectionist. At your core, you’re an ambitious, self-starting go-getter. You take life with a grain of salt and don’t take yourself too seriously. Your fun-loving qualities are what make you so enjoyable to be around. In essence, those who admire yellow are upbeat, good-natured, and a breath of fresh air.

Woman on black background

People who prefer black have a flair for entrepreneurship and they’re a natural at commanding an audience.

Steeped in mystery and strength, black is a powerful color. If you surround yourself with this hue, you’ve probably earned a harsh reputation. However, those who love black aren’t mean or threatening. Though black may not be the most captivating color, it represents confidence and purpose. People who prefer black have a flair for entrepreneurship and they’re a natural at commanding an audience. This is why they typically make excellent leaders. Everyone can learn a thing or two from those who cling to the color black.

Woman on gray background

Gray is believed to be a peculiar color, which is why those who like it are a little odd themselves.

Gray is believed to be a peculiar color, which is why those who like it are a little odd themselves. In most cases, gray lovers are detached from reality. They don’t have a lot of emotions, and they’re afraid to commit to anything. It’s for this reason why people who love gray often don’t have very strong relationships.

Woman on white background

People who fancy white have strong convictions.

Unlike those who have a fondness for black, white lovers are pure to the bone. They never overstep boundaries and always strive to do the right thing. While white may be considered a plain color, those who love it are anything but. In fact, lovers of white are interesting and wise. They have a wealth of stories to share and are open to learning new things. Most notably, people who fancy white have strong convictions.

Woman on brown background

If you consider yourself a brown enthusiast, you’re a person of impressive patience.

If your favorite color is brown, you’re among a select few. Not many people take the time to get to know this color. Those who have are privy to the unique beauty that brown has to offer. If you consider yourself a brown enthusiast, you’re a person of impressive patience. It takes a lot for people to get under your skin. You remain cool as a cucumber in all that you do, which is why many people regard you as a role model.

Woman on purple background

Those who love purple are intriguing, lovely, and down to earth.

Much like the color itself, those who love purple are intriguing, lovely, and down to earth. Purple lovers are also private and keep things close to the vest. They’re often scared to open up and let people in. There’s nothing wrong with this, but it can rub others the wrong way. You may be hard to understand, but you have no issue with that. To combat your negative traits, you lead with light and love.


Woman on turquoise background

Those who favor turquoise and aqua are courteous, and they’re most prominently known for their empathetic disposition.

Turquoise and aqua are exceptionally distinct colors. If you hold these colors on a pedestal, you’re probably a little different yourself. You wouldn’t consider yourself a conformist, and you enjoy being cut from a different cloth. Those who favor turquoise and aqua are courteous, and they’re most prominently known for their empathetic disposition. You’re a complex individual, but your many facets make people interested in you. When you speak, others listen.

Woman on magenta background

If you’re drawn to magenta, you’re an enthusiastic person who enjoys helping other people be the best they can be.

If your favorite color is magenta, you have a truly special personality. You’re free-spirited and creative, so you probably love to express yourself through art, music, writing, dance, or theater. People who love magenta tend to be drawn to the spiritual realm, and they strive to achieve balance in every area of life. Magenta personalities have rich inner worlds, but that doesn’t mean they’re tuned out. If you’re drawn to magenta, you’re an enthusiastic person who enjoys helping other people be the best they can be.

Woman on indigo background

People who love indigo are often deeply intuitive — they are remarkably empathetic and can sense another person’s emotional state.

Indigo is a color deeply linked to creativity. If it’s your favorite color, you’re probably highly creative and artistic. People who love indigo are often deeply intuitive — they are remarkably empathetic and can sense another person’s emotional state. They also are in tune with their own emotions and are very introspective as well. If your favorite color is indigo, you likely feel compelled to discover the meaning of life and your own purpose in the world. Unsurprisingly, people who love indigo tend to be very spiritually connected, very connected to nature, or both.

Woman on silver background

People who are drawn to silver also have an admirable and enviable trait — they aren’t afraid of change.

If silver is your favorite color, you’re a complex and sensitive person. Silver is a color associated with both calm and sophistication, so you have a quieting presence that commands respect. You probably love to express yourself through the written word. People who are drawn to silver also have an admirable and enviable trait — they aren’t afraid of change. They often welcome it, and they’re resourceful and adaptable enough to handle any unexpected change that comes their way. And because silver is a precious metal, you are likely someone who is successful, or at least on their way there.

Woman on gold background

Those who favor gold tend to be loyal, dependable people who are also highly organized.

If your favorite color is gold, you’re probably well-loved and appreciated by all of your friends . Those who favor gold tend to be loyal, dependable people who are also highly organized. Many enjoy the satisfaction of being able to create a to-do list and cross things off of that list. You likely are also a great leader who prefers to build people up as opposed to taking an authoritarian approach. Gold is also a precious metal, so you may well be highly successful in your career or some other aspect of your life. And if you aren’t successful now, you’re probably headed in that direction.


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Illustration of gold dust coming from open book against black background

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Guide to Exam

Long & Short Essay on My Favorite Color in English

Photo of author

Table of Contents

Long Essay on My Favorite Color in English


Everything we see is colorful when we open our eyes. Our world is filled with colors and we are all surrounded by them every day despite the impact that color has on us in our everyday lives. The role of color in our daily lives is varied. This includes knowing that a fruit is ripe to eat, to understanding how color can affect and influence our lives in a multitude of ways.

As a matter of fact, according to science, color is actually known as the light of different wavelengths and frequencies. Light is one form of energy that we can actually perceive because it is a form of energy that is composed of photons that we have seen before. Color is only a small part of a much larger spectrum of electromagnetic waves of energy that

 There are many ways in which color can influence our emotions, our actions, and how we respond to different situations, people, things, and ideas. Color and its impact on our daily lives have been the subject of a great deal of research and writing over the years. It seems to me that the only color that comes to mind first when I close my eyes and visualize is the color blue.

There is no doubt that blue is a color that is considered to be cool. One of the reasons why blue is my favorite color is that it complements almost all of the other colors in the spectrum. This is why it is my favorite color. As far as backdrops are concerned, navy blue is the king. As an interesting point of interest, blue is the color of the universe as well as nature, which includes the sky, sea, sleep, and twilight.

Aside from that, blue is also a color that is associated with inspiration, sincerity, modernization, and spirituality. People who are conservative tend to choose blue as their favorite color. There is something calming about this color, which makes it an ideal color to use at home, at work, and in a variety of other places.

I have been looking out my window for a while now and on the horizon, there is almost a white-washed blue hue which deepens to a deep ocean blue as I look upwards. The color blue, in my opinion, is one of the most beautiful and soothing colors out there.

There is no doubt that Chelsea Football Club is my favorite football team. Interestingly enough, blue is the team’s official color and they have a long-standing reputation for being known as the “blues”. As I looked at the color blue here, I realized how sporty it is.

Additionally, I like the color blue for a variety of reasons, one of which is that I have found some interesting facts about the color itself. It is believed that blue has both physical and mental benefits.

The effects of this compound include a slowing down of human metabolism as well as a calming effect. The calm effect can be achieved by painting the walls of a room blue if one is on a healthy diet and wants to work out. There is a strong association between this color and calmness and tranquility.

According to heraldry, blue is associated with goodness and sincerity and is therefore often used in heraldry. Due to the fact that blue has never been an overwhelmingly emotional color, it can be argued that it represents both sides in a melancholy way. There is never a need to resort to extremes when being overly emotional, although there are times when it can lead to this.

When it washes over you, it is the color that refreshes the mind and the color that evokes feelings of relief. Apart from that, I would like to let you know that I am a male. There is a common misconception that blue is a color associated with men. There has been a lot of research indicating that people are highly accepting of it.

There is something about this color that is masculine and calm at the same time for me. It is not uncommon for me to wear something in this color, regardless of whether it is light, medium, or dark blue. The fact that blue is the color that I prefer the most does not imply that other colors are less desirable.


Ultimately, there are endless reasons why blue seems to be the most interesting color in my eyes. However, it is also the most wonderful color that appears in my eyes for a variety of reasons. Nothing brightens up my day like blue, the inspiring color.

Short Essay on My Favorite Color In English

Today, pink is a color that signifies softness. This is because it represents the importance of using a color that is neutral to all demographic concerns in order to attract consumers. Pink is a color that represents a way to help the public meet this need.

Traditionally, pink has been a favorite color for both women and children because it signifies the gender of those who wear it. When a material has a pink hue, it signifies the gender of the person wearing it.

Throughout history, pink has been associated with women and a stereotype has developed that implies pink is a color only for women in our society. It has become increasingly evident that the society we live in today is quite diverse. This is why pink has become a neutral color, regardless of the gender of the child, and has become an essential part of our society in the present day.

As a result of the association of pink color with a particular gender, the perception of sexual orientation has been prejudiced due to the association of the color with a specific gender.

There is no doubt that pink is one of my favorite colors since it represents my personality as someone who is pure of heart and soul. As for personality, pink has been unfairly portrayed due to its association with gender-specific norms and practices, which has led to its incorrect representation.

Pink has become one of the most popular colors in the world of fashion not only for girls but also for boys in today’s world. It is also dependent on the type of clothes that they wear, the items that they use, as well as the structure where they live over a period of time. Pink is one of my favorite colors. When I see it, I am reminded of many of the things that I enjoy having in my house.

These items include toys, appliances, furniture, and electronic gadgets that are customized to suit my personality. I can be able to establish a unique image that is unique to other people because of my interests and practices. This is done by wearing pink items. This in turn maximizes my whole personality on a new level.

The color pink has evolved from a conservative shade to a modern one so society can embrace its evolving identity and face. In relation to my personality, I believe that it has completely changed. This is because there are several aspects associated with my interests and values that have been adjusted to fit my current situation.

The color pink has always been one of my favorite colors. I wish to maintain my own interests even though I am already getting older, and for this reason, I want to preserve my own interests. Pink’s ability to adapt to change is one of the interesting aspects of maximizing its heritage when presenting its identity to the public. This is part of the process of maximizing its heritage.

The color pink creates a transitional environment that allows individuals to respond more productively to the challenges of transforming the cultural perspective of our community. This results in the community. This results It is pertinent to note that pink is becoming a versatile color because it is associated with social norms and practices that are slowly modernizing. In addition, it becomes acceptable to the community of interest after a certain period of time.

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Long Paragraph on My Favorite Color In English

Everybody has a favorite color, and they want to wear clothes and other accessories of that specific color only. I also have a favorite color, and my favorite color has added a lot to my personality. My favorite color is blue and here is how I use it:

I am very comfortable when I wear something blue. Blue is not only my lucky color, but I also have blue shirts, t-shirts, jeans, shoes, ties, handkerchiefs, and a lot more.

As blue is a color that does not have a season, it is always in style. People wear light blue colors in the summer and dark blue colors in the winter. However, this philosophy is for people who follow fashion very closely.

Although a lot of people don’t like blue-colored hair, I have decided to follow the trend and color some of my hair flicks blue.

It is the dream of every youngster to wear the blue jersey of the Indian cricket team one day, and Bleed Blue is the slogan for our Indian cricket and hockey teams.

During my childhood, I decided that blue was my favorite color because nature provides us with many blue things, including the sky, fruits, flowers, and more.

My favorite color is blue, so everything about it appeals to me. Blue is probably the favorite color of more than 50% of people around the world. This is because it gives us great happiness when someone sees us in blue and compliments us on our clothes. I love blue.

Short Paragraph on My Favorite Color In English

As you may know, there are many colors present in this world, and each person has a different preference for colors. Depending on the individual, the choice of color may vary from person to person, although there may be some people who like the same colors as others. There is no doubt that colors bring smiles to the faces of everyone. The point I would like to make is that there are some categories of colors that can be categorized as bright or dark. On the basis of these categories, people choose their favorite color.

The same everyone else, I also have a favorite color, and that would be dark blue, which is my favorite color all. As far as I am concerned, dark gray is one of the easiest colors to match. Not only do I prefer wearing black clothes, but I also like to wear black shoes as well. Something elegant and powerful about it, as well as the sense of sadness and anger that it evokes sometimes.

Choosing a favorite color is a personal decision. There are a lot of reasons to have a favorite color. It doesn’t matter what class of person you represent. We have the right to choose our favorite color, and it’s our duty to respect and accept that right.

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"Red, my favorite color" - Common App Essay Draft- Needs critiquing

snorlaxative 4 / 17   Dec 29, 2009   #1 Topic of choice- Pick your prompt of the two I created for it, as the essay answers both: 1. Prominent abolitionist and reformer Frederick Douglass wrote "A man's character always takes its hue, more or less, from the form and color of things about him." What color or abstract form do you associate yourself with, and how do you feel you have been shaped by it? 2. What is your favorite color? Why? Red Ever since I was a child, the idea of a favorite color has seemed absurd. To rank, judge and classify something as abstract and intangible as a color meant little to me even then. Despite this, I fell into the trap of forced choice: my pick of favorite was blue; a deep, masculine shade that represented little more than a pressured decision in order to fit the bill. It was only later on that favorite colors began to take on some meaning. So, while a favorite color may be a predisposition to aesthetics; one may prefer the cheery brightness of yellow to the solemn tranquility of purple, and another may prefer that same solemn tranquility to the scathing scorch of orange, "favorite" colors can be derived from the specific qualities of a person, whether they are based on physicality (deep blue eyes or dark brown skin) or personality (a lighthearted, cheery "yellow" disposition). For some, these colors shape and mold experiences, exerting enough influence to seep into and tinge the canvas of life with their hue. The Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius said "The soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts." My color is red. Externally, the first thing anyone notices about is the shiny red (or orange, it's debatable and pointless) hair that bounces atop my head. My red hair has put me through many hardships and brought me many smiles I have been ostracized, criticized, told that I have no soul, and that soon "my species" would be going extinct. My various nicknames encompass Shaun White, Napoleon Dynamite, Ron Weasley, and Carrot Top. But there is an upside to this: the fleeting stranger takes notice. "Oh, I wish I had your hair!" many say. The compliments and comments I receive usually take on this tone of friendly envy, though they oft shower me with praise, and can be reminiscent and nostalgic, "when I was your age, my hair looked just like that!" I named myself with my redness. Before I was born, my parents were set on the name David, but when I emerged from the womb, soft orange follicles sprouting from my head, they immediately discarded their plan and changed it. "He's Rory," my mum (another redhead) said, stroking my hair gently. In fact, Rory is an anglicized version of Ruaridh, a Gaelic name that translates into "the red haired one" or "the red haired king." My mum's maiden name, McElroy, also translates into "the son of the red haired one," indicating that this has been an identity in my family for generations. I carry with me the connotation of my color. Red is symbolic of passion, fiery enthusiasm, and sharp, biting wit. I am well-read, well red, and well-spoken. The world around me is fascinating, and I am thrilled to explore it; through staying active with my own pursuits of pleasure as well as academic discipline. I attend plays and concerts regularly, and am as ready and eager to immerse myself into a Great American Novel as much as into the mishmash of a mosh pit. Being redheaded is my dissimilarity that has allowed me to continue down the path of the idiosyncratic and unconventional. It is the color of danger and warning, and of the barriers that must be ignored in order to take risks, and exceed intellectual and social norms. Moreover, I am red because I choose to be. It is not a predetermined set of recessive genes that create my personality, nor is it that my hair follicles actually seep into my brain and tint the hue of my thoughts. My bright red hair, my flushed face, and my undesirable tendency to turn bright pink under the red hot sun only serve as metaphors for the internal. It is the emotional intensity and vitality of life I possess, and my desire to succeed in my studies and my life. So now, if anyone dares to ask me my favorite color, I will lock eyes with them, and respond challengingly, "Red. But it is much, much more than that."

OP snorlaxative 4 / 17   Dec 29, 2009   #2 If anyone could please offer some insight or ideas, it would be very helpful.

bluemenon 2 / 8   Dec 29, 2009   #3 My red hair has put me through many hardships and brought me many smiles. though they often? shower me with praise Maybe could work more on the transition from paragraph 2 to 3. Try to make the connection between being a re-head and having an out-going personality a bit clearer if you can. I really like your essay and I personally feel that it fits the first prompt better. Hope this helps!

OP snorlaxative 4 / 17   Dec 30, 2009   #4 Thanks! I'll keep that in mind as I revise! Anyone else have any tips or insight?

gynn92 3 / 30   Dec 30, 2009   #5 You know, I've never read a "color" essay before, but this is GOOD. lol Suggestion: take out, "ever since I was child" I like I carry with me the connotation and the very last sentence. Very unique. Will you check my essay? Thank you and good luck!

hern255 13 / 48   Dec 30, 2009   #6 This is really good! I enjoyed reading it! I think you should take the first prompt, it is more like a college question for a big essay would be. It would be definitely not an easy one and you present an accurate and creative answer for it! Good job! :)

Wanderer_x 5 / 88   Dec 30, 2009   #7 Amazing work! So, while a favorite color may be a predisposition to aesthetics; one may prefer the cheery brightness of yellow to the solemn tranquility of purple, and another may prefer that same solemn tranquility to the scathing scorch of orange, "favorite" colors can be derived from the specific qualities of a person, whether they are based on physicality (deep blue eyes or dark brown skin) or personality (a lighthearted, cheery "yellow" disposition). This is one long sentence. You can break it into three sentences. After aesthetics, comma, not semi-colon. After purple, fullstop. After orange, another fullstop. That way, your ideas will be easier to follow. I'd love if you'd review my commonapp essay.

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my favorite color is red essay


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